i- -' i .-r ifpfi'YW W ;i" V" ' ' 'V "?' '" ""'TTTfSffVVS'v W " riITpy 13 1 I . '. - ' li -J -, f 1 9 EVENING PXTBLIO LED GEE PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1921 "5-iSF5f JUST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE tit flancy Wynne Tells of the Starr-Wurts Ball at the Belle ' vuc-Stratferd Last Night She Sees Smart Clethes i and Hears of Charity Ball mlin Starr mid Wurt bnll lncr nlclit J. ivac n nuxt delightful nffnlr. The ttagc of the bnllroem nt the Bellcvue. Etratfenl win bunked with croon nnd pcen wn the entire color Hellenic of the decorntiens, which were simple but beautiful. Mrx. Starr, Mrs. Wiirts nnd t j0(jnn received ne guests in uie wyer ! e'utli!e the bnllroem nnd I nhetild sny ,t.rc Pr0 nt lenit fix hundred there. Tncnn looked perfectly Hwect in n i 'k f feft white mntcrlnl covered with fcqiiln which were white tinting Inte the pnle-t of orchid. Mrs. Stnrr's rnnn wns hnndeme. It was of cloth of lllver the bodice cut V-shnped and the rewn'mnuV with n court trnin. There Lre touches of lnce liere nnd tliere. Mr WurK who is I.erhh's mint. then nn exquisite Rewn of cloth of lhrr veiled In white sequins nnd innde with ii court trnln i)f filler. Supper wflg rncil In tlie Clever nnd Hed Beems nt 1 o'clock. The ilebiinnles looked dnrlinK, nil of them, though I can't begin te renicin Wnll their lovely gowns. Annn New bold looked n w fully well I thought, In a town of fuscliia red velvet, draped nt the right shoulder with velvet ntid at the left with chiffon. Seme one snld It wfls n Cnllet model, mid it ceituiiib looked it. and wns most boeoming. Tlirre weie incs of tlie sntne shnde at the Irf' -hie of the giulle. Ellen l.leyd. who lemmds me ulwnys of a fniry. wn exquisite in a fmek of white rhlffen brocade and silver . nnd kIu- lind the Ievclict u truth of silver leaves in het hnir And Dorethy Uoilgers' gown I netcl p,iMii-ulnrl. tee. It was of inle-cret-u mi I In nnd a cut square at the nerk. "bile the skirl was draped in tlie latest effect. The gieen breuglit cut her i Icli coloring mid tlie glints of her dark hnir. Their were ever se mni ethers, of course, nnd tlie gowns weie all sweet It wns n beautiful nffnir. TIII'IIK are quite n number- of girls coins up, r rather who went up, te rtofen Inst night or .estcrdny for the Ynle-Hnrvnrd gume nt Cambridge this afternoon. It's going te be ery e. cltlnj. for Princeton, jeu remember, beat Harvard n fortnight age. nnd Yale in her turn bent Prlncefen Inst week Xsinei Cepe and Kitn Ilockecher went up es(erdav nnd they nre gelu;: te bne n wonderful time ineidentnllv. There's some kind of a large clinrlty bsl! m Hosten either Inst nlglit or tonight I inn net sure of the dnte. and llltn mid Nancy are going te it The hi r t" stay with Nane's slater. Elirnbcih. who lias nn iipnrtinent In Roslen with severul ether girls, and is studiliiK arcdiitecture there. Mrs. Ciipe has gene up te Saunderstown for :i week te stsij with Mrs. (leerge Hlddle, nnd Xnncj and Rita will probably meet her en the ttuiii teturning te Philadel phia mid all come down together. Fiiun.i Wtcr lias gene up for I lie game. tee. and se lias .Alary liebard and sereul ethers. DID wni hear they nre going te have f-ingimr ns well ns dancing nt the opening pageant -of the Churity Hall en the M of December' I think tlint'n a wonderful Idea. In plnce of the usual recitation of n poem specially written for the e cushion, each individual group of darners will be introduced by tlie Unguis of tlie waltz song, they repre sent The whole thing is te he called a ' W.ilt. Dieam." Elizabeth Euttii is te be "tie i( the soloists. She will sing "The Mem Widow" waltz, and Pelly Thnjer is te piny for the Pink I.ml.i chin us It sijuiiils ti v f 1 1 1 1 pretty and atl nn tie te me. rVUi: I'lnjs and L one nf their ilelig Plajers will have ighlful Suiidnj nfter- neinis t.iniorrew in the Playrooms, lit Seuth Ihf-hteenth street. .Miss Helena Ilalliiiiiii. is in eluit-Ke of the teas tills Jim nnd they are alwavs "rent fun. win klmw there's ulvviivs some olio I tlieie who Will sillL-. or leeite m- tnlk . I Blul it - most Inleiel iiiL' iu-t te meet the un inbi'i-s, vvhe nre all (Iiiiiik iiileit'st- iliK limits I SAW Supine Ynriiull .liuebs in town ,!,.,,,,, .. wi, eiiM-i iiu.v lenKiui; ver aiuac- nii' in a lone null et black caracel and n -hkiIi soft giny felt but. Yeu Knew flic mid .Mr. .lambs have taken a house hi Ardiui'ie and will seen move Inte It. for thev have almost tinislied tlieir fill -bNmiK Tin' me stming In the nioiin nieiin tiine witli Sephie's fnther and mother. tin I'luiilten Yarnnlls, at ('ruin Creek Knriiis mi Deven Later lu the .season M" .md Mrs. Yarnall will move Inte then low n house at Seventeenth and I -I streets. T I'lTLi: CIIAUI-IK had been te n -' I'Htv. and when li J'intii eiiKimed blin in li'"l(l ii. u lllive II Kded '"'- niiiI Charlb'. nine home eenvei satinn lime, de.il '.'" 'Hew would 7" i like te have I'll I .Minus week?" W'iiiM be tine," Auntie couldn't I'.eri w, mlil net i ehlldien's pnrt.v in asked Aunti Hint "hut said Cli.irlle we have one be se man w lieie miles. "Hh I am I I 111 I S, Chinl,..." of sneil parlies." lid Auntie sadly 'or n i. hi ii. n t vwiiil find I upeil te come ladles lieeiiu I te tlie pint." Hill 1 1 1 1 1 i c and e irncMl i culled Clinrlle enei li 'Yeu'ie net u ladv." NANTY WYNNK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES I i ink Pester Shei buriie, of Lev- i M is has announced the -i- i i of hrr daughter, Miss l-Ilxi-sln iliuine. te Mi LdKiil Cen- !' he i. .Ti i of Mr and Mis I I', lien of Uaveifeid Mi- Slu i Ire- I" Hi u in i: i hum Tf in- el Mi and Mis Flunk , t llaverfuid M. I'-u d ef Mi 'd Mis Caidiui Cassritt have Campbidl. MlbS L Wanen MissMnelui mil, it ions for a dinner in honor I Hels, Mrs W Aul.ctt, Miss l-,lin lleii Viiii.i S Neivbeld. diiimliti-r of I deisun Miss Anna llendeiKen. Miss si i tile lull j".',,'" s.lll'l.ll V in Mm KD Nivvbelil. befira ie lie L'iven lii Mi Nivvbelil lauKhter en Mendai eVeiiuiK, M Ei n md Mis l ! eei ire Slum I P.Uter- " "I Is.'! De L.mei v phu e Mill leave ''i"i funiculi N te visit their b f u ii.'uiKe Suiait Patterson. ,lr, '" i si mi. nt at Si Paul's Si lioel "ill leiuin te i hell home en Mini- M 111, Tl. d.iv i..,::: in, ,1 i'.i ..I I1 I Ull G. L,t I liu; ,, 'id Mis liebeil II Thomsen et ii ne have announced the enn.in.i 11 "lull- daiiuhtei. Miss Marien 'Hi Thomsen, te Mi. Jeseph - siiineie, son of Mi and Mis. " -"Wine,!?, of Washington, l'a. "id Ml' .leel Cook Hilbei, of "I- Mill toad, Cvnwiil, are icceiv- 'J.luiihi ben i ki a-uiaiiens en Hie Imtli or a 1 Mis Huber will be reiueni s Miss Mmy A. llajn Am 'UK Hie oiitef-tovvn Kuests wlie at- '"mild ' nan ylven last nveniiu; b 111 l,U , l. . . l.w. Lj, 11 Ml t,.., .. -- VIUIIICO OllllVOII I Ul II- ""' Mi i Mr, jnine8 starr li. honei n-ii . s srali LeKan Starr, at the Ini. . '7'-'tfeid, werti Miss Janet Sa tif ii "osien. Mis Jehn W . "J'li-bijiB Mis. fhatles i: Itelll, A I es, e, ...''. "tii A i es Mis William Lew" Kmvv '""' "'e .Misses Wilulil, ull of Ini- vi , " 1J "lid Mis lidwiird Hieiiii Cai,,fi K? r wnsiiliiRten, and '-"'elliiu Nash, of WashliiKteu. Mils Of ii, JuJil, Mr William Drayten OraiiBO, tien f. Wc" "Kten, have Itsued Invita- Mr tl 118 i ; Ije'thi hi,', l '"'K0 "'moo ie ue given at r DeMiii u5? ,." en Thursday evening, rlvinber '') I, i,rt..,vn ,.r ii.aiJT ,in...i.,... ivinuer as. In honor of their Uauchter. M Ha llL 7wt " "" " ICII UUUKIUCI. he br. ?,nn.ln.B ."rnnga. MUa Urnnffe will UJ PrcBentea tw, society at a tea te bs Blvcn by her pnrcnlH en Thanksgiving nfternoen. Mrs. GeorKe H. I.erlnier will entertain In her box at the Merning: Muslcale en Mentlny, followed bv luncheon nt tlie Hellevue-Strntferd Her guests will In In clude Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, Mrs. James Krnncta Sullivan. Mrs. nudelph Blnnkenburjr nnd Jtrs. Rebert Hewell. Mr. nnd Mrs. .1 Hill Dawsen, of Stevenson Md , nnnounee the nmrrlnge of their daughter, Miss Prlscllla Hldgc ley. te Mr Augustine Herman Stump, """"'..JndBe mid Mrs Arthur Stump, of Haltlniere, In St. Themas' Church. Onrrisen beriest, Md , en Tuesday, No vember 15, nt 1 o'clock. Mis'. Ocor&e ri Itrewnlnc nnd Mr Hlclimdsen e. Drowning, of Old hmi caster lead, Deven, novo issued invltn invltn tleim for ii dmice te lie Riven nt the Merlen Gelf Club en Monday eveninc, December 12, In honor of Miss Georel Geerel iiium C Wetherlll. debutanle daughter ,.!r.,VIM: rBO D. Wethcrlll, of Hcuthor Hcuther tleld, County J.lne rend, Uryn Mnwr. Mr nnd Mrs Alfn-a f5. U Steel of Sugar henf. Chestnut Hill, will enter tnln nt a large family luncheon nt their lieme en ThmiksBlvlnfr Day. ine nex nt the opera of Mrs Herbert M i one, or lbl'j Locust street, en the 'WnilliT ncit. 'tlivqflnv Vni'nl.,,. in Mil be occupied by her son-in-law and laughter. Dr and Mrs. Halsey de Wolfe, if Providence, ft I , nnd her son-in-law itid daughter. Mr. and Mis Frederick Ionian, Jr., of (ilenslde Miss WalburKii Kaul Ilelllv, dehu 'an e dnUBhter of Mr nnd Mrs. Jeseph Ie.l y. of Itadner. who are occupy. ng the home of Mr nnd Mrs. Lawrence T Paul, lit 2209 St Jnnies plnce, for the winter. Is entcrtnlnltiB ns her guest Miss Louise Lynch dnuBhter of Mr mid Mrs .nil Lvneh, of Plltsburirh. MI.sk Lynch mil" te iittcnn ll.e ball Bien bv Mr .md Mis Charles Stewert Wurts mid Mr nil Mrs .lam, St.n r at the Ilellevue .' "", ,rcI ':,Ht eien-nB. m honor of Mis? sat. ill Lng.ni Starr. .Mis n-lllv will be he Kiiest of liener m a l,uCe dance te be Blien at the Ilellevue-Stratferd bv .lei tiaientH en Wednesdav eening. De- ember 21 ' Miss Judell MiufircRiir Husten, dniigli dniigli 'erel Mi ,n,d Mm .Jeseph M Husten, of Uissahlckeii avenue and Lehman lane, '.einiantewii who is n student nt Rmlth ( olleKo, wllll nriie home en Wednes day te spend ThanksBivliiR- with her narents mIsm Husten, who will attend the Army and .Vavv football same en Saturday In New Yerk, will be presented te se( Irtv by her parents at a tea which the. win Cve en Tiksdav IVcember L'7 A dinner and dunce will fellow the tea Dr and Mis .1 ferblt Davis, of Ambler, have Issued Invitations for a dinner en Saturday cenlnB. December 10. in honor of Miss Elizabeth Huey Mr and Mi William S Godfrey, of Woedfoide. Aidniere will attend' the lfarard-Yale name today In Cambr'dge .Mrs Austin M I'mws. of SnIi Semi nole ha emic Chestnut Hill, Is ontcrtaln entcrtaln ItiB as lier guest ever Hie week-end Mrs. Km nk P Fairbanks, of Heme, Italy. Mr and Mm Kiln mil '' tlawle. el fiSSS City linn, (neihroek. will enter tain at a small buffet supper 'nt thelr home tomenon- evening. Keurteen guests will attend Mrs Kitwud liliklnoen and Mis. Wil Pnm ' Williamson have Issued Imita tions for a luncheon ie lie followed b) a cud pnrtv, nt the I'hiliulelplila Conn ii v Club en Wednesday afternoon, De ft mber 7 CoiiBressinan and Mis Geerge Wash Wash liiKten KdmemK of 1K2D Spiuce street entertained at dinner at thlr home en Thurstl.iv evening In honor of Miss Marie Loughney Mr nnd Mis Mat Inn N' Pike, of fir, Kast SOwait avenue. Lansdowne. are receiving cniiBiatulatletis en the birth of a daughter. VliRlnhi Kathrvn 1'jUe Mrs FMke was. before her mat rlage, Miss ritith Decker, of Lansdowne Ml and Mrs flail T Bettlng. of 1121 Wveinlng avenue, antieuncii the eiicagetueTit of their dauebter, Mls.s Dlla Mnrjiiiin Hettmpr. te Mr David Paul McCaun. son of Mis H J Douglas, of Kami's Mill. ,V. f During th. World War Mr. Mcfnnn served overseas In the Third Division ns a lleuttnant of the HlKhtcenth Kleld Artillery NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs M Sheu. of fl7 .Vertli Itiead stieet, IxiKiin. iinneuiu'ed the eiiKaif.- tnent of lur daughter, Ml.sa Mary T' te Mr. Jehn ,l Maker, of' this nnea, city. i Mr and Mm ,les,eili Haskin. of S22 ' Cerinllilan avenue, nnnounee the en- leiiKemeut of iheli d.niKhter. Miss Der- "" Haskin te Mr Martin W. Abrnnis, ' Of tlllS lit Mrs Cam,, iiupenheinier, of 14I Diamond nit.-, t lias lelurned after nn etenslve nip In ICurepe. ! SOUTH PHILADELPHIA I Mis Taeuias Mi Cube- of 2J'J.t Seuth Seventeenth stieet, intertainid III u masipieiade p.ulv last evetilni; in honor 1 el her daughter. Miss Marie McCain l The KU(tss Ineludid MSss .lescphine Hat I iiiitten. Mls ,le"i.pliliii. Mci'ressen. Miss Man Miivvvell. .Mins Cnlherlue ! Harren. .Miss Lillian iiiieini Miss Cath- ailiin Baney. Mls-i Alarv SiMen. Miss 1 Frances McCabe. Miss Marv Dniiuheity. I MIsj Anna Sullivan. Mi ltuss.ll Clatk. Mr Llevd Killer. .Mi IMivanl .bdlne. Mr I vii Welh Mi Iiilm Welsh Mr Jehn (iilhMII. Mr l-'ianeis MiCuskei, Mi Andrevv Mitileiie Ml t loin K shei Mr Thuimis Me inl.i-r. .Mr Hau.i "law son Mi Plnllp S Mass, of CiilllliKsvveud, .1. will lUit. rtnln nt his hmiie tills v,niiuf Viiiimi; the KUi'Sls will be Iliss Anettn Metzuer, Miss Eleaner Smith, Miss Ites.ilie Toeim-v. Mihs Julia Smltli, Miss Ciielinu I'lice Miss Jessie I'rii'e, I ,lls.s Kleleiiie Meii house, Mr i.-an I riiteii, Mr 11,-rbett Uiikmeie. Mr i Kail Siiu'dli-.i Ml Julius Ki.ime. Mi William l.eef. Mi fleerun Jiickt-uii Mr I .Inoeb Itudulph Mi William Jeseph, Mr I Phillips Dlik. I Mr Walter LeITu Mr. ItediiHi Clailte. Mr Kdmu- Themas and I Md ICdiiaid Wilsen WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Alineue M Metzuei, il;i ukI 1 1 ' t of Mr and Mis i V Mel.h'er. ul VuJ Ninth Fertv f.uiilh stieet, i nti i lalned I lie iiu-iiiheis of hi-r i lull mi Wi iIiii'mIii iveiilnir The fellow niir Kinsts vine ! i Kent. Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Ida Klsle Stevvmt. Mis .VI miuciix .mis- Shin. Mis Ta ler anil .Miss (icneviove Hrjiner. Mih II D .Milium, ttSI'i Ualuut stieet. with Miss Censtiinci) Alliii.'ili. Is at the Aiiib.iss.iilni, AtUinlie Cil, for bum. i tiuii-. NORRISTOWN The uiniibiK" of Miss Celsa Fnbbil, of lOast Main stieet. and Mr Jehn Itelll, of New Yeik. leek place en Wednei-da In San Salvateii's fhuicb Th paiim-. tie, Kev Lambert Trail, ellli luted Tlie bruit) wns attutidtd bv Miss Vela Helll, sister' of the lirlfleijioein, ns maid of honor Tlie best mail wuh Dr Heme Knlibii. brother of the bride A wed dins litealtfust was kivcii at the lielle vuc-S.'intferil Pliiladelphla. after the coreineny Mr. and Mis lielli will Ilvu In New Yerk DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs Hei ace Hlakloten nnd her son, Mr Jeseph Mlakisten, have letuined te tlieir lieiiiu In Media fiem a visit te WasbliiKten. Theso wlie will leeelve nt the Imp which will lie rIveii en Kilday eveiilm,', Neieuiber :'.". will be .Mrs Fiank K Hatt. .Mis William S. Hlakelev. Mrs Samuel Ujiir Clvdu and Mrs Hlchaid Wetheilll. ,, , , ,, Mm James H Huglies, of Dever. Dl who has been the guest of her mother, Mra. H . Tayler, of Chester, for a few day, has returned tj her home. i has been ( Ud T i,Yln New On Dance Committee Thete by p i. hvf h MISS IIKLEN ('ASSII)Y Of nir Seuth Kertj-nliitli slreet. who was one of the ceminltlee for (lie dance kIvcii :it the Hellenic Hellenic Str.ilferd last eveiiliii; for Hose Hese innnt CelleKe MISSTVANDERGRIFT WEDS Q. C. VROOMAN Marriage of Miss Martha Bow Bew man and Mr. Warren S. McFadden The weddlnir of Miss Leurama Van dergrlfi. dauRhter of Mr nnd Airs Wil liam D'Olier, and Mr Quinten C. Vioemnn will tuki- place this , i. nitis at St M Htheiv's F.plscepal fhureli Tli bride, who will be given in marriare in her fnther. will wear a gown of iveiv satin, trimmed vlth old fatnilv ducness lnce and penrl, with a triiln of dueh.s l.n-e She will cairv a slmwer beii'iuet of eichlds, lilies of the valley and m hi i pi a s Tlie maid of honor. Mis A PisM.in Pile, a sister of the lit lib' will in n a diess of blue brocaded nlv.t The bi Idesmaids will be Mis Witm lleld Ii llnrwaid, sister of tlie lui.li-. and Miss Marie van lteden wlie will wear a Jndn green biecnbd velvet Mrs H. 11 Moen and Mis Samuel I! Vioo Vieo Vioe inaii, vi be will wear hone dew bieiaibd velvet; Mis William Mcf aiulli ss. sii ttr of the btnle. nnd Mm Walt, i An theny. who will wear orchid bieendcd velvul Thev will all wear black velvet hats trimmed with plumes and (.iirv shower liumpiets of mled lleweis Miss Wmefred Harward, a niece nf tin- bible, will net .13 Hener girl, and will earn nn old-fnshleiied bouquet The best man villi be Mr Samuel l Vmemnn bielln r of the hi lilegroem and til" ubers will include Mr It K MeCurdv. .Mr Herbert S'umii. i Mr W W MeCandlcHS. Mr A liissten li le. Mi Michael Hlter and Mr. Winlb Id. II 11. ir u aid. McKADPP.V - 1I1HVM.W An attractlie wedding villi take place tblH evi ning when MIsh Mnilhi It'dgHv Hen iii.'in, daiighti r of the Hi v. T)i. and Mrs Linn Hevvman, of .'ue .Mount Ver Ver eon stieet. will become the bride of Mr Warren SeeU McKudden, of SJUrt North Hteail street. In the Methodist Kpl -cep.il Church, Twtutleth and Spring "ianlin ,stie Is The bride's father, the Hev Lain Hewinan, I) 1. will peifeim llie efi. efi. tneni assisted by the K'i. rieeige II, n son I" P. nnd she will be giv.n in iii.ii i lagu by her uncle, Mr. Tln-odeie F Miller The lirlde will wiar a geivn of white satin and old famili lace and n v, il of duchess lace trimmed with orange bios Minis and will caiiv a shen.r buiiipi. t of lilies of the lullev and ei-chlds Mis KntliU-eii i.alnl and Miss Han lit V Ctaven will act as maids of honor Tin will wear dresses of pink net and c (pilns and pink hats tilmiiied with pluiin -i. The la lib-suialds vi "!! be Mlsu II. Ien M.-Kaddeii. a sister of the brldeginein Mrs .lames llrewn. Miss i,w, mlelv n Miller and .Miss .N ininl Kaufnrin Tli.-i iv ill all w.-ar pink chltfnu n-liet iln-si'i and pill, bals LIMIe Mi-s Cleaneie Dale, ei .New Yeik, will be lleuir girl, ami Mist i Wilhud Warne will in t as luge Mr Mil'.ul.bii will have as h,k l,st man bis bt ether. Mi Iliuce M. l-'add, n, I ,li . and the lisle rs villi Include Mr i Net mini I'.nwU Mi .l.niie.H liiuiiu, Mr ! Karl Liii-lisii Mr Ki.ii.lt 11, nsen. Mi I Nelsen W. ut and Mi .li.lui Muil.n ' I'llMMCK -funic ii widdini; will take A pi. el( nillK l.l.ue I Ills' a' (lock In the Chimb i.f i thn Savi I'hitii-eichth ami Cln-stnut i Mis- Tin lina .1, Cook, of I .1 . II ill lieceme the 1.1 tde Stle, ts 11 le New ink. of Mi I'l lies 11 Yac.i-,,. ,lr The ivri'ineiii will !' lierieitiud uy llie lb v .lebn ll.in l l nml will b.- tnllmi , ,i j bv il itveiiti'in nt the. I'liilninilHluii I'luli, Km I lei ll and Wnlniit blleets I The bible ii lie will be kIv.-ii hi mar-' rl.iKu in in r tn In r, Mr .1 ll.ni.v ('ml. will ik it .i Kuivn of Ivnrv iiutiii li liiiiiied I with cliilfuii .i ml iciils IU r veil uf tulle villi form ii coronet nf punilm nnd eruiiitu lileshuinu nml villi ixleiil tin, leimtli nf lier court ttnlu of Hlitln Slin Mill be utti nded b.v lier HlNtcr. Mm Au di t iv .1 Cruici cf Ni'vv liiitnln, ('nun, an in.u i mi uf lemur She will vn-.u n Keivn of bio, iilnl blue .uln find mli I'lltl'V luSlu. The In ideslll.llils n m elude Mis (' VeutiK Miss (ii-u,. li.tlible. Miss i:il.i Uavis ud ilifs KlOietH'O l)n In Tib v villi null iieur a Kimn of rain I un' blm-. mid villi i,(irv I'lir.vsaiitbiiiiuiins Tin will wear a beaddiisn of Mlier liavis ,I.h Tlielm.i I'rezier. u nice, of II"' bride. .md Mi-s Hitly D.iilliliiin e. a ietii"n of lli In 'di ll ill net uh Him i i MiN Tin v villi n. u u fiecbsuf i mill il iv illle m-i and iv ill e.nri basltetH et lleweis- Mr i" l.ecdein Lie.irdeilf will act ns lm.sl man Th ustiern villi Ineludu Mr .lebn M Kills. Mi Wilsen i'.uilst,.u Mr ,IeSi-ili It ilUilisuu unJ Ml Mi.v Mi.v ten .1 MeVllll t HOL.MESBURG Tlu llelmeslu ik KnieiKi'iii'.v Aid will Kile Ita iiinntlil.i 1'iii'i l'.irt en Tu.-.-. dav eienliiK ut tlie IiLii .11 Tin nun mittee in ibaiRe includis Mis A It Cartledtte, .Mlf Helen Smvllie Miss Alm.i Hiewu, Mis Itiiilulpb Sii.idir nml Mrn Chailch Ululei Mis ,1. Ilelilui of iNiitmnii nnd is RliemliliK a fertliiislit III V.iIiIiikihii usitiiu; her biMei -in l.nv, Mis. J'. Mac Mac Jieiiald Tlie illrls' I.e.iKiiu of tlid Kiiiiiinnuel Cbiiicli lield n mieuim en Tliuisduy nu nliiK ul the biimii of MleK Kleience Wei ill, 7s IU WalKer Ktnel AmeiiK tlio.se iiresent weru Mihh A nun Steven m'iii, MIsh Fbiiuiive llalue., Mihh Helen Mlntz. MUs Sabini lleiUman, MIsh Kll.l lift t in, Ml.sn lcii.i Ui ttin, Mihs l'liu'eiici Kttei'. MiH.s Helen P.ui. Mic 1 tij.i mill ri.uk. .Mrs I'h.ulc.i tiie -, Mis Jehn iUII and Mrs I'b.iile-. .Mi ('line. Ar l.iiiKi'iii" utu weie m. uie Im a tliuati' pally te be kivcii un Denmber 7 .Mrs 13 Glenn Iluuics of 3110 lllinwn Htreet will cntertniti thu membera of her flyi hundred nt luncheon and cards nt heft home en Wednesday afternoon of ncjV week, Among these present will 'ill Mra. ChiirlPH Lambert. Mrs. Uuv ifPunn, Mf Charlea Qrdss, Mrs, WI ,-nfyMra- O" An ami Mrs. ijiaivaru THE Letters te the Editor Site for Sesqul-Ccntennlal ' Te thn l'dller of the ;ccntiB I'ubllc I.tden! . Sir -t have sen In your imper a. number I of BiiRKcstlens us te ultcs for th coining .lesnul-Ontennlnl only ene of vvhieti iiibii I tiened a silo that 1 think would le the only i InRlcal un. nml Ihn. t the strip nf Ihii.1 I between tha b.r tnil of the city nnd Ih" I l.cnKiie Islnnd Nnvv Ynrtl There Is ample I spaee here, nnd It tins nil (lie natural nd (vnntnKen cxeeptlnB tree, and llice could be Plneed In position new, If Ihn (.-round were laid out, nnd by the time of tlie fair I they would be develeped sufficiently 10 Blve ntnple shnde nnd rleturcsciuenes" I vvny nun sdllen' It ceuui ne reicnee n water from nil nectlens of the world, and a pier eh .uld 1" ereeied there for the Inncl I Ini? of r&tn nR. ra nnd cxlilblle. It would I Ik verv (i ki run nl.llnKs en the Jl and u. nr.d !' nnviirja Hnllreaun inie nun sec- tlnn m kind ih Kreunds mere nei cssidie i limn nn I i IIhvi iniltni u. eucKeneu. I fnlted Hlnlei. u few of our own mor mer The nv.'i.et i.iuld be imde Intr a , rhanl thlnq rnn'i i,n m,i in .ervin m,i hnnd mie lmu. void, nnd there would In nil the vvitei i.nvier neresnrv te run the fair The in sin liulliVnRH of the fair could lie pine I ai. nir this waterfront, nnd te the r-ir teivnrl the Sihiiilkll) Ihere nre seieril verv linn nriiilcial lakes nreund which could he er-cted Ihe ivrt bulldlnus, with wendeiful jir-s lout llie lakes eeuld nupplv vintir for feunlnlns The heulevnrd dnvvn IlreaU f"i " i mc,l nitractlve, and renHnuently nil tnniiev for '.ich nn Improvement reuld 1 sn a I'h. thinir te de would be te build a few tunn. is under Uread Htreet te set te the nisi un 1 uet Rreuncle, nnd this could be dene nt verv 1 It tie expense I enn f. e no ubjeotien whutevrr te thl alte, nn 1 it would l3 the meat Inexpensh that i euld Ik secured If nny readers knew or nni nhjei liens I would be clad te bear from thrill, or from any ene who (Ould murkest n bettu alie .10IIN T. HOHAN Phllndlphln, Nnv.-mlir IT, lfL'l. Te Defense of Policemen Te thr r.ililernl thn Earning Public Lerlprr- Sir tn .miner te th letter elened "Head, i" In eur Imie ..f Nevcmls-r 1" I would llke te knnu of him hew much te.l bleed has he net in his veins when he and n cieivrt of hlH mnlc.-up would leeli en nnd een ene man ts-nt nnethr ever the head with nn Iren pliv-' Y iu ' A Ilrailir are net of the class of lti.en who Fheuld nre such reform in the pnllce depirtment, becnuse your nflilce Is ii. I ,(. i-eiiinK ,,f much vvelsht, ns your nler would siiKcrst. Yeu remained In the back back preund, hldlns behind inmci one, whlle n citi zen calllnff out for help vvnn belnB "mur I i "I. ' te te Fvk New jeu hM nealn In hind n nom de plume. "A Header." Such ciinaiM ns jeura la net typical of tin Amer ican. He ou knew that policemen have, lares beats te cover and ennnet fly ever thorn In n minute? De veu knew thnt some bats nr (we miles lone by two miles wide De "in expert te a'.u a policeman everv tlms veur brain falla te functlnn" New Ynrk tins 10 000 policemen. I'lilladelphia has 120(1 policemen. et Philadelphia policemen have mere iuunrs miles te cover. JA.MKS ri.l.NTOsj Kennut Square. Tn , November in, m.n Happiness In Old Age fe Ihn I thlnr el I If K mini I'uhlle f.fdu-r. Hu -In jour I'cepls h Kermn h few flas aae nn nf vnur unders, an el, rly man, li- i ii ! his condition and ixpr"sse,l his lone llnesa, Lelnir without .1 family, a widower nml m It li ample means, vnt life, has little, nun; limit fur hlui. I would llke te Klve this man seme advice, nnd much of it Is from personal experl.-ncs. Mi- wife died many eara no nnd left li." ihllilles. I true never hnd the Incli nation te aicnlu ni.nrj. When I liegnn tn ji.iss iiilddln llfe I. tee lieuan te fe. I lonely, a the virile.- J referred tn. but I did net let mF.df net In the rut. hut looked aieund for F.miethinj te enK.iKe mv attention ami help keen nie .vnunff. I had little dlfflciiliy In finding a m-.ins that i eel has be -n leniflcla in b ith pirlies rmiceiiied About ten v.'ars as. I In cani- Hcciuilnt. 1 with u famili nlum Hi. r. were half u ileen khih. Thoi- we ., peer Inn respectnble. and the father w is iiiiililtl. uh mi his iiiih' welfare. tniiinl illle of liu'lll tlllllHU 1 li eager te InakO sol e. llllIIB of Innivdf. I e. uird Ins ions, nt mil tha' of his faib.r ie I.i in. InicreM iniFeif in him. pud r leek h irje of bli .hu iiien trisiruct. .1 him mvj-elf at lei. ure nieineniF, imtileie!! tutors for litm hiii blm tin. mull Hi- I' ,iii-i."il inmiieillnx him t Blv ull the I'm. 111. iii! iiiHlinnc.. h- could ie buns, if i. r I den t b II -ix It Is em u . II Ie 11, .ll.e til IIKS loe e.. tn-. - Hill ll a .' li illiien for It Is utu lii hrliiB unap.ri Lit mi 'I ."liv thai i ai ; tii-iti is in a pref. fsIeii Is man led and no one could fIiew Kreat r npiMiclaiiiin ler ivliut was done for bun u. ,M il.es be anil nut w-isbliur te appear i net. nth ul when I sill it. h" Is ilevet. .1 tn m,. It no 1 is'i ii rii'mil" rully. It breiiKbt in.- tMi bippv icars in brinKim; this u-s'i.t .(bout It,- no Uinu. r needs my help but fe- suine time I ini, i takeu ciiarue nf an eih.-r nniblileiH yeunt; man w imse mother 's a iilileiv null a uuinbct of chlbl-en, who hart n ureal biiiibbIe ie idui.it. them This veuiitr innn was a tine tvt- and r jaw 111. pessibilllles if he was tfllell u .-li uh e it., w.is utmost illitemte i n hi etucatlen 1 Inn- iniuht bun tn wr'te nnd spell leiieitli hni' iie.niu.1 out t, blm hlj , I. ruts In Ktanmiar nnd liaie t.ikn ure.a lulus In bis etiquette, in ivhl.li he was must I fclie, and I urn pleim 1 tu state that be in r siMiiidtnir nobly. Tedav lie shows that he is kelair te ihielnr, uue n ii'eniierful tMsi "f ve.iiif in in IIe Insists tliii I have r pl.i. -.I lils faiher in iv.r v ii nml iak. s Pi. nsur-i In c.i Hnir me "!ml ' itge. ni'v b. sua i , ue i ,l,,n t Un u u b , t I wnull li, te.l ii if it we:e no I fei nun ,fferlF " in I 1 .- tut repaid ' AbiiIii I mv "l'-illi' ' Ne .a,, i euld b- meie h.ippv ih.m am la we iiur these veuiiit men a'liaiu in a coot -tiilen 111 liTe and te fi,. ill. ir delllt.Ui 1 I tli'il . I iMell oil t irv si 1,. Win- can't ethers who nre in the satne i . n ' i. en as mi s.-if de tlie same' Mi hss.. i (ti.na ivitii ihei.e vnunn in.-n have kept ii -en i...' v.. im.. i -li.n in- nt;e an I I f vl tb.lt the.i hiive innde mi life wvil w.tib Iviri,- un I I p.i' te k'ii li un in . I no leimi-r bale tb.i Mr i 'U ..nd p w 1 li lie of such lishl-Klle. 'In ! leii ay. J and alone nnd ee if li di s ii t ii-iu-ii..il interest Int i P I'll i eh Ip'n l. . ii her l'i 1H-' I If ; mi .. They nl lh. I Resented It , , nun; piib'i, . ri. Mr l' In. I" I (1 It Duress t li.it lull that ii ai sj uki u uf snlile I in I.ettets te the Kdlter should be .is hrlff untl te the point ns possible, iin'dlnK iinvthlnif that would open ii ilciininiti.itnmiil or i-eit.uian (lis eussl.in N'.i .illentpui will be paid te nnoiiv nneiiv in. his lettets Names nnd uddtes.scs iiuiHt. In hlipied ns nn evnlencu ,,r uneil faith, .iltiinuuli names w-lll nut be ptlnud If uqucst s Hindu (hit thai- Im ein'tted Tin- publication nf n letter s net te be tnlii'ii an an liiderHeiiiHiit of us I'leiiH by tills paper Cemiuuiilc.iti iih will net be ie turned unless in lOiup.inied bv po.st pe.st .iii, nor will m.iiuifi'i ipt be saved l-.DI'l ATKIS I, imiik- Uniiieii nnd dlrls .illllllllllllliiilliiiiilllllllllliiiiiiin Become a FREE TUITION, Heard and Ledglnc nnd n e m i n a 1 huh; while learning. The siauit of trained mil ms assures an.i cnrnpi'tint iriaduate of steady employment; and this ven scarcitv alie iumiii". liberal earnings and ceitain s.ueiis.s. Addit'ss Public Ledger Educational Bureau fei detailed informa tion, or communicate directly with any of the fellow mp; hospitals; ANN J MI.MDItlM. limn I' l., iprbur I.nkv, N. ,1. ( (l()l'i:U MOSI'lIM.. (iiiiulin, N. .1. J1IINM01 Til MI:MIIU1AI. IIIIII'IIAI.. I .mill llranili. V .1. (IKlNt.i; MhMOKIM. IIIIM'IIM.. (Iriiimr, N. .1. MIICTII II11HON IIOII'ITW, si()., W ilium kill. N. ,1. OVI.ltl.nOU IIOsl'iTll, Siinuiilt. N. .1. Mllll)l.l;si. (.I.m:k, IIOspii , Nc. lirunsHlik. N. .1. .II.KM.Y Cm IIOMHTAI . .Iitmi I Iti . N. J. llltlM' I'.l'IStOl'M. IIIISI'ITM, i.hr.i' Cll.v lliliilitsi, .Irrse.i (lt. M.UAItlv C1T IIIIU'll'XI , NiHiirk. N. I. IMIMI OPX'IIIK IIOsITl. OP EisilA (OlVI, Niiiiirk. , IIOU'll'AI, llllt UOMIIN ANII ( 1111. DHLS. Seiiuik, N. .1. l,l(l.iIVIT.IllN IMIM'll'AI Nfiuirk. N. .1 ' ie.li UUh Hihoel requneil in .Li icy llnspit iln. .IT I.I UK's IIOSI'ITAI.. Iietlililieni. I'u. IIASION IIII.Sl'lI'Al.. IliiBtmi. I'u. ilium n.t.n.tltl I ,!.- IIUMI'I ',1, ( I..VIU.U. iiesiii.vi, la.iu i I'liehtuiit Sts. . 1' i In.V ii i n. l'ii. NATION Al. ISTOMACII IIOSI'ITAI. (,5i"n. IsTl. fi,). Bliilddnl l'i l'. HI. ST '1J"A. U'.N1':U,. HOMKtll'ATIIH' llOnVITAI. MUIM1RTT IIOA,fAVIlb.5J &MWN.i. n -. iiii.inaiiiiii iiii.siw.vi, iiuiu ana -illllllllllllllllllllll iilllillllllliliiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiuiillliilllllllilllliliii PEOPLE'S FORUM Various Suggestions te Su0ge9t(en9 te Help Unemployed mv i rm .tiiifir O inr ,Trnt,i i-(ir i,ruv'' Sir A few sui!Pitluii Ie bell) the unem ployment nnd the unnmnbived HftVn the pr-uplA who ndicrt1 for tii-lp In the newiipjipprs rive their nildrfss nnd tint mtne letter nnd number nt the nown newn nown pnper office, nlpe de net n.lverlHe for inin unleHH they me needed As nn frxnmpie, nn ad Appeared In Sundav'a lusui- of Novem Nevem b..r HI for a mnrhlnlst, te npiily nt 7 A M. nt u clven inlilr.'. I nrrlvcd there nt 0 1.1 A. M nnd there were, seventy-five men the.re bl nclURl count, nil vvnlllntf for thn plnre te epen. One mun was theri. before d o'clock At a few minutes pest T n man c.itne. te the deer nnd nld he hnd nil the mn lie nrcdid. n Mvmn etraiure In me that with the Rre.11 number of ferelun chips ceinliuf In and K0nK out of the different ports of th thereby Blve uinpleyinent te a Inrse iiumbr of men The crent amount of money spent nn the burlnl of the unknown roldler and bnimc spent 111 dlnlcu; nnd fenstltiK the ropresentn representn tlvcs of feretun countries teuld be put te ft much butter ue bv crentlnK a fund for the, nisslv by keeplm,- n toef eier llmlr henili, feed In tlieir atemacha and ebcititilnff cleihes te keep them viarm t am married and hav ; ene child nnd hnve been out of work sltee Januarv "I. 1021 . I was In the service (turlniT the Inst war and did net have n chnne . te net In en tlie lilRh wages, my aiulnsi were small and hive all be-n used up, but I am net lenklte; for ehnrltv, only a i bance te make an honett lii'lnnr c W, p. l'hlbide'iihtn, November in. 11121. Begin With Rent Te Ihe l.dxtar el lie r.vmwu I'ubllc I cilarr; Sir -We read u. eren: deal mese Uai s of the neeuHslty of donation nnd hew nil people who work for a llvlnc must tnke les K" In order te Ret times back tn normal. This Is nil verv well, but win sheull It be nnly werklmr penp.e who must nicpi a diminished Incnni"' I nn.l in our paner rccentli that rents were hlithir thin .ver N'niv, n landlord urn hardly clilm that th" eecupatlen of ewnliuj a. Iiouse te i.nl in mere expetiflie nn neeeunt of hlsh freight rates or the htirh pries of coal, and It strikes me that rents would he n. rrenii place for the deflation procesn te make n start. Txit every landlord Immediately reduce rents by SO per cent. Then let eierv owner nf vaennt property reduce: his scillnir price bv the sime amount, finally, let every holler That is, that all ferelcners In this country from three ie five ears shall he aked "De you Intend te llve In this ceuntiy and be be be oemo a citizen? If se all riuht ll net. then veu had better leave ns seen as pn-j. slble.i' Seme tltne ase- I asked a yeuiiB man who wan hjldlni; a i,ied tnsltlen In a. 1MB het!, "lie veu Intend te become a citi zen of this country" ' He and "Oh no I will never become a citizen of this country. It ta no Reed " New- we havu theupand of these men today al, ever the fnlted States BetlinB a fe.lr w.ij, yet they never will become ciiizens. Hut every eppnrlunltv thev Bet thev run down the rievernment and the ceuntrv In Beneral Then vvh-n they Ket from $.1001) te J3H00 they no bnck te their own ceuntiv I tell jeu this kind ur liusine-is should be ineked Inte bv our t'enpressm. n nnd Sla'e of ficials This (euntry Is rer tee eisi with this pmple II. V DAt II Philadelphia. November t-l. in.'l. Origin of "Doughboy" Te thr I ,1 ler of thr r.l mint! Public l.'ll'irr- Su rile felhmlnc is i,lv. n In answer a query printed lu the Pe. pie's forum em.i time past Althnuch I i.innet "fate i-xn "lv thu the fellow Ini; Is nullum!., it miulit prnve interestlns te feruin renders. Th fnllewlnc versions are bIvhi of the derivation et the expression I'llouBhbev" as m- rln-r "Infintrvman I'lt. In olden times when infntitrvnien end te clean tlieir white trmimlnns with pip' clav. If enucht In the rain the whttlnR wen d run. formal" a kind of deuRh. hence In sdlllullet "CleUBhbnv " ie in I Tti.. iramp of Infintii mnrchlni? in in 1 siunds as if their nhci-i ver.. beliiK iv...l nnd pressed In ' deuuh ' Thud from "Adebe" (inudi. then "no ble -the Idea belll.r lllf.llll rl III -II .' -e Ihe seldi, is whn haie te ni.iiib In the mud heni e the expressions used In the sixties i lrd eirly seveiil. s In f ri ink te ufai, " trv men as "lii.t... . i usb. i ' I 'el ie mil.-'s" i.nd iii i-imIi'I'' fourth Hewevii i,nia tpfanM i in. n ll it the ale tailed deUKlib. vs in- ilv.ivs "kneaded ' "in d Inf.inirimen think tiiev i, tnu-e they i.re the ' tlevv. i ' iirtnv I'b'lndelpbla. Ne. ember II I,. Us ) vvh'l. -. ..ill. ill, url i !. P. 1DJ1. h. th. In Praise of Editorial 7u thr Editor of the .'icnlny I'uh'ir I rtigri sin- I hav I'-nl mur I'.litnrni of even di.te. h'ld .1 "At ihe I'irl. i n Il"ll'l ' vmh n nii.it deal of Interest and s itlsfactlen. nnd il ful,y rilli-cti m.i own ecu' iciieua in the matliii Veu c-rtalnlv prev-i In . ur editnitnt that ou Mie, .niKhlv und, is'aii.l th' "uat "ti niei I only wish th,u everv true ui'rn.in and even lever uf fair plnv i e i .1 r. ad it About the ' Hands Ai re- tin- Sea" apis-i has nnd "llloed I'lll. l.i'i Mini l'a,-i " li. runt ne te "I'll J ni eun piiseiuil i. pet lulu... ill IJnulalld 11 -. in I (1. tlliani Hid Austria Iu August in.u I as told m 1. 1 1. ! peel tjine nnd tun da I atnve.l th. r.i tl i' (tlie IliiBllsh pcupl. I of ste in tlieir ,tuld ii tl. treited with the grei'i' ntlier country dutliirf n. icllitieiit (iiuin.is s ' "i ' Justlllcd tn Bums- te .i aln.i ailinlll-d th it our 1. i is nil In the f. i " I obi), il til, 'Ul 'In r Ul nt v and 'I ' ll.HI I. I "IS k.i t in ev, rv trip abroad In- 1 in ii ii . i .. iv nil them miii i ii i e the Iltit'st and best tlKhtrr thci ni-i lieie Is a i line i here iil.r Is thi. ke than b oed " sivbiN' K MilMt Atlantic City N I .Sei.ui'-i 17 I'.i.'l MANY PEOPLE Tnke a few steps off Chestnut Struct en lth Stuet .simply te see the BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS We shall be ulad te have you come in I'Uase ilmi't feel obliged te purchase. The Century Flower Shep 12th St. Ik-low Chestnut Street i:di ( iin vi. , Until Sell's I STDAVPD'? Hie lb si HlwIllfM Mrhoel i llvA.lU.Ke mn i'iii.mm r Hi. i I'unilleu Kiuirnnl'il. l'nler mm. liny ur iilihl. iiiiiii; Miiini'ii .iiid dills 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2- .1. I.rliuiiiiii, I'u. Win (inrdrn Hti.rt I'hiiadflDhln. Pn TRAINED NURSE Help the Unemployed tTw In. l.l .. t.M. neennl fl f T CPnt l 1 HO I U' tur! When these IhlnBH ere rtnne I hale u tlmerv timt railroad rmpteves nu euier vveridnit p.epi win wiintieiy .pt n m - ""it" ""!" ."".Irt,"" Hew ran these Ca.se, i,-,. ii. inunr ihnir dur".' Will, v.e hnie lieen told thu'. public sentimint Is nil powerful tn compel wnite enrnera ie ne (ept what Is offered them. Suppese we try enrentrntlnir publle ..ntluient nn uie rin.s---e I ham mem limed Let the newspapers or the country lieBin .in Inteimlvi cninpaltm ' romp. I u redurtlnn of nnt. land prices nnd interen vilih i, liln that If it In net done 1 leiunt.irllv lertjl lucnni mlftlK be round ie renn.U nurh n reduction, and een what nlllil cenn of It. i'hllndslphla, November I, IHJWL iuji Hew the Unemployed Live Te thr ,',lier of the nitnine Pnt'lc t.-ttu'r- Hlr Kindly Hllew me te enrie.icb upon the valuable spare of your paper te con cen con Kratulnte veu most henrtll for tha Interest Itur department ou have lecn conducting en belplnc the unemplDVed. M.1V, us ie hew the iincmeleied llie let me say thnt In most eases thev de i.ut llve as humin beltuta fhuuld live. (or in mi i- of them are penniless and hoti.eiess Tills means thnt they de net i:et proper nourishment dally or proper shelter nlBbtli. Accerdlns te tlie premiBanda fenrrbd nnd (lollveredl, the m oinplevment Problem is net 'serious. Indiiidusls wlie v ant empleiment I succeed tn fi-tttiiK It In llvlcluals who de let want work linen en the farms) prefer te pit en isirk b. neh. s arc) walk the tree3. Why ytve them money or wnste s.iinuathy en them ' All it" pmpnKiindii m-re and tnnnufne- tured rii-.ivhern ,iie,,t lit Ie the truth. The , unemplevment spuitien Is a real problem In this cits nnd throughout the fnlted States, fair-minded idlters nnd nthers will admit the unemplm-menf problem exlsts. Iteal levers, of Buffering humanity. I firmly t t lleve. will de n'l In ihiir pnwrr te help ttie unfertutintea ever ill" renilnff winter Indlvldua n .inpliv.'l who hive net studied the init nf II-Inn; nr.l blch rents tedav with the cer.dli ions b fe-e the war have only a fa.nt Idea wlnt 'he unemplejid. witiieut money nr home, -uff-r dally In this city. In dividuals who have never been hunBrv. who have never beii unomplejed. who never sat en the park benches shivertntr from tlie bit itur cold and vvhn tieier vralWe.l the stroets huak-ry de net Knew whnt rial snrferlnB la. nor de they knew the tcmptntlens of hunury, detqminte men. 1 J. I. Philadelphia. Nevemb.r 14. 1021. n Questions Answered Automobile Right of Way i Te th Editor of thr 'crnine VubUr Lrdetr: ' Sir Will you pei-e tell me through jour I columns who ban M,e richt nf vvav whn two automobile) nptruich one another at risht unsle.s in a fin and ruad Inteiseo Inteisee Inteiseo tle"' II Y. II I'hllidelphla. November 17 Hut ' The driver apprea. nliiB from th right alivais has the right of vvav. "Big Ten" Colleges Te (lie ittti,) e thn i: rrltte 1'nblir l.idanr: Plr P.ease te'l me what enlistees in the Wist cnmprls,, the m ri,, "lt.t,- Ten'" H It T. Phtladelph a VmembT 11. in-.'l ChlcilBn. Northwest! in Illln. Ohie Stale. Indiana. I'uiJui, Ien a. Mb-hlBan Wisconsin and Minnes.m. "Point-Blank" Range Je thr J dttei el thr I.i eain7 Pullic l.rderr' Sir What Is meant by "pilnt hlnna" ramie? Whit Is the "point-blank" rinse of n. Spriniitleid i Ifl-' LiAVIf) T. VirKS Philadelphia. November 11 HC'l The riidnanie Department says that the term ' imint-blank" rniKe of a rifle means the point at wh'ch the bu.let Is lecaied vv-hrre :t Is .it the same eteintien as when If leaies the mu7?.Ie of tie i in nfier the rli! has been fli-1 The 'urn I mn' latue uf the Spi ItiBtte d iitte is at a dis latu'" of 3." i trds fro u tne mi-.,e Trapping Rabbits Te thr I iit ,r of the Li uiui; Pnl. I. -. VI II VOU I e,u.. ar-i'ir i I ' -i I'ei um ivhcthi i- i ilil, n . in J rdar i the p , I'O ( rappt ! t!MMMMSMMMMAMMiMSMM. I HFMINr.WAV Importer and Designer 1524 Locust Street SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Millinery, Coats and Bags ,leJll', 77 7vS)lV. II7i7.VA'SMV "l '.' 200 HATS I hiirmcrli $22 te "5.50 New $10 I COATS AM) JLWS S, MARKED l)0X tiELOW COST 1 5": 50i02qiuQftL TTlHHHimiIIII1TlmniHt.Hmi1HHIlHHlHmimHTT'l!Hinii"iiim titiiii 1 4, n mi mi 1 1 TTrTTr-rTrTT-rFTTl t ..,,"" " " " ' i.i.,,, M ..i -J Al Jt A. T H H yrigiv u U kSHTP J& J 1 i.'-r WAl.SUT STHKKT Sv ORIGINAL M0DKLS Celinisl nli 01 Tu en'! (iii ut'ein COATS & WRAPS; l-'ituM r.iiiiri. u si'm'K ( fd 6i jiiwllt ((i-y.iiMii 0' lit 3T C' ? 4 "S Xt i v i-i t y t r''1 i Vil $85&150 H ,.n ''" n " " ii' in i i in ; , , "-al 3 U ' I '" Hi" i'u in ti.ni) n,i,i it.. ,iiij . 'i ,S1 "IV '.. I Hit- i, the f , , ' ,,;,;, ,, f-j ni'l v " "I I'vlily rue n, t), ;;. & any tlm durine thn year or only In the rnbblt season, provided that they nre de de utreylnc crops and ou tntnd te trnp en veur tnnd? ' I'htindelphn. November 1R. Ifi.I It In low fill for the owner or lessee of nny r. mlm-s vvhliti Hre lnenei1 te kill cm mirh ptetntse hnns or r.ibbltf t any mid nil senens of Ihe ear for Hi- nr.rtei Hen of lb owners, nn.l net for 'ile This lw wns ennctnl In ll In order th.it fnimem intsht lis at liberty te Hike mnsurs luteins' Ihn ileslructlen of thdr ieeluil. nnd fmlt i ,y mbt.lts nnd hi"s i Colored Pellcemnn I r thr r.Wer et f M . 9 ' - i sir When wns tn" fir" color"! pellee- man plnoed fill the, fore. li ihls CUV " R J 5. U"21. C. PhlUdelpbla Vevrtnli TtiA nrst relnrr I nellci-mnti ' appn'n'e 1 Rli. . MnMl. samu 1 "1 Kln. nurlim , tf.rm 0f irf. Ik eppi inert tMrti fl , r, ,, ,. , th. f ... Less In Liberty Bends Te th" 1'illler a' thr Ei eiiinw piiMie 7 i'w tfr If tlie rrl,l ,f til' MP 11 'he f'nlied "tetis wire c-ineibd w.ull the holders of Mb rtv benis lis. rr -vt fs thr nr.v dUit w-iiv ,.un ran 1 ii. men y en I.lli-rty bends If n'l n'il ir iti '" " f! 1) M. Plillnd- Iplila Vevetnl e- 11 lit.-1 Th.ire Is rn rre"-nt llkehhce I,' e' !,. isn f in j e tn n i.lles I, ieii.- I ! il- n it s . r I l-en ., it,, f .'"I ..f i- i . ii i r nd HI ii tea will ,asil e i liicri. i ,t V rill nils t e i . sh l.f .1 n ii-l I fnttrd F. tales e' d. tl-.ji.d ' h-y will b ' llm icerii- Allies' ',. I.'s th.- felted I rrnaucii "l ie ten billions te tnent. but eien i' tht sreu would tint affi'i t lh. Feunc1iuis tmnds. ii in, li vvl't lie pild Htate-I I hew for. il"r-l-tl( III li B i" II ;n il.-liis 1 i lb. t luted be . Mb I that II when due en th. ai TI.. n l in p I. lb. r'v bends w i'l e i, ni body i he I at tiuluiltv ,.), rt catac'v sni present allied debt t 'he flmeriiment nre in th' fnim short f.-rm times t li'ni.ielj replace I by ions tlni- I n Is tiunrs of the Allies Poems and Senus Desired Wants Name of Peem Te tl.r I diter nt thr It. . P ,h ie ,' 'dyrr fir Wl.l some inider p ' i -. te,! n where tn I nd these , r "ABa.ti slie spoke 'Mb . Is mv I I. th- klnit?' And. eleslnif round, a di-;er sllence seemed I I'e Im.d the li"St MlieiM la in- father. I bej?' I Nene answered. Iiut the harsh he ma hardly blown from shore te sea; and low bt fei e Ir bowed t Ilia head, the prime, nnd ad nn tind s(' n.l dumb." K. If, I) Philadelphia, Nevmher T. 1U21 Lines Frem Play Te fits Kdlter of th' r?i rr -no Pt.bilr l.tdQcr: Sir Ilease atnt "le name of the poem fc.ntalnlnff these lines "Musle hath charms tn s , the the savnre b-esst Te soften reks or herd a kn "-1 enk " n If n rhliBdelrhla nwirr li.'l These hni bv IV . -n ( tireie, urn In In pi e ' IO "1 w Ik I" '-"All Seen 1, The People's I-Vriim will -iinicnr ibillr lu Ihe Kventnc Public fedcir. nnd atsn In the Mindiv Public Icilmr letters ilUriisslne tlmi'li minis nil! I, printed, ns vi ell its renin led poems, i.nl riuestlnns of irmeral Intiret nill be iinsiiercd. There's an Air of Warmth mid Hospitality 1- 1 ei , . f.. f$bread 'Eao'Ie -F en tlie Lincoln Higfiwav y Tvt STRAFrORD Pa' i i i 'i i i I'h 'lie W'Hi ic - ' - f r I h"' A ni ' i ii If- i e ' '. . ii ' -,.i 5?. 2jfggffi: tirtirrTrrri ' IS W ANNOUNCES for A loud a y ()?ily i ' i 20 ;: 1 r i LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Papc 'run paiuc avk. nkwh nxtrel l.atr-t JVud News! Maud .leiiviii nml lier little sister Dottin get leek ntite ridiiiB liv tlieir uncle Inst Snt iil(ln,i . nml Jlnuil .Teiisin mrule Mtn se luist the lIuiitM's house -I times lilmvInK liis liern ivilf Siil Iltint nnd his little In of lier Hert vum netting en the frunt sipi, tints innlilii tlie Jenslim nlmil this week in the Me f, ud between tile Hunts and the .Innsins Thiintiii.il ote-i A inentlng ivns lieltl in l'uds Sitnl.iiiMs buck .inrtl Inst Vns dm nbeiit Ki'ttinc up ii minstril show but tlie meetlnc; hrnnk tip illtlintit enjr thins hnpiieiiinK en neeeunt of every body ivntitlnir te be the " end raen. riuiie te a Driitzln liv Skiniir ."Mnrtin New- l.iek n heer, little drl7'.Ie, mi bin coining down rill dny, Ven iiinr ixnekly rntmiig lluf tiieenvvliiie uh fellows rnnt i.lnv. Se if .veu cunt rnln y ctep Intirdy jlpcnusij unts (lie use of dmzelliig thnt nn J ? rusliiniis. Siieiteri nre coming into tile ngcii, niuutig the felleits ivenring them Intel v being Hcnny I'etts Hid Ilunf. l.eiey Shoesti r nnd Snm fress. Tlie colors run from red te green nnd ethers. 'J'lntijfs (u Aivt. fe Knew. Ymi enn tell n hcises nge by Its teeth If tlie hertsa is willing. The iverld "ns mnde in 0 las hut net with nil the modern im' pi eienieiits Hi'ldle. wi me npples round? Atis-ver b corps PiiH '"iirii'in! " iinrr i " r '.run inn ,u iiwimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii Fer Less Than Yeu Can Have Your Last Season's Ceat or Suit W nrnMvrf1 ly it Our precfi rr- iiieu'n all (rnie ur ear nnrl ?ntht rj Tfntnre tlie erltrlnnl luster te (Iip fabric, and mnlcri fj 1 He giirnif nt loeu almost llkn jfj Scliwarzwaelder Ce., 1017-27 Weed St. Hixioier' Minrr.s 2 Z,,iip,l''t . Tin: i i:mpi r. L.iea I ar I Ke-ks t (1100 K v 11 ne e' 'ti" eraee nnntut Church. HI ssu j. ,r i'ii.VWEI.L. Pister l m I ie M -rurdv Assoein'e Piiier. .1 Ma-in. liar na. Musical Dire, ir( I .ett I k E .s'nrk. erffunlpt M "C.a Tli-inkclvlnc servlces Sunday i ti. p. 1 j .In crt bratliiK the eernple- i .'i ' M- ('enwell'n thlrt nin h vear .1 'li. papt si 'limp. Mr Cenneli will i. un r. mill. I'l.nrus will slr. Rap- , i, ,' . , ,, All friends of Dr. Cenvvell . i . ii i iiivlterl te this eervlce Pli p. 'i n ".TV 7 IS I M. Temple r.1. r 1 i'Ieiiii e.i.irs. Mr cenvvell I i . I s. I P i i Mb i I J n I. Orest, auperlntend- . . . .in P M I l aiikifctv .ni Iiav peivl.es Thursdav, ll v M ,s. i nrin b Mr Cenweil. vnr.'iai lair In Taivver Temple Nn ember -I I. i"it incuive v htir epp .riiinlty K-t che' ( hrlnmiH pr. sents for all v .ur frl nds supper served ") te 7 .10. iiilnrsai dinner 1 hui-sda- "j .In P. M , I i 'ii mi t, una Phene Pla. 087 rrjeiids ( VNri:iti:i( i: ( I.AS."lSth and Race sts". 11'4n I'esaibi.n es .f Co-epr-itli.i Werk I'll Oih'' (.iran,.i' if us lead-r ITsiher l' IIelm.s Visitors i , P etn- i s ltVI('l-s,.lti: IIELI si 11 OTlevk ever. I'r 'di- i;-unJai n ernltuf m ihe Old Qiii. i- , M-i-rHi i,' r Muntc'.niiiv rllie '! . t Pa. Th's Me-tinc vvus 'i,iab shed i Its-', it v,.! i ire William Penn wer--ii d "I'u.s ' .rd.ulb Invufl te at ijjl Ctbliiil siuiptv V( MIl.llV OP VMir if . M. .il. I'll IN I'M, .illKKRJl i. speak en 'i iii: injiir.iiiiiii;.iM"'i i he 1 ' I s s I' l -V , Ilei.e 11.1 . i e st I ! I P ntl'i'lMI. I M IP. .MBNT j S'i I'll 111 V, I 1. 1'. New Ihuuillit I'Mli.!) MAV Tlltll.."ilT ,ss(( I TION. (, ll.l.K K I 111.11 Ki: s. i., .if 1-11 1, ii s. vetir' r Jnth at. II" I f il-ttl in Knn I I I as - .' ('.im- i. .i 1.1. i wh . .i i y ik i ii .-ii'. '. 'i hi; ki:i tiriu ui-- nr. 1.1.,I"N " l'ii.. preres'i e iiii'i Is seek'iff semethinc ' ' r mi I 1, -i h s n n I open t that i lei upl'f'-- . i I m i iv - ler success. lnijUb il'i: .' in lil.SNl) QllUAS Presb terliui Altffl sf. (lit Kill, lsh ard Arch sis lir i'l,l!tfc..V. i: LlWABll MACAI11NP.Y I" 1". III it li 1 (.hi st Conn Inti ih- l I in l'i In thvi UlidleSH Dli-cuislens t I! : lr'-".irs About v'hrisi miw 1 t. i I' is.- 'I hat tim On.. V.rw'i Pui ' li s .M. HI Sitleuld Hu Le.at h , ' i U V I. It I a -.1, 1 art M.n's C!a 7 (.'!- 7 'e i J'lll P.ei'Hl s i i ii i. .Nn ii. pi-u-i ruth in 'i li .l.e j..r e i-i The Mer 3 Vlh f .' tli i hi N- ail I-'alth " 'I iniiv ii i I', A M Dr. M.'irtney : i. I i . 1 I, i Ksuiv-tnic sen in ni.tiii.i.iii.M iiti.iiiii.Kl n cut ittu I 1 I I. . i 111. I,d -TN li U.....I.M U. . i'iIRMIi.'K, 1'ister i. sA.in i.:. :t , puitv Ainiji.tni s 1 N . t r -' i. I'll i p i .11 ' I l.iri'f Pleastrss " M I M !- .' t i'h .s,h... I 7 i. I ' M ' i il 1 1. s n ' 1 s ) 1 l J-ietJey ' I'nuntlnc Our 1 if ' III 1 .V .VI Th..--'lj lhllksRV IB t'ly sin'i' s s unci, v n ... , , . ari 1 , in - . i M J I n N in, M.IIIMI PIII.MI I'KIII IN Ml III II ' ' a . l i i i s-s v.."s mm:h mici'i. 1. 1.. d 1 I 1. .- I i; " , ' - ,T " - i ,f V v. 'lii r t i . I . i 1 i -u " v' , ;i . ei I'rui. ..I in I i s-l VI lvlv s I M I I I I It I III III II i i-i! K I iTtl th .1 1 1 ,i i. 1'ield l .1 .' . , .v ilimr -I ...llj I ml n I ut i iur i m i iti ( ui ui ii i ' i it' i.'." nv vt i i,t ' . . ii. u i i I , i, Sji- .. . 's ., 1. ti, n T, IMIltlS (III 1(1 II (II' (.l.itM S KIIVN , i 'l i h. i 'u i J.i 1 t v ,n 1 I V M I le i it H I iiKIM." l I . ..r V 1 i l 4 I'm 1 u l ' . I ii -' II i, 1 I A M . VI, i. I , . I I '.i Mist l 111. Ill Ml!. Mill i. Ol' i III. l III Nx se. I ' I i . . ,1 I,. i IV i I I- n. ,,, VI ., ii i'Iii i. ui n ll i i,, vi i i, . H 1 l m ui I ll I i, .Ne,, mi r "J I i ii I' Th i mu uls WJ l le i einniHiidai i a frun 111 ' ' '1 ,," lh lli.u i,aI, 1 ' ii i l i .'. 1'ievlm i , f I'urln. mi. i. , p. ik , n ii. ituceiC '' I I', I, ,,'e 1i,i '' "'" c"rJI"V i.i M i.i i it V' "I I ' I h l'erH,,ll .f 11 , in, s S- -S II I J 1 ll uluy l,.,V. y h.ii.M.ili u. i.i walnut at i. i , .......... k : h( III I' M.VKIM, " II II H'i-J i If ' VMI'ltli , inin ,i,v; jei !CT" r ii in i l .ii, umiiui, ."Jl j v -N - ' I' -M llruad Jit ' ' ' 'l 'ii I" i . a, v lNV'i" V,"i,"l!a'',,T 'a-s"WatTen'- iu i niedii. Nuvntnuer 20. at a-H ,1 ii il in n niinilall, l'Mtn." ,t com mini I' hnteli ul New "Vftrk ?iiJ Huhji-i THU lUSIimTU uv iW.iaies The prnaremlve miui ! (MklnK inmiii'L Utter nnd kcpa Ida tnJni elS Vh"J which upllft ami mk. for KScJi "1 A jiii itimxt rj