"tVfc T ,A , "'j'n-q W 7',7' H'f . . n ' i ?"; SV- " , EVENING' VVBUQ LEDaEKr-PHltABELPHlA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1021 f 11 M' "A "f 'tfNpl U DREAMLAND ADVENTURES 'Danic Inclincl" . .. I Jnnft Inln Damp. In. f,k riims in the full weeds. nl,r hiitwt ferns U Is summer linM..' "W 6c Ohl h 0,d ian Winter- til M'TISK VI Tlie D.iiiRcreus Stranger BI,1 1' JAV grinned down ut Jack ,'inl .Timet after ti-UliiR them why . .ti.tn't i'e Seuth for the winter SSiIcIi - li:nu-f lie could find plenty $ feed in the North. I HKe te stuy In the North voedn." trcnmctl Hide ' "' j',c,te Ht'" Itte Pirn though It Is h bit Ioiicheiiio ami rather dim " Hliie .Tin wim beIiir te nay 'dun- Mk te sn it he saw seinethinK that m startled him he left his mouth open Without linl-hlnK what lip wns sayliiR. That smnethliiK was n bird that came aniline nlenc In wavy, craeeful fllsht. The -traiiEP hint Rllded te the very nenli Hluc .Tn hud left -e abruptly. "lVihups tlint Is the mysterious ulncer." whlspeied .Innet te Dnmr In-iim-t. 'I'lie fairy Rodinethcr of the birds frowned as she shook her hesvl. At Hint ame moment the strange bird opened Us cruel beak, giving a harsh '""Helle, Dame Instinct," shrieked the utraiiRer. "I net jour message uwny up N'ertli near te Santn Clans land. Tlinnk ou for warning me against "the cold, eeld winter." "I wain nil ine uinif, room mm nan, replied Dame Instinct primly. "I am the fain godmother of all of them, in cluding ou. Hatcher ltlrd Slirlke, nl nl tlieugh 1 nm'fr J-nv I like the way you lmnt ether birds." 'you join "elf tniiRht me never (e go Imiign if I eeuld help it." he K-renmcd. "If tiieie Kn't (in; thing else te cut I haie te eat birds." "Well, if i"U have te eat birds, be Hire ou ent birds as bad as yourself." mid Paine Instluet tnrtl. "Yeu will find plentj of KnglNh spin rows in the tlllaRes and towns." "Tlinnk you, sweet nnd kind fnlrj godmother," --aid l'.uteher lliiil Shrike, who reined te ha'e polite manners, ercn theiigli he was u villain. "I will iimcmber the luglish sparrows. And new would j en like te vi-it mj cup board" "Yes," said Pame Instinct; "but nee te jeii if I lind any of my imeet Miminer ImiN there. " Iluteli,r I'iid Shrike InuRhed his linr-li hniRli and Milled uwiv In long, graceful wae.. Dnnie Instinct, with .Turk nud Janet, followed in the whccl kiw imtn. Htiteher Wirt Shrike alighted pn n thorn tiee, while the wheel-less auto tteppnl en tlie Rt-euud briieath. ' The thein tree had what iij iieared te be little packages fastened te various paits of it. "U'li , it leeks like a Christmas tree," whispered .Innet te Panic In stini t "I!t it isn't." said Pame Instinct sl,.un ' It is a buti her'-hop." Auii se It was. The litt'e pneknges t . In ill jnic e. whii b lluteher Hlrd Sin I ( ii mI Killed and p.trti. i a ten. i iv si i. mid nasen why I .'nil nor; mi tlitt foolish summer bird 'ii) 'is -111(114 ill the fall woeiN," said Dainc In Hint "When Itutclivr IJlrd Shiii' t Imiigri lie cuts what he iai ' ihhI no ordinary summer blid U m': fi'in him. Come' We must finil the in' stei ions singer at once and wml 'i'ii mm te the Southland." (Hew tl.elr search for the msterleus shiter leads them Inte stranqe atheii (tires, under ground will he told net week.) ! sTrVMMIIP NOTICKS J-Msenasr 4. Ftalr j N. T. TO CHtUBOUna & SOUTHAMPTON CARMiMA Kec. :i llrr. 31 . AqilTWlV .... Ore. 13 lh. 7 IVb. 28 s y. te i.ivunruei. C.1LAIIRIA Nev. 30 Allt'MX dim) .. I),c. 10 ,I,n. i; r,.,. IX SCiTlHA ini-n). . Dec. 24 Jin. 28 Fell. 23 f1' . in HALIFAX 1'L.YMOL'TII. (1IIRK. ,. UUL'UU AND HA.MHt'IR; I ni.iiM mn. 21 Miir. 10 Nil" I.UNIJONJJl.l.ia A.MJ Ol-ASGUW 5." Mill .... Dec. 10 Assi'MtV "" .". 21 Jim. 21 Tcb. 25 Ai)illl, (.U) , j,,,,, 7 i-ji,. 11 . . HMhKIIM.V luru) De,.. 3 UitT, Tcr.."i0 eiimAt.T.vn. nai'u:h. ' it?iV d1u'uvmk. TmuhTi;, i-iu.ri: "ALIA Juil, s IIOSTfW TO I-ONIJONDCnnY. AhSKIA (ncn) fife 5 1PECIAI. MEDITERRANEAN SAILING MA.V.V,'.,U- flUKAITUt. MONACO UmiKItA) Cr.NUA NAPLKS CARONIA December 7 Iilenl for Inilrprnilrnt Trmfl I Cunurd uud Aiichur StfiuiiBliIi, UnM rifii:cr Olli.c, I3uu M. ilnut St.. I'lill. I FrHtlit Otll(. lluiirht. i,lc.. l'litlu. ' HStn Hk3SS$8 STEAMSHIP LIMES PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERPwY, SLIGO SS "Eastern King" ...Nev. 26 S S "Oshliesh" Dec. 22 Cethen'jurg, Copenhagen, Malrae, Hcltingfert, RiR.i, Danzig & Reval S "Conejos" Dec. 12 Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc. t.W. STHINGFIELD, i-iuin. ML-r "128 DOURSU BLDG.. I'HILA. rL(..nli. 0."85 Main 7513 mk Smship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U.S.3.B.S S "WOODMANSIE" EMTtTKI) TO SAIL DEC. 10 at cuvri:itKN(i: it vtks Hanijs, IVlagul & Ce., Inc. 423 LLiiUe MUg., I'liil.idelplua -(u,, (rii iM.u.i ftlUUl ,580 liAtri $ AMESCA LINE M MIItK TO Kill I'l III1A1I ':i 1'l.iiiKiiitli, IlimluKiii-Mir-Mer CHRISTMAS SAILING S. S. ROTTERDAM, Dec. 10 i,i ta, I'K.NT in Kl IV 1 i,i V Mi anil llh I'O.V'I iin.l. i tin lni I'HlllsY'IAS uiul Band Plays at 9 and 5:15; Organ at 11 ClilmcN nt Soen WANAMAKERS DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Cleudy "Happy Christmas te Everybody P That's What the Jelly New rhriidiiut Srfirns Sav in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere I Women's Glessy Nearseal Coats, $75 te $185 They arc of fine, well-mntclicd, reliable dyed ceney skins of Wann mnkcr quality, a virtue which gives real importance te the lewncss of their prices. All of the coats arc cut in graceful, flaring styles, 3G and 40 inches long, and beautifully lined. Plnin nearseal coats (dyed ceney) 3G inches long, $75 and .$115; 40 inches long, $90. Nearseal coats (dyed ceney), with heaver cellars and cuffs, $185. (Central) T'S CHRISTMAS everywhere in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere. Christmas at the Chestnut Street doers. Christmas at the Market Street doers. Christmas all ever the great central section, where merry Christmas garlands add te the general air of jollity. At Market Street there is a special new Christmas land of umbrellas, ribbons, art needlework, leather goods, inexpensive jewelry, handkerchiefs, men's neckties and ether men's furnishings, also children'3 dresses. This is a geed time te explore Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere. The merchandise is all Wanamaker's all of guaranteed quality and prices are uni formly low. Christmas boxes are added en request. -Sa J $tt.3U aa- ai f - - Opp the Central lisle Men's Belts and Sterling Silver Buckles, $1 te ?3.75 Men's gifts that men really like. Buckles with cut initials or with space en which initials are engraved for the asking, $1 te $2.50. Sets of silver buckles and leather belts in attractive holi day boxes, $3 and $3.75. Silk Umbrellas, $5 and $6 Black and colors garnet, green, blue, purple and brown with short bakelite handles and rings or wrist cords. With or without enses. Seme have white stubs and tips. Satin Camisoles, $1 New shipment of black, white, flesh and navy colors that arc se popular wc can't keep them in stock. Vemen's Blanket Bathrobes $3.85 New let of Indian nnd flower patterns in dark and light colors. Cellar, cuffs and pockets trimmed with cording. Mnde of heavy bathrobe blankets. Women's Cotten Jersey Petticoats, $1 Cotten jeiscy tops with nccor nccer nccor dien pleated ruffles of sateen. Purple, navy, Copenhagen blue and emerald. Women's Flannelet Petticoats, 50c Short ones of striped flannelet, but cut se geneieusly in every particular that they will really be "long" for most women. Cotten Stockings for Women 12V2c and 25c 12Vac for black libbed cotton stockings for girls. Sizes G te Qll2. First quality. 25c for women's blnck mer cerized cotton stockings in regu lar and extra sizes. "Seconds." Handkerchiefs for Men 25c, 35c 25c for plain white linen hand kerchiefs; 35c for these with embroidered initials less than half last year's price. 13th Street Aisle Children's Gloves 35c te $1.25 Woolen gloves; gloves of fleece lined jersey cloth; jersey-cloth gauntlets with leathereid cuffs and leather gauntlets with wide cuffs trimmed with fringe and a star, accerdmz te price. Stamped Fudge Aprons Drep te 35c Stamped for a bit of embroid ery, which will make them doubly atti active as gifts. Pink Satin Girdles, $2.50 Slender women will like them for dancing, and tfiey are se dainty they are leally another piece of lingerie! Sizes 20 te 28. We Wish Every Weman in Philadelphia Could See These Dresses $10 TO W S16.50 - 1 or Fresh Curtain Marquisette,20cYd. Fully a yard wide and in white, cream and ecru. Think of the pretty scarfs, cui tains, spreads and bedroom sets it will make, particularly when combined with hand crochet (for it is geed enough quality for that)! The usual price is considerably higher. 500 Pair of Snowy Marquisette Curtains Special, $1.25 Must get curtains up before the Christmas rush com mences! They are in white and have hemstitched borders. A World of Things for Christmas! Various kinds of scarfs. Uncovered white pillows. Levely pillows. Braids and fringes. Chair pads. All the desirable materials for lamp shades, scarfs, pil lows, etc.; cietennes, poplin, rep, tapestry, plain and em bossed valeur, embossed terry clalh, silk-and-cotton materials and silkelinef. (( lidttriiit) Dainty Dresses for Dear Little Babies, 60c te $2. SO Beth long and short presses for all the wee babies up te little children of two years. They are made of softest white nainsoek linished with fine little laces and embroidery. Seme of the better ones even beast hand embroidery. (Central) If thev could, sewing machines would collect dust for several months te come. There would be no troublesome searches matching materials. Ne tiresome fittings. And, happiest of all, every one would enjoy a new frock for the Christmas month. Se low are the prices, se geed the materials and se smart the styles that these frocks are quite irresistible. Savings in many instances run from a third te a half. Fer $5, $7.50 or $10 ene ean cheese almost any kind of a practical daytime frock. . Geed wool navy serge as low as $5. Brown or navy velour frocks piped With contrasting colors for $.50. Navv tricetinc dresses trimmed with many rows of colored stitching for $7.50. Twe-piece jersey frocks in reindeer, navy and brown for $7.50. Twe hundred and fifty dresses at $10. Se you can imagine the assortment. It includes velour in navy, reindeer and brown; fine tricetine in a dozen models; serge with beaded girdles; cicpe de chine and charmcuse trimmed with beads; and wool jerseys. 350 Dresses at $13.25 and $15 Peirct twill frocks trimmed around the neck and sleeves with tiny red black beads. Tricetine dresses, with silk em broidery trimming the panels of the skirts. Serge combined with charmcuse in cry youthful everskiit models. Canten crenc and crepe de chine $16.50 make soft and charming frocks. New Taffeta and Velveteen Dresses at $16.50 Decidedly fresh and new are the taffetas with their ruffled overskirts, net cellars and cuffs or em broidered panels. Mostly in navy blue, taupe or brown. Frecks of twill-back black velveteen arc very youthful and have girdles of contrasting velvet. At $18.75, $23.50 and $25 Every new fashion feature seems te have found its way te these pretty dresses. I hey are of cloth or heavy silk crepe, showing fascinating style points, usually found only en expensive dresses. Fer instance, a beautiful frock of navy blue or black tricetine is made with loose panels, heavily braided in self tone or henna, ever a foundation of tricetine. A tailored dress of great distinction at $25. Other beautiful gowns, some copied from French originals, are here at very moderate prices $29, $35, $39 te $49. (Mnrket) I iIhh rri m l rGri I P VIM 1 U llUlS I VBBJvll 11 $5 JO $10 j J$2S vj Among the Loveliest of Personal Gifts omen's Silk Underclothes Beautiful silks, pretty laces, nicety of finish and gleaming ribbons all make for the daintiness that is their first requisite. It seems that in preparation for this Christmas, the nightgowns and envelope chemises are prettier than ever. One sees finer laces, mere real lace, better ribbons, better quality silks and, altogether, a higher scale e f quality at a lower scale of prices. Costume Slips at $5.50 Almest any woman will appreciate an underslip that will act as petticoat and camisole in one. The slips aie of heavy quality lustrous satin in black, navy, flesh and white Others of radium are in black, navy and brown. All have elastic at the sides of the waist. Luxurious Nightgowns Such as Every Weman Leves $3.85 for lacc-trimmed nightgowns of pink crepe de chine. $5 for pink crepe de chine nightgowns tiimmed with Georgette crepe and lace. Envelope Chemises at $3.85 Imitation filet lace finishes chemises of flesh or white ciepe de chine. $5.50 for lovely tailored and hemstitched enve lope chemises of white or pink radium. $0.75 for envelope chemises that are exceptionally pretty. They are of pale pink radium with medal lions of leal filet lace. Silk Bleemers, $3 te $5.50 What an abundance of cheesing! Bleemers of satin, radium and crepe de chine are in light nnd dark colors, tailored or finished with Georgette, lace and ribbon. $9.50 Men Find Geed Shoes for a Surprisingly Small Outlay in the Gallery Stere This is the day of geed quality shoes for much less money. A man need no longer feel that he is wearing out a five-dollar bill every time he takes a step. If he does it s his own fault or because he doesn't knew about this Gallery Shee Stere for Men. As one man said te another, "Why, you ought te SEE the shoes!" Men's Shoes at $4.25 They're special value, but you can see that for yeurfclf. Black or tan leather shoes are in straight-lace style with medium tees, sturdy welted soles and bread low heels. Brogue Shoes at $7.90 arc of black or tan leather with rubber heels and strips of light fiber in the soles. Inte the Class of "Finer Shoes and Oxfords" at $8.50 te $9.50 Tan calfskin and grain leathers in black or tan are mostly in brogue shapes. There is an assortment of bluchcr and straight-lace styles. The workmanship, as well, as the leathers, is well worth careful inspection. Oxfords for Evening and street wear are of patent or black dull leather with plain vamps at $8.50. Men's Slippers in Christmas Array $1.60 te $4 Beys' Shoes, Special at $2.90 Streng tan leather shoes with rounded soft tees that arc best for growing feet, have soles that only grin at Winter's reuglvwcar of slides, skate clamps, long tramps and se en. Sizes 10 te 2. Special at $3.75 Beys' shoes in sizes 1 te e1 are of black or tan leather en English lasts. .Seme have rubber heels. (Gnllrry, Market) Men's Odd Trousers of All All Weel Materials, $5 te $7.50 Just about every sort of pattern and color tone is here and it is the rare suit that we cannot match with trousers. Special at $6.50 are some exceptionally geed trousers of all-wool cassimercs and unfinished worsteds, with some blacks among them. (Oellfry, Mnrket) (( .Tit nil) Unexpected Sale of Men s Fashionable Cheviot Shirts Less Than Standard Wholesale Price New $1.65 Smart shirts for men who really care about their appearance shirts of a nice sporting quality that have as much distinction as silk, but are less often seen. Shirts from a Wanamaker shirtmaker cut the Wanamaker way and fashioned of exclusive-looking cheviot in bet'i pin checks and stripes. A splendid let of colors, including lavender, green, blue, tan and pink. Offered new at less than the standard wholesale price because of an unexpected business happening. Real geed fortune for the wife or sister seeking Christmas gifts for the men of the family. Yes, all sizes and all fresh and perfect. Twe kinds either with neckband or cellar attached. (Mcn't fiiillcry, Market) Blankets and ri'.i rujPW Blankets te Delight the Eye $15 a Pair Levely plain red with black bands; plain tan with pink or blue bands; rcd-and-bluck plaids pink or blue block plnids such itr these all-wool blankets, 72xM -hiches. Undoubtedly they are the finest in years! Nete: It is well te make sure of gifts like these early in the season, for such valued de net last always! Quilts Make Really Substantial Christmas Presents Yeung and long-established hemekeepers, alike, will be pleased with gifts of as sound value as blankets and quilts. The bride and the girl about te be a bride will be especially grateful. This year the prices en geed quilts and blankets are low enough te bring them well within reach. Weel-Filled Quilts, $6 A low price for quilts as pretty and warm as these! They are filled with pure soft wool and have figured tops and backs and plain sateen borders. 72x80 inches, a geed size! Other wool-filled quilts are $7.50, $8.50 and $10. Down-Filled Quilts, $12.50 Think of it! Light-as-a-feather quilts and warm as only down-filled quilts can be, these have figured sateen covers. With plain borders in blue, rose or green, down-filled quilts are $15, Down Quilts With Si I ft Tops at $19 Beautiful and decorative as well as splen didly warm, they have figured centeis and plain borders of silk and plain backs of sateen. Silk-Covered Down Quilts at $25 It seems like the geed old times of very long age te have them at this price! They hae figured centers and plain pink or blue borders and backs, all of silk. (('rntrul) Woot-Mixed White Blankets Special, $5. 75 a Pair Keal value in these white blankets, 70x80 inches, with pink or blue borders! $7.50 for 5-pound blankets, 72x82 inches, with all pure wool in the filling. They are in white with pink or blue beiders. Fine All-Weel White Blankets, $11 a Pair They really radiate warmth! They 72x81 inches and are all wool, warn are nnd filling, and weigh 5VS pounds! The borders are in rose, pink or blue. A 11- Weel Plaid Blankets Start at $7.50 a Pair In pink, blue, tan and gray block plaids, they aie 00x80 inches. Heavier all-wool blankets nt $8.50 a pair are 00x80 inches, in tan, gray, pink and blue. At $10 a Pair Unusual because of their quality are all wool blanluts, 72x81 inches, in red-and-black plaids, as well as tan, gray, pink and blue. Ne End te the Variety of Geed Winter Coats at $25 Loese-back coats or belted models. Coats with fur cellars or with threw scarfs. Delman effects with wide flowing sleeves. Tailored coats trimmed with buttons and stitching. Seme of the coats nre of velour and many arc in variations of the belivia weave that is se popular. Every coat is lined throughout with silk and many are warmly interlined. In the collection are coats for all types of women and fittings in all sizes. Fur-Trimmed Coats at $27.50 te $39 Here nre deep, soft cellars of beavcrette -and often cuffs te match en coats and dolmans of belivia, silver tip velour. illama cloth and soft warm coatings. Plenty of the fashionable brown 6hades, walnut and Malay as Well as blues and black. Of course, coats without fur, at these prices, also. Handsome Coats at $58.50, $65 and $69 Wraps and coats, and the very smart fur-cellared capes as well. The materials are wonderfully ueft and luxurious aild they are trimmed with flat or roll cellars of Australian opossum, beaver, nutria, mole and brown or taupe wolf. Other very fine wraps and capes of soft woolens for tey$185C V fr evcninS we here at $75 All-Black Coats. $37.50 te JR7S TIT.,- - i-11 -- a. . Jkftmfci 4itW- 'sSm $$' Vmriliiui ."utlfnl mi J'iniliiri " Amtt riUm P rtir All IIUI.JD.UH Dt-r. M J. ill. 21 lil. 2A Drc. Ill Apr. H M.e 13 li--. 211 I'eli. t Mht. II tun. I 1'eb, 18 Mur. 29 'P31 Walnut St., PliiU (Uatkt r A