Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 02, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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41 - iT
Ay '
Weman's Organization Has
428,159 Members Receipts
Last Year $2,717,563
There nre new 4l!S,1."0 women mem
bers of the Weman's llemi' MNieniirj
Society, nrrnrellni; te the report pre
Rented tedn.v nt tlie ntiniml iiiepiiiic f
the Heard of Iimne Mii.ietie an
Church Intension of tlie Mi-tbedK'
Episcopal C'.urrli Tlie sosmeiis are In
the YVeslp.v Utiildln;-, Seventeenth .inn
Arch streetx.
Mr. V. P. TMrkield. wife of 1 1. .
Illsbep of Mexico, nnd prciltlrnt "f tin
Weman' Koiletv. prevented llir report
Tbe Increase in tniMiilirrsliin ..f her
clet, "I'e -mid. had been 1 l'J per cent
during the I:it elsht ve-nt's '1'liere nre
new 4(1.000 inure adult inrinlivrx in all
department than eight jNirs ae.
The total reci'ipti- of the Weman"
Society hi"t ..eiir. -.aid Mr- Thirkleld. ,
Mere '-' "IT. ."(!.'!. The problem of
proper training nt women for mission
work in the home held wa tniiidied
upon bj Mr. Thlrkield. hi plulned
the vjifem of edtieatletml work along
the lii,e of me-i.il .erii e. rcotieinie
and re igi'ti. at the Metlindl-t uiiis ur-t -tics.
The Committee I'pen A iprnpi latieiiv
in ith lepeit. annoiini'ed a budget ler
next eu- et S."..",,(i.."i7s Tlu tepnrt
wet ailiptd without idiange or ritl
elMil bv the meeting
The mottling esien v,-s "iiened b
devotien1., conducted bv I'iliep V. I".
"The Natien wa ii"vi r mere nb r
than it is tml.i.v. liihep A dim I!
Leenard, el San I'i.iihihii. tell "iMi
Methodists at the annual dinner et the
Methedi.t Secliil I'nieti in the I'ellevue I'ellevue
Stratferd la-t night.
Bishop Leenard -aid prohiliitieti mi mi
ferrement is ."i pei ent ef'Vi'ivi ,i
present and that -pleedld reiilt- in.iv
he expii t"d within five- .e- ten vcu-.
The Itislinp's prephrc w.l- "H" ted
bv ringim. applause
In intredin itig l?lhep l.'ennvd.
Clnrein-p l. Antrim. nretdeni of t'i''
Soeinl t'tiien, liinnched an nttnK en
State Prohibition Iinceinr McCentiell.
declared hi- retci.tiei, in I'tVn-e vvn lue
te the intliti'iice of Senater I'enre-e and
ludge Witini'i-. and nrgid tli.it he he lid
be removed b, Sim ret.irv Mellen.
Tilidiep Tlmiini NulioNen. of
Chlrnge; UMinp Prank M. Hrilfel. of
Chattnjioega. 'l'enn Ui-hop lMvwn
II. Hugbe. of I!o-ten. anif Hishep
Heuert Welch, of .lapiin and Korea,
also delivered addiee. Hi-hup iienv
made a brief addre of gieeting te the
visitors, who included main of the
members- of the Heard of Heme Mi Mi
tlenn. The Kev Ir. Allen Maclle lc
of New Yerk, offered the Involution.
Mr. Antrim wa- re-elected pre-iden1.
of the Secial I nieti for the third year.
William He.vil. the Kev. Dr. .1. P..
Crouther. Mr. Prank A. Preeman and
the Hev. Ldwin Perre-t Hann, of Cam
den, were che-en viie pre-nlent-. The
Kev. Dr. William C. Mtcath wa- ilected
. teeretarj, and .1. Atwood White, treas
Arrested With Men In Aute. "Re
sents" Elimination of Middle Name
A jenng woman who wa- nrre-ted
last night with two men in an auto
mobile near Sixtieth and Markit -tieet-tried
te -poof the poll' c teda.v when ur
ralgned for a In armg.
"The police forget te ue tnj midilb
name. I was never -e humiliated in mv
life," wihl the out hi til ili fcjidant. who
described herself n- Small N'erri- I'lt.
gerald, Chestnut -tieet near Pertj
ninth. She is net known at the uddie--she
WHl'atn Wes-cett. rid. eWJ liniimr
read, Wv niietiedd. and 12. P. Hrewn.
who refused te give an address, were
tbe men taken into euter l Putml
man Sweenev. of the Piftv -hftli and
Pine htreet- station He ,aid the trio
was diserderlv .
A police siirgeei' told Mag:-trat'
Dugan. in th" Thirty--ecenJ -treu .ind
Woodland avenue -tatinn. that W--coat
was under the lntlueiice of Ihpier
when he "a- e.vimiind last night. Po
lice suj 11 lllllrt buttle of llijller w,i-
found in the Mir whi-U We-coat wii
drlving. The uiagistritc hld We- ,t in si.-.iw
ball for court, but d'-i litirgul Iiivn
Und.the jeung woman.
Lieutenant Wasing te Command
City Hall Traffic Squad
Policemen attmlied t tiie Citv II. ill
greeted with pleasure ted.iv the ue
that Lieutenant Hoheit Wii-iug. of ti.
Nineteenth and f"id -treet, -i.i
tlen. will he ttaiisferrid l Citv 1 1 . '
te take cniiimiiud of the feet tr.iuV
tquads. Tin- followed nn ii'in un
ment ef the pronuitien of Le u'cii.im'
llnrrj S. Si hull, te the pe-r .,t tratlii
captain. Lieutenant Wi'-mg i- mi. et thi tee t
popular ellieer- in tin - rv ii
Lieutenani .lehn T IiuiTv
lleve him it tl"' Nitnt'Hiih
ford streets station
Attempt te Pass Worthless Check
Brings Prison Sentence
.Tllilge' Mi'Pli"t-'ti led iv si uti ne'nl
William D. Hoi-ten. Ptfii-enih sii,...e
''above Berks, in iwn miu hi the Pn-i
rm Penitenii n v A juij n.i nvi I'd
him of frimd and an att' npt m pa-- a
fergeel e'heck.
I'nder tin uilliie eif Wil'l.ini - nlh.
Housten wa- e'liinlevi'd l a i Inn ol.ile el.ile
manufactui ing tirm. and 'ad iiiniiun
SBHI 111 collect! lis Hi I'gisliTiil ill a
Filbert street hotel inner ineiile. n n,n
lllld ill I etn it i d in nn-- a wen tl.li'-s ' le'i k
en a Virginia lunik fur slim.
Oct Is Meney Sister Gave Man te
"Help Her Brether in Jail"
The centiileiici- that Ml-- Sarah Pel Pel
inends. ."-Ms l.udlew street, ha- in tin tin
geed behiivinr eif he- brother i- going te
! be mere Implicit from mm mi
Ycsterdav a nuin e ailed en Miss I'M -
' inends. told her that her brother was
. locked up at u police station nnd moiled
' money and new e-hithe-. Ml-- IMmmids
gave the iiiuii her breetlu-i's be-t chithes
'""fniHl $18.00 in cash.
A- few inluuti-H lnn-r her brother re
turned from weik He -kn w nothing
e( the clothes or iiinin-.v , nor had he
been arrested.
Ends Life In Hospital
A Corener's Jurj tedav bimighr in a
Verdict of suicide while- mi'iiiallv ele
ranged en the death of Mis. Pllen P
(Jerbren, of Dojlestevvn. u patient ai
llie Orthepaedic Hospital. I.a-t night
a nurse entering her room disceve eel
he had hanged herself with the bed
clothes. -Irt, Ourbrpn viik forty -teven
KfKiH old npd wen Biiffcrliig from ncrv
ou dlMtdem.
Many Bishops Here
MM,.??mm i
WBZ !m I
X X .v. .
vir v
Atleuilliig the annual' nittlug of
the Methodist ICpl-cepal linard n'
Heme Misslnu.s in the Weslej
Itttilding. Hislinp Haiulllnn is head
of lite Vtucriruti I uHrrsitv in
Washington. I). ( . HMmp Mitch
ell is from ML Paul
""'irjT .?.' Mlr.V. ..7
Beauvais, All Dolled Up,
With Mass of Evidence
Montreal. Dee 'J.--Out of the North
vv oeiis i emes i led Mciuvais -fawn
ler. d -pats, preci-e little bow tie.
geld ring gleaming from a hand swin
nig a hriglit new -uitnise net the Pred
Hmiuv.'iis of the -teried forest. 1 u t
! rederh k K. Ilentivais, -pci ml investi
gator. In tli- MiUeasp are photographs.
Icltii-, .itSdavits fiuit- of a quiet
vi-it te tin Preiich Canadian i-olenv in
1 1 ramie An-e : te the wilderne-s that
Ins giMii i -ettiug of romantic fiction
in the pret.'acted -uit of .lames A. Still
ii an. ei ,m' ieri. ler ll invoice.
Hitherto nn enigma In the lawsuit,
the lud'.in guide co-iespeinlent jester
(lav ili.-'ln-. il himself im a late aiklltinu
'e tin legal feices of Mrs. Stillniau, and
us a legal investigator Heauvnis i mere
than sarteriallj perfect, lie has ob
tained thirtv witnesses in the Ne -th1
Meeds te counteract sterle, about Sirs,
Millman and liim-eit told bj witnesses
for the b.inker plaintiff.
Heauvnis -upplie.s the kej te the
ml ion bore of Mrs. Stillmiin'" lavv
jtrs. It is through his efforts in gath
ering vvitties-e- that thej will be enabled
te pieceed with the proposed Canadian
hearings, designed te Jield te-tiineny
contradicting that advanced bj Mr.
Stlllmnu's army of eave.-dreppiug
Emanuel Katz, Atlantic City. Pleads
Nen Vult te Three Charges
tlantic titv. Dec 2. -Pleading
non vult hi thri"' counts idiarging vio
lation eif the St. iti Van Ni'-s Pnfori'o Pnferi'o Pnfori'e
ineiii Act. Lmnuuel L. Katz, wealthv
-bore hotel and mfe proprietor, was
med $."1111 bv Judge Itigersell, when ar
l.ilcne'il t ula.v In the "liquor e'eurt "
I-iiilen' l.'ibiu. In ii -tatenieiit te
Hi rtui A. lia-kill. -pecial enforcement
pre-eeiitiir. involved Kntz as lln head
of a liquor ring. I.ublii cenfrs-ed te
CM nil tri.i- te I'hll.ide'phia with hi
unk. with which he trunpi tee liquid
-i . ' K.i-z i- at libert' new under
III .ptie.ll te th'- Celll'l of P.lTer- llliel
AiP'.i from a st months' jail sen
ten. ii i tul out bj .ludgi Phlri.lgi , of
Ciie M.i.v Ceiintj. where he was ion ien
viit.d nil ii similtr charge. l.ubiii
P i.nleir guiltj ie four e barges ami was
ined SJ.'.O.
.In-i'pb II Mess, I,repriet"r of the
Heaus Arts Cafe, wa- lined SI 7." Henri
Martin "f Martin - Cafe, and Cluirles
Jeter, proprietor of the Meulin Iteuge.
were tl'l'-d like amount-
Gloucester Grand Jury te Act en
Men Who Escaped
The (.loin ester Count v Grand Jur'
ha- I m Ii recalled I" meet Tue-d.iy te
i. I'M ii i dn tnienis iigaiiisi the four men
who i -i H'l'l fr 111 the (ileiu eter CeillltJ
,I,nl at W Iliurv last Saturd.iv night
j iter .iiiinlfing Uanli'ii Ilarrv M.iger
..I,, i lind pipe. Thtee eif the in have
I.i , ii i ii 1 it el'l'd
Tni iiolii-tnieii's will he fei will break
ing and ntti nipteil munb r Prosecutor
lleilreivv will e-k I bill th.'. in put eti
trial tn.it 'lav "i" th'' ne-l hi lore Judge
1 1 iv i- Tin- pn-niicr -till at large' i-
Heward Avrc- The thi aplureil arc
C.irlten Build. Negro. II irrv Mart and
,1. .ii I'l i'i
The Ciau! .1 in will ii)-ei return nn
iiidicttiM in against It" hard Otis for
digerv. lie i s.nd i.i he wanteil for
ti gnig dn - i 'i i vi i nt v -live id tie's from
P..'l. di'liilini te t'.iliti'i ilia, lie will In
niili led fin jill--lllg ll worthless cheek
ei Sl.'ill "ii (iniigi Ce . of .Paiilslime.
Mme. Rappeld Robbed
New oil(, Die '.' It bei'anu known
M-iei-ilnv il.et Men-. Marie Uuppeld,
e peri singer hud heeii lobbed of jewelry
vii'neil at -'V' i.i! theu-aud dollars. Pre
i iiialdv tin articles were stolen from
hi'i' npiu inn el lieic
llrre Are Half Dezen ISeie
A (inies for I'hila.'s Big Fair
is Migpie'd bj Jeseph P Devir.
of .".'111 Yniuiii street, as a ilium ilium
fer the Si-sipii-Centennial i:pei-l-Hen
hen In lli'-MI.
I.P.P Is suggested by J. P. A., Ken
PltOSPF.UITV PAIB. by l.euis II.
NPW WOUI.D'S FAIB, by (icr
ihl J. (irilbii. of Suiihiirv . Pa.
im' weed, of "P Walnut street.
Jeseph jSllbersti-ln, F.lghth and
Seuth streets.
The Uvt.M.Nt) Pi iiLir Di;n(etu
rt'celves many of these buggei.tlei,&.
Have you one te offer?
Mentana M. E. Prelate Says
East Is Toe Self-Centered
in Its Outlook
West they have a wider, a
mere sw-eenlni? eesmle realization tbev
think In big terma; thev nre net se' lf J'0" c"n. then you arc. according
self-centered us people in the Pntt. i te Dr. Lucy W. Wilsen, of the Southern
Their intcrcMx embrace world topics." Girls' High Scheel, a superior person.
Hls-hep Charles Weslev HurtiH. former 1" ffu:t J'0' could even flunk two or
naster of the PIrst Methodist KpNrnpnl three such questions nnd still, if you
Church of fiertmintnwn. nmLnevv Itihep aniwcred the ethers correctly, he supc supc
ef the MethedNt PnlM-enal urea of Men- rier.
tana compared the outlook upon life
of the Rast and the Weit In the course
of n discussion of bin work In the West
and fif conditions- n general in his area.
He is in this city in connection with
the present annual meeting of the
Heard of Heme Missions of the Meth-
mlist Pldscepal Church, which Is being
held today and tomorrow In the Wesle.v
uuiiiiing, JSeventeenth nnd Arch streets.
Hlshep Hums' area, which comprises
1 North Dakota. Mentana. Idaho and
Eastern Oregon. Is 310.000 squnre tulles
in extent, and is the largest of the
Methodist Kpiscep.nl areas. Hi? head
quarters are In Helena. Ment.
Country of Great Distances !
"I have te change mv watch three)
times when I go from one end of it te i
the ether." he said, with a smile. "It
is a ceuutry of great distances.
"It is only eighteen months since I
v.ns eloeted te tin- pest. 1 hud for
merly been here as a pastor; In fact.
1 was born near here al Wilfrw Oreve.
Mere people visit m.v birthplace than
"The great pieblem which face"
Mentana teda.v. speaking from an cee
'"H"'1' i1"'11' nf vlinv- ls ,lint "f drought
nil Irrigation. Per the last five ,cars
we have severe drought and it has
seriously nfTcelcd tbe well-being of the
eeuntr.v. ...
m', .llmndoned" during" the war. and
m.vei- resumed. We must haie irrlga-
Hen at any ce-t. ler we cannot hoop
en verv long without moisture, and
there is no rain.
Times Hard Out West
"Tunes our wn nie hard. Per in-
stnnee. tlltv-teur out Ol eisniy civic
gates came te the cenlerence at
with arrears In salarv nvcriigln;!
.-311 a
man. , ,, ,
"Hut in spite of that, the Methe
dists of the Mentana area nave given
lmontifellv In ner capita giving Men
tana stands nlmnst ut the top. If the
people of the-Kast here were te give
as freeh thev alone could pn.v off all
the Centennial I'und.
"Oit West the.v are interested in
world affairs. In the Kast there Is a
cirtain self-centered -tiiinie, wuicn
dues net stretch out utter th
'Yes. it is a country of big things.
Seme of our e-ovv-bey edrciiit llelers
have a whole ceiintj te thenisidves and
their work, and their circuits are as
large as !!000 miles.
"Hut we ni'i'd moisture. (live us
moisture, ple-nty of it. sa hj harne-s-mg
the Yellowstei.es anil Mieuri
III vers te our end. and we will be the
bread-basket of the world. Our wheat
is th be-t grown. We esiuhl grew
much mere' of it with nmlMuie. There
ate J.'i.OiMl.OOO iiitcs of laud awaiting
iirigatien in Mentana nleuie.
"The.v get along all rljlit In North
nuketa. for the.v h.ise a little- rain
there, uud thev ca-rj en dr farming
en .1 verj Miee-essful -die. P.ut we
must have meistuie- river- of It."
Dr. Burns -poke of the geed work
being done bv i-hurcii weikers in .IH5-
trib'tting feed and ilethmg.
"Mrs. Hurns. who bj the wav was a!
in..i...i..i..i,in ..t,t ,iise, ilniteil .Kinn e-iir. i
"" I'"'" ," , " n--
inents last jear. I'tui -in. was one en
l.iiinj. I recall an old circuit rider.
Alexander Muirden by name, who re re
e'eivi'd a fur coat sent out fourteen
vear- age in a miieinarv bairel bv the
Ilehnbeth Chnredi ill thi- e-ilj When
I -aw iiim i-eteutlj he wa- -till wear
ing the ee.it and verj nnxleni- te knew
wln.r' the Itehebetli Church is sit
Mrs Hurns was Laura (arson,
daughter of Hubert Carsen, a earpet
imiinifaotnier of thi citj. She is nt the
P.ellev ue-Strutferd with her hu-band
while in this e'ltv .
Hi.hep Burns will pieach Sunday
' illuming at the Chun-h of the Adv..-
inite ni (ii-rinantewn : miiiuiiv evening
in iln Columbia Aviinn Mtthedi-t
Pni-ieii.il Cbureh. Pigliteenth -tnet
! Columbia avenue.
and .vieniia.v
morning he will -pal; in tin1 .eh
Mreet Metheeli.-t Fpiscepiil Church,
Brunei and Arch stii-cts.
Refused Help in
Discovery Leads te Cell
Argtiineiituthe traits and refusal et
prefTcn-d Indp assisted in getting Jehn
Moiano. Hiehuiend street. Int.. the
hands f Federal author,,,,- for illegal
I i.n.-i Ainu of evriiiii alcohol.
C" " -
If it hadn't been for the fact Jehn
was iucliti.il te re-e'iit offers of help
wlii'ii In- small inoteitiiick stalled a'
Seceud and Seuth streets la-t night, he
might have delivered tweuitj-lwe gal
Iniis of aluihel le wheri'Vi'r it was going
Hut Moiano was eiUiinnte. Trollev Trellev
iniglit line up in buck eif him, pi'des
triniis be nii-eiivi'iilene'eel, nutmnebib -stall
and imj ether tiiillh- he held up
gi'iienillv. hut te the world Jehn pin
ililimeel he. and lie Illelie, weiulel get hi,
truck started.
Si'vernl tiellcj enipleji's ranted and
raved, nnd tinallj e'ulleil Patriduian
1 link-en of the Se-ceinl and Christian
streets -tat mil. He did his best te (Oli
vines' Mi'inue it would he better te
llleve tl" tllick off en 11 slilu sei tllllllc
-lit im Mornne refuseel. He wa,
emphatic He was ebiluriile.
Hinkson lifted a tarpaulin e'ever e,n
the ri.ir of the truck. dNi nvered the
aleohel and new Moiano has disco v
led what a jail leeks like.
Delaware County Association
Make Awards at Media
Pine rih! ivv.inl- will he iiiadi- thi-
cveiiiiig at the Delaware Count, Agri-
culluuil Sue let J flii'in pei'lucts -ln .
which opened lust night In the Media
A rninrj .
Tin- awaids today will In- for the be-t
corn eNhihit. the he-t peultrv, tlie l-t
grange exhibit ami the he-t fruit. Arouses Neighborhood of 20th St.
Toineri'w evening women will con- and c0umbla Ave. Before Capture
test t Hie hIuiw for honors In bread, t(t nrrve(1 n J)0rt ()U
llges ,, have exliihils a, the CWan Din
hl'iivv are thi' lllage tiieen. I elie-e.i d. l " ' "., .,,.. . lhel,lv ..,,,1 nniweil
!! '-""'" ' '" ' v;S' 'W'K! SI ;
.,, , . ni,,. ehip. owner of the anliuiil, took It
LLOYD GEORGE TO SAIL DEC. 1 2 t" tl.- fiome of his mother, Mra. Kami,
Londen. Dec. '. Prlme Minister,,! (Jritfith, at '-'D.'ll Celumblu nvequc.
Llevil CenrL-e. It was leuriii'd thib after
neon, In dutiniti'l.v plaiiiiliix te Icavi
KiirIuuiI for the I'liitt-d States Decem
ber PJ te attend thti Wauhingten Anna-
lennt PmifitinnNa '
1111:111 iuiri-iii.c
' '
Clubwemen il . Were Tried Out by Dr. Wilsen's Catch Ques
tions Get" Line en Male Intelligence
Hew Intelligent nre you? '
Could you, for example, say within
six seconds what word bears tb,e same
j relation te exoteric as pcsslmint te op-......-..,,
titnlst? Could you in the same space
mtfc I INGS i or time nnnwer twenty-nine lmllnr
qiioitlens, jik, for another oxnmpje,
what Ih te "merino" an "fowl" te
"biintam '? Hemcmbcr. you have only
sW seconds
This sort of thing is called a menti-
meter tesT. Mcntlmctcr tests were in-
vented by Prof. Trabuc, of Columbia
Recently Dr. Wilsen submitted about
lifty members of the Phllemusian Club
le a test. 8hp passed around niimee-
graphed pages with certain blank spaces
Plan Said te Include Parlia
ment in Which Ulster Has
Vete Right
By the Associated Press
lnilen, Dec. -'.The British Gov
ernment's latest proposals for settle
ment of the Irish question will be cen--idereel
by the Cabinet of the Dail
Pireann in Dublin tomorrow. The new
'terms, which were handed te the Sinn
1'ein delegates in written form, show
I -oiiie advances ever the Government's
previous proposals, and the delegates
felt the necessity of giving them fullest
consideration al a Cabinet session.
The terms, it Is said, concede from
the beginning the Sinn Pcln's claim
for the unity of Ireland. Ulster must
he included within the' scheme from
the start, aci'erdlng te the plan as it
new appears te have been framed, and
niu-t remain In for six months. After
that period, and before the end of a
vi'iir. L'lster Is te be given the option
te withdraw and if she gees there must
he n boundary commission te. eleter
nilne the exact area which is fairly en
titled te go with her. ,
if l'lster withdraws unelcr this plan,
-he would preserve only her present
powers and net obtain the hscal free
dom that would be left with beuth
riM.. a i.viii 1ms neither accepted
nor reject ril these proposals, but has
premised tn consider them finally te
1 HI" .-"Hill - - . , . -.
morrow . The question e '' T V, ,.
is still the crux of the situation, but
..(Torts are being made te devise .some
form of declaring allegiance which the
Sinn 1'ein weiihl accept.
The Sinn Fein s reiuciuiis-i- .e '---;
. Ueivoriiment's plan te druM tin
terms offered in treaty terra ami piu
I llll. Ml " !' -- - , .
,. treatj before tlie "" ' ' "
nimi,. as advanced early this wei. i""
been cmi-eel. it is cpiamr.i. u
KPlu.rn belief th.it the negotiations
iiust end if that plan i foewu(l.
it hail been suggested this treniy
t i.i ,i.,.,K no ii -Irelanil I'arna-
-lllilllll "i"""J "s-... ..,, l-lefnr IIS
meni. mn- e'"- --- .,:,. i,
i 1 .. . el I'll ll I I 111 '1111
eieuiieii u. e " . - . . , . ,
right te withdraw at a stipulated time.
The Sinn Fein delegates who lire still
in Londen indicated lilt e hope today
that the new version of the plan would
lined by
,i lintlllOIirV COIIllllia'--'-"'. -
,he,n0,hT ! care-d ' te prHIrt the decision
I luffv. of the Sinn Fein de egal ;len .left
for Dublin tins moriues. .-m !"-'
Iins and Eamon J. Duggan will gote
,"v ii'ierning. probably with the delinlte
Air. wriniui win ivnii'i "."
decision of the Dail Cabinet, vvblcli will
,, communicated te Prune Minister
I I . .1 I ' ..n,.nn
The lievernnient's latest proposals
were the result of meetings of the Cab
inet members which lusted until 1 .U
o'clock this morning,
Belfast. Dec. ''.-( 1U A. P.)-An
aitae-k en tbe jail nt Londonderry with
the- object of releasing the prisoners
Mure wn- repulseel bj tin- peliccguardh
i 'us morning. Twe policemen were
1 il'.eil nnd three of the attackers cap
Traffic Jam and mini. , ,,
The party salneel entrance ie uic
il undetected and their nnsencc was
., .ii-......niMl until u icitrel of pellee-
lM, ,, fcUW u rope ladder bunging ever the
allund save ; the alarm. The military
g Injde J"."' t
I'.iiiiiI the two constables w,,e guiireieu
tin Sinn Felncrs lving denel in the cor cer
inlm They had been druBjed and
-n tingled. . ,
The Republican rescue party had
i.Hiel the doers eif ten celln when' the
Minis surprised thim at their weik.
'I he mllitnrj opened lire, the Bepubll
. in.s replying with revolvers.
Tarring and Feathering of British
Subject Begun by Vice Censul
Miami. Kla.. Dec. '. (.By A. P.)
Ai'tlue under telegraphic instructions,
fiem the British P.nibassy in Wash ng
tnii A. II. Hubbaiel, British Ice (en--il
' here, teduj began nn inve'stiga
tin into the Hogging nnd tarring and
feathering last August of the Bcv.
Philip S. Irwin, nrchdeneen of the
I'niiestant Kpise-npal Church, and a
Butlsh subject.
Mr. Irwin was cngngcel in work
,,,,...,.'. tin. Negroes of Miami.
Mr Hubbard said the inquiry also
would include investigation of similar
1 1 eat ment accorded (ieerge Doty, n
Nt-re blacksmith in u small town of
Iiiiele County. Doty also is a British
'-object. Beth left the county after
tlnir experience with their masked nt-
. tue kei'8.
The monkey "escapeu. l-our patrolmen
beurchcil for It. It wan lliwlly captured
nnd ter the remainder of Its stay in this
city will beard ut an nulnial tttore en
Market street.
which the women were te till in under
step watch, after the fashion et uinev uinev
Hlmen victims.
One of these pages contained the wen!
ratio problems already referred te.
There were thirty In all and the time
allowed was thirty minutes.
The ether page contained the famil
iar "missing word" questions. There
were twentv te be answered in ten
minutes, i'he lirst questions repre
sented merely n strayed casunl noun
or verb. Toward the end. however, one
found ene's self up against something
like this:
. . . .one. . . .their prcsenee. . . .net. . . .
does a rule. . . . one's guests.
The test showed that about live of the
flftv women were of superior intelli
gence nnd the rest, by Dr. Trabue's
approximation, of average Intelligence
or n little mere.
The women nsked Dr. Wilsen if they
might keep the questions They wanted
te try them en their husbands, they
Fifty Campaign Workers
Mobilize Force for Visit
ing Empleyes
Moves for n special industrial can
vass of Philadelphia for the benefit of
the Welfare Pcileratien involved mar
shaling lifty campaign workers te mo
bilize a force te canvass factories, mills,
stores and ether industrial establish
ments yesterduy.
Alfred Whitman called en the olun elun
tecrs for a renewal of their determina
tion te reach the S 1.000,000 goal en
the basis of the peile'ratien's new slo
gan : "We can't give up the drive
until you give up the money.-"
He said llie Peeleratlen expected
"nnd nil the clt.v's needy and suffering
people te whom the Peeleratlen is ri' ri'
spenslblc demand the fullest co-operation
in giving among all the city's
business linns and industrial establish
ments." Seme of the contributions reported
nt Federation headquarters jesterdaj.
In addition te these previously an
nounced, include .'-L'OO from euiplejes in
the office of Clerk of the Quarter Ses
sions in City Hull. $8.' from empleyes
of the Centennial National Bank, $100
from Christ Church. Illdtey Park; !50
from the Nelke Corporation, 'M from
the Wjeming Avenue Baptist' and
the Boulevard United Presbj terlan
Churches. $10 from the Chestnut 1 II II
Baptist Church, S.'iO.iiO from the pupils
anil teachers of the Wlstcr Public
Scheel, .fP.i.'-M) additional le preweni preweni preweni
contrihutlens from pupils of the West
1'hiludclphiii Friends' Scheel. $1.S0
from the pupils of the Geerge L. Hern
Public Sclioel mid a total te elate eif
SH.'lL'ii from euiplejes of (limbed Brethers
nnd $1041. 07 from euiplejes of N. Snel
lenburg & Ce.
'Telegrams were rceeiwd jesterdaj
from Cleveland, the pioneer cltj in per
fecting the Welfare Federation Idea,
which touched en various phuses of
Cleveland's welfare campaign.
Many Cleveland corporations do
nated lorge sums nnd the Cleveland
campaign could net have be-en success
ful without these contributions, the
telegrams stateel. Despite serious losses
one corporation contributed $10,000 tei
tin' Cleveland community fund. The
beuel of the corporation explained the
reason for such nation was "ns we be
lieve this te be the most efficient iiinl
eharl.les ami welfare problem.
Her Husband Alse Wounded In
Mysterious Attack en Their Heme
Dawsen, Pa., Dec. '2. ( Bj A. P.) -Mrs.
Minnie Hawk Miller wui -lint and
killed and her husband, Finn i MiU-i.
shot in the head at their farm home', one
mile fiein here, semi" time last night
The trageelv was dl&cnvored by tl-ir
seu. who found ills mother dead in the
kitchen and his father unconscious m
his. bedroom.
The authorities said thev evpeeded ie
lind the ciu'c In the contents of a in
ter addressed te Samuel Perter, a diug
gist of Daw -en, which was en ;i i -el.il
in the house.
Phlla. Weman Alse te Attend Trial
of Sen for Wife Murder
. Mrs. William C. D. La-tlake.
mother nf Heger D. Eastlukc, uci uM'd of
the iiiurtler of his wife, ut Culenial
Beach, Va., expects te intend In r seu's
trial when it opens at Montrese.
She was in Preilerii. ksburg, Va , ves-
tcrduy nnd had u long ceinfenmi- with
lier sem's iitternejs in ci'iinectinu with
tlie trial. Afterward she left for lln-h-
innud, where he Is in jail. In see him
before returning te Philadelphia.
Charles J linln. .''"i V 1 in ft. iiiul ! ;
KllxulKtli Urc ii. Ilia ti, 1'iih -t. 'j
J,ilne( J Ljbr.im, "li.'ll M' nn hi- -e. tnul
Kleri.it'e U MiCHffi-rtv. iliUT VV.ikel si '
L. A Jlulcr. -J:ii) W lldlnbriil.-i m .end I
l.llllan M. I'lymer. .-171(1 N It. inh. rwr st
Hurry V. Until b L'31(l li. l h. n ,iv , i
ulM Le.lll 11. Herwltz. LT1 lliejil si
Carl T Iluhuki' r.i N. V v ,i., und '
Bessie J. Ki'lley. HOSS Kins- - iib live
Charlis ti. Terter, 17411 Ceilli st., tnul
AllBUUta llruellev, K'D7 M l'"h Hi I
Wltllam K. lVun. 'JU13 Culnum ht . am!
Ilebeceii AlHtun. 4UH Pulitski ,nt
Haretet ll. I'fntf. 3:i3 N. stli si ami Mjrll.-
n Hmllh, 1SI5.1 N. 10th hi
Abnihanr K. Hnriullti". Kill N Wii-neuk st .
and Nieeml Wln-fler, 1! 1.11 . i li,nik h-rre-elerle.lt
Hiietflehl. 7 Wklilc t. , und llllela
llroeln. 7 W chin nt.
EviBtne K. Neut. llcneive Ta . ai-, Hulen It
Iteami-r. ne-nave. I'a.
Merrlie liDBte-in, .1001 Haverfurl nve , nnd
Jlury llutleln. liO'J Clarlmeui ivu
Franelie MueKntee. alia.'. Il.il' s uml Ulta-
beth rilltianer, U'Olu L. Suit, nit hi. '
What is
"A Blessing
Your Head"
of course!
Japan Expected te Oppose Sur
render of Dalny-Pert
By (he Associated Press
Washington, Dec. a. The delicate
question of the foreign leases In China
came before the Far Knstern Commit
tee of the Armament Conference nt to te
dnj's meeting. The question is re
garded us the me't dl'scult of all the
Chinese questions ct teuencu upon nun
offers what are regarded as well-night I
Insurmountable obstacles te a settle
ment unless Japan will surrender
Uiilnv-Peit Arthur, which would menu
the givlug up of the most imprcgiiab e ,
position Japan has upon the Asiatic
mnlulnud. , , ,, I
The enlv ether leases of a similnri
sort nre th'e-e eif Great Britain te Wei- I
Ilcl-Wel. eippn-ite Pert Arthur, and of
France te Kvvatu-.-Chew, In Southern ,
China, oppe-lii' the islands of Hainan ,
and along the line et communications in
the French colony of Iiide-Chlnu. All
these leases and that of Shantung te
fiernuinj date fieuii 1S0S, nnd nre in a
quite elilfeietit category from the Fng
llsh Heng Keng or the Portuguese set
tlement of Macao. The lenses In ques
tion also are quite apart from such
foreign municipal reservations ns Tlen
Tsin. The impression In Conference circles
ls that both the Hiitish and the French
would give up their concessions If the
Jupauese would agiee te give up Dnlny
Peirt Arthur, but It is felt that there is
little likelihood of Japan doing s0. Teh
Conference may seek a formula te defer
a .decision bj accepting the principles
of surrender, but postponing until con
ditions in Asia me mere settled.
It is understood that China does net
ask for an Immediate' evacuation of
these li'a-es but only their di'inilltariza
linn. The Japanese, It Is -adi. held te
the idea that as long as the Belshcvlkl
arc se powerful in northern Asia It
would he unwise' for Japan lj give up
the powerful base nt Pert Arthur.
Hepe feir an early settlement of the
elisputi' arising from Japan's request
for an iniTonse from 00 te 70 per cent
in tlie capital ship tonnage allotted her
under the Amerli'iin limitation plan een
tcii'd today in the effeirts of Great
Britain te bring the Jnpani'se view
into harmenj witli these of the I m."'l
While piei'iselv in what, manner
Cteat Britain has undertaken te u-e
her inlliieme in -nlvlng the naval ratio
P'eibleiu .v.is net knew ii teda.v, it was
iiiiiiea'ed lliat, as an ally of Japan ami
having, en the olhei hand, accepted in
prl'ii'i'ile the' basic "."i-e-Ii" ratio of
the' Auieiic.'iii pione-al, she had feutiil
a double in'ere-t in the ultimate sue
ecss eif ;lii negotiations.
The situation wii" expe-cled te trniniii
at a si.i'us epie today while tin Japan
ese eloles'itos, in the lirht of this new
eli'velepmeiit. eeiiiiiiiuiiicnted further en
the epie.-tleti with Tokie, where it is un un
eieisteied tei be liniler cenisidetntleii bj
tin Japanese' Cabinet as well as by the
Diplomat ii- AilvKerj Council.
Meanwhile, iiriticipal.s en both sides
of the rontieve'rsy refuseel te view the
situation as a elendleck teda.v. the Amer
li'iin eleh'gate's eveui elee'linlllg te recog
nize Japan's reepiest for the increased
ratio as a formal proposal at this stage,
although it is known te have been pre
nted by Baren Kate personally last
Piie'-ilny te Secretin'! Hughes n ml
Arthur J. Balfour, head of the British
delegation. The American delegates re
in. lined confident that the Japanese te-ipu-st
would he withilrawii befene reach
ing the status eif what (hey would re
gard as a formal prope-al.
Negotiations ever the naval piegraui
as n whole, according lei the feeling in
American circles tednj, are proceeding
-atisfacteirilj. The four American dele
gates, meeting tedav. went ever tin
Afteiward it
was sa'id Urn. the Aniorleims wrc "veil
itiialien as it stain
satisfied with the turn that the naval
discussions weie taking nuil were hope-
i ful that the American limitation pro pre
giaiii would be ri'ceive'd faveiably. A
mere elelinite status, however, was said
i te be- improbable before next week.
I Celes Leaves te See Daugherty
Fnited Stules Distrie-t Atternej Celes!
' and his special assistant, Jeseph D. I
Kim. left for Washington this morning. I
It is understood that they will take up
with the Atternev General certain liquor
eases that are pending here. .Mr. ( eles
would neit go intei eletails regarding his,
trip te the capital. He will see Sen- '
ater Penrose while be is in Washing- ,
ten. i
Vlrterla. nevvlv pilnteil e-etllent
condition throughout j wonderful value
and I'anay closed car at t'.'lOD.
525 Market Street, Camden, N. J.
M'linnr, Cunielrn -081
Hitf Mealy, Selected
Hum uau can buy
with assurance
At all our Stores
ni'iwwmKHnniHin- mm .miit:i.iiHniinin 1 1 1 numiamnum tiimimiimuaitm miimjiifi-jm
' inti:k jiixiuts
vri.wnr rry. x j
SHOREHAM vlriil.',1il. A,' ncnr "iii
ununiwiinm 111 lt(ll'i:.N fl,..N
Sin e Uil r'-ilui I'd vvlnler rntis Alain (irulirr
h'r. . i (. i ii i.n i:rTTX
AMI ( (lITAC.i;s
St. Auguiline, Fla. Nev. te May
. .i1' .' r,,j.2-,'ij'.v
The Ontwoed V'"n "" i"'r "'"buiu
loiiilien tppi hii rHn
it vvlnler nileii JJIkt J L. fc K V Arlmun
cni:sce. yj.
Old Orchard
In the I'oieDo,
Olirn All Year.
cni-sce, va.
TT f3
Victim and Suspects
Wmfy- '- - -'AW - m
ivHhv SUKMu&MUfr -t vK
Jeseph Kisser, top. who was held
up and robbed In his home. 3114
Wcllirl street, last night. Lewer,
left, William ("Bad") Kelly and
Jehn .Merris, arrested as the rob
bers. They also arc accused of
holding up Mrs. Anna Bcrh In her
store, :tlUU Welled street
Stores Looted and Hetel Guests In
sulted and Robbed
Vienna, Dec. U. (By A. P.) The
Inner city of Vienna today looked ns
though It hael been struck by a tornado
as the result of jfcsterduy' widespread
rioting, the worst since the downfall of
the monarchy.
All th'! hading hotels nnd restau
rants nrl nianv of the hops dealing in
luMirl's were wrecked, and the streets
are glutleel with debrl. Ne deaths
lave been reported, but many we're in -jurril
by the mobs In their orgy t
plunder and destruction. The pelie-e
steed idly by while the mobs werkcel
their will, borne ecn sjiuputhizlng with
the Hotels. n
'I'lii' t reuble 'tarted in n ileiuenstrn-
lien b'fere the Parliament buildings by
MrJUeM flem nrMlerf. a suburb. Tl
sent te unancoiier ncuener eicmauu ier
abolition of the stock exchange, con-li-eatien
of fetcign securities nnd mere
effoetlve feed cemtrel. His answer tlmy
regarded .is unsatlsfacturj . ami the
rioting bgiin s'.ieitly afterwnnl, spread
ing te all parts of the Inner e-itj.
The i. unity stock exchange was
stormed, the hotels partly wrecked
anil their guests rebbeel, insulted and
benten. anil well-elre'-seMl pe'destrians In
1 1n shopping eltstiict were snipped of
fiirjS, jewels and money. Many Amer
icans i"e among these- attacked, al
though In one instance the display nf
tlie American ll.i saved a Cedenel Allller
and his wife from molestation.
Matthew Schuck, Seven, Run Down
en Way Frem Scheel
Struck bv it-motertruck at Broadway
and Spruce street. Camden, while em
his way home from -cheieil jesterdaj- at
Iieien, .Vlllllliew Ol'liuciv, -even jciiis uiu,
1011 Broadway, was fatally injured.
The little boy had just left St. Peter's
Scheel and was running across Spruce
street when the truck came along. He
tried te get out of the way and the
lriver enileaMireel te swerve the
machine te one side, but the child was
struck en the head ami his skull was
Itejal Jenes, H second-hand dealer,
eif -llt Federal street, who elrevc the
'truck, took the lad te Cooper Hospital,
lt h-' w - ,,roeuncod dead. Later
Jenes wn.s held under $1000 bail.
Photograph Frames
Of ecrase leather in colors adapted'
te the environment of- boudoir or
library. Hand - tooled in geld.
Better in quality and workman
ship and somewhat
Less in Price
Jewelry - Silver - Stationery
Chestnut and Juniper Streets
Browning,King & Ce,
Week End Special
Sale of Suits at
I Regular Values $35 and $40
I "Meney Bach" te Back Them
j BROWNING, KING & CO., Makers
m .. LA l,i-U,L , . i --ill
Dnnrlie flnt 40 tTpn... (Ml 4
w-.ee-... -c v . ewiusvjia
Helpless victims in North-1
east District
Mrs. Anna Beck, eIgiity.feur vM:
old. of MOO 'Wrikcl street ami Jet
Kisser, seventy-two yenr.s old. 0('gji
Welkcl street, were the victim, bv
nigni et roDeers, wne get a total of j)
xnc pence arrested Wlllintn Ke.
known as "Bad" Kelly, ami n loci
terror, who lives en Welkcl stteet net
Allegheny avenue, and Jeseph Metrh
hotter lennvvn nq 'Atniitnn' t.
Magistrate Costclle held betli men vitt
out ball for court.
Bobbers Cllnih Fcnce
The robbers went ever Mrs. ivt.....'
back fence about 7 o'clock in the eni
nine. The old man wns alone ... iJ
usually is. He heard n neUc in tS
yard and went out. B
The two men pounced en Jiim, t.
was tee- feeble te cry out. There in.u
dusk of the ynrd bnc of them heM mJ
while the ether went through his neckH
ets. He had $4 in change. TlieyteSB
it, then shoved him Inte the house i3
IU1.I11III 11IU 11UU1 Ull 111111,
Mrs. Beck is net only a great dm
elder than Mr. Kisser, hut she is
crippled up with the Infirmities, of lB
great age that she scarcely is nbie ti
walk. All day she sits behind it!
counter of her little store. At 7 n'.tJ
every evening she (doses her Rtere isil
tcr, Mrs. Minnie Frcitag, nt 3177 Ji,
ncy street.
The store had been dark for pcrhan
en hour, when tiic two men came dot!
the alley. Knewing the nclghberhixH
and the customs of its people, they wen
net tnking nnv great risk when n..
pried off n shutter at the rear of Uul
ciwii,- iiim jiubiil-ii up me basil. 'ilfj
uiu inc imice: ie iiicinsctvcs anil tool
incir nun-.
Leave Empty Half Pints Behind
Fnch polished off a half pint 0f bit
wnisivy, icuving me uetiies eenuiil them
Then they stnrtcd te put the heusu h
ellsoreler. loeKing for inenev. 'n,..
found ?." in chtinge and ransacked the
house. Neighbors saw them nnd called
uiu pence.
"Kelly." said Magistrate Costclle ii
holding the men. "it's funny von hiti
been here se often. I don't uiidcrttnj
hew you get off all the time. Yeu sea
te terrorize the people you rob nl
bent up. Yeu specialize en old people
it seems, because jeu have them cevvei
leu get mere brazen all the time. I(
jeu nun i wiucn out, jeu ,i no up heir
ier inurucr next.
"Yeu nnd jour iioeoinpllec 'Mouser'
there nre a pair of dirty, low-dewi
dogs. I'm net selus te lei-e un.v mere
time than I have te en, yen,, sei I jb
going te held jeu without bail fei
Driver Falls te See Open Draw and
Plunges Inte Water
Crlsllcld, MU.. Dec. ''. -The e.lcil
sedan uutoiiiebile of Beck Waul, un
ojster packer, eif I rlslielel, jilunjed
through the Jersey druvvbrlilge nc.tr the
rennsvlviiniii Kiilli'eiul wharf ititet 'fif-
teen loot of water last night. He was!
en his vvay te his place of hu- tics in
the JeiM'.v packing house -e'e-te i, with!
one of his .Negro oyster shuoKei-s, when
the nccldent occurred. hen the 101
chine iippreaclieil the drnwbiiiigc. thi
keeper warned him It wus open but k
evielcnlly did net hear, for the next In
stant both car mid occupants plunged
te the icy wntcrs iitul elciith.
Wan I is the man who paid S-100 for
the gilded spade which broke the ground
for the handsome new edifice of the
Asburn Methndret hpiscepal Cliurcb.
which wns designed by a PhllnilelphU
architect. He leaves a widow and two