iise- ffsvwiyj - . y. . v-'f, f--aJv v ' M fl3 TEty $r EHRETS , SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING X MFG. CO. . W DREXEL OLDG. ' nriek Walls, Ptncee, Concrete, Cement Illecks, Etc., SInde WATERPROOF AbeTB Mid Ilelew Grade is-ft te Hew. THE ARVON COMPANY Heed Building XfattrvToetlng Dnnipprnefliie UNION METAL PORCH COLUMNS Last a Llfctlme STEEL IIEART OF PLASTER METAL LATH Steps Flre Prevents Crncks WALL BOARD SHEETROCK Tu Tartar in V.mrt. PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 1345-4? ARCII ST., PHILA. Pheneal I.ecnst 301 li Riice 7101 STEAMSHIP XOTiriM NAWSCO LINES Team freight received daily at Pier 19 North (Feet of Vine St.) Sailing out of Philadelphia the 6TH and 20TH of each month DIRECT, via Panama Canal, te SAN DIEGO. LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO,- OAKLAND, SEATTLE, PORTLAND. ASTORIA, TACO.MA, VANCOUVER, II. C. St S. LEHIGH December 6th ' S. S.. WEST ISLETA December 20th Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Owners and Agents U fl. Shijiplim: Beard btevmer.i 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 N. Y. TO CHERDOUna &.SOUTHAMPTON riARMNlA ' -1 nee. 31 AQCTTAXIA ... ..Dee. 13 Teh. 7 Teb. 2S N. T. TO LIVERPOOL CALABRIA ... .......... Net. SO AIIMMV (new) ...Ice, 10 Jan. 17 Veil. 1H fiCTTHIA nrw... Dec. 24 .Inn. 28 1'eb. 23 N. T. TO HALIFAX, PLYMOUTH. CHER BOURG AND HAMIll'RU eA.XO.MA . ..Ian. 21 Mar. Id V. Y. TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASOOW LOLIMRIA llec. 10 ALflERIA (ue) ,. Dec. 21 Jan. SI l'eli. 21 A"SiKIA (new)... Jnn. 7 leb. 11 . N. Y. TO LIVERPOOL AND ULAOOW ' CAMKROMA (new) Dec. SI I Ji. Y TO MOO. GIDRArTR NAPLLH PATRAS, DU11ROVNIK, TRI1SIE, rittME ITALIA ... . .Jan. 3 nOSTON TO LONDONDERRY LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW ASSYRIA (new) . . ...Dtc. C "JPHCIAt. MEDITERRANAM SAILING MADEIRA. OIBRAITAR MON'VCO (RIVIERA), GENOA. NAPLES CAR ON I A Ideal far Independent Traiel Canard and Ancher Steamship Ud ritsenger Ofllc. 13UU Walnut St., I'hlla. FTflfht OITPe. lleurse Dldc I'btla. rCOMMERCIAl STEAMSHIP LINES w PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY. SLIGO SS"Ea&tcrR King" . .Leading S S "OBlikes.i" Pre. 22 Gelnenbnrr, Cepennajcn, Malme, He!iinferi, Rija, Danzig & Reral S S "Conejos" Dec. 15 Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc. E. W. STRINGFIELD, ruu. Mar. 428 DOURSE BUDC, PHILA, ,mLemI). 0585 Main 7513 , KERR LINES Seilings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "Schoharie (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Dec. 20 Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bell Telephone lii'jsioue iclephoes Lembard R204-5 Muln 8180 FLORI DA By Sea JACKSONVILLE l Via bavannuh) Frem PHILADELPHIA WcUiiril:i-, bnturday. S P. 21 13.1.38 : "?ra ci.ss Vartnx RcriidiHtlenul. Meols and state-1 room airounnetlutlon ineinuca. ivxira ?arge for Promenade IlffK. itoems. i irkeis geed te rf turn until Muy at , rrelrht enlv. Automobiles ee- 1 ntJ. IClesed tars excepted). Merchant! & Miner Tram. Ce. Pier 1R i llelaware Ae.. Thlla. Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U.S.S.B.S S "W00DMANSIE" EXPECTED TO SAIL DEC. 10 AT CONFER KTNC13 RATES Harms, Magill & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette Uldg, Philadelphl leimkard BllO-t. -Mala-, TU a 7M mm.immmmimmmm-m M& Xmai eaair ) I tests'- Gifts i A .ft, Oenulne Red Cedar Chest tOI fifl for J AeUU Gerryce Cedar Chests Jast the Gift for Her Yeu cannot select a mera wanted nnd useful Xmna Gift than ene of our gcnulne red cedar cheats. lluy Direct from (lie Manufacturer Hum Meney See Our' Display Frederick R. Gerry Ce. SALESROOM, 1835 Market Street T.r.flAT, ATH'r.RTIIKMKNTS ifjiv nv. APri.icvrieN or micilvklI IIOKITIM) IB PARDON ! ionce in imreuv given mat nn implication for the pardon of Michael Ilerrntlnn, con- VlCtCfl Fchriinr 'A mill t4n,ir r.f n... m .1 LTtrmlnar. (if lMillmlrliihlii C?nnntv. Vrtv.mti. c ls fcesslens, Inl8, Nen II04-COB. will he mnde.'hli la at the December scilens f the Heard of ! inriiuiiK n p" iiaiu ni iiarnsuurc l'a . en Uecembcr alat, 11(11, ' 1J Penn'auuare H4g , ' Atlorney for Pc Itlencr, PERSONALS I I WILL nor be responsible tracleii nrtcr nei mui than tnc,f, -NurtU Stuar inpten a i STEAMintP NOTICES te EUROPE otill.S.(gevcrnmentSfups ""UIIiikm from 1'lera 1 A 1, Ilobekrn Te Plymouth ChtthnTtBttmim Ceerje Waihiniloe, Dec 8, Jan. 17. America J,n. 3, Feb. 4 Te Plymouth Boalettt Londen Centennial Slats Dec. 14, Jan. 17 Panhandle Slate ... Dec. 27, Jan. 31 Te BrtmtnDani'ig Potomac lite 31 Te Bremen Hudin . . Dec. 3, Jan. 14 P.inceu Mateika.. .Dec. 10, Jan. 23 United States Ifnea M00RE A McCORMACK CO.; fit. ROOSEVELT STEAMSHIP CO.. 1st. UNITED AMERICAN UNES. 1st. L Maners Operaten for 17. S. Shipping Dard I or UPCkw: Adjrtu u. i. Linu 45 Drbadrrar, New Yerk ff Ne wl&rk te SeuA America oriu.&GevmmentSfiips Fasttsat Time te nte dt Janeiro, MentevttiM and Iln-nns Aires. Finest anlps American service American reed American cenv ! iris, flailing from Plsr 3, Hoboken. S.S, Aeelua ...Dec. 7 S.S. Huren Dec, 22 S.S. American Leglan. . Jan. 0 S.S. Southern Creat. .. .Jan. 19 Fer Jesrrietice oeotfef, address Miwsen SfeatsiiipLixies Itrnerll unices, siunsnn lime. til Wall HI.. Vew YerV rhlinrtelnhl-i (iftlre. Ilretel TIM PHILADELPHIA te NORTH AFRICA, BARCE LONA, GENOA, LEGHORN and NAPLES SS "OLYMPE . Dee. A Threuth Dills of Lndlnr for all perta of fcimln, Mnrercn, Alerrla, Tunisia, Cette, Nice, fllbrallir nnd Levant TKANSHII'MENT VIA s CUK OWN STEAMERS Earn-Line Steamship Ce. 139 Seuth Fourth St., I'hlln.. Pn. I.enibnrd Oine-ntJ-nii Alain 8361 Agents for Three-Star Line Me, lea ffreteurs Rennls -1. llrldcs 1st., ew ierk EXPORT Transportation Ce. Oriele Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te LONDON, HULL & LEITH SS "CAPULIN" Dec. 3 J'er Information nnd tales upplr te Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. Agents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA nell lelePl'0"., , I,embnrd nJOt-S Keystone Telephone Minn miiiii AMERICA UNE vmr nlIK TO R TTKR1IAM i IMjiiieuth, Houleene-Hur-Mtr CHRISTMAS SAILING S. S. ROTTERDAM, Dec. 10 ii't reach I nil IM' anil the inNII ii ST III ample Uniu for t IlllIhT.MAh and M.,ST '"j.1 EAn HOLIDAYS ,..l,m . llec. 3 Jnn. 21 I'eli. 25 B'nA.i.ria,:,:::?n0: " ks: ,Miw'0cfAJWf Walnut Si 41 EVENING PUBLIC LEDG-EJB- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, LOST AND FOUND .lAUI'ltf. I.nSt, diamond and platinum bar bar rewird. Address 1 721. , f'nit nu.ui.Jie I - eVUer Office, III. a i-. ,, URACKl.lvr Lest. Jady'n link Platinum sap. phlre bracelet, ariuare atones. In I'hestuut at shopping district, hctvreeu'C'Rldneir and i -toad at... Friday mctilng-, Nev LT. Liberal reward It returned tu .1 K f'nldivell Ce. IIRAC'Bl.nT- lest, bracelet ullli different cnjnwjjtfinss reward Iteturp 200(1 Hpruce, CnilTiriCATK Netice Is'lien by KlveriMliat the underslcned his made, appllrntlnu for the jenewnl of Certlflrate Ne l'-IOUSlO, for 1 snare, of, steck: of the Peiinsjhntiln. Rail, read Ce., Issued te Cecelia St M'llcr fvnd dated the 4th of May, 1017, tha ntime liavlne bean lest or destroyed DllUHS Lest, part of red chiffon dress, leaf of pattern. embroidered red thread nnd geld beads, gelnir from 17th and Chest- nut te Rltz-l'nrlten Hetel, Re ard If re. turned te SOlit Walnut si. Ph. Hpruce 1.113. Tl-lItRI-R Lest. West Highland tthlte ter rier, white, with three brown spots l.ncls and sldes brownish ears: reward, Walker, 4'.."12 1'lne 1'hnnn Woodland 821 W. HELP WANTED FEMALE CIIILDNURKI5. white, Protestant, for entire care of 3 children. 7 and 4V4 vtars. Scotch or Ilngllsh preferred, line Ulenti read, Ard. rnnre Pheno Afdmera 172 CLEANERS 1 Women, white, for General ceanlne trrulblns en our day nnd nleht force. Apply Bureiu of Employment WAKAMAKEITS und CLERKS ANT) CASIIIEllS a, splendid opportunity for refined, educated home-gills te ink'ei a geed buslntss conncciien. Apply Bureau of Employment "K'AN'AMAKEIVS I..'. COOK One understanding Southern coel:Inr !.L ,m h."1" 5en- I Preferredi must also be neat housekeeper . J',-:' i ethers I r.fercnce required; L' In family. Mrs. J. if art. Out S Wmh.lnri.an. 2517 N, llread st. , DO YOU WANT A PERMANENT POSITION amid pleasant surroundings with excellent opportunities for advancement? The Hell Telephone Ce. has a position of this kind for jeung women between IS and 23 paying J14 a week while learning. Mply te MISS 8TKVENP0N ULLL TELEPHONE CO 11331 ARCH ST. PARCEL POST HPviwff NEW B8-Vete riarer-riaue 23 Rolls .Muslu Uencli and Scurf $325 Special Christmas Offer LOOK AT THE LIST OF PIANOS nnd PLAYER-PI ISO BARGAINS Ilelew, Which Are Ouiy a Few of the Mnn 3InIcs We HAVE in Sterk Which Have BEEN PRICED $65 l" Frem 1 Hallet tc Cumiten upright, $65 5 Chickenni Uprithli, STe UP 7 Letter uprighli, J&llO up 5 Heppe uprights. SJ13f "1' 6 Cunninham uprifhti, $llf "P 5 Clasiui uprights, SI 15 t'P 5 Knabe upright!, S"L55 UP 1 Voie upright, S1GO up 4 Lndwig uprighli, S165 nP Z Leenard plsjeri, S127f up 4 Emerien 88-n. plajeri, S225. upj 2 Chickering 88-n. pi"., S310 up 5 Hardman upright!, Sl-lO up 6 Weberfield 88-n. pl'y'j, S325 up 10 Stemwar upright!, SU.J5 up 10 Heward Vincent, $240 P 'lhrse Instnimenta nre In flrst-tlnssl undlltini. I (iiiurnnteed with a two-year eirhantrl 'rniieae nt price you paj. New Pianos, $250 te $585 Neiv Plnyer-FiaueH, S32.rtu S875 Baby Grand Pianos, ?325te$1395 Reproducing l'injcre,S850 te S150U TERMS S LOW VS $10 Down $2.00 Weekly OPEN EVERY EVENING HOWARD VINCENT 830.838.840-842.844-846 NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILA. mizPMi JNC4$ Glres yea a feeling of real comfort and tha assurance of uerfee' protection whlla axsr clnine or playing games of any kind. All elas tic. ler fert rtt. Will net lehsfe Perfselpeueh fstent'der'n fog te front Msyt'sbolUdteeliarse TWO WEEKS TRIAL. If net sttlifieterr retern and money wljibsrefena'tfd Mailed en rtcelpt of Hce l. watsvajstnieaaDrrtesnt II,., U t II It 1 IU3il irlliit Street till, II., Drpt 1 I'lillildelphla I he Philadelphia Din! Poed Ce' BIRD MANNA WIM.MAkU CANARIES nrble tuneful melodies when they have lest their sweet song from illness or meulting. Sold by druggists nt 15 cents. Mnlled at th. same price bytlie I'iiiia. uiru I'OOH WO,, eUU 11. 3dSt.,Plilla.,Pn. DltJD ROOK PRUU. TALKING MACHINES REPAIRED Feil00 KEEN 109 N. 10th St. The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World Spii ifttfmhitMT or QUAiirrcSas jSEWRNS. I onera JH I ' M VOU'LL be proud te own this wonder- fffilj lH M 'I fl'l? I ful instrument. ' Its tone cure. HHlJi HHB llll? J vibrant, rich and true is matchless HBInH llll for beauty. LfllwIllEL llll i 'eltllC t- mh &8M sCJkrnW vti.vvi nnV UrlA HELP WANTED FEMALE UIRL8 wanted tu learn tnssel finishing. V. W. Maurer ft Bena Ce,. 4811 Vr'Ayue ave.. near IKlli and tlermantewn wve GOLI' BALTISWOMA Wanted An alert yeuiiB rveman te aell ft irelf Rimes must be a. t,elf player, but nut necessarily uii csjiert. Apply Uureau of Kmplerment vanajlykhr's HOUHKWOKK Weman for -work In nerthcam suburbs, tBday. general heuie. Lembard SIB, ItuUUBWUHK, (.cneral, no laundrj i refs 800 n.'.t li ave. T'hen Oal( Lane 0781 rTDnsUS Gradual", tinrtercraduate, prar Ileal, statu tiuallllcatlunM. P 71H. Led Off. bALKHLADV Wnrttcd, a lady of pleaaln pemenalltj. nbln te present facts lntelll gently and nrouse puMle Interest In n atrensly Indorsed puldlu enterprise. plua.tit nnd com cem com fertablo employments n. aplendld opportunity for a jeunu vnlleie woman Call ufter 10 A. M Mr. Hendersen. I'M H. fi'.'d st SAIESWOMEN Wflntrfl Saleswomen In rarieut depart mnt; oed breeding and eduiallen neces sary qualifications. Arply Bureau of Empleymenl WAJTAJIAKEIVS WEAVERS, experienced, wanted en, narrow edgings; some learm ra taken. F v, w. Maurer ft frens co , 4:111 nne at , near 1HIH and n rnmntewn tr WOMAN, 21 te 40, deslrlnir te learn sales manship, backbone nnd energy mere es sential than experience, Protestant pay dally, bonus mentlih 4 enrollment a day pain 100 u week, gle address and pheiis number. M U21, ledger Office, WOMAN of experience te (nanaim a luncheon reilm. references P 71B, Ledger irflee WOMEN" Wn hae a Inrge utiniher of ln- Sulrles regardliiR the Heek of Knewdg require n few able, energetle booksellers tn answer them In ccniell tali at once. B07 Viindam mug 1 OMEN We offer te three or four educated ladles an opportunity that Is unusual: If you can qual Ify 5 0U can earn from S800 te $1100 per menth: tact nnd ability te sell essential. Apply 2 1 M Friday, Monday or Tuesday. 11. Tl Real Estate Trust Hldg 1(itr:i. It OMEN iJ fi O l'LA'Mi nv AaE. At) PACKERS. LIOHT. Ai7REB. AULVJ WORK; PD7A3ANT VURROUNI). 1NOS. APPLY 8 A M . HUSH RRIOIIT jiru, lu, iiiu,m ai ,.u uuii AVE. I PARCEL POST WHYPAYM0RE? This Very Stunning Handsomely Embroidered Serge Dress $0.49 "IV li T dn renriill pretty thlnas especially a dreta Ilka tie ene hers with llluetra tsd when It ran Tie bought for less than tha cost of raw mate rial? Thla char mtng dress Is made of aned wear I n g serge b a utifnlb e m breldereii wlf best riua ity rllk Tlplrg j f e 1 1 t rastlng color s round neck nnd 'op e f sleexea Parcel Pest, 10c Dress In navj blue only, .liter 10 te 40 J. WALTMAN Write Dcpt. D. 457-459 N. 8th Si., Phila., Pa. Automatic Ventilators MAKE YOUR ROOM BREATHE Fer Office, Facterr, Scheel and Heme te t'? l.Sy-eti,-' r AT7 Tt- . iS'S" Iff I .v.;e5'eJ l tu , tr -!," TJeardrnaif cV; Suedaker The Automatic Ventilator Ce. 12 Commerce St., Phila. i .i fcrnl jrf I'henc Murkit run OLD PARLOR SUITS MAIir rCDAI. TO NTEW . Rseonstrueted. uphelstrrtAl ill Pe ifhed, $15 n v no Vlrst - class rrer guaranteed. Slip Cever Slud te order. Ti'i carry a larss, .lerW of UEk. Merle tvikterlaU ie wh.1eaale PflOSa. American UpheUtery Ce, , Oldest und I-urfest Heuse uf II KlaJ 125 S. Second St. TOmVST Vorrearl ID Arch Hlreer HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER rim ceai. New prlnclile cenatai u ip pl J4 te SO (ullens, lr- Heata radiators, tee, There Is tioth tieth Incr Just as ceed, Kree lloelc. Rceves Steve '& FoundnSCe. SS Se. 2d( at.ntta) r wFFtmg. li2a''SBac' Ne need lAfSHK'5KEt. te leek griiiwPriaayiyf"jvR. further WIb' vs! a42jp fiVWl- for sems- JfRHHMwRnnFwuiaawS'. r nr te CfiQscmSh ear ' M9MmP&Ul&Gfe&M$&kr!ijk and wt m.mS4mabsmS3ltm fti real style Mm .WnTSr?r1 MgfllgB iSfl built into ptJf iEUtr4v9IHHRH Kgl It as ieil. SMi HfiiitlBfHafv B j3V iEfllOQUla cJl vfv aVrSTHiVwlaK'a'S W&mWamm lam' tVJavJlalaUK:aaMI BlnK (JS wtf ij AfJJtvSvr mat ifi lW a VA y v en i is J-nj .l, OU I I 5cnir caniassiiv r tr,mlr ateadv rVMM,1 .'SB ! veil f rum y in ' Htei HELP WANTED FEMALE rexrsa emw W.nled-.V flne reunf ,rW. Ifl ,ears of Bke. for special work In our Junier d- pnrtmem. musi nave i i"in en veir niin 1 1 liclioei education ur lln muUulen nl- ' ' Apply Durtau of nmpleymfiU WANAMAKHU'S I General COITUMJ! deslBTi, faslilen Uluslratlen, nlse pattern drafllnir. cuttlntf, (lttlnn draping, 1 and millinery deMen, learn fnm prominent, practical exinrts in surprising short tlmej munificent salaried quh kly uirned fashion Acndmv. Uept I, 1412 N llread t LLKIUv-TYPIRfa for icoermncntel depart ments 5ian inenini exaimnnTiuns IKcnm ber. prcleua experience n!CccarHr Ker free particulars wrne j. i.-onaie irermer (wV,hf.:rene fm""r)'.802 "S1""0 " I rpXT-ranSrour-fe-F ,our suar-.TnT, wrlllne shencards n ramnssliie: car- tlculara ''ee Kttllt Bhewiatd Qchuel, Terente, t anada . CIVIL fiERrICK etamlnaTrTr.n. De. and Jan : many acaTcl; salary 11400-11800: wriie ler sainpie last i- itj. i.raKr 'juice HELP WANTED MALE AHVERTISIVO MAN Wanted for a large furniture and carpet credit house In Alley: te'Mi, Pa, experienced man preferred, ntdte age, gle references nnd state salary ex- pected Address M r,2rt Ledger OfOe" OI.LVGK ill.N ATTLNriOVI Htudenta wlshliifr te augment their Income bs nfternoen or eenltn work tta Mr. lien dersnii, let H f,2 I st MKI - An e Pnny hu eld-aliil,llslicd motertruck ivjm - ne recenlK liromeled a niimher , of men te Important executla positions nay. lug substantial mlarl's, deslrei men 25 te BO ' years te fill the places of these that they may become equipped for similar pre nrn. motions rtt enrl y iies (. Mr JWhnli dates Hee Mr JVihnlne. II ESS EMI It MOTOR TRUCK CO 1. '111(1 txmt st OPrOTlTUNlTT Me haie nn exertienal opening fc a sales man of real abllt who has the nose for innklnf: mune. ths possibilities In our organ ergan Izn tlnn are utillmlted, ran you rraultfy.' If no, cull at 1228 M ldcner Hutldlnt. ARE YOU TIRED of knocking around from ene Jeb te another without accomplishing icnl and permanent fcUi-cees? Are you tired of Just getting along without getting ahead? Have ou determined that the next time jeu make a change ou 11 b'i euro the opportunity you fellow te one that will pay ou te utlck te for llfe" Just suWi an opportunity confronts you nti you te th., n pertunlty establish rcuu mis ad we are aaareHHinw uinpunu. man whe'i wilting for the bit op y te make thn final choice that will tabllnh Mm In u l,1r-hl, TtrnOtfthle life time connection where sjmpathetlc. ther- oughgelng tralnlnt and co-operation wiii I start him en his way, where the full strength of a. hie nnri rniAnrr.l nl himlness CntererlSS iwill back hla eery effort, where the com- 1 pcnsatlnn will 1 at least double tha average man a earnings the first week. Our require, mental are ambition and neat appeurani a Teil nust be a Gentile, mcr 25 Mars old This Is an unusual opportunity, one that ou can tie te for a lifetime, of financial Inde. innnenee it win pay you te gne neea te It at enee It won't be held open long Call between 10 and 1 bulls 1108, Land Tit nnd Trust Bldg . ARE YOU QUALIFIED for salary between S2500 and $23 0007 C mrnunlcate with the undersigned, who v 111 negetia's strlctlv confidential prellmlnailes for such posltler.fr. executive, admlnlstiatlve, teehnl al and professional, through a pro cedure appeallnc particularly te high-class men whose reaulrements are special, and who prefer te reee eertures rlther, UiAn make them, net an agency, underslgred acts In direct ennfdentlal capacity present con nectlena net Jeopardized, openings te be fllled In ,Innuar must be negotiated for at once t theso actually qualified dcta'ls will Iw sent confidential!., en receipt of name and nddrass R W 11IXI1T. 20.1 I.oekweod riulldlng Duffalii N Y. PLUMBERS, JI heur: steady pesltlm. compe cempe tent men Afplr 1014 H 2d at HAM MEL MACHINE MAN- capable of designing patterns en men' reek, wear splendid opportunity fnp right man, state experience C 2114 Ledger Offe SALES SLVNAGER " experienced In sale of feed products te or- ffanli Rftles and delKen h cnunflM .1,... -. -;,-- . ..,..,..,, ' '"' , i t uiu"i ,n ,',,,, .icir.iii o.ipertuntty .- en nrcantzert salary, ernen nsea and com- missl'in must bi arallahln seen, tell all In ),,li ntlen M 0,18 Idy-r Office. SAI.HS jfANAOKR vltii itkt and cllcntele te s-U T preferred stock carrying bonus of common in reed i-eunufacturln oerpcratlon. no advances 'A 111 IIP' r N or rr.er 7th and tVecj st. SALC6MAN i'h lm. retster erp.rlence te s, tie sw Hundstr-ind i4ish relster, mnln by ths fand ntrand Vildlnir Machine ( eiupai.5 Awiy le& 3 11th et dAt l.SMAN' s.rnbltleus euergetle euna in in te handle, a line of pepu'ur priced sOlei" dresses for Thlln and M lult W l.lf r Olflre 1417 frnillli nt Nt VT.1,S.M.N I . Bl IN" PHIT.A. IET Ij.Vlfi I" IN r iimmv vrv wire can' mii.t, t.ert ii'A rvitva, i rri'rkm:nt inn ui,d i xr Micr nnuAiu.R le-srni, 1 arm r,VJI.R4 IK H.'iRIDA. I-nf SA1IM 1ED Pt'Ri HA9ER1 r.VKItr I'ARsr WITHIN rRI I'M, DISTA.Ni-H nrtOM JAlTv&ON 1 H.T E l.A!lst ANT" LUWAM IS riinnhn nv mciirjbT htati1; and Ol NTT. ' irPVf IA1 15AkS Pr.ll. i SI VTM ROAnii i II l.MHKIt ir iuv. utn l tihjni.u.t -i:i,r,r,n AM) iu.Ki ha i mriiAi, saifi coy. 1 ItAi I' (( OJI.MlH'-li'.N ii.N'I.Vl TO MIA lllfi HIU, LiriK II YOl W N r A i 'Nnc- iO"'jiiDe ri:iiMir,r AIiPRllrW 10- T-Dt-lIlt OlTJi SA-ESMIW rtrjAr, nnrui We ars 'r.rrejslng our siles feie(, rmd rae nosltletis for a fnir men' this in e splsndl 1 elan a f r " renl ivlde aviulie man te cot ne t wl'ii a KreMlnc eeneeri tlm ptsltlim iieinr itermanent, experience iiet nece?Bftr 'ut lientstv leaf appearance an I determlnn Tn etsentlsl i anne' earn less tlmn t,1u ei sek m i ir mu want te inaUa a real future for i inn If seu had better act qult.1 -as orb k fe tpen can ' Ptiicet nt thl. nine appil'd'en musr l.e nails In t n no i I nl n e lnf,ninrtler r'en ee 'unci Intenl' i n II n I ill I "M. -it r.f s oMet't I M pi intp'b Till r-tuOI OIlfOnATION 1 1 I 'i 21 V ldenr Jl lr i.rsirs fe are al, ir te our esiss reres fre men -whu iii"i' 'lis f, I en Inr I'sllf'eatMnfc TV(T, INTI-l I I'.FNi r HOKHT nnd ion, mi 1 1" nnirnMis i ins i HJ el n ur vt ick aiil Insurance salesmen will Pud I' ihls teiixirMlmi an invntunlt te CAI'ITlim" en ll lr pist . kperlence llKAItr.Mil A IIRllKi:itUK lli'I'HI our prwliut la Mi l.Yti riK.N I'M. the alley from which Is made the super stee., Melblenum steel, If tin stjei lni'.u!rv s lnrue eueiikh for YOr t i be cnnnei ted with and If TOIJ are lei k n icr the uppeitunlt) i c te. lime, app.j riemptl Hi A .M llud lir VI. 1"eTA1B THUSl HID J rin.n i ucii'iu's en- iri: INHl R.AVTT fAI r,.AIAV6UIP e i d' j n' I? r ir ltSil Ifffif.r All.ll KROM i v i ni - vuvrv m rr.it a t i n Hi' i e i , I e al e Api i n i - 1'ak - Ri jci(i i ,, . Ill iff nil, IViiii snuaie Mutmi 1 if,, jn snriip e i sine iiii its V Ann i i i- , i l,t llfi liieiiiiiu Mnpii l'h hi "-i r ii ii 7 i SAI.I.-eirs rl i pn niiiint i, n K hl 1, and . , intei t wlih an orcimsailen e ,, na nepiil.il prl ed nut ii,H'i, ui J iruiks 3.M Serth Hr md el . SAIVIMIIN I'n iniin nt ,l J,-im""i su7t linii'n is i pen fir fipiii ncej m i unlit hsie B'ni f llunliih I n I .l;ri nrii Till i liM hi l l I. I i .i ii H. hi el I il (Ml I HI ll I' 1 II llll, ei ii ii fOI Hie )" ail n , f 1 . f , I i , u , .Isl I'nn ni eyer st ?0 m m i i es 1'ei arltnci t I ill I I neil asieinlj ed exuin nlill H i . N in i r -ur i phi I i , I .iiejl. neere in me rin , i i 1 id' il sr inn i mei iear phii hum Iw fli i m, tt 3 cemmtsetiu In .'rfiiMii ci ipjv i.isten luii.riiH tiuuPiii r ' II Mil, lrM ti s'Kiir n I 1 WIS II A A.N III eiKN feinmlss'f nn . I"sn d Neieinlxr ie ll'!il M firillM VHTIlll end" shlTip.T enT i. he knis ilieil' .ml I ii mhi stnilcns nt e V I e las ha I i met I u u il , ti rut i ni ess pief rr ' I, ii 1 'nn l & , ,j i.ei n inti ii e'e liener it AOJ'I. st nn tu, . el I train write. .. m mil, f,r us no u nil Itli k, no suiply "U wllh .n. i. ..... ,ti, nuT.li will .pir Limited Depi 1 01 Kait lllclimend, orento, Can I NOVEMBER 29, l?2l HELP WANTED MALE Orneral Un TBAnt Tet' te nmvi! and uurAm i At-TOMfimr.r.a IPItAniCAL WOHIv ONLY) tir OI R gf T'iKN 'j&lSliil (Hee our ' Mr. Nattier for explanation) 21 roll IH.'LL AMI COMPLKfr. TOURfE tMV A.VD NIOHr CLAHSKR eln Stindsss. PATTI.IHi lini te line fP uarnen.fu Pl.l2RK9 for postal mall and Oevermn''nt fli-ld pervlce: Jl-5 month. Experience ira necessary Jer rree piriijuinrn ei eiani In.lljih. wrttA .T T.nnaril ffermpr C1U Her vice rxandner), P02 EOultable Hide., Wash inirten i ;. OREENWALTVS r?Auiii. nfflcA and factory positions run enelneers, handle hlenway contracts l'ereman, experienced In auto machine shop 2S0 S 11th tt. Ne enrollment charges Civil," SERVICE examination nea and Jan i many vacancies, salary meO'llJiOO. write for sample tests. P 1422 Led. Office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IKKICKEPER - Thorouahll IKKICKEPER - Therouahll IKKICKEPER - Thoreuahll exn. fc nnd ." h" "f" C 2T" J' itf)ni(l(i:i:t'LIl thorough y experienced, dc IIOOKKEEI'LII thorough y experienced. Hirrs DQ.inen t' ill' inacr uince "HOUSEKEEPER Position wanted bv r" tlnd ld with daughter, 0 ear, taking cliarxe of motherless horn, ref. excli rite llnr 10.1 nrn Manr Pa or ph Brvn Maw t . "LAUNDRESS, nrat llaes. cplercd. wishes work at linme. 1M7 Prencli at M IIHLHY GOVKKNESS, xuerlenc(f exe r fs rne'l sam-tres r 2S I. lirerOtf Nl USE Practical Protestant de-Ires pnsl tien Invalid nuree 1'erm add fl77 It EnrBtlc. experienced, thoroughly trained office manager detlrea resin nsible , ntni'c tlen with growing business, familiar with nil details (f executive office work c l"l I edger Office iHTBNOOUAl'HER - HECRKTART with geed general education thorough Imalness ex perlence ana possessing tnltlntl. desires geed connection j 2Ti C 22" Ledger Office HTENOORAPHER graduate 11 ei(rs of age desires position, has had 2'd ears' business experience and Is fully able t, as. sumj dutlSH where lnlgrlt and tnjBtwnrthl iievs are required Address M Wl.Lcdcir Office SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AC COUN'TANT and Plnanlal Expeit. desires position evenings (Saturday uftarii"iri c Pundas O ar. bettur fin Inform am ad Meit at less "Qst C 13B ledger Office ACCOUNTANT desires position boukkp beukkp boukkp er office mansger: 2 years public nccotint nccetint Ing exp ; aga 27. A-l ref (.' 181, Lerl e(t CHAUUFEUR Desires atcady weik. prHale, fermetlv of Mrs C. L Itsm'llnn O A Mitchell, 2 081? ne.. E Landi 'jePa LOOK Position wanted as plain o"elc for euns Hindu deslrlnrt te be :i nii,hts n. weak t" nlsht nchei'l tn.n'r-' Mi e Gcerge Hlddle, Locust lh07 lejtwren lieuri 1 ln rvi l . COOK uxillent, 10 nrx wxperienee jap unese, wisneM position pritati rainuj or general housowerk In small fainllv iliy or ceuntn l't references I' 21,1 I. Iger Off COOK or butler or general h is work 'Japa r'ji'j. desires position In fuinll), lias tot erence William OPS X. lwth et COOK, Jatanesf wish's po-ltleu "in fairl or club has referencew M pn,i i-ine st XUR6E Wanted, by tliur ruiiiptni,t rt an position as nurse for Inialld man j ,ui or old will be willing te trae In U fl e abroad. 10 jears exp. Jf Interested wilt. Nurse, 24J0 WrUhtsbore ruad, Augusta. i,a AGENTS A NEW YORK HOUSE-, Importers or olive. and commercial el'i. Is anxious '' ratab llsh connections with r" lab, br wis lr Philadelphia te d'strlhutu Us predu",. ni n c.mmlsal'.'i basis A li reus cntennial i m merclal Ccrp , 110 Rread nt , Ne v Yerk "Ry; WHY wer, for ethers" Make 'nl v I -our own gnnls we sheiv ou hev frew ii'Mj-k explains erthlnc .atie ml S-lentil lab oratories '12.1 Main Richmond. Va EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES IIOV'ER'H EMPLOYMENT AOENTY pan N 1dth st Rillable house tnslli. also mn an I wife, cooks Poplar 0241 13" O. HARVLT HUB ltlttenheuss snuare Rellahln help supplied and w anted WVNTED competent white help In e-very capacity. let ice. 1910 Palt brldgs n BUSINEBS PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS ...n r,,in . ...,. IMU t . . ,.. .. Mu MA II I ' ,w"10" "- "-' ui ei "" l L' jeweli ilri Hhs had l,ee,, nrfereri $40 for elaenhere. Brlre our diamonds and Jewelry te us, e ausrantee ,i full, her.eu. ash alun. RstaMlahed 1105 1HOB Rr I.r.I & ' ii 71.' IValrut st DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TIfKETl Tell DI.WOND8 KKT.I.Y & CO . 082 Chestnut at. Bulte 31-2.'. secend fleer, uver CIiiIiIh' Rest, DIAMONDS Mchtchhn ernui; J.l Af, F-.TA1L TRUST DAT TPUT W.IM UllOAD AN'U t'Hi.sr UWOVJ111 M'T STi' HUlltH 1HTQ4. R1V1N0) Utn te neri.r . k in rnlns re tutu oe ly auto uld i ie passensrer small fee refs Kh eik Tij during dsv " DIAMONDS BOUGHT IIARRT W SMITH. 717 SANGOM BT. BUSINESS OP POBTUNITIES l Ori"KT5 manufi.ti deilres man te put ct ate interest In bujiiies trade mj-k brand one v hu can deet ttms 1 1 bus'nesa ur pet and become treasurer and retarv, p, r-eii ilth isene te 1n'st In c j! ur and estab lined buelnesj, in ,n-v ne, de 1 i i ctnse output alt replies treats! . onll enll flem'ally H. H rtelsr H21 Chestnut st DELAWARE CHARTERS are i)st. Incorporate under Hb-rsl laws l)eiar, iet. ; n nrwuf fS ln. . ...!,.& H AHI-. ,11,-. .,.n. .'-v...,, -. . .' u U-I.HJTI mnpcHAT u. eiAiiiHi: ' umpanv 401 Aim ir Uldk 1033 ' hes'n'. .V 240 OI.P rST.vm Mirp tstieilns ',ul,e., f,n piepert' for saw In m de'riPIs setim of -euth 1'hl f.delplita i i ir Hi nil at r furtlier panic jlars anp v tj Jeisin c Hi ' .i lPtli an 1 Snde r a ' s I'reirei i 1 .' ti 7 lERMAN MARKp Helders cf ternian marks bends ar. 1 ss cuiltles i v learn of p-ofltable and Inter esting information by nrltlna Re 4A, llll ,'" I'aulIlulldlnit. N, Y I AM loekllir for exccptl-insl ipprrtunltT t In' et full particulars requested C 2S Ledger Office PARTY ilth small siles nrsanltatlcn ilih r wltheu efflcee J 1 in Tdter Of" e UESTAI, office and practice call in., fully enulpned fins cential e t.1'1 Ty.il Off. roil SALE effk rr. rruN'i n ru tree let or des'ts i-.i'es fl rh1ne's and kfifral Tlce fuinlu" nre ntu ' We bui e i ,nl eiehai te TArTTN Ft RMri'llK Cu 10 1 "T 1"7H 11V7 Alii'll M I A r, Zi PIAORAPW MAOHIM r ee'r fn sms cle trie heater let of pints ii.d half i i of luass unllsh II aalli n an heater 1 v ,f sc-"ri hand tire hose up.nl h ml . , i iue 7". Iba bicarbonate soda II Hun li Hams n M' V1ri Pa l'ak t ni en ifn LIVING-ROOM SUITE"" Giure ltuhalr eieretuffe! I lsrkn m rlulii'i . ' i"t H'OO Ml . re . at a s.i. r fl 17M N 0t'i sj. IION-EI 11 I I' I 'l S l'XTIMiTI 1) liriM-r - lhr- ! Jl d lbs J! t" 12 Is 1 rte Uriel Ij iistc-l I'm' en' fa i' ,i, Ciu n it' ed ir nmnes refunded I K Ilnist It i no l.iiu jsiei, I'n Qrunni nrcA's ' and double. UVIIVVI. wiv.. , ,w . used. t Mn-eat nrtres Imrne Hate delliee.- cHAiu cci'iitNei: nrn a?;d vi.,t;. lull MAI I"- AdlltiK' na lllnes ai 1 1 nl harnl I ml lclmlli ihriintiel f r fir 7i ,,, per niAihlnee 1175 up nvRWSri VI 11 IIS,, ,ai iiivi:'" jlRn n. 1 VIP'i . 7 drawer Iliit tOD deSK (,r 1 )r 1 k I aU llr.lsli ilOxJj In ',e, ,js! N Pll'l l.l'HM lli ri.il-ihea7 iuii" Marittt ureev 0i t"tliKRlAS siilin, urn "llHaTr" ee f r P0" I vei vieri l'a n 4t I 1 TYl'KURII'RR" of eua tt lewasTTrlca. The R 'liable I.achante liJTH lMthJst 11l"l', i resues nnd imieis I l liarsaliis I'lii'a l'rlj 'ersJ"Ui pi 11 P ftlh si 1 I RSI I I Rl" HTUItl 1 j, mmi re til .11 1: l'"lill I i teie I iehe.1 ler i ifrl e IMlM. I VRI.rS bllUKllI Mill nt repBlie, I Keafei S.'J tV llnaul 111 Keni. ni MACHINEJtY AND TOOLS ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 309 RACE ST. Vin -Ni- m vnui i ene l.l.l I rltK M. MUll'll". MA i nisi li'OI S .'II .HI l'i ,i nn r y 1 1 l l' S 1 O imiTN M.M 1I1SI. .111 lift TYlT.WRITEnS AND SUPPLIKS typewriters" $15 AND LP h li.l si , , I 1 It I ' I 111 I III IM 11 ml e - I ' n 'I - It , . i 'onus e euaru Hee gli niach nes for eiu- i r aim Hlva ou a ten-day free trial. . u . .BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. 1005 ClIEHTNUX ST. wal. 08T4 I . -..,... -r,r. TTO-CIT A TrfrnTiThnTTjTS ubud Awxum.uui.urte yum ""r..: . . F ll. II II V Rebuilt and Guaranteed ' Alse u large selection and rennished, traded in for i original owners. Buicks, Dodges, Fords, Stutz, Peerless, Stearns, Oldsniebilu, Oakland, Chevrolet $150 up Ceint-niunt time i)aymentf PETERSON, MOTORS, INC. 919 Ne. Bread St. bl.LL I'HL'.Nr POPLAR 82T AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS 10 000 IV f-TOf K :i, run i liu mUl or "r. R'.AH AVf 1Z- run i v mi maki "i" ' n 'Oil') IN' ! Ill' K rtEAUv H'R i'Hi ir.p.r iH I fl HI! I' K -I 1,1 Ml M I V.I' WE MAKP. 'M "''I s" M' Sattlcr's Machine Sheps- 1001 11 -p lm- ilerlen st PRESTO LITE TANKS O a1$ it , r Vi PRICE SATTLER'S ,an PRIj.(. OARI'VN - AnnrnceM 7 pass . latest model Hrrnuuii rn ,.epUr ai4r MR MeMIt-lTAEt. IHIil POPLAR 1 r Rl !TPlrCpi7 l'l" 101.0 at lev price. DUlUrVk.,,,) Hemier ' e , 012 ?cirtli llread st DIlTri" H"1) l"Jr summer . ml winter UWAV1 mi Ae nc CI' N Rr 'ad st ni IIPI' llb leuse. ery iea-enalle. be DVJlLr JIr Hunter. Stutz Aency. COO N llread et nt iiri- Fuie i t-iivi uiiick il'i DVJllr rj,,, r8R,enal)1e elfer takvs It Hee JIrlfuntr Htujl Vgerct miff N Hrea I 'AIHT.I. ." iimi'Uire - viinder. eTegm t mdltl'Mi terms n.'en hunduja and ce- t Itiks 1P.1-. WuO 1 SI rUANni FR I "r 1'-' nbs'lutel- per 'ITl'lAKAT SO-, V Ilrend CHEVROLET ;? " ; '"Il18'2,ll"m:, itrif prUftt i Mf J J CHEVROLET"" ",'.' ,l. Zl lj-j r i-Muu f MKVROl FT" v ' ur'"" - months 1, git 21H7 lr " nte CHFVROI FT1"-11 ' " "'" pne' or leims Tlecal!l'i7 nfinnF - V'U' rei eundUler nr lyiiyuu ,,t ,JT, t,rtI,s t) su eleu ecMnsr JLl,f nnnHF delncri Ml) r-a largaln llk UUL,UI-1 nuw, I'M'", i. rms lien .-un'an an 1 i enlncs 1 '1 1 n st nnnnF 'I'lumg into mu''!, no v.ai uJUll i y eas; terms HROAD1VVY n -, v I rer d FORD roadster peel condition JI" open b.ndnja aid iwnlnks 1116 U oed rORD oeuni llili' ej.teie,ii eond.tlen. cheap ash fhnn.. t n :,-,,, H C S i"2i l "" u. v.. eprl , ,. , , lie iu i.i it i.i' H' " "' " s ' HiinsnM" """ I Il'i p'U'LMt PT l.UI niid'i ' er v prli 9 Per. V Hi. liter Hi") N 1 rja I st I'nene J par It".' ' HI IPMORH Fr""l""r Mlr ""n" i. riUntlUDILL rv,i i Hinted first lui .-1 ,, . e,n m Hunt r ""tut ire.n i unp s m i i "i . MM 1 I.I. I ur i . 1U-" icuarautced l.' talance erv ea?i t tins lilliiMdVW LJ J,r"a'' DlTirrJI ITCC rnhurian selsn i'O Vstln rilUl-.e , i aMjilerri .neap ul r.iiarl'r Mr MrMi had 114.1 1 ., inra STl'DEBAkLK;y,-JU,t:"',L " 'lv' :t(ls Mr 1 STI !T7 i ' "d re.! Isters a I m Us7 1U1I. ,,,, ,, , i,,. ,, ,,, ur. s;;1-,,"..! .-,'r vtv' 0z CARPET CLLAMNO i irvi'i i 'iii-n ih7 a.. a ' r a rt . n rtuiuuiuti- v-mpci v leaning t-e. ''Tier al - IT' ' " I ' ru.a I1 Mil - li ll ) IIOS'RH TilCtl Pin ill. rv, nn44 I I I'l ' v, -i STORAGE ANT) MOVING CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING '" ' ' -111' ." V ' ' ' -T i ' nn est mi in u i-Ri )" i -! mu i-m niT"' THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. i.i "" r m ru s i j vm n n-i 5-r.PARATI I' V- HMiIVjH i viv,, ! l,I. J' I "-1 ' 1 ' I I. M All llnni "LONG" DISTANCE MOVING , nn; itr-r i. i-f MErnsT i The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. 8711' i "srk-' i e e Ta I ir 13c VICTORY'STORAGE e?P0 !' BERT KRT P',, lie 1 ut eSJa Pleie-A'rrv mns w fsttrrsts SliiHARi II s-T'Hli.r c li-Ti'IsTvr.r rr-i k- M-Tenriuur -.ti-haeb r.VrKIN'. I."S., l'IT , )- l',-vu WANTED nn 1 is w f, ' 11 11 f null ji - ' llhw IT; I a, i " 1 AS I la I f I .. 1 ii I i,.r. 7f...l 1 hit iW I , le d 1 IU I 1 1 M 11 i ' STAMPS AND COINS 'III MS K ROOMSjrOBRENT iTi. "f s 11.7 1 si ' i.simiiT, 1- vr- lt' r. i-- Vlt I " ' , i. Ill - I 1 "I I . 'I i I 11 1 ,'4i ' 1 Hits "HM I 1 I . ni rftf ','; 1. i.i,,., ,. 1 V- M 1 r.1'1 I 1 I llh l -III c , 1 I I S I 1 . 11 t 1 . in r .. ,,;, ., - '"ivli 1..111 , , fun ish.7 1 ji,,, -., W VI si I t'" 1 1 1 1 U'l 1 1 s ii. s '"'" n l.e.t ale ,,lI'1,';.Jui'.1. '",r 1 1 ui, . ... - . ,,,1... n.-.i.1;';,.'. n ,s ' 1 , 11, 1 f r 1 1 . . II I .'l.'l 1,111 II ..) I I I i- n t 1 . 1 ' ll V inll 1 I 1 tin n 1 m -'iv J I ire alite )i , 111 li, 1 1 1 11 I I - ' Mil I ,, 1 II U1 hill 1 1 U r 1 k tu l,S I.I t-l I Will Ii t th 1 . 1 1 l.Mllvi ee. Irl 1 i i n I I r, 1 1 I 1 -I I I lit I . . Hll.i I', use I irr.k aa.'-l j 1011111 an 1 lath MIU ' .' i mm 11 "i u 11 . , fin I usirn a in 1.1 s r 1 nt nn n 11 , . I e i 1, i,i, 11, . I Ml I " 11. 1 Nil ni 1 1, 1 "iitltiu r. una 1' 7 III 1 ..lj.-r '.ffl. e .llll. uer . tut ti 1 II. 11 enl 47 m ' 1 nn I 1 h' II II . I . I 1 III--IMI I " I I I. I I IM I'llll ll 1 ' 1 - 1 .ill 1 Uil " ' ,.KVH. V . ". " rf in .1 min, 4ilih rt I 1. ar l.es f,M4 U HB1II. fl ld -Tiu deairabie rooms In ra I. nned.eA.,rr.PrL ia, .Uctrc.lD M 25 . t i ii r-r"" ' ' MMM jwmm j Jerdens, $900 and Up i of ether inukes reconditioned Jorden ears direct from their Six Real Bargains 'J hev 0 Specmls are late model-, iruiirnntecd, fully quipped cars and each ene weitliy of owning?. Price peaKe for itself. HUDSON $675 l nkfiip;eT ; j i.i tnv .ii' lke ti"W , biff DODGE $365 lnft, C passenger , coat tn Te I'lnc, C passenger , cost littler te run CADILLAC $480 'jnn of tlie b. at cars made, 8 ijllndT, 7 papsengtr; like nutr. of tlie b. at cars ma (It, 7 papsengtr; like BUICK $400 Ivnewn uii the, best In Its fte ' till uliT, e iiasengi r . soed tv r,e ' n uii tlie best In Its uliT, e pas-sengi r . ffc FORD $125 cir needs no lntredu uh neM , .' pa&3cnger I i fir needs no lntroductier ; geed uh new , e passenger OVERLAND $250 ." pas'engfr attractive little car u '" j ii made '.ke new. OTHTM CAILS ANY MAKE $150 TO S2000 ROMAN Au te Ce., Inc. "L'tVff Car of he Better Kind" 227 te 231 N. Bread OPEN TODAY, f) TO Ajjfiits Wanted ij, CTT JT7 ras le" f r eale bv ewnsr . .. '-' 1-rK'in In Phila fles 'r Hi n' "1ulr - n i ililll V lim.j . nr, ,r . r ZTS. I ILlMrLAK 10"r' '"-1 t"0,t b' ' H"ii vpu'av" V " " N'itreml" beautiful terms " r TjV '"'' r '""' rarrr J ll n h , In it i k luui own tetrms '! f ' s,,u' ' nd "tiih 1'hjne Lecusi IM"' ' " ' l.n.-. vi. dsr westcett ;;:rj; rT''t IIOOMS rORKENT llKRMNTfM ORrrvr. sf Ht Let In , nrirtkl.A Ma u Z nnd ll ll med c n pr fani' BOARDINa sriU'. I. SI . jei,, DesMabe roeaTlTlth-. APARTMENTS Richelieu Apartments- FOR RENT 1414-1416 Spruce Street teal- f -ceupsnei b.'-'iei.-r and s a I fan' apnitment" n- 'no three std fc 1- --us aid is'- li.ri jn p-erie- Aparlint'nis for Runt ' Let-. N llO K. Ureaii St. r'KN'TKA I 10D1 Pme St fr PHI1. 1M1 13 S 8th St. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1 t u i nr.s rst 1 si It ma apirtmeite t ilnest res- Met Hi.! e-itliin 2 reuilie un.l 1 hath te 1" 1 .is it 1 I l.nt!.r Jrn , J700 pr n ni 1 tun Mi j, ui rriiuiiemanls, ' MAURIS Al'Vltr.MJ.N'I' co i.'ii in nsi unu niuj ei 7J35 H Insl e n srtmsnts In II n flneit real- .'" '' ' ' . J. f l in I I I l,t, , 1" - mil e 1 i Uii- rn ,, 17110 pj? 1 1 " ti 1 'i in i m'reiiienta i'' rrtu AI VRiMi s 1 it, 1 3 ,'. ' a i , II i. 1 Ifai' . Ill .1 II 1 III t . "" . 1528-34 VENANGO ST. v'fi Mil't I eir, ai.j I at I h ..,vapn H le.iu lmi e, . , ilgh, ,.-' 'ui Inetie 11 v HPar .11.11, t iter ALBI-RT M. GREI'NFIEED rvm 1 nit, Iiui 1 1 rs (f r,.isi -1 . v -.ion iie.tir..i heu.ekssp " ii if I iche -. .e. en.l He . 1 , , n r0e," M 11 fin 1 en nil 1 m ) , t ll?JT" ftat - I ll l" 'llie J5u t, 1 1 In, uiVnth)je-i 1. , is ami bath. Iiumedl if possissien i'4 Apin imunr isien. g villi' I IV r,,e is and suites tn JIetTlM t 1 an 1 n, M and 1'nnn sis , sindsn. j S J emeil. 1 1 re.tauia.it i . , Un ,','', 1 nil. i.vm.ijvvijeii 8.-0 h n7ii -tamtS Hpiii'di Mud ft-nti apt, imrfts.'t eutiit M..1 I . 'laiilane Renier ftlu W.I.....' AI'AH'I MKNIN rnt ! , . . T. . J7T. . ' V' 1 .:....: :. . . L"::"i " '.'.' aim unnirii e.,1 imiK .1111 iiuiTIMW 1 (11 USt lllir.T e- ll. s W'hl. -I la LWJ. I e.iills. I V I ,, r,, JH rfJL. i sea AI .1 1 . una I1I11I I.hi 1 , ,,:i,iT. ,H 11 Mu., 11 ai 1 .... , . . .. :"'" i 1 r I'JUfcT, Ml -I I'llll MM. I f I 1 Illlu fl . ,,...1. . W hu Hei ha .toil) 1IH. iiHif - RniiilY a und butlit up,, pnrh .r ., I I'arksldi, . or U.r.in. H&LSTlU 4S I ' i URN apt.. Dam 1 r "VA " 1. Vnm t4 fcVuu fcnSJ' AruSS lituj I I n- hi :i u It -I l t 1 ) I J ) t I ( i '.i m 4 L.tt ma t 8 XI rr - ; l'irttj ii -, I 7 tKinl: J , Kf" JKV ' -.w T"r,rriwr 7