H.,-r- .-, fJt'WY'fr r ,)r? -r' t r r c . i TTfftffH-J 1 . i J .1 J i- 4 X & TFlE WEATHER Riiln Inte "' afternoon find tonight c.(iirilny tnlr ami somewhat colder; ?rth Ie r0" w,ml8, , -uTTnll) ill 112" ' 2 a tin i TTTTfTne int Q8 inn ice h r L- ir A 4 tienmg Buhltc mzaazt NIGHT EXTRA f VOL. VIII. NO. GO Entered a Hjnd.riyn Mfttler At the Ponterne nt I'hllftdellfila, 1'R Under the Act of March a, 187(1 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 Puimrhed Dm I ipt Hti dn H'lbser.pi ' i l'i " t C pvrlKht 1021 hi Public l.ci, nnuii.ny Tsar liy Mnll. PRICE TWO CENTS -a ' HI KLUX KLAN SHATTERED; HERS QUI! IN REVOLT Fined in "Aute Tag" AGAINST RULERS OF . .. . . i Grand Goblin Here Joins Steps In Man s Smash Exodus When Wizard Defends Aides V Demand for removal of Edward Yeung Clarke, an Imperial Klcagle ; of the Ku Klur Klau, and of Mrs. Eluaheti Tyler, an Grand Chief of I ilit TVnmoi'e r)fliinvtintt nf iha CLARK AND MRS. TYLER ........ nelCPTQ OF ATTAPK y''"ur -'" (emws who de- UdJUwIO Ul rtl inUr .,, , removal of Clarke tt.irf Mrs. Tyler, ok the result of .. t -A i- r.. l tl! nhttvnea tuiniitef llinae t n'n rivp i.m. "Emperor Keuiseu 10 uusi nib " v t,lH,"v . Hetven ordered te imtha.aw. una re- itiffu with Rtvtmq prate -t rifjuinttt method of their superior officers. I W MMiMinw,juutnAjjnuiauiiNHlfCT)iinMiH 20 W0W1EN UPSET LLOYD GEORGE MAY OIY HALL BUSMESSlsS&sSfelSIHHG PARLEY MID "TENDERLOIN ANGEL" HURT IN CITY HALL i Miss Mathilda Silverman Injured WAT TACK ON TAXES BROADER CHANNEL lured nt City Hnll leila.v while simcrlu- icndiiiK the limbing et' ('liiistinas boxes i le held lui'kr.'.H and vrpptuhhw for the I peer. Mho wiih km in I. in. i In1 fni I'lifiiil b.T a ii'rc of sMci'l while hhe ni III the t I liehcmt'iil en hei way le the inrpentcr Create Rumpus in Offices of Rl,,op .I,r- ..'. IleT' "fJ'i'L of Harding Wants Navy Policies r i Hie Prlfen rpfnre Afsni mllnn. or Revision Beard. Maver and I which mih rV.ker.iinn w superintend- Settled Before Premier Points Spreads Alarm Caven All Talk at Once IGNORE APPEAL BLANKS AND DEMAND "JUSTICE" Tp.t, women, owner of house" en Tire nncl Pnl.t stieem between Frent nnd' Second street. Invmleil l'lt lli.ll nt, wn MiimiHitird. A jielirp mi! iineliile wim coinnian ceinnian ilecied mid MK Silverman .eni te the t idiopathic llevpliel. i linn' H.i X-rn WHS lIBCd tn ileter.nine the extent of her Injuries Ml'8 Siheni.un i Uieiwh m vlrt.l nlly evcrs mini, winiiiin :.inl child in the leiiidie-l section nt i ne i.i. where she lui'i weiKeil for icuis mi hei ennnds of irtrrc.v MIks Silvei-niiin wn- ntie!nre. 'nfe nt nn.Y plnce in the Tenderloin no innttei wlmt the nenr Mieuiit n MiitiiRct- in Lieutenants Despite Proof, Atkin Asserts MHS. Ill CKLI5V TABB Slipping nv;i from n trnlTlc pa dolman ciisi lift' Sl..")ll .She lives at Hie l'.isc partmenls huh morning nnd temiieriirlli imnended n,,. diprrlcl npineiifli lie. one (,f the work In the eftiee of the Heinil of Ite- men or women of the section would nt vision of Tnxp. once challeriRe lilt... nnd deinmid Ills The. nil 'shouted n. en.e inUlicn..!.' b,,Tl,?iT im P' I... I...I -nlle,,.. .., Kh pielPstM iij!iiili-i I he llieiPHM-il nhfCH- ' meuc le (nevide IMKI "hi .. inns bn--nients en tlieie lieiivs. und denuinili'd l.eth ter .lie nm l.i."i .m.'h he Riive llil.l the iissp4Mi.eills he low pied nrt,, """ bll-l.els 1 1 was kherily after 10 o'clock when llie, lilcii into ilu. etiiee and til. t Tliem ' ( t.'U .ifFiiiui nml Arthur !3iith ImW fen '18,000 LEAVE CHICAGO ORDER IN SINGLE DAY Brings Admission Secret Society Is Deemed WOMAN IS FIN 9 Wilthdrawal of Grand Gehlinx, one of rchani i.t F. IF. Atkin, head e) the Atlantic Demain, with headquarters in Philadelphia, in fel lowed by i emanation of thousand of Efferts te "Fire" State Leaders Klanwicn thrauaheiit the country. Three tl euxand, virtually the entire Philadelphia mcinhcrnhip, have quit here. Eiyhteen thousand vnthdrcw Traffic Patrolman Tells of Rip MIH AUTO TAG in Chicago. The Kn K'n K'an l htnlen 1he Mi ixiiT .... ""... A-."Rvvf,lutienitn plan new or- "Smashed "' would be a belter we. d. Q ' . . . , Iiniuw thousands of members-mere ' panKatien along lines of enyinal thin ."?0nn in Fhllnde.phin nlene - hnve Klav, but spraining all connection I, with Clarke and Mrs. Tyler and AcerrliiiK '" '" - Atkin. who hn geme of the piactices for which they trtlsned n. firnnd Heblln in this de- ,-? said te stand. main, 'ncrc will he no ivu ivnix isi.in it lone no l.dward Yenpc Clarke and Mr. Elizabeth Tvler nre connected with the organization. Charges against Clnrhe and Mrs. Tyler. nhich were contained In the Kvi.'MV'. Pl'BLIO IjEDOEUV expose, of the KI.'Jll. were responsible for its disinteRrntien VTell-mcaniiiR inenibcrs of the or er or inlzat:en wentliered the storm of pro pre (ests In the newspapers Hguint Ihe Klan'n activities, but when chnrges were made cencernlns the conduct of Clarke and Mrs. Tjler. resignations poured in Atliln Tells or I'plumnl Replying te raperts lliul he nnd ilirce ether Grand Goblins bud been "lired" If W. J. Simmons, lmperlnl Wizard, Mr. Atkin, lender hcte of the Klnn, etid today ; "If I was 'fired' It was hecnuee 1 tfased te listen te Ihe diclntef of M., Elliabeth Tyler, nnd Edwnrd Y. Clarke. Imperial Klengle. Perhaps the bcM wnj ta fctate my position is le quote my letter of resignation, sent te the lmperlnl Wliard today. 'LEGAL CEMENT' FAILS TO MEND KESERS' BREACH Wife's Lawyer Says Couple (Have Net Effected Reconciliation An effort te patch up the hue nffair.s of Mr. mid Mr. Flnd Kei-er. of Fex Clinic, has fniled and nu cider is new uwailid from .ludxe Itarrntt lixmc whnl niiietint I lie l.iiKbiin.l shnll pnv te bis wife and their three-yenr-eld child. When Irs. Keser w'ent before .ludse Itarrall Wednesday nnd de.uan.led !?."fl() ii iiu.nl h from her l.ushnnd, flic .ludpe ordered t lint Ihe letiple trv te s-cttle their dlfjfeieiu'es. after Mrs. Keser. tin nttrnctive blonde of twenty-four. Imil Ichliliid tliiil she was perfectly wllllnR te live with her husband nsnln. "If be would de rijrht." ICc-er .ni he "would consider it e-laie (K.vc-'-ei--' for the ThirM -ninl until. I.nter it was learned tli.it Mrs Kllenere Mnrti.i. 115 Dnlv streeiv was "uppesed te Iniie been the fpekehinnn. but the a.veMsers declnred she hud nine teen dr-t iitisistnnts. "We wntit our assessment lowered.' lewered.' lowered.' sheiilcd one el the women "We want Uistice." shouted ntiettie. As een as they could be heanl the two assessors shouted "Fill out an ap peal blnnl. " B this tune all the clerks bad dreppid their pens and we.e lts.tenl.ij: le the rumpuf. Several women sim ultaneously told the assessors their ns sessiuents hnve been increased !5."00 In the lust i we enrs. In I!)IS it whs inc. eased fiem $1000 te 5120(1 and REFUSES TO PAY AT FIRST H"",M'1' "s,, ,,f 00 iK n'nv "phduicd. "This Way Out. " Says Nell , wi, ,. Finallv they tiled iule llic teal estate i crnWf,P( .'" "'" hiimf. ii iimiu'i.i ii ur. imbttsiir s privaie etnee. wnere iney invi i was tacK'-d for .i Sll' ."(l line mdiiy by s-FUR TO FLY TODAY nl ! 'i - ui'i'in ill' t in r n i,i I I lcfiiM i(i (' lift-n'M'-p In liiii" nc ill" 111 i I ntt'-THi'Mi nf ilu helrt xnrlu te il our 1 " frrnni l-i.nr f iii.ttftplii Inrliifcfrv nnil (S ' -.-!! ' - ' - DDnillM DAVD Out World Abyss FEARS FINANCES WOULD OVERSHADOW ARMAMENT By CLINTON V. C.ILBKBT M J IT I nirrsinil Mil r.icnlnt Tlllitlr IllUer fn,l rj, I tin hi, Publit. I. 'A t !" rempnm ilnlllli;lnn. I lei ''. -'The Admini -tiniien lm me doubt that the I""' iee of l.eyil (Jemge's i entln? I' w luisi ilcpn 1 1 in is announced fei !' i eiiilie. 12. i le own vVide the u"i' A. no. ('iinleience and biinj; in. Hie inn diiineiitnl in.esliei.s of the we. Id ' "" I. etitic Ci O' pi j 'The 111 ill h I'.eniier will d" ' ' - I'le-idetit llnidinj: almnst did Iin h -talk nlieiit ihe association "f n.iuenv epi i ii ew l up .rn.aci imnei issuei vlmKmmwSmm 4kkkUll BmBrP. i flvn WWKSm J -' JHH WEtimw mm WOMAN WITNESS FOR ARBUCKLE ILL N POSON MYSTERY " Tells Odd Tale of Queer Orange Juice, but Suicide Attempt Is Suspected STATE IN FIERCE CLOSING ATTACK ON MOVIE STAR Brady's Assistant Tells Jury "Fatty" and His Witnesses Have Lied ping Trousers in Chase After Mrs. Buckley Tabb Rival Factions Ready for "Kick off" in Ceuncilmanic Chambers ROPER'S KNIFE SHARP M.iKistiitc Bcn-hnw' a a climax te an nuii. mobile tag kiiiup she played Tues ilav nicht with Tinlhc Patrolman Clink. I'lark kuvp n Rrnphic recital In Con Cen ttnl Station of his pursuit of Mrs. Tabb afler she drove past his step signal nl Bread 'ind Ilaie stieels The b!K hl'ie hl'ie ceut blushed as lie explained bow his Iveusers we.e ripped dur.ns the chase Mis 'Tabb was arrc-led Tuesdn nmht en n chiii'Ke of icikles'i iliivln';. She sen. weul Wcdtie-day meiniiiK he was tee nervous te appeal in Cen tral Slntlen and t8e hearing was post poned until tedav. Mr-. 'Tabb. who lives in the Kssc Apart. nents. I bill v-fourth ami Client 'The fifth nu of the budgei drama played today in ' "I'mll le ;alleries with Piesidenl -ludRe ney niei i ... . , ,,,., . ,..i.PI1 Oscnr Nell, unetber nssesKer. He tried ,row" l""eau,.v ,m. s ... te induce them le fill eul mi nppeal his Municipal Ceuit estimates nie un blnnk bill when lie found they did net i dcr thp snetlinlit tin- atiirnoen. want nu.v a tinea s but "only wanted justice" lie waved his linnd toward the nearest exit and said "This way out." "Yen (tin'i get rid of this way," shouted several women. "We went jus tice nnd we nie going te have it. When are you going te lower our taxes, that's what we want le "'This way eul." said Mr. Nell u?nin. 'The women held n hurried censulta tien nnd huiried eul of the elhce int' I cemincrci. alter the ill -nytntien wteuxhi In .lie wni Th" " ' i'spene in 'hi con. try ! I,t"idc!.t llardlngs icninrk ! tit an asuicri'iei. of n.itiens shows lnn keen i. tli" peiieiit en here of fl.e vii n I problem which tln Cunferpncp i ! i i nt- te the fijtllie Mr l.leid iSeei'sc '.ill erne here fiesh f.eni i enfeic'ic). wi'h Itnihenati and St in nes nii'i ihe i! in sun i. of giving !er- 'ninny a .nicu'i i nu up. ii 'he pavmenl of leparntlells. Ills iniellllg With tlie (!eiuinn li.inuclnl b .nlers will pn bn'i . be followed by an eolninge of m.u with I'l'PinliM' I i inii'l. who. It is undir- sioed, favors feri iu (Si'rnianv .nin bankruptcy . I Slase Set for Lloyd f.eure Kcuiinmii i aia-i re.ihc in Kurnpe will be -iniing the win Id in the fuc mice nunc vlien l.leyd Ceergc cenn , ju-t as ii was last sje nig wlun Cei.iiauy i rnli ra .Miss I'lWitl. LKl SIIAY One of Katti Vrbiiclde's witnesses win. loomed wlili 'Ii lirue ler gun and KJe Hie .iai:ii s psIi-. ilti when siti' fi i. .id Iin I i ml s iITpi iiiu lien, the i II. is in piiisen MORSE AT HAVRE; S ORDERED BACK Magnate Sail for Heme Monday REQUEST CONCEDED U. S. -sm mlid l'ics 2 h.nlci. W 1. - iipi nix uinsn i . ii the Paris .ii,i i lie opening chorus there, was for lower fixes, and we want. hey were Informed ilini' what that Mayer nut sticcis. entered the hearing room , ,)01p' could de nothing for them, nod PMiuiu, iji'i . n .- in e emeu, .uc wijsi ac companied by three inen. a child and Mrs Florence Burchard. of Bridesburg. i who was with her 'Tuesday nlKht. ' Kiiliv ii. wn ii.p wites n.ternev. Slyllhlily Dresse.l said this afternoon t tint no settlement I ,. , , . , . ., , . had b .undo nnd that the ease would , Ibe def-ndant were a .1... bla A tur take the iciriilnr course "" " bl'"'k fur cnnf "ml " s!il' of niil1' 1 Mr' k;'' -he 'lias been living J "','; ";!V' '" ,,i,,n"11,rS",.,,",!'" (he Philadelphia Country Club since the I ' Mnn I white jw, nels an dnitci M-panillen last .Innuary. is .said te be ""' "bite beads a eng ,e hem .A wealthy ami had .,ncr,, le pay bis wlfc I linnrt-.-imril silver cherubim pin was c-i-.x ..' .i. i... .i.... ... ' .. i ... fastened near her Ihrnat "As a matter of fact I haw- net been . ,. " 'ffl,'J Mr-. TiiWi evidently was angry eve. 'Bred.' I was nsked le quit when the Mrs. K.'ser ... .eul. mentioned "the rV,' ''.".'."'T n?'! ,sl?17l,i?Jtl!e S members of in, domain requeMed me te "Hirr woman." a lifelong friend of her'!;'!''' "',,"'' ?0,t Ul she nLed b is I. te Atlanta and Investigate the f-0",l- oui-vear-eld l. 'band ,l said ; JtXT "ft-"" ' rhcrges against Mis. Tyler and Clarke. I .l.,,,,!.'." brcnr'" ' P "' hour nnd 'that she nearly upset a Md 1 uafertunatelv found them true." - .cb ,emninn(,Pcred another .Atkins letter ie the Imperial Wizard, WIPF FFT nF?sT T TF m....i,i., ,..,.1 overtook Mrs. Tanb at .., nnsi-n 1 1 n r- nnr-n Ttrnnd nnd Snrilig fiurden stieels. bATe enUMin HAe tLUrtU ! Knt en the running heard nnd ! leld her in turn her enr mound." Clark Frank D'Atessandre Gene With An- ' continued "She turned all right., but ,., f, ,, T , . , she went se fast that I was left sitting ether Weman, Police Are Told (n ,,,.. ,,,,,,. ,lf Uritni M ,.,.,,,. ly Mrs Camilla Ii'Alessandte. the ' trousers' nnd m overcoat were tern, piettv iwenty-four-year-eld wife of " caught her ugnin anil slie finally Frank D'Alessnnd.e. a real estate ! i..m,soeIi.i1 in drive Inte Cit' Hull i enrt - Ibieker of 120S T)ickiiiM.n street, hns ,,., She sevntched a mudguard of lind her bus- i,,,.. ,..,,. ueing into the mmnnnl nnd II. le vls.l : leMimcd me iicninM a wall M life I lita iininntL i ti t Ini'htil niirl whn lIia .. Lmnnnul luMfirt ace of thiee etheis en one occasion and ' new believes has nin away with a I Magistrate Ilenshnw asked M.w 'Tnl.b ie inc. pKsenee of some Ihe or six nth- I woman mill deuerled her und llieir four' f m(ic wanted te tcMlfi fn nneiher occasion, nnd in the nres- SI"H ' '"hlren i nie.fs up te mm.." sl ltl..A, il nnu in ine prtH She also thinks he took between Sr.DOll i it's up te veu. ih. ecent m me n n or twelve etheis en an- ,,! viiiiwid ,..,n, h,, ulil..t. c,., u..,.u ' . . 'i ' ,ik , . . : ."."" '" . -."-...- muni .'.i. i.iwisien. nun m t ne event thai ' lieiengeii partly in some ei uis clients. Kdward imng ciaike did net resl-n '.s 'his meiiiing she was fi.und in tears Imper.al iMM ., !,. ml K,;', J i'' be handsome I, t.,e home he had fur- ,. iii.ji.iiii. ixu.itit lhu., fler seveiul eais of successful nnil 'pipiiu-hu, ,.,i., j would ie- opeiatieti in realM A furnituie com- "P1, panv's wagon was hacked up te the deer I'remise Net Kept nnd several men weie carrying eul fur- "Tin sihpii. 'wi, heii,s n,ne long niture. en which her husband had fniled IfPii pa -e.l jin.i ,,.,, ., . i. i . i . i le iniikc payments She say s lie has hnd toke w , ' l"",,',,,,!,ld.iii of me.iev bu, has squandered it !'"lije, ,,( (1 i;lV( n , ilu , IlM (lM elll,.r WUI, ih,. nM year np")ff""1 "",(,,,""i le me ill the pies- he has hud feiu auioineliilcs. she said, tn I i ," ntl"'s' that w,i men were i hut sold three 'I be 'r he k-H behind, until I """ ",lr domains and work she fears, will iiKn be inUen for fniluru HI n"m .V"u' ' ou Wl'rc lt'a,1' te .In make the payments, "meeting of the Kleiicilium. Is-1 she met him si years a;e in Chi- ucu M.UTnl telP'rnillS allcireil le Inivn I .,.,... il...v we.e iimrrled. and reads : .fi . it,. s.u u ir l inm . itk....ii sii.iii 2) V.-. ... ,.,.-,, nmecriat 'i,ml U'um.Iu ..f h... w .. Klw Klaa Atlanta. Cn. "Dear Sir Owing n, the fuel that jeu, ns the Imperial Wizard iuu otli etli flalliem of the Knlghu of the Ku Klux ' M8I). IlllVe lulled slL'll.llU in v,.l... nnun. r. ,- - ,.--... , - . x. . . !'. tthleli weie estensil.lv made in all I "l'Tealeil te the police te I'm tii.,.ri,, ii, . , band, who eft November ''"Ul j and honesty tome in Ihe pies- ,,, .,., , Klerldii. a. renlii d. n.iigisti nte 'The budget heann from one viewpoint, will be the climnx of the lengthy sessions and will give the Combine members full piny. Arthur Ft. II. Merrow, clerk of ihe ..,,,. hnu clu.eleil the court's nrmv of em'pleves se he run tell the Council nnd ;ne Alnes had bieki n en repara members' hew manv jobholder- are in I Hen nnd when France wns tbieatening each unit ' i "" l'is""i "' f, ''" The court's pn i roll has :,i!! names' 'The stage wi'l thus he nl! set for """,'"" ; ; v. , . r (,. .,.i,ii, s.P. ". .1) Is reeiiested for sei saiienai ,iu tea . nee ny i ie i,riiisn "he" MavmVeniT ' " "22 " ' C.mnclln Uelelit, 'u'lid Hep'r. I'-m!... . -11 .e,c forward as the tin .iiiiyni eimi. .. .... ,,,.., tu:e.l rl.c court fei cxtruv- spekisinuu et a ruined Limine te a P'e- v,e wain ie see ine .i..v.i. ..s . . ... . - , , .,.,, t,,,,,,.,.!.., r,,,,,, ,., ........U lie said l.eingnnce in tue pus, ,, ,.,.,.,,,... .- ,..:;,,,,.... , , '.,,, ',..'. ,. irr.,,e,.nl fltln.'k- OO 1 I1C Sll lir lisi.s. ' .,.".n- .i. ,..., ,,. ,,...," ..-...... .Mr. lteper ri-enuv win u mus i,i t.ennnire te .ludsf Bm.ii. who lurned the queries ever tc Mr. Merrow, snnie- Ihev were advised te make an appeal times known ns " Ml It t" rihui up lb I he Tax Beard muse of . phrase which nnpei'i- ie be n "U'n were down te the Ta Beard." favorite with tbe President .IulUs". ' M,, ei . M i-i.ipeii 'bill P iin'e1 '- Mei'-OW s.t. , ie is pn ,, "i te I tut kuj lii i, ineeker-vl suit ihi . v us t'l1 u " lie Comic, I. bill be . going eul" i tn ivp his niiswi'if vevbalh Oppennils There wns another onsulialien. ntiev'ef the court s llg payrolls win urn ne which one of thp women snid. "Well, i furnished with written renin-, which if be can't lower our taxes maybe hp'ueuld form a basis for relentless . )- can r.et n llgbl put in tlie aiipys' tieninn examination our homes." The member- will b.ive t rat Ii ih ..- . r. .in-.. Answers On the ll. s II Wi'ic. .lllll llie.l Ul! 10 ..iiMiis ( l)(( . i(i M)1M. llf ,!, I enilmiril nu I'hrp Iurnt . ( nlemn Tn 'Then they were advised te see Diiec- i ,., .. . .. ,.,,;,,,. r, f, , , ter of Public Works Caven Se thev , -. '-""- burrlfd le his eflice. One of the women ""j1 "; .w ullII ,tlM p.lM ,,, started te tell Director ( aven Ihe.r ' f his , rtiecs te tieiibles. but before she was through she V, '."".., .,; .;' 0f .... irtiers p.e had the nBsl.ti.ncc of the n.neleen dn in I ""J ltlwii'u , Their sterx was thni becnii'e there .Merrow Closeted ' Estate Is Insufficient were no lights behind their houses. Mernnv , ,.0,0ed in a room , 1 is Angles. De. 2 i By P ) thieves stele ';,l,,' .!' sl Rl ' ", ' the fifth fleer behind a ban I. ade of Mrs. i;,ln Bcl'c Flcl. tonne, w,f,. of eluding their busbunds smts. en wash ,,,,,,, ,.,,., ,,,, () ntnl ,.,,. ,,rK, s ,,,.. "Hecter Cav.,n suggested they tuke ' M- H, - ;X aries, .. today. cha,,e -I, the ,ef, the mailer up with Council. At ihe "is " ,",riain 1"f-' l',"''i'1 "f ! .!. , l..,l,ing and a Rrean'Trnnl m" . ' em"n. ImiI no' ! " borrow halted .. s,dc lougeveh,, . ,, , f San, ,. I Km. enr M.ouBl.te Inform " ; m H.e .K-- We...l -Who is'eur ( euiicilmunV nsked one ' punn en. i n ... '.' 'V V" '.' Th. ---- ii'".i - f,,,,,, of the women. Anether speKc up aim w i- '""." ei iin ""' '... ,,' ,, .' ,,. ,., ...... Hi-M-hnnd mfei uian..n m the w'.t. I oeo 1 It l. nil" m- -. "" r. ..... . . . . ii's the cuv Unit took FinleyV place, members .pies, ,.ng .mi s iipi i.ips.en tt.e ret.- Aggreeate ter Year tneea rxevem III H nil J,)).. . .. ii,,,,.., ,,, ,., l ,,,.., i hel bee ' , 1 i i... . - .. - . . -. sss j.y e ' . te ,, no one else hns been listened t'1 nice PiPsiden WI'.-,en iiiqiIp his vs,i te KlU.'MC 'The Adininislrntien would like le hnve nil thr nieic Mgniticnnt sui.s hp- fe.c the nri'M'tit Conference sctlled be- feic the Brii i. ii Pi en, i'i urines, he. lause ih). Ictn Ihe iiffpci s of , i.'uiil I nig atlcnticti from the luitiil and P.-- I i-il'- p.-ebrpm- te iin- l:.ficr iirebhin- of I sin iug the world from the abvss which the war left ii B'li I Is mil ir ,i, . ,e,u II H iie 1 f .'111, '!.U I Will 'l 'l- V s I ,i' "li.i i nun net s,n. ii,, inirpeses of the ,Inp- NAB RICH WOMAN AGAIN FOR LARCENY IN GUISE OF MAID - Xt iVX"1" Says $300 a Menth Frem Hjsband'3 By BART HA LBV ' '. '".rnlnn I'lilil.. I., ilf.-r Cill-erl.il Itelf y ' i'ui ... .') r j rrtai rMTTijiani San I'i.'i.kIm'e. Dc, ". M.,rc qupr 'i igi mice and nnetN-r leiine unman ng ill wli.tl ii.iuei-bi Ie he her iiej.il, nihil, ai a i,sl, i. nablp bete! ' les.d F.iim Arbu.'kl" - r-ial te falter lueiitl, phsIv iii its iei,ts hours and be igl.t about ,i t in Fn I shortage of red .ii1, among tl.e-p Sa F.ancinee ntvn paper- wh.'h like te teueh up IItpIt news wni, ;i bir of cheerful color The nwi.st Arbttclilp casualty vrnt Mism Irei- Morgan, of Les Angeles n nu. si. nnd an unpeitani witness for French Police Insist Shipping tim defen-r wh-. nn. fe.imi poisoned i.'i'l ui ,s, mur at ihe (Jlift Hetel. Decfcs nhi hrst snni ihnt s,p was be "ind l.iiinaii l,pp mnnngeil. after hours if Inbei te nvP lif i-1 life Wlun Miss Morgan was at Inst sbl ie spe-i'i when the d"i ters had pmptied nu I. of etigpn whnh might hnve been r.cpi'i d .ii nlnien atu mnnienl by Fatty and h,- awyers. who had been finding the lat dny of the trial the unhnpplesf. she told . sterv that sounded in rational eats nke a narrutive of n troubled dream She d"scn)id an odd -looking gentle man whom she met fei the fiist time In the Hall of .lus'.ice. and who bought her orange juice end mi tidy in a drug store. "I drank the orange juice apd ate a llitle of the candy.'' said MNs .Mor gan fiem her pillow, "and then I h 'imp di..y. and the strange map helped me baek ie tli. ,cp and snid 'New you wilt semi le ,ti hell, where you d' ! set v te be sice Suicide Attempt Dei com ps and Dr Lucien L 'Waller, the hotel physician expressed the be lief thai the woman atiemtued spjctd Sl' vns a.niest fuin recovered thin iicirniiiji 1 1 is considered significant that she was found unconscious only an hone ne two nftet Captain Theodere H liny ward ' n was with the Canadian." ui Ft. .ii'c was summoned te the stand In the Sui" te testifi that army units te whnli Mi-s Morgan snid he wan at la., ml as ii :mrp d d nm PXlSl 'n icalitv i was Pen 1 1 l.eiisii.u unetner of K'it - eluerFeu', witnesses, who gave By I lie llatc. He the Al.l" M .ill iirriii'd In ie "h tlie Pans 1 1 t.i v Yerk teil.iy . wi.- pcmitted te land fn-.n the sti-nmiM- ih;s aftHi ii'.nn 'The 1'vn' !i poll) e. hewiwer. ins'sti'il lie must prom prem ise tin, i he wi .lid return te New erk en the P.itis no- t Metulnv Mei-" de'-'an'.! he was unuwaie his i' i ui W..sh,iigiiii .nigh' be dc s j i fi lii uniici-iiun with an ,uv -ligateon of hi ship contra, f- i miiI I.p wu liifei nie ! ,v wirib'sv lu-t night liial sv--val i.pcr.itiips f, ein 'lie Fn i- pelire de;i;r ' inellt wi'iv wniihlllj f"l 'lis ar I Mil li M"is. v ii.. i .I'.'l'd hi ,,' Pans in der tlie .in,'" "r ei-i". s.itd thi fef neon tl.ai In wis going Pari Pari fe a l.nln' v pi t ti t n In.t iI-m I" n ti lllle.l le I .'I nu te the I l.tcd S- IIP. short 1 Mr Mers.. deidiifPil Ii wtllingnps" te go lm. k te ihe 1 tiifil States In th' li".l letMlllllg steemsl)i. ' I e ii w 'il'uv -e t.i, ,iii Ae.e i ,. by ine tns, i) ,i, nc i l.n.fr -,, wile. Ihe riiiteil S.m I. -i, iii Afe'tn .' le told III" .r"c.p iidci.t '-ii 'pen. I t:, Phi . .irh i' i "' i i inn. i ..slihrt.i ii., ' , p. v , I'rei .eii,'i i,i tcittt'iii .! I ' ei'li W Mere ' ii.biiilib i and . naii'ier who aid. piI II. nie ..ihr en i'ip 'i",'ii. ,ip Pans. i,,,s !i...'n i ..,ics;. . ,,f t',.. F' in-'i fl'urri im ul b lb- An.irn ri !"',T e bv nfh nils ( 'en, id' 'i v lib .bis Linn r ( '"-iig' r g' ueral the Su : l inn" l.er.rd. .in inmii be, id I ,,s In i m' .- "I ..f tii n of e Vl" ' Nev li'iL I" I i f"IC l ' i 111 I M slllpl'ltlg .nil." I I l.H.ieii. - IlllelCPIII . Illlse1 fei I'll llillt I' H del. Mi "lllll. i l'l i .'W .l - HI I O ' I In I IP I la.'. 1 1 ( nl'invi l.c Ill) ,'1-U'll w d and ., . "i a m l" f. M -s h.ii -i.igjerid i up courtroom si if a I ic Arbu"kle special. .I ,n .. ai Higln i" ihe lintel i rrfimA t . ilrX "", you r,''i"lvp tn mattera cn- Premised. l w",l'h "" lmve lour verbal ami suc.-mI centimt with is a mnn0r(ler ,f) he1'1 MU'rci1 '"" tlen ?ir ' ',""V. lfl,IB" fre1" ntliltti- an .hi1 K'Bl't r the Ku KIun t mi , , tt"temiitK-ull carries with b 0.. n '!f,","n'1 H " lllj""l !ebli ""."foimentten dcpurtmeiit. Htsiiec-ttnlly yours, i,.. ' W. A'lKIN." hi : haIIn?kUC,, ""S stlU,-'''"i"t follow fellow H and n.n,"eu":wiij-nt from Atlanta that fek. no ,". ''V''""" T1"; " fjffj """ ".Ciifn nail Uei'ii ''h of Klmi-f. Downfall I If ii L i ttat i, ' ..'" "1IU" this Malcmenl se '" ii "?' : "1C f'W't tn f.. Wr7,,tef.rld::'',''' """ I n "Vi,m . ' "lux Ulin Hh nl'f.1,.kn,,'1'1 ?' Allnntii shortly after came le Philadelphia, lie left her once before two years age, but came buck when she forgave him. She Is willing le forgive hi ui new. she says, because of their children Says lie Wanted le M.is 'Tabb situj.gpil In walked te tbc stand She going twenix-fne miles tint th rl.v-tivc Mic Drive Car slieiiltlcis and s.iid she was an hour and it, lined that Clink was rough and tii n be bad wanted te drive her car te i .. i..u, .-... .....,. "", .",,.,,. f'!lv(,-k T ,. ih, net pel mil him she - ' u i " """ "" hnn..i i,,.,i ., (k. II s Forsi. oilier dealer. he I empleyes of tin n beard li.ul r.,e In", ii .',""" ChriM.,,1. ii.. was e.-'d su'cicnt'v - . resume wok. but e ie. ,e,"v-th. Mi- Tabb in the ,,,... j whet, the women -" he e ,, e be loom Th- defpndnn, in first refused le second tune weik suspended th" nun iii . i . -1..4 ii tit I nm iMilfin i !.. Illlil It I I' I I IlM IIIIIUII I llll I III '' i", ..i..- ti ii... ..,. itiftnifwl flinl Minll- All. AMiriUU (III iipi imim ii'um-i Ce c In an w'n- Charles .1. Pemmer. , the .ludge 'himself would fan' the "Where Is he'f ' Ihev asked .Ne crowded galleries this iili-'iii'-'ii . n- one seemed te Un-w se they said thp.Viquir.es wiv refpircl te 11 I. White. would leek him up and left. . of the Thiify-hrst Ward .,nd who is In the hall eui-idp Director Cavnn s i,ted u. a .sccretarv ui "" your. ullii-. nnether . .nsultollen wns held. Willi cuples the plu e hitherto held and then thete v ,is another charge en i, a weuuiii empleye of il nl. who the office of the Be.ud of Bevisien of jnesum.ibly bus been sin '"d ... one of the liiniiniernme etner pi i c- i'i'ih'i fet en th" payroll in much STATE PM'US'-iTS EXCEED ,. REVENUE BY S8.729.276 ". and ' amis ,i an 1 .. .f, n- it i i Kii I'-. ie "O 1. .1 -I ,g.,M berey . " w a pehi police aserteii env " Mrs aid. was thai si ..ml snul il' sfirv . had sjicnt she th" her bs- 30 Was tS !I : r.sl res. Ii P. -s Morgan were '! be sirtffri bell' Mi8 in alie i norm 'en nin "il i.) is Dpi fa"i ann i i 'nblr ad .1 nienihli al'i'waii'e "i s";in., and. u- tin mete was due i. mil .lain in. she ought eniplewnent in the W I residi'in ,i a nin id i" Tines Again Suspend Werk Dunne f hi ir Visit te the Muyei ,,v ne inn- w. . '"s , .....,.. ,,., m,.r lhls Mll(m. P"C Z'J, Z bench Us,.,,, nnd we have n, go. any satisfaction. "'.. ..... ,"c. ..,...,. .,.i .... ....... .. i H. we came b.K1. niraln In see if we I! " , ' ' . '" " Kir V nd "an gel some ,.,sce." said u wen.nn a. linef coin ci sat ion -vlth hei 'Then she I th and Feisi went bm I. le the mngisiuu elllci line vvheip 1 1n- le.iil'ci dealer paid lb" lead of the battalion The asset.seis ipueied them enough te vvhnt ceur-e .ludge Blown miliar le theirs m tin Itharnein,. ;,'.,"" u;,"'ls '"de en ilu lttith .; '" ,.'" leaitPl's nt AI iint.i I lt .;, ,. " l u" u'."-. '-iU nnvt,,K,t.J ceu,,l "" miderstniid MM In rni,V, . "'".(,r uumnn could per uen ine ??alni t In rem i "".0r Nu,,nni1 l'"'d per- ill as I8 '" " rl'N'nn"iule posl pesl w thai ii. J' "''"I'l'-'l wlmn llfey .," lllIU their nemlstii.i.... : WQininrr .. .. .-...-,. ,,,,v IN p., ,).. - V ,irllll,'B "" '"uauizatien r,KnM wonderful nesslliiiitinu tCatlniVn".!!.' '.", b!!" 'inillilly thai the .. . -v I LITTLE "JOHNNY" IS CERTAIN DR. LORENZ WILL CURE HIM And lie Is Only Onv of Many Who P,in Their Faith te "Blood less Surfieen." U' he Will Come te bumarium Hospital s "(if ie, use. 1 iii going ie get well, said a ipsnluip nm p. "tin' hg soldier is tiling IO Clll'e II, c 'l'i... I. ss f thi vast liiiib Is slN-vcar-ebl li.hu Med. nly. of 2120. North Fifteenth el reel, and his trust is indicalivp of ihe fimh here in Dr. Adelf l.eien. llic "bloodless surgeon," who will he al Ihe Siiiuai Itun llespltal. Bieud and Wi liuereland stieels, some lime in the ue.t few weeks Little .Inhii was dicssed in a sailor Mill ii ml as he sal i chnii in ihe walling loom ai th" hospital today. iuil'p. i.i'sn was writ ten en his fu. He is iui-f" one of some bundled and lil'l.- l iii Ja- i liial. lied hei pic In her i bin A diuwil down ever inesl eeinplelelv , was butt. en u iee pink kl, lied l.h '" hei e.iis. i "vei ii. al - her huh k et iin un lii-'ht h.lir I' lereni e w:is Inn n v,l,l (lull fee, inn I when oilier children imhiIiI be wuveiiug uncerlainly , holding mil" i hairs fur siippeil, lhls bnbv w.is u'l i hnwllug Her iiielher wus .lend .mil bet fit t lift . mil, I nut be located Se she wa udepi -cd al the age of two months bv F.dwi i Ben-tie. who declares he weuldn I c changc her for all the wealth in Hie world He had braces tunile for hei and sll" manages te travel an uneven ami uncertain course, lull Hie putlei e. White Said In Ivuew 1 rieretefelP M.' Merrow ni u.id the duty of finding '-in from ni.etieis what thci dene of the .lllilgp .'I.I .ul Isltlg flip .ludge whether he uiiitt ' !' talk for ptlbllcniieii However. n" i.perleis were iif', red tn Mr WI who. half nn hour later politely .nm .need that the .ludge was net being interviewed, uei would he say vvhethet h. would ap pear before Council. And Mi. Merrow fvnnlclv confessed thill In d d nel knew w "tiiii tiihe. nltliniiirb It was intimate, clsewliuri that Mr. While prebalily di ' knew. Incldcniullv. it Is this .amc Mr. White who lias aroused ' "ppi'slllen of pnliticians Net lieeaus. et anything lie inuv Ii.ivp iIeiip. but I "HUM' the appointment te the S2."(in pi""' was net accorded some ilpservtng iielltlclnn's lollevver. 'The pnllili inns 'in thai fudge Blown would de well le leek te his fences and give them a few jobs If lie does nel wen! ihe pavtell cut Mr. White was api' nii'd en the j teeomniendalien of ili'iy W'haiten I Pepper, politicians &nv tii.d in the next breath n.l. what ward Mr 1'pp per cent roll, or wh.it wnn! lie r' presents in the City Commit tee 'They -uy that Mr Pepper has no id, Imti'-i ' con cen btlluencv te serve and i hoi of., -i . why slieuld he be given a phi"' aud a s2,')00 plnce at thai'.' Meanwhile Mr ll..,er n d ngging forth his best tttminti' - and c.i:erly an tielputlng the answering of In- ques. tleniiulre In the Cem i WON'T NEED BLOODHOUNDS "'S??:. V '"..I" ',' " : ... ' l . P f-nt-l-.. tl... mm,... of baby feet is llllll.lllO II'I'-I'IUU .'" ' ' " lm cn l AuMiiiin singceii Sunn' Willi',, nel heard In her home. Instead, thei. Is a clump, i lump, us the metal hiiuc siiv that house siiine neighborhood hns recently sold ler $2,100 nnd have been renting for S2."i u month. One of the nssosers wus told enough te tell them their assess ment should leallv be raised te $2000 and they were lucky te grt oil nl $l."(i(i Up was net tniurcd. Finally the women decided :hei bad better fellow iii-truclicns nnd till mil appeal blanks Severn "f iliem did while Ihe ethers "didn't lul. no sleck" in appeals. 'Thev wauled justi. p" lliev said. Due nf the questions le be :uisvciei in tilling eul tiic blanks is "what could h.ii -ell veir, house fei ?" One of the weurii who wus filling out a blank s(,u everybody make n Sl.'tlO " One of the assessors again ip uiiuded them thin oilier houses in then iipighbnrboed had sold for $2,100. "Wp don't line anything uheni iliul." was the ii'idi, and uf ler ihe I links weie hi1,, I ni l bey all lett. slill shouting 111, ii ilav wauled "ris- i nc lneiig the women in inecrewil wire Mi, .leniiie tlngg 11" Du'ly stieet. Mis. Mi.rv Brliinerheltz, 124 'Tiee street. Mis. Flotence .lennlngs. h:i Robbers Who Stele Italian Cheese Daly stteei; Mrs. Anna Pnllltl, H7 .. .. . F,. . ,,. Dnli stieet; Miss Man Itewun. Mil Should Be Easy te Trail Tree xiii'i't ; Llizabeih Barlels. IDS Duly ' Bobbers walked off with S'.uil worth stieet, aud Mrs. Walter Beuuiiigteii, of Italian i bees, early this morning Daly street from the Italian liutcliei s,0j, 0f ,-suseneci ii.hiiiie, i.u l.iiswerth Mi- e, I. who loin tue. was hi r, lasi Mi i 'in similar tin Any .be is a k "iiteiua . leu.-" ! ie ' ii" AW I ' ofteiPi! te restore ll," i pay for them been ma, ru'd ' in ("In. c:e '. 'The poll' p SIip was i o e liPr husband mi nrttelps or P.n -in t -Tl-e. - 1 i VPIIl'v V ' 'Tl e.,n.i i i ei bi'ie and " S1PCI1. ' n . . . oie, . . I.- . Hill. 1 12 2H The i II- Ml "I- ' s's2.T2l.i;v. :. n lb" pi. "I V i, "ti w a k ITS I ' - I'. 71 2 i "ii "" .if er in I ' u .1 i 1 1 n I ,,(p- , - In ii ,i I r i 'cd I ir EXTRA .I.VA' JU.XNKR ROBBED OF s:000 .17 777 AiD CALLOW FULL STS. ii IIMIWOI II' . Willi. uu "V iy, of 710.J WoeiUtocit ntu '. by tl; C.du'iibi.i n v uuc Tiut Cuinpnay. TJ e , bui u 'iii. w.i.s livlil ui' and loblieil et ab'ni' s i r.Wi': tliis .tuiuoeu at Lie v nth .uul Cal ..k'.i w 's tli ii.iyiull of the Uichiii.iu Ln," i".l vii.tl' stitf-t. Giuy lliul sti'pi, ; ' il -l.'iMid, 'hvtP men yet out, ,u i i , ..Pli thi cm: of a 0uu. Hi is n , Xeit'.i .lU'e . il.. -4.n t :i i ' uiiii . i mnl iyi il '. .i'id Ci'i.uu- .tOOO ..: tly li-t'ei. ,.wi . , 1 Is Till . .. C ,. i. , ,,u '-. ' .' i w K Jl ,ii, lii'n . i . i ' i u. ;. i I W ,1' ni i i - ... I i , s, ( " Mia s , 'u i a eris , i ei .". i. field of 'i 'lie I liwnr'.nitiyl i-"i Fan- , w'li ii . I,; The i " ' ' a n. a- .i 1, ' i i t di fe i.f The ii j, t al i-. pens l e n ' i" makp a ' i " u f .' " e'gnnii ' I"'i i"' 'ii.!' their I 'i M i. e- et h elid i.nn 'V n i i i' i piesiiiiipi 'en of i- I .. I lie w 11, !l lie ije 'i,,,.:c'l H 'he ctiintP of 1 II blU''itt JalMJlLd. I i .In an' - " nknu tbieugh An , An " i" v FriPdman he ap ' ' lei ne urv . It i I. ii nnd .11 Ins w-lt ii,i,s "I" ' i - " ,ei ng ttdilrpss of tbn was b i-il i ng Fain blinself ,iiulil 1 1 i' uibei ,i till thp day He si), through it with lilt i I . , . . I ",il I mi. 'l l III. I e r.l mi.w .... ... i. , i.l u. h... ... -......,-,, , )-.r.i Ulit-.....' '"Wlllll lllllllir Clllrl... en. I ..,, I....I. ...... ,,,l .l.ll ,,lliei' ee 10 inXbctct.i M, !i',r"",i"11l,'l' ,'l-1- wick is kept busy writing down lumen . (,son ,.(l11,,.,. th,. big nian' ' "'""v H'-J'" "l sl,,'"k '' the , net learned lse.iliinm,,; ,.',;, 'Vi,.'.",", i,',,,1 ,,,ll,i' "d nu.king mil ills for Dr. I...- u wli,' milk ,1PI. wnk MrK,t " A I"'' "" cnii'Uleti. as apulied te tulver- Bosarle's shop was entered al sonic Iku" M' 'U-1 1 ill ''! "" "'""'h ,MI "'I'ubli band held the linger of her ':""' " nn '',,(.''lr0,;s V!"""',n!' ni? ,r "e between 1 .-. I :. 0 . lock th,- ,,.. " .e v!;,:,,,.::;:::, jy,,- t; , ... ,. -Xf ., ww ., , m,. se,,,,,, iiv.. viSH-tUisr1 nVrv'iSa ai vt r,h,h; t-jU irls" as 4U, W..Si3 Sf C,nM.nvr.Zr,Jrirr TTS' " t0 I lale'ce?, h' Wt the """ 1? COLLECTS FOR 12 HUSBANDS MERCHANT HANGS HIMSELF Weman Said te Be Drawing, Many Federal Allotment Checks Chicago. Dei 2 i Iiv A. P , At least twelve husbands who served In the uinn ei uaw .ire iieiUted le Mis. Helen Dicxler. of Wankem. Ill . the cl.aiiipieu cnllcct'ii of (ievernuienl nl nl let ins ill i hecks, acceiiiing te Federal U lit Int 1 1' I s who hid hei 1 tl cisel to day . Slu s a Ii giil wnn bavins murr.cd hiiib.ulds Iren, nam different pun- nf """ S siimv the country, divorced none and re- "f 'he tnnnli celved appreximately $400 a month from 80tU0 mentlm tne iievernment Mr ine last three jenrs, 1 think of WHITINd m" of a u. nn wp" wniiteil in fight or im ii it' 1 wl" in ub: de either at aev n -'nut withei.' -.ri'iig formal notice i i nn body Ai ,hai t'liie Ii. op l uxnn wan paw nig into uii'enM iiiimnem nl the Olift Hniel Bm li'dmnn knew nethlni; tif ili.il. no "ii" did and hi didn't npnre in , liaiin M' Nub bad mken te bit f. r for Ihe heginn ,,g of the counter up:, ul whin sump ,ip slinpeij a nete te "dilien ('"lien M'Nnb's nsheciate Thp note said thnt Miss Mergjn had been nedi was found hail--' I'oiseued presinnflb.j In District At t a pc'diiip vvaieliiniM. teiiiev Brady s men and that she wni uying 'The Vex liuniniiu 'Tremelo New. it Happened. hut McNab had begun by pulling the vex human. e all the way out. Ha made no effort te imltatu Friedman and use plk)t "-"i-t i r rur. Cclninn Bnt Bedy of Harmen Ballinger Found in Mull.ca Hill Warehouse Mulliia Hill N. ).. P.. 2 Ilu, Il'en Itiillillgei il . ,,l III I -1 . ' 1 1 ne i, iiiin, killed himself n . ei.'ay during v hut th,, family lielicv. wa- a hi of ti mpernrv Insanlti Mr Bulln.gi'i iug in tin lnfi An"d In I Mi P.illuig'i Biil'ni'Pr. hi- (i, ether ni" hfti s v. ,ir- ..Id , I widow M hers i ' be had been ill for r- ';S -a'Trfj M n3 'iii a hi -4 ffi n M m -vl 4 in i ... f Mkii- MA '. fctfS. .iwttih,- & wMs. .-.