VtV'-itW4- KStf" -2B )M" i A " "T'JCQWJfifWJfP V ' f " M j i' Hiw1? ni.iir H3. m W: fife m. lij m m uriim Suentng public ffiebget p HJLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 "fc-' i- .. yr w4w4MU6wttaAteiMtkaJhiBEviHiflKBBBMi3M4M iiluxi. ii 1 1 ?u . ii m ii pm i m JJBMBHHiaflvtfBvBBBBBBBVVBvBWBHBMBrihb9BBBIIEBMkBBBvH i i ' ' n i ii ii ! ui ii'ini f pVMMBjIilB"B4irfMHHpi I f &VBrmBEi5j "a aTift r'Yn fc fiAtf&iM' iiJPrii iilAWaWk4il MISS PEGtn HAMMOND MISS MROARETTA McNEAl MISS POLLY THAYER MISS HANNAH N. ELLIOT MISS PEGGY THAYER MISS MARION BUTTON I&.T THF. FORT SECOND ANSl'-M. CHARITN BAI I, Seme of the society folk who took p.w t in tin ungual fantasy, entitled "A WALTZ DREAM," that preceded the ball at the Academy of Music last night. Mis s Hammend and Miss McNeal weie among the prismatic sprites. Miss Pelly ! te Thaver appeared av u violinist with "The Pink Lad" dancing chetu. Her lister, Miss Peggy Thayer, was the leader of that group. Mi Butten was with the "Mile. Modiste" dance group K -. mW 1 CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? CORN' FOR ( 1TV HMi Pit, EONS Mi t.n e Jebb I i- often een en the j)la?a giving feed t'i thf buds. H 1 inilnun, Anthenv ami trances, are w it h ht i ;H UH.V1 A DIM ERENCi: TODAV A bit of Chrstnut mi eel between Elexenth ami Iwelfth sticks as a ,oeked when the huise-cai lines Cie in use. The Baldwin mansion, hunt b Matthias Baldwin, feundi" of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, is shown. It was tein down in 901 and Keith's Theatie was built en the site Have you an old Philadelphia photegmph'' Send it te the Evpning Public Lkdeku SlXOND DA 01- RUSSIAN RAli I AIR Mis. Nulsen Kdwuids w..s -.u,,,,, uga.ettes as thu cameiatian snapped hei lhe little visitor is Bavbam Alic Barnaul, el Xidnieu Otli. i.iK f the F.mergeni Aid conduced the fan in aid of Russian peasants V fefg C 1 ,' BISHOP HS Whll IH ls of Mortana at cnnfeier e cii- MADW1F IIM Latest photegmph f the wife if he funner Flench Pntm 1 stei, mm ii Washington n ' r I 'OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO' 1 KICKERS A'l WUkK On the Centtal High field, Twmtv ninth and Seneisu stieetx, yeterda, the ( etitial bev- pla.ved seccei against the cadets of the Schoe ship Annapolis. Phe two players at the right ate entral boys WB2S&mt$t K&&&SU&ft'2tY' ' Pi Msm&wmmr &&!-mMZst''J? M ( j?4ed$B Mis 7 i 4).ssr '- xt vttt litTTe jii ei.l.l.. ,! .WtTc?Alflinfr Hrver nlnteR. n thn i-nf n( IP .lOHV FlAnnELKV Innilnn'ii TiftW I.erd Mhver. SAILS FOR HOME. Admiinl Mt ii fv.ue, ,iie pik ri r ."-:?;',: .i;' 7;. .: .M. r,v"r. L.r-r-j ": ;,. rrL: e ,:;n.i.: i.i- nf,, n-ifiat, Mnw. nhnnrH A,i.r fl fcWlve & uBy, at the Keystone ilOiier worne, ietu uuiuim eui. e wears vne ne wen iiiuuiiuiniui mi ixevuiiiuur i "tuuiiK n m,;'ji1 H.1..UM '-' --. u(l. ( ". iruard te protect his eya , efllcial robe and chain unJwoei a onusrweod atic, jreing te England cemr.i n.w. x .ridvnxsxtf . ! m lBteMftP , SaiK IUsHMSEQRIarsnHIHk .fc. MaitWSB! 'i' l.v-- sf ti d&MBmr m WmmwM&wImm,. mm t BWK&Tmm x" M "'I'lW Zl-ilk Si;-t.-iM iiW 'UH a iiiiiiiiinwiwiK s&5 -aBsax)j.iM - jggMrs i ,l "wwMi;aTBifc 8.-v? ysaajLiijLj lwtiB,litiaigS?limw ssMass te" ' -'shwwjj iTOSHEJia! .inlh i ,,,"' r T.' h:'" "' U "pi hP""B. th.nl pnr rein, TheV ienW 1 R,kl"Vll('' ,N ' wth hiB flint prize pumpkin. " Inn leek part in a Camden Ceuntv school contest I'l MPKIN (,Re.R.s mUSY PHILADELPHFANS Wt''rVK M' pi" ' - s, , isft r IKM&S, .. jnimm..y" HE'S THE CAPTAIN. Bill Giave miss iatm. ,., has beer, en two champion basket- Northern Trurt Cemnanv Srnn3? I?erth Seventh -ticet. bookkeeper at the ball teams at ienn P wth th?!1 ? EiIp Bvcnuc. She has been , ...v ,'un jur iwfl vnni.i , I A- r v - . . l'4f r f ...4S 1 e