T V xtT&'sjr'' frjafii J"rI! 4 'WILLIAM PENM ; SCHOOL hi K IT. ILL BOURNE PUTS BAN ON P PARK Te Present "Tangles" at Academy of Music Tonight Dane? In Feyer Fellows M1 w P Passes Ordinance Forbidding iien of me wnVfm ivnn ii'Rii school '" M ,,"'"' w"'"VB,r." sMlssi.n?''0 "" for Ulrls m tlie xeadttiit of Mil-1.- Hili V H'n Mir PtB epert Ml llcten lie irn in Cr..t;nll nt Amiienmnnr PlflCO etetilnc unci tien of Amusement F at 63d and Market biuuMun i ww....... tv In ilif ,.11 K. -,.iiai. i 1 "- "T IXMWV.M YERKES GETS OFFICIAL 0. K. Bli.uei XI 1 -. n n T emnteinrnt mirk, pre- riarl. Mi tern The P ! T. nmu'eineiH piri,. ir i neset en a s-ite at MXt.t;iiiir.i in.-. .M.i -. j)nx M)(iv ,,,,,,,,, ket streets, has been ler.u .u. .. ...... ,.Iir1 MK. ordinance pnscd .in ntslil '"'"" llel.n 1 n. 'tin.. . M - i ,i nr. .miwhi - beurne Borouch Council. M'vm II.i.i Umih Ml- Ii-i., M iililiisten. Nt JJ M pent car devices and conclen-t M.mj. h M, ,, ,n, Mwi M ,s ,, f .liMn.-inlI.e,, .. Jlt ,,t ,e ,.y nulMince. It provides each dat tnnin tenanee or the oprrntten of him run cession shall be a separate effen-e lite penalty for tthlcb shall he SHIU line .-r five days In jail or thtrtt dn in H" Delattare County Prison. The ordinance u prn-sed h.t a yv 0f 0 te 1 The reuncllnmn vel mg apaintt it a.s Michael Veniteiii , The nark ns hrst proposed for 1 p per D.irlit. but an erdln.mee ttas p.-r.l preblbltitiK it Stonehurst a" the selected next but that boieupb ! , tained an Iniuiietien A resolniien inderinc ine net n " D. Murtin YerUcs. the 'tuilns -th" Mas also pasel bt the I mip.'il M t ni?bt Squire "crKe and hi nt"' ' i' have been conduct Ins .i streime.i rtm paleu against speedinff moierist Vem stein and Franklin P Udmends tm. i against it aCfr .1 Rebert Ueber y ideiit of the Council and Hiirget.s- e. i had nude an address f.iterltiB " Ten appeals hate beep laKen fmi the deciiens of Yerkes ami Jii ba ' been reversed by the cenns f Pel) ttare I enptt The MillNturne Conn cil. in it resnlutloe directed Iaae Jehnsen, ,Ir the borough ulleiter te take up ttith the Uistrlct Atternet the matter of i penlint; tbee eae i the Superior Ceirt. In nil effort te, upheld Yerl.es Tlie pureha-e of -IBM-te be marked Speed Limit Pifie. u Miles an Heur nl ns aiithri7ed i A ternl of 101 nioleri-l- hate been siimirened before eke ( f thee 'Sul eie di-.'hareed with .i wnrnuu: f-rvenlt etn p.ttd tine ind cost- .Hid inett-i rnvt enlj The" tvere "Jn" of these ni..inrits geme t" t lrd Plnl.i deljilu.i jnd 'Jul teniins from P'nl.id' phla MAN HELD UP AND ROBBED Leses W.itch and $10 Alleged ( Highwayman Arrested Jeseph Peujliertt. W Kensall -ireet, Ttas held up .it flic p ilnt if a retelter and mblvd of Ins wallet I'ent.iinini; ''1" and a sold t:it.-b. The bandit ttas en feet mid lumped upon ln tlrtlin ut the ticinitt of a daik "-eefieu of Tvtentt -tlurd and Alter street. , Qui. I. respnu-e .'" Patre'ni.in O'Neill resulted in tpe lapture et a man nlle(;eii ' te bate attempted le held up Jehn I Ossland. Ii.".." Pine trie. ne-ir 'Iiiitli find Spruce s-tritU Tlie prisoner sate Ids name as Pester Mean. Lembard street, near Ninth. Mucictrnie ()"Ur!cu held bim ttitheut bail for court Students te Attend Dinner Newark. Del . Nev -J'' Mere than , -00 student-. till atiend the annual 'JbanU'Slt ins dmne .f (he Innrr-ili e( Delaware liere ten aht JJ We Exchange Shut-In Society i Thanksgiving Cards Christmas Novelties ' (iir InuMiN ii (damp I 205 S. I6TH ST. i i. ..... ....,...,... AtH4AftMAfcA OO .sa . WinrjvFYnii A .III; yU finn 'fly'r YAKU SWHEXI5PMG I 1 1 ! ! I i r N . I i Pi 'I fc . l I f . , riu. 10 f lie'ce Mixed Tulips SI 30 Choice Mixed Narcissus r le Clieui' Mied M.Micihths. 61 20 Tulip'. .Mid 1.") Narcius SI If M.mttril t. ir.fl it... UU In i tf ill In tin nit. ip rl(f AKe Palms. I eni. Jardiniere . Pla:'l Tubs, flutter Pels nirl Saucers Snett fliAc pep i jin ,U Cern MILIlilLL D HOt'.SL ."jis-nirj "Market St. ti'iiir. In i1 u Qualii'y cxnd Quantity That's what counts and t i IT you will find het I, in the Big Leaves of iccer I? 7 ft Maker Heatin I " I I 1 The greatest bread aluc g I At all our Stores P, JBTpRCS CC3.'J fl IHMyMMMWMBB'aaffiFftiiii'iiEOTp. b EVENING PUBLIC HIGH GIRLS TO ACT terer Miss Rcbn Klein Mls Ttesis Lavln, M m Clara M-Call. Mips Mavhelle B Marten, Mils Kleieine MesniRer Miss IJ ftae MessltiRei. Mlei Hese Meadow. Ml ritlru Martinez, Miss Mnrlui) Mln irle Mls ntiinui Pllce. Ml Sn Piatt 1 Mli Lillian I'erlMeln MIsm Ulixabctn Iterte M rpjit I rtlttenberg. Mies XliKeln Senile!-! Ml" Sephie Shapire, i MIm Mnry Sleut, Mhs Sadie Silver, Miss I Tangles h tue.irt imisl.il . emedt 'V e t r n of Sc 1 1 1 m I U t . Mine Melen lappa n. ! written in Mr H-rtnuii I l.etlnsen ' Mln Until T.icpart M'f Elsie Thatcher, 1 .. ..... . Mlu.. IIIiaII T,i ,.11 Ml.... I'lAHAtlii. TV,..- tn- u mime .se.'i.i u ,..nn. .....,, .me-. ih "- lomertow etenlni? 1 here M W et Min 11 Htlf Willi mit ami MUa iM. i of the hew will, it M una Minnj! in iiii... im tin Kninr Til- i-ntimit ?r in eiuicc or uncev memj thane tel.inK n .in- M'sk meui'ie. .mi-s i ii ivrei eeerptr, Rese Applebnuui. MI Tlllle Fl.irniHr'i president "f the .jwei'lntlmi , MIs Mar Miss Tlllle tWnluniK Mls Nellie Hlener. . Karet ' luh Ml Mil im tmlx. Mlrs Miss Midle Brewer. M 'i Krne-tlne Hn Bertha lu-i.e. Mis Sephia K Jtnr Jtnr ren Mls 1 N!e Bl.Mll,..-. Miws l-l.i Her li"en Ml I'.nmet U Mall. Min Uelvi stcl'n. Mls lluth B mat. In Mis-. Cthel Klein Mis I. line Messlner Mlrs - , ... , ,, ,- ,. . - still 1 B.ltlS XI I'M J ell It l.lie 1. tuwu . Ml..-, miiii, .1 .p n.irllnc misi I lliMti (( Ii(H)i Mix l.lizulieth II Hey mul Mlys Helen M W si ,,,K, m,u ;, v,, ,, p,. ,, i,. i, yi i Chlcane Leses Carfare Suit 1i frg;T Take ARCOLA as Liirt :em your 'S? mean it a gift. Your Heating Engineer will tell ycu that three average winters will pay back its cost te you in the fuel it saves. And think of the satisfaction of having every room warmed by its own American Radiaterthe same kind of radiators that warm the White Heuse itself. Think of the joy of having all the het water you want for washing or bathing, for ARCOLA can heat the kitchen tank, tee, without subtracting from the warmth of the house. Surely all this comfort is worth the little trouble of tejephening your Heating Engi neer. He will gladly call and make an esti mate. Yeu will be surprised te learn hew little ARCOLA costs and hew quickly it can be installed. Don't go through another winter bathing and dressing and eating in chilly rooms. Take a little comfort out of life especially comfort that pays its own way. Take Arcela from your Heating Engineer take it as his gift. ""HnHnMUMOII The red and yellow card at the right is the sign of a Heating or Sanitary Engi neer (you used te call htm Steamfilter or Plumber) who can show you Arcela. Loek for it in his window. It will pay you te consult him twice a year as ou de your Docter or Dentist. His report en your heating und plumbing costs little. It may save much. ANlNVrSTMIMT 1HTVR1IT PwtnsDivipenps InFuxi.Ecxi.vemy and Compert CAIiWITaiN CASSesrjB of the famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators 115 NORTH BROAD STREET Philadelphia, Pennsylvania AMERICAN RADMDR COMPANY LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WE&DAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1021 BONWIT TELLER G.CQ I QflQ &ie (Specialty xSAefi -of Qnpiia&end CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Fer Wednesday in the Great ANNIVERSARY SALE AJOTEWORTHY reductions and special prices en several thousand garment in Women's and Misses' apparel of high quality and distinction. WOMEN'S DRESSES DAYTIME & DINNER DRESSES. . . Of dm ct lie. Canten trepc. tliilfen trim, ucpr Rema and larauil cloth, icllctting the scasun's newest stjlc themes. Formerly up te 130.00 AFTERNOON & D'NNER DRESSES Cletli taillcur medeb and elaborate ilinncr 56.00 68.00 diesscs. of Canten cicpe. chiffon velvet, satin f.ued crepe and lace, in a wide divcrity of meilt's- Formerly te 175.00 AFTERNOON & EVENING DRESSES 120.00 1 toning gevn of ciwal all-eter rmbroid rmbreid eied net ; dinner drcscs of black chiffon vcl tct. utstal cinbieidcrcd net and biecadcd tlp'tfeti teltct: one afternoon frock of brown Canten uepc. Formerly te 210.00 DA YTIME& DINNER DRESSES Altcrnoen flecks of Canten cicpe. embossed crepe and teldtne; dinnci modes of crepe chiffon, chiffon eltet, 65.00 le 185.00 -.itin.ind irtstal enibreidcicil ihiffen. ct filing d i esses of en,iiin and lac. I ind metal cletli. Formerly 05.00 te 225.00 Sciend I'loer WOMEN'S SUITS I AFLORLD c FUR 1 RIM'D 3SM I'lii-tiinimed weldtnc, meiissnc. dutet de lame, nistinnc suit and cailleurs of piiiictine. nicotine and imported tweed. Formerly te 89.50 I AILOPED & COSTUME SUITS. I 'in dimmed costume Milts and plain-tailored models; trimniiiis of self-stitclicn cmbiuid en and braid effects. Formerly te 125.00 68.00 TAILLEUR & COSTUME SUITS Distinrtite modes of tiiietme, moils -tne, teldtne ScetUi ttteeds, iat chinLhill.i i leth. Orlande and pearl inc. I.iiMiiieus (ins and lich cm bmiden uiniiiunK. I luec-piecc co-- 49.50 le 225.00 ninie mudf iiicliideil. formerly 01.50 te :,Jt,0) becend l'"loei SWEATERS 10.5028.50 WOOLEN SWEA'I ERS. Imported alpaca, meliaii and camel'b-liaii. V bite, henna camel, nd, black tangerine, n.it . 11.3013.30 WOOLEN SWEA'ILRS. Tuxedo models in Shetland and mohair wool with plain ami braided s,isc. All colei. I'M st Meer 6.50 and 10.50 7.50 WOMEN'S HOSIER Y RIBBED WOOL HOSE In brown beathei iiiixtuic-.. Size- S te 10. Sfiirial laluc SILK AND WOOL HObE Ribbed hese: bla k. brown, green, hcathei. 95c 1.50 Slightlv imperfect If'erlh 2.25. SHEER SILK I IObF. 95 1'ull fashiened: lile top and feet. Hlack enlt. U'wth 2.50 -SILK AND WOOL HObE lull fashioned; in blue and blown hcathei. bic5 S te 10. Ifuith 2.75. NOVELTY SILK HOSE I'uic silk; fanct open-work clev. Sics ST ' 10 10. Black enh. If art It -f. 05 . I'llst 1'leul W.W.J 3.85 PERFUMES & NOVELTIES 10.00 GULR I.AIN'S L'Heuie Olruc 'ij"! c; u r: k I.. UN'S Rue dc la Paix I2.S0CARSON S N.utiwc Noir . . I.su RIUAUD'S Compact Powder in several shadcb. J.l'S URALLF.S llliiMen Jasmin, tielet. iee, lilac, lilt of i!ic tallet . 1.00 n ou hi CANTh Delight ltd Talcum Pow der Cjuclqucs llcurs -'.0 A M BR 1' ROYAL Face 10"der 2.00 -'.85 COTY'S bACHFT L'On san. Re-e. St. 1,J)(J 1S.00 BOUDOIR LAMP. Dell in silk taffeta and -'"''I lacr 10.00 100 FFATII1 R POMPON'S. In 'ii shades 2.00 ?.75 PFRFL'Ml d r e p p i:rs. Cut - gins, bottle suitable I e r ChrUtmas gift . . y.fJO 1.0 COMPACT P O WDi; R. I a n c y be packed for Xmas giftv caul iiu'dc ,00 8.73 i.H) 8.30 1.23 .10 .90 Savings of V, V3 te l?. MISSES7 APPAREL POIRET TWILL & JERSEY DRESSES A group of Peirct twill lip-en dresses, braid bound, with leather belt; also two-piece Jerset Frecks. Formerly 29.50 POIRET TWILL & VELVETEEN DRESSES A lollcctien of attractive models for street and afternoon wear. Te close out. Formerly 50.00 le 65.00 S IREET & AFTERNOON FROCKS Of Peirct twill, tricetinc, satin, velveteen, taffeta, lace, Canten crepe and crepe dc chine. Formerly 85.00 DINNER & DANCE FROCKS 15.00 28.00 48.00 68.00 Ol chiffon. Geeigette. Canten ciepc. tel tetccn. dutcttn and lace. One et a kind; light and daik shades. Formerly SS.-50 te 125.00 TAILLEUR SUIT MODES 38.00 Plain-tailored models iir duvet de laine and t cleur dc lainc. Formerly G'J.50 IUR-TRIMMED SUITS 48.00 Attractive fur -trimmed suits of teleui dc lainc, dinct dc laine and impeitcd tweeds. Formerly 85.00 COSTUME SUITS 88.00 Handsome models in nieusstnc with cellars nt mole, beater, squirrel, wolf and Austta lian ope-siiin. Formerly 115.00 COATS OF HEAVY VELOUR 38.00 Nnait. scrticeablc model of heat teleui 1 nating; lined and mtei lined. Navy and black. Formerly 55.0') COATS OF NORMANDIi: 44.00 Bleuscd and stiaighl-linc models in N01 miuidie with cable .stitchery and convertible 1 ellars. Formerly 05.00 1 UR- TRIMMED COATS 98.50 Ol cereiM. Pjii velaln" I'ellynni n and mnrtrlli. .Se.nr trtiiimr-d with Audrullun opesiutn. foil Uru.. or squirrel, ether 1 ndenielv embrelueicd Formerly up te 135.00 rUR-TRIM'D COATS & WRAPS. . . III3I1 Slide inwdels of man-ella, Bellvln. Phii v lelne NerniHiidle mid l'elaiuid borne with mij: Inr cellara mid cufls Formerly up te 165.00 Fourth Floei 125.00 SHIRTS & BLOUSES 8.75 FINE NE'I BLOUSES 4,95 t itli lnsertlei'8 edg urb. inotife of N el 8.73 HAND-MADE BLOUSLb. . . 50 I iiirnt batUtce rtiid nciIci, exclusitely hand niadf 9.75 HAND-MADE BLOUSES 59 ll.ind ctubreiderv and d'jvin werl: enhunce these 12.50 HAND-MADE BLOUSES. . . . 8.75 It iluring edgings el diet, drawn weil., tucks 1 5.00 SILK TAILORED SHIR IS 10QQ 1'n'aeaI crepe dr diiriF and Doiisseic silk. 1 6.50 COSTUME BLOUSES 12.50 IjferRetteu crepe s.itms hiicJ trrpoe de clunr. 25.00 COSTUME BLOUSES 5J)Q but 111, -.trepe de rfnnr jnd Oeeiclte in colors te m itch the new v.mti-r units 29.50 TO 39.50 FROCK OVER- j(j 5) BLOUSES t, Mften vrlvela In bren and Vjldck, fealuie bead (rimmlus. 35.00 TO 50.00 BLOUSES 25.00 l.laburately bejded At embroidered costume blouses Fiist Meer FUR COATS & WRAPS 95.00 BLACK PONY COATS 16-lnch belted model, cellar fiid rufls et self (or 125.00 BLACK PONY COATS. . . . lb luchei long, tullar tnd cufls of tidturul raccoon 1 45.00 1 03.00 SEALINE COATS. . . 16 and 40 mill (lured belted models Selected pelts 195.00 NAT. MUSKRAT COATS. . . je inclieb Ien,;, cellur and cults of natural raccoon 285.00 NAT. RACCOON COATS.. . )u-inch lull flare model; selected dark skins 285.00 BLUE OPOSSUM COATS . 10 Inch belted model el I Ichly shaded skills 283.00 BLACK MUSKRAT COATS. . Jb inches Ions, cellar and cuffs of self fur. 325.00 HUDSON SEAL COAT b id inches leiirf, cellar and cufls of sell lin 450.00 HUDSON SEAL COA I'b. . . . 40 inches long, natural skunk cellar and lufla 65.00 85.00 95.00 165.00 225.00 225.00 265.00 265.00 350.00 195.00 FRENCH SEAL COA'lb, 145.00 Je inches lone, sell cellar and tuffs, sel-tted skins 550.00 HUDSON SEAL COATS 395.00 I ull length, cellar and cuffs of hunk, beaver or squirrel 550.00 SCOTCH MOLE WRAPS. . . . S inches long, t.ifleus stlcj Cemmunis cellars 350.00 NAT. SQUIRREL COATS. . . . 16 inch full tlaie belted model of clear dark skins 595.00 HUDSON SEAL WRAPS. . . ; 40 and 4 inches Ien,, some will, cunlmstina 830.00 NA I . SQUIRREL COA IS. , . 4 inchts long, handsome model of clear dark skins 395.00 450.00 450.00 650.00 1050.00 TAUPE CARACUL COATS 850 00 Alse wraps 45 Inches long! flat selected pelts '" 1050.00 NAT. MINK COATS one nn 40 inches long, selected Nat Eastern mink skins, 0"t',U" Fifth Meer 1921 COATS & WRAPS TAILORED AND FUR TRIMMED. . (J5.00 Belivia, Pan velainc and vcldync: fur trim mings; wolf, opossum, caracul. Alse tailored models le be worn with separate fins. All sizes. Formerly 85.00 te 125.00 FUR-TRIMMED COATS & CAPES. . 95Q0 Marvella, Kashmir, radiant, Belivia and Pan vclaine coats and capes with cellais and cuffs of beaver, squirrel and wolf. Formerly te 175.00 FUR-TRIMMED COATS & WRAPS. . 125.00 Pan vclaine coats with black caracul ; tnar tella reats with fur cellars; fur trimmed duvet nc coats and exclusive novelty modes. Formerly 163.00 te 195.00 FUR-TRIMMED COATS AND WRAPS Coats of veld ne, geiena and dutc ttne; wrap coats of maivclla and duteitnc; ctening wraps, capes and w rap-capes of cashmere duvctync. Trimmings of elephant dtcd squirt cl, platinum wolf, kolinsky squirrel, Per sian lamb, beater, caracul, mole. 95.00 le 385.00 Formerly 175.00 te 5S5.00 I LONDON TWEED TOP COATS. . . . 28.00 Sw agger top coats of tweed iuituics. Belted ei straight model, with cenvcitible plait, set-in or laglan sleeves. T'hiul l'Toei SEPARATE SKIRTS CHECKED. STRIPED & PLAID... Bex. cluster, side or knifc-plaitcd models as well as tatleied stile with slit, welt pocket . Feimerly injje te 21.50 'I liiid Fleer 8.75 NEGLIGEES & UNDERGARMENTS 2.95 BODICES AND BRASSIERES. Mam sules in ti ash s.nin tailored and I.t' c trimmed. 4.95 PHILIPPINE NIGHTGOWNS., Alse cut elope chemises of sheer batiste; hand-embroidered. 4.95 ST EP-IN DRAWERS -Of cicpe de chine Geeigette and l.idiuni silk. Mesh enlv. 4.95 ENVELOPE CHEMISES Tailored and luce-trimmed models of cicpe de chine. 5.937.93 SILK NIGHTGOWNS. . . . Atti active hcnuititchcd and lacc-tritnmed models. 13.75 SILK NIGHTGOWNS Medels of cicpe dc chine combined w ith Georgette and lace. 16.30 NOVEL" Y NIGHTGOWNS. . . 'Trimmed with Geeigette and ic.d (ilet lace. 1.50 2.95 2.85 2.95 4.95 7.95 9.75 Light blue, peach, orchid and llesh. 4.936.95 PETTICOATS 35 Wash satin and ladium silk; double-panel, flcdi and white. Alse M'lk ieiscv petticoat-. 12.7514.75 HOUSE COATS g.75 .uid negligees of s.itin and ciepc de chine. 19.75 NEGLIGEES 13 75 Crepe meteor and crepe dc chine combined with Ge-Mgettc. 22.50 HOUSEROBLS jgQQ Quilted model of ciepc dc chine; silk lined and intei lined. 37.50 NEGLIGEES 24.50 Diaped model el ciepc satin lace and French flower. Individual Lingerie cS10., 13th and Sametn Streets GLOVE-SILK UNDERTHINGS VESTS. BLOOMERS AND STEP-INS Plain and diep-stitch glete silk of excellent quality . Formerly 2.25 te JJO LACE-TRIMMED CAMISOLES I. ace in filet mesh pattern. Flesh, blue and unhid glete silk. Formerly 1.25 SILK JERSEY PANTALETTES With shined uih N.nv uupc. blown, pin pie. black. Special Value Fiist H001 1.95 2.25 3.95 FUR-TRIMMED & DRESS HATS Uuvctjne and biecade arc combined with mole, nutria or seal. Kxclusivc dress hats! 1 r m) of panne and Ljens velvets, duvctync and rlJ.UU hatters plush. Formerly 25.00 te 35.00 Third Fleer HpfH1WiWlHHl vrW ytggrfr""1- .ifiniw.nw te-' 't