rf,KrHTvv "w "-'"" c - - rrvi wr -i .H. V Hy (J, rv :t , V tM J, ' 8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2e, 1921 9RffiHVBHMBVBVniw7iiavvvik)fMQWVI r i IV HI R1I, HI WLKES-BARRE 1 INQUIRY HITS NAG State Senater Joyce and Al leged Partners Refuse te Give Testimony COURT TAKES NEW TACK Spinal Dispatch 1 Era nil P ib' e f'.lfl'r Wilkes-llarre. Nev. -Tj Judge .Jehn M. Uarmati failed today te force Matt? Senater J'. F. .I'-yc and .losepli lolln lelln M, aliened l armor in u boetlept!li same, te (tire t-tttiieti in his reurt. Vlmt he did us te e.ill Pletrict At At ternrx Arthur H. .Tames into his lre nce. turn ever the testimony and the records in the cae nml direct Jinn te prepare warrants for the arrest of .fejve. Tellnskl and J Mm Iuidera if he found nr.v i-vidcnie of vielfit. en of tuc eMead hnw. . . When ttie eae .n rail.-1 v . A. VnlcnMne. who appeared for .T.ee and Telinski. ehjected te the reurt hearing any teMimnny en the .latin that the rquin proceedings brought bv I.ce Ki .ianski acnin-t J.ycn. 1 '"'V',?"; llnKUi hpd been titled, and that there wah nerhlUK before the eeurt This nu.. i as arsued a' m" lenstli Vi.1- .hnldiiu-that Kijansu, had a-ked t.. -i "'",,',n,!n,,f,1lhr:' fairs f the W ..i"-' nlle Priic Cen L Inter feU '".1 "lln',a ', '' .lera n partners lie .envn.M n,- that nftT e. niiiitinp '!. made i ,, ?;. settlement. Tellnsk. paM"? "" te ttnrnev Sheii of Oneh Kneel. received S2.VM ,,,., , . The reurt called Te'.iti'd.i ' itarnl. hut after he jet there K re- fiiM-d. en the ndviee of eeuncel. te fn m tetlmenv .eneern'.nR the ai'ege.I , ,",&?nnA.r.,n ,-l..l-e,hesr1r,1 FUR COATS Frem $200 Upward r.l MODKLINft M KITMIUVI. M'KCIXLTY BROWN & BR UTHER 1H f hrlten Xc (iirmniitewn I'lfrnr G " fexen !t Recerd i 30Z4 I Sunnj Tnnesic s lock Me te sleep Whartnaby's Music Stere 1'023 S. ".(1 St. FRIDAYandSATURDAY SPECIAL 1 lb. L'AIGLON CHOCOLATES Cream, Nut and Fruit Centers I'J Varieties BOTH I FOH UNASSORTED; FUDGE Vanilla Walnut. 1 Black Walnut. I Choce'ats FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0NL1 L'Aigien Fudge Shep Chestnut above ISth Street V "A tube in the home is worth two in the store" Cleans, polishes and protects the teeth perfectly. Large Sire 25c Medium She JOe Meney is the life-bleed qf Busi ness. Staprnnnt circula tion of money begets stagnant business. De posit your money with this Company and it will return te you (with interest) in muny ways. DOUBLE Your Saving It CAN Be Den: COMMONWEALTH TUla Iniaunct md Trait Compin; N. W. Car. lZtk and Chtiteat Sti. tnd he DLcwise tcfused te give anv i"itltnenjr. !le rlnlmcd, through cenn- i el. that the efiilt.v preceedliiRS were iped off the reurt li-t. and that no ither 'hnrKe eiv preferred against lilm. Lee Kiianxkl wns ordered te tlip ' stand by t lie court and. te the surprise ' of the court, he refitwd te unsm'r I liiPHtiena or Rlvc testimony. u lien naked what lawyer hail di rected him net te testify, he derlnr.'d it was Attorney Shea. Judge (ianiinn immediately committed Kijanskl for contempt of court, mid Kijanskl and Shea went Inte inference. Attorney Shea then announced that lie had net directed his cliuit net te testif hut thnt he had told him ieral dms tK that the case u.is settled. Kijanskl. he said, tool; th.s te nic.iii that 'i' , would net hni te j-ive testimem. .ludp (inrninu aecepfed this excuse and di rtrted that the contempt of our chaig'' ! he withdrawn and Kiiniiski set fr c. I There bclntf 'i witness's. Judge 'tnrman .sent t'r die Iijstiui Atttirti't. He took all the papers n tic c.ic turned them ever te the pr s, , ut ng at- ' terney. tnld him te sift th" tetinien. ' c ever the original charges In the, bill of miilty and. If he found anything en which te base a warrant for violation of liquor laws, te come Inte court inn' warrants neuhl be InmiciI. .The cnultj cafe i new marked off the list a settled. Any future move must come nil the District Attorney. KI'.I'MKIVf) akt r.i.s SPnriAI.TY Philadelphia Ornamental Glass Works STAINED AND LEADED ai for ehurhej vee, Irim h r-ji.'.ie 1 :lld:ni; Iiei:BTis n-tl et'ii n irrlslwl 516 N. 9th Street P- t id !,.p:r 83T I I I 1 1 I ' "iii.iniiB.pHj j i r Rutin 70841 70S7H k I B Platinum-Faced Bar Pin This platinum-faced bar pin is a beautiful lace-work design, uith dia mond of geed size in center $38. The pierced designs are very attractive and have been accepted as the most fashionable. Our stock offers a large variety of moderately priced bar pins. t , S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. PI VMOND JtUnCHANTi? JHWULURS SILVCRSMITIIS Oak Hall Overcoats at About Half Price We have selected by exact count 323 Overcoats built by Wanamaker & Brown's own tailors te sell today and to morrow en this basis of saving $25 or Overcoats regularly $45 and $50 $35 fr Overcoats regularly $60 and $65 It is sufficient te say that these overcoats are built by Wanamaker and Brown but a great majority of men will be glad te knew that they are all conservative Chesterfield styles or slightly form fitting in blacks, blues and oxford grays, silk lined. Velvet or cloth cellars as you prefer. CHOICE OF 1000 OVERCOATS HANDSOME NEW PLAID BACKS Q7A Zfl f F0R PLAID BACK OVERCOATS OF REGULAR $35 JU QUALITIES IN THE SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES. FOR OVERCOATS OF 40 AND $50 QUALITIES. CIA fa CIO HANDSOME HERRINGBONES IN BROWNS pO) 3 $00 ) AND TANS WITH STRIKING SCOTCH PLAID ' BACKS. Cleths are Germanias, Glebes, Ponteosucs and Merrimacs. Styles are town ulsters, ulsterettes, raglans and large ulsters. $24.50 FOR CHOICE FROM SEVERAL HUNDRED NEW ALL-WORSTED SUITS WORTH S30 AND $35 BUSINESS SUITS. Weman's Shep News $18.75 Fer 100 new dresses, whose full values range from $25 te $55. This special purchase for Saturday's buyers contains .beautiful tricetines, canton crepes, reshanara crepes. Styles are plain tailored, and there are many that are 'beaded and wool embroidered. Sizes are 16, 18, 38 and 40. "Fer lerser Unit suits and jump er dressei that were 510.75. S13.75 " Ce,ors arp tiue' nrewn nav' ' Copenhagen, and there are plain 'and heather mixtures. f- ....... .. .m i-. In S7.V l nr -uii mm in .1.. ... ...... Tweeds, tricetines. sihertenes, S39.75 duct de laiues, and yalanias. Seme samples in this jjreup, six different styles. Celers are naYj, brown, taupe and black. S27.75 S29 rPer S.12.."i0 coats lite Mrles with beaerctte cellars. Three 'stjleh silk lined. Weel veleurs, (Bilvertenes and belivias. ' Ter suits taken from our rec- ular stock that were $33. At . .lUlu aqmn ficrii,- Inn uill rind . D iRample suits worth up te $37..")0. ; l ween. Herges, incmries, enn- iiets and veleurs. olers are navy, black, brown and oxford. $29.75 $112.75 $59 75 I7011 WOMEN'S SB.". COATS. $85a10 FOR WOMEN'S .$100 COATS. The coats in these four groups are of all in a great variety of styles and in all na med and all of them are beautiful. Fer S.15.00 and $.17.50 drfHses, in nine different styles. Trice tines. canton crepes, satin crepes, embroidered, tailored and beaded. Xavys and blacks. fFer wonderful coats in five dif ferent Myles that were 5123 te i SI 32. Ilrewn, velnay, t open- Ihagen and navy. I Seme with natural squirrel cel- , lars, dyed squirrels, beavers, biir mole cellars and cuffs. Australian opossum. Fully lined land interlined. fFer $75 coats in six different ffiQ nC Utyleh. Belivias, veldette and iJ07.) veldyne. Berne fur trimmed land some plain. All new colors. fFer $55 and $59.75 suits, beau J AQk nC J ti fully tailored. Yalama and j?Tcy. D 1 tricetinc cloths. Browns, taupe, lnavs and blacks. Fer SI5 drehscs in tricetinc and C2Q 7CjBatin canton crepes. Navys and U)5 7. D j blacks. These are beautiful 1-drcsses. Kiftht styles. $45.00 FOR WOMEN'S $55 COATS. $49J5 FOR WOMEN'S $55 COATS. the latest and most beautiful materials w colors. Most of them are fur trim- Unusual Saturday Specials for Beys $7.50 j $8.50 $12.75 for 123 Beys' Suits, former prices up te $20. All sizes 7 te 18. Fer Beys' Tweed Suit with extra trousers, sizes 8 te 18 $15 qualities. Fer Beys' Sjfjtch Plaid Blanket Cleth Mackinaw. Sizes 8 te 18. $10.75 $10.50 $9.50 (: i Fer gray and brown Cheviot Suits with Extra Trousers, ecularly $12.50. Fer Beys' Corduroy Suits with extra trousers. $13.50 values. Fer Beys' Sceteh Plaid Mackinaws, inverted pleat models, sizes 8 te 18. Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth for 60 Years LARGESTHEADQUARTERS and the LOWEST PRICES in Philadelphia since 1900 1 Educator J$HG MOT by name, but by fact! In my two stores arc Educator Shoes for every known size and 'ast for men, women and children. We fill doctors' prescriptions and supfrest the right shoes te allevi ate all feet discomforts. S.K.MELLER Expert Fitters Twe Stores 200y2 Market St. 209 tlfll I'henn Mnrkft 4DI0 Mall Outers Pr"mptj; h'Uleil Opfn Kntnnlnvii Titll 10 P. SI. AA te yJr The Barren Bread Bex- Just why is it that the day's' end tee often shows an empty bread-box in the home of the average Meenehan customer? It is simply a streng: compliment te Meenehan's Electrically Baked Bread itself. It's just TOO geed te last tee long in any home 'where geed things arc en the table. MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 18 Seuth 52d Street M Seuth 60th St. 2601 Gcrmuntewn Ave 100D Market Street -"- I'W'A DOUII1 Dl. Mail Orders Filleld BMMBfgjpji,,. . wMiiaaiatMiMajtgMinMBM9g'r,3WaEtBgBBMWtWMaTlWB A Saturday Sale! . iv mP rimfl I ti I 4M i tS fHHa r Open Every Evening S Come in Today or Tomorrow Never Before Such Savings ! Our Biggest Annual wsm Mr. Hill's Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase :m mm tn. 'V' " ,:i a. j -t r l- rj.ri.e.-.' i ianrKIiMri'aBa..TiJ jeiiiiisuf if .$ i . t.v : .:v'Trv9a2HwayrAtrjTJjBfK it i s-L..."Si.fe? wgmmMm&mzr M mm mmm i.fti&mrz I kci--' MffiORV Greatest in Assortments Greatest in Value Giving Man, there has never been any thing like it before ! Never be fore such value giving never before such assort ments te cheese from at these extraordi nary low prices. Crowds have been at tending and crowds will be here today and tomorrow te share, tee for re member, there arc Actual Savings of $10.00 te $15.00 Even Mere--! Mr. Hill's sales and value giving is known from Coast te Coast it is the talk of clothing merchants every where. But, Man this sale is even greater than any sale Mr. Hill has ever held. Yeu will be surprised at the thousands and thousands of overcoats displayed. If you need a new Overcoat, hurry in today, tonight, or tomorrow! Don't think of going anywhere but te THE HILL STORE for no ether sale can equal these values. Men's Winter Sul With One or Twe Pairs of Trousers Down gees the prices en all men's suits as a companion sale. The savings are most unusual the values supreme. Every material every style every pattern every coloring and a size for every man. Actual Savings of $10.00 te $15.00 I Inen H treninrec ysSMr -iw sw izG8r tbw S? yfiS. ffPHl 55sSSiffl ?g5ggj Ml jrajuJH tiipSsgAVV 13 lfrprrr . 7r?)P?y Jl-MQ& Stere Orders Accepted Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's and Beys' Clothing Stere Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's and Beys' Clothing Stere 1 0 1 9-1 02 1 Market Street x RiUbll9bcI Ittn JIT I" T"