' A'-V"V' ' '', i"i .'V ,L' '.'i. 'W- I U EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 V It I is3flfcsF GrAG TTtORCKU per.-peetire in one of the J- newest developments in mrni""-picture architecture. L'ntil recently -t wae thought almost itnpnlble I" ghe the 'ffect of depth in a setting which had te be constructed in u limited -pai-e n a vtudie stage. In mnn.l foreign tiling which have been shown, it was done bv CLOSE-UPS of the Ry HKNRY He's a Docter for mliritr. used te be an ad.oitiseimiit X 1....I lint., films. "Iirii the die. l'" te ...,i ... ...L.. iiw.ni iin.l in.is.nce ihini .....u ...l.. mime nli...p fmni i.ll.er films llllltl'l' I'll.' .-...v. .-.- ,.lf .in H .nnil tliem out il e:i in into tin Sneeee is known in 'ie trade n- a . i.i. i ..I ii heeiiMs.. I liem-il last . sv" llrf, .. . " -:c' Jgi -?. , iifiiiiiiii.i' ,,.....,. ,..-... t Vex organisatien as liim ditT. or some s.ieli tuie. Anjimv lhe rinal siv en their tilnP. and if he decii't like the win in h n director, he rixc- it up te suit his own id' i". and thai le th" public. l.-.,,. mniN Knrnee liel'l :l MIII'MiO eti,n,i .. trmmniilniis ni.is-) of old tilm- Hie film left er after a iihmIpcMeii wn- tinalb cut. And. eerv new and then, whin lie hain't nn -lend tilm- ( lilms te cue. In- would inst sit ib'Mi. ami pn-k mil -eenes from ,,..ii. ..il.. iineetini; i hem mi. i il -iei-.. and I" red helmlil . a was born without tin- turn of a .rank e-.eepr ih titling "l"";ni- Spen.e wrote the serip. . and tin- g:is-" fr lb- T -vile Indie eeinCes. nnd Hetwoed ,-le.se.l down principalis heeai-i he toad'- iniich men.j .Ise. when- te stick te the -liert-rce'ei-s. Wl.ei, this M-.-r'- "I "I'les was tried u at Atlantic l iiv it wa.n'l up te the matk. Th -eiit for Spei II- Juini-d down te the .bore, spent two w.ek. there, .ind I "'I'ln- l'"H it .i u triumphant waj. When I-'.. lirsl put ..-it 'The Cenin etu ut it slitii"il bndij. l'" s,.,t fr Spem Spin. 1..I ..f .1 ,. rule some lies t'tlls. Ilisei'lut ' I"1 Yankee" Is new one of tin biR n nii inakr IiieidenlalM. tin re Is 'carcelj n -gns" "' 'h.n liim that te raise n IiiiirIi in seui" singe u . s,,,lii .. tiiem are I, preciu-da slang. "Hum 'Hui l"i Hnrne. ' with .lelinnv 1 doctor slnirllj after it was imrn. 1 r Speie-. I'p H.irnps" ! new n Hieniughh lualiln ,,. . TII L 1 tell nir .s.n ' i" ' laliuleii in ll" """ "I .utei 'i en Id ;( semetl iee 'i'A' 'J'mi ide loin. e' had I'd il i m-i in I in . . I i" i erl. ,rll; T I.SKD te kunw Snetne lin-llj 'U LSKIJ te kunw Spetli ii eC si e ill I ilht 1 hi pi'tlj lln i. si J i, 1,1 ,1 te III lillll ilhl'i ll" ' OI pllll brew -in:; ah"'H ll U't nia'uir of old --set-i" .mil He u - i lit linw .ij'urmg se us tn make snnetlnng enlneh niin rent That -uncil the "ipci-" of I i.ih'nis the suggestion lie wauled for n siiui lien In a line thine lie said lllls nllMlled I'lidl IO the wins nnd means "f io"ieriiiR u vuk "If the 'II nnii 'e miiebi'dx go In nud. ' the problem i- hnl:" -e'e.(. in tin ii In- ipla I wh.il In- tin .11.1 .sup) the liim liiiM'u ii woman sm Mg 'l" u te well te hei husl'lind and ii'lns she mi- ..imii liim b the liand-eiiie i illniii. Spenee i-mihl easilj 'ill out tin- l-llu, -'ll-l itntin Villain -n; ing she was ne: going with ii'iu- lli.it si.'- ww for the sake of her clice-ild Letters ami (ebgranis and nih- are i.-i-iji nisi re. !iep. whereas the nclleii Hi I lie lib iiitniel lie iliang-d about, though tliiw sw heliing cnii "tun lie dmn n. -u Cliange the trend ei nn- iur;, That's wb a litter "r a lelephmie tute a diflcrent tetter or i-wileli lhe plieiie In titles te i Ypliitn tbiiig", dig up He- i" - track B 1 1 ll nu I any I'lh Ine thr amaifir. te de it rifjht (. vurth hit en Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans UI'TII IHU.I.HS -IMl. !'- the I'll lllllllge sisteiH ar- en lhe 1'eiist I" in.. ki pielllies. ten-la is In him "'lln lliveM-ee. ' wliile Nnrma's nei put in will be "The Ihlchcss He Liiugniis." hj lleiiuic Halv.ac .lOVl'li PI! I'. I.imeln Meilniiin is the l-nu " Hie ver vic'l known Mm lie. He plajed In a geed number of I liaih's jtuy pletnies. Douiiuge Mutiiiis in Mereiiiile" was pip- luji-d b eset Bwlcknril, Milium t oeper and Mcerse Wahb, uze Daily Mevie Magaxine iffVlV I FILM-MAKER'S p.i n-ii g gnidiei). lint's liu-li. when photo gave the idea of extreme dis tance Tim prncc ued itebert M. Haas, .irt clirc.-ter, in s,f,tnj a jail corridor for .l.n-k Holts most recent picture. "Wliilc Satan Sleeps, mallei of construction was purei) a A serins of i MO VIE GAME M. M-IKf.Y Sick Fhotejiiays d in the trade pup1 All can lei s ;n inu" Ralph .sln 1 1 ll I .Spenee." All! Ralph Spei and there and iif life into tlie and !"l "f n pi' lierr a ml bn.ithe tin hrealh 11(1 world In taUe tlieir places among the iloeter of siek phnlephiis . I'm ici'i n-iiiR illlU leineil the pence new ba w"-k that he had tl"r liim I- the ffli; world, "out. lelnereil It geix He hud that is. position 111 the 1 1 1 1 ie e.ill tin and what tii rev in' ei sieU this stuff nnil lieu plll'teplaj n!,' in Kins Arthur's i "n u-t" loekiil it n' ". i-eiirraiigeil a ei ".ms-. ' nnd "Ceiineet!cut llll" liel 111 en sl.ilr-n illlllillR IP cepti-d in line- in tlie h .id.uj re wn- ciiMi-d in A im nn n of lilin ceii'i dv . need Rurii d a l!iu h 'ii ler .ml iif' .me' hic'i 'i tnlln I "'" ii"'.e"' thai if iri.'i he Inmiaheu en hi. euf .0 h '.. iwemi dn; 111 oil i" Iltlel .n nimiiid 1" and bninp'd into Mini lie nil- Jlist kini, iner (lie ii'. ' ! id t. tn I i--i mill llnl leiji Ii Up lhe i- ln' .ii- in t s -tuff ript. just that : new ii l-mil. il w -ri nnd il in w soeii.trio lliv iiii liim t 11(11 grIW lillll Wi wt-re di-'-ii ti!ie i t h pimne or " i l III I pr ii, i W I III r.-i er lelt il'ie ;nllg imdie- te 11 ll pi'llii I'll null lie will ,1 I I a ) hiesmiri' nus-iig ce nrj . se n-.eflll I from husband in het- nud go ii h . il.-tt I hi iml u il hu ' 'I n U ill itiujht ni tjuhl ViUM. HtHlTi:'Si; i. Nm nuiii'l is mnriieil Auiia Mi In 1 1 s pii Inn- , , ii ti Holiel- ' Shi i- III pl'i'-l'lll lillll, ll; eliiau He Mui ried. ' "'I hi 11 .' tint an li ,e ill niU'li pu'iiii i nines from In mi' . IMINA '!n. s l.ii.si l:ltHilHN i t in i is I'm I 'mi e M imiii . te Im li nictliie sm e Hraih is illl -. hi- has dil-ecll I nirj "Si-uip iron. ni te picliii-ei Her Inte- iiroduitieii . "Tim Dawn of the hum SECRET nielns ei Mirleux height was, -vl up i aeli .i snort dlslatici npail. When the seem, was photegr.'iplied it gaie the ef. feet en the si rten of a corridor 1-5 feel long. 'I'lie picture nlieve smw the sett mil' In ciiiistriietliin ami helew (lie linNJied celic. siei2 I he lielcirs L'Mlli.r tlll-llll-'li tii netimi of tile pi. Don't Mix Films and I uiulcvillc. Says Tem SanlscJu I the en'iiitrj li-ilng le de kill II th- ineii.in ,iii i i-i-?" iiskeil Tem S.iiitselit i.- he i ,iui- out of a Cnlif-riila theatre Ihi oilier ilaj . .s one nt tile Iiim i.i.nr. of the -'nue t' g" m it te (e vere'-n. 'I is .1 .".ileiis parii-.iu of the silent c r.iiiui, ' I "I ii' in-' hn.l t" sit tlireii-;li time. iii:irlei of an ineir of mediocre voijijc veijijc nle an 1 ii nsieil frills that in Ions ... I i nails in the Mag" m order te !! lie fen l ii i plume u,ni wa adxertised n- lln i-i.iiii tl'inr en Hie program. Whi n it .nn- ,i Ien e; wa loe sleepj le , li i" it. I In re tiuisi be l.i. ' iiiiiijiiiI'-'I 'i I I' tun tin jlic, te' liiiiein-s. and who let of eeplr lar. "who ; e fill, i drama like t" net r i-eiielh'd bj a dicj n in li'i ll sil"tlie-s In the chnrai i it hi tilings ipilti er of the tiliiis. .i r no -hew j.i'i lm, I Ins epei.il. p ! n the -tainlnid of iii-i.ni ihihitnis weu'd peiul wh.it tin- I'' 1 n' ml' i lnr;.'eh lil'IIS ih ii'iih i ill" i. ml Hi 'iiiiinli'ii nl ' 1 w mil, I b" abb pregriin fi ill 'lli'll nllii-i-l fur tn pa-s I t I our piiur-s ii tin piij lhe prh e ih.irgeii ter tin -i;'iel ne mi' Thus imnpnli. tleii im- tii In -I l.lud would makers of Irin- m pui tin- rri eiild niii-t' t 'urn tin Ir stiiries fei.e till bet and lhe, till- pl-.i the best CUste. "I'm In ii I'm I" en -I -ij ll' I'll " thill',- I tlunk I lvll"W wl'jl tile i in.il -.-- In ll p'lilH- llie.tlre In see. ll I. nil lint I) ll-llli"i I llll ll'-lnl''- ,. ie . I'llnl us Mlieii Im llli ,1 ilej II till-.- ibis lip u-n b'- l lii j ,i .ii ,i . mil ,i i-iniii . i ii from iel"l pai t bur C.lll an HE'S AIM iS "B0SS1KG" HIS WIFE iwe work - H?JHr2S&.4ra. sibm WSSMWSIWm mMwmti i itvmMmt&wwm&m r. ""y . jkt t "I ill III jWSI f $8 KWM$M$lS -rflffii WmWMm WmMmwK A'Wflmm H W. Ih 1 ' . Irffif fiTTif ittrTifvr rnfffTmrBffiMifWiWr1ffm""' m ", rjrtst5?i Harm ' & jyWiSwjiWWMMfcMMBpWTOsMWtlBfcAMwaKw S5w? ISut it imp en hi'viiifi Huge llalliii li Mabel llalliii illrm ter nor liecaiiM' he ii mi te be her bu 'nnd Miue Ibei wen implied 'Jt the studio b'tv tii eenes ()f ' .In ne l-'ie inm nln Wee; Became A Mevie Star As Told le INEZ KLUMPH What Hits Already tliippfnal Doiethy .nut. small -tncn fli-'. am liitinui In Income a scricn star, trhtlc en 11 trip te S'rw Yerk, mats J.nwrincc h'rciith, n ;it" ayent, 1W10 Incomes intrrrvtcd in her and secure for her mi important inrt plnyiinj opposite .khi Scirnril, a fameii fnr. Sciemil aiks Dorethy In marry him. hut she rcfusci. realising Unit hc cam far l.nirrini'c Prench. Dorethy fn te Itlnua te play n siimf' part that l.inriiiicv Piench tecurei for her. Whili en the train. Dorethy rendu that her nirl friend. Peril, hit mmmiltnl iiiicide, ami that the theritirs ere loekinp for her. Late rente Preach unci te Ithaca and auks Dorethy te marry him. lie tell her that the matter of Per!' suicide ha ban strniyhtrncd out and that she needn't trarry about it. Anil Here It Continues 1 T WAS Khi -- ecpiirnteil Kind tluit. since I was t" be eparnteil freiii Larry. 1 wemu uitvi- tin- diversion of work te take my mind off Sitm a little, at len-t. Hut eh. hew 1 bated In let liim ! Wi- planned ifr home t lint eenins. i ml -et the dnle for our weddliiR hicb ciililn't be I'Pi'tiltn "t. of course -and ivied te tell ourselves that we didn't mind waltlns two months. "We'll have a little apartment just four rooms." I told him. "And we'll he awfully economical about furniture. We'll lnue a nest of little tables in the living room tnstend of one big. ex pensive one, and we won't have any dining room two bedrooms, and a liv ing room and a kitchen will he plenty for us. And I shall reek and keep ' the beif-e clean and 'everything !'' l.nrn was perfectly delighted. He hadn't am family, anil had been living in roeniiiiR lieile. and hotels for se long tbnt he'd forgotten what a real home looked like. After he went away 1 sat in the window "f mi room, just luxuriating In happiness. Klnally 1 wrote n letter fe Svhln Steams, telling her about It. l.nrn bad leld me that Sjhin had known when she went away. Mie had asked him. that morning when be took l.er te the rntlwn.N Millien. If be wumi t ,.. We with me. and he'd said lie was. And shed urged right nn). and him te tell nn lie'd meant te that night when we but the cirl lie were dancing leRpiner. il known when be was n Imj. and l.ikliern. ruiiieu i-utjuihii; between them. "Nothing can eet- iMianite us new. Ihinigb. .' In said when lie left inc. "Ne -nellilng ever cm. him. 1 theuglit of that new I'd told And the fulls roii-ed and reared at me as I re- incmliei-eil our .. ..... u IP II I11IISI I-" in. ...... - v..eineil te muck me. Il f,. i.lilenei me ,, little, and I hurried into bed and ', tried net te hear them. was uwfull.v interested in meet - ing the people I was le erk with. :k $&!-r? - - "!ri about in, age. named (.T,.t .il Mn. i I,.,... (In- end. inn aiienier :in. lder. 'jdajed the nihentuicss: her ' ... i. . ....! win. nnil 'n urn I her Wlls .lllliei I -eweis. uie. usbnnd, IMiil Cnhet, us he was known en the screen, were ine n in ms i of the pietuie. The liere n young ' mall who d eenie I eleti res that J'-ar up xerj rapiuij m He'd been en Hie i , mil there ami tn some .... nun I- "- .... .1... . rt., ii. 1 new light was eeliii de's en no- i,i-i.-- . pbijing the lead in lliis picture. Then were two or iiin-e i-nnni'i-i I Inrs. tne. ! 1 thin! all men. am inni "'-," I'd lime liked Crjstal Mayi,ine inherited and the-e :r he hadn't been ,n p'eascd with her . " -- -.. .. . ..-..... -.. I i n. .elf Slie was Hie perieii no"" '.-i-i tbnt' used te In- m. pepular: the tjpe ! with dlnw- curls, like Man 1 icli I ford's." nnd I'ig blue eves and n pretty. I rath".' c.iptj f Si.e wasnl empt. ; theugh: -.he was nwfullj shrewd. And her met her. who traveled with her. worked se hurd keeping her mnig and girlish t Im t from the erj first I felt ii Utile bit snrrv for her. i .Imiet I'ewei-s was a regular person. r.inl she and I seen formed a terj nvil fileudshlp. She was dark, lather stiit. uesipie. and ver iieiiniiini. nn-i .n.e, her mid Cristal M.ij's mother I here was a constant hatlle. . n.l... fiinnv. of course. Ill ill It was ir them squahbliiig. and I "Uihlii'l help being amused a' them. Tlmj'd known eneh ether In tl arlj dajs of piiture making: Janet Rowers had been one of the big finerili's then, like Clara Kim ball Yeung and I'lercnce Lawrence. Hut as pictures developed -he d fallen behind; she'd grown elder, of i-our-e. an I she'd hm! bad lin-k in signing rip with two companies that tell through, and had left the screen for a time. Hei husband, who was it leading man tn the old dnvs. had gene en, tlmugii And linallv -he couldn't stand It any longer, and s" came buck into plctuics. She leiildu't he a star am mere, hut -he nhijcil big parts end get lets of iiiotie , 'mid unite nflen she and lier Im. bund K"t. nil engilgciii'-nt tngellief a. thej had new. Te hi continued louuiri-ew M&mA i DAUGHTER THIN lli:UIN8 TIIK STOItV Jim KenilrlP. the 0vll ma) nre. iMmle liriu-iPil AniKrlr.in. en nrrlvnl lit m Ixirilrr town. In ken liW lmls en Parly te mnlre n nlitlit In lh" iilu-ei n t""ii iicnim Hip M.'klciin Itm . They ulnil U In UrlcKii'it Kiiinbllnc Joint. The l"ll wmUn In hid bln.l and lie culls "li "riMmi in fin)ili nmi one In I'lay dice, mis- HUn, nn uld rlwil and enemy. !'u",,.Ml ,,n l'V 111" cnrnpHiilen tnliei up inn ilid. IliK DinimnlnnV Identity l h nij irrj . but ever etic wm ll It a jynrnun umlr the sombrero and mascu line nttlre or tlia berder. In un cxcllliiB rnnie Jim wersts riln" anil then dial dial kiibei the house tn another. The woman initM h.m up. sensHtlnnnlly wlnnliiK. I'.iter she summons him niystvrleusly In an interview. In uhlch she tells of her hatred of nins ami asks Jim te aid her. Jier refuses us he lins mndn a D.ict with hIN old chum, llnrletv te xt nn a o e BO for seme lmshrleus Mexican treas ure. Art. r a eianc In a disreputable iuii with n ciunlnt rulthreat crew, the party lands and mviKes its way te the intci ler. At the picturesnue seena of Jhelr exploit aaln In male nttlre. te heir Hlnarcincnt appears Zeralda. II appears the treasure huntlnic tMrty Is In the power of tlm stranve wipman and her coterie. In a startllnir Interview she (iispleses that there Is te be another war In Mexico AMI IIKIti: IT CO.NTINLi;S A Nl) I will ' went en ill direct Hint war," she serenely, "from tills chair in tills room and from elsewhere. Lewer California will raise Its own standard and it will he my stnndard. Alreadj has word stirred Senurn Inte restlessness nnd n beginning of activity; already Is Chihuahua arnied and eager. Already have the thousands of Yaiptis listened and agreed: already have I made them Inrge premises of ancient Irllinl lands restored and menej . A Vnipii ptuirds nij deer ender. Hut i ou did net knew that he was the seu of Chief I'inin. nor tluit In ten dajs the son will be chief nfrer Inning served In the household of .ernida ! And Senera nud Chihuahua and the Yaqui tribes arc pledged le one thing: Te an independent Iewer California oer which 1 shall rule." "Wild schemes.-' muttered Kendric. "Foredoomed, like ether mad schemes in Mcicex. And if your great plannlngH are feasible, which I very much doubt, has your feathered companion failed te remind you Hint talk with a .stranger is rash?" "Yeu are no stranger." she said coolly. "Ner have 1 spoken a word te jmi that is net knimn already te all about me. My cousin. Ruiz Ries, whom I distrust nnd detest ; the Captain Kseebnr. who is a small i inn and n murderer, the oilier men whom I Inue gathered about me. they all knew, for in tills, if in nothing else. 1 can trust i them all." ' ) "Hut if I went nwaj." he asked. I "and talked'?" "Yeu nrc net going away." He lifted his brews quieklj at that. "I go where I please." he reminded her. "When I nlcasc. I am my own man. Senerlta Cu-tidiimr." "hinge words." She smiled at him curienslj . Yeu mean tluit my going wemu lie , i .... 1 with':" ' llliei in -. yniir- "I iiie-in taat :u .' JMlf fiee of f'ne lien.--: U'.'t ."" niny j . thp .,,,,., . ,illlt. If j.m sought , " . ,, Nl.u weii.d in dc- 1 : sr ' ve::::,.:iu ,;, ,..u,e, Ul.llllll(.. ,., ; .... be.en.c n,v uuM.l ;lu iiplaiu 1 "You're a d"vilil hospitable host- . ess." lie rcmarKed. I Hie was watching him shrc.dl teres,, , te M-c j.l-l hew he W'Ul'l j.ept her ultimatum. He letun... leek witli ebnr. untroubled ivje-- in li'- pild "Yeu will think el wnui i en." site Mild slowly Mj weiiitu wli'u b Ian is "' '" ' , ., ,.,,.., i..,.. . i ..r i.,,, . purchased emlirace innmn-e --- sainl f sn-uh: the inneu ihoe-. - arc mill", de-crl i. uie after mile. ...,.i ..wiinit inn. -.trctci "" , I'licre is nn pw r like Illim. i ,11 MpxI.e. though until It bus lai'i hlddni. giving no sign. ll'.W It i' ill HO -lean in ion"- .'- ,. ; . ,.,!. what .'en like erc. Jim Kenilri. . i, man !" phi. the I.Uc -I f nil .' mid for the blgyest of nil sial nd fuilhei- fintber -- ..vvi..,i "KurllierV H" hiuglicd. n hat comes after all that, ijm cu et .inlii: "Loek Inte mj eje.s, she said -idtlj. "I k di ep." . . .! A 11 11 I'll 11 lllllll i n a rii ii He looked and though '" htm women nn 'ad bunks, it lnt a flush in pi up into his cheeks. 1 or ui-illur In- nor an: ether in. in i...... fnilnl te uiiiler-dtiud lb" ' were slnw ' new i ubt ' sil-nr I was as pee eli if Z'lr.ildn s ejes. n niicll te , ,i. kin nn iien i no ii"i -" leek "into her ejs as through I Iif in and en. deep into her heart : as though tln-si v ere gales, open le him. Iliieugh whbli lie might glimpse paradise. Zmnid.i. ,i r leek clinciiig te his pnimialeh . ,ns seeking te nfii r the linn I argument. The ens- would ha- t been plainer I tnl .he whlsnercd with bee lips1 "I. ieii I. eialdi. hue j en'. Yeu sh-ill la m master : I J'"ir willing hlave What' en will. I will also. Mv benul 'shall be Jimi-s-, m eenlth. t'. est. Hi. I i.ij aui'ilii uif. nij pnwei, all lhee siiall 1 lie' iiii lord's. Uf a kingdom whbh shall 'he built vm shall be king. Yeu shnll 'go far. mui shnll idlmb high. All hc l,'i i. ei-aid.i. Iem- jmi !" She steed llin-e w-itcliing Hi', her ijes litiriilii'! nit" his. iiiim! weie pli'luies miiil In hi"- nwti pbtillis i,f pri.lc and inwer, nnil, lis u mirror rc- lli-ils tlie w ene heime n, sn mi u nine i, Id .Iim Keiuble's mind held r.n Image ni the thing in '."! Tula's. Hi felt her iiillueiKc iipnii liim: ll'' fell that mid .lining of the blend, lie -taicil b,i.-k int., hi r " " III.' a.u.nn bewild I as p. i lures i'n"' nud sn-ipt lungiiilii entlv l,j !- av lhe red "l" her parted lips Mil lienrl her infl breathing: for u eii.ii-i luiulh if Inn" long or shirt Inn little i eiirepiiun- he was innti b ss nud speechless uti'U-r her spell. lie 'lined i'Hless 'I'hnsi. iisi.,1.. ciiiiinriil 'IP "ithiii 'inn. cither h .ei nd T prei ion- words nud wind had i;i ne hefi re nr b till' .iiblle wiirkiugr of her inliid new. weie net unhrekeii. i thn ugh' of I'wl-li i'.iirlnw li. iln i liiid gnin- 1" her nt I lie 1 1 i- Inwn 1 ,,, ,r ll In- i' u ' p'-l h'i'i es iiii Mil Kendi'ic thought thai hi uh IlllllSill" ImW Me siiiimi iieinii llll- s.iiinr. Irnw si lalkiil with lii ii j and hml.ci' nt bun, hew in lhe llrt small point she wen nei- lilin. He I In ni gilt uf nn aiii-ieni tile of Circe and the swine. Whs he ii free iiiiin. a iiuiiTm mail or w'ns he n umnan's p'-iMhlni'V " " ll Ihished ever lii in igiiln that it might lie Hmt .niaida ii" nind. liven new, Cm be set Hied 'ii he --eadiiig her iiiliin-l mil. wns fhe lint pbijing the sn. t,, t lin.i',inliu.sV Wn till some barbaric whim of hers, or was she. for the once, hincere? While appearing te he all .welding softness wns she but plaj ing a ganieV Would she. at one instant sjiajing toward n iiuin'n nrniM. tbe next whip back from liim. 'aughlng at him? ( uiifiiM'tl IheiigblN winging thieiigli A Talc of Adventure BY QUIEN SABE (Who Knows) Cepurtutil. IQ-t. l Charles Scrlbncr's Seiu liin rluies of iliieertiiliit.v liclil liim wlicre lie wiih. Itis t'.cs stiirliig at hers. o e ruldii miRlit rcml sonic of IiIm mlml but surely net all. Whnt slie renlizeil was that Mlie bail offered mlieli. pverytlilna. nnil tluit. lie steed, seeinliicly unmoved and frowned at ber. Qulfk in all her emotions, new Mlildenll lier eliceks Homed and tbe llgbt in bcr eje nlternd swlllly te blazliiB niiBer. "tin!" she cried, peiiitlns. Slip leaped te ber fcet. ber eyes IIiiiuiiik. "liy tbe Ieiib Minisbed IIttltsr.il. I nvenr tbnt I I am 'of a mind te let tbep iIurs, Hreu 'land Kscebar. Iiiive tlieir way with you! i What! am I Xerabbi Castelmur. of a inie nt k ncs. iiauir ner ei ine eienic iititiiiis. te have a man stand up before me weighing me In the balance of liis two eyes? (Je!" He turned te go, eager te be out In the open air. Hut as lie moved she called out te him: "Wail ! At least I will say my say. Yeu and thai feel Harlow cnine here, into my land, seeking geld. INeebar comes slinking in like n desert wolf en the same errand. Oil, 1 knew some- .. ... ..C 11 .... I I. ...... -,,,. I, I. w. ,,f nil that gees ferwurd from end te end of n "Mial tun I. Zeralda. CaMlemar. of h rare, of kings, daughter of flic .Menlczumas, te Imte a man stand before me weighing mc In the balance of Jils two eyes? Ce!" she panted land that will one day all he mine. There was also the lode-tone toward .hiiinv. died from KsnibiirV knife, hut I which he nnd Harlow had steered and his lasl jjasp was for one of nn agent's: , which had drawn l-nii-inde l-.sceb.ir. cars. When ou or Harlow or Kseebnr And tluit amn.ing creature who coolly lav hand en the treasure of the elenle- laid chUm le the rejul bleed of the .uiiins. it will be te tcp aside for the ' Menteztinias laid elaftn us well te their last Monte.uma. It w il be mine !" i tiensuip trove. .luM hew niij of.'1"'".1 l-'ui-y Itlled her ejes. The hands at. her sides clenched tinUI the knuckles' shone white through lhe blaze of her tings. The great cat rose and ynwned.' showing its glistening teeth and red! threat. Its pji's were no mere mereiless nnd cruel Hum Its mistress'. Kendrlek i felt ipieerly, us though lie were looking bnek across dead centuries; into ancient Mexico and upon the angry princess of thp most cruel of all peoples. Hie bleed-lusting Aztecs. "f!e!" she panted. it li one after another e lhe doers thrown open ried awnj. before him Kendric hur- CIIAI'THR VI! Of it Cilrl Held V'er Ransom and of a Toast Drunk Hy (hie Infatuated .lini Kendric returned straightwaj te j the rooms aMelied te him and li.u-lew. I hyping te Mini his companion there. Thej must talk together, Ihej must i underslaiid each the ether; thej must knew, and knew without dcla.N.'iiist In W llllt ailll til whllt hmi'llls fi-ien.l ...ei I.I count en friend. Te the uttermost,! Ki ndiii -. mild hae said a week ,ire. ' ' -v- t . . , ... I .-vow ne eniv pnllilcii il Hie mailer, ie. i cnilnig Hint in si. ne wajs Ibulew did no seem iiuilc lln- nlil mate. i lie fieind the rooms enipij and thvcw , hliiis-lf into cm of the Id;: chairs te ; wait- As he ii smiled the .sitiuil inn it nun nine eneilgli In leeeuimeud itsef, te a liiau of his sinnui. He Inn mil II i least desiic te middle in nn win Iwltlt Mexicnn i-cwilutlmian t.elitlcs: l lllihel nls wntilil ..mill, .iii.I ....nil. !.. -.--.-.. , ,, , ,, is.i'ii. no umiiu. ter thus would a great ceun- . j. I'IKHOl-I.AVS All I IJtli M..ll. .. I'.LHVUIll. All' lainura m., ' ni , ,,. i. n u i.-. i n WILLIAM S. HART In I Mill. I,-M 111(11 IlltWII" ALLLCHtNY i i ni, ii.i-.i . i .1 li.nh .' I Ml -nllS ., l.vt's. Mil I.I MI lie Mll.l.l.'si "AFTER THE SHOW" IS I A r-M I r u.h ,'v IIIOMIsilN Ms i MI WU.L.V. M MINI. I. IHIl.t l.liWI siiim, lii "THE GOLDEN SNARE" A r- A i-l A i IlislM r llil mi it AIs-rtUlrt III l W II I.' J' M ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "llM)( t I Is OU ll' ACTPlD IHA.M.1.IN A. l.tllMili U As) 1 UK l I IM.I. I. MIA WALLACE REID in nn; iim i mi.iii.n-" rTALfiiviOREi:r,.,i,t,':,,:,Mv,,;i Mil. OKI. I II MOWS ( IIM'I. IN hi "HABIT" RRNN urn i AMI Ulllllll.VIl i; I I V 'III ETHEL CLAYTON In "III 1IISD" BLUEBIRD" "I ,..,r7: li.imm j uinll II PAULINE FREDERICK hi "MIL IIN'. Il III s nrVA rilV; A V 'lie.nl JL Stivl DlWJAL-' W rtl ii '- WALLACE REID in "MIL III. 1. 1. UK. I. Ills cAPrreiY-'Vni'";M v VIOLA DANA In "llll. MXKII llltl.ll I "' ' -.Si AMIM '''" M-'l'l' " 1 I- n- ik-ULUiMnu. ll'IIS III 11 ' II I IMMHIOS "THE GOLDEN SNARE" DARBY THEATRE M.I -s MJ ( 1. I- , "THE STAR ROVER" EMPRESS "u "s .MVV," LIONEL BARRYMORE "Mil. dill l MlVl.srt HI." FAlRM0U(,,,lv",,'i, I Ail- M.I -s"-l 1ST in "OUR MUTUAL FRIEND" FAMILY "" 11 1 Ml ,THI. I".ll M. il I ist s V M I'll Mllisu.ll I I'M" '! "DANGEROUS LIES" 1 cTl J CT I III. Villi- ll. 3U I I 1 ' i . ' m, CONSTANCt I ALMADGE In "IMM - 1 U" GLOBE'"""" VA,t,,:', "' ... 1e"m EUGENE O'BRIEN In "MKI.I)s I'IM'" rsY) AMT "- "iltAltli aii. UK A IN I MvriNi.r mam itnw Rupert Huglics' "The Old Nest" ll.Vltlll V 1 III I) In 'I III)' s. , i . COMMKy r J s"iiliir. OF THE try in due time work "out its own sal vation. Hut It was no affair of bis. Tills fomenting nucleus Inte wlileli be find Hnrlew bad reme was, lipestlinated, foiedeoined te failure and werse: one line day Hub. Hies and Fernande Kxco Kxce bar and tlieir outlaw following would llnd tbeniM'lves witli tlieir backs te an ndebc will nnil tbtlr faces Mt tnwnnl "? "J '1,le".-1 1Al,,, ernldu ( nstel- mar bad best tliinli upon tbnt. tee. rer turbulent times had borne women along with men le n quirk undoing. All this was clear te him. Hut here clarity gave way te groping iiiiccrtnlnty. Less than anj thing else did lie have a stomach for being bottled up in any house in the world, ernida s house least of all. nnil denied I he freedom of , house the open. It looked as though up. who had never done another man's com cem ninnd. must new de n girl's. At nil she Imil 'lift v. perhaps n hundred retainers llglv-loeklng devils nil and no levers of Aniericans who runic unbidden Inte their ceuntrj. "There's always a wnj out of u mess like tills." he told himself, deter mined le llnd it. "Hut right new I don't see it 'could mane a move lewuru u wuoeoi ier knowledge baffled Mini. .Mid hence. mere than ever belere. inn ins miiiini te cet hi" own bauds en ucMre il. When pn-sentlj Harlow entered, Kendric looked up at him thoughtfully. Harlow I along with him a subdued "",.y i ,r excitement. eii'm. us! eft llies-: asKed ieu ll i. "Yes." I'.arlew came in and closed I,.. .ir,,. imikini? iiuieklv and uuestien- iiiRh at his friend. He appeared te hesitate, then said burrledlj Tberi' me I ml- HiliiRs aliead, eh Headlong! "Sheet, answereil Kendrl sbnrplj . 'What's lhe jdnj. man: , . . , Again Harlow liesltated. plninlj in df ubt just hew far Kendric might be in iMiipulbj will) liim. . "it wouldn't make you mad tn nil jour pockets, Headlong, would it: he i t.Lnil .. . . r M1 ...I ...i Jlllllltl t "Iiiilgln iuii: .ui" .'" -; mind a scrap or two and a blew or two, in Hie job. would jeu .' "Watcli eiir step, Iwislj. mil iini - er. nud leiuirii'. ii bus has tiilkiin: rcielutimi te jeu, lias he' Sometimes an uprising down here Is a flung u . and it M-emed Hkelj . from,. naslj mess that It's easier tn gel into what Xm-.iida had sa(d. Ih.it siniie of' liiau mil of again. And. if we get our her rabble x.ei" wntihing niin. If , honks mi the tool that brought us down, he th -iii'-d ll as well te knew for cer lieie. wh.v should we want te mi , it j tain. Si 1(. I.ppi siuilglii en toward with tlu'j'cderal (Jovern nt V" wlutewn-lid wall glimpsed tlirnugii' I ll'.. f..ll...... II ... !, I . . .1.. Hnrlew licRiin luRRltur at Ins lore- lock "I 'ui up a tiee. .Mm." tie muttered at lasi. Clean up ,i tiei I "'I'linii tout, urn ...ii tii.li 'Then h ok mil jeu en jour feel .......,.".... s. instead of en join bead when jeu de '11(11 DIM. S 'riie following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLKY Cetnpanv uf America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the thealre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. iRKAT NORTHERN it l.rle CONSTANCE TALMADGe" i" "ui.iiniM. iii.i.t.v IMPERIAL en ii i W AI.M T CONSTANCE TALMADGE I- ' "U I.IIIIIM, III I I s" KARl.TON ' '" sl n1 ' u" ' ' t-i:""i enm.iun 11..11, ie m ,.. ti e ! 'DON'T TELL EVERYTHING' i j : , f- . - . - i-ciiigh i jaince,,r '""",". ;',;;;:;;' MILDRED HARRIS hi "llll M01lN IS Ills 11(11 "si LIRFRTY ' h'j-m' ei.i mui a. u"-"-n l i IISI I. . l , EUGENE O'BRIEN In "IS I.1I I. WOUIII ,1M,',' IV.RRRnnk' '..'u SI I 1 V I 11 I , .11 I , UAV1L POWELL hi "Mil, Ms- j mi vil- PALACE ,-V1.""V.,,V. r..:".' n.i.i CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG M. - jn MIIIT Sll M .s iMis JK Nl KSS ,u,s MMtM.i Mi-iti.nr UMS MWtM.I S .111 A i- I,. I I .I,'i 11 11. 1. 1 VM III slsl-l I I.. "The Lady Frem Longacre' II REGENT 5U'"-' -si iM" inn .. ' l I" i l I'. .M SHIRLEY MASON In "ll KI'.SII." RIAI TO 'il.HMAMiiWN AlkM'll7 CONSTANCE TALMADGE'' In "I L.sslISs . ! ,n , . RUBY ,AI(M;'' "' "i'u.uv nli DOROTHY PHILIPS1' " In "M.S WIM.S M.MllUM.iv SAVOY ,-' ""$ TuT:i.-r WILLIAMS. HART"""K", III "lll'.l I 'S IIISI.l.s", K,SMRRWnnn m.h Italllim.re Av. .... ... . ,, vvjV 4 , mm . f..... . . . l I, II .llj mvjuuiN UAVILS hi "l,M II SI1;S" Stanley" T:Arr!r:; MME. NAZIMOVA " " III M'UUI.I.h" STANTON .B?'?7vrn,T? " ".lAV, JHIZ MKU I'l.XV ' uviiK J Mb HILL" 333 MARKET,,-'-1;.'; .VVT'iT BERT LYTELL hi " Mill' ill I' Ml MUSK VICTORIA MVII': )T HlTufli ni. I-. m. ... ...,. 5: ;!:"0l .". .'.I III 1 llll-ll-' RIAI TO Yn,c:T' Vm irrT'ns.c -,w VVliJI VI'ltL I IV K TOM MIX In " lillll.S miMICO" - SUN clde te peme down lewn. It would lc MY,! take right new." '" te make n mis "Yen, easy : dead easy-Old Head, nc cini i Hull n.. r" long rmtnse lutighed but with little genuine ,,,;,? "I want a straight talk with v,'i ' Twisty.1' tnlil Kendric soberly. VtaM v...!.. nun v urn- me iiijeui note and I'm! gong te break for the open. Yeu J,3 j I hnvc fallen among n pack of i,ii,m,n1 tlllpvPN. te .Irnw 11 i. .11. 1 w ....i. '""Wj we'd heller uinleri.tnn.1 ,,n.j. ...i . .."'S --" mil uuier, ' Rlgllt!" cried IImpImu WROrly,' it ... .. ...n. .... UCI M U1IK Nll-IllRllt ll-lllll t in 't icr." """: Hut events, or rather Zeralda On-M mar, who Heiigbt te usurn ilesiin,.-.. J' regativi-M here, ruled otherwise. A vuini; n lllllfL Hill III llic I nor II,... ..:. jelce of one of the beiiscinalds, ,A Ing: ' t! ii.7.in "0,,nr,,a z'!r!lltl!1 "" ImiaiJ diately te npeak with Kener Harlniv ' S Harlow, just casing hinH.f n. ' J, cluilr. jumped up. l $ "Coming." lie called Kcndrie. tee. spuing up, Ids locking hard upon Hai low's nnii '"r.t.i,. .... .,., ... ,. Juand .. .n, lie miui, neil en a luln.j. tlte. The house Isn't ,, dr.. Uln' "WcllV" Hnrlew'M liupatiei'iee glared i of IiIh ejes. "What Is ItV 'I've get a very large, lifP.ij en nilbtilrtiti lii.,1 II ..... .1.1 l. i " It would be just s ,velll( hack word juu eeuldn't it. net until we've had our if you .eut come. At least talk. I "She ,ald immediately." N,,i iinr. " . .illll nn II. I oil (1011 I 1 te see lierV Win V" unnt me I "Hccaile ' Isn't geed fi if neii wnni ie knew. u jeu. Slie M-pk- t (rt. . .... I,. .... !.!.. A. ..I . ..I. ,."ii in ,.ii iiu IIM'I M'O ..i . . - eiue ui hers, ,,j i If you den t leek out jeu'll de ju.t 4. I w"hnt she sajs de. There never wn-t i ' NinyiiMimi Ki'iii'v, Mie -h iincnnnj man! She will giie jeu the snnie lln in mini uiiK sue gnvc me. she will mat, you the same sorts of offers -" "You've seen her then? Tonight) WJiile I was out with Ries ou wen with her?" ' we "Yen. And net because I fount! nnr pleasure in her company, either." Harlow jerked free, laughing liU dli belief, his leek at onee unpleasant and suspicion?, "Tell that te the murines." Lf j.'cred. He threw the deer open and went out. In the hall Kendric could Jiear his steps sounding quirk and ia;cr., Kendric returned te liif, ebuir, j,tr ' pleed. Then again lie sprung up, throwing out Ids hands, slinking hU shoulders as though te rid them of t troublesome weight. "Toe much IhiiikniR isn't geed for a niun." he told himself llslitij. "Th' gaine'.s iiiade: let her roll!" He tool, -i cigar from the tnh'e, lighted It and passed through the hath and ad joining room. A deer opened te the outer corridor. He stepped out upon the flagstones and "strolled down the aisle Hanked en one tdde bj the adobe wall of the house, en th e't'i-r by the white columns' and arches. The night was fine, char and slaillt; tin- fraifiance of a thousand flew pi n ln I einy upon the air: Hie babble if the outdoor fountain made merrj music, Hy h fl the s-timc fleer for t'he gnnelcd' dLiewnj and put his head hack te tend, n little ptiTf of iiueke upward toward ine uas;i e .turn. : ..i, (, s n poed efil land. :il thai " he . "Hig and clean a:id wide open."' .strolled mi. looking i , right nnd ,,.r. Lefeie llllil the e.inlcns .mi inril" lieeil(,MTte(. Hill (here were patelid of,'.' linpcnetrahle lilackness under Hie uktw :.'" ?.'.-. """''" -inu sieppcu; ll was Utile higher than his head ii nd Would he no elkliiele III il-ell. lie mil his hand", gripped the tup I went up. sliefi and. I'n hp (nutiiiued tomorrow I'llOTUI'I.WM I fl,TI,c NIXON-NlRDLlNGtl LrV fHECATRES iRfn BLiLMONT ...'ii m.ui i mm.m:t ' 'ID i nl I. ,111 11 I'. X. 1liiini.s Mrlshmi. I.l.irli SHiin.iin, lle'ii. Kill. eris, llrhr liaiilds , I Hi Iff ti "MALE AND FEMALE" EDAR mm . ti mw .wb.NUM 'll' 7 .owl r m. km ki m iii l( 7 THE DEPTHS" V n' i r "OUT OF COLISEUM M",,;;, '" '"" oeth Wallace Re?d and Agnc3 Ayres J'l MIL III, 1. 1, llll. 1. 1 lis ' JUMBO I'Kl'M' SI tlimiiiii Jiirii & mil Mm .WK I 1 Ml ,fe il "L" AM.-STlt ( s In "THE MAN TRACKERS" I FAnre 'Mr a. i m -n.it WE. i-.unu'lwl M VTIM.I IMII-i i Wallace Rcid and Agnes AyreJ ' in "Tin; iici.i. una. 1. 1:" ' I nrriQT r'-" mi miui -iukkts , L.Ws,UsJ1 f,,, , ;, n a ,1(, 30 tO 11 Inhniij ("-lurilij"! Mines A .Ml-Miir 1 .1H "BURN-'EM-UP BARNES" NIXON Ml) AM) MATlKI r SIS i 7 nd C ,('IS 01 M III.! II II" nnil . 1 PETE MORAN m'"P. D. Q.' ' i . RIVOLI fi-.'IJ AMI IsASs-OM srs. M.MIS'III IMILl lliirn JiihiiMin, llnrntle llillnn unit liiiUe (il.iiiin In ..J 'THE THREE MUSKETEERS' 69TH ST TMI'ATIll' Miiii. " :m linn IrrtillMll I T Olie , MARION DA VIES In "I'M MANTlll'.NT" rm. rwwr-. - . . in.aaii lull V II !' 51 HAND ""V V. iru, .im li nm r ikmi i. ii i i ri i" "AFTER THE SHOW" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OFM.P.T.O.AJ, At i Germantown H . .riiuiiiOrt n MM IU'lV I CONSTANCE BINNEY '" ."'"! ( xs OI IIKIKV "iriri?i?DcrM -""' iMerhin , ""j J,-', ' -IWUli M XTIniJ Mi"y i rnNtjTANr.F. TALMADGb t ' m Hi:mn hkxi.s- ;i.i.n , et. nAni miKiU a i: I, .. ., J ii 4 I i-iiin - il -Irv m..i e in i:m 1.1 1Q T I EUGENE O'BRIEN n "TIIK MMT 1)11011" y i i.i -iX-tfteirH,..r- J