smwWiWsi ppKii? r-MT- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEBPHTliABELPHIA, FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 2d 1021 S!HW''-"'?'rr""r?TT!rK''l I.' fe A, I f Hi I RAILROADS' FREIGHT SOLICITORS INTACT Chicago Offices of Big Line3 Kept Alert te Public's Buying Pulse DAIRY LECTURES PLANNED Chicago. Nev. 2r. Snlicltlns frcisht nnd passenger forces of nil blc remls lmvc been kept prettv nmrli intnet re Bflrilless of the traffic slump. Their routine dutle" nre r-hlnflv thee of "keeping in touch." but their educa tional work is raueh mere Important than in the pnvt. C'entrnctlnc freight agents must net only knew mere about the various industries nnd individual plants, but they must also hlp manu facturers nnd merchants te keep their fingers en the public's buyins puNe in nil sections. In the passenger line a mero elaborate program of solicitation Is being mapped out for next season's tourist travel. A line operating southwest from Chi. cage will this week initiate a cam paign in the agricultural district te advnnce the standard of sheep, poul peul 'try and dniry ees, with demciiistratlnu nnd lectures in a score or mere towns, where there will be bargain days. The company has nked the im-rrl.unM of nil the towns te co-operate nnd help bring farmers in. It is desired that every merchant advertise a bargain sale In some line. The St. l'aul arranged te run a exhibit tram with a "i.nnte car 1794 DIE OF CANCER IN 1920 Public Health Bulletin Says Disease Curable In Early Stages Deaths from cancer In Philadelphia last year totaled 1704, according te a bulletin issued yesterday by the De partment of Public Health. Of this number 702 were males and 1032 fe males. The mortality exeeeds that from bronche-tmeumoniu unci approaches closely the number fiem lehnr pneu monia and pulmei.ary tuberculosis, which caused, respectively, 100e nud 22111 deaths. , , Cancer is a curable disease if treated in Its carlv stnscs, the bulletin asserts. Tin- most frequent sites for cancer are i the stomach nnd lUer. lancer eE the mouth is seven times as frequent among males as among females. The bulletin sajs the dlscas-e begins as a sm til local growth, which can be safely removed durtns the early ttuges by surgical treatment or the use of the N-iay or radium. It net a constitu tional dien.e. and it is net contagious. It Is only by constant co-operation of the public. sa)s the bulletin, that it is 1 eped te stay the less of life from cancer. CHINESE HOOVER'S GUESTS Political Significance Seen In Dinner te All Delegates Washington. Nev. 2.1. There was a dinner party in Washington last night that mm ! destined te have an im portant bearing en deliberations new proceeding residing China. The host of the dinner was Herbert Hoever. Secretarv of Commerce and the expert of the Harding Cabinet en Chinese nf fairs. The entire Chinese delegation, Pr. Szc. Dr. Ken and Dr. Weng, were the client". Nobody in Washington un ilprMnmN conditions nnd requirements of :he ( hince situation better tliHn .Mr. INDEPENDENCE HALL TO BE I PROTECTED AGAINST FIRE Caven Orders Sprinkler System In In stalledeo Alter Heating Plant Installation of a system of automatic sprinklers for fire prevention in Inde pendence. Hall will begin within a few dajs. Director Caven, of Public Works, has ordered the Central Automatic Sprinkler Company, which received the contract, te proceed with the work. The plans nUe provide for installing n heat ing system, te cost S.10,000. The automatic sprinkler system will protect the exterior nnd Interior of each building from lire. The Improvement is one that has been advocated for cnrs, and when installed will threw a curtain of water en the reefs, outside wnlls or within the rooms whenever required. The heating equipment Is nt present located in the basement of Old Congress Hall. This will be removed and the new system will be located underground far from the building. The first step will be the construction of the boiler room nnd tunnels running from the plant te the various buildings. WOMEN DIE IN AUTO PLUNGE Twe Drewn as Car Falls Frem Icy Bridge Fatality Near Allentown Pert Huren, Mich., Nev. 25. Twe women wcre drowned nnd two ether persons narrowly escaped a similar fate yesterday when their machines went through the north draw of the B'aek Hirer Uridge here. The dead are Mrs. D. Earle Mlnne nnd Mrs. Emslie Gcrrie, of Pert Huren, One car skidded en the ley plank ing, crashed through the guard gate and plunged into the river. A moment Inter the machine, driven by Mrs. Mlnnc went through the broken gate nt almost the same point. Allentown, Pa., Nev. 25. J. It. Painter, proprietor of the Lehigh Seap Company, was instantly killed yesterday when bis automobile turned ever en the Itcadlng-Allcntewn pike near this city. JAPANESE ARTIFICIAL PEARLS 0. K.'D BY SCIENCE Same as Real Gems Despite Method of Production Taris, Nev. 25. -(By A. V.) Pearls are pearls, whether produced by the Japanese method of nrtlflciidly stimulating their production In oysters or formed in the usual manner, de far as French sclcnce can determine. M. Deutan In n report te the Academy of Science, shewB that the process of for mation Is the sarae In both cases nnd the' only diffcrence is In the larger core of the "Jnpnncse" pearl. Among Jewelers thcre has been some diffcrence of opinion, but the majority seemed te ngrce that only by holding pearls te the light and Judging the size of the core could they distinguish be tween "real" nnd cultivated pearls. In the "Japanese" method ome small object Is placed In the oyster which promptly protects itself by de- through the hieh-i'iiced land areas of , Hoever, who made his reputation . Illinois nnd adjoining Flaw. wnere1' "- " - -"- "" farm renters r h.ud preyed te make twenty w age us wnv te show them .' " "'"'"" "".':'. .'"" '"" k n living, und in th the resources of agricultural --ectlens in the Far West, particularly where cheap land is still available. In every town where the train steps n lecturer will give an entertainment twice n day. Settlement in the Northwest this sea soa sea sen is very light, but In the Southwest it cempnres favorably with last year. when 12.000 families, mostly Amerl- cans, settled in the Atchison's territory, largch in the irrigated sections, where climate 1 moderate and the -oil adapted te diversified farming. Many settlers arc going "baik te the iU" uf'er -ev-eral year-- as wage earners in the cities. The Burlington tests in its own laboratory samples of nil waters en all divisions of its system. Dr. J. A. Denney, medical diiecter. savs : "The Burlington has expended mere energy in this dlnctien te protect its patrons, fiteck shippers and emplejes than, te lny knowledge, has an ether enterprise In the world." SNEEZE B0MBSHURLED Women Blew Smoke at Landtag President, Who Forbade Smoking Berlin, Nev. 25 Women Communist members of the Prussian Landtag, an gered by cheating during a ete, threw sneeze powder and bombs containing foul-smelling gaes in the chamber. Afterwnid the lit pipes and cigarettes and blew .smoke clouds into the face of the President of the I nndtag, who had ordered the members te cease smoking. When the president attempted te .speak he was greeted with cries of "Ceward !" and "Liar:" An efTert te suppress tin agitation by the women failed. nifieanee that the t hinese delegation at this critical hour should be in consul tation with Mr. Hoever. The predic tion sr :ns safe that events arc im rr.inert which may one day be tracea'i!" te last night's function at the Hoever n S street. RfE O R. jP 1204 Chestnut St. Founded In 1894 11 Seuth 15th St. 1119-21 Market St. 904-06 CHESTNUT ST. INVITE YOUR INSPECTION of their line of CHRISTMAS CARDS, CALENDARS, ETC. New en Display Far or near, rest as sured that father, mother, sweetheart, sister, brother, wife, or best friend, will truly appreciate the thoughtful spirit that in spires the sending of a Christmas card. It spans space with a fairy bridge, bringing happiness and cheer te these you love. Extraordinary Values in Mens and Women s High Shoes and Oxfords Women's High Shoes and Oxfords 'i Save 3.50 te 5.50 Men's High Shoes and Oxfords Save 3.50 te 5.50 'jr. I B-i A&. All of this season's smart est styles all of the wanted leathers all the favored heels here in high beets and oxfords, at this money-saving price! A dozen models in black and brew n leathers. S n a p p y young fellow styles or conservative shapes W. W. 10.50 te 12.50 Values 7C Save O 3.50 te 5.50 Copyright, 1921, A. B. Kirschbaura Cempiny R. & F. Feature Values In Overcoats CjUIlS Clethes Of The Finest Type Kirschbaum Tailored Specially Priced At 27-50 B7.50 47.50 As te quality, there can be no question. Philadelphians knew the R. 8C F. Stores. They knew the Kirschbaum shops. They knew that neither would put their label upon anything but dependable materials or workmanship. These lower prices represent a very definite sacrifice en our part, Alt models, all fabrics, all sizes. 1 KIRSCHBAUM TUXEDOS AND FULL DRESS-50 GOOD SHOESkJ 921 Market Street WEST PHILADELPHIA BRANCHES 52d Street corner et Spruce 60th Street corner of Chestnut NORTn PHILADELPHIA BRANCHES 2736 Germantown Ave. 5604 Germantown Ave. All Branch Stere Open Every Evening Hll!!,"''!!rrT TfUJ Specializing in Coats Saits, Dresses and Skirts 15 fatllnmma ! . li . i - i ' " Medes of Distinction and Originality 1222-1224 Walnut Street 'I"- IM..!,'!!.!:.!,!!!'.!1! "":"": irr::iL:zzzizIZLiLui.'.i .'iM'i ;ii.iii::liiiiii'i.ini.HiiiMi::ui'iiiiWii.'iiiit i Our Entire Stock of Suit Sp Wrap s 9 veat s Afternoon & Evening Dresses Without Reservations, Is Included in This December Reduction Sale A "once-a-season" opportunity te select '"Stecker" modes of distinction and individuality at Reductions of 20 te 60 All Purchases Billed January 1st, 1922 positing nbeut the Intruder the pearl substonce, exactly as It docs when uuch nn object gets Inte the shell accident ally. Thcre was no explanation as te why "real" pearls are found only nbeut small cores. The reason for the larger core in the cultivated etone is the need te hasten the process be it will be profitable. Kniin.nnininnuaiuiaiitnmnnuiraDiiuiiinjinininiuiaimiinniuuunnmimQaeiinn'iiTQ NOTICE Hns any reader of this paper nny recollection of having heard parents or irrandpnrcnts tell of tlie Rrcat rollKleus excitement In 1843, the year that W'llllnm Miller predicted the end of the world? Any anecdotes of that period, or nny Information, however trivial, wlllk be gratefully re ceived by Miss Clnra Kndlrett Sean, 133 Denten Htrc-t, tloiteu, Mats. mnTmmnninrninnrirnnnrninmiimijinninrjrninniiinmiiirni'nini 1! ,01,! UmEWmm Jwenty&iVe 7earsSelUng QoedSFuvnituvQ 258 te 264 S. Fifth St., between Locust and Spruce Dining-Roem Suit, wonderful value in walnut or mahogany Queen Anne Period; dustproef and dovetail construction Buffet 72 inch; choice of Round or Oblong (JtQNJ Table; 4 pieces. Chair te match (Pfei&U CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Dell Baby Carriages, all desirable colors Specially priced, $3.50 up. Knewing where te buy is sometimes the secret of a very beautiful home. Our location means the saving of many dollars te you. We have five immense floors devoted te a variety of furniture that is the very best manufactured. Our economic prices will astonish you. The 75 smaller decorated and furnulied rooms will (five you a better idea of hew our quality furniture will leek in your own home. Open Saturday Evenings Mail Orders Accepted The Furniture Center of Philadelphia H STORE HOURS 9 te 5.30 lilPORTVIlS, DESIGNERS Ah'D MAKERS OF WOMEN'S AND UUILDREN'S APPAREL Oh' THE HIGHEST CUARACTEIl FOR MORE THAN TWENTY-SIX YEARS GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS , BLOUSES LINGERIE IIS m 5 SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS CHILDREN'S Chestnut APPAREL Cerner PETTICOATS Twelfth 99.50 i o-eo 1 5Q.00 These three wonderful groups as exceptional as they are may be taken as a very fair indication of the "Harris" Ceat stock as a whole. Superior in all respects. 99.50 10.00 A wonderful group of coats, untrimmed as well as fur-trimmed effects. Ucautiful materials, including murvella and pnnvulaine, in straight line and blouse with the new sleeves; platinum wolf cellars. A wealth of unusual styles. THIRD Coats and Capes Individual Medels 150.00 A collection of exquisite beauty and distinc tion in marvclla, wouderu, with beaver and squirrel cellurs; some embroidered, including the new wind sliie'd capes at this price. THIRD FLOOR Levely Blouses Fer Christmas .Space will net permit describing them as they deserve. Notable in the showing, the new fitted garment with circular effect nt bottom, then strnight and blouse effects. Many have handsome fur cellars. FLOOR Beautiful Gowns Fer Dan and Evening 59.50 A most remarkable assemblage of Dresses at this price. Of chiffon velvet, duvctyne, vol vel dyne and crepe chiffon in lovely draped effects, also the exquisitely simple effects, beaded and in every color that Fashion essays. SECOND FLOOR Envelope Chemises Special Value A ulq3 Jet3 Alwnys givable, and you will agree when you see the range of exquisite styles of crepe de chine and Georgette, trimmed with beads, embroidered, with Persian sleeves; ethers with wool embroidery. A range of all fashionable colors. FIRST FLOOR A group of 250 of these very attractive chemises have just reached us. Charming for Christmas. Of heavy quality crepe de chine and radium; trimming of French knots or in serts of real filet; in flesh, orchid and sky blue. Marvelous values. FIRST FLOOR Entire Fourth Fleer Given Over te Juvenile Apparel of the Better Kind "Harris" acclaimed as Philadelphia's headquarters for outfitting girls of every age from tot te miss. Truly a "different kind of Juvenile Stere." A place that bristles with gift suggestions; quality and economy go hand in hand. A very wonderful assortment of juvenile apparel. Furs Sets Coats Exceptional Selected with the same expert skill as is given te women's furs. Styles attractively childlike. As instance of the values Leck Squirrel Sets, $1(1.50 Girls' Coats Fur Trimmed 16.50 Te tills we scarcely need te add excep tional value. They arc of pebble cheviot, set off charmingly with fur cellars; lined and interlined. In blue, maroon, brown and reindeer. Gray Ceney Sets, $115.50 White Ceney Coats, $51 7.50 Girls' and Children's Dresses 12.95 te 45.00 mt it. i . . iiifsu, in wie ucirinn ner. worn net. mmmt tn ...,.11 .. ., iiii twill, smurt checked worsteds, French serges. Embroidered by hand, a bacUolmdFer 'nJeTa te'S BU,n,P hheW 'U,rRC8t,en brU,tant " FOURTH FLOOR Velveteen, I'eirct niuiqued oddly color en a dark WE SPECIALIZE IN APPAREL THAT SLENDERIZES THE LARGER WOMAN I ii ir i' "T 'I' 'T f T T T T f T T V H T "-'l-iirSiSiSSSSll TO i ilHllil!JilHil!liliii r---..,, ,n .