Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 25, 1921, Night Extra, Image 16

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    ' . .
10 i V.UL1C Ll!JiL-,ri.lHlUVDEUJHlA, 1T1UDAY:, NOVEMBER 25, 1021
Stere Hours, Friday, 9 A. M. te 5:30 P. M.
Gimbel Brethers
Frldav. November 2K. 1Q91 v
FOI Piane Stere Open Till 9 P. M.
QafiivrlaTr Evening Entrance at
eaiuraay - 8th and Markct
"' F '
Come te the most interesting Tey Display rei
Philadelphia ever had Gimbels.
. . .
Mens Overcoats : Suits
At New Lew Prices
Women's Vestees
With Cuffs te Match
$1, $1.50 and $1.65
Fine embroidered net combined
with dnintv al. lace. $1.63 a et
Value S3.
At $1.65
Hcaj ecru net. trimmed w it 'i
"Yal." lace. These have the popular
2-picce cellais ethers of embroid
ered net and Val. lace. SI and SI. 30
a set.
- nlmhrN. rirnl fleer.
Correct Gloves
Averaging Less Than
Half Price
Gloves for Men
Mn' dnp ( Imp Inn ( np. din? ,
l.l. Outp?tn jnrn
Mn' I eiitlirr ri?rr-l.ln?d nte
f.nnntlH. 1 . "MM leather. P'arl:
tid tan
Mfn' OnMlnp .ra Merhi t.lnre,
. '...
Gloves for Beys
and Girls
lte nml (tlrl- l-lerc?-l Inril f Apr
r.iinnilrl". H. . ilnj nml tpn
nfiji.1 unci .lrl" l"lcrcr-l Inul Mil
(flntp-. l.li. Btuwn Mvrracam i-r m
Gloves for Women
r Women' Imported French (Jlairc
(llecs, S1.0.
Imiiii cnilneldcri (1 t-lc white
lil.n U and ililtr-wtth-blat.i Trnw .i'ji
Women's Cape Strap and Tab
Wrist t;iees. SJ.13
Rraicr. lnnwn .ui'l hi Ii id - 1 n"-'
Muality cipp
Women's Imported Kid Twe-Clasp
(llexes. SI. S
.I'hiup sewn Tin crai brown mi
HrfeK-u ith-nh '
omen's Ifi-Button-Lcngthlmpertcd
Glace GIecs, S2.fi,"i
Tli'" lens'h clove n'w sleeve fali " "
in.il.e imperative White
Women's 8-Butten-I.ength Suede
Glees, S'J.78
Tpi hrner in'l nie'li
IiIeiIifI.. I'lrst (lour
Gleve Price for
Saturday Only
Women who knew av Gimnel
have the most desirable a-sertment
of imported perfume0 and toilet
waters in the cit. Notably
Cet'5 I.'Origan Perfume, original
bottles, at SI. S3.
Coty's L'Origan Perfume, bulk. b
the ounce, at S'J.'J.I.
Cot's Jacijucminet Rese Perfume,
original bottle, at $1.83.
(i.tv's Jacqueminet Rese rvifuiu,
bulk by the ounce, at V-VJ.V
fi.ty's I, Ongan Toilet Waiei .1
Cetx's Jarfluemmet Ile-e 'leilet
Water, at SU.Si.'i.
(.Imlipl. Hrtt fleer.
Men's ,"v'1 1 lnf,n Hindkpiehif f-,
with '- and '. inch hems,
3 for $1
Women's ( ',ir"' x ev r ' '
Spott- Handkeri hief-,
fanlv a riot of colors and patterns
$1 a Dezen
l.imh'l. Handkerchief Mere, 1'lr.t fleer
Just Off
the Ship!
Women's English
Hosiery at $1.75
Gimbel direct importation,
selected in England by our
own representative.
Browns, blues, grays and
heather mixtures.
$1.75 a pair.
t.lmbfli, rirt fleer.
Friday and Saturday Are
"Courtesy Days" for
The Allman
Collection of
Famous Paintings
a chance no art lever can afford te miss
te see the collection in its beautiful entirety.
Sale Starts Monday
0lmbe1. Seventh fleer Gnllrrlev
. r
Hand Bags
Six Big Groups
at $2.95
Regularly $4.25 te $7.50
Variously imported beaded bags in draw
string styles. Leng-grain cetex overnight bags,
lk lined; pin-seal vanity bags with 14-karat
geld corners; duvetync, chiffon and brocade
velvets, richly mounted; leather hand bags in
many smart styles. All very givable!
Gimbels, First fleer.
Tomorrow- Women's Dresses
of Rich Crepes
of Chiffen Velvet
of Seft Wools
Special at
Fine twinc-cerds, with cluster
braids and loop-paneling.
Afternoon or theatre Dresses
of black silk cashmeic crepe,
with lace sleeves;
Canten crepes in rust, black
and blue;
Silk cashmere ciepcs with
side ciuular-patiels and Jenny's
pet sleeve.
Tricetine.s w i t h matclnsse
braid-trimmed redingelcs (pic
tured). And two wonderful extra-size
models in Canten crepe; nnd
in sizc3 up te 524.
-and at $25
Canten crepe, in Russian style, with square disk embroid
ery. Brown, blue and black.
Tricetincs with deep border-embroidery te skirt and sleeve.
Brown, blue and black. Olmbfls, FBlen of lrem, Third fleer.
Comprising Groups Frem Twe Gimbel
Famously Fine Suppliers and
Other Gimbel Lines
Ulsters Overcoats
Sti cct and Storm
Ulsters, of lefty,
deep-pile plaid-back
Dressy double- and
single - breasted
Overcoats, full back,
or slightly form-fitting.
Overcoats- Overcoats
Alse Sports Coats;
medium weight;
Chesterfield fly
front Overcoats, of
oxford vicuna ; full
siik linen.
Women's Coats, Wraps, Capes
Net Only at Special Prices
-but even bigger values than the prices would seem te say, because they arc
Made of fine, selected coatings;
Tailored te last hand-tailored, of course;
The linings are net only silk, but guaranteed;
And where fur is used it is always of selected skins.
84 Silk-lined, dust-color Sports Coats, at $18.75,
value $25.
308 Silk-lined wool velour Coats, with cellars of
beaverette fur, at $25, value $35.
$5Q te $59.75 Coats at 39
Relnias, Velours, Valamas nnd Spert" Coatings.
Black, navy, brown and deer.
Cellars hip. beautiful cellars of giay slynx, natuial raccoon, u-tralum opossum,
Scotch mole, beaver-ded cone;, and skunk-dyed opossum.
$75 te $89.75 Coats at
Twenty-fne diffeient styles te cheese from coats, capes and wraps.
aneu'sl of Pelljanna, meiiette, valverine, panvelaine, veld.uie and wondern.
With c,)!lats--er cellars and cuffs of beaei, squiriel, taupe-dyed nutria, wolf,
fox, mole and Australian opossum. .imieis. itiuiik .r jrrs, third nmr.
Rich, dark nenrscal cellar.; dark Mile
vicuna hnily; very clrcsey.
Men's Suits
Single- and Deuble-Breasted P
Many Have Extra Trousers
Fine worsteds of Australian wool, in plain and fancy effects; also
smooth cleur cassimercs. Exceptional quality and value at $3.1 the suit.
IV'KS?,' Society '
WBizmMffir1 Brand
-Glbtafli, fiecend fleer, Ninth Ftreet.
Fer a Little Girl's Christmas
There are I e-t f wendc ul thinp in (,imlie!s delightful lupr I'eyland
I .!)- and ililuj. toy fmnituie ami sramc-. 1 ok-and hundred- of ethei fa--
i mating rit t-
- Madam Hendren Dells, $5 f.
Tk derablc balm- that actuall.v sav "Mama." JjJ
&,'!, In fiirinmi. rmiinrr- nnd i-an. Othc -s en te S17.ri0."War't35fefefl
,srr-"iJ.. " '.... . TTHTS-'SSJ
m, Blek Dell Fullman Carnage p
vy epeciai at $l
.lu-t as beautifully lini.-bed a- a ic.il hah.'-
3" tarriagc, in white enamel and eciu.
-dlinlirU, I eurth dnnr
Cord Tires
8000-Mile Guarantee
Based en the Sale Price
Women's Tan Russia d
Brogue Oxfords at
Fully the Equal of
Oxfords Selling at $9. 75
a Pair
Simulated ball strap; military heel; (lood (leod (loed
vear welt; white oak inner soles. A splen
didly made shoe from a fine maker of real
"honor-lasted" shoes.
riirnliFN. -fieml fleer
Fairest way for everybody! Adjustments
made en the price you paid us, and net en the
list price. These Columbus Cord Tires are
Oversize : Nen-Skid : Flap-Equipped
30x3'2 $15.95
32x312 $22.75
32x4 $25
33x4 $26
34x4 $27
32x4' $31
33x4' $32.25
34x4' $33.50
35x4' $34.75
36x41 $36
33x5 $37.50
35x5 $39.50
37x5 $41.50
M-it te eui Aute Shep will sole man a gift
i jim ion
A complete assortment of sedan accessories,
i obi--. lecs in appropriate boxes and combin'a cembin'a
ti n- that lansre in pnee from S5 te S"0.
Iilnihfli, Nute -crIie, I'uiirlli (lpiir.
Stout Beys' Suits
Tomorrow at
ii .1
Fer Youths 12 te 18 Years
Sinplc- and double-breasted models with voice and box pleats.
l.-e plain model with patch pocket. At $13.50.
sie st with extra pair of full-lincd trousers, at $18.50
Beys' Suits and Overcoats November Sale Specials
Many or the Suits With Extra Trousers .
Value $20
ll.' Suits, many
illli rxtcu trous
ers; also Ovrr Ovrr
iehIn ami Miickln-
M'JH n, new
ft; $9.50
'"!' HullK. niaii.i . Hejn' Hultn. ninny
nlth rxlra trims- with rxtrii Iruiit-
and Miicklnnuri, it n l Mm klmiiTM,
llccriilnrlv $1K.
MC.C0 and $18
Formerly 18, K'O
aim t-u.GO.
Formerly $1-' fin,
tib anil J'Ji f.O
Youths' Leng-Trousers Suits at $23.50 te $28.50
He)' Kultn. many
Willi etrn trniig
er, also Overrnitts,
Formerly $30 nnd
Bey' SnlU with
nxtra treuneri;
a I n e Otrcet,
Formerly J '.p flO
i nnd $15,
(llmbeli. Third fleer.
$1.10 2-lb. Candy
Combinations 59c
t'emprisintr one pound of As As
eorted Chocolates and one pound
of Chocolate StrawH, value ijl.10,
the two pounds for r9c.
Milk Chocolate Nut AKn lb.
Ihmbens ji.
2400 Nifty Ties l-ft
Rv llvr, for Christmas OKJC
for New
Chocolate Peanut
C lusters .
-filmliflu, HirMniit 'trpet Annex nml
ulwny riterf.
Silk Four-In-Hand Tics, in fall effects; took a maker's
could make them a snappy special at 50c.
Mufflers at $2.65
Qi'rt. "C..W.. r or i en rr'..l..
ufiyni, uctUIIUS Ul $d IU ip lYltlUS
Accordion-Knitted Silk Muffleis, mestlv two-color combinatie
( ercd and frnifrcd ends. The little imperfection is mere than e
the low price S2.(ie.
evetlnt mi ue
ions, ber-
ffsct by
filmhfls. rimt deer. Ninth Stml.
1000 Girls' Winter Coats
Mostly Fur-Cellared
Sale-Grouped at
$15, $25 and $35
Mjle" at each price, te suit little girls; and
i bit elilci M; Ic- t Milt thr bigger Rirls Mi" Mi"
I'eurtccn doesn't want bab style-, thank you'
Twe Fur-Trimmed Styles
at $15
one in heather cloaking; in sizes for ages R
te 14. One in soft veleurs, in sizes for ages
10 te 10. Browns, blues, and deer. Beaverette
cellars. '
t sa.i mostly lur-cenarcu meneis snawi-
cellars of raccoon; chin cellars of beaverette and -v
i rl...: -.1 .-I 1... ..w.n-.l.. ln...
hCaillie, nunviuH uiiu vnuuie, nut niuaiiiy jiuun
coats of belivia for the girl who has her own .
pictty fur scarf, b- te lb-year sizes. r
J v
And Such a Bevy of Styles
at $35 !
Belivias with dyed Austialian opossum cellais. Behvias with
bcacrcttc cellars. Ileathertene skating coats with raccoon Velour
wrap-coats with Australian opossum cellars and cuffs. 10- te 10-
JCai' Hi.es. lilmMu, aluni. of llrr. rhlril Heur.
Subway Stere Sale
Girls' Coats
A & tf Vs ' Values
" V
G? 1 A.
a m II pxu ie
ir A 4Vr
and at
te $15
Smart belivias. Silvertips with their
pietty little white haus. Seft, durable
veleurs. Sturdy cheviets and the pretti
est, Miiartest spetts coatings.
I.oemj backs. Belted coats. The raglan .styles that give her
such roomy arm-holes. The set-in sleeve styles that tit se well.
Yeke-backs. Shirred back. Backs with inverted pleats.
And every coat warm as toast!
Waimly lined. Many snugly interlined. 0- te M-vcar .sue
in each group.
Wonderful Serge Dresses at $3.95 and $5
l!egulatien and dress-up Mle. 0- te 1 l-ycar ics,
( InilieU, sulmu) Slerr
$60 Fur Coats at
llillll lllll
Taupe and brown ceney coats,
with huge shawl-cellar, and the
prcttie.-t bell-shape cull'
I'ull ripple coal -belted.
Mcautifull' sill -linet
Men's All-Weel Suits
and Overcoats
Upen &9X nml i'in e.,. un.iir, An
.. .K ...in v"" it uiiui t rr lute -ji
With the Ce-operation of three of our regular suppliers wc'ie able
te offer these reniarkable values.
riie Suits can be had m weisted, unfinished worsted, herringbones
and cassimeres. Very neat stripes and mixtures. All sizes at $17.50.
I he Oxerceats are warm ulsteis with belt back or belt all around.
Alse semi-Jerm-titting models with or without velvet cellars.
l.lmlirK Su!mn Merr.
3000 Pairs Women's Shoes
te $7 Values
Hicrll slinOK. nvfnrflu nn1 mimnn r ..,! -.n1.A,l le nrtrl Citilbcl
legular stock sharply reduced for a quick clearance.
Black kid and patent leather.
Geed selection of sizes 3 te 8. '
en's Shoes
Guninetnl lace shoes; medium tee; sturdy shoes 1 41 95
in sizes 0 te 11 . ' j-tPA."
t.linlieilH, Muhuny btwi"
$12.50 Beys' Suits and
siiIphih Snrr
Suits aie all-wool tweed and c hcviet matei ials. '
'umi in an coj'tiuiey in the let.
I'Ntra pan of kiiuki-r with each suit. Save h at $7..'i0.
)crceats arc long and full cut. Ar,,s s te 17 At $7..ri0.
-(lllllllClH. SllllW
IU "'"" (I