rws-r; ' :!vv?':y i- V JEYENIttG PUBLIC TiBDGEI-PHtLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1921 2e, i VlRST XMAS TREES HERE GHtxieu lim: umuus J Children and Grewn-Ups Visit Care en Railroad Sidings , t3, eblltlrcn, Christians Is coming 'the first cnrlen,ls e Christmas trees "J? "rnrC"FPcm9 llke Christmas" tin- II " i 1 rt- r .11. .....I ........ tyikf.liti til tilt" lnls """ hieiiiiii uneRlH r"""1"""' CHURCH KITCHEN BURNS tw-nln tn lend uu aromatic tunc te the lr e city streets. There aren't very "lnT (rocs here yet, hut nt least the -"?l J -. .........1 linu iiiltnn mill 41... 4.. II France gunnl linn come, and the full ,n cohorts will arrive any day. The fir-'1 eenxlRiimrnt eenMMrd of )we .j.,u hreiielit in today en thu Pliiln. Slehin "n(1 Heid'ng Knllway and new ' InRln the freight urN at Nineteenth resting Auxiliary Building at Drexel Hill May Have Been Fired by Tramp Fire destrejed a small frame auxili ary building, need as a kitchen In thu rear et the Presbyterian Church at Drexel Hill, just after midnight this About S1000 dnmnec was done te the Interior of the church by Street and Indiana avenue. The trees, 'ill humlMmil' Urn, came all the Wnv from CU'uiuu ii' h"""" " mi- m-iirri 01 Philadelphia ehlldren this ChrlstmnH. They are line tree, and te the dealer rnmlst! Red "crop this year. The news that they had nrrlrcd ' tin-mi iiuuur tin' neiKUDoriwed of (h,. rpiclit jards this morning like the -caS of the coming of the circus, and brought an almost like response from he ehlldren. Hundreds went te fop the Christmas trees) before they went te iruui'l Te Enlarge Prospect Fire Heuse The I'reMieet I'ark Tire Company has bedded te erect 11 forty -feet addition te Its lire beuse, which will give niiich nPMled room for the numerous nctlvitir planned 1. the borough. About !?I000 1 be epeiit mi the enlargement, which -ts III be started at once. smoke and wntcr. The llre was discovered by a motor ist nnd extirgutshed by the Garret-ferd-Drcxel Hill Flre Company. It Is supposed te hnve been started by a tramp who used the stove te cool; a meal. C. A. Leland, of Media, Dies C. A.- Leland, sixty years old, of Media, a retired business man, died .suddenly .yesterday of heart disease while en a gunning trip In New Leu- i den, Chester County. This Fine RING $315.00 One Ijrgr. perfect diamond in beuutllul all-platinum Bettlutf with two smaller atones. XUA8 CATAVOUVIl liV.lDY Ml ITTMIWZCelumblaAvu F1U 1 lland5Saeih.9t. 'ir -j I ,& III Fer Tomorrow I 1 jh Leads ! 11 I Yum lust Cme te Strawbrifa & Qetlrier's S iADneDncanent Doesn't Held a The Newest Dress Pumps At a Moderate Price Our offerings for the winter season forcibly demonstrate our always Moderate Price Policy coupled with the Style, nlways associated with Dalsimer footwear. This Style Value Reputation is the reason for Dalsimer leadership. II I 'I I II I I " fill nBHBHBBOHaHI M Black Calf ) High I-rench Heels. Ml An ideal dress and party pump delightfully m tempting and, as usual, at our low price. I I J liflt)- . atarday 1 Iras Half of tie Geed Mews! IF YOU HAVE A CHARGE ACCOUNT HERE, EVERYTHING BOUGHT NOW MAY BE PAID FOR JANUARY FIRST. BUY GIFTS TO-MORROW. Special Values in Women's Tailored Cleth Dresses $20.00 and $25.00 Greatly Under Regular Prices M $20.00 A remarkable let of Tai lored Drc'sses et duvet de laine, tricetinc, serge and Peiret twill, in straight-line, coat, panel and circular skirt styles, at tractively braided and embroidered one model sketched. Black, brown and navy. ilf.n-'irt 1-v ,. . . t-i" j j MI ai ;?-u.uu ureases or line reirei twin, tricetine and duvet dc laine the best value in years ut $25.00. Many different models, embroidered in silk or trimmed with various plain and novelty braids. Fine Weel Jersey Dresses Special, $12.75 te $20.00 In beautiful shades beaver, Burgundy, rich brown, navy and black. Tunic, panel and straight line styles, plain-tailored or elaborately embroid ered in color. Seme with tailored snug sleeves, ethers with sleeves in the new wide ciTects. B-r Btr.wbrtdis A Clothier 8cend Flcer, Marliet fjtreet I 4 I An ' V ' V TVTT?AJWhe Need Clothing Cannet lflJCil 1 Afford te Miss This Great Sale We de net presume te .suggest it ih necessary for you te book te buy your Clethes at a reduction. But a saving such as this wonderful Sale afford is very welcome te most men these days. When we say you cannot afford te miss these values, we mean it as emphasizing the FINE CHARACTER AND QUALITY of the Clothing, as well as the REDUCTION IN PRICE. WICKHAM SUITS One-third Belew Regular Prices $35.00 te $62.50 Suits, New $24.50 te $38.50 These Suits are made exclusively for this Stere from the best lines of all-wool fabrics, the designing and tailoring unexcelled. Thousands of men have bought them, and new, at the close of the manufacturing season, we take ever the entire factory stock and mark it at an AVERAGE REDUCTION OF ONE-THIRD from this season's low prices: $240,$29.50Ss5 $33.50Lirn! $38.50?! "" Cass imerc Suits, in neat .dark stripes and the lighter mixtures and youthful and three-button models. Twe coats. Sire; in all proportions. eluding fcilk- lined Sample Suits; newest styles. .Samples in size u'6, ether's in all sizes. Suits of iln- t fabrics cl tiding Hec kunum silk mixtures Absolutely un matcliable alucs. Sii'.eu in all pre-portion. Silk Hosiery of Quality $1.'J5 THE BIG SHOE STORE Fettr Fleora With Scativci Capacity for r,00 Men, Women, Miseee, Beys and Children 1204-06-08 Market Street TEIKWAY PIANOS Why Buy a Steinway? If the unqualified endorsement of the World's Greatest Musicians, from the time of Wagner-Liszt te this day of Paderewski-Hefmann, is te decide your choice of a piano then you will buy a Steinway. If the conclusions of the Eminent Men of Science are te be taken into consideration then you will buy a Steinway. If the choice of the People of Authority all ever the world has its influ ence then you will buy a Steinway. If the example of mere than 100,000 American Hemes is te be followed, then you will buy a Steinway. If you seek the best piano in musical results; in long, satisfactory service; in fairness of price and in final cost then you will buy a Steinway. Only Philadelphia Representatives of Steinway & Sens: RSTETSON&CO. Ull CHESTNUT ST. WE SELL EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Unusual Opportunities for Saving en Women's Coats i I ft A j I l f In, I1 f H m Ha At $20,00 Interest seems unending, enthusiasm continues unabated. Te-morrow some of the same geed values that have set the town a-talking re-orders and different lets equally geed. Coats of tan cloaking, soft and warm, in thrcc-nuartcr lenirth. silk-lined throughout. Anether model of dark tan cloaking of heavier weight, with yoke and slceves lined. At 97 i riV0 VCI7 Sed models of wool ni V"'VV velour. One ia loose, full-back style with all-around belt, button-trimmed aideb. The ether is held in the back with belt. Ileth ure lined throughout with silk. Navy, brown, tan and black. The Famous ALCO Winter Overcoats for Men $40.00 te $85.00 Values, New $27.50 te $62.50 Seme of these Overcoats are marked at about manufacturers' temer, at a less, at the end of their biggest season : and , r f r f Men's and young men'- Ulstcrs, Ul- " "" sterettes and plain Chesterfield Overcoats, of cost eJe.-ed out te this Stere, their largest cus- $27.50 .Men s young men's geed, warm " well- made Overcoats in belted style1-. All- $33.50 $38.50Jrsir $46.50 ettes, in the colorings models wool, of course. Be carlj. fine, thick, warm fabric- popular new that have been our host regular sellers. Irish coatings Crenibie Scotch and dark colorings Overcoats of finest f a b rics, includ i n g rich and the famous fabrics. Light The Very Finest Winter Overcoats, Many Made of Crombie's Famous Scotch Coatings All Extraordinary Values $54.50 te $62.50 -V -"ra.,r!-,-!d i. f,0"i'r sfoend Fleer, L'aet At $35.00 High-grade cloths, livia weaves. In chiefly T5o T5e T5o creod dark shades and silk-lined throughout. All plain tailored models with cellars closing well at threat. At S55.00 An exceptional value. Several Y very geed models of various high-grade cloths one model sketched. Loose Leose Loese and belted-back models. All in geed dark shades; cellars of fur, and elegant silk lining throughout. Xt $7f 00 These, tee, are in a variety of Vl 3Q.UU 8lyiCS( some attractively stitched. All of high-grade cloths and with col cel lars of taupe nutria or Australian opossum. Fine dark veleurs, and various ether fashionable weaves. All- around belted models with deep cellars and cuffs At $90.00 of dyed wolf or skunk; n few with beaver cellars StTMvbri2 i. C'ethtrr Second Fleer Ontr Men's Fine Furnishings A wonderful selection of these little but important dress cl cntials from the leading Ameri can and European manufacturers. NECKTIES from Londen, Paris, and et American origin, at 50c te Se.Od. SUSPENDERS from Londen and Paris as well as many well known American makes, from 30c te $4.00. MUFFLERS from England, France, Switzerland and America 53.50 te 518.00. HANDKERCHIEFS from England, France, Japan and America, 3.'ic te $1.00. BELTS and BUCKLES of va rious kind-i at a wide range of prices. Sinivihrias i. i"lethl- "..vit S'rrr. IS'chtli -M-e: Frfe. (I ' f i i a t 4 f t Pi p . V j u .n rny la fi f fa fifmtv niffi m t 4 i A Great Tey Stere Filled with Gifts for Beys and Girls And Santa Claus te Greet Them Such wonders' as await boys and girls te-morrow in the Te Stere: Santa Claus has a Christmas Story Boek for every one who visits him. Be sure te ask him for your Boek. Then, see the Toys and Games, the Rocking Hersey the Vulon pedes. Ceaster Wagons, the Mechanical Beats, the Animals that leek like real, the Scheenhut Circus Clowns and Animals. And elder'girls and bevs will want te see Meccano, Chemcraft and the new Sachet Outfit. Fur HttK HttK tets the wooden Toys te be pulled. And while they are in the Tey Stere, Beys and Girls will want te pur chase the gifts they will give te their brothers and sisters and little friends, Never was there greater selection! See the Moving Picture Machines and the Magic Lanterns And whisper in Santa Claus' ear that you would like one for jour gifi. Exclusive French Togs and Dells T nil-lit ft Mfti-hittr) fu ,. il,;i,I., ir....; i , t ' 'v ""w " ei- iui wci ct unu iuusicai legs Electric Trains and Electric Teg Washing Machines Dells, Dell. Houses, Coaches, Furniture and Steves and Other Togs Without Number H.- f tow E. D. Angell, B. S., M. D. Instructor Harvard Summer Scheel of Physical Lducatien. Instructor Yale Sunimet, Scheel of Phy-ical Education. One of America's leading Physical Directors and athletic coaches will be hnre te-morrow te demonstrate for the benefit of local Physical Directors and the public, the merit.-, of the wonderful new game- it BIFF" Healthful fun and e.ercise fur young or old only 7 feet playing .space required. En dorsed by prominent boxers, athletes and p'.-iy instructors. M-..-wbr!(U:fi d Clothier - Pnjr'h lVoer The Christmas Boek Stere Is a Treasure Heuse of Gifts Come te the Boek Stere te-morrow and select the gifts en your list. Beeks that will give the children hours of enjoyment Beeks they will be proud te own. FOR MEN AND WOMEN All the bet new Beeks Fiction, History, Biography, Poetry, Essays. Beeks en Topics of the Day arc especially interesting. All the much-heralded popular Beeks are hete and many that will prev- "the different Boek" you have been wanting. - -y Struv ttv.Be i. rl0tj,ler-rferone rioer. West h Pfa i si. ? I J Talking Machines Just, for Children and Musical Tens yw Other Togs Without Number J$rfa (T Be as early as you can, for the Tey Stere will be a bus. $$& WwH P'ace te"morrow aml l)etn children and grown-ups will enjoy JF- ju Sporting- Goods Suitable for Gifts The active boy or girl might appreciate a gift selected from among these Rugby Feet BulU te S10. Soccer Balls $e.0) te S12.00. Velley Bal's. Sli.lH) te ?S.OO. Basket Balls tf4.,'."j te $15.00. Boxing tlleves j:; and $5 set. Striking Bags 83.50 te $15.00. Reller Skate, ball bearings Reller Skates, plai.i Blouses and Over-Blouses lv Hehda. atserfiiK '.tr art ready -- hundred- of Uauuful new medtls. Georgette and Crepe Over Blouses, $4.S5 In beautiful light shades, many models beaded and embroidered Crepe de Chine Over Blouses Sr.00. So.eO, SG.75 te 8..")0 Showing all the mu luadiiig anl embroidery, fancj ntnehing, nlibetiuie fringes, ' tiie new -ieees and gudles and -mart new necklines or cellars. I!!uck, nn, brown, bisqui, m)hir.k. Mignonette Over-Bleu.-es, .Many Styles A'J.75 te S5.7." Embroidered or braid triiuuicd. Silk Blouses. Sli.UO and 4.50 emi-tailerrd Pongee Bleuss, '..0ti. Tailured plaid.- and tripes, $1.50. -trjn- ri 'c . S i i i , -. Thousands of Men's Shirts at Special Prices New 85c -Well-made, comfort ably proportioned Shins of fast fast fast .oler percale. New $1."J5 Excellent Shirts of white cheviot, tan pongee and striped percale. New $1. 35 Shirts of fiue-t percale, together with some few Shirts of woven-stripe madras. New SI. S5 Shirts of line woven-stripe mudra?. Outing Flannel l'ajama&. S 1 .7r Outing Hanttel Night Shirt-- .1.05. -ira-riirlerf '.. .1 t- 1-itt s'r- 1. :''i .-''.L"' Hair Nets Special At 45c a Dezen TAP NETS hair; each Net guaranteed perfect. Regularly mere than double tin- price. Deuble-me&h Cap Nets, of Ileal Human Hair. 7."c de. Ml -hades- ONCcpt jrr.y and hite. -. . -'-.c . ria' r. T .r- ' i- 1 - - of real hunuu i i Melene and Silk Petticoats choice for the intimate gift. These are all the mere de sirable by reason of their unusual value. Petticoats of taffeta or messuline or jersey silk, also jer sey silk top with tatFeta or mes saline flounce-. Smart shades and black 53.135. Black Satine Tettieeath SI Ktra-size Black Satine PetticeatsSlOu Gift Suggestions In the Linen Stere Gifts and gift--from a small Bread Tra; lei! te . exclusive inib-eid.-rcu and laci -trimmed Lunch Cleth. Eser ei'e dainty and of -terling merit. Notable values in Bread Tray Doilies- and Scarf-- Of Round-Thread Linen Embroidered and scalloped m blue. Doilies, Ox 1 ' inches. ."Se each; Scarfs. 18x3tJ. ;52.00; xU ?-.-.". and l5-t .?'. .'u. Of Fine Plain Liueii Beautifully embroidered in eje iet and solid work, with triple triple scnlleped L'i.: Deilie.-, lixl'J inches, 50c each; Scarf-. 5--3.5e, H-'-'i and :?5.00. - "a u i.i,;- . ,c..c- a n . , ,-f. Stroller Ge-Carts Under Price, .$19.50 Mreng, easy. running and com cem com tertable. Finished im " hile or ecru- the famous Blucli Stroller., - i'w ?i'.i.50. White Weeden Cril).,sy.:,() wonderful alue. thes, white enameled Cribs, nidttre-.,- in cluded, .irartv A ,-.', ,. tv.r1 l- i ,r. tapjt 2000 Cabinets of Floraton Lawn : Stationery, $1.25 I Fine linen-finish Stationery I 24 sheets of Paper, 2-1 geld-edge. I Correspondence Cards and -18 Envelopes. In white, pink or blue. Packed in a pretty Cabinet ' unusual value, $1.25. I Gift Statienerj ,"0c te $17 1 Bexes of fine Stationery ' Crane ' 0 Linen-lawn. Hurd's t Law-nette and ethc well-known i makes ir wide aricty. -ra-s'ir' 4 r -:h cr Aid.- ". ( ?rre New Dimity Blouses At $1.50 and $2.00 I allured, leng-sleee models, witn smart tucking and dainty plaitimra, 1110 Peter-Pan Bie ,Bes trimmed with plaiting. Hand-made Perte-Rican Blouses. $2.50 and $3.."j0 .-en,, elaborate with hand ur, eth.-rs featuring n let lace dgn g. Tine White Voile Peter-Pan Blouse?, j3.Se te Se.73 Made with tiny tuck and ii -a" n--' erh and trimmed with line la.--1-. While Batiste Bleu&es, $4.25 I'eter Pan Blouses, with cellar, be. plait in.d cuffs trimmed with in pertt'. Miii t-mbreidei-y fluting. '.-a'A eriiK- A. f rjtli'l .-e-" .- feo- i en-rt Saturday Rug Specials Jehn Bremley & Serm A-miiiste-r Rug.-, H.12 feet $ J2.G0. Sanferd'-i St"im'cs Axminster Uus, i)'.Ai feet $45.00. Darrah & Sinail'h Extra-brush Cocea Doer Mats-, 10x27 tnchcH, ?2.75 t e0 inches, ..'1.25; 20x33 inches, ?3."5. Ir tlw l.ev Fleur Certrini Scrtieir Tapestry Brussels Hugs, 9x12 feet -.$25.00. "Hit - or - Miss" Colonial Hag Bugs. 9.12 feet $9.00. I'uu-lS Vnc Wtet A Set of Her Favorite Toilet Articles -Is n gift cure te please a woman. Perfume;, Powder., and 'Inlet Water Sets in liandKome gift boxes in the Toilet Geeda Stere. A delightful assortment $1.5ti te .$75.00. Mi-.wl.ridm L leililer Ala! . Cntra 3000 Pain; of Wnmpn's Rlari- Silk .teckings at $1.00 a Pair UNTSUAl. VALLK Seamed-back Black Silk anu seies, in such B'tj te lO'j Strabridei, j i rawbrujgn L CtetbUr Al!a i, Cntr MecKing-, 1 th rued HB iieth'er - " Tw. r m . . . Ml. . II i. . ' ; : - 7 r Mme V M.t 1