V. .j 5lr''j 20 m'KNlNG 1JL-BL1(J LKJDQEK PHlLUJbJLPHlA, TlfEBDAtf, JOViiJxMiJiDil Ifl), lt)2JL "BIG FIVE" NAVAL 'NORHS DEMANDS EXPfflSHALTED ALLIED DEBT PLAN One Dolegation Asks Delay. Federal Resorve Bank Governer U. S. and Japan Differ Say's U. S. Should Fix Concerning Ratie Policy at Once NEW Y. W. C. A. HOSTEL AT CAPITAL .L TJKATIIS PKATllfl nelntUrs ami friend". ale empleye pf P. It. T. Willow Oren Uepet. nr Invltna te st- KBnVKll.li.h s Ml ir C,r,AV .1 t. iv ew oren uepei. are inmeu ,"' iyv ""' eii year nii;7r?rt tetil funeral Thiirn.. 1:30 V. W 'rem I1U1 frlJ, Are lnvltefl te atttnd funVrl? VI lte rdldeue. nusf. N'. Mil M. . Int. private. J lee J, JVed . 2 p M , reslJenc, l0u.n J eJjWl NMthiroedr.ni. Vlawliiir Wed., from , '" , ' Sh, ' l'!'l!k,tC M n p m I int. CV'Inr f til t fam "win Tui-"14 CONWAT, -Nev. 2.-,. THOMAS. Iiinuin.1 ''. ORENZ FAINTS AUTOIST S HELD f?:m$mMfii-., mwjty nrTrUf'irf: t -4iS2E3 ' FROM OVERWORK IN CHILD'S DEATH I tj w I Y v M Mi W i Ma AGREEMENT IS EXPECTED! By llie Associated Press Washington. Nev. -JO. The. meeting """"""' ."', P0",0- "gat-ding the im ,JL ,i, -nir fire" riav.nl emrrts m,n'"5 'ebM ?' it hy the allied na- the first general conference of the nav.nl i," KV , n i ' ib t.. .. -"i men whedulcd for nenrlj a week. . Xhta h? m?1 mW.f , ' ?e T postponed until tomorrow nt the j nmHlsmVn'v ''' ,, rtTfriL1, qUMt Of one of tl.e ddogutlens. Ne l ' &" prJnivctl,mcn ' 4 ?.ei.l statement u te the reason for t he rill;,"Sir rSa, dTeorTem e tJ postponement or the delegation making .mrieiiiu. .V.,,,...,. in mu 1 ... H therequcst was given of the fact that ice Admiral Kate ha definitely untieunerd thnr Jnp.ui went i 70 per cent naval rutin, while thr American experts "till give every in- dleatien of firm ndlierenc. te the view that CO per cent fur Japan Is the mal- mum naal -trength tlmt could be no- I eepted hi l-w of the American liablli ties and Intoiests in thr Pacific Standing en the ri.eliiH' In a. fa vorable position for thr forming of n oel Judgment as ( the ultimate out eut out "emo of th" lifT,rer.r.-,r5 between 'he meriran and Japanese naval expert. em of the dlefats of the ether Power-" Inuf rem lied th" conclusion that nethii.p Im re.illy occurred tha' .s like te i.revert a -atiin'-terj -oia-"en of thi' problem. Expect Alutual (. cniTvleii& The delesatcs bne the!r bt-lief nn 'In 'In 'In onvietien tlun the spirit that ha ani mated all the ilel"Ht" has been se admirable n- te lnure mutual renec len and tin fcel itlii of the isiues in :i reaRenauic way The dcolaratien ICate for a 7'-Vh v. ., vrlmtnl i. ratio for the .Fapanese u'e "ax ih- tint atithon atithen ntive anneuncpi.iPnt that Japan pe'-k-j replace the "r-")-"" uu1h of the American iaal limitati. n prope--al tvate said that thu raMe he namM Is mr nuu.iuui.i -u-i-i-iavi !. 'up (cnrity The Fnnei. end Italian Arms Cen- ference delegations have had occasion te talk with each ether en the eubjeet f the relative nkvel strength of thlr csnectivi-ceuntries. Th Prench DOSltien li that Trance has t- i.bj-etlen what- mr rn ItiK luvln thu tAm is mu s France which, n 1 cuntfndel, should eventuallj be eOO.OiiO teaa of capital hips and r.OOft rnni of mbmarines. Beth France and Italy are very anx- "us that tne oueetlen cencerninif their naval armaments should come befe.e the Cenferem e together with the settle- ment of the naval ftreng'-hs of the three . arger powers. I rnrann l.--,.l, .,j li.ll.n T71.. ' , ....... vi ..."". JS A, I Italian official 'rencth of the te Ireadneughfe Ital "von. i'rc-irendneiispts . . . i .m, a. iaui .. .'which ten no' !,;,;; r con irVtiOB-: I 1 ranee, tlftj-one 15eth Italv at.d 1'rnncc lest u con- UnKronme,)- I 1 1 1 1 1 f.irf r.rlrAn I hips during the vnr. bur their les-es ' . ..in -....t...r.t ..,.1, ,i.. n, ., -h T..e oerneiv uuniiK-r or im.-ir iiujiuar) , .ere replaced with 'In partefthelle.it jrrenderec U Germany. Italy and ' "ranee ra -. P'em.i lt per cent. Shaiitui.g 1'suc Iioem In addition te , l.nnl agreement -eked for te.inv m gradually abolish 'ie sjstem of c'ra erritenl rights In China under nhn h foreign Government 'ave set up their own curts there, the I'ar Eastern OemnUUe of the Lea- erence alie was prepare.! te take up China's renucst for withdrawal of Tereign troops stationed ou her soil itheut trrsty sanction Disousdien of the iatte-i-iu'stien may r.ng up for the first -im- the Shantung d Menchuriun controversies, !n view " China's contention that Japanese .eens are stationed ih"' without au- 'herlty. Tne real l-u- involved In .-se two problems, however, was ex- e ted te be deferred ter discissien- in 1 he near future under the specific suh- jcrt of railwav l-ase Italv's principal interest !s that no ' R"in te be difficult for Europe te settle must step v,hat is new started l...f..n. latleii sheild hSv. nabMiiute control ordinary trade balances with us, even tK realities of the werWi ecnr.m.c VheStdllirranea: ' 7Xrfi .he -irh the help of continuing Ameriea.i duress are faced, or their uue ,fr ,euld be suffo.ate-l i her own w,, .'CmTe et onlrtiriuetd tlfc ' Some nferrn will rerraliily fellow That is win Itnly insists that her nay h"m te , net only settle in go,l these ( ( mm b at lea-r ciunl te that of any trade balances b t ate pay '? , rn h ,n ,;, (e llA ,,, rre. ther Mednervanean country At prcs. ih li.g like ten bill en, of "J"nmeutl nemlc. It mnj! 110t ((,.u lK)llII- w rh ,,, . nt hn nnvr nmnetlnp with Itnlv ill indebtedness, IS Utterly OUt Ot tJie QUCS- ,.,..' , ti....:i.V. . : Vji."' '-.-' .. .1.-. A c..- Hen. It Is hevend the bounds of pessl- . ' '""".'" ""'"""" ,"MI;" France, four. AimereO cruisers Jtaiy. sma in l"p .""rl" .t". "" V' 7 ' " Y" present Conference is loosely vPk., f'e urmnn mvinoiegy, nun nr anetner . .... N -One-fourth of five, of whirl, two - oh.elete ; IVince. serious question whether they can be Dlsrrmamenr Conference.'vhe,, it , time i-,. aprr.l tl,e ,,hmfe esf tw c"ate of DaUdRVpham eminent te0 the greeter r-r' obsolete Other Xl'tVme is tvM n" D th ,,m,ra,ien "f " "s'' " '" the Latin eln.e. 'n mcr can'barltene Vho i'SlNl'cn" '.itTuT'l-,; ruSS? Jtwlf Mllh fmW D,,, ,,., Ancient ..re -ntl, -nilall.,, books, ni,,,, man,, three an- umler fi.n-tr-n't:en; France. Meults te our AWier 7"",:d stable international mcliiini nf en'- 1-, Ms iciiMcnr; te the clery ihat n (llll..irilrfi i Mrs. Ilcnrlrttn Mwller Ten HARDING PROPOSAL hUPh ns thI"' much by the rapid receipt of payment in tjnn-. rcitnvn' "We should remember that U thete the form of goods, the only pe-Nibl- r..ri,i P Lu ASKS LOJDO! foreign obligations represent money of payment In view of the .leinenillyii- ' leaned nfter we went Inte the war, nml tien of foreign exchange, he v.iid. ts meit of it when the supplying of feed , the debtors would be. hurmed in lunkit B B B Ivondeii. Nev. CO. P.v A. PI In- and munitions was all that we were the payment. rreuslner ntfentien is ulven bv the Len- den press te President Harding's ug- gestle'l of nr "association of nations ' 1' rough a series of international con- ' -renees, the conclusions of which would be ebsened under a "rfentleraen's . greement" rathr than by treaty The Times in Its editorial columns te- WasIiI -Th gatlen, man tlvely tlen nent ternatlenal Indebtedness ut the Cen ference. It was said the Conference was nd 1 ertng strictly te the agenda mi far .1 could be ebsirvi'.l, nml th Ilritlh del tgntes have no lu.-i't...., of tiskirg tie Ctlir 'lelegtlte!. te M.ii I tl.v juriruli''- (Ien Q( the Cenferemc Ihtv believe that nn jxtenslen uf the egendn would (UraiBlah Initead of Increase the chances, fpr regBleta success of, the Conference. i.aj says that Mr. Harding's concept en Jt tr.ese countries ana tai.i at tniir "' '" '-'',"'' ,l '.,,.,, i, -..T.tr:i. t work. Srf3---r--a 3 ni J www. w iu XL , ;' 17,2 , r im Wnt' .V' V i; . .'""I. "ha ' J A ive.1,, a v. M ' ,,n,,"" of the principles underlying euch an time "we must have these things, and ' ,, r i.u.r..tur ,,.,, ,,ns W 1 nr J Q- ' e i 1 -I n..W . A,,Vrt& association has in itself a "tonic ef- we have n. money te pay for rhem, bur is or. lj through tucb rehabill at .... tV ,, , f nr,.mjtlli ,;, " S W OHieil S OlZeSJ tO I I r,..in a. m, Im, ll.l, frUV- a i', ..truivaiw' f 1 69 wuu feet." The newspaper adds: U you will furnish rhem te u.e we will j'V;", ,!. ... ', r..-.lv who, ,k i, a b & n T T Wl dUMCb J 101 1 , ,eck - Nv 2d, j;u r"i ttnlf lfmtt "It is heartening te knew that th kP en fighting until j en are ready te W n'' ire uti t l0 . ,a " ' '' .' ,, ,!, ctv .,,..- will est rh- Di 9 RriPITC flllll ! mnrDVBd CUSfl OH S inP tnrp -s whfr of Jein. R. and r.ditn UM "ic.tTi. 1 ?"', ,n,4Sbhlif ffte re.' nce M S. Jirt President, inspired by the.results e In. would we net willingly have n .?h I ( r' .','"; '' J,"'.', .'rei-r med- Uus nnun. eM. ,,. and DlJLKrt .lHll 1 , IIIIHUK" UUilllUll OIIUC OlOTB ..,..! 23 " iia.,ri.nfl. lnvi,..,i ;i "wV J Wrt "i'.J'ep' he Washington Conference, is already ',"-' 7',:: 'M'T!? - . " -an ei-'t tn Z " '-- "l-id gun-.f il,- i'n,b,ne , 37 Se. 9th St. MVE looking forward te n future from which ", Tl" 'ndehre.Ine, ,1,. ref.jre. ' ul,ltT.rii, .,- ,..,. , p. . eav.ng. S V f hi f f.nf C 'l I n... neh.vvare county. P.. int. Arlli.slen C b.iev'ed husband "if 2Iar5, A ''$$?' the possibility of active co-operation by 'tai.. ; en h m; .MT-ren. pi.,. from urC. ( ' ' -1, ,'. ,,. ,.' ; ,r V ,,.v ..- .,w t .fc. , g Al ClllLCClS, S Philn., Penna. "'-f1 -" WmiTa dM,.i.,.r ee i$"fi ""i1 rTnd ffMtft America .n the solution of acute Inter- n ' liar; min en , e,,. r he has r-nll 1. .rVi,!,,,, V m in nil pr-Vnl.-it v ..l .... ,k.,.lnnk. , .. . 1 TTRlrKS r- ,,. birds . OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE .M.lf.n Tunik'n'in national problems is net excluded. oritr.e ten uw man t.,r I.i- e ' n mciu. b . ,., f w,. nt ,,,,,, , 'I-iitnr fe IJUiC-JVri Hie 11KG UUUS, B ri i.rvlcc 1ed. 2 P. 21 . at 1, r hret hr-ln- , lir..tlierhe..i of Heaver r. '"vlli ' , fel The Morning Pest says: eh- 1,-nrfit, nnd !n tl urse et nn ,fishl ' ,. will nilize iu i;it.,d, Iu . t.c v.,-d-, he -t ,n.ne,r. thu f? O 01 be'S there's SUCh fl IN SIKMOUIAM " j,rHCt',K0 rn'ri1' I'ln!1''0" , M'7 .'".''.i .ict'lblT W "'fhi l. " Wl'' "The President's aspiration demands erdmarj c..mi.irrc.al trai.su-tien. Tn ,"' " ,, ,t'i cash. Ifw. ai- (!.-.. r..... P.-i:' - n n ad- I., lliH ..ii.,l.ct,.rs will I .H . J ,.,.vV, 1 !, W h vmmklt. in m,in .me,ni.ra. .- ,t n end- in y Van Tu ."ee ,n1, vrU"- -cm.ttUniimrt'nM serious and respectful consideration. '";.'" .et'iT.1 rl,"in; ' l '; a 1 i-eh .."Jk. !. lnim- -... b .1 .. ,l b. nelu l.f .1 . -uxpujeU ti Ull interesting variety ill W'iXiifnu" l'" ?TN'T 3' rt' "''(TlW-ftV Nev 101 TUOJW; Any method whereby America can bring ' ""' "1' '" '' hrt .";''' . "". ' nil be pa d. tmd 1 believe will all I- ... ti.. Mu.,,.. f cleanilia .....re air.Vts, g them fl '1'"" ' ,hl" s- w" -" . nn j. ,i?, . S'o,rii.lii.i,u0.eVhnfher'u- hurta''ef ?h.T)e kmmn- Viifcin-Jj te bear her vast influence for the rcste- 'f l"'- ; Pt , H''al llrl tains ,,, , , 0), w, ,,!, th, au.g ,,., ,. ,,,,. y, lI1(, ... f s j ks H M.mh nf,iUc. uV r ration of en Mictien is most welcome. "debU"lnes te im pracficnlly represent!. 1U mvan mere te uh inateriallv Hum -1. sning th. n, better Hum tl.f v ..-. new I , Jei Kl1" Ul '1CK'?B T&tHltliti r imiw 'ihur. y,i a m '. from nu 'are invited JJi'Vde""- T 2l"n'iV. Ai fe"r the evicting I.ague of Nations, .""PI'!" "hlcl , hey be ught her- for the anfbllIg ,. w.,uld ,eehUj 1- r-ar- han-d & burned turns Ollt nt lOIUSt B i&Zll) -wti uFiJ aU fYiScke"i Mew". .. PJ-. J. in default of the adhesion of America, ',Pn ".f,fk "Pf nn'' 1,nl-v' r"1 "" ing with " 'II ,l..r,r Is nw avva,t,c t.R1II ,, f ,.,,,. .lifTerent' killdS af- B A..MI100-Vir Columbus x I A ' l'"'- Int "ifolyer'e'cen'' l' Northvveod Cem. Friend. ' h'"i.v ,f ,' It is impossible for H te fulfill the pur- ,r"" ' rl,M" ,"" ?.,'.'.' MMTeximatelv iron, Dir-c,,,-. ',u, ,., ,hew whnt end. !s "' Ulliertni KllUlb, .11 r,,A'' J.;fjOSNEfr c"m.uM;nl ,t iiiiN-nev. se iwai. j..ii.nj..-,,,. W"JN1rTiTrui inT J0S of its existence." our nnd u c,,.dr,er bi'lierts I ran. B nn.l qpAfJICU WON'T HALT TILL l"-'""1' "' "" " I'msm, v ,11 n,l terding Ull UllfJleSS Variety A-.na M .v. ...'..reri. .In hi; AjA i.r ",!.,',' ',", 'J J,." ranY. aslVre' 'tnien "VarNe"'' iWm" ' W ' k . !" ''' '.g. Intirest In and umpainj v th "the ."'' ',?'' "' i'1'Vr.nu tel; i-.r nd a brAIMIbrl WUP. I MALI I ILL ' ff nessiblt' C'fiVl't- ill N e Vtt i ..?" tf.WV'. ' vhM '"" Ne 3,) A ' " . in?" ..VaT fr n. ta iXiuM ... "trviec, ' " ,rew.,,g me-err.-i-r'n1 America fn- f, .' ' ".';; ', i ''T e"" ' ". ,'; ''.r MOORS ARE VANQUISHED ...1 , b-ldg, r ..,-... K .tltW ,, il -UTh - I ' V'"' '' '' "''r'"1- ' ' ''", i''.LretlnTquVn; iffl,.1 'lal ?B.?lr. 'm" 'Vl'"'.? center participation in world affairs" '' " "' '; " ' ' ',' ' ', , .". ' !"" - I - ... I -,. repriii. ,i t.. rsel, & I'UllUing. A ll III .IICIU- c. . myju c.,, , Aute, , ,i meet .S-s,;, .v t iV rAVcensi. le A. M C Ui ! S 'i prt-riim. '.' ' '" itljj s p,M,l by the Daily News whl-l, "'"'- '"" " Mlhla and petlca Forces Plan !,.",-. tei't, M'llO knOWM llOW te ilXV'' A' "' "'ln truM VWKh'& -On .S-v. 2LH.0, ,U', r X, W),.'" Mates'. Center the f 'esc e'eV Natien HISTORICAL PAPER WTT)' J""t Campaign M ''"" '"I ' 3 ;.- common brick, puts each ,-tf: urU-Ai?'Ai .'iSA.'uJiX, '' ' 0,fc .J JJt.J BU,,r.l ?n r,l. nlblUttlUAL rArtHb bULU .a.., Vl e ,v . ,. 'I,iii... mi... tl r.sult et jnerfah- B kind 111 ltf. riffllt plnce. With H arc Invited te ..Henrt funeral vWd.Sjw i.irOls IKit,.. N,. 07, ' 7a " ' 1 I . Arfmr' I'.i , ,. ra.L was never regarded in Kngland tn. - .'Madrid, n.v j.i. -i A 1 - , f . n ,.,,,..!,. trimmmcH and "pe int- k ;,.?.'.. r,'"",. il N- 2irehaii at. in-. , iraftmen'r .-lub of i.ei , en . piaitiienH.her: ; wmrniNUTON -a r m . . ' 'Vnft Brltlah te Adhere Strictly te Arms Vl- iJV" "WZJt 1''"?: WLrW"-;'' .".'.'' I' , ',.. ili.ir. ,-v for strt cleaning. k 0' 'E ' Lvl. I IT i,, K' 'fircftiV;. i ?. " fes.!. . W-.VnJfc': fyi:.;' ,rUftj Conference Agcnd, r t ,- luu,n,er of th. .en-' li.VnguVr ly,t , . ,, ' '.- ,X"?e iW'th".; ' 8 nn an-hltc-l who knew-' B ,? PlVne! -"W i.4 L A L !- v-.'XRSl nefmi, Nm. 20.-n A P. '.' r1 !"' '71:, .." """' wutne nn e;ii.f sit-r .nrri..i: mn, W1; WI ,. ,,. ,-, k llkf d. a new le u.se fom.iieii eric.v. . -. . ..m-. n . ,, ft, Ceill. v. j. iiiri.re,ui.... ..... a j,'rV' n.Hries.enn.- ?;.i rUVes, ruHi" e llritlsh Arms Conference dele- "'; "I " '" "" '" "'' r"' .IY 'f ' 'f ue.frninrm thnfte." S When you want an v Inferma- S neaflH - i-uddenly. Nev. 27. IIATTIE Tl. h."m. ,t NeTfitl idi'l ci,,, " ,M,na ,:.t?Vt Vl .VMJ.m- of her nlef.,- through an nutherUed apek - "n' , "'".'.' t"r""" " Z :J,, ' :" ' " " ': "" Thls.p.r... ..,, .he pnrt of the Cem- f . al...,, l.r u. il.elr liln-la. ?r,-Bd;.; -..A'- l0'nd J u !!? 1 .. M-.TJ- .". ,-'A"'. M"'ANN. ieorke wH-en.v."' 'a? 'PV, 'f .m ""r- . today took occahien te State pesi- r.l ...;;: V-.-V .i... ;::.''' ,";'.LT ."':. L"2. ill .11 ..."'.'." bine, wae rell.cied iu Hall's jovial SUg- M '2 "' .' .'"" ."i. ".i"'"; . XL. "i H I'M. Thure.. 2 P M.. residence: lOeO Di. ?.r.i,.."" . i.A ";.T,..""'n 2IcC'a.,n. i ,, K"'"1;- - flglln that there was no inten- upril ,., f,,p ss,Bf, The secret, of i,,nor relntlve n .he Mninceni, -.,,,.. K''ien te Pre-ldeut Weglcin that he 3 rnakers. hew te word sDeclfica- H i?onsall.--Nev 8. Alfliire . .,-... erend cler;.. relative and friend, and all . - - rw en the part of the Hritish tlevern- . .nplr nillln. Ur wa. no. ......w, nnH ' naUn nn,.r.tlen. will eentlm.n .....ii ' ." '.'"" k for l..vWi),00 and U tiene, name of competent urchl- H of Reece c it jie....ail. ad 7ft. ' runer SV:'',",A r.S:"i,..ir.7BS-.Jm,,,J1.'er, "u J." "" .-M....UTAKKIIH " of bringing up the .iibiect of in- rt,i,i . i,t .. t th ,f. ,.." .....i ,VV u i.,...i i. L .. '""ul II te Piie-mr Caven for use In K t.cte, Mil ders, einflnenre, tte H .ryleeat atf, re.wenee jirenmall. Del.- fn . I.I- lat. dei.ee. ii Tti;.,fl' '.' . "" f rcjpl E U R R 0 P E IS UPSET America. us seen as possible, should troubles arc a summer holiday Mr. "While our people will differ ns te, ),f nimf ought te be done, there will probably boa pretty general ngreement tlinr we out-lit tint t. hm. inr nr embanks such nf ear late Allies nn ure our present debtor, but what they need i,i knew for tlin balancing of their gev crnnient.sl budgets and for the making )f tiiclr general financial ulans is what we are willing te de alvitt it. and we euglit te give thorn a Ptatement en this tulJe.;t at af early a date as ponMhle." Jfr Vei-ris urged the ipmortani-e of the most careful study efg the tinanc'al It-iat'ei y all the financial interests f l.e country. America i expert". ihn'!i reached SfO.'.OOti.OOO in June of 101H. (:r..pj.ed te StWu.rtfMl.fHlrt !u June. '"-'0. nn.l i; WKi.tMMl.nCO in June, of tnls yeai . "A lnrge volume of expert," he "itid. "i an cent!al reiiuislte ( real and substantial prosperity in this "euntry. net only for our Indut-trie but for our great agricultural population We cannot have thi3 lame volume of ',xl1n:t, unleM the people of the world T.'f. "l.?,.d. ' return, and can rtnn. i:AAfA i x-...:. A..-... ..e " u ' - ' Hl'll.i'1 "lllt,i ill ... 11 NIL II 11111 JTB trade !n cir favor, which will always '"',,,. the Harding Admini.trnti.. exin. no matter hew great our imports have the authority that the Wc- I'i ,11Ht'- ,. , , I'uiiding lull weuhl confer upeu r v, i . 'T.h:r, f.0!1:?. J.lS,i0.'Uiat ...i net passed. Trrcci.n-ilnl.l. iui'ih ij pritii: njr taiK' u;ii&iic' u ":.;..." ."...T. . "..',..'.. jut'. rL tru in iHir lunu ihmii; . in uit' s'Hnnizaiien e: political ana inausiriai condition in Europe, in the adjust- ment of the ndebtednes of European governments te the Government of the I'nited State, and te the restoration of f-cmetuins like normalcy in exchange rati. Kurepeau stocks of geld hae hre'.i Honleree" almefct te the nelnt of an irreduc'bie ninlmurO Practically peaklr.g. there is no geld left in l"u- rope, except, one, the metallic reserve ,.f the great banks of issue; two, heard- ed cold, llttle mere of which can be dragged from its hiding places; and, three, an unknown amount of Tlusblan Keid, forae 0f which may jet find its wav' te this country. ! t. tht.ri.fnm mnnlfeRt. that it lb K,iii- j .i.i,i .... . moment lie Sdef n Vntii fgf f S 1? , tlen that there is nothing like enough --.- --- , t- . . i . . rm mjti am t a mnii titm I fir TnPITl ID HUU i riUU4l,lciH. .i.swM..v. of goods te net only balance their im- P",""' dUa!;ff .n'rSn -2 me"t tnl obligations would spell ruin .0 most " .Viti. "-'" ... ,, u. "What. then, ought we A abenr these ferelzn debts? 1 can ask that U' .iu-".' these foreign debts? 1 can nsl question, but I am nor prepai answer :t Congress has passed red te . ... a Dtii . .- - '' & commission -snbjeer te the !,;. ,?evaT of the President! m refund invert and te extend obligations of nn foreign government, nnd receive bends und obligations of nn foreign ,eTernmnt in substitution for the bends and obligations of such foreign Geverni'ients new held. It is fxpressly nrnrirleH. however r, that this Act hrmll net be construed te authorize the ex change of bends or obllgatiei-.s of any tereicn Government for the'e of nny ether foreign Government or tee can- ,.. patien of nny part of such indebted- n,.ss e.tcepr through paymeut I think thar ,t jB regrettable that roe negetla. tiens e" this subject should have been pt in th hnnHs of a remmlSMn. in- Htead of being Intrusted te the Secretary of; tv,0 Treasury, and It Is still mere re- arettable that the commission's hands should have been tied by a restriction prepared te de: that 1000 of this money 'nt out of rn country, hut was all paid out for supplies bought here; that the transaction amounted te our Ge. - eminent paving our cuiiens for suppli- furnished te our Alh'x these Alii"- agreeing te repsy these advances te our VTOvernmenr at some time in tne lurur. were dlseevered hen last heard from they were a part of the Impedimenta of Jehn C. Fremont's dlmistreus rutnpalin Iu New .Mexico In IMS. AiHni.ir the nniierH contained in the thirt.v -nine velumef H.dd ws.i the nrlg- inal pr.n In'nAllen bj Comniedore Jehn p. fileat .r ti.e uni.(ati..n of California by the 1 uiud States, written aboard the SSavnnnan. in uagsuin, anu dntea July 7, 184C. w --- .. , ,, j . j fc T a n .' UHUIIUl. U'- k I 1 11 II ill ll 1111. ii i 1 1 1 I ---"'-- -- -- .- - .r - ..- v..v ,u v . v i.i ...-., . r . . AArtiAnnii... ..a nn a liar ni n ir nn ' n-i fvr -' in . . ... jiii i ri v.tin c. .,... .-..i... . .--... MtataaaBBaaan r Lgy & ;n-ajj g ' M5.1 4SISS!KKb3sUQfei. I 1 i$T ifh: lll 1 u w,-"l i ,j- M ' j v' ill'' HPrSHWrBra I r-v ''"" ill SKUmlSmmSm I ,"' - , y buA&m'teM2 " ' I 111 HHBHHHRHHnHl ' vaKlls"aGBBMam 'r, . MMnii-nmiM u . . vk i : ' ..ri'lmmk 'm ivHTirarl (I i LSai Hm hiB mW WeHb1 it U 1 -M-riJ 't&i - . ,k"MW8,"i , K Economic Conference of Nations Foreseen Centlnned from I'nre One !t( .. if ,e ,, ri'"-"v. .-- .. ..u-. ... .-. ,--.-. by Mr. Harding's confidence f re.- u date nor bj -the belief quite pnrrall held that this, On-nforenoo Is but ti opener for the r?ul conference at vl,.' the job of getting the world bail. work. &e flint it cin pioauce ynmis n buy our geed:', will be serieu'h i,' ! taken. Next .MoeI Onr TTU enference has start'' country upon the read of inU"ii.ir.r nn oe-oDorntli-n. I he ether oeur.tr the world have co-eneratod with u I r te en unexampled degree. Turn nl"it is fair play. Tbc next mew m ..- operation k ours. The isolationists knew this Tiiet "futs and nieir reunion te ,i-nii(in -PUen, and te the depreciated paper u biuLuu lriirnniiuiiiii niruiiiin is .. !.-. -i l.!t .I.. ... e (.!!. 1.. -" - ,-" -p ; -- ' , im " at f- ub"',f ,:"r,""" anfJ rrnm, ni Hutilft nm, ,.,.. fully ruardeU MlO Ot Ucarlv wefllili-r , ,- J fc- - iu"'" l'lr After Mr. Wilsen' (icfcnt at pnrje IntA.netlnmil ininfnm. nrn ..filift .It. "' ."." V- ; v- - - - i .Mr. niipiim in r 1 i mrnprn: lias timt ntterapted mere thnn 1 e ......ld raMly il.. The next conference ,un felMvleN '. ""' -"'" "'" l ,""''1 .mpneir Y-' A V :i the mews of ltn one. Dl 1 1 A UJT J y I . . I K(Jl'l- I s,fw SerU e -0. nee(rn ti-ui , ' . '..,, -j..,..,, ;. ...,, ' ,h" A1,1'J', of th'-" eleiet.-b lliuii-iel, ,, debt te America as 11 jim debt. ngr.. ment b this count rj eae pejn.eni- nniJ lllfi m,mr,v ,, rfpil.,i ,f, ,. u,i , , , i ,',,.,, " ,innrft.lU,ii rehabilitating I. urepe. was proi.esid!..- ulicbi by Prank A. nn.lertip, .N. Yerk banker, as meai.d of -ettllng tl - mi...i. c .1,. trer -phe United States would 1-e, bur' a- "I would hove An.etiea n.ake a craii'i gesture In ipti-i nutiennl ir latle-t-l,.p h' said "W'hlle d-mnt-lii j m a.ent " he mode I we iM 'lnv A'.-t . tl -a. tl.'ii -h- is prep.'r' ' fur t!.f i. -e it t" ter- g" in- re.'eipr of it "I WOjld like te e. em rv i,..uir t 1' 1 in ", or be iiiiid tj 11- bv e ir ilt.ljtur .Spanish protectorate The military rnmi.aicn vvi'i i ,.c cempanled by the fellticnl consolidation of the occupied area. It Is exp. ete.l t ,- t the iHieratlu.lu v ill reniilr- six i,,..i.t ih ter completion. tu weeks being all..' tetj ter attainment or the (Int uhj.-tiwH After the initial movement, if it 1-. su cefwful, two weeks respite is planned te coincide with the unnstmns he lit ars for the benefit of the troop : JHRP ' """" . ' I r - l.iitr.'ini'i- te t.rarc Dudge Husicl. Uasliitigteit, the mils woman's lietrl In that rll.. It is managed rntlrely b vtntiicn. Ne tipping Is the order of llie day. Insert llss "Mary nn I.indslej, Hie numagci' Fare Councilmen Drep Cleaning Rew Centlnnrd from I'ute One. nreukrrd his remarks with an .llu'len -... .rrec Mr la -aid .b.,,f about t P ? , ' l-nr,.-K s.f, Independents heSiln te Mudy that and tunllglir tlM'.i n ii great llC.it J liey , . . ... . . DCg.lll te wetiijer Mlint nil tile tiliUIeu cnthusia.0 ,-., , ..,,,, meant "Wni it a case ..f i.reiks bear- nig gffis: thc n';fd Inib pendents felt that th- n. swer lav In th- .'"tt.and of ti.ufnev and Hull that Ditfci-.i rMn give lij-iirec Mnnuiig lust .vifit in. h branch of tl.e Admii.Utrntieii nrecrani would c.-f New the lit. rector! .a preparing Ills budget, lumped thP ..,., ff.r -mnl.net euenre.i in iirref ciea ninB ,lnrj tllf .'-..iieet ion of ashe. nnbbili nn.l unrbag in the ternl of :;,'.i!5? iieii 'llie i ..mlun.i v-nnts te ki.ew ivlnii c.'icli it. ei v .'I .ei't. hew ; mli f..r -,'reet -.-uii m jr. Ie. nn.ch f"i- tic r;. 'al of tiMic-, r.. .. (.n. I l ir. t.'i- lin. a re.t-e-i ler lut,i- ing th' wf.K'- fni th. . '1 vi ,0 vv II he nc&geil in tli-ke & . 1 111! nitivitir . II . vvnnts t,i in, nblf . I'ef . v .tuple, te u v.. il- Mini ii.-n im difl'. r. nt m.ik r that when tl.er. )v ,t slaei. v, v,,,i j,, , ,. 1 ranch th- men can b transferre.I te .joiner nt-ii. let., ir n niinceinrv 1 no is sharply .irawn through 1 11 ranch l.cu a "net .idhcrence te th- lines of llie budc-r -veuld require ti sennrnl- set of met! fur cneii piece of vm-.. May Iln UII of IVichcrv rbi, of com se. vrlll Incrensf the cost. J'li- 1 enibine ,i-,s that c, .t r.n.-i -, rit i- no ruore rvpensivc than -itv work, liO'l tie.v would ilk- te ll.l.' tl.f rf, 'n ljure- .ni L i. ihat "ii'.inriit r if ir i. tli- 1 '.mbiii.' 11 i-g . iliiit lu ll Mil !' tl- l.in.p t..'i . "a'lcer. c ! Dirf tin 1 ,1 1 1 vvill b- .iil tn ) .Ji lln r. ni , ,-t . t cttv v m1, 'u .1 tlnj n et,t .1 . in pm -un wit ! ,,,t i.f Probe Menree Murder Mystery Dnuiiglac .Mlili., Nev. Ill .Hi i i) I Mintli Ii. eutv State Atter 1 i ...ni ml j.'in.'l ll.-Htiiie Pel re nnd Hi. . .Iv ....piv in their liu-inpt te s..iw it..- i,-t.i of the Masing, Sep umber 17 of three members of the fm tiv of 'll.uir Alonree miuiwhk ll fiirrc'-i im Ml tl lirHillllK lij U - mi -... -- --- -...- , , j irriftrtrfu miiv .r,i Tuft nn 'iiu. nutaiui! .vinuirm iliH8l ttl Ht. J.e 1 -" - 7" Ul.inlclp.,1 force-. ft If. M. & C. B. SINER 1 l?Ann7fiTfnJ!sErs,.M.irjKP,,Nn. w tWJR J". ,A- " M- M' DewmA fcre- Famous Surgeon Is Overcome After Conducting Three Operations SEEKS MEDICAL RELIEF New Yerk, Nev. 20. Fatigued, after 1 performing three bloodless operation!, Dr. Adelf I.ercnz yesterday examined forty of the mero than 200 waiting crip jpled children nt the Hospital for Joint I Dlscnsen. Then lie collapsed. 1 In entering the little room te see the next patient, the gray-haired mirgeen from Austria, who it operating free of charge out of gratitude te thu United State for American relief measures In his native land, reeled and fell Inte the i arms of his surgical ussistnnt, Dr. Wul ter I. Onlland. After a rest of half an hour it was announced the grent hcnler himself must seek medical aid. Dr. T.ercnz was taken In nn ntitemn. bile te the offices of Dr. Jnceb Kauf man, wbere ntH stemacn niimcnt wns relieved. Upen strict premise that he eases, and in the nltcruoeu he will ex amine sixty children in Kings County Hospital, who have been selected by the City Health Department. 3 PHIL A. HOSPITALS would conterve his energy. Dr. l.erenr. wns going tit nn illegal rate of speed, ,haiVd. Relative and friends, and ll Ve-1 (n s'keVm) neiVlfv. .En".b'-" ' PSi wiih then permitted te continue lil& which was increased nfter the chi dren cletle af which he was u m.mlr, nr In- membfrs T of i niX ft5S.liifrJ.n,' iSil tchodule for the day. He curtailed the were hnecltwl down. Some ene noted X11, ."iVSrnUVeSii'VJSSil C" imiii feiM clinic at Bread Street Hospital but ap- he license nu.nbeV. 70300. which wnahuVch.Vf.t.beV, Jlun'unenln? 'rV VX V?MnJhV$4 'S'Z'fcl pen red there, where hundreds were listed in police records ns belonging te vate. rtem.ln may be v.ewed Tue... 7 te 0 solemn revilem mae't lV e'0rMhfSlrl waiting. Mux Solemon, of iil!) Huttonweod p- "; '-,'" "V'T" of "ackman A Itam- Church. . Int. Most Hely nede?m,r ruftW Dr. r.erenz will net operate today, street. Solemon was arrested. When " V ?!? I , TTrTTA- 2SPIJA SiiTNrEp5J?.V.tr pATk- A 1 but ulll examliiepatients in the -e Pasted that en June 17 he had Mf?fhrt7' B?2"!. hl' "" r'5?n ciirt a?Td 'w1 1 niernillkC 111 inn iiumiiui. iui uuiui jin- i j-wju iii-i rur 111 ivniiinr. Ifiru in rill 1lnec rtAlafluiat anrt (rUn.la r lv ltrl I INVITE nH T.ORENZnv tlie .Other wan lying under oath, UM 11 L UK. L,UnL,n& Aftrp , ', ,.nil,CAII!I1,lt1i; Three hospitals in Philadelphia have broken through the crust et me oppe cal profession and Will ...rf ...... v. ..." "ri' sit Ien of the medical inite Dr. Adelf Tirrnr fnmeiin Aus- lrcnz, inmeus AUS 'ran exponent of bloodless Wirgcry, te ..... . 'this city te conduct clinics for crippled fne stair or me namuriian jiuiimibi iu tr. . . . ... ..lll 1 ... X- icmpie cimer&uy, w.ir,i', iu .w erk tomorrow te visit Ut. ixirenz ana ink him te come te this citj. An ltn- pie Uniersiiy yesterdaj, the Beard of Directors of the Osteopathic Hospital of Philadelphia decided unanimously te ak Dr. Lercns te .-eme te the hospital at Nineteenth and Spring Garden streets and te conduct a clinic, 'i he Invitation went by wire. It is Dr. Oenwell's plan le Open clinic) in the Samaritan und Gnrretseti Hospitals nnd te have Dr. 1erenz pre sent scientific demonstrations of his Mirgery In tin- amphitheatre of the medical scheul of the Temple I nhcrfclty, should he consent te come here. i bisphaVwill filed His Widow and Twe Daughters Are Well Provided Fer ! . -.. -. l .i t .. Lpi. e n a r.. is ey u, rms of hi J - .j, ciispe5 of nn estate of mere than 5100.000. .. . ... i.i r-e.'-i. ;j lie will previuvn luriiiriiiium bv. mew and t "ZtZ? .'.nartrr- of the singer's property. Mr", llisiilinin nml one or her ilaugh ters. Mrs. Lena A. Carnegie IStspham. live ut the lteemary Inn at Stamford. f'enn. The ether daughter, the Countess Vlda Daldl-P.erghei-i, livee in Tlerence, Mulr. The estate consists mainly of prep ..rt i.e.meathe.1 in trust te Jlr. Blsn. . hmn with newer of disposition bj will ..f his grandfather, Uaid Scull, of Philadelphia It wns stilted tlmt, the bequest te Mrs. Ten Dyek. who with lur husband, j.nM been a friend of the -dnger for mere thnn twentj -tiv- venr-, has He sig. niticnnce bejeud tne tact that it was nmtl? te enable her tn carry out cer- t iln iirrangetiii'iits which .Mr. llisphain 1,11.1 in mind for "evtrul years before lie ,,0,m 'fhe w 111 specifically ask'- thar (.be apply sem part of her legancy te the ' erection 01 n meiuimeni te nun. WlllBfiillllTI'lliFIirM caII up either of our eltlcei, H. M. & C. B. SINER . hjr-h and Tacony, Fkfd. 14-39 JOHN II. EARLEY Nlcctewn In & F3 at Kens. C6 03 KEYSTONE' BRICK CO. dedfrpy. P of 2d Bt plke. Kk, 2-S4 ft F. SEITTEB'S SONS Nice town la. & a at Ken. JI-17 IWlrffllllllllllHim liremntll moetlm? Of the IsOaril Of J HIS- The reenlt irne fVief .!. r,-. IHLfcl. tt-es of the Temple University, rolled dercd the r.ise reopened. The witnesses. , Thu.0' 2 PJI.! 1880 tnnethpr vesterd.lv bv Dr. liussell II. rimrlea P.rnti-i. -l Ifi Vn.,,l. c.-.m ArUnnnn Cm. . -li '.i..i.l..J '..,.'., iknt ...... v ... .. it.-.'.. , c. ... .'..'"11" FflKKCH. Nev. 27. W i-i-inii-ii. ii.x-iui-u .'' ' .- firceu. uim uujuienu .euiIO, UliJ WraVS it Yohn B and EllJ SlniulUineeus with the notion of Tern- nvenue. teslllleil flint tlmt. irn.e oil 1.... 1 nlr-.i... .'.I i,ii( 5 vNy kj , -,. hnaband of Elirabetli 21 Leju (nee .un. , """' ; " ',' ' ' ", i ;",,,, residence et r 6 VV - .. ' . .. . jft&X' &5 nT C? if t- 1. letivi n.latiui and fnM .r.'viii T.1 funeral eenicer. at ''..?. -.'iVIirT v. v -sax. v '-vv vs iv. aai-i t? .-.rraaar r ri r .... ... , ... , u ..... -jar. . . ......i.. .Tni.n Aniivverin. iu ' -" v,..i. 8 . h.r-l, and Tacony. Fkfd. 14-89 U J lMWr. ."i? a MraJf.'. ft; J?mic;k -N8 8. iu. i,., ,.,J 1. Corener in Doubt as te Owner of Car That Caused Fatal Accident LICENSE TAG IN QUESTION Convinced that IMncus Knllier. SI M North Thlrty-secend Mreet, the man wne lirevc IMS tlUtomeOl 0 into tWO'viwa te tunerai eruc', en., i;ou -. n.. ., ... , ..,, ,.ii ., rldence. 10.11 Trankferd av. Int. private. mum girin, iwiimK enu una injuring inc(Mt. Merlah cem. nemaina can de -ewec ether, and then dreve off without step- ping, Corener Knight held hlra wltli- out bail today for fiction by the Grand Jilry. The accident occurred en the Sixty third street near Woodland nvenue, No vember 14. Kdna Mann, who lived nt 2230 Seuth Sixty-third street, was killed. Six-year-old Catherine Mcehan, of 2030 Seuth Sixty-third street, was Injured and Is Ptill in the Mlsercerdin Hospital. "Witnesses testified the automobile Knllier nlse wiih arrested. Kallier admitted the purchuse of the ntitomeblle, but declared that he had used license tags itsued te lilnisclf. Corener Knight, lifter declaring that the CftHC H-nu 44thn mnef ilnel.iwIN. . nil lila n,n.im ii , i ,..,. till ins experience, said that one man - ...... v. .v ...,. j.u.n was done and an ecer took the men intn custedv Liisteuj. .... . . . i AS lllC LOrOlier was lenvlnir thn tn. quest room Ralph Graham, his chnuf- wiincsscH wne were also leaving the ..1 . .... . . '1 room. 11c repeated what he had heard t (krener Knight, who tit once spoke Ue these witnesses certain that Knllier was' the driver ef'w"?' - p- JI ,rem 401 Cnalr '"' the car tlmt killed the uirl. There, wns I AWm?7T-T v ini TmriK-v. , an'etlierr nmn A1 tweb women ,m The w.AwBIleFI'iieTm-c:3G,.0rrr!MJO1cA; car nise, ti,Py snld. Th.u"-i 2 F- M" "ldnee. 1033 N. 26th st. The Corener then eniere.l ihn f TC.lt!,,,. he held without bail, and that ball fer'.TACOn B. ertEOER seed 8S. Relatives and Solemon ns ii innterlnl wilnes lin fim.l ' friends, alscr-survivers of flth Penna. Oav i .!n material wiuiiss no lixed -lry veterans' Assoclstlen, invited te attend at ;"-l.rU. funeral services, residence. 02 Hast Elm st.. What is your feet trouble? See us! Improved Cushion Sele Arch Support Shoes and Oxfords Uflirve Fallen Arches and Flat Feet Improved Cushion Arch Support .$2.00 le $3.50 Sbere n-l.t t.i all purt of the I nlted Slntvs. Wrlle fur utelnitur nnd Mrae urlni IlliiiiVk, ilencs rcfunde.l If net sitllifnct'in. i AHsim "", yi. viiiiii: , UUBli. ter u- nue MHlteiv u.1 J.i,zain HMatlve. ,v.d friends Invited t- funa.a .i. mV n.5' 2T Tiiririnrv .. ' n2S if MjjtfeeJ Pains J- HceJL I cured by I I caused by I NlertfitiidinaL Vanterier i 11.00 5aw 13.00 m ) tlriiUunis jf.'i j&S jNv jvi Tlrenn 1 ' '&s leather n .....l.r,.. .11115 Christian .1 l,.i..r'" '"" rnsi inner 1 1 l n. .. ft.. IS,V TH M.'COII. I ' 1 brfX,vrie---vue; w:i:jiWr i K JrrtVimW .in.. innnniB .. Vw ii.ii - ;.,i--.;. ...i. i .Tnhn I'nlt. TTllnnrftt MnrilCM wed.. 3 P. J1. at the I'rtubytertan Heme. nSth and Urcun wv ave. Int M'. Merlah rem. rANIEI On Oct. 10. I21. M Kfllntj. Himland, 3Ir. niClLUlD IinNNKTT IJAN- ' U'AVIS. Nev. 28, Cel. JACOB M. DAVIS, hIut,!.ti2ari.?5it "jSeWh8, i5d I Ne., "fr.. A. ft.. m- i XA&kia.vZJx ?n. msimi. neiev nnsbina ei .lane uenneny inee .Muiuoen, Keintive ana inene. nie uiv, ise. mi. a. O. II.. Invited te attend funeral. Wednetday. S:30 A. M.. from his late renldcne. 2S85 N. Seward t. Solemn mfi of requiem 10 A. .. Church of the Visitation, it. V. 21. Interment Hely Oeputchre. DUTTON. Nev. 2S 1(121, MAIACItl AbEXANDKR DUTTON. hunliand of Mattle tliitteti. nelatlven und friends, alne em- Pleyen of the Wm. F. Slurthy'i Hen Ce., are Invited teAttcnd funeral aervlce. Wed., Nev. 80. 1021. 1 P. M.. at hi late residence. 1880 Potts at. Ilemalna may be vlswed thli eventne. Int. private. DYER. Suddenly, Nev. 2T, 1021, at Clar Clar ment, Pel , ADA P.. wife of Nelsen W. i-)yer. mineral service wea.. n i'. m., at ine resiaence ei ner nunnanu, xe ts. eui St., .. .. : . . -an . .; - . uamaen. n. J. int. private, iianeicn crem, eer. te the funeral, en Wednesday afternoon, at l o'eioclc, from ner lute resmence, zzse Manten st. Service at Church of the Hely Apostles. 21t and Christian at., at 2 o'clock. Interment at Pernvroed Cemetery. Friend my call Tuesday evenln. TAnnA. On November 27. 1021. MATVT A., wife of Itlchard 21. Farra. neiatlvea , and friend inv'ted te funeral aervlce.. en Wednesday, at 2 P. 31.. at her late resl- denee, 320O Hace t. Interment private FlSII.-At everly. . J.. Nev. 27. JAJ e i'. .ii.. lain re.Kiruce. iiu i niircn bi.. 4v" erly. N. J. Int. Monument Cem. FIT At Ms residence, r,R3 Iladfleld et ' en Nev. 28. 1921. JONATHAN, husband of ' uii uv. a. lu.i. u... ihn lata Amanda. Fly. Notlce of funeral llLt"- . funrl. wed. 8 A. ai.. from the residence 1 i v..- Va.V.a T Vl'.'U.i .'S".. ' nS'., ,..S..'-V ''..". .1 Trederlek J Feley, 2ftft E. I , the Church of the Ascension A. M. Int; Westminster Cera Nev. 27. VALENTINE H.. hue- Funeral service. N. Mth st. Int. WXJWk '13 I ,ni:Wi5ip t vt ... . . "JWiVtV't- -.- ti. v-. 36. Norrlstenn, Wtd.. Nev, 2:n0 P. M. Int. private OHOSS. Nev 2S. 1021. ELIZARETH C. widow of Julius Ornas, aced 74. Funeral rrrvlees Wed.. 1 P. 31.. from rei.ldence. 2308 W. Alleiheny ae. Int. Northvveod Cem. Remain mav be vlnwed Tues . S te 10 P M. o",eV,',- ..'ivn''e ''... TVT.nVAV't'. - nut it." helatKes and friend';, also liarm"ny"f,(;Irt l1?")''-,"?. rr1l',,r,4, B Ledte. Ne. S2. T. and A. 21 . are Invited te I "!".'! 'u"er?J,'.. PW!,'," ,:30 i' ?J:: '? tne eerilre. en Tuesd&v nrtcrnoen. at 2:30 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Balr llldt.. 1S20 I Chestnut st., rhlla. Interment private. irved T d'v'iilthter' of lary " l-hrmari T ard" late invited te Micnl funeral. Wed. 8 A. 2t.. Mflrlcnre. S2S l,en r.rd t. Solemn hlBh m..fs of retulem at Pt. .Miry I'hurch 9 30 A. Ji in'. Hely cress im. IIANU.V-Suddenly. Nev "a VINCKCT' A. ItANllk ReiamVs and frtends, iS I. O.O M . Ne. 61. Falrmeunt Fark fluards .w, Pchuyihlil Arsenal Beneficial Asve.. In- 1 vlt.d te funeral. Wed., 7:30 A. 31. late -eidenc. S25 N. Windser square, solemn 1 1 ni of reeulem at. Francis 3avler'B Uuirch 9 A. M. Ir.t Hely Cre Cem. I HARE. Nev. 2d. 1021. ANNIE HARE.) Relatives and friends invited te funeral. I Wed., S..10 A. It., from 2310 Fltswater et. 1 1 Solemn ma.e of requiem St. Oabrtel'n Church 10 A. M Int. Old Cathedral Ccm. 1 IIAVERBTICK. On Nev. 27. 1021. I ANNIE E.. ldevv of (Icerue II. Haverntlck 1 Funra en Wednesday afternoon, at 2 ..I'elueU. at the Oili-r 11. Hal- Did.. 1S20 ' f'lK.tnuf st. Uterinum at at. Jame the ' ' Lesi Ceirwiery. ' 1. a vi. wit 3u..ntv V.,. nv Triirv- T, lusbsnd of Mary J. Mr.tlett nnd son of the t. which relatives and fri.ind. are Invited. a -j ,i, (, .u.'inie.T; ,,,.iv,, ' IIHTAI. Wed, 1:30 P. 31.. from his late rfetdence. 147 Wilder et. Int. strictly private. Mt Merlah Cem. Frlcnde may call lues., after fl P M. HENDERSON. Bttid'nly. Nev. 27. HOW. ARD 31 , son of Rfbrt E. and the late Rs hecca Hendersen Punersl service Wed.. 2 P 3f. at fsthr' reslderce, H28 ft. Bread et mt private. IlLi.lIP.s. Nev. 27. 1021. AI.TCIJ S , wlfp or Charles r lluehe (nee luiiiuan). Fiii.er.l Ihiirn.. 7 no A 3t.. frvini her ste -. m.ian -e. 123 n. Tleaa at. Pelnm hlith in !-. l Ih" hureh e' ll.e Aeccnsluii U M. Int. New Oath. dral. r Jcec Ki-lanvep and friends me Invltel t , attend fuuaril. Tl.ur... s.r.e A 3f.. from the risldence of her husband. 2H42 I.fttena JUU'C-Niiv .'K, l.r,I,i; wife ut Jehn t. Requiem mass at ft. Antheny's t'hurrh .' 1 l-" .lllCLfU.lll. al la Jl'llllllK tirlvatu. New Cathedral i em. Nev. 20. WILLIAM, eon of d the late Albert Kepner KEPNER. N Reintlves and friend are invited te attend i unui ii vi. i nmv rfi ' .. Hug rrnieqiirp, mid I.". iiiinr"i'iii mi ci;iemn niffi i Ht Mlrlibvi'it church 10 . M. Int. pri KRIEOER.-On November 2ft. THEREfiA. widow i.r iieeris Krleitcr Inee r'unk). Iteia. Mvei nn.l friend-, also members of Confra - Cenfra - Confra - lernltj of Hely Kamllv. invited te funeral, en Wlnesdv at s A M . late residence 1231 : Unndulph nt. It.quk-rri nme at St. Ptter'e hurcl. at s . M. Interment Hely Re. de-mer Cemeterv. KUNKEI..-,Nev. 27. ALMED.V (' . wldov. - wldev. - e' li. P KunV-. Il.iatlvci. and frlin.le I, IIaI.. Cannlehr vl ed te tunerHl ner vices. Gladstone Apt .,ii n,.v. . ...v ". - . . ...-.v.-.., ,. , ,lt iir - i N, -ji. loai.'jeIlN Mcf'lTl'HUiN hu- .- i'"' ' "L . ":?r "V. .V5". . .MIve. I rry Evan. Int. Lumberten. N. J. Xutei "'xAwrwuXjxv Tu'd a?. w. r:wj?" '.vs th . ,!.. i .-"" vii ftO ave.. Iiecsn. Int. prhate. sit fSf.l2,rJlH. , CLlVun. At Ml. Helly N t rlMb Cm;1 irri. wif.r.tAM f Av t.S.Ji Ne. . nelatlves and frlfli'di are Invited ?..& funeral rervlce. Tue.. 2 r. M !?,.Mti wltlieut further nMlce. Int. Mt i7ii.N 1-i gi iia mwii ana Anna a. p ev..r"Jr" n1.ilv. am eiA.ji. .TV. 'CKCrL It service., vfia" 3 P. 21.' ffjg jSmi Oxford t. Int. nrlvata. ""net, n rOMEnOV 'Nev. 20. 1921 toetpt-. e B. 1-OMEHeV, widow if nichaM sEPSWll' rey. aced 68 yeara. IteUtlve "iJ'??rf Invited te funeral enlcei en PrM'rA"?i i -. i., at ner lat reeldence ai" al'.11" mera ave.. Illdley r.vrkl Pa. 1?'2' private. intertttt; l)WEr.t,.At Jridlan Mlllt v .. i. i.4iii. ai. 1-uivKL.Irf. asei in J1" I Ice at M.E.Churrh. Indian mii12- Jy wea , 2 p. ji. im, Uaetui : rJ. Hellr. V. J.. -hri.m.5S"".c''n.. Hi.. r .-.-- -.: ..-.. .v...e.in iii.v fn ... -i i at p. m. - "" "wn . nnwrnff-Oii v 01., x-.uaeiriiier J'arji, v. j., Thurs 2 P w Int. 2Ienument Ccm. Friends may cs.ii J). niSDON. At ML Helly. N 3 Km. m ANNA HUNTINO, widSw of Hwry c 'lS;1 iter. HervlcA. at Ien. !,. Il.iJL 1 Garden at.. Mt. Helly. NjT. Wed.; T p V Int. Mt. Hellj Cere ' e' " uui.ii.,u. en Nev. 2. 1921 imn ItOIXEIl. wife of Albert C. ftelleJ.'a.gSl Funeral service Thursday. 2 e'ii.A re. 3811, iirewn ,t.Int. NorthwiJiel Vil atit "H MICILXEI. IlEOAK. .. irem me re. Belemn reijulem mm ;at the Church of the Most DIesstd Bacr.SlS i 1.1.7 ninu.vr yiaee ee 10 A. M. Int. Helv Cress. 3Ura Mm", Benenelal Asae. and biv. n0; eft A? en. are Invited. I ...SSIiH?1 . rJ0T ?7t ELi2AnETH. ' J".'V"'e Vgin "n ifi'V x ; -y- rreeiseir. Int. print! 1 Friends may call Tue eve 1 SENDEnLINg.-On 2!ith Inst.. JOSEra; c wiiw.cw ..u--uiiu ii. jiwi4 Dpneeninr (CM T1awsv1 TlalI..AB .... I.J. -...- tu I VIST'S' .Jt'XV??!! .na. 54!i nl.W WW ' ',- ;;' l'i : -,.u.V-'.i,r,Jl" "XA A.". and the Wlnnlolsee&rsfi Tribe. Kn A.na t a' nf Red Men. lnrtted te funeral, en We3ki Nev. 27.. JA&TK'hnMMie'f'ViXE'- E i pacKer tne HenntiunO, aged Vi ' yiH"- . irem me cnnpei or II. J. KewiY.i... ewr ed Sweden t. Mnrn.tV...- ' ""'SrMtl. .JlV I.t. Tnti. Private. Nerr-! citV rlcJ-' Ain .. Vj5HT.-Kev. 20. JjOvi6jC7:L mr 4nM. . MH TTTTAf ti .nn f "' - ' 1.. irem ni late res aena. IL.I.IA31 II., Int,,.j, v riltlntf .. tt.m.lr.. m... 11 .S.27:' -. . .. . . . ii. .'. "y.M. ' Tuesday evenlnr. Interment Hlllilde & I shacklett. Nev. 27 mi. juxt FRANCES, dauehter of Henrv and Mir) ' f'rrv ?cH"VR5 "V'r.lrf, , Ve'n," ' 2K11 N r'vTarncitt. intCT! vaf,. Belvu? Cem. ...... HHAFFER. Nev. 20. ELIZA widow m iviniam u, ennner. asea ii. l-unrl nn. Ice Wed., 2 P. 3f., at her nephew's ni- dence. Ieuls J. Ulaker. 1A73 Kinder it, Frankford. Int. 2It. 3Ienah Cem. Frhafci call Tue.. eva SHINN. At her ri!dnce, 2034 KM v-amac t , .ev zi. ji i.i-.;, 31 HHIxf. Due notice of funeral will ha clt-en fm David II. Schujlcr 131dt , Rread and Ct. mend sts HHOEJfAKER. Nev I, VIOtBT, T'daua - hter of JeseDhlne and Tacv She.raik.V 1 J?, if" Vjr.'.'mV,,,., Uif.,i-V .. i- i Jj'V!1 I ,,n-t.'-ftatrlVn0V',',M5;'1" ,V:i'Ji.p. i1' J,"1! 1 ir JL a.ww -. .......... ..v... ..vuu.ii. 4. .Hhll, I HH.ENCC Nev 2ft, CLARA vmCJBm.:, I "".".LT 'f,Vn fil '1.-Al Ai.1? I '""'"J r20,1,' f' ",0,? ' ?'R I we03' -.Jn '"t. Private, lrlfniemytsll jirnuirr, x a. ;;- i... .t.-.-.. t . .1 . . PMITH. Nev. I'll. TJTO.MAb J . IrpUurft l lt ll.0,;hJ''i"CB,,'T' y?,lt, ,,,Ii?a,,iVf.,,('!!l friends of the family are Invited te stUtj funeral. Wed . 80 w 21. frw.i Htef. rHr denre (.Mantarct J. Reagan). 613 L. Cliir. IfM st. Helemn requiem mass at the ChurtS 1f Ih. Ascension 10 A. 31 Int. New Cstl dral. SMITH. On Nev. 20. 11)21. EUWAHD , hu.band of ElUabeth K. Smlvh. sited .1 ''". Service en Tuesday atternepn. it J o'eleclt. at the rejldeiire of hie dauihUr. J'"' A .D 2Illlar. 10 Dryn 21awr ave.. Bill, I ' InJ rment t.r vate. ,,s:i;lr"'VJJli"- J5.ADf;1' B,M,,r,r 'rP3Xt t)l RecdlE). beloved w-lfe of Jam's J. Bms. died eii.Idenly at her home In Deli re Cltr. 'sun . 10 15 1'. M. f he wl.l b tn led at St. Paul's Cem. Dalawnre ( lij- II iiuitni mau 10 A.T. Wed. Ht. Paul's Cii hellc ChurcB. I Pleads and relattvee invited te uttsnd erT-l( , l- . .r ..... virir.lv. r.ev. i. t.r.vmm.. t'ii ui i. Tayler and Emm Spink, ninfrsl servleM and Interment rrlvate. at cenvcnltnci it flflTARK. Nev. 2S. ANNA if . wife of lib Jehn Stark, of 140 Deralne t , ArdeW, P.i Netice of funeral later. , vi-rT-AFin.At Kri. Pa . e tt Hi I 1021. OKORQE W. fllUABD. ate? 77 Jiiri;i Hlallve ana rrier.ae, aire """'U,,,J! I-edfe. Ne. HflO. V. and A 3f re latltil te the ervlce. en Wedn'jida: afternoon. H 0 o'eioev, nt the Oliver II Hslr Bldr., 1U Chestnut t . Phila lntcrmerk at wm. iJiurel Hill Ceinette n,.ju lAlf Nev. !7 MABEI. nlfe of CharW " Salt iieiative ana inrnie. '"'.,!' , fun-r.il. Wed. 1 P. M . from h"f li"'i -"nci. 2-riOU W. hllver at. Mr i ;; in i EtS 'Impel. 2MU and Yerl: Bt , '-' P ',' v. ' II'IIIV , a. . v .1 Ul.ia w. .. ..-- w -m - - - . . W-m may be vle-vea iuh en. innuti "'-.i Jerary paper please copy. ,.-, r M, TH021AB. Nev. 28, 1021 t 'in'Vn.;11 W, widow of late William Themas. J"!) i attend enrvlce wea.. s i'. at., av n " .. sldence. BlncViwoed N. J. - -v-r,i a-irevfll 1. mass THOMAS. Nev. 27. LEONARD THOJUI. private. aBed r.2. leunfrel aervlce. Th",'!.1-(,X' at residence of niece, Mrs. navldSaJlir. enrvlce Wed.. 2 P. 2t.. at her lat rtilaenti mncnnnim . ! . tA I Lake ave.. Cl.menten. 'N. J. , '"V'S'ISif Lutheran Cem., riilla. Remains vleweawi". iove iove ieve .. I WALBERT. Patient eurTerer it imfl v" M, 1!1. LMILY C. beloved velf. i jare'i Walbert. Relative and rrlendj ari ' tri l?c5 te th" service, en Wedn-lsy .fffi i l.Vn t " n'rlepk at her late r'tl lenc. IW 1 1 """Jr-I,1 7, inlerment at 1. Leur. I H h.'V.'i "' vi ndTmiv view ' .iMM I , ,: ' ,nnj Iren 7 te (I r cm K - wit.rir.n r.ev ... '"-' crmH A DIAMOND, Tnne. r-vr of IDIaTTPARK ArvlJv3L.Il. I J3VJixar-" -. jji' nrneM. nnr. h. fUtUT. I. Jff?T r.Lsre ti' teKUisrcaKt &XT8 "T, i . . . I .if , y.'J s PV A I . I i 5 T Staff' " I ?A