t& !iPR; $?. JVWKlsvt VAi'-y '"M t -c.1" ";(-- ifn-frvm I 1 nn-- t.-rfV4K Vc-i (fV"? "WW T7 fwf'tT'?-' (, '; " t'HW w 4; '. - Ml i HI netting public Utedger PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1921 lw jMMK ,uEIBPm lift- i Hk V MfStJr -"&f?Ti. Ba jtfft' AHHHH9IVJr9flHHM,(lHHHHHHHPVHM!IHH wVKiL NfHVMHB' Pfir s HHVBV4RVBHHHBhHHHHBi k lBbHHHHWJk vv " ' ?.;" VAV I fv? v ,t!eH &.', s J .. w i mmwmmmwM u ,. IfePBH&jfljXlfc 7 V' UIIEF PLENTY. He is being well entertained m Washington and Rl SY DAYS Secretary of Stall New Yerk. It was he who lepiesented the Indians of the United Hughes hurrying te meeting of D Slates at bunnl of America' "unknown" at Arlington Katn 4 Hrb.M armament Cenfeience in rni W$&&ul'rvrvF "T ,,,,.,.... ,,,-5,-j.. '-'Wjagjv 'T""" MARY MORRIS CLARA COOPER AND LSTHI V, SCHLEGEL IN SCHOOL PLAY Hundreds of irlalive and friends saw tlie excellent production " of 1021" bv the girls of the Gcimantnwn High Scheel HI RIETTA GAl 131 1 The j&jmm& ; i: ? ESBtf 2 r. '.- ?-. 1 x? WBt&zZtitT1 BirVP3VAHHHHHHHDMMiHHHl HH9HHHHHHHHflKMK'9B9'''"!SSBHHHHBl hhhhbbbhhhhhhhhhbbhbhVAbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhV 1 l, "- 1 OIA MBIA UNIVERSU'Y HONORS FOCH. The French war here is shown with Vinbnssader Jusserand. They are listening te n steiy beine; told by Nicholas nuirray rsuticr, ncaa 01 i..eiumDia C'nlral News Photo IT WAS BOUGHT FROM ITALY. The "Rema," the largest semi-rigid air vessel in the United States, starts en trial flight at Langley Field, where it was assembled after bemp shipped from Reme. Seventy miles an hour is its speed international J$&smkf; iHH -yw'iT HMi Hnil.1 111! HBV mvBBBBBBi I RBBBbShHBBt v VBb. Rlr v' &! r& i Ki HKflB I i . - i--i Vif .. v n-i. ,irte ' r t ' f . v t ' ftv' VV' -1 ,- .!K ' , v.V' .ttiL .VQ j .! - i, N ', p sm7JMB&m .ys- r.:,r i -' M'mmW' '-. - -w !i t fiif, ' s.-,v- ' 9 -fJHHTf-'W ' 5 .. ,. . ,WT - J?J .MeUdB '.!. JP rs j e'...? bM';s ''ryrxsamm ,. . ifrKvV -? ? j a ' - y- V JMf .v T i2W $Mwt-mB is w ar a . fry S3f&M m '4jl AM AM., fllVtt ... -r ."- - - iftmtm ' 'Jmr, '-.- - m&F JKKajite&?&Mt&iMW& I SJ, v ,j vwMr'. .tiPvr&x IIa!0V rSv'Kk. '&'&& - " i , ? ' - l'ji.i;.U.ki'w sri. '5m e' tx ? N. fe ,' &3U. . Ia J. 1 'V A !5&i5feifi NO-DECISION CONTEST. Belcliei. quartei back fei Drn.el In ii- tute, getting away with the ball en the Straw budge & Clothier licM in the game against Callaudet College AKiuMreAb. tt. nK rHViirPHTiAM'n0 THE REV.DIl JACOB S. THE REV. DR. GEORGE CHARLES H. MASLAND HUGHES A. CRIDER ( I1URCH 152 YEARS OLD. The old St. Geerge's M. E. Church celebrated the event yesterday Dr Kynett preached. Mr. Masland is one of eldest members. Dr. Hughes is pastor and Di. Crider is iiih ashec ate y "(, ww -' ,-,( j,t -6wrfeCjasr-?mk yigR!aa'jamu .9i j ". t kbS . r W,m trtnji' Lflf WSi". .i.B . A K-jtX.0'0eC'"VV.JJ,:HO(K05.. Al m ; vj; , . jg ii ffiimfaiWiiaajaftaatQiwMw ' a .',f4,ttJi THEY'LL SING AND DANCE Members of the Alumnae Association of the William I'enn High Scheel will present "Tangles" en Tuesday and Wednesday. Frem left te right, Anna .lasner, Lillie Bernhang, Genevieve Wallington, Anjelo Srallda, Irene Hirt7, K-lher Hireh, Mqtildn Marks and Jean (huk BEWARE, MR. BANDIT. This United States marine is carrying a deadly MISS BERTHA CANTA repenting shotgun as he walks te and fro in front of the Penn Square Pest- CUZENE will make her de office, at Fifteenth and Market streets but in Washington n r. A PRIZE WINNER. Becky Laniei, of New Yerk, continues te add prizes te her long list for 1921 shows. She was photographed at the National Herse Shew in Central Park, New Yerk tvmtat ws riiem OURXlTY,S"WORKERSVA'NDvWHAX."Tr:lEY;DOl 1 MSHSBHUi ifM ' f "WSM I ;:"' "K " 1 busyphiladelphian? ; WIN FORD I machine that ? E I A RE, 1327 Ea-t Price sheet, Germantown. epeiates a I.DWAKD SCOTT, Sicklerville, sweet GRETCHEN C. FISHER, Lucaston, bread WILLIAM CONOVER, Laurel Springs, presses bushings into crankcases for motorcycles at the Bread- pi" ttees corn way Cyelq Company, 527 Maiket stiect FIRST PRIZE WINNERS, 'lhcse school children of Camden County were exhibitors at the tenth annual agricultural and heme-maklng contests, held at Laurel Springs, N, J., en Saturday WILLIAM F. ALBERT, in charge of safety deposit department of the North Philadelphia Trust Company. He is married and lives at 1717 Butler street. Baseball is his hobby - , -. r-i I a t . Af. , J -1HM