"1ft -7rFTT -" 1 V vl ' ' ;. 'H5" ii ' i i1 -jV - rJi'-TP'rn T-am-, i$-aitu.s-tjiAl ""V -''' i: . ?.i i k ;iuMi"'a6i5wr jfci..ua wwv.r LA d EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHlEABEMm A', MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1921 v(Hft - - ,"- I' ,' Joint Stock Land Bank Sy2 Bends Due 1951 (Optional IM.) Exempt from all Fed eral, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation, excepting Inheritance Taxes. Price 102 Vz and int. yielding 5.18 te cotton! date and 3.80 thereafter Complete circular en request. Harris, Ferbes & Ge Pine St., Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Wldener Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 IN IK y ivOTIIKIMNMIIJ aWWIMP iCTMIWWlir Wi vg City of Terente I 5'28, Due 1935-38 ;! Price te yield abent 6 A cltv rf 500. enn peepiei b') p. ml.es north of Huff.ile, . g Second iltv !i trize arnl cemmrr- w; clul Importance in the l'umtnlun j of Caii.ulR . gf Particular en rtquent 3 " rti BBOREN&CO l.tablli)ied 180.1 10 fliixtntit St. If en. tiers ." rw VerA, rrif i' Wadelp'i la S'cvfc ifxciaufj rfecFMW'.rit'W'a iiini jjiiwrnnrmr Krr?HrWW ( t582r$ ) Kl?ACnfnr FOR INVESTORS J , WE OWN AND OFFER J IxulTtlle & JeffeinnTllle I II IliirfcoCe. 1st t 104,1 III) Current ni?er It. It. II Housten Ilelt S. Terminal It. It. HI ! it a ieiu 3 ' R'e' are an-n very high I I Mlnss bv Jehn Meed:' vt Ncv 111 III WlOlHIB BttXJ. PMIUADILrmA ll . MmimPUaMpiliuJ I I Aul'ar.SacLnMtfw II ' aaaaini OF STILLUNCERTAIN Ne Let-Up in Demand for Amer ican Telephone and Telegraph Nrw e', Ner. 21. Whiic tedny'b itoek market nppnrentlj- experienced quite some iliflic'iilty In finding Itself, an undertone of decided etrenglh wat retained. Price movement tun uncer tain, Init all clmnges with comparatively few rjtceptleni were confined within nnrrew limits. American Telephone nad Telegraph fentured the constructive nlde legistering a new high for the jcar In riling nhme 110. Although some of the mere important stocks showed hesitation there were no real weak ppets. I'lie ever-the-wcek-end development. 1 ueip generalli colerlcfi3, while the per per cmpter.v order of the Infcrslnte Com merce (.'emmisMnn for the reduced rates hi farm products was virtually ignored. .Mere interest vvnh manifested In the re ported higher prices for refined copper and the improvement in the copper trade. All advies from the Arma ment Conference were watched with in terest The Ilnaneinl community 1 confident there will be n full ndoptien of the American rnoperals, although thin was net transplanted into murket sentiment. Ah llie daj progressed the market gave symptoms of a mild attack of in digestion, which was, te he reasonably evpected in view of the very heavy during the greater part of lnt week's volume of reallzlig i-nlcs encountered operations, and the prulit-taking was "till apparent in man directions. The absorption capacity continued geed, however, jet the weight of these sales caiiM'd mere or leis wavering. It was noticeable in all events w'ml" the coppers and seme of the recognized peel issues were taken up. the reeent active leader hesitated and halted This wa.'t particularly true of the rail-, which group appeared te be working i-ider a bard liandicnp. In the speeialtj group National Wseuif, California THcking and Wilsen Company developed firmness. On the ether hand American .Nigar iues. Seuth l'orte Hice Sugar,; Cern Products and Pavidsen Chemical ' acted tired and at intervals wrc i noticeably heavy. Utah Copper. Seneca I and Anaconda were the strongest spots of the copper group. There vui no let M'p in demand for American Telephone. Uucb at the merningH top was nearly -i jtelnts front the y ear's low. TRADING WAS FLAT , iy LOCAL MARKE'l i Suspension of Odd-Let Deal ings in the yew Yerk Stocks IWkSiiTiK H c icUh te buy HtrwoeJ Electric ... 6s 1942 PhiU. Suburban G. h Elec. S' 1960 Nertbumberlind Ce. G. & E. S't 1946 Celumbit & Menteur Elec lit.5's 1943 Georgia Rj. & Power . . .5'i 1954 Offerings Wanted Reed A. Morgan & Ce. Writ End Trust Bdn PMlc. Jlerabfrs of th I'M a b'e i:r'.. -J t The Real Move in Mexican Bends tetma te have started i we have reiterated tic n ,-ir,d n C ag.illl ' lesf lvi U effe- ti opportune of a I fetlme for tre tre nendeus eiilwticement en inTiey Cjtca. ur elreulnr tnte tniin (learl). Copy upon reiiiel. Jereme B.Sullivan & Ce hprrlulUtt In foreign lleniM 44 Bread Street, New Yerk 1 5 : ii i.' lir, . 1 1 7. J l. . l The temporary dl 'continuance of the odd let dealing, which laRt month con tributed te vwell the operations en .the lei ,il "took exchange was reflected in a market contraction in the transactions in tndny's market. Apart from Penn f.vlvnnia Railroad, which was sold rather freelv. Including one block of i l.iiH) shares at .. the trading was liar and colorless. Price variations were confined within narrow fractional limits and were altogether meaninglessi. The suspension of the odd-let edallng in the Nt vv Yerk stocks was unavoid able bcoai.e of the overwhelming vol vel i.me of Inihinesr. encountered by the jeung members of the Ktehange' who handled tlieve transactions. Their or er or gani7iitien proved te be Inadequate te handle th" volume which grew te pro portions fnr exceeding their men an ginne epectatien. Thev expect te pe -feet a new systen bv which this htjsi-ne-"- can be handled morn expediently in the matter of deliveries and trans fer' The are perfctlv selvenr and in poltien te sttle for nil contracts. The f"rience hn -hewn the grt at possibilities te widen the operations of the local ech mge. and it is strange it could net hnvc been terceen u long time age by some of the elder mem bers. The majority, however, de, net want te be betliered with the small tianaetieii. vet In aggregate It is cer- t . i iii te be profitable, inasmuch us en j several dins the total transactions re.iciied close te in,0") shares. pirt fren Pennsjlvanlu Itailread ie trading lacked individual feature I (i, I. whs firmer and fractionally higher The Philadelphia Electric hhares shad"d slightly Onl.v nominal deallng were made in El'-etric Storage Datfery. Philadelphia Stocks NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. 6r Bends At Market Price EDWARD L0WDER STOKES 20 Seuth 15th Street PHILADELl'HIA Locust 0345 Race 3330 limli Lew e Am Meres 7Dl2 7IHn M de 1st jif.10." 10." Kslt.nncenda 4r, -tr.n, in Hnii ,i ;.. :ii; .'('i lixitt MA.StP Hi H?. eiHii el (Sraph -l' 4i in i:'ec Ster.lU't 11 1 In i .in Asnh. tU''k lU3 ltwi Cen Mtrs ll1; lH L'2.- II & n T pf l.'i 1s I "e V A. -! Urn Iri Nickel l'Jt, J'lOI-Kati & ",lf Si j I1 Kevst Tire 10V oil Lake Mip tiT, I l.eli V 1 i- pref . I'i l"MltI Sta fill 111" IuiitM K , T 2i MlOiV V Ship 1." 1mj. Nut Hnam A .Stamp 40 ., u5 2IH u 121 10' fit, 1 is V M. 70 A ier. -f mi 21 11. fi4BM . 11'.',.. Sffj-r- 12V Sl , - 10'h - ll'w Vet 10 l.'.Tfl l.'i 10TS in . 1.'7s -'s 2's-r J4 10X2 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Snleif 200 100 tee :oe r:en '-'00 100 ion tee tee inn non $00 10ft 300 IPO 300 100 1600 100 1000 300 tee 100 1100 300 100 300 3100 100 3000 104 DH00 soe 600 300 I.VSOft 1000 100 A0 1000 300 000 100 moo 1100 300 HOI) 100 100 tee 300 700 100 4300 300 100 100 100 noe ten noe son 800 400 3.100 11700 1000 3000 900 100 1400 100 3300 1400 noe 300 700 3P0 tee 1110 100 tee 300 100 300 ion 1500 000 3100 1600 100 ioe no 100 100 x.'en 100 tee 100 tee r.en uoe tee 1100 400 uROO 3600 1100 .TOO 1C00 tee 41)0 100 ;nn 300 me 400 ucoe S00 300 tee tee coo 100 noe 100 3300 (00 ;oe 1100 300 tee 1000 noe 30 100 3100 1:100 tee 100 100 400 ,16011 300 300 100 100 tee 10U 300 1)00 1000 300 SJ00 Dl ln I 3 4 IJKh Advance Itumely pf. . .W Air reduction 49 AJsx ltubber 1st, . . Alukn. Oeld Mines . . H Alaska Juneau O M.. H 4 Allied Chcm & Dye .. 4HJ t Allls-riialnicra 3BS ; Alllfi-Chalmcni pf . . . 83 . Am Ajrrle Chem 33 JJ. tn Agre Clieni pf. . . 63 3 Am Tlank Nete pf . . . . $ Am Heet Sugar 30 Am Can 31 ' Am Can pf 88 13 Am Car & Fdy 13H : Am Car & I'My pf....lU .. Am Hlrte & Iatlier.. 11',S . Am Hide & Leather pf 48 7 Am Ice 71 JJ 0 Am Tea pf , 70 Am Intenint Cerp.... 38 1 Am-U Trance Uns. .. 8 Am Llnuecd '.I3(i 7 Am Linseed pf 00 8 Am Locomotive 94Vi Am ftadlater 8. Ain h'.ifcty Ilazer. . ... 4V6 .. Am Ship & Cem i . Am Smelt 4tji 7 Am Smelt pf S3',i :i Am Steel Keundrlen. . . 33V4 7 Am Kteel Fdye pf . . . . 01 H . Am Sugar Kef 36U 7 Am Sugar lief pf . ... 83 Am Sumatra 33!4 ii Am Tel ft Cable 631 0 Am Tel & Tel H0'4 1 3 Am 1 ob.te'0 133 A tn Tobacco pf new . 94 U 7 Am Wholesale 91 Jj 7 Am Woolen 79 .. Am 'Writing Taper pf S .. Am Zinc Iad & Smlt 11 ' . . Am Zinc Lead & S pf 34!'j . Anaconda Copper .... 43? 4 Asse Dry Goods. . 43 7 Asse Dry Goods Id pf 70J4 fl Atrh Tep & Santa Te. 87 U 3 te1i Tep 4SPpf... 831, .. Atlanta Blr & Atlantic 1H .. Atlantic Fruit 3 . . Atl Gulf & W I 3 S . 33 .. Atlantic Pet 23' . Aute Sales Cerp. . .. 3U 7 IJaldwIn lxcometIv . e 7 Baldwin Loce pr . . . 10 . Haltlmerc & Ohie. . .. 35 'a 4 Baltimore & Ohie pf.. 51 i .1 Bethlehem Steel 31 e Bethlehem Steel B.... eUx Beeth Fisherlce ... . 1' Hr'tlii rtapld Transit. 9'? Brklyn UTrtfsefdep 0? 10 Burn,s Brea H2Ji .. Iluttc Copper & Zlne. i"'1 . Butte & Superior Cep. ! 3 Cal X.lne & Lead 7' . Cadde Central O & It. t4J 0 California Packing . 'aJ8 California Petroleum . 43 7 California Petrel pf... SI' 10 Canadian Pacific .. .U' .. CjM J 1 3',, . . Cerre-de-Pasco 3 .. Central Leather .. 33, ' Centrnl Leather pf. . . 07 e-6 Chandler Meters .... 4S Chesapeake & Ohie .. l'a .. i hlcage & Alten . . . ' . Chi & K 111 Bq T ctfs ! .. Chi A 13 111 pf ctfs . 4's .. Chi ft B T 1st as prt . 9, . chl A. Gr West pf. . 17 H .. Chi Mil & St P 34 .. Chl Mil & St P pf. .. 35!, 3 Chi & Northwestern.. 09 t Ch'cage Pneu Teel ... 33 . Chi U I & Pac 33H s fl Oil n 1 & pac 6fc pf. 71 .. Chile Copper 13J .. Chine Copper 35J. . ciev cin Chl & St L. . 30? . ciuett Peabody 43 4 Coca-Cela 3SJ2 4 Colerado & Se 1st pf . . 37 Coluni Gas & Elec ... 633 . . Celum Graphophene . 4, Cel Graphophene pf . IS'i 4 Cemput Tab HecerdH. 41H 7 Consel'datcd Clg.tr pf 03' j . Conselldate.1 Pis Ins . T "onselldatcd Gas . . 93 consolidated Tcvtlles. UH 7 Continental Insunuice 84 , 33 r, 30 S, , 13 4 . 8 . 19' , jevi . 100 5 nit; . 19i- Cern Preducta Itcf.., 3.3(1 CeMlen & Ce 1 Crucible Steel . Cuban Am Sugar. . . , . ( uban Cane sugar. . . , Cuban Cane hugar pf t Davisen Chemical . . . . !) T'elaware & Hudsen., h Del Iaclt & Western i rwme Mines 3 Kndlcott-Jehnson .. . 73'i 7 Kndlcott-Jehnson pf..l0ia .. J3rln lir .. Krie lbt pf IS 3 famous Players Is.... 07; 8 Famous Plajcrs L pf. St 4 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 31 . 10 V wlier- Bedy . ... 83 8 FlBhCr Bedy of O pf. 77 . . Fisk Pubbcr 10 .. Preepert Texas 13 'i . Gasten Wms & Wig.. U 2 Gen Am Tank Car. . .. General Ahalt ' j 0 General Cigar O0Js H Gen'ra.1 nitjctrle 133 ? 1 General Meters H'j . Goedrich 1 V 3" a 7 Goedrich B F pf hi . Granby Conael M & M " 7 Great Northern pf .. 7J? .. Gr. eue Cananea Cep. . 34' .. Gunntaname Sugar .. 7 . Ginf .sitate S'wl "aa 4 llnskell i Barker Car 79, llendee Mfg Ce - Tlemestalte Mlnlnc ... '", Ill.nelM Central 91J Tndlahem.i Itef :'5 Inspiration Cen Cep.. 3S', International Cement. 3S Interb Cen Cerp - Interb Cen Cerp pf... ' Int Ilarvehter new . . . . 77' Housten Oil 77Ii Int Agrlcul Cerp pf . . . " lnt Mer Marine .. 134 Int Mer Marine pf. T'S Inter Motertruck .. . 'j lnt Motertruck 1st pf. 71'i International Nickel . 13?4 38 40 18J4 it 48 ii mi 83 Yl 83 48W 39Ji 31 U 8R 1ST ii 113 it M AS 70 70 31 H 8a 33 14 00 93 1 ', 84;. 3H 41 83, 33 9l!a 35',. SITi 31 Yz 33J, IIS 131J, 041-i et r, 7Si 33 ?i 10'. 34JA 44 H 39 Ji 70M 87 Vi 81 t'4 MX iu 93 104 35 i t 31 i'i 33 34l2 ain 81 u 1117a 3' ir ! 0U 14 73 43 'r, Hl'i 1134 3(, 33 1 i 31H 07 43 J, 31 la ' 4'a 4H H 17?i 34 37J4 69 33 33 70 13 30IJ 80 a; 43 39 U 37 63 3 4 18? tH 63J.5 91H "la 04 SHJi 33 33U 131, 8' 1934 40 i 109 a4 111 I0x 7 3 i 104i lja 17- or. v3 S3 31 ' 83 77i 10 13 1 i " 4 63 , no;, 134 H'i an !6ii 73 34 7 39 781 13'i 33 971, 3', 37 3S hi 77 i 77 40 139, 3; 3SH 71'2 11H V80 Net T. M. Che, 3S - 1 40 f 18 H (5 "i-r 8KJ 3!4 4 83 3IJ2--03 4 40' 39H- niii- 88 -137 l'j 115 IMS-r 30 - 71J44- aii in '',4 "4 1 14, I-ltrh . 7 . 38 . 73J' 11 Div. Salen Id $ 100 e Intemat Nickel rf . . 3900 , . International Paper 100 a Inter Paper pf stpd. 7300 ,. Invincible Oil Cem. 7100 .. Island Oil 3li 100 ..Jewel Tea 11JS 100 ., Jenes Bres Tea 34 300 . Kansas City Southern 34 W 300 4 Kansas City Se pf . . . , 33J4 1300 . . Kansan & Gulf 89 ion 4 Kclly-Hprlngficld Tire. 41 aeii . . KMsey Wheel 3609 . , Kcnneeett Copper . 800 . Keystone T & n. . . 300 a Kresge 8 3 ll,i bee. . Lackawanna Steel ... 43 100 3 30 Lehigh Valley 48, 13 Liggett ft Myers B...130 8M 34?i 10 H ! 1 V 70 374- 83 33J4 60 -94 -83 414 5 4 41 4 83 H 33 'A ; 91H 31W 8314 1 ii9jif W 135 - 04 1 9174- 14 783a- W 3J9a-:-II W r 43 i 7ei,; -i-87H ;- 83H - 3 9a 31?i- "4 33 U- W raw-i W 93!4- 14 104 - l!i 371,5- 31 14- 33 34'4 3 V, 9H -- 14 V. Ja I 1. I 14 ta Ja4- la "4 14 1W 4 1 4 V 114 '1 1 la 14 Yi Ill's 53a-171,2-V 7W-: 14 73 - 43 814 . 1I54- 31,-r 'a 34 i 1H 33 - '4 b7 - 43?; 3Pe-bU-41a 4H- OKi- , W 17H- W 34 35J4 9 - 14 33 4- 1, 33SJ4- 14 71 - Hi la?;-- W 371,4- 14 80144- is; 43 3SI'. 35 " t 3 3014- u 4 - 1, 183- 14 41H-- , 0314 -r J4 13 t 64 1 4 r 50 ioo4 ieo4 ioe4 III -- lOK i 7514 10414- II J- 17-60J4-83 4 31 14 4 83 77 S4 . 10 -13J4- W 4S - fl31 603 13414 UK 3Jj 81 as - 7354 31' : 1H i 43 K i 78 3, 134 . 53 9514- 3Sf 3SU 38 3 -1- 3S-77,-75 -10 -134 . 71J4- 13 - !4 3a !c '4 '4 I I. 3i Ml !?i ?i 41, H !4 '.I1 a ! , 1 'l 1 3C0 800 tee 300 800 400 100 300 tee 400 400 300 13400 sl00 90S 38000 1 600 300 309 6100 1400 300 1300 100 100 400 300 100 300 1300 300 100 300 100 300 300 3300 S00 4000 100 100 800 tee 300 300 8500 3300 100 100 3500 100 400 300 100 300 1000 700 300 33100 1300 500 3100 300 1400 700 3000 3800 000 1600 ; 1000 1500 100 3000 300 3100 100 300 10U 400 6100 100 300 4100 tee 3300 100 800 3400 100 300 070 300 300 7500 500 4600 0300 6300 900 5500 MOO 100 11300 100 100 4100 700 300 600 100 3100 tee 3400 3300 100 100O 1500 4100 500 5300 100 300 tee 3000 300 600 300 300 100 300 100 3G0O 1900 700 tee 30O 300 Leewo Ce 141 1 Left Cnndy 9i . Manatl Sugar ....... 39 ji 1.73 Manhattan Shirt .111 .. Market St Ilwy pr pr. 3315 . . Market St Rwy 2d pf. 6K .. Marland Oil 89 .. Mnrlln ItecJcwcll 74 .. Martin Parry 18J4 .. Maxwell Class n. ... UJa Maxwell Moter ctfs.. 1 13 Mexican Petroleum ..11834 Mexican Petroleum Pf 84 i Miami Copper 3314 1.80 Mlddle States Cerp... 1814 .. MIdvale Steel 2414 . MInn& St Leuis 74 7 Minn St P & a St Me. 68 .. Me Kansas it Texan.. 2?1 .. Me Kan & Texan pf. . 4fi .. Missouri Pacific 1914 Me Pac'fle pf . . . . 3 Mentana Pewtr 7 Mentana Power pf . . . . . . Montgomery Werd . . . . . National Acme 7 National Biscuit National Cen & Cable, a Nat Enam ft Stamp. . . 6 Nat'enal Lead . . Nat n n of Mex Id pf . . Nev Cen Copper . N Y Air Brake.. .... 8 New Terkr Central .... .. New Yerk N II & H.. . . North American ctfn. . . . Ne American pf ctfn.. 7 Northern Pacific . . Nunally Ce 3 Ohie .Fuel Supply . Okla Pred & Pef 3 Orpheum Circuit 3 Owcnn Bottling . . Pacific Gaa & Elec... . Pacific Oil Pan-Amer Petrel .... 6 Pan-Amer B . Parish & Bingham.. . 3 Pennsylvania R. U.... .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. . . I'ceplen Gas Chtcag-e. . . Pere Marquette 5 Pere Mnrrj prier pf . . . 3 Philadelphia Ce .. Phillips Pet . . Plerce-Arrew Moter . . . . ricrce Arrew Met pf . Pierce Oil " Plerce Oil pf 4314 84 U 0414 18 1354 133 I'i 4114 81 14 4K 13?i 38 0314 1314 44 40?1 70 13 4331 3H 18 25 ?i 01 Ia 4514 31H 40 31 14 331, 10 33 31?1 63 33, . 33!4 . 1''2 . 33 li , 1'4 . 73 . 89 . 25 '4 , 1514 . 6414 . 361 .111 . 31 , 36K . 23 . 14K . 73 , . 43 4Ji 483 3214 :i'i 5 ntts Ceal . . Pitts A West Va. . . Fend Creek Ceal. . . . . Prtrsed Steel Car. Producera Refiners . S Pullman . Punta Alegre Sugar. . 2 Pure OH J. 41 Rand Mines .. Ray Cen Copper 4 Reading 2 Reading 1st pf C20 Royal Dutch N Y . . Republic Iren & Steel. . . St Leule San Fran . , . . . . St Leuis & S W R R . Saxen Moter 31, Seaboard Air L.lne pf. 6 . Rcara-Reebuck ...... 68 J4 .. Seneca Cep Cerp. ... 25(4 Shattuck Arizona Cerp .74 Shell Transport .... 33'4 .. Sinclair Oil X3?i . Sless-Shefflcld 38 ti Southern Pacific . ... 70,'J . . Se Perte Rice Sugar. . 35 .. Southern Ball 20?i .. Southern Railway pf.. 4814 8 Standard Mill 10U4 4 Standard OH of Ca!.. 80H 0 Standard Oil of N J..170J4 7 Stand Oil of N J pf...U3 2 Stewart Warner Speed 3314 7 Studcbakcr 73 1 Submarine Beat Cerp. . Superior Oil Cerp.... 9 Tenn Cep & Chcm ... 10J4 3 Texun Ce 43 J, . . Tex & Pacific ;. . . 33J, . Tex & Pac C & O pd. . 3014 6 Tobacco Products . . , 60J4 . . Tel St L . W ctfa pf. . 23 .. Transcen Oil 1074 Twin City R T pf. .. 74?4 10 fndcrwoed TypcwrltcrlSO . I'nlen oil 311i in fnlen Pacific 12414 4 Union Pacific pf 6M4 6 United Fruit 13334 8 United Drug 73',4 U United Uetall Stores . S3H 3 U S C I P & Fdypf . . . 47 . U S Feed Products... 13J4 4 U S Jnd Alcohol .... 101, . . V S Realty & Imp.... 57 ij . L S Rubber 40 . U S Smelt & Ref 34iJ .1 U S Steel H1. 7 1 S Steel pf 11331 3 t tart Copper 69 .. Utah S-ec 10'i .. Vanadium Cerp IOi .. Vu-Car Chemical .... 3114 .. Vlvadeu lue 71 . . Wabash 7 .. Wab.it.1i pf A 21 . . Wababh pf U 1314 4 Wcstlnghouse IS & M. 47 . Wheeling & L 13 7J4 Wheeling & L 13 pf.. 15 Wlilte Moter 3KJ4 .. White Oil Cerp 1411 Willyn-Oveiland Wilsen & Ce 31 Weel worth T AS' 134 Worthlngten Pump .. 44 3 4 35 Wright Aero S3, E.i-!lvldenu. Lew 67 8614 73U 10 H 3 11(4. 34 2194 837, 84 4031 68 J4' 34 10 172 41K 46K 150 14 ?4 94 29 30(4 33 94 2814 714 18J4 U14 1 HSU , 84 23 W 137, 24W 714 601 2W 4H 18 H 43K 54K 94J4 18 1314 133 i!4 :ii st 14 4V 1314 53 0314 1314 42?1 4014 78! i 12 4531 3h 18 28 W 61 '2 4434 SOU 4?1 14 34 Ji 10 55 213, (13 32 Ji 33 1334 33 1 i 13H 67 58 33 1 4 151, tll'n 36'i 1093, 30, 30C2 20 ?1 1414 7174 43 46 481 31 'a 214 6 6814 24U G 3314 23J4 3S 79,( 35 2014 4814 10191 89 K 17951 113 3314 74 4 914 4314 23(4 39 '3 OOI4 33 10H 74 1 130 305, 134H 6814 131 Ti 72(4 53 !4 47 11"! 391, 55h ISH 33 831 1 113i 67', tot; ;iei. 3Ua 2H 3094 1314 4544 57a 15 3814 14 574 30 174 44 Mi 1:30 Nat T. M. Chge. 67-2 57U r ". 7V4 . 103a- 14 3)4 1114 4- X 34 - 24K4 8374 2454 10 173 Jt -f 1 42 48K4- K 130 -10 1494 9K4- W 29 - 7a 31?1 191 na 14 4- l 6H-I .BT.L 1 714 US 1814 ll4 1- U l -r n SS OILSFEATURESCURB British American in Geed De mand Imperial of Canada .at New High 14 !i 1. 114 841 2594 W 1874- 14 2414- '4 6691- 2)4 294 !4 494 J4 19 - . 14 4391- !i 8414 Ua 9414- w 16 -. !a 1214 123 1 1J4 ' 413 8114 4H-: ra 1314 .- 1!4 83 63(4- 'a 13J4 r it 44 I'i 4091-r 7814- 13 - 4591- 3K- 18 2391- 61'4 4431 3031- 4891 - 14 -3314 10 53 -: 3191 67 33J4 33 1334- !a 33'4 13 Ja- 5'a 60 3, J- 391 39 74 2334 91 15!4-r 9a 61 r 2H 26 14- )i 110 - 1 30 - 114 3814 - Ji 23 4- 2 14W la 73 - W 43 46 - 91 4891- W 23 J- 14 2114- W 294 la 6 6614 24 7a 94 64 .. 3314- 114 2391- la 3S 79J4 .. 35 20U4- J 4 48(4 li 1011- 1 89K . 150 - IU 113 - 14 2314- 7, 741- 94 4 - 94 sar .. 074 35 10b- 74 34 130 - 5 31H4 1 12414 H 68J1 - li 173 - Ji 7314- 1 3394- S 45 - 14 114 New Yerk, Ner. 21. The market en the Newilerk Curb was again Irregu lar In its in'evementH nnd business be came, mero of a professional character than has been noted for some time pest. Nearly nil the npeculetlve Interest wiw attached te trading in the Canadian en firnup, partly because of the continued icavy buying1 of Imperial Oil of Canada, In winch there wus steady accumula tion, carrying that stock up ever 2 points, te UT'a, n new high record. There also was n geed demand for Brit ish American Oil. Standard Oil of Indiana, which had been the strongest feature of the oil group for tome time, reacted 1 point, te SO'i, and many of the ether petro leum IsatieH, which had Improved since the beginning of the month, were tinder pressure. One of them wae Vitlee Service common, which decllued from 220 te 10. Slmms Petroleum sus tained ft fractional loei. The feature of the industrial group was Chicnge nnd Kast Illinois, com mon, in which transactions were larger than for (tome time, the stock making n frnetlennl advance. Glen Alden Ceal, Texas Gulf 'Sulphur and sevcrul ethers vvcre in fair demand. United Profit- Shoring reBe'n fraction. finedvear Tire ngnin was under ac cumulatien, although no attempt was made te bid up the shares. 1NDU8TKIAX& Rich Acrne Ceal Amer IeaUVr , California Crushed Trull C hlculre MlDDln . . . . Chicago K East III Ch'caire ft Uaat 111 pref. Columbia Emjrald Durant Meters CirreM Ceat Oll.aen Hewell CJlen Aldcir Ceal lloeiiear T4re I & n O pref National Leather North Amer Paper . Packard Moter Herfeotlen Tire Phillip Merris liadle Cem pref Meuthern C L I Teiax Quit Hulpll Teb Pred ITiP C S Uteam United Profit Sharing united lil candy Wnyne Ceal . West End Chenl 1A 104 au .. 15', ::aft .. 27 . . ins .. 31 . . 44't .. 124 .. 80 . . 3 : tu . . d3 . 4, e :: aiji .. 44 . . 2.'. ITi "..::: i'i, 1 li ll Le-w tin 8I 1.80 r. m ih 10i 0J4 34 in 27 ion 15U 44 12,i 60 .1 n 7'i 43 4Vi O 31I SSI fiTAND.UlII MIA Ijbea 10'. Atlantle Ohie Oil Imperlnl Oil Can . Stand Oil of Hid intjepj: All'ed Oil new . Arkanaan Nat Gae noeies Oil . ... noeton Wjemlne . Carlb Sjml Central Amr Pet Cltlea Service (old) Cltlei Srvloe "U" Creeln 8nd Cuahlnc 1'ct .... Denny Oil ... IMmendu r.lk Ilanln Pet . . . Unalneern Petrel . Federal Oil nilllland OH Clrannda Imperial Oil lnt Petrel Kosten Hanscr Lyem Pet Merrltt Oil Mex ran Mexico Oil Mountain Treducta Neble Omar Oil ned Iteck Oil ... siraim ret hkelly Oil sieutharn I' s .. Tidal Oaace Texon Turkeney I'll Texan oil . .. Victeria Oil new . y en 10T1 .set son . . .. 97 4 03 . . . . 87 S0V4 A DENT OILS ctf.i. 23 23 10', 10', 3.1 K2 84 83 f.'i 0H IMi 14 120 210 24'1 21 401, IU 57 J4 -. 48!, 34 - 82"4 r 117JA-!- 5H :- 10'i . 30J4 311, 794 i 7 , 21 a. 1314 . 45K lh . 15 38!i ' 14 - a 30 134 -44 -1 s'4- 14 GEO. A. HUHN & SONS BTO( HS M IKivns Menibem of Hie I'lillnrirliihln, VfW lerli nml (hltiice s(,Mu Kkcliauita New Yerk ( uttini IVvrhance Commission Orders Executed In All the Prlnclpdl Markets Liberty Bands Bought and Sold IlellMue (eurt ind., ills Walnut St. . V . ill llrendHr. Atliietlt C'lt, Anibuuilcir lintel I'ub. Service N. J. 7s 1922 General Gns & Kiev. b"b, 1929 Tlmpire Gas & Fuel Oh, 19215 Lehigh Power Sec. (is. 1927 Eastern Pa. Ity. 5b, 193G BAUER, STARR & CO. I.itnd Title lliilldlna. I'hladrrMil, New lerl. (mice, a Keiler htrrel JJirect I'rixatc TeieLinv- bit L-.-v's -7'. j Hi't "lle l-" .I'i "li'3 IK oil r, 1 e " 1 ..? -- M -'7 ' It!-', ."iii Li l' :i2' :;u'i i!7; is 27 't Itt't. . fif.i. 1.,.. u n:i -:;ii' . 41.7,. is fu 01. Upi'.es C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D i CIIKJ.TM r NIS. BANKERS une4erH te bA'I.KK 4 .srinK.NbON Hand, and .ntnekn tieiislil unit old Membem I'hlla. htnrk r.irhint. jSTOCK SALESMAN. I'KO MOTER FISCAL AGENT Olt u STAU SALESMAN. CALL 34 iiuww mil, II.!! tn T( It :i."il. 2iHitPee tia". " e." ."" 1. .-. Pliila '' cum pi 11 Phila P.lee 1.VJ de pref iiir. piuh it t ". Phil Trii. . PiiOTenn lie' ."irfiTen Mill 17 Un Trae 17s V C, I. . 10 1I11 prei . 10U Wash lias ."." Yerk U pf -- e' a-K. mad by eompftrMen -, ca e en N&w Ter .vtuc Eii-hans rillUMIKM'llIA IIONDb CViO I.ibertv 2d d'ci '42 fiOO Liberty 2d 44B '42.. .. pHHl I.ibertv 2d -V tn ' 1'J II. Ml Liberty .'id 4't '2K :ihi Liberty "d 4Vi -2s 'iii) Liberty -1th -lUs '"s r.fi.'ll Inhertv -1th 4'is '"s ... lOCfl I.ibertv 1th 4'4k '.'(s., . rifXXlLibcrty -lib 4Mh ViS lCflfl Victory lais '2.1 jOOfl Vlcterv 1-lm '2.'! reg. . . . .MM) 1ct.1rj 1V,n '2:t r,.',fMl Vlcterv Ki.s '2.. 2(0fl0O Vlcterv I.h '2:1 11.ri0 Vicmrv 4't.,K '2:i.. . 20(10 Amer (las &. I'lee .'R.li.trt 'JOOO Tle'dwln Ioco 1st ,'is . . 2(lOO Pe'l Telephone 7.. ,1(100 Hell 1 elenhene 7s . 1000 Picll Telephone 7s.. 1000 Lehigh VailefceiiK (1 .-.000 Plil'n UI'lrlclHt r,t 1000 Pitta Chl On i8t L 4s. . S00O United,, JlaUwarkPs,,leta 74 !i.ri 00 !H!.:!2 rni.2 !U 74 0 I . sfi 01.02 ICi.OO 00.00 f'!. 72 1HI.7P Oil (l Il'i H2 00. Oh 77-U mi', 10s insi; 100 " rin 4 110' 82iJ 74 , FOREIGN EXCHANGE New erll, Nev 21 The feature of the opening et the foreign exchange murket thie morning watt the continua tion of th' preKsiire nguinU Ne.-vvfgiun and UaaNh evhunges. Neivvuy opened nt 14.0." for cublen, 11 leas of It.") peiutH (rem Suturdaj's final tigure, and checks at 11.00. Copenhagen started with a less of !." petntr Un the ether baud, Dutch exchnnge held ut the new high reached toward the end of the last week and Swedish were stonily . The premium en New- Wk funds m Montreal win firmer, ut 1) 1.1-10 per cent. Canadian funds in New lerk were a shade -asler at S l'l-lO per ccut diioeunt. , The Central Kurepe.in eyhanges were ii regular today. Hun marks and (.reek were mietabl higher and Polish marks were a slight fraction better. I he quo tations vvere: Rumanian, nominally. 77; Bulgarian, .li:.; Serbian, 1 .-0 ; CVeeho-Slevnklnn. LOS'i: Juge-Sla-vian, Sttl: f.ri-ek. 07 : AuHrlnn. OH i, , Hungarian, ,10'j; Polish, .OJ. , Pir.ii marks, 2.00 'I'he feature el the mnrket ureuntl mldd.iv vas a decline in Irancs te 7 1.'.' ' for cable- nnd 7.1 1 a f 1 eheckH, 11 drop of points from the opening, lltlienvlie the market was mil nppre ciablv changed lis follews: Stirling cabli'- IOO'h, demand .'l.il'.l' : Ilelgl.in .allies 0.07. .heekrt 0.00; lire . able:, 1.10. checks Lin1".: marks .Hf!'. .rrnr.AV H I ISV t. uLitATIONs Lire f.ull'lefa 4 lil'j .ir.,10 117 35 'J3 UPIAM.M") iJI'OTAIIOh.-i Ktpilnf Crnrj 1. re (lulldera ...3 f9V, 7 .'0 4 U', .V. 30 1 Ce 7. SI 4 Id 35.3 NOON C,COTTIONti 4 Merllnnr Krane I 're Qulldtr, 3 H 1 li"- 4 in'i T. T T . ' Commodity Markets Deinind Cables I "leDAt ri I.emard l DI" bterlli.tf Fran.', a till m 7 t"."s 4 oes 7 sn Dem i ub' 4 flO't 4 1 16 tSU(U BAR SILVER , was uactiancd in linda telar, GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Nev. 21. Wheat started Tic te 1c higher for December and r,ijC te lc up for May, with general pit brokers buying and offerings light. Lib eral experts wen; reported for October and had a helpful influence. Kcceiptu inspected Saturday were thirteen cars; last year, sixteen cars, The cash mar ket was firm. October experts et wheat were re ported at IS, 000, 000 bushels, ngaluH .".5,000.000 for October last vear. Weather reports bbew little precipita tion -nice Haturdaj, excepting light snow ever the Nerthwei-t. Tempi ru tures viere much lower Ceuutrj offer ings te arrive are light. Cern started J,sC te e higher for December, and lac te 3,-jc up for May. Trade was moderate, with offerings light and Mattered ioriiniibsien beuics buying. OatH started unchanged te 'ie higher, I with ii light local trade. COTTON MARKET ' New Yerli, Nev. 21 l enstruu.g th i glnneru' fisurea Bh sllghtlv uuder ex i pectntlnns and Influenced by firmness in able, today s cotton mawi ejuneii llrm and active ai u net ndvancn "f 27 te 45 pelntn. 'I'he early buyers were Wall Street, Liverpool and room shertn, while New Orleans and Japanese iuter (.'ts t-eld. Th" piirchiislng of .Taiiuary wns a feature and w-emtd te be quite general Later trad" entluucd active nnd the list was about HO points net l.igher Receipts At the pertw for the day arc stiumti'd ll '000 bale.s. againnt 113, -17U bulee ' gv, vJ0,7l!5 blw it -- year ngu and e0,79.': bales two yeava Provleu.-. cie6 Ope Dfi.e.r.oer ... . 17 lr. 17 -ji) .lanuary j. )3 17.i:i) V1' JD03 17 3 V?,r I" 7u 17 OH July i.i m- j( .. O;'el' 1S.43 13 73 1 00 J' ! J7.4; 17.H.I 17.3.1 17.111 1 115 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET , New Yerli, Nev. 21. The coffee fu- tures market opened quiet this morning with pi ices I! points higher te 2 points lower. There was net much in the official cable advices from Itrazil' te stimulate, aggressive trading en either I Mile. The December long interest rher ed a disposition te support the n.irket he low the 8'a cent level for that delivery and bought n few lets at S.50 en the I call. There was a moderate renewal of demand shortly before niidduv, which I bent prices .'i te 5 pelntu above initial iigurf.i. There vsab very little coffee for sale. Roasters have nei nnri.-i. na ted requirements nnd inerehiuitv, who have returned from important interior pelntn, say blocks being carried arc very USUI.. Pre rlei, Open r-eceinbei H .M1S1 A ,',.' s iaiy -... 1 March ISWH is s leir 17 i Ala:' 7. se t 7 90 7 Dj p ft-, , July 7.81'S?S.tiii 7.bJch3 DIVIDENDS DECLARED atlenal Tramlt Company, extra .,rs- nrt euarterly BOe, both payable Dct inber IS ' te i te-'; of rerd Nnvf mbr r no I J. I. un Ihrmhlne Mach'iie Cemrat j quarterly i- per cent en prerened. rn,y. nhle January 1 te ateck of n-terd Ueceia bcr 13 Laclede Da, Company of St. ImiIs g,I( , annual 13 r.0 ea preferred payable r)fm ber 10 te fcterk of record Deieniber J BANK CLEARING8 Har.k clearinea today leinparcd w, j ... rasDendlns day :ait two ;ear. 1031 1UV0 ldl& 111, He tl4fl.00ll.0OO inH.DOI. IIM 17'.. mi nn. JlMtea Ji 88,000,000 41.697,803 48,80O',445 -r ', CO . 11 $ . Il'i 1" . . I'i . 84 . Il'i . C . Ul . its . 13 .100 . 80 : & ; ii1' . 73 . 73 . 33 . Ill . 87 MINING AUnka Brl Cel new Ills Ledaa Bosten Mentana Certes Mlver Crenien Oeld K balvader KurekR Creeaua Oeld Zene Hard Mien Mine Ilannlll Dlvlde Heda M'nlnK Kelllnver Hene Hound Knox Divide Independent Lead Mclntjrti Mether Led Clt National llti N"vnda Ophlr NIdIbpIdc Plttn Idaho He Am I'4C Tnnepah Divide Wcet Und Cen neNns Allied Packer Ol . .. . , Aluminum 7s lli;.i Amer Tel flu 10J1 Anarauda He . . .. Anaconda 7u 100 Arrte Amer Oil 7Lje . .. Armour 7e Ueavt- Beard S, Bth Pie) 7 1033 Beth Htf'l 7a 1035 Can I'.ic 6i fill r.aat 111 fls Cel Graph Sa . . . Cene. Gut 7a 1023 v i.. . Copper l.xpert ha 11121 ... Copper IJxpert 8a lOi'S.. Oulf Oil 7a Humble Oil 7s Ivenn-cett 7c I.lbby.MeNe'll 7a I'hlla Ce (la Phllln Pet 74 a Sliau sheen 7e Seutlmnnt Hell 7u . . . Ktand Oil N V 7a Swift H Ce 7i 1(.2,1 .... Fwlft . Ce 7 i 11)31 Te I.dben 7a I'll Ky Hiivana 7S e Vacuum Oil 7j Bremen 4Sa nie liramle de Sul fi . . nusntau fi4 a SvMmj C'au 3C, 30 03 S3 11 33 1H 2.1 in 4H 10 fill 7'; en ii 4 34 11 lW St 11 U 3 I'i ll'i 12 01 81 "1 as 14 70 I'll 1 se n3Vj 30 80 82 f) 2R 17 3.1 1.1 4', 7 . 27 10S 164 44 12U 80 3 2 7'i 42 4S 2'4 31 4i 4'4 25 1 1A UP, :ei 6G'i Hi if, 3J .? 21 1)11 7'i C7 I4! 4 11 10'i H 84 ll'i ?U ll'i 12 fir. en in; e 3a 14 70 72 30 l' J'l no 82 10 31 18 2.1 13 t". T 2i Hew Dees ATrustee; Differ Frem i An Executer? , : An Executer is one who is appointed in z will te carry out its previsions. A Trustee is one-who holds the legal title te teal or personal property, for the ,bcncfit of another. It is the duty of the Executer te settle th estate. It is the duty of the Trustee ve held (thc property en the trusts provided in the will. The same corporation or person j often ap pointed both Executer and Trustee. Thi is mere convenient and less expensive. The officers of the Company will be glad at any time te answer ether questions en trust and estate matters. Fidelity Trust Company 325 Chestnut St, 143 x Chestnut St. la IU . (iwsp STQX (l-?A Wnnrllanrl A, WestPhiladelplm Capital 5,200,000 xgr Surplua 16,000,000 Funds held in Trust mere than 250,000,000 When "Alcohol" Passed Their Dividend ' The death knell e many an income was sounded. There is a way that outright holders of this non-dividend paying stock may use it te restore their lest income. May ive explain? Alan A. Alexander & Ce, STOCKS and BONDS COLONIAL TRUST BLDG., PHILADELPHIA Kt.: Jlate CHOj Ilelli JxxMiat 5310-1-2-3-11 Branch Office, llrWteten, ., J, B P r. I'i l3i 1i SH 3'4 r.u 711 US AH 23 29 20 nvt e' ii' , IS 1'J i ' r.i ai 01) (1(1 M be bO 30 be r,n m 101 lOD'i 101' im', nn', no i, fi.l'a PRi-j "AW 101' 1014, Kll'i 1I13H 103M, 10.1S 1024 ina, 102', 72 71V. -.1 100S 100'n inn s mm ioe. mi 100', KlO'i inni, t.n nxiu ,' 40 411 41 10 Hi Ifil till ,10-js, iej ion ,. 104', 104 104', ,102V, injvi i02i, lOO'I 1IIO 1(111 inni, me inns, lin'i Pevi nn , fll'i 04 04 len't loeti ioe llllvj 101V, 10IU ioe', ions inn", iei t, ins4 im t, int mi m ie.' jn' i.i lll.'IVi Hi2, InSi, 1(10 HHl In, -10.1V4 10.1V, I...-,' 4',, 4V, li OflV-j fl!l. fifti, HI IMi T.i ODVi UlP, tn,'B WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT WM, T. CROUSE JOSEPH J. FOLEY MAHLON H. MILLER WM. E. ALLEN, JR. GEORGE H. WATTLES RUDOLPH W. HOUKES HAVE BECOME ASSOCIATED WITH US IN OUR BOND DEPARTMENT , Mackie, Creuse Ce. Real Estate Trust Building Philadelphia, Pa. ' lt 1 ' pHfH 2JBb. Spruce 8200 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rhlraae, Nev 21. CATTLIE ne- - -If i,e head Htrene tn 2.1c liiih-r. N-n ar.ies Mrentcarli- Toe beef ster f. ) weluht Us rKiunrtH, hulK. jr. 7.1 rf S i", butel r ra. he atomic, target) 3 jrtiA -,i. enniiers meMly 10e lilch-r. built 1.' .in , 2 7.1 bjlls. 10c te 1,1c hlcti-r bui i legiins S L1i a ,10- if.lvea, V.le lower, bull i' th 17 u 7 7". atucliera and fee.lera, ii, te .Tk l.'ulier1 bulk. $.10. ' IIOil- lUc.-lpte. 40 000 head l'alrh active kip te Me lilaher thnn bitunlay a aveniR mettly 10c lilaher. Ten, 57, bulk in "fill 7 nine, slew about steady: bulk d -tlrnhle I7'n)7 2.1: few 17 BO. " .bHI7EI' Hecelidu, 10. COO rut Iambi. 2.V te 400 higher Tep, 10.40 bulk ,a n H.".. lull. n.10fl,7: aheep ateady geed in hel.e. IIO.HHI 10 pound fat eu J3 ?,-, ,? I In avlei liireel' urutind J2..H1 ten M,r. lines, early. S7.23: no freed feder lambs l.ere. I'lttshiircli. I'.i., Nev 21 -i'ATIH, lie eelitu, 1,100 head Hlceri,, 7.7r.8, helfrd rti&irtB0i cea. U 1.55. Calvea. rccilptS: J7 Tep. 110 110(1.3 Iticliiti, 11.010 lual lnnnr lliMvin,, Hli0ft7: heavj nrkra J7 40f 1) Uht verkers. 7.fl07.75i plea. 17 7.1 MICI-.P AND LAMTtH Heeelptfl. 4nOe h-fj htead:. Ted ali.p, J4.7fl. tup Iambs. 1 itit lluffnle, V. Y Ne, 21 -i ATri.l Tie, ipts 3w0() h-id SIe-a, atead' hbln. plni: n-ers 177 S no . but, ben, jii t.i , j. yearling. n 10, helfera. H7 cewh i ti 1 1 bulln, IS5fr., utei-ksra ami fcdHrH tin,, , .I" freeh cewa and aprlnstern ou a . Hi'ii.h tin u 131. Calvea Htp, ipi inn,, head hu n and htea.U I3U 10 ri) ' H'Iij.m T elntk 10.100 hnad ' .rth hea- Hleadv ethfrii. lniT J'c Iew.t. Hn.iv' --"7 23 mixed 7.2.17 10 vorherr. 17 0 if 7 n lliht verkera I77.1W8, pra and reuai. nn.l'jl. mb S4i5t,-e ir,v '"K1 fHi:ct' and Tamils ue,,.i,i mono rad u.ir.lii and jearllreH ,ie( biehr eihirn uteidi l.ainbw tii?ie,-,n. icar.liVa-i' i 1.H17: vethera, $4 BniT4.7.i. twej. it ffi 1. mixed tliiep, I8.504. uoe United Stated Victory 434's bKCCKITIKS DETAniMENT Commercial Trusi Company L Jltinbrr rcdrral Keiene Scilrm City Hall Square, West jjT"irnT n ina GOVERNMENT BONDS lild lull', 01) Y, en ; I'ai irri coupon Ca I03H . , Panama rexlutered 2i. 1089 . P.Miamt cnupeii 2, Hi38 I'anami reulntefed 2 1038. vauaiua coupon s null Panama regUt'red 3, lOBt Philippine la le.'ll 1'lilllpplne 4a 103.1 Philippine 4n lOIW ., 17 S Gevt coupon 2a 1930 I! 8 devt reglatered 2a 1030. Hi n (luvt neunan 4a lwJ.I I tl Cieyt reciatered 4a 102A u4 I u.. -, HlOVi iivX 7ll'J ?? 77 Iii0t nut- Inli 4 'I Ae 10l. lOl'I Which way will the market move? '"PHE Bteck market moves - ever a series of major anil miner cycles and profitable trading depends largely en knowing ut what point in each cycle one should make com mitments. Scientific Investing &Trading is a conciEely-written 96-page book that cleatly explains hew le take advantage of the major and miner trends of the mar ket. It points out the way te profitably trade 1n ueeurities and indicates the pitfalls that every trader should carefully avoid. ' 'i! lel.-jiMc.-i- or u rite ,r on en ' .-Hi ul buul.ltt I .J.. " Wm. H. McKttnna &. Ce. 221 S. 15th St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. N'ewVerk Pattnen Cnltaae Tiiubiugh Vv alter J . DcIimifJt Ce. Invcs tmentb New YerL PLilaeielpliu Beles 6-Westwood Mviw Pliila fiinr-l' Exchanw ' a INVESTMENT SECURITIES LandLTitle J51d Philadelphia PHONE-LOCUST 41 " EARSEaTBROS.&Cft Investment Securities 142 1 Chc.tnut St. PliiUdcIpU 4jt,P JJPiwnWa MtU.l3i.tl.mi nil', mil? 104 ; J04r f WIEGNER,ROGKEV&CO Certified Pitfrfic Accountants Drwi Buiiamg, PHOadelphiii rrnnUBiilA n. H. Ce. JCquIp. JJIjJ ifU uurf ivui jWmJm w " gim pn'. i irrmnin iiniiriiiiu . ? "-- --. -. -ii.i Indiana berr. I'erii. Adl. 3'a ?,! tl Waterloo, Uedar V. & N. f,.f IfJj iveaama iracnan uum,"., , i,. Indiana. Cel. & r.mx ;ici. j,- iii . Jer.ex Oily. Jlobeken ''"'VJ.vi C01 SAMUEL K. PHILUP2&W ' Member, rmiadeipnis eiV" 601 OJIK''TN11 J i. . f