Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 19, 1921, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ji- yCVws. -hJijf ff 'J
' . V iTi
i 1
Band Plays at 0 and 5:20;
Organ at 11
( lilinet ut Nnun
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
There Are Few of Us Who
Have Never Found a Man
in tilt? course of a lifetime who did net knew something
werlh knowing of which we were ignorant.
Kei men te he gruff and offish with each ether
without reason is net only had manners, but deprives
them of the privilege of helping each ether te climb
the h'gh hills that often confront us.
,,,nbc, I!', -''
' "rtH,iw:,ri? ..; ,!,'
i - k m i'i i i.s h. .i i tr i it i h i k
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!Q. (W
jtfBi 'CAk 7
tf wm ss. iu. t wr it
Changeable Silks Are
Levely at All Times of
the Day
Hut the aitificial light seems te
bung out nil the muny shadings
of color and make them ccn
prcttiei, if such :i thins is pe-
It is no wendci, theiefeie. th.it
both prince taffeta and gies de
T.nndie" should be prime fnvoi fnvei
lies for evening frocks. Tliuy are
vcrv, very fnshienablc this Win
ter. Theie is senrccly anything
better for fine linings and fei
making many kinds of daintv
Christmas gifts.
Glace taffetas aie 10 inches
wide and $15.50 a yard
Gres de Londres is :l inches
wide and $3 a yaid.
( I Irnl rinnrl
Brocaded Duvetyn Bags
Willi Rliinestene Clasps
These six words fenn a pic
ture that any woman can see.
Slnpely handbags of rich satin -brocaded
duvctyn in black and
dark blue, lined with contrasting
color .silk and with heavy silk
cord handles, ornamented with
In the center of the ceeicd
frame is a brilliant clasp of
rhinestones and stciling siher.
The effect is charming.
Pi lie $18.50.
(Miiln I limri
Women's StrapWrist
Washable Capeskiii
Mane of Seuth Ah ican cape
skin, stuidy and durable, yet a
neft anil flexible as kid. Full
fie-inch tops, eutseam sewn,
with variously stitched and em em
breideied back-- All are wnsh
nblc Ian, blown, giay, bcavei and
butteinut, at Se a pair.
Peail, beaver, brown and se
cial tans, at i?-J.2. a pan.
(Miiln Fleer!
Black Satin
Slippers for
Day or Evening
One ndanlage of a black
s.itin clipper is that it gees
equally well te afternoon or
evuiinjf functions, and with
almost any gown.
live different models m
black satin sllppcis of dainty
lines and fine workmanship
are priced $8. .y.)", SI 1, JHI "'0
and SI IS
Ml aie ene-stiup models,
buttoning at the side, except
ing the $lfi slipper, which is
a two-strap sandal, buttoning
hi the (enter They include
love and high French heels and
Spanish beds; medium, nni nni
ieu and round loc; long and
'hoi t vamps
( I Irst Innl I
Wide Decorative Ribbons
$2.25 a Yard "
lust in and most timely for
nia'ving up into attractive bag
of .ill kinds fei Christmas gifts
One design is entnely of gayly
colored butterflies, another is
rescf Theie are gorge ,;is bro bre
'rfdes and fascinating Unental
patterns Fiem nine and a half
n eleven and a quuitei' inches
I Muln I limri
Once Mere Sewing Cases
in Bronze Leather
Me t women knew only tee well
tow scaice these cases have been
flunng the past few jeurs. It
was ilme-.t impossible te get the
bronze leather.
It is geed news te lieai that
'hey til e again here and just as
Pretty and practical as ever. The
asurtinent is ery satisfactory,
'"K and little sewing boxes, roll
! cases and spoelers, all hand
made, and from $1.15 te $10.
(Mulu I'lnnr)
Satin Hats
With Just a
Touch of Fur
are among the meat attractive
of this season. They are n fat
cry from the heavy-looking
fur hats of elder dnys. Just
enough fur is used delicately
te give its richness and soft
ness as a garniture here a
soft band of gray squirrel,
there a dark tail or two, or
again n little beaver or mole
or a drsh of the always ef
fective black monkey fur.
A number of these new fur
trimmed satin hats will appear
in the Millinery Salens Mon
day. They are very effective
in line, and arc pi iced from
S20 upward.
Spi eiiil I loon
i M Ki
:r mv
i n mj-ri
Women's Levely Evening
Gowns Are $50 te $77.50
And these prices are late season
prices the identical models sold
for ,S10 te $20 mere a few weeks
age. The gowns aie all fresh
from the manufacturer's hands
dinner gowns, theatre gowns,
gowns for the opera and the ma
terials, chiffons, Georgette crepe-,
and chiffon velvets, besides velvet
brocaded chiffons, are all of the
loveliest; the last named aie im
ported. It isn't any use te dc
ciibe such dresses; te begin with,
'.here aie hardly two alike.
and then beauty is as much in
their colei as in their textuie ami
cut. Theie aie hyacinth blue
Geeigette gowns with opalescent
beads there are fuchsia colored
chiffons; a gown of Callet led
with fluttering sleeves is like a
japonica blossom; there arc lust
and tangerine colors and the pure
wonderful greens, and cream
colors and brown with iridescent
biewn beads, as well as black.
They aie quite the most won
derful things we have seen this
-easen for their prices S.IO te
(I'lr.l I lour)
Next Tuesday Morning
an Unlooked-for Sale of
Bedroom Furniture
We are going te open a sale next Tuesday
morning that will bring
10,000 Pieces of Bedroom Furniture
at 25 Per Cent Less Than Latest
Market Prices
These goods are a new purchase from a
Philadelphia manufacturer who specializes in
moderately priced bedroom furniture.
Actual experience of his goods during many
years has proved their excellence beyond any
Please tetc the Dan
Sext Tuesday, November 22
(sixth I Imiri
Geed Fiction
lleic is a new and mole than
welcome story b.v Hugh Walpelc,
"The Yeung Enchanted," a ro
mance of that strange year 1020
in that strange town Londen.
I'i ice ?2.
"Te Him That Hath." by Ralph
Cenner; price $1.75. A novel of
the West of today.
(Muln l'lnnr)
2000 Yards Corduroy
Special at 65c a Yard
vei.v nice quality and in the
medium Wale which is se much
used for women's skiits and neg
ligees and for children's coats or
small be.vs' suits.
I I Ir.l
French Beaded
Special at $15
(June elabeiately beaded, both
back and front and en the sleeves,
and the mateiiul is a veiy nice
Georgette crepe in nav.v blue m
One ether thing about theef
bleus"! that many women will
appreciate is that they aie quite
long, coming well down ever the
skin They would go with a tai tai
leied suit or a separate skin
and. in either Vase, be a gnat
addition te the waidrebe
ll lilril I limri
It is 2h inches wide .i.id niav
be had in these desnable .-hades,
white, rose, beavei, tan, gia,
biewn, nav.v and black
8000 Yards of
30c a Yard
Extraordinary We bought nil the dealer had
and we are offering it at about
10 pel cent less than this sea
son's price
In white, ivei.v and eciu, and
made with an inch and a half
selvage 1 lcpresent a hem.
1 1 mil I'loer)
Warm Coats
$8.50 te $25
I or child! en of one te six
veais we have a i.ew collection
of warm and well made coats,
in broadcloth, chinchilla, serge
and soft wools, some with fur
trimmed cellars. N'avy blue,
brown, tan, rose and ether col cel col
oi s are included
11 ices begin with a pietty
little smocked cea' et broad
cloth at $8.50, and go te the
-ntin-lined and I'ur-trimiued
bioadcleth coat at R25. The
sturdy coats of wool chinchilla
start'at $12
I I lilril I lour I
Geed Linen Table Cleths
and Napkins at
Lew Prices
Thai is the whole st -l.v el these
goeiN, anil lensidei.ng wlut
uiaiket conditions aie and had
been, il is a geed stei v, espjciallv
since it is a true one
'I hese cloths and napkins aie
i iccrnt arrival and they come
in a choice of scneiSl geed de
Table cloths 7070 inclvis,
$.".75 ; 708S inches, $7. oil.
Napkins te match, 2222 in In',
.s7 ."0 a deen
(I Ir.l 1 lour)
10c for Twelve Yards HighNecked Nightgowns
of Valenciennes
is a lemuiknbly small price and
opportune, considering hew much
thebe imitation luce?, are wanted
for the making of Christmas gifts
and lingerie. The laces include
edges, insertions and headings,
and nie one-half te one inch wide.
Find them in the Lace Stere en
(Hum ryiuri
Seme women like them im
mensely for Wmtei , and these
have varieties of high necks V
.Imped, square and leuiid. Made
of cambric et ordinary weight,
their prices are $1 de te $.'1.81;
of heavier cotton, $1.70 All of
them have tucks and embieidery
(V , t'V'1"1 '''""'
3 :
There Are Ne Finer
Rugs Made in America
than these tinest Wiltens, ami
none of meie deceiative value
Patterns and coleis in these new
est aruvnls am a delight.
High-grade Wilten iug 111 012
sie, $110 and $120.
Standard Wilten nigs, !M2 fi .
$75. S8 and f-HO
(Spit-nth I lour 1
Men's Scotch Grain
Hliichers With Full
Drogue Tees
t.vpe of stieel shoe that some
men pie for te any nthei necause
of the sntisfneterv wav 111 which
it combine- geed leeks and coni ceni
t'01 1
The-e are in tan Sietch grain
with stout soles, wide shank- and
low, blend heels.
Price-. $1 1 a pair
I VI 11 1 11 I Ien r 1
I he pine, vivid greens like Ict
tuic and emerald and humming
mid. falcon biewn, marine and
peacock blues, bluebel1, geld nnd
silver are among the new shades
shown in our $3 50 silk stockings.
(Tlrx! flnnr)
Japanese table 111. its in set- el
thiee te si, oval, leund and
squnie, nut be bad let 15c te
1 25 the set
( 1'iMirlli I loerl
The finest rush bags J01 niaiiv
vears aie coining te us from
Sicily and C .echo. Slovakia M
te $'! 511 They are used for knit
ting and shopping, and se are the
lighter Chinese baskets that sug
gest hat ciewns these Inst aie
$1 25
eurlll I loin 1
'fable dciotatieus consisting 01
artificial lesebuds and natui
tiums in siheied pastebeiiid liold lield
eis are 75c.
I I mirlli I eiir
Something new i a traj -shaped
wooden melding witli a metal
inseil te held eight naiiis.su
bulbs planted 111 pebbles Tray
and bulb aie .si Smallei tia.vs
with fewer bulbs aie $:!. llulbs
111 boxes and vaueus containers,
:i5c te $5 50.
(I 11 rl Ii I l,i or
Gilt boxes of household aids
held uibberuid apron, sponge
.leth, paint cloth eleven kitchen
usefuls in all and cost $11. 25.
I I eurlll I loer)
new style of 1 evolving table
tiny is linger than the old Lazy
Susan, stands lower, will net tip,
and costs little $Kt.G0 and $15,
(J eurlli I lour)
Men, Women and Children Can Get All They
Need for Months Ahead at Average Half Price
The importance of this sale cannot be e errated. Its size speaks for itself
and yen have the Wanamaker warranty of its values.
The fact that it will be probably the greatest sale of hesierx and under
wear ever held is of less interest te the public than its timeliness and its won
derful advantages.
Nearly everything in it is fresh, perfect and in a complete range of sizes
te start with; but there are a few broken lets taken from regular stock and
some "seconds," which arc priced lower for that reason.
Plenty of space, plenty of salespeople and e erything else that makes for
quick and satisfacten service.
Is te Be Noted That
The splendid scope and very low
prices in this Sale will undoubtedly
induce dealers te purchase.
Evorvbedy may buy at this sale,
but wp rc.scive the right te limit
dcaleis. should their purchasing in
terfere with the opportunities of our
regular retail customers.
at Savings
Women's Hosiery
50c te $2.25 a Pair
(Saving One-Third te Over
pan Seamless black silk-and-fibcr
mixed. (Seconds.) Plain
and drop-stitched wool stockings.
a pan Tull-fashioned cotton-top
silk stockings in white and col cel col
ois. ( Seconds.!
Seamless cotton-top silk stock
ings 111 coleis. Kiist qualitv.
a pan -Ribbed wool - and - cotton
speits stockings, heather colors.
I'll st quality.
a pair Hlack and coleird cotton
lop Mil, stockings, selvage
seamed legs. (Seconds.)
a pan Hlack extia-si7e silk stock
ings, mtten tops, selvage seam.
a pan lilack, white and coleis,
full-fashioned silk stockings; cot
ton tups. Second and first qual
itn -.
Hlack, nav.v and loidevnn full
fashioned wool stockings, silk
1 link-. First quality,
hull-fashioned sheer all-silk
inleied stockings. (Seconds. 1
I'lill-fashiened all-silk stockings
11 white, Russia calf and African
biewn. Fust quality.
I ull-fashiened chiffon silk stocking-,
mtten tops, black enh
I 11 -t qualit.v.
a pan - lilack -ilk stockings, col cel col
ten tops, extia-sir.e legs. (Second-
Jj9 a pan lull - fashioned, drop -
,( stitched silk stockings in black
and ioIeis (Seiends.)
59 9 i pan I'lill-fashiened coidevan
(--" ...Ik stockings, with self-clocks
(Seconds.) Quantity limited
lull fashioned, all -silk, geed
"tight black and colored stock
ing-. (Seconds.)
lllfM Mlrl
Men's Half-Hese
12J2c te $1.75
(Saving One-Third te
19L, a pin Black and colon d lotion
" half hose. First qualitv
jg(. a pair, Jj pair for rjQ. lilack
a 11 d
iiileied nieicerucd half hose.
I 11 st qualitv.
;5c a '''" a ',an fc" $1 u!-
' a n d
t .it ten half hose, heathei ioIeis.
I 11 st quality.
Diep-stitched iibbedaitiluial silk
half hose, in coleis. First qual
itv. (Quant it limited.)
Seamless black and coleied silk
half hose. (Seconds.)
5()C a ,)a" " Twe-tone colored silk
plated half hose. Fust qualitv.
()5c " nfu,'- "c'av.v black nbbed wool
half hose. Fust quality.
Hlack and colored full-fashioned
-ilk half hose. (Seconds.)
Coleied silk half hose, with vei
tical stripes. (Seconds.)
Fancy stuped silk-plated half
hose. Fust quality.
Heather-eoleicd plain and striped
wool, and heather stlk-and wool
. (Muln I loer)
Ncurl 10.000 pair of wool
stockings and silk stockings for
women, many of them just right
for Christmas gifts, while
ethers, being mill runs and
marked very low, will be snapped
up by thousands of women for
their daily needs.
Nearly 11,000 pair of sturdy
school stockings for children.
Nearly 47,000 pair of half half
.hehe for men. One let alone con
tains 19.000 pair of mercerized
lisle half-hose, which will be
marked three pair for 50c, which
is much less than two pair of this
grade hose regularly sell for.
Nearly 'J.'l.OOO pieces of wom
en's underwear, in which is in
cluded an immense quantity of
beautiful, soft, heavy, rose-pink,
glove-silk vests, bloomers and
union suits, which Avill make de
lightful, vet practical, helidav
1,000 pieces of children's un
derwear. Nearl.v 20,000 pieces of men's under
wear which include 11 qiianlitv of won
derful, fresh, perfect. Winter-weight,
pnrt-woel-and-cotton shirts and draw
ers, that will keep manj an outdoor
man uarin this Winter, and en which
he can save nearl half.
In this let are also (internment
standard ribbed woel-and-cottou shirts
and drawers at 7."c each, for which
the Government, during the war, paid
mere than double this price.
Children's Hosiery
12V2C te 35c
(Saving One-Third te
12'2C" P'1" Un' ff'l-fasnieilPil "per
work cotton socks. First qualitv
White cotton stockings, -iev 1
te i First quajity. ( Qu.irjt it
limited. 1 W
White nieiieiued thiee quai it 1
hoe, fancj tops. (Seconds 1
lleav.v nieuen;:ed sports hnc 'n
1 he larger si?es. First quali v
Ulaek ribbed cotton stukitig
h'lrsl qualitv
2;)(. .1 pair Black, white and tan
1 ibbed cotton and merceri.fii
stockings (Second-" 1
OOC " P'm' 3 pa" fr" SI I!!" k
white and
tan nieici rued nbbed stinking
fashioned feet 1 Second. 1
I'lirec-quaiter nieicened he. si,
plain e'- elecked (Second. 1
1 1 Irm rimir 1
Underwear 15c
te $1 Each
(Saving One-Third te
15c l ell"n waists, with uiavwi
body attachments, hust qual
ity. Quantit.v limited.
30c fl" S17t' lli t5t estni "el ,,,
larger sie) (irnv voel-aud-cotton-miM'd
shuts, punts and
diawers. First quality.
35C ,ilul)ei1 cettiuiv waists, with
diawers - body attachments.
1'irst qualitv.
SI Ribbed silk-and-wool infant
wrappers. Fust qualm
(1'lri.t I'luiirl
The whole West Aisle given ever te
women's stockings.
The whole East Aisle given ever te
women's underwear.
(hildien's stockings and underwear
in the lcgular section, First Fleer,
Market Street.
Men's half-hose and underwear In
the regular section, Main Fleer, Mar
ket Street.
Underwear 10c te
$3.75 a Garment
(Saving One-Third te
3 for 25c-
for 9Rr White and pink
vests in low neck,
sleeveless and bodice styles.
(Seconds )
White and pink cotton vests, and
white lisle vests, in low neck,
sleeveless and bodice styles. Fust
and second qualities.
Pink cotton bloomers. I 1 ' s t
White cotton vests, hand-crochet
vekes Regular and extra sizes.
First quality.
()5c "'n,ic' medium - weight nbbed
cotton suits, low neck, sleeveless.
First quality.
White lisle vests with hand
crochet yokes. Regulai and
e.vtia sizes. First qualit.v
White and pink low-neck, sleeve
less suit, cotton, mercerised and
silk-and-cotton. First quality.
Pink glove silk vests in low neck,
sleeveless and bodice styles.
I irst and second qualities.
Pink glove silk bloomers. First
and second qualities.
Pink glove silk envelope suits.
First quality.
Pink glove silk union suits, low
neck, sleeveless and bodice tops,
hnst and second qualities.
i l.titt Mild
Men's Underwear
25c te $1.75 a
(Saving One-Third te
9js. l.aih liiuuient White gau e el
"" ten shuts and dravveis liiekcn
ie I list qualitv
75c '"'''' (i'" mi nt h'ancv stuped bal
bi igiran shirts and drawers.
Fust quality.
Wmil ami-cotten aim shi ts and
illawi i- 1 list qu'llltv
J)f"j. I at h (iHimcut -Satuial-coler woel-aiiil-cotton-mixed
s h 1 1 t s and
diawers Fnjtt qualit
SI. 15 l'at''1 "inieiu lleavy-we.ght, nat-ural-ioler
and bulT wool and cet-'.in-mied
shuts and diawers.
I ii t qualit.v
9j White and ciiu ribbeil cotton
" iinmi sint. I nst and scienil
$1.35 ' a' ' t,,,n,n, Heacv weight, nnt
ui.il cmer and butT woel-nnd ret
ip rnxed shuts and diawers
I n s( qualitv
lii'iible-bieasted, natuial foler
wmil and-i oiten shuts. First
nualitv. Diaweis te mutch, $1
a pan
$1.50 ''"' " t;",nui l Natuial-eolei woel-aiui-iotton-niixed
uiiiqii suits,
$1.65 Ij,u!l Un'nivl Ueuble-breasted,
natural -. oler wool-and-cotton
huts. 1 n-st quality. J3rawers
in matin, $1.'J5 a pair.
SI. 75 1"",l (ilirim'"1 - Mcilium-weirjht,
natural injur wool-and-cotton
hut- and di'nvvei'8. First quality.
(Muln I loer) ,t
On Monday We Shall Sell $242,000 Werth of Hosiery and
. -a-
i V
,W Y 'uiT
" ) 'JL.