Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 02, 1921, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    "TTTTTT f h 1 WiTW; ,',
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'Arbuekle Witness
III Frem Poison
Centlnntd from TnitR Ons
statements of fnct ns n mnn in n fight
might be expected te use n club. He
talked Rcntly of Hetlilehem nnd he
quoted ShnkeMpenre nnd with really
noble modulations was reciting a bit of
Iongfellew te convey te the jury n
tense of his regard for the sacrcdness of
n woman's name nnd of the Hennas of
the State's attempts te question the
Integrity of n lady who had heard the
guns of France nnd puffered wounds for
the cause of civilization, when the call
for the doctors came from the Cllft.
Strange nnd disquieting details fol
lowed in nn ensuing interval of uwful
"Where," some one asked ever the
telephone, en which Mi's I.eushny's
linlf-hstrricul voice could be henid,
"did Mls Morgan tlrst talk te the
mysterious gentleman?"
It appeared that Miss Morgan had
first talked with the mjerleus gen
tleman en the previous eenmg when
she met him at the Winter Harden nnd
danced with him there. The Winter
Onrden Is n dance halt te which the
elite of Km Francisce de net go. Had
she seen him before? Did "lie knew hi
The mysterious gentleman had been
for days about the courtroom, the voice
from the Cllft Hetel ntibwered. but MUs
Morgan did net knew his name, and,
what was mere, the had been somehow
in fear of him.
Had n Date With Him
"When was this candj and this
brange juice bought?" cried Mr. Cehen.
The voice from the room where the doc
tors were then arriving with the eygen
tanks answered that Irene had met the
mysterious gcntlemnn jesterdny morn
ing shortly nfter breakfast. She had
p. date with him.
There have been times since Fatty's
trial began when if was nece-nry te
get up and go out of the Hull of .rus
tic nnd leek at the familiar buildings
nnd the perfectly normal t.trwt cars
moving up and clown te feel tint von
were net in a world gene slightly mnd.
This was one of them.
The courtroom has been filling recent
ly with nil sorts of cranks ami fanatics.
Mr. Cehen hnd been reading letters
nigncd with the name of the Ku Klux
Klnn and written te inform him thnt
'tnr was ready and boiling for Fatty
Arbuekle" and that "if the jnil did
net get the fat menter there would
be bullets ready net far from the front
doers of the Hnll of Justice.
A day it was when the lawyers of
Fatty's imposing team were lidding
tight te their chairs nnd making n way
te the corridors cver feu- minutes, te
drag eh cigarettes like wounded men.
They were normal liiwjer wlmn the
began te remark nfter hearing about
Miss Morgan thnt Hrndj's men had
been following their witticst-es about ami
that, of course, it was no new tiling
for detectives te trail women witnesses
nnd get acquainted with them nnd en
tertain them with n view te getting con
fidential Information.
Fatty Unmercifully Arraigned
Friedman's arraignment of Fatty, one
of the least merciful ever heard In n
California court, nnd the testimony of
the mcdlcnl experts nnd the. Ku Kltix
letters nnd the news from Irene Mor Mer
gan'H room combined te make, them talk
a bit wildly.
A word was conveyed te McNnb. The
vex humana step went all the way In
and the thunder wns released te play
about. There wns n shout from the
Stnte that seemed te echo and linger
In the courtroom long nfter Friedman
had snt down.
"What," demanded the Assistant
Prosecutor, "did this man this funny
mnn this big-hearted humorist at
whom nil the world hns laughed, de
when, In that room of his suite, he saw
this girl mortally Injured? Wns he
sorry? Hid he cell a doctor? Net he I
He registered with his party. He
gamboled nbeut, and what did he de
when he finally went Inte the room
where she was naked nnd dying? This
girl who was se beautiful? Wbb he
.sorry then''
"Ne! He made sport with her peer
body. He made sport with it! And
lit lnt, when he saw that she was In
danger of some sort, what did he
de? He hastened te set her out of his
rooms into another one. He had used
her. He was through. Out with her
te some place any place where she
would net be a bother or n trouble te
The pleas te the jury wll be finished
enrly this afternoon nnd the verdict for
or against Fatty will probably be de
livered before night.
The great McNnb, therefore, had net
much time te nnswer this sort of talk.
Thanks te the mysterious gcntlemnn
with the fresh supply of orange juice
and the candy, he had get off te n bad
start. Hut he regained his poise with
admirable deftness and started again
bv telling the jury that he felt he would
have te emigrate from California where
the rights of citizens ure disregarded by
the District Attorney, where witnesses,
helpless jeung women, are impounded
nnd terrorized nnd made te give false
He regarded the record of the Ar
buekle case as a sad tiling fee the con cen con
templntlen of nny American citizen who
has a lingering respect for constitu
tional rights, nnd he proceeded te in
dict the State for virtually putting Zey
Prevnst nnd Alice Illnke In cnptlvity
nnd keeping them there until the time
came te put them en the stand.
Court Then Adjourns
Mr. McXnb wns just getting into his
stride " hen the court adjourned for the
dn. He was tearing Inte Prof. Heln
ileii. of the Universitj of California,
the State's microscepist nnd fingerprint
expert, who hnd mnde visible the finger
prints en the hotel deer through which,
the prosecution insists, Virginia Hnppe
tried te escape when she wns ovcr evcr ovcr
pewered and assaulted by Fatty Ar
buekle. Mr McNab had left mere than three
hours of the time allotted for his clos
ing argument when court adjourned.
The State hnj two hours and twenty
minutes remnlning for Uie address that
will close the trial. It Is net believed
thnt the jury will requlr mero than
an hour te reach a vcrcVrct. The im
pression still prevails thnt Fetty will
be acquitted.
The three physicians who made the
chemical and microscopic tests te de
termine with scientific accuracy the
physical condition of Vlrglnin Ilappe
when she entered Arbuckle's suite at
the St. Frnncls Hetel en Laber Day
nt the Invitation of Frcddle Flshbnch
reported at the opening of court that
they had found only some signs of nn
Interior lnllammntlen.
Hardly Contributory
They were asked by the prosecution
whether lnllammntlen of this sort would
justify the contention that the affected
organ ruptured spontaneously. The
doctors said that lnllammntlen could
hardly be regarded ns n contributory
cnusc of the injury from which the
girl died. Frem this assertion Mr.
Friedman began the first of the two
nppenls te the jury which nre per
mitted te the State.
"There nre secret offenses," he sold,
"which cannot nlwnys be proved by
direct evidence. The State cannot hnve
detectives in the private rooms or closets
of hotels. Hut I think that it must t
apparent by this time that the array
of witnesses who testified for Fatty
Arbuekle hnve convicted him. They
hnve outlined admirably, even when
they wcre testifylnp, nn they supposed,
In Arbuckle's' favor, the circumstances
which justify n conviction for the crlme
of manslaughter.
"They told one story. The defendnnt
himself told another. It has been proved
that Arbuekle wns seen te fellow the
girl Inte his room and that he locked the
deer and It has been demonstrated that
the deer te the hallway, usually open,
was locked. Knowledge of what hap
pened In that room may be deducted
from the maikings en that deer panel."
Says Doer Tells Story
ncrc Friedman Indicated the mnhog mnheg
nny deer taken from the hotel suite,
labored ever by the fingerprint expert
llelnrlch, the unshaken, nnd carried
finally into court.
"It is demonstrated that a woman's
hand wns plnccd en the deer," the
I prosecutor continued, "thnt n male
I hand was placed heavily ever It and the
, hands were the hnnds of Vlrglnin Rnppe
nnd Hosceo Arbpucklc. These marks
I were made when the girl attempted te
I make her escape Inte the corridor from
I the room In which this mnn attacked
I her.
"The defendant has come Inte court
nt the lout hour with n manufactured
tale, a talc that he didn't tell nt the
time of his nrrcst, of which no one
! heard anything until the ether day. It
I is a talc fabricated te meet the needs
of the occnslen. If there were nny
truth In It, why did he wnlt this long
te tell It? Why did he refuse te tell what
went en in his rooms at a Ume when,
ns nn alternative, he had te submit te a
charge of murder?"
Mr. McNnb answering this last query
nt the beginning of the final argument
for the defense remarked that the events
of the Inst few weeks Indicated thnt It
was net safe te tell the District At
torney nnythlng. One might be Im
pounded, enld lie, llke Zcy Provest nnd
Alice Illnke.
A Human Doing, Virginia Itnppe
Twice during Mr. McNnb's address
there were objections from the prose preso prose
cutor, who suggested coldly thnt If
counsel for the defense wished te tes
tify he ought te take" the stand. The
great McNnb rcmnlncd quiet, seemed te
f, a
gretf- a feet tnllcr, waited for the effect
of the Interruption te pass and went en.
But he hnd net worn out the effects
of the prosecution's nddrcss when court
wns adjourned. He hnd net visibly
cheered Fatty Arbuekle or lessened the
stress of n dny that for latty must
have been filled with unmixed torment.
There wns n semher ring In the closing
sentence of the State's appeal.
"We ask," said the Asslstnnt Dis
trict Attorney, "for n verdict of guilty
ngninstItosceo Arbuekle, .who Is here
charged with causing the death of ene
Virginia Itappe, a human being."
A verdict of one sort or nnethcr will
almost certainly be received before
night. The Jury Is obviously sick nnd
wenry of the ense.
Butcher Workmen .Ordered te Ge
Out In Middle West
Chicago, Dec. 2. (By A. P.) De-
clnrlng thnt the shop representation
system Innugurntcd by the "big five"
packers did net represent the sentiment
of the empleyes, and that they did net
approve the wnge reduction of 10 per
cent which went Inte effect Inst Mon
day, Cornelius Hayes, president, nnd
Dennis Lane, secretary of the Amalga
mated Meat Cutters and Butcher Work
men of North America, today sent out
instructions for a strike next Monday.
Packing plants In about fifteen cities
and 35,000 men will be affected,
unycs nam. i
The nackers declared thnt n .-J
would net seriously hamper the wn-L ZlW
distributing meat products, as .'
unions wcre net represented heavllv!
enough te affect the plants, should tl?
organized men walk out. ""J
The strlke order apparently was ri I
eclved enthusiastically In Middle Wtii
packing centers. '
Bread Street Drug 8tere Robbed f
Burglars forced nn entry Inte th
premises of the Bnrren Drug Company
300 North Brend street, enrly thli
morning. A quantity of cigars and
drugs valued nt ?300 were removed b
the Intruders. '
TBata""-" && :: )
U- iS fstft
r In the plainer styles, tee,
at this popular price with
the line fittings you ex
pect from Walk-Overs.
Compare this piano with any of equal
size regardless of the name en the
It is a great piano value even en the
old-fashioned price basis.
Its value en the new Wurlitzer f . e .b.
basis as it is new sold can only be
appreciated after the piano has been
be arranged
for these
who de net
want te
pay cash.
HARPER'S 1228 market
."k 1022 CHESTNUT ?nJl?S
Between 8th and 9th
809-11 Chestnut Street SSSl W
Send xnc details nnd
terms of this great offer.
j Nam e ........,...
1 Address ........,....
ciizrrr.vs apparel, of the highest character
T. nfllS
w ta ipm a.
' H IT t
H H I Cerner
This Different Kind
of Juvenile Shep
Brimful of Gift
rA Reduction
en All
Coats for Girls
This comes well timed. It in
cludes our very finest Coats for
girls, and the reduction is
largest en the better qualities.
Unusual choice at
16.50, 19.50, 25.00,
29.50 te 47.50
Mostly all of these coats are
richly fur trimmed, silk lined
and warmly interlined.
Dresses for Girls
and Misses Greatly
Each pretty Freck, se unusual
that its gift possibility shines
out from its youthful line and
charming design,
New 16.50 te 39.50
Of Peiret twill, Canten crepe
and velvet. Levely Party
Frecks of taffeta are included.
Fer ages G te 1C.
Fur Coats
for Girls
An exceptional style in brown
ceney, 55.00. Size large enough
for a miss.
White Cenev Ceat3 for girls
and misses. 59.50.
Fur Sets
Leck Squirrel, Iceland Fex,
Gray Ceney, Natural Squirrel
and Nutria
10.00 te 39.50
Superb Styles Exceptional Value
55-00 te 129-50
Merely te illustrate hew very wonderful is this collection of coats
note the least expensive at 55.00 for in this group, you will find styles
that denote superiority beyond question. Straight line and blouse effects
in Belivia and Normandie, with lovely Nutria and Opossum cqllars. Then
swing te the ether extreme, the coats at 129.50. These touch the ex
quisite in beauty of material, trimming of fine furs and designs that
are as beautiful, as we have maintained their exclusiveness. Materials
are evera, orlande, wondera and gerena. Beaver, wolf and a few with
squirrel cellar and cuffs.
The Mark of Quality
en a Gift of Gloves
When sleigh-bells jingled en Broadway
and great-grandmother was a debutante
Centemcri Gloves were a giti1 distingue,
celebrated then as new for their exquisite
perfection of fit, superb leathers and
intrinsic value.
The modest gift assortment at Centemeri's
in the '70's, has grown te mere than 100
styles of Centemcri Gloves for men,
women and children for Christmas 1921
Gloves of Leather Gloves of Weel
Frem 3.00 Men's Frem 1.25
Frem 2.50 Women's Frem 1.25
Frem 1.50 Children's Frem 1.00 "
Blanket Bath
Robes for Girls
Blanket Bath Robes, 3.95.
Sizes G te 10.
Corduroy Bath Robes, 5.00.
Sizes 6 te 16.
Changeable Silk Negligees,
5.006.50. Size3 6 te 14.
Value That Is Pre-eminent
It is really such exceptional value
that the facts, stated as they de
serve, would seem overdrawn. Yeu
must see the super quality and
beauty of these street, afternoon
and evening dresses.
Vcldyne Duvetyne Peiret Twill
Crepe Rema Velvet, Canten Crepe
Wonderfully embroidered, braided and
petal design trimming. All of the fash
ionable colors.
39-50 te 150-00
Specially Priced
Of panvelaine, marvella, suede
and duvet de laine. Trimmings
of Siberian squirrel, mole, dyed
squirrel and caracul. Seme with
sleeves, ethers have armholes.
Beautiful black capes with brilli
ant American Beauty lining,
ethers with crepe lining.
Sports Weel Hosiery 1 O
(TZyoeti mill irmnn ImrtHiaf iii i.nneiV Of '
V w w. w. w. IIMIUII.1 , MtHl III (SJObl-tlll
Silk Underwear-Very Unusual
Envelope Chemises and Night Gowns that sug
gest real gift possibility, because of the quality,
beauty and better value. Of heavy quality crepe de
chine and radium ; prettily tailored ; some with scrolls
of handwork, ethers with insets of real filet. Flesh,
orchid, lilac and sky blue.
A Magic Phrase
Centemeri Weel Hese are stamped
with that magic phrase : Made
in England
Signifying practically unshrink
able hose, finest wool yarns, soft
distinctive coleurings, and that
much-desired, glove-like fit ever
the instep and ankle.
A gift-assortment of typical
Centemeri scope and variety
Frem a clocked hose at 1.25 for
men, te the "Walten Heath", for
the out-o'-doers woman, a superb
quality brushed Betany wool hese
at 7.50.
Centemeri Weel Hese
Men's, from 1.25 Women's, from 1.75
Children's, from 45c
123 Se. 13th St
Philadelphia New Yerh
Ye Gifte Cemplcat
Gifts that are practical,
most appropriate and
with the added charm
of completeness.
Gleve "Wardrobes",
these delightful gift sets
of gloves for various
needs; or for a princely
gift, a set providing for
every glove requirement
for one year.
Splendid set combina
tions at 5.00 for each
one in the family
ethers as simple or
elaborate as desired.
Tride Mttk Ret.
Gift Sets
123 Se. 13th St.
Philadelphia New Yerk
Grenoble, France