7 " i?n"7 v - f-iT1, i i t ifY BIG PICTURES AT STANLEY HOUSES i mi..!I" Atrnntc fJrnvuflc? (j8 anuii " - .""' "peel's Paradise" a Hit. Other Films L, i... ' inrr wn" n wrii-unir un i t n i SSr ml wnltmir fr tlml thlrty-thlril ; ft "belt erllrr. Tl.oSJ.plk.-brfero, static enmcrn stnrtnl (e Rrlnil en 11 L5frene TtiUhe most films this jffiitten nf ll- U. M- Hull ;tery V). llttlf worri-nf-meittlt ntlvpr- futac H "rf,s "" f,,nrf' nml "" 1'1"" Jiri'peMrrB. The jnmmpd limine which Mfrttti It" l'-st iIieln?.M',t,rdHV inern- f would linrc termed out - i no JJell'.H hiding pirne it no ini'iurr- nan n nan"" m u, rhc only thing Mint- lrmnlns W the- ...iiin 14 in unetin'r ini' nun win lilim for these renders- of the niivr-l "".',. ... ...ll.iiiu Pi-ent-lv I. mil often. inlc('l, ll i? ""'-V","' nlV! '"F"' Wllflt thev iire well cneKeri. Director "'n-.M Melfuril tins trl'dced out n deert lerrtliat eiit-ileM'i'tN nil tlmt have reup before. If 'he original Sulinrn i-vit get fljnce nt tlip ('nllferiiln-iiKiilc pied Kt 11 would hum up uilh piiv.v. TIictp ire MniNteniK. jiijm(1- inoenlK'lils. (jericavnlcndps nj;ainN( tin- skjllnc nml (omfertnhlc tenkins ea'-Q". all very real ted fall nf color. 'Jhcre is never that haunting clinnii Ittd artistry that made KIMe rVi'Rti m'd,' fift I'letun'. "Ilfirlwry Sheep." MjrMt. hut I here I nt Unisphere idled, tilth nml thri'ls that fellow ptett.v eon- r (Cicntleti'-lr the plot of I In- novel. The msln iliftereiicp between tllni mid steiw fc'.a decliled turning down of the erntl" ni imieli-dH(US"ed low' stun of the "ten of the desert" and the jireud teslldi heaut Rudelph Viileiillne M'pins le lit wen- dc'rfull.v into Hi" title vole. Otlieii may jilBMt ARne mm in :n ir:m line opinion. tssltie (.Iecs t1" best weik of his cut -'r. 1 lAinn Ajri's-. tliun mImhii ihere in none wifnere beaut ll'ul. di I net aceeiitiiat'' Hie Uuglitnie" el iMaiui, inn sn,. suppliei thirni. Minimi l ami iitirni'tlvenis,. for the pert delpli Muijeu nml Wn'ler Ljuic wci i'ci'iitii,nall.i rh n as novelist H1 ih"i l i-lileftn n re ei'tlvplj . The Shi'lK s ' i Iiuik'i s of vii"i'cs ran betamniPil up evi illentiy by "iiyinu that tbeiwlirrelti's til the theatre looked baek eyfr tli"Ii" lieuldei wnlle v.nlkiiiR up me m!" n a- net te iin. ain 'W-'lthlni!. Cmilil any ttihule he mere lit- ting for tl' h a tel. ai "The Sheik V" Karllen The caviar Hint is mining la- "The Sheik' is Mipplicd ji, want Biny will hail as (Veil IS. I ip Millc's master )'f!iit. 'Teel's I'maiil-i ." The srei' t De Aliili. tuniiii.- trum wcietj nml fpnlt) I boudoirs and l.all- teem mae, ims t-teated a pictune which held-- inteicst and ntteiitien fei ttery moment of its extra length. It Is both theatrically ler perhaps bet ttrcincmntlcally) dramatic, and at the lane time logical!! human ami r.inl Th6 remjli eantinii of the .Mexican ber- Itr tOUIl litis 111 lis nnturnllv M- 1I1 lir. Mllle's artistic scheme of things as the ial niceties of "The Affairs of Ann -tel." It is just as well ilml a su,.jtie an- wunee.s tluir "Foel's I'niMiUsi." , (SUG(ii:S'Ii:Di 1j Leenard Meniik's ten". Tile Lntirids miI tin. I .. . I . A suggestion is all that is lc.tt of iuni iWlstfui sten. bur it U inn-.i 1 ;i. the result of tup wholes ilc changes is sii fOOU. It is n bit I inn I te fiii'i.i.-.. il, 4ptru!ien of some entirely unneceshniw bUtnese scenes, but their gorgeeusiiess mil interest give cvi 11 lbc-e the right te be there. The kernel of the sterv is W'i the love of tlie man who gees blind ter the actions and (he trick plavcil upon linn bj a girl who hues him. ami xjen be was scvirned. in tile metnre. Iiniini'm- I10' it i I hli blllintii'ss, , i.s(s 0f,- ,),,. Ki, 1 , in iiesj.,1 as his idol and starts out leresi the world chasing the latter. He wds her 111 Siiim. and there learns her true colors, and icturns tl. the girl be M rejected. It is ua. ),; ,ter of the "?, ,f"r '"1 'Hi'"!""', the rc'alitv of wli Iiya bj the lieme fireside. JJorethv Ditllen Is Pell l,.tl...i: .1,.. true love. 1111,1 Mii,ii.,i rin :.. .n. ' ,, I, .. ,1 " , " " "" ") V-lltipill! u lie will e-thewisp. Cenrad Nngvl U tlie jeiing man who gees blind und ineodere Kosloff nhn.s nn inti.i-nelut..,i Nllel is tin. rfinl ..I, , .. . 1... 1 DftVOr tliun. mull, ti 1...1' , ,.V,1i'"'" "'"' limitations, i, a Win ( Pell .in.l tv-...l..iT ;. .. ...0 ... 0',i , ; . ...-..-11 , 0 -iiium;; nil cul .nn !:ii,li-iii..v. Aft p nil I IV. ii 1 """nl1' 'I Is Hie art et 1'p Mille aieiind which the picture ic- T01V)' Will II et'iei' lliiiifv liit..l, (!.. V't iiiinrs le ihii iii.niiii mi. I :.i'.i i". i"nasinatiii Mini ill, ,1, 1. .'.,.' i- Wtes Hie scenes stand nut as few movies wnes even 1 nn Tnl.i.n nil :.. ..11 Teel's pHrnilis.." ii. ..,..... 1,1. . I ,. ,1, , -' '" - " i. 'Mi as i;euu tne iniich-teuteil sniiilniw lii..i, ..in.. itlcr-iH, .,,.. .1 .'"..".""'" i""-' "..:v "" 1 ueii 1 res. n is true ait, "u 11 mine 11 lie him u And thnfii lu..i - .':...i. Jlh or tn, k telephone from te end perfumed beginning St.inlnii In n .. .c - ij " ,i.-i 111 sniinr-specra- Ces In winch the limitlive. Imital...- ,.f Sets" nml tlie inn.l.... ..e " .1 m-lJ 1 iiini-milR 111 lllillllllllllll "TODS knitUS 11,1 II. ..It.. . 1 .. !!... . fif HI. I I """in'ieii", i lie ijiii'i'ii "Olllll.l l.s Iw.p., 1 , , , t 0111 n Vni l'8.s nilswei ,0 l,,. ii..,! .' I'lTOvlim 1 .,, ,,, . Peitaele ,s i n i'i ,.. "S,0i.--' , "euuzzing in its materlni uiiignlti.eiue. "' ililciing , j,. kaliiiduMepiu rush l,li!W'S; M,' '"-concerting in the Pilitef l,v Hashes from one location enncii,,,. tlml ,, axerage spectator "Het due t realize wlmt lu Is ,10 'nally Kung "" Jul, aitei all u Slil ltl( ,,, p HHelia is .imi.i. .. 1. ...1 i. J ..,, f ,, !. . 11 niHin'-- IOIISC Ol IWJ fntiiiluii- trick of tin. iiieft.iw .a.... "kk i,M1i ,.:.:..: Irn.l. .-..I A.... .'"., '"",' """ Ih.f 1. i ""'""'ok muniicr s tMs 'ui it almost gives tlu sens,, ,,f i-ui.l.l '"mutle anion. Any dire, ter in Amei v " !"""' '"'l-tiiul directors, (tfMihl -t niiiiui 1 .Sheha, ' gheii the liui- uiei M. "I"' Wanls lui.l Da limn ..! money tlmt .1. Corden . It is strictly "movie" way through. Theie is 11 tuit nil tl, "evie non , lit.,,. , " """ movie ucre, nereine. 11 ni. 1 1 1 1 , ui-ii 1 ii-s ami ad the ethers, they the rescue, I hi.' old ten, yanen the cheeyild nnd belli alone in SUU( .1 tue tiriii 1 i. ( .1 mtfini . ' " ' "i v ' '"- iiPl l VS. I'll It. nil ! mui. mil V l0 lroeiMi(n until it ierM M,,,,m"s,y lhe n,,,i of 111- th c Vi'r Ih ni"' isi lUieiI 1.. . t F&SVb illl( (llnilll n . .,. if J m t "l" "i,,i. Tlierp is no illusion 'i rt-uiit 1 . . ... . 1 .. the . ' " I'll' pericciiy conscious el lt 1 , "'", ,ml lir' siltillR ill 11 tbcil- tfeliil0 i"K "' " sttupeildiius piece e," rani,.i W()r (1()p bvi0IHjv wit, t,,n v'ltucr,ite 11. 1... .ti. f .i.' 11 title.. I '.".. "...'.. ""'.. '" trIniV. ""I1 wi.ueui tne stlgliicsi ,, - . uiiisuc mipuise. it wtiiinm w nrei nci.,1 fi.t ..1 1.. 1-lrciW .11 l" itui- nn 11 1111.nu nn.. " " iriuuipiuint sins-ess. u'nM,e Met WhiiV , Uhthn m",'l's " sliiRiilnrly ralHiil and iiniienlinir linceii of simlni , Plt,. of the obvious theatricallsin of 1 of silt u 1. "i mue nir in-r. mil s niiir iu ,,,,, ...... 1 i... -: in ci i,,,,. acting. 'j'l,. (: ""tie ineii- liii,..n.,i 1.. ti.... ..in 1.. Wnteied. " ri,l '!,"" ''"I Moere, us the font -year- 's I'rinei. I 1... .1.1 1 OUu .. .-1, 101, ion, sunn- iiiiirvei- ,u1 Werk for l,u Vu ..n.l l.'-li., I i... utr fa,,. 1 iii", iuni 111. .01 :r nllceeeilu in ...ni.i.... i.-i S.1..1 kltim... --' Hi lUlliilHU ixiiiir ouieiuuii "UllPSt iiiulll.l n-i.."- ."... .-.. Hiullti. ' ineii-, siive ler u Jer,i blt'p'ed.ngl) wl'H done by Jnnn Mr I. ' tl,e mel'lt,J r"l' All the ether In it,.nre wrltten. directed and acted hlrnl erU,1 uhviOUHDCSS of tllO old itrBnVrVl?.(lri'"'' of the National The "re en Callewhlll street. " only needs te be added that, If. Photoplays Elsewhere PAr,ACi:'-ri,a Cabinet of Dr. Call prl, unusual foreign ploture tcll llifllit s,rnnG s,or' of semnam- tflA';Ti)0 .Tbroe Musketcer3," nelevctl remance of Alexandre Utinns, with DmiBlas PairbanKti as a i,B .'SL1,0"1'1 D'Artagnnn. AMBASSADOR "The Hen of Will Will lltiBferd," written and directed by .Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge Rnndelph Chester. AUIAMIMA "I'ncharted Sean." ,f,c.n,.uilnB A,lc ''lc- 0 11 h AT XOHTIIMIX "Snow- if nV.'J!1; . ,a lpKlnld Ilurker film. .1'iff.lfrThe Oeldcn Snare," a .J??;'. "Ilvcr Cur weed yarn. COf,0A,i. "Under tbe l.asli." with Olerla Swanson. MAllhhT STlniVT -- Under tbe ,, !?5iv wilh Ci'erla Swannun. hOlUST"lp Van Winkle." plc- tur zntlen of famous Washington Irving I'lnmic. IilVOI.l "Cheated I.eve." with Cnnncl Mvcru. P.'Oin "Tbe Three, Musketeers," with Orrln .Tohnveni nnd Dorethy Dalten. COUSKVM "Tite Three Muske- tecr.'-', ' with errln Johneon nnd Dorethv Ijallen, BKLMUxr "Dangerous Lies," with 'David I'ewell. l.V. m:n "Under the Lash." with tileiln Swnnven. si.r:yixTir srni;i:r-"Ahfr the Shew, w itli Jack Helt and aiarlex Ogle. LI UK 111 V -"The Lady Krem Long Leng .."ere," nllh William ltlissell. lAIllMOVXr "Dangerous Lies," with David Powell. SrRAXU "Under the Lash." with C.leiia Swnnaen. you aren t looking for pliui-ibllllv or art in jour movies and are riitified just te be dnnzled. jeu'll like "yueen of Sheha" liiiiiipimelr. In Its wnv. It's a wonderful pk'iuie, Arciidl.i William . I. Lecke's lieliplit flll ."ten. TV Mei'.tIs of Mniiiiw llr. I ni I ----- . ....-..- -. '"""' ,mN -""ays ncen n popular one as n tngp presentation, with a prcvi- i, .. """"V; ":M"1?r" 'V" ,,l' nl' "Al,.i :''"' '.N,"M," -l"1."',"(,'l t" Morals, is about the best et the let. William 1). Tayler, who directed it. imiiI .May .e.ve. who nhns the vole of Carleltii, Line done their share of the we'', well, and the adapt) rs did 11 l'Hil"ue.thj pii)i ei work, though (he uifeiilnl scene, at the becinuins were .indc iiMir of than wns nlisnliileh ne. )' siij. 'I'll,, imljiiu of the novel was 1 hanged, bin. (hen. Lecke's delightful Imt M'.y i.iii-iuieiitielia piuticiis of the book would baldly please censer beards. William Cm If ten is excellent as Sir Menus, ami the acting of Kathljn Wil liams as the old friend who plinc (U ile.Mie false Is one ,if tile elltsinndillg lilts of tlie film. Vhleria Nobody can ever 1 einiihilli about Ini k of act en In "Thiiuileu-lup" whi'-li bring-. Mniy Carr buck te the screen in another mother lele. and in cideiitalj tells n thrilling story el the unci rack. Mrs. c.nr in tlie patlietic role of al paralytic .puts dignity and effect into, her role, and tlie remainder of the cat-t, including Violet Mersereau. .1. liiirne.. Sherry. Paul Willis and Jehn Dele Mliiphy. du their lest te miiku tbetn-s)-!e noticed in the midst of incing hniM-s nud general sporting rooked reoked roeked ncss. Vi ry wisely did the advertise ments ni that every character is n sport of one sort or another. Maurice Teurneiir in his wildest moments never leueeiveil se actjve a slice of sporting life. " The net concerns the line of a con vent girl and 1111 orphan buy employed by a gambler. Hew the etphau boy's horse wen a great rnce. and saved the day for the pleasant characters makes exciting if net especially subtle en tertainment. Itegent (Jrace Davesen's beauty is one of the merits of n new photoplay with a long nnine, "Leve, Hate and a Weman." Chnilcs T. Hm-nii. who di- ' icited it luis made the most of his ma terial, nud lias used intelligence ami discretion in the telling of 1111 intcicM Ing hut net novel steiy of modern society. 1 Many of the scenes of the film arc 1 laid In" and around big hotels, and are) elaborate enough te suit tin- iiuiht par ticular. The photography, especially In j some night scenes, is another capital i feature, ltalph Kellatd plays with dis- I tinrtlnn tn the leading role opposite Miss Dnveisen, and the rest of the enst is geed. Capitel W. Clnisiy C.ibnuiu again shows ids directorial ability 111 "The P.'iiiicaile." which is based en 1111 or iginal story by Dr. Daniel Caison (;,, milium. "Tlie Ihirricadc." except for a tend ency te be "preachy" Is an excellent p dure wilicu urivcs neuie inu ueciriiic that love and human uiideiHtunding de meie te bring happiness tliun bigotry and prejudice. Kenneth Harlan and Katharine Spencer hhare honors in the lending leles. and the diameter acting of Wil liam II. Strauss as an old .lew is splen did. "LOMBARDI LTD." IN STOCK Orpheum Players Please in Produc tion of Character Comedy OinliPiim That delightful niiiieilv bullr around the, diameter of a de signer of ladles' fashion. "Lembnidi, lJtil.." whicli scored such a bit at a downtown theatre seveial yeais age, was 11 ililli' ult iindei taking for a stock lempam. and the success which at tended its piesentatien last nisht by the toil; nlavcrs et this (eimaut')wu beuse was, theiefere, deuby commend- able. Particiilarlv was Dwight Meade's I oil, of Tite I.einbaidi. the main char 1'iier. a hard one le play, and Mr. Meade lese te tlie occasion with an e- I I client pel fei mnnie. Until Hobttisen, (leitrudc itltihie, Flnreiii e Ueriild ami ellir.v sin I'ceded ailiiiiriiblv ill catching tin- spirit of the phi;, naiticilarly the foreign cbaiactcristli s, A feature that pleased the large fust night audience was tlie exhibition of the l.itist fashions by n'triutiw mode's in connect ion wltli feme of the play's inalii scenes, OTIIIIIIiMIMifFWr nriii III!'!' II!'' KilMl'll ' "U5 You'll taste the difference! &SC0 Coffee M ft At all our Stores m EllKB!lMPIl!Mwm 5Cn. rfVENtNG- PUBLIC BABE RUTH PLEASES I ON KEITH'S BILL! Swatatler Suprema Shows Seme Quite Genuine Tal ent en the Stage Keith's That Invincible lntnnt. fieerRe Hciman Kiilh. who fieni April te tnld-Oeteber. Is our met noted, notable, appeared en tlfe -tnRC of Keith's Theatie yesterday afternoon and evpiiiiiR. nnd showed himself in many phases, te sueli nf the populace n braved the worst weather of the year for It. "linhe" nppeared as the central ac tor In a skit enlled "That's, tioetl." And it wa -fairly. "Habe." as generously explained by .lames .1. Morten, n lesser luminary, had a bad cold and had been oil the read for nearly twenty Ktrnlsht hours. Notwithstanding', he compared yeiy favorably with Wellington Cress. Ill"" theatrical partner, nnd a capable comedian. He was a little husky when be sang his pan in a duet ditty. OtlierwNe t he wns effective. 1 Mine. Juliette Difca. genuinely enough a "faseinntliiR Krnnce - Amerlcnu iCeinedlenne" sang In two Ianguagen ,with a great deal of vlvacieiisncKs. Kdlth ' (.'lasper and a pair of partners Rave ii series of dainty dunces that were called "Leve Hleps." I On the bill this week nre also I'hll i Hey and itey Arthur, comically dexter dexter ous: 1'nitl Murray and (Jladys (Jcrrish. , who hope te get into musical comedy j and show whj : the whimsical .Tnmes. I.T. Morten. listed with only n little ex ex nceratien as "a fellow of infinite jest:" lien Welch. "Bight Ulue Demens" of whirling Arabians, and "The Weman Who Knew," it short play in which the i'. 1,11, I'll. , u.i i luill'll principal part is talten ny .Madame Hes son, we I known te the seiieus tage. lebc An abundance of things which aie new is offered with "The Teacher's Itemnnce." a music.il tabloid, heading the hill. This little production is bright- ened with catchy music and is well 'staged. Klmberly nnd Page offer 11 timely skit en tlie movies nnd geed nets are also prpscntcd by Harry and Leigh- Ien. Mclrev Sisters nml Wchli and Hull. Allegheny Kdwin August, filpi phiyer. appearing in "Mevie Madness." scored as liennt- bearer. Mr. August has ample nnd capable support. Ceorge N. Itiewn. champion walker, was seen In n novel rurn. Keene and Williams have a skit whicli pleased. Annette mid com pany have u tuneful net. Otte. Hess and Otte mixed comedy with tnlent in a breezy manner. A featuie photoplay was also shown. Cress Keys Willnrd and Wilsen, in a riotous farce called "The Ibtudit Hunters," were the comedy hit of tlie bill. This is un original skit, right up te the memeiiU.niid overflows with solid lnughs. "Annabellp," a musical com edy which mevs swiftly, also wen honors. Geerge Armstrong scored with Ills monologue and songs. Kellly, Ilov and llurke have some songs, dancing nnd patter whicli pleased. Willard nnd Wilsen are versatile comedians. Willlnii I'enn "Itehemia." a lninia tuie musical lemedy, featuring Alma Nellssen. scored 11 deserved mill decided hit. Tlie costumes wein by the mem bers of the company nre appropriate. Fisher nnd Gilmere have a comedy ski: which pleased. .lane O'lleurke and company in "Merely Married" had the beuse rearing with laughter. Tuck and Clare, have a novelty act. Nixon Bebby Heath, assisted by Adele Speeiing. nppeared In Ills own West Phiiiidelphin ward and wen" a unanimous vole of approval. Bebby has a tleck of melodies from bis own song shop all abrcn'st of tbe news of the day. Jack Norten and company np peared in "Recuperation." a skit pui.c (itatcil with laughter Otlieis en tl." bill aie I ln k nnd White in .'in ncto ncte lmtlc offering nnd Gray. Carpenter nnd Gray in sonic brniiil-ncw comedy. Miuy Andersen in "Toe Much Matrhigc" Is the photoplay attraction. Keystone Frank Riclmidsen and company bended the bill with their sketch offering. "An Impromptu Re hearsal." Anether elaborate act was Mnllln Mart and company in "Comedy Variety Novelties. Other numbeis wcic Perez and Marguerite, novelty of ef fering: Sterk and Clark in songs, ami Lew Coepir. monologue 1 emediai . Chapter tniilecn of "Iliirr'eane Hutch" 1 empleteil the bill. Nixon's Grand A comedy skiL called "In tlie Swim" heads the bill. There ntc two scenes in which n timely story 1 Is told te the accompaniment of many 1 laughs. The comedy Is kept moving at la lively rate by Thornten nnd 1 raw 1 ford. Gildea and Jcffes offer a lively 1 I singing net, which met with appreva'. I Mnny new nnd startling tricks are per- ' I formed by Lillian's I'et Canines. Newell 'nnd Most, singers and dancers. nle nt' 'en the bill. ' Walten Reef Guille Gabi-iclll. lulli 1 as "the Modern Cniuse," sings 11 a tiety of songs. Tlie remainder of the eiiteitainment is made up of June Heb-iM-ts, sole dances; Kenny Trie. seni; mid dances, mid Armstrong and L.idlei. dancing. NEW BILL AT DUMONT'S Dumont's Burlesque thrills are the card at the minstrel beuse this week. Kinmett Welch nnd his associ ates for their new 1111 have singed a satire en "The Bnt" and the bleed- , curdling episodes brought In give all thr company fnverites opportunities te git across some of their best work. A new farce, "Fleisiier's Yarns in n Twisted Tnlc" is also Hound te be n hit, thanks (e the work et' Chailic. Heyden and bis company of fniiinnkers. Denver Bridtfe -P4LE R.R I jrij ni'DiintMf((ile irmwiiric-MAiimu eg Modern methods and machinery em em nleved ler the cee- nemical production of steel structures. McCIintic-jMarshall Company General Offices: Pittsburgh. Pa. Philadelphia : Merris Bid.-. . 'A Vull I ll Je , s,()1 J , ,, .,, I Mcaintic-Marshall Steel Bridges BuiV'T" li&Affifei3i 1 1 LBDG - BK PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, Continuing Shetvs BROAD "The Easiest Way." Ilu- goiie Walter's drama revived, with Miss Frances Starr. RHVUVJIT "The Last Waltz," Oscar Straus operetta. Klcancr Painter featured, FORRVBT KIsle Janls brings her "gang" back. Geed fun nnd pretty tuneK. Lust week. WALXUT "The Emperer Jenes," Uugone O'NeIH'h strange drama of the effect of fear. ADRLPllt "The Rat," mystery drama by Mary Roberts Illnehart and Avery Hopwood. Tenth weetc. LYRIC "Tote." comedy from the French, with Lee Dltrlchsteln. Last week. AN ENGLISH THRILLER Q IM OR M nQT"ml "Menkey in the Zoe." written by 10 UN UUl IVM UO I Ttert II011I011. who also appears earlier en the bill, doing n clever monologue. j "Bull Deg Drummond," at Car 1 rick, Is Cousin te "The Bat" Oarrldi Though his name was no where en the program, nnd though, ns a matter of fact, he wns playing in .. . .-i.. 100 quite another performance nearly urn miles away, the spirit of geed old Wll llnm Gillette was dose te the stage and the player who presented "Bull Deg Drummond" te n lnrge nnd apparently enthusiastic audience last night. i The Gillette of "Sherlock Helmes" I nnd kindred plays, quiet, tinexcited, always the calmest man In n cllmnx land nlwnys the quickest thinking! Fer, 'niter nil. "Bull Deg Drummond" Is I nothing but "Sherlock Helmes" nnd 'twenty mere "Sherlock Helmeses" em ' broidered with a few English slang idioms and brought strictly tin te dnle. Its indefatigable author. "Sapper. mnv have left one or two of the pepulnr ingredients of melodrama out of his concoction, but thev de net com" te mind. Blnnev nnd Kremer. of the old "ten-twcnty-thirtY" days, would have 1 bad their hearts warmed at the com bination of tiick doers, shrieks off stage, lighted cigars in dark rooms, drugged cigarettes, pistols from which I bullets bad been removed and disguises 1 which filled the four acts of "Bull Deg Drummond. "' The favorite comment between acts , wns. "Hew many me going te be 'knocked off in the next one?" As 11 tnntter of fnct. the cnsunlty list was extremely light for n "mele" of its 1 sort, but the near-cnsunlty list wns 1 most nlatming nnd kept every one's hopes up. Te keep un the illusion of Mr. Gil lette (though he in no way resembled blinl. A. E. Matthews plnjed the role of the intrepid. Iren-nerved here, the title part. If the play were saved and that is a matter of opinion nnd one's taste in inelediiinin Mr. .Matthews un ,. V , Ll 1 , , . If he bad played key and at the deubtedly saved it. I1I1 nart in the same. snme tempo that some ether members of the cast did the audience miglit nave laughed at some of the "thrills." Fer the comedy relief there me a" ' couple of silly ns'ses, one of the most virulent sort, who nre dumb enough and naive enough te make th here appear deiib'v wise nnd doubly heroic. Geoffrey Millar nnd II. Finnklln l!d- Ifliny de their work nobly, nnd if ere listened te them carefully he 'euhl pick up such novel nnd entertaining phrases ns "Never heard such tripe" ( and "She's off her rocker." Xer should I praise be withheld from Snm Live.-nv nnd C. II. Creker-Klng as the villains. the latter a teincarnatlen of Sherlock's "Meriarid." Plus the Londen slang and the Eng lish setting, this melodrama of Hilling hnm's might almost be called an E'lgii'' cousin of rnir own cheiished "Bat It's a lh easier en the nerics. hut 1 has just as many of the me -lianlc- 1 excitement. THEDA BARA AT BROADWAY Screen Star Appears In Persen Head Bill Broadway Thedn Bara. heroine ,f many 11 screen romance, who is her1 in person, is the headline attraction. She was greeted by a packed heti'e. MN Burn fold interesting dctni'-i icynrdiiig "movie" life nud tie milking of 1 ',, -tures. She was tastefully gowned, tin, I sneke in pleasant coiivcisatienal tern 'Miss Hani has t In kniiik of gettiiu, 'dose te Iit audience, and scene, j ! solidly. I Arthur Miller and h.s lianv 1 Grands" dispensed the Intest songs in I an artistic manner and obtained g, -i results. Evn Wescott in "The Butterfly I Wife," a timely skit, wen approval, an I Leenard and wlllnnl, in n comedy effi 1 - lug, also were well received. tTsf A Breeziest $$'$ !:!&&. W0& :?:'!!' lit;: ',' ii'lfiWiS' '.v.i-V;:" :!::: !:ti: I 1$$$ millhZ'WV'lM .'V.'.'.v:; .vil'.'tii.i'.JV fill iiU AT Ll.'!'1..:!.'. I y-":";Vr''''.'':::::';::!1li:'':'';vMsV assusBsasji bbm ajsaassn taaan. IniifiHnBTI tR I M1 m mmmM EBBB m FRANCES WHITE LEADS1 .... . SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE! Mucinnl rnmarliQtnr HnnH; Ex- Musical oemedy&tar neaas tx cellent Bill of Nevelties at Chestnut St. Opera Heuse I Chestnut Street Opera Heuse "Fran "Fran eos White, the sweet nnd chnrmlng inu- .tflnl nA....1.. M.rtH ......a... la. .Min ftl.M til nil ni i mi nil .iiur ici'.'iii.t 11111,1:111 inn ,., 11 ti t. " . 1 11.. .... 1" iiniin.v, scored nenv i.v 111 11 cji-ii- in ... il'.i ..!.. t..i t.il She has. s always, the personality that carries her charncter numbers nnd Sl,e , ,(.r i'nnl" leuves her audience wanting mere sings, ntuenc several ether numbers (two greatest successes. "Mississippi Ileinpr nicklnsen and Uraclc Dengnn. in "Tills and That." arc ns refreshing as ever. .Miss Dcagen's lisp nud Mr. .uniga. the beautiful singitiR 01 .u Dickinsen's easv breeziness nre llmr- Keltic as Mineln, especially In the third OUghly delightful. act. and the lively quintet of the k-ceiii I Ernestine Myers nnd rempnny pre'ent 'lf't. performed by Misses I-Vrrtiblnt. ! a delightful number of dnn'ce crea- Moreini nnd Klinevn nnd Messrs, liens. This net Is beautifully dressed Tudisce nnd Uervi. wltli the rbvtlitnic and artistically produced. Miss Myers dancing of Miss Tell, were ether fen is graceful nud very clever nnd her tures of a conspicuously successful first company is particularly geed. (Jcerge 1 Clifferd gives her excel'lent support. , "The Kiss HnrMnr " ni,itn,iiiA,l rnm 'The Kiss Hiirelnr." cniulensecl from the comedy of that name, with Denmnn Maley and Harry Clnrke in their erig- inai roles, is one of tlie finest sketches seen here In a long time The rest of the bill includes Nevelle Brethers, with their distinctive clown comedy; Three Musical Avoles, with their unusual xylophones; Rrengk' Gelden Herse, a beautiful posing spec (nole, nnd Genernl Pisnne and ioi.i iei.i pnny with an exhibition of marksman ship. SAN CARLO OPERA OPENS WITH GREAT SUCCESS Fine Performance of "Carmen" Is Given Before Appreciative Audience tiii: evr riirmri Den .Inns Cufnitlle t . Ziii.Ib.i Mern Ins .illcwla rraKinlu .Mpici-iIes II llnnc.ilre . .. HI ltfi.itr.HnJi CuniJucter .ntlier rVrribiri 11111110 llr,-c r I Jefrpii He rr . . . P.etrl . HneO Nleul.X ll Am . . Mml-lleiii Iv ,ii . franefs M' n, 11 . Al.ltn lxun .Instill Tuil.-r . . . . Vllt.il" I . I -Carle 1'truti I he San Carle Opera Cempanv opened n three weeks' stand at the Motrejxil itnn Opera Heuse last evening before mi audience that virtually filled that auditorium te the doers, nnd the pit fermance of "Carmen" which was givi n justified the attendance. After the first act. Einil Alhrecht. president of (he Philadelphia Grand Opera Association under whose auspices the scries is being given, introduced Mayer Moere. ' The Mayer spoke briefly, but te tlie point. He said that political life ordi erdi nnrily had little te de with music, hut 1 tllnt '"' "ad found Hint life in ;of t,p Mayer was "one long sv m thlt hp ,im, n My (n ,,s that he had found Hint life In the office sweet song" listen te (he vocal complaints of various persons de livered alike in tlie Iininieny of Beetho ven und the discord of Si-heenberg, principally tlie bitter. However, when tin; opportunity arose te welcome te (lie city of Philadelphia an organiza tion which was doing for music In America what the San Carle Opera Company v.as doing, he eagerly se'i7eil that oppeitunity te bid them welcome and pledged his best endeavors te for ward the movement for mere nnd betti music Fortune Gnlle, director nnd (he mov ing spirit net only of the Snn Cm In Opera Company, but nf the whole move ment for tlie production of reasonable - jflJO SUNDAYS i ltW RtKl llerrn.tier t HH k IH? unit IH te am BHI ... iH , WrTn3IC(IAddl!l3nal UM SPECIAL TRAIN Direct te Pennsylvania Station, Huf 7lh Acnue nnd 3J(i Street, New UW Yerk, leaves HBIIj Itreml 8' Smt en 7tOA mUM Writ Plulnili Iplca 7 45 ESm "" """'" '" H 1 1 ili Maner , c mm. ,1 c. inn See Flyers Consult Afents BH (icn I'" I- 10 .f.i 1 Tickets en sste ceamfDclnit Friday aBH l "k n (Mil s f,,s,-r s c, ,,. prtcedlnitTTeurtlen, jH t v TWnlieuiill .M.ii.Rei npHBV H i-hfil S- st"arnii I iiiimss Ili'r'nud.-i I f Pennsylvania m i": :,r:i:u': .. W bystem B - T7- ThTKeelsef 1I.1 Bc.i.sij Umll.J F jSxCtP Eivsv memca s Magazine79 La cry pace a riot of mirth, presenting the greatest collec tion of fun, fact and fiction ever offered the American public. Unusual pictures of unusual girls in unusual poses. Latest fashions of Paris, Ixjii Ixjii den and New Yerk. Tidbits of intimate gossip of stage, screen and society. Get your copy before the is me is exhausted. Get it tsJay Gfmerica's Breeziest Magazine Published Monthly by THETATLER PUBLISHING CORP. 1010 Dreadway New Yerk City 1 ETC December Issue 1 sl( XO New On Sale JL O ALL NEWS STANDS NOVEMBER 29, 1921 priced opera In Ibis country, responded, saying that he nppreclnted the InrRC nt- U'liilaiife. ami lie liepeii tnat tne com- :;Vason. ,0 Rivc " l0"K,r The pei fermance itself wns of n unl- fermly high standard. It wns the first tlnic f"" mnny years in fact, since the cnivc ihnt the title role bus been sunir bv n rent mezzo-soprano. In the east there was little te differentiate between the principals. Mi" Ferrnblnl song nnd acted the title role with con spicuous success : her voice, generally lated ns n soprano, is really of the- fin est mezzo-soprano timbre, the rarest of all voices, anil of exquisite quality lit '" .... nililil 0 re.clster. as nre nil icnl mezzo-, ,t .i i!..i . ... Imt Her nctlne was n tittle uneven, DM Me arose te great dramatic nn 1 ... . heigh s where the sltuat Ions demiindf I. slic nrnsc te great dramatic nnd vocal especially in the close of the third nnd 1 fourth nets. Mr. Uescneci mnde n line I)e Jnt,(' I" his drnmntic expression of difficult pert, and Mr. Ileyer wns n very personable nHcninille nnd sntisfnc- ,tery vocally, tbe "Toreador song being one et tne nits et tne periennni ce. The fine voice of Mr. de I.iav .l a performance. Naturally, there were some slips, ns tlmrn mils iilvvnvs be. nt the nticuinz of there must always he. et the opening of nn operatic seric. But ns n whole the opening of the company bids fair te give Philadelphia one of the best series of operatic performances which it has had for many yenrs. jvivrr.rt nixeni-i UUN7K ( ITV. N .1 On the Buncli Frent PRE WAR RATES (Uirlein rim Entlrtlr. liij H 9tel ( Knanlug W.t.r . . ISA ft wk Rmh 1 IMT.t. n.th Mi Ml - " DeaM 1 Rsanlei Witf r . . IM " nm Pri.ii.Hib.i::i. n - Doekts , rrir.t. Dllk Oehii a-raar, 196 pr wtk OwnMihip Mtiugtrntnl Prien 14S0 t&&f&Zk ( . ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. j iiiireciiv en. iec vcraariwu, i AnAnric.iPl3JiIloldefDislincticiva Ithltertf.Buzlr UlllMMglWIWlfsaMl life RAYMORE AT'r,c XLerld Greatest Hetel Success '10 HOnFHAM Mrglnl.i Ae. near Ilnirl. ww" KtltOPLAN PLAN hlKTl.il reduerd winter mil's. Alula Cirulier. Hotl Rr-eKl Ke-ntucky Av, nr. beacti riOtei DOSCODei K.c,ent taW. Med? rates. Am. & u. rlan. Ph. 117. A t.MAIUON, .MIAMI, I I.A. SENATOR HOTEL Virginia Ave. nnd IWinrilwiilk X'erv special n-t.it' r rate lis per week and ur. tnrl.idlUK tnalH Hi, et.1-1 I. Ki:weni). n .1 i.Ain:woert. x. .1. town ci.i-rtK ren r.oetcr.ET MIAMI. ITA Write tu Cliatnber of Cemrnrci .MIAMI. FLA. for free Iloekltt. m- iiicKi- i: ri.A. 'Hetel Clarenden DmcsTLY en ecun SEABREEZE FLORtr. mhwyeiik erricE, iibe broaevay ' SI.1IKINO. l'LX. KlENlLWORTH LODGE." ON LAKE JACKSON. SEDRING, FLA. FLfJRmASMCXST EXCEPTIONAL HOTEL,. WVIGORATiNG CLIMATE.UNEXCEtXED GOLE HUGH JAY FLYiIN, MANAGER. BOOKING OFFICE. TOVN S COUNTRY. 8WEST403ST.N.Y.TELVAHDERD1U 229tt ht. pi:n:itMiri((i, ri.A. s x. v K T K R ri II I! a "The Sunshine City" ler Booklets ir Intormm.en Writs Chamber of Cntnmerc. Dept. P St reteriliurc. ria. nnRMciiA The Ideal IVinfcr Resort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA STIXMsllll's K10R1S WqndercruiSE TO TMC mm I p te 31 Limited 3SO CuestsT Jan. 28 te March 30.1922. Navcr bslore hst there been offered an ecDminlry of vlnltng the strsnae lands and strsnaer peoples et the ureal Sea el History and Literature in such luxurious comfort e( appointments soil acrvlce as will be enjoyed In the com ics Crulte et the Cunarder Ceienle, Under the crxcluslw management of THOS.COOKtfSON 225 Menth Ilrend Ht. iltelcm Walnut Street) rhllmlelpliln BALTIMORE TO HAWAII iuni rt'tnn. ( lllllllt lit lllltllll,!. IMll'IIIM ( iui.ll, l Xnirrleh, sun rmnilsia nu i.ir sri mik HAWKEYE STATE l.enrrii ll.iltiii.iiie for lluujll lirrrtnher 1 MATSON NAVIGATION CO. MimnplVtf ARrnti I . .. IM,,R i..r, ii south in Mrecl, lluliiiniire, Mil. or iiu Ini ill steii.iihliiii iti'iit. ERICSSON LINE - -iii r "" Tti i1 m Ir I or lliltliiiurp A Mh nulei., Norfell, nml ihr siniili 'V'l't, siii.v, t'rrlclit unit e i tin I. p M snturil n . ,i f'Oin Pier 3. J Drlinnrr nir , , i. r Dully srrtlce PiissniBer, , I'rlecl. P. M.. Phtliilivti.tili. GREAT WHITE FLE United Fruit Company E T Trjme Vvt 17 littery Place. N. tranQ i ATLANTIC CITY JbadP " "-aaaa Mediterranean Cruise VVC XT S-S-Caxmanla(Caisrabs. VfsWV Sailing New Yerk, Feb. 1 1th V I I in r ,111 rvu-f l'e iff a 1 1 I I ' e ineritrm' Crn.n te n.e 1 I h I '" 'c-rini'nn hi 1 fin r.e I. I 1 --1 nt-e.l 'e t."nj ru-s's llXJI V - I.. 1 I M Ts ' H . or 'phimr J if? I tMritii iF'ttts re t U.t-IUs Ilre.ul st 0 NVC trot X?SS mmmm "TOWN SCANDALS" AT CASINO Casine Kthcl Khtittn nnd Clmrlle Fagnn kept the pni'e nt 11 lively clip in "The Town Scandals" show which opened last night. These two favorite funmnkers. aided by ti jiirge nnd cnpnbh (list, wanned the audience from the stnrt. Mlh Shuttn s male impersotni - impersetni - tlens. Including the young guninun, were never displayed te better ndvan tagp. nnd her daiiiliig was exceptleniil. gleets te seize 111s opperiiuiiw., "", There Is nn actual plot te "Town Hnbbette, nltbetigb new te ritlladel Hcutidnls" whicli is hcmm- cempletely1 phin. wen popular fnver at once by Iier lest sight of. nnd which, together with I ability te dance, and her repertoire or some tinkling tune, and geed diim-lug. novel nnd iip-te-dnte dances was 0110 innke it nn nll-ninund entertuinnu lit. of the bit.- of the show. r.niTATipNi. doling Wnmrii nml (llrl J( 5 Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiin I Become a TRAINED NURSE I s FREE TUITION, Heard and Lodging and nominal sum while learning. 5 The scarcity of trained nurses assures any competent pradunte 5 of steady employment; and this very scarcity also assures liberal earnings nnd certain success. zz Address Public Ledger Educational Bureau for detailed inferma- 5 tien, or communicate directly with any of the following hespitals: s ANN MAI MI.MOKIAL IKITl r.VI.. MirltiK Lake, N. J. S ( DOI'l.K IKIsl'irAI., tiiniilrii, N. J. MONMOt Til Ml.MOKIM. IKIsl't t AI.. l.i.nK Itriuirh. N. A. (IKANr.I, MrMOItlVt. IIIITITM,. Oriinur, .S. J. NOltrll IT t l)s l)si'iTAI. ssO., Wrrhiinkfti. N. J. OM.Ill.eOIi Hlisl'irxi,. Summit. . -I. MIDDU'.SKX (iirNKKAI. linrnAI., New HriinHwIrk. N. J. ,ir.UM; (ITV IIOMIMT1I,, .ItTff) City, N. .1. CliltlHT i:riSC(ll'AI. HOSPITAL 'Jrrsry City Itrlctits), Jprsrr City, N, J. 1 M:VHI flTV IKIspltAI.. NVwnrk. N. .f. nOMrOPATIIIC IIOspiTM. Ill" r.SM:x CIIINTV. Nen-nrU. N. J, HOSPITAL reit WOMI.N AVD f'HII.DRr.N. unrk. N. J. I'KIltYTi:HIAN IIQSPITM.. Ntwnrli. X. .1. One rur H's- Scheel requ'rrcj In Jemcy llejpltnls. ST. I.I Kirs HObPITAL, llftl.lilirm, l'e. liASTON HOSI'tTM,. Husten. Pb. r.OOII WMMttTAN HOSPITAL. Lflmnnn. Til. S CLXTKAI. IIISPITI 123(1 A ( htnut Sls.i, I'lilliirirlptitn, Pn. ZZ NATIONAL VTOMACTI HOPITl. (f?H X. I.tlh M.). Plilluclffphlrt, r. west rim. x fiKvrnxi. homlep vtiiii he.hmtai, (tim X r.ltli St i Phlbiitrlnlilii. Pn. Ml ninrtT Iinspn I iCiilnrrdi tJOIS N i.III. .t., rtillnilrlpliln. Ps. cisTrePATHir IIOSPITM. until nnil !irlnir I nrilen Sts.i. Pliilinlrliihlii. Pn. SuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii: Until p'Iel AUTO SCHOOL 4 c ',.,! t pirn hl P" ln.nc (jrfrs reui-si i- III Mrflitinlc-H, (? nVpnlr Mim, Prnrtlre, i.li Ixnltlnn, (ifiirniters, Stiirtlmr Meters, nml I.lKhtlmr. t SsJiiruce It.ittrry Werk, nml fl Snort Course for llwrirr" - npn te Mi i nil Wem'n Initorseil 1-j lhe t'liilaitelphl.i Au" -I ruM" Afc i-'ntl' n. "The Srlioel Unit fct-f? a pmefinj in'c-csr in rverj sti'itetit." New Lla ami K'i,ini.- i irt.es iiv-i jreml.iN I i.c 11' MTO SCIIOOI,. ifi'JI l.l HI.OW sj, tiii: . m. . . or riin.x. lit: I Arrh Ml. STRAYER'S llle "" iiusine.. sitiU'i e i tvtt. i ci e R07 rII rx, T T Position enariiiit'il. ITntrr new. II 13 or nlsht sm:Msint's ih-hqutx BERMUDA "The Comfert Reute" J'1 tne palatini causing steame' "ARAGUAYA" 17,00 Ten Oiatilncment First Sailing JANUARY 4 from New Yerk Frem New Yerk Weekly S(lW)WS Frem Bermuda Every Saturday r emmrmine .i.m. it Every Tueiday The "Araguaya" , 'fir (a wst 'train r rr r-mplnjd i the Rmutla trad1. I h nam 'upfrinr ner re no i e LLir.psa'i dir Snnvi Amerlfan Stamri ( 1 be niulniaiiiei en tlw rasuaMi n-ui n ;iAsfi.gri eery comfort at.'J jur; . CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S " BERMUDA Special Holiday Teut 21 days . j. i,l tr.p en pa'at at steatnpra - ieTe' m eoiTniui',-i'iens snd (-eniprehrnt,'e prmrsra of shore ejruralens S. S. "ORBITA" Sniling- from New lteUtrninp; en the S. at New mr , nt e, i -til r:M' ti v v ItrEiilnr iiIIIiirh le l.l Itlll'l. The ROYAL MAIL BROADWAY e- t s L. qA Winter Cruise California mi Hawaii "where it's Summer always " fcirW U Vf' " 'almmWmwdA BUCKEYE STATE nil! sail from Baltimore le Hawaii January 7 fwms-wte$m i i h-iiNF Under Contract with Extra Christmas Ship P VI III IHIN -t'ItlV I I'lMPM 7 Day Tour lm lulling Alse Special Christmas Lxyp 8 day tours-;1;' ltL-' lllliir S illlni-s Nm r . l-m N . rtr Wnl. I lies A ll.l.l.lu .......1 , ... ... . - s"..., Mil ruln-scrrn iln luxe nil lliirnliiB seIm,er l.iiiilliu: P issenrers ut lliin.llten ItmU S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. 'TORT HAMILTON" tl "i r,, I,,,, , n en,, t,,,,. rj.pu..iit SAILINGS TWICE WEEKLY BEGINNING JANMAitv W' i r il. . w k.V'' llni-rnii; 1 iii'iiu licit l.vnrrss s,.ri( ,, i r. i .1 , i iinM-ss tiir.Mtiiv i im II M.llrl. ill s, N (r,ZiIt I-i I'ss, .iirwi jr any 21 TROCADERO SHOW PLEASES Troratlere There was entertainment for every one in "The Oiilcty (ilr! which opened before nn enthusiastic nitdlence Inst night. I'at White, espe cially, proved himself popular. Tins favorite comedian has an excellent chnncc for his best work, nnd never ne- ' ' 1 r.nfe tiev.m. Vnnnr Wnm?n nml Olrls llelh ep MANJKS BUSINESS COZLBGB Salesmanship Course Tf.ls ceurii nt llin.Us elves Ten thr I rliiitllli- sclllni; 11.rtl.eds nsfslrcl In-1 i.. I)uj Srlioel. Nlcht "rt.oel. 10(1 M limit 'trrpt, I'l.ll tclrlnhl.i AT I n ii FILING A Paying Vocation Call or tP,pnone !.: n-Blnut 6fir,0-C3r.Ii Kay.. Main 7411 Mnml.ird sell en I uf tllliiK und Inileiliie , el.r Wernicke Ce.. 1012-14 Cheat Mt..riiltn. stj XMsinr N-eTirr.'s $183 up S.'i.OIM) Tens Dlstilii cement Yerk December 22 S. "ARAdUAYA," erk Jinu"rv 12 arriving s , ,., f - r -' I- .. d. In the f minus n" STI'.XMF.It STLA PACKET CO. NEW YORK. i p . . c te A COMPLETE WINTER CRUISE te ClLfemit and Hawaii via Havma, Panama Canal, L05 Angtle, San Francijce and Honolulu. Numerous shore trips with excel lent hotel accommodations included. A restful winter vacation thteugh semiarepical seas en the luxurious and commodious American steamer Buckeye State which provides the com fort and conveniences of a first-dass heteL This cruise will be underthe dtresn'en of the Tour, m Department of the American Express Company where inquiries may be sent. MATSON NAVIGATION CO. 26 SOUTH GAT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. OR Tilt! AMERICAN CXPkttS CO. OR ANV STEAMSHIP AGENT Bermuda Government S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" a V. V Iter. !? Uemmlne Dec. "!) $97-50 arid up Ml shle Trips Sailings Dec. 21 and 28 ,". - :-;- z, $103 ; .1A liui lln., l-wi-is , ei-it I'rum lleriiiinl.i ciitt stii, ca, lit... S P ,-,,',,-. i. , ,,rr Uillij (, ,i, IIIiIl- . I'hllj. "ir tourist atstnty Jt - vVfe A JlL'sCJ fn W JMWJaaerja- 1M Si I i i M "Si ti; f aVaaajaaaaaaatji V. 1,. Ju -4- s. , rTEB