T5TiT5HOPr J ' e jftn .' "jRTfTTCTT 07? Ws it -'"" -? . J'- "T r 1 t irML '' '""' B ,'r ' e ,'.' EVENING PUBLIC LBi)GEfc-PHlLABBLPmA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, fO FIREMEN RISK LIVES TO SAVE DOG rather Carries Baby and Wife Along Ledge at Blaze, 81 3 , North Third. Street CHILDREN LEAP TO SAFETY i4e firemen risked their Hvcs te save ; i0.,oflr.el(1 Trench poodle (liirinc n ill it 2:3" o'clock this morning nt the )miltr Stere nnd dwelling of Samuel l&rjr. 813 North Third street. Twe illflircn, Ha nnJ Solemon, escaped In- jury by jumping from a rcondBtery window. The flames caused nbeut $500 damage. Samuel Weinberg, who occupied a fiecond-Btery front room, was nwatccned by Mnekc pouring In the hallway. He nwnkened Ills wife and teirec-year-eld son Fred. While Mrs. "Weinberg groped her wny te n rear second-story room, where Ida nnd Solemon were Bleeping, Weinberg climbed td n ledge outside the t-ecend story nnd crept cnutleusly te an adjoining house with the bnby in his nrms. He left the child in the arms of n neighbor nnd returned te cave ether members of the family. Meanwhile, Mrs. Wclntrg had car ried the ether two children te n win dow. They beenme excited nnd jumped te the sidewalk, but neither was badly injured. Weinberg then carried his wife, who was partially overcome, along the nar row window ledge te the adjoining building. When the family gathered a few moments later en the sidewalk the piteous howl of Whimsy, the French poodle, was heard. "Who will save Whlmny?" cried Ida. Oh, please save him he will be burned te death." ' She clutched the coat lecve of a big fireman of Engine Company Ne. 21. The plaintive appeal and the little girl's tears were tee much for him, "Never mind," he said, "we'll get that deg and bring him out safely te you.- Twe of the firefighters then entered the store. Twice they were driven bnck by the dense smoke. They finally man-' aged te reach the shed and there they i found Whimsy, who didn't knew what it was all about, frantically trying te nose open n rear deer. He leaped into the arms of one of his 1 rescuers and was carried te the street. Ida seized the poodle and covered him with kisses. I Whimsy was singed n little "but het was going te have his hair trimmed I nnywaj," Ida said. Legien Pest te Dance The Geerge H. Imhof 1'ent, 15.".. I American Legien, will held a play nnd dnnce tonight In Mercantile Hall, Bread street above Master. i Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET MEN'S DEPARTMENT "5USY men have no time O vrill be absolutely right in all respects USY men have no time te wastes what thev buv thev must knew JSbI MEN'S OVERCOATS Of Scotch nnd English- fabrics in all weights. Made te order. BUT READY-TO-WEAR in model, that have a cut that is unutunl and here only. CRAVATSNECKWEAR European and Demestic makers are new iurnuhinG fabrics that are new and of the right qualities all our purchases are confined te. us. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Fer immediate needs or for Christmas Gifts out stocks never were as complete. HYLAND UNION SUITS Perfection in underwear comfort is certain irrespective as te your size. HYLAND is here only in this city. SWEATERS, VESTS & JACKETS A new importation of Scotch and EnRlish wools in beautiful coloring 30 much in demand for the holiday season. PAJAMAS, GOWNS, NIGHT SHIRTS All our Pajamas, Night Shirts and Bath Gowns rtre made in our workrooms proper fabric size and finish are the requirements before the price is made Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET STRAVBRIDGE & CLOTHIER First Saturday of December! Only nineteen shopping days before Christmas! The busiest time of the year new clothes te buy, things for the home needed, and Christmas gifts for near and dear ones te be selected! Please try te shop early te-morrow. a Golfers! Meet "Temmy Green" Temmy plays the same sort of game as you de. In fact you and Temmy arc epe as far as Kelf is concerned you control Temmy's play direct every one of his strokes with driver, mashic, midiron or putter, in this most modern and most In teresting of all Indoor Gelf Games. All the stiekes, all the haz ards, all the clubs of an out door game with the result de pendent solely upon the golfing skill of the human player. Come in and 'see Temmy play or play yourself. Strawbrldge Clothier Fourth Fleer Cheese Corsets With Great Care Yeu can rely en the Corsets in this famous Corset Stere. The best makes here and experts te advise In thp selection nnd te fit you. Whether slim, stout or of averace fimire. veur Corset) is im pertant if you would be smartly attired. S. & C. Special Frent and Hack 'Lacing, Neme, Smnrt Set, Red fern, j Warner Rust-proof, La Rcsista, W. I It., Royal Worcester, Ren Ten, 1 American Lady, Gossard Frent- lncing and P. N. Practical Frent Corsets. Alse Trce, II. & W, Betsy Ress and Ilickery Girdles. Prices $2.00 te $25.00. Our Exclusive Jessica French Corsets $13.50 te $35.00. Misses' Corsets $1.50 te $15.00. Fer Misses Pretty pink bro- cade Cer3cta te wear te Christmas parties. With elastic top, medium long hips and free hip space ?3.e0. Brassieres 38c te $15.00 Third Fleer, Market Street, West Make Bath Robes for Christmas Gifts Warm Bath Rebe Fabrics here in profusion, 27-inch, 76c a yard. Blankets for making Bath Robes, girdle included $6J0 and $7 JO. , StrawbTldfe 4 Clothier Aisle 10, Centre Embroidered Velour Hats Special at $8.50 High-rade Types That Usually Retail from $12.00 te $18.00 The Velour shapes are from one of the be3t makers in the country they have all the style and distinction of the most aristocratic Sports Millinery. Added te that, is the beauty of their rich embroideries, in chenille, and their soft appliques of velvet or duvetine. This is the Ceat Hat et the season. It comes in many shapes and sizes nnd in the most exquisite shades. Fer te-morrow, a wonderful assortment at $8.50. 7-- Straw brlflie & Clothier Fecend Fleer, Market Street East Jelly Santa Claus Expects te See Thousands of His Little Friends Te-morrow Even en the stormiest days this week Santa Claus' Headquarters has been bright and aglow with the smiles of thousands of little tots. Te-morrow he will held court in his great, clean cheerful domain. Plenty of room for all plenty of pure fresh air plenty of helpers who knew and understand little folks and best of all, plenty of toys, all shown in surroundings that call forth shouts of delight and bewilderment. Santa Claus Has a Delightful Picture Boek for Every Little Visitor Ne school te-morrow se ask Mether, Dad, Auntie, Lncle or some kind friend te bring you. , Dells from Abroad at Half and Less than Half Price Twe different kinds each kind in many 3izes. There are Infant, Dells with pretty bnby wigs, closing eyes, movable arms and legs and there aie beautiful Girl Dells, jointed, with long curly hair and eyes that close. Prices are half and less than half these of last year and range from 85c te $5.00, according te Delly's size m IF And Here are the Dishes for Your Dellifs Tea Party JCOQ. -At $1.50 Te-morrow Werth One-third Mere Complete Sets all decorated 'HKPrWTl -Tirgsrw Mechanical Trains $5.00 Werth One Half Mere One of the largest and finest Mechanical Trains yet produced. Plenty of track. Built for service. Engine has one speed forward and one reverse. 500 Ceaster Express Wagons Under Price PJain and reller-beanng well made, with bra ke, and handsomely painted. All at much less tiian regular prices te-morrow at $3.90, $4.95 and $6.4e. With disc wheels and rubber tires $7.85 and' $9.00. Enameled Play Furniture Less Than Half Price Dressing Tables $1.00. Bureaus $1.50. Chiffoniers-$2.00 - stwbri ciothi,r-Feur r , " Take Advantage Q 1 f of This DVC Six Weeks Earlier Than Usual Yearly Clearance Standard High" Grade Women's Shoes THE Shoes offered in this sale are the better kind that have built the splendid reputation of Dalsimer footwear. Newest styles formerly marked according te the Dalsimer lower price levels, are new offered at STILL GREATER REDUC TIONS regardless of former cost or value. Advice te Men and Yeung Men Who Need Winter Overcoats and Suits We should net presume te offer advice in any ether matter te any man ; but we are se sure that every man who fellows our advice en the purchase of Suits and Overcoats TO-MORROW will be greatly pleased and thoroughly satisfied, that we de net hesitate te say COME HERE and see the Suits from $24.50 te S62.50, and the Overcoats from $24.50 te $78.00. First $9 Kfi ' Twe Wonderful Groups of Mens Q1 CA Ld.OXj 1 Winter Suits and Overcoats h 4OXiJU Geed all-wool Suits with TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS at each price, and excellent Alce and Wickham Suits with one pair of trousers at each price. A geed range of sizes in all proportions. Geed, warm, all-wool Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsterettes, at each price. Several hundred of both Suits and Overcoats, every one a very exceptional value. Fine Winter Overcoats at $44.00, $58.00, $78.00 Men's and young men's models, and in each price-group are Coats of the famous CROMBIE SCOTCH COATINGS. At $58.00 and $78.00 are many LONDON-MADE GREATCOATS and smart, warm Bex Overcoats. EVERY CLOTHING NEED can be quickly and satisfactorily provided here your EVENING CLOTHES Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, special at $45.00 ; Hart, Schaffner & Marx Tuxedo Suits at $60.00, and Full Dress Suits at ?65.00. FUR-LINED OVERCOATS from $115.00 te $245.00. Raccoon MOTOR OVERCOATS from $195.00 te $295.00. Gabardine TOP COATS at $35.00. Separate TROUSERS, special values at $3.75, $5.50 and $6.50. YOUTHS' Leng-trousers Suits, with two pairs of trousers, special at $24.50. S Strawbrfflse i ethler faecend Fleer Lsjst Values te 98 Included Are;- Finest hand - turned Pumps in all leathers and models Sturdy welted Beets, Oxfords and strap effects Cleth of Geld or Silver Slippers for evening wear. Valuei te $B Values te $12 Values te $14 Special! Women's Silk and Weel Clex Hosiery; heather fc1 CC ahades .. tylJOu THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floers With Seating Capacity for 600 Men, Women, Misses, Beys and Children 12041)6-08 Market Street , miy Sweaters, Leggings Scarfs and Sets, te Keep Children Warm The best assortment we think you can find of these cozy, prac tical little outdoor garments for small boys and girls. Weel Sweaters, $3.50 te $12 Drawer Leggings, knitted, $2; Jersey Cleth, $2 te $6 Knee Leggings, $1.00 te $10 Cap and Scarf Sets, $3.50 te $5.00 Brushed Weel Sets, 810.00 te $13.50 Including Sweater, Leggings, Cap and Mittens. Strawbrtdge & Clothier Aisle 6, Market Street Men's Madras Shirts at $1.85 Well-made the Strawbridge & Clothier way of fine madras with the neat colored stripes in delibly woven through the fabric a wenaeriui value Shirts any man would like te have as a gift. Strawbridie & Clothier Kist Stere. Eljhth Street Men's Walking Sticks Excellent gifts. Seme very fine ones for day nnd evening service of ebony, snake-weed and rose wood with silver mountings. Price ?5.00 te ?12.00. Strawbrldrs t Clothier Aisle 7 Market Btreet 300 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemises Unusual at $1.95 Girls will adore them and elder women will be just as appreciative for these arc the daintiest of Chemises, in pink, white, blue, orchid and peach color, hemstitched and (unshed with ribbon shoulder straps ?1.95. SILK UNDERWEAR A FAVORITE GIFT Envelope Chemises, tailored or lace-trimnied--$1.95 te $7.50 Night Gowns, radium, satin or crepe de chine $3.95 te $25 Bleemers, of satin or crepe de chine $2.95 te $650 Bodices, white, pink or black, $1.00 te $3.25; navy blue or brown $1.00 te $3.00 Satin or Radium Pettticeats $3.95 te $11.75. Satin Pajamas, many models $8.75 te $18.75 Princess Slips, white, pink, navy blue, brown or black $3.95 te $10.50 Boudoir Caps 50c te $7.75 Boudoir Slippers, $2,50 35K - Strawbrifli & Clothier Third Fleer, Wt A Special Purchase Striped Skirts Remarkable at $7.50 An excellent variety of stripes, in geed dark colorings, attractively plaited te give s solid-color effect, the stripes showing slightly between the plaits. The style women want, and a value they seldom get. Strawbrldgf 4 Clothier Second noer, I bert Street V Silk Umbrellas Special, $8.50 Blue, green, purple or black these smart-looking Taffeta Silk Umbrellas. Leather straps or rings en bakelite handles, short ferrules and white or amber-color tips make them all the mere attractive. Just the thing for gifts. StrawbrldK & Clothier Aisle 7, Slarket Street Bryn Mawr Asserted Twe-Pound Bex 95c Five hundred fancy boxes, two pounds te the box creams, hard centres, nut tops, fruit jellies, ete.j all coated with rich chocolate de de licieusly flavored, made for this wteek-end, and most attractively boxed Fine Asserted Hard and Fruit-Filled Candies, 30c Sealed metal box containing thirteen ounces of Candy 80c. Rich Butter Creams 70c Strawbridge & Clothier Basement and Filbert Street Cress Aisle 'Semethina New te Wear" ! Say Misses and Girls When Holiday Gaieties Becken , irhT are i!1 5?!?p S0I"ewhere, te be sure; and they are ah yeun and levelv and huhhUntr rve -nn. .. ,ij i . .-,, , . "".J"1" ... .-. --v.. ...I,,. umuc wj iuuk wen ana de admired. A let of lmDOrtancn nrtnrr.a e r. H .- i '..: "unurea. ' i..T."T in ::" " w"?lt f insvan ana tne ,u"-""k "r uunars ure oeuunaDie en Misses' Coats, $29.50 and $35.00 Velours, Belivia, soft two-teno cloaking, tweeds and suede velour. The model sketched of velour. in brown, nav and blnck. Sizes 14 te 18 years Medel sketched, $35.00. i Misses' Coats, $39.50 and $15.00 Navy, brown and reindeer velour, Normandie. Belivia and soft all-wool cloaking. Large shawl or convertible cellars of fur. Sizes 11 te 18 years. Misses' Suits $25.00 te $35.00 Tweed, velour, silvortene and tncetine. With eelf or beaverette cellars; also severely tailored faults. All warmly mtei lined. Sizes 14 te 18. Misses' Dresses $15.00 and $19.50 Navy tricetine and brown or black velvetwn, in diip-en, low-waited nnd belted effects, embroidered in contrasting shade; some trimmed with tailored or fancy braid, ethers with geld stitching All have the new wide sleeves. Sizes 1 J te 18 Girls' Coats $10.75 te $19.50 , , , ! .wv. ...... munii i-iuuning; ciinioriieio cei- ars, fastening close at neck. Full-lined and interlined Sizes 0 te 14 years. Intermediate Girls Dresses, special, $8.75 Navy, brown, red and sorrente blue jersey cloth Twe-niece belted Dresses, coleied or white cicpe de chine cellar nnd cuffs, full nluited skirts en body. Sizes 12, 14 and 10 yenrs pwneu 1 11 ' (1 1 mi y i j TT Especially for Christmas Giving A New Purchase of 100 Girls' Serge Dresses, Special at $6.85 j vnn fxtraerdinarj value. Seen models in Navy Sergo Dresses, in belted and lew-waisted styles, with colored pipings, Bilk or woof embroidery; some with colored guimpes. Sizes 6 te J4 years ft&-)H Strawbrldae A Clettiler Second K;q?r Market Sir! Electric Trains Complete with ) CQ OCt Transfenner ( $&.iD A most complete and modern Electric Train with transformer that enables you te supply power from any electric light socket. Royal Axminster i Rugs, 9x12 ft, $35 An appreciably low price for I these popular "Royal" Rugs. Mere i than a score of the popular new all-ever designs te cheese from all 9x12 feet and all $35.00. New in the Lewer-priced Rug Stere AT SPECIAL PRICES ''Saranac" Tapestry Brussels I Rugs, 9x12 feet ?25.00. Small Axminster Rugs, slightly imperfect, 27x54 Inches $3.85; 36x70 inches $5.50 and $6.75. j Strairtriae & Clothier- Fourth Fleer. West Thousands of i Handsome Neckties for Men of Taste Silk and Silk-knitted Fourhi Feurhi hands the finest products of foremost European and American manuiaciurers presenting prac tically eery new and correct pattern and coloring. One of the I finest assortments of its kind in , this city. Many prices from 50a I te $5.00 with every Necktie the i best te be had for the money. StrT7eriax & Clothier JUils t. Market Street HMf ' , ll '1J 3 I i , i 3 1 J I 1 J" 1 m V ' "t 1T1 - ' w w " i 3