h ir J7 V'U EVm(m& fctJBEttJ mftmiVim;AI)fi'LVmAi MOttDAT, DEOKMBBR 5, 1921 KNANCIAIi itJiiS?.ri5C5r,YEAU J,'1VI: ,,kk t-''i 5"J""i' ri)Ni ciin.M iiemis of xfu; v?i 5&J '"""i B'vcn by the Colonial till Tv.?n.llll delllcry Company te the Cole- Vi..Tru"1 Company, dated Janunry 1. 1010, inl. pursuant te the iirtivlaletm or tlie unlit , mertcnn, thty will receive, until 12 otflerk ti V..1. "". nmnui.ru lime, en Iifreinlicr 14. 101, tenders In wrltlnr at the elllcn of jne colonial Trust Company, situated nt . fif.Lh US"! v"ue' I", the City of 1'ltta-' EiPvi B et rcnnajlvnnla, of bends for J?'?J? eiT? retirement out of the moneys D'.l ''Hid rich. I. r...... ... i . 'rf,illini?J? ,n 'hel or " !" Ne tend- St ,n I p reeeld nfter December 11, ll21. I i?i ?c.lecl' K'ern StnnJur.l Time. l.'Ji... Jt"l.?n te1"!", the tendci of which M i accepted, will coase en December 11, W21. TUB COLONIAI. TKVST COMPANY, Trustee 317 Fourth avenue, f l'ltniiurgh. la. 1'repiim.li. W F -. ileri:nci: pirn fiii'mihy ani maciiim: company if. i, . ,TUl ?T. mehthaui: Te the llnlilem of the , Mertxnicp llan.h of he 1 lerencc lIie Fetintlrr tind Machine tempiinj. Healed nrenniuH will l rrelvil until 3 r. M., Derenilier 15, 10S1, nt the etrk.. . f vne Commenwialth Tlt'e In.uratici an I Trunt Cumpany. rruste-, 12th .i-id i'hetnut treetn, Philadelphia, for th,- n. m 'hati ftt Mich iIihi eunt for present , ash yin-nt the he.-ii-rs thereof mr offer, of n'l i r any part of se many bendi of Ilium ..r line i the Herenie l'ipe Feunilrv an I Miuhtnc pempany Merten.., m the sum of Ilil.uOO. applicable te the Slnkinc KunU mil pa fm in accordance iilth (he terms of Mnrtreg mads by the rinr-nm I'lpv Foundry nnd Mu Hlne Company t,. the mild Tiustce, datrd Februarj "a lnm. OT".'. ' within the number stated will efferlne thi in ,id ?ed at once and puiment ve mane en nurr-mliT and tninsf-r ei the Denas en and utter Derember 111, l'ljl. Interest ea 1 uiulg se acm'ted will cea n llecemt or i;,, lni. The "JrustM reseres the rlisht te relnet tir or all bids net satisfactory te eald Trustee. Should the prtficlp-U sums of the hnrds jrrered at the same rate of discount bv dlf Xerent held, rs exceg.1 the amount of the BlnKInc Fund fur distr butldn. the Trustee Will cheese hv bit from s-id bends the re quired numlv- and nniujt.t thereof te be redeemed and paid. Proposals should b In lnrsed "Prepii's Jpr the sale of Ilendi uf i"ie I'lnren p ! Foundry and Xn bin- i M rtuae- and dilressed te CHA1M.KS K ZIM U'i P-. sl sl eent and Trust inrtr- r (.emmin . ,i'in rtMr Insurance and Ttust Ce , uth aid Ches.i.ut Streets. Phi adelphln COMMONWEALTH TI rt i: INyfltAV.'i: AND TUfST ( u . Trui-e Teeemhe- 1 11121, CITY OP IVOOnillRY NKV.IKrfskY m.oen.oo nvir .oriieiu. iiends Sealed propesa a li! b reeii i iiv t' e tjnaersluned until Deremlier 1. ni" H, three e clock P M fjr the fir-hife if r i exceedim: ill ene nn resfsur. d hch ..ii l i.ii of the City of Vi.edbur : j , . j,, ( bends will be dite.l Octnb-r 1 piji n d nominations of $5"" no eaih and v i ma nrr en October 1st each eir us fnliims. ,'0n no tach year from October 1st. 10L".', te !.- obo ist, IP 13. IvUh InclusUc Th.' rate of liiter" est Is 3'i'"- Per annum diuiMk n m annua, ly. and both principal an. I intern will be payable at First Vatltnal Dink WfCK.dburv. New Jerej The sunv recmlred te be obtained at sue ale Is ill ell i Oil and surh bnndu 1 he en' In net exceeding such sum. t'nss all bl.l are rejeete 1 said bend- wi,! be enld te the bidder or bidders lemp.jlnit with th terms of ale and nfferlne te pav net less than ll.fWO.OO (and accrued Interest) ani te fike therefer the least nmmirt of suih bends tated In multiple of inoe oe. commencing with the flrt maturity Should two or mnre bidders offer te tjU the ame amount a! uch bends, then, unlesx all bids are r Jected. they will be sold te the bldd. r ir Didders off' rlnc te pey therefer the h.ehes' additional price Tne berds cannot be sp,l for I-m thin par and sccrued Interest Kieh b'd mun b' accompanied by a certlVd rhck ler two p.r centum of the amount of thn bends hid for Sayable te the order of the und rien -d ,md rawn upon un Incorpera'cd bank ue tru' company, te secure 'he munlclpnlltv .ik.i ns' any lesi resultlnt frum the fal.ure f tbe bidder te comply with the term of bid TI. tllht Is reserved te reject any or all bids WALTER H. WOOLLIJT, Treasurer of the City of Woodbury. Dated November 30. t21. "TJETABTJIENT OF Pflll.ICIIKALTir uructeips iifi'icf; Roem SS. City Mall Ph.ladelpnla, Neemter CO, 1D2. Sealed proposals will be recelcd nt th lifflce until 1 o'clock no in, Tuedsav IV fember 13. 1021. when b.ds wli. l opened and acheduled ns fellows Ul'Rl-UU OF HOSPITALS , 2nd and I.uierne Sts. " LFer the erection of a LarynoRenl Dlphther'a ward, Includlne construction, plumbing, iieat In c and electrical work. Specifications, blue prints, forms of pre neaala nd any Information relatiie te t'ie erection 6t the Lerynseal DIphth.M.a Ward may be had upon application te I'llMp H Jehnsen, Ese., Archltect, 1.713 Sunseui St Philadelphia. Bids from ethers than these encaged or established In business for wh'ch pnpee.i.s are asked will net be entertained or e a kldercd. All WJs must be accompanied by a c'tl fteate trem the city solicitor that scurity baa been furnished In accordance wlti the previsions of the erdlnaniu of ceuiui.s at (roved May 23, 1800 The director reserves the rlelit te accept kny proposal In wheie or In part or relict all the bids as lie may deem hst for tr Interest of the city. When a lid or ascr rate of bids exceeds the sum of J10O it win be necessary for the contract te he entri-d , into the cost of wlildi may be ebta.ne upon Inquiry at the nffl. a of the city solicitor City Hall, Phlladephla ' ""' r C. Lincoln ri-Riip.ir si n THrerter of th. Ii,iilr;m m ... . T'.'. -'"lil I F&': - $f: ': 'III A'cie Yerk Bends Continued from Preceding Pare TF YOU'D like te enjoy x security quite impossi ble te get in any ether way plus half again te twice the usual return without the risk, worry or less of time involved in ordinary investment and speculation tear out the MEMO newand hand it te your Secretary when you dictate the morning's mail. MntlyAtk for Booklet 34MA Reger W. Babson's Statistical Organization Wcllesley Hills. 82, Mass. (Sebarb of bosten) Tht TiTQtii OrpasOetier efff Lharaettr is Iht World V--a Clip OJTHcrdZZZSZH JIIIIIIIHMIIIIMIIIMf A H IMMMIIMIMIMIIMU N Tk W C Hest 4',,s n . . S3i NU T Pwr Bs i!.. . PJ N & W V 4s 1. ... 81 N & Wn cv 0s ).... 1034 Verth Want'n Hell T 7s 1 lb7, V . 1074 1 . 107U 1.... 107', 3 . 107 n .. ie7H I 107 , 1 . 107 107? N Pacific fl ils IP . . 107S n 108 'Trefoil S I. Is 13 . iD Packn'd Miile1! Car Ce Ss i 1 .. I00t 2 . 10i . 0 .. . 10.1'j 1 Pft It It 4s I 1 . . . S3 Pa H em 4'ns 't I. p'n 1st Ht L t Ml & n IUO dlv 4s S TO'i 2 87 3t L & S V aj 1 72 11 72 1 72 12 72 2 72IJ St I, t H F In I filH CIS B4S ii nm St L U H Fran HerlM A ..... C8H n (18 14 08V4 3 OHi, 1 OSVj n os Ht 1. & S Fran Series 11 1 ... R2H 4 824 1 S3H 1 . . 82', t t. A. H Fran .Series C OH :ie " . , S7 87 871, 11 10 Pi una I: It fis 1 ..07 r. . ie 1 mi Penna It 0 4s 1 mes IVniMi It It L1 IO.-.s, 1 iar,t, I Sinclair C Oil 1 Cerp 7H n , GOSSIP OF. THE STREET 11.. 7.. 0.. 1.. 1.. 1.. r... nnlL . "ta " ' ' ' " ' fie, .. One of the clilef fnoterH in tlie tnnr tnnr en'4 l M!t ' the talli rclallve te tlie consolliln censolliln conselliln onw 1 lien of steel ceinttniilcs. 'ilie present oe, seems te bg n time when inergcrH nre unt l'Ii"lt-. At Idast, mej-ger talk is nop nep SLMiilnr, Irrespective of wiiftlicr anyUiIng nn ncdially di'veleiin alone the lines which nes ' ',',, V?u' ,neKt 'llscusscd rclntlve te tlie Dn l)iinclilii! together of various corporate gram wdultl te be aure te have nn clcctriflcal effect net only in the finan cial sltuntlen, but also In the commer cial and industrial world ns well. An Idea of the posslble effect Is te be ob tained in the prolonged buoyancy of the Investment markets, which followed the casement of the domestic money markets. The weekly ktatement of the Federal Ilcscrve System continued the rcniai'kable btery of increasing ratio of rcserve te note nnd deposits, which can be accepted as direct testimony of greatly Improved economic conditions, throwing, ns It does, plenty of light I net only en the fall in money rates, n Pacific f I 1 ntercbts engaged In different lines of 'but nlse en the rush into the invest--n i'nVinJ ?V nT' t .. , ,ment bend market of the credit nnd n Pacific . Til" Strel tnerrree Inn nn In nun l.-i i. i i.. I.. ...!.... ?ii-Vi.?B!'- ivI,lel '""V be regarded ns n holdev , """!, , from the whit of view of market d t.. c . ii)! a.. in. 03 C.3 nn 03 03 03 Sn Itallway fis B .... 80V, Th" steel merger situation is ene cr, 11m- cusslen, because mero than 11 year age iiicru uere rumors 01 sucli a develop Meme ISSs Write Reger W. Ilab'en. founder of the Babson Statistical OrKamzaticn.Wellesley Hills, 82. M113 , as fellows' Please send me lloeklet 34M "Getting the Most from Your Menty" and cop of Recent Repert, cratis. -"f,i.ariif,,tiiiii,ii.i....i..tt(,,tititfi.t.t(.. ! " . u i. , -ii ', 2 .... sm fun c ciu .. ft I. a 3s l PI ttlii C,r i W . It H . . Oil, '- .... 02 : . k 11'd a ,1 ' in 1 a 4 ' -s 1 80 Si I, Pii M, t Ttly Is " .... 34 4 S3i 71 a. ... Trt ealid A I, aj 2 . . . 1 ,-, 1 is I C 100i r. . . . 1,'. Third Ate ii J 1 .... II'., 3 40'i, 1 ... 15', Union Pae 'eab'd A 1. M 0 0d. 1 . .. :i2' Union Par tls 1. . 32', j 1 102 'nb'd A I. Is 4. . . 102 32 ,U Tanl: capital released from the borrowings nt lnbt year's Inflated trade and upccu upccu latlen. All signs point te n still fur ther reduction In the rediscount rat (Iia sMa .( ntift tlinfrt den Xnl C.Vi" y ,,elnB c10t''1"ntcd. Thcrclmnnv rrnenH for believing-the pre- i(r,i,M,,?T". taKJ a1TlBlb,OLT1"!Hctien of money becoming a drug en solid ntlnn of some of the leading equip- . mnrl.ct wI1'i be .. .ni,y lci, mem companies, American, far nnd -nnnpr t, ,.. pTnected. Little imn American lyocemotivo .,, .i,t,i ,., i...... m tlm Riirfnee rend re te nrd niirniisii ' . Steel Tute CO ill hrilirlllt? nlinilt J-Uen nt fnl. nrnimr. ,s"'5' of A 7s tieilH In thu stenlM niul friiilnmetila ' JJIIJ I : Sleclirr & Ce. With the exception 1 101 Keiiudry .... .' , lipliifr tllhnf Ifitinfl iiu llbnlt, .-IMIlt ri In 11. ... si"-! .,."". .",..." "' '""' i""""" " lirrcsulnrlty of the market, as tne t 10..,. seti l'"? .. " u " .. .... Is unniicstlenablv upward, and we stnnd'd oil of . " lieuiu, iiuwvvrr, mere was a con- 1 . i.. .1 . ... .....1.1.;.. !.. tJ.i . :.i ...... 1.1.. .1 . . . . . . . , . 'IIUIIL llkUIII 11 CIU J iiufciiii. w 'h. (.ant 7a ni'ifj.uiiu ucgrcu 01 mystery injected into .i,,, .,,,, t ., imivrrfnt ferw 1.... lenu the Mtuntlen. which served its nurnose 1 1,lt,crn,t thc I'"crful for THE DAILY NOVELETTE OREGON ROSES By Laura Held Montgomery ttr OTT1, I think you nre awfully -L' foolish te plan about studying any mere. High school Is enough for nny girl. What geed will your educa tion de you when you are married?' demanded Mayme as she mottled her bat well ever the right eye; "better spend that money for Fome dolly clothes. You'll never get you n sweetle going nbeut in that wilt. Yen might be your own grandmother for nil the Etyle you buve." Letty went en t-eberly with her work. Mnynie had taken nilnntnge of, her employer's absence te step work ten minuter before 3-i nhe nlwnys went in and powdered well before the neon hour ft thnt the Instant tlie big hands point ed te 1M Mie would be ready te shrug Inte her tight llttle coat and vanish. "I shall bu able te earn mere when I hitte taken that biiblness course," Letty replied. "Your mother -.vei'its, tee, doesn't she?" asked Maymc, who took 11 frank Interest in Lettie's affairs, "se you don't have te earn fn, two." Yes, but mother doesn't like Chicago ii .Mf n I'ln through. Men you wen s - mother In the read tnp .-;;,' , ' sle-hed down threugVi the 1 mid am rnm te her class.. Slip bad bad a a day and her wet iecr ui '.""..", .k,r nmi comfort. Thef rred fr" S "e the glaring street tNjts only i.,inuf l.er one lncV. It did bccin . tenslfy Tier lenellnevs. tuw -- ns though there ought tv .be " Pt ,-y for her. All she ernyevj was 11 m- me, with wnrmtn nV,rYi",pv rcntctl The crewdc.1 lioute where, tlici rcntcu home, with warmth niiill'WJ; .. . .""IV"':", """". aH never 1 gni-ueuBuacuiiiiiK ..- ii. rnnnis still. The married couple In Ne loom next them wrangled far itite t . n B The musical student b paS8 feverishly wlien sue was flpt n JKin feed with strange. fore gn pSers. florist's display rem ntled lie 06 l ,f wonderful roses in Oregon. ,,'V''.1 te go back te Oregon te visit I determined te take this course' aVr could cam mere. In six laenths Pn! be able te earn " 3l"! Letty interrupted blm by launhln, a shnky llttle laugh with an underM, ( rent of purest rupture. It had been incre mutter of money that had dlmX her dreams. "Earn," she whlsnerli "what does money matter when-!" "Your father bad enough te giT0 Iea n nnm Itnmn F' lln hfiffnti "M . H"'. v."', ..w wn.t,i. "Fatner is uead, is dead. Didn't vnn t.. ...n .In.. I.... I,.-. ...1 ", ."'flU ITU IHIU Ol.tJ.llb I1V.U ncn no 10H Oil his money, se we just stayed en, metC nnd I. We both work, but 1, tc wanted te get in n position te ttti! mere, be I enme te take this course" "Then you would be content te if.'.! nt the bottom? Letty, will you S back te Oregon with me?" iW Letty did net answer audibly, U. when they met her mother in the 11. brary she read the truth in the raultM faces that greeted her. Apparently tti were unaware, of their rnln-Kplajhi rlnlhi'S. for Tem. nresinnliii m. n.Jv: KeU te p your expels b, lutlenshtp .0 be', 'kissed ber7 1 ...... l,IUUh l go back te Oregon and raise real roses 1 :..; .ii., nnntii nutter nbeut a gar-M He said gayiy. 11 ami see her old friends blip wen d , home den get stronger. She isn't able te hang , v te n strap night and morning. I von- , der uhv Tem stepped wiun k '""""' after father died here?" This thought Much Knllreml rinanelili? , of reactions which arc bencilclal te the lre,enl indications are thnt the , inarket the trend of tecics naubt- muei-heniieil rn renil n menHiir.i I '.'"'.'. ""' may ne-cr he pnsscd by Congress, In tliut event It Is n foregeno conclusion that several of the leading railroad cor porations of the country ever n period of the net few months will lie 111 the linsliiess has been se well limildntcd that it Is en n sound bnsls. The bend market, which is very strong, has been pointing out this path for months. Thc next class of Investments te feel the better times will be the pre ferred stocks nnd Imaiiy tne speculative 1 e.ib'd A I. (Is 1 . 10m ll,C S Ilubb'r lis 41 S. 1 80 Im.UM S 3teel Rs U ij 0 08i 41', Vn O Chin 1st 4i.l i nnw 41 'i Wabash 11 is 4i',i n ti2i 1. 10 1. 10. 10. 1 . 10. p. l. 1 l 11 '. Cnlen ft s I ''i.iren Meel 1 . . . . 107 Heep Ss WI'sdii Ce 'v J .. 100, 1 RS'i ' 2.. . H'O'i 14 884 Wilsen Ce I" ' Th is'u d.s.ibnte Relieve. "hli coinme" . JSStt: new railroad tlnancing will be popular, nml, "".V "re fcP-'i!,1I faNerU(1 '" '" 1 nrcscut time. Sleck Kccerd Booklet We ItAve rcidv for distribution te in vestors and market traders a hjnawne ly beuna 70-pagc PURCHASE AND SALES booklet especially valuable for keeping a simple and accurate record of all transactions. It is useful net only eecause it shows veu at a glance hew your account stands, what your profits and losses arc en each trade, but also as .1 reference for income tax purposes. Dividend tables for figuring the investment vield et securities are appended. If veu will .end us a list of the stocks and aends you new held, we will be glad te enter them and send the booklet te veu ; or, you may make your own entries if veu cheese. Luinj '" h'KLR en req-irst Ail. for P...-?33 "Ahrav Jr.theut Obligation" S-S-RuskayS Ce. ESTABLISHED 1077 Hebrs Corse' Jstd hle-V jch ef tl V 1303 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Phene LCUSt 7 7t0 McmVesh PitTsii Besien BsuureCT Oneua Dtrtct Prtvat Wier 3yat,rn Liberty .'lj; . , . . 1 iiii-itv Nt Hts. Liberty -d 4!ts. Liberty oil !' (s, I.l)l'l-t. -I til 'PiS. Vie Notes ii. . because present sveurilii's included in li'iv ?.h!!V nre,c?m,im;"1InF n fnllsfac- cpjX!r jn(crnl9 Cautious tery price, nnd there has been n tend- ' , ,, ., .1 r .1 ency tewnrd broadening of operations , As a result of the action of the mar in this group recently. Ij,'t. sentiment nineng the dealers In On the fleer of the' New Yerk Stock . hlRlily optimistic, and, but for tliogeod 4i. w. n Pac i 1 ' nvchnnge there are new a greater mini- , ndilce nnd nttitmle of some of the 4i 1 se , ber of railroad bends Irhded in each 1 li'atlfrs, the market would haye been session than for several fears pabt, and I rushed up sharply by bome et tlie mero the turnover in soine of the securities ' impetuous sellers, who nre nnxleus te which ordinarily nre regarded ns In 1 K'-'t prices te n point, where there will the inactive group is u substantial one. 1 be n small profit 011 the present snlcs. Apparently, realizing what occurred New Yerk City Hend Issne I !l1 "' I"1"1 wI,rn 'luotetlons were put up , Mere than passmg interest is shown ' lZ'Ztn iMr P Jl ' " '"" I'l'iiJiiuiiiij nun aeiv lull. nj :,, ,,,.. ,,,,.1 n n rfniilt tliern Im nf 1 iiitJiiu ti, enter ti, i.bi tr.y l,.,.-,. the iiiattei. ami as n lesuit tnerc is 1 1-mi ,-'0 iiiKJiint of menev in the nenr future. 117.70 07. fit D7.0S Wldle there lias been il.Mnnsltlmi nil H.S.IM5 i7.!i I lii.ml the part of wjme of thc .'ity nutherltles 1 Jj,i',"'r'!' HIMKI !7.IVJ Hi.tlH le put out hliert-term frecurltics, it ie 100.(12 '.llMUl 100.00 Known thnt the advice of some of the lending bankers et tli etMCt has been 17- . j, . ! decidedly ngnlnst such n step, i'mpies- Vimmcial ISriCJS , tleimbly. the attitude of Comptroller i.. HlPh lMi.P '17 'H 0fi, van P M mere coiiiidence among tne consumers Ihnn has been experienced in several ( crtnlnb the underlying con ditiens ei tne ninriiui ur uuiier iiiim lhe. have been nt any time since the armistice uus signed mero than three ears age. very wen. ion sec, cur inraim urn nn i W(S niWays in her mind. put West; w.; lived near Portland in J , , , ,,,. rnlcrcti the class- te,...1 Mr; rLJJ" $ room. The pupils were mostly men and ...... : . . ..... ..;:.'. .i.i ?';.' women who were trying e sumj .. h;iiiii i i ii- .i i'iii- in lii i. i j runiii ciitu . . i..i STHAMSHlP NOTiriW " mwlIi&ilAK ejr Verk. Chcrheurs Soulhamtilen rnoel ewi vm jjA"!!!!. at m. a uiv linrriieui Niv Yi HAVKL 1W .Dec. 10. Tli ivtike prlce of 11 twertv irfv In 'DHfri.ii aterKi mnanpfd u T."-1....1 It C,,tii f- Cn Tlin trim. ........ ... . I I'llllillll 1. tlllllll tv V if k.iv nmi t ring in Helding aloof from undertak-! ,,, f.m tIiioiiBliei.it thc week, lug long-term linancing thus nr has Krumlnnl mils-, tiarticnlnrlv Northern irefcrred, the S20 cy dlvi- en re- .. ti rni .. i .,. .t,. ... I ........ ...i. ....... ..1..,. . .1 . .. an rdnj- in Tfl no whlle the ent rale '. '., . " .. . .. '.. ."'!. l'acllic anil tireat .eriiierii I u.eis remained unchaiiKed at 73 :.". . uecnuse it is new possiwe ie eutnni ";.,,.,. fnernbly Influenced by ,...,. ,..... N-.n.h .. --! V" L Pl" ":"..:,"".7"y"..p" If'hieag... InrlliiRt..ii nnd Quln. i, ., car, ..i-.:ev,yj .: Ku'raKK.!!."!:, Hnr.- wcre Btrens i neM.u lie i. i mm. sililn ii fntv iTimitlih. tiiTi. ...- .. .. .. ...... ...... l.w. . MMm l.if Vn... V..t- Cll- C ....... i ' l... ...uv. .lut. ..in k. ,ik, ,,ii,,,, i. iih Net profits of Impu HI Teharfn Company cnnniiH ter car ended SnntenHier an. laiwi la. Ian. ,s:i. a luss or siur.r.7 rrem .. . .... , . ... - . ,. , r. ileus ver. Aftr- preferred and ..nil- "nicu vwis done inst iVUgllbl, rc-uiieii ir dividends, there rem lined surplus ill the city having te pay Iienrly ea' Ji.jr.S.SL'l. hiinnln,. total surplus te I.U73,. ,)Cr tmt for lts lnney. Vt thnt time, - however, the money mnrl.ct Munitien Tim Ohie Heit Telephone Company nn-! was mere tene than at the moment. rrurc.?..,2,Yn& developments In the municipal . m in West Virginia uin ii, ;-.pne.iiiin mm-j bend market, as well as in the money I firmness in the oil group en the Stock ., i, '"" i ''" " " "v i ninru ct , nave Dceii sucli ns te lend con LONDON STOCK MARKET Oils Firm en Rebuylng Dellar De scriptions Dull and Unaltered I Londen, Dec. ". Kcbuying caused .nreiuued. siderable conliilence in the outlook. Kxchnnge tedny.- Iteynl Dutch was enough between us te go back nnd take the risk of being out of work for u month or mi. What 1 would llke le de would be te get n small house and tnke one or two roomers. 1 lien with what I could earn we would linve enough se 1 mother would net Iiuvc te go out every day." Mnyme t pplied her lipstick carefully before answering: "Yeu sure inlk llke nn old ludj. Don't you expect te marry'' Ueing te work all your llfeV" Letty Hushed and remained silent. She knew that she would net marry new. She had hnd her dreams and they had dissolved into the inlstH of the pa-t. The mill she loved lived in Ore gon and ilie had gene together since childhood. She hnd neter known what had eeme between them, but be hnd stepped writing. That Mime one had iniiile trouble, she fucssed, but the could de lmlliiiii te bridge evir the --iieiict that had m kened her world for her. Tem bad, finite evidently, tired of the sensible, plain-faced girl, who had no spectacular iiceuinplNhinents. Ielty was just a nice, nvcrngc girl, with an immense capacity for love and for malt ing her loved ones coiiifeitable, but as for dressing te catch the roving eye of pnmpcrul eung men, such a thought hnd never been entertained by her nnd she turned a deaf car te the advice Mayme lavished ujieii her. Mayme was a big. geed-natured girl, who frankly wished te marry and who was willing te drag Letty after her in the pur-u.t of n compliant meal-ticket. Mnyme in tended, in ,n vngiie, inchoate way, te be n geed wife, burlier methods, in Letty's cjeHt were very elude. Letty lived in a world of drenms, where the man who loved her sought her. "Letty, 1 tun afraid you will hnvc tee much weil: if you take up that curse," said Mrs. M-ifh, ns hoc daughter prepared their little meal. Mrs hkileli wns n Iran, dark-eyed woman, .. ' iiai.tip -- !? ? Jan. it r.v.. i better positions. ! 'u"r ' c'Klime " ?? '.an- 2ft liS te class after a day of hard cki.tie ...:,: !';. 3l '.'' , Ma?. who had scant strength for itt'' iinnslen. only the gleam et rRl:TK, ...,v,y - , rl Jan. 7 Feb. 18 JiLj se who came work and itiAiilnl nv.i! l.llln., tl.nf entlSt-l.lt V lirCCtl tllClll UP" AllAIUt unril .m.l onward. AV2L''." ..'&. "- - - iniicutu iii ! .. .-" v .'niui This is n splendid place for- real Aiclers, Jio.iuce. A "'deiri'i".' .m,'"1'11 .) Alse call nt 5tJ.i.. ,!. ... V... E ers. Ilnimre. m "!"! """ .nexani 111 srnri7." enceurneed a lull, red-haired . tAlse calls nt , ""'" " ."onute (hi Azores). woman who wna easily forty years eiu. rimni:r.p ;:'"l,:iJI'nnt, "They will let you go en just us fast mtenian ..iter. 8(m'-'Tj"nb. i ns you nre proficient. I expect te earn rhlindeVhta '"'''" double the money in nnethcr year. e u, NITOnian . iJec. 20 A 'Weman j,,. , however," her kindly eyes 1 csted en the cd veung fnee, "win nioimeiy working very long.' "Yes," said Letty bleakly, "I ct te work nil my life." The man steeping intently evci i. lifted his head at thc sound e soft voice. Then he rose nnd went te llNl.ANl) . . . . Dec. 31 Pel..' M.r), 1 . it -ii I.,, nlnilnnu III I1I11 idlfP ' WIUMI ''an. 7 Ib. Miku her: "Lettj. the gladness in 111s eiu PlIll.ADlM.l'HIA-ANTlvA ' told the red-hiiired woman volumes, and missemii ... .... Tef.i ..i.ui.i. y "ft. ii AmeeamIAI tired' veung fnee, "wlU'pielmbly net go' Ktrft CHAYt T.1W en working very long. - aTBJV 9Utfk "" ca- , Call nt Hnllftix, cnmmrnciA ,lnn' " ..eet in work nil mv He. ' I .-nn. iiei can ill iiaiiinx. 'I'lw. limn steniiltnr intently ever bis desk lifted his head at thc sound of the, i:i:i.am New Yerk. Pl month. Clierlns, rj Anlmn ILr. 17 .In. -L r.H I l)ec. SI Jui.v. H Mfa,, .1 Dec. 31 Pel..' J 'W.lil with u little twinkle in her observant HKI.OIAN eyes she moved uwny, "l iiccmeu inui i had no r'ght te usk you te be engaged te me when 1 was scarcely earning .1 living. I couldn't even get enough ahead Western M.irvland TUllwaj- reports for ' Meney rates have dropped te a levei 3'"?. ''cll Transport nnd Tyidlng j -v lie hail had many troubles, but who .'em-. "nH,fur1,rt7vs'Hlan!i1' X.us''lV",:,aT, ' eeiis'-dernbly lower thnn these obtaining 1 4 11-10 nnd Mexican Lnglc i. There , had preerveil a cheerful spirit in spite was i demonstration ei year-enn sup-i"' '"- -n," i.etty smlleii nt lier across the Inst summer: the Federal Keserve dl.s count rn e a.se nn.s men maieriaiiy re- t t e benkcrH ln the gilt iluced. Keccnt municipal eftcriiiRs have ' l , , , been imirl. m.ire nlUfnelnrv In ll.e edged list, ntlll SOIIIO iSSUCS WCre buoy fun I .fold .,.,.!. nnnounce subs, notions "Tii te.: .' ki. ' i. . ...I ,-.'... . .. "-".'"' " " ".ui-ii ... ks hae been ilused, niiiue. iiiiunii nun eiuies uuii nniv uix-u nut. 1 reueu iuuiib u niii.b u .".- nr0 going te HUM- Just 11 bite downtown iKiunst $11:1.01)0 In 1l)'fi Hunkers efferlrir ne.v issue of Je 000,000 -.Mith Perle Hit e 'URnr Cnmi'anv tentv- r tlrt cell item mermatre 7 per cent slnk- tiny room, "I shall enjoy the course. rJ hree nights .1 week isn't much nnd we LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Uit llnlTnlp. Dec. t CATTM! Tin '.'ills. 17.e l ,.ud "no hlsher. Shipping T'.T tt ,. -itii; top iremT.lllv s Till; milch- identified with such transactions. Koestlng the Old Town Charles H. t'alwrll, president of the Cern r.xehnnge National Umtl:, gites 7.-..i'us-n .''ini-s Ifi'MI: heifers, s .. ,i,,..i,. ... " i.." i i .... ..'.i.T'i.i 7, Offl'B, Sa'"Ol llUllH S3 'J'l't . II.1..UI-IIIIIUI ii uik iiih,-i ill nil lUIH'liill Blockers and f.-dcrs. t.vi'.WB: fr--h in the current issue of the Cern l'x- l99 tfimT V Joint Stock Land Bank 5 Bends Dated Mny 1, 1919 Due Mny 1, 1939 Interest Payable May-November Exempt from all Federal, State, Municipal and Lecnl Taxation excepting: only inheritance taxes. Full Partlculari Upen Application Baker, Ayling & Yeung JO.-EPII V. MVUS, .tr.. Man.iier Land Title Dldg. Bosten Philadelphia . PEI'ABTSIENT OI' 1TI1UC BAFBTv" BIUBLiUll 3 HAM SIJTV Philadelphia. December 2, jej. Selert proposals w II. he received nt thu offles. ltoem J1S Cliy Hall, unt.l TuewLji JJeiVmber 13th, 1051, t 12 oMeci, n0"n lei' th fonelr.K . BUECTRIOAI, TiUIjnAU Furnishing and irtflting elevator feeder panel Plans 2n (pcincatlens te be bud ut ltoem 016 Litv 1111. , ' . Tht Dlrocter rseres the right te releet Any or all bids, or parts of btd us may u emcd Iwst for the Interest of th rlty jAilES T. COHTBLTOU .. Director. DETARTMKNT OP PL1H.IC 1VOI1KS Ilureau of City Property Philadelphia, December I l!i"i , Scaled proposal will he recelied m iiuem 18, CltJ Hall, lint 1 12 o'clock neon, ..r. AVednesdaj-, llecemher 11, 1B1, dnj oeensu lit that time ln same room for 1. Fer furnishing deuti.e inam. nnd ajito ajite ajito fneblle trucks for mlsce.laneeus hauling for lh Uureau of City Property, durlne ths yur 11)22. Fer Information and full particulars h Autre at Roem 117, 'lty Hall. 8Utned) KilANK 1L CAVKN, . . D'rerter ijEAUCD PROPOSALS WILL III: Rl ceiled at lleum ll" City Hail, until 12 'clock neon en Drcemher 13, 1031, and ripened nt that time In lt-'.m Jin . t HaU for liriuBO u" UI,C ut uinur .'reet eer -, , n .ii r. r p a i'snnsylvnnln Avenus iPhllade.phia and Schuylkill K. fc. 2. 4S The work lne udea remeial of tie eils'lp bridge, censtrji "nu of a lew p'ate k rUer bridge encased in con rete, graJInj nnd re tisvlnc of the apprnaches. feEAi.r.i) prTipesaijs uiu, iiTTitii. co ved by the uniform committee at tle mi hasT City Hall, en Tuesday, Deremlier tin. itrtl. at 11 A. M.. fur fumlfhmtf all poll,, uniforms reaulr. d by m-ml-irs of the Hur-au nf Police. PhiUdelph'a durmu im .-iirs sO"" and iwa. swiin snn. ,is ,, , fnsMCted and Bpcircntnns rbialn. d r,t H,,eni !"BPiA r..if Tin'! fr, m !l A M ,.. i . . i and Fit- ms and sprlnirers iintvls.'i Calies, . ,.ii.,nL'i unili'p thn .'iiiitinn "let II .n-.nts Rinin head. 'Oc loner. ia12.r.n '"".mm. nnntr me tniiiien u u HOiJS R. -elnts 20 HOD Lend. Strenu. .Shew ion Hew in L'hilndeltihm, I: !''-. 'J.-'! ,mlp'' 7 2."i7'i0 erkers, which M1JM : . .ii n 7 ,.i, IibIU de and pig'. 17.73, reUKhs, ,.r ... , ... . ii sui.-s ir.' I ,!! I mil from Misseuri: -en will Imv u.W:-Srn"AVW ." r'T mC'"riS n "0S W"V wltb thefeViiiiR confident, h Bhnr l.ml.s. siiiiiriu. yearlings, ta r.e'.t' '"'ll1 "H own for ninny .enrs. New,1 iuwu: ewes, sj'us; mixni want we cenhliler n bet been siiKsested by n n. fATTr.T: Receipts "nnian in the Cern Lcl " '!'?; ",Ss5n: helf- "Let tin thew ou hew 14 ft u.r.n i-.iles, ru- ,.1.1.. " Steady 'Jp 13. 1'nill. preted advices from 1'nris. , tl.fj-f nislits .md then I'm going te tnke Heme rails hnrdened, with sentiment I J ' evcr ,0 ,"; 1""'I1J nerar.v, where cheerful. Dellar de.scrlitiens were dull I " cn" rcai1 Ue 'ICW n8ici until si ltd unaltered. There was a rally ln .. Vnn.lli, imiUm. 1 The iiidnstrinl list was Meady, but tradini; was nut brisk. Iluilsen'b Uuy wns ."''i. Kubbers weie hard, in sym- pathy with the crude urtielc. Knflirs, iniiile small gnlni. (ienerally, tlie mnrKets were linn, wethers l.'.uOiJfO: ewes, $2W5: mlxnl what we t'ennidcr n liotter ene lnm S....-P. :.'., -,e. 1jl-.ii sussested by n l'hila.lelpliin Plttsimrsli, Pec. n. cattlt: Receipts, woman ill tilt! Cern LxcunnRi. It is in I'hiladel- I. .no had IIlKh TS 10 2.1 XV t row tclpt. sm) heiifl n,.l,ii.i,H i? aiinT'SV h'."aivl'..rk.rfc WXli , . ?' f" npprwlate the etreiiRth of 7 li UkIt i rki'rs mid nini 17 hn ,1 .. Ihl IU:KP AND I.AMI1S - IterHli.t,. nr.nn Ml, lilnher. Tup sheep. 10. top lanil s, EDISON BACKS FORD THEORY OF MONEY BASED ON POWER Edward & -Smith & Ce 1411 Chestnut Street Uembeis New Yerk mid 1'mn.delpata Bleck Excbangea Investment Securities Philadelphia New Yerk r.ish llev .Mm Rutin- !.iuXu!n-ti.i I 'rt silent . . . stiileincnt. nin slinnhl trninl Mlilway through the different suctions of the ,V'.'.'!f!!.l:xt city and Visit some of the Rrcilt idllllts. North Mar'!!!!!!!!! 1'ven then it would hi- hard te realize , R'-wue Huin hew much Philadelphia mH te show w'.'st'"! '"'.:.'.'.'.'.': the outside world in inanufnctuiini; Wist 'i.ndiaii lines. . N'l) enmnlprn li-t of nvtlelna innrle in Allied li lido ... But Bankers Couldn't Profit If ! blladelphin hns been compiled. WnmeiiiKr it r.i . j 1 j u r. attempted a list under vaileus heads, 111. iir l..-. Energy Displaced Geld, He Says, such ns tools, household appliance, ii"u,u,n ,,.'. " Florence, Ala.. Dec. T. Themas A. etc., nnd found !W7 various lu-ndingH. Dnid.i list' .' !! IMi-.in indorses Henry Ferd's plan for T" list scpnratcl.v the articles , nmde . ' ;;' y" .. . tI , . ,,, would mid many meuxnnds te this list I ". ' im,!,, ..Hn.rtinc the lower Teunessre Itlv.-r ,, u weul(1 cf0,cr ,n.evt th(. ctltire f fS?n.ui " V. . irtr. nn Industrial community center-'line of jtoeds manufactured in the j!"!1"".".! ft J,'w'!l' 1111; 111 Muscle Sheals. After the wizards Fnited States. I J neV. . . . t .Mri.li.l'arK nti.tlleurbuni hail spent In .....i n,ivilinl. frnn, ,,,, ,, ! Reiert .j.iiid .. . : -" '.- . 1 limn uiM.i. . . LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII HTOCKH ltld Why you I need RESINOL Soethinq &nd Hc&linq Because its Invaluable for Burns Chafing Scalds Rashes Cuts Celd Seres Slings NI'AV YORK II.WMIUKC DANZti NM'.KAIIDA (IIumliiirK) (tl cIiisn) Il IMllll.IA t.l.n l l.l t.V.se c ills lit llrniisliiittel nnd Diinilt? I'llILADPLPIlIA IIAM11UIK1 f M1SSOI Rl Dte.ll TW K V"lt- Tlr sVtllllllT int. " PIIIUUi:i.PHI.-I.(IM)(IN RHI.GIAN Dec,M ' pii)i.ai)klpiiia-retti;ri)am RKURLSDYK Det.!t Intcrnatiennl Mercantile INInrine Cn. I 1 120 sti:ami;rs. 1.300,000 toss Pnssencrr OfllCK. 1.110 Walnut St., I'hlh l'relght Olllre, 405111 Ilourse lllili:., l'hlhi. 4-e EUROPE ! otiUS.QevernmentSliips Walter J. Schmidt & Ce. Investments New Yerk , Philadelphia . .ns 1 . .11 nn ut . .mi . .''i . ..1:1 r ni7 . i . .no Di vim: stocks . .01 . .iM . .11J . .rn .' .111 . .:'! . .'IJ . .Hll . .01 . .17 'l'2 nnmher day inspecting dams and power plants ami ilisciissins prices anil liore ejc te locomotives and battleshipM ; I iten't.i Pi.twrs and ways of s.eppinp wars, the e heaviest earned it K"ld wns nu in- n1,1(m1 industrfcH 111 nny one city, nnd "?n'h ,. euc.i becniise 11 Mid- I'biladelphla Is especially fnrtunate in ! ,. k.-i in'.':' Hllvr Kins- Hu-.he-liind Tonerah Divide. . . . Tunepnh II.il.n.uek Victory !n in.. . . Verde jmnle Zenu uei.dpii:ld stocks n 11.11 Ill U 0.' I)lHUI..hd ' .1 HI M.l Hull .... I'lnreliL-,, II" liiildlll'ld ' 1926 1991 1941 SJ (105, City Hn'l. fn m 1. A A- SI.. " Thursday, Udcember air. iifcember 11 pecl it Notices , 5nFvnvn:T ..n;n ;..n t,u st com- . r w. Cerner fourth nnd Chestnut street - Ttilladelnnirt. INOismtier 'Jl V I b - tSSF-- WBEOriER liU . . .eeclnl 11"" nc of " stoc'e :r m i. re P?evldent 1.1 '" ?r '. 'i':i't ' "'nen-7 ?t UP 1 Mohawk & Malene 4s.... Mil. Elec. Rwy. & Lt. 7 Us Arthur C. Richards & Ce. Private 1 elrph jne te .nc l'erfc Drexel Buildin' Hell. Iim. 70.1R Itesteiie, Main C71J i .. II Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth in textiles, the lincst hllkeu yarns te chemicals, iwitmnlinlil nreirrnin. ..... :ii ...... ' .' V" , "..n..w... Mr. Kdisnn eXpree,l his nnnreial ""."7"., """.. " uu"" ule Jlne el nf the Kerd Idea of displaci..: "1,1 l'l'""u "m"- . . ui'h eneriry as the stainlard of vniu.-. " 1S remnrknhle ie find such diver Hi' 'aid he felt thn i.,.iri- lint fne f-nrri1 den ihanse niieht cenn- and ilcstmv its "et Imvinn te tlepend un one or two vu'ue. Hi. thiniKht Mr. r.-rd's pi,.,, fr hirRi' industries. uiiM-niriiiK ilnllars in energy rather llinn Se, if you nre from Missouri, or Held I'ei.ip in Kehl wns fensihle. hut In- did in.t from nny ether pln'ce, and want te I W'ti.a Mr!.!' "' eein te helh-ve thnt it would In- nilepn-d knew hew koeiIs are made, "I.ct ua Juini.ii i:t l. .111-0 bankers wouldn't m.ike any bhew jeu hew in Philadelphia." V' " "!'' . iifiitite itniliiii fin Ofidft't .iHirten.ii. ... - IJI1'J fcUr . . r ..k j s...... i m. s...s.. ,. -. . . ,.,. , ".- , in, Curtailment of Credits s Vv. r'i'lcic ' ! ' rilsciisslne the credit situation, the , bpearher. 1 .' Mechanics nnd Metnla National Ilnnk MihfEUNi:eL' say.s In Its December recw: "Se far Amparo as the curtailment of credits In the ft'nti.1''!'!1''.1! . r ..... . ,-(. ..i.. i . tiresi-ni iieneu ei iieuniien is concerned iidi-n .. ill I li- .I'll 1-1 lllllilll 1 null' UIHl IlllUT i. . . . 1 . . .1 l .1 t , li . ........n v.ll.r pn.jeets nt Mns.de Slmals was ,-i.m- t . minet be said that lower discount :,X Crniu. I) He. tin nv. Mr. Hun nt thn enm. "". '" ,v" . "'" ' "u.lu"" '""".-, Huieku lluny .nl ,nl ,nl .m .ill .nj .iij ."l .M 07 .1 .07 .10 .'iS .Oil .u"i 19 i i.l .( in "I p" nt , l c.'l ei .I til Bends for Investment C'lrenlnr T'pen Iteiiuest t'oirrsjieiiilcut OIres n vver CO Citlca Phlludellihlii ll.'l Chestnut SI. Atlantic Clt lll.l Ileirduitlk The National City Company I- J. ICUMPMUCY JyjlC " ' iQtlJwCr- W I Ouiy u' it e; ejSjSi,ji.J E- Demonstrated by WM. AKERS, JR., CO. I ai tery lleiiresrntatlve s. iv. con. ietii a ni,ni:itT stb. t'ulll.tiinti.is llunei-HMIeiitlni; Apullanres MiIIIiiks from Pier 1 mill 1, llobekra Te Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen Geerge Washington, Dec. 8 Jan. 17 America Jan. 3 Feb. 4 Te Plymouth Boulegnt Londen Centennial State ....Dec. 14 Jan. 17 Panhandle State Dec.27 Jan. 31 Ta Bremen Danzla Potomac Dec. 31 Feb. II le Urcmen Hudsen Jan. 14 Feb. 25 Princess Malnika .. .Dec. 10 Jan. 28 United States U nest MOORE & McCORMACK CO., ic. ROOSEVELT STEAMSHIP CO., lac. UNITED AMERICAN LINES. Inc. Manflflnf Operators for V. S. Shipping Beai tut UoekKt AdJrt Jl U. i. Lint! 45 Dreadway, New Yerk STKMslI NOTITim STIMSIIIP NOTK-IW CANADIAN PACIFIC Cruises de Luxe e)v vv emfi 'i" Qftl jevmtnen tShips tern. .- for Sir. 1-erd himself. i,e -aid he didn't want te discuss the en ersv idea any further until the first principles hud Blink In. i Tin- triti of inspection that carried Mr. Kenl and Mr. IMisen te ewrj unit ii .ni .01 .nil ;JB t.hiltle)lhU .n l" " '. ' mr... at t, 'f'i. Address en MrdntdUity, th- 2l't SSTel IHiember. 10J1. ur'ia'VfleVk eT "i. ,h. uurBiine of let m t , Sa?n.t l'r..?I,r,.j;a;h0.f"f,'!t,';', P.n t Ii ' ?& ter the be"nt of Ita pellcyhnlder. a"i I? t ?K 6 conversion of eald Cumpdnv imea''a ESlWen. i of . e. Art of .Aembly Uf Z jl Certiiied Public Accountants Drexel Building, Philadelphia AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE iiletmti .if the trip declnied: "I an't tell you just what the pos pes sibfiilli'S arc; they are s() grent." 'I I , niM-ntnr previously liml stated hit l.i-lli f tliat Mr. rvrd'n offer te ti.e (iiivi rnnietit for the Mnsi-le Sheals plant ui- ki, nmi in ivery re-iecr. and tlmt "f n linn rnmenr "ill m-eept it n" it i, ui.' " He added that nohehy el-e, i(. n- nre, would offer ns much. .-i ,OJ .)'! .'ll .-'I .HI mi S.lil) 111 l no in H nr .n'l "I lu I III Hi 0.1 lu 20 HURT AS BUS UPSETS Big Automobile Overturns en Hi at Pittsburgh I'lttshnrtfi, Dec. n. flly A. P.) a. It' -" ill, i v i a i'i ( t i iii. i,, itii "Mil 11,1 - nmi rvim enrf nihnent in nil fspntinim nf H the country. They de reflect for cr- s''lifu 'in?, ' .::';;; tain parts of the country u successful Nemda WuifJei ...!ill!!! liquidation; for the Kast in imi ti.-tilnr , succe-h . . . they indicate that commercial and In- wiX''c'aiV. . . '..".' '.'.'.' dustrlal lemw have been decidedly re-, Wiiburt duced. In thc producing sctiens of the " West and Seuth it Is true that deflation Reserve Banks' Discount Rates t prices lias preceeneu erv mr, uui i official rediscount ratei at ilm twelve ld- 1 HUre. , I1 J i Te THE WEST INDIES, PANAMA, SOUTH AMERICA and WINDWARD ISLANDS by the splendid ell-burninr; steamship EMPRESS OF BRITAIN 22,00 tens displacement THE LARGEST STEAMER TO THE TROPICS Ne cinders . Ne Beet - Ne ceallnc at pert. Leaving New Yerk Jan. 21st, Feb. 2 1st, 1922 27 DAYS . FARES from $300 Havana (Culm) Kingsten (Jamaica). Colen ,. "".. i-uv.iiiiyru i I'enexuefal.l'ortetSpaln i.ndLt.Hrea(Trnio,aj),Hrldietewn(IJarWoj). rSn,l.0. 'a"" S")- P'"re IMoMntque). Cnnrlette Aninlln (.ft T..--i a-- t i A Fattest Time I te Rln de jAnelre. &lentavIdi and llluenni. Alrefl. leinant anlDa Amtrlett ervlce American feed American cenv inr.a, aaiunva irem I'lir a. iiodeuo. S.S.Aeelus Dec. 7 S.S. Huren Dee. 22 5.S. American Legien. .Jan. 8 S.S. Southern Cress. . . .Jan. 19 Fer rtVirrfntfce oeotltf, ailnil SteamsfiipLiees tiener-.i .mice, nin.en ..'5 r.i tVall St. V. Vnrtl PhPnrtelnlili Omee Tt'erel llMc icce), Nassau (flaiamas),Hamllten (Bermuda). All the Comforts of the Best Hotels i;V.'hUJr0',.BJ'..lteB CnbIna wl,h bath, Cablne with Toilet, Electric fans lu every room. Wide promenade epiices, swimming peel. Special orchestra carried, NO l'ASM'tMtTH Iliwnitl'j) Fer tales ami full tnui niatien apply te local auenta or It. C. Utl ION. till r.iSMiimr Aneiit. , , , UJl tlithtimt htreet Tel. l.nmlmril 7 1 HI IMill.i.lelnliln P CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY-Tffi AjJ,' ilelllltmn 01 III-UIS huh net Kepi, jinei- ( eral ticbervu uuuim me ar i.iiiows i.iiiews ith that of jirlccb. Hence a larue . ctfsa!,'icndH'. paw?.' aiuennt of what is termed frozen credit' yionten i' i1. i' -till stands en the books of thc Intel ler ft'tf' .& ii 'Ua. limiltH. .mil thn nreci-BS of dcllatien has ',.r..iimi . ' ri r, I.I11EKTV Ml TI I, INMinS'lK Phene I.erut IIH7U -eeinlngly struck hardest here, Inasmueh liichmund ns thesu ellerts which nnve neen mnue f mcRKO . . te eritur about credit restrictions have Ht lxiuln.... .tl.,..,l ... fnnw nrleesi ilmv.iivneil. -Mninnpeill. ,1'i ....-......,. "- '". '-'contributed te leree prices uewiiwarii, , 't.,,y ,.;r, WitiMR re , Jventy jier-eiis were injiiii'il tednv near se tmt freRh nineunts of frozen credit uniinn h'.i 5II-9- e. iathst. ,. I'itl-lnirgh city line when nn auto- lmv j)Cell created. At current markel !""1 l'mnclaoe. ., 5 r,', r, r,', r. w fl' ft S.i-ii KVllMiiurAUn "i leniiejivaiim, .-0. ii.i kiwi v.u"-.- tn. "u. I'm i. . H SS- Wtu r BROKERS WAITED J"--,- w,i.e n nildn n hili! ,&& iKrXi U. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes ! V i)?! EIJ.J by the Jnsurini.. Cimmlsniewr e! ti hnnd! nv H miue of ir"lns automobile The l.il- lls leaded with persons en f , ,,. ,i1(. West, will hnidly break ei.-l. Int Maturity Z rKrComrnenwenlth of 1 vnn.y lania manufvimr in ,..lu.-tien ,. a hlch-Krade ,,,. , tl.lr WOrk 111 l'lttsbnrifll from " ' ,, Li.e i oneratiens and thu dllli- n", . M'f.tt. ,!!, ,?1,,"K Y1'1 ,?B 'fe.9' ndt.:.llt.'3,.nK ' J .: l? ?""'.",ub:..,r,.!:'..th.. ber..i.Bhs of Oreen.ree nn.l Hanks- I , 'i"",' 'J"Z X The" Yln-ree,,.. W V,,' U.lU f.,i: S8 IK fl fci? '!?. ;W Sw aupucitien- -, rVf,,rS,;,,w' i,.'h'.K,d .;:;. n "" vine. ,, , th nbliy these 'producers ;;;,'i M"';'' iw. !! ?:?u !;!! f;1" ? V $; "a.r of ih. neard of Dir err . gnaiNe. me nreudii-ay, Nog.Yerk, I TI,.- neclen eccurr,-l when the ,! etnl,ltly te meet their demand ebliua- lfy SS& .' gg - ! J8S 3 JS f, i( Lte.NAitu l. Asiiiejt, ai.tiimihiiik sTiiriv Kim hvifi tfv i nincluni-. running down the rnde, nlin-1 ;,'.. t.iiJ June. ie-'J. .. w 21-32 urn jr.-aa InS , ''J tleCretttry' A Vfa eV,"uo.''enSJfC,Au.1e,,no,,.r,;V ''.M J.nfa pel into a Hit. tl0US' I V-J? AuU. luM. ion .3.31- ,f, 5t-3S j'lO .m m Corporation, h-V, Preferred StecK. par value'1 ' UrelieiV Opinions 'A gSS t" in-' ' ' 100 "l..T e 3i3k 155 m Dividend; 11 00. .1 lie 0 andS .h. es of ihe .e.,,. . ftllApn If II I Q MAM ' v-..,. IleJ.N,,n . Lneln , -Jun-V fe" 8k1 3" fe3"1-i.7u . -1 Jl,: Fl..:.. r ., ,llnoe of samn milcHlv. will nec.pt .T. u w' inni nMM.tai.w ,"nr' i ,. ,".". ?.'., u,.,li,, .reel, slm.n I t'B'i Hepf, 1 '!".. A" t ?. I".-. --Tl , ried -tiecU and ' i iviinunt v.i-11 n. .-- n .. 'lixomet irem riuciui nuraim ineeme tax. i NAWSCO LINES Snilings out of Philadelphia the 6th and 20 th of each month D1RF.CT. via Panama CunaiTte" .San Diege, Ixis Angles, Sun FrnnclHce, rmtclu-i 1 Seattle Portland Aeterla, Tacemu, Vantouver, Jl ' C. ' S. S. LEHIGH December 6th S. S. WEST ISLETA December 20th Team frelulit receli.il dully ut Pier lu Nurtli (Teet uf Vine St.) Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. . Oteiicr (iii(7 Agents V fl Shipping llmml Rtrnmrr, 13G S. Fourth St., Philu. Phene Lembard .r)7J1.2-.'l; Main 7781-- tSTpi art... 'haM,...,. Wlau. ' F' 'PhtliJell,hla' lu November 10. 1021. 1 jiiSfi r aua terly dividend of two (2) per, SEliibeW 00 '" J "hare) upon the pre-, J!"l cupital "lock of thu company, payable KlITrebei -IB. 1031. te toclfheldM et record $fc.vmb.f U. VtVc. MTfA8. T, nf the nar value of Hie I'ref. Elie the CVimmeii Sieilc as u l"inun cash Mill huv thn lliiiin let Ad Iresn t:. u , 104 TitrsT in iu , ASHI'KY 1'Altlf N J nvAvriAr. frmuuftr. 1". TUk Philadelphia. Electric Ce. I. T 1000 Chestnut Btrtet f ' r iJiiJIphlvP.. November 10. 102X. ' BMHXQ u. wiiw,min (ia ..US HAY UO . rL...v.v illvlil.nn nt nn. nn.l .... ,) p cent bIn 43.73 csnta a um fjv.iuiiwi cviiui aiucK Of , fWkVaM ffeterahfti. lit .114. 'ut record Nevemlxr 17, 1U31. Special .Meetlnea rrzSV (JlUAltl) Tltl'ST tOMl'ANY l'hl .ulcliila, Ducember 5. 1021. The annual mtctltic of the stockholders of thl company Tfll Im held en Monday, the 10th day of DfCrraber. 1S1, at IS o'clock neon, at the ertlce of the company, ..nn.. nnr. 'hntnut t.. ThllailelDhla. Pa.. it which tints- n tlectlen will lw hsld for lT5UMarlne Ordered Victim te Away Frem Train ':: Shreveport, Iv., Dee. .1. TVylle Clarke, n fnrnier, wns shot nnd killed by n mnrlne pestnl Riuiril yesterday while a Kansas City Southern pnssenKcr train wns standlns at Ulnnchard, Cnrre Parish. A warrant for T. A. Willln, nid te be thc marine who shot Clarke, t-nu IhkiipiI Inter. Willis is said te nave continued vltu M.. mldaunimcr some jniiiuriiuii urvumii- TACcviuaum iui inwi.ic.ii vi inceme tax e .,,, ., ,, .ii 0 .,,,. due en data of maturity. mnnt has crenned un us well us con trlbtitlnt' an additional suppertlnu brace te the constructive movement. The Inst week was no exception te the rule, nv mmer te wrwjier term of four rt tmmen Its nmjnet ImowiaaSllie- M UW.'&LUKAUHIBKnLArV I LHLn'UL B.-vr.uq hnwaa, he ha Jiaijpt. mmnlviiii.' fresh Inviceratlnit stlmuhlH limited demand for spot cottei today wltl rnhe proneunceil rmprevemgent in the &$?& 'm.dS.lna't ,e' H,0nd.u"TururS1 ferclsn CXChailKO sltuntlen. The llll- iwere qu'et In the early dealings Spot price: portnnce or tins reinarnuoie mevuuiviu uheuld net for n moment be overlooked or underestimated, ns lt Is possibly n forerunner of n' complete transler, inntlen In the liucrnurjetinl monetary idtuatien. The- ellmlnMleu ei inis ene Ibis htuidlcae in' tua teawrftueju Liverpool Cotten Liverpool. Dec- " 'rh"re was only a 1th f re a ..-inAU we'ei American, mlddllne fair, 13 Slid: 11. 2nd-, mldaUnB. lO.Sflil; low inlddlliiK! nB, dllli O.flfld geed ordinary, T.uid, and ordinary. T.lvert-oel. 1) ins anueuni New Yar xui Si una 3sauary ' i'.'ft B;"iTT.1l? ce't" echaniti. BLACK DIAMOND LIN Regular Freight Service BALTSPORE LINE PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW S S "COELLEDA" Dec. 14 Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Lemlmrd 0301-5 Jl.'"i 1M Agents for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. Em Te Rotterdam AntwerpAmsterdam SS"WEST INSKIP" (U. S. S. D.).. s,,liin ii ! SSSTOKM KING" l 8? SV BV). i" s "l 1, ss -new uRiTAiN- J.;. :;;;;;; :;;;;;a f ; u Fer Rates and Particulars. Aanll Geyelin & Company. Inc.. piuia, Aeenu 108 Seuth Fourth Street, Philadelphia Lembard- 5144 r ., , fairy fozei fCOMIVIERCIAL PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY, SLIGO SS "Eastern Guide". -Dec. 21 Copenhagen, Ilelsingfern, Danzi?. AarluiH and Korseer SS "Conejos" Dec 15 Moere and McCormack, Inc. .W. STRINGFIELD, il.il .. Jitr. 428 DOURSfc ULDG., P1IILA. Lemb. 0383 Main 7513 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow ,rI, U.S.S.B.S S "W00DMANS1E EXPECTED TO SAIL DEC 1? AT CONl'KIUJNCK ItATKS Harriss, Masill & Ce., Inc., .. 123. Lnfayette llldg., PliiladclpW hlwmtard. 0320-1 WVU' VT, W jH. w. uywAD, ATSOJUTM, l