t ll" ST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' Nancy Wynne Talks of the First Meeting of the Saturday Evening Dancing Class This Season She Telh of the Hamilton' Tea at Manheiw mlin firet meeting of (lie Saturday 1 EenlnK DancltiR ClnsR. which this v-ear meets In the Veycr of the Acatktnj of Music, was held Saturday, nnd witt n delUlilf'il affnir. There were a mini bff of dinticrs before the tlnucc. ntid the Rtrh loe!ed co sv eet in tliclr HrIiI frocks and Hiift flufry rtilUcw. Mr. ni Tleniklu Mill" and Mr.-, tieerci Verndilcn u 'e'ved III' clii'B member'" i m memiiri nnd tlie datifliiK wvm snenij inicr half nffei cliiht o'clock. Oeergn Ilunl. .Ir., led the cotillen, having a romiitfttte with him which included Henry Paxson Jr , Ilrnetl ti.0tt. .Tm k Wharten nnd .Telm Han jl Mr nnd Mis. Je.cph It. Car renter, Jr , of Car-Hint Hill cnter tnlned nt a dinner for their dnuRhtrr Virginia before the civs nnd tile Ijcwlf. Atleex sum dinner ler tneir (iniiK'itci, Christine Mrs Hubert I. Montgomery, who is one of the chapel enei of t no ' Cemmittc ('las'-, will net receive tliij Acnr ns she W )' tiding tl.e wintei In tinme. and Mi- .leiin Hnrccnt Aew- ki,i niini'ipr mi mil'. et tie um knli . .' ' . it . .. . . tee, will sail for Heme next week with w"n ". .. .. " . , ,., Jlr New bold nnd their daughter, ill ginln, te be gene for the winter. THK Ilnnil'fniif.' tea en Saturday nfternemi nt Mnnlieim was n vcrv pretfv iiffnlr It whs die bad It rnliied, but that did net iteia te Keep pronto nna Stingaret, or "Ilil'iinile " n ' Mtstnlled at '.ohnel ( lie's n Spriligside girl. M'ti V imw I . m i fiei'k of pnle blue crepe de cliiue w hh ll Weii'1ed l.e tlfiill.v with lier c) deep lilnc eyes. She has hreun linlr whlh i wen ei fully thick and curly, and she wears t bpeemlnglj. She held an old-fashioned bouquet during the nflernoen. nnd looked as if -die had stepped out of u portrait. Mr. Hamilton were a ha'"l none gown of back georgette heavily bended in jet, Mid ttinde en plain line. The ball room of the club was beautiful with feins nnd quantities of beun'ie' mid baskets which weie Fcut te the little debutante. Theic wcie about twenty girls in the rccehlng p.utj. THAT was n er piettj affair nt the Pletevhurs' Snttirdnv night. Yen knew Hepe and Teny Cremewll came home a few week age from Kurepe. en ' are tenineiailly nt the Illtr.-Cnrltnn. Thc had been in I'urope for nenrlv n car nnd every one Is glad te hate them beck, ns the nre leth great faeritci Teny K Mrs. Steteshurj's eldent son nnd Mr. Stetecburj nnd her husband gnve a dinner-dance in their honor nt their home in Whitciniir"li Saturdav night. The guests were principally of the younger married set, and some of the season's debutantes, or these of last jcar. Hup1 Ciemwell leeks awfuih well since her return. 1 met her reeenth wcniing a stunnlii'? frock of dark blue, topped with u fur coat, and n Mirill dark hat which was crj becoming. TAI.KINI! of snnrt clothe. I --aw Mr llenrleiies Crnwferd. the for mer fJictchen ("nj en the ticet the ether dnj, looking extremely well in a three-iiunrter lemjth coat of leoeard riiin and n niedlum-sied blai-k hat The hat was nbselutel iIemi'iI of trim ming, but n dashing little dliitnemi 'ttidded horse In the fnim of u hatpin as tltiut in nl flie richt side of the crown. Mrs. Crawford's dress was of terrn-cettn dinetjnc eij simplj innde. but liiiniled with a leafj design of pa tent leather about l we inches wide limning around the short klit nt the top uf the httn, nnd mound I lie top of the blouse and en down te the hem of the sKirt. Ilcr black patent bather strapped, pumps wen- worn exer gray silk Me( kings. Mrs. Crawford looked tti well and the te-ra-iultii was won wen dciful with her unusual hair. TOy'T forget thnt the Women's AuNilinrv of the l'hiladclnhia Or- -hestia in again te give n hmIes of nffei -the-opera suppers tills jcar In the foyer of the Amdeinj. Last ear the nienibers of the eK!ia Mtyper clubs were limited te special opera 1,'eprs, but till-, j ear It will be penlb'e te go te the dances Were the enerii is eer. The room nti'l ' lulilm uill hp vi.iuK In hnlf nfler 10. ' neil manj wiie go te the theatre in-, tend of the opera will go te the dub 'eil.ince and sup lifter the perl'ermanec It's n tine way te have the jeunger leople take pait, for epcrn is net a licit with the jeunger set jet and some times elder ones de net enre te damn, but if the jeunger set can go nfter tin- thpaire there'll he one fine crowd there, me thinketh. Mrs. Tem shten is ilialiman of the supper dances nnd the seiies of eight si nits tomorrow "litlit. Other eenlugH will he Ilecem-Iw-r . IS and 'J7 : Jnnunrj 10 and '-M. i ad lbiiinrj 7 and 14, TIMMirS fainllj spend much of their 'J time In the car. nnd .Tlmmle hears merp of traflic rules nnd auto slang 'Ian ainthlng e'sv, it (.cems. Anyway, lis ether morning, as he ran down ie 'irenkfast, he rushed into Mary, who was urtjlng toast into the table. Be Be ere fattier hed time te snv a word of if proof .llminle called eut: "I sny, who Ud the liglit of waj that time " NANCY WINNi: SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Ir it.i'.m.M f0. the Asseivblies wen. i.lcd (mlin Thtic will l. He bills as usual at the Uelleviio-Strattenl, tlie Hist en Pndiy ev tiling, Januiuj 0, nnd no hPteiHl nn Prldnj tvenlni, I-Vb- iunr Jt Tlii- piitiuuussis of this iai i mi .ii rs ueeige iiairisen 1 inner. Mrs II. nrv iirfnten i'e.. Mih S Pem Pem herten Him bin mn Mip Will iuii Stiutli M rills Mr- MMngiiten IJIddle and ys I.du .il Mm i i civ steii t l. Inlde of Hit Mm I n grntl, in. ii ..r ih turn nltr, . i,K u !i, (.nun ti I' Hint Mi " am (.hi pirh .It , Mr Alet inder V in I; I'ss, i i ji, j,,u lr(1 H, nl,. Mi 1 1 an. s I Hldille and Mr 1'ii.deiiil iJruj ten Mss Mary M Hart nnd I r Chntles 1 Man of Wist Mermaid 1 ui Chi t '"" 'Ml hai Hsu. a linlinllens for a "te 'II rtanci a tlie llltz-Carlten en Tu. s. '"; iMii'ng DtLCinber L'7, te nu el Miss Mi.iner Hurt Mis Jehn M Ken'lng of Wuw.i, w II J"' ti a tomerro rifienumn nt iln icern flub lets Walnut rlii.t, te meet "r aid Mrs lvkr Mi-t-ull Keating AmrnB ti,-. KUi-sts who will wttPiiu ;" inraiin nun vhlUi Ml and Mis '"'ueu sew til, uf Aidim ree iiiai, win . . .. i fclMi tnniuir IW I Sti ill honei uf Miss vuinei nn I'm I, a. ii III 1.. m r.a m.u 1 I.U.. . . ....... i, .,, "iiiieN A Pinter, Jlr mid .Mih udicw '"rur MIeh ("Intin i:illt. Miss Vliulmit iiuu.siii,. jilhH jj, jujiuhmi, B AfuerU Htath .Mis IJ-uinini; I'.iiuui Wss i:ii?,,bth W.nn., Mis Hannah ilm nilielt mi.,, uhaiier Dutiiilng, " IMeii h.ii Mr AM.eu Itelihiui, r Julius r"VigiiHen Mi Menu llrln llrln leii i os. 1, M, j Andi'WH Iliti lis. "1, Mr (l,n (K TheiiipKim Ml Neimiii "nV1 Ml '""''I Deiighi i, Mi Wib t. ,.,',,u,,ln Ml -Neilimn 1111' en, Jr. Mr Phlll , l m im,m , ,,u j,, ''U Kimiii. and Mr I oeprl Siinth The Miesis Wili lut i utiuid Hip Opua .snp Pr ciui, i tl0 fuv ,. ()f the Ara(lP111 ei Muele Mi" and Mir Samurl fiiev Dayton yf idar mn I'nru, Mulln, will enter '"in ut a Hieatie pHitv, te ba followed W7VE5'Ti77n ?, ly a supper at the nitzCarHen, en Frl any evening December 1G, in honor of Mrs D.iyteu'n cousin, Miss Smith I.ORnn Htarr, tlcUiitnnte ilntisbtcr of Mr and Mrs Jamen Htnrr, Mr. anil Mrs Rtatr, Mrs Jehn Wlstcr and Miss Htarr will eccu;n Hip box of Mr. and Mrs Ar thur TI Lea nt tlm I'lmrltv Mall en Itmrftrin- evening Mr anil Mr. Starr will entertain In th'-lr box at tlie open ing performance of (he opera tometrou toning hi the Academj of Music, ,. '" """ u nnrnui r nude, 6020 ;rt,ul6 F,r(V,ti , (,.,,,, NV1 kUc u tiniiifr en .smi'iinj- ivenlnit in honor of Iheh coils n. Mm, AIk-m Hii'le, (IiuirIi. t r of Mi 1' Merman lnde nm Mrs jiulu of Neivviu uinl IIn,ziI Mr Cln'le . Norwegian Mlnl8tr te llrnzll. Mi (lade will (pcml a feitnlght an the cuet of Mi ai d Mm Cifide Mr, and Mr.. U'ide will also (tilertala at dinner en WedncHdiv evening, December 2 1, In hermi el Mlrs Judvlle MatOrcRar Hus Hus eon, del ii.mtn dauRhler of Mr. and Mr Jeseph M Husten, and Ml,- Martha Jenn w,', dntiKlitei of dm VUv nnd Mr W Hentty Jennlnirs, he'ore the ball which Mr and Mr- Jc.-ph l!elv, of .'."J!) St l,iinn iilaee, will kU at the IlelleMic-HtratfLrd In honor of their dibutiuitu d.uisliter Miss Wiilbuipi Kaul KellK .Mi .mil tru i!n,l .m im-i,,.j. ;--".-" '."" '" u u " .ILI I lillll .1,1 lA ( ,,.. . 111 v ....... II. .... i ' nun1 uremer nml li m .iif.inti. TM and .Mrs Krank it t.ade et Chi Istlnnla. erwaj, Mho are teuilnc the United latci,ftnd nre nt picscnt n Callfeinln .Mr and Mrs. .Tepcph Itellly have Is med m titlen for n l.all te he uiven nt th ll"ll'vuo-S'trntferd, en Wednesday clii en, Hnfinb'r Jl, In honor of their itebutnnli diiii,htcr. Miss Wnlhurpa Knul Itellij Ml tteillv will alto he the aui"-t .,f lieiun u n d'niur ti hn t;lcn IV n ii Al" x n(1"' l: 'itten ut the I iiiNdclphle I'liiin!) i'ciiI) en Miturdas expimiiij in vi Th guests who attended the dinner en s-atimlsy nveiilnf.-. which .Mr nnd Mrs. Alfred trrlll of 201 Vet Cliest nut nenue riiestnut Mill, kcmi nt the Hltz-l arlten In honor of livlr dauehter, I b hrrulm, Weill, hrfore the Satunlny KenlnR DanrlnK t'lav, Include Miss .eulsa Strnwbildge. Mlh'i Henrietta Dunn M"ti Lllv P. rgueii Msh Teggv i.effiin. Mr lirfiph l-'aiiium, Mr i-lgoeur- jey Helnnd WiNen Mr. Kred ncK 13 Mvepp, Mr Menli .sviope and Mr. Jehn StPtiheus- Mis, l.ioek Snow, of the Clinten will ntertaln at luncheon, te he followed by i .?.' en rrll''J. December V, In honor ;f M ss .Nniiev I) StouKhten. dtbutnnte t.iUBhtei of Mi and Mis Augusttn U totiBliten, and Miss Constance It Snow .Mr and Mrs .V Mcrs Tiller, of riia stone. Itlerten cntertHhieil nt n wuse paity ever thr wceU-eud In honor f their ou, Mr Nathan M Mtler, Jr Among the reiests were Ml Henrietta Mf'Velgli I'rlu, Miss KlLiabetli C Hull Miss Anna Rebert Miss Hl'znbelh Me- 'UHii. lr Jehn Knt Kiini, Jr, Mr. 'llddle AU.u, Mr Walter K Woehnan "id Mi II Hiddle Vltler The iruestn ttPiided the dance en Suturdaj evening it the Hherten Country Club. Mr and Mil. Jeieph I.ewry V.-Hz, of 1flham leurt, (!rmaiitewn, hae s i.eil Invitations for n dmce en Thurs la eenlng, Jannar.i 5, nt the Holleuc Helleuc Holleuc itratferd te priseiit te secltv their Mughtei-. Mlsi Henrietta McVelRh Fritz. Miss Trltz will be the guest of honor at a dinner which her parents will give ;ii ThuiMla eunlrip December 15, bc bc terp Dip d.mce Jlr nnd Mr Theodere ri Selxus, of Queen l.niic, Oermnntewn. will ghe nl Hip Cernrintewn Cricket Club. In honor of thcli debutiiiile d.uigh ttr, Miss Aini'lla U hpas Owing te IIIiipsh, Mr. mid Mis i" Cecil Kltler, of the Anrlierage. Hlver Hlver teti, lme recalled the ImlliitleiiH fei the dinner which tlmv were te hne len en l'ldnv ecnliig, December 2.1, nl the rt Alllnniv , In honor et their daughter, JIIm Peggy I HlPr, befuri the nifetlng of Mrs Ihaiks Stewart Win Is- Dancing Class Mrs, (.Jpeig-J "' Thijfr. of Koncten VlllnneMi returned yesterday from ht. Paul's Scheel, Concord, N It , where Bhc Mifnt ThiinksgUIni; with her son. Ciporge I Thayer, Jr who is a ntudtnt thete Mlss Anna H Ter.nsend, daughter of the Inte Mr nnd Mrs Halph M Town send, of this (Jt. who rtpently nnled home fiem Hurepe, lips icturncd te l'e Cieft Sehoel, Vliglnla, wlmre she Is taking a pest-graduate course Mis'" Tewnscnd w'l muke her debut next season. Mr. Donald P. Rens, son erf Mr and Mis. Walter J j P.ess, of St. Mnrtlnu lane. Chestnut Hill, who In a student at V.iIe, spent the Thanksgiving week-end with his parents Mr and Mrs Kirnuel A. Ueyla and Miss Mnigiierlte J Heyle, of Keswick Heuse, llvdnl will shortly close thelr home an 1 will spend the winter wirn s nmtlur. Mis. Jehn 1" Jef Mrs liej l folds, nt J000 Pe I.ancey place Mls 15jle will niiike her debut next season Mrs Samuel Woodward w 111 onter enter tn n at luncheon today at th Art Al liance bofero the Yolanda More reclrnl which Is te lm Blven In the fojer of the .vdcm of Musle this afternoon M'rs Wned card's guests will Include Mrs Jehn S W Holten. president of the Jmilndelphla Musle flub4 Mrs. Kdw-ln IJ (inrrixues, president of the Mat'nee Miifllcale; Mr.. Geerce H HvapH, Mrs l'rederick W Abbett, Miss i:il.abeth Uoel I.ntti Mrs Hareld IS. Terter, Mrs Helen Pulaski Innes, Mis Charles It Cui Mrs J Heward Ileber, Mrs Jo Je seph Atwood Uejer Mts (leerRe I Hamlin of WIlmlnKten , "Mrs I'rane.s Ktllegg M'ss Rerenlcn Herine M-s Frederick S Hee Mis Janifs C Still- well, Mrs saraiifl M cooper, .mis. jeiiu M I'ein. Mrs i:dwln A WntnniH, Mrs Duncnn Cimphell and Mrs Albert V Smith I Mi Wdllam Pinhl Hulnfs announces I fhe marrlic.. of his daughter, Miss Miuw I UckIii.i Haines te Mr Ueornie I.enard 1'i.y en Siturdav nt fjermnntew n Mi nnd Mis IVv .ill be at home nft( r I lnmian 1 at. '!-' ' Vum Mrect. iCirinaiuewn Mr nnd Mi.' i!eeip It Hv.iiib of H-s menl havp Nsii.mI lii-.lt itleus fei u i rlaiui te In kIm i at tlit- Bell-ui--Strat-ferd en rr'ilin tveiiiiiir, Hicmber S.I, i In honor oil Miss Marf-ant A Phelps. dibiilante dnili-liur ei .wis. v. iuuu-i .u Phelps, of the nutlillKteil Mi- nnd Mis Walttr CjW'J line Hciulei - son ,. nt Inill.in (Jneill lane, lleilllllltewn have tsxu"d Invitations for the datisant te 1)P kPh'II HI lilt' iJeue iifniiHiiuni uii Wednesdn aff-nioeii, P. ceniber 'J8 te presmt te HeeletN tlieh daughter, Mls lUlen c HindiTSen Mrs f.cuiKe C Themas Is enfrtnln'ot, enfrtnln'et, ns'liei KU.st ever tin wepk-ilid Bishop Niithutilel .s lliemas, et WvenunK Mi and Mis 11 A liie'e-en. of N'ew elk and I.eiifr Island spent Thanks-i-UliiK' week with Mr I id Mrs Jehn Luce In Omi brook Jllss Allce Halse, dnimhter of Mrs Frederick Halse. of 44,11 Snnem street has returned from a weeU'p visit te her aunt, Mrs, Walters, at her home nenr I.ansdew no The wedding of Mies Marprtret Herne Herne ileite I.uKuu and Mr Ah In C Ilurferd of Hila took place en Wednesdnv aftei aftei aftei noen last Miss Margaret Simmons wu' ilie bildeR enlv attendant, and Mr Leuis nil... m i it n naur inn n ii 1.1111111 rnriiiit mu-y "-:i :" .,:-,"-, ;,:,.'. tleu rolieweu ai 11; iiuiiib ; u- """' rntiier .vir aim "'" ""' im-u n- en their weddtus ti'p Upen their letun they will ninlie their home In Bain NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs Hmll Kel'fr. of the Majestk', n speudlng u week In Atlantic Clt) Mr nnd Mrs Merris II Splcker find th"lr son, of Pifticvllle Pa , are th iiursli of Mr and Mrs IMwin V Siri" burner, of a J J J North niglttetfiitli stie t l and Mni M Hicllt, of l"0s Neil' l.lKhth stteet aunemie the ni.irrlairc e their daui'.hi'ir, .Miss CI11I10 I. Hiclit, ti Mr Alfred H Marks, of San l'ranelHn Calif, en Thiusda U-t Mr and Mi MarliB have left for an extended wed ding trip nnd will return te this tlt next Apill EYEKIG LtBLIC A Popular Debutante I'liote ly ,t Mllehell r.ltlett MISS (.ISKTItl'DK 1). nei'C.lIKKTY Debutante datiglilrr of Mrs. Fran cis S. Detielicrty, (if SilOll Locust sticel 1 SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Beyle, of 1S10 Moero street, nre being eenirrntulatcd upon tlie Mi til of n son Mrs Ue.vle will be Jieniembered ns Miss Anna C011.it v, dniiglitnr of Mrs. Mniy Cen.it of "0"."i beu'h Higtitreutli nlreet Mr 111.1l Mih William H Kenny, of 2111 North Fifteenth street nnd for fer meily of this section entei tallied nt dinner, followed by a theatre party, en Thanksgiving Day In honor of their flist wedding anniversary Mts ICenn villi be remembered ns Mlta Floience M Clnncy. The wedding of Mlas T.enern ZniiRwIll nnd Mr. Jack Oeldbertr took place en Sunday evening, November 20, at the Public Hall. After iui intensive trip through the fieuth Mr and Mrs Oeld bcrs will llve at K023 Wharten street DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs Frederick Tayler I'uscv nnd her daughter. Miss Charlette H I'usm. of Lima, will leave In a few divn for an extended trip through the West nnd Callfeinln, where thev will remain until the spring. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stewart O Pusey moved recently te thelr new apartment In Lansdewne. Among theso who nl tended the dance and cord party given at the Media Club last week by th members of the rlub were Mr and Mrs. 11 Shirley B01 den. Mr nnd Mis Franklin N. Brewer Mr and Mrs Jehn M Bioenmll, Mr and Mrs Geerge T Butler Mr nnd Mr- I.ucIuh Beebc, Mr nnd Mrs Carelus Hroemall, Dr. and Mrs Urnest . ciarl. Mr Paul Clark, Mr nnd Mrs Hdnard B frclshten. Mr and Mts William P Dalletf, Dr and Mrs Ildward V Fitch Dr and Mrs W Harvey Frenefleld, Mr. and Mrs W H Fulweller, Mr nnd Mrs Walter Iloblnsen Jehns juurp Isiiip Jehnsen, Mr. and Mrs J. Feld Itlsliv. Mr niirt Mrs. Walter At. Shnmlps. Mr nnd Mrs Jehn C. Tanty, Mr. nnd1 Mrs Flank F Tbenias, Mr. nnd C Francis Wlll'miinen, Mr and Hnmuel M. Williamson and Mr. Mrt- Heimnn Wlrr Mrs I Mrs I and MOORESTOWN Mr nnd Mrs. William D Ilub). et Central avenue, entcrtnliipfl seventetn guests nt .1 Thanksgiving dinner en Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Victer Wlerman have rlened their home en Chestnut avenue and ara new living in erk. Pn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter French and thelr family arc spending a few dnjB In New Yerk. Mr jHiuns Warden Is spcndlm? .1 few days with friends In Atlantic City Flnt On Your ve Geerge Allen, Inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 12U Levely Fur H ats Of Squirrel. Nutria, Mink, Melr or Nenr Scnl combined with Urecade or Velvet In erqalsitive colorings. Trimminffs consist of smart pins, French flewcrB, or dnintj- plumeB. Each Hat a distinct achievement in beauty of material and charm of design. $18.00 te $48.00 Making Your Christmas Presents? Then hew nbeut theae BamuiuiU of BlUc ana HtU Broead. Short UiiriIib for bugs and millinery I.eiik lenBthe for bleuaen, etc. IUSS THAN ia thi: REet'i.Au nurus Brocaded Ribbon at $3,60 a yard. Values up te S3 SO The prettlcut Hhudes Imaginable Xmperttd Broeadtd PepUn. 40 lnchrm de. N.-v, Brown Black dnd Taupe 4.00 a yard. T 00 value Dattn Crape, 40 inchen wide. Navy, Urewn and Black P2ZO a yard. $4 00 value OUR WOOL COUNTER is ready te take care of the Christma3 Knitters with a full assortment of COLUMBIA YARNS in colors thnt rival the rainbow. The Ideal Gift Pattloeiiti of Otiuig'ab1e Tnffet or Meaalln from 83.76 te fB-50. As mtrartlvc ns they are ecrvlceable Pottleoata of Pnii 'WtUew Taffetn or JPoreirt Jrsy silk from 87.G0 te 913,99, The hems are fringed, ncAllepcd, or flnl-hed vlth embroider or lace AH the wanted coleru 1 Vanity Fair Silk Vests '.- Kverv vvemnn lovee the luxurious fealinir nf ihi. ,. j...., -ilk aralnnt her skin, the wide nheuliler mrana that will net wrev slilngy with fretjucnt wnshlneii. the extra four Incher. In lenicth around thn bottom A eplendld Chrl-tmaa thought Vt 1.7S, re. Xj L ' y L X ?t L INI f 3 e Christmas Handkerchiefs a Wemw'i Bloek I,ttrd Haudcrelilfa, sue, 30e, BOe and TTki eh Xe Solid Oolera with poed looking black letter. O3.S0 for nix With open werlt vvreiith and embroidered letter, W.60 for lx Men's AU-Xilnan Inttlal HanOkerehlefs, 3ae, BOe and 75e eaeta Boe, COr-Sd 7BC. "nareW.f. ln boxes of three BOe, Wide Assortment of Inexpensive Hankerchiefs in Nevel and Plain Designs m - - MiHf IEneEJt - PHILApLPH - lA, MONJDAY, NORRI8TOWN The Slgnm Plil Fraternity grave its annual Thaiiknglvlng dance at the Plymouth Country (Tub Thcre weie 100 Rtiestn The committee In chnrBC of the event Included Mr Herace I.arzelore, Mr. Sylvester Larltln, Mr. Jeseph U nastwlck, Mr. Edward Buchanan ana Mr, Elwood Flehcr. Announcemsnt han been made of the engntrement of Mies Mollle nisenberg, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ISIsonbere, ' if Philadelphia, and Mr. J. Jeseph Wein berg:, en or Mr. ami Mm. nebcrt Wein berg, of 121 IjRbI Marshall street. The betrothal was made known at a. dinner and reception given nt Mayera" drawing roemi,', Philadelphia. Mr Weinberg Is a graduate of the Nerrlstffwn High Scheel and of the University of Penn sylvania. He wan overseas during the war. Burky-Paulcen Wedding The wedding of Miss Doleres Martha Paulsen, datifihter of Mr nnd Mrs Henry A. Paulsen, of J'et Mount nnlinilm toad, Kalnlew. Camden, nnd Mr Ilnrlcltli Bender Murky, son of Mr "id Mrs ICdward It. Burk, of Drexel It'll took place In the West Colllnits Celllnits Colllnits weod Presbyterian Church, West Col Cel Col llngsweod, N, J,, en Saturday afternoon nt 3:30 o'elefck. Mrs. Itebert I-'razer, of Camden, acted as matron of honor, and he brldentnaldn Included Miss Irene M Welfe. of Washington nnd Cincinnati; Miss Nerma Paulsen, Jtlrs Iela Paul Paul eon nnd Miss nthclyn Paulsen, sisters of the bride The flewtr Rltl was Miss June I.ne K!scr, of New Yerk Mr. Norwood S Burkv noted ns best mat. for his brother, and the tish-rs included Mr Htenheti Sehetlela, of nreCcl Hill Mr J Nerinnn McDowell, Mr Itebert Stanley Shields nnd Mr Hewnrd !' Ireclt, nil of thin cltv. A reception iillewed nt the home of the brldes parents After nn extended vveddlnir rip through New Yerk and Canada Mr and Mrs Ilurky will live nt the home of the brlde'n parents after Decern ber 16. COLONEL BRINT0N TO LEAVE Philadelphia Lawyer Will Sail for Egyptian Pest Tomorrow Colonel Jasper Y. Hrltiten. prominent liiwjcr of this citj, who was recetitli nppetntefl liv President Hnidlng ns 11 Hidge of the Interntittenal Court of Ijgjpt. leaves I'lillndeljilnii teihij for Niwv Yerk from where he sails tomor row 011 the Atactica. Colonel Itiinteu cpect: te arrive in AlcMindrin. Hgypt. nbeut December 1." The appointment is said te have been made in recognition of hii services dur ing the war He wtfs judge iidvecate in chin go et Hei (lean v. France, nnd was decorated It) the Trench (ievernment with the l,"glen of Hener. The reurt te which Mr. Itrinteu tins been nppeii ted is virtunllv Hie Suprenie Ceuit of Hg)pt nnd consists uf the rep tesentnlivct of the clcht great interna tional Powers. It gives tb(. final de cision en nit matters of Ian 1 nnd 10 celves the appeals from the lower ceuits. LANSDALE EDITOR TO WED - - .Jeseph Kerr Weaver Is Enaaned te r --hunucu iu 1 Principal of High Scheel IjinsJalr Vsi Nm ' ti, ,. ,"r,7 V ?,'' m ' T., P ,M' B'-BCment of Miss Marguerite Hredes , Mergnn, daughter of .Mrs. David C. Morgan, of Ardmerc, Pn., te .lesetih ieri n caver of Lnnsilale. hns been niinnunced. Miss Morgan, who is a grndunte of iry" '" ' eiiege. is iirinclpnl of the I.ansdnlc Ilixh Scheel. Mr. Wpimpi- ie editor of the I.ansdnlc Republican nnd Hcvlew, and is Montgomery Ceuntv maanger of tlie North I'eiin Press Sd-v'-he. He is also ph.vsicnl director nt the I.nnsdnle IHgli Scheel. DARBY AIDS RED CROSS The Ited Cress nnd Welfare diive for funds In Darby and I.iiiisdewiin is being prcsNcil vigoreuslv nnd there bus been a liberal response te the cull Mere tlmn .'IflOO tins been rnlscd Mr, Muttlicw Crycr, of T.nnsdnwni', has clinrec of the work in I.niisdewiip, mid Mis Jacob Oswald in Darb). Shopping Litt 8 ?-vj4WV'V" SOCIAL UNION TO MEET Presbyterian Organization te Hear Prominent Speakers The Presbyterian Secial Lnien of Philadelphia nnd vicinity will meet to night nt the Hellenic-Stratford. A re ception te new members will take plnce nt 0 o'clock iu the red room. Dinner, will be served afterward. The speakers of the evening will be the Rev. JInrry Thncrsen Fesdlck nnd Husten Thompson, chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. 1 Among the guests will be William I. Dnvles, of Frankfort, Iml : Vrnnklln li.Herdig, of Oewnnda. N. Y : the Itev. Charles A. Andersen, the Hcv A. (.or (.or den MncClcnnnti. tlie Itev Itolend llrure Iitttz ntid Dr. Heur) V. l.lbb.v. Legien Pest te Elect The ntinunl meeting of the Wnrd Plersen Pest 2" Anicrlcnti I.egieu will be held Thursdn.v evening nt the headquarters, -'0 North American street. Ofllcers will be elected. The business meeting will be followed by a smoker nnd refreshments. t'Htt.A.'s rnnt.MQST thhatui'.h Garrick Tonight AT s C. I'OI'CI.An MATIM.r.s VM.P tT CHATtl.IM JMt.ITMJIIAM 1'rcwU BULL DOG DRUMM0ND A IM.AY OF AD i:N 1 1 IIU IT II A. E. MATTHEWS BROAD LAST 6 EVGS. IsjI'fJ.AIt MITIVJVs. WKti t li IU III I.AHt 'i IT' cil AT s 1.1 itint rrtt mi uavi ..' ci s-- "The Easiest Way" rU'dUNK WALTBBB StASTLItl'IIAIi MTVT MKK.lv SKATS TIH.Ht li t'HAtll.ns I'lUUIMAN- Will 1'rr rit OTIS SKINNER In Inrn (. ut-hinK n I h BLOOD AND SAND y m(i:ntk nr. s.r hum,. MUIITS! Ml. lit Si .. I OP. MAT. Wilt - VI 1ft J. FORREST LastGEv; and Her Gang in "A CORKING SHOW." - 1 I r ffpr nkt ui:i:k si:.tr i tit km.y 5 STARM-jc-i Intoxicant Th BROADWAY WITH Blanche Ring, Chas. Winningcr, Winona Winter, Jay Gould iri'l the I iitnnun lllllennlrefi' (herm STZTl '1 ,1 MnrUnt Hh tlnpf. Ti.'l i' nt J I Lfc'ArOlVlenlirht 7 ml uti I I JiipU Norten tl Ce. In "Hfcnprriitluii' : llnliln 1 lentil A Vltli' -mrllnci (ry. turnenlir .V iimi Illnrk A. Willi.- Vlrrlr's Lncltiitn.naj nnd Mllr n(lrrMen In Tl)( Vtl II M Willll ! . - m . Hr vlXMentK ' rv Tlt,ftn.T0tjrUH l'l tiir-vul vllle in n,l li TJet-nvcKl J I M iih vr.irl ct -in ii t ii tn 1 1 ll Ii ill I'wil in "DANGEROUS LIES" ecut -! A. I 'X't I SIS r !)1 nml il 30 1 1 11 '1'ieir.M Teffpr. n In "RIP VAN WINKI F" 'te 9 6 1 'JI t. - VNviJM s 1 . S.tO'OW' ,i,'"l' Vr.V? 'in 'CHEATED LOVE" Cb&MM.'M' (i VI et s i. (,llth 111 &. .1 71 HI. IN KHIN1N' lXiltilTHY 11 VITUS f. I It ISK OI VI Jl "The Three Musketeers" CLea enrii i. ctdah am; 1 .0 S. 1 7 i f ( imiN ,t iitssns ruiiuJTiiY nvi.i s t lx'i im: ui,.vt-vt 'The Tliree Musketeers' : The 11 I 11 " Pi "BABE" RUTH V til VVl'h MiH II I ami IM.VN MnnUI. n T"i a'n Goeil BEN WELCH with rnvNW i' itmiv 't p? s MADAME in Ttir BESSON & CO. 'MVN- VMtu KSl EDITH CLASPER & BOYS Vcli n - ('ir iiu ii JnmiH J I li I, i?ht II u It n it (, ll. w l i , I i i i. 1 wu VI i, lI)I'.M l IIS1 PHILADELPHIA , a ORCHESTRA i ! ni . i i - isi -ui , , i 1 I l'ti M I I USUI S Ii ! n, v 1 1 itnvv i msi, in i r s i- S(.nlst: lti:i(.(t sUtVTIl, i.llnl.l IH'M',' . . '", lM,n I" miner III I.I1KIV1N (nmcrln In I) in,iJnr fr 1 lnli mil Orrhrkirn I.sT sjiniiiiiinlr I'ei-iii, 1 1 h lri.iiilr" S ' V II I H MM I K , Trocndcre v thr (, r n IS Tc Vln tit. s t5' I dl L I CHi:bTM hT 1 Ki k 1 TIi I 1 MBWaAVilVHfi thi(,y.iM-i.i.,.fi. -.. 111 tuuin Ml $ leuglas Fairbanks in I v. nv-t'iQ, NOVEMBER 28, 1021 Iilln.'a T.nA1n Tfirttfrr Direction of I-fe ti Jl. J, Hhnhert HOUSttMaywi tvli T O SAM S EMtS AT & l MATS WtO t 6AT ! POP. MAT. WED. " $1.50 ! Knit Hit "I te tlie .Mrr; Nldert. t I'lmiln llullrlln ! Mcir'41 05CAI? STRAUS aeeetw 'caf 'lumjwwjwu.lU'Ml'T'l-T1 J Mm lltfplll7 "'1 A V.I A 1IMA WM CAV KRfC mX1" 6 WfJ tUH AT Tfl Art CNWrWAtn TOTO a co i cay or pasan iri BLGINNING MONDAY DEC 5- IN A HVU coMiey FACE VALUE OPtHA HOU9E. jX'. ji jitj n ? rai TeniRht at 8:15 Repertoire First Week TimlPlil ( 1KM1 N " I r r ,..n. lr ' . I ,,r , ie.r 11 H it I II 1. i t n I I j i Innier. "itll.llt.l rTII," I h"-. 1'e.tt . i' i i lai r t I I H iih, I TI' I . nn I Hill t ( nit Kneih Mid "MIIV III! ll (mi Ht i I i i- ,i i, r nm ns i, M H i 1' II in i 1't 1--I rinir "I nii!. itrx urs-me." mm i ,, Irtnmif I It or n H h. i , i i1.'. . ii. ,,iii)Mi; isi tti:ic Il.l. ril-U ikiin) l ,! ir .j v-iu ipiiwi sut Mat. '1X1.1 s ni iim mN." t.u . h.s, ui i j.,,,,"' r t I I! r sllVf st j ,, ..j, nt(i TOItr." s- . n Tn. , , r . iii i ii 1. tv.nre i fi I Ti I i, . H t I'rlrfH hr. nnd Sut. Mnt. SOi. 1 1 00 si; its sew os si i: t mix 01 1 n k Hid 1 MM XSS'S, 110 ( IITSTSl T XT l'ntrnn me uf (Iip 1'hlln (.r-tnl (lnrr i n" TH ST. THEATRE oiTe-n i 1 1 urns i ii '.Me7 sd ii ! Mnte. 17i. ilr Mehts, 3 . ii I II I I.I. nml ,l( K 11(11 1 In "After the Shew" ( II Vltl (in I. 1 (11. Ill S, seprmn flniriln I i III m unit iitiiii(i s. mill in IIIItl'l.-VMIItl) IlliVSIi Xildrd II ireld lliud In 'Spit Mc.iKcn Mil S I'Mtlv III.KI- ORPHEUM till t ,t c V 1 1 I . ORPHEUM PLAYERS in "LOMBARDI, LTD." Keystone . e Academy of Mmic Wed., Nev 30, at 8.15 ! The Philadelphia Orchestra and Dr. Richard Strauss IN i I it I Special Strauss Program "ii ' i - i inviv or vh N)l All riilHMII ITS lll'l lt OVII'VSV TOMORROW Hj EVE.. AT 8 inn's. t..i ii uri , v;iiiiiiiii, VIM vt iriirn In IiinlM-. VHinle v Itrlnleri m, I ,, DUMONT'S II II t. Ml. II i- vi u EMMETT WELCH Minstrels V I lit HA I - I I --HIV 1 HiNil Casine Te vn Scand -in AMBASSADOR ', ' "THE SON OF WALLINGF0RD" -'i,' fHULTMII I rL.'J. .rC- a.BMaflM er norei -sjHnii Hk. Tn inTl Tl Jm N.V Sl ire r w -jimm f in ttm ' esi;s K Jw HI BERT IjANLOM "AMWl" WlM lf HtTtllSS BURGtARjf JBff vKJfM M MtWIVt0l6tw' HOOt I THRIt MIIClA5rtTilJ M DICKIH30M " I UMISTIXt MTIRS KM B DtACOH " """"" ts CO '" ""' MiMA LYRBC ,'" i a 1 1 a i t x ei ufk h n wu n wa mm t- I GOOD SEATS AT THZ BOX OFFICE , FOR ALL PERFORMANCES I THE PLAY OF ONE THOUSANdI H H ItM.lI-AU MrJM.rt TIIIKSIIW B Scats en Sale for Xmas and 3 New Year's Matinees. a Organize Your Holiday 1 "- ,, .wmuiiunw !L'.J-,:;2A ?$$ " """, . "" lffSjffft JUBILEE WEEK AT STANLEY tHKr.T AT NINKTEENTH II A M. TO 11 P M l..t 1,1 "5IVI3 KinST I'llESKNTATION : McireRtfi PRCOUCTIOH Qh, SHEIK Agnes Ayres and Rudelph Valentine AT firnt the li."ll eirl lovely Enj" hatctl the I)ieii7t'd Arab rim f vvlie had I'uptuied l'er in tlie 'levpit; thpti ns ,he -cps Iih tyranny ever a hun dred tribt'H, hale turns te fear, and fear te fascina tion. The Sheik is deter mined te make her love him. Dees he succeed? That is the plot of this wonderful Paramount pic ture. Mllir.K UTKACriOSs .Sahfha Jacehhen XMI.KK s MOMS t.l.SH s J. Helfcnstcin Masen IISs sei.tMsT New Teny Sarg Carteen Itrnllnff vtltli rre-Illitterlr Oolf Daily, 35c, COc Eveniiif-s, Satur day Matinees & Holidays, "iOe, 7."c STANTON Market and Sixteenth Streets 11:..0, 1:30. .1:31), 5 ::0. 7:30. 9:30 f tiMiusdse T(ni FIRST PHILADELPHIA PRESENTATION! FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES! m. in rtu.si.sis A MILLION- DOLLAR PRODUCTION TV As a .spectacle the pic ture is declared te be unsurpassed, and as the love story of tlie niebt beautiful v e m a n and wisest man the world has known it is de scribed a.s a photepla of rare charm. Dailj. 33c, ."tOc. Evenings. Satur day Matinees and llelidass, 7"tc. ARCADIA May McAvej ii ORALS" ' t r VICTORIA ' I Vt r H V I I 1 I VI ' II 1 VM I ' 1(1 -,1 v "ThuIlcerclap,, CAPITOL -,V ,,' "THE BARRICADE' REGENT IIM ! 1" VM. 1 I III V ii VI VI. Kl 1 r GLOBE r i THE BIGGEST AND BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS BROADWAY V:v- THEDA BARA herself) ELSIE FERGUSON -I IS . 'I ALLEGHENY I U VM n . I I II v V 5 ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE 1 'it 1 1 1 n 1 1 "A TRIP TO PARADISE" CROSS KEYS ' "AN.VABELLC" M M I ALHAMBRA .ru i'iuti - sX i WF mH CEORCE MCirORt"5,V -- friim i r vr j AvfeHitu w raf -t ffWBWBaBBgBaaapgtBSBEttgaBmwBi I jHOWysi7yingfi IfmTVi Aueseme! I B IB this wrK.uMJBRBfc5 palaceI 1 , B Kit VIMIK1 T Mill. I 1 i Don't Bring Children 1 vvinrvn ik amj ' ' " v" " COMPANY OF AMERICA THEATRES CHESTNUT ST. 90OVE Continuous 11 A.M. te 11:30 P.M. Deers Open at 10:45 A. M. - Mmltei) r.nxmrment Cemmencln Todar A PARAMOUNT PICTURE FIRST SHOWING ANYWHERE A NEW CECIL Grcnteat Achievement Great Producer I f I I V Nlint h ' ' II 1 A.M"t .T IVTU'D I'l.ATKUB AS DOROTHY DALT0H JOHN DAVIDSON Alse 1000 Supernumeraries Main Production of Each Performance Will li'cln .it tlir I'olleHlnK llniirm 11:30, 1:30, 3:30 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 Patrons are iequctctl te vi.it the thcatm en the hour in erdM- te avoid con fusion and te enhance their onjejnu'nt of the picture bv seeinpr thu complete pioductien. THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL SEE: Thrilling events en the Mexican Berder, seething with deeds of bandits, gamblers and soldiers of for tune. Dances Siamese, dances Parisienne, and marvelous skat ing dancers whirling through the Ballet of Ice. Hundreds of alluring beauties of the Ori ent bewitchingly at tired. Strange heath en rites of hordes of, worshippers in jeweled cloth of geld. Spectacular uses of elephants, bears, snakes, peacocks, crocodiles and dogs. (The crocodile fight is the most blood bleed stirring sensation ever shown en the screen!) Revel scenes, street scenes, boudoir scenes, feud scenes, theatre scenes, vision scenes, storm scenes, fire scenes, war scenes, water scenes. And weaving these wonders all together into far the greatest entertainment D e Mille has ever made is a poignant, glo rious story of human hearts ! PRICES Daily, 50c; Evenings, 75c Salurtlavs ami Holidays after t. .'!., Owning Prlccu flrJSr DeMILLE PRODUCTION Die u lpl O m m .T, KTED BI.AS ' A H '1. &... ,JU AI ll I. UhH n I'M'IU