V V '"VT 1(1' 'V 4 fl "ftv -T" n 'I 'V T v"n r w 1 . '7 , fifi0Mlr' S0ve Lcaguers Busy Annual Meeting Next Menth Quiet Reigns for Locals SPEAKER WANTS INFIELDER Willi fuetbnll rend? te pack tin lt arrniittrniint for the old tetlnr client, the bn'cball bug- tne KntberlnK nreuml tlie Moves nil ever Hip country dip rtiudnK the prospect for next season Alrcailr rumors nr? rife of Hcnsntinnnl trade lfl1 n'" ''f'rBt1iPi tcnnn nil erer Hie major lenRiie circuit; of Hie telling of star playrm for prices (het il excel nn In 'be past. A far as tne Phillies and Athletic kip ipnrerned ev.j IliiiiK Is quiet. Hill Hheilcliiie. bimlness mu linger of the Phil, chatted tbl inewiing but bail no nfHR te lepeil. Kize Wllbelni. the new Ikirs of I lie Hnkerltes, is exiiected le (emmiinleaie with the local office here feme time during I lie week and Rive bis tps en subj-cls that will be taken up nl the IiIr meeting next month. Hle Wllbelni Iltintlnc Wilhelm is spending the off n-n-mn nt his camp hi the Adliendacks hunl In? lie will attend the meeting in New Yerk ready te talk trades with the ether teams In tb league. Wllbelni pinbnbly will attend the annual meeting of the miner leagues In Buffalo next Monday. Matter of fact, nil the- major league chib will be represented nl the meel in wliuli Is expected te bring back Inte the fold the half dozen miner league clubs thai lefused te accept the diafi It will be remembeied thnt last enr a number of the miner leaRiie clubs te fnsecl te turn ever, when drafted, play eis thought te be worth many times the amount of the draft money. When the iiinJMis did net pun hasp these players the miners had a rhnuge of heart nnd no. It is lepeited. aie willing te accept the dialt terms, which atari at S.'OflO iiml go down te $1500, according te the iiitlng of the club. Lett j Baumgartnrr, who twirled the Ut pait et Hie season for Kansas City and who is px petted te go youth with the I'lilllles this spring, and .llmmy Ilvkes, Cennie Mack's second baseman, nic the only two members, of the local i-Iiiht spending the off season in these p.nls. Dykes is nut nt IJryi Mawr, while Haumgaitncr lives up in German lew n. V Pipe-Dream Trad The Athletics' office leperlcd eveiv. iliing quiet for the picent. with pros pres peits trr something doing d irlng the meeting. One of the nfheinls of the ilub denied a rumor that Cennie Mack intended te trade Cy Perkins .Tee Piigan and Bryan Harris for Steve n.Neill. Waller .Mails and dim Bagdy. Such a trade was deemed tee ildiculeus ven te comment en. Te trade three youths with mam icais of bntebnll in front of them fe we veterans huiI a youngster who w.is in thing but a sucei" latt jeai would Ik like making a pre; nt te the Indians I he thiec Athletic mentioned nie the inamstays of the team and ate ltnlU needed in Matk's rebuilililii; piegiam O'Neill is a seasoned bmksiep, liui l al luns think I'eikins lin- eiuellilng mi him. Harris W one of the best puis- is In the big leagues ns fur as pilch us are cunceinril and Uugan is u i li-r-r utielder with a hefty halting nveinge. Other trades that aru talked nbniil Hieund the circuit involve three much ilisciiHted athletes. Milten Stock, 'lis t d, is certain te be traded by the Car di 'ah. Heinle Oroli wants te get nwny fi ,nj Cincinnati mid Itabbil Mainnvllle t Peking ether fields te lemiiier. IVU Wants Third Sticker j'Js Speaker is said te lie (onieiu (enieiu ii1 'i(j a new third baseman l.nuj i i i aer is net the jiiungest iliinl Imsc-in'- in the league, and Speaker is after a jeungster ns ,m uiiiiersiudj. riibettf-. Maker. Ulckev. linker, Mitcbe'l nnd Killefer nie all en the mai let (01 plnjt nnd will eliher tinde or liv it Is ie lied. Charley Ceminkej is out for r .vers, and If cash counts he ha it. 'Pi Cobb is looking aieund for goea mficldeis te beNifr up Iim defense He as a liesi id sliiKgeis, but needs Ik-Id-pin Mi-(Jrav will piebablv stand pat i ii his I ea in fei next spntnii ,nili-i lie i nu -ri'iue (Jieli, Mniauville or Sim I;, Tin ie U little likelihood of Mitii.iw urteiing hig suiiiH I'm ,iny of the lim mIi Kiisih looking ..ftci tlunl base am! linn roll sliorHtep Washington needs a inuple of pili li mit. I.nst j ivr Hie) looked geiiil tin a turn iin'il ll.e t w triers i nuked, altt-i rthlch the pennant bloom died I(ook I(eok I(oek Imi needs uitiheis of the young, ag 'hsmvi type. Millet nnd Ki eueger being Inn of the lees lecelvers in the Na- ' Menal League FRANKLIN FIELD RECORDS BROKEN IN ATTENDANCE 191,000 Persons, Saw Eight Games Played by Red and Blue The I niwisit.i of I'enrisyU.inin foot ball team plmed le IDI.OUH pei-nn.s iliirlng I lie season just i lesed n new aitendnnie reieid nt the I nlveisitv and the most convincing iiigunient for llie new 'indium The luigest. ciewd of the season, 'U.000. sal through the tain en Thnnk giving Un and wntched Cernell t out I'enn TIip smallest crowd was en hand nt the (Jetlysburg game. 10,000. Pitts burgh drew :in,(M)0. Lafayette L'tl.OOO. and Swaithnieie nnd Virginia Military I Institute I'," .000 cat h TO RETAIN HARD GAMES Harvard Will Again Schedule Streng Opponents Next Year Cambridge. Mn.ss., Nev M0 The Iliuvnul football silieilule nexl f.ill will iliffei only in n few guinea from that of 'Ins ieai. piebably I "nl II the Crlmen siici'ess against Yale it was planned te make the list of games much lighter. New. it s iindeiMoed. the iilans ion template including ngain I'enn Slnle. 'etilte and lleU Cress n. hard enih season oppenenis prellinlnaiy te the ''nsmg i ombinntlen of tlncc guuies with I'rlnieten. Brown anil Yale Culvei "Ity of (ieergin probably will net mine ei'ih te plav Ilniiard ai the stadium next jear A double-header with New England Killege eleens will open the season "gain Per the ether two dales en (he "'hedule'ene New Kiiglaud (eliege anil one from arfethei section nie expected te be chosen CHINESE TO PLAY AQUINAS Far East Quintet Meets Downtown Five Tomorrow Night A iiiiiiiue buskelbnll game is siheil ''ed f ,i tomorrow nbht nl Mlgutei ulli mil Mmris iieis, wlien the All ( 'el -iiesp Celli gums meet Hie ciink AiUlnu ' lubiiigei. en en me latter' (loei ,. Ilmk l..i, T l.ve. K II anz. y iui II C ii. T np and ' ' uii8 will ieiiiiise the (nl in e '""n I' iln, ,m f- c e.,iv; will jump icntei fei thp visitors. Clubs . .ihinc te bonk the Chinese team should fH In touch with Jeseph V Devlr, 10 - i'ehii oil ti im;s.iih i irni hingtea Building, 1'hJladelphln. mini ; BIG TRADES L00IV1 IMfWIFin - )i,f1llrV SCOUT SALE OF ROBINS "Somebody's Joking" li Reply te Chicago Tale New Yerk. Nev. .10. The Heard of Directors of the Brooklyn Baseball Club j held a meeting yesterday at which plans were discussed for the coming casen. Boferelim'lui,ln'i: ,h'' training trip nt Miami, r In. A repeit from Chic.iRe thnt the Itob Iteb Ins again have been sold te a Man hattan theatilcal produce! caused a loud laugh nineltg the directors present, who included C. II. fthhcls. Sr., "Steve" McKeever and C II. Kbbet', .lr "Sold iignin. are we'" snld the younger Mr. Kldiels after the meeting. "Nothing In It We hmen't tnlkcd of thp sejllng of our club since IMS. when ' W. l.efl innde us nn offer. We wen t tnlK of selling III! some one makes is n real offer. e batmen in Lmm- nai tne ttieatrlcal man mentioned in it Itinn mnnHnHAil i.. ii- v iii-iiKu eisiuiicues isn i in a p0,j. Hen te make a ical offer "Absolutely nothing In that sale ' ster Seme one must he joking." iiiiMiHiiici-iiiFiii wns nise niAile Hint Wilbur Itobinsen the team. Will ngain IlianilL-l- ' . , dialely te ndvnnce the present stand stand Jee Moere's Suspension Lifted aid of baseball. ,. N'T. ,?rk. -V01 ',n The IUnn Hend of Jehnsen did net nppievc the iieent IMK'tfr, l'n it w.j dav ue aKalnsi Jee ioetp. InUrnsi enil ''rnn " 'n"'1 "'"iter and does net favor It t71Vnr n.?mnMin'i,',i!Vp"" M""'S nn' e- new. Nn tuofeiiH miigiinles of both mn rueii or rfrm ttinit hts nnmp te b umiI in t i i . ,, . Ironnerileii wiih mmp njVrilins a" n iiw lengues were opposed le the present I vcmitalien flifolefpii ihai his nnm hurt tiprn l agreement . hut le pacify certain indi- n ...crt .uthem in. kneiMeilK, consent vidllllls of the miners, who pietested . , . ' ngninst what they legnided as etTerts te Chicago Elects Romney dominate them, ngieed te the plan. .JL'lLr,a?- ". ,?',.-M'lien nemne qnai They t egret It new. because only a ,h.ii tAm hi. hVn ";rrt',rr:nn,,.c."n!,"0,n,,: i '?2-' eleven neinnM I. from the fnliei sitv I l,rllll"l,"hl: "P rlavert h's nr.i veai In. eelese Twenn one men u-ere .,. ..' i tsJl letters 11 Chartered 1871 firm GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET 1415 CHESTNUT STREET v m m,v!'wrwm (yeneral Meters Trudk Getting Mere Paying Less When we cut $500 off the price of the K-16 one ten truck and made sweeping reductions throughout the entire (JMC line from 3A te 5 ten capacity We said then and repeat neiv that we placed before buyers the greatest outstanding truck values of the present day. But even these drastic price reductions are ne.t the only, nor even the greatest things you possess in CMC. Fer value consists net only of what you pay, but what you get GMC trucks have a .way of piling up savings as rhv go and keeping ongoing as they save. That is because every GMC is "every inch a meter truck," composed strictly of truck units, built by a concern that builds only trucks. In every line of business GMC trucks are giving ethers the resultful savings you want, should have and can have but only when you eivn a GMC. Loek at this long list of improvements; Removable Cylinder Walls, Removable Valve Lifter Assemblies, Dual Coeling, Super-heated Carburetien, Centrifugal. Fly-ball Governer and Special Precess Connecting Red Bearing. Profit by present prices and insure future economy and long service by seeing your nearest GMC dealer. General Meters Truck Company Division or General Meters Corporation PONT1AC. MICHIGAN Spriicp 207G EVENING PUBLIC LEDaM-PHILABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY; JOHNSON 10 FIGHT MINOffiON DRAFTl American League Head Says. Standard of Baseball Has Boen Lowered RULE MAY BE AMENDED Chicago. Nev, .10. An attack en.th present system of drafting plnycrs Is te be started bv President Jehnsen, of the Amniicnn League, al the meeting of ' thnt organization Uni . ! ii i X 1-....I T ! In New Yerk He , 1 , temiiet 14. 'ohnsen believes the dm ft wteng as It s new (-(instituted. Is all i that II le M.,,l.-.,,.n , n pi egress of the tminr Imtchnll nliiin nn.l (lint ll will t r. u.... ........ . ....ii i..... ., ..... , I nve le he leineilled in some wnv linine- cloven players weie drafted this fall and these bought weie - ilfT nrices "i in prues pun based at i The draft ns it operates at ptcsent '"J,"'' -------- j-------"--- - Pi795 tWi Digging for CaptaitxKidcLTs Testire en. Coopers Point They labored long for an uncertain outcome. Men devoting their lives te their tamily s welt arc are working for an end, just as uncertain, if they de net make a will. A will is an instrument through which a man's better judgment lives en te direct the management et that which lie leaves for his family's support. Our booklet, "Safeguarding be sent upon request. Your wm wsypppnpm uysy sw-ui DIRECT FACTORY BRANCH 205 North 22d St. encourages contract jumping, according te Jehnsen, who Is determined new te leek after the Interests of the young athletes for the Improvement of the game, Jehnsen will let the members of his league knew what he thinks of the draft. It Is possible thnt after Its meeting the American League will In sist that the present major-miner agreement be amended, especially the clause pertaining te the draft. "The standard of baseball Is net as I geed as It was four or five years age, , sajs Jehnsen, "nnd I believe It Is due ' te the efforts of the miners te prevent the young athletes from coming up by the drnft. The miners did net make money last summer. This Is mere than i apparent from the desire of many te ! unload foriexerbitnnt prices. Many of I the miner league magnates will attend I our meetings In New Yerk with the hope of sellini; phiyeis at fancy prices. I "I hope they are disappointed That i will make Ihetn renlir.e the value of ' . . . ,, 1 .. (. 4f--. I ....,.. uii1i 1if ni.t, . having ii sensieie nraii prue .iesi ei them probably tenllze It new." ., . t 11.. . If 'i . II is mere than likely that during the meetings of the two major organ i.n - I tiens in .New ieik next rannin some- tiling will be done le amend the rule. If this is done the majors and miners i may have a battle. Trouble may be caused in the ranks of the Illinois, feri theie aie some w he favor the rcstera- tien of the dtaft and there are elhets, Al Temney and Tem HUkey. for in- , stance, wild ate bitterly opposed te It. Media A. A. After Games I lediJ X rempeil nwsv wiih me ev lilnile. ewr the .1 Menu The Th 'fjtei team von (S. te 29. fhile ihe erend ran up t sceie of 40 te Vi. M-ill. '.till ha n f , open datp fm llri nae. team" nnrt weild like te hnat from Hip '(reicenla XI .lame.. 48th Ward Vlllilu and clilh' of tills caliber Ker lime" addreia I t.rnen l.ajh manm-r. 1457 Neith HelMrt tieei OTHER SPORTS PAGE 1-8-19 r ----- ----- .-. . . . A A . , m. . 'it M Family's Future," will DEPOSIT CO. 9 SOUTH 52D STREET m m w 'r,swrsysi m m rm . Race 785!) ) Economy SilkUndergarqicnts Inexpensively Priced Here for Gift Cheesing Women's Pretty Envelope Chemise, Unusual at $2.98 Of Crrpe He Chine or Radium Silk Seft, lustrous silks, clnbotatelv trimmed or simply plain tailored. Women's Radium Silk or Satin Camisoles, Qfts Exceptional at . . ue Several pretty models from which te make selection. Women's Satin Bleemers. . . . $1.98 d. Picttily lace trimmed Dainty ! Boudoir Caps, KClp tiful pastel shades. "u ueautitui p b'.ti' '.B.'icJb Kconemv tl.iicnient A' Mern Acceptable fiifl for Ihe Minn of i te Yearn Than One of These Girls' Stylish Winter Coats nri e Rctler Values in Ml Philadelphia at the Lew Prices of $"5.95 t0 $8.95 Cleverly fashioned models, vith ilk etitchinr. smait peckeis, but ton trimming, and fur. elf-mate-rial or fur-cloth cellar'. Warmly made of vcleur. heather mixtures, fnii"y chcMot chcMet hikI heavy mixed ceatinc Very becoming and serviceable! Girls' S7.50 Charming' New Dresses at . . Of Reed quality $4.75 fevgc and taffeta. Stiaight-line effects atti actively embroidered in wool. Sizes 6 te 1-1 years. Misses' and Girls' S2 Middy Blouses at . . 79c White .lean cloth, with sailor cellars. Plain effects or co-ed st vie. Girls' Sateen Gym Bleemers 29c ' $1.00 Geed quality sateen, with band at waist. Sizes 6 te 20 years. Excellent for gym or school wear s B i:coiieni Bacment Babies' Fine White Dresses That I'etsess a Daintiness and Charm Rarelu Found in Frecks Se Inexpensively Marked $1.50 V i ettily i a s hiened of soft ba tiste, with fine cm'&& b i eid eryAT yoke, lace edging and s k i i t ef f ect i vcly f i n i - Ii ed with riiffle, omlneidery, i n s p r tien and lace. Siev G months, Babies' Blankets White v. ith pink 59c 59c 89c 50c and blue border.- Babies $1 & $1.2.' Silk Caps Several charming i.1i-m Habics' Knitted Lcstiinjfs With or without feet. Babies' Knitted Caps and Tenucs at Various styles Children's SI and S 1 .25 Dresses and Remper: K client stle in a 79c i ion- i eKn s. Sie- 2 te i C; ,," -C Hi ( m !' i- ii I Wonderful Selection of Women's Hand Knit Weel Garments Special at 85c '" $3.50 Im luded aie helmet - heed, nightingale inikcts nubu and comfeit sleeveless jackets in pietty plain coleis and i-embmu tiens' of colors Make erv ac ceptablc gifts fei methei m -istef. Women's !$'! Pure Spencer Blouses at Worsted $1.95 Veiy comfei table iacket ler in doors en for weai unclet a coat. Warm ajusei u cable. c;, -ijS i-Aiiiniiii n.ii niPiii 69c Pretty Bathrobe Flannel Fer Making Practical Gifts Opportunely Reduced te 49c VAKD 1'ine quality for making 10m I01 table cozy bathrobes, .saiques and kimonos. 5'Jc Cream White Weel JC Flannel. Yard . . . uc 20c White Demet Flannel, Yard 2!)c 3fi-Inch White Demet Flannel, Yd 15c 20c SmXIXNBURjGS f:celK,m ri.wmnt masBfe 1 and 2 i-ais rr N. SNELLENBl'RG NOVEMBER 30,- 1921 Basement Specials for STORE OPENS 9 A. M. Ht-,tiEiiAY, ei KMimii an, 102 1 NELLENBURG ENTIRE BL OCK- MARKET re2 STREETS u The Best-Leeking $30.00 Winter Coats Fer Women and Misses Women's and Misses' Chic High-Grade Winter Extra Special al Stunning blouse, flare and embieideicd, tidily fnnged and many I - ited. Luxiuieus cellars of black fox. nutria, 111tral1a11 opossum, mole skin and raccoon. Beautifully made of chameistyne, maivella, .ermand, wool vcleur and belivia. Wonderful value! One pictuicd. Children's Fur Sets at White, natural, red, tiger, Thibet and Iceland Fex. Women's Tuck-In Blouses al Plaid, striped and plain voiles and linenes, tuxedo and pointed cellars, many edged with lace 21.75 Suits and Overcoats for Men Sl Yeung Me: In a Wonderful Sale Tomereow at $15 Ea. E Pepul.11 labrics. snappy patterns ami 1 it h ielunng. Well ta -most up-te-date styles. The best SI.") wetth en the leied in the market. Men's $4.35 Trousers at $2.25 100 Sample Pillows and Bolsters Half Price fPM Pillows and be Hiking sltghtl Pillow s erin si..iu te Thursday Prices Bolsters Werth S2.30 te $9.1)0 Thursdav Prices Rugs and Iiiff Meiwij'Sauiiifj oel-l-ace Tapestry Rugs, 912 fljl 1 20 Ileautil'u1 Orifiital lUigns perfeit fc-w senm'e-s in r Heavv AIl-Woel Vehet Reautifu! all-evei and medal Slight ei ends Hijh-Pile Axminster Rups 912 and S.IKIO.fi Teet pi-iial lnt of NllghtlN mis-ween i.u. A num. I'ft of Panels nnd Centers Sic tine quality nuluded in th.- let $1.50 Heavy Cerk Lineleums. Sq. Yd. . . . Mill set ends fiem a foiemest makei Seme full rei and loem-sie length $2.00 te $2.50 Inlaid Lineleums, Se.. Yd. Special Let Twe jards wide. ill net last all day mGOlEVM Seconds Art Rugs 2000 Yards of Congeleum Rug; Borders 1 Yd. AQ Wide, Yard.... & CO.: CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. rrjmnm We've Seen in Many a Day Have Just Arrived Bought Advanta geously and Marked Ihe Same Way at $19'75 Silvcftenc, v e I 0 u r. m i x e d coatings and broadcloth. Celer range includes nav, oxford, bren, reindeer, soi sei soi rente, also black Unnn henut'fitllt topped with deep fur, xclf-walcrinl storm or threw cellars. R.ch embroidery trims menu- tan. Fashionable plaited, belted 01 loose flare-back models. Alse sport- stvies in plaid back coatings. Warm, comfortable teat that will net enl leek well, but wcat well. One pictured. Coats $QQ KfiB tptJ'l f v (po - iiik (pe - iiik models. some hand'ome'y $1.95 l0 $7.75 kit and btewn cenev, nutria, white $1.29 nd $1.85 with Petei Pan, Eionemy Fiasement Men's $5.85 Trousers at $3.25 All Genuine Feathers U'.- used as d.np!e d.np!e eiled horn handling. Net mere than thre" otherwise peifett. of one kind. Made of elm. ken grades up te ihem featbis and gense feathei - it he- fto.ue 65 c '" $2.50 '" $4.50 $1.25 1'eenumy Karement Lineleums Opportunities Hen! Wmth SJ1.' thi lnt Rurs. 912 Feel ion lb -igns Seamle-- $22 $24 - fl. ft and 0ini'i ft of .1 e Will net last all da 59c 99 c $19.00 9x12 It. at.... $11.69 $10.69 $l().e() 9x10.1) ft. at $10,45 7.0x9 ft at $7.49 $5.98 $9.75 6x9 ft. at iy ; ll -'( ipS h m iin Ka ii -Ml N. SNELLENUUUG & CO. iff t Thursday Beys' Clothing Tlu Best Values In Philadelphia! Beys-$5.75 Norfolk $4 25 Suits Fancy mixed cheviets. Bews' S7.75 Suits With Extra Pair of Pants g95 at Fancy mied cheviets. Full- lined knickers. Bey's SI 2.00 Blue .Scree Suits at. S8.50 All-wool blue serge with full lined knicl-eiv Sizes fi te 18 year1. Beys' 88.30 Macki naw Coats. . . . S5.95 Wnnn fancj plaid blanket cloth vith "-hawi nnd convertible cellar. Bevs" Junier Overcoats at S1.95. S5.JJ5. S7.30 te $0.95 lleltcd style' that button te neck Beys' S2.25 Knickers. S1.49 Fancy mixed ihciets and cor cer dure vs. Sizes T t i 18 years. Boyr.' SI. W Knickers, Fancv mxeJ ci'exint0 95c and totvluiey. Size; 6 te J6 years. ct: -. Ki e-r,m Basement ........-. Beys' S7.50 Shaker Knit Pullover Sweaters At $5 Geed, heavy wool Shaker-knit sweaters in the wanted pull-ever st.le, with shawl celiar or V-neck. Choice of navy, m a t e e n, rt a r k V ay and heather. zes 2G te 34 r Ectiieni Basement Women's and Misses' $5 Silk Petticoats and Pantalettes At $2.95 Each Silk jei-.ey, messaline and com binations of jersey anil ltie.ssalinc. Petticoats have pla'ted flounces in plain shades ei contrasting lolers. Pantalettes have ruffles, flounces and double rows of shir i injr- Women's and Misses' $2.50 Petticoats and Pantalettes 511 89c and S1.00 doed quality sateen in all the wanted shades. Petticoats have lumVI fleume Pantalettes with du'iele ru of shirring and plaited i utHc at ankle Women's Si.eO Extra-Size Sateen Petticoats CI 1 Q In dowel d eftVit . '-' al-e plain ra ani blitk. Ruffled - - tai'et -vl fleuin e v,. . C i lonetrn B.isement All-Weel Blankets Specially Priced ai $6.84 PA,R Hn-rn from hue' jeicrpH lenj; lam') .oel with about 10' et ot en ii, 'he wa.n White it li pink .,i a li i Im der. Lire;" deubl?-h-.i sitf S!) Weel-Filled Comfertables at S5.95 1 'ewered petcaline (evermffS, plain atme holders and lamb's wool filluikr Piettv flet-Al de--ign'. 1- nil Me Sfi Bed Spreads. . Satin ina'n New $3.98 Marseille deigns Hemmed. fill' Sl.'t t- ? Kioneni Rri-intiH Pillow & Bolster Cases Standard Makes Economically Marked .")l)f Hemstitched iA Pillow Cases at. VC I'ruit-of-I.eom make Ml pmt Hlv hem.-titihed Ste 1 1 ib ins. l ')!( IleHler Cases te Match, Sue 12x72 liiilien at (i!lc Scalloped Pillow Cases at. . S1.25 59c i ruit-oi-i.iiem ma l.e tl' elv s i. Im ed Size 1 Utrac x3C ins. SI. .)9 Helster ( uses te Match al S1.25 452.25 Envelope Pillow Cases Pair in Christ $1.59 mas Bex at RcKulatiei. size I-nc -luality, very prettilv embroidered and valleped. Make very aecentablt tif' i": Keoiiemi rtaemwtt jF$Wff ' ;:ffl& rJiffiVl'TJllitltr? i 1 t i 'V. , jym,