74 iv? wsP&Aiete- DIAMONDS BOUGHl "'. n.tr.lJT'.Tn WOR DIAV .ivrt TIRKBTH KOR DIAMOND iND "Vv A CO., U32 Chestnut St. wM$.SS,'tt0er. ever Child,.- n,t C2J-rSr?iiiiiNU problems, mechanical, or EtSuwhlrh can te Investigated within sfi.Mf 1Mb. Wn'lP.i h.ln.l lAnrutnrv nil! !". nf a geed physical laboratory iuii tt-i?g7n bv phyelcls and electrical en J nJr".,eft l-edier Office. DIAMUINU3 buuuih ,V W SMITH. 717 SANKOM I!4S ,.,ti JiaiIaN has purchased emh. CBA"T,Aipi 13 N. leth . from O. K .... ... UMITH. ill t1AP.Pgu.il n. 'SSSB-STCTntVO anil fixtures j work gunr.. Znnl AND BIRDS " UntMll doe te pose na medel for WANT5 Ab ply 12 '30 Monday at tlis Our- "5LnMir fee Mr. McCuns, Manager ''rtnJ llrimmend", Company. Will pay ;gwitjLaa w""? tnTTT canaries live longest and sr ABB,cAvi bee' breeder's steck: miar. belt nf'Aei, riirinl eve. Pel. 21-17-.T !ly-StTfRTl sheep dogs. 4 menthrT old. 6pj(lnd Wi IN H022 Diamond at. WANTED nnl IWf-.-l . .. .. fi-.nt trees bushes and vlnn. t"n eHnrd V. he Jeb tee small! writs r.r U n ""n,,,,.' Company of Plymouth Pmi P ll'H telephone. Coneltehockon (.tins r 4!' .r nUY hniue find office furniture. SSltanl fixtures of nv Inis-riss. rJSSVfif K"aaj!J Stock. . -iiinft ah n miiiiPi Is.ireM.sllter. ANTIUUB ,; j --yl chtnut.Wai:762d """Storage and moving Teng DISTANCE MOVING uJ'BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. ,." .nd M riot. Then Msrlns Q VICTORY STORAGE .... riMlERT. Phnna nelment 40T far Je r.1"" nl,....irrnw Vint swSrlAnllOW florae 2210 N. 20th at s iJiadlM Pln. "t low rates. I'hens Dl. Mftpn AVE AUTO flEHVICra RTOHAaiB. niritWC IWI-PlBTANrB MOVTNO OLD GOLD niDaeId. Oliver, platinum, plated ware, old ilia Jewelry. teth plntea bought for caah rif IBW " ' '"" " ' "' STsil Pal' "... ia nlrl ffntd. allver anil nnflntfa elik nentr. i H 17th at. I.ecmt 1210. TJ3ED API0M0DILE3 ONE WEEK MORE Pre-Inventory Sale of Used Cars We have had a phenomenal sale the past week because the public has appreciated the fact that the prices are exception ally low value. This sale will positively end Saturday, December 10th. We have Cadillac cars of all mod els and cars of ether makes. NEEL-CADILLAC CO. 142 N. Bread St. Open Evenings Phene, Spruce 0J1O LEVENE GEARS SPIRAL BEVEL STRAIGHT BEVEL TRANSMISSION GEARS DIFFERENTIAL GEARS AXLE SHAFTS LEVENE MOTOR CO. 2200 DIAMOND STREET r . AND THE GEAR SHOP 1635 N. BROAD ST. ' Automobile Lists That Pav 8l(ctefl II., .. - . ... r Ini7 in iHi J'i'i, l nny ,tlnJ '' car w sir 'w.in. 1- nV.J" 'UHANCn and xnttr lp ln "-"n n'J1 recialtles for The Central Press Bureau UAUASIl hi .jx, ITJTHKUUOH. PA. ii.nmuiiHneG iKUs) 1 STUT2 ,""H ' lL'fl ,jr eal by own; 1 ill. ' ' w Prices. ""' i-nsiua, 3. ,-y,, dump teay. bel.t 1 tnn i.a a t,b;- riaen. expreis b-ly, in, ,ou V'?" Autecar. B..l. ,inn. 1.... .--.-. M lali. "' '"'' 'I'i body, with tup v-inn i-i... f..- ... uuu7. noise, eati. ,fV MX MB Mr 11 -r--. imraitin in j;ii a r i"uuiBr Htula AminiM mn ......."- . , i-i'.ll N-. llr.mil SI ..-.,' B.jaii nr iiMini eice.nl rn.i.,. TCIHrii in-.'---- is-il -tiilUi:i7i "I.2!ii - " stsrtei. etc Lumber yard is.ns: v 1 li" ' JtlVlFLAR ?"rl"- Will most beautl- nt UP V roadster. 101. " .JllnJer. snap. , bstwe.n 1J a .d 1 or nfter 8 P M N 0th fems lineAnil.v' Jn'!, x?Pnl "T mn ' DUU-fv $4,in, term .irraiiau. ep,m bun-, -l''-"- - - rUAMrvrnS ' AJi -H-I.ilr."?'! I day and eyenlnBl JiiiLiYj-Ii: GEARS AND AXJ FQ ' HANDLER "";" ose. ab,ehiy ! lyr --, r ,. r.M.. m,. h. cii."i v,B rr5 JT; -lLVl Tn.rhs ! rrmL, .c ieamK c.r. lne 60. IB months' HUUiUiN v , s,rinc Rutt ' 1,'0b- ,(K RAVE ih. r.,n - .:.- . lCA.l?iL,Vt'.rfiLt loiidltlen. fully equipped. Ce Inc.. C2I) N. i,e,,'Tl. '."'"'"i iia.ii. .---. 'iiuniiiK Hnnru anx j . 1 una . .1.. !,..... rn,in Pn. . 1 - ' li " auuiamr nu.in J !" TrayTer. ,'vlU, 6?y5l "S,"!00 prl"V wlnle l ' ectlVu heaier. any ene sanl- ard rv, ' Wlt" 6'yU' cdu.Uump tedy ! ,'"" Vlgh grade mr for winter and summer iV.'b"0'- WUh ' -P -dy. Xn0w..- lslLinL'ftiiHl.-at .."- --..-.. nuu lltf infill !...'. 1. ...... eli iliriliur. vjllllU0.uilltsU ...WtuTC. ,?.iS' .i!5. nd heln,. 'inTr m " u"'''a'J'u J'"Jl) WrineM t.k Ulnn . ,..' ,-- tiubni. ins-(.n.u ,n-'.,.j tif i.'t .... Sl-'f ? " ' ileCEX.10"J , STUDEBAKbK ?1Sr:.r.Uri,J,Ji epVn I hM WALNUT ST LOOTAIIDWO I ftSn SJSSSSi, P ' Sunday .un,Uei"li!BS,- ' -li--- , SiI7 -- EE I Tl a',1V',. P'Uleii .CTlTr? leurlim -n.l malettrO all tnedsls I,tniJSIMpC Cadillacs. Chandler- R U,A.),1'''" -OINPERINCl AND Mre CO 0 1 U 1 A. thoieushly eveilmulit and relln- LllVlUU011IL.O imiex,, Mltehsll. Chevi 9 and Lehigh avo.Phen Diamond 1013 I (.bed rx-Utlonelly low Vt ecu. cash or ,, ,. 1(jJu,. ;ultabl. for hacking, -ur , 4t.U..i 8,,"" .' ln-T-ce"-5fil.n. -lVl !-"', J'", :,r ' U"" Asencufll, own Urn... uixn (lund.y and evenings, isij S..Trr,V ;j-"r-- MER-n.nioi'T.ie,-, Medlji r wDhk i,u i, ii. ,r, ",.i"i -,-., -a. WlTCTrriTT "dan. Ill wuhderful cundl-1 MAXWELL SpiIjii. &m4 .en gecd ruTui j,K". t ..In, ! ,.u,n Tuu r.aTe'd tCv WLMLUll en. n,u ..orifice. Se Mr, I for e.tle cheap, ileniird's 0ra. 1'ith A M uirml L'n r ,4,"'K "taIe rul ' HLtiter. fluti Ac.nty. 003 N. llrcad st. vt. Lam ttj, -i- J V-Tri, I "'! ""S JtD AtJT0M01irJMI ' T T I ,1 LI. I Annual Used Car Sale OPEN AND CLOSED CARS Beautifully Refinished All Late Medels WE WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER ON ANY OF OUR USED CARS DURING THIS SALE Each car is extremely geed value worth every dollar of the price marked and affords a very unusual opportunity te acquire a geed motor car, possibly at your price. We ask your inspection of these cars, believing you will agree we have net exaggerated the facts. Come here this week for the biggest motorcar values and lowest prices. We shall de our utmost te fill your requirements. At Your Price $650CADILLAC TOURING Medel 61 Cadlllar- Hcve n-l'asactiger Car In (reed running condition, reflnlnlted, urhelitery and tires vry geed. If you nre Interested In thin type of car, de net mlas this one. $850 PEERLESS TOT IRING reerlren Kevfn-l'am- Ker Touring Car In vry Reed runnlne condition, equipped uith almeat new Cen! Tires and paint In flrat-elaas condition. Tills in Jum a geed automobile which would Juntlfy a much higher Helllng price. This car offers a real surprise from the Htandpelnt of performance and gen eral all-around appearance. $1000 CHANDLER TOURING 1020 Seven-I'assenecr Touring Car In excellent condition, meter, tires, general appearance. A geed buy. Let utt demonstrate te you. $ 1 650 PEERLESS SEDAN I'eerlceu Hnvcn-I'aRsenKrr Sedan, in excellent condition, after having undergone nxtenslve repairs In our aheps. ThU car has been refinished and In equipped all around with new Cord Tlrea. Fer geed honest value this car cannot be excelled. It tu ready te again ocrve Its master both long and often. Come In and leek at It. $ 1 500 MITCHELL SEDAN 19J0 Ftve-Pasiengcr Mitchell Sednn, condition Wee new . tires, finish and uphelstery excellent. $2000 HUDSON SEDAN Soven-Pfueenger Hudsen Sedan If you nre Interested In a geed car, de net miss acting this one. lCxcellent condition. $2250 PEERLESS TOURING 1020 Seven-Passenger Touring Oar, refinished, recondi tioned, and equipped with Westlngheuse Air Springs. Thla cn.r loelta like new and represents excellent value. A rldu will convince you that from the standpoint of riding qual ities and general performance nothing Is left te be desired even when comparing It with a. new car. $2850 PEERLESS SEDAN 1920 Peerless Seven-Passenger Sedan, leeks and performs like new : Iirs been thoroughly reconditioned, refinished and equipped with new and attrautive slip covers. Thla car trill give that pride of ownership that cornea with the pur chase of a new cur. it Is an exceptionally geed car, rep resenting unusual value. We also offer a Irtrtre assortment of used cars, at lower prices, each ene unusual geed value Starting at $050. We have never te our knowledge had a dissatisfied used-car customer Subway Surface Cars te 24th St. One square seutk, 42 Bleck West en Walnut St., te 24th and Chestnut. GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. Pccrtcex 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT STREET U amiiiitiamffliiiiiiiiffliiaiwifisi'iiiiiiift Rn SPECIAL VALUES BARON'S AUTO EXCHANGE (in CADILLAC, 7 pass, 6 nr7 ttraii like new. B7 CADILIJtC. 4 pas OAK7.AND BUI AN, 1030. OVERLAND COUPE "". 10t 1021 HATNEM. 4 pass,! cord Ur. HUDSON SEDAN, O-llj Ilka new. Very easy terme Small amount derrn. Other ma'-ea as low as 10 BARON'S, 640 NORTH BROAD STRfTT irniM aitVTIAY PinreiiniMB DODGE Panel body, nlckeled boeJ, radiator and laines. 3 months ed a show cir, fur lamps, a inuiii". vale te eesr notes Hare & Chase, Inc. 1j0 WAINUT ST. LOMDARD B270 lay for free copy of ibi month's leaue 11 ri ,""'. ";.;" , i ctTv0.nnfermatlcn en overhaullng, Unl 1 .n inr'WW " AX-me'bfe'br.u - iTprr 101B. cow; T reaienable. nilTrif mB C0UWJ 17 reaionaeie. UWAWft JJJ-, IIUUICI, OVW.B !.VtlViT. as iireauBi. BUICK 1118. tour . summer and nlnur y,e Mr llurter. Stun llr.md si ledger 1 --. .-. r- - ' Reller Ball and Babbitt Bearings , Hciunir.u :i.ie-uii.RLEr , -vi AiiTnMflRl,.E PAINTING DODGE '""? an. use.7,. 1 LIMOUSINES AND 'let KLMl I VIU 'THE KOTAl' MOTORCAR bC0n.e Oje'"!? I.cest prices in Ph"'"1; New h yi"lr lUlHO Pep't ne.ni ODewveand hJuV RKAR IM W?Ctr.elin''avV'''y rn 10nl) I DODGE K0Mn- ' modeliTfse. bal I .'. t, ,..n.f. g'aiatemen. mcclmr-lwAY mS"tS ,ZWy x'm "HOAD. AU 1UMVU '' In,! l Ics. repairmen, send tef iirMiKT"s"Tla"- eduii. latts' meriV P- ZZ "-ifl fclmerler nnl.h. run unli 50iw in Ir. . p ... .. n i.crf.t .nw "''"" ' , '.'.": "nJ f-r can WdW I. ; -w- ,-, .. I f JH TJMEU AUTOMOBIty.S RE-SALE DEPARTMENT i IN USED CARS I; 1011) NATIONAL '(." CHtlMMV. oon eon oen ertlbls Sedan; wire rvheels. cord PEERLESS LIMOUSINE. 1010. porfeet ninnlra condition. ,ewff,TAAN-,l,Ac,eIdl,!f0Tr?UMMr- ,lr" . .. i HUDSON SUPER-SK if. . 7.. , ,V7?: W' "w. Hare & Chase. Inc. WVLNUTrr, LOMIMnD 6 J7U rw-rer " . LWLVJU """ reauaier, 1310 eaLh- .. " r fjnu,, epll 7Su SSEX ""' T.T. rnnKn' "i.T " ." lanee nc , FORDS iShr!iV;?ln?"ri5 H il is iiiiiiiiiHwi HUDSON :r;;!aule; Hi:'; Hunter. 00 N. llre.j"?, f.& Peffr "f- ,!?'- HUPM0BILE ;?, ISOf. U-a .. !.. ly Tainted, first I4eA It Sen Mr. Hunter. Stutg Agency. Oni lirej nt r! KELLY-SPRINGFIELD p truck. Automatic held, for iver .lutes, ssj.ie iu new. Hare & Chase, Inc. MACHINERY AND TOOLS MOTORS and GENERATORS Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged frf and rebuilt equipment of every sis In took for qulek iMlnmant, PRICED TO SELL R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 1SS N. 8D ST Dynamos and Meters OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER&CO. Office: 926 N. Third St. WAnKllOlTHH AND BHOP t)2.-3n.32 NrmTirTTitnr) utiikkt ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 309 RACE ST. PHONK MAHKI'.T QUO VERTICAL BORING MILL I.AaeU tteelt new Wtlnh'us oil cenupm- 4th at. . kLfecrtucArj motehs, mai-hinc toei.b, Ultn, Mrt' nil- uat'lI'MKXT POWKtl KQUIPJ o-nntte-i MACIllNBUY CO. lifl r. m n i . r?KW A awiend-hand maehln;ry t!i'T"A ech ; plant fllxmtntled Prow. ia0d N, IM prlee. Moter Exchange. 82T N. Od. Phlla. MP8ICAL INSTBCMENTS CUNNINOHAM, 8.nqte r.laror-plane, Inelud nt TB hana-.lra rena chair and acarf, K . M.H" ."' muale uiLblnut 14201 act QUlckl. Luia- downe 1B30 M. BQOM8 FOB BENT IlltO AD, K. 8228 IJeautlfullr furn. roemaj hatli, alto., het-watar haat; raaaenable. E'PnUCB, 4031 rpmt rm adj. bath; med hmnei e!e. Call HuiiiIht. WALNUT. 005 Nicely furnlahl roems: ex Qfllent linard. term" raaa h.-w, haat.aHc. 10TH. N.. 130. HOTKL nURtC Central, txni. ittadnn nnd noeEilna' alatHetl baull. fjtilly turn roen-a; yiee.: spetlesai med. ratal. 40TH. P., 42B una or 2 warm roerna In reflnad he lernn; weml-pflvate bath nlectrlc, 4QTH ST,, f! , 914 Well-heated bedroom. 8d foerj CULTUaRti bachelor or a eeupl run hnve a befcutlfully furnlahed rooms and bath hi esclualve neluhborheod. 10 jnlnutes te rity Hall. P H12. Ledmr Office. HANUSOMElr furnlfhed . room I In larra modern private heme: eiecinc 111 mlnuta te flty Hall, PhenlUrln Hants. 10 rlngr 418. ATTnACTIVia furn. e,pt., aeme heuaekpe. Bhervriwd Apt. Agency. 1 Walnut St.. LOCUKT BT mat Uoein for santfeman; aaml-yrlvate bath. WKHT PIIII.AI1KI.PIKA ai'HtJCn it 131II lirte aunny nn iiast bfttut priv m . yiimnnwn ri. uic ati OICBMANTOWX UACHKIOlt rooms 2 lartre cemmtinivattn una., prhate family: convenient leitdentlitl et lien of Qermantewn. P 811, Ladrer Off BOARDINO PINE. 4110 Uautlful loc warm. Runny rrai , encel. tabl1 refa Mlai Hanley. , 18TH. 1808 N.- -front roem: wall healed; Fend boerd, alre alnsla raai.: homelike. IN P11IVATI3 fmlly. room and beard by you nit lady emvleied, ran pay J30 a month. In reed t.olglitirheod. aparunant pre frred. C 417, I.tdier Offlce BOARD WANTED IiADY. mrle'l, dcalrea room and beard In ulTOta Prntna'unt family, 'ilnlty Ctir nantnnn or Chestnut If III. P 832. L.. O. APARTMENTS 1 820 PINE STREET t i of thu met mednrn nn1 ururual mail heusliriln opnrtmeiit: b. dutiful tiled bathi eni. wltn lullt-'-i tubs und licv.erf: lnrse e'i'wit aimr erj- coin cein iiiOt k!irhn. with washtrays and im.Hi flnat of Roers and a ceav open flivrdaib for real toys, .'hone Peplnr li". 1100 PER MONTH 1719 TO 25 NORTH 33D ST. J'liX.A APARTMENTS Opposite rark, 8 large outside leima tii I 2 bathe polity ileseta. excellert Ice Immedlita isessien. second third nn fcarth rs. H. M. G0SCH iiid vitie nidir PHONE SPRUCE 7071 1528-34 VENANGO STREET Medrn 4-roenvand-b-th heuaeketiplnir apart ment, atcam heat cllctrlu light, l watjr. ipen for Inspection. ALBERT M. GREENRELD & CO. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT STS. 1001 PINE ST II'.MMAIl A1TH. Medem r rma. and btth, recently renovated hrougheut, elevator service ALRERT II riRKBNPIETJ) CO 1STH AND CHESTNUT HTH. VERY DEHIRA11LE HOUHEKEEI'INC, APARTMENT. (1 ROOMS VND HATH UNITRNIHHKIJ. SOUTHEASTERLY ..X I OHl'RE, N E. roil. 1I1TII AND M'RUCh HTS. APPLY THli PENNA. CO.. 517 CHESTNUT ST ll(ni PHONES, NEW apartment In iwv bulldlnir, new furni ture: new. exclusive sectlnn: convenient te new stores, new theatre docter: S rooms, heusekesplng mav l rented furnished, for n months bv desirable person, tun month; make appointment Onii,intewn t)l7 4810 N. 1IROAD HT. Modern, 6-rms -und-bath apartmenta; hard wood floors, steam he-it. ALIIERT M Clt'EENriELD & CO. III TII AND CHESTNUT STS. APARTMENTS - CENTRAL CITY ARTHUR AIIMITHONQ A CO 1120 SPRUCE PHONE JlVALNU'f 8838 EXCLUSIVE" upnrtments in nil uictlons'ef the city, furn or unfur , .o-J7fle pur rne we cm Mil your requirements. Merris Ant Ce. 1200 PennsjRanla Uldr . ,5,1. -'.V, (estnui jta Locust 77.10, SPRUCE 157-H-indsemels' furn ant77 recms, 2 bathd se t Jul Januarj te Mnv Hlhe 4 100ms and bath, furn , for wiutr n, nths or lunsr leasj If neiessir) , rf reiiulred. UNOX. AIT Cbelton ave, beti.rT7)i9n" and Wsyne avu 0 rooms and bath, JUe imr month. Appy 537 Bourse DMc ee phone.Lembard OHife ufc or THk'eNOlBwueD. 320 S Uth nt (ntiTZ Spruce) M'il 0-rn' rt 1 perfect rnnd.: Mud L A. TiiUvie Real te -0WJ JValnuL SJ'JlfNlS OARDEN ST 200 1 -Twe" r'uTmw and bathi nlectrte hardwood floors. Me 1 T NEVIN fi20 N 2"thst V.'ALIACE 24 -irnlshed heuseki-c'plus apartment, bath, perch, elturlclty, hui 1 -fi'er nnene rmse-iame I 100 W. CHLl.l'EN AVE sHnThYht ,, rf. I rnnt 2 rooms aultable light heusakeepinr R'i2jl?',,H'efUil!i ClIESTNU rHT . 1"22 Te sublT't f jrnls'hiif ' -J9.eri?i ajlril1"'-."0.!? J-ejciirt 2.M7 1 '..Hi' J'INE IVi't'wm ape. etconbrt.er frjn1, IhCulMiir hijitand llsh M-, a'partmkntheadeuar'i: nv Centtai aiar-mems a sn-viam Arar'mni rtrcy 1834 W.iinut Hherwn ij POW13ITON llll 2 API 2 rma ,-,n fin, front nuwlv inpsied and puli ml. t-te lrc ! neir UJd St Hn I", .1 .. Iiunng 7x04 54113 IAH.UMT Hei-ihd llmir J-rn nj.irtmt ptrnm beat, ele'trlelty, gi. I irgu frmit ml pl'ti'v of ffleesls. HlifKlT SUSSEX" 1312 Walnut t.-v dw modern, well-rendueted semil I etel vmirn eliarges ,ra ninilciatt Phenn W.vlnut 74e, ir.l'l N 13TH I le riienia hel-Huir beat Aleetric Arinur wurreu. m.i N 17th VICTOR APT S E or. .IStli and LM-ut 1st riuer imm vehs , larin ir iitt primU.n UrtlUlAIN only 145. B .- g. b VPP ru"rT iii'i ' isiiib or l-n hp. 4IH ATTRACriVKLY. furnT 2 C 1 rait & bjh' , "V apt , ,i n.aie.i mwern iiri n Lit), hUKQl'EHANNA All, 22i I'hrj room htm nniir rurnia1.!) IA HKLOjl Al'TM fu.n. or ut furn all AfllELl ,lnsle mi rent Carne. 1202 Harrison Rid WIr.HT I'II1I.A1IKI.PHI W4.LNUT, 1334 I..Cie,'nind apf"."i Tms. 1 ii til ISO, Irrini ,wsk Tenker, 317 ..Iflih uNE or 2 room spartmeirs for rent. Applj- P' 1. lWr '"!i K1 Mmklt HtS ONLY 5B. ROOMY 8 Abiii enp" Puik 4210 1'arl.lsile n ei ph Spr 4114 PERM N TOWN 601 VERNON Rd"Al Ceiiumet, medeTn heutekeeplng apruiinent. I tual eurroind eurreind li us: close te golf lit kv and leuntry club, llhlr 2 blocks of .tallnn 23 mliiulet te illy canter, janltur will show apartment nny time: trains te H'ent. n Si itlun or .lrle out Slei ten ae. b OSOO North. MAURAN UOUMAN A CO. N E cerf er Rread an I f'he.tiuji st inn i enr. A1TH.. f irn. or unfiirn . 1.11 Si3;rinrtV nit.'ei: l.'tiktr 2!l L' Lane. ae., AiU.neri.' Luara. !," 4. iiaikffiiUMiaik XJbAlt K8TATB TOR BAVR ,TY SITE for SERVICE STATION or FACTORY FOR SALE S. W. COR. 24TH & BROWN STREETS 21,000 square feet with 3 street fronts Attractive terms for quick turnover MASTBAUM BROS. & FLEISHER 1424 SO. PBTCN SQL'AIin K!OTralflE U CENTRAL BUILDING SITE fj 1 A w LOT AREA GOOO SQUARE FEET AT 1GTH AND WOOD STREETS LIGHT ON THREE SIDES TWO STREET FRONTS iFJi!iTOxiTjaiaia!t APARTMENTS i.ANH(w an fJi.HinAiiI.ffi greund-near apartment, T rma. and bath aun parlor; ute of garage: ex- tenalvs around, I mm. poaieailen, int 812&. Jereme v. JardellR. Jr., 1420 Cheatnut at, XjANHDOWNC Deair. apt., 6 rma.. lat fl . med.. large plIi T. V. ycatternoed, 73 Owen ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS f5 19 PINE" ST. (2DFL00R) Wvln room lft30 S chamber", bathroom. breakfast room, kitchen, handsomely fur ntilied C. F. SIM0NIJ2S. J6TH ST. 12f hT"i1H HT The Geneva) 'l and i room aultra with bath, well airvlcad, In thx heart of the bmlnena district. PPHUCli. 2117 Nev corner heuackpe. spte. A, U Ward. 4M Stephen Olrard. ftlt. aBB nAOlfBLOil Alvfs.. futn. or untnrn., "ale elcjle ream, central. Carney, 13j2 liar- rli-en 7r,it. NinVVIBK 10-21 WEST 31ST HT.. NEW YORK CITY Twe large light roerna, modeni-elavater apartment houae. maid, ivirter ?nd telephone nervlcei rents moderate Oaluea. Van Nos Nes trand A Morrison 2ft Eet iltli at.. New Yerk City. Madisen Square 037. HOTJSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS I.OCUKT HT 1R80 -Hltteen atery nropreof housekeeping apattmnt Ikeiiim, all modern equipment, separate elevator for each set of apartmenta, nraitmenta from roerna and bath te 7 roerna und '1 baths, or 2 or mere apartments may be Jeined: Inspection Invlted. Apply te Superintendent, en prem ises. . HPniNU GAJUJi:", 2004 ItouMkeerlriir, 4 rooms and bath, elwtrlc; modern; ISO. tT NKV1N 2M N 20th at THH CALISI.i:. 4S.1 H Oarllala at. Small heuiekeer-lng nnartment en third fleer. 4 rooms. Includli bilh and kitchen; rent $33 rer month Whitoslde A Mcl.cnanan, 18th and Pine taCall Irust Bfl37. wt riiir.AKi.i'in OHANCM.l.Oll ST n rooms, bull, perch. 2d IMer ample beut and be. ater, Vt rnnd . lent region ible. IA'CUY A DAIBIC MhU. '174') Oarmibtewn, or Janitor, 10S S. r.'.lh st APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11 TH AND PINESTS. ABSOLUTELY nREPRQ0F!'liIlV,L7th APAIllitLNT! rillMSHED AND UNI't'IlNISHED ).ON-0AND J?HOjir'rKRil LEASES , HOi'EL BARTRAM Ji'i und Chest ats. Thoroughly renevnied nnd remedalad furnished and unfurnlehel apt,: table beard Phene Prestim 2310 CHARLES II. PRETTYMAN. Owxer MIHH eMll 11V. Mainer HAMILTON COURT BOTH AND CHESTNUT STP. " rernis and lain je Ith nrivite ha ' nei he'inikaenin? 'i J-ifurnii.i)d, early lease. dining ,rl0iTnAl-CHERMan.ger "THE DELMAR-M0RRIS" IV Chellen Av.nue aBRMANTOWN "rt MINUTUS TO IlROAD ST STATION II , l ! or unfurnlihedjiilt.eibiue(iKpjie ,ipu iTevAI. APTS."l20S N .lieid st.--rSin rl-heil and untuinlshed iulti.ii notej f,r Im'fln- table and mni", rsfera'ie required - TIIs"f4MERVOOIi" Twe and three n em aultea with hath, prl sals hall also single room. Amerlfati plin I r'"- I4w SANITARIUMS NEW JEUHEV riH llllN TIIA1NEI) NURSE, having In-autlful apt. Vtlinlle Clf III cater fj cenvalescunt ratlente mrveus iaes rrsr ure mNage, special .Vet Phene 308 W Mrs. WalLer. ,1 OiUhreath Apartments ' REAL ESTATE JFORjJALE CITV ONL large garage. H pewm garages, t rTJeO'ti heuse: all cenvenluiices. 2 trucks: en a let OilxaeOi 8045 Oilman St.. Wlssl- SSmmsT , APPly 3453 Hewell st. I'hens ITranliferd 2JI3 W, 1048 N 19'nt ST Thre. story, brownstone trimmed, 12 rma , ".sill Price low f r nuUk sal... fins order ftAmend M Parker I'lh 4 WnlU. e eta JAMV'.H D WINCUl-LL V w c ir 17th and Hansn-n mi fi,ti ASH "REQUIRED - Pjr.h front d 'r.ems HI bath ul-en rtrP c h ! i-lclty ,. L.u het-water hat SI42 N lltli st. Fm ,arO(ulaM rallJlV.iedlind 401 4J iinT"N liTIt HT and 014 Itandrliih and n Lais let l"14!i total mmth.y r-nts lfif, nrlc 0.'.00 O c SEIDEL A CO, Inc. 4th .and Csllewhl'l ate vt710 REIl,'E'' from J""'"0 Hufehlnsen it hel.m Re. k'siul t 2 sten all ren. . . .; .. iniiiiiuai taraet-tt klincier" nirnvsj ' .i.- .. -s, i.n tirft,nl't imn"rilANKr(IU) WE-I3R00 7 w ' . . -.mVi lwi(-cal ... sura V'aTTnTt JS f pr.wiy 2100 b.jr. ,rg,in fa- Im'.-Jl'ste rurchaae p 8.'S I.ed.-.r i'ffi" -- .iriTi) JK1" N . 2er,',7.J".'!"n,1". laundrj. jireh -! i 'I. r-i CUVNINOIUM Peu' alflll Hllllir ZL ' - --.- , Vk v HH4 N. I2H1 -" - :l "! "r,n Jwajllnj vklll 'ell k'1' "'.'I.""., in1" ,u"1 1". I"1!" 31J0O JiPerj .tju "i 'Udr av4 jwtf, ,j r77i N Di;'H 1 1- .t l I .i-ne PH'lucIn inemni r u'.iin.ir "'.''.V ,!""" 'A letiii.s, iir-eh- ' '1 iiijanr ' M W iji.u;, 'J - . - . ,".r, ii, p iv, ., ... ' , .t. l)ViI.R M' , - ., ., I A . II. . , i. i I ' ' i i vi- mil Hln n "' I uwe ?Sm r vt.' 2JM JI DSON hi ,- Uel .ilr .-Icct.-lc m..d m..d ern ii..p'i. bus lt. '.mi. bas.in.nt laundri . jtTMi I'IH" b. Ii'-"' '.'' ImP tna ve ONLY ' " -' ' x''k V !"!1 ' m7.d"Vn j,Nin and Inl'sr.i HiBJJR " n ...lint H i i.bli.i-- 'eat i f i. million. E "?' i u)Di.i: i.iini ei'i "' i. a.v l"ill u'l'l' 15 e Xl.I- '"'00 routed at"lp 7, IS lHlll .1 .'.'.rlU'll Ii.isW'U '.- -K3 N. tee, ,, JlMtlVi! 'lARI'fN ",I 'ear 2nth - ". (.""-;: rAiN "jtSsr0" l'Tl MON'IO. iMMlV II run im.,1 . ,fnT5r 1 ,r sxiiid -ul h..u "llnn, IM7 Columbia l."."3 "NiiRIHS W in ni eb i irlcltv,flnJ lift msji"ffei .llM.n 1.517 Columbia" lsil PAItlC- weii-r. s't-ani hi of. H)xll3tn i, ii sir. l Ot mi 1317 C.liimnu 1741 N lsT" " ' ' "' ,!'''' ' fc'ls 7i-7 Jih. med flm iieme tllenn 1 .117 ; Celuinhln itis N H.T1I- Per.-h, llulll, elec (rl llzhi,T 3 i iV.tla UI.KNN,J.M.7 C.duyiJdJi ',H' 0iin"-ONTARIO T'th.' 40VIIL 1 ", Trrjr tin, l.w. I ""I "len.t iai7C.ilut"hii' ;l' 1 AlNiiRII'.IE l.'lirbt roems: chca"!." VlUlik wi.'..dll,"N i'.O H llrea.1. '' Slid TASUi.lt hi leur.ie .nd bath.l .sseh" .i in lllll-.iN. ''.'il'. S lvead. l.,eiN KTII ST . 8-s.y ill": with shop" i it-ie S130 V II HI Id's 1309 Columbia. rooms. .. i"c i".rdwne.l doers HOWARD n. WIL- r h.At ...trl I jan ft t'O 21 il 0.irJ!li5,Ci!ri."J. IC'aV'ANT" Si'l Pore at , altracilie'liim tire Mis '.etb .isj-rlr lianlwect fl , hh ' Tui YOU ie-Ulng fei a home in Hunilnc '''i,v ..-tlen' i-e Kerns. 40M N 7th al , r lT " city ! '. HAVF YOU ,n""twJ our rirtVE. IUU mern H5O0 hemnu at 23J and Paaunl: ave ? Slg rooms, iwreh front. het-watx haat. electric light, jrae kitchenette, demeatla water heater and an abundance of light and air In every room A email cash Investment rnake u the owner, Mample house, 2347 Seuth II-JckUAll atrwit open overy day Investigate Burten C. Simen, Builder N W. Cor. aeth & Pasayunk Xi 934 LYCOMING I'AiIXl IIUNT1.NO pahk Six roetrn and a modern bath, atone perch, laundry het-water heat, electric ity, Ban kitchen, mahogany ana white flnteh; only a email Inlt al payment Is re quired, and the carrying charges are 144 K ir menin, sample neusc open aauy ana undny. rares iieutes i'j-.i-nu-.a te i.uicrne at. PIIANCIH II. J llltAN'AOAN. Ilulldar ct Hemes. Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme Anywhere in Philadelphia If seu want 'e buy a home tome and aee us; If veu hOA 2M w will maUe ynu i len te ray the balanre en your house. PHII.A. K'ME nUIt.DINO AND DKVri OPMliNf COMPANY. ISenm C0.1, Keystone Aid Be clely Dldg- , H K oer lfllh and Lembard eta.. Plilla. Telephone Oreion 01"04. Offlc beura, 9 A. M te .1 P M. Rittenhouse Square Section Attructlve 4-alnry resldence 1 bleuk from llltt-nheuea Square 10 rooms A hatha. In excellent ccnlltlen newly painted and papered, mednrn plumbing; 2 open fire places, electr;c light. Price, t23 000. vell nnanceil Poenaslen nt settlement D. B. CHAMBERS 71S rOMMERflAL TRUST 1)1. DO Meml-er l'h ln1- " In Tte.nl Ketale Heard N. W. COR 10th and North. 8 baths. 8. E. cer 17th & North. 11 roerna. Cor 20th & Hp-lng Garden, nix apart. lMil Wallace, 0 bathe, het-natcr heat, eles It' 1 0 'Irwiii 14 ree-ns 3 baths het-w. heat. I it lilth und Oxford. II looms 'JOU Wallare, aide jard. 2 bathe. .:'.!) N 10th, our. apartment heue 'II2.'"'- v,rnn 1ft rma 4 baths, medern. S32 Inland. .1 stories 1) rooms lt.2a.U2 Thompson. a2xl20 te st . carage cr nusintsi Hue. 3-STORY HOUSE 8 ROOMS brick bathroom shed and front rerch blR- yaid hut-water syatem te kltr'i.in anl hot-e.lr heat; olcetrlclty .id all ether oenM ttences. mjch as whlu plumbing aiatlenary washtube. ate eieryfilne in lrst condition no repairs m-cisnaiv for ear. lll l sold nt eacriri"e. no ren ren senable otter r fused Inquire 1011 Rewan 1 1 wj.t et 41QQ hi Ormante'vn avt 621 VINE STREET FACING APPROACH TO NEW DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE JOHN O 1VII.T.IAMU PI.' UNT TJ1LE ni.pr". .41 S JlhT 11 H . a II J.74 S 2Sd 12 R 2 11. 23i Li L dices nil, SIT ('21 Clinten, 10 II , . H . . .. i'l.'O Spruce ji, R ji VL2.1 D Lincey. 10 R 2 V in lb Snrt.- lb ri i n ll..0l) 1 2 ene 14 soe l'l.oei 0 i n i M O'ni 32 0 )0 All lhes prein riles t-i (,,. ,;, Knanced J i 1 1-I.I KIl te ." lSih t Larpe Brownstone Dwellinf; en nread st. let Olnrd anl Celumb'a a , rumdnt; iiirriuih te Carlisle st, LE DEL REALTY CO. 120 NOR I'll iMMtli . I.lj,1. CAN YOU, MR I1USINESS M: use rrrpertv i eturles Mgh. with let lflxOO ft tu back ju'Ut 1 block from 15th nnd Cheat nut ata.T Very ll'tle rath r.reded; you can own your en business placs In a locality where real astAte Is enhani'inrf In vslua. JOHN II WILLIAMS mm Ln i t nng. SACRIFICE n.sty alde-yl house uth st ab Diamond dec rned m-p-rl g JfljiO nole n.h I move rlht In llt.& -.i i'ih ard Yerk S13 N PRA.NKI IN-'U, i.r IKt .i.."" trie hnnlnnnj fli.irs n- I, Jinoe HOWARD B. WILSON & CO. V12.! OI'ltMVV-.UVN i'- 7-R0OM DWELUN & GARAGE for 7 cars 142 y lUmnglin e' i m sessU.ii r. nt !(i) 1 -. iu ..'n, l,v,. , 20"il Kens'iiKt'K, ' PAiRM'iu.Nr vi'.i. iie:.i::s R't"a ni. a'.v U n m n . t --i ruemw iil'il bath n Mi i,s ns-.., 1 t ir.iK.,. sample bin u i ,r V ' i II ; in. i.jildtr. en l i rTli . H 2016 SPRliscGARbEN ST."" I", ' r -ii ' - U it'' II ',or, .' lutVt, lr'P.' VSi ul ti IU' 1 h- r ill, ,.'ll,,manl RV'NI' M I'll.KKI! U.ili nl Main "330 S.77TH ST. Oieli-e unt lmpri.!g ."n'ral e-ctlin. in rooms J laths else light geil cmdl'Vn H M iHIII.I til"!! Pine t. JS8iieJni n M4.it -tu ti i. sr -Th n.pV.r itmliLr.K a' lieu ' in ,'nti . fJr ,( nerss, irg iiiii i n v in, s..in' . r, .b.lOO O t 11I.U1I L A .'. . In 4 .. aii t'tt low hill i" CORNEL ST it)r. I uUuh i-l ' i i-i leneej In ku,m i. 'i 0170 I Itii.lni s Pri.ni'rllr und .,nre. v.UR.NLI"l'r. r--' 1'1'n rar 1'lne "aifiTfT tsi'h Eftxi'P ' S e v .tu i' ".'hi,h 0 ai ir part it .les i I i' i n-i. . i,i ,.,( ,,., pref i.. rpiim " li li'ir R..hi . I 'Jin ,.ln lvLNSlN'OlON i. mi. h . ,i iu.in., or.. tlen. 11 roen . i,rfc- ,r, ,,, , ,w . ,,,, , electric i'c iil - ' 'ih r liKut biiHlnees 2.".ln Ainb.r t K.Mia'nii', n "lv,e HANI).emi 'i ,lpin i.u. .h ,i , ir."7T 2.1 h N ' " " . '.'"'. - ' ' rar n. 1 ti lllliill H" "" . - a n i s'l- CEN1RL . ' r. $1,11 fniyi , i uplul.i1 I b i ".'Hi 'U "'." " "'l 't rrl.M I 'I ut 120 Ol.li J. ,-J .J ' Iwi I'ffl.r llulldlitt I la, P.i'te, (ph 'tr II IT El rilia,l l'mi,i i,i R. tu g I-'hiki patapn; ,n.l in DltT'!! ICII -17W. itt 1WO inrii" a mi Ii nl. ij' i" nod",, r 7 ' , , ' llr t A 1 rfH.ii ir.i ",t v I i 17'h TA( TORII S r, i ".( TORUS r, . i f .. ai,iT, jsTLV.ENSi' "N I. il .' tip IP, l' Jlnrea iiinl u .Ibniri, ' S ll'.tlH 21.1 n.l V K - i el -i, .:,, and st.ui sint Isuiid .l i1, MEvti'' 13th and Hmdir n., l" " Ojs M KKAN ii or V fii:u,.,i:nf.n,,iSiiiJ3-:f' I4 2IW "in IIILIMIUA AM. i -in llriM'1 e Tr-jS j.tt..tp A ! 114 Ull PKS I'd Olf ( irusiH SIRtMCP. STA ri JN i . gsmae. itr.trT" , nnil Market fu aa.e -nte luumrty. heiTi "nc mi m 17.1 .ers .LEn r Iter'-N. ,. 1421 Chsstnut. lit ILl'I.NM fn h.'i i -.ir le Ri ILI'I.Vtl fin i;s a.'p i -nr 4n, and 1Iim njrs rr i'il at it i.in J H lines lull Chestnut t rv-1 . -.,, vi ii i.,,..!.,. m J,I,1 Tl Ki..,.-.. i i I , , ,, il trrtwv rfm,ArHr.r-ytA . j. $3 1 a Menth Kenmore Read Above Lansdowne Ave. West of 65th St., Overbroek Section Only 25 minutes te City Hall. Step paying rent when for one-half the expense of rent you can have your own home. Thlrty-one dollars a month pays interest, taxes, water rent. Te this add $12 u month for reducing your second mortgage. New homes with perches, electric lights, het-water heat, tiled bath, built-in tub, electric outlets In nil bed room. A kitchen that is most unusual and worth your secinrr. Houses net back 43 feet from curb, giving you a long front lawn. LetH 104 feet deep, with auto driveway and garage privileges in rear. All-Copper Gutters and Rain Spouting .NO nXPENHK TO YOU IN PI AriNU TOfft , MOKTOAOBS KfJE THK NBW FCItJftMICD KAMrCK 1IOIW. JOHN H. McCLATCHY BUILDER OF HOMES Take Market Ht P.levited te CV1 t.t , free pas en Md at. ears te kanmlowve ave (800 north). wnl' weat 2 blocks or taku "Irsra ave. or Arch at nnm te t!3d at . then fre saec te Uanade A-ni ave., walk - blocks n-et. Open for jeu te Inspect telay. -J33D5XM! raikH.mTO.wiaffissijsa HcMrn.iu 5 rswmmmmiWiweammKl It is an important HOME-BUYER What will be the carrying charge? $61.00 At our reduced Price you can own a beautiful Colonial Stene Heme with Garage in Overbroek for le3s than the rent you new pny. Wc havu many features in these nev and up-te-date Hemes a real stone fireplace, n Parkway street as wide as Bread streetr but our principal feature today is Carrying Charge $61.00 '"t'K NEW BvMPI.i: HOl'Pn. 35 L.EDANON AV. la OPEN EVEUY UAY UNTIL 0 P M JOHN F. McGINTY & SON C535 Lebanon Avenue. TO ",3D ANI) MARKET. PA3H NORTH ON NO. 41 TO LBDANON TAKC AVE WALK TWO ANI1 f?mw;iiajaaiacr REDUCTION AT WYNNEFIELD FORMERLY $16.000 NOW $14,750 I flC L,(lSt IV 0(l and Completeness VT-R.VlSliEtt SAMPLE HOfhE CTCV DAILY AND SUNOAt Te rrr aeml-drtacheJ hemej with 4 and C bedrooms and 2 baths making 0 d'stlnct suits. Large sarace, maid i room vlr, oath, distinctly apart from rwt of liOUS. NEW IDEAS IN LIGHTING FIXTURES Pase rerth te Uala car en S2J. direct te B4th anl Galner read 1 far. Nr WTiiineid btatier., P. R R. DANIEL E. H0GAN riTY IPucer1e VHrehnujea.Jllaniifntturlnt Ploers .3!iBkaTW.WII1!l?.OTB 1725-27 Heward St. B a m iint'E 8T Ul 14 rtrlck IMllding. 30iMO H fultab a for light manufactures w HERKNESS & STETSON 1 LAND TITLE ULDC1 J1 ,TAerTriWOT!iraJM K 7" I'OO - i iiri,.. -.r't'.d r-'ar w1"' r-'rf'ad eldi-j- ,-r U'Vi'ir.TTNliR . 1421 b.si it. ir.i(,oe Sirenir 5-i erv a.m-r bn-lc bun 1- . I " in l0x''O ft suifbiB for michlne -hup. ' faetnnr. la'ilry or s!eruc he-i 7n n si ft. i t CASPAJl nth and 1 atisCewi . no 'liTrnriUY. t flrs 2'ixi'i - . hMhiimr ' ,itra let tlV" 'lee'' 'l4-7 v-n' rirtei ' I r-AV'TOlilEM wa-shejsee ralirede, can tnincc lHi:TWRP'H?JI7J.VaJlmli st WKrjT 'HI!.nriPIH IU'Y AN Ellf'tC. Ill II T HOME And veu w 'I hiK' "i 1hi 1 1 i Warrington Ave., .'Uth te 5ith MTII OR WITll'I'T OARAUE Vlse Llera aid dnelnY geed ligatien' no (harg. for flp..i'1'nr JAS. C. ENBURG Ouilfier mi iiremlit 1J wir en Vali -it te r.Otl and C test r . Iilvxs i erth or ftOth at. tnr te l'ti and Warring. en Vs,t;reV,Vu?,.1r,ef 'I Wm.H.W.Quick & Bre.Jnc png Wld-nvy,l--i2ll? p,il1 i1''2 I a :- 7 C. bs Cre 't Parkway lpi rSDID !-lvy tarnr buinPur 7 "00 ! S -1 K'um-rt.nt .':.".... fit: Ftenm lu- t .tl.etr . nc'i'e. K !" r.ar south n ilOth at te Cobb owner left cl-.y 5207 Webster at fj.r" """" ' '''akkjii mmn. m per or te nrneern raiuirutu v '""B U VilKnKUl JK. .L. i tv.ir, urns, s .le in.-. near tin. K4 u ' Lnunuufk V ii et-w'at.r heal e.eetrie llgbts. hard'Mieil hnlsh throughout blah cellln-cs. netni i Heath, r strip p.erm cash &inlngs. etrtens ni.d shadee t'U bull i.l kltrb-n th.e ln.ji. .will bear th .l)es ! -s Ijatl n J.HNjM LN-l.!'lRl1 .,'"T- ""lrnn re a I WELL bil'' 21 s'nrv .nii-,leM he I 1 28x1.3 f ga anl el lights pu'.i hii hsrdid l' "rs V l "id : Jnd .!- 1 , tnade p-lci ..UMiiiHe nnl l.uee la i pi,. J. W. CAMAC CO. .-. I H . 'IN 111 '.'..-V , , 1( ICU nil II I Ll-ss in ill ,M) i ,hriH :.d n "eg!-. lyjir-i' a. ,iuii r.nS i,arrn'. jeu i" eii-i t inn. i. ,rch-fr"nt hi'm 7 i ... rr. Diat r. 1 ... r.itb. I MulIis d und Mars , rail i1lll I.'IHIU AHERVETHY 1" hrstn'i.. MiSJ lUf'.li . E --.1 Ht.irj m nul't - ' erii eli t - I U iiH i h, 'a- i i n.irj urn anl g .ji.'n t.inugh'it beu" Imm l'i i.u i h,J ii pticp EUGENE L. TOWNSEND J,, :"" 3T CHATHAM ROAD r i.inp it' . ' '.t st. t " ie;-ri Jid ,,i,r-tiih nie i i i- -l t isi.ri-s 1 ' Mm lli"'e I'Ci'i'i'H i iMd lirAUTII'l'L HOME" l M.' iu'" f ri i ll.il, .er b ',g n-" e' Ml In' 1. I gin rm-si 1 H-f i frgm, sli , ' ,r. i vi m rr. 1.1130 al" e " IM"1 pa ' )' m -1n Immpllt'-'i e iirm a i er hi t . I i h U(.P 011- 'I M' st ' I '111 1tl, I ',.i W r ' bi i' i ,1i Ne 1, ii Ni 17 . .1,1th i I ' li I "Mil .4 eii'late a utb IlElll. H t.ppetri'NHT t.IMX.'ir l.'iiii I' k h Mi Hi, a' I i i . a , in. 3KfaM i i Has, ue . 7 rn n. MnO snilli.' 'Till Mm I tv 7 ri hii.h 7" n I h- 0 ' .hl'V l ,'n h il 1 , n pup - i lin.-. si. il. f" " ' !' b . se. I i , i.tp M.tli ni' Larphweml ,i e n rt'.is cnvv:i. r r sal. tit a .in. pple-t . h i !..: .-i.'jin ..1st .".in i.. wt'-r ,1,. i lar i ' I n.'im ilir. gli B' iPU .. .it ei must i i n . it ap, i ,,Hd I.ARl'N-V ... .MCK'IU.I L. 80, N. rtti Mi vl ' ' J ?300i- l.l'.O All nd ha, arc fu. t Cr.il u tii.r ebaiffi iiulern 'J 1.1 t- p. t ,, t,ii. In t-wutpr heat eiectr! lights !,-,,. v .. I fleer., etc ) ur iipiiertunlti I. , tre t flr h.ine sit t Jes prV". Maura S lini jv l'i ? r cer liresd i. Cb.s mn S L CCiil 11ST V'.li NAriSAl I HAD--1h..rruisb'5 irl "i ..i.'ii.r, Ivn jl t t, t ' -ituJ 1 inKni ' ' n.sb.il t ,, fulii'.li'lfl 12 00 e v i ' i " ' arm ivnn n fan iin or I - 1 Ml "II HuN 27 h liitl. PROSt'V'f III I" Il'i'li. OH M.Rb IV. ai'l liu' 4ln I via in ir Cubbs l''..k p.rk. fuinlat m 'i . alii rei.i juur home n ea.y town nr n r i, -iniis HENRY fj4 N frexler st Phlla tSf.ne itHT . i-iwiii, 1'iernreih dlsirlpt 1I1UU9IH, j -i , v i ..." -i 'iiu-alhi rii it t rum .ir. ehiii vu i iKiu' , many stv, a feaiuree A R C aspar 00th ft UinsJeri ilil rt Yfc.vW'Vl.1.- 3 Hiy. Or lMth7elt Irtlfje Iiinl iw .1 i'n il 3213 t hrstnul' III'.' I J" II 2 eiy "I rma . bath e't 1U0.1 K.ra.iav 1 i re , 3211 I'lie.muf . U'Sl.ri. sinrea t-tc . ler aal. at all pre. EMPIRE TRUST ''O 14th a, I . ,, ,'TT Mill. I.. ''""" ' , ' . m gJJCMM " sypt-ewafck. 1 h Mir I Price, $5350 question te the A IIAI.l" Hilt AUKS WBT, m'lLnr.n ev pnnMiBEs J4TH AND UAINOH ROAD m mmwnwmiwmswmii i 62d & Ellswerth SEMI-DETACHED 2 AND 3 STORIES 4 5. 7 bi Iroemi. 2 la'hs. earai ixr us' f,ai ires. few left. TERMS TO SUIT tj ' "g ! 3 .'--' '-'"-".i ei pi rari rare south i ' 54 -rreh I-urKuay, ntk est i blocks Mi&MjM Overbroek Section ' hnlcti 2 Hiery bon-.e next te corner, I'lea-nnl 01.1 k.I: C r ivma and MVd lth. ii iutry tlKts het-watfi- b.at and cleo clee 'rk Es.ellcnt eiui at $7keij 't atnrs t,emlit!i h-d stone realdencsl exiip-linal 'xati.,1 n plmmbers ana 3 tiii'I southern cxiNisurn garage, very itfactlvc Urg ,u: 115,500 U a 1AW prii .. for tb,4 tin. jtitu! home 2 '.-.- II rei, nt and tiled bath: en mjn K-frl In- ed perch and garacsj, thorough' v tiiMbrn Trlia IBOOO Terms I J HJlt Francis J. Lambert 403 .V (13D sr Relment 8777. V;: jim u' in merore k iteaity " l"I UTH I'WPl'inr.n.niTirrri.m?. lliijiii f ...,. i-,,.... tj .M N 03D ST. OVERI1ROOK M -.i'r,,, d.-la-iie-l home let 41x130 In. 'ob. I ix r, ;,. nun,, rejm wltn tlmp.-u'H, ivcse'I.h, hall library with !! S.P. V..HIIU re.n rvu.lr break. ' r P' laniidr: liutiry and out- .i Ip .'t.'.ii r Hnwr second fleer lis 4 leiire ,bimp.r bvh an briitv yim (Irpp.n- third fleer has ' h . t I. n n.id bid parquetry ' 'n-uiighiti' IniiPee-l orsreom ,-i PRICE JIH r.Ofl McDEVHT & MULLIN C I - l. i viiuil vE U I IMl.K(K IS! J , .ir j "jeinfiii i"j.r iii'MiiWCirji m. , trairraifflisiiiii HA'E YOU '''V ' "a ,ounfV,meJ" ,.. h nvH tt oeui and ' h-ui ui. Srv.ni ruitne, ineles-Kt .it.'. n 'w.ter htat eietrl Iltht, gas Kiiinri lj,Titiit la in.lr d.imeslle s-i' r I. . -r urd n ub..'dani.e of sir hii.i .lilt n ifr, r.min, a ,nia!I cajh tasmct niH.'es , , the owner sampi r si .ii.'i '!.' rr . een etery day, BURTON C. SIMON, Builder v' W ' .lit "O'l.I Si i'ASSHNK AVE Ni.Vil iii h .nl i h.a'r aie 3-tery, s.ml- 1. ta. I . Msll- - ll'tr,"lt) h.lt-wtr .. ' nia ... fl ,. . ,-i.i it tihen a Viths: Ra il, i ,, i,m.i..i i hi emdid irelity ajd '.lit Im. . hi n Uvp tnns EUGENE L. TOWNSEND, " ' iU Ar; , hi r Hlmnrd, ColeftUI 'i-' ., .r.iririr1 JOS. ALLEN POTTS , . B0 - . Ra'ilm rs avs. till" -pi-HEBSHlt. . f one. f40O nashi also- IiIp .ikliU, I ll"h hall ni.h.....I''' 1-M Jiiiu "'ipr'er fliti.i n and cenveyanelnsr "J'..' " ' "' . ' - ' 'neater ave i.tu. i jsii. Drie fljoe murtgagn a, nuts' p. e.J, d rooms 1 hetroeme " 3284 I 1'LAND UT. l' sni.jres eult e' Chester ave. at 014 st, p7 h ILMtfluM AVE r'Jjra..iery brick l ns iii f" i ndllleiii Isrgs ... i,K'..ui Jlll.l . tg..,, .( I.U. K. ,1111 S-pti .' rrn must ha anM nt jftlle i-sia'p Lmpl's Trust Ci 3Ll I 11 AL I 'I.U- EnJ b u rooms, else.) ft""!!) Kershaw it i rm e.'lf. 1 haatnul liKKMMTIinN WE iltB uT.rh'g nt greatly i educsd nrtM b tien for I321HI 3.140 I I3T00 and 14000: h I i nihiri il re . na Mid belli poreh front! In I. giuit hi di" " i' I iiim n te pars PARKLli SPVL1H. .'012 .'luitsn s,ss," Oppn Rjinlai Oak Lane lilt J10 il 10 - 11 u'erti unifliig J chambers. I lti, h. ' ua'.r beat elep and gs TM' - lug hnrd'vi ml Hui mil' hart! exposure int ie ii iu - m mem nwriiig 7 chambers, a ideal ur-..tmdln Deaura and MAURAN' DOLMAN ii I'll, r. r. r .Rread and Chestnut ats. UIKAPKMT Imuse In (larmantewn! fa re'imi. fin. neighborhood large loll il . iikii'i-kij foeii.) New beuse r... . r.i. ui'.i ,-w Heuse, aii (- y.i'aa., S13 O'lb ' I' H13 Ledger Offbif "'' W fhftipnei k t i-albau- i.'.,i. jtR'K Judsur, nUran! iltlCTOCKiaBsWI rf TM a. uf tim nenn ) .l ", "vl .ill J ""A 1 rj ' d! tm l m 1 I ?' PR m ? W' Will )ym W ' 1 fVari!r m 1 i ". I i 'fii t . m ! w I J n.