Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 25, 1921, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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fc " Vi'i
It '.
Weman s Life and Leve
01T, TIIH sickening "earch for work'
Just a ehanee te labor and earn
enough te live en Hew many millions
of girls in nil the
cities knew the
bitterness of end
less rounds of
shops and stnrts
nnd efliccs u 11 d
factories- of br
ing inspected and
catechized .1 11 d
told te come ngaiii
or that their name
sretild be. Kept en
The w i in a n
W 1 t 1) - f h .
latehke 1- a in
m n
'person 111 Hi
World. (Htcii -In i a jcueu perfeu.
fihe realize n certnin self-respect and
enthusiasm in earning and -pending ber
own menej , und in iii.iiniaintug her own
llttl" studio it tin t When once she
bes attained te the iliguit) of a ".-nl-nry."
life lnUl- mini acreeab'e e
Vcnenee for In r I for work it-elf !
engrossing, and -lie biwe- tt at nlcht
nlruest with rilueiane". he is ti"t a
cleck-watclin . spredlt.g live moment
fill she can ruli uwnj from business,
in the wnrlil of fun Hie is se enmeshi d
In the real business problems, that, in ,
a measure thc entitnte her fun, nnd
parties niltl inoiens ji.isiiwis urc nuuvr
a bore, tame l,uie tiie iig iiame
But all this Is atti-r she has con
quered the cruel commercial world.
The millions are unprepared The
tire thrust info the jungle minus ci-n a
OOd fouiiilaiiefi idiieiitien, let nlut :i
upeciallzeil i,r techniciil one which 'nil
command a g""d 'n!ar ami aH-,- .i
certainty of work
TIIKY are seit forth h' fourteen tvith
their "working paper-." Oft.n
thev are than fourteen and some.
body it" nbmit their age. vcaur pov pev
Tty goads the family into putting e?ery
child te work early Of'en. th. v ar
undersized, underdeveloped, underne tv
ifthed. Te get a job is te crab at anj
ndvertisement in a dally paper, or en
n cardboard in front .f em- tall left
building. "Girls "vVaUcd." "Help
"Wanted '"
Ne mention of the kind of trerk or
the amount of pay, just the bald state
nient that a let of young things are te
1)0 put t,. work. They are raw nnd In In
eTpert. They rake any labor ntTered.
nt nnj pay vouchsafed Soen, times are
(dack'nnd' thc ar" laid off. Thev bine
te start en the enr round again. r.
the boss is fresh, and n s.lf-respeeting
plrl regents hi- fniniliarin and he at
once fires her. She ha no recommenda
tions for her next job.
But you who read this nre mere for
tunate." Yeu went te business college
three months, and perhaps you took
night school work in Knglib. Yeu can
take dictation rapidly. Or you are a
milliner's helper, and have a gift for
trimming hats. But suddenly, the man
ncer savs te the forewoman : "Times
girls in the workroom." She picks
you among the dozen. Yeu cry and tell
Iier about veur sick methir She l
distressed and tells the be's, this 1 an
unusual case.
"They all arc unusual enc. Miss
Smith.''' he replies. "I told veu w.
bad te reduce the force. Select any
way you please. 1ut we getta get rid of
wet n(i 01 twelve 01 rne
Paul and
I pstairs
A T s00n" snuW"" 1n fewn';
-O. Tnul
il turned obediently from the
sport 'n"
pages of h.s newspaper te tnat
page en wuien w
theatres' a n nounce neunce
tnents appeared.
"H'ni. ' be sH id
sefMy "net much te
-ce se far as I can
make out."
Virginia clasped her
lingers and s, ni i I e d
a' ress the table.
"We haveu't seen a
'hew In a deg's age,"
the sighed.
Twe weeks age last night we saw
ft show.'' reproved Paul, firmly
Virginia sighed again.
"And it cost me SO.tlO. which is a
whole let of meuey thee days, jn tell
the world.
"We don't have te sit 'way down
front in th orchestra." Virginia re
minded him.
Paul threw her a glance in whib
surprise and reproof mingled.
'"Supposing we did -it in the
ceny,'" he said, "what would our
friends think. If they saw usV Thev'd
My we were either tee lienr te sit down dewn
btairs, or that I was getting mean with
you or or something." He finished
Virginia shrugged.
"What de I care weat our freed-,
h,nk:' . v
"And, anyway, you can t near unit
what tlicy sav from the balcony .ird
there are always a le' of r:ijerP people
lip there, and "
"Hew de .mi knew'"
"Hew- de you knew- wiut " ou or
fcrnr well in the baleenv'' Hew con"
It that ou knew -e much about th
hOrt of people one Is nuid Up with 11.
the baleen '' Why. Piu'i. you viekvl
.man, you ntver used te -it in the bil-
Ceny. ' I den t bt!iee ;m; er but ir
the balcony."
"Well, listen hen '
"Yeu knew perffeth well that vel
took me te the theatre about evel r week
before we were uiarrleil, and 1 don't
remember tbut we ever sat in the bal-
Keeping Brushes
A varnish brush muy ! ket m th
varnish In which it is u.-eil. or in hi1'
of shellac nrntsli, m ale'jh ! , ' .'
brushes u-'d in nl Pi"f ""' '"'' '' '
unless they are e 1 ue,l again -a
few days, should be 'horeugiiH v u-i
lu turpentine y kerosene, r.hv.i
gasoline or bi nzni' v.ishul a,'u:i
warm senpsud-, thoroughly slM'-.n, ,
hung up te dry w th the bristle- de-
Paint-brushes that ur,. te 01 u-i-1 una 1
tbe next d.iv m.'n impl be wiiiii..
aevernl thlcknesse, of paper, or tic
may be kept for eernl duy- w'th 1
bristles subniirge.1 in furpent m 1
Fer lcTerus
& Invalids
"Feed- Drink" for All Ages.
ick Lunch at Heme, Office, and
ounUkie, Ask for HORUOCS,
'itfens & SubtlihrtM
VK .&,.
v, ivii.
I! M.I LI.
V sfftrysWt
i WF
a Jeb
ft bunch of 'cm."
And se H'u start en
t he rounds ngiiin.
Wi;i:KS of searching for work means
weeks of tela! less. Ne pay. That
means tliat enr earning average of
wages in a a ear is net what it Hounds,
when uu proudly -ay, "I earn twelve
a week," but It Is about nine a week,
and there are innumerable carfares nnd
ten have te pay for and wear u special
costume. ,
Department stores used te pay tun
i ittle eash-girls (these undersl.i'd. un-
,ii.rf,l lim creiiturcM that leek te be
iireejy ten jears old i ?'
week! i
sejirieiv icii :, , u 1 i- urn'
Doubtless. the pay considerable u.ore
hut 'think of the increased cost c .1
h..iir.l ...id ledging: It 1- stated 11. til I
the printed literature and statistic of
the liui-utners i.ingue mnr verici i"
some of tit- ti"-auil-ten-cent stores giti
but .H or S1 .1 week, und rand -dippers
get n little a- SIO. (tirl that tic I
millions, of dots in eiK and make artl- I
liciiil tlew.r-- n-erive but a pittance.
Ttic nre unskilled, ami seckty offers
tl.'iii nil chance te get skilled! As in-I
ili"luiis tin ciin de nothing nnj mere
1 'mi, if thc were iiiirnH in cae. r
Imi-ses bound te truidmills Hut women I
mere fortunate can struggle te icninM ,
, ni..llretln. AH thlh is wetuans me
,iut(, ns much us are bulls aud bridge
T WAS the well-te de clubwemen
who forced legislation and get toils
placed in department stores for trio gins
who steed en thilr feet fourteen lmurs
a dm in th. e'd. terrible times. It ns
tl.ev' who agitated for earh ( hnniiii"
shopping, and ter .-IvT'-r n.ur- and
hlg wage'
1 U a h'artbrrnking th'r.- for any
. woman 'or any man '.I te star' out after
u job. unless .he is se competent nnd
certuin of her talents as te fiel .erene
nn,l Independent. If she ras 11 large
hank account, she is radiant iu the feel-
inc that she can tvalt till Jhe finds 1
exa"tlv the congenial work thar she
i most eajevs. Shi- can enter an eflice
with the air of one who has some ex
cellent goods te offer, and knows that
the biver will be pleased te learn about
1 them, even If at that moment he Is net
In Im market te buy.
11,0.1. Hi.- -....--. --
one of life s ironies. jeu unm iinu 1
refuse, and if you are blg-bearted nnd
decent veu rack veur brain te think of ,
some friend who really needs that job. ,
ami M"i tnKe time in write i-nn-. 01
fb phone, and get her In touch with it
nt once.
. ... - .- 1 l.K AC
are almost pennlle. and in
our .mi mis a cnance nr a
n cnance nr a
veu show 111 your 1
n Hervl
servility, fear and anxiety
th.,.- .ictimllv militate ucninst you. The
interviewer "decides that you cannot h '
verv capable or you weu'd net be out el
work, and se alarmed lest you lese tbi
chance! It is hnrd te loon jaunty and
prosperous. In a cheap suit and with
fear nt veur heart ; but it helps te fp-
cure work. ,...
Tin- only thing one can de i te try
every way te get practical training, and
make herselt neres-ary. te that the job
is proffered eagerly.
or Down'
conj . nnd sire -i, n be'i
haven't gene se efter . but
sat in the bdb'e . and-
married we
1, nccr
"Suy, l.e inter
rupted her "Suy
Virginia, den t get -ilr
eidt's about it n
course, 11 fellow nev, r
tnke his girl te k't in
the balcenj '1'i.r 1
one of these tliint
tlint l-n't done, e .
knew. Aud then wiirp
a fellow marri's I. or,
e' course I e can''
start right in and take
his r-ew wit, te 'it
uiistuirs. Why, what
kind of fellow would de ;ha' '
Virginia gicgbnl ,
"Oh. mister man. se you have a - s 1
tern all worked out, hate, you? Going
te wait till you get me all tram'd and
everything, and then the balcony will
be geed enough?"
She threw herself into his lap and
pinched his cheek.
"0 that's the way you've get it all
fixid up in jour mlud, you wicked old
married man, you."
He chuckled.
"Well, sis, we'll go te th rbejtre,
and we'll bnve seat rtght down m rJie
front row," he premised ber, trahng
it with a kiss.
ISu Virginia held him of!" wi'L b"th
htr hHnd" and grew stern
Indeed'' Well, fir uf will de
tieth-ng 01 he K-nd. We tiii tar' j
nsti' i- new ft t'i become I b enj 1
P'epl" And 1 weu'de't 1 emj '.ic a
bif t n wt n-iri' i.ghr up t , 'ie j
gallery Win , I'aui. you gje- I e
sa' in the Vial, env b" of turn 1. I nnr.ie
11 I'd I ijsed te go 'e le- .(' niftfin"f '
i:i night v!ew. ee nnd e ,,liy ,
-a' in 'In bulcen ,nd th piepi '
W'l v . Paul, thiy'r' rgil.ir 1 i.le w .. 1
-1 111 tl.f blh en' J Hn pf..,. iih,i Mr
evm-tiiirs bore mr f,, t . n r- T,y'r
-11 i.en veu ktiu Whin I 1 can "
And Mi, balcony it w - tba' c.ening
for our P'i'il and V 'giniu .
1 onierrou lUclprediy
kerosene It k'recne
hPish nni be -hiik' n
"irpennne before r 1
ig'i:r !ir i-nr - .1
1,1c 1 t,..
f 'ised. tlir
nnd rinsed in
1 ur 11 ' 1 p nr
' r
' 1 r '
Tt is 11 strange pyoneiegirni .net mm ime mrm an, out mere especially the
, l .rt tunc m.1. Ten I "Pleasailtlv JMnrnn" v-irUt,. n. t.i..
IV I'll JOI1 lire IU lie .1.. '.u -. , " ----"- :..'-' tieu II.'-'1IIA
-et the most! 1 ,h ?fa,e, ,lf from lic te 130 pounds
ri;vcn one knows that, when veu al- J'-n. . at a height of about ne feet
,l.v nave ., gee.. I'"-""". .-"", "",, , that I have tee much of tt choice, but,
1 III.. .. ami r, l(A ...-,..... .il'liue L lllldllL II fl II UP
Please Tell Me
What te De
Te "Temptation"
Cynthia Is nerry about your cousin's
death, dear. It Is natural for yeil te
rlee, but you muat net mope and
worry your fnmlly. Take mi Interest
In them nnd their pursuits nnd you'll
toen feel better.
They "Heller" at Hep
Dear Cynthia I am ft girl coin te
high school and am In my second year,
and would llke te knew what te de.
when going and coming home from
school 1 ntu teased by rude mm, who
ure ulunys frliR te draw my utten-
en iy neiiermir nnd H rt nt?. Xmv.
what 1 de net like
ibeut It is that tin
, . , ; .... ....v.,,. ,k 1
H r Hen d t bin ks that I u,
'', ' h lir" nttenMen?'
Ue ,,, . . Vt ",,,",
,,, eiilluj geed looking by
doing the
think It Is
I would
nd te It. I
frlrn,l l,f"l ;i " ,:"5."'. .".'- Kin. I
r- ,. h.. 1-
:,.,.,,; ,:,,' " 'or a Hint and
think T an, no better than anv ether
Blt,".!iniy aE ANNA P.
,!,'",, '' matter out of your thought.-)
. l reU'wl Ue "r net te notlee the
, . '' "irt wlUi
they II seen step
ou and
Answers "I. M. Right"
fe??' iPr.V11'--"'"1 J0U 'ubl,sh '"
1 ,h 1.1 ,ni.K,,t aml Mlss 1!-1 Thex
both h med Unit Crl.s wanted kisses but
. euidnt pet thftn. r m. night eiris
ih?mg?rWilll,,?eun.,r nien "nil net kli
!Jl, ." J'eu"t-',f"an T ire out with 1 .
preve te jeu that although we luee
sene together since way Inst ear irr
liave never kls.d 0110 another. We love
chcIi ether, r. 11. Hlght. but until we see
lit te tv, enpnged we should net kl'-H If
.. 1 unci se de I that kisses nre saeree
As for ou. MI.h i!,:i, you will be .
much kls.c-,1 that vu will net knew t.ie
1ev of l!ss!,1!? the man you love. T i
only r.eur eijhtcnn but ou sound nhou nheu
tnirte" cr fejrteer.. there Isj that mu. h
.'en'e te It OLD-KASHICVEP
Why Doesn't "Tlllle" Write?
one te
,2;"ntita -With further refer
Till e anklna- for h i.
tlen of tile fairer tes that the bevS like :
1 nnte that r have company In llklntr
them, as pe- 'TlUleV doacriptlen.
J. tee. Knetv of some te whom tfc
LlHlf "TUMft" m.v V nnnll.j t
- ...- .'- uivncu una wne
measure up te these referred te by
"Lankv" en tha lUd.
I rre alone with "Lankv" In ,
1 think that "Lanky" will agree, with
me that it Is somewhat of a "graml and
plorleus feeling" te meet with it TUUe"
of the above-mentioned description and
te be ftreeted with a true feminine smile
ip, w'liai :
'Iunk gives a rather optimistic sug sug
Kestlen when he refers "Tlllle" te ".un
iCpple." Perhaps it advances "Tlllle"
.1 fiw pegs higher
t think new that a.s "Tlllle- has bad
some response te her questions he
should come out and say something.
1 'uii t urcp 111 maing ana reaa an ine
T rhac
iioed thlnpi. Let'e hear peme mere
s ihe wants Just n few mere
emmenta en the uubject. then she will
come out with something te fiy
I figure it would be well for some of
the ether readers te get In en this and
offer Eucgertleni en the subject and
ifnd a helping word te the "Pleasantly
Plump" maiden of nineteen ytnra
As "Lanky" and I hae said. Cheer
10. "T.llle." Why worry? Remember th
pong with the musical comedy here last
season with the tour similar words
"Somehow, somewhere, teme time, some
Lut'a hear from you, "Tlllle."
The Question Cerner
1. Describe a goed-looklng'and ex
tremely useful piece of furniture
for the llwng-renm.
2 Whuf old-fashioned ernaraenta
are ugaln becoming popular?
3. If a dower-pet is te be pluced en
.1 windewslll, whnt makesi a ten
flble s,ort of mat te put under It?
4 When did the famous Queen Eliz
abeth reign in England?
0. Hew ie an odd and brilliant comb
for the balr fashioned?
(i. Wha makes a striking cehtume
for the school girl?
Yesterday's Answer
1. Tulle wound about the threat 'will
keep the cellar clean wheu under
a fur cent or neckpiece, uud will
be cooler than 11 scarf.
'2. A oecnient egg slietr is made
like a pair of scissors with both
blades made In circles one solid,
the ether open, while the handle
a rooster.
Jj. A large realistically colored rose
forms the ehartnlng and unique
fastening seen en one of the newer
1. The wife of King Edward IV
of England bore the name of
il. Exquisite for evening wear are
enie long, narrow buckles of
rhlnestenes with silver fringes
iunglliig from them, which are
se fashioned that they are tnlnla-t.r"-
of a type of leather fringed
ornaments sum 00 the sport shoe.
0. 1 or pert wear, a liHt of wool in
t tin c and blms crecheied together
1 an Indian n.etlf if new and
iij itvi c-ii u uitri tt Mn iiiiv arnunn r
The key te success is work
There is no substitute for
Pestum for
IRSTJUrr AK "ir.
1 WSMmK!?i,
"Should a Weman Tell?
coevrieht. 1S1. ItJ Public LeAacr Cemvunu
Ilwcthernr L'mery Jrci'dVs te marry
Dane Merrill without telling him that
the hat ener Iccii in love with another
man. iS'ir di'cevrrn that Dane i- very
narrate in An idea) about teamen, and
that hi' tit looking te her te ixcrt an
influence ever Julie, hU little butter
fly sistet. Julie ha.i fallen in lore xcith
a man murh elder than herself, and
she confides in Hawthorne, who later
discovers te her' horror that Julie's
lever and Cranford Blake, the man
from the past, arc enn enrf the same.
Dane accutttt Hawthorne of vaunting
her independent ideas before Julie,
and forbids her te je anywhere with
out him 111 the future.
ni.vPTEU xxn
I LOVE Dane, but as I looked at him
after he had delivered his ultimatum
te me, I realized that he belonged te
the old school. He was of the type of
men who wlah their women kept sub
ject te their will. He still believed that
he could order me te de thlnga and that
I would obey, but he forget thnt I had
once been independent, thnt I bad
worked for n living. 1 did net Intend
te become that kind of wife; mar
riage, without freedom would seen be-
1 come Intolerable, Much a I loved Dane,
I 1 knew that I could never be his slave.
j and although h himself was net uware
I of the fact, he lexed me for that ery
I reason.
"Well?" he said, when I bad kept
I tllent for a long time.
. I rnlsed mv eyes.
.11,- uu puuffe iu ,ij ue 1 wi-iu,
"Dane, I oe you,-' T began, "but
1 inuEl de tree 10 love you as 1 cuoese.
I must be able te lhc my own life
even though It in finder your reef. I
I have respect for your independence and
I want ydu te huve respect for mine.
I T shouldn't presume te dictate te you
as te what you should de with your
life ; why should you dictate te rae
1 concerning mine? We're two Individ
I uals who have chosen te live together.
that's what makes marriage beautiful."
j I 'topped, conscious that he wns red
! dening with anger.
, "Dane," I began Imploringly. He
Iliad never been angry with me before.
I dreaded u sordid quarrel with him.
I I resented anything that might in any
I way hurt our hnppinesE.
But h took no notice of my attempt
at conciliation, be web beyond that, be
I was furious.
"Hawthorne, veu talk lll;i a modern
noel marrlag' is marriage. All the
women of our family bim chosen te
abide bv lt rules nnd this talL of clioef-
Ing te live together sound- loose and
In ordcrte de yeer best work, yen must be healthy. Yeu
must sleep soundly at night, your nerves must be strong,
uteady and under perfect control.
If you are accustomed te drinking tea or coffee with
your meals or between meals, you may be leading yourself
with a very great handicap. Your nervous system may be
stimulated beyond what is natural for you.
Fer tea and coffee contain thein and caffeine. These are
drugs,as any doctor can tell you. They are known te irritate
the nervous system by their action and te cause restlessness
and insomnia, which prevent the proper recuperation of the
vital forces.
V you vrarrt te be at your best, capable of doing the
wry best work that lies in you, why net step drinking tea
and coffee? Drink Pesturn, the rich, satisfying beverage
made from scientifically roasted cereals.
Pcertem contains absolutely no drugs of any kind, but
rn flavor tastes much like rich coffee. It helps nerve and
brain structure by letting you get sound restful sleep.
Peatam cam In two ferma: Intnt Petrtum (in tins) made instantly
in the cap br the addition of boiling water. Pestum Cereal (in package
of larger balk, for tbeae who prefer te make the drink while Uie tncal lis
balng prepared) made by boiling for 20 minute.
Ask your groeer for Pestum. Sold everywhere.
Health "There's
We used te be rather stand
offish about our feather trim
mings, especially when they
wero ostrich, curling them
around our crowns and letting
them sevcrcly nlone nfter that.
Hut new we nre extremely
"clubby," allowing them te
nestle fondly about our shoul sheul
Hers nnd even caress ua en the
cheek. In the evening, when
we wear n stunning frock of
velvet 'with huge pompons nil
ever the skirt, the ostrich plume
starts carelessly from the side
of the crown and hangs straight
down te the shoulder.
Photon by Old Masters nnd tlie
"Merry Widow."
Indecent. Yen are ra wife, and
spite of these new iileun of yeure, 1
must insist that you abide by that fact.
I see new the kind of thoughts en
have been putting into Julie's head. 1
thought 1 could trust you te be a geed
inlltience In her life, but If these nre
the things you ure teaching her, I can
nnderstand'why she is trying te make
u feel of herself."
I bad forgotten about Julie until that
moment. This conflict of ideas between
Dane nnd myself had seenicd of the
utmost Importance te me. New the
Injustice of bis accusations was swnl swnl
lewed up by the greater Importance of
Julie's actual danger, nnd the Tact tbut
I waa In part responsible for It. I
realized that in taking u stand for my
own Independence my blame would be
greater In regard te Julie, if the true
facts should ever be discovered. And
yet I could net sacrifice my Ideals of
marriage. I had tee much confidence In
them for that.
Everything seemed te be heaped upon
me at once, and I hardly knew which
way te turn. And Dune, Dane, who
bad never looked ut me with uns thing
but love shining in his eyes, Dane who
had Instantly responded te mj slightest
touch, was revealing himself te me In
n new light, I knew before that he
was narrow in his Ideas about women,
but Tliad net knewn that he was almost
fanatical en the subject. Hts eyes
blazed upon me new. They were hnrd
and ungry und 1 knew that nothing
I short of full and complete surrender
j would chnnge the set expression of his
I face.
I I felt thnt I could net hour te argue
I the question un.v longer nt that moment,
I and Impulsively I rose and flew te my
jf fne,
I locked the deer nnd Hung my-
down en the bed among the
pillows. But I did net even bine, the
relief' of tears. My eves felt dry and
het, my eyelids burned and my ueurt
was sick with a dread that did net
Tomorrow A Temporary Tnu r.
.' Seft Couch
A bachelor, who furnished his- own
sunroom, insists thai no one who has
neer tried It appreciates the comfort of
111 upholstered box spring. On one side of
the room Is u grate In which long legi
are burned, and luxurious Mr. Uaoheler
has his bes spring placed before the
When he was n boy he was wl
allowed te sprawl, and this unusual
placement may be a direct result of
early suppression. Awuy, there hne
1 bP(.n aB many as tlxtecu young peoek I
j perched around itb edge, and thev all I
I fRiri it Us jelly and were crv gird
hi- mother spunked him when lie dm 1
a Reason"
Adventures With
a Purse
JUST about a week befere I .saw them,
somebody asked me about the maids'
nprens, and I rcnlly did net knew inticn
about where te get them. But since
then 1 wns passing down the nlsle of n
shop nnd saw a table full of nice nprens
for fifty cents each. They ure cut te
fit Mnilght.niM smooth across the front
nnd have tiny bibs, some embroidery
trimmed. A gift that would prebnbly nppenl te
the man who hns bis own diggings or
den, or whatsoever you might like te
call it. in the bulldog lighter. It is a
metal figure of n ferocious bulldog, with
hollow head. Inte the head one puts, I
imagine, gasoline, and Inte the opening
for the gasoline geef u, well, long .nnr .nnr
tew piece of netal. On Ills back is a
narrow strip of rough metal. One re
moves thn whnddycenlllt from the deg's
head, runs it eter bis buck nnd beheld
a light for the eigne, cigarette or pipe.
The price of this novelty is .?-'.
I knew of n special snle of fcrap hns
kets baskets that would make nice
f'hrlslmnn gifts. They are wicker or
straw, enameled in colors and pnlnted
with gayly colored llewers. Se. 3 mi see.
they would be bulb useful mid decora
tive They come In blue or old rose
nnd range from S- te SL'.!!.", depending
upon their size.
Fer namrs of shops addrevs Weman' rue
Editor or phone Walnut 3000 or Mala 1601
between the hours of 0 and 0.
Read Your Character
Hy Diabv Phillies
Ijew Brews
The world struck pretty close te the
fiuth when it itnented the terms "high
brow" and "lowbrow" te differentiate
between two classes of mentalities.
The division ia mnde in scientific
character reading along lines which nre
very much the same, though net quite
Just as the high head Indicates the,
man' of exceptional reasoning and
thinking power, no the low head actu
ally docs indicate th reverse, of this,
and a character tlmt in many ways is
eiactly what the world meanb when It
s-peaks of a "lowbrow."
The low head indicates a man or
woman who is net troubled by prent
ambitions, who Is content and happy In
the accomplishment of modest uims.
Such people are very often extremely
conscientious, but their cedes of right
nnd wrong are likely te be very sim
ple, nnd admissive of but few degrees of
Tightness and wrengnc&s. They also
have a tendency te think In terms of
material things rather than In the ub
stract. In the pursuit of material aims
they can be ery determined.
They nre inclined te be suspicious,
un&jnin.ithctii and net. as a rule, very
Tomorrow BI110 Eye and Dark Hair.
And They Se Yeung
Eighteen years old nnd three times
married la the record of Eliza Themas,
of Virdcn, 111.
Miss nelen Terter. twenty years old,
Is rental manager of Omaha's lnrgest
nnd most fashionable apartment house.
Of all pUcib en earth ene migh.
think thut consideration for ethers
clieuld be most In evidence In church
Yet, strangely enough, relicnn and
courtesy are net alwass In olefio part
nership. One of the most tjlarlns examples e:
had manners in church Is shown by thr
pel son man or woman who hns pre
enipted an aisle seat, and who oblige
nil who ceme later te climb ever lilm
or her In elder te And a place In tin
pew. It Is much ca!cr for all con
cerned when the end-scat eccunant move)
in te niake room for the nt...,-- but, If
for sonie Epielal rea.'en, he wishes te
retain the nlsln seat ceurtesv dictates
that he shall step out Inte the aisle and
remain there, fuclng the church deer
until the newcomers have entered, when
be can resume his seat.
you get it
only in feed
Natural iron, which
builds vitality in the bleed,
comes only from the feed
you eat.
Medicinal iron isn't as
natural. Feed-iron is easily
absorbed and effective.
Yeu need but a small bit
of feed-iron every day, yet
this need is vital. The
easiest way te get this bit
is by daily indulgence in
Raisins are rich in food feed
iron, and what could be a
plcasanter way te take it?
Eat raisin bread, raisin
pic, stewed raisins.
Raisins are
the Iron-Foed
ask for the
They are mett dellcioe
if!' &
i mm
Thanksgiving Is All
the Buying Season Is Starting
Derit Wait Until the Night Before Christmas te Begin Makin '
Out Your Gift Lists and Scouring the Stores
NOW Thanksgiving is ever.
The pumpkins and ttiTkeys and
ntitumn leaves nnd footballs nre being
tnken out of shop windows today nnd
put carefully nwny for another emer
gency of the same kind If you can cnll
the Thanksgiving season 11 n emergency.
And what's being put in?
Well, in some windows there nre
little piles of handkerchiefs, little
bodies of cologne, dainty boudoir
lamps, boudoir caps, new books nnd
desk supplies all done in pretty colors
nnd unusually attractive styles.
Christmas gift suegestlena !
And In ether windows they nre al
ready bringing out their toys, their
glistening snow, their bearded Rantii
Clnus nnd their red paper fireplace.
Yeu knew what that means.
It means that Christmas is coming,
just as it always is nny time In the
year, only new mere swiftly und mere
T. . ,. -. .. - - - . 1
it means 1 uar people in stores, people
"iw ,,- I VIII i III l ,, Jill IIUUll, )l,,'lt
wiin run trams iiuu trolleys ami people
who serve lunches for shoppers are ill
getting set nnd ready for that hard
in itu which comes, irem new uniu me
2eth of December.
JUST ene month. i
Are you getting ready for that drive?
Have you thought anything at nil
about what you are going te give, te
wnem ami where you are going te
get it?
Or are veu just, going te let things
slide easily along until nbeut a week
ahead Htid then get scared?
leu 11 wonder, If you de that, why
It Is thnt there arc se many nnsty
people nreund, all evidently wanting te
get in your wny and hinder you.
You'll ulse wonder, If yeu1 de that.
why it is that you can't get that geed
book which everybody Is reading that
you wanted te get for your book-loving
And you'll be surprised and much
annoyed te find such a small, unat
tractive assortment of neckties nnd
woolen socks when you ceme te leek for
something for your brother.
In short, you lese all the dellghtful
neNM of the Christmas season just be-
Twe Minutes of Optimism
flew te Become a Successful Man ager
tTT,T,, tell you," tald the manager of the circulation department of one el
NVl Yerk t'ltj's largest newspapers, "the fundamental principles of suc
ceeding in thi field arc the same as in cery either line. Of course, a mnn must
knew the tricks of the trndc; liu must knew bl business nnd keep studying and
thinking up new things all the time; but knowledge nnd ingenuity alone never did
uccemplifcb much by themselves either In a newspaper office or any ether office.
"Loyalty, initiative, capacity for bard work and respect for instructions
constructive rather than imitative, te respect competition with added effort te
find your own weakness rather than the ether fellow's strength, te be honest with
yourself in admitting mistakes and the determination net te repeat them, if
possible, constitute in great part u forward creed,
"In the last analysis an ideal circulation mnnager or any ether real man
ager should knew hew te
"Meet an emergency.
"Keep out of the ether fellew'a rut.
"Maintain enthusiasm in spite of setbacks.
"Think for himself especially In a pinch.
"Hung en like a bulldog te every fair advantage.
"B fair, sincere, unafraid.
"Knew his organization and be loyal te its precepts.
"Keep uppermost the customer's rights -.he ban no wrongs.
"Practice economy, discourage parsimony.
"Interpret the firm's policy.
"Werk in complete sympathy with all ether departments.
"And above everything ehe obey orders.
"When 11 mnn gets se in everything be does every duy he Is passing high a
test en these lines, it is only a matter of time before he will become a successful
man ager."
p Philadelphia Atlantic City Daltinwre
1 umn.T.i&nsn
te &.& AM" W
The Sheps of
I Shepper
I Will find an Interesting Trie specially priced
I for one day's selling. Shoien in the sketch,
1 at the left
I A little Freck of Read's Peiret Twill in
k navy, trimmed with glycerine braid,
I 29.75Thc 18th St. Shep.
I A Belivia Ceat, exquisite in quality,
I with guaranteed silk lining. Navy, Brown,
j Sorrento and Black. All Sizes. $50. Beth
j Sheps.
!j One of the Smartest Frecks of the Sea
I son combining navy blue tricetine and rust
's colored silk duvetyne embroidered with dull
I geld. U5.Tkc CJiestnut St. Slwp.
i f
1 Hats
also Imports
I 127
S. 13th St.
, Beardivalk ShepAtlantie City Brighten Bleck
Your Millard Charge Account is Geed at This Step
Over New and
cause you've- nllewcd the tlrae te m, ir,
without paying any attention te it "'
rnilE grcntcst excuse that is ah,.
(no enrltr vnu .tn'( .i ,,' ., '"" urt
tee early veu don't t-f iVul5i.rrt
man spirit I" """"
And that Is perfectly true.
Tf you start In buying a cun n
saucer here, a linen dellv there Jum
a knitted scarf an embre dered
ewe! op 11 crocheted cellar war
in August you don't get Inte the Cbrhrt
mns spirit. jurist-
Yeu spread it out se fnr that br ),.
time the real buying season does 7Urt
your little packages nre all ready te
ted up neatly in white paper an, ,2
ribbon, and put nslde until Christmas
IF... T...T t -
niuryumiy CISC is Hurried 11,;
died nnd delighted tinir you are 1l
llM ahI.1
i"- euinme wiiuuiu 11 tlirlll In v,.
milium u tiirin (
x0. that makes It tee bnsln... i.L
, ,-ou hnvc te have some fun out .of V.
gift-buying. Jeut
Yeu hnve te be In the swim, mlr
up with the crowds, exhilarated wit?
ie., wlu-,i,u,c Wl iun sieres in
Christmas buying season.
BUT you don't have te postpone that
joyous exhilaration until the nlrtt
before Christmas when all threueh
tin liiltlfln 6
If you de
you'll find that it jbn-t
joyous nt all.
It will be jtiBf tiresome, and ne-er-j.
eary. dull und uninteresting and un
spontaneous. Human Fish Net
Fishing In Samoan seas is often dent
by the women, and without nets, beata
or hooks. They simply wade Inte th
water and form themselves Inte a rinr
the fishes being se plentiful they are
nlmest sure te imprison some In the
ring. These women arc very quick and
active, nnd every time they catch a fish
with their hands they simplv threw It
alive, into the basket en their back. '
Sensible Prices
Chan Up Dreee Hate, Duvetynts and
Sports Medels
$5.00 and $7.50
and Reproductions at half P1"
te make teay for Southern Showing
ASD Chestnut St.