TJ'.i i l' Income , and Profits Taxes 19 2 1 (Explanatory Digest) Mailed upon Request Commercial Trust Company Member of Federal Reserve System City Hall Square ill- ii- f Teledo Edisen Ce. First Mtge. 7 Bends Due 1941 An electric light and power bend which, it called by the Company before September 2. 1931, will be redeemed at a premium of at least 7JTe. Price te yield about 6.55 Complete circular en request Ask for F-5. Harris, Ferbes & 60 Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widoner Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 I pmmmrrijmmmavjiBiswissQs WE OFFER, SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE: i Pennsylvania R. R. Equip. 6's due 1929 te 1935 New Yerk Central R.R. Equip. 6' oue iajj Province of Saskatchewan 54's du9 1946 Alabama Power First 6's due 1951 Particulars en application Estublishctl 1W3 410 Chettnut St. I'hlln.. I'a. C Members of the Philadelphia and j New Yerk Stock Exchanges "A LWEiBiswiiarjjiiiEii'raiaeiLSKara Salesman . An old -citabllsheit Stock Brokerage flrnt Is looking for a man te work up and develop nome of their ad"ertlslnc leads. He must abevn all have a. clean record, must be possessed of a pleasing personality, and have that combination of tact and ag rresaivenesa that will command business. Although net Absolutely rsient'fcl. It Is deitrubie that he aheuld hv.i mine Stock nntl Heni experience. Te tile rlxtit man a fair m.Hrv wi". tx paid at th murt. and If I14 works alenir tfte frH l'nr. n ti thi hjii hjii pert we ahnll gtvu hi in. hln future Will be assured. Applicant recirds will )c c-cne v crtltlnized, as only want a mm srtie has mi unburn shed iast uii'l la In every way werthj te resrei-nt a heuse of ceed standing. I'lm ttni uppllr-rttlun with full di-talla te una and part exrerli.n.q J'l dressed t . SALESMAN. Care of Hntes Advcrtlsine; Company Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia Actual Trading Markets in rnnft. VI liter A l"r. .V 1040 Cubti It. It. Imp. A I. rs 1'Jfln Cunton-Akren fi's 1915 Cadde Centrul Oil t. Kff. fi'n 1030 Arllunn 1'aner O'ii tli.13 lAiuUTllIe 4.' Jrir. Ilrldie l' 1043 Kulirrelil Ce. Il's 1U30 NeW Verk, I'rnnii. . ). 4'' 1815 United IS el ! O'n 10S8 Itidl.itiu Berilrp ,1'n & R'i Penna. Ceal & Celce HUNHAMsfii Wr Juvestmatt Securities. 43 Exchange Place, Ner.' Yerk j'tlfji.Grrn b300-10 llvevtr rcei GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCK" 1M) POSDH WMubcrs of the I'hiliiilrlph n. New rk inil Chlcsee Stock Krhiini:rs Commission Order. Executed In AH ! Trlnelpal Markets 14k arty Bends Bought and Sold uilsvus Cflutt Hid.. MIS' Walnut WI. """"ji, y,, in IlreJdwuy JLI y ' ' ' H iHiiLLIi V I I1 II HTTP TO LS Sales soe tee lene con 300 10(1 lene 100 700 300 300 ece 100 700 tee 400 100 103 '400 300 SOO tee czne 100 1100 100 "!00 ine '400 3.10ft 1000 300 200 100 oeoo 100 100 '400 IS 1100 1100 100 4000 100 4100 H00 400 100 100 moo fllO 1000 10U 10400 100 100 100 2000 200 100 100 400 100 100 ,"00 100 BOO A00 900 vna 100 iron inn 4000 3G00 3000 1000 20(1 1600 ftOO 100 000 200 200 hOf) 100 cne 1100 ion 7'0 100 2011 2'0 100 2tm KO 100 1200 2100 2"0 1P0 tee 2110 lfl) i 0 4000 100 lire 2310 tee 100 100 11 n 200 ICO inn 300 2"0 100 100 1400 100 am 2 0 400 100 100 12S 0 300 3800 asm ,a ioe 300 39011 100 seen 300 400 100 100 1200 100 3900 .no en 000 1100 100 ine ion 101) inn 33011 7S0O r000 100 .ion 2100 200 3010 30 M 23 1 no 2H00 7001 100 I Movement Suggested Concerted ! Pressure Agninst a Stnle ! Short Intorest New Yerk, Dec. 0. Trading In today's Heck market continued te rim strongly toward the (specialties. The clcnvnge I llneH between the railroads nnd Indus IjriftlH were definitely drawn, ns It was n selected Issues of (he hitter division - Interest wen feciissetl. Almest every branch of the list, however, excepting I the ruim nnd the oils, tllNplnved strength, i but by reason of the shifting of ac tivity te the vnrleitg specialties, the market had a very lumpy appearance. CtirieiiHl.y while the mils were lng- Kariln, the eiiulpment group assumed n I'emtnnndlnc iiositlen, and for a time were the real lender". American Loce- i met ve sprlnRltiB Inte prominence in n ; Njilrited rle of ever -1 points, nnd ether similar movements in scattered parts of the Indttntrlul dlvNIen. MiRBeMctl con- certed dotneuHtnitionN nsnlnut what Is activities were in evidence in many quar- A continue, buoyant bend market, with new hish records for the second nnd fourth Liberty IV.s, nnd for the ictery 4rt nnl a 5 per cent call money ;" u'-e mere tupplied a strong i ndrrplnnlnn nnd pave fresh enceurnge-! incur fur broadening of operations of the i various speculative combination. The1 MrenRth mid ruing trend of the list at-' traetid the mere attention In view of the cautionary nth-ire Fent out bv mest1 all the lending wire Ihiu-ch, must of them ' ucing ei me opinion Iho top of the cur icnt swine had been reached or was tn-.irlv in nisht. Over the. week-end developments v,ere without importance or special interest, the reconvening of CeiiRreMt tnn with out influence, although there were ap parently oulte a f-w who felt disposed ie reBirict rurtlier large commitments; iii nuiuc iine was entninabie en thei Possible presrani of the new Congress, the stubborn attitude of the se-called' "Bricultural bloc in the upper house R.'iie little hope nf un curly passage of I contemplated new iosMittien in which' the market community is met Inter-1 ested. Ueatens for the n pit thy of the rail road group were partly te be found in ' the mnrk-d fnllitiR oft in tariff as siis Rested in the miTeesins number of id e l cars an-l the Krewinj recognition of the ' fact there must be further llipildatien . 'i labor before the transportation in- ' istry .-an be put F.didly cm its feet i wain, 1'refU-tnking would prebablv an- I .yi-r best the cause of the sIubsIhIiiipsh r the oils. Subsidy reports from Wu-h- ' ngten acceuntctl for the strength of the I -hipping group. This group were the i eiu-.y attractions, but during the morn- , ing Mich specialties as Harvester, Pull man. General K ecttie, American ' Woolen. I'ntted States Hubber, Allied. Chemical, Crucible Steel and Trans Trans entinentnl Oil weie taken up in turn. .Meters and their subsidaries nlse came in for an inning as featured by Studc buker, Chamller. Tierce Arrew, pre- I ferred. Iluii-U Magneto nnd Stromberg. j i NEW HIGH GROUND ! FOR U. G. I. AND P. X. Electric Storage Battery and American Gas Alse Make j Fresh Tops , Seme of the local stocks breke into j I new high ground in today's stock mar- I 'k"t with fairly animutcd trading. The I i mere prominent being I. (5. 1. common I stock, which riineliml 41 1. n nmv inn I :j for the year, nntl Philadelphia Electric! j' common, which sold up te 1M:!4.' :j Neither of the preferred stocks of these i Jj cfimpenles did much, or at leuFt made! 3 I headway. I'. (J. I. preferred ruled llrm i at rl and Philadelphia Klectric prc- :j ferred at "Pi. I J i In I. C. I. the strength of the stock I j wss attributed te the growing chance i el' the Ipem' controversy beiug shifted I te the consideration of the Public Scrv- ' .ci- Couimis-ien. That of the Philadcl- . 1 Iihin K'ectrlc issues lacked definite, ex- I A plnnatlen. j , Klectric Storage Hattery was nnethc 4 te make a n-'w penk price nt 11!)'.., be- , tug a '-j point above the previous high ' ncerd tf tne Anierietui (jus n i still another te make the higher greun I touching 47, an ndvance of points en t (-ry Fmitll transactions. .1, (J. Urlll nt i i the -anie time, en limited dealings I mounted ! pein's te -ill, or l. points j i above the low of the jear, and 111 point ! i tintler thp high l,alt s-uprrier Corpor ation nlse enjoyed n broader nnd . stronger market advancing te 0. I'enn Centiul Light preferred, was up a point nt 50. j Pennsylvania Itailread continued In I rupply, indicating the bamc dribbling pressure which caused a further frnc- 1 tin mi! shading te .'4. Wlillu Philadel phia llai Id Transit vas fractionally liter at I S. VO, the luuvy feeillnjc out i , of the stock by banking Interests en Pn- i , day last iippurently took all the tour- j nge out of the newly funned peel, which ' started i it lut week w.tli Hinj toleri. I I If is understood the sutin' bunking in terests sti'l have 'ets inure of the "lock te offer fur the account of n larue i "holding:" utility corporation. On nera- I lnitl irnusj i timis Phi a nj. ui i .i iiuii; i lest a point te ."!. but I'nien TTU'.tien i . iid 'i beltT nt IltlU- ! MONEY-LENDING RATES NKAV lOIlH. Mniiey ' c.l'. iK.lh ilnrn-i n! i il at-ril, i rnnt udn u' i for cunt for li 1.1'iij u'i'1 rr.f'in. I'll II.II.I.PHIA Cull r.H'Jil r-r -nt. tirnu. 6- 4i " rr cen' ti.nimcrriiil patit thri te Mx months. S' Wfl vi cent. BANK CLEARINGS I ar't rs-iiei.'l' n,i..i . . N ViTl lloBte'l 'd'-lrpH fid..' K !' 'ast tw 111." r,vrnt,rtr..d I'i. IPl'i ic,3 iiiiii.eiiii JUS I ll ' lnl nun ihi jui :i-i iim 5.u :ike i.js i, ., ju noe.oou 41 .-'i.-, bu.ii.-iii :n ', .'(i, Paris Bourse Active Purls. fcc. .".- T-ading v.ns ui (neon the IJeiirM.. tedu.i. Thie per cent rallies .".' francs "( ' ntl"ies ; exchange mi I.oi.den, ."." francH 17 centlim; .1 per rent leitn, ' franc- 110 centluies, 'I he 'ellnr ni'S iuetei at 111 fram-H CO1'.. centimes. 10 in niul te ItiI'.r,er are lu&kliiK iiruintii slilium n. Meat Shipments Increase (hliaxn. Inc. r Lust v.'ck'n hhli-n -rt f cuid find fi'ih niAHts f ,un I'htin'c , tl W 2.1.', uih) put ml iiKi'ln-t !lil iIIU.hme the rrelius wU nnd r.4HJ0(hi eur itrn I.ard rhlnniftits .vhp 12 'ia.I.ude ii,.iiinhi siJ.ilnbt 0,437,fiOi) th irehu wwk. nnd ,"i"e,tjuii u r u(j. C'sm -d in,.u shit. Tientr wer 12 HOI mips itiralnHt 11,771 the previous vwk. and S3. 122 u cir am RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PAi-trir; 10'M InerM'H lfi,.irth vet'.: Novem. . t4,890.0(u SI.POS.OQO Decreas. -lijiliii) south 111 :i''. Iji-iniiml i'..1iIp D,i ,i.i !;!.t", MHBIffi Raw Sugar Market Steady -j , (Vntrnl Kiirepeim exclmngeh "ere, 0ut( epcnea jc te We higher with point rpaetlen followed around midday, New Ymk t.h- . - t - ! r. ,.,:,,!; ted.n itrt Pillews: Liimntilau. off jn8 Hmaj urjj scattered cemnils- ilhc far months, however, holding steady . continued m.,!y i.mI irni.' t: l it. --. . ti.,i,,ii, (1, : Serbian. 1.4IJ; ... .. .....i Some IieIiIsmi r,f fr.i, -..,.-.... : i t unil tr-ll ' fe- i ' li n 1.1. ' ' ' ""h- '.. i,,,. .,,.. bln nsu" uu.uu. . - .-.... .."uuinin c-rm- ,', ?"i,!. fin'i sv r . ' . f r V, r! UI..K (,,.. S'em'u-im. I.''.i: 'll"-',Vh-"' 'rt dispened te pet out of that position , r.. v.i- i niH . v,ri'i. i, iinurtim, ltlI ;;iiV, : ilieck. M'i ''V. ''-' i r-n-TTfiN MARKET and te take en cnrnmltmenlN jn Hep- -ili a-X. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS tetv. lnl , Men .. Ailams Express U 3 Advance Itumely pf. . .t74 .. AJax Ituhber 18ft .. Alaska Ueld Mlncn... H . . Ala!tn. Juneau O M. . M 7 Atl-Amerlcnn Cabled.. 1J 4 Allied Chem & Dye... 7J 7 Al led Chem & Dye pflOCH 1 . s"!alnieTti 3Hyi 7 Allls-Chnlmpni pf .... 87 .. Am AR-r'e Chem 31 .. Am Ucet Hutrar 3j; 4 Am U ahoe Pdy new. . SO .. Am Can wt .. Am Can pf eaji 12 Am Cnr& Pdy 140V4 . Am chlole a .. Am Cotten Oil 3JIJ .. Am Hide & Leather.. 13 .. Am Hide & Leather pf S714 ' Am Jce 7X - e Am Ice pr 73 .. Am Internat Cerp... 43J4 .. Am Ltnsced 81J5 0 Am Locemotlvo 101 7 Am Locemotlvo pf . . . . Ill .. Am Malt A Grain.... !$ 1:3(1 Lew r. t. 0 y 18H M 103 SUM 100j' 3Ji 87 31 2 SO 33 SHj 14914 8M 2314 1 ssj4 78 73 J4 83 Hi 98 111 1414 88 ey, 43 8S as 814 33 4 73 133 99 SS 11SH 138 04 ij 80 Jn 11 Ja 4SW 4SM 8951 b7 3tH 2S 2K 10 94X 37 yt 21J, A3 S8)i 91)4 4J4 J 0i 110, V 10:, ' U H"i 7014 64 34.'s 118 13yi 47 29 eiy, 34 U J7 1 H 3 li or, 13 7 18 2S 30 CO 53 33 'A SO 13 H 27 48 20',4 C4H 3H 14J4 43 Vi W 93 M 13Ji 47 yi OS 80 IBS 1.4 3314 04 Vi 14N 714 18 H .1li Ml Mi 18 Vi 1? 77 10 'K 17 00 841 2l,l 77 Yt 10 Vs tiVA 30144- 3714 18 y. 4 H 94 103 seu loe ji 4 7i 87 31 .. K 33 K 14 "Byi- 8X 54 13 m- 78H-1- 73 ,. 43 8314 101 11114 J4 88 43 - 88 J 34l' , 0314 f .; 88y4 32y4- Jim juiuiaier HH Am Safety Ilarer Hi M 48 H flfi 3, B3H H H14 A 72 .. Am &hlp & Cem .. Am Smelt 7 Am Smelt pf 3 Am .Steel Feundr'ea.. 7 Am Steel Fdys pf.... . . Amer Sugar , . . Am Sugar Kef pf . . . , . . Am Sumatra 7 Am Sumatra Teb pf.. 3 114 99J4 s USJ4 13JH H14 MK 47J4 lHl I 54 -r 14 - IHi -n& - 5 - 13 Am Tobacco 134 0 Am Tobacco pf new.. 90 J4 S Am Tel & Cable SS 9 Am Tel & Tel 113 12 Am Tobacco 13 120t, 7 Am Wfiterwke 7-0 pf. 0-iH t Am woolen . . Am 55lne Lead & Smlt . . Anaconda Copper . . . 4 Asse Dry Cloeilii 0 Atch Tep & Santa Fe. 5 Atch Tep & S F pf . . . .. Atlantic Fru.t 81 , 47 m 00 87 00 -s- 87 ;- I'A 33-4 J 34 -f 33 10 - y4-r 53 4- 8714 -r 01 !4- y 1U eA llI4- lir 17 27U-13J4-7014-i -f 64 J. 4 f 48 Jj 4 33 -83 -34t4v 5714- All Oulf & W I S S .1 All Oulf & W I S 8 pf 2;u . . Atlantle Pet . . Austin N chelas 10 OS 14 37 n 21J6 S3 w eil2 i'A 7 Oii 7 3aldwln Ixicometlve. . . . Ualtlmore & Ohie.. .. .. Harnsdele Class D... S Ucthlehem Stpt 3 Bethlehem Steel n.... 7 nethlehem Steel 7.. . . Doeth Fisheries . . 'Brklyn ltapld Transit . . Brklyn It T ctfs of dep 10 uurne ures , . . Butte Copper &, Zinc 116 y, l .. uuuu c nupener top. i"s .. liuttirlck 27ti .. Cadde Central O 4 K. 12; 0 Ca.uernia l'ucklng .. 71 .. Callfern n Petroleum .46 2 Cal Zinc & Lend 0U 1 Calumet & Arizona... rfa 10 Canadian Peclftc ....1 8K .. Carsen Hill Aiuing.. 12; G fhandler Jloters 41J', .. Central Leather 30 .. Centra Leather r?... 6Wi .. CeiTO-de-Paece 31Vi 4 Chesapeake & Ohie... 6"Yt . . Chi & t! III vl 10(4 . .. Chi & n 111 wl f 36 Yt .. Chi & V 111 Fe T tfs. CVi .. Chi & G 111 pf ctf... 0 .. Chi 4KT let as pd.. 12 .. Chicago & Gt West.. 7M . . Chi A. Great West pf . . 1N' . . Chi M Iwaukce & St V 33 . . Chi Mlt & St P pf 3lU 3 Chic & Northwest "0K 2 Chicago Pneu Teel .. B3 .. Cht HU Pac 33'j 7 Chi P. I & Pac 70e pf. 89 . Chile Copper 12 H .. Ch no Cenr.r '-"'d . CIcv Cln Chi & St L. . 4S 4 Coca-Cela 3SV, ..Colerado Fuel & Iren. 2"V4 0 Celum flna & Rlec. ... 04?i .. Celum Ornphophene. . 4 . . Cel Ornphophene pf . . 10 1 Cemput Tab neon!s. 4214 .. Consel'daled tls Ins. ?i 7 Consolidated Oas .... 01 i .. Consolidated Textiles. 13J 7 Cftnt nental Cnn 47'4 7 Continental Insurance C8 5 Cern Products lief . . . 90 7 Cern Products lief pf.l08J4 .60 Cosdep A Ce 33U 4 Crucible Steel 0ys .. Cubnn-Am Suer .... 14' ' . . Cuban Cane SUfrar. . . 7U .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 1H 4 Pavlsen Chern cat ... 32l! 0 Pel Lack & Western. ll"i 1 Deme Mines lfl' . . Klk Hern Ceal IHW .. r.r 12 n Vniticntt-.Toli'isen .... 77'i 7 ISidleott-Jehnson pf.,10"i . . Krle 1st pf H 3 Famous Players I..... eO' H FsmeuB Players L pf. Vi 4 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 3!j H Fisher Bedy of O pf . . 77's . Flsk P.uhber 1" . . Gasten Wma & W'jr. . ' i Ocn Am Tank Car.... SS'i .. CScnerat Asphalt ISO 14 0 General Cigar "8;a H General Wectrlc 143K 1 General Meters Uli fl Gen Meters deb f.'ti.. 3i 7 Gen Meters del) 7.. 82 . Goedrich 11 F 4 Granby Consel M & M 27 'i 7 Great Northern pf . . . 77U 4 Great North Ore ctfs. 33 '-i .. GuanUname Sugar .. 7H .. Gulf Mob'le & Ner... U .. Oulf State Steel 4 t Haskell & Barker Car HIT . . Hemestnke Mining- . . 3S . . Housten Oil 81 1 Hupp Motorcar 12ls .. lnitlnhema Hef 4 .. Inspiration Cen Cep.. SS'i .. Interb Cen Cerp 1 Ji . . Interb Cen Cerp rf . . . 4$ . . Internal Agr'cu! ... 0 . . Int Agrlcul Cerp pf . . . 3JT, .. International Cement. '47 'j ; Int Harvester new... 8Jv; .. Int M"r Martin . . 12 il Int Mfr Marine pf 0N .. Jnternat Motertruo., 211 . Internat enul N'lckel.. 113 mtetnutlenal Paper .. -J'-li U Inter Paper pf stpd. .. . lnv nclhle Oil Cerp... 13 Island OH ,?,, . Jewel Tea U ICansae city Southern 41', Kansas & Guif y ' ' 4 Kelly-SprlnBtlcld Tire 11'S S Kellj-Spt? Tire 8", pf 00 1014-r 30J4 -r 0J4 OH 1 - J4 7H 18 - 23 38J4 80 S3 38K 89 J- K 27 48 - ns?.l 25 14 04- 3J.4- 1314-1- 43 H- - 03 1, 13HJ- 47V4 47V4 es 8',4X 108 ia-;- 33V4 ess h U'A'r 714 105. f S3 19 A 1814 13 77 - 10M-4 17V H4-r 84 'A 1814 r y yS 00W 8J4 143 "li 4 34 -'4714 7K- 3SV4 fl'4 40 -81J4 S3 81 12 f 37M 9 rrn- 27 y, - esri 143 10Ji 73 8214 33 27K 78J4 33 7 814 49 81 39 78'a ins 414 37 U 1 4i 9 37 r. 27Vi 82 14 H 05 W u 1H 73 17K 2Js 111 24 V, 7?s 42 Ji 00 8S is V4 3S "- 32 -73 - h- 3 . U'- 2414 814 43 1- 80 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Ppc fi.-The foreign ex dun market today opened Irregular. Sterling hhewed lie deelli.e. lire were GRAIN MARKET ( hlcage, Dec. B. Wheat started Oic .0 .ic higher for December, and c te .. 1. 1 , em. iinffFred futures, with .. .. ni,mts. Swiss down 1 and niuri.i . , . . 1 il.. t nneb were tin points lower, tvlille t nm t win. ui .. and guilders III points. ei.uii.ii- nuMiins were unchanged. .M.eind iiil.blii. the market was wry ,,ill but the piincipnl enchauges showed try romniliislen neiiseB soie. " ii murket was firm with offerings light. Ulg buying by Jnpanep nttraetliut Increased attention and le likely te have inlluence with the trade. r.-., ..f,i..t.l neehaiicnl te vac lower. .-.tirling elides were 11 .'elllll' tOI . 1 De 1 . demand .1 (i-.l . francs were bid 1, lieillilliu .'" . - -; - ',, lilllltctl lien lllg- 10 !' .."- 1 .IS for eieei.-, the lecei'.t high or reasenauiy t-jimii Trade with light, .grrir.n, .i-a. - . " ."" I. Ire cables were , l "v . ii-ckH. .- V" . niii'i'i .' ' nedin- fop elevator llliercMB. ,.., i 1(,.t opening lemij mi- '"- : --" Tie nniniiiiii "i N" Yerk fund- in ; featureless with iirlce 5 te 11 points M.,itift.HliivM.ii.leil te S' l.ereint. et higher. Early Inllucnces included ThVvtii III funds in New Yerk were Ueady chips and n llrm s eck iMrtrt "". . '., .. un ,i .i ...w.iitii f..i , Bmnnil from i nil Htrwt and iinner at .-' i . V, " Ml. ':. , Ami' i lean ii.iiie- i . I.... ruiiiii iiiiini- lenfi; I nigu.iy. j .fit); Argentine, nnd Liverpool. easier nud reacted aoeui ii pmrns irmn 1,(. Inn - jii. SATI-ltHAV f KINAI. Ql'"TATK"a hterllnit 1'ri.tira (lullde ",U ,"'" I !" I ''. ! V.',, . 4 n..' 7 JH'i 1 4,i4 .1.1. HI .15.70 Dirmlr January i.inAY-H OPIJMNO fjtJiiTATIONS i.lUtch .. Krncs i.irn uunueis .May j ei 7.M'j 4.A1I4 rf&.7y'juijr ' 4.0Su 7 34 4 2H 8STS OtteHr V-..'- ViflH Net Chre. Cl in I Llh a Kennecett Copper .. 9SM 400 , . Keyitene T A It 19 ?? 0 Kre 8 fi 174 0 .. Lackawanna Steel ... 48 H 100 s Lee nubber Tire 33 M Lew a4 W is8 tit 88 IS 14)4 98 1S854 1(54 St 80 33 38 Ul( 1)4 8)4 99)4 JHH 28 ") i X su a.oe ieninn vaiiey as ova 100 3000 100 100 700 1S0O 100 100 1100 190 790 309 190 100 100 100 8790 100 5490 8900 101 100 890 1300 819 304 300 409 300 700 100 1910 100 '400 100 100 100 100 700 100 13 Liggett Ac Myers 1(8 7 Llg-gett A Myers pf . . . 110 . Lima Locomotive . . , 99 . . Lima Locomotive pf , . OS .. Leewe Ce ., ... 14J4 .. Loeee-WIlcs Biscuit .. 41 19 Lerlllard Tobacco ....1SSH .. Malllnsen ft Ce lSyi 7 Malllnsen A Ce pf . . . . ft .. ManMI Surr 39tf .. I 1 M .. W 14 .. H a 1M 7 munnaiiiui ijev ffuar. . . Alkali .. Marlln Oil .. Max Moter Class B., .. Maxwell Moter ctfs.. . . Max Moter 3d pf ctfs. 8 May Dept Stores 3314 1114 1)4 811 16 H IS 14 14 "h t 14 H U4 OH is Mexican Petroleum . .1184 8 M ami Copper 29 .10 Middle State Cerp. . ,1S(4 .. Mldvale Steel 3S4 .. iuinn a at Leuis 0 K 7 Minn St P & S St Me, .. Me Kansas A Texas.. . . Me Kan A Tex pf . . . . .. Me Kan & Texas wl. . Me Kan & T"x pf wi, .. MTweurl Padfle . . Missouri Paclfle pf . . . .. Mentana Power ... .. Montgomery Ward .. . . National Acme 1H 314 U SJ4 18J4 H St is 4 3 t)i 2854 la J4 H st IS 13)4 134 38 IK K 80Ji 14 0054 00(i 78 54 33yi 13ft 14 1054 OSH 4454 49K 81)4 8)4 1454 118 i stu 8 64 13 iS 3054 4SW 13J4 14)4 34 10J4 84 M 33 84 31)4 1454 33 13 70 8154 37 80 IS 8 SS 100)4 39H 80J4 tl)4 31 1454 73 n 48 3454 S4J4 93 0 4754 33 8754 33 10)4 tS4 49i S1H 33 33 Ji 8O54 36 10 ; 47 ji i)4 187 11354 3854 88)( ftiM 77 ? 10 4314 34 2454 28 's SOJi 1154 7114 18M 138 55 7354 OS 103 33 70 54 134 S3 17K 37 88 !4 81 98 8351 114)4 6954 SK 3354 3954 71 7Ji 7 4154 18)4 88 SJi 19 91 4954 t4 54 39 18 fj 1'4-X Si 2754 80 13354 43?i 8 Kl f V.l HH.I YIIB....I. . f Al.ll.UII.VI UWUUK , I I I, 1 .. rta. meax & HUlt.... S.H .. National Cen. A Cable 0 Nat Knam A Stamp.. 6 National Lead . . Nev con Copper 8 N O Tex A Mex ..NTAIr Brake 7t 4314 89J4 14 805A 01?4 73)4 33J4 13 1414 leji 09 4 4014 0 New Yerk Central... 100 2,00 New Yerk Deck. 2S0O New Yerk N II A It.. N Y Shipbuilding Norfolk & Southern.. Norfolk & Western... North American ctfri. Ne American pf ctfe. 200 100 300 8300 SOO 2800 100 100 390 1000 100 100 400 209 800 4309 400 200 100 1100 800 100 3500 100 8000 8800 800 3300 400 4700 1100 200 300 900 3109 usa 1200 9000 11110 Northern Paclfle 83 Okla Prea A Rcf iy. Orpheum Circuit H Ofn Elevator 118 .. Otis Steel 10(4 0 Otis Steel pf 89H . . Paolfle Devel Cerp. . . 8 . . Paclfle Oas & Klec. . . . 04J4 . . Paolfle Mall 13 .. Pacific Oil 4 J ft fl PAn-Amer Petrel .... S3 0 Pn-Amer B 47 .. Panhandle 18 .. Parish A Bingham... UV, 3 Pennsylvania II U.... 34J4 .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 10H .. Pceplas Gas Colcage. Sty, . . Pere Marquette 33 14 "u H 1 ' " 14 H li i IK S PU'ladelphla Ce 84 . . Phillips Pet . . . Plcrce-Arrew . . Plcrce-Arrew . . Pierce Oil 89 54 Moter. , Met pf, isn 3454 is-.; 70V4 88 $4 37 80 is 0 30 i 110 30 H 37 03J5 31 1434 78 H 48 2654 8 Pierce Oil pf 6 Pitta Ceal . . Pitts A Wet Va tt Pitts A West Va pf.. . . Pend Creek Ceal . . Pressed Sttel Car.... . . Pre'ucera A P-ef 8 Pullman . . Punta Alegra Sugar. . 3 Pure Oil 8 Railway Steel Spring;. !4 Si 100 8.41 Rand Mines SOO Ray Cen Copper. 1300 200 2S00 S800 100 100 4 Heading 2 Reading 2d pf. .. . . Replogle Steel . . . !i 14 Si "?; "'4 'A A Vi 54 Wi 54 1 1 Republic Iren A Steel, m 7 Rcpub Iren A Steel pf 03 Republle Meters e 800 Royal Dutch Amer. 48)4 28 37 yi 33 18)4 3J4 4M 8 28 100 100 St Leuis San Fran.. - St Leu's San Fran pf .. St Leuis A S W It R. . . Savage Arms .. Seaboard Air Line... . . Seaboard Air Line pf . . Sears-Roebuck . . Seneca Cep Cerp. . . . .. Snelalr Oil 100 100 00 200 3300 300 3100 3100 100 ZOO 800 SOO 1800 700 300 100 1700 S480O 1100 1000 3700 81"0 J0I 33 8 Southern Paclfle 80J6 14 h 'A li .. Ti Ji A -M . . he rorte moo sugar. . 88 .. Southern Rail 10 f .. Southern Railway pf. 48 4 Standard Oil of Calif. 91J4 0 Standard Oil of N J..189N 7 Stand Oil of N J pf . . . lis H B Stewart Warner Speed 3814 7 Stem Bres pf S8f, .. Stromberg Carb 33)4 7 StudebnkPr 79 X Submarine Beat Cerp. 3J4 .. Tenn Cep & Chem.... 1054 3 Texas Ce 4 t 2. BO Texas G Sul ,-4'4 .. Texas & Paclfle 31 1 Texas A Pae C A O.. 28tj 6 Tobacco Products .... S8? .. Transcen Oil 13; 8 Union Bag A Paper.. 78)4 . . Union OH 154 10 Union Pacific 130 54 1 Union Paclfle pf 7254 . Tin'en Tank Car 98 . . Union Tank Car pf . . , 103 . . United Alley Stx:l. . . . 33 . . United Drug 7054 8 United Fruit 12154 0 United Retail Stores.. S3 . USCIPt Fdy IS ..US Ind Alcohol 87W ..US Realty A Imp... S8H ..Us Rubber 83 M 9 V B Rubber 1st pf. .. 88I4 8 U S Steel 8iy, 7 U S Steel pf 11454 43'I0 4100 28100 800 SOO 300 200 100 100 100 20(1 300 2300 800 1400 100 12800 200 800 1300 200 100 1330 300 100 300 900 300 1000 830 200 20U 8 04 1100 100 1S00 400 300 1X00 SOO son 200 400 "V 4 54 54 1 1 Ti 'il4 14 W 14 n 'VA M Si H " "ji li 3 utan uepper 00 .. Utah Sec H . . Vanadium Cerp .. V-Car Chetn'eal . . Va-Car Chemical pf . . . . Vlvadeu Ine . . Wabash , . . Wabash pf A . . Wabash pf B 80 Wells Farge Kiprees. . . Western Maryland . . . . . Western Pacific 7 Western Un'en Tel... 4 Weatlngheuse K A M. .. Wheeling A L 13 pf.. . 4 White Moter 33 30 V, 71 VA 7 XH4 1814 09 4 7i 10 l!'s M 4 !4 40 2M V2 .. White Oil Cerp. lM . . Wick Spenc Steel Cerp 13 . . w uys-uveriand . . Wlllys-Overhutd pf . 6 Wilsen A Ce 8 Woolworth r V.... 4 Worthlngten Pump. . . : . 21 30J,; .13454 . 44 . t 109 18 wngnt Aero Ex-fllvliJenJ. Commodity Markets NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Verlt, Dpc. 5. The local coffee futures market opened Arm nntl .'I te 3 points higher, trading having been stimulated by the special cables report. Ing nie 100 te COO reis higher and Ban- sratteretl buvlng and nbnet of lm- j tes Mi te J.0 rela nbeve the early quo que quo pertant selling. On the upturn, count-, tntlens. Brazilian advices have said . a 1.1 frk nn.,l. that the government wati ceffee and this view has ened bv reports that talned another lean of After the early with soiling by brokers orders, the demand ceased - ;.. i- ,m.l I'rsv. Dccmbr March . . May Jul . . . ;:;, nllP.l bv the Seuth DIVIDENDS -..r,-.-- . ... . Later the list became cent en common, payabls muiur te fiBE-i i.uivuiat un. Prsvleus Cless Open 11.10 A. M. vii.ii utAniDt Il If Vnn.u . fin.. Ailirt.,1. ti -- firred,' payable January 1 Dtcembsr 20. 17, na i i.eii'a hi 17.n 17.47 17.87 17.17 11.10 17.17 1.(U 18.78 IS. US 10 0 17 2li 5I-2S i BAR SILVER 14,60 nsr stlr was 4d lorer t 5S',I .J- LitV4 ziw. r- ... , ift jrt. .rt 4mtei W Kf fei) fork Curb lHOtJStKIAM ArMA P-timi In 1:30 Nel P. M. Ch(re. SH yi it 14 171 3 47- )4 38M )4 67)4- H 188 lit 99 14 OS 3 14)4 41 S54 1S1 3 1SJ4 . St 4 ttK 1J4 as 3354 1)4 38 Lew l?l 114 00 r.r. 30 lU 20 1 7 Acme rseklrue cti tlrltlnh Amur Tnli roue ... 11 8 it Crushed Fruit r tJsht vnri-nin lire .. ceuuieia co pfd Curtis Aero ,,, Iiurint Mtrs Olan Alhn ril Ooedjrecr Tire Goodyear Tire pfil rifunt Mntni lunette B It J;r jit. . .... ....----.. Oeerxes Clethes U lil'S no e r 8.1 8 iiarana ted Havana Teb pfd .... Imperial folacce ... Inter Rubber Meby McNeill locemobile Manhattan Trnrin .. National L-sther ... i-arsenn Aute , Paekard Moter CO. 11)4 54 rerjtcien Tire Kadle Cem rfd off :::::::::: ifr l!i- 3)4 9054 113)4 38 is 54- 73)4 w iirumir riunts . Sweets Ce ..... V il Ulstrlrmtlns 2Tll 20 1)4 1)4 i; ij it u jt t 8 14 u H hip Cerp V H Rtesm unit nlted Profit Hlmrlnir M Di 54 54 lljtlted Het Candy ... Wst XZnA rtifttn Willys Cem 8 BTANDAItD Oltl 1J4- 1 -em 3854 St -IS - 13)4- 136 5i 38 1K 4354 8th 14 ea)4 ei 76)4 14 .;. 1254 09 44J4 40T4 81)4- 9)4 14N 118 0J4-30K- 8 -84 -13 - S3 47 18 14)4 34i -1 73 84 )i la 34 -;-1354- 70 68 37 89 1SH 09 28 10054 , 30H 37 -98 31 - 14J4- 73H- 48 - 354 6S b3 6 48y, 33V 87)4 , 33 - 154 8,54- 87 i 28 -33 8954- 38 1954 48 l!i- Ansln Am OH 81 "4 2114 10? M Atlant la Ibes I. mpsrlal oil Can .110 FB., . 8t4 H Oil of In? .... fi H M H )4 H H 1NPKPJWD7WT OILS Atlantle Pet .jtt 4'4 Arxantas Natural ns . .. i in lloene Oil 2B Uosten IVyemlns l Calb Hyn ..JW Cities hsrvlce (old) 210,, C'lles Servlce "U" ctfs . . 244 Hesden A Ce 4;i uahinir Pete 0 11 20 8.1 n 'la tt usnny en i1' 10 'h 02 12 10 17', ilk,aln PUT 7.l :nalhsrs Petrel " . dtraf Oil 1A ) 54 Vi H 54 V4 )i 54 H 54 K ")i ")4 54 54 l" H l 54 Si Si 54 54 )i 1 54 Vi 1H 1H K 1 H Vi 'h )4 at. 54 H 14 3 Ollllland Oil 'A tuenroeu ou ,n Hudsen Oil J2 , Int TMrel 17V Kay County O .v 1H Keyatena lianisr e'i Livlnsslnn Pet .Ill t.vena Pst 71 7ll'-4 7? 711 78 MU 20H 10Vi low 1.1 IS 17 17 i!ft h ir. irt 87 S7 00 00 11 ft iii i:y. ml r.:i a n 70 70 nil 14H 71 71 , 21i 2 2 2rt bO 0 m i .JA B S.I 82 r.2 SO 80 20 20 2U 2 e n ia lit 02 02 r.H n 10 id 20 30 RH OS 69 02 -1 1A 70 70 2 2H itaraealbe Oil 28H lsrrltt Oil lfl Msrldan Pet , .. in Krx llul) Mex Pan , Mexico OH Mountain Products Nebis , . 17 .. 3 ::i.H ,. 10 ,. 87 .. co ,. 0 .. 12H .. ,. 3 ,. 7.1 ,. 14t .. i A ,. aw .. 71 Omar Oil rnuiDa ret llvsn Conn Slmnia rt Hkelly Oil , Texas Ilancer Teton Tidal Osare victeria en ne . . Wilcox Oil Y Oil southern ran 0i MININO Alaska- Brit Celum new.. 2,4 Una Ix'itsr 30 Dotten & Mentana bi Tepper Canyon 1H Cens Cep M .1 1 Cortex Oliver 8.1 Crystal Cep 85 Kursks, Croesus H2 Hard Shll ae Ilarmlll Divide ai , Howe Hound 2'i Knox Divide 7 McNsmura 1. Mether Lede clt fi National Tin 09 Nlplsalna- OU Ohie Copper 10 Hechester filher i'O He Am P tt O 0ft Tonopah Divide 02 Tennnah Extension 1 .V Tuolumne 70 united Eastern - DONDS Allied Packer 0a ctt 4n 40 102 Aluminum 7s, 1038. ..102U ..10014 ..101 ..100H .. Hills .. 07 ..103's ..102'4 .. 70 ..100H ..100i ..let ..loot. ..loei; .. 47 . lenv ..1U2S Amer Teb 7s. wit. Am Teb 7s. 11123.. 101) 101' Atner Tel lis 1P22.. Amer Tel 0s. 1U24.. iiiuji 00!s T 101 108i B024 70 100JI lOO'i loeji 1004 lOOVi 40 ioe v, 102?i 103 ion; 1"14 1041 07W 07 10.1 lna'J 1014 7J P74 00'4 P0W 08 071i 07 en env ioe 103 mi 101V4 102'J vu; 101 10,1 10HW Anaconda en Anaconda 7s. 1023. Anxle-Amer Oil 7V4. Armour ?s Ueaver Heard fis . . . . Dcth Slcel 7s, 102'2.. B(el 7s. 1023.. Uelli Stsel 7a 1U80. Can l'aclfla 0s Cent fittel 7s St n ''A Si 54 !i Di Vi 14 14 Cel Qraph 8s unns uas s Cens tins Ilalte 7s . Cuban Tel 7"j 1P3' CeDPtr Expert ss. 1023.1P1I4 CeDner Kxmirt Ss. 1024.. lll.ti gepper Expert Hs, 1025 flern a Ce 7t4a .... .1 at Goedrich Tire 7b 00 rinif en 7s tes flslnn Ce 7s W Humble Oil 7 10U interbore bs la Laclede Oas 7s 07 Llbby McNnlll 7s 100 Manitoba Pewrdsr 7 U0H Nat Cleak Ss US Nat leather a P7U N Y N II a II 4s f.7 Vi 2H 54 Vi 2)4 1? 1ST54 U3 2354-88-3354 7HJ4 10 45s .1154 I B4K 39 6854 13 7154 10i 12854 7254 00 - 108 -23 7054- 184 Vi sa 17W 37 H 6854- S3H M54 84M 114)4 80 H 35 - 9954 71 7)4- 9154- 135, C9!i-f. H Ji lt 91 -49 S4 14 !4 40 13 -13fn- S4 r 47)4 3054 123 Jt -44 - 9 Oils Hteel S CO Phi la Ce 0s Ulj ft I'lillH Kine tls KHIV, Philippine 0'is 10r. J'orte llire is t"i l'hllllps l'st 7H li2 bhawrhsen 7s lOK'ji Bouthern Ily 0s PH1 Suuthwest llell 7 101 Stand Oil M T 7s. 1920.. 1U5 Htunil Oil N Y 7v, 11131.. 108Vi Ktand Oil N Y OS s 111.14 Pwlft A Ce 7s. 12S lOU'i 1Q.-5 ioe 102 Htrlft Ce 7a. 1S31 102Vi 54 5 1)4 Tel Kdlsen 7s 1U4I4 101V4 118 107 104 97 100 lOO'i 4 United Oil Pred 0s linn Vacuum 7s 107 Western Klectric 7s ....101 Wilsen & Ce 7Wa 07 Argentine 7s ioe HI'i Ornnds 8s HmTs Htls bVi ViK Philadelphia Stocks 1 13 Net High I.eiv 1'. M U,. 10 AraSteics 1st i) 103V, 1051 i 'i 400 AmS&O C 04 O'fi-f- 'la 7 Am GrtH.. -17 47 47 2 82I!tiff&B te 09 00 01) 1 250 Drill J O.. 40 118 40 4 WH1 Klec SterllOVj 117Vj 111)1,04-1 175 Gen Asph. Oft 0T, (T-- ', no ueiirci. .iu iu ie '4 ' Si 54 y 'h 12 Vi 1 4 Si l H t. 2-'it I Ce A HIVj 25tlnt Mar pf 05V4 5(H) Lake Sup. C") lift) Lch Vel... Tu'is 2(KUMlilvnle. . 20i 300Oklu 1'red !1 215 1'enn Cent Light pf. 50 821 I'unim It 1134", II) IMill Inn W CO :u 3P2 '1 no .it' 00 5i's 2S'. 34 50 15 lliilrt Ce ctini pr. . hia I'hlla lClec 14 "Vi 37 21 87 18 50 77 28 1 1ft 12 'Mi 41 50 84 8 "."I n ' ', 'is 21!,. VM 27.-4-!- lH'-l.-50 1 77 a, 28 . 1 VT V J- "T ".J 30'i-j- H tit "' M - 52-f.2 8 2R1 340 I'hllft It T 18 10 rhllft Trite 50 25tHtutlebskr 77 CQOtTexus I'ne C & O.. 28 25Tone llel. ,U 470Tone Mln. 1 200t'Trnns Oil. 12 40 Un True. . 30V4 501 V G I-.. 41 010 tle jircf.. 51 100 1U S Mteel. 84 lOOtU S Rub. B2 CO War I &. 8 tS'et chanirs maile by eoniparlsen tilth ale an New Yerk Stock HKclmiiifO. 1'IIUVDKMIIIA nOMS 10000 17800 15000 5531500 5000 1000 1000 1000 1000 15000 Liberty 4tli 4Hs '38.... D7.01 Liberty 4th 4Vifi '23. .!els OS. HO Liberty 4th 4,h '38 US 0t Victory 4V,h ,l3....1elK.100.00 Atner Gits & Klectric us. 81 I'eniiH.vlvenla fls Kill I'hlln Ce cenn 5h 8P.'. Phila Klectric 0i IOO-vT njaln buying been strength Rraiil bes ob 10,000,000. flurry of buying and a 2 te 1 I'hlln Klectric (Is I'litia ijiectric Us ,10tH GOVERNORS AT CHARLESTON i Welcomed by Seuth Carolina Exec utive as Conference Opens Charleston, S. C, Div. 5. fltv A. P.) Governer Cooper, of Reutli ('aro ('are lina, wolcemetl the visiting Governer" nt the openlnr; meeting today of the tliirtticiith annual Governors' confer ence. Net all the twenty. two Governors who nnnetinepil their intention of at tneilliiR Inn arrived, hut men of them were fxpet-teil by tetiluht when Hie first biikincHH hcnpIeii will be held The GnvernerB will leavi. Wcliiniilfiv I night for WaMiInBten, where tlicv will he received jit the White Iloime Tliura dsy by President rinrtltnff. Clese Open K.0OH03 O.ClO.I'.i H.48M4I N nsiCiJO 8 4840 S 40W42 H.44145 H.47VBO DECLARED tlscemlMr 20 te iiiiirrAeiii . te eteck'bf record In t.e.-rlsn tedsi tnfA- -' 1 1 Investment Offerings im? eH 2& in $100,000 LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND DANK, OF LINCOLN, ,NCBRASKA, Farm Lean ' Bend. M. & N. ; ... . - .1.. V1hllJ 'insirunieniiiiiiiiii m " .,-.""", rttntrs (lereniment." nndmKternpt N rreni All Federal. State, Munlelpul mid Lecal Tnxntlen. 50,000 PITTS., CINC CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RY. General Mortgage. J. & D Ss 1070 12,000 SCHUYLKILL RIVER EAST SIDE RAILROAD FJr.t Mortgage Gtd. J. & D 4 1925 25,000 WESTERN NEW YORK & n ii 2. 1ft 13H ,0O 0 r se n co 2AW ? 2 t ! '.' PENN5Tl.VArilA li. uen A. & 0 4'. oral Mortgage. Fre Frem Pennsylvania Personal Property Tax ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Philadelphia Specialist in UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 31H u innU 80 8sM 1 20 8.1 r. 218 45, n 10 . 1" We Ofer, Subject te Sale $160,000 PennsylvaniaR. R. Equipment Trust 6 Geld Certificates Issued under the Philadelphia Plan, guaranteed uncon ditionally, Principal and Dividend, by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company by endorsement en each Certificate. Price te Yield 5.80 $20,000 due each year, January IS, 1928 te 1935 inclusive Moere, Leenard & Lynch 111 Broadway, N. Y. ie; 17 fit WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT F. Walter Hentz and Rebert J. Campbell ARE NOW ASSOCIATED WITH U6 IN OUR DOND DEPARTMENT Mackie. Creuse Ce. Real Estate Trust Building Philadelphia, Pa. 40 102i 10U 1014 11104 0T 07 101JJ 103H 1025 7tl 10OS 100. 1004 10114 ioe. 47 lOOvi 102 101i 10,1 1044 f.7H U7s 10.1 urn; 1004 "3 1174 100 004 OH ll-'i 074 00 or. 't 100j 10.1 en 11114 1021 vow 101 100 108V4 ter. 1004 1024 10414 ii.irt 107 101 07 ion Brazilian Government Sterling Issues 4s, 18891910 4) 5s, 1S83 1888 5s, 1895190319081913 Railway Rccissien 4s, 1900 Gassel, Huhes & Ge. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange 60 Broadway New Yerk Telephone Hauling Green 59G3 IHO New Orleans and Nertheaitern Imp. 4V, 19S2 Te yield 5.50 N. Y., Chie. & St. L. Ci 1931 (Free of Pennn. Htnte Tat) Te yield 6.35 California & Arizona (Atcbiien Syitcm) lit 4,i, 1952 Te yield 5.30 WlDCNIR BlDO, PHIlADtLPrllA MmiimPUaiiMJaami AitaXShdinAuj tiy tesk iuiautm. hj. 4-a 'i - ',.1 ; i .i . Beles .s-Westvoed Members Phila. lock. Exchand'j INVESTMENT SECURITIES last LandTiTle Bld... Philadelphia PHCNE LOCUST 4721 Kill'. W'n Offer il in r.r Standard Gas & Elec. Ce. Secured 7 Va',' Bends Due 1941 Al 100 and Interest i" H I Samuel McCreery & Ce. JUmUiji !((. i-tutA. Lxrhan'je lranklin Hank Ihiilding j BROOKE, STOKES & CO. I HO H. Fifteenth St. . l'lillatlclphiii Wiibhinztnii IJaltimeri! l tm: WMmmMSaW i Tim " mil r 1 tesk imwm, m-i. f2 nmga-wT-?'vv",nvmmft I ' lll III i " "' "'' - - 1 1 II -Ji Due frit vil4 B's -1941 100 5.00 32 B.B0 95 ,5.60 1943 G8 0.00 J De you knew hew te invest for profit? INVESTING for Income and investing for profit ate two entirely different proposi preposi tion)), The first Is compara tively easy; the latter requires a knowledge of the many fac tors that govern price fluctua tions. "Scientific Investing &.Trading" is a ncwly-publlshetl 96-page book that contains a cemplete chapter devoted le the proved mothedsof Investing (or profit. It suggests hew te distinguish and act upon the economic situations that nffuct the mar ket value of stocks. fill.', trlephone or uritr t r vjr ; " cupj of booklet . -15. Wm. H. McKenna & Ce. 221 S. 15th. St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. New Yerk Chksie PsterieD rittiburth MORTGAGE BONDS MUNICIPAL ISSUES SHORT TERM AND EQUIPMENT NOTES Our business, predicate! upon honor able er ce le timtumrrs old niul n'. in Inrurly renflnril le til ex rliisslflra rliisslflra Hen,, of huunil InieHlmrnt. ivllh ron ren llniinl .iierliillrtitlen In the llelil of nmUrllnir railroad securities. 1'lniie ile net lenfur us wltlt uny orgunlss ergunlss orgunlss tlen ii T it slinllur name, w'th hltb hnie jm tunnrcllun whateTer. SPECIAL OFFERING Illinois Central Weilern Linn lit Mtfs. 4i, due 1951 Te Yield 5.20"c Rated AAA FLANetss suiuome 13TH AND WALNUT-6TT1EET9 IptnlnbeivU no. Georgia Ry. & Power Ce. We have urdcra in Int Preferred Steclc 2d Preferred Stock and Common Stock Reed A. Morgan & Ce. IPcit Fmi Trvi.i llli'p . l'hila M l.blu of J.. 1-1, u htj 1( Klv1! -rllMitc .V.lillruniliuli KiIIhu.n lit Is ie' Ulniuilnwi (rnlrul HnlI'Mtr 1st I'i H"f lltilint.k &, M.ilune 1st 4's IWJ l-flikh ti Nt" l.ncluul Itillna.T IM ,".' Jtl) Mulille & lllilu ttj . (ienrrul . 4's IHi I'l'iiiisjrliiinli It. It. i:.iiln. . lOH-WJ T.rle llnjlreid uiiiimn) l.iuilp, tl's lll2S-lt- Mrulnaii ICilhuul ( ii, Dniiln. U's III.'M; St. (Inlr 'uiiiit l.iir .'. Klectric B's lJ tumliiril I'.lirlrlr Cumuitiiy. .!' ''; Alrtre.iblltun IJlUeu Cimiip inj A's llt ilNhlkslpii! 1 ilk-j- tint Klrctrlr. .S's IK I'lnlnu Akren K.illuity ('empiinj- .1's IU 'tillril (Ii'n i l.lettrle 1'i.rp. l.'s IHJ1 ' itnie 4. HurreuittiN ('eiupiiiiv tl's I05e i.l-j.lia itcil Trillion nf N. J. B's l mil 03 I'nlnii Tr irt en I'etupi'riT It's 19 j Iniliils., i-r.itvfurilhi II . IMutllle B'h iwj'ls 1Vit.-r INerks hrciir. fi's W) 1,'kr Mipirler Cnn nr illnu lfl B's II" Iiriit'iil.)' A West llrHnli I'ii-ht fimi Wk, SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. MrntUrs I'll 1 1 iileplil i stork r.srbasw .107 ClllC-rM r STIIKIT J Ji