'.I- ..a' . "sjAsV1 -,,' "f $r't sXi- im "W". v.. 4 ".' r --f-j-. wT-"y V.7 P lfsJ f PARCEL POST PARCEL POST 1 MALT EXTRACT GOMPLETE 1 Kp8 W new Bs2i wm no b' "'-" ' 1KB. !' ."is"- Vif V -rn ii. WK--J'"i25'.Ti '6auHbact nr call en us and we will see results you obtain are net superior te the brand you have been using your dealer will refund your purchase price. COPPEfi GASOLINE CANS fH runnel DlUch pressed cam made.. B30I.uTE.Y 8EAKLES3 HO SEAMB 70 LEAK 110 SOLDEQ T6 MELT ALL COPPER MO TUT 8A-.ITABY CABT TO CIXAK Copper Tubing, per feet, 10c. Flavoring Extracts, all flavors only), per oz., 75c. Whole Rye, per lb 6c Drv Malt, per lb 9c Write for Illustrated flu , pa tm&V M f-a. ijF W&srJr Mail orders filled same day received. We can supply your wants. ATLANTIC FOOD PRODUCTS CORP. 127 NORTH 13TH STREET ter. I3tli and Cherry Sts. 1'henc, Spruce 1310 ..RANCH US IIM MARKET STI.l.KT in nneAUWAY. camiien. ". J. Reserve Gasoline Cens Keep our re re eerve tjnsmllne In otie of these, cop per rentalnTa. Ven don't need nn extra funnel Ujo the nipple ut top. Out of Town. SOc Uxtiu Insure Your Time With Fameuu Tew Line. St2c 'Jx'J 4'Ply, (Jenuine Mnnila Hemp Re-jtiferced hy t r!y, is - caux ftlre. IriiRth n ft. CempllsH with ill Slate law a, KC A small ptckeffe that does a big job ler a small price. Price PrtitlA Anrwhtr. 2.50 Beit Hit, "My Iritea" Aate $OAt. A.th. r.n nut tj . . 99c "Hr Ifrltrd" (th beit) AntcEblae QQ- 0I1 PMlib, 1 sal ean eut te . . iert "My Mend" Aute Oreaie. Qtjg I lb. ean cut te OUT 0? TOWM. flte gXTBA New Oak Weed Barrels lare"l Cap. 1 Oil.. 1 Osl.. 1 0t. Prlee Teit ,, .IS lOe .. 1.10 180 .. 1.3J ?la . 1.10 SOe fill.. I Oat.. la Dal.f .. . 3.00 IO0 30 Oal. . . R ' "- ti Oal 3.7J 41e 80 Oil. .. 00 0e B0 Gal. . . 6 BO COe ALU KINUB OV DlttED 1'KLIT.H MOLASSES (uied In 6-Oillen. r.TJ ak itO Q( ill. KeUiirs and lite beih qS.I7U ALL KINDS OF FLAVORING EXTRACTS t !. Bettlir, 79ei S ex. Slttle. $I.S9 Fer Mon.Alcehollo Fnrpem -City Ordiri and Ctmden Orderi are it 0, D. VREi: DELITERV. IOuUMetrn orders -will nestra luatUn . when aoeempanled by ra t, cJieek or cuh, prompt money or- end for Price. LU. It Vlll ry Yeu DEPT. P. L. I) 2800 MASTER ST. Phil" BH Poplar 1208; K7tene, l'ark 1284 WE ARE COPPERSMITHS . WEISS 21" 'Ke Aicnue IU1tlUVIHII LD DOLLS MADE NEW ' JJTHCftSl.NlyA1' BUPPLIM8 V5W tMSSWD flj. " ' '"S,l, ' - l , p.,'.'-r v V i j KASSEI? WE iggi SELL H nurTKR noens ion 1 11 I.KS9 SIONK.Y I I 16-ex. Celd-Rolled U Copper Cans y 3 j.l., $3.98 s f 1 $5 75 5 . $4.25 ie (., $7.25 11(1 , Parcel Pest nnd Insurance IO I 0e Entr H III Copper Tubing, 10c ft. IB H Uniena, 15c. I ( 1 M,,i.PfJ "rles . , . 0e lb. ( H Ut lUtravt. complete III CI lt.i iii . ?'1e vail III I TjN. Uln""t 0 III. "Jj By mail add 12c Fr I'ostage The same Pure, Honest, Unadulterated, Rich, Unexcelled Flaver BLUE RIBBON MALT EXTRACT you always bought. If you are net u user of this famous brand of Extract, accept our Guarantee purchase a can from your dealer, grocer or druggist, that you are supplied, and if the Absolutely the only one-piece Copper Can being made. (Be ware of imitations.) Made from extra heavy copper with either removable top or perma nent top. Deme is of solid brass and detachable. A can that will last you a lifetime. NO SEAMS NO SOLDER TO MELT GUARANTEED PERFECT. 5 - Gal. Trade Capacity, $7.60 7ii " " " 9.60 10 " " " " 11.60 Dealers write for preposition. We also carry a full line of ether grade cans: 3 Gal., .. .3.45 . 4.45 . 5.85 . 7.45 7. 10 Brass Unions, each 15c (for non-alcoholic purposes Crushed Rye, per lb 9c Juniper Berries, per lb 9c Catalog and Price List. 204B CIDIIMANTOWN AVIiNUE -.n8 KENSINGTON AVKSUB crfect Cut D. White Diemond set In 18-lv. White 1 .old lop - it .uiubies itcnulnu atlnuni mounting .!!. solid seldi und engriitrd shiink. .Maiden Lime's Intel I reatien NO RED TU'K SO WAiTirm l llmpl tuiid 12.00 and reielie thin xen- Ine blue wlilte liiamenu ninr, exacu ii Illustrated. Hrnd strip of D.uier lit 'I lie cod te end eirr finger for ring size SO DAYS' 1'IIKR TKIAI. Iliiu lake n cluincrn If net MillHfurter; or oil t.HHen wliMtsoeer or ir ou -an duplicate this offer In au Jewell r"-e for less 1'iaii H.1.1.00 jour deposit 'i 111 he refunded te J oil. :.i!i A MONTH I end only H.17 and ring gees te op elinnres nnte. l'uy Imliincf. sz zs n A mill, for 10 mths. Prim enl.v l.S WA Snt fre" en reiriest. Write fop mAJL nir.K CHRISTMAS CATALOG JjR . -e'tb today. Dent. 471. BOM PALMOLIVEUe This s the genuine Palmellie Seip. Z2Tl Contains the pure THt WlHOlrvt COMfcS' 11 t'HIIII .lll'l Vll0 j Oil Itecngnlred MUVMIMlfc U fcA .the world our, Yeu wy 10c else- PUPt 50AP CONTAINS PALM WO OUVt CU H where for this teap. urn it nrie. Price 60C D Per OZ. ORDER AT ONCE Parcel 1'esl, 5c Eitre National Mail Order Heuse J571 Amber St., l'hila., Pa. Only one dei. te each customer II SI. IIILHljUJ"SIJ-lL-Jlll BUDWEISIR lf BARLEY MALT SYRUP Made JryAnheustr Susch, St.Leuis Absolutely loe. Pure Ivjr fibmyeur dtUr or erdtr di'rtct t uI& I Complete I Holjjnien Supply Ce., llnd.fvRaceSM. Spruce -mi Wlila. RieejltJ i ri r"i r" rr ' itt ROOF COATING ASBESTOS FIBER .MAKES OLD ROOIS LIKE IsEW O-Qallen Cuns lluady for Use, fl Par U.IIen 1-Uslleti Cans, 11 25 Per Can Shipped te Any Addtsss Upen Receipt et Prlce LET U3 ESTIMATE TO COAT YOUR ROOF aUARANTFED 10 YEARS American Sheet Metal & Reefing Ce. 1R83-S5 Applclrre St, Phene I.ecn.t tilt Ciiimnu'd ) ler Tape Mnlsti'iilug tlumiucd Paper iutie SIM) KVLH .llllC'lllll'N ' Item Rrcillnr Price 4A.U0 hpetlul prlce In wiiiiiuiiirs, i Snipping I'npci -l'a'C Rugs , 'inlil'ev Iwlties K.KA I EM.MsON. 20 S. JTII NT, Razor Blades Re-sharpened SINULE 2C DOUHLE 3r EDOU M KDail regular Razor a round A Honed, 83e Complete ClNndlng JEstabllshment ",.n 'll.jjfl VI '"ll "I .aK mrr "?8SeiSSiftS vJ ISA A W'A yk I A mfu1nasif il Wei j . . SB B ixxvr. am EVENING PUBLIC LBt)GBR-PHILADIi5LPHIA, WEDNESDAY, v PARCEL POST Buy the Best IVIALT EXTRACT At the Most Reasonable Price Complete 75c Net We.. 2V iw. 6 Cans, Complete $4.00 New Oak Weed Barrels Delivery out 01 Capacity rrlce town 1-gal., S .85 10c 3.Kel., J.35 lCc 5-gal., 1X5 26c 10-gal., 2.75 30c 15-gnl., 3.00 35c 20-gal., 3.50 40C 25-gal., 3.75 4Bc 30-gal., 4.00 ROe ne-pnl.. 5.90 7Ec All Size of Charred Keg en Hand SUN MAID RABSINS S4.15 .-ID. bOX. Seeded 23-lb. box nne Apricots ......... Ifi-lb. Rrleht Yellow Prhfa nbw oheuen iiers S3.00 83.90 40c ,b- SUN SWEET 23-lb, boxes; mall size -3-lb. boxes! mJliim alee .... 5-lb. boxes; pitted (stencless) ". ID. boxes! Inr-e sire SI .05 S2.45 S2.95 S3.50 F1T.K DELIVERY IN PIIILA. ASI) CAMDEN. Te ether towns ntld 2e box it ii for postage. MOLASSES Packet In --gallon, new oak $2.90 Kege. Molasses and Keg both """ Italian Vied Cherries.. Juniper Jl.rlss 48c '" ...9C ib. ALL KINDS OF FLAVORING EXTRACTS . i in. 2 et. IIOTTI.K. HOTTLB. ,.1.39 MALT and RYE lb. 100-lb. nau S3.75 S6.75 SG.75 -S8.75 Whele Hje, Cruthcd llje. Whele 3Ult. Crushed Malt. 7t 0c. l-flallnn OIiwm .lue. S,".r Kaeli. i.fl. per rteten Ciim 16-oz. Celd Rolled u tlallena $1.45 8 tlnllnns ?3.99 1(1 tlnllunn $7.19 TnatHite imd Inmruncr, SOe Kxtrit COPPER CANS SAMUEL TI SSEK TWO STORES Established eier 13 yeirs 1217 N. Lawrence St. Uatwcen l'eurth and Fifth bta. Above (llriird Ae, And 17 N. 2d St., Phila. Just Al-eie Mark't Street Pe 1 Phene- Kenslnglen IPS'! U'ei stone Phene' Park 1 ISC. out of-town eidera will rccelie pruiiiut niiemien wicn acreinpunieu uy money or. lie- LhecK or cash i iv timers ami Lamiien nnleis tue itini j u. u. i iici; UUI.lvlillV send for Prlre-I.M It Will l'uy nu IVI AL-T" Pheno Poplar H 1 8 4 or write. Wilt d e 1 I vef any wfcere within cltv limit. Can Malt 1 ifrfi Sii extract luaranteea 100 Pure Contain. . no harmful Ingredients cr alcohol. 51.15 REST HUPh . Cans .5'Xi IC Cans lO.Oej llettle Caps, 12 doc .M Stene Crocks, G-giil. capacity I"' II st Whole Rye, Ib OS Crush lire lh OS nnrlcr Mult, Ih fl fni.ti rinrlrr Malt. Ib 00 Jnnlper nerrien. Ih 09 We enrrv n Hill line df Copper Cans, Tubing nod Ueis. I, O. 1. Parcel Test njwtere FINLEY BROS. 200S Ridge Ave.. Philadelphia Heavy - Copper Celd-Rolled CANS P. P. & Insurance 50c Etrn Copper Tubing at 10a Feet S n e e I a I Blttfitlnn given te outside customers. - i Ty l" HT 1X7 hV K11JU WiJ VI 2813-13 North 22I St Philadelphia, Pa. IH'V A HOI'813 reit oust pipni'l ii ii ie dull house, 21 miliars Inihes for Hie ei u 2 aler mansion, SO square Inches, upon receipt of 23c A. W. POMEAN & CO. 1040 Oermantewn his.. Philadelphia. Pa. American Full-Nete Reller. Male and V. nmlesi raited .and trained by the largest ,,. ... ,'-l..i ,i, wiejn 1"s.ft S ni. ,?i fC k II I flUHBuVs tvikiaiil NTlHliViM iM 1 S Cel.,3.381 I 8 Gil.,5.9S I I 10 Gal.,7.50 I W 12 Gal.,9.00 7fe dltddL t7S miiiswi iviyissiMiit' f dm e our sCZini .IZSeUJ list of bur- III UJ t ' vnil nmmmmMm&uMtmmmmaBr' e parctl PARCEL POST American Beauty ELECTRIC IRON Complete with cetd and iland. Belt elec tric iron in America. $5.95 YOUR CHOICE ANY MAKE ELECTRIC IRON Het Point, Simplex, Universal, General Electric, CC QC WestingheuBe, Dever, 90UO reyaiTelectric CLEANEK $45"" EUREKA VACUUM CLEANEK $35-oe MACIALLISTtR'S 4939 N. Bretd St., Ph. Wjeminr 0431 MAYS ASBESTOS FIBER CEMENT COATING Makes Old Reefs Like New Any ene can imply this touting with n brush, rain or shine, Otis gallon .ners CO aq. ft., steps lks In liny loot und Is guaranteed te wear 10 jcars Free city dc liery. $1 per Gallen or 5 jrallens. $450 MR hKi.i, iiiK nr.sT urn Ready-Mixed Reef Paint ON lfARTII. l.00 JEli (IALION ROBERT A. MAYS 1242-1241 N. 16th St ivaliiiiiiBiird I8DS 'Phene. Pe'i. anil. Upholstering the Way It Should Be Dene , We will repilr any thing In the Uphol Uphel stercd Furnlture line, in n way that it u in pnsltlveiv leek like new Drep us i.ird, or .alt u up. our man will call and show jej our stlected line of beautiful Tup slp. VeleurB. Cretonnes and l.eathirs. also liisldd iiiaterluls that we un Our prices ,ire the most reasonable. Workmanship guar anteed. New suite At factory prices. "The Rese" Upholstering Shep flionei Din. P575 2117 N. Urnnt St. WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON phones 1323 ARCH ST- PHILA. n.illy. 0 (e Bi -Men. and Thurs. Ere.. 1UI LKOAL ADVEIITIMIIEMS 1 "" NOTICE IS IIERKHY OIEN THAT " the undersigned has made jpnll .itlen for the leiifwal of cortlticule Ne .101)7 for 7 shares of stock of the Thirteenth A Tlf. leentli Streets. Pussenger Rallwnv Cninpnni, Issued te FrederUI, lluisrl, nnd datid Janu ii rj 2s, ) Mil), the same haling bu'ii lust. mtbMld or ilestreied JOSEPH A LAMORELLE. Admlnlstiater d. Ii. n of tliu eslute of Frrdurlik Hansel dei'd 1815 Land Tltle Hull ling T.Q3T AND FOUND DAR Inis'-Uist hvtw'tMi I7lh and Spruce und ln'h and le Lui.cri. geld bar pin with peail. Jlewaid If rulurn d te 1810 D.i Lancev ilOOK Iist deposit lik Ne 2;HUII7 with thi ANest.rn saving l"und riec,ci iuiKi nlnut st , reward PRACE7eT AND PIN List, dUmind In no. 1. 1 and deublc-bir diamond lail. s .In. u 1 1 a bla reward I' O llyx I'.'fi. Ognnt Pa fjOH l,'t. red lilsh setter I) mentlis elT. answering te name of Olnger, waring in .ill hi ess lellir without name Liberal ewirvl fjr return te Mr Arthur D. f. ml Hi, llenen-i' n r id Wynnewoeil. xFEDIi'INF i'AMI- Isnst duel t'n meuicTiT. Cttse en vniuKJu.ii'j rauu neui lerlf roae nf vviiuiii .il nn iun . rt.uiiiu ; '7 i i ri7 ilerm ii- town .in f" esinnt Hill iiil.T I'ACKAOE l.ist by ene of our iuhuiiimi packaae innialnlng 8 il'a rings, l.ilku ihii d la earrings lib row J Snindsrs II s Mh PURSE -Lest, im.ill puiaii ceiiialnliig J loins of 2 di'partment stnrfs, v.hi hai i warded by address. ni' "een neuiitfii 01 less i inner will ret re- in i eeci Ofru WltlHT WATCH Lest, geld Klein wrlxt wan It en nliiiiitnd hetwe.n 2d and 32d sts , picture of leung man In back of watch Call W'dlnnd 2,13 J. or ratum te M. l h , ilOlrt WIIJOUS lllje RIS . WATCH Lest ebb ng-shnped i has. d Bri"'n geld wrlt wilih, Initials I,, M IJ bet lO.'O Dm i. union nie atu I.eguu St i reward If lelurutd te lu'.e Duiicuniiun nie Igan, Phlla TERSONALS UROl ERY business of H Swell kes, 2HI7 Alleghenv air has bi en sold in Mb hid Oaltnekl Present hills for p.nient n wil ll.ni Rearden, -'d'.y.Ml I, Alleghfn. .,, .... or hefi.rwNv Ik Hi2l ' c ' "n BAMUElT SIlULM.rN selling the? "greceri. .l-ilnHleie.il ftiire situated S K. oernsr 10th und Somerset st Creditors, aunlv J lloldsteltiftSen.Hj.2JS fltlist y NO I' responsible f..r debts uidfss contra, t-il by myself. R Mel'ies. less T-cliriwaiiiia HELP WANTED FEMALE ADDliVsHEttS Hlrls OisicIhus i.rllsrs eir 17, Ie address opielepna t.j jinr.l ut nu, offlee, plciewerk Apid Charles Palat l'e 1127 Areli st sr.endjlnni lAlvE AN'D PAHI'HY COOK high ilass ox ex perleni'sd, for an eiigiiguuml of l te ,1 months knowledge ul my Icings and nil. Iiigs especlill) rmulred Reply i0 ll 70N. Ii1see office DKMON8TRATORB Ter Philadelphia d.p 7I. m.iit sterea un tu.si experienced pre. iciivni auu nr-t letter. uav "l?.VrU'effperUnca ln Jt OH) rORELADT, ..... te tnke fun chareeef PeA.rfWTKii 8!,"-- production en, ji " , I rMBMiNMQSlj J .1 il!lEI!ll,IM '?. x a S 4 e " a 'P I I i Si I I B m) LU ST C H i? : Z ?" r1! si ff - P5 C .t "; e H E C-n3 qOe iT j a I e Q O Q i - M a ei Se.. "J" ii 2 I 8! a22 t En mS I? i y R l ? i 1 I 9 H a 1 ' v HELP WANTED FEMALE no teu want A PIJIUIANENT l'OSlTIOf amid plean.int nurreundlnin. with nxcfl'ent opportunities for iidvnr-inant7 Tlii Hall Tlpliene Cemrnny linn r pealtlnn of thin Wind for mini( women , lititi tH find 1'5 paj'ln IH ft week m Itnrnlnc Annl.. In XIIOM HTEVKNSON HTKVf di:lii TKr.HPireNE cempant 103 AJICIl i. Uinii evr in for light house dutKs; geed Placn for elrl who wftntH te v erk u Iw dy In w-k ur evcry day; Pr1rcr. ,l.Blri who can de fonie new Inn and In letm et thlldrrn. In anawerlwt ntulc Mig"a expected. t llg. t.edKT Olto-. Cllllt.H for nddrtMlnit. Inderelnif find x;nrftl offlce work. Apply Uaiile Mills. Iole(Tlca tfldn.. IlHrtiy, Ph. , SALMSWOMKN Opportunities for thlnklne women are greater today than rer before nnd ner wr It fe lmperatle that they prepnrn te meel their renpenelbllltlea: te nmbltleus veini-n whn seek a larger field a abort i-eurne Iti modern flnnnen la offered free of f?,pj Apply Meer Itmcn Sugnr Corpjratlen. 1J-H Wldener Illdg. IV TOT' IfAVB A PI-KASINCI rEnHO.SAI. irV TOlt CAN MAKR I-IIOM ISO IWAII' wukki.v kximvinine . et:n rnppnsi- TION TO niVHtr-IANH AND MKItTHANTH. NOTHINO TO flBLI.1 rOMMIPSIClN ON HE POIITB. APPLY ItOOM 1040. REAL ES TATE TTUJHT ni.HU flAI.KHWOMKN for Phlladeli hla I'ennM vanla, New Jeracy, prlnwnre and Mr land: ti"dy Inf-eme; nn canvarnlnB, atrlet J cmnmlanlun' only n'lable rwple nrcd aptl . stnple artlele rnd rellibl itiaimfactuier. y tlgi) tdaer Ofne. , STKNOlMAPHini Veuiik Udy for uenaral ffflre work billing. (irnc ttc . UnncKTBpliIci work limltftl cxiH-rlsni'i1 re "Miired. ilMte nlar end retcrinccd 1 le. I.iitger Offle. WOMAN for out-of-town position with edu edu (atlenal orgnnliatlen: l'retcatnnf Bfler rhert preliminary trtilnlng. dutles nrp em em plelng and cintchlnK members of Held feren; give nperletice In full and phene number. lL-70!i i.'llg!.'' 0f!,f WOMAN l!fl te Th, I'reletant, uneneum- bred, Interested In rhurrh or child welfare work; real opportunity for right peraen: In- rrvlew nrelenry, phene for nppelntineut. Wyoming aiiiiit, n te WOMAN, eir 80. of tact and education for pormnnent imsltlen wllh reliable llrni: ahert heurn and compensation geed. II 81S, Ledger Offlra , Vel'. Ml I.AUY te adilreea onvelepea by hand Addreaa In wn hnndwrltlntr atatlnar KC1 deln-d Met '.'SOI Htatlen M Phlliideiphln (itnrral COSTUME dealgn, fashion llluatrntlen. also PHttertf drafting, cutting nttlng draping and tn lllnerv dealun, learn from prominent. priu-tlcnl eMJcrta in surprisingly ahert tlnia; inunldcent i-alnrlen nulckly enrned Kaahlen Arademi, Ii-Pt. I. 14H'J N Urniul at. CIVIL fe'EnVICE etamlnatlena. Dec. and Jan : many vacai.lei. salary 11400-ltSOO. write for sjinple t.'st. V ll'll. Lediier Office. HELP WANTED MALE CO.MPO.sneIt A flrst-ilnaa union rumposl rumpesl rumposl ter en geinrnl book and tarlrf work can eocure eteurty position .Muke uuplkatlen te P O. llex 877 Norfolk. Va. CO.MPOHITOIIM, twe-thlrders. Sun Printing Heme llread at. and Oermantewn uve C'OSP AUf'OUNTANT in u manufacturing Plant, must rrein thorough ceinP"tenee. Telephenea 3sl Trntnn N". ,T. DYEIt, with pructlual experience Tn".j)e heUKC. acquainted with uo-te-duto tnotlied of standardizing and testing diestuffs: must be nulck and accurate nt calcuhitlens. and hum cn for waivhlnir fane shades; prefer ably mlddlf-nged mini who desires te make this u permanent positien: meduratn pa geed living conditions, plant near I"w Yerk City. Ileply, stating age. education und ex ex perlence, te n 113.1. Ledger Oftli.e UbTIMATOHS for elecirh work, leads fur nlshed: commission basis. P 711.1 .ti off JOll COMPOHITOH. first class, wanted Addrees llcnnheff Printing Ce., Johnstown. I!? . LAND SALESMEN I WILL TIE IN rillLA. TEW DAYfi TO IN TL11V1EW MEN WHO CAN HEM, FLORIDA FAII.MH 1 HEPULSENT THE OLDEST. MOST RELIAHLE 10-ACHE FARM DEAlM 1 IIS IN FLORIDA: 2300 SATISFIED PUR. MIABERS EVERY FARM WI11IIN DRIV INI) DISTANCE FRO.M JACKSONVILLE. LANDS AND COMPANY INDORSED UY IIIOHEhT STATE AND COUNTY OFFI CIALS. lUNICh. REAL ESTATE HOARD ( HAMIIFIt OF COMMERCE: srnevni!T I MILLER AND SALES PLAN: LIJIF.RAL SALES CONIIUCT HXM-MISSION ONI V TO MEN WHO WILL WORK. IF YOU WANT A I1IOII-CJRADE. PERMANENT CONNECTK N ADDRESS C 107. I.EDOEH OrriCE LINOTYPE OPERATORS Twe, experience.! In Jeb nnd book work, fop m-tn.dale Jeb office, II hours, union, geed wagea an. piriiianent iosltlen ler geed operators d, dress Drawer 7H Parkershurg, W Va I.YNOTYPE OIER.TOR warned nTght werk: unien: $15 Fnlrmeunt Tunes, I'alr m ml Tlnma. Fairmont, XV Va. " MEN avN YOU SEE YOUR WAT AHEAD? Can ou ccunt defi nltelv en hlehei earnings next month thini the present i.iiiiui M s ielrf. Ing you- Is uur ures"tit enn- 'tlen the sort that Is .1 guarantee of ndi mi enient. Are lour onip,e' ra wiling d pay jeu eieu a llttle mere than eu'r" rl worth te them In erde: i enceurasement te spur ou en te Sour host efforts? Is the business In which eu'rn busied built en a retk bottom of nasi and deprndablllt. that mikes Itu future big enough te ine-it veur mounting ambition? Maybe e. Maybe net. Fer th men whose answer, truthfully made must be "Ne." v offer an unusual eff.r that Ij a sure lift te higher work, better reward- surer ndinnce ndinnce mem, permrnency of connection In a medern up-to-the-mlnute business relationship that p.us eicn beginners In aicordance with pull, teg of generosity that haie bcconie a tradition wllh us close te S100 a wink. y0 am eurselie. big rceurcful successful progressive Any man ewr 2S who Is a Gentile and abeic all dnanrluht eager te get und te stay ahead Call 10 te 4 SUITE 1108 LAND TITLE AND 'l IlL ST UUII.DINO MEN A Philadelphia i urp. will seen nnnu faclure rv high grade liuiillt. nutonielili" men of this iiillb-r nr new offered the op nertunliy In uiuiltfy for a pM-mment resiwn alble connection with thin organlzutlen, 1 701 Ledger Cffli'" MO.Y.TYPE OPERATOR w (iite.i tlrst cUss i oinbln.itlen. t ir out of loin open shop ts heute. sti'iids pnsiiimi Wrlii lull pin tlcillars, M 1112 ledger off I. - PM'TLRN'M VKER'and iift.r'en cliOereu find ldl"s' ilr.sses, in lake full charge of uttlnj lepurtnitut. nieaih position stit.i full partlciilirH I1 712 1 -.'iRfr Office REPORTER wanted for textlli- and EarnTeTTt publication, statu age -in. rlence und t.il ary U 101 Ledger Office SALESMAN WITH CAR Exceptlenil episirtunlly for exiwrt spclalt) salfsniAU with iiiii'u el He te se tire t irl irl tetl.il rights In "iaHern P einsi h auli ui lery suicensfjl Mne esliilillsluO eitr '', .e.ns, our iTuposiMen Is an liRenslte one and elfen Niihtan'lil in mr i, capib'e man: commission basis with full ce-et. ra tien rrem lempaiii. un v r.nu u it ti len I t-v",i i.tiiiin't, .i, ii, ,t ti.ia.ia letlirs Address FOUNTAINS PENS llex .1.12. Mcsteily, R I ' nil Uret tfALLSMAN We lis ie an opening for an aaene nmiiager In preidulal I'unnn ter ter rlteri en s liberal reminlssH.ii li.i.l, no drawing acieunt, lliii Is . wenderrul oimor eimor oimer tunlli for u real predin er f emmm.i.-i. with XV. II M I'.irland lllstrh t Mnnarer ' Adi'lna Machln. Ce Philadelphia. Wule SALESMAN Ie sell v. Irst i.iiT-ig,.g",;;i estate bends h,.t ii,initinn .... . in,-..r ...... .... . .i..- :.".: ." """ ,,,'.. ,- . ii.,ii.uii . ,., 'i 'ii. es . , Innslns-er IIP) i I'.th 11 t SI.Kt.MEN The rapid efpanslen of our t.uslnsst Iihi Just resulted in the piuiii'itleii of i! of ur ,;,( exicutlves Inning loom for II.. tailing en at once of 2 .dJnlen.il i lean-cut ambitious iicgressliu nun of se in.l common s. iim uinl fair eiluiatteii net undar Jl leurs of ngn who will wel.-emi nppertuniiv such nt conies enlj rare eie-i te th. Iie-i mil ru.ist rnvii b. of m n ".'ins si ling up. Menu- is deslia hi. but net isshiiiIiiI th. npinirl units and di elnpnierit In uti of th. leel i n bus. nesscs new . einnitiidlntr ibe nbl 111 of lilghlt paid men the eimpIiii, Is i.e ex. c, ltnil run I en. II will net wal' e r . n ai.'ill at 11 A VI If Mm are t,r iuI ,. I liueiesle.J in r, i ting uliivl Ml l .1 W..1, n. r lllug " SV1.ESMEN it" usienied ie calling en husl. ness m.n oil" wllh nisiiinn.e or ... urllv .pet b lie pri'l .rid aihiiuijli ours Is u illf ferent line iniiinilsaluii basis I' 70 Ledger Office SALESMEN WAN run " Office specialty salesmen can earn big com. mlssleni selling In exclusive territories! these wiid iiinitt, uu ttin n-ve uv uuvanceu en b advanced te j,i et re catlen cenftdeqtlai. -y . ....... f I llisirirf Managers ii pucatieni NOVEMBER 23, 1921 HELP WANTUIJ MALE SALESMEN Tf ou respond te thl ndvertlsem"n' ou will be, afforded an opportunity second te nene In thla country A'eu will Iw trained and (might hew te tiik udMinlage of thl oppor tunity by jiim whose firy liiccu liiccu tlie Ji te help you au'eecu. Our genernl eae manager will net 1 irulileil In hla aeleetlen solely b what a. man la new dome. We want hentaly. anrerln. I,ualnsa Juitgrn'M, optimism, murBl courage. enthul,m and gcnuliie lole of Ac complishment. Ven will It definite ly 'Ivar.eeil te ftir i efnmerclal dcprtni',nt th" inf ill n' you htui iletiiiiiiatriiteil i'iiir nbllltv na n ealeimun and your Ifrieii of buslneiH. "ur pelle in u liberal en" inwanl our nMeclitrn. We can nnaure seu of ion p. r cent backing find eer co operation If you are acceptable V ' are the foromest cnrnorntlen of It kind In AmerlcJ. efflcerd by a Brnuii of ae(in(lnts inefhanlcul p clallstn nnd bueliiesa terlH The opening of our Philadelphia branch te ai'cotnme3nle our rnpldl expand ing liualnaH m anv rapid promotion te xcutiie pemtlcrm for uualincl infn. Yeu will tl'ae mil ted.i' n' I" 2 or 4 o'clock. I'.nein 1307. t'lmnce Hulldlng for further iijrtVMilarn hALESMF.N The 1023 aiiLnir season for art adirtlslns cultndars ntna Just after this ' brlstinas. and the lllatichard i'e.. manufacturers Au Kra. III., off rs rxcluslve terrlteri In South ern Jersey for the sal.i of high-grade ciln dars, bletterii. fans, i-lgnn and Hie original line of Rie rdverilsltig uinelln, ci minlsslen basis; geed opportunity for Uistlni; and iiroflt iireflt iiroflt able connection te lustier with Inlllatlie Peply with full Jetalls. Imludlns experience and refeinices te Nw Yolk office, 127U Broadway. SALESMEN W'! ar" In need of n "n te t'll thi 'arsneles causeil b promotion we can show you a definite future with the largest orsanlraMen of Its kind In tee count rj ull upplleailtms are strlctlv ienndntlnl, only these who .n furnish first-class rerercme need apply Moere Haven Suaar Corporation. 1228 Wldcner llldg. SALESMEN ARE NOW SELECTING OUR WE REPRESENT ATI ES We ned Bsvernl real preduicrs experienced In neiuns te homes, If you haie confidence In jour abilitv and the energy te k"tp pace i.'llh our orgenlratlon thin will be a perma nent, profitable connection literal drnwlng account te thone who quallf : experience in rrlllng weather stilprlng or allltd products preferr-d, though, net ensentlM. wrlte for appointment i-lilng history und phene num- her. l1ln Ledger Offl"C SALESMAN haling tabllheq trade with hosiery manufacturers en silk and inercer- Irid arn M 011 Ledger Offle" SALESMEN WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Ilraneh office lust started, men earning .CO weekli: city and autslda territory still open. Aute Products Sales Ce.. P 710 ledge re ff SALESMEN wanleil te sell 8. prufirrcd stock of a Penna. Industrial, lends fur nished; commission beals Call, wrlte or phone. Ferbes Aluminum Prnductn Cerp . Keller Illdg , 10th and Sanseni sts . Phlla Spruce 70S2. i SALESMEN for Philadelphia Pa New Jer- .'i. Delaware and Mariland. steady In come, no ciniasslng. strictly commission, only reliable people neej apply, staple artl .1. nnd reliable mfg M 01 II ledger Office SALESMEN te sell IL nhortpreof timers te Ferd owners and garages, ene-.enr guar. ntee' liberal rominlsslens ( Rlngwald. 2011 XV Main Bpilnglleld Olile SALESMEN'S oppertuulti te be sel'neled and cennett wltn an ergani-MInn silling iiepu- lar-prlced Rrnn.l st automobiles and trucks. S2i N SALESMAN hailng established trade, with hesiers' manufacturers en allk and mer cer I . "dj a rn M flirt. I "1ger O fflc e SPECIALTY SALESMEN of .xp . rma" rma" r.enl position If reriipt"nt. statu exp, nt d salary expe'led. refs re. C 10,l.J.d. off SHIPPER und packT. experienced, n upheld stery manufecturlnB Plant, Btate reference nnd sa.nr expected. P 71 1 Lilger Offe TOCE faALE.-.MEN- i:periencv: uvvr.f essary An out of-town corporation wants n llm in m for Phlla mil iieM.bv terrlterv Weuldn t ou Ilk" te earn fiem $200 te J.10O a week for the nxt few w pelts' Following this with a husimss that will net ou (200 te $300 per week that you ran ill! jour own business. If this would Interest ou cill at ftOj Ablet' Hldir Ask fur MR HILL WANTED EXPERIENCED HARDWARE riTTERn RUBDERS 'K.UCHERS-UP AXTLT Meruit r.M.KiNa machine APPLICATION OFFICE Be ClX)PER T CMDEN EW JER-sl V CO. A 1.1 ITI.E sDVIi'F ON A IIU1 HUllJEi'l l i an t mv " i 'O eiler I ti hi g l un 11 s the limn v he hit. thus und l.l'iil. who has studied a. .untiiH' wht.e he wmk il iul nh Iiuh .it'i.lled himself hiiI pri.llu.l 1. exis'rlen. e. who Is v Inning the bus nens ilcterl. s of tedui If ou want ie de likewise but 1 . k th' training put murseif imnu'd alely u the hands of our 'argc an (f ..f i". I' s gtt the fu.l hi r eft if the r i xpert guidance, praitl, al adtite. and training n will e nil ft i ilieriiuklib In 'ght mm'),. (.,- die i i"si adiaiiird eecu'l' po.tle:,4 ei the i' p A exaMluailen i-'U.I I'lle.NE OR WRITE INTRRN-AIION-AL Ai i OUNTaNTS SUCIET. Mil) 11 W der.er llul'.l.t g JMlOllf l.uit .lllu I'REE l.Ki TURE'. i iN LIKE IVSURANi E SALLSMAN-II u i. tin diii! ai 5.1.'. 1 M t, . Hl.N.'E 'IO Ol'.T WA. 1'ROM SWVIJHY SALARY .-YSTEM SellH IlltUltlg IIUH weekly i lasses ittii ding I i pl Heen 1- Il.iktr fl .01 (ni I ,M , lll.lg S' ulh P.'iin S.iiinre, Mmufii ,f, (ll siirnnce empiinj of ,N 1 Amerl. n ..l.lf-si I 111' insurilO' ...ij-iev llli.n. pi-u,,, CIVIL SERMCU .xatiin ns 1 ... I.11 11 a et xn.ni'it's .ilrt fMOOIlMle writs fi iiiiini' 1 -ts 1' 1 1.'.' I 1. 1 .if.,., I SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SECRLTMIY AND STLNOllR PHLR Yeung ladv with vara oxii-rience and executlie ablllO desires pesltlun at seere. tary nnd stenographer! tnoreuuhly capable of handlin all e-acutlre. dutles. can urnl.ii t a. .r raraSdnitai M HIM I n. 1 ... -i- references, M 011. Ledger Oftlee, SITUATIONS WANTED rEMALE OJIAI1UATE NITIlSi: wnnln ptrmanetit eu, will gltu heat rrfernies. Addicss .11 Hunter St.. Woodbury, N. J. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ATTENTION DO YOU NEED THE SEIIV- H eh or an eruifi: man who hah HAD AN lNTENSIKIEI) TIlAINt.NO KHf'M l!M.IN(l r6 HKlU'-rAlllAL IN'-LUDrNH II ftrllAHNil. fOllllLMI'dNDBNCE hM.US. TOUNO WILLING AOOHE.SJI I!: NOW UOOKKEEPWt Student of ncceuntancy'w III keep nmn I a"t" of hoeka nominal ru- miinfrntleii C I UIIjedBar riff lc; fil'TLEIl (wlillfl cxperlencd. first clans rf f crnncen. willing find obliging. Apply HlL'3 niht0ecom)fli)er). INTEHPTtETEH-tranalHter wishes pealtlnn: speaks S foreign languages, Orr.cn. M1!0 Nfllli. L SlAi'HINIST piaetlcal wants ponltlen any kind: pri f fnitnry tnnlnt. nnd repairs or B.nltenJnJr-N E ree pref C 110 I-d Off MAN- A grwIiiMte of k'iilng ri hind of A -counts and nnanee, Unin rnltv of I'enna , w.intn evinlfiir weik. ntiilineiits pmpured accounts recelviible li.lgen iiilfllted, etc. rnmpftMit and tiuatwurth) Phene 1 letfa :47i( ,f or He H H'J'i t.. dii'r 0fl j, . MAN--WHAHTON sr'Hiinl. ""(IHADUAIE i tbwi's i:npeiiiem i: plhihks pe- qiTIHV Plir HE.STINfJ VUTI'P.E TO 'A J'AIILE MAN II tH" LKDOEIt OFFICE. AGENTS MAN fill WOMAN- r ' JMI ,t 1 up foiling Kuamnlev I hesler te wrar-r territory new nppii Iluiler Hegan Isnltilng Mill", llex 4IH Vorri'tert ii Pi EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES E e IIAIIVI.V, mill Hliinnnui Sn hn" incan'len for clt) . Plot reeks $13 te 100 Prei w.illresH., Main Lin" aisl (ler (ler mantewn ponltleni wameil for I renrh km -ernees ladles' maids fire class liiimber niilils and waltretcen uteli and Irish kltch mald. well rccenr cooks I uiIts fv nnd mid hniinymen llBUfTur te l ANTED- Yeung Irlnh Mii-dlli. Pi lib Hungirlan girls capihl v hltc woinne cook CHf.lrrl.l, t-' well MlpnU '.' ' hlte tetipl . cu, butler il iiiIT. ur !lll and SML'1 .'enk. uhlt" t' r rulill- work -". mother and duuclim nmh, waitress. 515 nnd 112 . EDUpATIONAL AND IjemEHTIC EMLOY MENT I'Ll'H 1IK ,s I'mnd Oernesscs. nlirins supplleil pni'e T'li1 KF.LTADLE hnuseina I mIu cim'if-enrs man anil wife i.frent' Ileser s, 83U N lilth st IViplT mn ADDING MACHINES $7.50 HENTS A 1'ertihl. TIMHILTT ' A 1 II' J Mj 'hlln I PI II End of esr m"ans mer" clerical I MONTH wcrk, Tr a llAKUEir HAHUEfT ADDIN'r; MACHINE UO. Ul I 11 i i st BUSINESS PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS VYC rrtlL' ',.,..ry h" had been offered $10 for elsewhere. Hi leg jour diamonds ard Jewelry te us w guiraiiee a full honest rash lalue Ls nbllshej 1 .il," THO" R I LH & in 712 Walnur s DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN Hi LETS I OR niMOND3 KELLY A CO 032 Ctiestn it St. Bulls 21-22 .cri-nd fleer mer f-hlld"' Rest DIAMONDS ;. ;X't. nrrir l i n Titfs r BOUGHT I!',-1 tll.li Ml U 1-1IK-T-T1- HOI RS In -I"! DIAMONDS BOUGHT nARRY W SMITH. 717 KANSOMRT HARDWOOD FLOORS " M';e r.fiO-' Chev st (I. rnl -ntewn "''.."I W DR1VINO etn. te Obk mornings, returnti eienings. bv luiti,, w eu.il Hkm pissens iirt; tla' small re- nl rn ih.k mej auring CARPET CLEAMNG KSIAULlsIILD 1S7& Automatic Carpet Cleaning Ce. Oriental rugs ll sptv.la.tv fine diir.ble ru weien from fll i arpt t qui. k service 11011 LUDLOW M HOI If CI ION '..- HAVE our rugs and ' .rp'T- "hainpe'i .1. s eured and uuriil.,1 i e m ri i .liancl Pheno Tleg.i s(ij 'I he Oil -,tii H.mlltim II. ich Elertrli Carpet aiAl Rug Washing Le , i' II Ta.lur, auiccS"r. 3G01 tj .lliJ'J N Smedley st. DOGS AND BIRDS L.ERMVN tr.iln d polUe doc, pedigreed Phi.ne Ueent uii'i thoreu.-hi. DRESSMAKING nhd MILLINERY LI MIS .lr. ssimking nr.1 intllin.r. an.l double .ir Inc ni' c-Kiiter new, wceks free M' Dew-i 11 s Hi.'n M trip t st FOR SALE FIFTEEN DOLLARS Fer Walking Up 1 Flight of Stairs! "1HT- WHAT HiU OF.r IN THE li'l'.M OF V CAM I SWIM. WHIN YOU PATRONIZE THE ResEHILL ' e A splendidly tii,ered oiertoat. sold bj ft re'lable enneern that ls glilug Iho leu (lethlng lalucs In the clt lyew rent-ils an I smill evi rhead enale us te slui. our prellts with cur lustumerii Ins'.uJ i.f with the lami'.erd Locatien: Anether Great Advantage Whe'her ou 'I In or near Phll.iJ lp, i ejr L.etlting grtller., In e.-si . ,. , es i. Net erli ,iie we in the he,irt el tie l . but i' is en, one-half square from eiini r ral'ruii'1 i-tiitien. A 1 trge hoetliern eeije- hai ccimmls ccimmls sleu.d us te p ir hase for Mm tiiv fiumtlty of ladies and gciu.rin.n s "llghtli used M.th'iig Thin Is nn . -pertunli 10 fresh' u up veur i ardreb- at a nry sin ill eutliv We pit cash 01 mnke liberal trud" In allevunces. On On llem.n's full dress nulls un I du ner coats aie in d'manl and will h-ing i i at-trj-Ulic prl.ts THE R0SEHILL CO. Sample Clothing Parler N 1,. full 1J1H .- I 11,1 Kit I" .-.-Emranc vt 17 .N l,; i ,t One si, , r lh 1 " Open DS..IJ 0 A V 1 ' it 1' M I I- 1 --J jr.l . I J.',, Rsll Ph I,' I hum ''..I'l OPEN ALL D 'I H .NlaGlVLVG TYPEWRITERS RENTED V1SIHI.1.-1 Me- ' n INI. i'i Factory Rebuilt Typewntrr "See Our Nev, Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. e2 HE- III - W a I n 1 1 -' I ' ) m inni STORE FIX'ILRES SHOW CASES r pri'-w au run i I .lt MIOW I- .4 mk; , -, 121 N' 1 Jill -i I'l n. -rr'i mi.'- i'l I'i I Li. r "f 'I k i gmru! Oi i fari : j'l itNi r"iii. 4.1 - I .id till' I ut s .m J III . P. I I EN I UIIN1 1 I R. I rii i' r hiTii 1 !7 R' II - !-''.' p. - and no l,m-bt P . I .t . i -i n 'me V I " i ling in, 3 nie ' In I U .1 ll l . , up i 1"-! . 1 f.nn ri M 1 1 mi i ii t in HlgkCSI I ll e I 1 ' .- I , l.t" 1 ' 'i i i s ,i: 1 ta , -shT-ih . 'H VIRJi i IJINi I'l'li F fur lilt ur. pi n i -I. r f ii an I 1 1 1 ll Ills 'O I I il i Ik 'n, 1. f h . k w r it r l'e I H !. rs 5c EACH -"- rtin ' 'or 1 .. i ' ih ft in -i ' t i-e.n . n REFRIGERATORS ,' ' mv.3. Il'i i. i I". 1 ..I'M l ii-iinn J " 1 t. I V ) I -. -i ' tv mi n i . Il'iv.12 I i . ii I null ,i.l i 2d st. ., E I . I 'i . I I. K. 7 i en .. urn -ii ,:.'.lv ipmt S. " I'g nn I 'II onus gh.'.ii I'l I Mil le l.'.ugiit if i :i'i w lh. rn ii! 'lit .v. .110 Id 1 V. 'e, HORSES l HORSE I b in. -N or 'li kinds 1 N J e e. li.'l il I t MACHINERY AND TOOLS . I I'llN N it ill'.'! I u 1. 1 1 k. r 11 I no ihiiii ll I I II ti, 1 v I in- V in Itl I 1 I I.S s 1, u I , ins HUH 1 A 1 1 'll- 1 -tillll IflsN ll. I . ,.i I R,' I 1 li 1 I ei, t l i,, , P"l I I I U II II. . I ' e 11 !' I'll null ' i 1 111 I'l I I I hn.- ,, , , , l" 1 M it 1 1 . l 1.7 N 1 11(111 LR 1 .1 . ' l .. .-, , II own "'HI l xK fi 1 i r.i.Hnin if 1 in 1 Pi 1 7 pLD GOLD OLD cold. Uv platinum. pUted ware, old- siyie jaweiry I 25 BUSINESS OPPOUTTTWTTtKrt WOODWORKING MILL Old established ilelntr $20,000 yearlyi lwv behind en orders lounger man could easily lt J.in.OiiO icarli, no close competition! largu 2-Knry framrj mill enlna and boiler house, fully euulpped with first class machinery! about acre land, fronting main street, a Joining railroad tracks. In heart of lire town convenient Philadelphia account ngej and desire te retire, will eacrlflee for only tltl.OOO, Including real estate, a,nd all ra chlnerv and equipment; nbeilt 10000 IS." "i swing deal, rare opportunity. Het 10B. rr kasle Tlell phone, 853 l'eehasln. HALL'S EXECHTIVE . nstahllshed fnst growing rhllndelphlav mnll faeturlng coriKinitlen seeks man et riean-eut persona, Ity, ferce nnd education a" fle exccutlve for widely known, hlgh-dematifl tittj tometlio predm t te such n mail an will meaaurn up te our requirements we Offer liberal salary und ownership In our company! j.-ifinn Invfstment will be required. D 014. I eeger Ulfiee DELAWARE CHARTERS ar best Incorperato under liberal law ei Delaware, rm cost, prompt, efllclent servlee. CORPORATION CHARTER COMPANY. 0nAlmar Illdg , Klin ChestniR Wal. B20, LOCa'l" R"epres7,ntAT1VL" ""Yeung on en Blneer pi"f.rred, but net tssentlal, by New Vnrk Cltv fiti-em mnnufneturliig a line) of meet sp'.'c'nltlea used Urgelv In Industrial Plants Writ. full, ami confidentially te IHlfl IRON V.er.K.3 CO., 3d and Crtek sts; L. rn- IsVinilCRv, N. T , STEr?euAAl'HLR WANTED, bright woman, undtr 40 enrs, i.he hns J2I10O te I3001J te Invest and take rn Interest In a grewliijt and prnntnM business H Old Ledger Off. CliSAlt ii nfittlonerj e cream atere. nltli r parime-itn, en Hiltimerc me, near Am Am las'ednr Thestre si ittnnr en account of III-" pees i iiWiediiind neiaw . bTtlSeiiRAl'MLlVu ANTED Hrlght woman iiticI. r in inr who has J2ViO te 18000 m Iniest and take an Interest In e growing Mli'l lin.Htshle l.ii ess II 010. f edrer Off iJlll'H STORE for sals In Trenten; t aullfu! ster and preposition at real sacrifice. Phene 7 ll). J. '.ad and JJeatty t , Tren- en v , fiiAL . ARI "WANTED glie full particu lars f in', L'dger (flee MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AEIIH'LA Piane plajer (OS note), can be at ta.hed te ii y ;nme will sell for $100 rert nhert tinie mi. with many recetde. f'.'."n child cm plav it with ease for par ticulars pheii" Raring 012,,. I1AHV Mil IRANI) i hi. k. ung enst 12200, will r 1.1J1 lleg.i 7U0O J. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES JACKS 1020 II. D. electric outfit. .160 twin A 1 shane. HO. 9r.t7 isr llrmd Repairing isinratcs furn'shed. work called for and delK.red Diamond 0972. STORAGE AND MOVING LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE REST II TUP rjfienirT. The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. f.7tli and Market Phene Hsrlng isea VICTORY STORAGE" 620ft FiLUERT. Thetie Reiment .70 fe estimate Pierre-Arrew vans ,or MONARCH srORlOE CO. .1870 LANCa'sU TEH AVE AUTO SERVICE STORAOB PACKINO. LONG-DISTANCE .MOVING ; ' WANTED Ariv.1 i. (I'liMiuiu;, (hlt.a. silver old war aid ship plctur s highest prices 'nalrt I for i.ire pe e antUi. 1C2 I'liU'. Ix)eu.t Cdu ., USED AUTOMOBILES Yeu Can Get That STUTZ This Week As a special feature this week, wc are .nuking the fol lowing unprecedented effer: We have en hand 11 S TUTZ cars, various models renovated, re conditioned, and re-finished se that they arc almost as geed as new nnd all re markable values as priced. Bring your old car in, re gardless of its make or condi tion we will accept it ns first payment en any of these cars and arrange payment of the balance te suit your conveni ence. You'll net hac te wait for your STUTZ car if you act quickly. STUTZ AGENCY Clarke D. Hunter Mgr. lbtchanged Car Dent. 669 N. Bread Street Phene Poplar 0392 i APPERS0N M-Mlehas' intil I RIm 'IE s din. balm e terms. iI2ii N !!-- id st pass. lat.jt model " I'eplar 321." Poplar nt. Mr. hanjiem. Jeb. $2.10 cash Retal Motorcar Ce. Inc' Poplar 0030 c l.l'I' li t-edan. new, latest model, fullv eiupped. rev s. at ceirrs, 2 extra tlrss i .mpers elfctrlc step, drop lundle, moteri luster nni Ruluk guarantee tees win, a. Irlicn U'sa than 20OO miles t-lll Oiimac ..iruge l'lth st aUiie Spruce. during the I - Menerme price 'ry reusonable. See Sluta Agency, 000 tf. DLylUrv JIr ,lunleri H .1 si BL'ICK .ie t . & ;mss rnt reasonable touring 1018; efler takes Ir -lu'r. Acen- di.n m-e-rt ninrk." '" n-i; uvitiv ,rrJ , r0K fj73 1311 BUICKS'A! 1"' 1.120, low price. SI2 if. IIj. Reaircr II -is 1 M BLTCK lan clieai. te i si n Mjters l'ni HT fc.7l BL'ICK :;.' it i.i '. summer and winter Mr. Hunter. k,i.. Rr, ail ui ilii.L t i s -rv : ,...1 ,., n j r. rrns ie n it (ip -n eir s i accept $37a . HJVoeil. ' ESSEX ht'lar. most nai' J300. h.l IUYAI. MOTOR rf.' terms IN.' .12n N llltO If) I'lil' lUHll. Ferd ;, I I 111' OVI ii ,,i,i 1 1 se 'JOen J"lHts 1U'' 1 iVKl 7 passenger. IIiu.,.n ".".VT. .1 R DOUR. ndliien J It llultt. loea '1 , at nut St FRANKLIN Z" Vt Z.:n.n& T lr. t.t. i, .-s -tt nil' . .pt our pressnt ,i .- r irt laiment en at . . ,.r In our ateili l , -M ",r ', 'r ', 2111 Market at. I r 'i t i, 1 i"l i i Muiager II. c. VI. s. '-1 p.l Ilk. new. low I I 1.1 II VV I I Poplar .121.1 'HI POPLAR HT. ! Hl'DSON r"VVK '"-e- autifU i iiLUeun , Hd,rifl(.(. OJHl 1( ie In HJll N Hiea I st PenUr I " -1- 1 .obi Motorcar )0U, HUDSON w,u- lO.'O iwautlful Jeb; Ret , Motorcar st Poplar .n.iH I III. HUDSON OI PI. 102U. beautiful job; rlOie Hnysl Mntnr... ' ' '" ":'. N HUDSON." 1 lOf H.l Si .'-itdur deirt Id I J ) s-s I'l.' l model! " Mr. I'isr 3li, In w . 1 ' I Tie, I II " lire 1 1 i l'e, n j, , STUTZ ie." 0 .ii-s tour n- wiiy tvneels 2 'tiii wh-els .mil j .,.,. ,. " -1 i.gbei.te Or springs llnt fjtlp , bani.ll endltl. II en.nl prl'e I 1(11)1) ler-mJ .1 Met 1 i'ir 1 . J3H Market st SDruea S"'1'JLJ.,I-L.' - "r ManftiTer. S'lilT7 """"l '"'I fi' diTfers an models I er.'UUhlt 01. I'll uullt ,v 1 M llUtlte. .1 H ... "' ''kh or j t - ..n.iiwjr, oev STUTZ t II I I I p IS" lilkel ! 11 for sale by owner. "-'HI4II1 III l ,1 . U lf iwiii VHrnad alt" run fjrjy asrifl STUTZ ":J" m"eu, r .- I I 1' l Jliir t u ;ni! V 11 .....r.!V. U-8 I ' nil ei) 1 iter t u riii N USED TRUCK PARTS' V V " - Mft k ll'ririllfs'l ah'I hlnrf. WESTCOTI r. !u" ' " - uiirtT. ' 11 wil i.pr H.i, u .- - "j M.4."., (ifiii N Unmaut"' " '. ''j T IR.t H'211 lUuileTT full". u.rnf.l Mrst-e us. nm 11 n .'".". ..' '-JL:i' ?. mi. iJ.ii lull JUL Aula A.-s. FORD attachrfwnt.' light 'dtTiveJ eiiu attactinwnt, 1 ah t dellv.lt i,-..' exuUsnt tn.llll.in. cash. Woodland Quirk bu. er, p. OH) N. n.n.i i m ? 1 : 1 'I 1 i ) i 3-?. 44! m pi '. m i iki n Hi U ,,.vi;V ' Ml 'nil