vwte 'ul I !. y J jiu.- - -. 1 - ' -.,"? (' I 1 X 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 (4 Pitt Eleven Entitled te Newspaper Decision Following Scoreless Battle With Bezdek's Team J V, 8?MH $m m ,5! f. , L PENN STATE LUCKY TO END MATCH WITH PANTHERS IN A TIE Pitt Net Only Gained Mere Ground and Earned Almest Twice as Many First Downs, But Alse Played in Great Ferm By KOBERT XV. MAXWKIJj Spert i:dlter limine t'uhllr Ledcer (lte'crer ritt-l'fiiti hlnte (iatne) IMttsblirsll. l'a.. Nev. 2.". PITT nnd Pcnn State ncrpctrnted another scoreless tie en TerbcM Field yes terday afternoon, tlic t-ecend consecutive deadlock the football tennis have trppeil into. This makes the clinnu)lenhlp e fnr us rittsburch, Til., and State College arc eeneerned nn even-Stephen nffulr since liUU. It f-eems that neither tenra can learn which In the xven.t, despite the grandoldeuc en the previous guinea played this season. However, were It neecxiary te give a newspaper decision one of the things which occur frequently in boxing beuN l'itt would get the verdict en point". Net that it means nnythinc, for the record bonks will carry the O-te-0 score and in a short time everybody will have forgotten all about It: but the men of Warner played a marvelous game of football jesterdny, out pointed the Nlttanj Nomad and prang one of the big surprises of the season. Hcgardles of the fact that Pitt gained mere yardage from scrimmage and kicked in with almost twice us many first downs, the play en the football licld showed the Panthers In their very best form. Te step out of the character. after dropping three games this season nnd de everything but wallop the very best football team in these I'ulted States Is no mean accomplishment. The plnjers went into the came with everything te gnln and nothing te lese. That gae them an opportunity te play with the deuces wild, take all kinds of chances nnd sheet the whole works. t. THEY rushed eit upon a slippery, slimy, soggy gridiron, uhwh hail in )ief cvriy appearance of a hotel of soup. Then ''"' '""' skated around, did Ihr hrit they could, and thn iras slightly better than the ifferti of Vim State. State Lucky With a Tic WITHOUT attempting te take anything from either team or hand out what might be considered the grand slam, which Is net our intention. State xres lui-ky te get off with a tie score. They were fortunate te be able te hop en the train last night nnd depatt for the Far West with a clean slate. Thev were net defeated, they can lay claim te all of the championships ljing nreund loose without putting the parade out of step, but nt the same time they prob ably are sighing long sighs of relief because the battle is ever, and jeu can't even find a winner in the newspapers. It was a terrible day for a football game, and the argument might be ad mnced that State was handicapped by the slippery field. This may be se, but it must be Temembered that the Nuvy was defeated en such a day. only worse. There was a heavx rain falling when the Middles took the count, and the field was just as mush. Therefore, let's hand some credit te Pitt. After three bentings, the Panthers deserve It. They were the under deg when the game started, and it mum be remembered that even if an under deg never barks, It surely can bite. The submarine canine certainly bit a huge chunk out of Penn State's nsplra- tleus yesterday afternoon. DO A' or get the idea that State teas all shot and the team has been overrated. Xething like that. The llluc and White played a scrappy, high-class game, but l'itt teas slightly better. Straight Football Throughout ON A field which made it impossible for consistent forward passing or drop kicking, it was necessary for both te.mis ti, resort te straight football. Htatc was unable te get away with its hidden-hall trick, nor was Killlnger able te step out with nny of his long, dazzling run.. The game hnd te be played according te IIojle. There wasn't much doing in the first quarter. Beth sides learned It was almost impossible te de any consistent gaining around the ends or by forward passing, se the old-style, line-smashing game was put en. Near the end of the period Pitt made a iirt down and two mere in the second. That gave them three In n row. State had n chance te score in this period. Killlnger punted te Pitt's B-yard line and Davics picked up the ball. The Pitt captain has been criti cized for picking up the evnl because it might havi rolled ever the genl line for a safety. However, the ball had almost come te a complete step and Davles bad te pick It up. Then came an unusual feature In football three fumbles in n tow. the ball changing hands three times en three plays. First Davles allowed the pigskin te squirt out of his hands and State recovered. Then Wilsen foezled and Pitt get the ball back again. On the very first play Colonna fumbled after lie had crashed through the line and It was State's ball en the -1-yard line. Here was State's one and only glorious opportunity te score only ill yards from the Pnnther goal Hue and first down. However, the Pitt defense stiffened and, after three shots at the line, 7 yards were made. With the ball en the 14-xnrd line, the real play was a drop-kick, but the Condition of the field and the slippery ball made this impossible. The next best thing was a forward pass, and it was tried. The only thing wrong with this play was It didn't work, the ball was grounded and Pitt took the ball en her own 1-1-jnrd line. rHAT teas the end of Staff's chances. Huge Badek's athletes never were dangerous after that. In fact, they were lucky te keep Pitt from crossing their goal line. Wilsen Intercepts Forward Pass FTHl third period Pitt made three mere first downs lit a row, carrying the ball past mldficld and into State's territory. There was a geed chance te score, but a forward pass went floeie and landed in the arms of Wilten en State's 1-yiinl line. State seen get the ball out of danger, but In the fourth period Pitt always was dangerous. It seemed te me ns If the ball wan In the I3lue and White territory all of the time. In this period Killlnger get oft" two very peer punts, which en n dry field would have resulted In some hard luck for ills side. One punt traveled about 10 yards before going out of bounds, and the ether eniled through the murky nnd moist ozone 15 yards. However. Pitt could net take advantage of the bobbles, se the scoreless tie wns the result, Killinger. te my mind, still is one of the greatest backs In the country. True, lie didn't gain much ground, but nobody could under the circumstances. Up Is geed, just the same, and can carry the ball net only around the end, but also through the line. He Is the !iet line-plunger for his weight I ever have seen. McMnhen nt tackle ale w geed. Herb Stein is an Ali-Amerlcnn center and proved It. He was in every play en the defen-e, and en the attack his passing could net be Improved upon. When Column! cracked the line ter these long gains It was Stein who opened the holes. Andersen played n great game nt half nnd Helleran was a marvelous quarterback. Djvies wns wntrhed tee chisel te get off any run". THE name uai dean and hatd fought. .Vet one prnnlty for im ntrcssary reughnent or for holding irai inflirted. ''ipt-ie'il. fit. hv I'vliUe Lcilgtr Cernpanj PLAY-OFF FOR TITLE Te Decide en Pest-Season Dates In Catholic League A meeting of the officials of the Cath olic Scheel Football League will be held till iifteinoen at Catholic High Scheel, Breud and Vine --ireets, te de. clde the date of the pla -off of the triple tie for the haiupiuuslilp of the league. Vlllnnevn Prep. West Catholic High nnd St. Jeseph's Prep are lied ter the championship of the circuit. Villa- nova was beaten by West i 'athelie, mid Bt. Jeseph's Plop was the winner ever Catholic. Had the Main Liners weu their game, the title would have passed into their trephj case. However, St. Jeseph's and West Catholic teams, that I'Wl lest one game in the lengiic, came i ibreugll with victories. Catholic High Tailed te win a gtnne In the league, while ; the ether thnc teams wen two and lest r (one. Although the date has net been deli : nltcly set. it is expected that the games J. -will be played during the tirst week of December. Phila. Boxers Win at Reading Reading, IN,, Nev. L'.X Jimmy Duffy. of Ntw Yerk nnu xxune iierman. or i-aternen J,, box d eluht reunun te a draw In tha wind. up of the. Thinlimtlvlnir thnw of the J It creation A ('. here Dubby llurke. nf tiadlliK, uavi Muriut Sanderi, of I'lil a delphla. a mercllasa beallnw In eluht niuin'e Seck Cullen. of I'hl advlphia eavlly dv.'ealed ehnny Tuller of the luinn city in alx reundn. K, (). i-eennrn. ir rnuauipnia rSneeked out Hilly Jlurke, of Itendlni,', In. one risunu wnii runt tu m? uuin. juunur (Riyer. at Hcadlnir, quit, In the rlrnt round Kpeut Willi ituur ueiieiua. unuiuvr iucui iiaimjne an injurru nana. Schaefer and Centi te Make Tour of the Fast Chicago, Nev. ''." Jacob Schae fer. the new world's 18. 'J halkllne M'iiard champion who wen the lilnj -off for the title from Willie Ileppe bv 500 te .'Mil in six Innings, will make a tour of the Kast with linger Ceiiti. the French champion. Thev will phi in Seuth Bend, lud , tomorrow . Ileppe. it wns announced, will ex ercise his right te diallenge within ln days, but under the rules th" new champion is net required te risk Ins title before March 15, 1022. NATIVITY DOUBLES SCORE Untewn Churchmen Run Ud 49 , ...., Points te 23 for De Sote K. of C. Tin' Nutivitv Catholic Club lust ete ning ran up a score of -111 te 'Z en the l)e Sote, K. of ('. The game was played en the formers court and was featured by the wonderful sheeting et Eddie (iullaglier and Bill Pike, ,, . - .. i .,........ . . . . mis pair iiiui tueir eyes in working order ami registereii n half iizfii bus- kets each. The teluls at linlf time were 'l 10 HI. Ill tile ptelliniliaiy Mitlvity Midgets were defeatetl bv Atlas, lis . M .-. t .1 I. .. . . te 10. Tomorrow evening Xntivtfj opposes Ihn Aetna Pres. This Is n new club composed of members of St. Auue and Hely Name. The Aetna second team will play Nativity (second in the preliminary. MIDDIES I SEcracre Visitors Will Be Barred Frem Final Workout en Pole Grounds Today LINE-UP IS ANNOUNCED New Yerk, Nev. 25. --The Navy football eleven is all set for the com ing struggle with their cousins from I'ncle Sam's Military Academy at West Point at the Pole (ireunds tomorrow. Indications nt present arc that the game will be played utidcr favorable weather conditions. The Middies will held a final practice this afternoon, which will be secret, nnd no visitors allowed. The Navy will have use of the Pole Grounds" from Jl te 4 P. M . immediately following the workout of the Army, which la sched uled from 2 te V. P. M. The Nnvy heads gnve out the line-up which will start the game: Pnrr, left end: Wiedern, left (ncklc; Carney, left guard : Captain Larsen, center; Frawley, right guard: King, right tackle; Tayler, right end: Conrey, quarterback ; Keehler, left halfback ; Barchet. right halfback ; Crulte, full back. This means that si of the players who start will be playing their final game for the Nnvul Academy. Cruise, Wiedern, Larsen, King, Frawley and Keehler. being fourth year men, will be graduated in June. In addition, the following were mem bers of the party which made the pil grimage for the game: Fnxigns T. C. Scnffe. J. G. Welchcl. N. Butler. J, N. Wilsen, J. .T. Daugh-i-rty and H. P. Moere, members of the Middies' coaching staff, and the follow ing players: Sanborn, Italics, Hamilton, McKee. Noyes, Cullen, Flaherty, O'lle g.in. Hughes, Walsh, Titus. Dele. Tucker, McBride, Wallace, Durgln, Winkjer, Smith. Bell, Waters, Uoeney. Woedslile Mntliews. Sehrelner. Blown. (J.,nln 1 l.il.r, Mm,,,.,- "VrtflS fll!lnV ' Shew ell. 'stelt'z. We'ik'er. Walker. 'Fc- cles. Thach. Kichnrds and Handlcy. With the team came the .Navy s chief cheer leader. A. K. Morehouse, and his assistants. Midshipmen ( . O. Cemp and E. P.. Curtis, who will tr.v and out- drown the Army when their rooting fel lowers arrive en the scene for the game, The Middy rooters will leave Annnp- elis at H :i tomorrow morning and their headquarters will be the Hetel Commedore, which is also the head- ijuartcrs for the Navy team. RIT0LA FIRST AT BERWICK ""u " National Cress-Country hamplen Captures Twelfth Annual Marathon Berwick. Pa.. Nev. 2.". Running a fine race ever n course deep with mud, Willie Bitela. of the Finnish-American A. . New Yerk, wen the twelfth an nual Berwick modified marathon here. The national cress-country champion was timed in -10:24 for the distance, which is about eight nnd one-half miles. Jim Hennlg.vn, of Bosten, the Nw England cress-country champion, was second, and Frank Titterten, Mo hawk A. C. New Yerk, was third. Jehn Hemig, of State College, for mer intercollegiate champion and win ner of the marathon last year, win taken sick at the fourth mile and drop ped from third position te sixth, and was later pas-ed by Parkinson, coming te the tape in scenth place. The only Philadelphia entry wns Jehnnr iniy. of the Enterprise Club, He (inislicd lifth, his time being o2:le. HOCKEY ACTION BY A. A. U. Separate Articles of Agreement Granted U. S. A. H. A. Pittsburgh. Nev. 2.". William S. Haddock, of Pittsburgh, president of the 1'nited States Amateur Heckey As sociation, anneumed upon his leturn from Chicago, where he attended the annual meeting of tne A. A. I'., that separate articles of agreement had been granted the association Mr. Haddock said that this meant the recognition bv the Amntcur Ath letic Union of the Fnlted Stntes Ama- teur Heckcv Association, the governing hedv of hockey in the Fnlted States, He 'said that hoekey had been divorced from the International Skating Union, HEARNE WINS AUTO RACE Milten. Who Finished Second, Takes milium ii nu i I"'"'"-" xvwwiiu, ..- Lead en Seasonal Points Ees Angeles. Nev. 2e Eddie Hearne. of l.es Angelen, wen the 2."0 mllH mitometiile race here yesterday and Themas Milten, second, assumed the lead in the national championship en seasonal points. I'rnnlt Elliett took third place Bos Bes cop S.irh's, fetiteinlmg against Milten fii.- the i-liampieiiship. was fmceil out of the race m the lOth lap. Jimmy Murphv tiuishi'd fourth, and Harry Hint, took fiftli place Delaware's Basketball Dates NenurU. Ilfl . Nev. L'S The Athlrtiei Ci .iii'i, "f 'lie fnlveralty of P-lattare Iihh I arraiK'il ui.tatle lnaxiftball si'htule i Vr th r iniinc Mianun. Theru ai ntlll, hew- ,er H-rtul irarnes periillnif The tu-hnlulM ' Jim iai 7 Armv at Went Point, I'i, Albrlulit 'ut Neaili IS Ny el Annapel h 20. Hav-i erfni'l 1 1 llaverfcir'l 1:1. Ht Jehn'a at Nciv I rtik .' ' niveralty of Pennsylvania at l'hlla- lelPiM l''bruuiv 10. Harthinnr.i at Nuw nrl. is New Yerk Agricultural nttnrn at ' . -. rl -I Muhlsntcru .n Newark. March1 4 xv aihlnuten (eIUk at .xearn 7 l'nnct l'nnct ten nt I'rlneten I Football Player Badly Hurt ! Detrcrlt. 5llrh, Nev 2S ji a arlihreii " .V, red th mll'l. thn heavy t'nUeri tv et ! I r r,c i ivfii defeated I'r'vtriltv of X'er ll.nni Jl te e here 'elin riumeif, of XV i. aiini'iun MaRe a Verm nt liatlt ack. u t line I a ailKIlt i.onruBslen of the br.ttn. ncl 'vas r'nuied te u hesii) tai Results of College Games Played Thanksgiving Day f'rm 11 pmn State XV and .1 tl Penn O I'lttuburuh 1 VV. t X'lrcl ma...;. i uh enbrrre ns irninus . . 1 lilcklnen 1 fleltvuburB 1 iwckne i ,.n.l M. i. ti ill V 'In mt 1 1'illlll.e O Hampshire 2', I'elumbi.i ir, i iiielmiatl il N Pare. State n Ohie l nh . . . ii M unt t'nlen 7 Jehns Jlepklni e I Ate !l l.fbanen X'allcy. T Wlitanbere Hi f'lerinen 14 Auburn hpr nsneld . . . (' 'i,.i' Mint il MlM ml . . Mi. leU I . I XV isi r I VVukI an I I.' . Wnlern lleaei va ! Huviuehaiin.) i il, i., Nerlhern I'ntl Of I uenrs-in Terh 01 'leeryia fniv of Alubima 7 .Miammpn A t, I. I ',"" f N. t" . ' nlv of Vlrslnla. 13 Tha Citadel . . 1 tllX til () 1 .., i ,m ! rbllt . v u inl.i l' I , '," v of the Seuth II .n i rHiiilll .AI I A MlNseurl "11 roler.ido Avirle 7 VV i,Im1 I 'Olli-Ke 1 1 l"ni of i tan I'l H.iuth Dak In ti MI"hUan ab ei , ast, Jehn's , 7 Mt St Mlir, u Iv'llllS.lH NebniHl.a Mi r jiiette fall At i 1'elkBO ('. eijiht'l Netre Uame 1' M I V ilianeva e.i ntueky e..tueky 0 Tenne.aee , rrunejivanu 14 Georitetewn (itj V AUSTT IT A WMEfJ eO s5TACT WsY Te 5CHOOU AfstO DD TSLLi bO YeU'LU MVKI Te GIVG UP C0MIKJ6 HOIME CHPllJTMS OW ACCOUWT OP CXPCKJ3C. -ArJD Veu Tmwrt OF AMY TuitsiG. Tht would Be fUrO WITHOUT MOTHER ArOD FATHER. AsJD S13 MsD VeU NEARLY SH&D A TGAft. ' Leng Game Essential te Figure in Gelf Titles New Jesse Guilferd Believes This Because Championships Arc Played en Longest Links Stand Further Frem Ball te Increase Your Yardage v By JESSE P. GUILFOIU) Amateur Oolf Champien of tlic United Stair THE long game, while considered an asset, is net by some thought neces sary or the winning of championship honerR. It is pointed out by these who regard it as uuecnUul that several of lour champions, have been exponents of I the short game, which is very true, and they argue that u shorter drive straight down the fairwaj is mere advantageous than a long drive which is off the line, i This is all undoubtedly very true, but there is no necessity for the general j Impression thai all i followers of the long I game are generally off line, nnd the 1 . .. Il.. I... II I.. .l. ..MH.!.. ...! nn .1... , B Within Himself ON THE contrary, the long driver who plays well within his reach is playing just as sanely nnd safely as his tinvtner who nlnxs a short came. This man with less distance is just as j liabld te be in the rough as the one. pieying a long game censervn uvei. . as a matter of fact, the man who plays a U sdiert game i mere liable te be alwajsl' striving for added distance, pess.bly i ,i..: i, :.. .".,!.. I.M."H' lUJIfc Vlli'l J I? UUIIILUL III !"", XX 1 1 II 1 11 his limits. Tills is very often the case when n man who plays a short game is matched ugalnbt one who plays a longer one. PEHSOXALLY J am opinion that it is the of the hc rnpahlc of playing a long game who arc going te feature n future tournaments. I MAKE this statement for this rea- j metropolitan xvalking titles, set a new son : Championship courses nret record In the nnuiinl City Hnll te Ceney usually the long ones, these of 0000 anls or mere, and certainly these get ting most distance are going te have it decided Tidvantagc en such courses. Short trick courses abound, but they are net worthy of championship con sideration. The man who will win en one of these trick courses is usually a member of that particular club who Knows every nook and corner of it, Possibly he may play the short, ac ' curate game, sliying clear et nny dangers, but if he were te go out en a strange course of considerable length ' " game would be of no advantage te him. Big Hands TJNDOUBTEDMr the met essential."", ot0,UN!errth,MlJ0y'c,,nu..,ilBe, I U asset te long driviiiK is a pair of i atimed ut top spcwI. hut Illnli . . --.., , , .. :?l i ' . , 'arRn- Pewenui nanus n long, strong i fl Stinnir wrists, cemhlneil wit h i aoed wrist action, are also invaluable, ''But what about the fellow who is net blessed with large, strong hands nnd wrists?" veu ask. "Is lie out of the picture'? Must he be content with Ills short game and strive only ier direction and net distance'?" I helieve that there are many playing i a short game who arc c-anjibln et gain- ing dstnm-. without sacrltlcing rec- Itien. Perhaps it is his stance which ! stands in tlic way. The pla.ver who ' . i ,nn , l,u l.ntl fhorel .Timin. . PUIIIIC ixm livill lit' wi... ..... -rf ,- , , , , , . t .1 I ,.,... ing his swing, does net get the distance of which he is capable. I", YOU are net getting the dis tance you desire, attempt te gradually correct it by btandlng an inch or two further from your ball. AT VI FIRST the results may net be XX what you wish; the stance may veu wish ; the seem nvvkwanl. Dut tne cnangc may n- i beneflclnl te ou, nnd. after you have become accustomed te this position, in crease the dlstnnce between you and veur ball another inch or two. Jn this way you will gradunll.v get away from the cramped style and will adept u position which will permit a freer awing. . Cultivate writ action. Streng wrists nre a great help In long driving, uut these pin vers larking unusual strength i ,, ihetr wrists, but who possess a mil- I ,-,, l i.iisv Hwlncr. in which wrist nclien i uM.'.li no Imnertnnt nart. should get geed results as rcgnrdsMe distance l"")" '.' ".'.' i .... .ii.. lying Gnme ',X'E HEAR n great deal about put ?. ' VV tine lielnit the most important fen " .., ' i i. r.n...HA ...i. 1..1. I tare et ine game, iiiui u- inumr nm causes chainpiensliips te w wen aim lest. , Geed putting is unquestionably a de ciding factor, but I believe that tlic long game Is also a feature which can not be overlooked. Take the fairly long holes, for instance. The man with the long game is en in two, his third he lays dead, and his fourth he sinks, whereas the man with the short game hns a chip-shot or pitch for his third, and a long putt le sink for a half. . , , ni:(jAi:iLi:sS of whether you plap n long game or a short janir. de net jircs. V Jl'ST the ether day I wns plnying a match with a young professional, a n'" mntCIl Willi n young proieneiuuiu, u j man who plnys a very geed gutne, but GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING -AsJD YOO SETTLE. JOVAJfO TO HARD vuerh; WITH A HCAVJV HBAOT H6N) HERC COMGS A LETTER TELLING Yep Y3U Cam plan te cemc HOMe 1 for Christinas J . Ct.iii', k r, T.u... i... lilu attempt te euldiive me resulted in his playing a most ridiculous game of golf. Ordlnnrily he can go around his own course In the caily 70s, but en this dny he was into the 00s, and merely be cause he tried in one dnj te gain fifty ynrds or mere distance off the tee. This desire te be out ahead en every hole is one of the things which even the long hitters of the game have te combat, for It is useless te believe that added distance will come without prac tice. If you desire te lengthen your gains give it a careful analysis, or better still, go te some geed professional and nsk his te study your stance, your swing, your wrist action and your pivoting, with a view te ascertaining distance1.''0 " Cn" S Then take advantage of his sugges- tiens. De net labor under the dclu- , ,h , , niU, (nstftce , lW0f Bfer if y de you ... . ,,!,.,.!,. ,i Tn coif ns in .', ' J"PP ,ce Ucs perfect. most of us need a let of practice My article en Monday will Include iniire tips en length. Cenunglit, I92t, Vu 'i(M(r .rifaff reinjicni PLANT SETS NEW MARK Establishes New Recerd in Getham Walk Under Adverse Conditions New Yerk, Nev. 25. William Plant, holder of n number of national and Island walk vesterday. He covered the KM', miles in 1 :21:12. The old mark, 1 -.211 :."0, was set In 1917 by XV. U. Helker. Tlic only man starting at scratch. Plant's time w-ns considered remarkable because of the read conditions. He en countered inch-Uiep mjul for several miles. James Hecking, sixty-five yenrs old, the eldest contestant, was Injured when he stumbled and fell in n mud hole. He continual, however, finishing twenty eighth. Wally Hlnkle Beats Jee Llbby Atlantic rit.T. X. J.. Nev. 25 Watly'IIIn- I !(!. of l'htlndt'liilila. outpelnteil Jue I.lbbv, tn ten-round ere. L.llihy kt rallied will, hl Ipft Hnd httil .Tne'n rluht ef, elOHed , , a the end of the bout l'reaten Urewn. , r m,n,(.iv,ie r. n.- ri.roneri Hni n'r,m. 'neil. Atlantle Clty llnhtlnir lifeguard. In tha els'ht-reund neml-wlndun. Mitty Dtcher. of I'hlliutclphla. outpeinted Hebby XVelunst, of Atlantic Cliv. Jnhnny McAvoy. of Atlantic rn nnd Iiattllns' (luudinun fuuitht an elEht- , round di.tiv. Amateur Sports j .,cend weuM ,fhwlu cen!csta uith ec..nd-clnai home Ululm an seen possible. Jeseph Iteberla, '.'.vve North Kinhth Ktreft Thr HhiiiLihrin TrarleM. p. team cotipes'iI "i YlllllMlir Wf nrtllUT MI'--U 1.14111 ICiri" Mnte(j ti,e organization lust peasnn. u utuc- leus la nenr iretn in in nrsi-rinus nenie team paylnn: nultable InilreFmenm. Philip r Jacob", rare ananaiiun i. c , insi i.in caater nenue Thr lm Trtsa I'eit, K8, Amerlrin Tuition, would like te book Karnes wlih nny ilrnt-eiiKH 11017" teams. !" ISteifeldt. J'eut Jleadfiuir Utk. till Palmer ntrect The hi. PatrlrU'ii '. C. Ivib reercatilzerj u frpt-elaH lm for the cemlni; ftnacn mil would like te hear f n m nil teaniH halnu hnllii and etfer'ns reidenable uuarunteeH XVUJtHnx A. peier. cire Ft. Patrick's C. r , Ell Seuth Tenty-flrst street. ICiantl'l YntilK'ins miM like U ben'i games vlth flfteen-elBhtcen-veir-eld flvei fe Kamet away with teaniH itt.rltiu" reanen il i ituren'ees x non II ratten 1U02 Seuih i;iuhtepnth street (iriell A. .X. euid nun te book minin nlth flfteon-eventnen-ieur-eld tea-im Iiump r.enri nnd r.ffe-lntr reanenr bio rtifirnmci, Andrew MvNl. 21S2 Seuth Opal ctreet rnmhrl.t .lunlers d"lre te arr.infte timn with fi.urt'en-sljstren-vcar-eld leatns hnln(f home fluer Themas nianche, L'S13 Kei -tlncten avenue XVurwIek II, ('. detres te seheduk (riiii s with al:teen-e nteen - ear nl.1 five wnetliei HuntlnKien strict at home , mt' VV I.lfrev, ,T127 Xv.it I Frailer A. ( defeated the JVC!' Jim Kundiv afien ei lelmen et Itartrnm Park by the ocere of 11-0. B O T H C L A I M FOOTBALL Phila. Quakers Frankfort! Yellevjachets PHILLIES' BALL PARK Saturday, Nev. 2G Tlckcta can lie iiurcliaseil nl Conway', tilmheU, Hpuldlnc'n and Gentry and Otte. lI E K'ZyBVirT'SJH J2C&l!I21tljiK?l hH r ' 1 1. f ' i Kn ' x ' &Mi AsJO YeU HOAR OTHBe BOYS TaLKIkC OUBR ThS vSvMELU Timcia THev'LL have XlEJ MOMC FOR. THCT HOUOOiVS OM-M-M- Bey!! ain't it a GR'R-R-RAND amd GLOR-R-R'fwevjs FeeuM , eeYA-HeO.'! IS Considerable Surprise Evinced When Walter French Is Omitted Frem Line-Up TEAMS TO WEAR NUMBERS Vcst Point. N. Y.. Nev. 2.-.. Tlic Army football squad, with seventy players, in charge of Head Coach Majer Charles F. Daly. Field Artillery, U. S. A., left here this morning for New Yerk. Headquarters will be es tablished at the HeteV Aster. xvherc the squad will remain until Sunday morn ing at JOieO. The final practice will be held en the Pole Grounds this after noon, from 2 te .1 o'clock. Twe sessions had been planned for j yesterday and while both were held they , we u j d t, t wrctci,C( conditions. The morning workout wns oriel, owing te tnc great risK en me .slippery surface, but in the nftcrnoen a short dummy scrimmage with sig nal practice was held in tlic big riding hall. It was announced that both the Army and Navy pla.vers will wear numbers (luring the contest. Army will hnve the even numbers. Announcement was also made hy Charle Daly of the probable line-up et the Soldiers eleven. A sur prising feature was the fact that it did net contain the name of Walter French. Army's great baekfichl player. Daly did net say that French would net play, but he did net include hint among these who would face the Navy. A reservation that the llnc-up was subject te change at the last minute was made. It is therefore expected by close followers of the Army team that French will get in the game nt some stage. Army adherents believe that with French In the game the soldiers will give a geed account of themselves, but without going te the extent of predict ing victory. However, if I lie West Point star docs net start, the odds pre vailing, which are understood here te be two te one en (he Navy te win. are considered te he perfectly justified. Anether feature of the line-up plnrcs Mcjers at right end In place of White, the veteran wing man, who it was believed had the pobitien clinched. White is plnying his third year for the Army nnd faced the Nnw a year age. Meyers has heen showing excellent form of late. He is fast getting down the field, a hmd tackier and a geed re ceiver of the forward pass. At quarter, tee, the Army line-up is uncertain. Beth Wilhlte nnd Jehnsen arc considered ns probable starters. Hie line-up as furnished by Mnjer Daly was as fellows and includes the weights of the players: . ,, l .';m,: De" terck, 17-1; left tackle, Mulligan, 200; left guard. Breibstcr. 20.r) ; center, Green (cap tain). IJIli; right guard, Garbisch, 188; right tackle, Davidsen, 1UU; right end Meyers, UiT, ; (piarlcrhack, Wilhlte, 1(1... or Jehnsen. l"i ; left halfback, ,,.20,1i ,',!- rleht balfback. Lawrence, 10,) ; fullback, Smythc, 1C5. FOOTBALL UNION, OF PHOENIXVILLE at CONSHOHOCKEN SATtHII.W. NOViaillKU g0. S:30 V. M. BIJOU KTH IIACB MS. In Conjunction XMIh the mi. in hi fsn simif TONITEITONITE! tllrtlnir of N'eiv r'liiMM I., lh. "I Amateur Bexinc Tnurnnnipni I l n.ler Ausplre, A. A. V. KntrnntH I'rem ' "'""""'"i hiiii uriiM . v. ICE PALACE iTll t in,riv. jfeifnn nillB West 1074 5CE SKATING liilillielciil InxtrnrterH 11X All Semlunii 'IIIKKi: -i:.SS(NH IIAII.Y Murnlne HesHlium fnr Children !"n iler Ifl Years ",i CciiU Tedaj Te. inerisur. I LYMPI VIPI A Sainbridje JC" Bread and Bi XHIMIAV l.VEM.X'G, MIX. as Mii.i.ir. ,ieh SPENCER vs. CHRISTIE RICHARDS vs. M00RE rin Miii; (,i s RICE vs. FRANCHETTI IUIIIIIX .IIIIINVY DYSON vs. BROWN BUHMAN vs. 0'DOWD "eula en suit-. Hrhett'a C.ife, IJIh nnd ChMtnut'rlt aM""aaa Teudlir'i. 01B w "wy , ARMY BfVffl OFF FOR OH IOWA MAKES GOOD POINT IN TITLE TALK Yeu Admit That Notre TT' m f a T 11 mi uasicrn ieam,. wait iuivu uvui nuirv uame; That's That ; By GKANTLAND IMCE Marc Antony Said Something CONCERNING reproachful epistles for football results wc skidded en with cntlre fergetfulncss for nny that xvcre correctly called. "The evil that men de lives after them," The geed is submerged with their rfMS'- . . ,, Ne one remembers the icuintiip nit Hut enlu the infield bust. The fame of a tcinning run will last As long 'as a match will burnt But the cove who fumbles a twisting punt Is geed for a frn-icnr turn. The gag is old as the dope is old, Carved en a Caradoe brick: Adam fell and the headlines came Te move irlth an cndlcs kick. The world moves en in the same old ieay, Singing the same old song "It's tough te knew when a (ere was right, But great te kneww he was wrong," UfXSLY one moment. " writes lewn, V '10. "Leading Eastern football writers have said that Netrp Dame wns superior te nny team in the East. Iowa beat the Notre Dame and then wen the Western Conference championship. If that doesn't lift Iowa te the top, just vvlint Is the answer?" The nnswer In that it gives Iowa a corking argument for a championship claim, which is the best any football team can leek forward te in these btir ring times. Army and Navy TAKINC. the matter of football form, football speed and football power Inte consideration, the Nnvy should beat the Army by something like 10 points. But in this modern mysterious game, where the tide of battle can shift ivvitli such shocking suddenness, predictions get te be little, better than guesses where no one can tell whnt even a play will bring forth. We saw the Navy tackle Princeton and wc saw the Army lese te Yale. The Navy line from end te end seemed te be btrenger and the Navy backs te held a higher average of ex cellence. The Navy attnek through late yenrs has had net only mere power, but mere deception than the Army and, unless the condition Is materially changed in the closing contest, the Navy ought te win. WEST POINT'S only chance is a well conceived, well executed run ning game of variety nnd deception hooked te the snmc type of parsing game that West Point used against Yale. Western Supremacy rpiIE supremacy of Western football - this year should he undisputed. Iowa, for example, beat Notre Dame, although eutnibhed by two ynrds te one. We haven't seen a team In the East that leeks te hnve the all-around power of Notre Dame upon both attack and ucicnHc, We hnven't seen n team in the East that leeks te have both the running nnd passing clas of Heekne's brilliant ma chine. Notre Dame has a great line, as well nsi n great haekfield. Yet Iowa bent this combination, se Iowa is hound te he extremely geed. With the two De vines. Slater. Lecke. Thompson and ethers Heward Jenes had magnificent Jenes Brethers Plan Yalc-Ieiva Grid Game New Haven, Conn., Xev. US, Heward Jenes, coach of the Univer sity of Iowa football team, conferred here with his brother. Tad .Tenes head conch of the Yale eleven. "Although n Yale-Iowa game for next year hns net been arranged " said Heward Jenes, "both Tail and I are hopeful that Iowa will be seen in New Haven, against Yale next season." Shee Value means liking a geed pair of shoes for t h e longest time possible. Soccer Get rV v en veur dub (Jutrit Basketball Jersey .7S te 3.00 Pants 1.25 Shee 1.50 te 4.50 Knee pads 2.00 te 3.50 Ankle supports .75 Pure worsted v-neck sweaters, $650 Marshall E. Smith & Bre. . , r- ... " ''iiroriierateil) j, U.n. FumhMng. 724 Chestnut Street AthUtlcGf 4 Dame Is Better Than Any 1 t sa U r r 3- f I H J m M ujuiviiui, iu wuii.il nu guve a geed vi. rlcty of attnek. . And beyond Iowa there is Callfernl. University, a machine that may pesjiM, have even greater strength than Iowa ; Notre Dnme. or At least there arc any number el firbt-class critics who belicve this f exists, and that California will nfe,, her supremacy again, Just us she tlld a yenr uge ngalnst Ohie State. These critics invite Pcnn State i. better California's bcere. of 71 ,n '2 California employed mere reserves lh!! WE DOUBT very much that the Wt can show n grentcr baekfichl tMA thnn Killlnger, Aldrich nnd Owen We would be willing te ride with this' Ml. Haul combination against ether tik-v for they arc very little below the stan. dard of Mahan, Thorpe nnd Cov. Kl linger is the greatest running 'back of the year, with AMrlch only n sli.S behind. The sheer dnsh ami pewCr of Owen's running is a wonderful thin t watch. YALE is well en its way back, but i tenm thnt could only mnke one yard ' by the forward passing route in llnnl game still has mere than a strid te go. CovvrieM, )3;t. Alt K,Bhli ncsirvtd. Beets and Saddle The Bovvle Consolation Handicap U the Maryland feature today. Fairwa? probably will last the mile and a eh. teenth. Arrew of Geld nnd Ticacei also are formidable. Horses well placed in ether Heiti races are: First race Far Srht Hills-dale. Royal. Primrose; Bernnd Plucky, Tnnscrinc. Penitent; tliird Arrah G.i Or. Saddle Ring, Actrm lifth Muttikins. Knight of ""' Heather, Ten Buttens; sixth Ladi Lillian. Cemmi Ci, Mountain Rese IP sexentll Woeclthriish 'le, rs.,1 ' Allah. """""' At New Orleans: First race Car Tnglecrcst. Marie Rnppeld; second Jane Pcnnybakcr, Louise Wynne War Pennant; third Role, Murphv, Back Bay; fourth Get 'Em. Cebnlt La'( Hurry Rudder; fifth Green Geld' Tulsa, Archie Alexander; sixth t terney Muir, Montllle, Eastwnrd Pr'iti. 'ss; seventh Jee Jee, Miss Nell Canse. At Havana: First race Little Black Sheep. I'ltime. Acestn ; second Parele The Englishman. Lndy Hester; third Denna Rema, Second Cousin, Wedn. weed; fourth Wntcrferd, Lord Om. try. Gelden Chance; fifth Easter Flower, Fairly, Chincetcague; sixth W. G. McClInteck, Summer Sit! Loveliness. WHIP Arrew fermrfit Cellar Cluett.Peabc-dx' & Ce. In cTrqyNY. $10.00 Wax Calf and Tan Russia ioiaeru)ali linnt Sheti tfZQ CJiQsinut St. and Basket Ball our Estimate Soccer Jersey 1.50 te 4.00 Pants 1.00 te 2.50 Shoes 5.50 te 8.00 Aluminum cups 3.00 Shin guards .75 te 2.25 I sir ' f I & tS' k i 1 et . . N