pl . ,i.,'t, ' V5JIJWJV Py'w -1. -ujT "l,'! liVH I fi -l1-' T 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDOEEr-PHinADELPHIA; THUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 Muller, McMillan and Bradshaw, Pacific Coast Stars, Boosted by Western Expert as All-Ameriean lb r- l if!VTrffji"fn'T LAFA YETTE LOGICAL CHOICE FOR GRIDIRON BA TTLEA T PASADENA Eastenians Well Equipped te Represent East Against Andy Smith's University of California Champietis at Carnival of Reses Next New Year's Day t By nOBERT W. MAXW ELI, Sports Editor Kvenlnc- l'nlille I.etUer WHILE championships tc being decided in this section of the country and experts are doing tlielr bet te find out which team should be awarded the crown, the game of football olse Is being plnjed en the Pacific Const. There arc. pcveral hlgh-daf" teams out there, star pluvcrs line stepped Inte the spot light and It Is claimed thnt come of the athletes are as geed um if net better than the6C In the Past. ' Unfortunate! . the Pacific Coast representatives have net been een In these parts and it Is Impossible te tell what's what. We lme a line en the Middle Wet and the Seuth, because of the games played here by Chicago, SHF.I Indlann, Cieergla Tech. the I nivcrsity braska, and are aware that L astern teams can lie beaten. '1 lie game is being played up te the highest standards In these sections of our country, and It is safe te assume that the elevens en the Const nNe are geud Andy Smith, who arrived here today from California, hnd one of the bct football teams ever produced in the Gelden West. This is net strange, because Aiidy is a wonderful coach and will get results if he has anj kind of Material te work with. California decisively defeated every opponent and grabbed the championship. New an effort is being made te arrange a game with a repre acntativc Eastern team for New ear's U.iv at Pasadena It is doubtful if ale. Harvard or Princeton will .ucept the invitation, and Penn State, because of its game with the nher-ltj of Washington en . December 3. also Is out of the nuistien This leaves two undefeated teams in the East provided one is luckj today meaning Cernell and Lafa.vctte. Cor Cer nell might accept, and the same gees for l.afnjette. The Eastenians have a powerful eleven. proved it In every game and should be the logical choke In the Seuth. Centre College is the enlv team which should be recognized. TM.. i hwmiM it has net been defeated, while Georgia Tech nnd Georgia Unl- fw Tersity hove flopped once. w JJO MATT Eli who is selected, the gijme out there will be well ireith seems, and the Eastern eleicn will have te be tit the best possible shape te icin. Brick Muller Boosted BUT te return te the star plajers in the Par West. The following letter throws some light en the subject, ns it was written by Darsle I.. Harsie. one of the recognized experts in Les Angeles. Here it is: "Dear Sir I am taking the liberty of writing te veu In regnid te three Pacific Coast men who should, I believe, receive consideration in regard te the selection of an All-Amerlcan team. "As a football writer it has been my pleasure te have seen the leading teams in the West play this jcar In the last the years I have seen Harvard. Ohie State, Urewti, Syracuse, Pennsylvania. California, Washington btate and Oregon play at Pasadena New Year's Day. "Brick Muller, California's end. Is the greatet offensive and defensive player I ever have seen. He passes the ball CO yards with the same accuracy Workman, of Ohie State, pasbes 15. He tackles surely and savagelj, and at the same time never forgets the fundamental duty of an end turning a play in. Last year he alone stepped Pete Stinchcemb, Ohie State's brilliant hnlfback. In this same game, by actual count, he was at the bottom of four out of every even plays Ohie started. "I haTe seen him snag a long forward pas six inches from the ground en a full-length dive. I have yet te see him muff n pass which he was able te touch. ft TIE WEIGHS 200 pounds, is a Ml icind en his feet l de net game today. Beyle "TpHE second man I would recommend is, I think, of as much value te his JL team as Muller. He is Johnny Beyle, of the University of Southern California, the outstanding tackle en the Pacific Coast this vear. He weighs 210 pounds and is six feet two inches tall. Although California defeated TJ. S. C. 3S te 7, this chap Beyle was the outstanding star of the game. Pan McMillan, California tackle who wan- placed en Mr. Camp's second All Ameriean selection last year, was a puppet in his hands. He handled him as though he were a high school player. He ripped holes in the much -touted " California line se wide that n wagon could have passed through. On defense heplajcd like a wild man. In this game I saw him take out five California men from the Interference nnd then tackle the runner. "I have seen these strong Eastern elevens play, nnd T am net kidding myself when I say that I have yet te sec a tackle worthy te play en the ame team with Bejle. "The third man I would bring te your nttentlen is little Jimmy Brad shaw, of Nevada. lie is n dashing, slippery backheld man. In hi- plav he reminds me much of Milten Remey, of Chicago. However, he has It en the latter in that he is cool and quick-thinking under hre. His strutcgj en the field Is something marvelous, "We have splendid te.ims nn the Coast this year I wih you were able te be out here and see them play. Even our high school games draw oieuds of 20.000 te 2.-I.000. This is when no title Is at stake ind four teams arc plajlng en the same day. tfJ EARXESTLY belieie it ireuld b( a great thing for you In come a out and see the Yctr Year'i game and hair a cAaric- te leek at California m nrtinn. Then a lengthy description of Muller' i piny would be unnecessary," Covvrieht, till, by Tub Jc 1 tig'r Cempaii NOR MAST COPS 1921 SOCCER TITLE Archives Win in Play-Off With West Philly High fpr Crown FINAL COUNT IS 2 TO 0 By PAUL PKEP NORTHEAST HIGH SCHOOL is the 1021 Interschelastlc soccer champion. The Archives eleven wan crowned yesterday afternoon en Seuth Field, Thirtj -second nnd Seuth streets, after defeating West Philadelphia High Scheel in a great match. '2 goals te 0. The game was the play-off of a battle staged between the two aggregations last Saturday, nnd which ended In a score less tic after four extra periods of play The first half of yesterday's game was a repetition of last week's affair. Nei ther team was able te put the ball Inte the net. The play was about even en both sides, and. when play was com pleted for the period, it looked like an other "even-Stephen" contest Northeast broke the Ice iu the second period, however. After ten mnutes of the half had been contested, Necter, of Wet Philadelphia, fouled, and Gowan was jfiven e free kick from the middle of the field. Tie kicked the ball Inte the llpcedbeys' penaltj area In the scram ble that followed between three mem bers of each team, McDonald, of North east, retrlved and netted the ball after Matthews, the goal beeper, had mudu a great attempt te block its course. A free kick again wan given Gowan, after a West Philly player had fouled, with about live minutes left te play. He booted the ball from mldflcld. but this time the West Philly back dribbled It back Inte their opponents' territory Gowan and Hecknian. of the Red and Black eleven, broke through, however, and after dribbling the ball down the fteld brought It in front or the Wcit Philly goal Powers, of Wt Phila delphia, inade n peer attempt te kick tfaft pall, nnd in doing se upset Mat thws. This left the goal without a tender, nnd Gowan easily registered the sacend point of the battle West Philly fought hard te recover the les,t points, but time was ugainst the tcqm. Before the eleven could gt started toward the Northeast end t tfee field, the whistle bljsw, eliding s'JMh'tiiK's deter ve lotkef, credit of Georgia. Centre College and Ne champion high jumper and a whirl believe he has an equal playing the Is Great Tackle Scholastic Football Standing and Schedule rtTiieur u:gi r en jnit V. C. Mllaneva 3 0 1.000 Vteit Ciithelle 1 1 ..100 m .lAtrph t 1 son Catholic 0 .oeo TODAY'S I.KAf.rK OAMKS I Villanera Tirp. at West Catlmllr Hlrh. straw brldim 4 ClethUr llrtd. Mstr-thlrd and Wftlnet Irrrt. 10 A. M. St. .le.fph'n Prtp. nt rntholle Hlrh. rhll , lira' nll rart. Bread and Ituntlncden tretts. 10 A. M. OTHER CmtKS Ridley rrk Hleh vn. Alumni, Itldler Perk. CsllUiCknned ItUh vii Alumni, Celllmrs weed Mtdlit Itlith v. Alumni MrriU. rumden Hlrh n Alumni, tnmdfn Wllllnniien hchoel ut nnHPelli. 1'lrhM Annapolis Knrm Scheel at Aliunde Ity Illah, At antlc City. Ulrntewn Hlrh at nrthlehrm Hlrh, rteth Irlirrn. Ablnvten Hlrh at Chcltrahara Hlrh. 13 kin Park. "j ft Chm(r Hujh at Trpdyfrrln-KanttewTi Hlrh. IWrrn Reiunem Hlsn at r I, D . Mennt Alv TjulKflewrMi Hlrh at Swanbmere Hlrh. Strarthmerr. (,rnn ntevi'n Hlrh at NorrUtewn Hlrh, Myrrlfttewn. rett Atvun Hlrh ra Alumni tiai,.... n Ilnrdtntimn Milltarv lntf!,n, .. t..,'. Ilhth. Trmten. "v "r " SrhuTlklll STmlnary at Redlnr Hlrh, Uranlnjr, mimlnrten lHrh at tVaihinrten C. It. for their great showing, nnd, of course I in glad we wen the gamp," was all that Coach Geme would say after the affair Coach Jenes, of West Philadelphia, also had praise for both t ains "(ur bejs played their bet. but Northeast's, veungsters plajed a little better." lie said. "The Archhes have one of the best teams that I have necn in jears, and they deserve all the credit that can be showered upon Uiein for their won derful bhewing " "It was a craclierjuek battle." was the comment of Assistant Cum.h Void, of West Philadelphia. Northeast High started the .,ion with a rush, and early it was pitdictcd that the team would win the title However, the team met a snag In Cen tral, which team held It te .i 1-1 tie. West Philadelphia's stmt was net se Impressive The team opened the season with Frankford, and n l-l tie was the result. However, the teum wen the rest of Its games, and when North east was battled n scoreless tie was the result, after four extra periods had been played. Then, the plaj-eff of jesterday was decided en te sctle the (ideation of supremacy Fifteen Aute Drivers In Race l Anrflrn, Calif. Nev 'i - I ifntn drlvrr have tntered th automebil ra termed un 'international champlenihip centMt te be held today at trio t An tUs.tlpetdvray at Beverly lllllr. The da Bnwlli Um 'jRIk mlUa or .00 tlmea rnii.t the rAll and a Quarter Jraek. Prlier to te taflnr 1:5,000 JU U le. THANKSGIVING CAG E Only One Game Will Be Played in Eastern League, While Three Were Listed BARONS TO MEET CAMDEN Basketball Statistics i:STKltN I.UVOt'R . i . l'.r. w. i r.c. Trrntnn t 1 .Oil rmlenv'lp I H .38 (iimdrn 0 '1 .t.SO riiltllMt. t H H3 vr niten K .fll.v Itpadlnr I H .331 V-llirrr. n 6 .4.13 m Wk. 1 11 .083 schkdiu: nm thi: Eni; Tenlsht like a-Ilarrr t Camden. 1 rldas I'umdeii itt I'hllndflptUal frcraa Ien it rrentnn -itnrdie l'lillndHnhl.-i nt llk-narre, Nri lerk ut Itpudliip. i'iiiuui:t.i'Hiv mm rACTvnnRS' i.i.tid i; u. i.. p.t . w. u r.c. Trrnilnnl. 2 0 1.000 Monelnx' 0 1 .000 IMvm . I 0 1.000 Art loom 0 1 .000 1 Irlahrr 1 0 1.000 HiirvMtrr 0 1 .000 Kr atone 1 1 .500 American e 3 .000 -tiiuinx reu TOMtiiiT Dohen v. nelnher, rt loom n. Inter Inter nntlenil llnnrxter. enih Hull, 2J7 et ( vlumhlu uvrnup. OlIIUl iMl-,S TOV10HT Pe sote teunrtl K. of C, at ntivty, Bclcrndr nnd AIIcKhfn nvrnue. Nf terk Shin nt euili rhllly lleliren, Seventh strivt nnd Muder uvenue Last Night's Results Qnuker Cltj Pre",.. 21; Immacnlate ton ten ton trptlen SO Junier i nuncll, 48: llrotlierlieod of St. , ndrir'.. t.v. Mnlh Presbrterlan, 30i West rhlladel tihla rhiirch. 0 llenen A. A.. 2Si st. r"nnels Nnvler. 27. WtH I'urk, 38i . . Hlilte, 10. I.lchtheui.r, lKi Nnthllj, .lr., II. Mretew-n II. S.. 36i niiieblrd. 10. federal Keierve Olrla, 4i St. Sher- U UOU , 1 . st. rrunclit, 29i l'enlleld, 17. i When the Eastern Basketball Icaguci at ranged its 1021-2 schedule for the season there was the usual scramble for holiday dates which are always wldclj "ought b tin magnates. I Three remcu were en the program for Thanksgiving Day, but New Yerk called (iff Its game en Mendnv, and, new dimes the announcement that there will lie no g.ime in Trenten this evening but th it Prank Bruggy nnd his Miners will meet the leadeis in the Arena en I'riday night. 'I he New Yorkers were reported as having culled off their contest with eitesville in order te seek new head-1 quarters downtown, but new comes a' report the Gethamites will play no mere home games until they secure the' services of Vricdmnn and Scdrnn. Dr. Helm, of the Skeetcrs, again re iterated this morning the desire of the ( armlen management te see the "heav enly twins" back in the Eastern cir cuit. He savs Camden is net keeping them from playing, nnd it is up te the league officials te call .i meeting, ns per their request, and settle the nf fair. Camden will have te show ten form In this evening's game with the Barens I lhev bnve three new men in l.ddie White, Geerge Nerman and "Chief" Muller. who are liable te let loose nt an.v minute nnd wreck the ambitions of nnj team. According te fiignr man, he will report te Wilkes. Barre this evening. Trenten is said te be after the 'ervnes of Suggv. Manufacturers in Action The Philadelphia Mnnuf.i( Hirers' League has four teaniN in nctlen nt Yonah Hull, 2T27 West Celunibin avenue. J. and J. Dobsen clashes with Peisher. and Art Leem meets In ternational Harvester Debsan and Plelsher wen their opening games and have veteran line-ups. Art Leem, with Heward Weed in charge. Is ex pected te easilj dispose of the Har vester five Several Important independent clashes are listed. The Seuth PhiMv Hebrews meet New Yerk Ship nt Seventh nnd Snvder nvenue. The downtewners tire establishing a record this season both for the number of games wen and the Interest in the sport. Everv game hii iittrncted irewds nf mere than 1000 persons "lnd (he Sphas nii fine timber for th' Eastern League nt any time. The Nativitv Catholic flub is pla - I ing nn exint game tins wcck ineir regular night lb Suturdu, but the holiday clash has bei'n listed in con nection with the annual dunce of the club, vhn h Null fellow the cage game. CATHOLIC CAGE DATES League Season Will Open at Bread and Vine January 10 The Catholic Scheel Baskethall League will epm Its season en Jan unrv 10, when St Jeseph Prep and ( nthelic High Si hoe.1 (uj together In thi' auditorium nf the Purple nnd Geld sihriel, P..i'inl unl Hi" streets. This infeiinritii n wii ganured from the sih'duli' wli'li is giwn out b Dr Uenni r, tin' pi'-i'icnt of t he Cath olic Leag'n . tndiiv There hic Uvdve g.inus te be plnvcd duruu the course of the nn e, which will stretih from January 10 te Feb ruary JO Each teum will plav six gam"s tlii'e at hmn" nnd thiee away Ut ( uthuiic High wen the chain chain plenslnp 'nst vear beinj eleselv fol fel fol lewfil bv ( athelic Hls'i. Th Blue and Whit"- lnsr two valuable men in Blake nnd III I illipe, while tlie Purple nnd deld havt four of their last j car's team back- The schedule lullews: January 10 St Jeseph l'rp at Catholle II fh Unuirv 13 Calholn Hlrh Rt Weit Cth Cth eh lliii' Jniiuary 13 iUuneva Prep, at St Jeseph IT'P Ui,untj 17 CvthuMc lllch at Itlaneva Ti'n IjmiiP .1- SI Ju eph Prep at Weit C-'l . Hllfl Ihi r .J-VVett r atli It ih nt Villa- n H Prfl Jmur J7 ' .th'i'ic Itirh at St Jeseph Pi-i Idfiuarv 31 et i nhuli" Hlrh t Cath n H llluh laruir 31 - S J eih 1 rep at 'Uaneva IT'P T'bruaiy 3 V I ineva Prp tt Cithclle Hub t" bnarj 7 W.f.' i .itlm High at fct Jo Je si t.h Prep V liruari 10 i 'an u Pi p at Wet r.uhuii. llieti Yeu Aute Knew Wlwn thr t-nclnr u am te b tnerloaUed at 1 flriHtk tr I 'k f"r a het lnirlnv or a I uTj i tf tun f u mi dry t ylind r ur 9"in (Mr jt la tlu pr i ill r heel I,piU pNtfn rincn r cauted bi gummy ii(Kti r Ju lfi by th burn1 aper I ivkinr nj t lirK fl ilns and net dl owing It (u lies it wjainit th tjlinier lmH worn in lMtilnll nppratfi !nlt vnle ffut In w.ll (KifiicliJiKH !rul air en mgh when the threi'lc tn riedrlv cleifd te iell the mlxturt in ui et ineiy cyllndein When rnUhlni; rphIen piecede the fiop fiep prfra uf tht (tin leek fni we! batterlen oene enri liuni "ink prinrn or Isnlter flrntera rnutt r'in'H or nlug DtleI l)ruter nulnta r mi !eh lbmlen Mulflrr rtnlenlniiA are rtue te th prcFienre n the rnuffi r of an unlimited chnre from prov.eui treke of the enrtne, where the chara U net fired !n th cylinder through th mtiture belnsr tee rich or frjim eltctrlcal trouble. LA TEDIOUS PASTIMES WAITING mm WHCtO VOW-IE -AMD Get CemP'nY - (6m OvJTvStDe TmvT FOR DIMMER WHAT DO Of. HCaRhec; Tmc CHOMPleJtJ OP TAUS nww ivy i . " TMEBe AIJ'T TURKteY! ROOM 'M0U6H . "AND ThC v5;rapisJj m -Yetf fcgu Veurscup 5i.e w;ly SuccyMan06 Te STaRvatieO OF PLATES Cecil Leitch Unable te Play Gelf This Winter Misi Cecil Leitch, the British woman golf champion, will be un able te compete en the links this winter, nccerdlnp te n spccinl cable dispatch in the Pfnua LGDer.n of this morning from Londen. Her absence from the links is attributed te nn Injurv sustained in her final match in this ceuntrj. The doctor who examined her right arm hopes te get it in such shape that bhc will be nble te com pete in ne-vt year's championship, both in Englnnd nnd America, but says that a complete la off In golf competition is essential new. Anether disappointment te Miss Leitch was that all her clubs were ruined bj the heat hi the United States, nnd that two shaftcr clubs she brought back cannot be used In Britain due te legislation against them by St. Andrews. ARMY HOLDS SCRIMMAGE Light Drills Scheduled for This Morning and Afternoon West Pehit. N. Y., Nev. 24. The Arinj's football team ciiEiiKed In its last hard practice KTlmmagc of the Fenson jesterday in preparation for the Navy game In New Yerk en Saturday. On a field made v et and epgy by a sleet and lalnsterm, the vnrfeit squad registered n touchdown against the sec ond team In a gruelins half hour's scrimmage The center trio of ferwnrds, Greene, (inrblseh and Hriedster, paved the way for many gnlnK, opening holes In the opposing line through which the backs, Warren, McLaren and Weed, plowed through for lone rnns. The scrubs' aerial attack, which has been fairly successful In ether practice sessions, was successfully broken up to day when the varsity players were put en the defensive. Qunrterback Wllhldc, of the varsity se,uad, who captained lant ear's team, developed a limp early in the, workout and was replaced by John John Jehn eon. AVIlhlde, however. Is expected te stmt the game en Saturday. Light drills will be engaged in this morning nnd afternoon The squad will bavc for New Yerk tomorrow morning. ZBYSZKO IS VICTOR Lewis and Londes Other Winners en Mat Here Wladek Zb.vszke, brother of Stanislas Zbyszko, world's ihampien -wrestler, threw Jehn Grnndewidi, termed the "Jewish Hercules.' in the main bout nt the first all-star wrestling show nt the National A. A. last night in fifteen minutes. Zb.vszke caught bin opponent with a fljing leg dive nnd seen floored him with n pin fall. Ed (Strangler) Lewis defeated Jus tiana Sllva. but it was net the for mer's, famous hendleck which did the tri'k. Lewis emplejed a double-arm link, whuh overcame the l'ortuguese ihniiipleu Jim Londes the Greek champion, gave Jee I'elk. the Inler allied title holder, no much pain with a double-tee held that the latter was compelled te give in te the Grecian giant after thir tj -four minutes. NAVY OFF FOR GOTHAM Will Practice en Pole Grounds Beth Today and Tomorrow Annapolis, Mtl.. Nev. 'M. The Mid dies l"ft here for their annual clash with the Armv ut 0:30 o'clock this morning In the party were fifty-two varsity players and suln, together with the coaches as well as medical officers and ethers They will establish headquarters in New Yerk at the Hetel Commedore and will held n practice session nt the I'ole Grounds this afternoon anil will also be out for their finnl drill tomor row afternoon. There is no ever-confidence here ns te the outcome of the game The Armv is. believed cen'-iderubiy stronger than at any tunc this year, but the Nnvv plaveri prier te their departure were In cm client spirits and ph.vskal con cen dlttiui IMMACULATE SURPRISED Quaker City Pres Hand Billy Lees' Outfit a 22-20 Trimming 'I he Quaker City Pres pulled one nf the season's eurprlses. in basketball when tliej ttnvelrd te the home nf the Immaculate Conception live at Third and Brown streets last evening and handed a 112-20 reverse te Billy Lees uptown champions. Lees had several newcomer in the line - up. including both Billy Black and Billy Miller, fermrrlv of the Ea-tern League, but tliej were unahe te step the Pres. Held goals were at a premium throughout the contest nnd but nine were made, six bv the Pres and three by Immaculate. Thcv went te Tansey. one; O'Ncil, one; Cursun, two, mid Owen, two, for the winners and I'ev ernlck, Dougherty mid Black one each for the- losers. . A weuu we V ARli; NOT C V LEAVimG iK MUCH- XVf i Yet WAIT -ame The ' Smacking OF LIPA HtVSK TASTED LOV61-V SRsvSSIk6 YeU AUC b FAIsJT AsJO WSASf YOO CASJ HARDLY STAWD UP OP. AsJYTHKsliS say! This IS PyMPKntf pie I rL. ?AY! VltVs H T Tr.M lh CHURCH CAGEMEN Twenty-first Ward League An nounces Dates for the First Half PLAY IN MASONIC HALL The Twenty-first Ward Church League, which recently closed a mei successful baseball season, has new turned Its attention te basketball. The season opened en Monday even ing when four of the teams went Inte action and the ether four will get under way en Saturday night. Eight teanrv compose the organization and all games are played in Msenic Hall in Maun .Mink. The reams are well matched and some Interesting games are expected. The season is divided into halves nnd thr Schedule Committee has drafted the first half. The remaining games in the first series follew: Monday, Nevemb-r 21 'VYIssahlcken M. E. and Ixverlneten. Manayunk and Ebnezer. Saturday. November 2fl Mount Zlen and Mount Vernen, Wlssahlcken Baptist and St. Stephen Monday. November 28 St Stephen' and Mount Zlen, Mount Vernen and Wlasahlcken Baptist. Saturday. December 3 Ebenezer and Lev. erlnglnn. Manajunk and Wlssahlcken M E. Monday. December . Manajunk and Lev Lev erlnitten. Ebenezer and H'lunahlcknn M E Saturday, December 10 St. Stephen's and i jm xt 0m ARRANGE SCHEDULE You'll get somewhere with a pipe and Pe A. ! - Prince Albrrt Is said tn teppy rtd bag; tidy Ttd tins, hmnJ$emt pund and halt pound tin An mlders and In the pound cryMtal glass humidor ulth tpanga meUtantt top that hep th to bacco In such pirfact condition. Cepyrliht 1021 hr P J;,Aynld Tpbaec C4, Wlutlea-SiUm, N. Ci D FOR DINNER S- rimi CRIC5 FOB J-v-V tSM'T The mers XVei I slWNDKI I WILL. Hftv ! I 5Auce V exher WOWOERFUL unuPIMO OF X k V Ey'RVTWlMG I tour IM Your ma ) B'ueve -mMAYva Tls.t.6 f ' CArJ qJMIz vf Veo T6 l HOLD iHlAll III COMC Btxe- ijn ill I pheve; ma, I JJ? I MJkMP Mount Vernen, Mount Zlen and Wligahlcken Baptist. Monday. Dcembr 1! tVUnahlcken Bap tlit and Manarenk. Mount Zlen and Lev. crlncten Saturday. Dembr 17, St. Stephen' and Wltsjhlcken if. E , Ebenezer and Mount Vernen. Monday. December IP Ebenezer and Mount Zlen. Minayunk and Mount Vernen. Saturday. December 81 St Stephen' and Ijevertnitlen, Wlesahlcken Ilaptlit and Wls sahlcknn M E. Monday January 2 Wlsaahlcketi Baptist and Ebenezer. Mount Vernen and Leverlns Leverlns ten. Saturday, January 7 Wlisahlcken M. K. and Mount Zlen, St. Stephen'!! and Mans junk Monday. January t Manas unk and Mount Zlen. Mount Vernen and Wlstahlcken M. E Saturday. January 14 St. Stfnhen'a and Ebenezer. Levcrlnsten and Wlsoablcken Baptist. Amateur Sports The TlKer A. C, of Audubon N. J., would like, te hear from Hely Name Junier, 8. S. White. St Peter Second Suburban U C and ether teams of the sime class. It. E. Shern, Audubon. N J The Independence A. O. would like te near from anv team In the first or second claai having fleer and erferlnir reagenable g-uarantces. T. Fersusen. 3120 Berer street The OrUlnnl rellinl Club (two teams) would llke te book came with first and pec pec end class teams havliur hall and offering reasonable Inducement. Nat Petamkln. care of Wecoaeoa 1'laji.Teund, Keurth nnd Queen streets The St. Lake's tlrls" baketball team would like te book games with feminine team ulllln te play at the former' hall. Kensington avenue. B and Huntingdon streets William Mctntyre. 3247 A street The Grave Mnr Junier, a fifteen te seven teen vear old travellnc team, would like in arrange games with any team In their claai offering fair Inducements. Herman Brcdt. (115 Kater street. The Certei-Lunzete quintet would like te meet any team In the fifteen te seventeen vear old class. William Certez. 000 Seuth Eighth street. Th Fall lrebjtrlan would like te ur ranee game with any team having It enn fleer S. C. Starretl. 3314 North Thirty-fifth street. The Are ieuld like te arrange game with any team In the second tli having fleer Hay raul 1102 Seuth Cleveland avenue. Philadelphia, ra. Start fresh all ever again at the beginning ! Get a pipe and forget every smoke ex perience you ever had that spilled the beans! Fer a jimnay pipe, packed brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smoke joy you ever registered! It's a revelation ! Yeu never puffed such delightful, satisfying flavor; or, such fragrance! Why you just want te eat the zephyry smoke it's se fascinatingly geed! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue fctlNCE al - - WEST OUTSHINES EAST IN GRID TACKLE PL A Y Nene of Fertvards in This Part of the Country Compare With Football Stars in Other Sections, Says Grantland Rice ny GItANTLAND lUCD Twe Sencs of Tlianltsgiving 1. Old Tltanksglvine Day Lest winds sltll come singing as early twilight neart, Songs of old Thanksgiving Days beyond the ghostly years; Hengs of soma lest morning, where through the sun or rain The thin blue smoke curled upward from a cabin by the tans, The pumpkins by the wooden perch, the frost upon the loam, A bluebird in the golden air beneath the sky of home; The call of vanished voices, new long since blown away, The orchard, stark and leafless, where the children used te play. And through the weeds net far away there ran a quiet stream, Reck'frcttcd in the shadows where a country kid could dream Of life amid the elty's glow, where out the crowded beat The drifting millions held the read with tccary, plodding feet. Lest winds still come bringing the coltie's friendly lark Where fields wcre faint with stai light as tee hurried in at dark; Songs of old Thanksgiving Days where through the sun or rain The thin blue smeke cmlcd upward from a cabin by the lane. 2. Frem We have no ipc no home that welcomes us, e kin around the banquet beard X A'e t'eice icAOncr te us that Ws Xe friendly trail that beckons us across Thanksgiving Day. We knew that we arc vagabonds, and none could ever doubt it We knew that tea arc aliens forever en the ream; We knew that tee arc driftweed, but we never think about It Until tce hear them talking of Thanksgiving Day and home. And se as most befltttng for the day that lies befere us We'll net begrudge our brothers who have known a clrji 4t. We'll pledge the toast of heart te heart and wish them luck in chorus Who have a home hearth waiting beyond the city's gate. ' Tackle Supremacy THE West this last season has almost outclassed the Kast when It comes te the predominance of tackle play. The West in fact lias nbeut two fine tackles te nny one the l'ast could show, which may account largely for the Western margin of success. With Keck, Inte, King, Helies and it few ethers the East has had geed men. But fiem the. let there was practically none te com pare with Slater, of Iowa; Huffman, of Ohie State; McGuite, of Chic.ige; Under, of Wisconsin ; Shaw, of Notre Dame, and four or five ethers wtio'i'eto te unusual peaks of stardom. In the Chlcago-l'rinccten game Mc Mc Gulre was the best tackle en the Held, but the Maroen forward had mere than ene peer In the Middle West, where he came upon keener competition. Iowa and Notre Dame both hnd grout tackles, while Ohie State, Chicago, Wisconsin, .Michigan and Nebrar-Ka mil stars who call for at least ene sprig from the olive bough. Onslde Hldis THE main difference between luck and skill is merely n matter of whether it was you or the ether ieve in action. DID you ever see n geed, first-clnss, consistent knocker who was geed, first clnss or consistent at anything else? YOU can forgive nny entry his mis take as long as he doesn't try te alibi it with tee much vehemence. or parch your threat. Beth are cut out by our exclusive patented process. Se, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe! We tell you that you can and just have the time of your life en every fire-up -if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a let of fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and national joy srheka the Byway no clan that meets together, te bid us come and stay. time te slip the tether. WE HAVE Just thought of something clse that "Babe" Iiuth has never taken up. As far as we can dleT" he has devoted almost no time te ,. ture or Greek dances. But he is still young, with many Jears ahead for the", lighter dncrtisements. JUT??!? f,r'AJs" Wt lall " uutn after disarmament method ne scrapping the "Babe's" big bat ; or u. ing it u ten-month acatien. g rniUS move would draw the unsnl- metis support of everv niteher n practically all of the righi field feneff nih DOBIE Is raferrcd te as "The Y mnn who never smiles." We won wen dec what apt phrase would be attached te his name if he were coaching Celum. bla In place of Cernell? B 1Um rpiIE greatest basketball season In A- history is new under wav. Th, growth has been gradual, but has cor cer ered every section of the country, with the admission list growing every vear A major Irugue for basketball would preidc a financial killing for any pre. meters looking for a new turn te take up bv wny of previdim; action for the long winter evenings that rest between football nnd baseball. tn Copyright 1021, All nights Keened. Centre Spurns Offer New Orient!, Nev , Nev 24 Centre will net aen games this vear it vmi Conch Charles Meran who PIrv nny pest-sea anneunreu n miiii ii- im link vnmnPia" are hern fn. the Thenksslvlnpr Dnv clash with Tulane. stays put ! BERT WAI r I In "TIL'