' V?f ,.- 'i '- it I V f - wtf Variety of .ST JOSEPH WINS: TIES FOR ME Heine Miller's Eleven Wallops Catholic High, 25-0 Bres- lin Scores Thrice JOE MAXWELL IS INJURED Catholic IIUli Ktrnten r.elnnJ (eliiwnr s, .f 1'inlnt . . ,h. frtimlil ' tlnntlnit i tttt ,t St 4eenh'. Prep ir ttH Una rtt tirhlt. . left Kiuira. . , .center rliclit irimril .rlitlil tniklF .. . . O'Neil lonneiulilon llntli-r . , I.nmnltln . Ilennhue Kane . . Ilrealln Illneen ... .rlelic enu.. ... .nimrterbneK ,. . Ii-rt hn'fbiifk , rUlit InlM.ack. . . . , fiilll.nrk. . . . MeNnlU !llf-ln llnwner 1 . . . O'lmrne nnd .If flfe r-, .'I tell h.rrrrr Iklf. . l imunKtein ''.. T1 Hn.nffll.il t'mplre IK nil linen- Sin lflc nrru. dim .iiimr.i.. .,, Temple. Tlme of period -m minute" TouthJewn. llre-lln, St. .Tnsei.li. n, O,. ,?np St JemvIi. 1. tionUrem touclidenn lrfirnr, i Urtelin ht. .leitt'ii. i. Tin" St. Jeseph's 1'repnrntiiiy tji'hnel wflllened Catholic HIbIi before T.OflO inertaters at the Phillies' Park this inerninff. Heine Miller's euth tore their vv te a 2."-0 iitery and thus -cnt it() a triple tie with West Catho lic r.ml Villanova 1'rep in the Catho lic Schools I.eaRiie. Post-frahen Games Ill decide t'ic chnnipien-hip. Ilreslin wuh the bip here for the fiimsen nnd Gray eleven. Me scored three of the four touchdowns and kicked the only coal made after the touch limn. Osberne was the only Miller nwit.ue te cress the Catholic goal line Oiberne'H Bcere came in the lirt p mud ami was made possible by O'Ne .py.- veil, v.ler lecevered McNally s fumble e: flrfslin's punt en the e-ynril mark. It , took only one play te put the b.ll ever the line. llrrflin innd" his llm touclidewn tu the second quarter. St. Jeseph's ob tained the oval en the 'JH-.rrml line. And. nflor-O.ibernc made first down, JJredlln carried the pigskin te the i ard nimk and then Hprfnted mound the nd for the score. The Catholic IIIkIi boys braced in the third period and did net nllew a HCur, Ht te U-iicI'dewns were imt ever in the lli.nl ipinrter. A brilliant run et l.'i ards bj Uev ney gave Ilresllti his iliame te score his second touchdown. Downey's daMi brought the oval te the C-ynrd'Hn", nnd en the first play Urcs lln mnde the "core. v The lin.il 'eunt was made near the fiiil of tli' game, nnd eanie nftT n march de .in the ileld of (hi jnrds. Ureb lin went uier fiein the 2-jard mark. Jnc Maxwell, the Catholic High full back. Itud te be dragged from the field in the first period. He tnrted the con test with an injured nheuldcr uud wni hurt in a tackle. He refused te leeie the game, and Coach Oreer had te ii"e phiMcal strcngtli te set him off the fiehl. First Period ' St. Je-eph's wen tin toss and elected tn reielie. Cnlliellc Higit kicked off. IJciwnei inn the kick b.i;k te Ills I'.t) yard 1 ne. Iiieslin made n lirt down around light end. A forward p-ik sained ltl y.irili. but both teanr weic nff-lde and the iln was recalled. Me Nal'v fumbled Itii-liu's imnt en the Ti-iurd Hue. O'Neill re-evered for St. Jee. Oslieinc plunged through center fnr .1 Pali lidilwn. Itrcslin booted tin- ml. Si ere- St. Jee, T: Catholic High, 0. Cnthiilie High receiied the Iciek-elT. McNiilh ran back te his own Ue-jard llm- Oil the first pla.i Catholic High fiimliled and I Sutler rerewred for St. Jmm'i1i en the "."-jnrd Hue. Maxwell. - i'f ( iithelle High. wn liurt and Coach Crier li;nl t-j drag him off the field te eniiiel him te leave the game. Mc Caullev took Mawvell'H place. lire Iii's attempt ut field goal went nild ind Catholic High recovered en the '-'O-juril line. Higgins' punt wns bknked and recovered by St. Jee en the i'le-jiird line. Hreslin added 5 jnrds around right end. St Jee was penalised 1 vards for heilmg and the ball was nlaced in mid field. A forward pass, Hesev te Ures lin. gnlnnl 7, ynrds. Ureslin booted pvr Cnthelle High goal line nnd the bull was brought out te the -'0-yard line. Higgins get off (i l.T-jard punt te lbneen who get the ball en Catholic's --.Uird line-. Here the period ended. Scere: St. Jee 7, Catholic High 0. Second Period s' Je-epli's were offside and lesi 5 uiils Jinslln's punt lolled out of I'viuids en Catholic's e-yurd line. Hig sins made r jards en a trick play, latlielic High made a last deiiu en their .'.)- ard line. Higgins was thrown for a 15-jard less, iiutier blocked Higgins' punt, catholic recovered en the a -yard line. Higgins kicked te Ureslin. who ran ball te Catholic's ll.jard line. Ureslin was hurt en this play, but remained ' the game: -Oslserne made n first "own through center. Ureslin ran nreund his iett end te Catholic's 5-jurd line. " The game unH held up for (lie min Ut"s while Conch Miller, of St. .iesen i H protested against the side-line' ''-iiiB iircsiin run around' right nil fur ,i touchdown. Ureslin misM-d i.i KiV"'w. ''ere' Hl- Jeseph's, JO; t-nthrdi,. High, 0. Leenard relieved geanlen nt left end ;!" Ittt hellf High. Catholic High re- ii l' '"el'lck-eff. Connaughte'i kick- T ,t0 enard, w he dushed back te ' -10 i ,.rd line On u trick play i;e?nar.l.N,"a!1,i " ,lrbt dew" ""'"nd riglit , i..1''1 "fJwpted a forward pass mi his 'hi-janl line as the half ended. lilelMt hl Jeicl,h'3' V"' Catholic Third Peiied t'.uiu.l , IliKh KOt the kick .a nnd uslnsi t(1 tl.cir -10-jatd line. Higgins n.,"i Jar,.N ilt ec"lr- Higgins then I'Uited te liicslln en his .iO-jnrd line. ;' Jeseph 8 wns 0ffbl,i0. Ureslin made T., ?U'i ,"r""'l left end. liar i i,"1".'',';'1, N 'St'hml11 !lt '"' f"r rn, ll;.ni8h' Osherne made b j arils aruuml left. si. Jeseph's wa.s offside lir, i A. l0'u'l PUbs, DInttu te r sliii. si,ied -1 lards. Cor the third n' in a few minutes Millet's bejs "PIS' iriinll,l ., ,., .1 . .,. ,",.. 1.1. .i "" "mini;. ajreauil " I .Minis around right end Ures Ili-i i i " '""' slu a"" v.niuee liiir.il .t n 1.-1. 1 . -.. It lii . " lml1 en lllL'ir -t-jnnl Inn). "'Mis kicked 1. 1 Dlnecn ut midfield. Diiu-ui made a tiist duwu- nt left .n,i . c,!resll skidded around light ii-jwi, fur(Is' ,11'0"! "Ji'de lira: Je'nh'u v, Pml ,of tIllr,, I"-,rl0(l: St. "ecphs l;i; Catholic High, 0. l'eurth Pcriwl it'ielie Hi8, im.t.p,P( (l f0rWnrd ''" ai 'I lliiiiieilliitnlv .iM.it.i.i li,.,,.. '"i iiiiil.t .. ,V .i ".'. '.'"" I lllli, ill. ,n . ' I'oei. iii iiiiuiieiu, i ii ii 10 , "' " e-jaiil wreiigh center for t . U'-l)0l(. ,,f S!f 1, 'J aid line. Uteslin shut ic touclidewn Ku 1 "'' S''01'"'1- '""1 lie try for Je-,.1,1 '" i . ,," "V,e"-, ?t,er" : st- Si i . '"iiu'ic iiign, u. III,., .."l".' . "li'K'il off. Catholic ii:.' """ion irem the 20-yard Hue. Jenel . KVi ,)Ir n beautiful punt te .St. ,arnn,V.',.i,,:,:,'l ' BimiIii slipped inn.T. ,Vt end for S i uii, rmiit i.n.i f.... c .m..i. v.i.:.i... l,,., f Ue ii through center. Dew .. - "- ...,, ,,.- u i ii m. i.'.ijtji uu laid ii, u W n en Catholic's 40 line Osberne went threiKli te Outdoor Sports Will Add Spice te lll' Catholic' flO-yird line. Hrcriln plnceil tlie ball en Catholic's . 10-yard line. Mnrtliicz relieved Downey for tit. Jo Je fccpli h and mnde .1 yards. After three cracks nt the line failed, Ilrcsllii uliet efT left tncltle for a touch down. This time" Dlnecn touched the brill te the ground nnd another try at f?enl wnH disallowed. .Scere: St. Joes. '25; Catholic High. 0. Catholic IIIrIi iccclved the kirk of! and get te their DO yard line. Here the (came ended. I'lnnl beere: tit. Jee's, L'5; Catholic High, 0. W. CATHOLIC BEATS 7106 i Noses Out League Leaders Final Period te Enter Triple Tie Today in i BIG CROWD DESPITE RAIN West Catholic belped te thoroughly deadlock the championship of the Cath olic League this morning when it camp through mere or less as it wns expected te de against Villanova Prep en Struw brlilge & Clothier Field. The fmnl score was:. West Cntho Cnthe He i ; Villanova. 0. nils guine et up a triple tie for the league, when St. Jee's nise von this I morning, 'j'iie leideis are West Cath olic, Villanova and St. Jee's. Kneli has wen two games and lebt one. The tic will be plajed off in post-hcasen ! panics. Tlie battle between West Catholic nnu i illnnera thrillpil n large holiday throng, which packed Hie sidelines de- spite ti.e rain and muddy underfoetiu i he first half ended scoreless, thou, ,ng. Kll tne jeimgsters fought with all theii might te put ever a tally. VUlajieiii bteke through In the third period, when Oriflith, the fullback, crashed through for a touclidewn. Mc Nnmarn, heweicr. failed te kick the goal and West Catholic hopes rose again. Nar the close of the final pericd, West Catholic put ever a touchdown after taking the hall close enough fur n back te get aciess en a sheit end run. Tlie goal was kicked and the triple tie I'Mabllw.cfl. l'irst Period Villaneia wen the toss and Oriflith kicked off te McDenn'd, who was downed en Wp?t Catholic's '21 - ard line, (libling was injurpil and (ilresen took his place. Twe plays netted 4 ynrds. McDonald get a first dew n off tackle. Twe mere plnn made 12 ards, Uierling going through for 11. McDon ald punted out of bounds en Villanevn's yard line, (iilllitli punted irem be hind his own goal line. Twe Wet t Catiielic men funibled, (onion recover ing en Villanova's -10-yard line. Villa nova's ball. Cunningham intercepted a forward pass en his "S-yard line. West Catho lic's ball. After two plays McDonald punted te Crillith. who ran the bell te mldllebl. (In the third plnv a trick formation made 7 x.irdx. J. Qiiiiin iwent out of bounds after going l .iard. Twe forward passes grounded. J. (uinn punted te McDonald, who slipped en his 'J5-yard line. McDonald punted te Oriflith en his -10-j ard line. Twe forward passes were blocked, lirillith punted te Mullin. who fumbled, (irilfitli recovered for Villanova en West Cathelli's SO -yard line. Orlftitli went off tackle for 'J'-., jard". Villa nova penalised 1." ards fur holding. Oriflith punted behind West Cuthelic'b goal line and after the ball was brought out Mullin went off '22 yards off tackle as the period ended. Score, Villanova, 0; West Catholic, 0. Second Period Twe idavs at the line failed as the second peiied started. McDonald punted te Ortflith. After a penalty and an ex change of possession McDonald punted te (ii iff. who ran the ball te the Hti lanl Hue. Captain Herkery recovered a fumble for West Catholic en Villa nova's -10-jard line. Kane, itlnneiu, intercepted n for ward push. West Catholic wa penal -izfd 15 yards for holding. On the fourth play Ward went 7 yards off tinkle. Villaneia made two first downs in succession. J. Cunningham mine In for Mullin, West Cnthe ie. J. tjulnu ran around end '20 arils te West Catholic's le-jnrd line. Villanova made u tint down through the line. On the fourth down with seven-eighths of n yard te go Villanova lest the ball en downs. McDonald punted te McNamara, who wns downed en West Catholic's "b'-jard line. Villanova lest the ball en downs. McDonald punted poorly. Cunning ham intercepted a forward pass. Uier ling went around end fur "0 ynrds us tlin period ended. Score, first halt : Villanova, 0 ; West Catholic, 0. Third Period Mullin kicked ett te Villanova's 10 yard line. J. Quinn. en an end .run, carried the ball te Villanevn's -le-jard line. Oriflith made ltfjardN oft tackle, but the play was recalled and Villa nova was penalized I! ards for offside. Oriflith punted behind West Catlielicn's goal line. Uall en AVer Catholic's "0-vnrd line. Cunningham miide 7 i arils around the end. Mullin gained :2 through the line. McDonald punted te Villanova's -10-yard line. West Catholic penalized IS yawls for holding. Oriflith punted te West Cath olic's 20-yard line. McDonald made 5 through the Hue. McDonald punted te McNamara en Villanova's fid-jard line. He ran the ball te West Cath olic's -i-yard line. Twe plajs lest .! yards. Oriflith plunged off tackle for a touchdown. McNamara missed the fieal. , Scere: Villanova. G; V est Cath olic, 0. Fourth Peiied Oiillith punted ever Went Catholic's goal line. After nu exchange of punts I.enuaii inn the ball te Villanova's 21 vnrd line. McIKinuld made u first dewi,. Mullin went r .nnls off tackle. Villanova was penalized fi jards for offside. i .McDonald went 15 janls oft .tackle. Mullin took it te Villanova's -l-janl line. I Cunningham sl.iited tlie end ter u touchdown. Mullin kicked the goal. I Score. West Catholic, 7; Villa-j nova, 0. i Attcr a few mere playa the game I ended. BIG SUBURBAN GAJVIE j Cliften Heights and Norwood Will Grapple en Grid Today Cliften Heights will play ene of Its hardest football games of the 1921 sea son when Norwood is battled en the hitter's grounds tills afternoon. Cliften, after buffering two straight defeats, recovered and walloped Phila delphia Independents, Ambler and Legan Itcd Juckcts, In the order named, j The team is the favorite today, but (he I beta ero liltle better than evcu money VILLANOVA EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER-PHIIiABlDLPHIA, THURSDAY, J LJ-2 ,,, A,,.Vy,, ff!BfB W ,; j iAZ.eiy?mis-!py'KjtXTi--s ?. mt.. -si' ' -,T,. ,-.--,( . ?.. .f ,i! , ".viMi'i?', a . ... . ' s i ..sT-f':';.?z.. l rtK IllSc," WZ. Vll &. WB-K?"J'Sr,'.:.aw i ....:'?' , . ':V !' ( . JW. A , ' v.v, J,:s,.? 'A ,, y 'ha: f.M w.1 jiava(i&r."s'?isJr'.JU4WE.-.' w vs? :.; r 'sata.-i !W't;: vtviaw v-- a . v.es?sjirf swSTI?w JiwSfTSTrJTjtKJ1. ' '" "" J it-TWnnnw '-Tn t--" 'i " tajiaTri - v.s v ' .. &r . '.v. r' 'scs-,-i . r. .r.j-; .?rv?.s; uaws It. Irwjn, of Cedar Kaplds Hljli Scheel, winner of the American inter.schelastlc croM-ceuntry (liaiuplensliip in l-'alrnieunt Parit te1ay, is shown leading the pruce.ssi en en (lie last lap before the finish of the annual race. Hi number Is 10, 11. Maluri (Ne. le), of Hutchinson Central Illgli Scheel of lliitTiile, who sprinted into sec ond place, is shown Just behind W. Ce.v, of llet'hcster Shep Scheel, of Ueclic.ster, N. V. (Ne. J00), who was checked off lit third position RADNOR HUNT OF TO FLYING START Big Thanksgiving Breakfast, With Fanners as Guests, Features Opening CLOTHIER HORSES WIN There were lets of sunshine nt the Kndner Hunt (.Tub today, despite the fact that it rained unrelentingly. Hut the downpour did net fade either the spirit or color of the festivities. A big Thanksgiving breakfast at which the farmers of the surrounding countryside were guests, started the proceedings and it was a Hying sturt. Oathercd about the big table were mere than thrts score of farmcr.s. Ulg legs ciackleil In tlie fireplace and Sam uel P. ltlddle, who is an entertaining raconteur as well as being the e ner of Man O'War, told stories which kept the laughs in motion during tlie feast. And the gen'nl hosts w4ie nie ac customed te eiery nttentlen in their domains saw te it that Sctb Il.iwlings end I'.ud Itayner nnd all their co-farm I ers get plenty et steaming turue.l , Dig, nyramlds of , cranberries and all the tasty things which go In the chorus et the Thanksgiving feast. Hut that is net all. While tlie farm ers dined nn up te the minute vaude ville show was staged. Lusty singers, dancers and mysterious magicians helped along in the cause of geud di gestion. And then after all that were the races. Near!) a score of riders In full hunting legulla red coats, white pants and high hats pnit'cipated in the cress country hunt, which opened the out door show. Other colorful effects were In cildence in the events which fol lowed. The sporting end of the festivities follews: Class Ne. 1. open te all n.embcrs. wen by Master Dick, ridden by IMgar W. Powell; second, Ueujamiri. lij Miss Anita Straw brids ; third. P.ny Anne. !v Miss H. It. Iielnu: fourth. Helle of Oxford, by A. O linker, Jr." Champien hunters jumping contest, first prize blue llbben and M000 in cash; wen by Irish Lass. Victer O. Mather: second, Wllllnm King, Samuel P. Kiddie; third. Nancy Pnn-y, Wll lhim du Pent. Jr. Peny jumping event for children un der fifteen, wen by Princess, ridden by Miss Mary C. Clothier; second. Cocea, lidden bj Miss Catherine H. Clothier; third, Jack Ilese, Jr., Samuel Trexler, Jr. All these who fellow the artistic career of the horse were there including Mr. nnd Mrs. Victer Mather. M!ss Eugenia Cassatt, Miss Mary Ullen Cas sntt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Uebcrt Straw bridge. Alexander Del.in, Mrs. Harry Wain Hanison and Mls Kthel HeeWhcr. AL GIBLER HAS SPEED Wins St. Ignatius Street Run Frem Field of Fourteen - Al Oildcr xvas the winner of the closed 2 -mile street ran held by the St. Ignatius Catholic Club in West Philadelphia today. He covered tlie distance In 18 minutes !J0 seconds. Martin Callcn was second, fifteen sec onds behind the victor, and J. Yenger wns third In 10 minute .10 seconds. There were fourteen starters and ten finished. The race started at the clubhouse, Fert.i -third and Wallace streets, te Aspen street, te Lancaster avenue, te thirty-second street und return ever the same route. Several hundred people lined the course of competition. The summaries; lb !I0 18.41 K..30 :u:l3 10..17 '.'0:01 L'O :i7 20:'js L'l.Ofi .':37 Yanks May Train en Pacific Coast New Yerk. Nev SJ.sincd It l.ccame known that the plan of the New Yuri Van. lleea te take their uprlnn tralnlmr for the eeaBen of 1012 at Mineral Wells, Te , had fallen tlireuuh there Imn been a mat), from the mere tropical regions of the land of replications for the rrlUleee of enter talntni.' the American Leairiie champions durln the weeka of their conditioning worl werl The latest Is that Miller Iluugina and hla stalwart men may creN the entire conti nent next l-Vliruary and de tha lumantary ryrutliiB and Marmlna up at Les Anuelea iiiumna Famous Oyster euse "I'd rnlher Lire the perk chops yoe serre here than the finest chicken in the world,"" said a tun yester day. Potatoes, Dread, Ilutter, Coffee & Perk Chops CO Cents We Merer Clese l2NeHh 9e Sinai Jxtsi evheve Market J 1. Al Gli.ifr 'J. Martin Callcn L, J Yencrcr I J. I.ansunj . .1. 12. Hi.li.id ... i. I'. Tn.tn ... 7. .1 Ku k t . . . S. J. Jucltsnn , . K II IluJi-r .. 10. XV. Willuc'.! . I - L. Seme Happenings in Spert IFerltl Morning Events H. Irwin, Cedar Kapids High Scheel, Mich., wen the American intcrseholns-cress-country championship. Hutch inson Central High Scheel, HulTule, wen the team title. West Catholic beat Villanova Prep and St. Jeseph's beat Catholic High en the gridiron, which made a triple tie in the Catholic League. J. W. Merris. Vesper Ueat Club, wen the Schuylkill Nnvy street run. Penn soccer team lieatcn 4u Cricket Club League, by Ocrmantewn. Oerninntewn Heys' Club soccer team beaten in two extra periods by Victer Heys' Club. -1-2. Uussell Hewvrs wen the Ocimnntewn Heys' Club run, the "Yale" team cap turing th team prize. Al Oibbler wen tlie St. Ignatius Catholic street uiii and Yeager wen the St. Menica run. ABINGTON TRIUMPHS Lud Wray'a Team Downs Chelten ham by 14 te 0 Ablnrten ( lirltrnli i in . KAwlnlpti ' . Hemer ; Ithrlr. Mi left mil . lift ttitklp .left Kiuiril . . . s-ntf r .rlnt niiiril .nrht tarkle rlht end .quiirlrrlmrk Irft linlflMUt. light halftmeU Krlihfrt HnMnnien Kciwr .., MjfrM .. Ce I In n . . Thlnn . Verbrs, Ilrnnkr . Ilit Mnlrt i .Morrison KrniiNr SteUrr Hnthr unil , Mm-Tlrar lUen rntlpr Itrfrns llarr, .rnunn'H l IftreriMln. I'mnlpi .ttrburi. Ilrnri llnrnman- 'nfnll in. llj-. I .v. I'limr. rime or wnedi K ininulf. Touchdowns by AVilsen and Mc Vicar! gave Lud ray s Abington High Scheel V ' ""' i-iit:ii min iiiKii ' ,. . " V 1 a. itir. ItttF. , 1,1111 UL A&lllllftlllfll. 11f. 1 11L' ' , iiiuiiniiiiu purseiiN wnicneci uie gauie, nnu v.u-1 inujcii en me new neiu. i neiicuiiam wen tne toss nnd .mc jchiir kickcii te .Morrison, who ran .';5 .i arils. Cheltenham lest the ball en downs. McVickur skirted riglit end for .'!." i ards. then plunged twice for a touclidewn. Sassainen kicked the goal. Abington received the next kick. and McVickar mode first down. Me- ickar's forward pass was caught b. ilsen. who raced le vnrels ter it touchdown. Sassuman kicked the goal. Score, Abington. 11; Cheltenham, 0. which ended the first period. Cheltenham e-ame hack htrenglv time find again, driving the lieavj Abington back. However, fumbles were lestlj te Cheltenham. Cheltenham made three first downs in succession. A fumble wns receiered uy fsassaman Abington wna forced te punt and then Cheltenliiiin starteel a drive te Abingteti's lO-.iard line, when the period ended. Score, Abington, 14; Cheltenham, 0. Cheltenham received a kick at the sturt of the third period, but could net gain. A kicking duel followed. With the ball at midtlcld, Wilsen intercepted u ferwaul pass and ran 20 jnrds. Abington lest the ball en downs as the periexl ended. At the beginning of the final epiur ter u forward pass. Krause te Uiiu Uiiu delph, netted 20 yards. Wilsen inter cepted the next ferwaul pass alid car ried the ball te Cheltenham's -lO-iard line. After an exchange of punts the game ended. YEAGER WINS RUN Nine .Starters In St. Menica's Thanksgiving Day Race There were nine startera in tlie St. Menica's Catholic Club handicap run this morning, and eight finished. The winner of the TiVv-mile race through tlie rain in Seuth Philadelphia was Yeager, who hud n handicap of 2 :."0. The time prize went te Mr-Henry, with a handi iap of .1:30. J. McNumcc finished sec ond, and M. McNnmee, who wen the eient last jear, mnie home feuitli. Summary : uunner Iliicp Teacrr u.311 J. Xle.S'amce :, eH nry a .10 M. MoN.imeo ,:e Time L'tt 1 1 .111 .111 Jfl .M .11 21 ill .17 HI .; S.-i s 3!.-0 ...vuenlKul l..se Hnvun I'd": .'. lid lin 1 :te ALLENT0WN PLAYS HERE Visiting Football Team Will Tackle All-Philadelphia Today Poetball fans in Seuth Philadelphia will be serveel with a real Tlinnksgiv ing Day treat when Tem UcIUpv'h All Philadelphia team meets tlie All-Alien-town varsity eleven, of Allentown. Pa The battle Mill take place en tlie Pleisli er Uall Grounds, Twenty -sixth and Iteed streets nt .'5 o'clock. Men's Yeung Men's SUITS and Overcoats $ 1 1 .80 and see our 16 windows Peter Meran & Ce. Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & ArchSts OH Men. Bat. BTrt. Till 0 e'OUm the Philadelphia Fans9 Thanksgiving Turkey jNEW STARS HERE 1 WITH UNION TEAM Phoenixville Eleven Clashes ' With Holmesburg en Crystal Gridiron This Afternoon BEN B0YNT0N IS COMING The Ui.ien A. A. nnd Ilelniesimrg i cleiens will clash nt 2 P. M. this nfter ) neon en Crystal Field, IUiuivu street, i east of Fruukferd menue. In their an nual game. Ueth inaiiagtrs. Prank Pollock and "Pep" l"rker, ure iquall confident of tlie outcome. It is th final game of the season for Ilelmes'nirg, while Union closes the 11121 campaign en Satuidu.i at Con Cen Con shehocken with tlie Ironworkers. Ueth teams have nev players in the line-up for this afternoon's fray. Helmesbur,: has rlaie.l wendeiful bnll In thc Inst three saines. v hlch have nil Ijpeii ilefeats, lmt en em u ecciisiuli tile breaks 'iaic been against them. Innager (J.rker receded a wire trem Jee Alexander hist ci cuing te the effect that Uenny P.OMiten. one et the greut- Notre , esi nuartiTu.icus ever t,cn mi tlie gnd gnd iren, will come n'eng, tuethei with - . . . . . . Purdy nnd Alexander. The Pheenlxwllc rooters will . eine te Holmesburg bj special train and mnnv fillers Di auto. JJesriite the fact tlmt tlnnnnn.. It. .11 1 ..AUllUiiVl J 111(171 U hns announced his Jhic-up there up. the-re !e rumeis that the usi- ters have several additional stuty Wi Union. "YALE" ATHLETE CAPTURES GERMANTOWN B. C. RUN Alse Annex Team Honors in Junier Cress-Country It. Powers, wearing the colors of "Yale," e-apturid the annual junior leugue cress-country 1 linnipienship of the Ocrmantewn llejs' Club, helel tliis morning. f .The start was from tlie ciubheu-e, 2.1 West Penn strict, and the eoure was west en Oreene slreet. tlie nee te Scheel Heuse lane, te Wajne avenue, te Mnnlieim street, te Orocne stnvt, te Penn street and te the clubhouse. The distuinv was one and one-eighth miles and the winner's time 7 minutes 'M seumds. "Ynie" also captured tlie team honors. Its athlete- finishing one, two, three, four nnd six. A. Distel, repre senting "Penn." finished spciinel. but as the He'd and UIuc luuriers did net have 11 full team it did net count. A large crowd watched the .lotitlg .letitlg sters nnd the time (.f fiie winner was considered geed, as the stunts wcie muddy and the athlet.s at a distinct disadvantage. Tlie summaries . Is'an.e 'IVain It Iiewers, Yak l'lftel, I'ei...liilall . X'u::. Yl . . ltrewrhuit. lair N.aT, i'ale IIet.lil.las, na.irl . A. r. I 1'. II. II. w 11. w uuvlruife X.ik Iluilir-a, llacifcid Tuler, Vale .Smith, Ilari inl Ilbtul. 1'ennm laiil.i. u. v. j. A. Ilanea HaMTfnrl l'oel. Dartmouth McOtiU-an, l.ifm.fti . HetehklNM. Pent, w lv.it. 11 It. Trott, rennhSl-nU . J Shurtall Hararl 1. Hull. Jfumird M", .Miiiliewn. I'lnn.eLtli ..lainewi, iir:t.tle Shntitj. Iluvt-rfui 1 Itiul. IUrard StiiLrflej. is,, I,, i . I'renley. lluiurl Munli-j', I iftl .ii,-, . ''-lZ, L.ltie.tte . . Ik. i.iri, Ilaerfiid . Hr!ni;hurt. Coin. :i , . i : ier. en sleita!, 1 al-j. 1 .fa. I,;ifaet ,. Vel: lb s, . HI.Ji Yale Hi.: .ir,t lteferee 1, Jel.n A Si 11 . Judu I' Mount Helly te Meet Palmyra iinen the vu Helly mneta Ui u d lar I l.lll m it a ' i rum I'H.iujn 'i expected tlmt th. , rewd of the , i Itelly Vthletl r 11 1 e . ill L Hi.. ire , prennf ut the M.u i 1 H tn t'Hl, h i ueeii iiainc sin ..ls- f ti.a I all ana mera m net u i'h I ut thu' th tent Will 1-1 hitters KUBtc fr, tn tlnUh, The llne-uit ,t i sKSr&iHfl Philudelph btalilishcd SO r'n.e 7 Id 7 I.' 7.1.1 , 'J 7 .1:1 7 ".il NOVEMBER 24, 1021 IRWIN CAPTURES X-COUNTRY TITLE Cedar 'Rapids High Lad First in American Interscholastic Run in 18:10 0FFENHAUSER IS ELEVENTH I!. Irwin, wearing the coleis of ( edar llaplds High Scheel, of Cedar Kfijilils, Mich., wus crowned today American Intel scholastic champion when he negotiated tlie thrce-and-a-hnlf-inile course in Palrmeunt Purk in IS minutes 10 eiends. showing ids heels te mere than !."() athletes reprificntlng twentj-five different blgli nnd prep si liuels. Tliis is the annual hill nnd dale event held tinder the auspices of the I Diversity ut Pennsylvania. Hutchinson (Vn trul High Scheel, of Huffule. N.Y.. with a total of ,5S points, von the first team prize: WVst Phila delphia. Ill, line in for second lion lien lion eis, nnd St Heliedht's Prep, of Urook Ureok Uroek Ijn. with 102. wni third. Muiurl, of the Hutchinson Central High team, gaie the winner a grcnt buttlf throughout the race. Tlie former started a tnriile sjirlnt with noeut 2t;() yaids te L'e, but Irwin could net be elu- lied. and li" .purtcil eui Die last fitti jards. crtsing the linlsiiing line hi u ll"'r'11 "' a few steps. Mnlurl's time was hit f e sr.COnds slower than the I w timer'-. Offenhnu'cc. of AVest Philadelphia High, was the litt local lad te be checked off. He finished in eleienth po sition In IS minutes ."si seconds. Twe seconds behind the Spcpillsiy wum Kucli. of Seiithein High, and Oldlield. of West Phlladel)liiu, wus fourteenth. Fifteenth position was captured by Mercnbeck, of Nertheiut High. The start and tlnl'li of the race was made 'it tlie College Hcatlieuse. about live rninut's' walk from the Parkwa.i entrance te the Knst Hiver Drive. Hutchinson Central was presented with the new tiim trejdiy. the H. C. Potts Clip, whiih was; put up for the first time. The iloner K one of the letcran followers of trci'c and field spoils in PhUndelphiil and u gindustc of the Unliersity et Pennsylvania. Seien Philadelpliin bchoels wcie rep nspiitnl, including Ccntnl High, North ust Hlgli. Southern High. Oer Oer tnnntewn High. West Phliudulpljia High and Uirard '''ellege. This is the Mm the innncis finished: 1. Irwin. filnr ltr.i lilc ti.r.1, 2. .XIurMrf llu'.-liltiMen frntrril .. il. e, lti.ihr.Hfr Shoe I. JIhut, lluii 'iiiioen cntral ... .1. Shaw, Uu'. hlnsnn i.-ritral . 0. I.en.-. htuv"Miiit Hltrh .... 7. t,te.-nrt. Jtuthertera IIIjli.... S e: illuRliGr m. Hi hpiIIck n ... li Milu'ilii, l..oem1f.il Hltth .. . 10. Meer", ft 1 .nedlrt's 11. e.rfnhrfusfr. XVest I'Mla. 2ll.-h I "J KiKh. Meuth-rii Hlirli 1.1. IV I.ii r-. s.-li-tie-etitdv II'cli la ii .in.... t M'a.. 1. .n.. t J 'S,i is li! is -M IS. 10 IS 31 is a IS 34 IS is IM I'l 18 M2 is ,13 IS .1.1 IS .17 19.01 111 IHl Ill OS 19:10 111 11 111 13 111 1.1 111 IS 111 III 1 I ."1 11' -V 111 V!7 11) .'8 I " '. , ' ".! 1 HUH. 11 U ... 1 t.. .Xlprf nl nk Xurtliciirt Illt-h.. ,17. a. Uape, fcohnectady Ilich.... Is. ii,. 1. t, . mil. nlKh . Id e entmiiitK, Hi llrnedlct'a ... JO J.if Isdeii XV i IMiDh IliBh .. L'I llrr llrji. ln M.inunl '.'.'. Ml hli, 1 Srhlini-tudv KIkIi . IM. I.mi l(Jti Mum n IVtitril -M MulilL'in Ne.t.iiil i iitr.il ".. lllslf". llu.ch'raeii i .rtr. -'J. A. .lie Juris. NerthiMsr H.sh PENN SOCCERMEN LOSE Beaten by Germantown Cricket Club, Six Geals te Nene I (In a sloppy field the O.'r.uanteun (.Ticket ('lull eieieil deli.ltcil tne ( .. icr.slty of Pcntisilvuni'i 1.1 n 1 't League soccer match bj 0 go.-.N te O In the first half each team scored I goal and Ccnn.11 second half. D. Ueardlcy netted Penu's only goal. Fer Ocuu.inieiui ., Itearel scored 1 and Oeeige Cupid 1.k.umi I Line-uii : (nmiiintawn C. I lliirlm .eenl I nf I Mcintosh I .Xl.-leli-r ' , .Castle . Ilntrh.r Hiibsiin . I)H'ai Campbell I Iltive , lllalrl linker I . Jlean Harrow Mercuii Xlelrher Cetrin .1. Ilrurd liitiiull . l-.ir I'njillt HetdnsiMi llnulln . rlslu fnlll.a.k . left fiilllmcU . rUlit hnlfliiK-k .renter Inilfl.m 1; .left Imlflmik . .eutsld,. rlrht . Inside rlcht . e enter fnru uril . Inside left . .outside Irft Ty Cobb Needs Help sm ).neliii. ,v- '-'I T e.eblis san I ranela ) aael.til eai'i til., -me u ,,. tie- t-i te'.i uf Hi I aMferiilk v I iter league lterCHiit.iif.i e.unin an 1 It fa rum n. ...... tha IV t n '.i! r Is rdnnn a te -,.' th . r 1 -s v ,-e ral r .' . l .. ,?,,..-. B'.retilitl f'. t'u ,r s'e7 ADDITIONAL SPORTS PAGE 16 s'lU . - . S J7 . ' iWr tMt Mil 1Iulft s .iii ' i '. j j t"; The Quality Cigar, i. i.i i . i iii 9- win. " Since 1896 Get New Jey Frem Java iSm tertil &ei1' mild cJimatc and tf3!' PIC SUn of Java together produce d&Bm the wendertul tobacco leaf thar tne wendertul tobacco leaf that iS'- "S2?jr g"C5 judges et geed cigars new suiuKc-enjeyment. The best of the East and , ,. j-i"-1 uicuu can duplicate. Qwe it a nyeut today. Ac any cigar store. 19 Popular Shapes and Sizes. i'rtia.'er Bnt . : -;"- Corena Ck'a , .,, Utd tnJ.j J,' S?' Magnelia . . rfce qrande . J Jm CONGRESS CIGAR COMPANY ftlanuUcturer., Thiladelphi Distributors Vniin &. McDonnell Philadelphia Remember Its Imported lflfi Ar... i sO r"-. ,, iujtr ' --s-S'- - &mmmm, JTiT' fiJ:r fOZN.N '. . M , ?lJ?Ji?!'-r - iX&rz1 !CSEKST CARNEY WINS IN SHANAHAN , RUN; DUNLOP'S TIME JEST Victer Has Handicap of 40 Seconds.; Kerwln Cernea In Second With a handicap of 40 seconds, Frank Carney finished a winner in the cleseel street run of the Shtuiahnn j Catholic Club today exer a course of f n fraction mere than three miles. Carney's elapsed time wns 20 minutes 10 seconds nnd his actual time was Ji i minutes f0 seconds. ' James Diinlep, starting from scratch and having given handicaps uggiegat- ,.., lug three minutes, wus edicckeel off in, VICTOR S third iiluce In actual time ef 17 minutes , 111 sec'iids. Diinlep wen the first time pti.e. James Kerwin's 17:1!J xvas sec end best time prize and Cariwy pulled down laurels for third best time. Tlie event startrsl in front of the elubheuse, -1021 LancastT avenue, east en Lancaster avenue te Fortieth street, west en 1'itli -second street te club- house M'hc order of finish with stait -elapse 1 time and uctual time, fellows ; 12' .f" 1 Actual u 1. Prjilt Curnf J.ii.c." Kcruni. . . . . . ;j Jam... Oui.-.uy . . . . 1. i'aul Stcea fi. Jehn e'e!c 0 lllehaid Jents Jarni'K M. Mahen.. s. J.inis Jlull n . . .. (I. 'JuerKC William" . . le. 'Human Htantln . . 11. Kratik Klly r.'. i.-e yancnt l.'l. XValtsr Hurt M. K. Llnilerm- . jr.. Mlctiael l'Ilrn . 16. Oeiiriie rJeileul 17. ll.rrv Oiiivln IS. Michael Sliehiu . lh JiiriA-fl McQuri. I 20 diaries Mct21ray jt jaincu i.'iiine VICTOR BOYS WIN Beat Germantown in Extra-Period Soccer Match, 4-2 The Ocrmantewn Heys' Club was de feated this menriig m their own liejii by tiie Victer Heys' Club soccer eleven. The final figures were ! te 2. The match was a tie at two-all when the second half ended, but the Victer bejs came through in the second extra pe pe rleel anil wen. Foulk was the star with 1 goals. The line - un : eirrmaiitewn II. '. X letnr II. ( Illimlr. reul Vnur Klilsnn IIhhIi. l. Dellett Tii-ler ienislrBr I.arr lprs. Xlu1ln lluln' K. ISc.lIett rlrht fiilll.,lrlc Irft fiillb.nk ridlit hulflinrk cviitrr liKirinirk leH lminMk eiitHlOn rlrh: Inslile rlxht trnlrr fenvHrel I.OIIlll ('(Jenlrk ltrNmrtiy .1. IlalllKn llitller Drlwell I 'nu Ik II. llnlllcun XlrNiil.li laslilr Irrt . .imtslile left ieuisi.are Xlullrn Keulk. I jierHiitiurd Iltfrrir Addis. Llnrsmun lmi WESTINGH0USE VS. FIREMEN Play Delaware County Elevens Morning Game at Darby The Darbj Fire Cempaaiy football team has a big problem en Its hands to te elay wlipn it opposes the Westinghouse p'even from L'sslngten at Hilldalc Park, Darby. Westinghouse Is composed mostly of college men, and the two Freeman bejs will be in tlie bnckfield for them. St. Barnabas te Play Erveln A Met 1 ter-senlenal fer.tbiJ mn,. vt 1 I,.- th 1 ,nnh of the tt llarn.iliai ind the I2r xeln trainb en the furmur'i Il-ld .smtj-tlfth .street and 12 inWoed a mu, this afternoon 'flip inie w.111 b U . tirt bU!" L:ween the two eleien ICE PALACE 4.1TII A MAKKLT Pmtin ellea Hr.t 1074 ICE SKATING KXKtn Xr.lNKsIl.V. Tilt ItsflAV. 1'RIIIAX. s,TlllI. t. MIIMMV leinprtrnt Instructors 11k All Sessions lllKKi; SKsskeh i).ii, "Mernlnr .scsslnn. for Chllilrrll I ti ller 10 Yenrs 'J.1 Cent Ted.ir Te- innrrinT.'.Hiiiriiuy. FOOTBALL HOLMESBURG UNION CLUB PheenliTllle. I'.i.l Thanksgiving Day, Nev. 24, 1921 Crystal Field, Holmesburg KifK-err '::?,e v. m. "shaup Holmesburg Reserves Wildwood KltK-Oll' 10i3O A. JI. SIIAKP 0 'ilrm T ii.- je yn in l" 30 '.' 20 '.'0 A 17 I.I 3 UO HO 111 17 III l.oe .: 31 19 r. ele I'd .i.- nn ai 1 1.1 111 111) 111. 1.1 ; ',e :;i im in i.i te L'l'j') 'JO IS 2.ir. '.'i-n in .' l i.i l'i m lu en 1!".'1 "JI in in or. !, Ul 4U '-'1 11 1 111 L'I 11 L'O 'J I '.'.0 ! 11 IM J I a.l L'.' " Ml 10 ' VI '. 1 .M or. i.'.' .11 :i an 01 'JS ii'J L-.'-IT :ie un se a.i ei 30 ' 1 1 ill ti M 11 JO l.'JO FAUNA te&-- the West unite :(EES no etner cigar ISkT r-; X' J&T 5 Pftftcle Grand t ClcttutSitrt .'-' y A TO ?,t.M S r le -MORRIS WINNEI m SCHUYLKILL NAVY Vesper Beat Club Entry Cees Inte Lead at Start Never Headed TIME IS 33:20 T. W. Merris, of the liipr ilent Club, was first te finish today in thrj annual tltlp run of tlm Sehujlkill Nary. Sixty-five runners stnrtcd in the cicnt from the Vesper ciiihheuup mid the dirt. iiiiicc was iioeiii .i'.s miles. I he time of tlie winner was ,'!.' .nln- . tltes 2(1 see-ends. He was e'leseli fel, lewe'd b P. ('. Oe-cwii li. if the' I'll dine Club, who nes,d nut K .Miers, also of Vesper. b. u few f.s t 'I'heiC wn. only twe-tiftlis of a second epnrnt ingthi' second and thiid no te finish, The team honors were' niiin xi-d bv the hnrriers of tlie Penii-.ih.uiiii Hnrge Club. A iiiintet of tlieir li.u i h-i - innde a desperate spurt about milium and they held their piaein until the finish, uiptuiiiig the fifth, sixth. M-trurli. eighth and ninth positions. tm-Ji gave PeniiHjlvunia Uurge Club tie team honors. Merris, wlie wen tlie iviiil. sti.rted out in the lead and wus nevi r h aded. Wagner wns in second plaic up until Ueliiient Mniisjen, when OusiwMi and JI."rs passed him and letaiiieel their positions right up until the titii-'i Wag ner wen the eient. last JUir. 'The suniinuries : . I" Mef's X (.up . . I lien. '. i-r-h. L'lliltli" . . . Mjer X'eiir C XX e.ifti r I'nd'ii .l.trutT IVunit HarK J Urn llej IViiin.. IlitrKi I' ll,'tr. I ',1111,1 H.iiKt II (Irsihmlilt I'ciimi llnrn. is ii. .iiurnri j'rnna. llnif, ' H H.ffrrniaii XVt I'hlu 1. JutKrl.fll. X'-pnr Hobirt Akiii w, I'ridtin' . .., J. IlliPKlni;, I'liel.ii I'.iul .Si'tiafrcr. Malta . W". A Il.irtl.y. lt,(lin . . 1'UI.VT M OKI. I'll, llarse t'r.d iif Hi; ' 'IMT II C V. I'hIU Malla U. 1 1s 17 lej 1,1 11 i'l IP 11 le s '-".' J', 1.' 7 J 1.1 1 Bass Wins Frem Kelly n'i!i" II.-IUM Klnd th- .If. Inn- 1 , r Je, Knl In u fant fuur-reiml h .ul thin . ame 14a the tlnul cnnt.t te thn bexinir -h held ut the Illjim rhPHtr lust ulicht Kll- n.ad Dan no-n fait, but II, nn. p'iik 1).1 t.10 rapldl 1 1- his ODfen-rit ritiik- KuulTmun nnd 1 S.ir!' Mn"k 1 brutli, r nt t' liKttlir B" un llitrriilliiu- f.iui reun vlilhe l.m I hi 1 1 i"-mii huwii y; TMiir'i Kiintrniiih wna the lnnr Iiabu XX till- ,uil tlurlk Murray 1 ex ! u. dru TONIGHT Big Thanksgiving Dance Friday, Nev. 25th Grand Mask Carnival $300 Cash Prizes PALM GARDEN aani k m,kki;t st. ct Amu3tin"iit Vay Judge for Yourself Cigai-i stand v full en quality alone. The Men-De-Lien has had betli feet en the. ground for a lung time. mmrr H.HuBBrBn 10 Sizes "One Standard of Quality" 10c te 3 for $1.00 II. 1. Neman i Sens. Slfm. riilln. ! FOOTBALL Cernell vs. Pennsylvania Thursday, Nev. 24. at 2 P. M NO tir.M-.ItAL UiMIIsiev The ent.re lldil rrwnril at S.'l.ne ner aear llcket- mi hale UM.1 ut 1-r.iuLlln FI?iJ and (ilmhelx. FOOTBALL S,T' "w, n salk Philadelphia Quakers a, Frankford Yellow Jackets run ii.Mi.iRiia svri nuw. u , in:n skctien OLYMPIA Bread anil Dainbridje Xak iii.vs.ivsijHI.Nt. AIIKIINOON rAis ., WALLACE VS. D0RSEY mi. i v DEVINE B0RRELL HI I . li.ll. ANGEL0 IMTTUMl LEONARD MOIllll!, LUX vs. UU I.II JACKSON vs. vs. l.H TENDLER vs. AZEVED0 mm ri. wU en aule Sihaif Fllliert M., lilanknimi r Stanl l-t life I it It 1 lenillrr'n. HIIU Hid NO TURKEY TROTS 1"kk iieit ii.i, in; nunirii NATIONAL A. A? i-KTi: 1,n"N-. leim. . v. r. HARTLEY VS. VS. vs. DRONEY JIIIIVVV DARCY TIVV CAPON1 .u.ytri.i. nKNMti JIMM MURPHY WAGNER I S 1 l(( IIKTTI tin iiiii.i-i; . iiATii ink -iii ViiViV-1 lift llrtrt. New l B h '',,M,ll"Lli ea. Seal.. i. l .M,.t!" ,VI ft,J 1". am in. i; '1 1 in S3 "JO m 21 3H.J5 33 'JO SI 1 S.l --ill 11 tl 3 -. V .i.UWJferSTi',. X w .. VMi