" '-? fc , r;- 1 "tell EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPBlA, THttK&DAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1021 11 DREAMLAND ADVENTURES Dame Instinct nr paddy i Jflcfc and Janet meet a queer little M wemfl Me weeds. She it name Instinct, godmother te the birds Md leasts. They coma across a fitrce-teokine bear, whose cots are hetti b'J Oame Instinct. CHAPTER IV The Brown Bear's Lessen THE blc brown bear reaxtd up en hl hind Ukb. He Wiped In aston ishment at Dams Instinct, who Imi boxed his card. The little old woman looked se small bfMdft him that Jack nnd Janet expected te see him grab Itr and snap her head off. But the big brown bear did nothing of th "Ort. He shivered and shook, lust like a school boy who waa ex pectin; a thrashing. "Don't yen knew better than te be rude te persona you meet In the weeds " demanded Dame Instinct. "j.y.y-.ves, m-m-m-ma'm," gasped fhe blR brown bear. Btammcrlng werse tbnn Perky ftqulrrel had done. Dame Instinct looked him ever crltl. csll.v, her ejes showing ehe waiin't pla'fd. "Why aren t you fatter?" she thrilled at him. "Don't you knew winter is clese at hand and you will tare te go te sleep nnd live en your fat until spring?" "i'-yy-yyes, m-m-mn m," stam mered the brown bear, then he looked wlitfullr at .lack and Janet and licked bis chops. "Perhaps If I had a nice boy or girl te eat I would get fat." Ills hungry glances made Jack and Janet creep. They didn't want te make that big brown bear fat. Dame In stinct's next words made them feel mere comfortable. "Nonsense." she said. "These are my helpers nnd you cen't cat them. They would Hnulrni se hard Inside of jeu they would give you a stomach ache. Vliat jeu need Is plenty of acorns. If you were net se lazy you euld find plenty of them. The next Tallev Is leaded with them. Yeu go ever there and cnt until you can cat no mere." "T-t-t-thank you, m-m-m-ma am, mumbled the bear ns If anxious te get' away. "I'll K right ever there and begin eating at once." But Dame Instinct was net yet through with him. "Walt a minute," hhe said. "Hare veu found a. cave yet for your winter nap?" "N'.n-n-no. I haven't had time te leek for one," mumbled the brown bear, hanging his head ns if much ashamed of himself. "What?" shrilled Dame Instinct In a high voice. "Didn't I tell you last eek te find a cave nnd make It snug for veur long nap? Old Man Winter villi 'be prowling nreund here before wc knew It. Hew dare you disobey me? Put your head down here se I can box jour cars." The bear towered se high above little Dime Instinct he could have kept his ears from being boxed by simply hold ing his head high, nc seemed In great fear of little Dume Instinct, how ever, ns he held his head low. Slap, alap, slap, slap! He hnd" his cars leundly boxed. "New be off with you te find a cave, and I'll Ke alone with you te see that you de it," snld Dnme Instinct climbing back with Jack and Janet, who stilt sat In the whecllcss auto. The humbled bear set off en a run te find the cave. Itigbt behind him hopped the whec'.lera auto. The benr raced through the weeds until he came te a rocky hill. Over this rocky hill he ran as fast as he could, poking hla nose into every nook and cranny among the rocks. At last he found the opening into a cave. He After-Dinner Tricks I. ' j Ne. 1G A Broken Match Itistercd A match is wrapped in a handker chief rtnd I hen broken; opening th3 handkerchief, the match drops out un un Lreken. Anether mntch it) previously run ealcd in the rent of the handkerchief. It is this mntch thaf Is broken through the folds of the cloth, hence the mar mar vcleua resternticn. Te repent the trick, using any hnnd kerchief, the performer holds tlie cloth te a spectator s ear, se that, he can ac tually hear the match blng broken, yet the restoration Is again mcom mcem plished. The match Is net really broken. Tht performer merely snaps his finger mill with his thumb nail. The sound exactly rewmblcs the breaking of a mntch, and will deceive the keenest observer. Copyright, 10S1, bu rulUe Lttleir Company pushed Inside nnd found a snug, dry chamber. "Is this geed enough, sweet Dame Instinct?" he nkrd very humbly. "Humph! It will de," suiil Dame Instinct. "New you mnke u weft bed of boughs nnd brnnchen, niiil when j en have done that you can go leek for acorns te grew fat en.' Hut remember I'll be back this wny In a day or two, and if I find your bed isn't mnde, and that you haven't put en fat, I'll box your cars and spunk you besides. Come, my helpers." (Away flew the vthcclless auto, car rying Jack and Janet te meet ether queer godchildren of Dame Instinct.) THE DAILY NOVELETTE AUNT JINNY'S THANKSGIVING LEGACY By Jehn Dawsen "Twrisa vjneixiA bassutt, 1V1 Wareham read, l'etunket." Aunt Jinny turned the envelope ever and ever nnd ii pslde down. Frem whom oeuld It be? She couldn't read the postmark because it was blurred nnd t-he didn't recognize the writing. Aunt Jinny hud no correspondents Slowly she ripped the tlnp with an inserted hairpin, took out tliei folded paper within: opened It up. letting fnll n thin hlun oblenc nlln: mid rend. Then Mie gnsped and sat down suddenly in the old rocker which fertunntcly hap pened te be behind her. took off iter snectacles and rubbed them, replaced them and rend again. "Inclesed please nnd my personal cheek for 51000. It is yours te use provided you bend me no thanks and ask me no questions. "Yours very truly. "LEMUEL liASSETT." This was the communication from her relllng-in-wcnlth third cousin twice removed who lived at Cherry Tep Hill ever in Tuckcrten, whom hhe had net met since the day of his wlfe's funeral seme twenty years age when she was the only ene who could comfort his threo lltt'.c children left motherless Why should he de this thing? Puritanically, Aunt Jinny felt lm- nelled te send the check back te its owner as something te which she had no conceivable right. Uuen, little by ,., ... . ,1 nine, ucr imagination, long ennucu neu confined by n $."00 a. yenr Income, be gan te expand within her. The things she could de with $1000! There was her nephew Harry strug gling along with n large family nnd a sick wife; there wns Cousin Lctty, another peer relation llke herself, only hopelessly crippled with rheumatism : there were the destitute families down In the hellAw whose men were out of work ; there was the newsboy, Dick : eh. there were se many that she could help with that thousand dollars. Aunt Jinny decided te keep the rlw-k. She let no (linn slip nwny n,fler her ilrolfcien. That er,v afternoen1, In her faded old bonnet nnd rusty coal, she set rut for the little bank downtown, ear ning high hop., n beating heart, and I In her worn reticule a $1000 check mm a carefully thought out list. Thete was te be a cheap automobile nnd a year's supply of oenl for Harry and n new cook stove for nis wife; for Cousin I.ctty a roll-out chnir nnd some warm tiudcrgiirmpitts; for Dick, the tewbbey, an nil paid up ceurfe at busi ness college; for the three families in the Hellew, three Thanksgiving dinners ordered. And there were ether leaser Lcnellclarles. That evening Aunt Jinny rank once niore Inte the old rocker, tired but happy. All she hnd left te show of her munificent check was a crumpled list with every item scratched. Oh, yea, she had also the memory of many ra diant, faces, 'many protesting thanks, nnd the tears in Cousin Lctty's old and faded eyes. Suddenly Aunt Jinny sat tipTlght. Just suppose there had been some mis take! Suppese the check hnd ranlly been Intended for seme one cite and had been mistakenly addressed te her! An unsual sound breke In upon Aunt Jinny's frightened reflections. Down the lonely read a car was slowly com ing, feeling Its wny. It drew up In front of the house. It stepped. A moment Inter an unmistakably mas culine step sounded en the tiny perch and the front deer reverberated with u determined knock. With the expression en her fnce of one who gees te meet n dreaded if deserved Nemesis. Aunt Jinny bravely rose and turned the knob. Yes. It wns Lemuel Hnssctt, for all his fur coat swallowed hlni up completely. "Miss er Virginia Bassctt?" he wanted te knew. "I want te talk with you." A moment later nnd Aunt Jinny wns sitting opposite him much ns a crlminnl faces his judge. There was an awk ward pause. Then, after a prelim inary clenring of his threat, Lemuel began : "I I had hardly expected te call upon ,ou se Koen. But, well, you forced me te II. This er well, this is the hew of it: I gave the bank Instructions te let me knew when you cashed your check. I had a young fellow hired te keep tab en hew you spent it. I hud him engaged indefinitely a week, a month, n year. As it was well, you certainly gave him a busy day!" I.am uel paused and chuckled. Aunt Jinny relaxed. It wasn't as had as she had feared. Then she arose, Atnrtled. Fer the mini hnd risen, tee, and was standing ever her. "Listen, Jinny," he began gently. "It came te me the ether dav that 1 was getting en in years and that I hnd a darn let of money, with no one' te help me spend it. My boys ere well fixed, and nlwnys will be. I was thinking ever the women I knew nnd I remem bered you hew geed and gentle veu were with the children the day 'mv wife was buried. I said te myself. 'There's a tine woman for you, Lem uel!' Then I wondered about the money. "Hew would you handle it if I rent first? And I decided te test you. That explains the check. And why, Jinny, you didn't spend n single pennv for yourself! I wnnt you te marrv me. Maybe we're tee old te talk 'about love " He paused at the leek in Aunt Jinny's eyes. "Maybe maybe net,' she murmured. KffiffiffiffiffiraffiraffiffiHW i ; 5 i I A The Puzzled Superintendent Suddenly Thought of "LEDGERGRAMS" and he get what he wanted. If you, tee, need an intelligent, skilled, experienced electrician, machinist, plumber, painter, tailor, cook, knitter, operator or ether skilled labor, a LEDGERGRAM will carry your rush message. Many efficient people are waiting en the receiving end of LEDGERGRAMS these tiny, inexpensive classified ads, se potent with pulling power. The quarter-million daily circulation of the . Public Ledger gives you almost instant commu nication with THE RIGHT KIND of people. Phene your message NOW te our Classified Advertising Department. Bill will be mailed later. Bell Walnut 3000 Keystone Main 1601 iHlSiffl&lJOTJi WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S New Straight Ahead for Christmas Wanamaker' s Down Stairs Stere Charming New Dresses $15, $18.75, $19.25 A number of sample- dresses are obtainable at these prices and each one is a prize. There nre tricetines and Peiret twills, embroid ered, beaded or trimmed with heavy black braid. Canten crepes, heavy Russian crepes and crepes de chine are used ih the silk dresses. The excellence of the materials and the delightful simplicity of the styles will recommend them te women who are par ticular about their clothes. Sizes for women and young women. "Hundreds of Practical Frecks at $5, $7.50 and $10 Fer business, shopping and afternoon wear there are many, many frocks of serge, velour, jersey and tricetine, showing interesting atyle variety. Among them are navy, brown, reindeer and henna. (Mnrket) $58.50 $25 $42.50 $65 Coats te Be Proud Of! $25 te $75 This is, probably, the best assortment of geed Winter coats at these prices that we have hnd since before the war. Materials are warm and geed, furs arc lovely and linings are harmonious. It seems as if there is no limit te the styles from which one may cheese. Coats With or Without Fur at $25 Velour, Belivia nnd pole coats are in tailored, sports, wrap-like and fur-trimmed models. Beaver-dyed ceney is generously used en many and all arc lined throughout with silk. The coat sketched is of silver-tip Belivia in blue or brown, with a (lowered silk lining. It may be worn in Tuxedo style or closed. There is an excellent group of coats without fur et $35. Fur-Trimmed Coats at $39, $42.50 and $49 The furs include raccoon, Australian opossum and bcaver-dyed ceney. Seme of the coats have cuffs and bands of fur as well as cellnrs, nnd the fur is such geed quality, glistening with health and in prime condition. A model at $42.50 is sketched with a cellar of particularly pretty Australian opossum. The material is belivia, in blue, brown or grouse. The coat has an interesting back and a plain silk lining. Beautiful Furs en Unusual Coats at $58.50 Nutria, Australian opossum, skunk-dyed opossum, mole, black w elf and gray wolf are generously used en coats that are distinctive in themselves by reason of style, material and tailoring. Materials are various belivias of line quality and linings are all delightful silks. Wraps, Capes and Coats of Distinction $55 te $75 Beaver, mole, nutria, Australian opossum and wolf are lux uriously used, and one notices the beautiful, linings. Considering the furs, the materials, the linings and the careful finish, 'the prices are little short of amazing. A charming cape at $65 is sketched. It is of soft, close belivia in navy or black, trimmed with mole and lined with brocaded crepe. (Market) Women's Fine Capeskin Gloves of Christmas-Gift Quality Of unusually soft and pliant Seuth African capeskin these gloves arc in the colors and styles that women like best. All are washable, of course. $2.85 pair for strap-wrist gloves in tan, brown, beaver and black. $4.50 for strap-wrist gloves, with gauntlet cufTs, in tan, brown, mode, gray nnd pearl white. $4.50 for 8-button length gloves in mode, champagne, gray, tan and brown. $5 for 12-button length in tan, brown, mode, gray nnd cham pagne. Seme in meusquetairc style. (Central) Seft White Blankets, $7. SO Pair Best blanket value wc remember in the last ten years or se! Splendidly warm and firm blankets with a hundred per cent wool in the filling are 72x82 inches. They have pink or blue striped borders. (Central) A Trim Feet and a Well Turned Ankle have never been of greater importance te the feminine appearance than they are today and never easier te achieve. Well-cut, well-designed footwear can new be had in great variety at a very moderate price in Wana maker's Down Stairs Stere. Pumps and slippers, for daytime or evening, ax-e te be had in 9 Different Styles at $9.90 Silver-cloth slippers, with one strap and a silver-finished button, have high or baby French heels. Black satin slippers, with baby French heels, have one strap or are perfectly pluin. Tan or black calfskin one-strap pumps have baby French liccls. The tan ones can also be had with high French heels. Plain tan calfskin pumps have baby French heels. One strap pumps of black patent leather have many per forations nnd baby French heels, Special for Children $2.90 Scheel shoes of sturdy tan or black leather are made with wide, comfortable tees anl have soles that will give satisfactory service. Sizes fi te 2 in tan; sizes 8M, te 2 in D'HCK' Ohitnat) f ET'S make our lUts. - Let's start shopping early se thaf we shall have plenty of time te cheese the gift which will' best please 'each one of our friends. Let's make this the happiest Christmas we have ever had. Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere is brimming ever with Wanamaker merchandise of guaranteed quality at its every-day-in-the-year fair low prices. (Ceratral lisle Oppertwies for CMstaas Bleemer Dresses $2.25 and $3 Solid colors and checks attrac tively trimmed with piping, a bit of black Btitching or smocking. Sizes 6 te 10 years. Women's Silk Stockings $1.25 All-silk with mercerized tops and soles and seamed backs. Black, navy, cordovan, gray and bronze. All regular sizes. Women's Fabric Gloves 75c, $1 and $1.25 76c for lisle lined silk gleves in 2-clasp style. Brown, beaver and gray in all sizes; black-and-white and nil-black up te 6Vi. $1 for 8-button chamois lisle gloves in white, mode, tobacco brown, champagne, grouse, gray and black. $1.25 for imported strap-Wrist duplex chamois lisle gloves in white only. Women's and Children's Ribbed Underwear 40c each for long-sleeved vests and ankle-length pants of finely ribbed white cotton. Sizes 2 te 12 years. 65c for women's combination suits, ankle length and with Dutch neck and elbow sleeves or low neck without sleeves. Slight "seconds." Women's Gift Underclothes 50c and 85c 50c for striped fiannclet short petticoats with scalloped edges. 50c for satin and crcpe de chine boudoir caps in dainty colors, attractively trimmed. 85c for heavier striped flannelct short petticoats. 85c for white seersucker bloomers. 85c for flesh or white sateen bloomers. 85c for nainsoek nightgowns, square necked and trimmed with hemstitching and lace. Four-in-Hand Neckties. 35c Rich, dark colors or some a bit gayer. Pretty patterns te suit the discriminating buyer! 13th Street Aisle Opportunities Women's Corset Girdles $1 and $1.50 Really most comfortable are these combinations of elastic and brocade or ceutil. Just enough for support and net enough te hamper one's most strenuous avocations! Clarien Records, 55c Hear Irving Kaufman sing "Tuck Me te Sleep in My Old Tucky Heme." There's a very geed fox trot en the ether side. Novelty Girdles 50c and $1 Weeden bead, celluloid and celluleid-and-mctal in pretty color, combinations. Nothing Se Dear te a Little Girl's Heart as a Set of Furs! Hew her eyes would shine nnd little hands happily pet the soft fur if seme one should give her such a set as the one sketched! It is of squirrel at $17.50. White ceney sets are $3 te $8. Gray ceney sets are $3.50 te ?10. Silver coney sets are $12.50. Squirrel sets are $8.50 te $50. Summer ermine sets arctf ?0 te $27.50. Natural raccoon sets are $30. Nutria sets are $25 and $30; mole sets are $30 and beaver sets are $50. Women's Smart Scarfs Animal or lined scarfs of fox in taupe, brown or black are $25 te $40. (Market) , FOR MEN 100 All-Weel Twe-Trouser Suits, $30 100 All-Weel Suits, $18.50 Men who knew geed cloth when they feel it and appreciate geed tailoring when they see it will be well pleased with these suits. It's like putting money back into your pocket, sir, te get all-wool Wanamaker suits at such prices. These splendid suits were marked down from our own stocks because there is net every size in each style. At $30 these remarkable two-trouser suits of fancy cheviets and oxford suitings, are in semi-conservative styles. Sizes 34 te 40 in the group. At $18.50 men's and young men's suits of fine fancy cheviets in gray and brown mixtures. Sizes 34 te 42. (Onllrrr, Mnrket) Specially Priced Gloves for Men In the Gallery Gleve Shep At $1.50 duplex chamois lisle gloves in gray and buck color; in gray with black embroidered backs, $1.65. At $1.85 capeskin gloves in dark tan shades are eutscam sewn and have spearpeint backs. At $2.85 gray mocha glevc3, eutseam sewn, have plain backs. Second selection of leather. $2.85 also for fine buckskin gloves, eutscam sewn, with embroid ered backs. $2.85 for light-weight Seuth African capeskin gloves in dark shades of tan, eutseam sewn, with spearpeint backs. (Washable) (tiallery. Market) Woven Madras Shirts, $1.85 It's an occasion worth taking immediate advantage of if you need shirts, men! Unusually fine patterns in blue, green, lavender and black stripes of various sizes en white grounds. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, $1 te $3.50 Engine-turned or hammered silver buckles of the kind that men really like. They make fine gifts. Geed leather belts te wear them with are in brown, tan or black at 50c te $1.50. ((.tiller?, Mnrket) 1 i " $3 $10.75 $23.50 lime Ne Scheel and a Fine te Outfit the Girls Tomorrow i Mothers and daughters will find the Down Stairs Junier Stere brimming with pretty frocks, warm coats and all the clothes a school girl needs. Prices are much lower than they have been in many seasons, low enough te make home hewing a questionable economy. Tub Frecks Start at $1 and there is a charming assortment of clear-colored gingham dresses i T. er (jre?sP betwcen $1 and $10. The little suspender dress sketched is of club-checked gingham in brown, green and blue with a plain-colored chambray waist. Sizes 8 te 14 at $3. Serge Dresses for Warmth Navy blue serges are bnghtrned with gay embreiderv, appliqued medallions of orange or red velour, or trimmings of braid. Some nave pongee guimpes. Girls' sizes are $7.50 te $15; junior sizes, $10.7e te $23.50. And What Excellent Coats A Geed Medel at $10.75 is of uncut Belivia or heavy coating in blue or brown. It has a soft fur cellar, is lined throughout, and it will fit girls of 10 te 14 (bkotcned.) With an Australian Opossum Cellar at $18.75 A heavy-weight snug little coat of Copenhagen or brown coating is topped with this fascinating cellar. Sizes 7 te 10 jears At $20 and $23.50 $20 for a geed sports coat of navy or brown velour with an inverted pleat down the back, raglan shoulders and a narrow belt lined throughout; sizes 14 te 16. $23.50 for the blouse-hack coat sketched for junior girls. It is lit Size's lTte1 Hi a bcfnerette cellar an(1 lind therugh- (Market) A Flurry of Christmas Handkerchiefs Prices are lower than theVe been for a long time, which : ","""." -"-""a siuic 1-. pure linen or silk in quality is impossible. Fer Women Madeira handkerchiefs, e.k. Hand-embroidered handkerchiefs, ejc te $1. .- , r LIoreeroa iiaiulkeruliiefs, seme 2ec and 35c. Colored border handkerchief?, wonderful UilU OUI'. a mistake tape borders, assortment, 25c Lace-trimmed handkerchiefs, 25c. i ntiuieii naiidKcrcniels, lue and 25c each. Plain white linen handkerchiefs., 15c und 25c each Fer Men P1jili white lincn handkerchiefs, uui uiiu iuc eaen. -ec und 50c; extra size, initialed nandkerchiefs, 35c and 50c t Colored border handkerchiefs, 75c and $1. Fer Beys and Girls Beys' silk handkerchiefs with colored borders. "0c Children's linen handkerchiefs with nursery embroidered, 18c each or 05c for a box of three X (('mitral) each, figures u 1 T ; .V