3 I rf-A vTflBRP J v .t I . T , V-" - 'w '." W . M ii i i' r it. . i . rwf lir Mv' T 'v i J' - r - v & , j'i 1 - . , ', ' i T 1 R. ' . ,.,. i,v " ( HV V ' - fjT A ' EVEN-m PUBIIO I;DaBi-PHII;DBI;PHIA, MOiTOA'K, DECEMBER g, 0921 ? PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters te the Editor t Brlnn Christmas Cheer V,, tAe Wit""1 ' fl""'1! J'""0, Ltie,ri ele-Whaii we huse yawed tJie flrit of n.a.mber we nre always i.earlnit the cemlnir S cnXmaa. which aheuld be lh most Joy Jey fi rloTet ihe year. On account of the ube? conditions and the many theui-ir.de if iople out of work. thla yar Is Keine fitaVhard ene en many families who hava Lrnd thrown the pioaperoue war period .ihnt It n.eant te have ft marry Christmas, "unusual efforts MII be required tills year te brine about n marry Christmas te as W families as possible. I .have lieen flrrimich Interested In the many surues Sunt tha nople'a Torum has given te lh" people en all subjects, and I should ,k te sea letters Printed from this en ns a the! W methods te bring Christmas th.rte as many homes ns possible. I Jirift that tha charltable owanlaatiena will Sfctlbuti their full effort, as they have done G?tofera. but there are ,,e many peer te K eared for thin year that they will net be file te hamlle the task. It will tloretoro, be necessary for nil ,'miM of people who con te de their share ?0 Individual distribute Chrlstm cheer, nnd I would "I" yur ft,5r ,0 ,maU UB Dillons, for I knew of many peeple who are lll but don't knew hew te be about It. $r Wlter. encouraue sueh latter wrltsra ?b& I en. sure you will be able te de a world a I ed. Christian readera, de whntever rati can. especially te brlnit cheer Inte the tome, of peer children. If you knew of any rfarli that haxe been worked out te ad vantage Hi past yeara, tell the ethor readers nfitha Peeple's rerum. nnd lot'e mie If we in't make tnls the happiest Christmas mil; AddPhla has aver oxperlsncod. In aMte of tht present conditions. . L. Philadelphia. Dceember 2. 1021. A WarleBO World 3V tht Editor of f ha Evmine Public Ledeer: Dir The nations of the world nre dealrln rce. Men nre bocemlnn tired of war nnd bloody confllet. UnUarenl poace, lestlne (peace will net come, liowever, In man a way. but In Ged's way. learned statesmen of the lendlnc nations tat the world cannot meet nnd fermulate alans h" which lnatlnfc peace can be nt Itilncd, only Christ, the Prlnce of Poace. .san brine relief te the distressed nations teX ths earth. The deliberations of the Peace Confercnce ,it Versailles, tha Disarmament Confercnce ,m Wnsliliuten will net bring; peace. Treatles ,re considered scraps of paper when men ,3elre a pretext te be te war. Baten the prince of this world. Is oner ener latlns threUBh the powera of darkness trylnc ite defeat the purpose of Oed In the world, neverthclcsi Ced'ii righteous and holy cause iibill be vindicated. When Christ, the Kin of Klnss, shall vtome te reign, then will Saten'n power Ue broken; "nations shall beat their swerda Inte jilenihares. and their spear Inte prunlnt! hooks, nation shall net lift up Hweril nculnsi nstlen, neither shall they loam war any niere." (Mlcah lv, 8). lllRhteeusness shall hive abiolute sway, for 'The klnrdems of tnti world shall become the kingdoms of ,Our Lord nnd of his Christ." (Ilov. xl, 15). Oicece had her "trelden ukc " Heme her te of triumph, but the poace nnd extent Cf the Messiah's kingdom will nut be lo le etllied, but hla dominions shall spread from M te sea, and from shore te shore, Mtulah shall relsnl and peace. llke a rlvsr. shall attend our way. Jlev. JOHN W. HILTON. Jdlddletewn, Ta., November 30, W21, , A Suoneatlve Title Xflthe I'dller e thrZlvenltie Public Ltilatv air As 1 have been a subscriber or dally ruder of the Evemmj 1'uiii.ie I.ghekii from fj flrst iiiuc, I send hercwlth what I con sider te be en oppreprlato name for tha f1r of 1020 America' ii Ooed Will te All ftlr. 'JOoed Will" la aVe the naim of a volun velun volun Uer flrv company which wns started In thin city In lbU2, havlne a tiall nt the nertheast cerner of llrend nnd Unco streats, or had In th, j car 1801, as March 4 of thtt.ycar was the anntveraary dte of the celebration l the old members, and I have often heard iterles told about the fires they went te In .e voluntier days, MAltOAIinT A. McCUAltBY t'MIadelphla. Nmcinber 20. 1021. Names for 1926 Fair Te (he Editor of the Evening rubllc Isteer: Sir -I h.ie netlcd sour lnuilable efforts n stimulate Interest In our cemlne Soetiul Seetiul nl milal nlst lnvltlnir suifijestlens for Various Suggestions te Help the Unemployed Serious Through Unemployment Te the ii'dller e the Uuchtna Pitbttc Lcdqtr! Sir The main problem en rresldent Hard Ine'a hand la work for tha enethlrd un employed Americans who ero slowly starv ilng. This, In turn. Is based en a sattlement of reparations nnd the alllad debt ,due us, which nre causing n net result of turning foreign orders usually cemlnc te us te coun tries of depreciated currenoles. and they, In turn, through lack of credit nre utuble te purchase of us. The election of n few weeks age In Ken tucky, Maryland and ether Otates shows a clenr trend back te the Democrats. The man out uf n Jeb nnd especially the sol dier out of a Jeb and refused "adjusted compensation" naturally shown his resent ment ucnlnst the party In power. Should thli trend continue It will mean n Congress controlled by Democrats through the elec tion of November, 1022. and you knew hew an Administration can be wrecked by a Cenitrcsi of tha oppealto party for example, Wilsen in March. 1010 ltecalllne that Mr. Hughes refused te ma ma dlate for n Just and posslble reparation, claiming the Germans could pay what tha French demnnded, AmerJcan new bcllew either hla Judgment, an aubsaquent evtnts have proved, was wrong or elre he wae prejudiced. The boys who want ever te knock the militarism out of aermany, te fight for democracy nnd end war are amazed tn find that where they have knocked It out of ene It haa cropped up In many namely. Krencli, the miln enci Poland, etc. Trance, which liaa dena nothing In threo yeara for peace, nothing te bind the wounds of thn war, but, rather, te aggravate thorn, and which s apendlng the money due ua for military ventures In Turkey, Poland nnd the many expeditions In Ilussln. should bn ahewn that, whlle we did net win the war alone, It would have bean lest by them without us and Uiat wa demand she work for penee. The weapon Is tha debt dus us en which we have allowed delay of Interest payments for threo years, yet France ahewa net ene single act of generosity In turn te Germany, but uses either our money or that obtained by skinning the Germans' backs for military ventures. In fact, she would hnve us glorify the French bleed and held the German bleed In contempt and hotrod forevar. These Americana of German daacent who fought against Germany In the war ned net bn nshnmed of the Teuten race bleed In their ehu. In ether words, tt Is far better for uf te forget nnd forgive part or all of tne allied debt due us and ferce disarmament nnd a ronaanable Instead of the present maniacal reparatlena than te keep our starv Irg one-third out of work much longer, since election Is net far off. Our debt of twenty three billions even then would be nothing In comparison te the Internal debts of the rest of the world. Whlle perhepa the present Disarmament and Far East Conference la necessarily preliminary, still the main prob lem la reparations, nllled debt and work for Amerlean unemployed. Hew much longer our unemployed can held out Is nn oxtremely aerleua question. F. M. O. Phlladilphla. November 28. 1021. Married Women and Employment Te the Editor of the Evening Publie Ledger: Sir I am an employer, and previous te the wnr I frequently made the assertion that I would net employ any women about my place. I did net think Uie office the place for women, nnd cspeclally married wemen. During the wnr conditions became Intoler able, -and the mala help became se arbitrary that I was compelled te discharge most of them. If they were asked te de nny work or remain a mlnute ever their hours, they rnlml It nnil cast ud te me that they were doing me a favor working for me. and that they could get much larger pay In Govern ment work. Finally I began releasing my men te work .n shipyards and munitien factories, end in their place took women. Many of them were young, unmarried women, whlle ethers were married. 1 found the young women had the war spirit and spent most of their tlme nt night en commlttees that entertalned the aeldlera nnd marines, and cume In unfitted for their work tha following day. The 'married women were the most effi cient, nnd ene by ene 1 rcploeod my offlea help, who had the yoemenetto fever, for married women, and they have nlwnya been se very steady and aatlsfactery thrtt I see no .reason why I should dlseharge them and employ men out of n. lob. whom I knew would net glve me ea efficient aervlee, AN M'F'n. Philadelphia, Decnmber 1. 1021. Wants Further Information Te the Editor of thn Evening Publle Ledger: Sir I read with Breat Intereit the letter of "3, F. N." in your paper today, and I think he ban Just the right Iden. Hut 1 deslre further Information from him as te where he secured the young men Vvhem he has educated. Hew did he go about getting them? That ecems te be the difficult prob lem. Ilelng situated very much In the same position ea "S. F. tt.." without a family and with means, I have never yet aeen tht opportunity te de what he haa dene Prob ably 1 de net leek in the right direction, or probably he la differently altuated. Where did he gb te find hla preteges, ns I might call them? He has given ua geed advice, but I think he should have been n llttle mero explicit. Probably he hed frlenda who were peer and could net educate their children, and secured them In this way. I have none auch. In fact, have net a very wlde acquaintance, having alwaya been a home man. and de net circulate about very much. I belleve If there was sotne place that many men In my poaltlen could reach with out tee much trouble or embarrassment, that we would be Inclined te help these who are struggling for an education. Thore should be seme way of knowing nil about these young men, te aave ua the trouble of misappropriating our efforts. Will "8. F. N," or some ene clse who has geno Inte tha subject wrtte te the People'o Forum and Kle nil the enlightenment posslble? It la nn excellent thought, but tell ub, seme one. hew It la te be carried out with the beat reault. J. W. D. Philadelphia. November 10, 1021. forced te bring them up In mlaary 'and without tha means of proper education And nourishment. Sema of tha children, sueh ea we aee In ihe alums, would be batter off It they had never been bern: also, It birth and tha pop ulation were controlled there might be a Jeb for every man. I am net Jobless or childless, but knew tint birth ,ls and nlwaya will, b controlled te a certain axtant. . J. A. DAVENPOHT. Philadelphia, November 28, 1021. Made Railroad Control Fafl Te the Editor el the .Bumlne Publle Ledger: Sir I aaa It aeema te ba the conclusion of the press thai Government control of the railways was a failure. Hut It scorns rather odd no effort haa ever bean made te find out trem the employee what menna ware used by the executives te mnke It n. fail ure, Plenty of proof could be hed If It Is wanted. W. fl. C. Philadelphia, Nevtmber 30, 1021. hip.' Berne theorists advocate thU, claiming1 that uch training adda te brain develop "D. Ia C." The distance from Weeds Hele, Mass., le Nantucket Is thirty mllea. "D. D V." The Knights bf Columbua waa Incorporated In 1S02 t nder the laws et the State of Connecticut. "T I. K." Probably the record of tha most often delivered speech belongs te Dr. llussell II. Cenwell, of the Ilaptlst Temple, this city, who haa delivered hla address "Acres of Diamonds" nearly 8000 times. CUT PRICE SHOE WEPAlfflNQ kh!,i3I mmm QUALITY WORK AT REDUCED PRICES xntnttn BisaenTflL Questions Answered Poems and Songs Desired an appropriate name. Permit ma te aug aug geat the nema of The Werld'a Rehabilitation F,atr 1170 and 102) Philadelphia Sefqul-Centennlal Hollevlng, though aomewhnt lengthy, nev- erthelesi every word truly descriptive nnd appropriate, C. H. KOHS. Philadelphia. November 20. 1021. , Othar names auggested are: Charles P. Edwards. Jr World's Most Progress lve Fair. Hen-y T. Merford Philadelphia's Great est Fair et 1020. J. T. Hl.nrplees Werld'a Reconstruction F.ilr. Clara A Helscy League of Natien's In dustrial Exposition. Mlsa Hutu O'NellI America's Equality Fulr. Trancls J. Pratt renn'a Old Quaker City Fair of 1020. Mrs. E. J. Zolgler Werld'n United Pro Pre Pro Eresilvo Exposition. E;r.est F. Kech The Franklln-renn Cen tennial. Margaret C. Tecbe. Jr. Intornatlenal Tcace and Progress I'ulr Francis Grant (Jrlfflth, Fr. World Poace and I'rocresa Exposition of 1020. O 'Thiodore Kctterer Werld'a Fair of Eturnal Pence nnd Progress. Believes In Birth Control Te the Editor of the Eventng Public Ledger: Sir I hav Just r.id Mrs Frederick Scheft'n denouncement of Judge Royal R. (lrnham. of deorgetown. If Mrs, Scheff has been nctlve head of the Nntlenul Congress of Methurti (fur nineteen yeara, I fnll te eec hew sh enn have such a completo under standing et mothorheod as she asserts. I think It should be every woman's prlv prlv prlv lloge te control the number of her offspring otherwlse the majority of them would Ilvo n llfe of slavery brlwr'ng up children, and th working class, net being Wealthy, would b' World War Querlee Te the Editor et the Evening Publio Ledger: Sir Please nnawer m the following World War queries. The total cost of the World War te nil natlens7 Alse tha cost te the Unlted Btntea? What la the number of Amerlcan caatialtlea? II, S. A. Philadelphia. November SO. 1021. The total coat et the war te all natlepn was $180,000,000,000. The cost te the United States waa $22, 000,000,000. In addition te this the Unjted Htntes has made leana te the Alllea te the amount of $10,000,000,000. American caaualtles numbered J22.B0O. Florence Nightingale Pledge Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ledger: Sir What was the Florence Nlghtlrurnle plcdg87 II. W. Philadelphia, November 22. 1021. This la the nurse'a pledge: "I solemnly pledge myself before Ged and In the presence of this assemblage te pass my llfe In purity and te practlce my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever Is deleterious nnd mischievous, nnd will net take or ad minister knowingly nny harmful drug. 1 will de all In my powers te elevate the standard of my profession end will held in confldcnce all personal matters committed te my keeping nnd all family affairs com ing te my knowledge In the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor te aid the physician In hie work and dovetc myaelf te the welfare of theso committed te my care," Charge Against Fryatt Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ledger: Sir What waa the apeclfle charge placed against Captain Fryatt, who was shot by the Germans during the war? It waa an odd word that I cannot romember. A. L. I Philadelphia. November 80, 1021. Captain Fryatt, of the British ship Brus- sels, v.as executed by the Germans nn the charge of being n frane-tlraur. Literally translated this means a "sharpshooter " The word waa flrat Introduced In Interna tional law ,ns a result of the organization of benda nf Irregulara ns franc-tlreurs dur ing the rrnnce-Prusslun War. "E I. O " The Interstate Commerce Commission ha accepted $10,000 000,000 as a tentatlve valuation of the railroads. "T T. V." It Is a matter of opinion aa te whether or net left-handed children should 1)0 forced te use the right hand In penman-' "A Charming Bey" Te the Mller et the Evening PubUe Leteer: Sir Can any ene lecate for me an old poem which includes these Unas: "Trelawny was n charming beyi He early learned te pray! He levjrt his book and loved his school. And kept the Sabbath day," W. L. A. PhlladMphln. November 30. 1021. A. J. Parsons, Haverford, Pa. The words set te tha tuna of the lullaby from Jecelyn were printed In the People'a Forum en Feb ruary ID, 11121 We cannot reprint thorn new. Catherine Wllklna asks for the words of two songs, "A Dream " and "Trnu merel " Is It Ilartl-tt s "A Dream" that la desired? There are many aenga with this title We will print the words aet te the Schumann "Trnumerel" muate If a render will aupply them tins .inui Viiti fii (hn family nt any store you prefer. Cloth ing, Furniture. Heuso Furnishings, Jew. elry nnd Oenarnl Merchandise Pay at our convenience Ile:i at it right here en Chestnut ntreet ever 30 veara. 8R. WEAVER 1112 cfiShut St- Reems 21 end 23, Take Elevator 1 1 jjUMMaanMBsaiHavnsinnEinMMnp't-vHa ATMNT1Q-f,'lTY.IN. J. . nrBavi , ATLANTIC CITY' On the BMh JTremt PRE WAR RATKB tnirlcta Mir Cnllrtlr. lwir Opa i.. I. t n..l W.i.r . lltnemifcll Km jlMt.uI).ih.MJjU -PmUi RilcVr. 144 -lm 1 Print. B.th.lM tell Dntli Rmm, rrVt Bslfc nata Acinar. t96nT Wk OmwnhiD Mutumsat Phaaia 148S mXTT.lt RBWOhTl meum rnioNe. Tr, Onlvranrl ?." A wlntar rataa. IlHrt. W. L. . CHKHC4I. fA: Old Orchard LIHssL rv9r(i i ' ' &itar ffl& riuaiMOND. VA.. ,,-X ipnik ATLAMTIC4ftITY.NJ. I nirectlveiv f iVe lOceanFlTAt i JAnAmdSuPiialtottJlefDistiiictmi CAtMcrrv oe JS&mSm ertABa Galvanized Beat Pumps Kij:"miff.t:9iwt rafiniTM ' """1 INfnnufurtllrrd Iit I., D. nercer Ce.. r.9 N. 2d at. (CeM H"fl irnrlr' iMf! IT Ne Seap Better Fer Your Skin Than Cuticura BunpU uh Seap, Olnjnimt.TiIretn) free of CU. tu L4tarttrii, !. I. Utlin, Uut. i Tha I'rnplr'a Tenini will nppaer dnllv In the r.vrnlng I'uhllr I.etgnr, nnd nlae In tin- Mundnv Public 'I.pdaer. Ifttrra dleriiHstng timely teplra will h printed, ax wrll ns reatiested'penm, mid nuetlena nf gcnrrul Interest will be nnswrrrd. Lcttern te the Editor should be ns brief and te the point nu posulhle. avoiding niiythlntr -that would entn n denominational or bcctarlan dli dli cusalen. Ne attention will be paid te nnony nneny nnony meufl lottera. Names and nddrosses miifit be si fined nB nn evidence of poed fnlth. nltheiifth names will net be printed If request Is made that thev be emitted. The publication of n letter Is net te be taken an an Indersement or Itu views by thin paper. Communications will net be re turned unions accompanied by poat peat nc. nor will manuscript be saved. BLU?R&& Car need mew curtains? We build curtains for nny malce of ear right hore In our own plant Material ntul workmanship nre absolutely jru.irnntecd. Get Our Estimate Ne Obligation Phene Poplar 4697 Larsen-Oldsmobile Ce. 800 North Bioed St. De Your Cenklin Buying Early Gm$diL jfeESCffis FILLER VfemtamWen, Nen-lcuUahlt.' $2.50 and up Yee & Lukens Ce. Stationers Printers MFRS. OF BLANK BOOKS 12 N. 13th St. 719 Walnut St. 5UNRAY Fer Scalp and Skin A tonic and an antiseptic Invigorating and purifying Fer all scalp and skin troubles. Beautifies and Heats Ask Your Dealer for Sunray RfNIlAY COMPANY. Inc. 510 North nth St , Philadelphia. marlboreuaMpienMro VlrKln .wenue, lu-ar beeciV Private hatha; running water elevator, reduce ' ra'es. Ham Kills. Owner N O.Celllna. Mr HOTEL CONTIIIENTAL jfaf&Beacn Most mnrnlfleenl hotel In the Hantli. Itoeina aineie or, en anile, with nnil wlthntit linlha. Kurepean pmn. ii Inatratnl Ijoeklet en ro il neat. O. 1' WF.mnfJU Mcr. L r ArmKYIM.B. N. O. t.a nttfn win rtlLQ" Writ or ih'ine. U WA rms ky Av. ireilvrat DUNPAK. Unl Rnnhnl Kentucky Av. nr. baeli MOtCl COSCODCI Kxccllvnt tHf. Mx1 i. Ku pun. fn.i i.i. a.i-; 'lAiiiua Write for SPECIAL Fall and Winter RATES BATTERY FARK HOTEL AshcvUle, N. C 1 AIKEN, rl. C. rnt Am. IKKUO(II. N J. Ilr&l Ouern nf Wlntrr OUaerti AIKhN Highland Park Hetel Illltl-Ii OI.i;N OKUK.MbKIl TO M A (.,"1 JIC- le KV l LA VASflAIt HOUBtt. LAKlAWOOD, N. J. Belect fllantele. MnVrit. Hat MA 'Teaaeaara it enarm ail ua own" I CLlirATE ItiSCKBATIUN UNVUtONMEli' Addrraa J. J. MlVKKNKY. Mnimrw Snmmrr tVhltrfar Inn, IviLn Pliwtd. 1. HTKAMII I P" RK t) ItT'f :"MENEC0"r nTSMB ytth " ' " TiTTil' ( u)RlTtril S: V VS7SrD ij&wem Eight lengths, 6 te 16feettue widths, ''Cernell S3" and "Cernell 48" VAST-TIMBER TRACTS Cernell Panels for a ciilina 10x17 ft tri1 cost at.frox at.frex malflj tf.OO. Cernell Paneli for 4 uvlls $ ft Ingh of tin same jii room un1 cjil t proximately $12.00: MILLS AND LOW-COST WATER POWER lZ SURE! . Wemet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 30c, 60c., $1.00 or write direct te Wernet Dentil Mfg. Ce.lU5DcLmuSt.,N.Y. Talking Machines at $55-00 230 Talking Mac hines ei the fincbt quality; the entire stock of inger t-'frri.T) i f a c Cem amden, at less ir cost itctien. me Mahefrany Case, equipment, 46 inches high, plays all records. Opportunities that you cannot afford te miss Delaware Heusefurnishing Ce. AI ii n u f n r t urrr, tt heIrHttle nnd Ite tiill Ilruler nf tha lietlt-r hind of Vur- IlltllM'. Kensington Ave. & Cambria St. i 111! Hi SLOAN'S EASES PAIN RELIEVES THE ACHE TORMENTING, agonizing rheu matic aches are quickly relieved by Slean's Liniment. Apply it freely, without rubbing and you will feci a comforting sense of warmth and ' relief. Geed also for rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, soreness ,evcr-exert-cd muscles, stiff joints, backache, strains I sprains and weather exposure. ' Don't let pain lay you up. Keep ! Slean's Liniment handy and at the first first eign of an ache or pain, use it. Fer forty years, Slean's has been the world's pain and ache liniment. Slean's Liniment couldn't keep its many thou sands of friends if it didn't make geed. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Slea: I 4-mrVntt--4fPam'3l JLXJL EL .I, ,B. EL kX.s J. Lit ' MTKAMIUI T- IlKstlKTS N.I 'M t'i I. I.V ' 'li. -Y K X-m .. . -.i. j -'!( ; jm iSClhl "gisYeu 'HmSfireu eWkather "1 (NASSAU v e V ERICSSON UNE Fer llultlmnre .t t nxliiniteD. D. C. Norfolk and flip Siuitli Delly M'rlre rc-nt Mindir. 1'reUlit nod PimrnKer. S e'rlnrk P. M.i ntiirday, 3 I'rleclt I 1 from Pier 3. S Del iwnre a rhllidiMnhln. TOt Il SEE THE WEST INDIES $350 & UP Visit 7 em'ntriiv. t- im In trepli.il p'aK lift tedau shnr, i r ir 'HOO mllea Hoeklct V3 i im ludrd. GATES TOUHS Founded 1892 2S5 Flftli Awniir) nv Yerk In t Ji i s charming little British Colony, it never rains in Win ter, it's never het or cold. Fine Bathing, Gelf, Fishing, Ten nis and splendid Hotels. MUNSON LINES announce Nerr Weekly aervic aervic te Nauau. and Etcrn Cub. Sleatr.cn Munarre (new) and Muntmar leve New Yerk St t.rdays beginning December J in, a-riving Naaiau Tueaday morning Send for Knlra and HoeKlet MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINES inii:xi:i, in. no. . riit'iuiriniiia. im or n.v Tour ht nrne n rnnT Mvnit". ri.enrn,v B?&g 6fZ&MXii FLORIDA MOST AnRACTIVE RESORT. STI:.MXMII" UKMHITS ti:mhh"- i Ker-RiiDMnTbA -UNE La'iiy applied with ran.mir jnd aii right te tht outs and studding or ever dn.A cr damaged plaster. Quuktr, laixir and less costly te put up than plaster-beard. Under Contract with Barmuda Government Extra Christmas Ship W&TK5ir.w S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE' Iuvca N. V. Dae. 2i Ilrtnrnlnc I)c. 29 7 Day Tour $97-50 and up Inrludlnc All Slda Trtiia Alse Special Christmas Sailings Dec. 21 and 28 Why we can produce this finer Wall Beard at the price of ordinary MP tf Because of our vast timber tracts, mills and low-cost water power, you pay no mere ler Cernell Panels, yet you get a beard thut is already primed for paint ing or calcimining "Milled-Primed" nnd you save the work and expense of a priming coat. Yeu get the only beard with a beau tiful "Oatmeal"' finish. Yeu get a beard of pure weed fiber a beard that is "Triple-Sized" in the making, giving it triple the ordinary re- Whcre te Buy Cernell sistance te moisture, expansion, con traction, sound and change in tempera ture. Fer walls, ceilings and partitions in homes, stores-, offices, factories, garages and en farms Cernell is in highest favor with thousands because of its handsome surface, rigidity and strength. Get quotations and sample from the Cernell Dealers shown below. CORNELL WOOD PRODUCTS CO. Gen'l OITiccm: 190 N. State St., Chicago, III. Water Power, Mills ami Timberlands in IViJcenjIn 8 DAY TOURS rWr".. $103 Z? Other rinlllnira Dec. in-17 ln Tnln-fcrrrw de I.nica Oil Ilurnlnr Strumer I.midlnR I'litnanjcrra Directly tit llmnllten lleili. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. "FORT HAM'UO" 14, COO Tena Displacement 11 noe Tena Displacement SAILINGS TWICE WEEKLY BEGINNING JANUARY I-rnu N. Y. every Wed. A Hut. Frem llennudu even Tnea. A. hat. Tliktti uoetl en cither Steamer flfrrlnip Fneutlllled Tlxfren lienlri. LtfS Wrlte fur lllustiated literature te il23A J0IIN1-SS IIKRMVDA LINK Jl Whllrlinll ht N. nirnena, Ultliy 4 l'e.. Ud llnur'e nini . rnim. . or any tnurlm axene Ji" (1IA11I.I:S V. n:i,IN A CO., OIA Yerk llenil nnd lntler Street A, II, AINWKK.IIT CO., U0 Ceinmercliil Truat Ilnllillnif l'lti;i)EHK'lt It. OLIIIIY C( lUtli mill Murliet Strceta. .1(111 N W. MOOItU, 2(lth nnil Suaqiirlmuiiii Avenui. DOr.IUtINO & UKATTY, lllli and AlleKlieny Avenue. Or.OlKJi: NAHh & t-ON, Glenn nml Avenue mid Iuiillilu btrrat, .lASIF.K SI. IUWIV & CO.. 8th nml ilrnrit Aenne. HOri'MAN IIOOH AMI SAH1I CO.. 10115 Vine Htreet Hlll'1,1, I.l'JMlir.lt CO., SB50 Arch htreet. B, H. ICKE1 Y & HON, Sliiln nnd Vmlirlii Streeta, BAM17K1. MKOAItdRI., 810 Slontreaa Htreet. CIIAUI.IIS II. CI.AKK, 10H Dtrklnann Htreet. 1AMKH SHAM', H'iii nnil Woeillnnd Avenue. OOTTSCHAI.I. MOIH1AN. ISd nnd Woeillnnil Avenue. J. ANDKHSON' ItOHS CO.. 2017 N. llrend htreet. ZIMMK11MAN IIAKIMVAHK CO.. 41J Mnrhrt hlreet i;ilVIC13 UI.r.CTUIO Sl'l'I'lV CO.. BS05 lliiltlmere Avenue. GEO. V. STOICKU li SON. 34(h V Mnrhet Htreeta. FOK SALE BY LUMBER pEALERS EVERYWHERE H& M If fflr5rwll VKL; I Jl v '""V-"S West in ' &mr?&.mmMA n nm tm 'm '111 3 h If ' H'lIK l"l 14 ' m Yin IX i1. . 1 T'LLls JJJVl& "'--, Ml TRAVEL SERVICE ill iiiyx JESS mi CURRENT PROGRAMS 1 Bll DKBBBBMHBRv -Ig 1 HI 2-l . syi Qrm$ ."Jtai &i&ef23 Days Each ON TIIK M(.Ml'iri;M' M:w TlllN-sCKBW S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" ".. ?,';' January 4 Februi y 4 March 4 Idenl Vacations Among Enchanted Itlanda TuuiUta will MMt ttiH inialnt lilaterlu Island, of the et Indies. Imludliit M Ihenija and St ( rev (Ainarka'a New Iland H.nnwn Pt Kltta AlillKUa. Deniliil-a (LpBllah), (lualaleupe Maitlnlgue (Krencli), Si I u Hi Ilarliadea ana Trinidad (nimllnh). Mercli 4th crulae Includes Bermuda S. S. "Fert St. Geerge" Ideal Oil-Burning CruWing Steamer Die 8 H "I'ert Ht Cleiirire" Is our hotel for the entlie rulae mid offers 5 r? Ju5urf' ?n0 pomrert "f modern hotel, IncludlnK larce and luxnrleuals furntahed atnteroema. many telnit equipped with bedB. private lthi. het nnd cold running water, and the rremenada decks nre lone and apacleua, Orchestra for Dancina; nnd Cencerta ttates for Criilara !!7.1.00 np te SRSO.oe.lnelndlnc IB Henmanlth pilratebatha ln innirt required for (lie fmlui fin.i rr in.ri.ir. n FURNESS BERMUDA LINE, at Whitehall street NEV YORK lirnh yiHiy Ar Ce.. ua,, Uer-rae llldu.. I'hlln., or Any TeurUt Anent vt0mm BaMaaUauaaaaiiiailaiaiaaianB THE MEDITERRANEAN The WeYider Cruise of the season by S. S. "Carenia," sailing Jan. 28. Strictly limited te 350 guests. SOUTH AMERICA A cruise-tour amidst scenery unexcelled for grandeur and beauty, by Grace Liner "Santa Eltsa," sailing from New Yerk Feb. 4. WEST INDIES - PANAMA -CENTRAL AMERICA Cruises of endless interest and entertainment at frequent intervals throughout the season. BERMUDA Inclusive Rate tours ; frequent departures. An ex quisite holiday at moderate cost. CALIFORNIA- HONOLULU Large variety of special California - Honolulu tours choice of route by sea (Panama Canal), or land. De partures : Dec. 18 29; Jan 819; Feb. 16 27. EGYPT THE NILE -PALESTINE Te knew the Nile is te knew Egypt. The best way te travel is by a Cook's Steamer or Dahabeah. Large selection of itineraries for Escorted or Individual travel. JAPAN CHINA Spring Tours, exceptionally well planned, suitable for Individuals, Families or Groups. Departures from Pacific Coast Jan. 24; Feb. 221; March 425. EUR.OPE Seuth of France Italy Escorted or Individual travel covering all routes. Reservations for the Pasbien Play at Ober-Ammergau. Full Information and Literature en Request THOS. COOK & SON US SOUTH UROAD ST. BELOW WALNUT ST PHILADELPHIA Telephone Walnut 0300 nnd 2632 rNtVt YORK CHICAGO SAN rnANPIscn BOSTON LOS ANGELES MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER ISO Offices Throughout the World Cook's Travelers Cheques uoea Everywhere Hetel Royal Palm FORT MYERS; FAMOUS FOR ITS CLIMATE- Ueil J.v ii April 10th l h iO e f oUr.ie PJ. ' i.iehicK It'dfna Ten vV r,e,inir and Hunt- r swimmlne l'oel. mphenv OTheatra. V.vmry llnem Mdth "rtixf Itil'i K J t rrwv Mr. i r 5 y C1 jfJfnK ISKSTE J FOBT UinrJlDAUVfLA. Ne Ceal Eills te Pay It In (llorlena Hnmmertlme In FORT LAUDERDALE rierid.t'a Tropical AVendrrland DIIATINO IIATHINO nSUDfO Send ler lllaatrnted Iloeklet SKOV tllAMIIEIl OK COMHEItCE i:nrcATieNAr. lleth Htxm AUTO SCHOOL inducted te h. llvln Offera ceuraea In (1) Meehanlta. (2) Repair Shep rrncile. tl , Imltlen. ftenrnitera. Hturtlnir Katara. 'an Ilitlitlnp. (4) Hternee Ilnltery TVcrk, end t Short Ceurae for Oirnera open te Iten ac I Women Inderaed by the Philadelphia Aut Tradi- Aoclatlen. I "The Scheel that tnkes a perenal Oifereat in every student." New Day nnd Kvenlnr Cetiraaa Open I Monday, Dec. 12 AUTO 8C1IOOI.. 1034 LUDLOW BT. TIIK V. SI. C A. OF PIIILA. 1121 Areb St. JBJLNKS BUSINESS1 COLLEGE L. New Course in Accountancy ter We Ken A ne i. a a wM form ut Banka n Vali.ltn.v 1 1U'" 9im Ih...... .. uu. u... r va.i . l ll.airutlll.Hl hln linpertant hrunch of bualneaa,. irv .niuuwi .limn annei a i t . I ' lInhla FILING A Paying Vocation I r-in t.rA ICvnlni f?lnwB.. TIBnnat.l i iu.tlen Telephone He 1. WaJnut 0680 0551 Keyatena, Ma.n 731. Call er writ 1 I. rector Heai U. Martin, Stundard Scheel of Filing nndlndexlnj uieLMt-WarnlLlie Ce lUl'.'.luM Cbeatnut 8 Phi ndelplila. Pa TRAYER'S Thf ""T nealnaaa flehe 3 I lVtt. I CI J (yj CHESTNUT MX. t'oeltlon minr int'd Knter new. liny or nlrbt Mi'SirAI. IXSTmTTlON Phila. Musical Academy flern-nintewn Ilrnnrn, 3(1 E. Walnut Lab rninlnene 8Mh Penean. Otn. a IN MKMOIUAM I'yerLP. - In aad und levlnar mtmerr c mr dear wlf- and ine'har SVHIC COOPBI' who rafl3 I Hw.n liecember 5. 1&20. irSHAND AND DAUGHTER. Seatfjs AI.BRIOIIT ludrterly Dec D. Mra MIIY AI.IIHIOTH (nee Hrhardt) runara Mnlrei Tue . 2 P M p'eclaely realdanec 2022 N Sd at Inl private, Ivy Hill Cem. ALI.KN On D.-c 8 1K21 VII.L1A A I.I KN iired R'l yenre Kelntlvea an fronds a'e Invited te the aervlcea. en Tue la afternoon at 2 o'clock, ut hla lat' leslder.ci. l'lll N dread at Interment prUate ATi HPmIV (n Huchnnan). Or. Dec. 1 l'i21 ANS'Ii: n wlfe of Jamea Atcheaet. It la L'n and frim'i ure Invited te the aer Lea. en Memlav afternoon at 2 .clock, l tht ""in ,,, it Hir nil H20 Cheatnut at Ihuti 'ent a' Ml Merla'i Otnatary. Krlendr n..v w. leifiinw bun'lav ee IIAM.KNTINi: -At Woodbury N. J. ei Dec 1. U'2l JIINMF. M bleel wife v Hei ert ! und 4au;hter of th late Wllllan and Minn e Aru aaed 2fl Helatlvaa nu fr'. ndn .ntlted le funeral rvlceh en Meb dny nt t I' M ut I er K-iuidmether'a real drnct lllli 1'cpnr a' Iterrraina may b lwed Sundnt rfnmii N te 10 e Ueck. Ir erTrt tireenmeunt (""emctery. neiCE On Dee ; ll'2. 3 MOTVrO? li'lih M Ilv.atlvea and frtenda ar il'fe.l te iri kt!c en Tueaday aftui pecn k 2 oile'k at hie late residence (i 20 'it it jt Intt'rmvnt private. Plena rut Mower IKK IN iw a KATK. widow of Theme" Hi en funeral Tuea 1 P M realdence e' een-iii-luw Kliu d Shlaler Kaalnttten, Pi iric in Triiniv I uiherun i hurch. 3 P. Int ad.'eln na ctn.ner HOiD -rn n-c 1 lv)21 JOHN W. nOYI luneral ervlm, en Mendaj at 2 P. M., i late re lence 1?0 Illoemlnsdale ae.. Waym Pa Iniei-ment irlvatM in.-rh A 21H s 4lt at en Dee. I 1 "-1 AS'MA MM' .lfH tt Arthur O. IMnc "d diuil r f Oeirge and Emma Carrel IVUtHee i.nd tni ! ure Invited le the ar li ca en ifl'ifcdn iiftrn'Kin, ut 2 e'ciael mi Uih iil'ver I! Jialr llldjr . 1H20 Cbeatnt, it Interment pr?trt. rl-p.r-H in T' On Dee "I 11)21. K1MU i'IWMS 1fe of Jamee nirnhfield, Jbala tlee int frle'id Rn lntel t the aervleea en Tueslav mermnit t 10 clerk, at th 'H'vet II ITmr l.lir Ia20 Chtalnut at. In termini pr.wue l!rK.V Dc 3 WII.UAM It BUBN8 of 2127 S (17th at Due notice later. CALLAHAN Dec H HANNAH. jrlt the late Ij. nnli ("alluhun Kelatlvaa am ft .miiU are U.ilted tj at'end funeral. Wed. 1 HO A M late ret derec 11125 lrchwee ae SeliTnn retulein maea tit Cartbace' ' 'hurch 10 A M Int Ht rharlea' Cam. Kelljvllle. CAMPIONI Dee 2. ANNA M, wife t Oeerite U. Campion and dauahter nf th late Jehn and Mary jr-('ll Halatlvea an 'rlende of family nre Invited te attend th funeral, en Tuta at 8 A M from th realdenca of her brother Leula MeOall e 111 K Hecter at , Cenahnhncken, JIUh rate of requiem at Ht Matthew a Church at P',2 A M Ini t Matthew a New Cm. CANTIIKI L -On Dec 1 1B21 M. ELIZA I1ETII HOHSON wlfi; of tha lata WJIllnm runtrell M D ItelaiUea and frlenda Invite te funeral aervlcea en Monday at t I. M at her late realdenre 140 Weat Rixf ave. HaddenOeld. N. J. Interment private, Hr lelth Cemetery f-AItPKNTKH Dec 8, rUtUH. widow c-i William Can"iler Ileiatlvea and frtenda are Invited te attend funeral. Tuea,. 3 f.U. from late realdence, 2114 Naaaa t, iAt. Leverlnten Cem. Vlewln Men., iCt.e'i CAKTEn.-TOn Dc. g, 1021, tlKUKt'tl huabad of ,7k Ut. Anna, L. Carter" Vifc Uvea and frlenda. a ae all cirzanUiUeaYa f n:JrS!MJu ii arMft, " nw "7'J V lJb H"'- N. & Monday