PW VntyV'?1 'WiBJBp.-'lT? - ' w"'wwu',y,"JWS ':,jn&, TT . 1 ,y IV t S HI It m if.t ' f Yeu Must Net Shew Your Knees, East Central Field ! Y. W. C. A. Council Rules 12, "" , . ... j: . IjlliH SCHOOL GK, I "t rsecMONTiiP::;.! irw tar- ' '"-1 Kir '.. - ? -I JS EYEKlHq PUBLIC . LEDGR-PiHIIADELPHIA) THtrpSDY, DEeklBEB 1, lD31 r f . "v. ' ' - CHARY OF PERFUME Ne uecks for lilsli M'lifpel clrN' , Ne powder for sliiiij nut in public, Ne perfume. .Tficflc are n few of tlie reenmmrmln reenmmrmln reenmmrmln tlops'ef the Hisli Scheel I'minell. mmle public today by the Knst (Vntrnl Klehl of the Y. W C. A., in its llt of Per sonal Stnnlnrli for HirIi Sehrnl (JlrN ' Tlie council linx cempl oil n mile nn -erlng hrnltli, tires, iliuiirri, , m luet and honor. Seme of tlie liea'th r"C"niiiiriiil,itin are: Oct nn nu'rnse of eight lieur- -lui' per night ev'crj week. ,Edt wholesome fend three times a day nt i c ilar intermix. Drin' sij. glasses of water or mill; daily. AVcnr lemp o'ethlng uid low-Iieeled. round-teeil l.cps. ltemev( damp h tlnii;; . -"en n possible. )jXci'rlM en1 of d'ei .it n a-t 1 in hour iliiilj . Jlnthi fine iiil! . Itr11p.l1 teeth pnipcrl) twin- ihul.t . l'eis-db.v meie mall m in...; , will be Interest" 1 In thi'lr ilot.ies 1I11111 in their Iienlth. I'll? Ceuiiell re minuend na te dress : "That became the adoption of n simple form of dress hti prmetl Mitf Mitf factery, we reeemmend it continua tion. "That the proper eienin; dre for girls nt IiIrIi school age he dvilned a ' one havliiK Keine leeves and :i mod erately low netU, bin k and fient. Knees Must Net Sliew "Thnt ina-mueli ik wi U- r.innet be worn without the Knee -hewing, we recommend thnt the le net worn 1: jjirls of high MlioeL ae. "That we adorn a imnle form of hnlnirexN, fellow ins the yeneiul con tour of the head, eliminating film j combs for school, extreme sjm curl". xapKerated pnlT- or itremelj liich-liiiii drevi and ntuttni;;. "That the - of i net ap propriate for a hiuh tIi i I mil. "That pewdir. Millit lent te nnime the shine from the fine i" inmi lilc, but sheuhl net be applied 111 iiufiln " Tlie council l asaliiKt i'viwiu1 Jewelry, beiicvim; that at 1 he ,1 iw xirl Mheiild wear mere jewelry tlmii a TVrlbt watch, 'choel or -iiit pin- or simple pins Midi a bar pin-, and 11 simple rini;. UiitMde of school, how ever, she ma wear 111 addition te thee adornments a nuklau', pins and two rings. Fathers will perbnp- be iutoretod in the section en "linanc." It i- rooum reoum roeum mended that each sir! tn te git an allowance, and that he tr te -tn. within its 1 iuid" bj Ui'i'piiii; a poi -senal budget. Wallop for Dad Appended te tliev re'omiiietidations ! a "note," however, whl, h nun make some fathers Mine. It -.ij-.. "An aer B;c, taken from answers itivinr; nn hp hp hp proximatien for the ie"t of foecl, cletli -. inp, laundry, lout, recreation educa tion, health, ihaiitles and sundries f.,r one year for a IukIi il strl lunu at lieme approimate 1100." There arc soaie mteif"t ns fei eiu mentlatieiis aNe about fun lu t UirN dheiild hear theuie'cs n a qui't. dig nified manner. a- net te nfraet at tention." It i" recommended xa I that the girls fellow the meilt "t.mdard l" dancing alreudj 't n tle euani.ati"ii and "make ever? effort 10 iiupre, tli. standard for diincin in inn -, I. e's " .j. The (J rls' Ceuiuil and its number" "stand for proper 1 1 11 1 nagi- at all affairs." f 1 DREAMLAND jiDVENTURES "The Four uta" nx iiAimv (Jtirk, Janet anil Dame Instinct, techlng a summer bird thnt 11 sinning ficlif songs in the autumn icueth, nam te sraich Jlnckcc Chipmuck's buriew. Dame Imtlnct turns them mill hir basket into nuts, ichich Hackee Chipmuek stuffs into Aii mouth, carrying them down his hole. ) n twisting path nml when he stepped nnd took them from hltr1 nieuth, tliy found they were in n dark pewngewny. "New he will cat tin," though Jeck mid Janet. "Hackee Chipmuck lint, brought UH down Inte his hole whom lm I enn feiixt upon un nt his- ease." 1 Het Hackee Chipmuck had no idea et least lis upon thcni then. He In tended te store them nwny in his cellar where he could lind tiieni should lie awoken from ,N winter sneeze nnd wnnt n little lunch before going back te sleep again. Se he carried them one h one te the farther end of the dark pan sageway, nild there he piled them upon ether nuts and grishw of wlient nnd ClIAl'TEIl IV Jn Hackee's Storelieiisc TJUW (I004 It feel te be a nut in the -LJ- pouch of n busj chipmuck? Well, Jack and Janet, who hud been turned into nuts by Dame Instinct, and who then had been gathered by Hackee Chipmuck inn his pouch, found they didti t lune nny fceiiMK, nt all. That is because they were nuts, and nuts de net have any nerves te carry pains mid aches and discomforts te the brain. ., T,hey ,'.,"nv ,,,nt k "H l'rk in Hackee Chipmuck's pouch ami that thev were crowded cloe together, hut thi' were net at nil 'iincoiufertiible. Hackee Chipiuuck carried them down kernels of corn, ifnctca Chipmuck wea n thrifty animal and he had n big utore of feed upon which te live In com fort when Old Man Wlnlcr came Nwecplng ever the land with bis icy blizzards. After he bad put Ihcm en bis pile, Hackee Chipmuck frisked nwny te gnther mero nuts among the fallen leaves. Wlicn he was gene Jack and Janet felt their hearts sink lower than ever. It was cry gloomy in tlie storehouse. Indeed, it wjis junt like dungeons the had read about In their story books. Wouldn't it be nwful If they had te stay there for weeks or months? And bupdebIW Hackee Chipmuck should ncycr want te cat thctn wlint wptiltl happen then? They were nuts and they knew nuts were the seeds el trees. Would they grew Inte trees'; That might be better than being eaten by a chipmuck, but neither Jack 1101 Janet wanted te be n tree. They would much rather be children, and be able te piny nreund nnd go where they pleased. They were sorry Dame Instinct had j turned them into nuts. 1 While they were thinking this thev 1 heard n wlilspcry voice speaking. It was saying: "Hickory-nut, wnlnut, Ilnzcl-nnt, peanut. Chestnut, beechnut, lilg nut, little nut, Preste! Change! Here is no nu !" And when the whlspcry vnlte Intel finished Hi ng this, the nut that had been Dame Instinct vanished, nnd in Hf place was a charming jeung fairy. This charming jeung fairy repeated the same words tucr the wheel-less auto, and lu, the wheel-less atlle turned into a long, round underground nule, shaped much like n submarine. And the charming fnlry repeated the irJicii- u.1.4 i.wJ Tnli inMil ItA I1II1J..UI nurais evur niitu mni ew uineipir.te a chipmuck boy, nnd she repeated tlietn ever Janet and Janet bceaiiie a chin muck girl, "Thnt is another of my magical ' tricks," laughed the charming young fairy. Then ns Jack nnd Janet stared nt her she laughed ngnin. "Ycs," ski said. "1 am Dame Instinct, nnd I nm net a 1H tle old woman. Yeu knew a fnlry godmother can take nny shape ht wants te, nnd she con be just as old ni she plcasp'i. Cotne new, and we will give Itiukce Chipmuck the surpri&e of his life." Jes. K, Davisen's Sens, Inc. Jewelers Japanese Pearl Necklaces $5.00 te $10 Remounting A Specialty MIDI I, It lt V AltltAS BAHAIST LEADER DEAD Abdul Baha Abbas Passes Away In Syria In 78th Year Londen. Dec 1 - Abdul ltahii Abba". Ii mil r of tlie Ilabai movement, died at Unit. 1. Srii. Mendii, aw Hid ing te a li"patili tn the Tlme, Abdul liahit wn Inn H in Teheran, I'Ms-li. in 1SII, The iniKimetlt of which ! ii" bailer has as Its aim world iiluieiis unit Tlie lt.ihui In liei ! -n nt te lie that universal peace l pessili .. unh through harmeii of all religions. The Itahal"ts tendi that all religions an basicall ene: tlint ' Tcieniiw in them have arisen through the ciiriuptlens of thoelog and dogmas. Alwlnl r.iihn lis-ltisl the I'nited Stales in l!ll lie was the third of tin tin eadeis df ltnhnlMit I'er many venrs lecausp of his teat hlngs Abdul Italia wis a prisoner of the Turks and l'er-"latis. A Recent Importation of the Finest Grade Charming Gift for Yule-tide wv. win.ceMi: comiahisen 210 Se. 13th St. .. .,.,. tl, lBil(,(l i gnj n . . mm u mm N m m Give Your Hair A Treat! Remember, your hair is human. And like all things human it will respond te care. Se, fuss with it, Like it Give it a treat A treat that will make it respond in Viger Fragrance Beauty The hair treat incompar able ED.PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC The original French Eau de Quinine, exquisite; to day as trustworthy as it was a hundred years age. American Impert Offices ED. P1NAUD Bld4. NEW YORK y -y Ufefah 'uT:imiuc Mann a Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET MEN'S DEPARTMENT B USY men have no time te waste what thev Imiv trfv must tnnu- will be absolutely right in all respects. MEN'S OVERCOATS Of Scotch nnd English fabrics in all weights. Made te order, BUT READY-TO-WEAR in models thnt have a cut that is unusual und here only. CRAVATS NECKWEAR European and Demestic makers are new furnishtnc fabrics that are new nnd of the right qualities all our purchases are confined te us. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Fer immediate needs or for Christmas Gifts our stocks never were as complete. HYLAND UNION SUITS Perfection in underwear comfort is certain irrespective os te your size. HYLAND is here only in this city. SWEATERS, VESTS & JACKETS A new importation of Scotch nnd English wools in beautiful colorings e much in demand for the holiday tensen. PAJAMAS NIGHT SHIRTS All our Pnjnmas and Night Shirts are made in our workrooms proper fabric - size nnd finish are the requirements before the price is made. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET W Pre- k s Inventory Sale 1 of Used Cars 1 Lmi 28th te Dec. 10th M The Standard of the World Our entire stuck of Cadillac cars and cars of ether makes has been repriced te very low values en account of taking inventory. We are devoting all of our showrooms for the next two weeks te the sale of USED CARS ONLY. Where else can you get at the price, even in a lesser new car, the matchless meter car qualities these resale Cadillacs new en our floors offer? The prices of these resale Cadillacs are excep tionally low. Their performance, se little does usage affect the Cadillac, will remain the smooth, buoyant and dependable performance which Cadillac owners prize beyond words, for thousands of miles te come. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Open Evenings CADI L L Phene, Spruce 0210 A C nMn nwnMnMri m nwnMn nnnM n r-i u founded in 1865 Tlie Hen se that Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1&81 C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th 6c Thompson Streets The New Victrela Records at Heppe 's Today Come in te Heppe's today and hear the new December Victrela Records. We have large, com fortable booths and every accom modation for your convenience. If you de net own a Victrela be sure that you buy a genuine Victor Victer Victor Victrela. De net accept an imita tien. If it is net a Victor-Victrela it is a disappointment. Heppe's sell Victor-Victrelas exclusively. jjgPfBpTj Baby Grand Pianos de Luxe We doubt if there is another such group of Grand Pianos under any one reef in America like the group which we are fortunate te represent. Nete the names: Here you find the Masen & Hamlin which, while it is the highest-priced piano in the world, is really net costly when quality of tone is considered. We offer also, exclusively, the celebrated Weber, the Steck, the H. C. Schemacker, the Edouard Jules and our Heppe Grand Pianos. (Settlement may be by cash or charge account or by the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan.) Prices: $695 te $2500, The Due-Art Reproducing Piane At last, here is a piano which will reproduce piano music as a Victrela reproduces violin or band music only there is one point of superiority the Due-Art reproduces en a piano. The work of the world's greatest pianists can be enjoyed in any home. Bargain Department Used Pianos and Player Pianos We have many ex cellent values in ex changed and rebuilt pianos a n d player pianos. Each instru ment is guaranteed for five years and ex changeable at the full price paid any time within one year. Chickering $180 Park cabe , uoeil tone Weser Bres. $185 Mahogany cate , geed (one Steinway $195 IMnln UarU case geed tone Heppe $295 .Slightly used , in.ilieK.inj Cecilian ? $390 Mahogany cube , geed tene Harrington $490 88-nete plaer. Almeit new ; eued condition Victrelas $25 te $350 Cash or en time The Supreme Development of the Piane Industry The Due-Art contains all of the famous genuine Pianola patents and in addition contains the new patented features which enable it te "reproduce" actual performances. The Due-Art is made in only the Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock and Stroud pianos all en sale at Heppe's. . Prices from $895 up Rental Payment Settlement Accepted rrrrr'rvrrrrrrv'if'r'rrrrr? lT Mail Thih Coupon for Full Information CI llpnnpJrnti I Howntevwi II IT- ID Chestnut ) .J.iieppeaS0nL-I)tewI16,n & Thompson Sts.Jrhlla. Without any obligation en my part please send full information about (mark X below): 0 Pianos 0 Player-Pianos 0 Victrelas n m n n n n n n N n s That Heuse en Your Hands MANY THOUSANDS OF WAYS TO SELL IT n n n n n n n M n The quarter-million daily circulation of the Public Ledger gives you a service that's quicker and surer than radio or telegraphy. Each copy opens a WAY te sell your property. Within a few hours we can send your announcement speeding en its way. kind-jJsT ONe!S JUS' "e f thC PrP It's your "one best bet" for the day. Play it. The growth of our real estate advertising is keeping pace with the remarkable growth of the paper. Have you noticed it? Don't waste time in scouting. Come te the MARKET PLACE. . Phene your ad te our Real Estate Classify Department. Bill will be mailed later. UaSSlfied Bell . Walnut 3000 KeysteneMain 1601 n n n n n n n 0 n n a MnBnEn0BnninMnMjinMaR J i I. 12-1.21 .: lif'.4.J,i. I- i