Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1921, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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0?Hearn, Yale Quarterback, Leeks Like a Star and Will Be One of Blue's Best Bets in Future
WS. vr;
r -
Uliic Head Coach Made Great Recerd With Revised
System and Deserves Credit Despite Harvard
Reverse Players Well Tutored
Spert Mlter Kvrulnc 1'iilillc I.rdirr
TAD JONES, head conch at Ynle, ix just im popular nt New Haven six
bofero the Hnrvnid game, nrnl thr undrrsriidnntCM have warmly lmler-i'il
hln Wstrm. which riurli'd the Ulue thrush the lillil unis-eii with the 1en of
only one came. This moons Jenes will hi- hnck again next i'r us chief grid
Iren tutor, nnd thin is us it should be. Up made n treat record and deserves
the plaudlM of the multitude.
Yale iilujcd a different gumc tins car than ever before. The old stle
WHS swept aside and modern ideas installed. Jeiicm Hint get rid of the henvj .
cumbersome, slew-footed linemen, who seemed te be u necessity nt Ynle in the
past, and (.elected rnnjej. huk . M'tcd.v forwards te take their place. He
dlticnrded the old llne-plunK.ng uitnck. developed the forward pans ami ii.ul
Ha men pln.vlng the open game treie than ever before. True, his aerial attack
was net as finished as nt rnmetMi or Harvard, but it was a ii.g improvement
ever ether jears. nnd nle men are talking about the gilded future.
Jenes 'had some vej geed plaj In the Harvard game. AWrtch ahva.vs
ivas furiiished with lets of niterfcit nee en his end tuns and eiT-taekle pliijc,
and Jerdan also was protected when cairjing the hall. ale's best I'laj was
a punt formation, with Aldiich or O'llenni 10 jards back. Maller.v 1! jnrds
behind the line en the left and Jerdan :i jards hack en the right. When the
ball vnb snapped te the quarteibnck. Jerdan would shift about a jatd te the
r.ght and then crash threi.gh the left side between guard and tackle. Yale's
best gains were made en this pln.
Thru'iRhetit the ?anie it was apparent that every man en the Illue team
had been well coached, knew what he was doing and Individually the team
van biiperler te un tlnv lave had up in New Haven for a long lime. That
means Tad Jenes and his assistants did their vveik well and cannot be held
respen.s.ble for the mistakes made en the gridiron.
Speaking of mistakes, theie was one which stands out as unique in foot
ball. Few ever have -ecii it in a big game. Once when Harvard punted
O'lieeru ea.ight the ball, t'ne of his teammates was in front of him and
waved h!s anus as O'lluiin tan past him. An arm lit the runner in the
face, sie.ved Mm up and v.heii tackled he tumbK 1 the ball. This piive Har
vard the tn-st break of the name and brought the Crimson in seeilng distance.
Several times 1 noticed that the Yale back fell evei one of his own men when
there was a chance for a long gain.
O'Hearu did net use the generals'liip he was given credit for. lie caught
punts en his own goal line and called the wrong plavs when a few jards were
jveccfesary. However, the bev wa plajing his tirst jen en the varsity and
loe much was expected of him. He leeks like a star and v. 1 11 be one of Yale's
bcut beta in the future.
R I'ROIlAlilA' mil be iied as
rjuuitttback. I be man ail' ng
Great Sportsmanship Shown
fpHI- game was hard fought from stait te Inil-h. the plajtrs ga . every
I thing thev had, but at the snine time it was the cleanest gnme and mere
Bpertrmanslilp was nhewn en both sides than we ever hae seen before.
During the slxt minutes of play net one pmalt.v was indicted for unnre.ary
roughness, and the play wns se fair and clean that no warnings were given.
The plajers did net talk te their opponents except In the friendliest manner.
After a'hard tackle the plajers he.ped each ether te their feet, regardless of
the color of the jersey.
This contest lias done mere te cuicnt friendship between Yale and Har
vard than any one imaulnes. Y'ale praised Hnrvnid and Harvard praised Y'ale.
There wns no bitter nfteimnth. where teams and phi or are accused of rough
work. Twe teams com'iesfd of undergraduates of the highest tvpe, led by
two of the finest captaln that ever appeared In a game, met In the annual
gridiron battle, did the best thej could nnd left the field each respecting
the ether.
WU MIGHT appiai te he ercrhj enthusiastic about this game, but
the spirn iras se different from iciat one usually finds that we
can't hell) writing about it.
Split Play Made Mere Effective
MUCH Iibb been written about the winning play used by Harvard net the
one ttlili li scored the touchdown, but the one before the score was made.
Owen (arriei: the ball and almost crashed through the line for six points, but
was halted after g.)ing ! yards.
Te me it looked as if the old split phi was used hs a basis, j)uj some
ntw btufl was put in te make It mere effective. The ball wan en the l--vard
line, third down, nnd !i .vurd te go. Iluell called the signal and Owni
dropped back in drop-kick formation. He was 10 jards back, and en the left
Bide Fitts etoed about I? jards from the scrimmage lln Chnpln was front
halfbnck en the right, - jards nva from his guard, und Uuell was a jard
behind him.
The ball went te Uuell nnd Fitts ran as If he was headed for a line
plunge en th right side of the line. Uuell faked the ball te him and Chnpln
ran te the left, as If te g' ' f vvurd pass. ISuell turned around with the ball
and then, looking at ('! .' v 1 e was bevend the end. drew bacl- his arm te
threw a forward v I n-'nimb-r this distinctb , hi cause Uuell was net 5
yards bn.d- and the pass would net hnve been legal.
YVhi'e he was standing there with the ball nt Ins hand. Owen grabbed it
nnd era-lied threush the line The Yale defen-e vuis split, some geiu; after
Chepin and ethers wondering what had hupp ue te Flu. That gave the
runner a clean bhet at the g'jal line, but he wns. slopped - jurds awaj.
T6' play icas used only once in the game, but it must have taken
iccchs of hard xcerh te perfect it. Ucnj 'nan in the back field
had something te de, and he did it lecll.
Spectators Responsible for Success of Game
GOALDALE is the football champion of the Ceal Region for 1021. The
0-te-0 victory ever Shenandoah last Sundnv at Mahaney City gave the
blf Green tenm undisputed vlalm te the title and the sliver loving cup presented
by Curran & Meade.
It was a hard-fought game and one of the bet ever ntnged up Rtate.
QPhe enlj ceie came from an intercepted forward pas, and after that neither
idde wen elope enough t" the goal line te be dangerous.
Football is very popular up the Ktnte This K beenuhe the representative
teams play n (.lean game and the spctaters also are fair and square. On
HUnday the crowd, which numbered mere than 12.000, was the most erderlv
Catherine I ever havn seen, and although it flanked all four sides of the grid
iron, net once did any one crowd en the field und delay the gani",
Te my mind, the actions of the spectators at these contests are responsible
for the success of the spurt. Ne matter lmw paitisan the fans imiv he, they
Ftttle their disputes en tin- sidelines and allow the plavers te occupy the field.
Toe much ennnet be said about the actiuns of the football fans up then'
Shenandoah was hniidlcupped through the absence of Hush, the tai
halfback, nnd the injurj te H'Oinus. the quarterback. Ilnnnus was hint in
the second period, and ti ft r that the (Jnld and Illnek had no one t dltrrt
the team. However. Ceiihlale, with I.lthguvv, lteuner. (Jlltner and Captain
Garland pleving ut top speed, hud a slight t.(gC nnd was out te win.
rHK thiimptani are bnalrd in play fhlhrrten at Cealda'r en sumitj,
This should be a geed game, for (nlberten has several start m the
. Une-up.
Preparing for the Big Upset
rpO END n season of football surprises, n'l that n mains new is for Penn te
X beat Cernell and I'ilt te take u fall ut of Penn State. Football Is a funny
game, full of upsets, nnd urn never nn tell what will happen, etc . etc.
( OpiHtfFif 1'ltl. hj J'llb lull'' 'Otipar,
Changes Made In Holiday Bouts at
National and Olympla
Substitution of a star be.cr at both
the National Olympla Clubs has been
necewdtnteil fur the special holiday pin.
irrjjmK tomorrow afternoon. Tim Dro Dre
itey, the rugged and aggressive Lam as
ter battle will appear in the place of
IFVanklc Rrltt at the National, while
"Willi i Jacksen, of New Yeik. will box
In' thy st' ad of Jee T.pliU at thn Uljm
vln. Information of Unit's illness was
wnt received in Pililaibllnhla from New
iJetlfenl untl Inte y esterdiy afternoon. I
WUllO i. 1II1KZ Bliurrni n riMmm-u mime
rtfninjf tiere en Monday. Dnrrwy will
go en In the Mtnr number at the Na
tional aK "st Pete Hartley, thn durable
3am, and Jinksen s t be Hilly An An
rele'fl fee at the ltrend street arena.
Ilartlev nud Divm-j met nt the Ire
1'elacti n'veial weeks hre, and the lat
ter w returned u winner. However,
tlwre was a difference of opinion.
Other mnteht'H ure
Katlimul- Jiniinv Murph.v vs. Johnni
Al nngncr v.s( ieny i apuin,
riua rnumliKiM vx. Mnreel Dennis and i
vi.i Wolf vs. IlnttlliiB Murray.
OIimplTi!W aViidlcr vs. Alanuel
halfback next ytar instead a;
signals ncur should ntv tilth the
AeveiJe Merne Luv vs. Ceercle Wep
ni'i. Rutiliiig Leenard vs R Mv !
vne and Palsy Wallace v .fee Tlersev
Tne Cambria also has n he'Mtn ird
ns follews: Al Wrbecken vs Jlmmj
Rrewn. Jee (jeiger vs Jehnil.v Dough
erty. Yeung Lew Raker vs. Freddy
Nitride T.mmv Devlin vs. Krnnkle K
f Smith nnd Ceorgle Starke vs. Carl
Heavyweight Bouta Scheduled To
night at National Club
The first wrestling show of the 1't'Jl---
season will he staged this evening
nt the National A. A , when Mi kev
jf. Nealls presents a curd of henvj
wcinht grapplers. Hd StranghT Lewi
former world's heavyweight wrestling
chiiiuplen, will try his famous he.ne.k
en Justin Silvu. c hainpien of Portu
gal. Thin will lie the final i vi nt of fuiir
bouts, all of which, will be ratrh as
catch vnn te a finish
Jim rondos 1 1 reek ('intui'ien, rii rii
ceunters Jer Pell., I'lternllled rhninideii.
Jehn Sbnndew ji h, termed thr Jewish
Herculese meets Wladek Zhv-'.ke
brothel of werld'a champion Htansilas
Zbv szke ,Mile Romane, Italy's cham
iilen wiU fnce Elncr iTolmnsen, of
Blue Said te Be Considering
Contest Against Maroen
Eleven at New Haven
n.v kdu'ix ,1. poixerK
rpiIH hie Mnroen teint of the f'nlver-
ritv of Clilcage may be seen In the
nle Hewl against the lllue next sea
fen. Humors are cm rent around the New
Hnvn campus that an Invitation wll'
be sent te the "Windy City Institution
te plnv in the Pnt. nnd It Is said that
the Westerners are nnrleus te bonk the
Knnie. A. A. StnRc. the veteran fill.
cace ceneli, n former I'll athlete nnd
is held In hlpli psfeem at Ynle. This
Mieuhl serve te smooth the read te
definite arrangements.
ChicHce hnB been very intmmentnl
In making Intersectlenal panics n very
prominent part of siwrtlnK schedules
It was the fnroen eleven which (Irst
Invaded the Past back In lSUS te plnv
the I'nlver'lty of Pennsjlvnnla. Cernell
was pinjeu inter at Ithaca.
Started Intersectlenal Contests
Hie Chieaft-e basketball team plaved
Pi 1111 in 1!MS and ngnin battled the Ittd
1 ml H!ue. both hcie and at home, in
ii'ii' iriiueien wns piajed bj Chl
eiiRn Inst vear.
The Maroen football (enm wen ever
I imceten thi.s scawtn. nnd uceerdliis te
the hoiue-nnd-heMio iiKreenient which
vvas MKncd last ear will meet the
Ticers in the West in HVL' It Yale
Is s,.1(fiirii for a contest at New
Haven the Stags athletes would havx- a
very at ti active gridiron date.
Intersectlenal games aie heeeniing
mere popular ever.v year. Harvard bsl
the parade this scusim in meeting Indi
ana, Centre and Ceergia. Yale plaved
Mnrvlnnd and North Carolina ind
Princnteii took en Chicago. Penn op
posed the Virgi-iii Mlhtarv Cadets, but
s angling fei Centre in lO-'l'.
Penn s. Navj? '
there nNe is a very strong pesNihiiitv 1
that the Hnl ami 1 tin., nil I I,a,.i, 11, .1.
Pehveir- av.v eleven. It is said at T 1' r'TT1'I'K,s Ijn Hft,lc' PrI1 feet"
Piinceten that the Middies will he I -J ball team held Its seiiil-linal prnc prnc
drepped, nltln ugh nothing definite has ! tice for the name Prldav with T.n
bien announced. If thi is true the
Annapolis authorities will be anxious te
date another big team, nnd it is almost
urtnln that tliej will go after the
'PI. I.. I i. , -,...
captains among the UIk Three. With
the spamm ever as far as Yule. Prince
ten and Harvard are concerned, the bejs
have nothing te think about except
caches, iiiptains and schedules for
next reason. There are net likely te be
any rhnnges among the head coaches,
but the lersennel of the staff probably
will be different at all three institu
tions. tlilrey and Sntvely seem te be the
favorites for the captaincy of the
Tigers, vvlth the odds en the former.
Cleaves, It.iktr and Morgan are the
only ether member, of the first eleven
who will retui n.
Owen or Itucll
Ovven and Uuell lead the lit nt liar-
vanl. H-tli of these athletes had a let
te de with licating Yale nnd nre equally
deserving of the honeis that g'i witli
the capuinev.
Yale athletes nre bec sung Ralph .Ter-
dim and Phil Cruikshank for the lead-
ership. In this competition the odds
seem te t.ivnr the illue hack, whose
l.ne plunging was one of the features
of the buttle ngelnst the Crimson.
In legard te the schedules, Princeton
up hnlilv vx 111 1'inkp nn effort tn have
the ilntei of the games against Yale and
Hirvard changed. Tvcry year the
Timers and the I'lis are forced te meet
their two bin rlva's en sueees-ilve Sat
in davK, while Harvard Is allowed te
enjej 11 week's rest bnvvepn the big
piimes. It will be suggested that the
three take turns at having the needed
ueek's interval.
Army Eleven Prepares te Offset
Navy's Airline Plays
West Point, N. Y., Nev. 23. An An
other intensive serimmage session of
longer duration thnn Monday's, was the
program gene through bv the Army
coaches m the continuation jesterda.v of
their final drive for Saturday's grid
iron battle In New Yerk with the N'.tv.v.
A painstaking offensive drill vva fel
lowed bv a length) sosMen en the de-
l.nse against airline phjjs. I he Mid-
sltinmtn are thetulit te have glvm eon
slderable attention te the evithead
game since their contest with Penn
State and Arm.v, rementherln all tee
well Notre Dame's sua'is with this
i-eit of tin attack, is la.ving in'n h sties.-,
en the d v elepmi lit of u defi use te l,re ik
up the sk.v -raping offensive of the
Dining ih, v'ir-it.v s nffiiisive dull
there co fiequitit liitcn iiptiei and a
ha ting of t In- ul.iv In the idv.iuee t -
, vvnri! uic senior, goal line, mi tne per-
I fret ion of d( tails vviu upiieritiiist m the
,n,ie ,.t is.. i,i.nin.. ...,.1 . . ..,...
.... . . ,.
""""' "' ."' " sve.-e-
quence there was no scoring.
I "
jtt., v,-vr "
t r Ti iiiMf i iiri iniiiiiiFTiMi n TirariiMMiB r iMMr r 1 1 tmiw ' tfi i i nniiwiii ' i
, sm$Emh?Aww!Fm3wmm;tf h i
liili!iiil B .wim-masks c te HiRgli
ijrs'VityrxsjLVjiTsr4r: 2t&Tmryxr.i?niwmLJ.v : l ..," 7'zyfr Tirw 'j?riirTtijrKXA-;i;t: jtjGiaav, (,' .ir.zutWi i. ;rc.;i , , y-w, vfAZ-ht
The (ealdale foethall learn wen Ihe font hall champion biiip (it tne coal tTKien iasl Sunday by dcfcatlitR the
.Shenandoah eleven at Mahunuy Cltj, .(). The players In the picture from left te right are: (op row, Mellej,
tnrlile; Leuihecli, linlfhaelc, Captain darlnml, taelile; I'uillrlt, end; Glltncr, fullliarli; Uejle, guard; Merenns,
guard; Ileuclt, linlfhacli; middle row, llerrlnc, lialfbaclij Oildea, quarterbaclij Ithedeslde, end; E. Gildea, man.
ager; Xasbaum, end; Itenucr, lialfliaclc Waters, tackle; bottom row, pcliwarli, guard; rarfltt, auartcrback;
W livuiib, luliback;
Catholic Elevens Practice To
gether for Respective Big
Games This Week
Orange High S'choel, runner-up in the
Chicago Suburban High Scheel Tycngue,
nt the Phillies' Hall Park yesterday aft
ernoon. Heinie Miller had bis St. Je-
re!'" 8 ' rpP snuad out and
the two
tenms held a light scrimmage.
The I. a firnnge High Scheel eleven,
for which the Ln SaJle aggregation Is
getting prepared, nas a rcmarknble rec
ord this j car. The tenm has played
beven pames this fall and wen six. One
hundied and ninety points have been
scored ngninst its opponents' fnity, all
of which were registered by Pecrfield
High, Chicago champtens.
I.a Salle, tee, has a gteat record. In
the seven game plated te date, the
Ulue and finld team h.-.s registered lJlO
i points, while net a single market has
! been scored by onnesinc teams. I)ene-
1 w,n Hoehferd. captain and qunitcrbnck.
' has tallied 10.1 points personally,
1 Fur squads appeared en the field
I J esterdny afternoon -two from I.a Salle
land two from St. Jeseph's. The four
outfits ran through Hlgnn! drills for fulb
three-quaiters of an hour before the
first teams of both bchoels lined up for
the scrimmngc.
Open Practice
Over en the west side of the field
I.eu Little had his two squadt working
out. Signals wen; called by Den Reeh
ford, and th" bejs were sent through
mostly forward passing nnd open for
mations. On the opposite side of the field Heinie
Mlller's aggregations, minus the greut
Lee ltreslin, held their drills. The boys,
Instead of using enen formations, nlavcd
only straight foetbull. Nothing in the
vvav of tilck ploys was tried, and the
workout wns considered n success.
Later en Lee Dreslin, captain nud
star halfback of the Crimson and (Jold,
appeurcd en the field. As seen ns he
arrived the two teams went nt each
Tlie serimmnee was far from belni a
linnl one.
Neither team tried te score,
and each practiced defensive work,
against the ether's offense. First one
team would receive the brill, try te
break through the ethcr'n line nud then
the ether aggregation was handed the
Reth coaches appeared pleased after
, tl,e eri(nut. The boys showed wonder
fill confidence for their coming games.
nnd were all In geed condition, vvlth
the exception of Tegan, La Salle's crack
Te Play Catholic High
Htinie Miller bad his tt am en thej
fit lil for the s.une lensjiu Leu Little had
his. 'I he Crimson and (Jrny is booked,
J1 ? .L ir'.H, nj I Mil s-JTM
' MArfP8fpTW Yeu CAN OAT TrtlJ ,. don't- KMOVM- y'
J2LeJPJi L A. cgUST OP "Y CHeica pigcgV lf . ,,Urlr
-Krvjz&X&z oem'T vmant AMi.Mm lkj yi Tucbs ahyV
- - RTtf Vi "v Mone TerksV jfmMK1? .' Jp&s. I "0Rn. whith.
VT7 M I VMAMT A OIH06R PT trs-".7 Meat ?
i " tIK-?. aNp 0f OMa-rflU? py I Jfc 'iiN i, rs
j&r, ji jtrv xw-ia'. JSth .. Ti inv Jm&rw&' ur& ty 1 nxmm: '
jasim '.x v Mjivi ii4Mmaxjmffim runik-: -.
itm sBtesLx. k ($ift$s?w 'I'IlUW mmmsMr. a crffeMcm'i
5WI mm H :mwti :Mmm
ssBdagisixxvsa- Twin TiTT 1 mmKxy-
Thanksgiving dt "i',iMmf
I r tmM r, tv. u. &SH3Siif fftecSfc
te m. (t athellc High tomnirevv 111 a mubiirsh, Pa.. Nev V3 - Jr in Mcf.enn.
Ciitliellr Si hoel League Contest, which, ' vetrn h email of the I'nlverilt) of J'lltn
if wen. will mean a tie for the 1 ham- , Li"1' '""'V!' ''""I ,i','."-u'...l''? J1?"'"1
1 . . . . ..... .. . .a. .
; puntsiiin vvlin v iiinneva i-rep auu west
1 Ciithe'ie ; provided, of (eurse. West
. ,...1.. 1.. 1 1... f; Tlni
. Illlieil.- IM-HIB IllB ...............
I Just befurc the practice ended, one
ii. livaus, center; Ufiiicewi qunuiviv, e. umner, eua.
I Irriill
Injured Star Gets
Results by Wireless
Pittsburgh, Nev. 2.1. Raymond
Mndera. star tackle of the Penn
Stntc football team, although laid
up In n Pittsburgh hospital with a
broken leg, will mica no detail of
the Penn Stntc-Pltt game here
Thanksgiving Day.
A wireless telephone bes been
rigged up in bis room nt the hospital,
where he will be able te obtain the
results ploy by play of the classic
between his own team and the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh eleven.
In this manner he wns enabled te
get the details of last Saturday's
Carnegie Tech -University of Mary
land game.
of the St. Jeseph's players booted a ball
ever the left-field fence. It was a
beautiful punt, but it com the tenm
about $7, nn it was n new ball. Seme
one went outside te locate the plgnkln,
but n veunaster bent him te It. When
last seen the ball was in the arms of
a Mmngster running down Huntingdon
The teams finished work about t":30
and, after n run around the field, were
sent te the showers.
Friends Win Again
(lermnntewn Frienda soccer team
continued Kb winning streak in the
Prlvnte Schools.' League yesterday
aftunoen by walloping Penn Charter's,
eleven, 4 te 0. The victory placed the
(!. P. S. aggregation In 11 tie for first
place with the (juukers, in the race for
the championship.
The team front fictnianteun nvc
nue and Coulter street has net been
sceied en In the last two enrs. It has
wen the title in the private schools'
circuit for the lust four years, and after
vesterday's performance it seemed te
be a safe bet te sav that the team will
repeat once mere this season.
Beets and Saddle
The Cinderella Purs nt Hewie today
brings together the best card of the
afternoon. Jyntce, coupled with Ten
Rations, ns the Ascot Stable-Kraft
entr.v. nre favorably placed, altheiigr
IJy Jimminy and Arrew of Celd each
will have n fellow inc. especially Ry
.TJinntluy, niuep defeating Dresden en
Monday. The race also Is net hopeless
for Arrew of Celd or Muttlklns. In
fact, it Is te be a race of keen conten
tion, which shows it attractiveness.
Heiscs well placed in ether rncrB are:
I'let, Tiling Cloud. Flugibbnn. Fin
nish Maid; eend. the Amerlc.iu Re
mount Association hnndlcap for hurrcs
owned by the United States Armv or
officers of the regular army, two miles),
Jav RIrd, Courteous, Recentreusc;
I fifth, Indy Lillian. Yerkist, Majer
Parke; sixth, Fanteclie, Austral, Lord
Herbert; seventh, Mountain Rose II, P.
(). King, Hendrie.
"HurU" Foreman's Mnrr Is fcwemin iv
urcful r.ntl rennlMr.nt horn,' H' the rcct.nl
vlclurle ahctw that he In a sturr.
n. D. rirran, Jr., of Pnlttmere it neral
niHimsei of th Jeffiren I'rk trncli, nr
rlbiwl In Nnw Drlrann venlerdav unit found
lliirnH iifiiig- rwlnltTcl aj a rt that In-
Mircn 11. larKQHi nuniurr in in. niFOiry Ol
rticms there 'or the iinlnc of the rneeilnu
inirinrrmv The Irek 1 ditlne out rpldlt
nnd I.U1n fnh .3 l In koeJ condition for
Pitt Leses Line Star
1 rr.-i mum iivrd nit i iiMimvcivinK unv n,
I e hae been ennilned li iv he.p'tai due te
I InJurleH suffered In th" WauhhiBten and
1 Jeff'T-inii fimf Mike Ilnrlnrlt. n eubHil
(u(. hurVPfM mnUi aUe , , a h,pltAl
wm, a Lrolen Jw uffcrcl In practtta.
-""""EHH IBH
j5vas t'sW
"w.'iM. -
Seven Lecal Schools and 18
Frem Out of Town in Title
Run Tomorrow Morning
Twenty-five high and preparatory
schools from all parts of the Enct nnd
one front Michigan, lcprcsentins the
West, will vie for honors tomorrow ln
the annual American interscholastic
cress-country championship race in
Fnlrmeunt Park. The race, ever n
distance of three and a hnlf miles, is
under the auspices of the Untvcrbity of
One hundred nnd fifty-seven nthletcH
will start in the race, u record entry
list. The runners will be sent nway
at 10 o'clock in the morning by Law
son Robertsen, reach of the Penn ttnek
team. The stnrt anil finish of the race
Is nt the college boathouse, about live
minutes' walk fiem the Parkway en
trance te the East River drive.
A new trophy, the II. C. Potts Cup,
Is off-red for the first time this jenr.
Thn donor is one of the veteran fol
lowers of track and field athletics in
this city nnd n graduate, of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
Seven local schools have sent In theit
entr.v lists for the title inn, including
CVntrnl High. Nettheast High. South
ern, (ieimantevvn. West Philadelphia,
and Olrnrd College.
Of the out-of-town teams. Cedar
Rapids High, of Michigan, has already
arrived for the rare. They have been
quartered jn fraternity houses en the
Penn campus since yesterday afternoon.
Included in the tenm are three of the
members of the quartet which wen the.
iiltersciiniastic two-mile championships
at the Penn relajs last Apill.
Mereersburg, with Ren Swede, broth breth
er of the former Princeton cress-country
captain, has an excellent tenm that
stands a chance te win the title. Hutch
inson High Scheel, of Ituffnle, with a
veteran team, expects te cairj the title
back te New Yerk Stnte. Schenectady
High, entered for the first time, lias an
nggiegatien of hill and dale runners
that should make trouble for the ether
teams. This team recentl wen the
Columbia interscholastic rlmmnlnn.
Newark Centra! High Scheel, Insd
jenr's winners; Stuyvesnnt High, of
New Yerk: St. Rencdict's. of Newark;
Chester High Scheel and Rutherford
High Scheel lmc sent in their entries.
Cluett IVibedy fCo,Inc.Trey.NY.
Maun in
Etandard ejulument en Amtrtc&'a
foremost cars.
Moter Parts Company
1425 U. Bread St,
S36 5e.ll St.
lyhbm WaJ. 1892
Past Records of Penn Jousts Net Likely te Give Dig
Red Team 102 Per Cent Confidence in
Turkey Day Battle
Picking an AU-Amerlcaii
Killingcr and A, Devine,
Aldiich, Ou-en and O'llcarn,
8 ftini; striftly through the line,
With a subtle ttrlit and turn.
Btuait, 1lfe. iriiilemn, JVencA,
Mehmdt with the l.itcu Pick,
Who can I leave en the be.neht
There arc mere than I can pick
Slater, Huffman ami McGirirc.
Under, Inte, Keek and King,
I could strum a cickcd lyre
While their fame is en the wing;
Roberts, Robertsen and Rhaw,
Ntcin and l.arsen, Greene and Vtck,
But I come upon one flatc, ,
There arc mete than I cdn pick,
Uricken, Gatclla- nnd
Ratchet, ttuell, Kaw and Wray,
Fancu with the feet and hand
When a tackier ban the way,
Wynne and H'ortmen, Romney, Kane,
Htreng and speedy, skilled and quick,
There' a knot within my brain.
There arc mere than I can pick.
CORNELL may leek te have n pear
shaped cinch ever Penn In their
nnnunl joust, but having perused past
records ngaln, Cernell isn't going te be
102 per cent sure until the closing
scrimmage has been untangled.
Tlie Iji-sI Test
YOU can come upon nny number of
non-partisan, unprejudiced foot
ball students who believe that Penn
State tedny Is the best team In the East
and otte of the greatest in the country.
The Inst, test n.eninst Pittsburgh will
be important, where u substantial vic
tory will mean additional support but
where a detent will upset tne entire
J ear.
Penn State lias mere te lese than
she has te gain hi her annual Thanks
giving Dnv test, for Pittsburgh hasn't
gene verv far for one reason or another.
Rezdek in Killinger. WiWen nnd Llght
ner lias the best bncklleld vvc have seen
nnd the strongest running attack. Pitt
mn.v step this trio, but jut hew is be-
jend our imagination.
Speaking of Records
YOU can't put it ever the Old Guard
Seme one spoke of Princeton's
ability te plnv through the Harvard
game without a substitution. Rut what
about the lnie team of iwu .'
This team Included Cadwulader.
Chanibcrlln, Rogers, Rrewn, Chndwick,
Ilnzcn. Hall. l)e Saullcs, Mcltrutc,
Dudley and Reniiunln.
It net enlv pln.ved through both Har
vard and Princeton gam-a, but In the
process thereof didn't take out time for
injuries or ailments en n single plnv I
This team was coached by Prank
Ruttervverth and tuilned by Keene Fit
patrlek, new at Princeton. '
If any modern machine cares te sheet
nt borne lefty taiget in the wa.v of
stamina nnd durability it is invited te
open fire nt this record.
Wiat They Give Thanks Fer
ARE" RUTH Fer all right field
fences nnd n n-ft snot in thn
heart of n certain Judge.
This cigar is
an old favorite
ItmayLe new
te yen
Try one today
Per facto size
H for 5 cants
t Til
.Tack Deinpscy Fer Geerges Carpen
tier knocking out .Toe Rcckett.
Princeton That the season ended a
tillle earlier in November thnn usual.
1 he Duffer Fer n few shots alen
the fairway and any putt thut drops.
Then Again
can give thanks for putts that dren
Fer mashle shots I de net top
When, standing whirc the bunker's lean
I coyly lift my dizzy bean. '
I can give thanks when en my rounds
hew tec shots saunter out of bounds
Hut niest of all eij thanks will fly '
Te some new, unmarked alibi.
JESS WILLARrHs said te be prtc
O tiring quick starts in the gcncrnl
direction of returning thanks for the
loser s end before nnethcr summer fades
TTNTIL the Disarmament Conference
y takes up the ntnttcr of n tcn.yMr
holiday for bunkers, out-ef-boundi,
ponds and fast, sloping greens, eemi
flve hundred thousand duffers will retain
their pale nnd pallid Interest In the
T F. IC Correct. Kllllnger h en
-' of the greatest running backs that
ever carried n football about as far aJ
he cared te go in any given direction.
Killlnger. Aldrlch nnd O'Hearn arc the
three best bnckB we have eecn in the
Last, but we hnve bad no chance te In
spect the cntlre fleck.
Copyright, toil. All rights rtitn.cS
State Cannet Meet California
Stnle Cellpur, I'e Nev. 23. Hum ru.
dek Prnn Stat CeIlW football S, "l
,...Vin. Invitation from Sun Kr liriiu
'iTntleii ,0 con!,ld th hy
Will Coach Tufts Again
Mulfnril Mni.s-.. Jffiv. 2,1 Jude, iv-.
nelh I VuHh of Q,il,,r fnrXr n0"
rnlvrrsltv b.-uetiil! cn 'ntj trn,
Jnr lenRiie iilnr, h, Wn appointed te
roneli thr ; Tufts felleite nine for t hi itl2
-nnn ITnrter h! epic'.ln.T hvt lllr til
Tufis team wen twe've ,,p,i le.t Vtx Mra.
Breid and Bainbridg c.
I'ATHY jek
HATI i.isn mi T,Y
;,('"'s wvnvNfi.iIK
"'H.r.iK nir.i.v k n
(riicH-nlviIllf, Ta.)
Thanksgiving Day, Nev. 24. 1921
Crystal Field, Holmesburg
K irK.eir 2iae i. m. sn i
Holmesburg Reserves
MCK-Ori' I0:S0 A. M. MIARP
llth A Cutliririnr, Thursduy, !. 1". M.
i :irs viiwriiiTTTi v. siARrr.i, iiknms
inn vviu.ri; v. HAiTi.iNe mtkiiw
fiet THktlH New nl 33 h. ITU hr.
Ks. Seut, J3, 51.150, ?1. Artm., 30c.
Frankford Yellewjackets
vs. Themas A. C.
Bethlehem Champions
Brown's Field, Tomorrow, 2:30 P. M.
Oxfer.l 1'll.r. neur lllitli Srhenl
AU-Star Wrestlinrj AH Nations
Mlkr Kumune, . vs. rincr Jelunwu,
ituimn iiiiuupien Norway
1 Jim LnnileH, tb, Joe Polk,
I drrrli Clinniplen Inter-Alllrd riianp.
1 Jnlin (ininilnvtlrli, , lllnrirk .ibxtkn,
i .ImUli llrrrulra PelUh ( Immpten
1 1M hlrnntlrr I.fnli, Ta. Juntln Hllru.
i Amrrka I'artiiKiil ( humplen
TleKctK nn Kiile nt DnnnclnS Siloea, 33
I iniilh llth street, und Hchelfs Cafe. 12th
fi'liert Strf-t
I Cernell vs. Pennsylvania
Thursday, Nev. 24, at 2 P. M.
Tlikrts nn nale OM.V
t lie rnurn iiriu rcirrviu m va.vu irr nnai.
ITunklln rifia
nnu lilmbrl
' Philadelphia Quakers
i Frnnlcferd Yellow Jackets
rilll. IIAI.I. I'AUK, hATt HUW, NOV !
TUU'ti till hr pirn luif-eil ill fenwair'a,
Glii bH Kpnlil i.ra un.l litnti & Ollu
i,i,i in im lvi: mtiivv
TONIGHT: 3 Star Bouts 3
! Bennie Bass va. Jee Kelly
ciiMtip'. Mint . ri.i.M;iK'iii ri;j
iimii; iniK v iijti.fi: mi im.
I.KAV ( BIMSQN. Ili-ffrrr
FOOTRALT tiimcivimi ia-
rUUlOrtLL Tluir-.. Nnv 'it .' I'. M.
Philadelphia Quakers
At Conshohocken
Ti-ktlK at forma ', UIiiiiIm' Hna Vi'"
T. Di.ll. m... T -1 .... ni.lAni
? R" r J inimctwiiMjv 'i ill
I.a flriinie-CMraKO Illih H!"
'llrkfltii an nal fit nfinhila. CeivkM' H
eiivi Leiiirii id rnniirKn n Ajtik it .
tw. Tenn Stai. ami 7hT University of
5"f.er"'" J ..th,. J'1na cirn"at Sf
stiwzm. g
j ra(a(a(M
'jaaaBL JAl . '