irw..i,.iiii ' if ?"' s ymmR 1 ' ff , EVENING 'WbLIO LED&EB-PHH,ADEiPfilA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER &V&& 7 - V g i WEATHER Rain I f 'Organ Plays at 9, 11 and 5:20 WANAfylAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S " tj Chimei n neon ..a 3 J tfiThis Stere Is First for Its Patrons and Afterward for Its Owners V'v", Almest Everything in the Stere Has a Quality That Makes Ita Christmas Stock serviceable for Christmas remembrances, and especially of serviceable qualities. While we provided largely, it has been very carefully done. Wc de net sell tawdry nor tinsel merchandise. We aim te have every article te be such as will fulfill the customer's expectation for the money paid for it. In almost every case, prices are lower than last year. We de net say everything, but wherever it is possible te have lower prices, the public may be sure that they are se adjusted, we are aiming at a lower basis of costs in all our purchases, that we may be able te make lower selling prices. There are no urgencies here te any one te buy, except as they need; nor are there any baits or hodge-pedge inducements te make people come in with a hope. of selling them something when they come. This Stere is first for its patrons and afterward for its owners. By mutual co-operation it improves somewhere every day. Signed December 2, 1921. $25 Buys Notable Suits and t Canten crepes, crepe de chine and Georgette crepes in navy, black a Jirmvn. Seme are pleated and some beaded, also there are extremely dmple taixred styles for these who prefer them. Sleeves are various Kevelty suitings and wool veleurs in gray, brown, heather mixtures, Hack and navy. And tomorrow's price represents a substantial reduction. (Viral Fleer) There Was a Time When Only Royalty Were Silk But that was a long while age and it is new every woman's privilege and pleasure te wear as many silken garments as she wishes. The fact of the matter is that a woman in these days is clothed in silk from the crown of her hat te the sole of her feet. Her underwear, petticoats, gowns, blouses, negligees and qven wraps are made of one kind of silk or another. la it any wonder that se many, many women like te give and receive silks for Christmas! The e aie Christmas boxes ready and waiting for every gift lilk purchased between new and Christmas, and the silks thom them jelvcs arc cut off freshly from the roll when bought. (First Fleer) Yeung Women May Cheese Pretty Cleth Dresses at $17.50 Thev reallv are verv attractive and the nrice is surnrisincrlv low. Ehfl materials are tricetines, veleurs and Peiret twills of excellent IWlity. All four models are straight-line dresses with narrow tie wihes or silk cord girdles. Twe have cellarless round necks, and the ether two have well-shaped cellars setting high in the back of the WK. And the sleeves of all arc as pretty ns sleeves are this year. Twe styles are trimmed with contrasting duvetyn. A third has toy button melds and silk embroidery. The fourth is severely tailored, ith gres-grnin ribbon bindings. BrOWn nr hhln mnv hn nVinapn TVin r!taq nvn 14 tn 00 Anrl flirt ftrlce of each $17.50. (Seceml Fleer) Frem $20 te $225 Runs the Gamut in Yeung Women's Coats At the top of the scale are luxurious coats and wrnpH of exquis.te fahnes hund micly trimmed with furs. KAt the bottom are speits coats of woolen mixtures. Up and down between the two the priii & run, te meet everybody's need in kind and price. t.ven some of the lower-priced coats are fur trimmed. Taking tfteni altogether, we don't see hew a young woman could find a better assortment anywhere. And we arc net surprised when customers return and tell us they have net found anywhere else e geed a collection of 14 te 20 year coats. te SnhII'Ceat3 fr the yeunSr Birlsi 0 t 11 years, are $11.50 (Second Fleer) The Winter Sports Cape Has Come te Stay At Innet tl...i : 11. m .. . . ii ui ia me opinion or me many women wne are wearing Wi comfortably warm garment. ,,,,,, "" "i neavy an-woei tweea or a son ail-wool worsted, nm .. -..wj I.MI.UIUI til OIIUUU, WUHUtl IJIUU1VU UIIU Villi UU wn i ever any kind of a costume. in li ,,"?'n. C0l0l'a. two-toned mixtures and indistinct plaids, Wit colors and dark at $37.50 and $57.50. (First Fleer) fea1 Lace Neckwecr Is Always Most Welcome Thpm ..l.i ,. ... . :Htnin.. :.i . .. .V- " c'i'ier real met or real W. the two most fashionable Unas. Filet coil,,..., ... ticn ,"",,a -.ou, $a and Weach. Sets are $5 and $6.50. Iriah enllnv. ...... i r-r. rtt. -- "'u f.uu eacn and ' are $5. (Muln Fleer) New Chain firrc Thev win ...:l, . H.j :. u """ almost any ma of a g0Wn nn(, greaUy 15 is:a"r-? tMvi. '"' ""' emers are glned with jeweled effects. ,MJ.85t9.50. (, ... rt QMMmzfe Dresses rer women Tim rlvpsKPs nrc snecial leta brought in here at Inte season prices Thr suits are broken sizes reduced out of our regular stocks .vfrp!v tailored and fur-trimmed styles. They are made of cheviot. 54Inch Dress Serge Special, $2 a Yard A new shipment of this popular all-wool serge has just reached here. It is exactly the right weight for dresses and in the fine, "French" weave which takrs se kindly te pleats and drapings. In cither navy blue or black. (First Fleer) Little Legs Need Warm Leggings However big folks may go about in Winter with thinly clad ankles, little folks, by all consent, should be kept warm. Thcse fine stjurdy leggings are just the thing. In brown corduroy at $3. Gray chinchilla at $4. Clack or brown velvet at ?5, And fleecq-lined. lrwn leather at $10. . FIt Vlenrl A Becoming Hat Is Needed for thb Right Christmas Spirit Whero is th6 woman whose mirth and gey-ty and geed will te ethers can rise above an un becoming and depressing hat? She may exist, but she is rare. Fer nine women out of ten much the best procedure is te ceme in here and cheese a jaunty hat that will help te bring one's spirits up te the level of the holi day searen. Se many pretty hats are new under priced in the Millinery Salens that it is easy te cheese a becoming ene at small cost. (Second Fleer) Smart Street Handbags of Fine Leathers Black pin seal, glazed and'dull; black auto leather; tapir calfskin, alligator calfskin and kha"ki calf skin are the leathers used and soma of the better bags are geld mounted. All in the new flat shapes and some designed te our order. Among them are some most un usual and striking styles. Prices $10 te $50. (Main Fleer) Fer the Weman Who Has Ne Small Fur Neckpiece It is no great task te guess what that girl or woman wants who docs net have a small fur neckpiece. Over her tailored suit, or her sports coat, or her tailored dress, a small fur scarf is practically essential. A beautiful Hudsen Bay sable scarf may be chosen for her here at from $45 te $225. A scarf of the soft stone maiten or the darker colored baum marten is priced from $40 up, Japanese marten scarfs be gin at $30. Frem $22.50 up may be chosen a fine little scarf of dark brown mink. And a dainty two-skin scarf of gray squirrel is $30. The furs are all carefully selected, and just new the cheesing is uncommonly fine. (Second Fleer) THE French Roem has some delightful crepe de chine bed sacques, lined with lamb's toeol, quilted and in lovely colors or chid, peach and rose. Their price is $14JiO. (Third Fleer) Christmas Perfumes What better than Queen Mary, the chosen perfume of se many discriminating women? Four of the most favored Queen Mary odors rose, violet, Charmc d'Amour and Bouquet d'Orient are especially bottled in cut-glass flagons with dropper tops. Priced $4.50 te $7.75. Queen Mary perfumes may be had in mere than a dozen delicious scents, priced from 65c up. Toilet waters from 75c up. Theso who use the perfumes and toilet waters would net be without the ether delightful Queen Mary toilet preparations te match face powders, creams, bath salts and sachets. All are exclusively here. (Muln Fleur) TjlOUR beautiful Paris M ienne corsets include one of pink satin, hand-embroidered with blue and with dainty pink flowers, price $28; one topless of orchid satin having fringed ribbon top and bottom, price $25; one of plain black satin very low at $20; a girdle top of white or pink satin at $15 and a pink satin at $25. (Third Fleer) J LITTLE special let of xTl babies' coats and caps gees en sale tomorrow; the coats of white cashmere, hand embroidered, prices $5 te $10, and the snowy, frilly caps and bonnets, $1.25 te $9, Beth arc in sizes from infants' te 2 years, and the prices en both mean a veru substantial saving. (Thlr.l ller) There Is Much Matching of Boudoir Silver Which means that a number of sterling silver boudoir sets arQ en the wny toward being completed this Christmas. It is also a very geed time te start a set for some member of the family or a woman friend. Many beautifully de signed patterns are here. Hand mirrors, $17 te $38. Hair brushes, $13.50 te $25. Combs, $3.25 te $8.50. Puff jars, $11.50 te $30. Cleth brushes, $9.50 te $22. Hat brushes, $4.75 te $14. Alse all the smaller pieces with prices starting at $2.75 for either a shoe horn, nail file or button hook up te $17.50 for a pin tray. (Main Fleer) Suggested for .Gifts Baskets. They arc here in the most endless shapes and styles, and from all parts of the world. 25c te $20. Rush knitting bags from Italv a kind that has been much wanted, $2, $2.50 nnd $3.50. Oilcloth doilies with fancy de signs, thirteen picfes te the set, $1.25 and $1.35; five pieces te the set, $1.G0 and $1.75. Mats for the center of the table, 12 inches, $1; 18 inches, $2.50. Old-fashiend stone jtlgs te use as het-water bottles, $2.50. Dinner chimes te make soft melody, $G te $40. Cape Ced fire-lighters for peo ple who love the open fire, $4 te $10. Nut bowls, some with picks, all , with crackers, $2.7.5 te $G.50. Dogs' cellars, harnesses, blank ets, sweaters, combs, brushes, chains, baskets for traveling and home use are here in geed va riety. het-water plates with solid brass nickel-plated pans, $3.25 te $4.50. Children's table trays with enameled finish in various colors and decorations, $3.25 and $3.75. (Fourth Fleer) Silk Nijjhtzewiis Frem Japan Hand-embroidered en crepe de chine, all flesh colored, low necked and kimono sleeved, three styles, $12.50 and $15. (Third Fleer) Te Carry in Her Handbag is a tiny geld-plated flask about the size of a half dollar and hold ing just about enough perfume for a week-end trip. Price $1. (Main Fleur) rill ml II ' vlWs' Tomorrow will be the best Saturday between new and Christmas te bring the children te the Wanamaker Tey Stere The Sunday Scheel Candies Are Ready te Be Sent Out We nre taking orders new for twenty-live pounds or mere. Ne less quantity is sold at these special prices. They are delicious candies, pure and frewli from our own light sunny Candy Kitchen. We make them especially for little children. They nre put up in attractive half-pound boxes, eitlier mixtures or chocolates at 30c a box. Clear candies are- 15c for a halt pound Christmas box. Other Special Christmas Candy Mixtures or chocolates, 50c pound. Twe-pound boxes. $1, or five-pound boxes for $2.25. .. n?iner, '"Mures ,r chocolates at GOc a pound. Twe-pound boxes, $1.20, and five-pound boxes for $3. ' MM candJeB, many geed kjnds, In a flvo-peund tin. at J3, (Down ntalra rttore) 1 Sample Lamps A little let of novel vase-shaped metal table lamps are being sold nt sample prices $30 and $40. They arc dainty in appearance and finished in black, geld, silver and blue: also they arc shown for the first time. Silk shades te go with them may be had for $25 te $100. (Fourth Fleer) Beeks for Yeung People "Philippa's Fortune," by Margarita Spalding Gerry, $1.60. "The Yellow Quill Girl," by Letta Rewc Antheny, $1.50. "Then Came Careline," by Lela Hern Richards, $1.75. "Aprilly," by Jane Abbett, $1.75. "Midsummer," by Katherine Adams, $1.50. "Diuntha's Quest," by E. B. and A. A. Knipe, $1.75. "Conquests of Invention," by Mary R. Parkman, $2. "The Bryne Girls," by Mary K. Matile, $1.75. "The Boek of Cowboys," by Francis Relt Wheeler, $2. "What Scouts Can De," by Sir Rebert Baden-Powell, Bt, $1.50. "The Yeung Arctic Traders," by Dillen Wallace, $1.50. "Bey Hunters in Demerara," by Geerge Inness ' Hartley, $1.75. "Girls of Highland Hall," by Carrel W. Rankin, $1.75. "The Princess of the Scheel," by Angela Brazil, $1.75. "Kutner, Sen of Pic," by Geerge Langford, $1.75. "Frem Tenderfeet te Golde Eaglet," by Amy E. Blanchard, $1.75. "Sailing Under Sealed Orders,'" by Cem m a n d e r Themas D. Parker, U. S.- N., $1.50. "A Treasury of Plays for Children," edited by Montrese J. Moses, $3. (Main Fleer) 1000 Umbrellas Specially Priced at $2.50 These are both men's and women's. $2.50 is a low price be :ause sample handles designed for much higher - grade umbrellas were used en them. Seme of these handles are identical with these en our $7 and $10 umbrellas. Fer women they are leather, hard- (Maln A Piece of Wanamaker Furniture Is a Gift of Character IT IS the kind of gift given by people who want te feel satisfied in their own minds that they have given some thing of real excellence and substantial worth. A piece of Wanamaker fur niture is a gift that satisfies the one who givQs it no less than the ene who receives it and there is a great deal in ,that very fact. Cut Glass Gifts in the Christmas Sale Note particularly the splendid vases marked $5, hitherto almost twice as much. They are 12 inches high, eight inches in diam eter. Berry bowls, $3.50 te $20. Benben dishes, $1 te $3.50. Lew berry dishes, $3 te $18. Sugar and cream sets, $3 te $10. Candy baskets, $2.25. Flower baskets, $4.50 te $30. Footed nut bowls, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. Oval orange bowls, $4.50 te $10. Jugs of various kinds and sizes, $4.50 te $15. (Fourth rioer) Bright Christmas Wreaths Gay trimmed wreaths for the windows, 10 te 16 laches in diam eter, prices $1 te $2.50. Boxed auto wreaths, 50c. Plain red wreaths , 10 te 14 inches, prices 50c te 75c. Red cresses, trimmed, $2.50 and $4. Magnelia wreaths, some plain and some trimmed, diameters, 14 and 16 inches, $1.50 te $4.50. (Teurth rioer) It Will Take a Lively Youngster te Wear This Shee Out This shoe is a tremendous favorite with parents. It is se sturdily made of such splendid materials that the average child outgrows it before it is worn out. It i3 a stout laced beet of smooth chestnut-brown calfskin. The bread tee gives ample space for growing feet te develop. The sturdy sole is as near everlasting as a shoe sole can be. In sizes 8Ys te 2, priced $4.75 and $5.50, according te size. The same shoe for growing girls, in sizes 21'3 tb 7, is $7. (First Fleer) weed, bakelite and combinations of these. Fer men, the handles are hardwood creeks in light or dark effects. The covers are geed black cotton with tape edge, in the usual men's and women's sizes. Fleer) CANDLES of every color and m a n y shapes square, fluted and twisted may be had for 10c and 15c eaclu (Fourth Fleer) Many a Bey's First Need Is a New Suit or Overcoat New lets of these remarkable suits with two pa'ir of trousers at $16.50, $18 and $20 have come in. They were needed, because these are suits of unusual value nnd they sell very quickly te peo ple who want suits that can be depended upon te wear long and prove a really geed investment. They are in Norfolk styles and in a geed selection of desirable colors and patterns. Sizes for boys of fi te 18 years. Other suits in the sauie sizes, with one pair of trousers, up te $35, and unexcelled at the prices. New overcoats for httl'j fellows of 3 te 10 years, at $15 te $38, and for boys of 11 te 18 years at $25 te $45. (boi-enil Fleer) Ice Skates and Shoes Can Be Used New for indoor ice skaflng or, later, when the ponds freeze ever. Clamp skntes for men and boys, $3.50 te $5; for women nnd girls, $4. Skates te screw en shoes, $3.50 te $15. Combination outfits of skating shoes with skates attached, for men and boys, $9.50 and $11 j for women, $12. Tubular hockey and racing skates with shoes -attached, $13.50 te $15.50. Skating shoes for men and boys, $0.50 and $8; for women. $0.50 te- f 10. (The iHllrr.y) Fer thore is a world of satisfaction in knowing that ene has given something of real worth and serviceable ness and enduring value. A gift of Wanamaker furni ture may be any one of thou sands of things from a book holder te a complete suit for any room. It can be a footstool or a splendid Hi-hb": a tea (Flrth Fleer) A Geed Overcoat Is the One Thing Many a Man Needs Without it, a man can have a geed Christmas, te be sure, but with it, well, everything seems se much better and it is se much easier te feel the joy of the season. We are net advertising our men's overcoats as gifts we have no need te. But we want te remind the men who need ever- coats that they ewe it te themselves te see the stock of overcoats we have te show them, that is, if they are bent en getting overcoats of quality. Our prices for overcoats of the finest ready-te-wear kind made in America are $28 te $100. (Third 1'Ioer) Men's Dellar Neckties Fill the Bill As inexpensive and useful gifts for men they are almost In a class by themselves. These are in stripes, figures and plain colors, with a geed selection in the college stripes which young men favor. There are three widths of these college stripes and various colors. (Main Fleer) t Men's Handsome Shirts of Fiber Silk Seft, and with a pronounced sheen, these fiber silk shirts are beauties indeed. All in soft-cuff, plain neglige style, of course, and in little figures and stripes. There are two qualities, one at $3.50 and the ether at $6, and either would make a fine gift. (Main rioer) Se Many Men Need New Hats that it is te be hoped they de net sacrifice their own appearance te the family holiday. Nobody wants a gift that Dad has bought in place of something he really needs. People te'l us there is no ether collection of men's soft hats and derby hats in Philadelphia that matches this for interest and geed style. Seft hats, $4, $5 and $6. Derby hats, $4, $5, $7 and $8. (Main Fleer) These Are the Best Gloves a Man Can Get He can cheese them in his own Men's Stere in the Market Street Section, or in the general Gleve Stere. And if he deea net buy them for himself, they are a first-class article for some, body te get for him. One-clasp capeskin gloves, English and domestic, including hand-sewn gloves, $3.25 te $4 a pair. One-clasp buckskin gloves in drab or tan color, $4 and $5 a pair. Slip-en tan capeskin gloves at $3.25. f.r.0ne-c!.asP cashable mocha gloves, beaver and dark Band $5.7e a pair. ' n.Liin? 5kin R,Iev.e,? capeskin, suede, mocha or leather, lined with knitted wool, silk fleece, lamb's-wool or fur. Priced from a. seamless wool-lined capeskin at $4.50 te the finest squirrel-lined capeskin or suede at $13.50. Gauntlet gloves and mittens of capeskin, lined -with fleece, lambs-wool or knitted wool, $5 te $14. (Mulu Fluer) Thinking of Giving Seme Man Handkerchiefs? Then we would suggest either one of these kinds, because se many men like them. ' ul lri!h iinen handkerchiefs with hand-embroidered initial, hem stitched edge, a geed practical quality and generous size, 50c each. fuFuren5h f,olJerued handkerchiefs in all desirable shades and with hand-rolled hem, $1 each. (Main Fleer) If Yeu Put Geed Socks in His Christmas Stocking you will please a man as well as any way we knew. A wonderful stock of half hose at Wanamaker's. The war SnSniTVi? Ww1' 0Vur and you wiU ftnd here n assortment equal te the best before the war and including fine importations Cotten, 50c and 85c. Weel, 35c te $8.50. Lisle, 65c te $2. .,, Mercerized lisle, 35c te $1. Sllk 65c $7.50. Novelty lisle, $1.50 te $3.50'. Gelf stockings, $1.75 te $12. Special The following lets are all at lowered prices: 18c, 3 pair for 50c, for black and colored lisle. oOe a pair for heavy ribbed wool from England. 65c a pair for seamless black and colored silk. t35e a pair for fashioned black and colored silk, "seconds." 85c a pair for fashioned black and colored silk, "seconds."" (Main Fleur) Christmas Felt Slippers for Men and Beys These are the comfertnblo house slippers of oxford rn-av blue, wine and brown felt, with soft, padded soles or leather $An. fnd $3U75 '" Bty Hnd thB Prices are ,2'25' 2-W $2.75Mten$Sl!50.thCr meccaB,ns with 80ft selea r heavy leather soles, Men's rubber beets in several lengths, $4.50 te $0.23, Men's ene-buckle and feur-buckle arctics, $2,76 and 15. Beys' storm beets and feur-buckle arctics, ?4 and $4 25 (Main Fleer) ' wagon or an easy chair that is a very triumph in luxurious upholstery work. It can be a woman's writing dnsk of any one of hundreds of different styles, or it can be a chifforebe of marvelous convenience for cither a man or a woman. It can be a smoker's stand or a sewing table. What can it net be? II Hi i v M 1 LljjL;. - '