, !. i t Jl r'J.'l ? tt I I . J f ,." '.: " jTfSr GOSSIPABOUT EOPLE Nancy Wynne TalJis of the Heath Tu en Saturday Miss Starr te Be Hener Guest at L unce te Be Givetuby Mr. and Mrs. Percy Madeira Tonight mUE Bentli ten nt tlie IUU en bntue. C a lowly affair. Alberta J a lit French medel frock of pink- Si Sver cloth, combine w It- n'lvcr cletli Up, iinil lid . ' . .. , - lllrn WLI,0 tallr, "",..' V:;j ,ll.nr re. i ! unnnuu irii; i - .... Liin Miiimi i KilR Htnwi " " , "TT ...... rri.....1M. aim. UcaUi wero TBndsom-sewn of happWre blue vel- grooms wero Olled with n I ...! lovely beiidiicta and has- 7 Imt nenu nftcrwurd, na Mr. '.., will 8 W" " "'co at Ul UiU' n in TllunKta, .v.nl. Decern- b -1). for her (,'lusl,lcr TMD jeu hciir that Jean lUlcy'n tea D Su ww changed from Saturday te " t ..I her mint's home. 1-Od Sru -.t eet i:v"ry ena ban been a Jg-dSnTtJySSm&r 7 and that 1, Wfbanl'le0 keep dates strn!Bl.t In reasons for """ .,,., te ,ear of hnns en ueii i j . "'. ., ,, ....... But wl"n It's an affair flirnatoymhnev; f0t wl lt i.ire ... thi tnse. jour date for curtain. vitn n- Madeira or ijOgnn a !... - - - 1 'i lai-KC affair and the of the di'butnnte wt. e.1.. V .: u.fm ii dance will net be . ..ill he ( WJ". "".." ...ill he c V( Beverni "".""' ' n.,WMB. Jr V 1 )C C1VCII W"" ",T I Ssss-2-rars Nixons will Bive. .r::.,n f,,v Hannah Elliett. . ..ii L.trrmtine I TT'S Relnc te aiu' ."- - 1 nt next Actors . t.lair' I 1 I t'l 1 IIIU11 4 "-- Afternoon, given nf the Charlette under the auspices a,,,,, Club nt the Academy euu. Mr, this and Known uireuBu '7'. ;"Srru skinner. emep nisr-Mv:"---'---.-;.. ..., 1 i . ..u.,nilnnnOU who is a lneineer i iw ' ; ,- ;u,rre;ide with Mrs. Gee Jjen-Wj who -i chairman of the committee Is hiving the enicriumm.-"i fr.. wu tun Afternoon! " cep AHU ''" v- ---, - ftoyer of tlic SSteJ bilVnowtheVare-tobeheld nrl all these lr the Academy proper ' ... 1..1 . i... Vnrmii luuv-c been in- Xd t aucnd 'J original -bserlbers te the Cnshman Club affair having rc- eerved seats. honor I Anether intere,ui. ",-". V,. .. during the afternoon viu e -rs. ..jr Roberts Uinehnrt. who with Mr. hkln- ner -md .Mr. Uerccshelmer, will lm in- reduce 1 te the guerits Jut A in the fa- . ireuuiiii i" " t: . .i... t i....... h einl.. lilKl SnruiT tret, te mcer. , Mrs. Skinucr und Mrs. Itiimhurt. I SAW Mrs. Geerge McFnddMi en the 8trcet one of thi"e recent wum days wearins a stunniiig co-tume A dark blue and bright henna. 'J'he leev part of the skirt was, of blue, and the vhelc of the bodlce nnd upper part el? the skirt wai of soft crepy inaterinr In henna, elaberntely cmbreidured iu hetXtn and Hilver. Her hat was u large uffifr of black velvet trimmed with estricy plumes. MOLLY had been te visit Aunt Car J-'J. ric, nnd whl'e there Mr. T drenned In te enll. New Mr. while net et forty, considered himself In the light of a iiuiu of twenty-five and he ns net prepared, therefore, te face the following (onversntlen lie could net help evcrlicurliiK. Melly arose nnd ttnrted te pe out of the room. Auntie cnl'cd te her: "Don't go, dearie; Mether won't come for a bnlf hour yet." "That's nil Hunt. Auntie." bald Melly; "I'm going te tiranny, that ele muii FOUR-FOLD SCREENS I'oNerei with Antique Kcrnle Wnll Papers il klnil uhich un uvw fae in fuver In l'ir,. Price $90 A. L, DIAMENT & CO. 131S WALNIT STItKET unil I MmrTaril. V t. FUR COATS Frem $200 Upward lUlMIIDKI.INO AND ItKl'AlltLNQ A hl'KCIAI.TY BROWN & BRAUCHER 08 .V r,"'",,' Ae.. (irrminlen I'hnne- Ocrmantewn 0320 Send a ftewcpm In two hours wc can deliver flowers in any city. CHARLES HENRY FOX .. "Tim sipn et the Ileat" 1 221 S. Bread St. kmtfMeach A Wonderful Beauty Aid If your skin, is blemished by "eckles, pimple's, dark blotches, "lack and White Beauty Bleach and Black and White Seap -will re ro Weve them. Use according te the directions ?" 4 your skin will be clear, soft nd smooth. , ..ii dl?e and department stores vMiami fiarantee Black and 5fi? Bcrty, Bleach, 60e the 5r . T'' B1,ack and w40 SeaP pif,':. Wrlte Dept. II, & of , B1rthday and Dream i?Hr And. leaflct ch tells nil gout Black and White toilet prep- . ,i-iil lm u dance -'r- nu . nra Edjrar p. nrin r TI1IS evening l"L,v' """ ., ,, .Crittenden ni id Gravera lane rhnn'tnii la the North Garden, of tl.e Be le- . ,. , crtnJ aCerX ... .p I ..lt-.,n liv .,11. mi.'. .-..-- , jvL,-v.iiriLDIl tin w.rtn1nu T straiH'iu fc.-" ".- - e.. Thn 01 i ,.. m ;-',wvj, wcLTmDcr for Legan aiun. . ., -,t ' u,r i nss Mary I Nixon. , Otis SKiniicr. ",' ,. ., n,,.v. , Deughe.rty. iss Helen V. Ml.-heit v . ...i, iu nmmnc nnru w.uv.v . ,i. vjranam - lllnu r..rtnM. eek, win "I'" U",T u V-cU1 Andrew V. Dougherty. Mr. Daniel Joe nergi-'iiuii'"-'. -- usneriy. .v r. aikcii Itelclmvr nnd Mr. .1 .....1, ,1,U llflV.'IM. ,!.. ...v e.u tIIMHTTl K fl 1,1 ',,w nl.l JrcPll Knem OH l"0 ni-uunuj. f'""" "'V , , r, ...,, Atr-j I.er- """S"1"1' .ra. imam ! lmcr will entertain the Veaul et tue . Tuesday. Icember20, te Chnrlotte CiiMunnn Club at luncheon nt l Wtu her 'parents. i.n.ri L wants te talk te j you. 'Why, Melly .1 .nr. i is net a iti. "He isn't?" 3, aid Melly In amazo amaze racnu "Why, i lit voice bounds awful wrlnkled." I NANCl' WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES InuXr WfWin S". I DueSnVVnrr .$ a"i MMia Fxcean ChuHtnuL nm ui i7 m,!,0?."1 YnUe-' 'i .. ,I1"' WI1 .y V'e BUtflt of honor cLuJlTZi XRrY,'C- Ve; MrMrt v nui AlMTiV.',l0lP...a,na au"'; evV ihMr V,rm f ,C?rJwdBP",,M'111 f-htne. n m K3 -fr'b,V. H",? lane:' cneatnut mil, net ero the hall Mr. and Mrs Lcdyanl Heel jwher wfTl Bl4 nt the, BollevuL-Strutfonl for their debutante I daughter. MIw rjclnla Heckschcr. - I JIlss Starr upon the week-end an Jim guest of MIsh All irv I?rnntln.. m,i.. V, . .1 i i ,.-'-"". "."" Anil n. Mrk'w. 1' BU :oednnT40 Bethlc: hem Tike. Cheaatim"' CcthlC 'l . Mr. and, Mh), tarr'n son, Mr. Thoe- tlore Duncefng .Hi ddnt .at riutecjfl irr.iJr., who Is a stu- Id ' Bclioel, niflfivnrld, .1 home nn no!,,,.1 ..enn wiiii rutui 20 te spend lie holidays with his Dar-' cnttf. i y ! Mr nn,i , i, . Air. ana Mitai Jehn nanvmrien. ...; i.nvl'' tL?a, Tt.l cef-' neftd- Jenklntewn. Cuba. They will by ut home at Ment- Thurtd7v8vi! MnTaMnn" f,r aAlnner onlgemery. Ala., after March X. inursaay eveiuni;, December 29. nt tlm l uroen oragen., 1. honor of thclj-dauirh. I m r' MJ"? .JInr' P"01 IJ- Stevens, befere the Christmas meeting of the Saturday ...... ..Ie iuiu biih vjaflg, Mr. Tnri.n c,,..i.i ,. . 2 liiifiTl s"rVnWe' of Merlen, has dav i?iVi r'.mrfr a, brl??Te en Sat" hZ ?,"?, V ' X?1.7- '" honor Irsuc urt of her daughl r. Mlus Annette 'sprnnklc. ii i.uuuir ,,,1 jviisH Mary u debutante daughter of Mr." a "onice F. NI en. of 2203 Walnt ' Cevers w III bi hri tn ihi,,.n. and Mm. alnut street. fh ...... '...."' '"'W-IDfSBlTO, O BUCStS. ... ." w t" iItler attend the djince r?n, cn1. k.M1- Mrs,jSenph: ilOUIV. in ll hnnr r.t v..l dcbutnntcJ daughtef. Ml. E Wnlh..- Tr-S?USSR ' at thq Bellev le-StrotferdT " The guests Who will attend the dinner w ue Kivru inis even ncr hv Mr nA Mrs. Iirace a?. Nixon, nt ihii im. in honor of tl lelr daughter. Miss Nixon. ilnSif the,!nc(? te be Kven by Mr. and Mrs. Pe. Icy C. Madeira, for Miss ar?h ,lA3fTxn. ;rSt"r' w, Include Ml llflMITK inn f 1 mcr 1 I.. . ,MJ, ani1 'frs- Oerdan A. Hardwlck. of Summit i (vt-nue. Chestnut Hill, will occupy the b (x of Mrs. Hardwlck'a par- t?t?nMrn,if1 IrH' "elnnd U Tayler, of 1805 De ILtncey street, at the opera .u. ....,, w, yiutis. .ir. ana Mrs. Tiey- ler will give .a theatre p.irty and supper i tomorrow e Veiling, In honor of Miss ,r"?' a & leparfl iiankii,, dfbuta,,te , . 7 ' - 1 . ' u"u 'i. jenn isau Rankin, of I'lne Run Farm. Penlyn, Tha Charlette CuMimnn Club will give a tea at tha cluhhennn nn i..,i.. afternoon rxt at 4:30 o'clock te -meet Kdlth Wvn i MnthUn . -- . - Mr. ami Mr,, Rebert i:mett Hare, of 400 heufh Twenty-second street, will sv. a lat tie .family Christmas ,lnncr at their he bin n f'hrie.,,..,.. !.,.. .m... --. ----- .r .T... 'j. i Jivir reaerlck ,IIeI- iu arrnj en spend a week Mrs. E'phralrn Urlre, of 1320! i.ecusi Hipcet, win entertain a large familv dlrtner nt her home nn -i,ri... Locust mas Day. MIfcs Irftie A. Huntf,- and the Messrs , Hunter, if Deven. Will give a small ' dance at the Merlen Cricket Club en I Friday cvjenlng. ' Mrs. Jrnics T. Halsey entertained In. heper of piiss Jane Gates, In the Uclle-1 vue-Stralferd grill room, en Fridav night. Mr. or! Mrs. Alfred R. G. Steel, of i euar turn. Liiesmui iiuj, will enter- .l,n.ln. at t'i?,OIr'.1 tomorrow evening Miss VMIrlam W. Reberta and Mrs. Geerge ""' 'e. csiveia ineiners nex. " -.'.. A. t .rs-- IB-iSheppaid Sens Somethieg Different Fer Baby's Christmas Gift Useful Articles with that rare touch of individ uality which distinguishes them from the com-menplace. Sweater Suits tan, 2 years, $12.50; 4 $15.00. Real Vnl. Dresses, hand-embroidered-2 years $10 te $75. Sacques and Wrappers chine $3.25 te $24. Afghans knitted $8 te $22. and Coats silk, broadcloth, $10 te $30. Rompers poplin, Peter $2.50 te $11. Bibs hand-embroidered $1 te $25. Shoes hand-embroidered pique and crepe de chine; eiderdown slippers; fancy coach shoes. $1.25 te $3.50 pair. Bab;? Caps and Hats $2.50 te $1 1.75 each. Our Own-Make Dells famous for years; unbreakable; dressed or un dressed. Novelties Comb and brush sets, $ 1 .00 up; rattles, 50c up; hangers, $1.00 up; hot-vJater bettles, $1.50 up; conch straps with toys attached, $ 1 .65 up. Baby's toilet baskets trimmed $14 up; Kiddie Keeps, $29.50 and $31.50; trimmed, $18.75 and $19.75 extra. Scales, untrimmed, $9.75 and $12.75; trimmed, $13.75 and $19.75. !Op$(?he8tnutStiree!E 'i'rafimrG- iPOT&EG MISS JANET S. CHILDS WEDS MR. PAUL MICOU Pretty Wedding of Miss Mary Berth and Mr. Jeseph Reth A wedding of Interest will take place today at 1 o'clock, when MIsb Janet t). Chllds, dauRhtcr af Mrs. Allen Clulus, of .1500 rine Htreut, will .become the brlde of thu Ilev. I'aul Mlceu, of New Yerk, In Old Christ Chureli, Hecend and Market ritreets. The ocremony will be performed by tlie llev. Dr. tiewls C. Washburn, nBslatecl by tlie llev. Dr. William 12. Oardner. of New Yerk, and will be followed by a reception at the . home of the unacs meiner. 'I'Via IibIiIh mtfn il' 1 1 iwi irinm in mnp. rlage by her uiVele, Mr. A. 1. Chllds. of New Yerk, will be unattended. Mr. Jehn Mencure Daniel. Jr.. of Alexandria. Vn will act an bcHt mall. Ul.?J "their return from a wedding trip the Jtcv. Mr. Mlceu and Mrs. Mlceu ' ve nt 70 MornlnKBlde drive, New Yerk, whero Uiey will be at home nfter vnimiarv 1 " nOTII UOUTll .." .,, ,. . A prcity iwrae w uuui.ib v ,,,. lat evening t C o'clock. When Miss -.'. ......... --- - ....... . Alnrv T". Tlnrtll. Ol IU dOUUl J' my W.U. TtrC lH.c.ime the brlde of Mr. iSb !.. of 1 J ?h Nbw artcet. i j lie uircinvju. wi.iu.i v"" .'. .'.. . enremnnv. WllIUll Wa8 by Rabbi Fredman. aMlHtcd by llnbhl Wlnekur, wan followed ey u reception TliW bride web slven In marrlnge byl her fniiier. Mr. Merrlt) Derth. Mr. David Reth ncted na best man for his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Reth lrft Immediately .ui.. ..i .i,,,.n.i, .vinr i ntwi ,.- A pretty wedding took place list eve ning at 6 o'clock, when Miss Kitty Bernstein, of 623'J Iyrchwoed avenue, became the brlde of Mr. Merris Ospew. of " North Fourth street. The cere- eny was performed by Rabl D, Krnumi. The lirlue was given in iitiijriaKu "- her father, Mr. J. Bernstein. Upen their return from tin extensive wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. O.ipew will make their home nt C23 Larchwood avenue, where they will Te at home after January 1. ALONG THE READING .. "coffee" for the boneflt of River Crest, the Preventerium of the Kensing ten Dispensary for the. Treatment or Tuberculosis at Ment Clyire. Pa., will be held at the home -of Mrs. Frcdcrlek Well, southwest cerner of Lawnton and Oak Lane avenues. Oale Lane, en Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Heward It. Lidvlck and her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Sidney Ranibe, have closed thnlr cottage at Ventner nnd are spending the w'ntcr nt Whltcwoed, their country place near Ogontz. Mrs. Philip J. Stelnmetz. Jr., who spent the auturan at Summit, N. J., where the Stelumetze formerly lived, has returned td her home, St. Paul's rectory, Ogontz. FINE FURS Make Fine Gifts Beautiful Wraps and Coats in genuine seal, Hudsen seal, mole and mink. The very latest creations at very reasonable prices. rlltttrragsp 1310 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA i brown, blue, old years, $13.75; 6 rose years, -infants' te :ashmcrc and crepe da crepe de chine chinchilla, cashmere Pan material and silk- JBG0i-PBaia2LTHIA, M0OTAX NORTH PHILADELPHIA M"rB. Kugcne J.' Oeldsmah. of New Yerk, is visiting her mother, Mre. A. W. Jacobs, 2010 Mount Vernbn street. Ilie Hphlnx Club has Issued Invita tions for a dance te be given at the Rltz-Curlten en December 24. Mrs. J. Neely, of North Twelfth etrect, will be hostess te the members of her COO .Olub tomorrow afternoon at her home. ' SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Frederick Uebblns, of 2537 Seuth Qarnet street, will entertain this after noon at a luncheon brldge party. Among her.guestH will be Mrs. Crclgltten Turner, Mrs. William Gewcr, Mrs, I. ('. Shuttc, Mrs. Walter Kamans, Mru. Jehn W. Crandall, Mrs. (Icorge Carr, Mrs. Themas Droughton and Mrs. Neff Lulng Mr. and Mrs. Martin Malley. 1843 Houth Yewdell street, are receiving con gratulations upon the birth erf a son. .Mrs. Mnlley will be remembered as Mlse Frances Mulhcrn, of thlH section. WEST PHILADELPHIA Sir. and Mrs. Urtice t:. Howilen have returned from their wedding trip and nre at home at 5046 Chancellor stroet. Mrs. Howden will be remembered as Miss Murien C. 'Carrlck, of tills section. Mrs. VL M. Crlssman, of -1813 War rington avenue, has announced the en gagement qf her daughter, Mles Mar Mar garet Crissmnn, and Mr. Albert Kumpf, alto of this city. Mr. and i Mrs. ill Newniaii, ' 5809 Thempsbn street, anneunce the marriage of thAlr nlNtnr. MIka P.llll t.n Trn .a uZdl7 LefOWlU,' of thln c'f-. ycB.JTll, WarU. r tcrdaJ- I Victer lt.ril A NORRI8TOWN The December meeting of the Valley I'orge Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, was held nt the Krslne cluhhouse. Miss Kmellne II. Hoeven. vice regent of the chapter, presided In hid nosence or me regent, Mrs. N. How Hew land Brown. The hostesses of thp after- neon wcre Miss Martha II. Mclnnes, I Mlsn Mary T. Melnues, Mlirn Rebecca ' Reberta and Mrs. Geerge Roberts. fesilipr pCJtO-h iSkmmm Si fw " 1 n suwnb mr lvmiin k m -- l i Unusual and Large Reductions Were $39.50 te $481 $15 Dresses of crcpe de chine, Canten crcpe, Georgette Crepe. t were e m Afternoon, Dinner and Evening Gowns, $45 Of lace, taffeta, Canten crepe, fine Peiret twill and velvet. Exquisitely smart. -FINEST MILLINERY REDUCED 150 HATS NOW $7.50; Fermer Prices $15 and $20 $15; Fermer Prices $25 and $35 ANNE L. if lj 139 S. 13TH STREET 1 m First en Your Shopping List Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 The Softness of Fu combined with the luster of Velvet or the geld and silver of Brocade arc responsible for the loveliness of these Hats. Squirrel, Nutria, Martin, Kelinsky, .Mele or Near Seal. Several models developed entirely in Mele or Near Seal. $18.00 te $100.00 18 Xmas Sheppinp; Days Left Beauty of Material makes for the beauty of a Rift. Whether made up in charming fashion or sent plain in an attractive box, the following materials "ill be mere than acceptable. CREPE DE CHINES. 40 inches wide. 30 shades suitable for Street or Evening. $1.45 a yard. HEAVY CANTON CREPE. 40 inches wide. Full line of colors. $2.95 a yard. $3.30 value. COLORED CHIFFON VELVETS. $5.50 a vard $7.00 value. SHIRTING SILKS. 32 inches wide. Striped or plain $1.25 te $2.25 a yard. The Gift of a Blouse is always appreciated. PETER PAN BLOUSES in dimity. MIDDY BLOUSES. $1.00 te $2.50. will like these. JERSEY CLOTH OVERBLOUSES AT $5.00. With crisp linen cellars and cuffs. Taupe, Tan, Henna, Brown, Navy Blue. THE TAILORED SUIT BLOUSE in Georgette. Crepe de Chine, Silk, in plain, trimmed or striped effects. $1.75 te $10.00. BLACK WAISTS of China Silk or Satin for the elder woman, who is conservative in her tastes. Or. if she likes a bit of gray, AN ATTRACTIVE MODEL cornea in gray and black pin stripe. All at $5.00. THE MAID IS NOT FORGOTTEN iu these plain black waists with cumertible cellars at $2.50. Fer the Collarless W 1 ,. . .,... .Newauuys, wnen most. 01 us unci me new neckline 11 little trying, there couldn't be a lovelier Christmas gift than some UNUSUAL NECKLACES of Mosaic effect in the glorious Paisley and Indian colorings or Turquoise, Verte, Rouge, Blanc, Beige. You'll find nothing like them anywhere else in the city. Frem $3.00 te $5.00. Handkerchief Hints- ADORABLE CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS with little hejs, girls or cunning animals colorfully embroid ered in the corners. Attractive boxes of G or 3 at 50c, 55c, fiOc and 75c. WOMEN'S BLOCK LETTERED HANDKERCHIEFS, 23c, 38c. 50c and 75c each. IN SOLID COLORS v,ith geed-looking black letter. $3.50 for six. With open-work wreath and embroidered letter, $4.50 for six. MEN'S ALL-LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, 35c. SOc und 75c each. WIDE ASSORTMENT OP TNF.YPTCVHivw itiviv .KERCHIEFS IN NOVEL DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. Jehn COdkc, 6f Kharen Hill, cn-te-talncd the members of her COO club at her Heme at luncheon nnd cards last week, when her guests were Mm Heward Uurrews, Mrs. Themas Petter, Mrs. Jehn Hey, Mm. Plilllp Rosc, Mrs. t.eeTga Itablnneii. Mrs, Jehn Win ter and Mrs. J,ela Winter Tlie club will meet again en Wednesday. Decem ber II, at the home of MrH. Uurrews, ut 304 North Fifty-second street Mrs. Mary JeffcrH, of Sharen Hill, Is ' ttpemllng a few days In Wlllces'Usrre. where she Is attending the conference of the State League of Women Voters, i te which phe Is u delegate. ? SAY! De Yeu Knew the Original. Dixieland Jazz Band te (I (5 w 9 OQ 'W tD 3 a O 3 I i 9 meiln Jnrr llunil iinu Attraction (lixns nt thr j triKinui Dance De Danceland N. W, Cor. 30th i Mentcnmrtr Ae Tomorrow Evg., Dec. 6 and Palais D' Amour H. T.. Cor. 12th & Clicitmit NN. Wednesday Evg., Dec. 7 iery Were $55 and $65) ueauuiui gowns of satin, crepe, and Pelret twill. Day time and Evening. te aiisa -'I DEVLIN r $2.50. The schoolgirl Dress m & 5JV 'M JS AND PLAIN DESIGNS . ym-'k w $28Jj 2 V il DEOEMBEB 5, 1921 I'llII.A.'H I.HiMllNd TllKATttKN nm'(yrtnv of i.kij it .. .). ftiifuKttT ' tmlit Atf ih VAuMvii ji eiDini nttuxii CLAttKMCULLOUCH 'CMucxtw or war- tt -wti wi t. , fAi(.y llf wfi (rwM Jiftt fiptV U Wfltt PK.CA MIXHrfA CO. "t rrATt.nts Ticwitm PtRMMJU-SHCltr I RIAL & LlUDSTRftM ART U RO BERNARD1 wr rt rnertAN ii iTSHUBERT LVtS AT 6 15 MAI 4 WLCXt- SAT 2' A Ural Jtlrnl (e the ilftry UIJew. f S V..I.I-. t1.,ltflH ' mrtiTitt 0SCA STRAUS SSS&Sfy I Aar,?tr '3argainMat. Wed. " $1.50 j 10lfeitt4' BEGINNING w-FOft I WEEK 081 MATS. WE.D. SAT- mr DiTRiemtm is emi or the. mhcst AdTISTJ THt TtUTATRE HS LVtR KNOWN AND Mt'S OOT ANOTHttt PLAT THAr1 MAKtS VOU KNOW IT" MR. I-E BITRKHSTEIM ;:;?Wt VALUFI ONE HUGE. HIT SEAfL?AHP 6VB6" .tsf M it . i! A I I III lt( '! I H i: KlJlt Al.l, 1'I.FtreflM NCU3 KTS NOW roil X.M .. NKW YKAIl'.s M TS. ji KVfil. OKIIAMZK YOI'I! HOUIIAY I'AKTIK.K NOW ' ' ! WALNUT EWSiW mtr (u SI. .Ml LAST 0 NlfJIIT.' -LAST 2 IAT!.M:i'.I il The Emperor Jenes" With CHARLES GILPIN METROPOLITAN ?Sh "" "fe'.,.t cuO jLMOKittn TdiiIeIiI "l, Trmliitu." I U' ph-e K.lni.in Ajrek m Vi an. Tei TWI iiul lit. ft Temnr. Ur. "Ij (.lerundu," (ut 8:10 ".hiriD, AniKili-n (ifuccti, PruKCHni Kiitun TnminiiHinl, II ui I, nuHl .l irvi Itnlit-i. Wril. Mat. "Hnm.rl unci f.rrtfl." IVrhlKr, Murln. Kluii.tn Kii -fllrk Relter, lte5r Uii.li.' u Hi. ricrlK t....v.d l. h IilvrtlNS ineiiT l. pui.i a of r:Bs r.thr Quirk Th I r W..1. l.B. "l..i llelirnif." Srm . Kn'jle p, tlifi Rnvrr . tt pul) Tlmrs, "( imlllrrl l Hiihtlruim," Srev u P'ai .snlre, KllneMi IIoseh. i Ml' Bllnrcl," KUlli Tnrnm.ilnl. Vli awi 1'rl. "I.nii,, , Liimiiieriniier." 7. u c . h . c Kllne h Msnutlnt. Ili;).r I'annvii Dp nintl. nt Mat. "I.elifiicrln." 1'itzm (R-utl rv. rinrej (KUK'l Agnaiinl, Heer foett (KUfHt. Sat. I'.r, "Othelle." Sarnvn 'linoe. II. i.n.Min Uf niusi, Tu'iiuc rjernh "rkri Ke. ami .'t. MM.. AOp. S3 On nkats new en -am at nex nrHrr lid WT.VM VNN1- I KM n-liNTNrf ST " tniiimre of the I'hlln.l.rand Oihtii An 2?Ath Street Theatre fj) f OPI'OS'Tt. TKKM1NM. i V7l II 2 -SO 7 ml tl ! M I Mut.. 17c. 23i Nlclit. V'.V, Mr MONI)1, Tl hM)A A W KDNIJSUAY PRISCiLLA DEAN IN 1IIIST SIIOW'INI. IN Al.l llltI,A. "CONFLICT" iiil Siilelst: ( IIKIsTlll'lll.i; dllMIAM llll ltMA. IHIOW i -ATlltUAY "I.OK. IITK iiiul .1 WOMAN" ler 1 w 1 uk l'liiu: Iff e- a". . J ,,r "' ' M"' '" iv'-v JitWv'OCjrCUwl t Miri-i- Y.,u,l- e . i. ;ii 1 11 r m "Hcjceiv '- l A, M UlKKr i-T "1 XT Tel.AI AT J. hl 7 Ml J (I 1" M 5 HMtTII A J.AKK (U I li A ril'IIIK KIANKIIY A NONOMV (i.l liVi It's MAMACS ' -MIX X -IIIHI.I V TiMK IIKM'OKI) A WIN- ) m, (N'Mi It XI l-sl'Mj ,rTS I T In ' I ll'l." TSeittUjiti "'' V.u ..e' (I 3ll 1 ,.i ! 1 NN (. NllsMIS nl in,, , XST ,n HKrrraraTreTraaTrePTTSi CLGCi4i ' " t n 1 ,1 HAROLD LLOYD in "NEVER WEAKEN" Elite Frmen in "SONG OF SONGS" "Ruwrtt ' .' 1 ' A SAN Sum s c. 10 t :i 7 n-i'i u V . .Ill V , . ,.., ,. 0 . . . M i-l.t HI ll,.. 1 "THE FOOLISH AGE" I 0 el fitl M ""'1 !,i nn.l It yKMMSv 1 m t im- via di iui'k THE STING OF THE LASH' WhyGirlsLeavetieme 4ht Street & 52d Street b. Market LntKiiUr Ave. Leader (Belmenf DUMONTS fr.,.,,.i;!;1,-. ?, ? EMMETT WELCH Minstrel. HATIIll:- -tui: MAT MUX KIIINO bUNSATION iivisnv HAY TIII8 WKKK (f,u 8iir(li,T).AT I'. Jl, WfffflWKV - rurx flj rBHSrV"saTTl!Bjir0 I nin2UUtrsELUfc . . fcfitensra Tri. rlMeBr)aCtQv BM1TI?TOBH u llMfiil Mntttb mtl Diredb'en Stanley "Euril&n 'CHESTffUrST'BROAD 11 A. M TO 11:30 V. sr 1 HIST BHOWINC ANYWIlfcni. CECIL B. DE M1LLE PRODUCTION 9bets Paradise" I'Ait amount riCTfni: WITH Dorethy Dalten Mildred Harris Cenrad Nagcl Theodere Kosloff And 1000 Supernumeraries The Ledger Say: "It's De Milled 3estM A photoplay that thrills with lively sensations and big scenes and charms with its fashion and beauty. Nete Time of Presentation : 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ACCOMPANIMENT PRICES Daily, SOc; Evenings, 70c Saturdnys and Holidays, After 1 P. M., Evening Prices Pltll.A 'S FOtU'MnKT THKATRKS FORREST Tonight 85 ""' T n MATINEES wi:d AND 8 AT THe PtVB 3TAB; MUICi INTOICA OlAHCUt PftOOP WfTIUtO CUAIWIKnlMCCft. WIHOKftVrVTtn. JAV OCULOKi JOV Ut WUHOW WUK)fll9trCUORUJ , BROAD Tonight $5 POrri.AR MATINHK'. W KI. AND riAT u.noaei:mknt two kkks only CHAHI.KS IWIIMAN rrei-n's SKINNER In Tem CuhiriK l'i BLOOD AND SAND lt VKKNTi: lll..fe IHAN KZ GARRICK TdNinUT .T I) 18 li'i I I.AJl MATH WEU BAT CKsrlcsDillnhm 'Prcrnh WL DOG RUMOMD A PLAY OF ADVENTURL My SAPPER." SJ,tk I'MELOO'JAMA AS IS MtlODRAVA CPAWD I AMh r.iftDinne put....,.,.,,..' ...""u ...... --..wj i.i.ifcniirtnnrjil- LteciH ALDINEl!!!!!!!! Chestnut at Nineteenth St. Dlrfrllnn lfd I). A M. I.. I .It Positively Last 6 Days! DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "THE 3 MUSKETEERS" Are Ycu Going te Miss It? .1 rnNK MKIIUICK nml III, Sfliit.l u.mnlii.nT (Irrh-.ln (.OMl.NU MAI' WKKK MAK ruKreitit IN "Little Lord Fnuntleiey" ei Mi0$mtimm EDDIE LEONARD Ii ' Thr Mlnntrti s ! - Aven Comedy Four InntfuMnn Ft1- Harriet and Marie McConnell In Trli'R nn.1 V'ri'in uuni 4 in-in ni;i:i 1 it iTTTT" l-ITZailllMA 1'IKTHO X.N A KM I ItSiiN 1 iT HI KM A (' I 1". M O V M I S I I 111,1 uiii m.i 1 1 tirr.H.x I UiU'ANY N TOMORROW LOUISE EVENING AT 8 VMl'ttlHM,l'irn 'J''""""'". I'llli-.l-erln MM. I'ertllc (I lrl Aijw,irniuvl. Melli fr MtMiler. An iiilitn. I'ii lr n crl I. iiirmil ,.,,5' We'ff. Tll,. i.l. llri.,"'.. j"u7i!;A. m ORPHl'.UM UB"lineun . Chdlttn"! ORPHEUM PLAYERS in "Smeeth as Silky KEYSTONE "'C'r ,.H.ii!LJ , Tl '"V'ili.iiJJ M. T..,Ih fncinA ABE REYNOLDS ts-5rP$ wmu. M , y wmzw a HfPilliV m MFiff$ 9 i Company of Amcirlc Market at 19th Strcbt 11 A. M. te 11 :16 P M. SECOND AND FINAL MBIC KXri.L'HIVK FlltSf llli;8BNTATION IT S a rArtAMeCK ricxuhH This famous novel has been p i c t u r i z e. d- by Geerge Melferd in a lavish manner. AGNES AYRES f Paramount star, and RUDOLPH VALENTINO a rising screen player who wen fame by his performance in "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," are the featured players. M'lXIAI. Ml'MC I. KBATVIIU SESCHA JACOBSEN AMKIUCA'S VIOUN GKNIL'S Dalb'. 3Sr. COc. Ktrnlnir, COc. Hellilnys nnd Hntnrdny .Mntlnee Krtnlnic I'rlCfN rrex-nll i Se Important Netice te Men of Great Affairs : Day after day you go through the dull routine of business life that saps your vitality, undermines your constitution, and ultimately perhaps leaves you a nerv ous, mental and physical wreck. Every physician will tell you that te avoid a nerveuB breakdown you must have relaxation at the end of the day that will distract your thoughts and take your mind off the maddening whirl of business. Ne mere delightful and wonderful entertainment te help relax one's mind can be conceived than by an imagi nary visit te the storied past, as reproduced in the great William Fex super-screen spectacle, frAmn! MAnivlST AT SIXTEENTH STKElJT Here, transported by the magic screen te the ancient Orient of three thousand years age, one can see vividly portrayed the most famous love romance of all times- the love story of the beauti ful Queen of Sheba for the wise King Solemon. In splendor, in magnifi cence, in colossal staging, in artistic photography, this beautiful and superb photo play has never been -7 passed. CONTINUOUS 11 TO 11 Daily, 35c, 50c. Eveningi, Satur day Malineel and Holidays, 75c PALACE li'll MXWCET ST. e M M II 1RPM. M A 71 Hf fT A in ut mas- nttZiimw v jtx 'CAMlLlE' ui nm. ni VI.KNTINO nn AU.MONI) ARCADIA : ' '.ST NTT ST I'lTII 10 A W. M 1 I M PAULINE FREDERICK is a NTXV V'l-Ti'nL "The Lure of Jade'-' riem Pinv HOt SK nf GI.AHS" VICTORIA MxnKirr wi:st or ninth Ii A M T ) 11 1.1 1' M "IMUM I . Mir Mr vTa WILLIAM FARNUM v . i i, . .v. , ntr "PERJURY" tt s Mi-mr.HAXfA TAPITOI "-' kkt .rrnant "A CERTAIN RICH MAN RFflFNT ilAI,K'-1 "T Del. I7TH ICjCn 1 ANNA W MI.SSON lit "Why Girh Leave Heme" MAAT"-T GLOBE ceff"8 vN-.iTn i.; Jl; THE BIGGEST AND BST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS AT I.ITTUJ I'll'CRS BROADWAYU.Ar.!Jf., "Why Girls Leave Heme ALLEGHENYANreK 5 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE Ana ANNA q. NIMSSON Irl "Why Girls Leave Hen.' CROSS KEYS u f MAnilir 'HAVANA" Sat" ALHAMBKA wh nna iieiuuii JPKbHWF W5F fl tj W VtV n-vni Ri:V. UKIUN'AKD 1. BKj r.t. ' I vlWOHIUIRVUF. WITH Autf imWVMWMV, J j I' . M . , 1 . - ,-... .. JL-iil pitt LJ ' invwuhem rr.KW..- n ('Til QHniNTlXN liKt.iiAn1 2J,iftwW m. nriMw. i