Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1921, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Tens of Thousands at Harris
burg Give Marshal Enthusi
astic Greeting
Tty (he Associated Press.
Ilnrrisburg, Nev. 24 IVnnivlvnninV
capital gnve MnrMml Feeh n reception
today which will ftntid out In the lenp
line of grcctlnss te distinguished met
In mere thnn n hundred enrs. In spitt
of driving rnlns and cold wind, tens i"
themnndu of men, women nnd elilMret
steed nleng the streets nnd crowded Cap Cap
ieol Park te wplmnip tlie French soldier,
who responded bj n feeling reference t
the "hpnrt of Pennsylvania."
The mnrMml wur nipt nt thp statlm
by fJovprner Sprnnl. n committee witl
the Governer's troop nnd hundreds of
American Legien men. nnd exported tr
the Capitel, where the fSoverner pre
sented him As the mnrsluil stepped
forward little Heferil (ilnspev, wIiiim
father died in Prnnre while serving n
a major in the army, presented the
marshal with roes and wn ki'-i'd after
n little speech of thanks.
Presented With Cane
Mayer CJcergp A. Hever then pre
wnted the marshal with a geld -bended
ebony pane en behalf of the dtiens of
the State's enpitnl. The marshal spoke
for a few minutes in French, compli
menting Pennsylvania upon what wns
done in the war nnd expressing thanks
for the welcome en such a rainy day.
After the speeches the marshal was
escorted te the rotunda nnd shown the
battle lings of the Civil and Spanish
"Wars. I.afpr he went te the Governer'
offices where Mrs. Sprout received him
with a number of friends. Fifteen geld
star mothers of II:irrlsburg were then
addressed in the rotunda of the Capitel.
Following u tour of the building the
marshal planted a tree between the Cap Cap
ieol and the State Library. He left nt
neon for Pittsburgh.
Eulogizes American Soldiers
On his arrival here Marshal Ferh
sent the following message te Hanford
MacNider, commander of the Ameri
can Legien :
"On this, your day of thankfulness.
I join with all my spirit in the pruer
of gratitude for the blessings enjoyed by
the world. My heart gees out te the
members of the Amerlcnn Legien, whose
guest I am in tills country, te the mil
lions of Americans I have seen, and te
these whom I will have the pleasure
of greeting. The mere I see of Amer
icans the mere I admire and respect
them for their ambition, energy, gen
eresity of spirit.
"1 am thankful today for being In
your ceuntrj, ter being able te visit
your historic shrines. for meeting
Americans as 1 ile and hearing from
their own lips their sentiments toward
my beloved country, France.
"My prayers, go tip today for the con
tinued welfare and happiness of tne
American people; for her men who
fought for world freedom, and above nil.
for her wounded soldiers, w hose bravery
and sacrifice we de net forget en this
solemn day of rejoicing."
Fatty Must Emerge
Here Frent Trial
Continued from rate One
"raise" in the Middle West or any
where else.
They were half as tall as Fatty, but
they hovered close te him, as his sis
ters did, and they went out with him
at last Inte thp fog. It was one of
these thick fogs, as white as chalk,
that come In from the bav new and
Fatty walked slowly in advance of
his lawyers. He has net the gift of
tongue. He hns snid nothing. His
hat was dragged ever his eje, his big
shoulders were steeped and his hands
were in his pockets. The little old
Mdics and his wife and his sisters were
with him. Half a block away, under
an arc light, the mist swallewpil them
up; Se he vanished toward the day of
rejoicing, a figure of utter misery,
this children's favorite, this funny man
at whom all the tots of creation used
te laugh till they cried.
He loomed hugely above the two old
ladies, who were tr.vlng with all their
might te keep his spirits tip. If you
had even half nn eje for pictures jeu
would have seen in that instant a fade
out of truly surpassing significance.
On Friday when the sessions of the
court are resumed, the trial will take i
a new turn. The courtroom Is packed
with leather-bound tomes from rhi- .
libraries of medical experts, and the I
press weiv!- hew it :- going te write
for a world of people who have no dc-
sire te listen te the frank lingo of sur- i
gical clinics. j
Zey and Alice Moralize
Zey I'rcvest and Alice IJlake hove'
gene for the time being. They have re- '
turned, se te speak, te nermulcy. The
have gene back te their respective '
homes, and they hove said that nrij girl .
is crazv if she does net learn te nate ,
with all her might the life of the sun
dodgers and the gentlemen lizards who
abound In hotel lobbies of the moving
picture belt.
Alice Blake said even before she re
turned te a verj prosppreus home in
Oakland that what she lias sei n ami
heard in the last few months has smk
cned her. Zc Provest does net exist i
M..&b4V.tvA eAJ.
.1. K. hel, prolilhltten agent, left, comparing Hems In permits with labels en bottles of eighty cases of wine con-
Unrated in the rear of the home of Dr. Augustus Keeulg, insi Pine street, early this morning. Papers pre-
durctl by trurhmen were pronounced forgeries. Dr. Keenlg and four ether men were arrested and held In hull
for :i further hearing. The ether man In tlie photograph Is Pellrc Lieutenant Wagner
anj mere. Thp girl who hnd that name
en her M.sitlng cards hns ditchrn it,
though she will use it If she Is sum
moned by the defense. It was a nnme
that she made
wIih h was sum
thought she was merely Intoxicated and
finally carried her te n bathtub of cold
Freddie Flshhack rendered valiant
up all bj herself ami nhl te the defense nt this point. He
part of a weenillj de- described the manner In which the girl
nclent campaign for a movie tiuecn s
gler nnd limousines, footmen and trips
te i'tirepe and all that sort of thing.
.ey said that the happiest day in her
life was when her mother took her back
and premised te say nothing about the
Fattj's lawyers, tee. hate clearly
revealed the line of action they intend
te fellow in the fight for nu acquittal
and n complete exoneration.
Falty tlie Geat, He Says
"Arbuckle," said Nathan Cehen,
Fattj's personal counsel, who was un
Assistnnt District Attorney In Phila
delphia in the das of Jehn C. Hell,
"wns the goat of that part. De en
want te knew all he did? I'll tell ou.
He bought the drinks nnd the feed and
the entertainment for the wild crowd
thnt kicked up the whole row."
Mr. Cehen and his usseelntes are
going te ask the jury te believe that.
What Is ceitain, they are going te de
their best te convince the puldie, of
whom they are thinking with a pas
sionate earnestness almost equal te
Fatty's, of that simple statement which
covers the whole case.
Dr. Cellins, called as trial blazer for
the long line of experts who will appear
In behalf of Arbuckle, labored nobly
and against rather heavj odd te con
vince the jury thnt Virginia Uappe
might have suffered anil endured de
lirium nnd died even if sh, had been
alone in the suite at the St. Francis.
He proceeded smoethl.v until Assist
ant District Attorney Friedman, with
a medical expert at his elbow, tore
mm h of his testimony te tatters in an
hour of dn7z!tns examination that left
the doctor at times very badly shaken.
Keluctant Admission
With obvious reluctance the witness
wns driven linally te nilmit thnt in all
the numerous Instances in which he
hnd observed death from causes such
as ended Vlrgiuia Hnppe's life, death
was preceded by a direct shock or vio
lence of one sort of another. The re
direct examination of the defense in
stantlv veered in the direcfinn of a
secondary alibi and the Arbuckle law-
jers began their preparations te prove
that the violence that may have caused
Virginia's death was applied net bj
Fatty, but by the ether people In the
part who tried te aid her when the
was massaged and the manner in which
she had been carried te this bnthroem
and bni'k again te the suite where the
party was still going merrily en. In
his enthusiasm he attempted te take the
Judge in his arms and was indignant!
thrust nide. Fredd sat down again
and for hours parried every question
thnt might have elicited testimony
damaging te Fatty, whose friend he
said he was.
The only trouble with the secendare
line of nrgunipnt rises from the testi
mony of Alice Hlake nnd Zey Prevest.
Helli these girls have said 'repeatedly
tinder oath that Virginia was meaning
and apparently very ill and half de
lirious before nny help was given her,
and thnt when (hey first entered the
room Virginia wns crying: "I am
dying. I knew I am dying. He hurt
A flood of anonymous lettciH is pour
ing In en the lawyers and Judge
Louderback. One which the Judge re
ferred te nt the opening of yesterdiu's
session charged that two members ' of
the jury had a secret agreement with
some of the lawyers in tlie case. The
nnmes of the lawyers were net men
tioned, the letter wns net signed and
there was only n hint of the side which
wns alleged te have tampered with the
Jury. That wns In the reference te ex
pert medical testimony which, it was
said, "will be offered te sustain the
point of view which these members of
the jury will express in the delibera
tions te come."
Humors of outside Interference with
witnesses continue, but the Investiga
tions by the Court nnd by the Prosecu
tor's office indicate they nrc without
any real foundation. Down Les An
geles way, howexcr, there secus te be
no shadow of n doubt relative te the
verdict. It was generally reported here
yesterday thnt plans nre already per
fected for n big celebration en Fatty's
Arbueldc's studies nrc closed. Fatty's
lawyers admit that their client's career
in the lllms Is ever unless it Is proved
conclusively thnt he was the goat of
his Lnber Day party a sort of Inmb
nstrav among the white lights. It was
one of them who admitted today that
the big producers are watching nnd
waiting nnd thnt n mere acquittal will
hardly satisfy them.
"Hut we feel," said the ntterncy
hopefully, "thnt the Amerlcnn people
like te play fnlr and that they have a
sense, of justice thnt even n man se
riously accused may depend en. They
believe and I have this from the big
gest men in the business that If Fatty
comes out of this thing clean, he will
be n bigger man tr.un he ever was be
fore. "The people will feci sorry for him
nnd they will show their sympathy by
n new enthusiasm ter the fellow who
gave n let of clean and geed fun. I'll
nilmit that the I'ni-e looked pretty black
for him for a while. Hut llkr ahem
German music, Arbuekle ought te bu
able te come back.
"He's like the rest of them. He's
Ienrned thnt n public man and, of
course, he is a public ninn has te wntch
his step and take no chances and pick
his cnmpnn. He made n mistnkc In
tunning with n wild crowd new and
then, nnd thnt is about the worst thing
that can be hnrgpd against him."
This sounds Interesting. It Is In
teresting because It is the thing that
Fatty himself Is thinking. Hut, view
ing him yesterday, you have te conclude
thnt the thought and the hope voiced
by his Inwicr gave him little comfort.
And the State hns net ended whnt np
ppars te h n verv zpiiIeiis battle for
One of Heskins7 Desks
Practical Gift
for the business friend, man
or woman, we suggest a desk,
which you will find here in a
great variety of sizes and
finishes. We also elTcr Sec
tional Bookcases; Electric
Lamps, both for home and
office; Card Tables, Bedside
Tables, Waterman "Idea 1"
Fountain Pens, "Eversharp"
Pencils, Brief Cases and ether
useful articles which are al
ways acceptable and in geed
904-906 Chestnut Street
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Of Unusual Importance and Interest
Te Women of Fashion Is This
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All Purchases Billed January 1st, 1922
Whatever else for Christmas ALWAYS a book
Steam Heat fVitheut Ceal
"GASTEAM" is the modern method of
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of coal. Because you can have heat when
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Steam heat without coat
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It is dean there is no boiler, no coal bin, no ashes
and no soot.
It is convenient no labor is involved jut light the
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Over 2000 "GASTEAM" radiator arc operating
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Immediate deliveries. Fer sale at all shovvieoms of
The United Gas Improvement Ce. and Philadelphia
Gas Range Ce.
Manufactured by James B. Cew & Sens
924 Walnut St. Phene Walnut 0731
will be the
Children's Boek Day
in the Public Ledger
Reviews by children, themselves, of the newest juvenile books
Beys and girls for yourselves, for mother and
father, for your sisters and your cousins and your
aunts, the PUBLIC LEDGER will give ever its book
news pages next Saturday largely te a review of the
newest books for boys and girls. And most of the
reviews will be written by boys and girls of Philadel
phia from four te sixteen years of age. They will
tell, in their own way, just what they like about the
new books for youngsters.
And all the books reviewed can be bought right
here in Philadelphia at our own book and depart
ment stores.
Whatever else for Christmas ALWAYS a book
conviction. If the prasecutlen can rattle
all tlie medical experts as badly as
for a tlnie It rattled Dr. Collin, and
if its own experts can (strengthen Its
case, there Is nt lenst a remaining
chnnce for conviction and a probability
of a disagreement! which would be al
most as (lnmnglng te Fatty's future.
The lawyers for the defense said thlB
morning that they expect te rest their
case early next week nnd that all tes
tlmeny probably will be In by Wednes
day. Maud Uclment, who figured meit
sencntlenally hi the Laber Uny party,
who gave the first Information te the
police and Who wns for a whole dny
the strongest prep of the State's case,
caused a mystery te everybody but the
The prosecution threatened till the
Mrs. Delmont. Mr'
"What's the use," at,i '
Fatty's lawyers, 0f stlrrlne h?' 1
all ever again V' ""B thing, $
WHEN geed teeth become
monotonous, then the humdrum
facts of Dr. Lyen's safety talks will
cease te be interesting. Dr. Lyen's
has preserved teeth for ever fifty
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Unrestricted Vision
in the all-purpose car
ft..., y IgtJlfaiadf 5 -l v
Mere and mere the world is coming te en-closed-drive
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The "soft" reef construc
tion, a Picrce-Arrew feature,
eliminates the drumming
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solid reefs. The upright pil
lars are fifty per cent nar
rower, affording an unre
stricted sweep of vision.
Glass that lowers almost te
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1 HESE are only a few of the
ingenious betterments that
always demand inspection.
I HE Sedans are 4-, 6- and
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and the Coupe Sedan, a de
lightful car combining some
qualities of both Coupe and
4-passcnger Sedan.
Pews-Hughes Company
21st and Market Sts.
Readme Lancaster WilminBten Bethlehem
4,4drJ.4,arfc)M wm