" ''f mf ' R- ' V VWftzaaabza I- JFAM.. i ! ; ,c i 1W HfF (V -in - -.I,, -v .v Paul and By nELENA A Lessen nfluttcr with et TTRGIJsIA was all 3 V excusable oxcltemcnt. She glanced SXer the third time nt tlie cnp,ravcd in vitatien te tnkij ten with Mrs. Vincent, and sighed n she surveyed her own liv ing room. She half envied Muriel Stene, her old school mate, who had married the wealthy young telen el n fashionable family. Virginia's eyes rested upon the heavy suite of damask up- ''bolstered furniture in her own best IrToem, and wondered ldlv what Muriel Vincent would think If Virginia re- .turned the hespltnlfty thnt was new extended te her. Perhnps Muriel would "nllw linn TVrliann nhi m!;rht rven I'm, ell -ft Vifc,inl'1 " ? i.P 'niwrnt Tuder fireplace In rthe HUle home leek ltke r"nd , lrned low; and there w 1 Virginia sighed again nnd gave her 'elf a final survey in Ihe mirror, llrr jnunty little feathered tcxiue ccrtainl.v Hooked beautiful, crewnlnj Virginia'"! vwivcr beiu'i '. " i ,"" !''" occupied the indite eC the mom no trait, with Its deep cellar and ciiffs j fl , exprnMXP n, virKinli' Way squirrel, vvn urn en ably i w . , livi,.roem nMf nt home. 6n the There wnsn t a bit of the pr g In Mr- f ,, r , wlnil(nvs wrP me,,. .fclnla, but she vvn, rnthw Mtl'iW tt-nt , t b d ,, ,,, .,,.,, Jen. inhe- looked fashionable, even if her , Uoemedf nnil upon the walls were Mack beaded bag was a little Mt hn)f ,lezCn prints-rather poky sub Rumpled and frayed. jPCfH Virglnin thought and no rlgn I Muriel lived in the fnMiionnble a enr. f h ,rhnPM ,, limir wlllch the 3cleh Courts, which had been built b Vlnrpnt llMf ,mien ,Rht command. Tier rich father-in-law, nnd as lrglnia jkvalked sedately Inte the larse leceptien Hut Virglnin enjnjed her afternoon Shall, a reception hnll beamed ami wain- thoreughlv, and while sh was urprlsed scetcd like some storied cloister, she , at the nvdeM collation that vi siTve, Jr.eglstcrcd a mental prepliccj thnt n .hc wns delighted with Muriel' friends. jbutlcT, pcruaps In Knee tireeriie ana Vwith white silk leg, would take her I csrd. 41 Quite te the contrary. A ninl'l In ia modest black uniform mlled in jjfriendly fashion nnd Indicated a bright -jittle niche where Virginia might pow pew Uler her nose. Frem a room beyond came She modulated hum of women's veics. 'lnd presently Virginia stepped through !the French doers and ieund herself in long, narrow room. "V'hy, rny dear. I'm ee please.1 thnt jjetl cam?. .winel was tne same mu jigrecable Muriel, but VirginU was a' Through a Weman s Eyes By JEAN NEWTON 7 Didnt De said I i 1 naven t none aujiimiK, T' a,b lmeKntirl lnnrl Pt iill co elt I "" " '"1" . "- . - .-. ,r. - - - , nr. n tnntrum What's the idea? , And he hndn t. lie had net neateu jer abused her in any way. lie did net filrink nor pay attention te ether women. JIc did net btny out nights did nm 'even come home Inte te dinner lie 'fnever went out alone, nor with Janet ''cither, come te think of it hut that is 'nnethcr matter. And lie urn net even tfl-j fn..n ni ..niiru. everv one would ' "say that he had no caue te: but men Jde anvwav, sometimes. . , 'n Jim' is nuite satisfied with Janet. f.ei,- .i.r. n i,.,m(i nnd lines her work I rand ahvajs bus n corking geed meal for 'T.l I.J U. .nin ,lil tin 1 PfV ( economical makes her own clothes nnd It i- net tie brightness and the fun 'even lovely shirts for Jim at leub thau she misses that hurts her most, but half of what it would wt te buy them. I what tins indicates te her. Even if ilChat is hew Jim manages te -ae se jeu are quite satisfied. Jim. te stay nt nuch out of his salnrv. Then Janet is home eerj night In the week, she ean "interested! in his work and is always! net help feeling that you should think ready te hear him talk nnd help him oct.i-ienalh of making her happy and 'think about If. She has been a mightj de something for the simple reason thnt geed little wife and I guess Jim 'knows It ' S But new. all of n sudden. Janetne, " XUI. 11U. itll '. .-H....W,, ....... (off en a tantrum ami Jim can't u .stand it because he hasn't da under- one a thing! , , Ne, Jim, you haven t. It is net what you have done that is bothering Janet but what jeu hae net done. The fact that she Is net subjected te abue Is net sufficient te make n woman happy. Jim. Even a hi.sbnnd who is obiieuslj 'contented nnd satisfied with one i- net enough. It takes a little brightness, n .;ltln .il. n Kttln snipe nm'n in ll wiiilui; i v.vk , ...v.. r' - ?-.l.ll n mtv nrnnnrb ulttl hfillSevXerk fen.i .miinmr nnil ilnliii? the same thins' teverv day. 'why after that one belongs te him hn A VVlien'jeu wxre courting Janet, jeu i should become cemplncent and careles 'took her te the theatre nt least enre n , and be surprised if he finds her un 'wcek nnd veu brought her candy and happy because he "hasn't done a flowers. Veu did this for a while l thing!" The Weman's Exchange -i - Wnere There Is Varnish iTe the Editor e ll'omen's Pafff Dear Madam Can you p-.nt a-J-hlng din the column that is geed for removing .varnish from heme-epun linen? I tried coal oil without any results. IllS. 7- V. Put ammonia en the stains and then , prlnUle with a little turpentine,. I,oue this en for about urtcen minutes, or , lenirer If necessary, and then wash with ' eeap and water Te Clean Oil Paintings ffe t Editor et Weman's Page. Dear Madam I ha' two oil pamt Jlnits that would be made, attractive if Weaned. Would be ier much ebllu'ed , Jlf you can tell me. through the woman s 'exchange. MriO t. A. , Meisten . plece of absorbent cotton ' Jwlth a little soft water and rub it gently "Tver the palntlncs Then apply a lulu loll en mere cotton and wip it all or .the Picture If these are Nalunble p.iln' llnms It would be better and safer te sj-nd them te nn expert, ns it Is oulte pesNlhl. iSTirt them with unskilled methods Hnu'ever If 10U apply the moistened ."tten vy carefullj. It should net hurt 'ithe paintings WHATS WHAT 5 uurlng the wur, and for a long time Afterward, various tin ift seeletleH Bomid Bemid rcd the slogan, "Cleuti the plute . 'meaning that every particle of feed en atne plate muni w cuicn e..j ...-.. Il.l. ' . i,u .l. InlnnMlnna iirura liin.Jr. exrtiiln wnr-tlme Injunctions were tobeyed te the letter en meatless days. Vlien cerium wiir-ume iiijuiw..w.. etc . iv 'ii'l mm ii u " I ". ill' 11 ,. .- I e Klfr ? ' -" ' " fther win se ltttle left te cat th.it it was ' 2ie trouble te leave the plate empty 1 ""4"'r,. ....... - . .i..i . ,i ;,r (Ana new ini " " iv'"t. "" . hard times, family providers may find it iWlse te repeat the thrifty slogan once fniore as a ineusuru of economy i Yet, whateer small frugalltlefl may llie pruptlccd w.thln the family circle, It in net In geed taste te attempt te "clean Ithn Plate" nt any social gathering, iiWher there Is nit abundance of feed I -vlrvtd it JoekB greedy te devour every- i crumn, an tne ainsr in i delnr. i "Ke itlua Virginia IIOVT GRANT in Luxury I little Mart'cd te observe that Muriel uns gowned iu a plalli, umccerated afternoon frock that could be dupli cated in the ready-te-wear shops downtown for $25. And there wnsn't a jewel en Muriel's hands. Nothing but the plain platinum circle that had been placed tliere when sh" liecatne Mrs. incent Net even the beautiful square emerald en gagement ring that had glittered there like n cerpent's eye. But this phnck was nothing pared te what followed. Th room was furnished in an almost fcketehj manner. True, there was u which fut legs us a pncelr-8 tiipctry en the walls above the lire place. Tint the furniture was a cry or dinary ricmMi oak and Virglnin had ahaw thought of oak as being In ter ribly bid aste and the table which who vermeil ( Mna. e interested anci se tremend"iilv friendly Virginia walked home thoughtfully. She had Intended te take n tuxi home, ( aR she hid coming te Muriel Vincent's but f-hc elected te walk, nnd somehow i her heart felt wonderfully light and gay. I "I think I'vn learned a real leen about luxury today," she told herself, as the opened the deer of her ewii I 1! 1l.ll. 1 '""- "lu,c """ Tomorrow Put and Tnhe Anything' afterward, tee, though jeu could net ntlerd it se elten. nut men rue ineuirt' - - , , , .. ... inenev came in iinnnj ier euivr iuuii. the flowers sort of dropped off. and seen jeu figured the candy was n habit which was net doing Janet any geed. (What would life be without mine thing once in a whlle that "dec&n't de iih any geed !" Ami se Janet's existence has nar riwed down te her job, arlcd bj the excitement of our telline her ntieut Hnggs at the office and his unfairness te ou. nnd your figuring out when jeu will buj another bend. A few weeks of this is n first-class recine for send- ing any healthj eung girl into a tan- , irillll. It will please her. We all knew that jeu love her. Jim.) and that it js the easiest thing in the worm te step doing tnings mat ccm an unnecessary expense. Iitit though s herself would perhaps rather save liumej , Janet cannot help feeling the tint indulging her should uc worth tne ': .: ... ' . " puce te jeu. Tlint's the woman of it. She wants te feel thnt if veu hnd net a nickel te spare jeu would tramp through the weeds te find her a lare tlewer or go without lunch te bring her a chocolate bar. And I'm net sine she isn't right. Jim. 1 or if is the man of It te indulge the one lie loves, and theie is no reason I Christmas Toys for Children U " 1 ''"or e Weman rage D.ar Mad.ini Can jeu till me of I some organization near the hopping 'district which will be soliciting tes for the peer children of Philadelphia this rhrislmns Would nrefer that thev CO te a cripple, or lnalld. B Z B. The Children' Aid Seclctj-. 115 Seuth rtftt-eutli street, Is going te rle out tejs te children In the reuntrv. nnd keep some fur in own plnvroems here l n the city this jear at Christmas, and will be dcliffhted te have anythlnu that en will Bhe If you ask that the thlnsrs be sent te sotie home where theie are crippled or sick children, I am tmre that they will be glad te tend them whereer i jeu s.iy Tim Question Cerner Tedaj's. Iii(iilrle 1 l,is 1! Pearl artnull. of Chi cago. Is the nrih woman In the I uited States te held the position she does; what sort is it? 2. I low can the woman who Is net particularly skillful make a cun ning lampshade for the child's room"' 3. Describe n dainty basket for holding the bit of sewing n woman always has hat thrilling ecape wns mnde by Marv of Medena, wife of James II of Knglnnd. when this King lest the throne? In what odd wny are the straps en eome geld slippers fastened? "W lint modish dress would leek well en the slim, dark girl? yesterday's Answers Mrs. Amy Davis Wlnship is one of the eldest "bchoelgirls" in America, for nt ninety years of age she completed the recent sum mer course nt the University of Wisconsin. Seme novel randies that make i harming ornaments nre pale blue with silver streaks running through them. 3. A new conceit in soap is te have it scented with your fnierlte per fume and shaped Inte a tiny dell who wears a headdress of bright bits of feathers until jeu arc ready te use her. 4. Mury Queen of Scots, who has nlwajs been such a romantic fig ure in history, was condemned fur plotting treason against the Queen of Kugliind and beheaded, 5. White tulle stitched In silver fashions an exquisite sleeve for the wedding dress. 0. Perllnlne is a wool cloth of ratine 'UYB UBCU lUf CVHIO. J 5 "3fc Smmm corn EVENJNp- PUBLIC Please Tell Me What te De My CVNTIIIA Te "Miss Old-Fashlened Girl" Sti.u. C' 50U lhe our llf0 without Imlnn."0' ?'.ur I,S,(,B n,,1 I'" I've' . ts"d Bnatch ene onre In a while,, I V Wi' th lmxe a happy! ,Tn2i.k ;n!!,ay 0Ur PUCCCS(' n,ver '"'l i Yeu nre mnltlnr- i.nt.. ., ,!) . l"ff nn-v,pne hut the man you are te marrv. Yeu will come te regret Better Fellow Sister's Advice uarir5'nt!"n AVe nr" tw sisters; m?,t "P"0'1 fe " out ,wl,,e week .rEeii.',0,ne nt 10 "'deck In the cvt J i . K, '? ,Ill,"-'es and ffct home inr;,floei(' .H't'aus dunces de net ., . f00 9 clet'k t,ur slRt,r doesn't ,' ' ea Inte and wo're net old nmiStJf '"0"'?r died come tlme nKe m. i Cm "vl,,,,B wlth our married sister :. ?i .' t'r.,clls us te R" ,0 n'Kl't school .it u brlmr home something that's worth J,"; UW we n,re 00 JU"B 'e R" te u.Vf- i My "K" ,a s1"'"" nnd mv elder Mster Is seiciitecn. De you think that It IH lirODr for lift In nt.nv linn,,. t.,- we leve danclns and enjeMiicnt ' I- D Te "Dorethy M." The trouble with ltttle girls who nil the r minds tee much with the thought of heys Is that they have nothing else te de. 'What you need, dear. Is a let or out-of-doers, (reed exercise Jein n rMskethall team at the T. or at one of the girls' societies connected with your, church. T.ikn Reed lone healthv walks In the nlr nnd step talking te the ether Clrlq about the bois Did ;ieu eer try te eecu our mlnil with some upccial Intnrtst such as studvlng birds and (towers and ether outdoor things' lie ou Iike tennis' Unw about (-katlnB" That Is wonderful everclir Tr one of tbese stiKKestlens nnd let me hear hew you Ret along. Don't think of Joining a show or circus De 3 ou help mother with the housework" Cm u mnkc ' our own clothes? Don't Re te ae many phi i , unij- ke iwice a ween. "TIIII6" Answers Dear rj-nthla Thank you verj much for nrintlnir mr lflttrr tn mnp rnlnmn and wish you would print the follewing1 1 In answer te Lancelet nnd Iankv. . I nni glad that Uinky likes nil tile girls, n,s that may bi some encourage ment for the thin and t.ill ones. Ile saya that 1 must have been built when fat was cheap Iet ran say that Is, better than nothing but skin and bones. I cannot be compared with Aunt Kpple , Herk, as I am far from her sle 1 am geed-natured (as all plump people are) se I don't mind the remarks made I by Lanky. I thank Lancelet for the many com pliments he Riie me. It Is a comfort te knew th.u tliere in home one who cares for .the plump ones Lancelet and Lanky ngrec that there is a boy for eerv girl I hae lets of be 11 lends, but It seems that nobody loves a fat Rlrl But don't fercet these few words, "I may be fat, but I hae a leUng deposit Ien." T1LLI1:. Let Him Ge Dear 'nth!.i Last summer while I met a nice-looking en rnj ac.uien fellow who is n blend, lie went home1 before me nnd we corresponded. j After I came home, we went together for about nine weeks We could enlv , co out en h.iturday nights, as he weiks en the ether nlKhts New, dear ''Ma. '"'iLT !.' I up nnd wanted te take me out (tie had never called for me at the house ; l i alwavs met him near wliere w were '" .w .- ..vw ..w ..v. ,. ..... going), ami 1 told htm If he ceu ldn't a-, 1 come down te t tin house alter me didn't want te go out with him Se 1 he said all right and hasn't called ni Blnce New I would llkn him back Hew should t go about It ' I MISS BANGS Don't de anj thing about it Yeu hheuld net hae ren meeting him out side of jour home, and if he will net irrme tin re for ou better let his friend ship drop . T-, it ri JfiOC S UfCSS i 01V rlClS 7 OlldieS of Slll'Cr rTTteh Mh "What "tire I for geld iriher Whnt care I ler house or laud. What i nre I for ships en the ei eau All I w mt s a iibe young man: ' The hfiuiue of the old l'nglt-h ballad tthr made this trunk and limited lequi lequi sitlen nmM perhaps be induced te ie ie ceiiMiler en.- of the Items which she thus snurns. Silver! Nowadays Mie is apt te meet the nice young mun ut the , chancel In a gown witn some mm ei silver. Monr of theee veuthful weddinu gowns nre fashioned utter v letnrlan Ideals, and are true te bueh ideals as the pointed bedire, the ofT-tbe-sheul-der ntcklire the short puff sleeves, Mid the full skirt. Of Mich Inspiration Is the white sntm frock Illustrated to day. Here sleeves, neck line and bodice nre beidwed br silver braid, and the theme is echoed in roses of the Mine nitalllc tint. A lace veil in the back I drops n cloud of plain white tulle ever , the face. FLAVOUR All k"MTr X!A JffWMk pM i nil wJM W(? -r- 7 I'M--44tpjy A I n KJp WtJvtCiM',lIv lt.v CORINNI 118 is in its unique flaveur of rich delicacy. And It never varies. All grocers sell "Salada" in sealed meUl packets L13DGERr - PH?i;AX)33LPHllr, TTORSf)AYi READY FOR I WKmEX( sj4r'j&Ai iHKTs JHk W .IflK. I ) . Ji,i mmmm i BBt "iT HI hPTB H' ill Ijjnl Hl iS B HH '" ""' ll tfim HI 4-,f 1 Sfli rB ' ,. It Km mmmmi y raflH BjfWtf "JNE3 JVffJ WMZnjBQSZUP U i , cifteTeAa Ai I'liote by ( entrnl News I '-en If you're net planning n tilp Seuth this winter, it's ery nice te knew what "they" will wear down there, because that usualh Is nn advance show of spring stjles. And se veu will no doubt be Interested te see t'ee extremely light-colored costume of woven wool, with n slim dark line running through the skirt nnd the short sleeves In the sweater en ene side, and the light buit of sport cut, with n darker edging en col cel lar, cuffs, pockets and belt (C Should a Weman Tell? By HAZEIj DEYO BATCHELOIl Corirfeit. X9ti. Vu PubUa Lcdacr Cemvanu ini".ei ne limn ii decides te mnmi Unuc Merrill icilheut tcUinj him thnt she has nnec hecn in lore trifi 'i "inn ichn icas uiitrerthy of her. She diVercM that Dane is very nnrreir in 7im Mens nfcetif iremrn, and that he is looking te her te exert nn influence, ever Julie, hts little huttcrflti sister. Julie has fallen In luxe reith a man much elder than herself, and later Hawthorne dli dli ceven thnt Julie' i lexcr and Cran Cran feid lllnke, the man from the pint, are one and the same. Dane ar- u?rj Hawthorne of vaunting her independent ideas before Julie and ferhich her te go anywhere without Aim hi the future. Hawthorne's vn irillmnncss te accept this ultimatum muse u quarrel hettceen them, and thoughts of the past when she fust ''met ( ranferd and discovered hn te he a professional gamhlcr diift through her mind. CUAPTEK X.IV Aftermath "W,irA n Rirl S Y siens of love she gees through a time of poignant suncring. i suuereu fet the most part alone, and what made it harder te bear was the fact that Craiifiinl besieged me with letters. He begged me te see him. te give him a ,hr.nce te explain, but I held out against him. True te my premise te the strange woman. I did net f-ee hlui, i c,.-ev,l hen It was all ever. nnd 1 had met Janet, and things began te brighten up for me I had been strong. Janet obtained n position for me at, the mngaRlne where she was nsseeiute editor, and I was given the munificent snlnrv of S-" n week. Gradually, as time pesseu, tjrnnieru jnuti- h'ii mere nnd mere a -iindewv liomery el the rn't, but I never told Janet iinj -thing about him. Six weeks after that m.i.. t..ii the ri'Htaurant 1 re- .. 1 Tll-I l...nl.1Q nii.,i mnt T had never lord him, nnd that even if he had reaiij ie) ''' ii:ii ituifc . --.- . tilings iiiuip.. ""-,",: v. him, I should have been mtierauie. When I met Dane I knew what real love was, but by that time I had been advanced en the mngnziue ie u ph" under Janet. I was making !?10 a week 1 realised whnt it mi nut te be, indet.'i dent, te de as I liked, nnd my eierwhelmlng leve for Dine blinded me .,. .i,,. .,..! Mint be was one of the men who did net approve of Independent women Innet warned me. she told me many times that I loved loe blindlj. tee feel- , Ishlv. but I vvns eager te spend myself. f I wnnted in the world wns Danes love, and se fcnrful was I of losing it , thnt I resolved net te tell him the truth about the past, nlmut ' ranferd nnd the remits of my ignorance Is it nny wonder thnt T nm half crazed with fear? Is it any wonder thnt I nm nfraid for Julie, knowing Crnnferd's feseina- . lien and his power ever women? And new there Is a cloud between Pane nnil me. I have displeased him. ; If anything happens te his little sister, 1 shall be blamed. 1 lie here en the, couch and drend the time when he will, come home, because I renlize thnt his lieniccnming will mnnn n renewing of heihtihties. We had net settled nn thing abeur Julie when we quarreled Inst night, and his l.indi.ess te me this morning waB only n result of my fool ish c, ,,,ig nnd the fact that I wns half hli'l.. 1 must have fallen asleep from sheer DISTINCTIVE CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS with or without Personal Engraving BURT & BURT I A 1001 CHESTNUT STREET Roem 201. I'henei Walnut 1382 the charm of 91 Ail A only. am PALM BEACH 99 w-carlncss, for Inter T woke te ice Mar tha's face bending eer me, I hnd lcfused lunch earlier in the day. and new she carried a tray of tea nnd tet.st for me. T fitrmrglcd up nnd smiled wnnly, nnd she placed the tray en n small table by my side. Then with a bread grin she handed me n long bow I hey enme about nn hour age, ma am. but J hated te wake jeu, jeu i,r -i..,Uk iimi r..i,.m. I clipped the strings from the box nnd lifted the lid. Boses smiled out at me, led roses, nnd the fragrance was seul-henliug. I lifted them out nnd held them te mv het face while Martha hurried out ier a vase. When I was nlene T opened the tiny envelope, and took out the card thnt was within. "These nre llke my lee for veu, sweetheart. I hope you nre feeling bet ter, untie. ( Oh, he did lete me, he did! Per-, haps he loved me enough te forgive, me am thine if I told him the truth. Hut inj' heui'l whispered 'no, Dane hut'd me, but with his own kind of love nnd net with the understanding I wanted. Tomorrow Suspirlen Yew Jewelry .Seme nuel sorts of jewelry are be ing worn, both nt daytime gatherings Ivni e-lni thntl!lke i'10 rnr.es' .""'.1 '"r.,lie "''"'"R. t' wns ginu wiiii- the theatre in Paris. Suspended nlmnt I the theatre in Paris. Suspended about mitii v iii'ckm is i no inssei mane et pearl chains, with a head of closely set stones or of blai k enjx which hangx from a black cord. Seme women wear two tassels, hung at uneven lengths. Pearl bracelets, tee, cither lletible or rigid. are erj much seen just new l.atge Vitenes. squnre, oval, ieund, or oblong, of the semi-precious ninety, topaz, nmethjst, or aquamarine, me set with n tinv rim- itf illiimnmli. friMti uliinlt ... ...,, -. ... . .u...... a.,..,. ,..i, they hang about the neck en a cord of i" ''""" '" "" ""- - - - Get Ready !'eiv A Pan-American conference t women is te bn held in emits tien with tiC , third annual convention of the National i I.rngite of eiiu n Vetertt in Ilnltlmeie, next spring i 2llll Can Yeu On the Mevie Screen 1q solve the puzzle renrrange the letters in the ucntcnceB en 11 each actor's or actress name. Fer example: Ne. 1 is Elsie ten stars you can win the Dedee or S1.000. npe all I'rebably you knew the names or the Most I'epular Stars, but just te refresh your min.l are menttening below a few of the most famous Mevie Players: ConHtanre Tn!mnli rile Chaelin. llcbe Daniels. Otis Skinner. Blanche Swt. FiBuyplV-h-nl"c.1,n.,!?a.de' we Charli liuWSfuWSS fel3:' W"a"Re,d' T- M W.rnerfcer..VlKVn5irffi!S": 185 Fer each name you arrange correctly you will receive j euriiiK wr or me ?i,uuu in caBn, or you receive 100 "Points" if veu arranpn nil in correctly. Yeu can Baiu f.O mere "Points" by Qualifying your answer Thit l U J?TH that you have explained the 10 "Superior Features" of the Vallman Sfelf.FilllL PnJn.?Ir "K te five people. The final 25 "Points" will be awarded by 3 Judges en th. V till F? 5l? ", I e". your answer. The answer gaining 185 in cash. Second, 25 Iiig in Tour answer TODAY, the 10 "Superior Features qualifying. Costs Yeu will net be naked te buy a 'Wallman Self-Fillinir Fountain pM , j in order te win. Just write your answer te the Puzzle en one i We ll flPrCnd a penn HLIOT.Z2" "ff'iAjfS ,n the u,per rht Jnd0nco?nnePr.Bi,De0fyo"1rS, ffit "LST ""! win. Answer the Puzzle WALLMAN PEN CO. DEOteMBER 1, m Adventures With aPurse T "WAS wondering whether you might be Interested In the dainty Madeira hnndkcrchlcfs. They are perfectly plain, with just a border of small scallops. One could glve tJicm as they are, or em broider a wreath or initial In the cor cer cor ner. At only twenty cents each, I think they are remarkably rcasonable, don't you? And whlle I nm en the subject of Ma deira things, I simply must tell jeu about the nmazing Madclrn ucdsnrcnd nueut trio nmazing jieucirit uj'n that htts been reduced from $35 te in.7r.. Te describe It would 1)0 itll possible. But enn't you picture for jenrsclf hew cffectlve such n xprcad with large fine scallops nnd beautifully embroidered design would he? And here Is something else you might want te knew about. One of the spe cialty shops that give the imprewten of having rather high-priced things has an odd assortment of fifty trimmed hnts that hnve been reduced te $S.fiO. Of course, the original price of many of Ihese was much higher. It might be thnt you could find just the hat you want. 'Jiicrc are scvcrat smart meucis. I"ir nmf of nhepn ndilrrM TCetnsn' C! Edlter or phone Wnlnnt 300O or Main 1601 bftwrrn thf hears of 0 nnd B. Read Your Character J1'j DighU Phillips ; Back-Sloped Heads i This type of head is net n common one, jet it is net se uncommon that jeu de net often sce it. And it indicates a tjpe of chnrneter of which the same mav be said, n rather peculiar tjpe of charaeter. By the back-sloped head, of course. is nieant that head which is highest at the forehead, or ever the temples, and which slopes downward from there. Veu knew the ordinary or nverage head Is highest above the ears or somewhat i hack of them. The baek-lepcd head, being high In front, Indicates n geed development et the purely mental functions of the brain, the power of observation, of memory nnd of reason. High ever the temples and cars it nlse denotes benevolence nnd veneration. Sometimes lhe downward slope, starting from eter the temples instead of the cars, Indi cates that the characteristic of venera tion is net ie pronounced ns thnt of benevolence. But alwavs such heads nre associated with less than the usual degree of firm ness of decision and of self-esteem. You'll make no mistake if you rend such heads in this mnnner. With chance acquaintances, or pcople whom you de net knew very well, you may find that these chnrneter indentiens de net nl wn.vs balance with the expressions nnd actions of your subject. 1'eeple are net inlwnj.s what they seem. Hut if en closer nnd longer acquaintance jeu find that they still de net square with the character indications, go ever your treading again carefully, and you'll find , thnt somewhere is n phjslcal trait that I you hac evei looked or failed te give its proper vnlue. nnd that tin mistake is yours, net that of the science et char acter reading. Tomorrow False Voices Fur Rugs If they nre net soiled tee mm ii they may be cleaned by the dry preces-. In wet cleaning It must be remembered that, the skins nre alum tanned, nnd this taunaite l.s net fast te water hot ter thin 100 decrees. After wet elf ail ing, work the flesh side of the fur with the back of a knife te soften it. Then rub in n little caster oil u-hite wool rues, rub In ie eienii lilnter of - .1 ... paris, and then comb out with a horse comb. If the rug is tee uirij te m paste of magnesia nnd cm bnn t'etrnehle Li.i i ...i, in L.tti,,,. ,, .1,., i,.,.. resllv i leaned Dv this method, make n ride and rub In, letting it dn ther eughly befere slinking out nnd comb ing. ' Shee Polish Shee p dlfh is usually made ,ip of color pliiN a soluble oil. Se if jeu diep anv en your clothes while veu are sliln'ng mi, ir shoes, liisl hike m,t the ml with carbon tetrachloride. If the stain remains it mav lie Dic.iciifd with ian , ,,p 1a;cUc or p0reMde en cotton and miiI, permanganate of potassium en j ' AVtu Candidate Mis. l,amnr T.oeney. new a mi mln r of the Arkansas Senate, announces thnt sm will seek i sent In Cengiess net jen-. WHO ARE THEY? GU3 3EE OtTF REN NOT KWJIN ER f) DO THE ROSE BE TORR (7) VERY BABEL HYE - fli YES RACE AH PULL BARS DON () CLEAT! COMES DATTATTG i m&mmmmmmmm Answer This Mevie Puzzle? above are the names of 10 movie stars rearranged. The Operator "Points" Wins First 10 "PeinW Nothing te Try Yeu NOW. Desk 13 9 (which is the maximum'), will win fii n.i a. , Prizes. In case of a tie, both winners will receive theTm ,iV- a' i . As seen as It is received. w win Lj"". 0I?e ?me.P.r.,.ze- end " of the Wallman Self-Filling Fountain K VnCTlc. ''" nbt There s a Gift in Cheesing the Gift Yeu Knew Seme One Else Will Life But by Careful Thought and Attention Yeu Can Always Find Out What Your Friends Want, if Yeu Will Just De It nhXi, new that December is here, Wx mnnose you've Btnricu ju,.. Christmas shopping? Yeu "knew there is a gift in knowing hew te glve things that will please the person who gets them. Vfr rnnnet nil iiave this gut, mit we ,,,:, , rnnf urtent can cultivate It te a great extern ii. ...... n,if nurseUes In the ether II V Will I'm. ....w..-.- --- . person' place and wonder. New. if I were such-and-such n person witn so-nnd-se In the way of possess ens and tnstes. what in the world would I like te hnve?" On the ether hand, there are times wiicn. If veu de this, you will think up something jeu would just love te have which she wouldn't want te leek at That happens when you and she have vcrv different likes nnd dislikes. Then nil xett can de is hint around, snoop n little here, peek a bit there and snenk up en her tastes when she isn't looking. ,,.,.. And when you de find out what It is that she admires or needs, give her that whether it's something thnt you would like yourself or net. FOB instnncc, net long nge a nice little person, having found out thnt her friend was n "movie fan," pre sented iier with a meving-plcturn mng nzlne te read en the train when she was going away. , , , Many would have chosen the deeply literary magazine mat nicy lucinsem.. were interested in. Others would hne selected a book fill of short, lively stories, And a great many would hnve never thought of the gracious net at all, but that's another story. The impeitniit thing is that the nice person chose entirely from some one tlte's point of view. And there are only about five or six 1 Things You'll Leve te Malte Handkerchief Case , HandUcichlefs make a very useful Christmas Klft. and If Inclesed In a beautiful HANDKnitCHIEF CASK, hew much mero handsome the gift' Cut two squares of cardbeatd. each one- half Inch larser en each slde man eacn handkerchief. I-ay them next te each ether (a and b with one-iuarter Inch Hiiuce between them. Cut an oblong of silk or cretonne that will extend one half inch beend the squares of catd catd be.iril en inch side. Slightly pad lth cotton one side of each caidbeard square. Lay the p.idded sides en the wrong hide et the cietenne Cut the corners of the crotetmo and fold it ever the bn.irds. Cllue down the Haps. Celer the Inside with plain nlllc or cotton. Cever , uuii'irn of beard the s.ime Hizo ns one "'I.V . - ..... .1.- ..!.. 1-1 ViaiKlKcrcnur. - "" i1"11" "" tilue a liiuce of narrow ribbon te the middle e i.icu F,ue en inu iiimeraiuc C.lue thin square te the right hand side of the folder. A Kmall sachet has f istened te the left slde of this HAND KEUCIUEF CASE adds te Its charm. PI.ORA. Half-Soling Shoes When the soles of n pair of shoes have worn through or uegm te wear thin they heuld be repaired Immo Imme dlatelj. Anj one can learn te de this nt home, savs the United Stntes De p'litment cf Agriculture. In preparing tin' shoe te he h ilf-seled u few simple tools nre needed. The Important ones nie: Shee lust, hammer, box of clinch naiK n sharp knife and n burnisher. These may be purchased nt any hard ware store. The size of the nails te bn used will be determined by the thick -nc-s of the sole leather The nails should be long enough te clinch the' Inner sole. Sele leather may be pur- DAim WEOLRAN CAHSffiBE'WErL IffiCANTOCHEAHL IO IS vCHARUt 1CHAPUHI the screen se that thev Fergusen. If veu can t l J0U can ' will name Prize "Peinls" Can Win your best nnd you can St. Paul. Minn. -wussr1"" isf i' ' "' Ti'r 1 1I1KJ1 IM toward the T)n,1ir -.w., ,.,,u aivjc ui "M"i uini jeu in out of n hundred of us who will de that thing, if, indeed, we even think of it. SO WE have much te learn in th science of gift-giving. Primarily an unselfish act, it should spring from unselfish thoughts and be guided by unselfish methods of cheesing. Wives hnll Christmas with Jey as the ene tlme when they enn make their husbands wenr the kind of neckties they should wear. The wife of n blue-eyed man takes the greatest pleasure In presenting him with blue or green or purple tics that show up his eyes. She knows thnt out of mere polite ness he will have te wear thofe ties at some time during the year, and she welcomes that tlme as an oasis in a heart-rending desert. nut whv will she persist, year after year? She knows that, except when he absolutely hni te wear hers, he will go en wearing the reds and yellows thnt he loves. Why docs n man with light or red hnlr alwavs ndmlre these brilliantly striped tics thnt don't hnrmonlze with nny pnrt of him nnd only make him leek like n fire alarm? Whlle a dark hnlrcd mnn who could stnnd them pre fers "wash tles!' fUCII ns we wonder nbeut it, th fact remains, nnd he would be much mere plensed with her gift nnd much happier nil year. If she would just cheese from his viewpoint Instead of her own. l'selcs giving! If you lack the gift of cheesing the right gift for the right person, you'll have te think hard nnd de some nice discriminating In order te have jour presents really appreciated. Ami if jou're net willing te go te this trouble, jeu tnny ns well send one of your engraved Christmas cards and let It go nt that. chased in one piece te be cut up ns needed or In the form of half soles. Itemeve the old sole with a slnnting cut ncress the Instep se thnt the Inside edge of the new sole will be shorter. Plnee the leather te be used In warm water for n few minutC3 until it be comes pliable and will fit snugly agnlnst I the shoe. Cut It roughly into shape. With a knife pare n bevel en the edge thnt fits against the instep. The bevel should be en the flesh side of the leather. Place the Ilcsh slde of the leather against the shoe nnd insert a tnek in the center of the tee te iield the leather in place se thnt It may be tacked. With the shoe en the Inst, begin te tnek from the instep toward the tee, tucking first en one edge nnd then en the ether. Place tacks nbeut one-fourth ineJi npnrt nnd approximately one fourth inch from the outer edge of the sole of the shoe. This may vary some what in different shoes, but the tacks should be placed se thnt they will clinch en the edge of the inner sole. With a knife trim even with old welt. Held the kiiifc In the iinnd with the blnde projecting bejend the index linger se that it will cut the sole but net the amp. Smeeth the edge of the new leather against the old leather with an iron burnisher. pkg- Children should be schooled early in the health-importance of Sunsweet Prunci a natural tweetmeat that is feed aud confection in one. It meansun meansun speiled teeth and unspoiled stomachs -m&betttrhtalth'm the bargain. Fer sale every where. SllHgWEEF California Nutum Flavored pmees Ml 1 ! l , ,, ) 'tr L