Hyp' HnJ W5S7 rau ii mw,:7 i; ,".v '," V i ,1 Cre IN P0C0M0KE CITY ''iinl of Brilliant Mfg. Ce., t EVENJNXi" bublie . I 1 .. Ends Life With Shet, and D. S. C. Man Sends Bullet Inte Brain MOTHER DOUBTS SUICIDE i . Tee M IKv. eecrctnry and treasurer ai Vlirllllnnt Mnn-ifnctnrlnu Com Cem J" t 1037, II 1re nvcmir. wan found Set te 1-ntli Ii W' P'-101 " Jlwiropemokrnt.M,l. The Marvland coroner pronounced It , cac of huIcI'Ie. lint hlm.i.hei. Mrs. n.1, ilnv of New Yerk, widow of the K " nW, Pmmlnt rhlladcl Stan, nnil Hry McDcvltt. Cover Cever cil,n,,r M'eretnry nnd one of Unv's 55,5? WenK de net accept thlk thi?v'waa n regimental MTRcnnt-maJer J nV S rranen ,1m Inx the war. Jin Itruns i , . niui ticulsliril Service S?m for I . I" the Argenne Fer- Kfng,w.l.eaetean8aul. patch Dearer uum. ,'et Cev,ard, Says Mether Uv boy did net Mil himself," Raid vt. mit!ir. "I cannot Imagine a man ft "' brave cneush te win the Ills Ills SSSuWscrvIce Cress brine nich a Si., te tnke hid own flfe. He fficrv Ling in the world te live for, rienly e money, n devoted w fe whom Cloud nl who was devoted te hlnr. aid eicellent health." Mr. McDcvltt wan even mere cm- tt, ridiculous te ?ny that lie killed MmJeH." he wild. "I hew been hln n rsenul ntterney for years nnd he was C te Me me only InBt week. He was S splendid spirits. Ills company never LJn better venr. He Imd plenty of fund" ni.li if hnd been In New Yerk Wtins his mother, nnd taking some Sedal treatments. Tn. rumor that Sewn despondent be,rnue hi" wife is 111 is ridiculous. She li net really ill nt '' "He had planned te go te New Yerk TcsteTtlar. find had telephoned her thnt tmt mernini? he would be theie by 1 o'clock. He had lulled " earlier train, and had made reservations from Baltimore for the 0 o'clock train. He wan net the tpe of man who would mnlte these arrajiRements te create a fahe impression. Thinks It Was Accident "Since he came buck from the war he htn had n passion for collecting all kinds of small arms. lie had every male of fercicn pNtel. I imagine he vrm foehni: with n nun he did net un derstand when It went off." Mr. Hay was MUs Gertrude Miller, ef this city. Hay planned te live in Foceinoke, where Ills company hnd es tablished a factor, as resident man ager and had just completed a fine heuc there. Chief of Police W. A. Stroud, of Pocomoke Cit, described today the finding of the body. "I arrived about an hour after Itebert Stokes, the butler, discovered the body after hearing the liet," he "aid. "Mr. Hay had ap parently been hitting en the edge of the Md in his new home en Second street here. He had fallen back, nnd n .2u callber automatic pistol lav a few inches from hi hand. There was nut iWWMiiiinn'iiilgaBfi'nara r,Vi'iJ -i... i, J '"' " ' , J? MAYORHITSSNIPING ON CLEANING P L Roviews Progress Made In Preparation for Projeet te Begin January 1 -C EOEMbER,, 1021 500 HORSES PURCHASED LEE M. KAY Secretary nd treasurer of the Ilrllllant Manufnci tiring Company, tills city, found dead In I'ocemolto City, Mil. f iriHaniwiwimiiiniUH1 'iiinii'iKiMiifliiil! $450.00 licautiful iKind-wroueht, all-platinum ring contain ing a tingle irttliant diamond. Gift Selection 5 ma'le easy after nn Inspec tion of our dlapluv nt S'ltcliell Dlarrnr.rti A fimll deiieslt new lll rsern until rhrlxtmen time any MIUMell Diamond jeu nay elect Send for latest Uluitrated folder Open 9 V. M. te 5:30 I'. M. Mitchell's Established 187S Diamond Stere 37 Seuth 8th ,?',, Hi Oil bleed about, but we could net bcc where lie hnd nhet himself at tlrst. , "Examination by Dr. R. Lehall. however, allowed lie had shot himself through the right nostril, the bullet penetrating the brain. I cannot under stand why he did this. He seemed in perfect health, had plenty of money, ami had just completed u beautiful home. It Kcemcd te me lie had evcrj -thing in thlu world the heart could wWh for.'1 Mr. ltay had planned te go te New Yerk ycHtcrdny te visit hit) wife In the hospital there. Stokes, the butler, wnw busy packing the ung when' he heard the shot. He ran te Mr. Itny'H room and found iilm llng across the bed. A Jury wan empaneled by Edwin 8. Hurgis, the Cerqner, the verdict being that Hay came te his death ns the result of a pistol wound, sulf-inllictcd. He side hl widow, nnd mother, u brother, Chester P. Hay, survive him. LEFT $820,985 ESTATE Mrs. Mary Powers Harris Property Inventory Filed The personal estate of Mr. Mary Powers Harris, daughter of the late Themas H. Powers, weallln chemical manufacturer, was nppinNid at PS-0,-!)".. 7." in nn inventory filed today In the office of the register of wills. Mrs. HnrrN was the widow of .T. Campbell Harris. She died August HO nt her home, Haenswoed, Scheel Heuse lane, Gcrmnntewn. tiventerii'N nlxe wee filed for tin estate of Mathilda J. Knowles, $11 S. 240.0:1; James S. Fullerton, .-54 107.00, and Calii I. Jliirictt, S.r,''2.lL. The wills probated today were these of Helena W. Phlevcr, who died In the Presbyterian Hospital. ??000, nnd .Tulln M. Harre, 42111) North Seventh street, S3 10(1. The progress being mndc in prepar ing for city-wide municipal street clean 1'R, beginning Jnnunry 1, was reviewed today by Mayer Moere, who also com mented en ceuncilmnnic sniping 'against the street-cleaning piano. The Mie or late yesterday Inspected stables purchased by the city as part of the municipal street-cleaning plant. Today he Issued this statement : "If the people could see hew large a plant the city In rearing te take ever muni, Ipnl street cleaning January 1 next they would understand thte huge tnsk which confronts Director Gnven, of the Department of Public Works, notwith standing the grilling he is obliged te go through nt ceuncilmnnic meetings. "We have net hnd time, seeing hew many difficulties are in the way of ef fecting this new orgnnlzntlen, te tnke tlie trade and civic bodies or their rep resentatives about te see what is being done, but It would be highly cducatlennl nnd inspirational, I think, if we could de se. "The Director lias recently purchased 500 horses, splendid specimens of the Perchorea and Nerman breedf. Je a J dltlen he has purchased by competition some of the geed horses of the old con tractors, nnd he will be obliged te pur chase mere. Further than this, great purchases of wagons nnd ether equip ment have had te ba made, and the sta bling and stornge problems have net been the lenst of the Director's difficulties. IJut the work lias progressed with deter mination te see that the new City Char- ,am tu lltrnd l,n in nnil thnf tnlinlplnnl 14 ,. ,111111 M IV) IIIIH l.I,,.. ...MM.fc.... street cleaning is put ever en the first of the yean "We have hnd te alter existing build ings, clear away rubbish nnd debris In order te make our livestock safe, nnd te preserve city property. This new street-cleaning business, as taken ever by the city, will, when written, form one of the most Interesting chapters of the city's history." DON GOWN FOR LAST TIME Tradltlbnal Garment Wern by U. of P. Senior Class Head Wern Out Today nt 12 :510 o'clock the traditional ' senior gown, worn by the president of i every f,onier class since 188!), was denned for the last time. Frem new en it will be set nslde ns a relic te be 1 admired and revered by old gratis and i wondered nt bv younger undergraduates nn li first, senior sewn. Hut its de- ried of service Is ever. Tattered nnd worn by the constant use of thirty-two years, it can be used henceforth only as nn ornament. Te replncc it J. Hartley Mer rick, an alumnus of the I'nlver slty, presented today te Jehn M. Hhecdy, president of the senior class, a new academic gown. The student body, members of the alumni nnd guests of the I'nlverslty gathered In Welghtmnn Hnll te witness the ceremony, after which both the old nnd the new gowns were placed In a double mnhegany ense provided for the purpose In Hous Heus Hous eon Hall. i: 3 j.:r HOLD MAN .IN CHECK FRAUD; ACCUSED BY TAXI DRIVEK5 8uspect Borrowed $5 "for Tips," Then He Was Arrested Albert E. Ilallowell, fifty-two, who snys he lives In Ardmere. was held In $400 ball for court today bv Magistrate O'Drlcn, when four drivers for the Yel low Tnxicab Company testified he had passed worthless checks en them for his fare and hnd borrowed their money. Driver Geerge Fisher nl'i that en November 8 he picked Hallewpll up it the Colonnade Hetel when Hnlltiwcll told him te drive te the home of the late Hcnnter Knox nt Valley Forge. Upen nrriving there, Fisher said Hnl Hnl lewell directed him te turn back and drive te Philadelphia. He said the bill wan &1R.1K. for which Tie acctVcd Hal- lewell'a check when he rcprescntcdjilm self ns the brother of prominent business men. Fisher said the check turned out te be worthless. Then three ether drivers testined te slmilnr experiences. One said Ilal Ilal Ilal loeoll borrowed .$2.00 of him. another said he borrowed seventv-flve cents and the ether said he lent Hallewvll $0 lst night just before he had him arrested. This driver snid Hnllewell engaged his cnb, un il after driving nil ever the city Uie bill came te $M. Hnllewell nsVcd him te nccept n check, but he refused. Then Hnllewell told him te drive te the Hcllevue-Htriitferd. where he snld he could get his check cashed. When they arrived nt the hotel Leenard snld he lent him .$5 "for tips te get the check cashed." Hnllewell was unable te get the check cashed se Leenard had him nrtcstcd. r The "hewmuchwill-it cost" buyer of printing is gradually being replaced by the "whaMvill-it'de" man Tiie Helmes Press, cPrintn 1315-29 Cherrv Street Philadelphia w J FINE FRAMING' Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings TOE ROSENDACH GALLERIES 1310 Wnlnnt Street -.X jes.K, DAVISON'S SONS.Inc Jewelers WEDDING RINGS OF PLATINUM $17-50 $3().oe I'lnln, Cni'veil or Knuruved In Kxqulnltr Drslcns Let our engravers carry te com pletion the tfesltrn which expresses your Individuality. Comparison Invited 210 S. 13th St. ti lXnhllilied ISO,- A Most Acceptable Gift is a mirrei; no home ever has enough of them. We have just framed in our own shops some especially attractive designs in antique gilt, silver and polychrome ; some glasses have the stylish French panel cut. A special value is the new antique gilt three-glass buffet mirror four feet six inches long at $35.00. Anether is the handsome polychrome and gilt mirror 34x17 inches at $25.00. The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 Walnut Street FINE STATIONERS Frem Paris SILK CARD CASES CIGAR & CIGARETTE CASES Beautiful patterns Seme mounted with geld and silver $3.00 te $20.00 1121 Chestnut Strcet F&TATvr,nTvrrfc .SiTnerr'TVf Arv The Peliahed Girdle Diamond has been accorded the highest recognition by Diamond Authorities here and abroad Comjsarhen for Quality and Price invited FOUR ACCUSED OF SLAYINGS One Prisoner Denies Guilt In Death Six Years Age Four men charged with mtinW were nrrnlgned today before Judge McPlier McPlier sen. All pleaded net guilty and were reinnndcd te Meynmensing Prison te await trial. The defendants nrc Rebert Le Cler, KiK Hpring Garden utiect, held for the denth of (Julste Iltinii ; Ernest Hr-e-mono, for the death of William ltnnlszwskl, 4803 Tnceny street, De. comber 17f 1015: Hnmuel Hnhdbwy, V , Ncgre( 12:15 Hninhrldge street, fertfcs, Jr ' death of Cern Hmnllwoed, Octebtr.ilT. ....I M..... U'li.l....... n Vi.,. I')-Ll '.' ,; Alter street, for the denth of 0ilvjn Illdiwiiic ,., tmitii (jieveinni! nve1 nue, October IS. Delaware County Flremen In Teat The Dclawnte Count Firemcii'H Ah ! soel.it ion will iMiiliiit n llre tout te- morrow afternoon at Cliften Ilclghte, I under the din- ten of fount Flre Marshal Chares Chirk. Fifteen com panics will "light" two "factory fire " Especially Attractive Suits and Overcoats $40 $45 $50 Ferre Suits and Overcoats assure you of splendid fabrics, unexcelled tailoring, correct style and a large variety of pure wool materials in well selected patterns. There is no question of your being fitted correctly. Sensible Xmas Gifts for Men Cleth Geivns $8.50 te $55 Silk Shirts $8 te $10 Neckwear 50c te $4 Silk Half Hese 60c te $5 Silk Geiens $25 te $100 Handkerchiefs 25c te $1.50 Mufflers $2.50 te $18.50 Gloves $2.50 te kn Christmas Gifts Appropriately Boxed Ferre O Ce.inc. Clothiers & Outfitters Agents for Rogers Pcct Cletha Chestnut Street at Juniper, MJiBilMhHTBillHi il SI 11 W UI'IHI'IHIII KM I ils 1 $155.00 BEAUTIFUL green - 3eld filigreed rins with plati num top very eflectively dis plays a single brilliant diamond. This and many ether pieces of diamond jewelry can new be had at prices that nre unusu ally low. We invite your in spection. KENNEDY & BRO. Eitabllihed 1878 Diamond Merchants & Jeweler 102 S. 13TH ST. Dunn '"' 'iMII'I'IIWIIIJiiili'lllllllliliilHiiJiMiiiiiiii Ui, Mealy, Selected Fa f Twelve geed ones in every dozen At nil our Stores teiiaaiBi 1 ALegi Men cel Stere for Neckwear Heuse Coats Handkerchiefs Muillcrs TnneliiiB llajja SwentcrH LnmiKinir Gowns Moter Wear Fur-Lined Ceata Lvciiins Dress Chillies 4 Fer years men who ap preciate the distinctive, the unusual, and the fin est at reasonable prices have been consistent patrons of Jacob Reed's Sens. Cf Why, then, isn't it log ical that you who are buying gifts for men should come te this Stere new splendidly provided with merchan dise especially chosen for holiday buyers' se lections? G lei CH Heuse IJebes Silk Shirts Canes Pelts Hosiery Hath Ilebes Umbrellas Gelf Tekritv Dress WnlntceatB. Fraternity Wear JACOB REEDS SONS 1I424-M-26 CMimint Street Three Persons Are sick or injured Suppose there were no hospitals te which te send them? Yeu can furnish for a day, the doctor, the nurse, the bed" all these wonderful blessings that a hospital affords All for Ten Dellar With net a further thought or the slightest effort en your part. The most holy and beautiful work you can de is done for you; yours is the inner glow and satisfaction of having made it possible. j Slip a $10 note, a check (te the or der of the Wel fare Federation) or a money order in an envelope and mail with this WelfAre I'edcratien, l.'iOO Spruce St. Philadelphia IWi 11 Give Ten Dollars Here It Is! iamc Address Space Contributed by a Friend of the Welfare Federation Ne Eleventh - Heur Preparations Could Produce PERRY'S SUPER-VALUES 28 $33 $38 $43 MANY, MANY MONTHS age this Super Value idea was born and began taking defi nite form in our plans for this Fall and Winter. It was carefully planned with but one objective te get clothing prices back te nor mal right away and give our customers (present and te be) values extraordinary that would make them "sit up and take notice." PERRY'S YOU KNOW HOW THE SCOTCH ARE they never de anything half - way. And when it comes te making fine over ever over eoatings they have no superiors in the whole world. J. & J. Crombie of Edinburgh make the famous Crombie overceatings. They don't sell te everybody in fact, only a few stores have their goods, and we are fortunate enough te have the largest assort ment in Philadelphia. Our Super-Value prices are unmatchable. Crombie Montag Mentag nacs $85, Crombie Ulsters $68. MADE OUR WAY. PERRY'S THE CHARITY BALL IS OVER, but ether social affairs seen crowd the calen dar. Evening Clethes are priced h"-' 'way below what you'd expect te pay fc 'uch elegantly styled, perfect fitting Dinner and Evening Dress clothes. Our Super-Values prices for Dress Ceat and Trousers, are $38, $43, $48. Evening Dress Ceat and Trousers, $48 te $65. Silk vests, $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00. PERRY'S WHY SHOULDN'T A BOY have a stylish a suit as his Dad? Ne reason in the world when here at Perry's we've get JUNIOR SUITS in new light Cassimeres and Cheviots (just in) with all the little style touches that make such a hit with Yeung America $24 te $32. Perry & Ge. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men MacDonald 8l Campbell Men's Extraordinary Value Suits $30 te $48 rrt. ,cry uncomme htles, fabrics an-l tuilerliijc. the height of qualitj and wnikninnMnp. Suits that urn wendeiful in koeiI (1ks flt ,m, hlPV. ice, and with beautiful shapes that will t.iv m because thy an tailored m. .Suits that 'an just ng-nt for business or dress, values we ,le net belli vt you, or unjone, tan match at eui pi-ices. Ample anety, ami a full ranir. . ' hi7.es, be we can lit jeu j e Uctl. Nete Great Vnr'ety Popular Priced Overcoats, $25 te $50 Men's Hnts, Clothing, Hnberdnshery, Moter Wear 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street t: t ... J ... ! .j ' f : j!!, ij. ji ,