w j?7tfi Cvi5''i ' '' W! if llflW W te I Btf if I mm ik IS. 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1921 BRiAND BACK HOME Y RECEIVED Premier Greeted With Deference in Havre, but Without Enthusiasm FACES STORM IN CHAMBER Bj Hip Associated Press IInrc, Dee. '2. Premier Brland re turned te France today after five weeks' nbsence, lit which he presented te the Washington Cenferenre Frnnec's posi tion en armament limitation. As he landed here he was greeted with defer ence, but without enthusiasm The entire Trench Cabinet with the exception of Minister of Justice Benne. Tfly, and the Acting Premier, War Minister Bnrtbeu. met the Paris ten miles at sen en the tug Athlete In n northwesterly wind which was blowing half a gale, threatening te send the tiny tug crashing against the plates of the hup Paris, M Brland. "Sailor of Saint Nnznire," bearded the Ath lete. A heavy sen wa3 running, but the Premier's opponents made no pretcne of hiding their opinion that it was balmy nn compared with the term M Briand will have te face in the Cham ber of Deputies next Tuesday when he (gives nn account of his Washington mission. The Premier and his Cabinet mem bers then were transferred te the de de Istreyer Admiral Series n former Ger man craft, en which lie held an in formal reception He chatted in turn with vnrleus Cabinet members, who In formed him of developments since his departure. M. Briand was informed that coin cident with his return lists wcie being circulated in the Chamber of Dcputiep and the Senate purprrting te gie tne composition of n Cabinet under former President Peincnre, which the oppesi tien expects will succeed the Briind rainiBtn should the lntter fa'l as a re sult of non pament bv (icrminv of its reparations qunt i due .lantmrv 1" Although M Peincalre has r framed from attacking the present cabinet the former President delivered an address nt Berdeaux lat wee whlih has been characterized as n "pregrim spce, li and M Briand s adtrsurles me raid ing behind liim The rilln t nn mbers witli whom Lh cnrrepenilent Hike I tn daj . however, ft el pesitut t'i it Bmnd xv ill vvuithir the ster n in th ( luinbi" Of Deputies Il IMh us he did the rheppv seas tlii tin ruin-' in llir Reads and ill 1 ti hl a vnt of confidence bv a large majent Londen. I'e 'J . I! A P i raer Germ in M ni-tei of H n-ti ur i Batiienan i n e ' atlng u it 1 K ert Heme ( h ui "or of t ie J"v 1 ;uei and with effii laN of the J? ink of Pn; land for a le-n et t'liiiniii i) e ( i main if wis learned en huh tiuth i 'i hfre ti li It w i- mider-f ieil Herr Itir in weulil In 'h'ti a (h tin i l!l- q Mil which i huh eihi 1 1 -ail in iblv i be in tin- hi native 1922 JURY NAMES READY 18,000 Names Are Put In Wheel for Future Drawings .Name- if ii i i il i n t ' drawn fm jurj siimi during !'. weie j.Ui ! ted j ii t'n in rif -wheel h tin I' ! ' I i '. - Last eer l'-inn hum- p l posited in the if e t n le , I it picti d i- 1 II-1 i n i ' i ' e i . , Hired -Ii- r i nr VASSAR STUDENTS AID FUND Girls Frem This Vicinity Pledfje! $2600 In $3,000,000 Drive ' Vassar htudents from the vicinity of Philadelphia have pledged $2(100 te- ward the $3,000,000 salary endowment i The S2000 applies te the $100.000 1 total pledge of Vassar undergraduates , end also te the 115,000 uueta of thil locality. , j National headquarters reports te date a total of $2,120,510 00. half of which amount has been contributed b. alumnae i and former students. The Philadelphia leealit has raised $.13,000 of its quota. Se numerous have been the schemes for raising money and for earning the pledges made by eluinnac that an nil vertlHing sheet Is being issued hj head quarters te alumnae throughout the ceuntr Silverware, peerless pecan nuts and balsam pillows arc auleng the new items and slogans run riot. "Let 'llvmettus' help, nn' Mrs. Stephen Abbett, of Ctali, who advertises henev from the Irrigated fields of sweet clever of the Beck Mountains And inci dentally hair nets have netted ever $700 te date. SPESE ID APPEAR COURT MONDAY Physician Tells Judge Promoter Is Physically Able te An swer Summons E DALS1MER STANDARD SHOES a Isn't it true you are compelled te stand en your feet lenp hours? Your arches become weak, you change your shoes frequently, but get no permanent relief. Wouldn't you like te have the advice of a feet expert, who has had years of careful study in the fitting of corrective shoes and feet appliances.' Give xeur POOR, ACHING FEET a chance by having them fitted with a fQ) WfMMM WSff&Wk mmm ARCH tr BUILDERS There is no charge for advice, nd we will show you hew te get u t comfeit. iSA Oal la yii aal A a A Vlf m tr ' lAe 132 S6cz Simc 1204-06-08 Market St. WIZsRD FOOT APPLIANCES Start a Qemiine Pearl Necklace forYeur Little Qirl 3 Pea'ls S5C0 5 Peefis $750 Wi K W&i B k& 8 Paaris $1000 the adcta-Jiearfl ' NECKIA QCgO 9 Pearls $15 00 10 Pearls $2000 12 Pearls $25.00 KLACE The Add-a-Pearl Necklace consists of n group of genuine Oriental pearls strung en a silk cord, inserted in a fine geld necl. chain, se that addi tional pearls of any number may be added en birthdays, Christmas and ether special occasions until the necklace is completed. S. KIND & SONS, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERC! IANTS JEW EIXRS SILVERSMITHS -f .. - T flUlsBWlSEB Jventy-JiVe IJearsSctting (joedjfurnitiwe 25Sy2 te 264 S. Fifth St., between Locust and Spruce T Ji This beautiful combination Mohair Living1 - Roem Suit with the inviting luxury of its comfy spring cushions, large roll arms and full spring edge, dtJOEfdHll expresses fully the hospitality of all Wiser ijjijijvi Furniture . . ... Fer the Christmas Season we have specially priced such articles as Fleer Lamps and Shades, Console Tables and Davenette and Davenport Tables. These will make very attractive Gifts. Our five immense floors give you a variety te cheese from which, at the prices we offer, cannot be equaled. The 75 smaller decorated and furnished rooms give a concrete example of hew this beautiful furniture will leek in your own home. Open Saturday Evenings Mail Orders Accepted The Furniture Center of Philadelphia - T" fT1 " LAWYER ACCEPTS RULING pnny's nlTnlrs because of. illness, was dcclnred te be pliyslcnlly fit today by Dr. Klvvoed It. Klrby, who made n physical examination nt the orders of Judge HeKer. Henry J. Scott, counsel for Snlcse, nnd Dr. Andrew FlnniiRan, Splenc'i nephew nnd family ph.vMclnn, nnscrted Spicse wen tee 111 te lenve Ills home nt Hojcberougli. Splcne In new under $2."i,000 bnil en charges of conspiracy and embezzlement. Five ether officials of hh cenccrni arc under ball en charges of conspiracy te defraud. 'After Dr. Klrby bad testified Mr. Scott premlRcd Judge Hegcm that Spiese would be in court Mendnv. Dr. Klrby tCKtificd he made nn ex amination of Spicic Tuesday evening. He found the natlcntx he nnl,l. nttin.il manner I ln " dressing gown nnd slippers Ijlng nil inn itw, UIUWHK H I11PIUIH. "He nppenred te be n vvcll-neiirlshcd mnn wiin goeci color," testlficcl the phy be placed in jeopardy if he attended court, --unless possibly great piijwcm exertion." "There would be no such exertion, said the Judge. ' ROBBERS FRIGHTENED OFF Frnnklyn Splesp. general and promoter of the Nntlenal fiiinran tec Credit Corporation, new under re ceivership, who 1ms failed several times sicinn, who ndded that liin nxninlnntlim te appear in Common Fleas Court Xe discleHCil nothing that veuld make him '2 during the investigation of the com- i believe that the life of the pnt'ent would Bring Cries of Stere Proprietor Family te His Aid Twe men who tried te rob the grocery store of Abrnm Sedal, 014 Lembard street, Inte last night, were wared off when the proprietor called for help. Members of his family rushed te his aid and chased the robbers, who escaped by jumping several fences. While one of the robbers engaged Sedal In conversation, the ether climbed ever the counter nnd was headed for the cash 'register. Sedal, celng this, cried out nnd both men pummclcd him. Hearing the members of his family approaching both robbers (led nnd made their escape. A description wns fur nished the police who arc invctlgatlng. 'iiwiui'iiiHimi Charge Accounts Invited 'iwhiiiiiiibiHimiii Mail Orders Filiedi'll"Hi;H!,l"l;l"fcllllra Charge Purchases Billed February First Upen Request 1215 Chestnut Street Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request Fur Repairing and Remodeling at a Very Moderate Cost "Pay for the Werk When Yeu Want It Delivered" FAVOR STONEHURST FOR P.O Movement Afoot te Change Name Frem Upper Darby A movement has been stnrtcd te have the name of the new posteffice opposite ii.. ai.Vf.tiinrti Street Terminal changed from Upper Darby te Stenchurst. The posteffice takes Its name from the erlglnnl township, "Upper Darby," which comprised at one time all of that district, net only of Stenchurst, but some half dozen smaller districts close by, all of which have new severed their connection with the mother township. 11 Months for Wlndevv-Sii Alenzo Dunbar. nv Xeem Smith Twelfth street. Was umhI Judge MeFhcrseii te cloven menu the county prison nftcr plcndljij. III MMllBlliiiK IV niuiiun ui me ,i.--j Charles Heffman. 1015 Se. h,'1?' nnd stealing three coats valued at JJ "ti .r SMhVjBHriTv immi (iBK Wms98 flH fflHEw "s V -TSn w1 JF.4M ' J "v r- vaK. a WJTWk - s ymBVm.. A ,, X ISfmF ai 'mil '4. , 1 . - - - l 1 W I'enr -7 Cat r LS''B, M-.I3Q.S0I ' "- f i67.50 Vi -..WS.'WWl t ...... . JUeitiilnrl iiRuiunj , 10.00 - 133.00. 77.50: ! - ' f KUlnrlj I - 105.00 '' ' PJ 77 77 D IbJLaJyiiAlIliAl l blCi All "Odd Lets" te Ge! Average Reductions of One Half!!! The aftermath of the fast and furious selling of the past few months leaves many broken lets in our stocks that must be quickly cleared and for you it means FURS FAR BELOW REGULAR PRICES for THAT is OUR QUICK CLEAR ANCE METHOD. Instead of waiting until the February Clearance Sales we have decided te offer these stylish, up-te-the-minute garments NOW, at REDUCTIONS se sharp that they will impel immediate buy ing. This event offers countless oppertunitites new for Christ mas purchasing. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Until Required ReRiilnrly New 80.00 Russian Penv Coats, three-quarter length 39.50 115.00 Trimmed Russian Peny Coats, three-quarter length 57.50 135.00 Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats, three-quarter length 67.50 1 55.00 French Real Coats, three-quarter length 77.50 200.00 Marmet Coats, Raccoon trimmed, 40 inches long 98.50 165.00 Australian Nutria, three-quarter length 98.50 165.00 Natural Muskrat Ceat, three-quarter length 110.00 225.00 Skunk Trimmed French Seal Coats, three-quarter length. .145.00 375.00 Moleskin Coats, three-quarter length 235.00 375.00 Hudsen Seal Coats, three-quarter length 245.00 375.0Q Moleskin Wraps, 45-inch models 245.00 375.00 Natural Raccoon Coats, three-quarter length 245.00 395.00 Skunk Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats, three-quarter length. .265.00 425.00 Skunk Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats, 40 inches long 275.00 450.00 Natural Squirrel, three-quarter length 295.00 450.00 Hudsen Seal Wraps, 45-inch models 295.00 450.00 Trimmed Leepard Skin Coats, three-quarter length 295.00 525.00 Jap Mink Coats, three-quarter length 345.00 700.00 Alaska Seal Ceat, three-quarter length 445.00 750.00 Jap Mink Wraps, 45-inch models 495.00 750.00 Natural Squirrel Wraps, 45-inch models 495.00 750.00 Hudsen Seal Circular Capes, 45-inch models 495.00 900.00 Taupe Caracul Wraps, full length 495.00 675.00 Alaska Beaver Coats, 40 inches long 595.00 1000.00 Broadtail Wrap, 45-inch model 595.00 1650.00 Natural Mink Wrap, 45-inch model 915.00 Chokers, Scarfs, Steles and Sets at Savingsup te 50 jfoteUvU On Sale Saturday Our Superb Germania & Worumbe Mentagnacs In addition te these we have chosen also the finest plaid back Winter ulster overcoats for both men and young men in our stocks se that the total number in the offer is 700. All are Reduced Leading the list are our superb Worumbe Mon Men tagnac Overcoats, all lined with the best Skinner's satins, edges velvet piped wonderful overcoats. Reduced from $80 te $68 The next group is composed of Germania Mentagnacs. Reduced from $75 te $55 Twe groups of plaid back Winter Ulsters the very best our tailors knew hew te make will go out en this new schedule of prices GROUP NO. 1 REDUCED FROM $60 AND $65 TO flj A O GROUP NO. 2 REDUCED FROM $50 AND $55 TO (JOO Plaid back Overcoats at popular prices will be in great demand Saturday and in order te see that our customers receive the best value for their money we have three ether groups markedly reduced $30 AND $35 PLAID BACK OVERCOATS REDUCED TO QQ Kft $35 AND $40 PLAID BACK OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $Q()"eO $40 AND $45 PLAID BACK OVERCOATS REDUCED TO Qft'nA A Great Sale in Our Weman's Shep Quantity Regularly (9) Natural Squirrel Chokers 16.50 Jap Mink Chokers.. .. 17.00 Aust. Ope-ssum Chokers. 17.00 (8) (7) (9) (9) (9) (7) (9) (5) (8) (3) (4) Natural Mink Chokers . 25.00 Taupe Fex Scarfs 30.00 Brown Fex Scarfs . . 30.00 Stene Marten Chokers . 30.00 Taupe Fex Sets 37.50 French Seal Steles .... 60.00 Taupe Wolf Sets 65.00 Black Lynx Scarfs 70.00 Cress Fex Scarfs 55.00 New Quantity Regularly New 7.50 (6) Baum Marten Chokers. . 65.00 39.50 8.50 (5) Hud. Bay Sable Chokers. 90.00 44.50 8.50 (7) Brown Fex Sets 85.00 49.50 12.50 (4) NaturaJ Raccoon Sets. . . 95.00 49.50 14.50 (4) Hudsen Seal Steles 100.00 49.50 14.50 (3) Scotch Mele Steles 100.00 69.50 15.00 (3) Pearl Gray Fex Chokers. 110.00 74.50 24.50 (4) Natural Squirrel Steles.. 130.00 79.50 29.50 (3) Jap Mink Steles 160.00 79.50 34.50 (2) Natural Fisher Chokers. 160.00 79.50 34.50 (2) Skunk Stelen 195.00 110.00 34.50 (2) Natural Mink Steles 225.00 145.00 Sweeping in its previsions, letting nothing escape the pruning knife that means lower prices. All furs reduced all coats reduced all suits and all dresses. The department is literally overflowing with opportunities for women buyers te save money. . Here Are the New Prices en Ceats: $1(1.75 for 519.75 coats $19.75 for 522.75 coats $22.75 for 527.50 coats $25.00 for 529.75 coats $27.75 for 535.00 coats $37.75 for 545.00 coats $45.00 for 555.00 coats $55.00 for 565.00 coats $59.75 for $67.50 coats $65.00 for 575.00 coats $75.00 for 585.00 coats $85.00 for 5100.00 coats $100.00 for 5132.50 coats $110.00 for 5139.75 coats $129.75 for 5175.00 coats $135.00 for 5165.00 coats $145.00 for 5189.75 coats $165.00 for 5225.00 coats $175.00 for $250.00 coats $195.00 for 5295.00 coats Thn rirhest: nnrl finnef fur. f.;:. j.i. j. :f.., . Here Are the New prices en Suits: 12.75 for $16.75 suits $32.50 for $39.75 suits Ut 'II fnr ltl muS 35'00 for 545.00 suits 25.00 for 529.75 su ts $3975 for $5500 su,ts loe'?! for S5'?X 2 8 $45.00 for $59'75 suits 97nte Sfnnf , $55.00 for $75.00 suits $28.50 Je $45.00 fr suts reduced from $45.00 te $75 00 Ii 1 K0L fnWi? frw8UitS redUCCd frm $75- t0 $325'00 $115.00 for 5165.00 suits M25M for $185.00 suits Here Are the New $19.75 for 527.50 dresses $25.00 for 529.75 dresses $27.75 for 535.00 dresses $29.75 for 537.50 dresses $29.75 te $35.00 for dresses $39.75 te $45.00 for dresses $49.75 te $55.00 for dresses Prices en Dresses $32.50 for 539.75 dresses $35.00 for 545.00 dresses $39.75 for $55.00 dresses $45.00 for $59.75 dresses reduced from $55.00 te $85.00 reduced from $75.00 te $110.00 reduced from $85.00 te $125.00 Special Saturday-Suits and Overcoats for Bevs Rn J F1r 125 By8' Suits, former I , 1V'"at0 1UI DJ 6.i) prices up te $20. All sizes 7 1fl7K J A .r ray 1 brown Chevie 18. Fer Beys' Tweed Suits with ?15 qualities. 7 K( I ,or , Deys Scetcl' Plaid $7.50 ,j Blanket Cleth Mackinaw! A ( Fc $l.5 extra troupers Sizes 8 te 18. $10.75 ( Fer jjray and brown Cheviot ( -" wim extra Trousers, $10.50 $9.50 regularly $12.50. Fer Beys' Corduroy with Extra Trousers, values. Fer Beys' Scotch Plaid Mack inaws, inverted pleat models. Sizes 8 te 18. Suit; ?13.50 M.Mmnwmmmwwmm Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted vmnwammmm Wanamaker &l$rewn mantel at sixth ter Sixty Years m