EVENING PUBLIC UBDaER-PHIIiABELPHlA', SATTJBmY, DECEMBER 3, 1921 li3 Intercity Battle Between Canten and Phila. Quakers Features Lecal Football Card WINTKH .itBWtwTH . . ,, , ATr.ANTlC ('ITVt Ni a . 1 i ' ii" v ,fi. ,1 I I ! DOWN-EAST TEAM GWl F 10 BEAT AVORED QUAKERS Bulldogs Meet Lecal 'Eleven at Phils' Park for Professional Football Championship BABE RUTH TO START GAME I'hlln. (ItinkfM '""''"III! ...anfl 111) nTennnr (151 Hrr ,,.. llllf'1l MUlrr't) ."Velt (), i .rail (A) Mlrrfl M C'nnlnn HiilltlnK i.ri mil . . .CptteH (V!) Irfl tnrklf Irft mmnl renter . rich! niinril rlnlit tnrkle rlcht rnrl niinrfrrlKick IrffhnlfMrl. rUlit hnlfbnrk fiillMrk ffrl (II) (Irlffltli (23) , lrnuiil (0) (born '(I) Hrnri- MR) .llleidn.(l Kemnten (4) ixny(IO) (irR 11.1) I.. Hmllli () Alexander (1). Berry Praises Hamcr, Print's Dig Fullback llewnril Herry, one of the grcnlct. nll-nretinil Mum cvrr te wrnr tlie Krd mill Hliie of (lip ruJvcrsUy of IVnn.xylvnnln tliinkH Hint "Tex" Hnmcr, tlie big fullback of HcIh ihnn'M eleven, U one of (lip most likely looking puntcru lip. hns ever neen en Franklin Kicld. "Hiunrr linn n wonderful drive In bin legu," f-nltl llprry, "iind once Iip gets tlie fine points of punting will dupllcnte (lip bout performance- ever ninile lierp. Hr bun nil the nut tirnl nblllty In tlip world, being big, mid Imvlng tlie power tlint makes for Ibe renl punter." AND THEN HE GAVE UP GOLF PENN UNO YALE IN ' . ... .... I-.. Oitnkrrs. AlMnnrlfr (7). "? tTh"U tm. Thnntnr. n.,'n imlr '...'.. tin r,l.vhr.W 7). Ilnrkfnr.l . .Html iu"f ' - ---- .... ., kj i.i. in. 1. V.in.inn (Id). Iiiiren unit ?. "'Ji'v1 '" ' Villi "inrrew (3). Kiwi 2'.!. .IVffrff ePrfkllll. '"J" J,,h, fmnlre I.'H irt. iiiii" . . : . .id. hnVinfll. r 'l-l '"5.7. '" jlninla, Smith (10). m- Irk. Dicksen. Pmiii- FINAL SOCCER TILT Coach Stewart, of Red and Blue, Makes Changes in Line-Up te Strengthen Defense ONE LEAGUE VICTORY1 Pfnnj-i-nnl rnrnnniixh Pnltnn .... Dunn llirrnn Wllrlrr Illiilr . rniirlilirp Nelte . Rf ff rfr . . . . itnnl . rlKht fullhark.. .Irft fullbnrk rlclit hnirnnrk. crntv-r liitlfliurk lfrt hnck, . . .nutelilf rliclit. .Itikldp rlclil. .rrnlrr fullhnrk. . hiHlrlf If ft . .. . ntitnlilf Iff! . VhIk . . Sehfldf nrefkmnn llniinhninf 1'nrkrr . Mfr . . Mnjrrn rnxten Hrllnc Slnvnll l.imf Humphrry Of erBf Yeiiiiic. Ilf ff rrf' Anvt- Irnrl llrifem I.i.Ip-..kIIS ' TlniP of Pfrlmli Ifi in'nutfri The Cnnteii nulldegs nnd the I'hlln- Mphla Qunkrri. meet this nftcrnoen In thr Knst vermis Wpst profrsxlennl font- Ml gnme nl the 1'I.IIHrs' Itnll I'nrk Fifteenth nnd lluntlnpden Ktreeti., nnd for the first time thin sphseii Lee Cen- ) nggregntlen will enter the gnme picked' te finlKli en the short end of the ecfirp. ti, nnnirtt i scheduled for the pre- (urienal football rhnmpleiwlilp f the Amfll- rnllrrl Slnles. ns DOIll picvchm '"" , irrKTey the title. Heildes n host of All-Amerl-fn prldiren relehritlps. nnether stnr of the first magnitude will be present nd have n part In the game (leerge Hern .... "lUc" Hulli, hn been st st ured bx .M-.nager Limi Cenwny te toss u the football that will rtnrt the game and Until will also sit en the Phillies' bpnd. for n part of the game. There N considerable Interpst nt tsrhed te today's centpst. The Hulldegs Urc scheduled t l'"- 'icr(' f1pcriJJ necks age. but Hie Bni""' was cnlled off t the la-t minute anil the JcffersenH, ,, Unrhestcr. substituted. C'miteu nlnicil here last car and gnve a won wen ilcrful dcmimslrntieii. but was beaten Hie (Makers, and the Westerners arc niixieu te retrieve that defeat. The Hulldegs just i-nnu- through a wonderful season, meetins all the lead ,nB clubs In the West. 'I'hey suffered enlv one defeat at the hands of Akren. :; t'n 0. but that was later wiped out nhen 'Herse" IMwaids eleven trim trim med their rivals. 1 1 te 0. lintl. elevens iae been hard nt work for the last week. The Cantens have i,.,i .mi in the illumine and the Hunkers in the afternoon. The maun- i ration becnuse of Injuries did net see buv.s n.r3et.ip ft Mi;a weve (3OI.F OUTCIT. rMO HU.STLC.S even. Te i"ne PUOuic ceuhsc EliUT A.rA Dec 1 dc i Te rakc up f COUPLC TMOUiAivJtJ BUY A MCMflfR- Chip iw PRisA-re club, caea Te FRlSrJB'S OFFlCP Te ASK HUM Te HAV7G ME PVJT OP if &&M. 1 "JfL?! nJii TmCRi? Tmg jtartsk 3ivai HIM A TlCiCT Msti TauUS Him Tuentf e(! ia.fi' imgad op him Ha FlGORes'OOT l M ft IIS tL PROBrtlSUY lAlljf'l I M GGT STXRTCD BY V H I Poura f r- nil ,' 1 Viflf - ' III, I JIM 1R iw:-!lHiI ""J "" ""H" TRieiOD GLAD te PUT rVAMC UP. JAY5 18 ARE OKI VAAlTiJ(i H5T HC MIGHT en flOLe Te C3G.T IM CLUO IM K"O0R VCftdi 'i 11 1 j ri 5 5e HG DGCIDtSi Te UIVU W FJVGKJ TV.!-..- 1- .r e Zj.:. '";. ,'t-'l v . rs, r itv e f ;- 1 .Vi WfiX KScrjviTv sak?:s5' . Ilflrnll pfl fllcl Mllrrrjl left luiklf i:j l li'Bl Riii'nl . Miilicr . 11 rlfr Ktwif 1 rlslil irmiril McNiininru rlKhlluiklr . SeiinrnhfrK rlehl rnil Kmif .ilii'irlfrhml; MrKfiiim Inn Inilfhiiik . l'llitrr 1I1I rlclil hiilfhiirk l.neinU fnllhiuk I.uuir $2510 PRO OFFER FR B 1DH rlntlnn. Tlmr I.Vmlnnte luiltfN. The I'niverslty of Pennsylvania soc sec cpr teiini will wind up Us regular 11121 sensen this afternoon en Krnnklin Field with Yale in nn Intercollegiate League game. Like the Red and Blue, the Kit eleven has net had a very successful sensen. but expects te make 1'enn hustle te win. Last Saturday Cernell humbled Conch Stewart's team. 4 te 1. nnd ended all chances of finishing up ; among the leaders f the Ue AGANST SpRf (jr; Se fnr this season 1'eun has scored one league victory, that ever Harvard curly in the season. Princeton and Hnverferd. in addition te Cernell, have registered lcterles ever the Franklin Field habitues. Syracuse, which is net in the league, suffered n reverse at the hands of Captnin Pnul Pulton's eleven. With the exception, of Pntten and Amelia, the Penu team is n green one. errs anil cnpiniiis uum ","",'r " neunce their players ns physically lit, Although Leu Little is net in the best of shape, but will start. The visitors hnw a wonderful nggre--at'en of former college stars ami lire fmernl te win. The (Junkers are tie lenniiied I" K"1" ,1( decision and will tijht their hardest from start te finish. Clinten has nine first -class .substitutes le nisli in nt any moment. Manngei Cenwu.N ii,i te last evening hnd but four extra men, but expected three mure in tune for Hie game. The ('anion plajers that will Murl iiH'lude II gglns. S'nte; Henry. W. nnd .f ; Oslierne, State: Dreunds. Notre I lame; lirilliilis. Slate; West. Celgnti Carrell V anil .1.; Kciupten. any ncuen until tne lTinceten game. The experience gullied by this j ear's team will make them capable performers next season nnd enable them te regain the laurels lest this season. Penn lends the intercelleglnte league in titles wen, Princeton gaining Its lirst tills season in a decade. Scraps About S Ne Communication Frem Tex Rickard en New Tennis Scheme, Says Champien SPORT VICTRIX AND HOBART MEET IN TITLE GAME, NN OPENS CO R I DETROIT FAVORED IN WEST AGAINST W. AND J. TODAY! Straight Football Predicted In Inter- sectional Contest 1 . nmi .1 1 Kenf Knnhetlnkii 1 Nfnlc f reek I lllff WlrilrrtwIM 1 -Ifln 1 Mi'IjimkIiIIii i;rlken llrrnkirl lliislntu Detroit, Tier, .", -Knet bull teams of I flic I'lilversit of I let roil and Washing ton and .lcffcrnn went into 11 post pest 'season contest lien- tnilm . ench pre jpnied for a llespprnte blltlle In keep lis record clean for Hie jenr. Neither lenin hnd been defi'iitcil. and enl one. T11 Iniie, bad li-ti able In m-hiv upon lie. troll The stieiigcsl tine 11 p Ihlll 1011I1I In1 iiiiislriril Ii) I'ilhcr team was slntnl in sturl I lie "nine nnd both r-eaches bad ample i'isrris te entlnile nt near llie niaxlniiiin strength throughout the till. Tile loams wcic gi'iieriill 1 ensidei'i'il npille eriil, mull bed. although the lie (mil follewpi's were iiii'llui'd te give their ferwurd wall nmi kickers 0 slight edge Tlii-ri- was no uuderrming. hew ejer. of ibe power mid sli'iilecj of I he Kiislcrners. An Inlermittcnl rain for tin Inst fi ilnvs bud se siiftini'd the Nnin Field Itlif thai II giiliie I'liutilli'd solely te s-l rn i i Ii I football wn in piiipiet. PHILS' PLAY BAD BALL AND LOSE TO READING Lecal Eastern League Five Gives Serry Second-Half Showing 1 .11-1' I II l.cjiglli PL AYS CATHOLIC H MTtLXMTIC CITY JUdr (In (he Henrh Frent PRI3 WAH ltATEB Untrlem rim tnllrelr. Htwijl 0t Slniln ( Runrl") Wir Hi petftk Roem ) rrifile Huh Ititnlit D.ebl. j llennlnj Utr . IM Roem I rritalr Dtlh l?2lett " Deable Raen, Trlxtf BUi Oeftii e rnf r, 196 pr wrfc Ownmhjp MiiMntmtnt Fhent 1450 St. James, New England Cham pionship Eleven, Is Here . for Game Today MEET ON CAHILL FIELD mshpc? ( m nei.ir him 12?) Mehfr Ml) Iteliinil . (HI It. S1I101I1II Ml)) . sr,,,( MO) Cnniin.! 'il) llerillinr 'I) CnlTfi ".'i MrVelli Ml) Ciis-hli IX) IIIbbIii. 'ID Miimii'II ST .IWIF.W 1i.fi .ml llnnillfntl 114' Iffl lurklr Mlnfiinii CH Iff! Bimril lieiulrfMiill li rfiitfr . ('miners IP rlclil Biiiinl II. Ilnll"iiil 5 rlcht Inrklf Cullrn lit . rlrhl finl lliilleniu M2 nieirtrrlurk MinnHimi Ml) Ifft Ii ilflmk llnnnliiif '' rlithl iMlfh.u'k (I Iteliinil (t) fullliiirk I). Ilmklf 'Hi ATLANTIC CrrY.N. J. I Directly en. the Octgnrrait f imAmmraRfmiiottiei yisiincuevi I CAPACITY OOO ,., ., . S WBuwnmuaiwuiimwiwiiilM BOTUWEOJL. VlrKlntii s. I 1 husk frein llervll end Hicfi I'ifr l.cry aii .iii'intnt Hlsheit fmnijHrd in j m J f IloekUt Jitiuiv si . ,1 , .ii j n.iii,wii. Prep. SeWlLTsyHIRB I'll! (harlf, New Verl, Wrlrinullfi- Way. Stnte. (irlggs, 'I'evns, and L Hinith. Centre. On the bench will be such stnrs as IJebb, Cidiimblii ; IM H.iriK Nene Danie; Ftilreu, Wabash: Krtlisnn, Vet Virginia: Slackfeul, Vntie D.iine : M. S'uitb. Purdue; Speck, Texas. .Meneu. Pitt, and Steele. Har- a nl. If the lielil is in any kind nt condi cendi 1 en the (Jnnku's expect te mnke a fine "Imnliig, as "Ilinke.v" Haines, the State slur, lias been showing enn wonderful work ,n practice. The local bfteklield will consist f Jehiim Scott. Haines. Cefnll and Jim I.uini. Curl riieinns. the former Penn captain, will play his fiist KI1nie for tli(. Quakers. HANL0N MEETS BARRETT. 'WITH KILBANE REFEREE Tough. Jawed Battler and Sledge Hammer Puncher Clash Tonight It i!l be ii battle between a sledge iiainiiier wallop and an iron jaw at the lln, "I'.1" ) ' '" ''"" ltttv ;'". ..t llf.-.n Heights. nnil.Hninn Il.11 Ien of Denver, elasl, in the star uui 'M V I! II iHllhiU I? ,... " ' ' IflllM'Ll t hfiy 1 n 1 1 1 1 1.1,1 e ufler .f.-an.hi r.:. ."''"" Bet ye-no one (e HSr. tu i.i.t Iirrv 11,, 1. I11111 out nmi ,Iu K Hhiiiiii i,,.,u" UUV J.lcksiin nn .iff.. 1. .,. i...L. ".'lut. li.OJ Ulli'ii Jlaley mill. 'Wlij ,,1C( ,ll() ,)rs.', him in ume ene ul,.. uiel iIk-ii .e Jee w IK 1 1 bun a the ruins In til uiu J.1M lie'l'rn!,' i.b-";K flem'' LincHsL , '' .",'.'" ."" U'en.y i,.n0 ii,,B I'm.. 1 11 1110 imiuK, iir vliu! in,,, ,1,. ..,.-,. ilxih leuml ul.h a lUht 1" A Sl'.'i.lHIO plum prnbablv will be held temptingly before our Hill Tllden. ten nis champion nf the world. Frem New New Yerk conies 11 dispatch that Tpt Kick aril will inake 1111 attempt te wean Til den from the amateur rnnks. "I knew nothing of Mr. Uicknrd's plans te promote professional tennis inatcl.es. ' sulil our title-bolder nt the Cern.niitewn Cricket Club this morn ing. "I have had no eoiuniunicntien with Mr. Hickiird nnd of course, I cannot discuss the p.'opesjtion when I knew nothing of it." Uickmd plans te obtain the topmost stars of the tennis rnnks in this coun try and abroad nnd te singe the matches in the Mnillseii Sipmre Oarilen. It Im tin Kpernr (lint Hie ntnnzfncr pulp Croppers irecipts of tin- Davis Cup mutches nt 'Ferest Hills, npprexlinutely .Si.i.(HII). mid the niitiennl chnmplensliip nt Pl.il ndelphln of .?PJO.O(l() lias excited some of the sporting prnnuiterx. Frem trust worthy sources it is known t lint Tllden has received an offer of about .?2.".0()0 or slight) mere us salar for 11 sensen of exhibition mutches. Se fnr the cbn.npien has net consented. There is nothing te prevent Tlicknrd from cenductinir such an ultalr, pre videi) In would be West Phllly Rivals Stage Seventh1 Annual Clash en S. and C. Field The stage is set In West Philndelphin for the nnininl football gnme between Hobari and ictrix en tne Striiivbridge j x: Clothier gtetinds lit Sixt -thlril mid! Walnut streets The klckelT is scheduled ' for :i P. M. These ijviils Iinve met en six pvcWe'is ocensiens, mid encli has 'wen three times. The (;nniR was scheduled for Thanksgiving Dav. but wa.s culled nlT en account of the unfavorable weather. Heth teams are reported ns being in the best of shnpe. and mnii fermei scholastic stars will lie In the gaine, in cluding HUM Stevens, of Muhlenberg: "Heb" Flnlc , of Mercersburg ; "White" Fgnii. of Delnwate: Mallcv and D'Filllppe. of St. Jeseph's, and DeHnven, of Lafayette. The line-up : Heliarl 4. Kran (.1) tfft end llndlf) (.") Irfi li'.fklr tlehrrtsnn (I I). Irft cinird llef burk 1 1 1 ) (fntrr l.ukrnii (III) rlcht ciie.rd . Illlr (10) rlehl tiH'klf I . I.'cun C!l rlK'it red .1. I'cinll) iii irtrrhnrU strirns IK) rlclil ImlfhnU strln (I .'I lift Inlfburk Drlnnrii IIS) fullhark SEASON T ONGHT Four Members of Last Year's Title Winners Will Oppose Dickinsen FRESH PLAYS ART AND T. Mrtrlx (I'Cmiiirll 1 1 ( iillrn (',) n'FlllliMHi II) Il'Illinosle (III llrl.iriieiih' (111 . lillrt (It) lirll.i ID) Masen (I)) Jl'ille'df ) l)niitrhfr (3) (hiNsrntt ('.') I'liililrr I'riiiisiliiinl 1 '! II. Itesrnist fir iiril ' IV. Iliiiitlncrr fnruanl .1 M. I.rnn'- irnlir I X Xecrlln cuiid II .1. Miller Riinril Sjtilisllliitrs llliklnsnii. ll.illi. Ji c. Ilnlnii, s. iyiiii 01.111 in siiiliinii. ,. Tim Dickinsen . s.,,ulir Krfl 11 r I I . Mill' i,. I I', snilltl 11 II. .Inhns it i:rln. .'m II. Ilr'u. K: C11I1I. of hahrs 'ii'ni. Till: I IIIVersitN Piisketball team lakr llnrr lip .111117. fif Smi.S 1, 1. in. I ma,,.,f I n. h...i,m II..... of Wllm Siu .'."'Ll I.ejs l:i a l.'h-.uuiu ur and he 11,1111. i,,,,,f .Inlmm .M1I..111KI1II11, Seuth I'hlla,lf.i,iii e IvrMi'llIlll. Hill li,il,l hlu ,7.1. . . ... "" l0 h"1" casualty was Llubtner. slur Penn State halfback, who .sprained nn ,.it AIM Uuli'llj ull tla night ,,f Ih-U .. II. 1 lit. iiu.i la c,i i-d t,u "Juh,,,;. v ' I..1UKI1II11 I':i.Mu Club." Junm. in Jeliniij C1111111I, letal ffuthi'iHflBhi 1, . bun u.iiiiln.- I.nlhnilh tui ,r, ,, " ' '';' , ..lie. ....ether ,i., ,hu JUn h s0L ',', ..l.l be I, ails le. tlu blM nt ,t ... , " Ieiiiir Mirrluik ln. placed hlnis,,ir nn,. . , ' Hi wink- of J..U, Uedmned '"no f, ,nl", ,L ' , a l'.'a nuundii fi v.111 .'Villi! l'hllij """ '" ercni ,s iral.ilnc daily !lt v,,,.,, Ile is In siiapv i take en unv ' ui 1'ete Norcen Hi ui N the Ills-peunders K. O. I.i'iuu.rd ilm hi.idi'Nt-hlttlntf llu xtuiipeil XVIIIIu ueik s.i Stein l.airj . ,, ,lf l.iiiitnin..iBhis aieunil. Uurke hi Jifadlnt; mat VOIIiim llritt ill be back In Philadelphia nn l.ir.la null s,.,.r,, l.ixera 110111 v,,,i 'i':!1 .X.y.l!"t' !!! "'.'' '"'i.'ll .he Tat'ihn' IIU 1111 ..I... . f I r". I fe weeks. wh,,. tnI. u,nUf ' 'S' ' -"':;' r.-:;,"j l,n ","1 k" tuz ln.m K,ll,e. featberueigb. ebam- , Td'nUr iTu W.". Ki.lirl H PHIII Of the Win 1 . Ml ,...f.. ...... ,1.1 Ikin.il.il tiriiismm fei the im I, .a .. ..'"".' ',IK, " ... ............. , IM ,-, :,,." - -- , ..-.. v, ,i,B ;i ,. 1 i.ieu naeu h ti.a. 1'rfil I'.irlttl has jirran2"il ..,u r..n 'i Itffrrre Merris. I', if Irury, It. '. II, S. Ile.nl llnriii.itilenr.. I". M (. ilini'krriirrh I'lillrnen 11 ml Cut. 11..-. STATE STAR HURT 1 Llghtner May Net Start Against Washington Today Seattle. Wash.. Dec. ."..Clear skle and light winds nre the weather cninli tinus for the struggle in the slniliiini here today between Penn Stnte mid I'ni verslty of Washington football tennis ' The intersectiennl contest is expeeted can procure the players who "'"w a record crowd i willing te sacrifice their umn-. 'V'"1 V"11'1! HKe .Hez.lek. .f the teur stnniling. but It is mere thnn " '" ""':" " '' doubtful thnf such 11 teiirnnnient would ' .T1'""'- ,"f .U ""'''''B'"". preii.iunced ' .,11. .,,.1 . i.iiMi.lnlit "milii" In pnlmv (lie ' -!.......-. ... ...,..., -.1111 .,-. i u ' , ,. ... .;...,, . .' ."..Via. " " il'lll lilt prnuieier im ills ..uuui-iii. i'Aii-.iiii.iiie. !.,.... s There me n few professieliul luwn I ,...., ' tennis plners in tills ceuntr at pres- j ' cut. (leerge Agutler. of the West Side1 w,t r-,n.i d.,i a Tennis Club: Jimmy Hums, of the Want Cannell Retained Heckawa lliinting Club: Cbarles Hag- .""'"".MnnH "" V't ? TA 1,,M""" ,ur-' . i-, ,.. .. Ai-iii." , "IB the irtentlen Of Il"l ( ntine ns l...ai' get. new in Merlila. nnd William .nrh of football ut Ji.1rtm.1uth cnii.K. hL Cincker. of Hie I.ongweod Ci icket Club, I Ih-i-ii nut inie .in ulatimi h fnri-sefi. ,,f llnsiim. l.elnir Hie most (imminent. P.romliient ra nlnrs I.Kludlnn m-mbera or Whether the public would be sufficiently interested, however, te pa geed money te see these men ill n teiiriiiinient is open te question. If Iticknril were able in ii'tain nniii-1 teur pla.M'i's of the standing of Tllden. I Johnsten ...uf Kichiinls lie might sue-1 cced In milking u pn.iiug piopesittou of such nn nffnir: but it docs net seem likely tlint nny of the "lirt ten" men I would listen te offers of that kind, audi certainly these who fellow the guine would never be weaned te professional j tennis. It is against the spirit of the sport. I the football squliil. of I'ellllsjlvilllill 111 will usher in the P.H.'l-HlL'L' intercnllegiiite basketball sen. son tonight in Weigh, nan Hall with Hb kins, .11 College, of CurlM,.. C.ipi IMdle McNIi'hel s,lrt,g tH second e;ir us ei.ucll nf Hi,, IJe.l and Hide will present a line-mi w tit one change ever lust '"s inine uii,. bleilgllt the illlerenllcgillle league . liaillpinnsblp te Penn. Dm.in Mi'Mi-lml. eelis.ileinl the peer of nil gourds .luring 1 1 1 - last tw.. veal's, gradiiiited 1 11 -I June :in,l left 'n j,g bole te lill. P..s Miller. he siIr.l li b'ieklii'1.1 stnr et Hie gridiron li'iim. IIU.I siilistitule no the ipnutet last .vein, will pmb.ibh get the assignment tonight te plug up the gnp left ,j M...V,.-S grudiititieii. Conch McVichel has l.eeti working pmtieiilurl hard for the last mmitn te whip bis leain inie sluiie. 1'p until last Mendii he was willieut the services nf Hill (irme. captain mid center of t,. team, and Vegellii. Miller and SuIIImiii giiariN. This ipiariet ,iw iilnving fnnt ball. Since Meiiilii) the tegulurs bne been gelling 11 stifi prneti.e drill that bus put them in cM-clli'iit shnpe for the opening gong t.. night. Hill iirim. i be at center, wtli Knsenust jnnl Hunt xinger lit (nt winds, mi, I . -,,geiM alll Pus Miller til guard-. Phillies, of the innile 11 -an "liewing in ibi-u gnei"' wilb the Ite.nliiig Hours nl the .Natmnal A. ' 1'ist evening and nsi "' 1,, 17. 'I'll.' M.vel's men sllll'te.l ,,fl 111 gtenl lip and in the first five minutes sem-ed tell pmnts te live ii Hie llMtnl's. Ill the iiet fifteen niiliutes thin iiimii bill 11 s.ig. point, nmi the period ended 1 1 -!l I.i their fin or. The second liulf was iilimit ns sort' .111 I'shibltliiu ns oier given bv a.. team repre-enting a Im.il club In the La t.'lll Leilglle. mill lb. .e- tile Phils 1 mild de was in make four point'. The tilllll bell Wlis sweet nin-li for 11 lltsgllsteil hainlfiil of fni.s Muuager Willi. .m Mvei is .1 tl ri - I ciii'd at the -il mil i,,ii It s rep.nte.l Him be Is planning In dispose nf Ii-. I in rut i - H.i.v Mi Curler, a former ilievstneU pill or mid brei ber of the Phil-' guard, wauls it. Ambiii-e Iiuilb'.v. former De Neri nw nei . wii- 11N11 Mild te lie :ii.int.s In gel back in I lie ginne. bill w lien asked relative m the iuni,,i denied the slim. KNOCKOUTS AT CAMBRIA Three Bouts Came te Sudden End ing at Uptown Arena Tin 1 e knockout- font 111 fil en cMiiiug I'nxin.' -Iinw .it III" C.Hiiliia .t ilctl Ciiib la-l night Hattimg Mm rav dl-pnscd ..f l.en FI 1111 111 llie sith reiiinl. Tin- -tunl 1 Itllli' battler I. d all Hie wav . Imnll subduing bis nipnneni under 11 terrltie shower of right mid left wings 11. the si M Ii session. It leek P.ellli lillss le tllllll IW.i rnuiids in polish nff Tntiiniv ( im mini. The ei ber knockout occur. ei n. the epetllllg III Ml I . when I'lllllkle i'lletlllllll stepped IM.I.e Dempster in Hie lirst rniiml. Aiti'' Mi (".'tin. wbn aits as a 1 spurring partner m !u-. . Ideated And P.imis 10 the third cmite t. .Iiiiinn lillM.'l Willi Until , .VI. ml. LEHIGH SEEKS PENN GAME Brown and White Eager te Playi Here if Lafayette Is Dropped , Itellileliein. I'a.. I ), , I 'I I,,- ., gulnr llieil.lu ilf I III Allllile CiilllUlilli ill d ., 1.1-1,1 The big inlercitv foetbnll gnme be tween St. Juines Parochial High Scheel. New I.ngl'iii'l Catholic high school chaiiipinii. of Haverhill. Mass.. en. I Cntbelli' High Scheel, of this .in. will be plit id this afternoon en Cnhlll Field Twetil -ninth nnd Cumbria sti t- The teatn from Hiiverbtll comes here teilnv willi 11 wonderful record. In mg iiinlefente.l this ear. It is censidr-re'l b man New l'.iigbuiil critics us being llie eipml of I laverbill High Scheel, and the bitter lias net hi-en forced te lute tin iits for two sensmis. most nelnble viclerv was scored ever '' lie Paul High S.'hnnl eleven. Irein Cllli'llge. Ill-t week. The li'iim is 11 fn-i. siiappv .ui. Ii weig! s mi nn average milv 1 I." peiiud-. An npeii nttack and 11 fnrwnid I'.i--gnme is used, and verv few Minis ., e Mie leani If line bucking Twe brnthei's. D and W. Hin-kb'. lie mi the eleven. 'fins i- Imlhing odd. but both leek alike AIe. both phi the position of fiillbm k The two brothers alternate In starting gmni and 11 Ne ultcrume In plu.ving In the ierinis. (Ine is cin-ulel ed ls geed lis the ether. Ldwind Cm ndl. a ferniei -tnr nl (ie.irgeinw 11 Iniviisitv in 1 he dnvs of lie Will's fame if I'rincteii. is coach- I lug the lenin lie has drilled bis Inn I in splemlid siv ! I I f 1 1 . A ' ..ll'llllb' .1 .sain ICIIm. It uie bullin; iui d rttlen una, Mgr 7a.' ru Airiuiti!. civr j lUerlds Greatest Hetel Success Hetel RaleigJi,, nv'at. 11 1 d 1. Ill r- . furnish 'I I 1 1.1 ii i-iime and i.hp iiii Ntw.y itif 1 ieie greatly 'ira 11 t . THP I nrilsTT '" s- remmlTniiluA, ...uu-. . s met hnni',llk, up dly, Hi A M.. n. U,l S (1 RAVENROYD ;' VI II 1) PillM $l i,1 vee. rules IVH .Single. t3.V J .10 ut) wkly. HeardiTiilk. t j:i 10 fi 1 m nl' Hncclai I- v i 1 1 iVtKll. pin 11 1 Ul'l Ave. HOTEL CONHNhNfAL n op-n. iiI'mi.ii rpHd.. Irr m rr.ndfrat or 1 r, r. m. wi,n pi'vcak. Miclnln ATf. mil ltd irilvvnlU I I 1 w. rlv Iin.l AI"a Wrl'f SENATOR HOTEL r. 10 tip Westminster ,KP rinr.,,- v I. 1 ip, r Av J" Hfarb. battr. KOPP SHORFHAM Mrclnbi Wn nnir Ureea -r" i 1 1 1 a - r l"ls (iruhfr nr. tifarh Mivl v ntOf. tv -U Hetel Boscobel rnts Am. & I u 1 n P 1 17 New Clarien "" A t A if Ju.r. en 1 entOr I M WIKIII N ffiffiEHBASSY Jack !. 11 iiii.i-Ii of embolic High. s.Ms Him III- team I- lead. (If course, lie eelcllllled. the el'Vi'll bus unt llllllle mi enviable 1 n lln- enr. Inn pist the sniue 1 In- l.nv- vill tight bard And when tin gmni 1- ever tin1 visum- will k.mvv lhai (lev have I n In a luillh The ginin v.ll -tan at 1' :::n A-ldi-Mmiiil -Mi.ing at 1 aiigenn Ills li.i, ,, 1 u made GRIDDERS BANQUETED Swarthmore Prep Footballers Speak at Dinner Plans Outlined l'lfllell bttir III' 11 were mesiiit ,ni I Hide -p.iil.i- ut lle .,iiipie g.vell i" warlbiii"! ' I'i") Si 'nnd fmiiball 1 ai 1 ii Sit n b I Liven Inn. I'm 1 nn -1 e. 1 Kln-e Hal Mantigi 1 - ! I (Jingle win .lie prin -ij 1! speakers, n,,, .mtliiieil id, ins 'n in t sea-mi. ' 'nadi I.i V" wis vi 11 a gi' .11 ei at p... when lie responded 1,, n t. ,,...; t'rmu tin I iiv. II" 1 engrntulaie.l tbeni fm Hi. 1 weiidi I'liil .Im. ill"; 11111 I, , f.. ,1 I 1 I li 1 re, erd next 1 or. The fi'iilblll pllivel. pir.eni 1 y, Capltii 1 Mi Iv ille ( "nn nib-. Philip Si, I' . n-i . m, Hi-.,. II, 11 1, '1 ;,, , si I r rill.r m It i.,c . ml I . . I. - in! 1 w rurr. Hi -1 All out eut i'l "in 1 i.bs It a .mil cold 1 .. 1 1 t i' n n s iii all room. 1 -ii M 1-1. i irn inir Urill 1 H It 1 T' If phone 1 N'w v., ik eine. Hchurler s .NN Ml (,. s SAVANNAH rrnePEiN pi as renriis -' 1 w ii.ii. ts-heln eell pilvl -ce "f ufH'- tf nls reurtii 11" VVf ' 1 IT h . (1 'jr eutsln. IVi ,c "i.e TT I' T nr7i.m Jfirr. (.Ill I.N ( l) I sfitiM.s, II A v. HE QOI-SI-SANF GUI KN COVE SPRINGS n.A. I e . 1. 1 n r- m Im ",', ,f , k-enlllf Ii. t.i "11 c na- I'I'I N- I I 1 t-VIIlIt Itth T' . Q' 1 s .s. nn I-a me.', if ' " t reef itrurture llrm. ikr Northern c-ckTr blial fnirretindlni;s fr thi.. r. kinsr iimri.'! ft . r -p. i.ul dlt I nr e'n -t arrl Irr.t -ulp, , Mi.jn.- a ipnrsrs in f.rn,'r wit Iru'i- nr 1 I ubhe Peel I .feu (., ier he i k fl.w pr me utpl Kecrrnti ire IeiimIiil-. (mlf. Irnnta, llnnilnu-. I islilnr.- limn Iel-. Popular ritm rr I:e-i fiF. A MKVEL. s, rnmrr n'.' Lakf Darmrirr lltcl. Lak, Durrrnr Vt lT I'M. VI III l Hetel Salt Air i.. I . .Ie I!l 'i l'". .Inlni I iagiip.aii. U'i nit . lb v 11. Arilnii Kin.. . I inican. .I.'hu Mill. Ile.l.ei, Dalmils. Jul 11 Sv inn.. Har 1 Hi 1 k and 'fh ('.In. k le. , .... 1 1 Hal- I.I.ADI.Sd llllll. I "I 11 ic'l.ljt ' - ll'.uklft A ' vr. pren, man damdn 111 c:i. n.A. DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL St. Henry Wins Anether p m .Mrr le 111 r'fr .. tj,.. u P riioreurhl- J3.3C llalej s lt'( I I I I I Lehigl ler 1111 1 ' llian thai Lehigh i I'nlver-atv '11 en- 1'. respective elT l 'ellipse 'rank Jehillli rnf, :. ,'"'" Nll"ul"k' llilliself nff lis II ''.- iiji 11 n 1 1 HtltuiiP 1. 1 . f .. - "l'l"'i 111 iiir ruriHT U Ills siiftltil Mn 11.. 1 iM..ll.... il , ,. , ''"'il ' .Mlllir.V iiiiiiiiix 1 11 .i.i:.. ' l.... ..... ' "O'l-niiu, ill Hi,,,, 1..: .""' "!". .I."'."- "IT with ut '"iveuiier ami ;, , Will I"' Mel.uugliliuV fllr fi ... ' -"- tllllll will show for (be 1 Iln Dundee, vim has been fe,(Cd t , "r 1 tune 11, Phil-eldpiij,, Siimniv llenie ' """! "f h1'' ' ,,V,',"K "'!' ,"r ",v'n.. ls -'nxieiiB "'"llhn.lvv kllocknreiii ,.r v. . V- , I !" Hl",w ninr eflen at heine Ilf Iihh !.., Ills , . " " n-h. niiiinif ler tour .vears uav warns I, ,, "I'l"'.' I'"' Will be Kid Wuciier I'einmy CIeiiij 01 itiirlin Ju,l(.f viviii' Htm gain.. T, ".,-. ..11, , . ' " 111 u 11 11 11 er - 1 ..- . 1 -. . "ill no i.ili,..it. II. .1.1. .. 1 .lenilll ivr.nisn 1.11s n.e.i niiiici Oi 11 ninr.. J.KI,.' ,.l ..... .i. , UIUI III 1.1 GREB TO MEET KAISER eavywelght Beut On for the Ice Palace Wind-up of two am has iirran::". 1 ih- f..n slum for Ills epniilnu f n,,. e j,, ,,,.... 7 next We.lnfula uislii IMdv atone .Vlilt.r vs j. in,., ...'uiii i, 1.11,3 1. 111. or in i', . ...i .... ........ .. 11 ,..,.., .. . '.."-' . unrn, i.,ii, t. in,. ,-. ,,.i.i,' rn .siiininpta vs. innv iwniu i:y ni,, .Vl.OUOUK VH ll.l! .VIUIIlK.in. 'Mi.-, nial Mi, llilliuli'lpl.in. nneuinrr 1111 inliee I Mebb Abrnms, from ' !' Welgiisj, ,,f Seuth TO HEAR RETURNS Pe"n State and Washington Grads at Engineers' Club This Afternoon 1 Vim Si. 11. S ., ; .. ,.. . . ... ,r, .in. .... .1 win giiiniM in., 1 "dill. inn n 1 ... I'....: V - ,,.. ' ' 'OKHici'lN I nn,, .,, Wnsl, ,, L. "' '"',"" '''""li" "f I he! " Ii ligteilMup, gu,,,.. , Seatlle. I')', I ' Ullil'i. Nccrcl,,,'' of tl,.' c it, ,'11" l"M" Sll,k' '""""'I hus 'I s,n,","""; ,"y"l"Kl'"n.iluales l, ,("i;'.lr,lf' "' " h ci. te listen te .Sc'itl,"i"'' .""" "'"' the s""'li'" i" 'e.l.th li,,s I,,,..,. ,....., r ., l: .1 . . ' ."' ""'". i", nun .- ' C 1 V it A hen j weight I t. llie lirM of the ociil't-enseii. will be the wind-up of (lie weekl.v show mi I in-dii night ut the Ice P'alace when lli.ri'v (ireb, nf Pitts burgh, meets i'av Knlser. who has been stepping ninug fnsl in competition with the big bef. The are scheduled te go eight rounds. Kaiser's most iceeiit achievement wns nidi ' le will iron, lien .unriiii. ,v. 1,. r, I champion, and Ibis victory places linn up Willi me eeiiieuiiers ter .hick Dcnipse.v's crown. (ireb reiently was a winner ever Charley Weinert in nn eliiniiintleii for 11 bout with Tem (ilhbeus, the winner of which Is pi utilised n meeting with (icergcH Curpentler. - - 1 ( leerge cruer, of Husten, will tip - Willie Spencer Has Pneumonia 1 penr in Hie seml-liiinl with Jiinui (lib. Willie Hp.'1'c..r. Ilyivelrht bnv.r. of (i ou- l"'M ls llis f'",'- ,Ot,ll0r l'"."'s : . ;!" ifnirr. I serinusiv 111 hi nix heni, h, (lleu Keens vs. i.eniiic 1 ucner, v line .xiieu N'nrtilKlile A i.l. ulrjllt M'enile C'llv. next Thuia l Viiiiii. vvhe Hita le brvvf Inxid Amlj llui ns tl the rumhrln last night vwis ua hI.Ip te ke threuKh with the beat umIiik te a sprained nnkle. ifciei' He Is ninerni! rreni mi altnek of rneuinenln r fused te and luiidllllla iill-l Ills phjKlclaui p bii ene fcfe h.111 H.enfi.v Hus. mid Danny .McDennbl 1 Hlllv Plmptiri. Line-up of Quaker -Can ten Bulldog Game PmLADKLPHIA ()l'AKI-:iS (l) l.al.il I'. It. IS) Cofall It. II. H. 1 Hi) Haines I.. II. Ii. (t) Miller It. K. il-2) Carrell I.. K. III) Little It. T. HI) West L. T. (171 MerrisM-y It. i. (.u:;i (iiiiliib L. a. tui) Way L. II. II. CD .Sent I l. IS. IJI Wray ('. O 1 hi Di'euuils C. I II Ivciniiliui l. H. ( le) O'Connor 1.. ;. Osbei ue IS. (. 1 I Ii Sp:igu,i I.. I. I I.N I llciir.v It. I'. (Ill - Lewe I., i:. 1 II Higgius IS. 1:. It.".) (uiggs IS. II. It. (5) L. Mllilll I''. H. CANTON HTLLDOt.S Sub-tiliites : rr (junker. Alexander i"i. lugi IL'i i.iiult im, Themas ill!). Fer Canten- Uebb C'i. Ldward. i7). lm kfenl i'.d. K.lli.. seu (1(1). Fiilcnn ("111, S. Smith (111). Speck 1II1. Merrow i.'D. S I 1 '' 1 Olliciuls Heferee, Chuilcs .M,(',,rt. Lehi.'h ; iiinpire. I.niubirt. illim heuiMinesniun, McCern.iek. I'.ucknell ; Held ju.lg. . "P." Di.-ksen, IVnn Time of periedN Fifteen minute.. lllv I -11 V .lev e 'II tellgliei In l'lllVi.l last v I'.l 1 lint ntli'i a game vv ith 1 1,, if !' inisv v.iih.i nnd i , . 1 - l.af.l.v ': !e is illnpliid Iiv ih IJil'ikei -. 10 11 'l.l' e 11 - 1 iv.i's 01, !, , Penn s, he. lul. P.e'.ev" Iteiti 1 an- tiniiiieeil Mint i,. gut pit nt,s Willi I'm 1 Wi'lc lllnler W.IV I.cbull U-eil Iii l,e in the I'lnl.idelpl 1,1.1s -, he lule Im. in, game, have 1 11 pl.ivi I bilweiii l'e " and Lehigh ler -" m .1 -. W.i.iiu::leii ,,h .liiiii.i't and W1-1 V'iiginia have in 1, .iuppiil f,,, ,,, t .M'llrll- thev me I.,.. 11 III ill ,, crtm, wii. ninile te pi. ,v II. .iv, ml Inn ih. Crimson auihmii. . 1 1 I urn see the 1 wa.v 1 bur. Hi own want, te plav I.e. high but lbi. gum. 1- ibuibtful La -fa.veii... Muhleiibei g and liitgei's , 1 dcllllltel nil l.i'hlgl - . licdide for nexl car. 1 1 has in, 1 he, a ii, n e I vv h. t hi r in 1 el, '1 111 Fi, ink (link He 'ii. nli. or imi (ili.k milv sigui.l ., "ii, -war i'iii,i,i' I at Lehigh MOUNT HOLLY VS. PENDALE "Big Maroen" Team Clashes With Camden Eleven Today f .T. "Hetel Clarenden eiRECTlY ON OCEAN SEABREEZE flerip, New yeek erne nse b roadway Tl Dull llfli I limit, w Cauulcn In Mnnu. II 1 rn-scd I in ( ire. n le'ii nig lln 11 n geed 1 1 In ,1 I 1 I ' Pig Mm w 1 I Inn 1 g 1 i 01 . Im. I I" 111 h 1- , (In I! . Men's & Yeung Men's SUITS and Overcoats VU.sl PXI.VJ I. Mvl. ( III III 'l-l IV' Ml WII .' , II . ' III X II 1 1 . PK t VII N lt I I MH ' I I V , 1 MIAMI "'1 1,1 ICO I r.nl, pt. 1.80 iii:p.mij " The Ideal Winter Resort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA ' , " ' , v ' ' "1 "fi 400. I X Mil a. r vr 1 uda t. :n sll'MI1il Kl s()Cr and see our 16 windows Peter Meran & Ce. Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Open Men A- Nnl I lK. 'till U n'l liiek ill Ii - .All- ERICSSON LINE 1). c. Iml.v siTXKe extent P ..-f ntpr. r, e'i . , i', le UP VI . from P I'liil ..bvinlil i. I'er II I illiiiiiirr A Wash nstoe, Norfell. an. I the Nmin, ' isiuiiaj. irrliiht nmi P., M. NiliinLiy. trr .J. N l)p ivvilrc ., sl'l M. II" rt sintls III It- Clark'n l:Jj ( rnli.p, 1 rli. MEDITERRANEAN 1 y .!,. .a I V , 'i , 'pi , 1Kb. from '.I'M I .NJj I I lliil'i. ' in tll.ftn l'ur fi -i . - . . - - -V MV LMPRESS Oi FRANet ' ';iul,ru" 74 Dayj, First Class, $G00 and up Uu ei ui. is fptn Kuld int,u.lid. Steo. "vtrr. in i:iirep. 1L d.,- In I'iriM and T nrvlen 100 Frauli C. rinrk. llniri Jliilldln:, rvv Yort THE KERNEL ''il a scorebenril arranged plnj will be icglsleicd GRID TITLE AT STAKE Cel wyn and Darby Come Together at Hllldale Park Kiak.!,i"1i' """'i'" '"""nlunsliip is r,,t:,,,,","1' '"ti '"i.i.Hh vc1,: ' "'".hnJit.es,'; '" ll,,M ""' I '"' III. 111. 1. Imi . .. I... . i .. . i Hus v .1,. ........ '" ' '"." "" Kiiine "Ii,,.,,'. -M" 'I in del. 'in ( li..., ... "" '. u'l' Phi I," .:..."" "! !" 'I" llu "' Ik I III KlIIv elvv v n. lullbaek for till 11 1 1 11 r fi II- eiiainbeis nmi lln, lalfbackH. -Hi. y.iib nav "III, .1. . . . "'il INI II , Enterprise-Nativity Run Off ,b UU Natlviy V ''.. Luti-riirlar. C.itholie In 0iiiia mown S" "s-tifUuled fei te- " " li il e ' '" ,",l'u costjiened grvr, ip hus tDrj pkts COME VN i-XERE-. -HvZevM EM OViT ' POV.K.S rus- UiH"i -Tt-lii vS F RJXV7 , S Tr VAJJW -TufcM WfXNC -w u nwC l ' JnJI'w; - Or- - tiVlDErACt r-J There 1 re Several MV.S of Getting a Red Xese O Y A L M A I L ermu ca a Hy I'aliitial ( 'ruisinc Meamcr "ARAGUAYA" 1 T "" ; , , i ii,,.nr First Sailing from New Yerk Wed., January 4 ' i - J in 14 1 ruin N,'w erU 1 relu Ili-rlliu.I I I vrrj Vvrrv 'I VII siitiirdny rin-sdiiy I ) I r , Tin il le a tat iii the no Huperier ' i'l I smith in rf ,m . it,. .1 n. ,, iNtierl I ivurv 1 & - r. v ' ' -x "MI ' ' ' IWr-i'i l I i . , , , , , r I - l'j VF""" v i P cr ' f WWPW ' " ii ..,. , '""'' - - ' ' K . , , , , , " Chrislmas & New Year's IN BERMUDA Special Helidav Tour 21 days S1S3 up l!ntial I 1 1 in nnd bera in - I rljilt- s. rinv s. s. "Orbita" i'l""l, n" li.pbiirmrnt 1 ' ' X ' ' ' imlle I.lnsr s'lllll fr Nevv iirl, Decciubur 22 Krluruliig en s. ., " Ml (i( .VA," ill """""n "' -r iitk .i Miliary is ! Ul.sT INDH.s leer. in. Iiullim muri n Ilm iniitt i. v: Sll'l I ll I I. V Ml II ' I "PL bv th The ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CCX :n iir.iiniwiiv j.. v' . Or n Stnim.hlr. TJrUrl A.rut GREAT WHITE FLEET United Fruit Company Trffla Dit.. IT lattery l'Ut. N. T. n IH! I Mi if i V V .r""r I ' V