.', -. VeuM nd Wt W W? evidence ngqlnst ;?', fnr from convincing. was far from convincing, MUj Iul9e Vlntcrtiurn, mnjdle irt'il. MflMUVe and well-bred, voted ti $ cenTlctlqn. Her conscience hilt! b?r' sl)9 saI(1, Bccnus the cvldencq hid net cenvInceiThcr of" the tjcfcndnnn wilt'. Se, fll9 cban?9d hr vete lrlnf5 the uccc'ednB bnlleta and held out tetany for acquittal during stormy hours' that ence rondo her very ill. Mrs. Hybb.ar.4' remained Ilk? 01 riHir. V?P H epe'css deadlock began w seem Inevitable,' the foreman of' the Jury instructed' bl nssoc'Iqtes te renffen with U)C one e'bdurafc rncmVcr. Ho'or He'or Ho'er j.r.i! each te take nn hour for argu ment. Mrs. Hubbard Informed them In ,ucc?wen tha't, though thgy nrgucd rtntll the 4th of July, he would net rh.ncc her decision. Mr. Kilkenny yns flrmly for the iftttlW Wtty uritll'he; took his t Vnersunder. Within his hetir v 'i t:. .-i ; t -i -r, n".. "- turn he ' . .i nrer nsaln. "and the flnser rfrmts bn the deer" and ybdr common S? should ell je.r the rest." 'Winn the jury foreman suggested that tee deer be brought In 'for a' further rutln;H-the deer from the Interior' of the hotel sulte uppn which Prof. Tleln tlch had made vIrIMc fiiigernVInts which seemed te Indicate n stnfggle bo be ficcn a man and ri woman Ir3. Hub ITiA1 said die didn't want t see the ioer. ?be 'bad been at once and once was enough. ' ' "That T"19 yesterday morning. The eeurt' was sitting patiently in a special Bunday session and Fatty nnd his cbtin K wtrd watlng with "no Hbgering thr for n verdict of acquittal ' when the Jury sent out word at neqrt that It was n't the' end of Its rdpe and wanted te ke home. Lawyers Hardest Hit the lawyers were liardcst ht by the news of a disagreement'. 'Charles Urcn nan, a towering member ofArbuckle's eeMnsel, 'actiially wept a'llttlc and wiped klj"ejes'wltheu minding the specta tors. Qavln McNab was sttitcly nnd (or a moment seemingly -dumb with thagrln and astonishment, ' Jndge Leuderbaek, reminding the jury of the exbense nnd trouble of a neV trial, asked 'each Wmbcr If it was his" or' her opinion tbdt n verdict was ffflpesslblt? te reach. Bach shook hie or her bead and said a' Verdict couldn't he're'achtd.4 The Sunday quiet of the courtroom raadc'th'e scene seem dreary nnd some seme some hetf unreal. Fatty himself lolled In his chair nt the counsel table. He had been certain of a verdict In bis favor, hut be was seemingly In a mood that made any definite news seem a relief. Whin suddenly he was confronted by he prospect of nnethe'r trial, another fteing' of the whble depressing narra tive 'of his party and the remote but norie the less fearful possibility of an ultimater conviction,' he accepted the outlook with an air of resignation and net without courage. Fatty's Car Absent His wife ivas in tears when, after the formalities were ever, the general crowd tranjped out Inte the streets. Fatty's amaiing motorcar It has solid ' silver hd limps, silver knobs and $10,000 wbrtb of fixings inside and All the com forts of home, excepting bath and ele ele ceorwas net nt the curb. It lurked somewhere in n garage. It had made many futile trips'te'the Hall of Jus tice, and it may have decided te wait nnd see before it agaiu fnced n staring mob. But even though It was away In an other place, the streets were nblnse with 'he flags and bunting put out en Sat urday for Marshal Foeh and a wnndor wnnder ing band n'strhy from th? bis reception thumped blithely past. "Oesli," murmurs Fntt.v, with a wistful sort of humor, "te leek around 'his town new you'd think they had ac quitted me. What's next? Ob, yes, the Federal judgf and that business about' file liquor. I wonder what they'll 1ote me there?" They didn't de much te Fatty in rommuslener Heyden's court. The pen alty for having gin and Scotch whisky illegally in your possession is a $000 fin?, and $600 inn't much te n man who ) J" eatd te have paid out $100,000 in anyers' fees, betides spending con cen tderablc tlme behind the bars of n Jioeray jail under a charge of rmirder. Shew Girls te Testify But the hearing In the Fcdcrnl Cqurt his afternoon will be of some Interest, netertheless. $5ey Provest and Alice j'l$c. who were guests with Virginia nappe at the Laber Day party, "and oneplcueus witnesses at Fatty's trial, will make their last public appenrance M witnesses for the prohibition enforce mint officers. They are presumed te knew where the Mquer came frpm that was the Indirect ''fuse of Virginia Kappe'a de"th and 'he beginning of Fatty's treubs. After Judge Leuderbaek had dlsmlss t M the jury and. Indeed, while the jury til l"Un wssien rumors implying 'tat the District Attorney's office was in erne wicked way responsible for Mrs. i ri"rd,H ob(1,lraey could b? heard m the air. Sometimes they were cx K .1 "P,1 astonishing. ' But, like mewt "i tee ether rumors that have been about qil M fclieWcr eul'fr verdict of ButW. "ny followed her 'Inte the' room." t.nnbbnrd Is reported te have said H Is -ft- i CALUMET CABINET Havana Cigars At Sensationally Lew Prices This tremendous purchase and sale efFcra smokers who demand a high-Brade cigar an opportunity te obtain big Savings at Lets Than Factory Cost n!3Uned $3.00 Bex of 50 fr(s 14 and 16 SpJi A w v Dgf(nsc Witnesses Liars Says Arbyckle Juryiyeman Mrs. Ikku M. Jlubbunl. the Jurywemnn who voted Mtidlly fer1 Arbucklc'n conviction) said: "I bcricve AfbueklQ gtillly. I be lieve t'hose fingerprints en the deer were accurate, aild 'It Is tny oplhteft Ibaf wlicii" Arbifckle licld Virginia Ilappe ajjalns't thntf iloer' she waS ita Jurcd. pight tlicfc Is tvherc I 'think it nil happened; ; I don't 'believe Ills story. I' think It is ah cn'tlrc fab rication. And I think most of the etb'er defense wlndscs are )iars." since the trlnl began, they could be trriccd te no definite seiircc, ani they w'cre obviously "without the basis of fact. '""The 'acts," said Gnvln Mcnb bit. tcrly1 in the first words he 'littered nfter Jtidgc 'Leddcrbnclc'ii dlshiltfsal of the JUrr, "sneak for the'mUclvcs." Statcirteiits frem1 cutihscT for the do-fensC-'weiild bd stincrQuelis nnd unnec essary. The ether lawyers were ranged li1tlrk silence. The battl6 had been tee lierce te make an acceptance? of vir tual defeat easy er"pninless. Toe much had been nt stake'. The jurnrk them selves were plainly irritated almost be yond words, nnd Mrs. Hubbard was the most Irritated of nil. ' She -spoke cnly live words after her formal and cut an swer te the routlne qucstidns of the court. "She Had It In Fer Me" harshly te n woman who steed waiting i.- ,vi, """ uruBnci ncr way tnreugn tiie little crowd of spectators nnd was one of the first out of the buildlug. ?ftty looked niter her curiously and without npparcnt resentment. "That ladv." hc'Dfllfl SnfMv 'Vrrtnlnlw lina If In for me." Fer many days the defense had been in fear of Mrs. Hubbard. She sat in thn frnnf rnm nt fhn 4i,,- ai. n u. wife of a San Francisce lawyer. And bee naa cuuivatca a namt or gazing with nngry derision at the great Mc Nab whenever he rose te speak A stately word In behalf of his client and of frowning se steadily at Mi'. Sehmule- Wtf fin1 f nillnM n.,1 nkn. A4U..A1.1. lawyers that one or another of them wuh uim.-uiiuuriuu mera innn ence in vne middle of an address and lest the! thread rtf rllftPnilrNft flnrl Vln,1 fn fnlfAH n,1 m(a1. it up ngnin. AVhen the long wait began and it be came known that the jury was wrangling Fatty's lawyers whispered te unu uuuiuur uiut n was eniy me stern lady nnd that she would have te ceme around' fe renunn nnnnpp nc Int,. ' ThiM. bad something te learn. Brolly Well Pleased District Attorney' Brady was net in court--when -the jury -was called in. He received the news in his office with manifestations of savage joy, and he went te work this morning preparing for the new trial. "Wealth and power and Influence ddn't get awey with It for once,;' he said. ' It is" Brady's weakness tt play rather monotonously en &t note. He believes that the precedent of a disagree ment' will tell In favor of the prosecu tion, and he still hopes te put Fatty in jail. The four jurywomen who voted solidly for acquittal, cither at the be ginning, or toward the end of the long sessienv took a calm and practical view of the evidence. "Seme of us," said Mr.. Kitty Mac Donald, "believed Mr. Arbuckle guilty APARTMENTS Ne. 1530 Locust Street PHILADELPHIA ffii'i! :q t i.Q iSS)BE!ii em rare E i fB n iBBBEiS fG!KGDcriic GQ. m m '!: i'tBEl'IBf (Si m KlfffiU i 16-Story Fireproof Housekeeping Apartments All modern equipment, Kopanlte elevator for encli net of apartments, and many ether new' features. Apartments from 5 room? nnd'hntli te 7 rooms and 2 baths, or 2 or mere iipartmenls may be joined-. liibpectien Invited. Apply te Superintendent en Premiiei mux r'ilSi ffnlTa-ilL- Vaf. pjsca 1U K Mil I'M -t in i1 n.r wmm ml' 'H.'Mf (jPJMyjTJTg ' " ' Most Sensational Offer of the Year i l CM ' W ! immrjammWarjXtt n. I III II IIMi m Ii h M II II I'll .1 WmXXVMmnWI 'iVTfW 'V1M' preafl 3ltrtHcjar Qra4 FPPj Station - -'.!1' ! '' $pr$ VtiU&' r. i-.i ii i ii ' - . r i. and s6h1trbf'lsbeluVT'n,1TnTlhriece'nt,J but wiv"all b'ill6vcd"lltat ihet eneirfch proof of guilt had been' brought forward te justify a vetfllet of gulltic. W6"re membcred 'teb'st the Court had said about me clement ei ueuDt. 'ine nervous strain was' terrible. We all argued with Sir, Hubbaht and Mr. Kilkenny. At Inst Mr. Kilkenny would net say any thing1 at all beyond remarking that he had talked with Mrs. HUbbnrd nnd had seen the justice of her point of view rthd Hint Arbllckle must be declared guilty."- ' - " - ' It was Miss Wlntcrbum who seemed te" have suffered most by the physical and mental stresses1 6t the long hour! of wrangling nnd ' confinement nfter the Jury retired last Friday' after noon ut 4:10 o'clock. "I hardly knew whnt te de," he said. "Sometimes I believed him Inno cent and then again I believed him guilty. I cast one ballet for conviction. That night It worried me greatly be cause I felt that I had done wrong. I wetild get awnke with that thought in my mind. I wne net convinced of his guilt of, the crlirie charged against him. The next flay I chnriged my vote and ballet nnd vdtcd for acquittal and felt better becaus6 I wos'nierc suxfc I had dbhe what' w'ns right. ' Arthur II. Crane, another juror, said the case had bceh rtrgut'd from every ahgle nnd that all 'ten of thesp Who itoed out for acquittal had argued with out avail with Mrs. Hubbard and Mr. Kilkenny. Jury's Wild Times "Mrs. Hubbard," said' Mr. Crane, "seemed te be the deciding factor. The ethers who were net 'for acquittal 'fem tlie'first night had been ren ever, but she seemed te ha've n fixed opinion that nothing- could niter." "We had some wild times," said Mrs. Dorethy O'Dca, thn 'fourth 'i woman urer, ''nnd I'm glad It is. ever. Thore would liave been n verdict of 'acquittal If It had net' been for Mrs. Hubbard." Last nlnht'Mr. McNnb chanced' hl opinion about statements from the counsel (or tnc ueicnsc. from ms of fice, where Fatty and the lawyers' had spent some heUrs 'together, there was Issued a strong proclamation Fatty Arbnckle's appeal te humanity. It is net quite ukc any ether public ntntcnicnt ever issued. It ' carried Fatty's signature in' full, nnd it begins : "But for ene woman en the jury of thirteen representative American men nnd women who refused te allow her fellow-jurors te discuss the evidence or reason with her. and who would net give any explanation of her attitude, my trlnl would hnve resulted' In an Im mediate acquittal." And It ends: "The undisputed and uncentradicted testimony ' established that my only connection with thls'snd nffalr was one of n -merciful service and the fact that erdlnnry human kind ness should have brought upon me this tragedy has seemed a cruel wrong. I have sought te bring joy nnd gladness and merriment Inte the world, and why this great misfortune should' have fallen LARGEST OLD BOOKSTORE IN AMERICA Leary's Great Sale of Beeks is drawing thousands of book levers. People are crowding this quaint old store as the news of this Boek Sale passes from! lip te lip. Many tell us they have never seen such a npte-i worthy collection of books.! And there are thousands of! new ones today that were net1 here yesterday because of lack ' of space. Se, in order te get) any idea of the magnitude and I importance of this offering,! repeated visits all through December will be necessary. When we say that the fine Collection of I Handsome Fereitm Kdi. I 1 tiens of the Famous An- I ; thers Frem the Great I Binders of England: Reet, , Atclmsderf, Merrell, Etc. i will have its first showing at; this time, you will appreciate the character of this remark able sale. Come in and enjoy the books. Ne one will ask you te buy. Stere Fleur), 9 A. .. te 5:30 '. ). Learys Boek Stere Ninth Street Belew Market (Opposite Posteflkc) 5"f Diiceunl en SOQ l 1 ;?'T-V?'rTF! v r . r- iFi'WFk'?r t."-" $$PmVHlXjADMVMA MbW&t, Mpen me - Is 'a -mytefy-TMrerilyG6d cairnndi'wlll some .day. reveal." WIL IftAgE mOBE OF WOMAN'S CHARGE Sen Francisce, Calif., Dec. 5. (By A. T?.) Collateral Issues were te the fore today In the tiffnlrs of Ifciseec Ar' Imckle, the Jury which tried him nn n manslaughter charge having disagreed and bfccif discharged yesterday. Foremost et the three groups of cir cumstances attracting' public Interest te th6 rilOtleti 'picture comedian was the charge ninde by Mrs. Helen M. Hub bard, onev of the jurors who tried him en charges nrlslng from the denth of VirglnU'eppCi that attempts had been made nt hf .Intimidation, IJ'Iten announced the whole matter would be laid before the Grand Jury to night. The Federal charge against Ar buckle, based en nil allegation of illegal transportation of llnuer drunk nt the party In this" Hetel St. Francis, was set for hearing today. Charges of perjury against Mrs. Min nie Neighbors, ' bf Les Angelre, a wit ness, called by the defenre In Arbnckle's manslaughter trial, "nlse were set for hearing today. In addition te all these, Inst night's Intimation by Milten Cehen, member of Arbuckle'u counsel, that the defense had "semcthlngHip Its sleeve" and war pre pared te "let It conic down" today, came in for comment. U'lten said that Mrs. Hubbard told him, the bailiff who had charge. of the jury, and' n number 'of reporters that Heppe grand pianos the world. mMp Our rKsjCES 11 Pjn A t -liu r n i I v 'ol'ewltlrf tipppc Steiiuvay 'eber Steel. Whcelein Stroud .- .-f Qj-JrlL-zz: slj- -y& rt.iJiwv n.an.1 HI raJls09EEn!8SHBir'NKS M5ffl wSR ffBHL fm .TTnrrM'ffl P ra&'KM1 QSW'"wrtHl FFt sJ&f flil.''5aEffiaSSS5fiPW'ir2 ilH .KfelV two men approached her husband. T Yt HUbbnrd frith svl6f td'hWlng hlhi use his influence (e haVe her change her vole. ' 4. Hubbard. TJ'Itcn declared, had told hirrr Ous Oilvft. a commission merchant. approached him Sunday night by tele-1 ppene, nuking, that hS send his wife a n6td urging' that 'Rhe' ehn'n'ge"her"'vble Trem "guilty" te "net guilty." Hubbard said he asked hew such a neli could be fcent te'd member of n Jury, nnd said Oliva replied, ".lust give the note td h member of the Sheriff's of ef ficc." Sunday morning. Hubbard'n state ment continued, a friend of Oliva noti fied him that if he did net urge Mrs. Hubbard te vote fdr Arbuckle'fl ncquit tal'OUva would ruin him. Hubbard is an attorney. Hew Oliva was te carry out the alleged' threat was' "net rtindc clear. Other charges of attempted intimida tion were made by Mrs. Hubbard against some of the men jurors, and particularly against August. Frltsc, foreman of the Jury. Frltsc, according te Mrs. Hubbard, used abusive language td iter, ns did ether men jurors, In their attempts te lnduce her te change her vete Which deadlocked the jury for many hours. "The cntlre ensc-in the jury room wni the trial of the District Attorney's of fice, rather than the trial of Arbuckle," Mr. Hubbard Raid last night. Jaspar te Head Belgian Cabinet 1 Knissels, Dec. 5. - H. Canten de Wlslrt, the Premier, having declined te1 reconstitute the Belgian Cabinet, King! Albert hns requested M. Jaspar, the Foreign Minister, te assume the task.! & Sen Downtown 1 117 im Heuse that Hepee bui!h HHVt7 I i tjWMm MIb V'lWnawvMrW H HEPPE'S have the exclu sive Philadelphia agency for six of the Rakv most celebrated Urand Pianos in Each make is (he leader in its class. Each repre sents the world's greatest value at the price asked. Each is thoroughly guaranteed and warranted by the maker and HeppeV. list includes: Masen & Hamlin Weber Sleek Heppe H. C. Schemackcr Edeunrd Jules Cash or Rental-Payment Settlement Accepted The Due-Art Reproducing Piane This piano will play for you just as a Victrela sings for you. It plays just as Schilling plays. Every delicate expression is accurately reproduced. Sehelling- will play for you at any time in your home. Likewise you may enjoy the playing of all the ether prominent pianists. Paderewski, Hefman, Bauer, Gah Gah rilewitsch, Grainger, Ganz, Cortet and many ethers make records for the Due-Art Reproducing Piane. We are the Philadelphia representatives of this famous line of instruments. Yeu are invited te call and hear them at any time. Fer Information Sign Thus Coupon and Mail It C I Hpnnp aV Snn Downtown 1117-11 19 Chestnut St. V.. J. neppe OC Sen uPtewn-6th and Thompson Streets U i.iieut .inv c'u'igntien en my part pleaie j:iu! full information ibeut (n.ir!. N i, .',, , i u ''" Jl" -K 'I" . "r-, w"rfvl mCti$E V WQ OTTCE BENNY'S NQTE 6bOK By Lee Papc Mn had cempiny In the pnvler thin nftirftoeit-nnd.l.-wa jest Martins te sneek out the frunt dour easy and M herd m. saying. Beilhy, CO'mc inyMr. I'ceby wunts te meet you. Me thinking. Heck, wat for 7 And I went In the pnrlcr and Seme man was setting en the sefer. being a middle slxe man with sutch n bald hed It. was fearse te leek nt, me thinking, Heley Miteaks I weuldent wunt te be a fi nnd Klip en top of that. Mr. Becby, this Is Benny, you hnvent seen him slntn he wn n babj-, sed ma, and Mr. Becby sed,' "SVell well, lie' 8 niitln linn ml. Imw nr Vell. BennV? All rite, I sed. and lie sed, Arc you a geed bdy or a bad boy? Geed. 1 sed. nnd he f,cd. Thats nice and de you spend your pennies foolishly or de you put them aside carefully and save thetnV I save them, some of them, some times, I sed. Net saying hew long I save them, and thinking, O, he's going te give me some And Mr. Beeby sed, Well if I gave you a dime, wat would you de, spend It or save It? Snve It, I sed. Net saying hew long and thinking G herray, nnd he sed, Thnta rite. lillwATH have, a nennv saved is n penny crned. And he started te rub his hand ever his bald bed aa if he Inaugurated the One-Price System in - 1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Str.1 " 1 ' I Ml jU I ' l Jehn McCiirmuck 1V'ltIi Mm. McCormack 'i'.)ifl '-i-lebrattl tenor makt rer nrrts fjtcluslvfly fpr the ViPtrela HEPPE VICTROLA OUTFITS Victrela Ne. IV. Victrela Ke. SO. Victrela Xe. :int, $30.10 $110 $265 wuh le-mch deuble-r.ici-d :fceri with .10 worth of records with ?le worth of iccenis Pay only 50c weekly ' Pay only $1.50 weekly Pny only SJ wctkfy Victrela Xe. eO, Victrela Ne. 90. Victrela Xe. 1-J. $50.10 $135 $375 n.thH ie-inuii double fnced . h-em.j with $10 worth of i eceniM with -e worth of record" Pay only $t weekly Pay only $J.?5 weekly Pay only So.Te weekly . .' I'l.ivcrl'.a, e, ( thawt some hair mile of came out en It WIirhd-tfasctH looking; fthdrkeppWrt looking at him nnd waiting, and he-sed, Ve)l,' you !aii run alUng and piny, Benny. ... , Me thinking. Geed nlte, holey smeaks, (, wnt you knew nbeut that. And 1 went out nnd rhut the parlcr deer nnd tnnde Insulting f Ares "throb tbc key hole nnd then I remembered I had n pencil needed Hlwrprnlng se I went and get It nnd shnrpcnrd it en Mr.Jltfebys lint. BRITISH NAB LAJRAT RAI "Non-Ce-operator" Opposed Wel coming Prince of Wales te India Knltore. Dee. fi. Lela Lajpnt Ital, thi Nationalist leader, who In August presided ever a meeting which pased resolutions net te welcome the Trlnrc Safe Milk Fer rcfcnij & Inraltds Oa-JOOrCING pThc "Feed Drink,J fcr AH Ages. Quick Lunch at Heme, Office, and Fountains. Ath for tiORUCK'S. Ayeid Imitations & Substitutes 1881 m ,& m wmmi m w km wmmmr- . Mam WMBH'W' isfcWTft u,Wr ,f s " N Buy a genuine Victer -Victrela from C. . Heppe & Sen It is safer te buy your talking machine from a music store like Heppe's. We de net sell inferior makes of talking machines. We sell only genuine Victor-Victrelas the recognized leader of all. Buy Through the Heppe Rental Payment Plan Through the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan you may rent any style Victrela at Heppe's and have all your rent apply toward the purchase price without any extra charge for the privilege. This is the safest and most economical way te purchase a talking machine. Ernest Sc i n IMama' ili ''its merrrnp xrendav ln r nl a' ih v"'a,fere ra.iKf, xrluh y fe. t' 'lc;re . 9 ft - vS r V J,, of Wales en hl visit te India. !$' " rstwr llerd yesterday while cenddeU .titinni ,i,e..tlni. y,ln. ' ' " of the troubles In tHd. Punjab ill imti; .- ir. ....... .!...,,i.t nml tf,lt,bi.fHl,'Antltf IffUt ,' for some years In America Wberajm , wrote numerous book denllnj Ufi'M;! liehni penticni nievcmcius in inuia, ".., was nllewcd te return te India1 'Altir ftp J, nrmistif e tml bah been closely nsseclatw 'if win, AMhiitmn Gnndhl. the NrttlenalA . lender. M Opens Tomorrow TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6tk Ceat ml C, lli Mit 6'iaullful CU In rhlll,hl ( rSoe-ril tftoedl Kotc ll'.''s WW itl- N 9r helling x i .1 rt - ni; M ' t ,!. kc-i 1. ri . v . P!?Bie ly.: h:1' r. s fBff fe.- ?pnr ivu JC 0 SJftSS ("wi v&m- i viiy x iiv;wr I IP wvjAm 411111 ajT-v-TZitrl T A?tt -5PL rr,ir n 21 j.-i )-3 " '."i i tM".""agwfci."wi11 , L.uiay.'a'j'iigaj!'reii SBBiRni .6 jlAr&j,JL.,t ,, LlEI