n rw"?xf w-',isfqrT5:Tv57'!P . ' .it (" a ' 18 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 j" & Willie Heppe Finally Dethroned as World's Billiard King By Yeung Jake Schaefer .', lVlOfK'.' - - ,v -- ! !' ran JSS CORNELL IS NOI 100 CONFIDENT Team Seems Nervous and De pressed Shortly Befere Penn Came Mystery Veils Actions DEFEAT WON'T SURPRISE Fer their nnmint Rrlcl elmsle with their nnnunl Rrltl jinx, Old lVnn. the Cernell football team Is anything but OTercenfidcnt. Te have seen their fnees nnd henrd the grrnt (jobs of Bllenec that rntiR through the oerrldorx of the I'hllment Country Club shortly before the team Vas due te depart ter Frnnklin Field this morning, one would have thought the ttjuad had spent a plcawint night reading up en pat performances of the Big Hed Team vp. Old l'enn. After spending the night at Phllment the team will leave there bv nute at 11 :'eO for Franklin Field. " Nnbmiv ran bent Ceneh Oil Debie. mentor of tlie Cernell team, when it comes te pevdmlmii. He predicted de feat by Dartmouth nml most of tin.' ethor teams Cernell has met. And h'M uprech en the Fenn game thla morning, despite the fact that all the critiCR favor Cernell, was still tinrdU what you might nil optimistic. Expects Defeat "It wouldn't surprise me if Penn wen. 1 rather leek for it." pelc the coach. '"They outweigh our line bndlv and ae a wonderful forward pn. svrtem. Three weeks age 1 hud n team that could have beaten them. New I haven't. "Injuries have wrecked our chances. Our backficld Is heavier than their, but slower Our forward passing is nothing te brag about. "On account of late cla-es up there, snow and Ice en the field, darkness early and ether things, we never have a full sqimd out for n full practice except Menda and Fridays. On Mon day the men are tee stiff nnd sere after a game te practice. On Friday it is tee near the next game. "One day we practiced punting en Sunday, but " nnd Conch Debie sighed heavi'v. "it only lasted twenty minutes. I had three men I was grooming for the Penn game. One of them broke his leg. another twisted his ankle nnd the third was operated en for n couple of piece of steel were in Ms arm which nobody knew anything about." This, then, Is the cheerful attitude of the conch. Depressed As for the men. they seem equallj depressed. All day yesterdny they sat around the corridor' nt Philmont looking Inte space, you might sny. They started te play bridge. Thev shifted te poker nnd thence te red deg. Came a yawn. Then they broke up te wnlk around the clubhouse or in circles en the lawn, or anything te relieve the tension. They only spoke In whispers. Any one laughing out loud apparently would have been ejected. The tenm will nppenr at Frnnklin Field today for the reason that a game Is te be played, but this will be the hoi polloi's first leek. Every move of the team since Its ar rival has been veiled in secrecy. Wyii Wyii cete. Pa., was picked as the pert of arrival. Ilefere daybreak n couple of sleepers were left en the siding, whlrh nobody dnst Mispcct centnined n foot ball team. The regular trnln thundered In. nnd a fleck of barracks hags were chucked off. in which the players were nt first thought te be. A photographer who never missed n bet took a picture of the sacks. The Natives Out Allan Fetterolf, ex-Ceme.l. there te meet the team registered perturbation. Se did Jack Morrison, ditto. Finally, the deer of the sleeper opened nnd heavily muffled figures snuiked out into a bus. A taxi led the way. Dcvieu" reads were taken. The taxi, which centnined newspapermen, arrived in plenty of time te greet the team at Philmont. The newspapermen were ns welcome a" mosquitoes nt night. The day wns spent happily In whls. percd consultations. Three empty taxis drove up empty. Mere whlspci. The taxis drove away empty. A bewbiskcrcd person descended from another. A buggy drove up, and even the horse was disguised with n feed bag nnd a blanket. The golfers here nnd there en the ceure were playing with Mystery balls. The tenm manager appeared, gave a qbert whistle, nnd seen after mem bers of the tenm slipped out the deer one by one. Thej enme back seen niter, one ay one. ah wiiH the kejnute. Hush. Lhush," wns the puwiwerd. It was just a day Fpcnt. .Nothing happened. Hut nobody found out any thing, se it was a success. Wet Field Favers Cernell Gridders Continued from Taire One dltien te aid them in fighting off the rushes of their opponents this afternoon Will ILUtery Hepest? Cernell has come down te Plulndel phla en numerous occasions with elev ens that hud much better record" than l'enn, only te be defeated. The Cernell coach and players are net any tee con tident of the gnme. Matter of fact, they have an itchy feeling thnt mayhap the fates again will pln in recrse for them this afternoon. And ns Cernell ficls. se does Penn, only in a different way. The morale of the Hetl and Mine lias heightened n never befere tills season, and there Is m feeling that tl-terj will perch en the banner of the Kcd nml Hlue Coach Ileismnn this morning Issued n fitatement that sums up 1'enn's ideas en the conflict. "Penn is In its best shop" of the season." said the Penn conch. "Te a man the players feel thnt they have an excellent rlmmc te step Doble's eleven "We are net making nny predictions, that is out of our ken: but we de feel thnt Cernell will luive te play re ' markuble football te defent us. I hnve a wholesome respect for nny team with the record Cirnell has e fnr this sea son, and realize we will have te play great football te defent them. However with every one en their tees, with th' morale high, nnd with the fight In the players ns it lum seldom been before this season, I leek for n game thnt will make history " "Jinx Is Hunk" DeMe Coach (illmnur Oeble, who leeks after Cernell, stated that the jinx of past t'efents means nothing te his team. "This stuff about the jinx and tradi tion is all bunk," said the former Navy tutor this morning. "We should defeat Fenn this year, If ever before. I real . n (bat we have fulled te were against CORNELL AND Sfi $ m THREE RJNGlARDS XmtOI x ON FOR FANS HERE ' 2W Captain DODGE 'S5ll V Cernell Tackte & Penn in the Inst tie jcar. but 1 think' this is Cernell's year, nnd we nre going te surprise the Hed mid Hlue. "Leck of dsi.i light practice In the past prevented us from defeating l'enn. , but this year, with powerful search lights sweeping ever our gridiron, we have had lets of practice that has jiM fitted us for the bnttle of the sensen this nfternoen." Penn has scored twenty -two victories ever Cernell since the series stnrted, ' NJttaiW LieilS Are Picked te De whllu the visitors have four te their . credit. One game resulted In n tie. I feat Pitt Panthers at Frem 1SD3 until 1001 Cernell ent without scoring n win. Starting with i Odds of 2 te 1 1002 and continuing until 101" Cernell failed te win. In 101S Al Sharpe brought a team te Franklin Field that wen. The same coach wen In 1011 nnd 101." when Geerge was coach at Penn. Folwell took charge in 1010 nnd halted the Cor Cer nell strlne. In 1017 and nznin in 1010 Folwell checked in with victories. I.nst year the present couch, Heisman, turned in a victory. . . Average weignts me same The two teams average exactly the same in weight this nfternoen. each hit ting the scnles nt lT-'i pounds as a weighs Cernell by M.tt pounds. In the : i (.ci.i .11 u .1 .).... i... I UU1 H11V1I1 vun'll nun lut uuninvuhr uj 15i pounds. Penn averaging 153U I L, i , ,, wi? i tVT ,?"" V I , Win l,e nne of the ' lightest in the history of the series. Hex UKUlt'71 in un- lllMiiry ui in,- Knii". nv AVrny. cnptnln nnd cpinrterbuck of the Hed nnd Hlue. weighs Hill pounds. Se does Hnbe Greve, who will start his fi-st game. I'es .Miller tips tlie eeain nt l.iii pounds, nnd Tex Hnminer. the big full- hn,.lr -nii-h AM nnii.uls In the line Helsma lending with Cochrane me incKirs uii-i-. mi- u.rim-i nriuiis 212 pounds nnd the latter nn even 200. I pm.e i" .....u ...... Sutherlnnd at one guard weiglis 180 scoreless tic. rnnsld- pounds and (Sraf nt the ether 104. Hill 'b ?V1 T L,Z Is Urave at right end has eighteen pounds "able surprise when he announced lis te his credit and Frtresvang nt the """-"J' f?r . tm ay W- rn"' ether wing pet Mr,. Dem nt renter , takes Hewitt s place nt hnlfbnck Peters weighs 17" rieunds i replace Seulelsen nt right guard, weighs 1,- pounds. Jerlilt n flr,t.,POr mnn, wW g0 tVankferd Rey le Start te right end in plnce of Wllllnms. Ocergc l.echler. the fullback 1 Fer the first time In seiernl years Doble's sleien, is a local be. He , Pitt Is the underdog, both In the pre played the same pest at Frnnkferd two dictions und the betting, the odds today years age where he starred in the high being offered nt 2 te 1, nnd some of school league games. At Cernell he has ' the betters offer that te Pitt with six shown the same caliber of play that point-, thrown in for geed measure, earned him nn all-'chela'-tic berth here. ' Humors that the Pitt management Kddie Knw, the sensational halfback would protect Klllinger nnd I.ightner of the Ithncnns, is their muiiistey en tbe ' were given credence bv some of the attack. Last year Knw was a -tar of newspapers, but when Knrl F. Dnvls, the first magnitude und this year lie is crnduute manager of athletics, was in going even better. If Penn is able te step In ni this afternoon the Hed nnd Hlue will hnve gene a long way in de ciding the ultimate winner. Five members of rhe Cernell line stand six feet nnd ever. Captain Hill Dedge, at right tackle, being the tall est at 0 feet 0 inches. The ethers fol fel fol eow: Henen. left tadtle. (! feet 1 Inch ; Itrayman, left guard, 0 feet l'.j inches; Hrayten, (1 feet 2 inches, nnd Jenes, 0 feet. Dem. Thnrinan nnd (!rnve. in the Penn line, taper tl feet or ever, the center being ti feet, inive 0 feet 3 's inches and Thnrman ft feet 1 inch. Of the eleven men who will start the game for Penn. only two will be lest ler next season. Hex Wrni. one of the greatest lenders Penn has ever had, will dig his cleats into Prnnklin Field for the Inst time, and se will Hill (iruve, the left end. Heth graduate in June. STORE BOYS COMPETE J. W. C. I. Stages Street Runs for Three Classes .Many youngsters t'.ik part in tlie junior intermediate and senior cross cress cross eeuntry runs of the Jehn Wunamnker Commercial Institute tedai. Jehn StacMiotise wen the junior event. Walter Kane copped the Intermediate nne and Themas Vnndelle finished first in tlie senior content. Sunimnrj : JL'MOHS Jehn Siui'kheuie TJ :.s l'j Mi la i! 13 S.' 13:.ll 1 1 rj u li n .:. 14 H I". 11 15 '-e 1 1 a.' l :. l'i 1.1 .17 William WMie Kmll Kanmpnitkl Clirteril Werthli.Etan Irlnr Ilenny ... Krnncla f'hare'll Martin 1'rntler I.awrcn." Init W ler Myr . . II. CI Juckiien KilKsrO Wlliun.l . . .. V ctnr Jergensen Thee. f'hraw Hlltt t McOeach iNTi:itMi:i)iATi; U'slier Kn salatere I'raace .... (le Karrnn . . . Ilichsrrt i;iln . ... Melvln Hrne . . . . Harry Union Jehn Sauntlfm ... din In Klhr . Ji.. Hartftolemovv . . . ChH Serlfy TrtUl Vandell . . . . A Mlllfr Phil Whlleferd . 12 L"i K'-n.) II' IJ I L' 3 I JB '.5 1.1 ns 13 ll'i III.' I3-4J 13 Sn II in 14 IT 1 1 :"7 I a 17 lills 17 II 17 .11 17 3J su:nihh8 Tlinmas Vsndi'tln Jiirn.H Jacksun J. iv Drewn V. HlguKuue Chsrlfs Lunx Recerd Receipts for Minnesota .Mlnnipell. Minn., Nev 'Jl Ailiiilmlena te th four football aainra plitxrt at Nnrlh Nnrlh rep Klel.1 ut the l'nlrilty of Mlnmauta thl oiHen. tela crt 10L..1Sfi.5(l. actnidlnit te fig urra, Vrnm ft flnnnclal atandpeliu th reu nn was en of the meit succetiful Mlnne Mlnne eta lian had. PENN STARS WHO STATE FAVORITE IN PITT CONTEST WARNER SHIFTS LINE-UP Hit l'enn Ststr SIcTeliii 11tU- , II ter I Untx lleilrnk I Mrlnhen I Siiflnril Klltlnicrr Wllen Urhtner . Knubh i left emi Irtt tacklr Irft unrl . renter rtrlil rtinnl . rlsht turkte rlilit rml qnurferhM-k lrft hnlrtmtk rllit lmlflijck fullhnrli . . Hsrmiin l?f.k - i(,", iKrilrr .Tftntnn lellfnin Iirlc. Anclrnen rnlnniiii Refrrf W. Mmwrll. funrthmeri' 1'innlrrTem Thorp,' relmnhln. IJneynmn f- Pfr(Kiv- rrawrll. Swnrthmnre. Time or Ttftern mlnirtes. ,,, . ... , T'ltKhllrpll. Nev. 111. -Pitt and Penn S.nte meet "here this afternoon in their j nnnl football game, and from a l an - "j ". ',,, .,,.,1 ...ill I pcarnnces a record-breaking te ( will , see the Pitt Panthers and Mttan I.ien when they grnpple at 2 P. M. en l-erbes is the beam nt l.iti rieui. liner, the big full- i Apparently Penn Stntc Is bended for ndt, n sweeping victory ever its old rival, n Imsi i hir men ' but appearances in football are semc- s and Thnrman n n" ' f "' I'0Ht 5 car I,0.un Stnte he erm r we ch I s the favorite, but the Panthers out lie lermer weigns , . . . . . , ,),,,, n new. i Apparently Penn Stntc Is headed for II sweeping Victory ever US OKI rnm. i .,;..-, .... . .., .,. i,i,i ,i,, . n I tervlewed, he said: "We have net pre tested nnv nlaver. trusting te the lien esty of our opponents, nnd our team will line up against whatever team Huge Hezdek trots out without a murmur in the belief that every man used is eligible. The Penn State squad Immediately did the disappearing net upon Its ar rival last evening. The plnjers will be kept under oecr until neon, when they will leave for Ferbes Field, ready te I tackle the Pitt Panther In the annual ' Thanksgiving Day battle. I In addition te the first and second i teams, tlie entire squad of scrubs wan brought nleng te sec tc game. Only ! the first two teams will lcAte for .Seattle following the contest, Nebraska In Final Game Lincoln, !., Nnv 'J I --Nbraku will -nn'lurt it ehlulc thla aftprnoen mM Ing ihe CiVerartn AphIm en NVbrm-Wn nl1 sn far this msmn th.i rernhinkem mii wnn all ther tenlentn with Inn ncplien t th 7-tn.e ilfHt ftt th'; hnnd nt Netiv Ouiic Onl ten points hav htn rrslHTfl ncalnm ihem Beets and Saddle It nees open nt New Orleans and Havana this afternoon. New Orleans rffers .in uura lue Thanksgiving card. Valer upieiir best in the Thanksgiving Handl. up, .lth Lucky H. and Neddnm , premi'im; enlenders. Other horses which iceii: eet at the Crescent City are I Kirst race Cel. Tnihir. Alexinder Hamilton. Anticipate, Pecnnd For.1 Fer.1 I stall, Henere Hlue, Atteo; third Mas it. M Jack, Columbia Tnu. Tun Mc l Tuggart ; fourth Merchant. Jerr, Walnut Hall, MXth -Lord Al'en, jh-weepi, Devenlte; seventh M"rrinmc, Dark Hill, Kscnrpelett. The Thanlisglviii!; Ilauilieap, $.'U0n j lidded, wijl biliiff out i throng at the Hewie trick today. Henifa. e appears let, with 'Ineine nnd Dresden ns con tenders. Horses well placed In ether Hewl.' ln'es are: i'lr.it race Quick Hun Cnrinencitii. Hlackstene ; second - IlephnisleH, Yashmak, Clnnsuian; third -The llev. Dry Moen, Oriele; fifth Dresden. Irish Dream, Hnstillej sixth sixth Mbela, Solid Heck, Kxplnsive; seventh Vlie Chairman, Fell ('., Themas P. McMahon. At HiiMiua: First race Cromwell. (Inquiry, Demes ; second Wajwnid I l.ndy. Cel. Chile, Hucklngliani ; third Missed the Time. Old Sinner, Huferd . fourth- -Driiperv, Serrlec Flag Tliunth.v .1. Megaii: fifth (Thunksghing Ilandl riipl Aiken. Dr. Clark, Cromwell sixth Hurry M. Stevens, Melvln, Itui'kperl, MEET TODAY Olympia, National and Cambria Each Has Five-Beut Mat inee Today SHOWS WILL START 2 P. M. r.exing funs today will have the choice of :i'iv of three matinees nt which te whet tli!r Thanksgiving appetites. Programs have been ni ranged nt the Olympia A. A.. Hrend nnd Hnlnbrldge streets; the National A. A., Kleventh and Catharine streets, nnd the Cambrin A. C. Kensington avenue nnd Ontario street. The first bout nt each club Is scheduled te start nt 2 o'clock. Lew Tendler, Philadelphia star lifcht wMght, will make his first appearance of the season here indoors, tnking en a rugged opponent in Manuel A'.ivede. of California, in the finnl bout nt the Oljmplii. Azevedo is n tough fellow. He is acgrcsive and he can hit. Manuel will be no set-up for the Legan 1am-L-nstcr. The mix it the National will be n re turn set-te between Tim Dreney, of Lnncnst.-r. and Pete Hartley, of New Yerk. Several weeks age this pair met hire nnd the no-Stater surprised h winning fiem the Dane. Since then Hartley has defeated Jee I'iplitz. Dreney will substitute for Frnnkie Pritt, who was tnken 111 several days age. At tlm Cambria Club Al Vcrheeken, of Kensington, will go en in the wind up nenlnst Jimmy P.rewn, of Trenten, in nn interc'ty middleweight mix. F.ieh of the tluee clubs has n pro gram of fiic bouts. A number of new fans will he seen, while several out-of-town fiat (lingers will make return up penrances. Marcel Dennis, a Fienchman, will make his American debut In one of the bouts nt the National. Opposed te the foreigner will be Oils Fninchctti. lecul Italian boxer. Frnnchetti has sufficient class te bring out all of the real nbllity the Frenchman mny possess. Teny Cupeni. a Chicngenn, will be introduced te Philly fans for the first time, assisted by Al Wegner. Al has been in strict training, and is confident of winning no matter hew geed the Windv City man may be. In tlie opener Hnttling Murray takes en Kid Wolf in a bantam mntch. Willie Jacksen, of New Yerk, will meet the hard-hitting Hilly Angcle, of Yerk, nt the Olympia. the former sub stituting for Jee Tiplltr., who Injured his ankle while training:. Angele Is a TdVigereus puncher, has somewhat of n f awkward style and Jacksen will net l.ve things nil his own way when tlie bell lings. Anether change in the Hrend street club's program will be the substitution of (leergie Werner, of IWten. for Yeung Jee Ilerrell, of this eit, against Merrie Lux, of Kansas Clt. Lux is n htnblemate of Azevedo, both of wnem nre handled by Larncy Liclitenstein. The latter says his two preteges are in fit fettle. Rattling Leenard and Hilly Devlne will meet in a return contest, nnd Patsy Wallace takes en Jee Derscy in the first bout. Jee (iejger vs. Jehntl. Dougherty, a brace of uptown battlers, will be the semi-final te the Verbecken-Hrewn bout at the Cumbria. Yeung Lew linker will appear in combat with Freddy Nltchie. Temnn Devlin will clash with Frnnkie K. O. Smith and (leeigie Stnrke will open the show with Cnrl Deltz. Magnelia at Colllngsweod (VilllnKRUMMl N. J.. Nev SI - Prank ford s blK Clrpfn tum. the Mnimelin A A wlil be the holiday itttrarllnn litre thla afternoon Th Krunkfer.1 inim dsffif.l thn home lam hrr last Saturday by a acer. of 0 te 0 In th'i laat few mlnutei of play, Spruce 8200 LIBERTY BONDS HKt tniTIKH DKPARTMKNT COMMERCIAL TRUST Company Member t'edrrnl Itekerve System City Hall Square, West BSSBfflS 2fln JAKE SCHAEFER IS BILLIARD AMPIN Sen of Fermer Wizard Dofeato Heppe In Title Playoff, 500 te 346 WINS IN SIX INNINGS Chicago, Nev. 24. "Yeung .Tnkc" Sriincfcr Is the new 18.2 balk-line bil liard champion of the world. Te win his title the youngster wns beaten but once in the championship tournament here, nnd trimmed Willie Heppe, who had reigned unbeaten for nine years, last night for the title proper by 000 te .110. Hehnefcr earned his right te. enter this play-off .the night before by giving Heppe the worst licking the former em peror of the (nhles had ever received. The score was -100 te 20. In the second game Inst night, nl nl theugh IIeppc's Average- for the six innings was never before equaled in n chainplenhlp tournament, it wns four teen points below Schaefer's mark of 8,1 2-0. Heppe, It wns nnneunced today, will exercise his right te challenge within ten days, but under the rules the new champion is net required te rink his title before March Ifi, 1022. Te Exhibit An exhibition tour of the Fast, with Schnefcr demonstrating his skill agnltM Hegcr Centl. French champion, is planned te start next Saturday. Hie first match, it is said, will be in Seuth Hend, Ind. Twice last night victory lay within Heppe's reach, but mistakes spelled de feat. F.ach player left the balls In fairly easy position fnr Ills opponent, and nfter n run of 12(1 Heppe misled n short drnw shot. In the next inning Heppe rnn 47 and then miscued, n rare occurrence for him. Schaefer found the balls close together und easily run 14 nnd out. Knrly in the tournament, Schnefcr was defeated by Heger Centl, the French chninplen, 400 te 20U. in n game In which he hntl difficulty In keep ing the balls together. This wns his only defent of the tournament. His victory ever Heppe Tuesday night enabled him te tie with tlie for mer champion for first plnce, encli being credited with five victories nnd one defent. During his enreer ns world title holder, Heppe. who is thirty-four, do de fented every plnycr of impertnncc in the world nnd wns looked en ns unbeatable. Since he hns become intcrnntlennlly fa mous ns n billiard player, he lifts lest only four teurnnment contests, Includ ing the two defeats In the present meet. Thirteen years age he was defeated by Jake Schaefer. Sr.. father of the mnn who wrested the championship from him tonight. In the mntch with the elder Schnefcr, Heppe lest. 42.T te ."00. His ether tournament defent wns in 1012. when Kojl Ynmndn. the .Tnu iitiese, wen from him, GOO te 407. Herenl Averages In addition te nttninlng the world's title in the present teurnnment, the new ehnmpien established a world's record for nvernges when he bent Welker Cochran 4(X) te nothing In two innings, an average of 200. double the previous high average. In this game he had a high run of mere thnn .100, but could net quite cipinl Cochran's world record of 3,81, set in another gnme of the teurnnment. Schnefcr received .$.1000 with his title. while Heppe, ns loser, gets !Jir(H). The final standings In the tourna ment fellow : Vht x L. Per IV. 1., 'chaefsr . . n 1 Heremana . . a .1 'lerne . . r L' MernlnititHr. . ". 4 Cnrhian 3 .1 Sutten 1 B Centl 3 3 Although he is only twenty-seven, THE SECOND President of this Company, succeeding Jeseph Ball en June 17, 1812, was James Paul, a great grand son of Jeseph Paul who was a member of the Provincial Assembly from Philadelphia in 1687 under William Penn. Bern December 23, 1770, Mr. Paul, who was a man of large affairs, became a Director of the Pennsylvania Company, and served as its President until January 20, 1813. One of his descendents has since filled the same office. Mr. Paul contributed of his experience and wisdom te the up building of the Pennsylvania Company, and a line of distinguished successors has continued te add te its traditions in the administra tien of estates, safeguarding of valuables and moneys, and in th discharge of every fiduciary and trust company service. EVERY TRUST COMPANY AND BANKING SERVICE The Pennsylvania Company DROAD STREET OFFICE Chestnut and Juniper Streets New Billiard King ("iSRffi JAKE SCIIAEFUK young Schacffer has been playing the game, for u scere of yours. Ills father, who died ten years age undel'ented champion In the 18.1 style of play, wns regnrded ns one of the greatest plnyer.i in history nnd was referred te ns "the Wizard." "He n chninplen or nothing" wns the advice Ids father gave him nnd upon which he acted. The new champion is known as one of the nerviest of players, sonic of his critics asserting that he was inclined te take tee liiiiny chances. Ills playing Is especially methodical nnd he never becomes Mustered. He ninde his professional debut In the cue gnme when lie was sixteen. Heppe first gained world recognition when he wen the eigliteen-liich balk line championship from M. Maurice Vignnux. of Finnce, en January 15. 100(1. He lifted the 18.2 crown from Harry ('line, of Philadelphia, en Mnv 27. 1D10, nt New Yerk. He defeated Cllne by 500 te 304. Scraps About Scrappers VaUIc Menil. necnrdlnc te Scetly Mente'lth, who whs ever te ape the Kredmnn-Lennard match. Iiaa received nn ehVr nt 2000 pounds nnd transportation for Andy Chaney te visit Londen for n twentv-reund mulch with Joey Fex. who new la fentherwelRht champion of Clreat Britain Mend will net answer until nfter Chaney'n bout with nilly De Fee tomorrow nlht in N'ew Yerk. Chaney knocked out Fex at Hartferd. Conn., several jeara aie. lee Jtlrhnrls has returned from Atlantic fltv nfter nn eljrht-reund bout there with Mlekev Conners. The former la anxteu for a bout with Iinnte Tucker, of California. Mnrtr ntirns. of Snuthwark. haa recov ered from th irnsh ever h left ey and an operation en hln nee. rtJ will net back into nctlen nt the Ire P-1ace next Tuednv nlerht In n bout with nilly Parker, former amateur mlttman, Ilmmr Jerilun will be Al Fnx'a opponent In the leml-tlnal le the Kddle Itevnlre-Henry Hauber bout nt the new Audlterl'in A A. December 1. Other bouts will ba Joe Wrluht va. Yeunir IlrH.llev, l'ete tei vs. Willie Themas, and Temmy Sulllvarl vs. Whit v Ilurke. Thla new nrena Is located at Hevtr'.h street nnd Folrmeunt avenue and will be run by Dllly Sllvi-mn.1. Willie Itrnn. New Ilrunewlrk weliwn'iiht. will be handled In Philadelphia by AuMIn Dougherty. "Ryan deaan't bar nny one at 143," uaya Dec. Jeck Terry. Snuthwark bantam, has re slimed training. He will he ready for beuta with nny of the leading' 118-peunders In about ft week. rhnrley Rny's beift with lied Barnctt at Fall Itler Mass.. hue been postponed until next Monday night. Carl I.e lllnnrhe. local heavywehrht. Is i-t-1 tine in snnpe preparatory rer a matcn witn Jim Coffey, the Dublin Klnnt. A New Yerk promoter la after the contest. OTHER SPORTS ON PAGES 14-15! ,ryfP9 0UKrtZ 1 u .'vf h, ; v"jliv aPv Fer Insurances en Lives and Granting Trust and Safe Deposit Chartered 1812 DRIVE ON AT PENN Collection of Funds te Rebuild Bel leau te Be Made at Qame ti...i.in.. .i !.. i.n ii. Cernell gnme this ufurnoen will be asked te con tribute te the fund new blK rnled all ever this-country te rebuild Hcllenii, niA a i. ,iA4fAtitfttfwl trtn'tia In I' rftnCG. This Is the first time this seftcen that any collections nnve ucen iaen m Frnnklin Field. , . , , . mi... v.tr..tnt r1ittitnWfAA nr Tvlilrm Vice President Coelldge and Secretary of War Weeks are members, hnve set thn American quota nt $.iuw,uimj. j.he Stnte of Pennsylvania hns been asked te rolre $30,000. , , , Tlie University of Pennsylvania stu dentB have been canvassed And they will net be asked te contribute ngnln.nt the gnme. Sidney Thayer, former football mnnagef at Penn, and one; of the flghtlntc five marines of this city, will have charge of tlie Franklin Field col lection. He will hnve Hey Sceuib go through the stands. Spectators will be asked te contribute one dollar or less. Delbel Beats Robetert IMnrhiirst. N. C.. Nev. S4.C. W. Delbel. of Tounsatewn, eliminated the favorite from the Carolina teurnnment when he defeated Irvln llobesen. of iteeheater, C nnd 4. In the eecend round, ether flnit rtlvlalen re i.ultB! Thomaa Morrlaen. Oakmont, beat penald rnnen, Toun(ileti, 8 and li W. K. Watsen. Younestewn. beat W. K. Welts, Wheeling 2 up and T. C. Dron Dren Dron en. Tounaatewn, beat S. O. Milter. I.ngle I.ngle I.ngle woed, 4 and .1. FREE A 115-Page Boek en the Market "Tidal Swings of the Stock Market" Includes most interesting and valuable Chapter en Psychology of the Markat Hew Prices rs lYiaer -ee...w.. ........ ...w..-, and Stocks Relation Between the Market and Business Conditions Price. - , n..,f .-J n.-M M..L.I mnvemenis .n uuii ..u ... .",.- TK ;l-rtlnn of Securities Fellow- ln the Trend. This book sella for $1.00. It will be ecnt FKI3H te ntiyone who sends 2.00 for a week's trial of our DAILA MARKET SERVICK. which la lees thnn our regular trial rate of $10.00 a month Uii Offtr is Geed While Sappb Lailt. Att New Send ler one today. Write Deparfnunt PL-2 Town Topics Financial Bureau In Continuous Existence 32 Years 44 Bread Street New Yerk wall Street Journal JJuflUinp HARVARD UNIVERSITY Committee en Economic Research Statistical Service Includes nn Index of Dustpess Condition which forecast the boerrl of 1D1D and the acute depression of 1020 months In advance of their occurrence, This Serv Ice Is bnaed en methods which are hew nnd scientific, and also Includes special economic studies concerning prices, pro duction. Internal trade, ferelm trade, banktnir, security Issues, etc., of especlnl Importance te executives concerned with ttie future course of business. Price 1100 a year, "Write for circular and latest reports. Committee en Economic Research 20 Wadsworth Heuse. Cambrldee, Mass. t-..H.-L LI.U...M 'M..U A.D.C0NVERSE&C0. Commercial Trust Hldg., Phila. New Yerk Baltimore gg-.v.1. .ni l .. laass , Annuities Company 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia p 1 IWnumssBMfF All BRAZIL and ARGENTINE Government Provincial Municipal Sterling Issues Bought SoldQueted A. A. Heusman & Ce. Members New Yerk 8toek Ktccfianet .20 Bread Street, New Yerk riIIt,AT1KT.rHIA WARItl.VflTnv AMSTiinmM, neu2iNi DT01 Private wires te Principal eitiei Servte and Stability Ample ti Facilities te meet our depositors' needs in a banking way, are among the many advantages we have te offer our clients. We particularly solicit commercial accounts. Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Streets Capital $500,000 Surplus ft Profit $1,830,000 kSUeBiarRsge. UAMLEttd Dealers in Investment Securities Utmtert ew Yerk and PIMaatitfUt Stock BxeXangtt 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Hew many men who die leave their families well provided for? THE PROVIDENT tiiri and Tni-Mr CMurAir op I'liiMpELrnu fourth and ChtMnut 6t. Mcmetr of Federal nes&rve System Brokers Wanted Outside of Philadelphia te handlu nn 8 cumulative prefcred stock lssue of ft Pfnnuylvanla Indus trial. State particulars regarding organization, etc. O lXt, I.KDOKn OFFICE PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. Mrmbtrs rhlls. Mack Kxthnnts 1421 CHESTNUT ST. Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1UBO REAL nfiTATE TRUST IILDO. InvtBtlgitn and adjust corporation ml mrtntrfhlp accounts and prtpare lncemt Tax Returns. C. S. PATTON & CO. tO CIIKSTNUT Hia. BANKERS , BAII-K'i" ISxSSvKNSON BenAs and Mftcka betiiht and seM Mrmtm Phil. Sterk F.itrmntt Foreign Trade Cern Exchange Nat. Bank MORRIS J. ROOT Certified Public Accountant Lafayette Building, Philadelphia FINANCIAI, MCAIIONTAH CONBOMDATKU COI L1KRIEH COMPANY, INCORPORATED FIFTY-YEAR FIVE FF.M CENT GOLD IIONDH DUE JULY I. 1087. Netice Is hsrsbr tlvtn, pursuant te ths (trma of tha mertsai datrd July 1, HOT, that tha undtralsnsd as Trustaa will racslva Jtnled propetnla up te t V. M, en thi lis ,r of UtrVmlxr. itrll, for tha Ml te It of te nd aa abeva daafrltad, aumclcnt le si tha sum of H0.805.0T. Tha undtrilsntd rtaervaa tta rlsht le tajsct any or all USl ara In whela or In part. THte NBW YORK TRUST COUPANT. Dy A. O, DOWNINO, Jr.. Asslatant SacrtUrr. Naw Tork, Octebar 2T. 1021. . PWIdmda T1IK 1VIIXIAM CRAMP & KONS rtllir ANU KMHNK ntJII.IMNII COMPANY 81 U1VU)KNI NOTICE Nevemher 23, 1931. Tha Heard of WrMtera lias tlil day at at taVed ft nuartarly dMd.nd of l i$l.9 m JliVif Pyt'l "fcrmbfr aut. 19m. te .lock; held'ra of rerenl t 8 P. M. en Dscrmlxr l th! 1021. Tha transfer Loek, of th. Cera- SKln'fre' C3,TdXrniXrh?,l,Sl: until 10 A. M. J-"""'": TAy,en. Tr.aKur.r. PrejiQMQlM KEAI.KI) l'ROI'OHAt,H le iinrjy m," reiprlcry, full nartlc, n pp. C 1""' " "; Tiega Steel & Iren Company Henvy Commercial Machining Experimental nnd Teel Werk. 52d and Gray' Avenue I'bllmUlpiiU, I'm a b M r ,