) It 'r,- T2J .c, i ' Jl n- V "It 71? TClfc- v 7r M,t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, frRIPAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1021 9 1 : All These Goods On Sale Tomerrow: Mall wtd TJieb Orders TUlsa. Bell, TTslsut Q800 Ksysttms, Mala 4101 Stere Opens Dally at 0 A. K. Closes COO V. VS. ' Imported Untrimmed Hats J$ 2 ;9 Anether of These Wonderful Shee Sales for Which We are Famous I Women's $6 te $8 Lew Shoes IT5 HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit Formerly Prkti $6 te f8: Three Skttchtd Annually we held this great clearance of our finest hats folk hava come te knew it and te wait for itt Net a hat In the let could be made for se little just a few of each smart kind. Distinctive hand-blocked shapes Just Unpacked A Huge Anniversary Purchase! One strap effects that are new in vogue in black satin, patent colt skin, gun-metal, black glazed kid and black suede, with turn soles, full or Baby Leuis heels. $3.65 YellewTradingStampWilhEYery 10c Purchase AllDay I 2S Market Eighth in Lyens and pnen velvet combined with rich silky hatters plush some also with duvetyne facings. Superb qualities stunning styles every color that's beceming: and fashion able. Just a few pictured te jrive you an Idea of their extreme smart ness. Decidedly worth coming early for! IIal Trimmed Free of Charge Smart vamps With neat perforations and straight tips with finer perforations; many beautifully beaded. OUR 30th ANNIVERSARY SALE IS CROWDED wiTu PFAimnn rtMRlSTMAS GOODS! Alse tan Russia calf ox fords with welted soles and solid leather heels. And a group of gun-metal oxfords with walking heels some with rubber top lifts. Opportunities de net wait-for example, when the Anniversary Sale rttothttetteyot NovemHyeu'll net be able te equal these values we are offering new. Come, then, while the saving i are se many and ms All Goods Will Be Charged en Bills Due January, 1922 Children's Beaver Hats, $Z.98 Lene nap. Band and stream er trimmings. -pirn' F'oer, North Every pair brand new, in the prevailing styles and solid leather throughout. Ut BretherVrtt Fleer, North " " tlt&lj, Brethers " Mj ' " 3j - 11 - - - ,J-.J- . Via: Men! Match Oar Price for the Same Geed Clethes, If Yeu Can! Splendid $30 te $40 All-Weel fm mtx iKflT i-tff l'f Hull BHfimAYTOAU5(i IHU'Mil IIIIHI 1 WPlil JKHHl IP ill hi .2WmL J I nil:, I ak I Ilk Suits & O In quality points and points above clothes anywhere near their price. L41 fffe K( L I ,ML. BRJr Tomorrow! I price dollars and dollars below clothes anywhere near their quality. Guaranteed strictlv all-wool, guaranteed te be fitted, tailored and finished te your liking, guaranteed worth all of $30 te $40 most of them $40. New, is there any reason en earth why a man should pay mere? It's dead certain he won't get mere of the real essentials in any suit or overcoat. Moreover, snow will fly seen enough and you'll want te be warmly clothed then ! Suits Beautifully hand - tailored in styles te suit these who fellow the newest dictates of fashion and these with mere conservative tastes. Solid colors and many desirable mixtures. Overcoats Made of the plaid back materials that everybody wants these days. Stylish, belt-all-around or half belt models, with set-in raglan or kimono sleeves. Your choice of many desirable tweeds and Scotch mixture). Samples of High-Grade Trousers) m Sell for $7 te $10 Regularly ?fe f Qfl . hint ctercraK anrl -fnnv rrinvinf nrr-erf inf 4 HA That Flne wrtrfrle trousers that would sell for double our price if the size ranges I were net ee umitce. nowever, we stm nave irem uu te 44 waist I line in stock. ,, . - Beys' $8.50 Corduroy $C.98 Suits..... ' J Many With Twe Pair of Knlehtrt Real boyish norfelk style- All seams taped. Light and dark shades of tan and brown. Sires 6 te 18. Beys' $12.50 All-wool $0.50 Suits ' Twe Pairs of Knichmrs Norfelks. Fancy che che veots, cassimercs, tweeds. Brown, gray, green. Sises 6 te 18. Lit Brethr Second Fleer Seventh Street . j $13.50 Overcoats j & Mackinaws, $10 i Deuble-brenntrd evr coats vrlth detachable belts , In brown and gray Cheviot ' and casslmere"!. Slies 7 le I" I Norfolk mackinaws with muff and patch pecketi In fancy mixtures and plntd I Sizes T te IS mm ExtraBigAnniversaryVakesiiiGlorieusFurCoafs The loveliest imaginable kinds for Christmas gifts-at 25, 30, AND EVEN MORE OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES. A small deposit reserves selections. Russian Marmet Coats $195 VnluC( 36.inch Seif 9-i OQ-75 :: i $110 Coats, 36-inch Self $7Q.75 Trimmed Medels XtU ; Trimmed Medels i ! $235 Value. 3G-inch Skunk $1 n C ; S125 Coats. 40-inch Self $QA -50 Trimmed Medels . ... S125 Coats, 40-inch Trimmed Medels . . $160 Coats, 45-inch Self X'QQ-00 ', Trimmed Medels W ; $195 Coats, 36-inch Rac- $-1 OQ.75 coon Trimmed Medels.. ' ; French Nearseal Coats O J253 Value. 40-inch $1 00.75 I03 Si.,nV Trimmed Medels : $290 Value, 40-in. Beaver erUOOC j "J ! Sauirrel Trimmed Medels LbV $350 Value Natural Muskrat Coats S190 Values, 36-inch Self $1 1 Q Trimmed Medols lit $225 Values, 8G-inch 1 $14 0.7 Self Trimmed Medels Ai $250 Values,, 40-inch 5 Self Trimmed Medels corn irni.... ac. :.u t-. Sauirrel Trimmed Medels; -f Tl '"""','7W "uc e,n Vnl. 45-inch Skunk 1 JJ1A coon nuimce meaeis.. . . i Trimmed Medels 1697 $250 Magnificent Hudsen Seal Coats Reduced $350 Values, 36-inch Skunk Trimmed Medels $425 Values, 40-inch Skunk Trimmed Medels s275 $325 $495 Values, 45-inch Skunk Trimmed Medels $495 Values, 45-inch Tuxedo Wraps 397 $395 $26.50 French Seal i Steles, $16.50 Twe yards lene: twelve , inches wide. Silk lined Children's Fura, $1.98 te $10.93 lAt Brethers Second F'oer m Shirts : Sale Extraordinary! Continued te the Sprnnrl Rier Dnv We've brought up the reserve of our tremendous purchase of Argonne and ether famous makes of men's fine shirts sc that the range of sizes and the selection of styles is just as complete as it was en the first day. Yeu will find no i ii nuiLJ.!.!.:. Pmn nerlir irml Rlpfrr.inns ari hoof T fU ! ii. . ... better values anywnere in an riumuuipnu. --"" "" "" w"" "' -"L: 1Ub ai miest striped and novelty effwts. with comfortable soft cuffs and geed pearl buttons. . $1.50 Of sturdy piintcd Taad- ras. $2 SHIRTS i Of superior madras. grade woven 1 e Iw l1f $2.25 SHIRTS Of neat durable printed reps. $2.50 SHIRTS Of softest white and tan rep. f$1 29 1$1 4Q iYi'w $3 Shirts, Many with cellar attached, $1.98 Handsome silk stripe madras. Alse beautiful snow white mer cerized cotton shirts with cellar attached S3 Shirts. Many with cellar attached. SI. 69 Of English woven madraa, colorful striped poplins, whtt and tan aero doth. Alse white oxfords, white and tan aero and aorenlane cloth shirts with cellar attached. " ' Misses' & W Coats! ii - - - nits! r rocks All little Anniversarv lets ruthlessly cut in price for quick disposal. Biggest bargains of the year and matchless choice! Many, many Yeu can t fail te be delighted with what- Women's $45 COATS Seme hav stunning cellars of beaeerttla. A Reusing Week End Clearaway! kinds but "fews" of a kind, se try te come carh in the dav. Misses' $W COATS ! In choicest grades of I ; beliin, nermandic, vc- j lour, broadcloth and I duvet dc laine. All arc I Mlk-lincd. All colors. i Women's $50 Bcdutiful 1 $OA.75 Coats. . . 0Jf Leely blouse models m hi(rh-Rrade NeleHir, helrnn-and dmet dc lainp "ich beaveretle cellars, cuffs, and pccKets. A-? pic tured. SilL-lined thiough thieugh thiough eut. All colors. Women's $70 Cents, $59.75 collection without t equal in Philadelphia! Rich pile fabrics loeue, hanging wraps wanted for dressy wear, all tepprd with big, beautiful eellai.s of wolf; silk-lined and warmly Interlined. Cwit1 l ! 'i-fw . SBfcs-; p jClSV, ever you buy lierc for stJ'Ies are the choicest et C--cfeL C-Pilk f H Es!!lSg&iv the season and prices low beyond your fondest ffr. vsa W Velour in nav, brown I and sorrente. Blouse t model, embroidered in back and trimmed with t beaverctte cellar. Lined I with figured silk ' Misses' $27.50 Fur- trimmed $1 A.50 Coats . Women's $40 Dresses, $29.75 Combining caracul cloth and Canten Crepe in stunning fashion; distinctively geed look leok loek ingwith very newest bishop sleeves (with tight cuffs) and smart new necklines. Misses' $25 Velveteen r rocks 16.75 Most attiaLthe drfiases tIUi shlnv hi aid trlmmlnc Bstencd In liaek, round nccli nnd three-quarter ilcees Verv eutliftil anil becom becem trip navy, black and brown Lt Brethers Mlsoetf' & Women's Skirts, $5 te $12.98 Plain and striped wool mostly popular plaited effects, also some tailor ed styles with pockets included. -Second Fleer Misses' & Women's $40 Suits, Seme with Fur: $25 I i mi finel tailored i cleurs trlcetine aprl sersrts m n&v and black nema embroidered beaeretfe et leallne In stunnlnfr navi models tncluded J!ae cellars or are plain tailored peau cie r Kne linintrs ffyrp Wonderful Values in Extra Geed-looking eleurs ny, brown or reindeer stlk-lmed throughout and r-nnched with iilk stitch ing and lovely beaverette cellars. I MiDes' $45 j Handsome " $00.50 v.eais . J Beautiful bihertenes in Sorrento, nay and black, with rich si.k shtchmg and lovely cellars et bcnerette Alse stunning bread cloth models with dyetfi opossum cellar Silk lined throughout &L 98 New Waists Every lm-j spina ble sort of hlrtnvA fr the smart ' Jfc Tomorrow tailored r dresty suit, at fnllv a tnird less than veu'd expect te pay. G e e r g e tte Waists lace trimmed Peter Pans with real filet edging and insertion and tiny plaits Radium Silk Waists in the pretty Peter PHn style. Waists with pla'ted fronts, much use et fine fluting, Peter Pan cellars and tnrn b''" t"f Second Fleer mh ' . rl A I 'Jll& t repe de Chine Over An Acre Devoted te Toys All at Lit Brethers' Money Meney Saving Prices r lUthrrit Tri.r 'i jr nnr 1 omerrow !3 Silk Stockieffs 1 1 K O, I t v . lei . 1 .1 Til I 1 1 i i TO' ri,d U f tm B a k hit' . id h it ethri Mia'lf . ti i eKUlfcr fit it r nif Sen ' Lew Priced M ercha Men's $4 te $6 shoes, $2.95 iin-mctal and tan. Women's $4 te $6 High & Lew shoes, $1.95 Tan cun metal and kid Strap ptimpB, oiferd and Hlieei $3 te $4 Shoes, $1.95 Beyp' Sires 1 te 11 'i Kiiseii' ft Ch'Wren'B Size s' te Infants' Sires 4 e t iiun met&l, tan and patent cn)m We Wall or Then Orders Pilled en Subway Footwear. $1.50 Scout Gauntlets., 98c Revb'. I.lncd 75c Curtains, each, 49c Lace brtsa ht. Men's $1.50 Shirts, 89c Gtrlped percale, soft cuffs Men's $2 Union Suits, $1.49 Jlnndem mixed Beys' $1.50 Blouses, 79c Striped madras Mses S te lfl $13.50 Rag; Rugs, $9.98 Hit and miss ruga 9x1 J feet C35 Seamless Rugs, $16.98 Royal Wilten 3x9 feet $6 Rugs, $3.98 Weel and nbre 6x1 feet Women's 75c Bleemers, 49c IMnk cotton Women's $1.35 Union Suits, 98c Cotten rlbbad. Halt Trimmed Free of Charge $4 Ready-Trimmed Hats, $1.98 0k. 1 JrjfefftSffiy sjjz-fr YJ2 yJMC r jt ij j Nmf Trem n New Yerk maker ntlk 'velvet nnd duve tyne pretty cel ers: erieetlve turn- I mlnjrs. Three pic- I iiiree. Men's $25 te $30 Suits, $14.98 & $17.75 Uxtra treiibers. Cheviots and cas slmeres Men's $32.50 Overcoats, $16.98 Alse ulateretteti c hevlets and tweeds Men's $18.50 te $20 Suits, $12.75 Ohelets und casalmcres Children's Fur Sets, $2.98 White, kit and brown iene Men's $22.50 Overcoats, $13.98 Chevlete caaslmeres and t-needs Men's $5 Trousers, $2.89 Corduroy Beys' $6 Suits, $2.95 Corduroy. Sliea 2H te 8, Girls' $6 te $10 Dresses, $3.95 & $4.95 samples auk dreuses ruffled nd rontreftinp ly t r I m m n d Serire Urease m roEUlatlen and m I d d v etyles SIwm 7 te 14 Girls' $10 Coats, $5 Weel velour Sires 8 te 14 V T-T42S $2 te $6.50 Corsets, $1 te $3 various styles. K' 9 9 vWT IA Beys' S8.50 Mackinaws. $4.98 Blunl.iit plaids Sizes 6 le IT Beys' $12 Suits, $6.48 Txira pants c erdure .slins 6 te 17 Women's & Misses' $15 te $25 Coats, $10, $12 & $15 MarmlHh mixtures, oletir, Kerse Belivia, allvertene and nlush DarU Seme hae fur cellatn n's & Misses' $6 te $12 $3.95 & $5 ereey and tweeds $2 GIetcs. $1.28 wlllte anil rnlnr.t t. iA $3 Snorts Satin. Sl.fiQ White; 40-lnch 39c Ribbed Waists, 25c Children's. ndise 1$ u fauns s fp JWWtlHfmMiJ LJSSatmim lsislllti---'---- ------- - nhadeR Wor Sr We Blat '.ses, $2 rW eleur Jei n, $1.50 te i.ir IIBOTKJIS Visit Our Kw Sir aesUurant Best of Hverythlng- at lowest .. $1.25 Night Gowns, 89c Regular and extra alien ITannel ette. $10.50 Chest of Silver Plated Ware, $6.79 Twentv-sl pieces Quadruple Plated Ware I e 13.60 TEA. BHTB $3.98 Tour pieces f 3 WATER PITCHERS 85 98 t Beys' $8.50 Overcoats, $4.89 Alae reefers Cheiletn and cassl meres. 2u, te 10. Beys.' $12.50 Overcoats,$7.98 Cheviots and casslmeres. Slies " te 18, rrlees Seventh Tloer or Oar Weyr SaUalnjr, 7th and Market SU. 80c Envelope Chemise, 49c Straps or built-up tiheulilers Women's $1 Stockings, 59c Weel henthrru Impel feet 25c & 30c Stockings, 12lcc, Children niirk niten Women's $1.50 Stockings, 89c & Ik niehelleil rltihi aid clock' $3 Charmeuse Satin, $1.49 niaik. 40-lmh 50c Cretonnes, 24c I tght or dark g-eunds Girls' $3.50 Raincapes. $1.98 niue mbberUed iiatlne. Rises 8 te ' Bs . SKBR5 w bV(siSR J III mmn HI . ti. m ii -- r- i ; Z.I7 XISOTXVKS XMlu 1 ' h "1 'dBBBBISUA 1 m s I 1 .s t K x