1 ': s v1 T1 '" - v vTyt i" , .- V fM i.Vji 1 5.1? J PHILA. WOMEN GO-1 r TO STATE MEETING Pennsylvania's New Voters Will Map Out Legislative Plans at Wilkes-Barre EVENINGS tfU&LIC LEDGERPHIIAELPHIA HONOR SLAIN PARK GUARD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29; 1921 3 vqmvKtfi! 1 '.?$. T,".v JTJTiy W JOIN OTHER DELEGATIONS Pdcpi linns of wiunm icnilrrs from Philadelphia anil nUn (.'liptn IMqr uarc nml Mmilffenii'i j t'eiinllrs left the JJencllitjj'iVrinlilMl leihiy ill 1'J :!I0 o'clock for Vllkr-l'.nm where tliev will nt Wnd the tliicc-iln.v cniivpiitiini. IxRiti lilnfc IcnniirrM. of (he IVniNjIvniiln league of Women Vnlei. 'flie convention will he pipeliled ever bv Mr .lilhn O. Miller, the Nt'ite rhflirmnii ti ml will cnnilclrr n lecit latle, politic nl. eduC-ntiennl anil or er or canizTtlen program for the cumins jenr. Alipreviiintf Ij live hundred Vetncn will ntlend. In ndditieii te the delegations from Philtnlclplila nnd Mtrrniimllng cntiiillc, members of the Stnte lie.ird of the IcnRlie iiNe left en the niiie tinin. Tliej ere te ntlend n inpctlUR tonight In Wilkes linn 1; of the Stnte Incentive Committee of the Uenpiie. I'Imiih for l lie rniiM'iillen iiml reeoiiiiiiendalleiiH for the oemlns jeiir'h nctivlticw will he dis filled The members of the Slnle henrd who Mt tedin me Mrs. Miller. Mr. Li wis l.nwrencc Smith, vltc ilmlrmiin, nf StrnlTeid; MUs Mnrthn (1. Tlieiwis, Mate tn-iiMiier, of AVhltferd; Mr. Charles M. Lcn. of Ucvcm: Mrs Ur limn I. Sehwnrtt, of V nneweml ; Mls Mnrien Hellly. of I'hilndelphln. niul Mr. 'riininiiH ltes, of Diivlcstnvvti. The I'liiliulclpliln ileleRiitlen wns hradeil I'.i Mli Heillj, former denti of jlrjn 'Miiwr. who is clinlnnnii of (he I'hiladelphln Lookup el Women Voters. The ether I'hilndelphln delecntes nre Mrs Charles J. IUieiicIh. Miss Mutide Hurt Met 'nil. Miss Lidn Stel.ps Adam-. Mrs ('. Hnvv.ver Vniix, Miss Luc Lewis Miss .lullu Lewis, MM Snrnli I). Lewiie. Mrs, franklin T CIipiip, I)r nh n ('. Peller. Ma-s Ilnrrirt L. Iluhl.s nnd Mrs. Samuel I. Wnrrlner. Tin Chester t'mmt.v delejiilleii wns Jirmled bv Ml'i. Charles M. I, en, the reiinlv clinlnnnii. nnd Ineliided Miss Matlhu ! Thenuis, Mrs. William Smiili Paeli: Mrs Wtiltej- Wrldit. of Llneeln I iilM'rsiij ; Mrs. I Huberts Comfert nnd Mih. IIewcll (iilllnchniii. of West Chenter. Alis. Kdwurd Y. Ilnrtshernp. fif IIaerferd. elinirniaii of tin- lMnvvtire ('eiintv Lenpite nf Women Voters. lei her cuiint.v's ilp'ppntps who nre: Mrs. II C Bem . Liitisdewne: Mis. V I. Maxwell, LniiMhlwne.; Mrs. I'nnl I.nehenmeer. Lniisdewiie ; Mr.s. Walter II Cnikraii and Mis. Anna V Grew. Mrdle : Mrh. Cieileriik 1, Drinker nnd Miss Liie.v Anthenj, MeIan; Airs. (.'harks L. Mnrlin and Mrs. Mnrrhiill Smith, Wnjni nnd Mis. M. A. .Icf frri of Sharen 1 1 ill. The MontKeiiier) County delegation, led hj Mis. Ilermnn L. Sehwtirf. imwtv r litilt innii. include;! Mrs. '1'. Dun' an .lust. Ambler: Mr. Pnul Tap-, ran. Aula. ere; Mi. IIarr. 11 Kehn. , Mmnn : Mir. (leerpp Illnlr, Wynne Wynne Wynne woed: Miss Margaret P. Snunders AbliiRten, anil Aliss Mar.v I.ippincntt, Wyiieetp. ' FRENZIED TURKEY FINANCE , LANDS YOUTHS IN JAILi teal Gobbler. .Sell It, Steal It Bacn and Sell It Twice Again Twe .reung men wiete the final chap t"r of a freii7it( TliHiikpglMng tnrke.v iienl when tliej wpre i-ent te juil fn default of bail lij Majer Andersen in the (iluiieester Cltj pidiep i-eurt to te dar IrMiig ( linsp. frurteen jenrs uhl, nnd t lnrle Mi'tiai. yixteen, admitted te the Mm ei thnt thp hail Molen a luilp nd mid it, n stele It, mid it. bought it h.iek nod then tesehl It enec mole J'lic lirvt tool, the tnrkej, a jmskj tntliK-piiunilpi', alive, from a erm en Hip mnteititick of .Tumps K. Dojle. it III rw n. Pa., at the lileiieeiler feu- 'I hen tlier sold II te Jehn i I -hams for SL'..iO. Williams put it in bis Tard and the stele it baek. Then tliej ild 11 te (ieeigp Klpinfelder iIm for L' .VI After the Klelnfeliier ate Ihej niPt man who mi I it that he would gip S.'t for n bird. 'I'Iipj uslteil Klelnfeliier, nd told him that it was a stolen turker nd iirrsiiHdPil him t Inkp kick bis ?2fi0 and return the tnrkej. 'J he y, cnntnnipr then get the gobbler. The bejs entertained the county ofli efli elsls with mugs and dances en their ay te jail. FIRE DOES SLIGHT DAMAGE Smoke from .1 cengesti'd Hue nreiispd Miss Clara Unities nl I" ::() o'clock this morning In her home, ISdl iVnn itreet. rrankferd She areiisrd Iipi Iipi hrether. .lebn Ilniiips, and her stater nd bretber-in law. Mr. and Mrs. I Loekerie. I'ircmpii cleared awa ob structions in the Hue. The (lanuge trus trilling "',,flW'i?,rt-Wwfvrfwi"r""" ' ,.... UT.fl, -W vytttcwnuw , , I 9 Mar ,mifi ,HHH ' ' 111 - -' wMJSBm - v - 5 WmMsBKaJm ' imww " B$WwSB $ WMWfiSBm .., Wiwm "' fllHRW ' i h iBiOwHK mm vwwmamw' t ' - iSSHIMP mm SHPH p i rl mi m PfMit,:' '; I 1, MKHi Si I ' .'Ofc "ifi'Xivr' XTrtwww xA : Jv.fA.l E NGLAND FORGETS HOL D TRUCK DRIVER GIRL-WAR WORKERS Kate Manicom Says These Who Helped in Plants New en Laber Scrap Heap LEADER IN CITY TONIGHT "I'liplnnd haw lest Its nppierintlen of the rerrlees of young women during the war, nnd the glrks of twenty nnd twenty-one nre being thrown out of in dustrial life onto the labor wrap pile." said Kate Mnuieem, of Iondeti, who represents the working girls nf the world and Ih coming here te make two ad dresses. She gae nn Interview In Washing ton today before lealng for this citj. Miss Mnnieem has come te this country ns a icpresentntle of the Women's Trade I'tilen. which has dele gates from fertj -eight countries, nnd she delivered n menage te Secretnrj Ilughrs en dlsnrinnnicnt. Tomorrow she will nddress n meeting of garment workers nnd later will Kpenk en disarm ament at the Kriends' Meeting lleusp, L'O Seuth Twelfth street. ."It Is hard te conceive," said Miss Mnnieem. "of a state of things ' , where n girl is done for industrially ut , the age of twenty or twcnt.i -one. but Mint Is the case with us. (tirls who at fourteen went Inte facterr work nt the beginning of the wnr and were kept i Imsj at what we cnll repetition work feeding inncliiucs--nre new twcnt.i. and occurring In Knglnnd. The rIHb de net knew where te turn, "" . L "Often they luive relatives dependent en them, because the men of the family nre gene. The (ievcrnment hns offered. In conjunction with the Snlvatlen Arnij, te pav their expenses te the colenien and provide eniple.Miient there, but It Is net ensy for n girl, ulmidy broken in spirit, te cnilgrnlc. Such nn act requires Ini tiative, nnd It cannot be expected that these girls will possess Initiative nny mere than shell -shocked soldiers could be expected tli possess It." ALLEGED THIErCAUGHT AFTER CHASE OVER ROOFS - After nn Intpiest tednj into the death .... mi j -r.ulxn Alier Vlel nf i of Mlx-pnr-eld Albert Motion. ,1)., ' 'ie Electrician te Heme Jacob Steinberg-. 'JViO IJ,ieklnsen street, captured Inst night after a chase ever reefs and thretigl nllejs. was held In .?IOO bnll for further hearing by Mngistrnte Dougherty. Steinberg Is nceiiscil of stenlitiK n y watcli nnd mono) en two successor oc casions from the home of Xntlinn Pell. IflOfl Point Hrce7e avenue, wheie be liad gene te de electrical work Ac cording te Peli Steinberg was nt lil-j home last September and nfter he had left a watch valued at S10." and about Slfl in cash were mlsed. A fe dajs age Steinberg uppeared nt his heiue again nnd .5'J," wns mibsed after his visit. Pell reported Jho matter te the police nnd Patrolman Siminteti wns sent te I Steinberg's house. When he saw the patrolman Steinberg .lumped .from a second-story window en te n shed and then cut through the nlley bnik of tin house. He was overtaken nt Twentj first nnd Dickinsen streets. i avenue, nnd struck the boy ns he was! It living the selinel.vnriL He died n few hours nftcrwnrd in the Hnbneiiiulili ; llespltnl It was held In Walts that due te (lie ain-seiiked street nnd fnults In tlie ng, the accident could net nave en prevented aeraunin j-ukivi. liachei of the Hancock Scheel, testi fied Mint It Is net unusual en wet d.v for trucks te skid te the sidewalk, and Mint It has been bis custom te stand en the sidewalk when the children leavi the schoolyard and te see that they get out of the neighborhood in quickly n possible. lie said thnt be bad complained te the new accident prevention division el the Police I'.urenii of the condition of rnirmeutit avenue at this point Hi said Mint the viw Hacks are of the an clenl Hut -groove variet.v and that In c.,... i ,.r I tin sehoel tliern Is ii slicht ele- 1 Milleti which often'kneeks unsuspecting I dilvers out of their course. i automobile truck driven bv Watts two. Detective Kanewell. altactied te tne . ....obe nir,. "he trneU- i' iiiici I IP SIP- ,1 WPIHiein line i tiin'Jiiv u -11..10 ru. walk in front of the Hiincecl: Public tlen. confirmed the testimony Scheel. Twelfth street and Fnirnietiut teacher. .tiin 11 - IN DEATH OF dig Machine Driven by Rebert Watts, 1833 North Ninth Street, Killed Schoolboy iven Vn riiieinil .avenue. lotener Knight held Rebert Wntt. I"s.'!: North Ninth street- without nan i"r me lira ml .lur.v . The child wns fatally Injuiecl bv tin of the POLICE DEFEND KILLING Say Chinese Was Shet After As- OL"??'lSU, smxtissi!iSimscr. I. S. IteulM'ti and Ierrls .1. l-iiid. of Mm Qunlier City Cab Company, are shown placing a wreath en a pole at Sixteenth street and the Park- vvti.v in honor of Park (iu.inl MiicpiiI llmilc), vtlm was murdered FUNERAL OF. SLAIN GUARD Services for Vincent Hanlcy Will Be Held Tomorrow at 9 o'clock I'lini'inl services for Pnik (iiiaril Via cent Hiinle) who was shot and killed Satiiidav night nt SKteenth strcpf and the Parkvvnv, by James Hastings, when Hnnlej made an attempt te examine Hustings' niitoiuebilp license, will be held tomeirow inclining at ! o'clock at St. Cranels Xavier's Cliuich. Twenty -feiiilh and (ticen streets, where ma's will be sung. l'levveiH began te arrive today at Mr. Hnulev'h late home, S'J," Windser scpinre. where he lived with the family of .lehn McLeughllu. A guard of thirty -two brother of ficers will uccempanv the body te Hely t're-H Cemetery tomenow under the eetumanil of Captain Haves II. Dun can. I'lup'eyes of the (Ju.iker Cltv Cab Company placed a w tenth en a l.imp mst In the I'.ukwav today in inemerv of Hnnley, who. they bnil all come te knew ami lospeet. HONOR MRS. UPPINCOTT Elected Chairman of Camden Scheel Beard Committee .Mr. Miriam L. IL f.ipplncett. 101! Cooper t reel. Camdin. today was elect -ed chalrmpn of the teachers' ceinmitlie of the C.imden Heard of IMucatien This commit tec has jurisdiction ever all the public tea diets in Camden. She is the fii st woman te held (he efficp. Mis. Lippluiett was appeintpd te dip benid several mouths age by Mayer Kills. She siic-peds iIip lale Dr. Charles P. Tattle in the c baiimiiuslilp. H. P Hemphill was appointed te succeed Dr. Tultle as a meinbei of the lien i d. Pawnshop Window Robbed Window iiuisIhis i,ei 1 1 1 1 ."iili win Mi of jiwelrv ft hi i tin pawn -hop ,nf i:iw'iberg Sihneffpi. Ills Lull-ca-ter metiii(, some time between Sal unlay night and veterdn.v lueriilug BISHOP NEUMANN NEARER TO CANONIZATION HONORS Pepe and Cardinals Discuss Virtues of Philadelphia Prelate TIip vlrlups of the Venerable .lebn Nipemucene Neumann, C. SS. R., fourth Itishep of Philailelphln. were discussed yesterday in the presence of ( the Pepe by Iho Sacred Congregation of Rites, according Ie a press dispatch le- i reived today from Reme. This is another step toward declar ing Hishep Neumann a saint. The i lengthy process of canoniatlen was i started In HSI Itlshep Neumann wan born In He- hemltt in 111 and ordained u priest in New Yerk in lS'tli. He was rector of iSt. Alphonsus Chun Ii in Italtimere lie- fore being appointed Rishep of Phlln- I delphia. Reports Bandit Robbed Him of $29 llenjainln Aarouevitr. "te Seuth ritlecnth tie,'t, reieild te the police 'of the Twentieth ami I'lUwulcr stiects -1.it ion tint hi was held up last night by a Negro at the corner of I'ittPenlli i and llainbridge street- The man, Iip said, thrust a rewdver in his face and leek a pockcthnek containing ,iiSl. DlRECT-MAIL advertising is an important .help in selling goods and geed will 'arc being thrown en the lalmr scrap ""'""B D,uc1 i heap, and their young competitors of The trial of Patrolman Arehnngcle 'ili .. .....1 ..t . .. l.n ...rA....A ..H v . ... , r , 1. ti 1 .... i illiriMl anil hisivni mnu joeiuieerr inn l.arre anil .lesepri I . leniumi mip le-l them, line reason for this, of course, sinned thi uierning bpfore .Ittdge Mar is that the elder girls must bnve higher u with tlie ntterneysi innklng their nr wagps. giiments te the jury. The patielmen "What te de with these girls of me charged with manslaughter grew-j twenty and ever is a heart-breaking tug nut of tlie killing of Lee Teng at ' piehlcm. They nre loe old te go through I jctr, Race street, .lanunry III. IML'O ffnether aprenticeshlp and the work 1 charged Mint (lie efiicers iisrd , they have done hns neT prepnrul them I undue force and violence. The defense for any ether kind of activity. There nsserts Dunden had arrested a girl wh"n Is little te encourage them te take up'Teng interfered, l.erre went te Dun- some trade, ns mililiiery or dressmnk- den's assistance, it is claimed, when, lug. for these callings nlc are ever- nnether Chinese fired at him. Diinuden crowded. ,sins i. leiuriicd the lire TIip bullet "As a result t,enie tragic things are struck and mertiillv wounded Teng. rtisfiAssssmi, Personal Greeting Christmas Cards and Cachets The demand for Christmas Cardx designed and engraved by tin's Establishment is exceedingly Iar!e. Patrons are advised te make early selection efcer.ds which are te be endraved , vlere fours $ te Sie A The Helmes Press, -Printtn 1315-29 Chtrrv Street Philadelphia If Yeu Hnvn Relatives, Friend nnd Neighbor Tlmt Uiie Christmas Greeting Cards We Cnn Make Yeu nn Interesting Preposition. BURT & BURT 1001 Chestnut St. Roem 201 DREKA FINE STATIONERS imported photograph Frames Beautiful Inlaid Weed all sizes $2.00 te $10.00 l 1121 Chestnut Strcet iittt&w M H6,mahe47"1STS. Paris 564 36Gae 568 itftfl JVvCttUC New Yerk BROAD AND-WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA The fair valuation of super lative modes is the motive of the Gidding policy, which recently lowered all prices. Our Semi-Annual Sales Are New in Progress Embracing DAY DRESSES EVENING GOWNS COATS CAPES AND WRAPS SPORTS APPAREL FURS AND MILLINERY Empire Tray Tep Tables These handi-eme antique mahogany tray lop tables are extremely ornamental as well as useful. Fer smokers' stands, work-tables, maga zine stands, davenport end tables, console tables and the myriad ether uses of the occa sional table they are especially attractive. Prices $45.00 and $50.00 The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 Walnut Street TYPE 57X CADILLAC l lern nuh inltit'! vll"nt t-rmrlit inti UirnutfhiHJt u vniiilnrful alue am Lust 1 1 isrtj mr nr j:'i" NCnL-CADILLAC COMPANY 525 Market Strrct, Camden, N. J. Tliiiitr, f'liinclni "nHl r acDenald & Campbell Suits you will be proud te wear $30 te $65 lluiid-luilurcd miit.s that will slitisfy uur st.vle, fubriurt ami iuuliiy wishes better thtin atiy ethers. If ymi nie a niprelmiit tailor eus eus tenier, you will feel "just npht" in one of these fuits, if you ate useil te weutintr the re-imIIpiI "bi-Bt reail.v te weni," thci-e suiln will lie .1 nlruMni' rev el.it ion te veu, ami that it what MaeUutialil & Campbell clelhe.s are te all nu-i, Nete Evening Dress Clethes the finest presentntien of th'e nuthentic Metropolitan styles, fnlnics nnd tailoring. 4 I 334-1 336 Chestnut Street u I I V , J ; ' zL FINE STATIONERS HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT Te meet existing conditions The Dreka Ce. hns assembled a beautiful collection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS that were personally selected in Europe together with the best obtainable in America which will be offered at exceedingly low prices this year. 1121 Chestnut Street Seven Wee Babies get desperately sick Ne money for doctor or medicine. Yeu can step in and smooth the pain from the seven little faces; sending a doctor te all seven. Is there anything mere satisfying, and All for Ten Dollars Willi net a further thought or the slightest effort en your part. The most holy and beautiful work you can de is done for you ; yours is the inner glow and satisfaction of having made it possible. Slip a $10 note, a check (te the or der of the Wel fare Federation) or a money order in an envelope and mail ibilh this Welfare Federation, 1500 Spruce. St. Philadelphia I WiH aivc'IVn Dollars Here It -Is! Annie Address Space Contributed by a Friend of the Welfare Federation CONSTANT Ad her ence te a Oualitv Standard Brings Merited Reward. This season is establishing a top record for increase in the number of new custo mers dealing w i t It us largely men who have been buying in ether stores and who have net had com plete satisfaction. We appreciate t h i new business and believe that we are entitlcn te it in one sense it f n Reward for our steady adherence te the Quality Standard in Merchandising. J Truly l"conemicd and Scitisfnetery Clothing is th.it which gives geed wear .nd service. - J Reed's standard of Quality. Fabric- nnd of Tailor ing represents the best that the world afleids in clothes. The prices for Pall and Winter Suits. Tep Coats and Overcoats range trem $30 up ward, with especial values nt $40 and $4 5. JACOB REED'S SONS I4&4-1&6 Chestnut Sheet w One -Day Sale! Tomorrow, Wednesday, Nev. 30th, the Last Day of the Menth, for this One Day Only WJiwill close out the fol lowing very desirable lets of Ulsters and Conserva tive Overcoats at a fraction, of their real value 259 Coats in all. DOUBLE - BREASTED ULSTERS of the follow ing lets: 5600. 5573, 5615, 5654, 5591 and 2788. Con servative Overcoats of lets 2006, 2047 and 2055. The Ulsters in b 1 u c 3, brownish and heather mix tures, and Cambridge grays. The Conservative Over coats in oxford gray and black only. All with satin yokes, and sleeves. Seme arc full lined with Skinner's satin. Very ex ceptional values at $30 and $35 Will be Sold Out Tumor row Onlv. at $19 OUR overcoat business hai been se satisfactory during November that the "last day of the month" finds us with many lines of which we have but a few coats left. Hence the fortunate oppor tunity presented above. Tomorrow Only Nev, WthLasl Day of the Menth Pekry&Ce. Kith & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men FINE FRAMING Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings THE ROSENBACH GALLERIES IS20 VValnat Htreer HBMBHRllupmebileBMBBBB Physicians lie drive their own cut run rc.idil handle Hup mobile The levers are all renvenientlv located and ram'lv operated. Simplicity of construction i character istic of the car throughout. THE HATCH MOTORS C? os r hihu tens 710 K. BROAD ST - PHILA. I ltNMOItl l)KA I K I Imrli-h .1. Mi-Cnticli 3H7 rrnnkfnri! ,ti I.I.KM VNTIIVV.N 1)1:a7,I.R lrnfkfl llrritlif r Whmip lip, X VV i.lilnirlnn I nnt vivin 1 im, )u:.r.KK I. V. rimm 111, ,lp. Vliiiusnnipri r elil I uncnittrr Itn.rf i 11 , Ul zmmammsmmMammmmmm iiinremMiimwsi . i . "'U'liiiiuiWiiiiniiiiiireiii Hig brown leaves of crispy goodness Victer Bread big leaf I At all our Stores h msjiicj. U mnsmT-.r'iJx'l t s -t i i ti a na-UtfAUi A .r'-TiiiiiBTOiaffljaHtaKin:!;: v