v c $-' Tv A"!j'?5, V" """""tMes, .,'V" -0 "k-3 .Vf ; I ,eld iTu ?V :'V I A. 26 -, UKATIHj ilCO?rrim. n, at Hidiey .. . mui'tAim.' I'nrlc tel. -.. -. -- - -" ui .iniui'i ill its jviiiiif i - wn or Junier nnil Annl' f ' iii Count-' Fermanagh. Ireland, nurd .V j "'. UIUI irienua are inviieci te at- " i..M..Vn',r.,j m.. l I. M.. irem his , TI'JJ1'. fllence, 112 Ilosement ft., nid ify Park. Del, Ce. Int Hely Cress Ccm wajrnlen st , Ocriiuintewn int unvntn. t CON8TAIIMJ. Utc 2. HELENA ri:iT.. i jrll of Cenrad Constable. Relatives and friends, also tlermnntnwn I-cnlttr, Ne 1ft e. H. at 11,, are Invited tn funernl services ' Tu., B r M.. nt her lite residence MM CROBfliN -Dee 2. 11T21. CATHARINE. 1 duhter of tlM into William nml Elizabeth ' Cressln, Inte of 719 8. fteih st Relatives and friend, nlsu St. Charles Horreine.i 11 V M, Bedntlty. nxe Invited le nttend funeral, Tues., B:3n A M , from the parlors, of Mm. . Will am V. I.ynrh, 270 H 20(h st. Solemn ljeulem mass. Ht. Patrick's Church 10 A. . Int. Hely Cress Cem. CUOMO. Dec. a, ANTHONY, husband nf Jsstelle A, Cueme. Relntlies nnd friends are Invited te nttend funeral. Tues , 8.30 A M., lata residence, 12.-.0 N ftlth hi. llluh re quiem mam Ht Uresen's Church 10 A. M. ln&tPXUL".,ei Sl ntv Cem. DUFFY l),.c 4 JA.liE.i j: . eon of th. lata James nnd Man Duffv (nee O'Neill). Du notice of fum-r:il will lie mlven from WP'J1.00-0' m brother, peter J Duffy. B14 N Frent st .RJJfirNr-s,u,1,1n,v' wit.UAM n. PTJIU..N, of 121H V MnntKemcri ate Hela i.Ui".Pni1 friends also Mltrhell Lndse Ne. 290. F nnd A M Invited te funernl. Tue . 1 P. M at Armstremis. Itl27-2'i N. Hiend at. Int. Eterijrerii dm.. Camden. EAST!,Al'K -De H. SALl.lE A., wife nf late Jamm 12 E-istlark Rrntltcs nnd friends Inilted tn funeral services Tues 2 P. M. . nt resilience of h-r sun-ln-law E J. Laffertv, .1925 N. 1.1th it . I.n,an. I. it private FEimEIlfl Dec . WUtltEN W 1'KIl HERS, HRe.1 7.1 nelntUe nml frlend In J1td te nttenil funprnl unlc-K Vil .' J" SL, remdcnin of hl eon Frnnk Kerrerh. JIUlmeavllle nve , I.nnKherne. Pa. Int Keeehwned Cem HiilmeMlle P.i. I FtUC. Drr 2. Kl'OCNi: It FIM: Sr . nuiband of Ann nin nee Miltinrh). Heli tlveii and frlnd nleu Mnrhlne Printer- ind Celer Mlxera, Invlfd te ntleiul Inner 1 1. Tu., 8-3(1 A M . Inte rV.i1nre. 31H1 Air' n at. Solemn hlfth mnai of ruuletn at Si Aratha's Church 10 A. M. Int Hely Crux-. ,Cem. . KITE. Iee 2. FfClKNK II I'tTi: Pr . huband of Anna Kit., tnce M Huuli) ll.-ln-tlve and frtewla, alee Mm hn Print th nnd Celer Mixers, Invited tu attend fumril Tue., 8 30 A M. lat. re'ld-n, . .lUlt Aipen at. Solemn hlKh mnm of requiem Ht Ot. Agatha's CI urch 10 A f Int le. Cresa Cem FITZUIHAI.il Suddmly nt Cliften HelRhtH, Dec 2 MAtlOAIir.T ulf- of Jnm V. Fltcernld (no,. Fltjer.ild H .itle and friends, nle H V M Sedalitj of SI IM mend's C'hureh nnd nil "the- ,.,!, t, of vrhlch she n a member Invited t-i funeral. Vd., 8 A M. fintn reild-nce nf her eon-in-law. Chan, a Ilarr 1s2rt ninci: ld t Jtequlem hlth tnexi ,it St Kdm.md Chu-ch, JO A. M In' New Cnt'ie.p il. F1TZP VTll'i'k 1 1. 1 lti.M jeiiv titisbnn ' f H it n ii ru, i'iI.k ,ik, a il" Jtelatlv'i .i.i in. iN i c i-t i, Ne, 47. c' i' A lll.i It II in , II SC, I. O It M ml the I ,i 'ti I Jiss n. -u i'iit'1 te ii'. I in' i. 3SI" P. M : uin ih i.t ild i . Indiana in lit iin.iiwi !. ' tl 1. r Cem. H- n a.as n f b ,teu T FLEMINil I,Mi-n .f '.'2'.'2 i St.. Dec .1 MM'.IKW ildet wf il- .it.- S Plemln" R-.a'.vis ,ki I fi it ndi untied i funeral scivi en Tues 2 P M i.: '.be iei dence of i -r un Miltmi I. l"i tn tit HW1 M. Heblns in -t ! Neithwiutl iVin P. mains can he ile've.i un M m . 7 te U P M FOCO in. '... ,t in.'l. i Altel.INi: HF.RAN. nil. w rf Alber- Finn m.. i M7 Helatliei m I fn. nrts li.vtt. d t.. Mtrrul B-jrV'COS. i I I'll" Jt at 2 P M el t'le lssldenc t l.er sin-in lav. 1 r J it Mahnffev (us cooper st Cimlen, j. Int. Ml it. Htrleiah t.'. m Cri -nils inn call Mind.i 7 t -. 0 P M FOLEY i in rV .' TIMOTHY l.ii-btnl of the la'. , Hinnah K' n R-Iat ves ai l friends, hNh Hi.l Ni rm S... iet .n j , u. Meyca uf tl.. I'h' a E.ei'rr i ,i . mtl'e.l t funetal. iti Tm d t hi 30 A. M. 'i em Ptslderce ,,f Tl iir.is P w : 77n N. 1 al .is HI. Se.imn ! j,m te' ("hur 1. if i nir Mether of Sxirens ut 1" A. M In'. Cathn dral Cem. FRAI.iCY - -( hi I.' .". Iicl. t Pvil- MALi:i:, bunliii.il ..f J.nn.e Ki.il (n,e y in. nlnr). II 'uthes Ht.d itiends ,t-.- mte , uttend funeral ncrn-" Tliurn1ni. at 2 10 1. M. at hi i l.lt P I. m- 1221 Unmaln ft., FruiiKfeid Interment rtnet . ti.ik eti J Ccmeters. KKAhtH. Dec 2 JA.Mh.s- i ui..n.' .if . Fannlu Si h .tl-ei I'mi-r. Ite'atitt t .ml fllrnds an- l ii ite.l t , f ,imti i.-es, M ,n . 2 X' M at lis late reeidntte 217 Ariuat St.. Oermar te.u.. Int '-li.it' FrlenJs m.ii call Sun. ee PniCHJ - ! 2 l.R M.'.Y. 'life of Albert F I-'ie us lu.n'.iie. aii.1 frtendH In vited te f'lreral wkw -1 . 2 .in P M . t lenltl-mir :.2i, . Jh st li.t pmute Ileinalns inns l.e Mv.l I'uvs.. 7 tn U I'. M. FULLMER At TuLsnu Ariz . en ,..i 4. 1-I21 l.ACRA C Fl'LLMKH S-i..s n Tucsdai mernitic. at H 30 n't- nek. th OlUer II llalr Uldt.. 1H2' t.'h-stnut a'. In In termeut priii terf aALIUHEIl. On Ik I V, IVIFKLD P. U llOW Of Putrli'k (t,l,liiher h Ulle i 'MedneHdti at S.3il A. M . from th- ick, ick, uence of tier hoi, hi-uv. , .Muhu.l M Parrel.. 1057 Lutu a tc-r ,t. siknm i. t m ni,, Church of our Mether of Sonew a le Id. Ir.tei inert pndu. I rluiili t.tv i. iv itma tin l'u s .i i lenlnc. OEiiiiMii.i -i. .. ma: c.ault r widow of J ,hn - O-rha'd'.. sr l'u. i .' acrvkes Tu. e 1 .!' P. .M . I i.j r. -ild, .i 2S43 Cnri! s Pit Piliut , at Xurtliwun I Cem GEnLACII, lie- 1. 1021 MELI V widow of W llllani li rlai h If I.itlt -. i i l friends are United t" atfeiid funeral Heii lces.Wed . 2 P M. pr.' iseJs. at uei nr i.f ; O. NerriH. 4(J7u Frutiltfeid uiti. Frai.Ufur.i Int. prlvat OILLILAND De- 1. 121 ,,. , . . r of M'lljum S (.illllli nd .md dauithter f Amanda It. an 1 lat E'ns .Niche- nifed H. Relatives .inn fr. -.Is tr- nvii. J :n attun I funeral, M n . 2 P M . f iner.il ,nrl.rH of W. J. I" II. ;.s i,is N' i , . ,t v . urn, (Ins Sun. en Int M P. an, ij.-m HA1M-.S - Sudu nil Ihr 1 I ijl CAIln. LINK Willi. II if (i ..IKM 11,1 Wl RelHtllel and friends invited tn fjneri. I eervl -s lues day. 2 P M lute lesm ii. e ia:i K L. hish ave. lutein. enf 'iieenni'iunt I'rlenu may call Mem ' i eien.ntf HAIIAN I ee 4 1021. TIP MAS J hus Mtld uf '.l a L Il.isin 'liee Mrk ,,. .nl sen of Miruai t ur.d l.it ilm.h II ..in P. 1 .. lives an 1 fii-i.d him,; m ,c.i i ( ,i Weil. S 3u M, fi.nn iiell nee of his mother. 1ml i,in.r. si Si emu it.iulei, i., is Church if In nix u id-) i'uIiCiMi. n In A lilt. Hnll Mi PUI lirr M HAHKK'R -At Ma .ileinn. N J D,, 1021. WILLIAM HARICER awed 74 f, 'Tl tlvei and frienls he Crestent Ix '. ,j t!8. F. und A 1 Plilla . e mn,.,i in llt land tuner i. nli iu 'he i ,..r. -e ur Heward I) I're.in VU Kletnn, N .t Mn day, De. .".. I 30 P M Interment Friend i Ifurylni: (ji.nnde Mu'l.. i Mill N .1 utnM Villi meet tiain leavli'K Market S Ft rrv ia:20 P M .it Mielt'cu n Siutlt.ii HENDI.R!-' iV - De. I P.iJl .m iiv ., . of the 'ate Ji.l.n n.jn !er.n .1-, I t..u,-h'-- ,' the latK lilin .ml A.l. Jenr. i it .i-,.l nnd frienls 1 1 . H. l Sihii' r ,t Jehn's Ci.j. Ii ale Invited te itt.p.1 fun. i I Frl.. 8 30 . M from ht r in, ihs.,i , ,! fl Meie at -t.iltmti re.tu'. in n ,.st ..t Patrick's chun.li lu A. M Int Cjtiiej.ui I Cem. I HEPPAHD At We. .iburi N J n. e " ,1021, LETITIA FHMSK HBI'PAHD. an..,! '2'"' .Ulelattvtu ,iil f. lends urt linii'i n, ttteritl funeral. Tues 2 p M from her l.,t i..si dance, 51 llih t . W .ednurv N. j, jn, private. Vis .nut ,n i Vin Fi : mis may eu'i lien.. 7 ti 0 I' M IIEHRMA.NN - Km .-.,1 ', re. d,.,. e LEAH E wif- of J hn J Herrmann u.I dauchtcr ut I'M lr aid ls.ib .., n 17. h.,, tlves nnd fi ' ,-nlt.d t, lu-it.ei, w 1. 2 I. M. frmn l.er ,.l'e i. , d -ie e ,,,) s Fslten et Struces a' st J.ims 1 hurch Klnssesslnir at 2 30 rr'ends mm r.'i eu, , ve.. from 7 te ' Int Mount i rlah Cem HETZi'.l. !- 2. "CM .-I mi l.i'l Imk Mldew of Martin Hetre It ...i'H M an 1 ' Xrlendr-ire Inil.ed te attend fur. re eere. tm. el 2 P M. nt h 1.1'e ps'denee 102 E Plill-Ei etm st . M' A.r. Int. 1, Ulll ''ell' HIRSr On Dc 2 ll'.'l A LICK M ITIHST (firm-rn iIm M 'iilai, ,f i.i'ji 6piuce st Phu.ide'phla Funeial ar I In tsrment strktly private HOHNFR -t P.urllcB'v . J De 2 PAItAH J .ildew 'f Jehn H ri.er 1B ,,j S) jeineral Tues. 1PM i.mv resi lenre 4',e Wnshliicti'ii "v , Ilurl.ntjn, N J int tVnberten. N J IIUTCIUNeN Nev. 23 IiML ,D ill. husband of H-r'ha M lluf ' 's m .md of late Oeeih'. nd Ann.i II.''h ns. r m I IT Funtiral sen ices at his late residence lpVil V ivii-- ' . Yerk Pi M J I' M JENKINS At her resnleni e l'.ll V Susquehanna an . Dee ,H EL1.UV 11 diiw of Relmrt Jenkins RelaMies ihhi fi,nils are I, Invited te .ittenl funrrnl scrilte 'I ui. n P. M pre Ise'y. at th- Dai 1 II SihuMer IlldK., llread and Diamond su. Int innate JOH1IAN Dr.. 1 I. UK 1. IN nr. eldest daUKhter if Elizabeth Anne and ut !?-.. at. Hurl. I.inlnn h'll imm I uup.l.-uu imwva ll"n "' ,,. una.. 1 .au I' .m si mnmiT n n'f ii'itr- in VValnut st Mand-intleM n ' nit nil. c- KAUCini.i I'' t 1. .li.t ill.. 'iituKin." of Ilnnn.ih anl a'e Musts K 1 'if 111 1 n. .it her ffSlden'w 330- N 23d n Iuneii.i n -, ,, , r ane, int. n tmnv t-n,.t,.. ... . i--n i tfelivc. 0. .fc 1CEEFE Dec 3 1021 CATHERINE (nee f Vii,i wlilnn of Michael Ke. f ReatlKH land friends lire Im Red tn attend funeral Ikvm.v M-.30 A M . tat" resident 171.1 S ? fOOe3th st. Solemn re.m '"cf the Annunciation aUCCatliedral Cemetery. ...' n t.u... .. 1. ..lulu inuk, et In. I'ltnre . puir'llll l.-te , if i ... IV 41 .'1. tllin llirill . ? -Rf.T.All Dec I. MARTHA, widow of IN r.k. lfal'sr nnd dauuhler of the late Car Re. allies nn.l frlendi "BVlteti te (unernl serines Wed. 1 P. M BOlfr2. IdencJ? MV2 N Mascher st. Int pilvate rV v-ViMNEnY Dec 2 WILLIA.M N. hus- itr.,1 .nine's i i. . S.SVHS.1 Tues 10 A M 233 a,e!"H- Harren HIH IVin Friends may te 10 I' M x .is V IfAVSIK K KNSIs'JV It-latlles it.i.l f' 'iffienA. also Washington Cam,. Ne. Se.ll .'n"R ! of A Washlngieu Camp Ne lis, R .t iS e' of A.. General Lawten Cuminandery. Bfft' O P O S of A KnightH uf the B MJSrinMen Ka'gle Ne. 02 and the empleies of MMleiaerir.ii. .. Cu , nvltel, , ttrvufl tpf KmJC.--Or On Dec 2. 1P2P. JAMES, hus- Tnd of Sarah Ann Kirk nued .0 ears 111 lalatlves and friends are United tu the rvless. en Tuesday aiternueii ai a n i im , at his late resbl' ice 11.1 Lnfayette ave . CeUlnsdale Pa etsryi Friends tireiilnr. Interment at Mt Zlun Cem limy Men lemalns Munday KOVllAU. Dec i ni ins resilience .in -.-.r.'"5 T l.Ptl l.liivnl llllsll.lllll ,1 Mrv KonVadlnre Ilauen), In his il'st enr ..,-.i - mn. friends also inemberH ul Verhrnan'i. H, nnd I). II Fund nf Amerlni. iiyjJrJi: ii.r sit. .ml the Isiuis Iltirrdnl Drew r.ri WZl irr C" WctUmen'a llencf, Assn.. Invited te Jt.Ln funeial. Wed.. TUl6 A. M. from the iiarler Jn F. Fluelirr 101 w ausque iK.nm hanna. ne. Requiem mass Ht. llrnlfaclus' r.'ur1t,l " A . M Int. Hely Redeemer Cc i VtiT.V J-' 1,lnf8 Please copy I ljAIll'.lt Dee 1 nl Vine faMnM ienj Chester ne , SAtlAH, daughter of the lnte Jonas I.aber. llelntlve and frl-nds may cnil Hun . 7 te ii P M . at the chapel of Andrew J. Ilalr & Sen. Arch and luth st Services and Int nt the cenvenlencn of Mhc fntnlly I.ACIIKN.MANN -Dee 4 MAROAI1ETTA. ' widow of Lawrence I.achenmann. linrnl ' .eervlies Tues . a P. M at the Preshiterlan Heme, BNth nnd Ureenway ae Int. Odd l-ellen' Cnm. l.AWI.EIt. Dec 3. 1021. MICHAEL J., husbaml of late Mary I.awler, nued 75. Ilel ntle nnd friends, nle Dlv, Ne. S3. A CI II are United tu funeral. TU"s . S 30 A M i from late residence (I04H Itelnhard st Sel emn renulem hlh mass at llleisei Haera- ' UKint Church lu A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem I.KIHHMAV On Dec. I. 1821, CltpilE ' MIA II. LI'.ISH.MAN of 2027 N. Ora' at I l'elatlves and friends. nle emnleyis of Western I'nlnti Tel. Ce . are Invited te the serMce. en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at the Oliver II Hair Hid.. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Mt Merlali Cem. Friends m.i call Suiil.iy evenlnir. 1 i:.NT. tie, j. JOSEPHINE SIMP-tdN. widow ,f II .rrv D I.enir.. nued ',1 Kola Kela tH s nnd friends me United te Attend fu tenil mnlii Mm.. 2 P. M. at her lata r'i.!ei, ,. 1102 N 13th st. Int prlxate I.EHHKH On Dec 3. 11121, SARAH I.CSHI'H need 7tl years. Servleen en Tuee. dn aft rn,Hin. nt 2 e'chick. at her Lite reslilence 3U2ti l'e'aum st. Interment prl Mite I. ""III: At Venlnnr Clt. N J Dec. I HAIIItlET IxllllS daunhter of Harr) Allen and Ella Mehrtnan tche. nucd 1.' Due 'M,tlri of funeral will b Klen I.O.NO I er 3 He AllilAM W. I.dNO. Ile'ntKen and friends Invtted te funeral eon eee. Tues s P M , at resldenr '. KBfl.'i Went Cliester tiike. I.lnnerch. Int nt Durhitn Pa. MntFAUI.ANl) Dee 3 11121. JOSEPH INE wire of Geerge MiePnrlind lte,iitles and friends milled te funernl Tins. I 30 1 M. residence 2221 .S. tilth t Sen Ices at St. James Church Klnpsesslnc, 2 30 P. M Friends tn t cnll Men eie. MAIS Dec 3. it)2. OhMIKiE In lne,l liuland i f Mary MtIs KelntlNes and friend", also em:'ees of Colonial Trust Ce . and Pi. Id e Pension Fund, Invltid tn fun, rn' Wid . 2 P M , fiiuii his late rsldnite ,Vie2 CeIiIih Cieek P.irkxn Irt West I.nuie. HI 1 ('em Ilemnlns may he lwed Tues, i M MITIN On Dec 3 1H21 KDWAltD -" MAHTIN Funernl sen Ices Tn sd i) 1 i i lock Inte resident- 113 N. Cil.w st . Media Pi Interment nrhate V.CFI.I iFHI Dec 2 MARY McCC!. Uil'illl Heliititfs mil frlinds nre Unit-' in ((' m fin-r.il Tu. s s 3(1 A M fr.. n ' er i lie leHlilenre, II.J N . lick MVe , 1 .' in- Pi I'hl'mr.n 1 " CI M i' ,1 . , 1 , Mii't 1.1 Y tr .if 1 ,1 1 mn i! . 1 1 n.l fun il h I late I SI IlI 1 ,'e Mi IN'T HE -MIRY 1 I.MR 'ir Helmuts s, r it'e, T'lt s '."il t Mule I n n hlKh innss at S' hnr. b at 111 A M I tit n . m . K. lis 1 1.1 Dec. 2. p 21 HELEN .Hueh ie Jhi s .ml Jar. F Mc es jnil frlinds .ire ini'til in t tin es. Met. 2 P M . at 11 0. 21 lit N I8C1 st. Int pi .ml ! nil en Dec 2. 1021 nld'iw nf J Russell Mt In 1 an I frlinil" milted 10 fun. -il 11 A M from res deiue, s Snnare. int prliate. M-.MK'N WIIN De I. PATRICK h' .11 nf I. me M-Menamlr Rtlatlie ,nl 'no I- a'' 1 Cathedril He.v N n.ie Sue e 1 11. .11. Itnl te nttend f J'V" .1. Wed 131 t M fn 111 his Lit" r"i'lei.. in'i lirud it 111 t Sub mn m.'K of 1 -ii n Si Kr s X . r - Cl.urth P A M : t 01 1 1 'he.lr tl c m l 'tU'RlRIE -At the lesidenee of her Ituuli M Mi1- Annie lieupiuln, lt-Mti-jn P.i I.. ., i.v.Mi: 11. dull' nf Samuel Mc.M lr' le p . , . it. 1 frl. nds In, uel t" sen Ice, I 1 - . p M .it jniier II llalr IliiU' . Ijii , ',. s't u -t Int. private. .11 llul'lt ' h' ' r, sldenc", l'i; .-t.-u'e De, ,1 M VI(V IlI.IAHETII till. ,1 1 I. M hi. !: iuli m nt St MlthB' .'s Ch'ip. 1 ','.1)1 1,1 1 tlllliaetl HIH . Wed., ltl.1.1 A il In 1 ni 1 l'r i nds may 1 ull I if s t fr. m 7 t '.i MILIill. D" 2 nf scarlet f-.er EI I. Null l'MM. I'li'Kh'T of lsnni an 1 Vnna M Mikll 1 1 I" 1 I'll ' il. R' sldeiu. . .121 1. W -' r - N . I'liternl. MeFI-IT'I M. I'leuiv Dec 4 1U21 Till iM.li 1: . ,,i husband of lli.sa ..,, tilt ' ti e Pr.ll.4' 11 li 4 I'.let l-ear RelH'lli Hill flit II Is ,lse II' Ill.ers of the Eet utile 1 tminl'ti 11. m Ward and finplees (f en. SttI -itti- s i tfi in"td te attend fune'al. Wed s A M . from his late n suit 1 . '.Is2 N Ittii'nll'h s HlKb Reilllem Mi's ' Lurch '.' Iniinai ul it.- Cnrceptlun n x M lit prn.itt. St. J.ht 'h (m. It-.K.e 1 1. N Y .IO.N M.IIW D 1 Fiji. MARY tt- f th- lit .1, hn J M'l.iitilii'i (net S'l.ufe- . icker) R-iit'iies .111 I Irlends of ih' faluin 'iii" (tn Ut .1 'u .tt'.ul f in..ral Wei. s :p) M . fi.tn 1..- leudfiit e, I72d t'nil rl.t et Mtu.a.i'Ji 1. Hum i.iiei. llutv l'.ifnil cr'ii h In . M In' 11 fstmlnster (.' m Finn- ildirt'tiir. Ii.hn F .MiCnriun Meltpis, 1111 Dn. I. 1021. (.HiLl.E--uiKli' ' 11 Ijjii'I u' Flu T Mi. lis ,f I1..1.I Rid, tie R'.atilis in 1 fru 1 '- . li 1 111 . I .. . . 1 t .7 F. jnd A M. .mil 'l ..'l.e ,r.- 11 tiient ..f v.- ih l.f 'in mem lii .ii mi It -1 te lu sr ..rii, .11 UettieH ili ff-le'iill. t 2 etIt.il.. at 12 Cl.i l 1 111 l.tiinitnt .- Ar.itm en ',. ... ij Fi.iii.lt '.tiv t.ll -t le2ii Cl."n.Jt -t Tiiis ',1 . 1 . nln4 Ml'IH HI 1 2. JeIIN F. hj-b.m I u' 1 cL.trine jMuiphy m e Duff: 1 P.eimhe .id :rlilH in- innted t. je.nl fumru. Wed.. s..lil A. M . It im Ills lite rtsi'etict 21"'i Jt'lfiTH.in et. S" tmr i..iin-ni tn.ise si ,:'l..l.. 'h s Lliuitli le A -M If. Het. l l-l-s c .IYFl 1 .le l il el . .- ii.. a lu s II I l.tt It I". IIUI. DAMI.L Ml l-l- .M ft'.m J. E Mi"l s nl N J. Il.l. . J i I .!..!. StU'tdT. 1 . a n'sie .11.."!' ' ff F'.' nl ii i1 -I ei ..'.:. I f r in . . 1 M 1' ' f Il-i I e'Ntlll i. i 1 ( itherint ''iv . 'in it ml fllen. I fn 'i 'I"! I..t. P thl. . h - L.-wre' ir. h ' a' 't i n it S.i re 1 Ii i! J 3v Cr tss li IE Pin ' RF'lll FVEI.IN ,.f ll'.w.irtl e.i .. liiMte.l I i .itund N .1 '1 tf'i 2! v wiii .iitii'T op:e Ke'ittut s n 1 frl. n I-lie- fuiitri' 1uestlu ' ti D--c. 1. " t ; I r. i lu. K fr. l.i ll tte M.if iniu et ' N P. 1 Is p M I i.t t, -. 'nte in. n eR'.-'l LIS' -In V-ii Yer'; '" i. CI i .pi. I. I' eRNSl : IN ( r Phit id. P.. 1.1 T li ..I..1 fll- I 'Is In t"il te servl' 2 :i P .1 at (''in- H Hair IL lg ches'nut ' . Phlia li.t prliate PAPE-D'i- 2 MR(.RET PA! 1 t.-.t,.... I. i it if . ..f Willi' r 'i Put" D K Hies in. I ti.erds im t"d tu funer. I s PI A M fl'illi I'Ul S 20th st i. uiein mist ut st Antlieiy h ' A M Irt Poly l'r. js cm. Re -. I 'i 1" ,1 frl-n.l- tr.il'ed ti.t!. Mi.n .7 1. i ' I'll ',11 - Dec 2 DA'.IEL II. hu il .1 ' ! Jusep'ltll. R P'lll-h Rl.UIVeS .11 I fielus un' I tu funeral Tuts. 2 P M . it" i s , .I, ''i 1 t N 4lu t Hit l. " l lluun ' in ln-nds mie i-all Mun uie PEl.ltY -Dec. 2 ELIZA T.. wif if la" Ml., t Peru- I -I'ti D i'IKl.elt.1 ' II- '.it l.s III I 'nt I is el- I lueml Ts it III'' I'lte p I ' h ir h 'f St Kb' He Inllled ;,. "n 'il i.il Tues 2 P ' resident i Uli.l II.' j, is i . I.e'.ii'lil .'a Int Nurth i d.ti HI I Cem Fiitr-ls m.e call M'.n "ie P1.AHH D' I I"-' MVIti.AHLT ' lUlgrlir of Ijl' Phll.p .lll'l ILilil.eh I. it.' It i.ttli"S nn.i til idi Inlteil I' ..tteni fi nernl Stf'c il bef It"!" r si lent It.'' N 17th ' Tuts . 2 P M pr. , . I't Nnl lhi ' d ' 111 PHEITYMW - 12!b Mn Ml Ds LE 1'ITI 1 l fe -f til" lilt'1 11 , ,1,1 ..n.l ujhi. "f tl." "' lr J"'' .TillH ll'pt.tl'' MJe'l ''" ll't'.ll'lea tl . r(1., - .. inv I 1 t. l"rd f JT.. I il e .- ,,H ,'u - J p '.' i r-si '. n. ' ir.i I. M. e In! l'O c Ri'lll'iitls Iliaj l". " i I ll i e.e Q' INN- 1'-' i M UY 1 . wlf of Te n M yj ni 'lee ' isbi ' Dui mer 'tn'.v,-i li an I Re atliex and trends also I' V M Sndillti S.ift.d lle.irt Sue! -tt uf ' dreg. uiys Chunh in' pel te furer.il. M"n s 'in AM. from resubn e 17u3 N .1.1'h t Se i mn idtuiem matt St Gitgi;r s Cliureh 10 a M Int llei Cress KV en Dee I lli'Jl IFF MILLER RY R ii'lies "I I 'Nereis a.-n I e.Ue Nn J, p hi .1 1 II '- In.lt-d t i 'he seri ee nn Men I i 2 P M ii fie (hut II Ilalr IV Ij 1". n ''his f i si In' i r I a .- pfl-l M"VD - e . I'"" 2 I'i21 FRANK LIN PI riM( ND int" 1 'i.l leiM Sen Ires en Tu' 'lav nfliit nn j.t 2 u e', , k ,u He r-sl-, i ,f his r'l'yf.ttitT M sl ' MacIntlTe 1P3.1 S Satt.iln st Interment prlinte Fi mils may it 1 Vendiy eie. mg REMDE t At a nn 'In ' J Dc 4 M1RIE. iiidnw -of Las II -li il-. niied nl se lines W. t 1 P il lit 'I ' e par m a e' I.ehlgh av . rins A Kir. hmr llih et and I Philail Iphl.i mi ijviuian i.uineraii ' em in I I I. ll N'l .in II VI. I'll I. husband nf He en Srannl-r ar I s n of Hibeerii C nil littt J...n S p.llter R"lntlis unit rlerils ii'.s.i lleh iei rnnd ledge, N (13d F nnd A M . mp'uiei, uf Ph'la E'.r'r i u , nr" Inilted in funeral Mun 2 P M 'nte rrsldell'" HJIi N' 4 1 Ht st Int Arllnrf tun fern Ft lends mat call Sun. ei ROIIHINS-SWEETF.N -N v SO, 1021 if Denier. Cel MII.I'RLD .MESEC nlfe c Leslie Rnbblns and daughter of Wliteii L and late Nera D Siuei-n. nieeii 21 Ren ilv and friends air Inilted tn attend fu teral lilies Men 2 P M at a.nrtmni' W II M lturrell 1.7 Mnik"t st i mid. r N J Int prhat'. IlaneUh Cem Friends ,( et i siiln 7 tu 't p M RFSSEI.L t V. illi'in N I I". -llr'l J 'MES II his'.ind .f Mini I. I.J i-el ii god ild llel.itlt.s rl fil. i.tls ar i i t.. tiit.n.1 funi'-C M .11 I ' ' ' 1 M from his hit" r. sldeiu 100 Hunt-i W- edimry N ! , I"' , V' n 1 i In, Is may call Sun T Ji'O P lil-TII flee 1 JOsEPHl E urliil It WI , I'R vlfe of (ietire II Ruth Relntl friends, nlse Cmenant chnpter Ne E S. and Relchnrdt Menierln i . .u -. .. t nre Imltetl tu attefiil 18'.' ' um N filne- enlces M'.n . 2 P .M ,-!'."" "in S. huyler Hldg Dm id and Dlam in.1 sin Htrl t y pr'iai" Remains may l.e-il SUHl"llFYLEl'' Vl"' 1. ELIAIVEIH lmii'VI. nird 7.1 I' line il Her is j ... ., . .- -.---. - ... ... . II li 'lufs 7 Ll I' M fl m n"r Viinu'n aie . lUddenlleld. N r"H.enei s J. Int liln SEIOFORD At P.iell Pa. Dee j us Nil" MAY SI.KiFeRD (nte llessiteri In her 4(lu'i sear He atli h and friends t e invltel lu atund fun.rni fi ml her lat" irsllenre Itenle Hie l'.l"l I'a lues i I" .11 i.rli it Remains u. i 0 P M lu ll I Mui, VDF.HTMiEK'- m fly BROAD Abe IC DIAMOND EVENING PUBLIC '. DEATHS SHAY Nev. 30. at Miami. Fla.. JAMES A . mnn nt Inlit tnmaa a Ht Ann VlhrtV Het it. mes nnd friends Invited te funernl. Tues H'.Ad A.M. Inte reslilenen 7 flreenwav Ale Darby, Pa. Solemn requiem mass St. Clement's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cruss Cem. SHEARMAN On Dec 3. 1021. MAH- OAIIET n. II., wife of Lieutenant Walter L. I Shearman and daughter of the late Captain T. II I.. Panne, and Marv Reslna lMvim. Ilelntlies and friends are Inilleil te the serv ices, en, Wednesday afternoon, nt 2:30 e'i lock a the residence of I er sister, Mrs FlnrlntU llrltlen. ,142.1 Market at. Inler trint nt IVmwoed Cetretiry. Friends may cull Tuesday eveftlnc. SHORE At Oc an City, N J. Dec 3 fermerli of Oolllnirstveod. " J , THOMAS W . husband of Mary E Shet, ltelatlies and friends ar" tiniled te attend seri Ice, Wed .IP M . at chapel of Andrew J Ilalr & Sen. Arch and lOUi sts.. Philadelphia. Int tt.,,-11 Un.l.l.nlt. r. It l 1 1. !.. n.. Tll illlllll .lll.l.l-.IIJ ... ..III.. till., I, II H CI . A YORK, husband of llerthn M. Smith (nee ll.irrlikl Rem mis will lie tnken te Wilkes llsrre Pn . for burial. Monday. December .1 STOKES At Mnnrestewn. N J.. Dec. 3, N NEW). IN STOKES. JR , husbntid of Helen D Stokes, tir his tieth jear Rela tives and fr 1 (ids nre Invited te attend funernl Men . 2 3d P M.. from Trinity Church. Moorestown. N. J. T alti leaies Market st ferrv Phi a 1 30 P M . for West Moores town Kind 1 emit Mevers. RirPPI.EE. Dec. 1. MARY A. JOHNSON widow of l. Alexander Supples. Relatlies and friends United te funeral services Men 2 P M . at her late resldence. neil nidft aie Falls of Schuilklll Int. prlvnte, Laurel Hill Cem. SWEENEY tier 3 .V21, MAROAIlET. widow' nf Michael Sweeney (nee, Toland) Ilelallies and friends are Iniltei) te ntttud funeral. Tues . S 30 A M., from the resi dence of her nephew Jehn Telnnd. 2132 N Pnrk aie. Solemn reiiuktu mnss, C.hurth of Our I.ndy of M-rry 10 A M. Int. New fntl edral Cem 11IIIIAFI.T Of St Davids Pa. Dec 3. 1 I. WIS RODMAN husliinl of A.lele It c tlilbault and son uf Mrs Oierire T Traev r Lvierli. N. J . i.nd tl'e late Carrow Thl bnnlt Funeral se-iites Tues, 10 A M., at hl tcsklence, St. Hiiiids. I'.i Int lVesitild ' rileMPSON I i.f 2. El.I.AnEI'H A., life if ll.nl'l J Ttnmiunn Relntlien nnd in. mis iilt"d te f'tni'inl -trili-es lees. 2 '(it P M 1731 Fmbrla st , Mannunk Int 1 Hint.' Friends may call Mnn eienlnu TIIIM'l On Die 1. P'21 NORA II . 1 Id. in nf llllibetil T.-eife, nitetl .17 e.irc. ReLltllcs 11 11 1 friends He inilfd tn the seri ii'i s nti Metid.ii nfierniiii 1 2 u'clnck. at hi r let- resld'ti" IMS N "'Olh st Inlet n ent M intine Ceni' 1'1'PERMAN At Cnnspnhiii ken. Pa . Dec " 11121 MARY, wlie of dinr'ei Fpperm.in (nee Hnltnian) Il'lntlies nnd friends nre In tiled lu attend f"neinl. frum her mntber's re' I I ! ce. Mrs Charles Cauiel 211 E (llh ite Censhnhni ken Pi Wed. 2 P. M. Int Illiertlde Ccm Frltnls may call Tues af'er 7 P M. WM.TERS Dec 2. ALICE, widow of Oenrtte Walters lne nt Ull Tree .,1 Rel-i-Tjitt i"d friend., are Inilted tu nttend fu net'il Tni a . 3ii A M . fr. in the residence nf her "Ister. M'e Ellen Ittirldcj, 142S S pub st Snli n n miits of renult in, St Frin r' il" Snles' Chuicli lu A M Int. Hel Cress Ce.n. WI.WEK -Dee 1 EDWMtD T . husiinnd , f Emma Weaier Re, allies and friend" also Anna M Russ Pest Ne r.s I. Jr 0 F A M are int Red te nttir.'l futler.il serilces M n 2 P M . Int' residence 11121 E H"ii. 'nn Ht Int prliati. North u'edir Hill Cem Friends may '! Sun . after 7 P M. WKl "ill SmldtP'i DC I. FRANCIS s nt'ar 1 f l'il' Cnrine" W' .ci and sun .' 'tie li'e P tilek and Fllen Welsh Reat'v, ! mil fr'er.ls, .t'-tt II dv Name Sieieti .ire 't. .-led te ult 111 luii'Tiii, ill's,, -s .up , m from his I. it- t'sidence, illtis (! rtn m'e.ir ..1.. se enn. re.iu in mass nt st Vinci Paul's Church 10 A M. lit West n.l. ..I. . I 'l llt ViiicrTT Dee 2 HENRIETTA Idov t' Charles s W" cett. .iRed 77 Fl. resi- i hi s rl c h 11 "i . 1 ..in i- .11 . ni. .line (,111 l..m i" 1 lie, i.ii.rien, j Itlt irltate t ie ll.tie i -ti iN ti 2 P M FrletiJs nay 11111 lues eie 1 1 J D- e 2 .it hei i' si 1, ti t. iie-ni u.ti'itn ISAIIEI t.. 271 ii l't. ,'f Wl'-.ttl WjiU" Sen Int lir.ie't ii-i'ic.MT -.' t l.tiilll" P.i D-i 1'iJI I ink 1N' 1'eHEltTS Wltll.IlT wlf. 11 Wr'uht nse.l iitiicivtH aim ft e nils fantr.il from 1 . i. te : lni t. d te t Fnn le p.i M.m . I .ID p M im prist. .1 em I met i t r.i n nt I leiil.l.t He Id St Mil . I'll 'a , 1. II.) PARCEL POST It takes the p'ace of ex pensive soap ( hips, soap powders and t jilet soaps. Each (Jiant taite Is a Full Found 1 Ozs.) of Superiine W.'.ite Lasting Qui' ity SAVE 5 WRAPPERS FOR THIS OWE Set of G heavy silver plated teaspoons i i "Pend Lily design" given with 5 Novelty wrappers and 25c cash. An Extraerdinrry Oiler Simply mail 5 Novelty Borax wrappers and 25c cash te DAY & FRICK'S. Gift Dept., 17G0 Heward St. We send by parcel pest. Otter Expires Dec. 10th. FOR YOUR AUTO SIMON Heed & Radiator Cevers Preietit 1 reeling Keep in the best and lave gn lull I H i.lillnued "IslneHH f. ii as- -H I. ft StlillM last $1.00 te $7.50 Iu ' lire filed In IM!' 'II ' '" (I li a (.dine ear and med. I of ur ,r i, i , r and let us fit it S. C. SIMON, 2057 Orthodox St. I'l.en. Ke 'Oxford 3'JSH Fr'nUnrd. I'lillit 175 cer BICYjCLES WHOLESALE and RETAIL CO in KEYSTONE CYCLE CO. Ill) N. Fourth M., Plilla. DIAMONDS BOUGHT i f ish ni Id t ui.re. rt. jirj.1 ii iir.ii.'St 40fll. V,1inttut,riV.?,VVur:tl"l.leV.,,r0',4 -tr,r,rtnr.r.rtr.r.r.. -- I Novelty Borax Net..rrsesys.ese..ss.e. s.s..vAWAwM,.Nev-ki ( f ereTr-1; tj-jiii 'Ttl-rs., l. : j J S MHBItit ti'f tt " !" ' iu iit H 19 ai' i H" ' '""S0" lib .' tlie f LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, : ' LOST AND FOUND tmOOCH Platinum circle, hrrterh with sm.ll I diamonds, lest NeveT.iber 80. Heward If I returned te J. B, Ctldnell A Ce. , UIIIEF CASE, lest this morning. Ileute 17, I containing- ledcer sheets and postcards. He- ward If returned te 734 Preen st, 2d fleer CIRCLE I-n.t diamond elret. in .iin.i Sat be, tl and 7 P, M.; Walnut and I7lh..l Chest nut a nd IHth, llh. reward. Wd.d. Hilda W fauaf.l 1V.I .1 tlllfll tt' DIAMONDS l.est, Nev 2V. 2 dlnmnnds In Platinum nezeia xrnm rini. in or near Ittllevue-Stratferd. Heward If returned le I J C. Cft'dwell At Ce, EYEGLASSES lest, 0 A. M. Hat., en elciater ' , or street, 8th. Market te Franklin and ! Cherry Iteturn 3!10 Pennsgreve st. Re-1 iv ijr iL Pres ten 3174 J. , (ILASSES Iist. pair of uinsses. In case. Hreen st near 201h, rewnrd. 03(1 N. IHth. itlNO Lest, diamond ring In oldTiishfened , gii.d seltlng, Sal.. Dec. 3. Reward If re turned olflee Hetel Lerraine. i ,,.,.,.,. . . , Vi ATI II Lest ndles' wrist watch, blue hpiI geld vnatns led. Suiidn,v neon. Iietween i Reading Terminal and llread St. Station. I Finder please return te 211 ,N. 33d st. and1 reculie reward. PERSONALS THE FOLUnVINO PERSONS must pay their storage bills or goods will be seld: Agnea Washington, 2O02 N, 17th st. Emma Swlnter. 2223 t'nthurlne st. Jehn Ward. 1313 Arch st Mr Unldberg, 4173 I.ydlg nve. Jehn Hnllwav. 471 N. leth st. POPISH STORAOE HOUSE, 1011 POPLAR ST. OOINO SOUTH? A lady taking charge nf a home In the best residential part of Miami would like te tor ter reiind with 1 or 2 Indies" who would be willing te Jein her nnd share their portion of the runnlni; expensi s for the 3 winter inentl s commencing January 1. C 114, Ledger Of lice. t l.OFIs" LEVIN trrilltig ns Colenlnl Dell lati'ism. N W eer 57lh r.nd Catharine as sni his business te HenJ Hi'lmeMteln, Ml rredlters will please present claims nt tbuie address or te Levin 720 Wolf st., net nier thin pecemlwr 8. 11121. JAeK Please tome home nt once 'IH-'L fiilil JiiUi. liT'EMi M RINKLES ti freckles remove I. Madame 1 Paumard.131 Renl Est Tr. Illilg. Wal.OlBB, HELP WANTED FEMALE A PERMANENT POSITION u here prei'eus experience unrecessars?" IS OPEN FOR YOU If inn nre n eung iieniaii between 18 and 2.1 eara of age Ii pus ieu SI I n week nt the stnrl nnd iifiets unexcelled opportunity for ndinnce it nt In responsibilities and salary. tlss Sleiens.in nt Hill Arch at., will h, . .id te bait-' M)U come In nnd get further nfurtii.itiei. HELL TELEPHONE CO. IK eKKEE.'ER and e'etingrnpher. expert. f..r week Dee r, te 10. for bn7anr exins exins len Atipl Mrs. Hobsen, Roem 32.1. Rut rttn llldg.. Monday mm nine, bit. 10 nnd 12 ..' ,. rk , s eKKEEPER'S ASST nr'l Hteneitrnrhe'r" rxp., Jept'iililile i nd nceunite; heur.i S;3.) i .130. tV'iti-stint hlg"! nh"i'l ar.id.. un-t-uni eppntnult.i fi-t constlentleus worker, c fi3 Ledger Office CLERICAL OlRl..- D'. TO 17 YEARS OF ACE FOR MISCELLANEOUS CLERICAL WORK IN OCR HOLIDAY DEPARTMENT.'!. EXPE RIENCE V N NECESSARY- KINDLY lllll.M! Yet'Ii HIRTII OEP.TII PJATE. SEARS. ROEIIUCK AND ill ROOSEVELT ll(Jl'I.E ARD ' e"K aid downstairs iverK. no w.ti-hlng. App'y JUL! Walnut jit. i. A DIES See ii'i.ter busitiesa tippuriunllles, 1 arty watilcdfer i te.nietn. .lAI.Erfl.ADlES i pt iPintil. fur nxr the ll.' Jil.llH HO "1 "ll.liy Pllll. llNll eXtr.l HtllS jet.,., fut .--aturila" nfteriiuiii.s c ,-,in, l.iln en Fl '. I'l'YER ns .Htani liiini.il le. ,,i eittii't uiii't-rtuiiit v m.. b iffer.il t.t tut mi. en uiailtj. u-i.y the--" with exierl.tiit ,e. ' ,i" ii in an wirilin sti in f-Mitiletee s.t'.in tlesipd .md full part culurs P :! I I.- J.-"r elf.te SAL1 sU'dilEN I xi.-r.ti. e i .,' ii. I'tss.irv. If tun Ilk- ..ut- I- i tteik .tt..l c.ci tin iilsh go hi thirariti r-r. ii.-es ne i.ui gin itu ivrrnai" nt em ' n.t nt at a ruO'l huI.iii with pi .-pe'ts r a gwed t 'uniern line ,, . '.. I g. tUtlll". te till.' "ItltTH dlmt fiem it ti beietsil lirlteH f .1 our II- grei erics, suli aa sUKar, soaps. I- t tc I Ml'LD FOvlD DlfrlULFTells i ur Caiitiivh II mil li .iter Hts .'IP.'eOR M'ilEll and ukHlsi.initiuiKi 'i, lt "'.uabl . rd a. curat. . biu-' S.3P - .t ', J'lM'ealant high k li'.tt' .rl i.i. w'i'i " I'jnltv for ltlIl'-l.ll.ntleu i . -I I le i: efflct. 1 ,:V'iiHAI HER fu.-tCl .st i.ff Atis. "in i "j.. uuni iMti ii yj, l i.e.i etr 'MAN t' uu haie t.T t nn l c . In.- ;u,tl it. .'" iuli eari e irn J.'Pi tie, k i with nn i nlit ' I'.rm luhPien mubt lu filled at 1 ' 4-"' I.eduer Of lire MAN "dui.itcd. wnnted for spare-time m Ing sil.iry whlle learning (.' 330. r uftn.". WOMEN il.il. . tetjuire a number nf urei.g uemeti of at ai'oeuiance tu de clitinlmr. pply Em i i r.t Hureau fourth tl " r lil.MIIEL HilUTHEII.-i ll'H'IL.N 1 he 'earn vellllist. 'I ' C .1.11. tapabiti wen, e.ti.tl JIM) Iy.li.ir until 1 1, it anted Jinmissiuii 'I Ni. WOMAN us usslhtunt In dental "III e, pil.,n. piUltl" gru.iln and p. truing net i.'r.u'iitlnl, di'Mrahle uoslllen P'lHun uf re.'iiieineut p 817, iedner iff (linrral M stiil. MONEY AT He.Ml 1,)u ran earn frni tl te $L an hour In lour Hpar in. wrltltiK Hhew taids, (julcklj, easily en t. , l.i our new simple mtthej, no tan- etinrf r Hn.litllntf w teach ou hew. tni e stiudi work at home and pay i t vjiIi wtek full p.irtlculais booklet Ineiican Hhew ( jrd Kclieul, Uept. -i" Rr e lld . Toruiite Canada, HELP WANTED Women Hinted te leurti nurMnn. deina.id si mn luati suppl, keuiI .ui), learn al I in in simre time, earn i.lille leamlnn, ii i'e tuition can le earned In few wetk.. t- i . I ff i inc.udiutf freti nursus hijii i.i.i.i iirltn fur fu 1 paitkulats CHICAile i' lioei, OF Nl'RMNU Ll(.pt. F. l.'l h Islilitljl Pud , Cblcas'i III Me.MEN or ini'ti. C'Plmc tettcs. mallitnr (lieu.irs etc at home ill or spare time, I 'k weekly Iniunie fur honest sincert per .. ns , vierlen u unnii-essary . splendid ttav ' ni, nsltlen nl.sn open COMMERCIAL I.RVIi E RL'HEAL'. Dipt. Ull) laabell i I' dC 1 llleatie , i SELL FH YOUR SPARE TLME II. will train I'm le write sheinarils fur us nn lariiasslnir or vellcltlimr. w supply u with steady work, distance nu object, will pa 'u from 113 te f.10 a week, Wilsen M Ihode. I Imltl'l. Dept JI, 111 E.lHl Rich Ill I. Turj nte Canada ce-tTlME deHlicn f.iHblen I lumratlen also puiti-rn drafting, cutting. flttlnK. diiipliiK ti, 1 iiilllluerv ileHlun' learn from er'Uiiliu-nt. urt' teal eiperts In surnrlslni!l sl.uit time, miii.iflteiii salaries ijuliKlv iiirned Fashion . i.lemi Dept L HU1! North Hread ht RAII.WAf ll ill and itent.il c.erk ei tn.'lia- I tlens iihT'i 11 upward. IIIK) 'iienibiy exn I ii'ine.'est tey Fer free partli uliirn wnte p. S i-clieni Clill Service. IPI- Euultubl. llldi; . i ni.bintem D C EARN f-'.l" weekly spurn lime wrltlni; for nvwspapurH manarliieH, exp .innie ib '.l.s free Priss Hyndltute. UL' Ht Iuls. i ivii. r.i.I.V.C'1. oxaniinatlens Jan nnd Feb , inanv vacanclesi salary JllOO-tlHOO! wile fir siriple lenl P 14SI. L-ilger llfflrs JIELP WANTEB MALE I a"' I'el'Nl'ANr with exet jtiie ablllti t.t take 'harm of all r.c(s.utiilnK and tu n mae He ufflre if 'uiiufacturlnif il.ini n' e who has had "ii. In the mirment iiulusirv pief i 'i ntine'its mad b lellein i nli te lbni i tiHiviTiev briefly tlie following iiuestluiie 1'. hi n I'i'l wtiuie lern. niarr'i d ei H.nule i. lul.m edui itl'in. SP :in,l salarj eiie. led Rih. n ui RreH . Fex and yeHtlnereliuii sIh, IILEACHER nnil'flnlsher, first class. A1. of a'-e curtains, aiipllcatlnns will te. trinted nrlctly lenflderulal U Ul 1 e. Ilex 84SI IteOKKEKPEIl uk- entlr. el.iuv aci eunt In Industrial luarufacturtntf plant must Im familiar with ctt system, pajrell and collection, must come veil recommended iimnnent position, state txivrli nee, nil Kim exiH-cted. P S2(l Ledirt-r Office. ,'7rl, itncFFPEH wiinled, slat me, must '' KAl',riSr"renTe!,,0c' BnA Leth?e,' Offlc. HELP WANTED MALE AnE YOU CONORATUI.AT1NO YOURSELF as you take stock of your achievements for the year new hcadlnc toward Its end! Or am you loeklns; back mere or less regret fully en months spent te peer advantage, effort expended for unsatisfactory pay and Initiative and energy wasted en some, work ,j..ve,? nanny worm nn nmmunus man's lest en- If "yes" is vnttr answer te this i " second question, make, up your mind right new te sen te It. that 1D22'S Inventory tells better and mere encouraging tale: let us help ou te find leurself nnd le get you off i en the Jump Inte 1022 at earnings higher thnn you've eier steadily earned liefere, under the guidance nf n mnnAcrnr nt per. sennel who'll hale jour best Interests ilwaya al heart and with work te de that will com cem inand both jour respect nd jour loyalty; thn opportunity we offer will extend te Jeu for life, with freattent advancement along the way, our success and geed reputntlen . will be the guarantee cf lour own geed for- ' tune and prien or cirecr If ou are a (lentlle. 25 or ever, call, 10 te I, Suite 110s. Lnnd Tltle nnd Trust IJldg. ItllAKR MELTEUS FOR PIT FI'ILVACE APPLY IN WHITINll TO F-21. I. O, HON 3elH I HIUCKLAYERfl II hours per week, B8c per lour Pirnianent poslllen, full-lime wetf. fur geed inn. Atlantic Refining Ce., Enililevnicnt IVrL. 3141 Pnssyiitik ae CARPENTERS Kp rarte nterswnntert for eutHlile steady work; must Isi first -cImsi linen. IK hnuts per week; ra'e 4a n,i hour, Aiplv Emp. Den:. 3144 Pussyunk nve. CASHIER'S ASSISTANT Olil-eslabllshed firm of stoikhrekers reqjlres servl es of a yettni man te act aa nsslstant In their csgn; some stork brokerage expe rience essential, g md opportunity fur ad vancement, implications, whlth will lm held In strict cenflderce, Miituld Btate iige, ex perience, s.i nr' desired Address llrekerit, rare uf Mates Adiertlslm; Ce., Uullulin Hide.. Phlia. COLLEO''! ailADFATE. recent, chemical or I e. ecu I'll cnglner. under 2.1 venrs of age, j for sales eiiglti'-ertnc work with old well- ! established manufacturing (encern; must I led Plume or write for appointment befote ' calling r i' ng me iirenn insiiuiieni I.O.. ivinn. Junctiu Wjemlng nni'O. COMPETENT FOREMAN i Comiieslng roem: out of town; large plant; small composing roem: ex perienced .mil possessing executive and mechanical ability, state uge; s.tlary $00 per week, C 322. Ie'dger Offlce DESIC.NLR md p.iilein','.iil,er, exp., en muslin uti.ler'icnr an I flannel iili'l,tr"i"ns WiltR" "'JJ'iHi'U'J'L J HLfJn2l1' l PESIONER i.nd Ml'iTils't jn Wltun and cbenlll" i ugs Addiess, tinting rxn refs. ul iiiitlli lisitlun P "-In.edger lfflee. foil EM A K'ECREAM FM'TORY Estnb- liHlntl u hull ml" Ice creim mm uf.ivturer In New tirl; City wants cxixirlen.v.l fure- rmn wlu uuderst'ir.tls mixing, pasteurising, I frees' tig, m.ist aim undei stand lien and . fumy fuitns, perm.ii. cut pnH'tien, oppeitunltj for adiaiieeiiii nl, no want .ihlllij mil kne'vl- etl.'e. no I-fclnnern n'etl appl Art. liens. stating age. i'if'ii"i" and w.tges d '.'lied, i' I C Klls II' "I-t ti Ne. Y' rlt "eniVraver One "ii'ible of doing Ii rb. si grade gr rtlrg cinl iunk knewltdge of 't tiering desired, but nut n'iCHH.iry, Hvtid samples and state H.ilaii t-xpttitd In firs, letter. The Cli.cln null rt Publlshli.u Cu. injl Riealii.u. Clnrtl.iatl. Ohie. Jelt PRINTER, first "class non-unien: 14.1. Is-lmiir wttit, sold H.unpl'is of work. P. O. It. 1720 Atlanta On. . Mil "nil ivti'i-! f,.r iiiit-ur.tiiivii. man t r.auffi'iir. 'life us (null, JteutI li' it' l"r light p. rti Call .tluieinv iiierniiie' l'-0 Clli'l el. .. . Trui l ltlll'SpiUC"3P". MEN - An iiiil.iHtabllsbeil motertruck ti.tn inrn. liming recently premuti '1 n ii'iinber uf lie n in Impntii.t xenitl positions tuv 'ii: HuhM.intl.il Htilailes. il-Hirei men. 2.1 te f.e lentH in till th" Pt.ic s of thes" men. that Un i nun I. Teme iMUipD'd for himlliir pru pru mutienB nt t.irll date .,. Mr l. M.ll.ib RES.-EMER Mill OR TRL'CK CO. ElO'.i LefUHljt MI.N "wANVEIi" He uu Wilting te help Us till ltd" en- bust ..tn and te creat. for inute-lf a p. rinan 'tit ii me. Hun with mi "id ' M.il'ile'u.1 li'isli'.-sa? I' ., ii' n i;,:i2 Cemmer. In' Trui.t Hlilu MOI'il'lPn kevbearil oi'rVers iiimtpe u.it lnnlHt and prlnterH, uf . n Hhep li liulirH, Htendv pu.ntlen. geed pi:- te competent lellable men t .t in n l-ni.'l M u-tl.' Tjp'setting Ce Chi .11.. .. III. hAl.!-MMA.N -Resl.lelit 111 III for P.-IIIlSi 1- i'iiiiU iiantttl by lare ninnuf.iciurer et silk blouses iiiiisi be experletici d In se'.ilni; hluli-xrnd" nu 'tli.iuillse te lei'dlnir tetullerr, 1'inimlns'. .1 I i is iMh Is api'laltl line. w 11 madi , vill ei j n.l price,! te h"l.. can . iniifltaMy hrrdled li n Junction iiPh uil.tr reatli-tu-.t ar small line, utuieu I.i I ilUiiliinl anu i.-.l alieltlsed. Htirllii; e.imiile iii.d men. j -in iltli.s cppeitunltv for last lliu busiiien-ui tiers, wrlt'i full p.irtlcu Iuif E.i. n Wt'st i'u , Mh and I)tu-i at' . pi'llnd.lnl i.i !'t tS,tI,Ell.N A lu.inti aa cHinan v hn ii i predu er if neu.ls and wantlui; te t.ialie n iitm.ineut cunpie ion with ii manufacui' t of ..ti iis'.iui-eit of national leputatlnti wilt find thin .ff'i- uri i jn i ptletinl this Is h toil eppirtunlty for it reil man, aalery and c. in m'rslen. Apply Char Inn M atleff, Inc., 1717 ClaMnut et SALESli N Wan' I a salesman who un ecrHii ids hew t. seli'lt orders en braH, Li once ml aluminum i ..ntlncs pi ihe tiade. nr ntlrnrtl'tf. efter will Int euhtmtttd tn the i an of Ifi'tn.rlL who can ihnw u ucnid' a I iQinmunli atlnns stii-te cenfldentl tl Address In the llrsi m t.-iiee tn M 7HX. Iiedvir Of Ih e SALESMAN wanted Manufacturing retuern wanta A-l harduarc and neielty salesman te handle all-Heason useful household arti cle as side line, Keed condition. M 712. l-eilner Office MI,rsMAS- En., 't npprirtunlty fur niie vi hu Is ii 11 1 int. I' tnrk. automeldle Insur ant c experlente p'.-if i re 1 but net nenMs.iri , until salaiy tu -ur eualifl atlm.i fjliy, iilsu lelephme nun e P Kill, ladgrr Off .SAI.EBMAN W.u n.l i unij man win liiis bad exprrlmeu tn ,alnt store or paint de partment te repp sent ild-estalillshed tarnish manufacturer In Ivnusjitanla ,i it.n I edner n'fPe tiALEsiMAN. (uierliiK i.'iii.iH't's, terilte ntn ntn tlens, le handle i iiulpinetit preposition as side line or deiete whole time, ixiluslit iiirltery allotted cimmls-.en basis, no In leHtni'Pt re.iulrnl M 714 I edKni (Iftlre. SALESMEN WANTED $2.1 non per year up le mles. men who wdl nut us In tun li nlh rerpiiriitliins. preft rab y dliltlead paying, who haiu from 10u ateiknnlders upwatd. Our object Is tn wi ur.' a.11: tlulial tapllal quickly tu l.irun amnuntH fur Huch eurperutUius for the sale uf Hteck. Very lit-' tin of lour time reipiliei aim biitidhiime eitrwr'tlui; en a.l sales made. SIluRE LINE REeltlLVNIZA. TIO.N & FINANCE, I'HRPURATION 10 West 4lth street, New Yerlc City HAMiESMF.N Wanted by lll'CKl.EY SHIRT AND UNDERWEAR MFO CO. tit,.i ralesmui for Pi im.jluinla. Mmiui,, West Vlrulnia. our truly wen lurtui niHile. to-uiL-asure line fur 10',".' Is li.u rtadi. prli .- low and terms le H.il-sinen ,,nd uhi um m meHt llbtral, and our salcrtneii hi su (.( Hn ful cieryivhere. iirufurtnee alien ii, Hamsun n Willi an established trade but uthe h luu will Im Klyt-n fairest cinslderut'en Write nt one. Blvlnu full parllcuhirs and 1 bink S!"1 i2n.?ith G ""'fence'. HM" and llii sts., tilt tUQUl.1, JJO, DECEMBER 5, 1921 HELP -WANTED MALE SALESMEN Openings In our Plillnilelp'nla bratch, newly established, nfferil excellent opportunities le qualified men, ... . The eorperallon advertising, offi cered by a large greuis of scientists, mechanical and electrical special ists, chemists and business experts, Is expanding Its sales organization. The Mltractlveness and salahleness of our w dely dlierslfled products constitute the Ideal Its-entlle te re sultful nnd extraerdlnnilly profit able snles effort. ..... Actual s-iles experience Is desirable, but lark cf It will net disqualify ap plicants who haic latent posslblll pesslblll t'es which wn feel ran be cultivated, and who will Impreie under Intel ligent development and direction. Yeu will net be expected te under take the performance of sales with out thorough preparation nnd train ing. We will duplicate in Phila delphia the Intens le sales ceurse from which vl tuallv all the cor poration's commercial cxecuUvn grnduated. Ne Hie man can enter our organl erganl organl ratlen and fall le catch and ro lled the same spirit that Is push ing te success the big "business getters" new here. When accepted, ynu w'll eerie at first during th ulucatlenal period, In our financial department, ' upon an cuultable commission basis. All lepllcs will be held strictly con fidential. Ambitious men i.heuld communicate with us. We knew Hint our nrgnnlznt en Is Just the Hert with which the "regular fellow" tlcslrs te associate himself, M 71S, I.eduer Office. SALESMAN te sell H sr cent first mortgage lenl ist.iti bends; le-st preposition en mar ket. IP'ei tl commission. i icfercmcs. e. U. I anslnuer 13n S 1.1th st SALESMAN Exisrlenceii man te sell De.Ua I cars; tints tic eicr 2.1 eurs of ne. P j -2l, Ledgjr JfTlce. SALESMEN Adtl te our Incline cxtrii 1 .mas money iirmatunt. pleasant proll' prell' nble business In yiur cemmunlly, 30.yinr 30.yinr eld Phila liuiise. exeluslve territery: exp. net necessary. nKe makes no difference, euiy work, eruers ier inr nn si'rciaiiiea inw I. tuii.es. new tare tinning plants, da li las. 'eeeds, ferillU'rs, wholesale, retail; commrs cemmrs commrs slens adinnied en, signed erdetH, b'lvu act.', refcrtnees iujj (y)?ACH lt-)iirseLl lg . Phlln., Manager I F,L1MEN Ofiloe .ippllance salesmen, wl7l B.ie e elleiit territory te 3 lliu tnet.; op I tm tunlty le makn pcrmanept connection 'with large cel poratlen, will tensller only I ttr.t.eliss Hilesmen or men who bate held ex ei utile pos tluns and deslr" te beronie Hales iiiei.. ( it"n 1 t" )'"i short reuri.. in Hales it.nni.hlp tem'tilsnli.n basis. Arrange up- p.'liil-nent tin ur nmun. .inn ei nmu, SALESMEN .10O per month new being earntd bi sales agentH In Pennsylvania s-IIImt Wales Addliiii and Poekkeeplng Ma chltes, we arp about le open n few new ngencleH un tl i State and will assign Sev ern i teuntles te guaranteed territories nnd will "ay a eri jitteru e itnn issien te men selicti'd. this Is -in exc llent opportunity for srteeinity snit siiieii i rue or can en w. JI. MeFirintul. 1C1.1 Chestnut t Phlln. SALESMEN Ut limit blk i Bnnle saleHinen tu i. nre te Alii iituwn, pa . iii sell shares In Allir.t nin's Ciiintiiep'lal It mkli g Institu tion, JI.OliO IIO'I lHUf. I' ll'ltcd liv b"t bUHl I, ess anil pnifess.luniil men. hlkhes. commu nion pHbl this Is 11 ilrst tlass sullliig pruposl prupesl lluii fet ie.lit tin r itfirenes .iti(' beiid ru iiumd A.l Hess (t.uk'llb.ictl A. Ce.. Inc. I It It liuli.llni. All.'iituwn Ji 'hAl.l.SMLN lalllni. uii piumberH nnd stenm lilttrs. te sell hlgh-grnd. adicrllsed re peat M't vi iltn'S, as sid line en liberal tom tem tom nilFHlen l.as h Addrt hh, with particulars, Detniiil Mfi: Ce. .10 Cliff at New Yerk I Cltv. nre of llenrv Stein HAI.ESMEN Are seu Hilling te worn hard deer tn deer en a roil mencj-mnklng preposition? Consult us we enn effi r ou mure than anl.edv tse If teu qualify then will be a permanent position for iej with a 3.1-M-ar erg 1 111 it Ien spetnlln'i millions of i-iiiitit in ...i..-itiaiiihl t ..uuiti-eetii, aii'it ( nlumhln itr.iphophene Ce . .10 N. ilth nt. feMrFurnii.Illeff betwteii 0 and 10 A. M SALESMEN Wi want cxpcrlenc d VhIih- 1111 n te til ' I vi- ilrgln tciriturlin nn.l is open en the l.ile Kurd Oiling SHtcm.llf VO'l l m il tier th. uoed i :uur future Is assured. v at.t m. n if ireun nbllltj . none eihe-H ueil api-lj The Yale Cot puratlun. EM W. F ui th st . l.us Anyf b s Cnl f .iALESMLN If it. eh -w it.u liu.v te tn ike h'i m .ney, uini.il. i' buntsi wiult and hate a llfe '" k isill i i with unlimited opportunities i"- . 1. nt't'liler'. would lull eurihldel t? t .ll It" IliJyVet Wb'-nt I IIlT. lALEyilEN Iniestment Fiilesmen te i-ell s iieerHTla farm lean bends, mer with . I l.'ie tan make $.'.0e per week. Write for P'ir'1' ul.trs. J. Donald. Planters Lu.m und satire's Hank. AiintiHt.t. Uh. SAl.E.iMFN our new Invented bumlar iili mis for wlndeiis and doers, no wires. nn liiilt rite llli'Me nsil. will ililelfst nij Fer iianlculars write ei npplv the Sentlne, Inirttlar Alarm SHtim uf Phlia .-51lArch. SALESMEN c nialnle.l. lr 4,-te.l st.irillnv with hirlw.i' i a1 ft.r Phlia. and Hur-O'imllmr terilturi. at. ii.'- ifVe.n nlni; 'reed Ince iv M 71.". I dicer Offlee. nAL!.tl.N e" Hbaki r MifiUTH exrerl- l.ied O'talltriole C r.J l. I.etlKer efflc. -I'i'.N'D HAND ixixrl"iHiil In itiiersfl ilrtiwlnf room Aipiv tn S it A l. w Falsi er inc. 'jtlih .ml lUcd Hts. Employ -lent Depart twit Tl I'l.'WRlTER RKPAIRM IN EXPERI ENCED lil'NPY TYPEWRITER (O I nu. i HESTNI'T ST. M'ATCHM VKEIl Ti iilHni L 1 1 Vl Allliirlf.lti U till sill futi mn..- i.ents, must haie own tools. Appli Employ. ii.'tit Hureau fourth flunr ' UI.M1IEL llllUTlIERii YOUNO HOYS Wanted a few fine yeutiK bejs III sears of iikc fur spirlal work In our Jutilur d partment' miisi hale at least one jilsli choel education, or lis ciuliulc nt Apply Hureau of limplejnient WANAMAKER'rf Y( I'Nd .MAN wanted b n n f-esinlilFsl wholesale lrv nuns house. ...,,..' Inn tin mil leili'iK whlt-i iruiids nnl iin n 1st na.'e lilstieH, iefei.tni.CH and expeneiu Hi'le salary -xpi cted ti , c Bun, j, rj" ns (irnrral TO THE MN OR WOMAN INTELLIGENCE OF Why net take up life Insurance prufi'sslnn. as our Our free lectuns dally at '15 P. M , jnu' ou the prupur D'embcr 1.1, Will Kile nalr.lne. If ell are of the make you a huci ess rlsiht caliber. Henry H Rain r 207 Flnance nidi; America's Oldest l.ifi Telephuil'J .Spi u '" ( empany, (I77D l'V.nMC-;tT, '"SV.'.'s M"" i?'"' oevernmein Field Seri Ite. Vil imnith exp unn'ces niry. Fer flee piirticiiliirs uf examination, wille J. Leenanl (former Clill Service ex. Hrnlner), OH:; Euultubl,. n.dir Washlnctim, (IENERAL IH'SINFSS SERVICE Ce mi Land Title 1 DRAl'TS Ilestlt.-. plumhiiiB iKhini "ll ' REP'SENTITIVE (orient) St, el predu. Is 'HALES LNHR.-di'iilunle, ,e,l bl'li int I ! SFPT ( uNSTll Oiad i .te JliiKim-.j . EARN $Jfi tu mure w elify 7t home iluriiu spate time ItistiiKlliins and sainple ;.".. refunded If dlsH-itlstle.l E.u. rprlse HpctURy i''"!' '-,- !! Inn.itl e iMlfN wanted te uuiiri furflieuii.n717raki" men exiierl'nce unnee. ssar tr.inseuri i- Hun lunilshi d Wrlli W. He.,:, ss Si Leuis EARN J'.'u we. kn h new simpers mak'it.ii free Prijel Sl 1 ill. ,i t te lime wrllei( fei H. ep imiie, ; ll, IhUb al .'l-.'s (.1 J.hiIh M , exxniliMtlens " J,,,, "1,,i i CIVIL SERVICE Feb mnnv nicarieleH write fnr sninnl lels snnrv 11 IIKI-tlSiili P I IS 3 I e. riffire , SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE t .tills 1 .i-li.ll reuiii'i, mi. I lie .lKr.1 wiiuian exn, d. in lid lb! i ilt'Hlable des ptiH ihk'' huine. abs. iit. nf uiinei. ui hltpr fur un,. Kid lliull'll C IRli I.e.lk'. I llfllL. CIIIMUERMMI' or lt.tt.li. n Hl'.aiill"l Aim i tu Mm Th maid u iit i an I' M.'K if..,. I Railroad a &Walnut lane I Li loeii i xu( nenecd tvatiti a tii.ilui iffi relies, prlvute family ells .'3d hi 710 (JOOIC -Competent KAiriRSS-W?iS!. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE KNuLISII-FrctNi.ji lauy id.;. 01 reiioeiiijoii .i,i niiits nml wi.ln exuerlcnce (n resident of America for ten ear), desires, en nc- , . .. ,. llnaiia 111 rnllnfUll ","? TCVr.l. nnVrv , ellng companion it llh lady In this country 1 fi 420. ledger Office. . LADY'S Ma7d wishes position In private fatnliy. u 4-.'. Lcnger wuu-n, "'""'' ' " . . .M i a itMnrtl-HH Experienced. Hivedfsh. l I te have wash nt home flne clothes only. 24 W. Srrlng nve.. Ardmnre NL'RSEHY i(ev.rness. uoed snemstreas. C ex.i. i 121. excellent refs, Ledger Office. I Ol'rll-li .llA.Hylltl.il !f 1 c, grXcSta' i(e"lcrr(r!!hL: i , "7-"tt J 7"LTln " Z! an1!! "OFFICE MANAGER ' iisisinslhllltyi capible of assuming executlie , du'lis nnd thoreuthlv exp. In corresimmlenco, adv. nnl publicity '-' 332. Ledger 'if lice, 1 3?aKEy 3 ; iirrlence In lillllllll III . WOMAN, rellshle. wishes position In prliate ! ' "" . - - - fiimllv. 21.13 Cherrv st. . YOUNO LADY, exp. In bookkeeping, stocks nnd bends and banking, desires work for I whole or part time. C 40), ledger Office. I OTmrr A n-iTri'MC! siTATJTTTT) TVTAT.P. OA.U. wxfcAiwAiw ' Ifitfii A,.. i l.iiitnr- Tun JananesA wish te t, tt, ft.miii cir.-eieral housework, uoed refrrentes T. A. 308 N. ,18th sl , CO0lC-plin7li?sT:cTa".rhes VsllieTi i In any place nave ijesi recemu i'u. i me i COOK General housewerki Japanese desires I I prlv. family . reference . C 31 H. Inlger Off. I LOST ACCOUNTANT Ctpable &. fip man, new employed, wisnes 10 maim n ceange . TJi ".'! iifur Jantiirv l, u im. ieuh-er unue TiAUDENF.R. thoroughly prnctli.il In, brunches en private estntc, 2(1 enrs ex- 1 perlence, can take full charge, highest refer- ences, open f e ergngement In 30 days or spring. M 7U3. ledger Ofllce. finiiiill I.-UC. life exe . flrsl first-class- rider and' driver; can lalet hunting gcnl, also run car, ex. ref. A p. fiOi) S. Union St., Wil mingten. Del. JAPANESE Twe men desire winter charge for private family or dull hale hUbt.si re oinmendntlens. IM13 Pine jit ,LPANESE desires general housework In small family cr apart'ivint; best of refer ences. C 420. Ledger Off lie. SALES MANAOER. nsst., desires position or ns salesman with islabllshei! cnr.tcrn; best rclrrenit'H. ( 411. Ledger office. SALESMAN, nccustemed le ending en print ers tniiillsl.f r.s nnd new limbers, dislres J connection with mniiiif's or Jeb's for Penna . N"w .lerse. liaitinuiru ane iiasningien. available nfler Feb. 1 . C Vi 1. 1n1gyr iff STENOtiRAPHER, secretary or effke mgr . 12 enrs' exp, 30, matrlcil. des pns of resp excellent jrf 'U?Mi,!?!L1!(ir ..'"c?i STENOO -SECTARY Cil lured inutw man exp. dfsltes Pes ; refa lis N. 20th st. AGENTS SALESMEN The Cosliectull. O.. American A.it Works, ' Pioneer nnd leaders In specialties, the fastent growing nrnncn ui , I ,hl , ,. .,!,, fi,,i,i 0f ad I IP" "' !""i ..'.' - ,". i.l riislng. hns nttruc- tlve eietilngs for high-grade experience! Mmesinn wit nninufncture nnd control cll'sliely a lumpleti line et cepjrlghted art eiiiinrs. t-iimiiierciai taiiiuuiti n. tie.it..... 1 ndiertlslng senlen nnd a wide rrnwe el nukk-sslllng siitclallli'H In cellule d. leather I ami pS"r""thJ exlt.!s"ie scope of our three lines combined Inte one assures steady nnd HUbstatillal sales lelunie the full year around, liberal cnmtnlssluns. weckl remit- U'r.ces, leek up our rntliiK In Dun or llrinl- ... . 1 ...it.. .... .li .... ..I. I,. i. iien ev. Hireel tiuu itiui- ui .in in hitii.i. t.tt -. iterli nee nnd references Ilrst lelier. 1110 American Art Works. CoshiiLten. e I ADV ERTIMI.NO Hpecialty or Indoor display ' eilcHiiian le reprtsent m.inufaciurers en lilBh-class dlgnltlid no. te the man wh" .1,111 InleiiiBtnlly and fercefullv present n prunosltlen te Ij'jjcih of dia.er he. pa we I off i r a new and lery nttrui tue predutt, a ie.il enn.irtunlti in mm big money and ' jt wo'tti-wniie cui.ni ctien ureieience inn ee ulun te man who knows the mat kit tmit- uugli y and lias Held signs or elln r deilci hems, preien selling alii Itv Ih prune rutul slte i ummt.sslun IhihIs with Hatisfacteiy ar nn.. i ment en turnings. N .M SIONL Ce.. 2 1(0 N. Majur aie Chicago . SALESMEN Jujt In time for Inv ntur nnd itiuimi t.i, tbutisinds aiialtini: mtrn 'juu inw calculating miuhiue. I tails tl.. neil, ciuals S3KU tn ti hint . aut"iiititlta!t adds. HUbtincts, lnultlplltK, dlvl.lt".. sin'edi atturite il'jrable, liniliiHen'", .1-irat gjiir . t.te, , stlls en hU'ht le links Hurt's fat t'.il'H, gara';e. M i itn uuitl. for lib ral Irla'. itlir and' protected termer. Dept .ml. ! Lightning Calculater Ce Urnnd Rap ds, I Miihlgaii. SALESMEN -I'.iah III con. weal.ler anu ChtlUm.is build ty traili .sell Allan sliecpekln ' lined and all-purpes.. top coats and gtiium- lei.thcr vests. imrmeus demand, fasiest te'lir known, big temmlssluns; guaranteed' 1 -i.rmenis. Immediate dellnry. n 1 deiii't- m: ,,r cellec.lt g. pny ciery day. no Ituvst- i nn i.i tiet-eHM.rv. wriiu iiuicK lei itciunin itfirltery preposition, postal will de. Tn, 1 .iiian .iranuia' luuug (.('. i-ici'i. 10. uwuim iille Ky ACEN'Iri. hlsh class, uultk dinirlbutien In inri.e cltltH (leHiicil, tr.ice In u.iiiersal de man I. r.cui-nlzcd llif.st rn.il", sod tlueuuh j(,tuls Ural time, ki'iit liu.Uay k ft; Hamuli' teiiiefilently (.atrit-il In eve tviu itetket. Lb . ml cummlssluu. Hie.nl m ler. can ou Klie Ismit.' Ruy itO sump e. lefund any time with in 11 months, -ou nsl. iieMIuk. stale i xperl iic" anil reftretn.es. 1'. u. Ilex 11-3. New Ymk. AI1LNT. first tlass romped by (lei man es es pert heUHe, Ier sal" of citiuei ami ilu.niuum wale liouseiield nrticles, tialdwuii, l" 'Is tH-rltultur.il in ii bin s. it. ml i nmmlss en laid te null lue llrmi. fill li.u tli u.ars ie le pre lliius i n l .flices lu atiuie Itlus llirl lefer- I pees tu ll N. N F. .il, tale of Atlalitlt I Iluuk ttud A t t'uijst latluti, 47 Mutrav ht.. .ll ll lull. C tl MAN tu work this t,ity te'lnlibtn thande i l.eis, br.tss b ds. .lututuublleii by it iv uit'thed' S10 dally wlihuut cnll.il or fi ll rlt p. e M r lie uunmcial Le.. 1'tla L.ti. lei itur. 1.1. AC,LN''1S Miiutj fiitrt an hour te nfiei- tirtj nd distrll u' satupleH tu cunsuuier, wtite uikl: I ii t-nltue and particulars Albert Mills i-ei eral in matter, 1771 Arneri- an Ji'da ( im liin.ii i, e L'HEWINi; ill M Sell te stoics; prnlUalile busliiesi. l ui'i up iiulik.i S'liarrnlnt and popular flu "is in novel p.tckat-eH. write le- diy Ili'ln . t i .mpHiiycinclnnnil (). WHY vTi'tli r. r t.ibi'is' Jluki imd"scil lour ' eun r u Is um show ieu hew; frie b ink explains i'i'iiiii-ii,', .N.iit. niai Kcienlltli Lib. oreterli Mum Rlihmnrd Va J3H TO ." eklv 111 lour snare tlllle dnlnir iptwiai aiiiiiusinK nerit iiiuem llu ram- ' .lis it uui (Pi no experience necessary; wrl'e telav for full particulars. American iPrnluita Ce. 1770 American Hid.., L'lu. I'ltinall e , JAUI.M'b mike S-tl te tin dally beilTin. i7ui I .. ... 1, ...... .... . .. .. " new eeiiuiiiui i tuiiiuiiidtii'ii ier tillc., I aBeiits' uitie en v Pie; easiest. iulrkest er eiir eHir- 1 Lnlted Heap Werk t Hell 71 I trKi riace t i . AllENT. Take uMera Liberty tembltiatiun storm and rain ceats: made te order, lib- I rial (itmmlsslens adianced, write nuh.it ' Liberty Ralnieal Ce.. "iPJ Liberty JJidir ' Daitnn, e. AUENTH -- Wlrele umbrellas Ml t.n.. hustlers '1! an hour taking erdera fur thin i n.imt Inientlen: no Iniestinent write for .. ..I.I., ..In til. .. ..1. 1. 1. . . t.. - .. . ."" e . in.1. ..tit... t ...un 'luiut, . aitttr .lira. I',, .fit I... .. Ii,.... r - v ' exnclienieij, j ".i i tin ei ' r i un 1 1 SAi LhMEN Itiex'i.iib niuil eln ur trait linn, write f. 1HI of II...... nr I full partli lllars men'H Tr. Ass'n Dt Address Nin,,,,,,, ,Sh,h. i!l -l7' J li ('''it'" 111. t u rer clil dt en hu e en i tu. like wildfire, nnthlim llke in,: no cuuilli line Wliuiire, nrilllinu I1K0 'lni ' eiiiiieiiuuu. tin) neiii rai siure IiU'h hi -rnmmlss en Wilts today. "Cuteeesiiiia''' Fai'tnrleH (y(;iiicliinatl0 l,"l- RAINCOAT AHE.N'TS', JOO u week; carry H.unple line and write raincoat enius nu ileliierltiK. tm capital famous "Ulnl ' 'liu. lels.ble f lituied blimples flee. Parker Mfe c.i iiljld Cull st , i i.ii ten. Ohie ' " WANTKD Immedlittelv Exp. Iiaml'viiibre'itl. iretH truchi ters. hemstlti hers, im furnish tuii'iTl'il. pivliiK lib for inaklnn. stamped ente epe brlnits parti, ulars Undertiuuil Art Oetids Ce 1 2'urtsinnuth. Ohie EVERY FORD owner liu-s en "k 1 1 1 . h-IIs 11 .in ou muke inn j.r cent, Jin da ins, cejd territory open for hustlei Pre inter isii'.1 (Pace at ('hiiace EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES M Mii'AR'IHY. '.'u.'ii Miiiis'ein -- Pneir.ins .inn il fur c iiiii't'leni cooks koed n nin conks ! k'lrls tu k"u teKether, Iralned wait ri ssea cliiiinleiinald kirla fur i luitirberwn-k and wultlnit nurs' h lud' rnnlil, seam Htrissi'H couples, butltis and i liauffeurH Munla Mils" ROOERS. I17"M. e'lUll thily Tellabl help Hiipplieil and wanied im amies fur Inundressis 'ur Palm Heath, hi nml i uuks Pitt In miiiuhIh Pruti'statit w.iiiishih, hi t und Imibrs MISS IIARKINS " "uul llslnbrl.lge Coe wa tress t inal'la iiiiish, h anifctruss. i '' IllllllUti lei. ltllUte .lllfcl RiiYEll s.lii"N lit I'H M" CiMlTi." Iinii.i.". jsorkeiHef all ltltlds refi iMiees pup 'j 1 1 AVTED (' nip i i.l ii Ii it he i Iii i mi. In nf mi llilli ll tiniirl.it.' in r. MRS .NICHel.I.S Hail S. .'(lib -Hi tl ii.iu llillte belli Hiipplieil Plum,. Locust .'LID HORSES Pe.NY ler sale, 1 1 hands Uelll'i'. learli ss uutsi li , Miund Hiiiiiilil' f T tblnl 'jsi i und I npler sts mil) L'.ll IhniniiKhi' s iliiU' I Al pounds I'lekeii, xaiittui, HuLnES On" hi illlen ..ml trrie.l II F MiLatutiliu I. Crin i I. inn". Pa. Dejawati c tn lies , eui enllle lluti I ( IICHler Ni3 WANTED null l K'-ntle "II broken t" US" fill l.iHi silltabe Ier U Juiiiik lull I nth ildi'ni and ilrlilim 1 s.'( .. tik-er nn RL NKE I' -'.nn IS un, I"" Il ll.ll tullMIS Purr Ihiil N Marilt" si MOTORCYCLES AND UICYCLE9 YOPNO M1NS i titisii il.i i new um I Hi II tlU .'.'.'11 I In. 1. N l.i like ul STAMPS AND COINS AHOL'T STAMPS i.t y I'll i i PHILA STAMP CO s Ik'i'U - ' PAINTING I'AI-ERIIANGrNQ .'SStt? "' Pel."1 ?'! -r. uavu 'tit BWBINESS OPPOJtTUNITTrg rNK5UU;L53RIL MEN f veu can believe what you see, f . ?eS"'",,il i"!:?"". "?.."? V t 12000 capital, a progressive Pelinsvu0 co poratlen manufacturing nn ariie's great nrerlt backed by vajuable palest, -?' itt.' t. w.....-... H.... V.W.U..ICI, sci.ing Dreivtl slllnn near nffar.il . vt ,1a .. ".ttvpOs offered n.v. Ini-M .m ' ' m..1. l "V?." .0r money. Investment made flnance your own actlvtles; we hv - "" unen In e. vcleped unique sales methods which inl mill wu v,wvt !;(,? vil reSBISS slent; , unless juu i:mu biiuiv tt c.ean unless you can snow a clean record iu .""e-, .'."'" ..-... ... ..nt. tt SUCCeilfiH securing business '' CAPITAL! QUICKLY large eusiiicsn uxpenence ana a succsiiImi Forceful, hlgh-powered, convincing nreseei. Hen, through right chnnnels, bated en elil' nni, intelligent sales plans, will get deveie!' develop. mini or iierKing inniini m anv nmeunt u ..l ma nnA nl lit nltnun. - "ittuuni H w.ira"? .. ?!u a int i it. rltln, is we p; n,' wrltinj succen. ii nil iiuri'i'iit innii nr-iiiiiir i .nnti . rU expetlcnce. J. Adelmere Hurns cSSl Wltherspoen Ilulldlng, Walnut and' Junieli Hts Telephone Walnut 4P85, JuniMr OOINO HUSINE3S WASTED Want te purchase whole or part Interest .. te J25.000 in small established manufaiS muiiK uuaiii., t- ui iiiturs develen. ment; have ndeeuatn capital ter exnnn. Mr. ment: ttlentte out. nn preposition ,urf cicnt,y h. : ii t. of Intelligent prellmlr.1;';' letter te permit of intelligent ttriiH.i"I'i consideration, which mav lead te deiiTuX Inicsllgallen, C 410, Ledger Ofrice "1M FNL'HUAL OPPORTUNITY Have Just returned from nn extensive trl. through Europe; have a large stock of nil nil chandlse w theut competition In this ceuntJ hum also secured laluahle H..I..I.. "lr'i looking for an active man with a geed Vrml1? edge of the mall order business. Must hv some capital. Apply C ,111. ledger erfie. v DELAWARE CHARTERS t,i.nre! ,v ceat: nremnl. efilii!. '""'.Of arc best, incorpernti under .. tu . . COP.POIIATION CHAHTEIl COMPaNv 4011 Almnr llldg., 1033 Chestnut. Wat gstft ' sues. li". Why work for the ether fellow, own n., own Plant, no shutdowns; Inicstment Vl turned In six months; feed prndint used i eiery home dally; ene plant In eiery etil. nnil small capltnl reuulieil. c 317. fj.rt: Office 't'" HOTEI TO LEASE One of the liect t liens in seum d'ergini rt.1 l-nnm. . . Iienl. elee. I nlits. fullv eelllnneH t.l .r!p"la s.tliin ler mmi and wife In tha heart er Ik" tlty, pos. nlsnit Jail 1. 1022. Fer furihK Information an ILI ejJ37i Flt7Kerii, f,""r Aliel'T FLOHIDAT OU unbiased f n"cTs Ta'T! pitfalls, no publish State Journal te h! 2 hemi'stckcrs; le la about sulls, crops. cenJi liens. Send loe. for personal reply te our. liens and 4 weeks' .trial subscription ....... .- . . .-.- . - - . . ...... u, .-j.-.., urnivt- 1' l.lillll'.l niiwtir.it Tampn. pin PROMOTER Iierlenccd. or stock salesman waiitulT. te organize cempanv or si-nnt. en wonderful oil nrm...... .'.. ntn le dele op Kent I ky; pre-ent priductlen ever 200 hr rels da 111 Addrea R. Michael. P. e. Uer IlilWIing tireen. iy MAN or woman, exu-rienceu in aeceuntlns In able te inicst jtiuuu and sen lies In business of 20 yesrs standing. Prulestani- rut est niest gat en iniitrii geed ,i ..:.: will deal with pr nclpill only C 412. Leit Off" OPPORTUNITY ...,..!,. .,.nnivn.inH ...i.t. t....t. AnV Sn rain ivltii t'Jiin eT ' "r ' 'years nhend, man with J.iOOO can precur lucrative, return nnd Invcstnient guaranteed. He.-!!' L-!LUJ:C1 Mrins..N J WHO WILL adiance prnctlcnl builder MOO.) ir, tier cent Interest or take pnnnerihls u, excellent bulldlns eperatlrtn near Cebbi .. .. it ..l.l , ill T...I,.... rtW vw i "reeK 1 lie ' -.t. . Mt- .-, wit t u 431 ! J- ... t I I- I lull S I.E lnt,erest In gelnif manufscttir- Ing bus.lK'Ss; rciiuirea noeut f.'u.one an! , .n minds .-xerullie position "till substan. nt sslirv 2 33J).J.cilger OfPce DELICATESSEN atere, doing reed businTii chiiate for liiiprnierreiit, geed reason for selllnj; Fer Infnrmutleti apply PARKEfl & SI'iETH 2(M2 Chciu-n nie. WANTED S rvlces and $1000, money . I cured, geed posiuen ie rigni nun only thine who can act aulckly need nrpl. C lit LmIkci Office. . PREFERRED H?eck important Phl.a corpe. r.itlnn limited time nt par. J100. only mtil amount. Instalment Plan 1-10 shares Mr Ihlng C 4011. Ie;dgerflfnce iTlSTRlRL'TeliS ('in .'uuntv .nd Stat wanted for Vlcterv lalve grinders only I capital for Ilrst order neele,! C 13 1 I. 0 WANT TO PL'liCHASE iitii'Hpaper busnn wl. eh sale or retnll nj rvtnll route statj fu'l iMTtliiiltiri renll'lentlal M (130 Led. e i MW'L'FaI'TI P.F.It lie. iU capital fur grew. h ifssiiuslnesn. ilem i:n1 for preilu. t iinllm- .J ll'lil iTeve ii t. iiu i'ii t un're. i - r.TT.7-...... Mn .... - -..-... ... PAIi-N';'' "" ,V't,e reV i. ,'..: ,',"" ",:,:", .7- c ..i L,,ii-r fiffiV. ' sjatequa.lllcTt ur s k, i..s. iii .jj etiire. REAFTY .--HOP (loin,- geel business, for ere. 21 N Inenn ave,, Norwood Ph. Rldlev Park .IH ni'ivT tt near i rem owner n iv nf creeerw I WANT te hear from owner n ivtnir crecery or rnnfe tlnn'-ry JttislneH for sale J.J, or cellfe 'tinn'Ty nusinesH ier sale J. ttintk. Chlt'pewa Falls. Wis ROeTliLACIi PARLOUifer sale. 1618 Co Ce lumb a ave. rOR SALE TYPEWRITERS EXPERT IlEPAIHINO Ne in nr.MINiTVONS Uale Medels 13(1 00 Fp. EA.iY PXYMENT OR Feil WI LOW RENTAL RATES Guarantee Typewriter Ce. N. n. cer l n-i ii & OVER FNl'Il D CHESTNFT M'd R11.R STOItl no 1 STTT7lcrnTTT"r( ENntANCE y'i VjIliliOllKUl (Seem d PN" r Take F'.i.'i r) also 47 NORTH TENTH $!, Walnut (1,.'1 1 11 .ll":i Hate 2".il-il7M "'i ypewriters'Irented VlSiRI.E 3 MOS J'l TO AND FP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. -.no CHESTNUT ST Walnut '.MMi Milt 4IM HEATING Sl'PPLlES Pellers Tank Heatera Itadlntnrs Jn nr" Hellers. Clrculatlns. Tanks Ilnt.W.tei VahVH, Pipe ind Flttlnss Suburban deliier'iM c,irrf"'Iy a' anaiea. hind us uur lists for spe. Ir.l prices THE JAMES P WOOD HEATINQ CO.. !3'J N. -Ull st. Pheno Market 0127 Cash Prices. STORE FIXTURES SHOW CASES AT PRE-WAH PRICES BTAR SHOW CASE MFO CO. 81 N Pith st. Phene Spruee Ifl.'S Damaged and Unclaimed Freight ... ... . , ' . .... , Let nf ruiumlium J',c he lard s' i en-try laundn tubs i complete, bath tul s sink", laiu'iin s ind tfenetal merchandl e PE.n-.N MDSE CO . 101S N FRONT ST OFFICE FURNITPIIE . Larcn let of desks, safea, files, cabinets general office furniture, otero fixtures. We buy aell and xchange. PATTEN FlTHNITFrtE CO LOCUST 1070 1PJ7ARCHST RAriItlMi UOMPV DellcleUH extracted honey. 3 IJ" n'JlNL.1 $i, (i Hjs., HICI, 12 lbs.. ' Delnerel by pared pest, satisfaction puan antenl or money refunded. L K i'"y TETTER, Iloute n, Lancaster Fa FOR SALE Indian paper edition Enciclep"' dla Ilrltannlea, Levant leather ceier nei"' Ineti used. $75 will buy this set. cost douei" this amount, will cill. show copy le inte' est liu) er E 43il l.eillter Office . LET ME HOOK Jeur order for Fhrlstm" iciKrceuB, holly witn berries, na.u, " m.tlt i. ....I urt, it.... I. us. liliL. lull IOI prepaid te mm address J. T. Harrison, in. ii taut Sapphlitt N ( Jr.. ......... ..-....... .... I nil. ...Illff lull I. 1.1 ll 11- -ll.'llllllllll lllUUUHaiii i.i - .lft i uLk, will niakt) weniieriui umnim" k'r. at luirKHlii tn ijuieli buser, can be "'' eieniik's or Sunday. Fer appointment pne"1 Wumlnk lil'Ki .1 SHEET METAL workers' tools, ll stalirs etirted. '.' iiiandrcls. bench pint, and ter,,J present cost, new. $1(111, will sell fur t.aHh M 7S0. l.edlii'r Office . NEW PIPE SU(li) ft 4-ln. cast Iren natUteJ. JOiiu ft I'J-ltich bell U splk'et Seuth J sei snplill Ce (Hum ester N J H'l '"- loll .-ALE liittiriiniiunal llme cfeck anj I est leiiitder. .nod condition, ustd eni 'slant time. Alse H'100 llme cards I net, umjilete Vi M 717, le'dger tmite wlii'i'M 1TPEWRITERS lSl R llableTyp. writer Exchanj-e. 1217 Filbert CHAIRS "AND TAHLEH'fer lestauranti i n lunchruiitiiH. counters and fcumatn stoeij' tnw and used ChaJr Exiliaj'i'e1Jllh and wi' REFRIGERATORS J'ffij!'' R T. Randall A Ce f3 1 N 2d st IlllAMt CRIR. iiMltiess Hprlim weelM liliiuli 1 1 marsel l.n Hfin ad, K'u aise rit' Ink swan II midland h HIM ( OAI. RA.Nili:" new boiler" li.ni.aiii IM- Plume TluKi, 3DII J(l te 7 P M i STIEl'F PISNU. fin 1 "condition pilte i!5ft I.1IS saiiH mi llnrliis.' "ID 11 EI.E( niC ui. iiuin t eaiiei f.n i.ut tlic'l'' l.i ni 1 1 tHH mud. ISUSS N 27ih in H'', (Uk'iIESTRA bells." Htiue "ll um and ih3'' dllllli i. tsuiialiln. Phmu Piestei MliS . 1 . 1'LiVIUlhllss Tif uua ny. luwsst I"," The R. liable Excpanife 1(17 H Id" ': peel. I AIILI.si'liiiiik'lil nuld and ieP'r'f I K. if. i :i."i W (ii'nrl I'h Ii"t' ""i UR il'splu i .f.. nliiieHt new half Pf'-'-luJI ( beslnui 's"i'iM'heinut'N "lmQ"t lu SODA UJH NTAIN ulniest new ul bail P1"' I STOHK llxt.l V. "no r ynses, l?.Jr iriBurater caiei nsil. it .luuil. j. j .1