" "H55-, ' t : ,A i j,-J h r B: at EENIHG PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILABELPHIA, . EKEDAY,. DECEMBER.. 2, 1021 fi Inability te Cage Feul Throws Is Reason for Peer Showing of Phila. Five ' i-iJV7? r .m 'iii. . w mamammm t ww MmmHmm T"1", bSbLXAkH&AHBHHpHSSzgskHllH i PHILS LOSE CMS ON-FOUL TOSSES 0n Four of Locals' Contests In rj different Werk Frem the 15 . ' Feet Mark Cost Verdict READING HAS WON TWO XV. I., r r. ir. i, ! r 13 X .IKtl Cntrlll. r. 8 12!) VI : .mm H null ne . ft H .;:, 1I n .(Ml l'lilln.. . lit .2R7 llkei-11. 0 8 UU ' Yerk 1 la nil saimru: rnit tub wi-.ek TetUK IlemlliiK nt I'hllndelplilii. Cent-- Trnlen. Cnnidrn SeranWn ui inc ) erlt Gets Mayers Friedman and Scdran 'I lie i:nlrrti I?nUetlmll I.ciirup Imii .iwnnlnl lnwri l'rirriinnn nntl Sultan in Ww irk mill llie. two Haji'i'i "if nmv tlie pfiipi-rty of that i lull. TIip mutter was mljtisteil nt a iin'eting lnnt Fwiilng. Tlie Kiimp cclirdiilfil for Pntttrdny uiclit lirtuoen New Yni'lj nnrl Cntn i1mi 1ms l"eti jiextpnucd until n Inter iliite, nulni; te MmTisnn K(intri Onr (! n licini,' iilnred in shape for the m-i ly bloji'le rare. I'm- pltijers New Yerk obtnlneil from llarrlibiirc In the reri'iit tmn. for of the franchise, rrnnrkle, Moerohenil, Wallow or nml Slmeii illngrr, linve nil liren given their ro ll n -os nixl arc free te sign with tiny oilier club. 1 MO IS IN E QUAKERS' LINE-UP Noted Bosten Colloge Star Made 52-Yard Placement Ceal in Jeffersen Game Tomorrow's Football Games vUhs nt Trrnten. Mi nhtrSnr 8crnnten nt Iteadtni;. Trrnfen 1vllke-niuTft. MANAGEIt WILLI AAr MYl.'HS, of the Philadelphia ba.ketbalt live of the Eastern League, baa been sennnlns the records, and a sl'idy of tie game. played discloses the fart that his team has either tied or oiitscerod opponent from the field in four of the eleven de feats charged fe the lernl. Only eti one occasion did th" Phlli rnnke the Fame, nunibi r of d'ible deckers as the opposition, while en three ether occasions tliey hit the iron rims for mere. The teams that haw been Kucccssful against the local- are Hold Held ing twice, Soranlen and Wi'kos-Harre once each. In Imth cume- Hip rhil jilaycd the lle.ir- thev .he il. I lim lim wen, but nbsuliitelj indifferent tnmK from tbe lift" ii-fmit mark w.ii rc rc rc Bponslble for the defeats. In the opening ciali of tln season both turned but two Held geu'v. The IJear, made geed en twel e it of twenty-two free ti-e, uhl'p tin best the Myers men v iM d' w is tn m nnnn -Hcven. AVben t ! i met mi tlielr seiend clash the up-Staters wire uitt-i mi .1 from the field seven te f.i. and t tN' wen out by -" t - en free -het- The Phils In one ether game bail the better of field goals ewr Wilki,--1!.,H" 7 re fl and ever Scran ten !i te 7 -u 1 wt ere beaten. Meet Bears Acain Tonight The Phlllie- Meet tin1 I'm ars ac.i.n this evening .mil the . .1 p. ler lu Impressed the nece.-it en lii- "la'ci "la'ci ef using a little jndgpi' nt in In .i in-' the penalty tosses. Miii- i!.- i--el the matter prinr te the g.n.ic :n 'ni. den en Widne-dav. The re-nlt was they turned in a Infer peivuitagi. get -tlngllin -e trii-.wbnh i- imt e bad. This evening t- game, wbhli will lie the last one at the Natien." 1 A. ('., nt Klcvcnth and Citliaine -'rui--. will Introduce '"Sininj" Iieegbr .a Imtil lad; nt the pivot pes.twn for the up Htatcrs. Slnen liiM'glcr i mnd i!.e berth occupied h "I'.abe' K'ei.. he has put Heading in the running, an I It will be n tinngemut. 1"c, as nil tie avers, with the e-(eptl"ii nt iierg Merris, ar geed -lints. flf After the Phil-' fine exhibition YA ufraltief flin -t..ni.tina ry W.til ni'.ilM v flu. itm- fans hove taken en renew i 1 !i me While Ally MeWilliam- i- h- -i).'. t . u" Inte the gam", Ins . . ..u 1 ng f in t ie 1 sldr lines is n valuable asset, and the I "ii'i'e eam tlint held the Skeeters will 'siarr against t he lieary, Le'idei-s ,re rorttmate Tlie league leaders are Indeed for fer itnnate, at cording te a perusal of the ncnfil- ni one has dieppeil a game I en foul tn.vr. 'I'!10 teams that have I wen games after having been tied or out-cored in Held goals bv the opposi tion ar t'oatesville, l; Wllkes-Ilarie, i : Seninten, . ; Camden, 1 ; Phillies, x, nil I Heading. .'!. I l'rnr.k Hruggy and his dan of Harens have im' Wi.Les-Harre en three occa sions. All tie games have bi en close, but the Itanms dropped xhe entire trio of clashes nn peer foul snoeting. Give I tee Newman's tribe tlti-sp three games ('ind tlie. would be up there with the lenders. The teams te lese the games en peer sheeting a ie Ilnrrisburg. 1; New Yerk, '. : Wiikcs. Italic, :,. and the Phillies, 1. Nether Camden. Trenten nnrScrnn nnrScrnn ten have Inst a game en free sheeting. I''leiber Continues te Win 'I lie rieisher Ynrners continue te win in the Philadelphia Manufac turers' League mid the downtewners ipi-ar te b" the class of the ciieuit, 1','itiier with Philadelphia Terminal, in t .i games pla.M'd te date. I..."t cm ning the Ynrners had little tii'iMe in ih-pnsing of Heward Weeds' Am 1 "m eitht -I." te :;:',. Atherholt wis. as usual, the star, making eight bn-ki rs and bringing his total for the rea-nii uii te twenty-one for thtee . gaiuis, a wonderful mark. The contest wn- ni.uki'd b plenty of fine sheeting HI Imili sub's. In tin- i it lier game the .1. & .Tf Uob-en fi.i pnlislicd off International Uarwter ."il tn. HI. I.ein h and Haul, iicwrnineih in tli pii'isi.n urn -uii, plaed u nice cum . the tm im r gitlin tie Held goals and the Inttir tliree The Harvester ti mi in'i h.ne t'ewrnl new ilucrs in tin- line-up net week P. R. R. Plays Ironworkers 111 l'.tn'lnnlii Itn.re i I V. M C A n 11 i'iv the ! nh i f.clien llV' 'his . li "Y I i 1 ' i k. r.irty-ttrst ' it ' m re. ivinu" Thi. tion tien t is ,ne I r in- -i iimn ( utreni: iHtn . i A i i 'i the t. din, nan had I rn , t i ' ' tic i n a 1 wppU Magnelia Seeks Games Mune' h A A foethn'l tiHm Is wlihe it i i-iiiia I r i i tirnw ti .J Stm'Ii !rh n llr -i-- t, m I'hnu ltini'l Matthews, Prrmli i i 117 nr ri'i I 's l' nn Mireer Other Sports en Pages 22-23 EWING PLAYS FRANKFORD j The college fentbnll season has come 'te nn end, but t'ne independents are tn!ting advantage of the weather and have decided te continue the hoasen n I few weeks longer, flnnies are scheduled in nil locations tomorrow, with Union I A. A., of Pheenixvlllc; Conshehoeken and Helmesburc about the only ones ! idle, and they have called il a sensen I and quit. The big game en the schedule is the I Intersectiennl match nt the Phillies' i Hall Park with the Canten HulldegK and Philadelphia Qiutkcrs. Lee Conway's outfit will be put te the ncid test in this game, as they nre meeting an aggrega tion that is liernldcd far and wide nnd which lays a just clnlm te the chain pinnship of the United States. Tne Ohioans have been here since Tuesday and have worked out at the ball park daily. They have with them a galaxy of stars, the majority of whom a season or two nge were recognized as among the greatest In the collegiate ranks. It will take a wonderful team te held the Westerners te an even break, and Heinle Miller and bis teammates will work their hnrdet te upheld the pres tige of the Quakers. Jim Morrissey Here At the I'hils' Perk esterday there was one newcomer In the ranks of the Quakers, Jim Morrissey, the Hosten College tackle, who made the famous ."-'-yard placement goal for the .leffer .leffer sens, will be in the line-up nt left tackle. The rest of the line will in -i bide Hull Lewe, .Toie Spagna, Lud Winv, .Tee Alexander, Leu Little and Heinie Miller. The Quaker backficld will consist of Johnny Scott. c-Lnfnyette star, nt quarterback; Hlnkey Haines, Penn State's great back of last jenr, and Jim Laird, of Colgate, at halfback, with Pat Smith, of Michigan, or Stan Co Ce fall, of Notre Pame, at fullback. (luyen and C'alac. the Indians, ate also with the team, but a.s Jim Thorpe has a hard game nn Sunday and these men haw pnnni-ed te piny with their old chieftain they will sit en the bench in uniform and will net get into action unless neces-nr. . K lug at Uranliferd Manager Wyatt's gieatlj -irengtli- ened Kn-ing A. A. will pievide the , opposition for the Frankford Yellow - jtu kets at Ilrewn's Pichl, Oferd pike iiboe the high school. Wjntt is ,nnieus te take a fall out of 'the tip- I tow tiers, whom he challenged earlier in the sea-en. The AVest Phllly leader has secured a number of new men who I will play in this game. An epic In punting is premised when I Jimmy Moere, the former Hnverfeid star, is opposed te "Digger" Denne, formerly of Tufts, whose punting was a feature of last week's clash nt the fnnlnn llullilni,. n 1'lilhitHnlila qunltrr, I'lnlllrs' Itall I'nrk, Itrwnl unit lliintlngilnn strrpts. . KhIiik . A, "t IVnntifenl Yrlletv .Tnrkrls. Ill nnn's If M, Oxfuril nllie nbetc rr.iiilitnril lllcli Sell. ml. ' I Vlrtrlt t Iletiart, Strnulirlilce , rintlilfr i rirld, Sltt.i-tlilnl unit Wnlntit strevtK, Vlnceiiie at All-I'hllnilrlpliln. Ilelsher I'lflil, Tiii'iili-slxtli nml Hefil .slrifts. Ilmlillnslnn A, A, at Media A. A., Slxtlclli unit Ovfenl KtrrrtH. 'elii nt Hurliy l'lre C'empnnT, HIIMtle Krinimi, iriij , Illirrlnn !!il MnnrrMmvn JIIkIi 2it. nt 1tl P M n nil KUcrtnn s, Metre Cltilt, lit 3 I" M., ut ltllrrtnn, N. J. HfNOAY n.MI.S Unhurt it Illclilnnil Purk. hall pink mid whose kicking continu ally kept the ball in the territory of the Qunkets. Ileside the new players the Yellow jackets had in the line-up against the (Junkers last Saturday. Manager How Hew kers annoiinees t lint four additional stars haw been secured and will stay at the club's trainiiii; quarters until after the clash with the (Junkers next Saturday. Man) Other (lames After hi ing halted several times en account of the weather, Hobirt and ictrix vmII attempt te decide the cham pionship of Ves Philadelphia en the Strawbiidge & Clothier grounds, 'nt Six t v -third nnd Walnut utreets. These tivals have been playing for six yours rnd the -fore stands thtce apiece. 't Sixtieth mid Oxford s(reets. Media A. A. and Haddington meet In the first of n series of comes also listed for the championship (1f Wc-I PhilmlelpTiia. The winner will be selected te meet the successful "lub In the Vletrlx-llebnrt dnsli One of 'lie biggest games in Delnware County is the Darby Plre-Celwyn con test at th Ililblale grounds in Darby. The winner will he in line for the chuin chuin plenship, is CelWjn alicadv has u vic vic ter. m or Delce. Tem Heilly has bis All-Philadelphia ob ven en edge for the annual game with Vim nine. Las, year the same clowns balt'ed "i n scoreless tic. The contest will be pin; oil en TleNier Field, nt Twcntj --ith nnd Heed streets. WOODBURY CLAIM S. JERSEY TITLE Coach Fite's Eleven Tied Cel- lingswoed and Beat Other State Teams Chess Challenger Must Wait II it int. D i 2. A. . AlerliTne Husslnn rht i in iut"i who reennth t.hallpn;til Je ll at il 1 in-a. of thin i rlv werld'H eh nn ninti ni lae te w.'nt until the cenrlusinn f ii -' ti itje.iB reBrmillnir ih" nrevinuf ihal- 'ellLi inm A K Hul)1ll-li In ItUHHIl-Pell-ll . XT it tlie i lliilnpltin itniii'ie rfs If ties l erellatlelH fall ttlliiuilh Alethllle will 1 t Kivii .ni irl (hanie nt the title, eth r wimi he niUHl wait hH turn Heavyweights Battle te Draw In s ille lit, Pri L nlhen I)e;no f l 'ilumbus n, an'l T mnu 'imi"ke' nf t I'll Minn ll.-ht I nvnlihK box il e rminds te a dr.iM ii r IV nllV Woodbury Illch Scheel studcnls nre chanting n chnmplenship song. Colllngsweod recently was awarded the newspnper title and everybody thought the Seuth Jersey title nrgunient hnd been settled. New Woodbury comes along with a .clnlm for the crown and presents seme very logical reasons. Net one game has been lest te n Jersey team and Colllngsweod was tied a few weeks age, 7-7. La Salle and Abington, two of the best tennis In this section, were the only elevens which wen ever Woodbury. La Salle was held te .'1-0. which was the lowest score Leu Little's athletes made In any game. Abington was seeted en by the Jcrseyites nnd It was the only time the Abington goal was etessed this sensen, Kite Makes Clnlm Conch II, L. Fite, who Is n student at Penn. has written the New Jersey State Athletic Association, which nwards the Northern, Central nnd Southern titles, placing bis claim for the championship in tl." lower part et the Stnte. In part he wrete: "Net only have we wen or tied ewry gnme ngaint New Jersey Schools, but we nlse gained mere first downs than any of our opponents except Abinglen. Against Collingswood, we gained ten first downs against live and advnnced 1(!(J jnids from scrimmage against ninety-two." Last sensen Woodbury turned out Pes (ircer, who played regularly en the Lehigh eleven, nnd u few years nge Ilnhe drove, Penn lightweight back, was a in 'iiiber of tlie Jersey tenm. This j ear, Woodbury beasts of Van Hern and ONen, the fullback and one of the ends, who are rated as the best in the Stnte. Van Hern and Olsen Slar Van Hern, in particular, played M'tippv ball during the past sensen. He was the big threat of the team, lie run, well with the ball, punted, for ward Jiassed, and was a hard taekler. Olsen was a star en tin defense and iiKe shone en the receiving end of for ward pas-e. Captain Charlie IMIart, Hille bratidt. Niwshafer, ll'iwn, Jehnsen, Heffner Molllter. Hichards and "Gavvy" Cravath Scehs Big League Scout Jeb Les Angeles, Dec. 2. Clifferd C. "Onvvy" Cravath, former man ager of the Philadelphia Nntlenal League Hnsrhall Club and manager of the Salt Lake Cltib of the Pacific Coast Lcngtte, last season, will never ngaln manage a babcbnll club, he has announced. The manager's job is one of tur moil and abuse, according te Cra vath. Gavvy's ambition new Is te be n scout for some major Icague team. 10c and up Antonie llelg & L,angsderf Philadelphia rutntillslied 80 yenr Frazure all played well nnd helped make the season n success. The record for the season fellows; , 13 27 Had, ltelzhtn 7 a 7 ('nlllnrnmxxl 7 , e 27 VIneland ... 7 70 13 Wemiennh 0 I,a Salle . 10 Olnstliere 14 All. City. 7 Mlllvllle .. 7 Ablnirten . 112 Tim Dreney Outpeints Paulsen Ijinrnstrr. Pn., re. 2 In a fast ten round bout, with one man tnklntf the lend and then the ethT Tim Dreney, ej I-an-t aster outpeinted Mlke Paulsen, of Mln Mln tiearelln, here The mlllltiB was cven for the Trst seen rounds hut In the remain ing three Taulsen went tired, nnd Drenay ferired te the front for a dese verdict. Dreney excelled nt InflehtlnR, nnd this onT enT onT set Paulsen's cleverneps. We are the ex clusive agents IN TIOGA wSfefL -for Ft9ft CANTOR BROS. 3622 Germnntewn Ave. llIMIMIIMSB''a'''""'"''l'"'"11 ' Intercollegiate Soccer YALE vs. PENNSYLVANIA SAT., DEC. 3d, 2:30 P.M. All eat 75c, nn sale at Franklin Field tr i-t T HTH & KAC1J STS. KIJIJU I ImiliinMlmi Willi the 1J'V' 111(1 III ll(.lK SHOW Tonight Amateur Boxing Tournament I- mil iliS-lli. Cliss Middle States (lump. M irt siiiiuiirr- s. Kill Pihcul Seml-1'lniil lin-lli. Cliss Middle Mutes CI . I Millien Sinfuril ill iiKlsimi . W'ellle Ceiert H ether limits lllhen mtrles frmii Clit'Mter, Ilnerillli' and ( iiimlen. A Smashing Blew at High Shee Prices A Value Extraordinary Regular BROGUE 5y.uu rr. OXFORDS ) and I fe- m M Beth for C50 Regular '1.50 Pr. WOOLEN SOX At Regular Prices, $10.50 There's a reason for this sensational offer, and a geed one it means much te any business te gain new friends, create new customers that's the reason for this exceptional offer. Every man who has ever worn Leuis Mark shoes knows their high quality and lasting style but we want mere men te get acquaint ed with them hence this great offer. This splendid pair of $9 Oxfords and $1.50 Hese both for only $6.50. The shoes are the popular Scotch grain leather, triple rolled edge sole, very stylish and worth $9 anytime. The Sex are all wool finely woven, and sell regularly for $1.50. This is undoubtedly the biggest thing that ever happened in the shoe business in Phila. You've get te see it te realize it. ACTION, MAN ACTION urer ? Tjfjtv 4TOtk ill Wfet A Large Philadelphia M a k e r Turned Over te Us His Entire Stock Te Clese Out Regardless of Cost Se He Can Raise Ready Cash!! Everybody knows thaj business has net been up te the mark. This is the result this maker finds himself with 1100 Overcoats and 1081 Suits that he must turn into cash, regardless of the less. He turns his entire stocks ever te WILLIAMS AND WILLIAMS FOR IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL, and we price them se low that we are sure they will move out quickly. Man, get yours the maker stands the less for we offer you the entire stock. At Less Than Cost' of Making! The Greatest Clothing Sale Ever Held in Philadelphia Don't Miss It! Come at Once 284 Men's Overcoats 321 Men's Overcoats 269 Men's Overcoats 226 Men's Overcoats I 1336 Se. Penn Square 1432 Chestnut Street sua OF QUALITY OPEN EVENINGS 1239 Klarket St. 437-39 Seuth St. S. E. Cor. 8th & Race 3647 Woodland Ave. jwV4 If J p 'ttmmim 'iirr"M'T-1TM"tl:ffP ftmmmmm&kf'i.l Jjmmmmmmam M X j-" Ml 111 V 1 a -..V Every Style Ulsters, Ulslerettes, Chesterfields Single and Deuble Breasted Ferm-fitting Ceals t n't' . leca'l club. aL.tJ : the local junior light' 185 Men's SUITS 263 Men's SUITS 382 Men's SUITS 251 Men's SUITS Many Suits With 2 Pairs of Pants All the Wanted Materials Every Style Every Pattern Every Celer WILLIAMS & WILLIAM, li, liteit. 1516 Chestnut Street Uerc Order 15th and Chestnut Open Daily Till 6 Saturdays Till 10 P. M. AT ONE ! PRICE' 825 mere elegant all-wool, splendidly tailored, smart verceais & Ulsters Fer Men and Yeung Men added te this tremendous sale, presenting te you the extraordinary opportunity of buying a garment that would have cost you Deuble our sale price earlier in the season That is the remarkable preposition that Geerges pre sents te thrifty clothes buyers this week! Net a mere handful of them but mere than 1500 all at ONE PRICE $25! Every fabric and popular pattern is rep resented, in Greatcoats, Raglans, Ulsterettes, Bex and Chesterfields. Plenty of plaid backs and half and full belted effects; also plain black and gray Meltons and Kerseys. A great opportunity. Alse 350 Suits te go at j They are 1, 2 and 3 of a pat tern, but all sizes are represented. Suits that were originally priced up te $30. Te clean them up Friday and Saturday, we have repriced them at $20 and $25. 20&$25 jf jT yflm&e' Open Dail Till (i p. M. Siiturduy Till 10 1 M. 15th and estnut ,Ncw Yerk Headquarters, IS W. 34th St.. U ICE PALACF 45TH & MARKET EL . l'rfsten (linn HfNt 1(171 ICE SKATENG JiJ'.M'V. .iem'U' w i:hm:sday. TllUOim. I'lllllAY . hATLItDAY Luiiiiirlrnt IimlruoterN nt All Sf(,l0n9 Tiiiti'.r .K.sin, nxii.v 'llm 'Inmt Hulil We Cuiilil ut Kim Hi- Are Ituniilni; BOXING NI,W1;iv IIXIlI'''i'.An..,.:v ;' GREB vs. KAYSER drill U ll'lllllll.T llKllt-ln-lUMU'lRlit. Kiijfcfr U iiiiiiiiirrer of Huh Murlln nn it tnn:it inn is ' FOOTBALL Philadelphia Quakers vs. Canten (Ohie) Bulldogs PIIII.AIU.I.I'IIIA IIVI.I, PAICK Saturday, December 3, 2 P. M. Sfllth mi h.ilii Nim Cenmu'w IiIiiiIhIk' hii.ilUlnii'B INDOOR POLO riltST TlttlDI H. 1 1(001' A MOUNTED RASKETKALL I I.K AIIMOUv" ' Mf aiil mill I.lini'Uhti r Af. AiIiiiIhsIhii nn,. e LYMPIA A Bread and Bainbridie MOMIAA I. CMXfl. lIKf. .-i HAI.I.V jlKsSKNOnn NELSON vs. MILLER i,,i: hii.i.ii. D0RSEY vs. FULLER JOIIN.Nt UIIITIiY DONNtEY vs. FITZGERALD (ll.tlltlil. X ItOlllllls .1(11 EAGLE vs. KELLY (.i.e "iv. ii." h huihuIj ritriini CHANEY vs. JACKS NMits nn (,,,!,., .sihutt'H Cnfi'. lUtli nnd I llli'rt Mh. rhuiir: I.uemt 41)1)0. BASKETBALL Dickinsen vs. Pennsylvania Wclulitmun Hull, 31th & Spruce Sis Sal., Dec. 3d, 8.15 P. M. Itmprvnl hrnla, HI. (II) nml ISn en .i. . 1-ninklln HUH nnd llimLH," aTiii..1"1 A REAL KNOCKOUT NSA-I I ltl)V MI.HT AT 'lllld ATIONAL A. A , ,,','JR7in-TiW,SftIf.VWM! HANL0N, of Denver, vs. . ..UIJl,,!!.IJi' 'M'KKItOlT) BARRETT, Cliften Heights, .,,.y.,..AyAr,N,',t A- HA-MMY Ill'.rtVn JIMMA I,AVhMli;it ,b. OIVKX OMIAI I ,.,!l1.'.'.n.. H'.1..' !.'."" ,N " '"'I'lle IIKMI-OA KUI,.".-A.I.,!,AMS " MICKKY WIIMIA-sr (.1 r ;iuki:ts i:aui,y. m s. urn m. t.i.Be, si.oe, ,um, no,.. PAMimiA. a. ci.im" FOOTBALL TOMORROW Frankford Yellow Jackets vs. EwinK A. A. nrenn'N Flelil, Onferil IMke nenr Illch Scheel $20 M'lCCIAI. rAi.i, IKIXINtJ fI.AH.Ht nejli ICtducInc, Iledr IIuIIiIIiik unil lleilal ft ,VA ft 'A f n.,i ! ggStgy t bemlr,S7itn""$1i)rfl in ii - f p r i i-.i-v... . 'rr" ?K Open Saliirtlair Nlaht- I'll I LA. JACK O'BRIEJN . i i''" ' t'ii . ' '. ' 5 fit f "W' 4