v" ' fl n ett T3 U1-- j CPIR1T flF THANfCK : PRFVAII X IN CITY WBaaasisEBsSmM IF' rVHIW ill Ull l. ISHwBgKSK3Si I EVENING PUBLIC XEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1021 ik. n e THANKSGIVING TREAT FOR NEEDY Church Services Are Fdllowed ,y Usual Program of Eats and Sports" Ifeasts for the peer fr.r America eives tbnnkn. fellow t immemorial custom and obeying tbe iLnmatlens of Trcsldcnt, Governer fJWV 'i."RJ Wnn with Tbankwrlvine rl In virtually every church of fw rlty where hundreds of thousands. 'lJ tfulef the benefits of the iat,t year, -iSmnly eave tbanks te Ged, tel i same spirit of thanksgiving, made m.M(tti In poed works done for ether, SStad the day of the poeV and tht inlun, who were cucsts at many Thinltsjlivlng dinners. In the homes of the city, with a Bneklne turkey-or mere bumble rllclten en tbe diner table, flankeJ lr the cranberry Eauee nnd pumpkin At which cubtem nnd uppctlte ullkc jjjtjtjft noonday prayer of tbnnkft lusty, rrhaps, but none tbe leea tin ttit went up. K. of C. Honors Dead bne of the most impressive church KrvicM wae the annual solemn mads of iMiilem for the souls of dead mcmbcrM of the Knights of Columbus, which be tin at 0 o'clock in the Cathedral of Sts. htcr nnd Paul. The Itcv. William .1. Ciuj, of the Church of the Ascension, vis celebrant; the Itcv. Jehn S. Smith, of the Cathedral, deacon, and the Rev. Jehn .7. Hlckney. nle.e of the Cathedral, nb-dencen. The sermon was preached Ir'tie Kev. Edward J. Lyilg, who was la OTerscas chaplain during tbe war, ind who Is new stationed at St. Ed ilrd's Church. The families of KnlfthU ,cf Columbus who died during tbe year occupied scats nt me ireni et tne ua tkedral. "Anether irapresive Catholic wervice mi the reception of new members l:i the Third Order of Mount Carmel, in (he chapel of the Carmelite?, Sixty tltth avenue and Yerk rend. The re re rtptlen as in charge of the Rev. Jehn J. Moere. TtMnn Thanksslv'nir hcrriepa wptp vcendueted at the rrchbyterinn Church. 10 Uidse avenue, in which the Uap tist Church, the Grace Rcformed Epis copal Church, the Lutheran Church of tie Redeemer and the fcthediht Epl Epl cepal Church all participated. The Her. William B. Coeke presided. Other clergymen participating were the Rev. Arthur T. Mlchlcr. Lutheran : the Rev. I. B. Gallagher, Methodist Episcopal ; tie Rev. A. J. Kllpatrick, Pretectant Eplicepal. The Andersen Presbyterian Chun'h, the Christ Lutheran Church and the Bjwoed Methodist Episcopal Church met thin morning In the newly dedi cated Bywood Methodist Episcopal Church for u united Thanksgiving berv 1, The pabters of all the churches took part. Peer Are Assured Turiiey Seme felkH who consider tbcnibelves Tell off ordinarily, but net uenllliv eneujh te afford u "bird with the fis la'" at this j ear's prices, perhaps envied tonic of their poorer brethren to te da; who were the guests of various or er or tanlzatlens ut Thankwriving diuneib. The Philadelphia Chapter of the KnUhts of Coliimbne has for Rprnl years taken n real Thanksgiving Dav Inte the Catholic orphanages of thi'i city, end this jpar thirteen heinu.i had Joyetls relttintleny. Mere thitn two thousand children bud the turkey, cranberri nnd the pump Wa plw. The Knights acted as wait ers, and while th meal vas being icrvi-d the children were told entertaining lories. Following tfir illnnnr dm.. in; and various kinds of entertainment vre held. The committee in charge cer.ipriPel Jeseph H. StiaesMe. chairman: Rebert E. Reves, Edward M. Purcell. Willi.tm C. Hayes. Jr.. nnd S. J. Wise. The officers of this chapter nre : Albert J. Becker, chairman : .Tnimti C. Smith, We chairman : Rebert E. IW. rn!iR. jrer, and Rebert V. Hepburn, eecre- The bemej in which celebrations took Phec uer: Cathedral Day Nursery, M Summer -treet. William J. Haley, wlUdelpbla Council, in charge; Catho lic Itorje Bureau, 1702 Summer street, we I aean. San Salvader Council, in terse; Catholic Heme for HeMltut tnlldrcn, Tuenty-ninth street nnd Al JJgheny atcnuc, Themna A. Murray. ?mSedm0 nnrr5 Council, in cburg,-; St. Rasil's Heme, S22 North Seventh weet, L. J. Kabsnacht, Bishop Neu an Ceiincll. in charge: St. Jereph'n i.e,i $"?ntii ad Spruce i-trccts, aamuel 1 uher, P.rowneon Council, in large. Tt,,V'!?ccnt(t Heme, Lnnsdenne. Pn., Jeseph A. Haly. De Sote Council, in JWje; Sacred Heart Orphan Atylum, "OJerlh Sixty-Ofth street, St. Mn wilr II,eme Seventieth street and woodland a;enue, Cornelius O'Rrlen, Snn0,mc111 in charge; St. Jehn'ti lerac, Terty. ninth street and Wyalus 8J,e?,,0V. Jehn Da,J'. Celumbim TrLll,?-?-'larsV St- Vincent's Heme, jweny, William J. Hill. Isabella Couu Ceuu p"' 'a, carge ; St. Edmund'e Heme, f erty -fourth street nnd Havcrferd avt ?ii '. 'rr!- ri;rnn. Columbus Coun Ceun W.J5 chaise ! St- J"eph's Heme fur HwMlew Bevb, 705 Pine street, tlnn i.Wl?ns c"tcrtainment will be SnJP5f th? , Philapla Society, which W present "A Night Off" in the East Surlrfc Aaue Methodist Epiwepal u?ay Scheel auditorium. .fri..ui?nif Women's Christian A .llrs. Sarah Kctchum was able te till 100 baskets with goodies for pcople In Kensington who really need help. She was photographed at her home, 3008 Fraulifenl avenue, jestcrday afternoon as a lad leek his basket home Thanlcsgiving Program Is Varied in Character Religious services, utblctlc events, turkey dinners for the peer, enter tainments and the year's biggest football games will mark today's observance. Masses of Thankegivlng ordered by Cardinal Dougherty for ull Catholic churches. Morning services In many churches of various denominations. Salvation Army dinner for 500 peer persons. Knights of CeIumbuB Thanksgiv ing Day dinners nnd entertainments for orphans in Catholic homes of city. Beeth -Tucker lecture at Salvation Army Memerial Auditorium, morn--lag, afternoon and evening. Germantown Beys' Club, program of utbletlc events and dedication of war memorial. Donatien Day at Lankenau Hos pital. Christmas Seals go en bale. Radner Hunt races. Penu Cernell football game. be a Epcclal Thanksgiving service iu the Fifth Street Methodist Temple, nt &34 North Pifth street. The Rev. Maurice E. Devlt, patter of the church, will preach the sermon nnd selections will be given by the Temple Quartette. Tlie Ancient Order of Hibernian's held a degree exemplification this after noon in .Mercantile Hall, Bread street nbec Master nt which Dle candidates cre Initiated. The ceremonies were in charge of the Schuylkill County degree team of forty members. This evening the Hibernians will held a re ception nt their own clubhouse, 1000 North Bread street. Addresses will be delivered by the Rev. Jehn J. Wheeler, State chaplain ; Monslgner Gerald P. Coghlan, county chaplain emeritus; Jehn T. Deyle, uuttenal director, of Baltimore, and ether prominent mem bers. Captain Themas E. O'Neill, county president, will preside. An impressive sen ice at the Ger mantown Beys' Club was the dedica tion of a memorial fireplace, erected In memory of tnirty-feur workers und members of the club who gave their llcs during the war. The speaker was Bayard Henry. TIip club began its Junier League Cress-Country Cham Cham iiienship this morning and has u pro gram of beecer games, basketball and indoor baseball. 10 HEAR GRIFFIN B IBE CHARGES Fermer Secret Sorvice Chief Here Accused of Offering $50,000 in Rum Deal TO SHIP WATER FOR LIQUOR Deaths of a Day In Kensington providien bas been made for ether than the '"liouse girls," from umeng these girls who are net living nt home. About 300 girls will enjoy the dlnnprs, which they will pay for, (heugh the price will be kept low. Christmas Seals will be plant en hale for tbc firet time this afternoon by h T'hiliidplnhin Hciillli (Vimmli ...J Tuberculosis Committee. The sale will I JlsPltal, where she had btcu confined UCgin at tne rcnu-uernell loetball came ,ur ,u ,aBt- mrce meiiine. - J. t.u-1.IIu v"ll.l MISS HARRIET SAYRE Noted Educator Dies In Chestnut Mill Hospital Miss Harriet Sayre, principal of the Springside Junier Scheel, nt St. Mar tins, Hied Tuesday in the Chestnut Hill JL'"." has announced that "a cry Seb 1 ?,e.nnw" wm b Ber"d n Ire att. ' h,0,Vse Blrls"- tliere who BranA tbe.T w- C- A- The Central Public- nl' b? "Vte ,h" c"nml 2Ja t0 the public for ai' hour, and at Franklin Held. Dinner at Presbyterian Heme Thankgivlng demier was provided for the 175 inmates of the Presbyterian Heme for Widows and Single Women, at rifty-eighth btreet and Greenway avenue. Many of the inmates are nieru than nlnjty yrars old. At their Thanksgiving dinner thp children of the Heme for Teaching Deaf Children demonstrated their efficiency In lip reading and speaking by going terwarrl nnd nEKlng for what they wanted. Tbe children et tb! Norweou schools provided the eatables for the Thankegivins dinner at tbc Tayler Hos pital. Each child had been atked te bring eeme article of feed. The people of Lansdowne, Darby und Ridley Park formed a ccntial committee, which gatherid geed thinss te eat and today distributed them te the peer of the neighborhood. Six women of ninety jenrs or mere, the eldest nincty-Mnen, enjoyed the chicken dinner which was served at tbc Heme for Aced nnd Infirm Colored Pit sous, at Belmont and Girard avenues. Previous te tbc dinner Mrvices were held in the chapel. "The Nautical Knet" will be pre sented by St. Bartholemew a Dramatic Association, at St. Lee's Hall, Keystone and Unrub streets, Tacony, tonight and tomorrow night for the benefit of the chaplain's work at the Heme for the Indigent. The congregations of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist churches of Gloucester N. J , this morning at 10 o'clock attended a union service held in tbe Baptist church. There was music by the ceinbiucd choirs and a sermon by the Rev. J. Stockton Reddy, nanter of tbe Presbyterian church. This evening at S o'clock there will Mies Sayre was u remarkable char acter, und. although greatly handi capped, had many accomplishments. She was stone neat irem early girlhood, and her parent died while she was very young, leaving her. un only child, te make her way in tbc world. The Montcs-eri system of tinininz children ntlractcd the attention of Mis Sayre. and she. se concentrated en the methods used that s.be seen became oec of its lending exponents in this country, A ffw years later Madame Montcssen Invited her te visit Reme. Miss Sayre accepted nnd studied for ret oral jrar under Madame Montesjert's tuition. Sbr nttainrd such eminence in her cuem?u profession that the was presented te the Queen. Shortly ufter her return te this couu ceuu try, Mivs Sayre became principal of the fashionable .eboel lu St. Martins where her work was must notewerlliv. She wietc several books en tbu subject of training children and origl erigl iiHted ti system of drawing based en tbc Moutr-sseri plan. Mis Sayre wiu very well known in the neighborhood of the school and bad made u host of friends amenc the tetallv leaf nnrmin in ,v.n city, hcine instrumental iu forming thcJ Speech Reading Club. 1 Miss Sayre lived at the Wuvec Apartments, 1013 Wayne avenue. She is a cousin of Samuel T. Undine, prcj deut of the United Gas Improvement Company, 'and Dr. Rebert S. Me Combs. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, at 1820 Chestnut street. Mrs. Ada Craven Smith The funeral of Mrs. Ada Craven Smith, of 427 East Mount Airy avenue Mount Airy, will take place tomorrow temorrow tomerrow nfternoon at 2 o'clock from her resi dence. The deceased was the widow of Jeseph K. Smith. She died en Tneidav night after a Mr weeks lllncfs Matthew F. Griffin, former head of the United States Secret Service In this city, accused of offering a $50,000 brlbe te customs officinle te wink nt the substitution of water for whisky, the water te be sWppcd te Greece and the liquor sold here, will be given an oppor tunity at n bearing tomorrow te ex plain his alleged part in the bootlegging deal. II. L. Smith, of the H. L. Smith Company, 1009 Land Title Building, who receives a further hearing in con nection with the scandal, will be put en the witness etand. He is te show cause why bin permit te deal in alcohol and whisky should net be revoked. Smith received his first hearing yes terday before Special Prohibition Agent R. II. Abel, in tbe Vandam Building. The identity of a mysterious "Dr. Corella" is also expected te be revealed at tomorrow's bearing. Griffin, when seen at his home at 1221 West Thompson street, today, said : "As te whether or net I am con nected in any graft I have nothing te say. I was out of town yesterday, didn't get home until early this morn ing and knew nothing of the charges that have been brought against ine until I 6aw them in the morning papers. I most certainly will appear en Friday te answer them if they want me, but I haven't a word te say new. I was net running nway or hiding and would certainly have been. In court yesterday bad I known that I was wanted." Customs Man Testifies Thp testimony that n bribe was of fered customs elficials te pass the water as alcohol was given by James A. Burns. Deputy Surveyor of Customs In this eltv. Mr. Burns said that Griffin called him en the telephone nnd asked him te call at his office at nfght. He went te Griffin's office nnd wus asked : "De you want te make $30,000 easy V" Burns testified that be was tee sur prised te answer, and that tbe offer nearly Knecheu me en my leet. "I want you te keep this matter quiet, but there arc ubeut 13,000 bar rels et aiconei ana vvuisjiy cemiug te tills pert and we want te take the whtskv and alcohol out and substitute water. Then the water will be exported and the whisky und alcohol will be worth $23,000,000 limine bootleg mar ket. I want you te fix the customs end of the deal Naval Officer's 6ridc ( 'a . ., m Hd . ,, !&. it mm FAY BAINTER The young star of "East is Wet" lias just admitted that she lias been the bride of Lieutenant Cenminudrr Keglnald Vcnablc, of the I . S. .s. Arizona, for seme time. Their en gagenicnt was recently announced asked him for his certificates for whisky In bended warehouses. "What wc waul te de." Lopeteu testified Dr. Corella told him, "is te withdraw eOOO burrcls of alcohol and 2000 bafrcls of whisky from warehouses and bring them te thia city for expert. We will iibc your cer tificates in doing this. Then we will substitute water for the alcoholic liquors, sell the liquors at the market price and wc will net have te pay the Government tax of SO.'IO a gallon. We will find n market and will sell it cheaper than ether people who have te pay the tax." "I refused te fall for the game," Lopoten said, "and another meeting was arranged in un apartment in Spiuce street near Tenth, where ether details were thrashed out. There were ulte meetings in Smith's office. THANKSGIVING IN CHURCHES Camden Congregations Unite In Observance of Day Thanksgiving services were held In different parts of Camden today. The churches of North Camden united in the North Baptist Church. The sermun was preached by the Rev. James Lord, pastor of the Tubcrnnclc M. E. Church. The congregations of the churches of Seuth and Central Camden will as semble In the Second Presbyterian STEWART'S BODY Ti 0 BE SEN! HOME Les Angele3 Corener Says Phil adelphia and Baltimere Club man Committed Suicide POWDER MARKS AT WOUND The body of W. Dennell Stewart, who, according te the Corener, t.het and killed himself at the home of his fiancee in Len Angeles, will be shipped te his home in Baltimore. Circumstances first pointed te murder, when M'alter Nordheff. Stewart'b host and father of bis bride-te-be, firbt dis covered tbe body. Mr. Nordheff bad beard voices in the room ever the garage where Stfetvart slept the night before. In the morning he found the innn lying en the fleer, with a revolver nearby. Later investigations, however, disposed of the murder theory, nnd left nothing hut suicide or accidental death as the cause of the sheeting. The Corener lDsists that powder burns en Stewart's head, and his notion in sleeping ever the garage instead of the house, indicate suicide. Further more, the position of the wound, it Is said, makes It plain Stewart could net have received it while cleaning the re volver, although cleaning implements were scattered about. According te reports from Les An- gelca, Stewart carried $20,000 accident Insurance, but no Ufe insurance. Stewart wbh llultimer manager of the bend beuse, of Cnssatt & Ce., of this city. It ifl said he became despondent recently, upon learning of the. receiver ehln for Mip Lincoln Automobile Cem pany, In which many of his friends bad heeeme interested, and in winm tie himself had Invested u amount Maryland Infantry, ene of the crack regiments of the Seuth. Stewart Is survived by n mother, liv ing In Washington ; (we hrethcru, W, Plunkett Stewart, Redmond C. Stevv art. of Grcensprlng Valley, nnd n nistcr, Mrs. Frank Bensnll, lender of the Harford Hunt Club. He was the jrrnjidHen of David Stewart, who founded considerable the Bunk of Baltimore. He attended iniins Jiepidns university and Will- Tin win tMrtv.twe venrs old. and be- lams College, from which he graduated. came engaged te Miss Mliry Nordheff last summer, wane hup was visiting in mage Avenue snep Heuuea Baltimore. He had been n guest . nt Tllc 8,10p et iTm,k T,m 172, n,d the Nordheff home about three weeks, nvenuc, was entered at 7 o'clock thin Ills brother, W. Plunkett fefewart, In nl0rnlng by a Negro burglar, who get 1110(5 jnarrlcd Miss Llsie Cassatt, n j in by ferpln a ,.Mer deer 1Ie ,,, daughter of A. J. Cassatt who w-as , ,lIs PM,a,)0 w1, fenr cl)iricns nn nute formerly president of the Pcnnsylvnnl in .! .,. irnti10T. ,, wiitinm Railroad. During the war Dennell i Tayler, watchman, fired two shots ut Stewart served with Battery A, IlJthtne feeing man, who dropped the stolen 1 iciu iinniM.x '"""v "" ""' coons and get awny. Belle Glaire Tea Roem Fortieth and Perksidc Ave. SPEC'AL Oysters en Half Shell Celery Olives Chicken a la Prlntanlere Roast Vermont Turkey Caramel Sweet Potatoes Garden Peas Hearta of Lettuce rtusalan Dressing Mince Pie Ice Cream Dcmltastc " " I think the way you he' - died the campaign was A-l in. every respect," was the way a customer re- cently expressed his appreciation of our service xjillil- uiu ..- .winu i'n- uuvt- IU I imi. I t ir.re Hir. urmnn n t nr.o..heil his superior elhcei-s. Burns said that ,y tbc Rev. M'alter Hunt, patter of Smith was the exporting agent of the Tabernacle BaptNt Church, company which owned tbc a cohe and i r- .i n . , . .i,ui. Ter the Parkside district the cengre- utnj . t cengre catiens assembled In Hip P.ir'.klrlr. Druggist Tells the Story Lutheran Church, where the Rev. LI- Merris Lopoten, a retail druggist, ; mrr 1'. Williams, pastor of the Park- 32Ju West Turner street, was the lirst sdc Baptist Church, preached the scr- witness heard, lie said that Iip had '""'i. Hie people et Last tamden n- eeen asKed le attend a meeting in t'i Klnancp Building liiht Junp nt winch, according te the witness Smith. Luui-i Teplitz, of North Pranklin .trcec: Leuis Crnd, -Kfl Seuth SiMy-thlrd street; Leuis Sachs. Dr. Corella, a .Mr. Atkin, Mr. Brown, Mr. Auerbiieh. Mr. Tebiu and u Mr. Greenfield attended. Lopoten said that Dr. Cerella bad semhlrd m ( alvady M. I'. Church. The Rev. Jelm W. Lynch, pastor of Ashury M. 13. Church, will preach. Tin' services were phiniad hv the Camden Ministerial Union. Offering"' given at tli" hervieci were divided bi tween tbc Camden Heme for Priciidh Children, the Cnrnden Day Nurt n :n the Maty J. Ball Heme. THE HeuiliS Pre&s, 'Printers 1315-29 Cherrv Street rhllulelphi HOW DO YOU DETERMINE YOUR GRADE? 'Jr. "This is the lowest figure 1 am able te get en our grade of letter-paper," said the purchasing agent. "But hew de you determine what our grade of letteppapcr is ?" inquired the president. If a letterpapcr is palpably beneath the 'dig' nity and position of a business, it makes little differencc'what it can be bought for. The thing te determine first is, what grade of paper is geed enough for such a business as this is? It may net necessarily be as geed as Crane's Bend. But when a business, especially a business of the dominant and prestige building class, feels that it is among the leaders in its field, it ought net be content with anything connected with its business, either the location and architecture of its offices, the dress and manners of its salesmen , the packing of its goods, the character of its printed matter, or the appearance of its corre spondence, that is net in keeping with the idea of leadership, of prestige. 100 selected new rag stock 120 years' experience Banknotes 022 countries Papier money 0438,000,000 people Government bends of 18 nations Crane's BUSINESS PAPERS wraraiii4yy4mMf tfPAHS&hjr, Quality Supreznasy Prreirjfc The Polished Girdle Diamond which is cut especially for and seh ""jrpy Uih Establishment is ivertlii ft the mast carefid inspection JYorc-cetcc oil dej Stere Heur: 0 te 5.30 IMPORTERS. DESIGNERS AKP MAKERS OF WOMEX'S AVD CBILDREX'B APPAREL OF THE rTJGlIEST CHARACTER FOR UORE THAX TWEXTY-ilX YEARS ri tffti W" Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Millinery Skirts Lingerie Petticoats Children's Apparel VSfl&V fie Up-te-Date Salesman "V wln count and tVyi '", ote" with i.u elt fnllltl. thr.e reqelrements tit ePn.Jable meter car of Ml. r',?e nd low optr eptr nd V"!: "opmenlles In open "all. i,ed 'rp" nr" admirably 'HE HATCH MOTORS C? HO H. BUOAD ST - PHUA. JFORD DEAIXtt - xruDKierd Ave. OEnSMNTOWN IlKALEn Wi7,. ?re"l Drethcr. 'iAve. & nhlnten hn, ,1'(m.S' il' c.r.?DJ Jt . . 'h.Z.J22 -w ua., Don't Miss This Wonderful Thanksgiving Treat at the WONG KEW CHINESE and AMERICAN RESTAURANT s f vVJ I WNZt jr r fl r 'ill iJL I Concert, Brilliant Celebration Special Thanksgiving Platter Served 10.30 Until Midnight Today at thi3 Restaurant Enlarged, beautified the retaining the line f!aer of feed famous from coast te coast. Dunce Musk 0 le Midnight NO COVER CHARGE. S. E. Cor. 19th & Market Sts. A Wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner Pleasant Companions A Geed Tins fir All MEM? BIe TeInU en JTtlf Oljll leu Cenrtmme Qneen Ollitt n1 Uoiten Ctler SOUP OilcVtn It Prtwrd or entrei: BxMtbrttd 1 F'oetll entCiiu t'HOK'i: IW4II vvrinuiib luinuf. uiaiuui fin l Ink- nnd Cranhrry hatue . tiuamK euvHiiiitf rib null I'IQ npucs Chicken fiubcum ciew Main, 'W'etve Kw Style TurkBy J.'Uep Sury rllh Oreen Peppm Freeh Crab Meat Mayonnalie Drtieliuc VEGETABLES Maelied Votateni. SuccoUeb PUSSEUT ElnzlU'i Plum l'uddlnz & Hard Sauce or lc Crtnni with Asa 31 led Cike Tea or Cwffee Jnw Orrheaira Uativ.ni.' ,uid B name L 1205-7-9 MARKET ST. 1 ' iuJmmm "" 'ii-iiuiiiiajMii i7Ti"ri7iiiii7 r -&- i -r7Ti - Jmii,t'i . runrs k t wi ..jxim .iv m nr hii i ;i irm vn , JSMJW .W'IaJKIUHaWJ .iWW. ' AcviMBIrlaM'l I MamM II -fff ItfaF- JTTlTf I . 5tatV -ill I Cerrr t ( flerretl from i 12 te 12 1'. M. L j , SECOND I FLOOIt II Coats of the Better Kind After Thanksgiving Values Significant in their Unusualness Significant of the place "Harris" occupies as a distributor of outer apparel, of fine fashion and quality, at prices that merit pause. We arc net saying a word as te the greater value of these Coats that is repre sented at the price because this will be apparent when you ce th Ceals. They arc Superior in Effect and Detail Extraordinary Values oyeu 49.50 .4.V.V "v. J, Mmmximm -as i" "" "v.- v v ',nll S64'56OA.,e50tr-2JnUh -AtuMitie M NEW YORK ml t"b 46niAe-47"'STS. PARIS 3itt-arlte llMcl OnOAD AND WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA Gidding fashions lead when considering smartness nnd quality. Our present prices are proving that these may be maintained at prices that are lower, "quality for quality." Our Semi-Annual Sales Are New in Progress GOWNS SUITS COATS DAY and EVENING VRAls BLOUSES nnd I'URS MILLINERY Ceils in etTalght-line md blouse effects rfeme with threw ties and fringe trimmed In Nennandiet,. Sorrento, reindeer, iu.t nd black. Included in this let dre ewagcer apert coats in the geed blur Bnd brown tones; leather buttons. 55.00 Ceat'., embroidered in wool, clever straight line effects, with ad without bella; large sleeves and button trimmings; some with beaverette, mole and dyed raccoon col cel lars. ChinrhilU sport coats with convertible cellar: imluded 69.50 Blouse and etraigjjt-line coats; butte-W irimmed and embroidered; developed in Nerniandie and merissvne with .,".." and nutria cellan. menssyne with opestur THIRD I'LOOR Coath in truth, "of the better kind " rrimmed and untrimmed effects, tome have cellars of caracul, sauirrel and mum ,ii ethers have cellars of self material. Iu line .-md cesisn these are coats far removed from the U:ua! -An Aftermath of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Frecks and Gowns 29.50-39.50-49.50 every aspect. Cel' af,ernoen 5nd evening. Distinctive in SECOND FLOOR We Specialize in Apparel that Slender! es the Larger Wern Itri i a m an. i" - 'j IMS mmmmmm ,Jv V!. 9