Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 19, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    PJAxi'fl "SZT
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Onb Of tJanwijr vjumu ... . Ul.
Blast by Raiders at 447
North Sixth Street
ti,p lnrcc-sl Mill ever found in lVnn
,Vnnl ns vl'.i'tl in ii mill tmlny en
?lS'.n7N.Hl. Sixth M.,,t.
uiis inn' f " I'liltcry of stills, nil
nrn!rl im il"' "'Ii-'1 lle"r- wi,n 'em'
SCS wiHU r aw R""""- '" ll"' MW
Th.. rnl'l ".i"
ciiniliirteil liy r'rilerai
' lent 1.0" I" Miliums, with Captain
" vJ,, Hern iinil ili'tiMtlv.'i of Ills invrsti-
ml till' Ii"""1' ,l,'x, ''"""' ll" w'''"
Jrnn'lK'il "" IVtlcrnl mmim-Ii vviirrmiK
The lien-''1' ill""' ""''I le '"' ewikm Ii.
rscnjniiii'i lli-limr. w''" liv,,v' nt. ,jr''
North Sixth hlnvl. Ai-ceullng te Audit
Wllll'iin". ii win runt hus been Issued for
tkpnrieM of Ifriiitir. Kmlekrin Kornl Kernl
lii ,vi,. work- in ii sinner nt tin- lour
of 'il" -nl'l " he ,ewnnl by Ilrlnnr.
tW arrc-ti'il.
The nil'liT" st'i-'''l "no still of 1."0
rallen inpurity. iinethi'r with n en-nni-itv
"f ll ciilleiis. n thirtl of
twrni.v livr mill u feuitli of twenty
IMile" tin 'till" the mirier seized
tvrlil.v tit. - litiirelx of i innnenl iiiai'i.
fiflO iiniliil "f niiiiineiil. live (inllens- of
rnliiiliiK iii'd (hiee liimt'N of vvliiikv
Tin' liiK v,i" NUI" Keini!. with ii mill lire
unilnir inidep it. The snuiller stlfls
Ivcre npcr.iti'il I'.v me.iiw of ctw liunier"
' Wlii'ii 'In' miileis entered the room
(lii'.v "in tlieie was nn l ii I'll et iinisn
jnii vvnt.r "ii the lloer. li.v tin time
. tl.pv Iml iiiKeii tli" stills thev hnd
'(ipiilul s" iinieli "f the brew nbent the
jilnce Hun they put down IieiimK te
l-mii' IliilmiMin. eiclit.v-.ivc enrs old.
nil Ins wife, seventy-eight veins nlil.
who livf "'i the lloer below, were del
ttcnl with the whisky which flowed
I'lreM the stills. It lenUert tlirmiKli the
(tiling anil tnc.v were Kepi iiik.v piimnj.
null nml l'iiuM ilheut wliere (hey would
citih the diip. Their wnllpnper wns
niint'l iiii'l their front window sinnshed
wlic-ll mie of the stills wns lowered out
the window f"'t'i the third lloer.
Mether Unable te Lecate Present
Address of Mannequin
Mr Miirv K MeCnffery, of 47('!0
North Seventh street, Is loeklni! for
der il.uislitei'. Mnrli' .lescpliine New
ton, nt one tune, lit least, of New Yerk
S'lii" .M'tirs nue Mrs. McCnlTery mid
her ilniiKliter lhed nt 1!)S7 Meirls nve
71111'. the Hi-ohm. The girl wns then
nineteen M'jirs old. strikingly pretty
ami wns eniplejed ns n innnneqiiin li.v :i
Iarce ilcsigner of women's clothing.
Mr- MrCjiffi'ry deeided te move te
Fliilatli'lpliin The daughter pieferred
net te give up her job with the designer
anil leinalned In New Yeik. After
reaching I'hiliidelpbin tin mother wrote
fevernl times te the girl, but there
were uu nnswer. Flnnlly Mis. Mc
Cnffeij went te New Yerk unci wns
Informed lluit the girl hnd moved nwuy
leri'ral weeks before, leaving no nuw
On Meuilin she appealed te the pub
lie for information enmerning the par
ent whereabouts of Miss Newton. At
that time Mrs McCnffery's nddres., wa-
erreneiuisl) given as 1701) North Ninth
Gift of Mrs. G. H. Lea te St. Clem
ent's Church
IiiMallniieii of a tine carved oak pul
pit in St Clement's Kpiseepal Chun h.
Twentieth anil Appletree stieets, has
Just been completed.
This pulpit, placed in memory of
lienrge Henry I.ea. by his widow, was
Dtier vein v r. I.ea. who died a few
eelx uge at her home. ". I.'i Seuth Nine
teenth st t
The pulpit is pint of the lemedelillg
if the Interior of the church, which has
been gmug en for t-evcnil jcnis. The
Interim- is te lie wainscoted with grn
Hene, and a series of new stained -glass
windows installed. The Hev. Dr.
Frnnkliu .leiner. the rector, says the
entile work will net he completed for
6eme eats
8 Barrels of WhlsKy and 2 of Alco
hol Stelen, Eighth and Pine Sts.
Tlmes lueke into the Kssel W'lioN' W'lieN'
Mli' Din,' Ceuipjin.v. Kifljth stieel be
am l'uie between inidniglit and earlv
this tneiniiig. mill -tide three barrels of
Jliis. ami two of nhohel, valueil in
1'r I n A DITren. a dentNt at
tjii' Mnitliwist corner of lliglitli and
Iiiii'stKits n partner in the cniiurn.
ri'POHnl the theft . police of the
Tw rll th ami 1'ine stieets Malum leiluv.
jellilmi , hu 1 1 1 m t live .Miuiig iiii'ii
In n liKiiiiiiiink weie seen in the neigli neigli
wirlieiiu i,. bt night, ami tln ate
tupiiesiil t,, uni. I,,.,.,, M. thieves.
Sevei.il ilavs ,ig0 M. building, an
iniiiiiint h.iu-e? owned by Dr L'ffi.m
mill p.nth eKiipied bv him tis a denttil
yniie, w.i the s, ,.,. f n ij,,, which was
Ii'lltiired In si'vei-al icsuies.
3 &. f. - -ifsaera w?2&. .B&m.si n ii i i
i " ".: Km. ASK? iivMk vmi&T WmiAiWmk I
i r "' JikkB MSP-- VlZZm, liHtsvA " - Ul?P5Mr h I
i (' MwK SK mm I
P' HMp'Mif mm mm
fiwetat :mmm: ;ffli
In Character Part
iLeague Island Park Lakes Alse
te Provide Roem for
Happy Skaters
One of battery with combined capacity of l). gallons einillscateil in a
raid today nit a house at II" North Sixth street. The men shown beside
the still are prohibition agents
Deaths of a Day
Mrs. Themas M. Leve
Mr Themas M. Leve, wife of Hie
ePtiei.il manager of the llrnml. Ferrest
na (.iiiiick 'I'h.Mttes, died .vesterdav
n the unau's College Hospital, lenv-
i-i. " iiiiit WCCKS old liatl.V. Itl'SKles
"' luiMian.l ami the babv . Mis.
1ki is survived by two il.iiighleis
tens n, two sisters. Mrs. J1Ve:
nt ami Miss i,,,,,,.,, tiillilaud.
Le v
Dr. William F. Ruff
fnPirr,MW,1,,.l,,n V- n"n- " I'lnMi'liin.
"'til iluirMlny ut his home. '.'.'17 Neiih
0'J;fiirtli street. He was K.
W freiii He. L'nlvci-.sity of l'ennsvl
Taniit In lsp:!.
Emphasizes Hopes of Arms Confer
ence In Calling for Prayers
Ilnrrislinrjj. Nev. 10. (Hy A. 1'.)
Oovernor Sprenl today Usued the fol
lowing 'riinnksgivliig Hay proclamation :
"Whereas, emulntlng a pious custom
locerded in the elder hoeka of the Hely
Hilile of giving tlianks te Almighty Oed
for the harvest snfely gnrnered, our
pioneer fathers in America established
a festival In the autumn season te be
nbsei veil in prayer nnd prnlse. net only
for the material beitntv of the fruits
of the enrti which the year hnd given
them, but for the blessing 0f libertj and
opportunity, fultli nnd religious devo
tion opened te them in understanding,
this beautiful and solemn custom ob
served from generation te generation
hns heroine established in our land nnd
is sttiieiienpii by the laws of the State
and nation, nn evidence of our belief
as a people mil our acknowledgment
of the Pivine Spirit nnd His works In
our behalf: and
"Wheicns, it Is a happy truth that
during the last twelve months we have
in our favored and fortunate State and
country been blessed with mnny mani
festations of the geneieus care of I'rev-
idence, jind in pence have been pio pie
Rii'sslng in working out the social and
political pieblenis of the nge. and new,
upon tile Initiative of our (ievertiment,
their is gathered In our Capital Citv
a conclave which seems in n fair way
te accomplish mi agreement between the
gieat peoples of the earth looking
toward the lemeval for all time of the
influx e of war witli its sinfulness nnd
desolation ;
"New, theiel'ere, I. William Cain
Cmiu Spieul. Coverner of Pennsylvania,
de designate the tvventj -feurtW dn of
the eleventh mouth, called November,
I he tin- appointed by the President of
'tlie T'nlled States, as Thanksgiv Ing
Da.v , and I icipiest that it be observed
ns much by all of our people, as a
time of expressed giulituilf for the good
ness and uiercv et (!ed :is shown en
every side, and that our pia.veis be
leuileretl ler tile success et tne under
takings looking tewaid world peine,
thieugh the ::racie,is Intervention of the
(ireat Huler. who alone can set aside
the scllislincss of the world mid the
nrroganee et power."
Patrolman Higgins Has Entertain
ing Yarn of Prowess for Comrades
Patieim.in Higgins. 0f the Tliiity Tliiity
secend street anil Wnediand avenue
station, pelted a bull last night. To Te
ila.v he -avs it was nothing much, n
mere bagatelle, as it vveie. He ginbiied
the bull, the bull wint down, and there
ou ate.
Passengers ami crew of a tmlley car
(Hissing tlie Chestnut sticet bridge j
in rnss the Sihuvlkill at a late hour'
tell the story. They -suv the bull ran
nwav from some dievcis en the wel
end 'of tlie bddge. and, line te form,,
i barged I lie rid light en the lear ut the
trellev uir. '
wild cMMlement llig
bull. He bloke his
s head, and the bull
be fell nnd broke '
two l''J,'s. I ucn I Hi" miner sum me
aniiii.il. and lligcins went te the I nl
veisiiv Hospital te have his sprained
wrist bandageil.
Te Held Annual Service
The Illsliep White Pra.ver lioek So Se
clet.v's annual services will be held to te to
uiernnv morning In Calvarv Hplscepal
Cliurch, (Jeimaiitewu. The Hev. Dr
Henry llllc.v (Jummey, member of the
National Commission en ltcviien of the
Pra.ver lioek ami lector of St .lames
Church, J'.ast Dowiiingtewn, will
Bey, Four, Hit by Trelley
.lames rit.patrlck. four .vc.irs old. of
1111(1 Durfer slteet, was struck b a
ttellev car at Nineteenth nnd ITtgernld
stieets last night, but was iluewn clear
of the wheels ami escaped with slight
cuts ami bruises, lie was iai,en ie tuu
Methodist Hospital.
Frederic Jeseph Pooley Marks 18th
Year at Central Station
I'redei lei; .lef-epli Poele.v . gratefull.v
known te theusitnils of men. women ami
boys us "The (ioed iuj,'.' is celebrating
an niinlvei-s.try. It is eighteen years
since lie took up his weik at the Central
Polite Station as the representative of
Untlilng fans will find It mighty hard
te wait for next summer when thev
hear the geed news! There will be two
big bathing beaches nt League Island
Purl;, with bathhouse facilities for ."0(1(1
persons, ninple protection, and lights
for night bathing.
Tt sounds tee geed te be true, but it's
n fact just tlie same. One already N
completed, and the serend will If leadv
seen. The lakes are betwer. .Ieh"sun
street nnil the Philadelphia Navy Yard,
east of lirend street. They were ilnn ilnn
gereiislv deep In tlie past as much as
forty feet In the hlildle nt hlfih wntei
anil have been the scene of numerous
, Fer months workmen hnve been lining
tlieiu In. The first is new done nt a
,cost of ,SP'.00(. and will provide a
ii straightaway swim of almost 10(111
feet, with depth sloping from shnllew
water all about the rim t" about s
licet in the tultlille. The seeentl InKe
! will be of aheiit the same depth ami
! size.
Lights Heing Installed
The lake finished is bow I -shaped en
tlie bottom, witli u surface of sand and
gravel. A bathhouse has been built,
and n battery of powerful lights is be
ing installed.
Together tlie lakes will furnish tin
people of Philadelphia with the finest
aililblal city bathing bech in the
world. Thev will lie fed with pure water
! from three artesian wells which have
been sunk te u great depth ami are
cipiippeil with electric pumps. Te earn
off the surplus water sluice gates have
been constructed. (Iraiiiiiig the hikes Inte
the hacktfchanufl.
The extensive fill necessary te make
the lakes siilliclenllv shallow te be safe
was nccumpllsheil by bringing material
in stews up (lie liver te the back
channel anil piping It te the lakes.
(oed for Skating, Toe
Next summer's bathing does net tell
the entire' story, bv the wav. The
lakes will be just as ideal for skating
in the winter us for bathing in tlie
summer. Due of the lakes. It Is au
iKiuiii I'd, will be ill condition for ice
skating this winter. .lus as seen as
tlie weather Is reld enough t" free
Will lake one of the leading roles In
'The Itig Idea." In he given No Ne
M'tnber Uli-LVi h St. Agatha's Dra
matic Association
i... ii i. ...... 11..1 i ..i....
ne I, .' i. .,!,, 1..,ni,r i,w, I,'.. l,.,.ilts sinface te a safe selitlitv it will
turned I'iciiii tlie devious vva.vs of 1 1 line,
liming this time, Mr. Poele.v himself
has kept no lcceid. They must, h"
sa.v.s, ue m.iiiy tiie.isanii. ter .Mr. Teeley
believes that criminal instincts ar
sctpicnecs of association an
meliibelisin. A little elixir of Hie ilglit
advice, free of an.v niuiilnionieus taint.
and adi stcied at the right moment.
will se nny boy who has run afoul of
the law for the liist time. Mi. Pooley
Seventeen. Mr Pooley thinks, is the
dangerous agi' I he one at whiili mol I
veuths nn' starteil en a cmcr of vvieng-
dejtu'. At this period of adelcsetiee. bf ,
thinks, tlify aif most sensitive mid
suseptib'e and least able te ice- in I
proper perpei'tlvf.
"N nifty per iint of miner offenses!
'by hobhlfiiiiieys," be sn.w, "cenie out
I of a manly seiie of eiitiageil dignity
j and u hevisii application of it. Tnk'i
la iiise liKe that of getting vvutk. I'
knew hew hard it is te get work new.i- j
days, lint many a father will sav te
his son, You're nothing but u young'
loafer. Yeu could r'i vvutk if von I
tried te tin, I it.' What Is the icmiIIV
The boy leaves home nml gees te
imetlicr citv and lie lan't Iinil work
there cither. Then he gels dUiemagfl'
I el desperate. May lie lie gees le s, ,.p .
ion u park lieiiili, or m.ivlie he gil
I liungrv ami liegs m steals. Anyway
he gets m rested."
.Mr Poeicv thinks th light te be a
I spet ial limit for offenders between the
I ages of stceu and I weiitv -eiif . with '
huge imps of investigators ami Mici.il
I serv ic e weikfis an adolescents' leuit.
be tin own open te the siting en
j thlisiasts. It will be the biggest skat -I
ing surface, except tlie Schuylkill Hiver
I which in rely freees ever these Mays in
re con' 1'"' vicinity of Philadelphia lievs from
, , r Seuth I'liiliilelplim used te skate en
net in ..... , ., .... ... i I .. :.. i.. ...-..
I t,iii' null's in e, no inii'i .s, iiui ie-i,-
Wete sevetal in ciilelits. I lie-e UlUes,
witli their lesser depth, will t . mere
readily and will be safer.
I). I . ati. I
.ii,, I
Dni'l ll.irsliiii.iii WilniliiKien
It"-'' Dinlieiir. (ImlriKlm, u.-i
Diiiu-lii- . Wheal li. H'.' X i.M -
tlei'Mii" llnllnmii. il ML' Wiilnut Pt.
Ulln .1 KniKi'i se", VV I.iiIi.im nll'l
KliirelH A .Mi Xllllln', ;i 0 1 .'. 1', ii HI
All 1 1 Sen-It. :', 117 I '.ilar si uiel lanll! i
II, ill HISS Mitlei Hi
William H. li.irN '.'fjl V. ik .v. ..ml
Mum J Uvrti' L'H I" V - M hi
lellll I W'nl- li ."oil II ih m iin.l DIm
A. ScliuUliir .'ills llii'iisr hi.
Wllllani J In ml, mIi li, '1 X 11 .1.0 -. n hi
I .mil .M.iiliin II i!rir '.'el!i w iini.ul.i hi
N". i m i II. I 111 I I'CI VV. Ilii, n,l nt mil
, ICntlirwi M H.kl . ,"U II V i HiinnrnlniKl
(Tl.em.iH 11 Tli'iinsiii ail.'T .N Aini'.liuii
l . ami M." I'. K'lh. 'J'.l 1 1 X I'aelilll
.lelill '.' I'm,., i Vita II I, III, i HI Itml I "mi
I Hen v. kn' ion lc.'i x i:iii-nii hi
I Allien M. InU 711 Mnirls hi . nn, I Ann i
skiiillnstiv '.'..'.'l ,s Tt 1 it
,1,1111- liaMen, Hill. i .V'I'IIhiiii hi. ilnl Al
kert.t llliiwn. I'll)." Vilillsen Ht
Allliur K. Keiihh uu .N,-k nt I, i'it ,i,i
I II. -i n II krnlia 1 1 J'ls X ll.u I -i
s.i ii ' 1 I'nci tnl.i .",17 tjur" n st., nml .Viii.itu
It, nil. in ITI'i Mn,, re l
l'ninels .VI (I'lenlf. 2211 X IM hi un,'
ir.itk r. IektuH, .Matie.t I'h
i Willi. un ll Pert I'iiiiiIi'IiI. X .1. .in,l nii,
I 1'iui r. Ill if." .V iltli nt
I I.. iiIh In.-. 'I r, ntnii X J , aii.l Kl-iii I! ,s. ,
I l re 'I'rc iilnii X J
Ir.ill Allileisnn. t'J-ll si Weiiilitni k t ' a mi
.Mllilr. il WikteiH, ts:i7 Itlln. r st.
, Jehu II IV' hh, t I lilt I' irk ie mil ii. ,
tuel" At , ini.tei. i,s)7 i'l, , i. lull si
I.I i I'll ll ' il illiiti 'I73s X tlth nt ii ii,
vim i j join. iii, ii.is .s, inn hi
Villi iiStHMl-ld :i2-'H Sllllliill HI ,l sir II 11
,H!ifk Ki.li'iH a'jli Saltiwn it
Big Idea" Will Be Shown
Amateur Players Here
"The P.ig Idea." a comedy never
bcfeie iiriidiiied in Philadelphia by ama
teurs, will be 'given by St. Agathn's
Dramatic Association in tlie parish hall,
at Thitty-eighth ami Spring (iarileii
stieets, en the evening" of Tin-day te
Friday , liiQtisive.
Tin play was predm eil in New Ym I;
last season. The St, Agatha's Dtamatic
Association is one of I lie local organiza
tions which specializes in performing
plays which haw been a let cut and de
cided hit en tlie professional stage.
In tlie .list will be the Mises Mary
(i. Calhihi'ii. Mary IJ. Fletcher. Mar
garet ICeenan mid Kutherine A, K vo
lley nnd Messrs. Jeseph Harr. Hubert
Campbell. Daniel A. Diamond, Daniel
I). (iallaglier, Frank Truvusoie ami
James Simons.
MAN, 31. WEDS GIRL, 15
Bloomsburg Police Held Bride Until
Parents Are Heard Frem
Mrs. ImIiiii Hhavvn. a lifleen-ycai'-eln
bride, is being held by the police nl
I'loemsbtirg. Pa . until her nil cuts can
be ceniinuiiiciitcd with. Tlie child mar
ried Hemer Hbiivvn In this city after .1
two weeks' aciualiitanci'. ' Ithawii Is
tlii 1 1 -one years old.
Mrs. Charles Peak, of 2l(l(i Ninth
Itedine streit, the girl's mother, can
not raise (lie money with which te pay
her daughlir's cnrl.ne u:n k te Phila
delphia. "I alleweil her te git mar
ried." she -:i ill today, "te keep ner
from eleiilng. If -lie returns, 1 will
gladlv take 1 arc of hci ."
Harry Wllllngmeyer, Answering
Alarm. Ran Down and Injured Man
Harry Willitigniever. a driver of n
lite urn!; of Company Ne. ,". was held
in M'.IIO b'lil bv Magistrate Price this
morning for 11 futthcr hearing.
Lute last night while AVillingmcvcr
was answering a call from Thud 11 nil
l.u.erne streets, he knot k.'d down mid
intmiil llenrv Hhiuewalil, of 'enaugn
sticet in -ai Ktghtli. The aci ident -1111
1 nl at Itaudelpli street nml 1'ric ave
nue Itlillicw.ild s nose wits liieken II
was Healed at the St I tike's Hospital.
Mrs. C. J. Reney, Catharine St.,
Convinced Man in Prison 12
Years Is Innocent of Murder
Pi lern new seems nsiifpil a nian
once under sentence of ileal b whose case
net ettlv wen the iinllnggiilK inteiest of
his lawyer but later of the lavvvers
widow, who H convinced Ihnl the pris
oner is iutieci ut of murder.
Mrs. Chailes .1. Heney. Kl'.l Cnthailne
sheet, might be termed the heroine of
this human dianin wlil.h in one respeil
parallils the famous case of "Andy
Tuth. who .erveil twetitv years In prison
before his Innocence was established.
Sahbalinu Di Musi is the mtivii 1 new
serving u life sentence in the K.v-lcin
Pi'lliti'llllinv. In lllll'.l lie. witli Mich
ael Conipeilo. was (etivicteil of the
murder of James ()nu in this citv.
Judge Halsteii. new dead, seiiten.nl
both men te I,.- hanged.
Charles J Heney, a young Minimal
lawyer who died seerill years age. had
been assign, il as leutisel for Di Mnsi
The plight of the ft ientllcss.iuan aroused
all tlie compassion of the young lawyer,
and his deep interest in the cast- was
ceniinmilcateii te Mrs. Henev.
DI Masl's cenvli lien result."! almost
wiiellv from . In iinistautlal evident.'
After senlciife el death had been passed,
Mr. Heney began following a line of
iml. pendent investigation.
Without any hope of titimi. Ial ie
ward, tlie lawyer went te Italv wheie lie
obtained nn of li,it Di Mn-i was serving
in tlie Italian aimy at the time Jn In" -muideri"
"ii i.'il. Itcttirniiig te this
iiiuiitry. Mr. Heney suet ceded In liav.ng
Di Masi'.s death sentence ceniinutcil te
life imprisonment
P.ut this dnl net satisfy the lavvver.
He began fighting for his client's com
plete freedom. He hail mi uphill light
and before prespeits of success were in
sight lie became ill and died.
Meanwhile Coiiiperto. the oilier con
victed man. was a.liudg.'d insane and
was removed te the State Hospital
tlie Criminal Insane at Farview.
P.efere he was sent tlieie. however
signed a statement laying blame for the
minder en IM .M.isi. (ompetto latci
rcpuillntcd this statement.
Mis. Henev. after her husband's
death, determined le .airv mi Ids. fight
for Di Midi's freedein Her efforts at
last wen tlie inteiest of Assistant Dis
till t Attorney I'ux ami of Chief Wynne,
of tl unt) del.', the staff.
The next move in the long fight will
lie Mrs. Henev 's tin 'et appeal te the
Heard of Pnnleu- Mr Fev ami Chief
AY) tine have premised te accompany her
first te Fat i lew. where Compert.) Will
be interviewed.
"Short and Snappy" h
Plan for Title Seekers
Philadelphia's World's Fair l
suggested by Fanny e M. Levin, of
l'J!H Pennsprevc sticet.' lis n name
for the Sesinti-Cenleiinlal Kxiiosltiea
liete In I HUH.
The World's Hcndi7."eiis Imposi
tion Is Hiiggesled by Simen P.nrasch,
of 11" North Canine sticet.
The Sestiul-Ceiiteiililal of the City
of Itielheiiv Leve, by Mnrie Lnlli Lnlli
tep. of 'J:!.".I Neitb Twenlietli sheet.
Philnileliililn Peace and Kipinl
Exposition, bv Hugh Aehcseii. of
1(101 SprlliR (Iniilen sheet.
Tlie Win Id's Fall of Intlepend
cine, bv Alexiinder Midline of 111).'!
Daly sheet.
Tin Win Id's Jubilee F.xpniien.
by I'Jull Iliirtmiinn. of !I.":I lOnsf
Wcshnei eland street.
Pan-Nntlens' I'air. bv Fdwin S
'l'hreie. of !!()(!! Neitli Ftent street.
P.illy Pi nn' Kxiostien Fail, by
Fied Silneffer. Jr., of 117 Seuth
Walnut sheet.
Justice. Pence mid Friendship
Fair, by MNs .1. ('.. liulleck. of 01
North Thittv -fourth sheet.
Tlie Kvi.MNi. I'l Hl.li Ll.nnl.it s
leiciving liialiy of Ihese suggestions.
I lav e v en one te offer?
"Mexico" Subject of Travelogue at
Academy Last Night
Academy of Mnsle Hurton Helmes
was welcomed back i Philadelphia last
night when he gnve t!, fitst of his
1 l I Travelogue series le'teie an up -pteilative
aud.enie at th" Acadeuiv of
"Mexico" was the silbiei t of Mr
Helmes' first lecture. Th.' pictures
weie taken In -1 tiuimci when the
Iliilin.'s partv spent a number of weeks
watching the Mexicans at wei k anil
at plav . The usual delightful humor
with which Mr. Helmes sprinkles his
topics was again in evidence, ami made
tlie scenes of a strange country seem
all the mere icuj ami vital
Industries, business, se. ml life nnd
play are all taken up In the pi, .tires
which Hash from cities te cnutitiy mil
llience te oil fields with the usual beau
tiful colored views interpolated
Residents Pretest at Delay in
Repairing Street and
e Resultant Chaes
Shopkeepers nnd residents en Colum Celum
liln avenue between Tvv"nty-third nnd
Tliiity -first streets have protested te
the hishwny department against what
thev eay Is a lnck of interest en the
part of (lie city in completive Ftreet
repnir work in front of their homes nnd
places of btisine1..
While the Philadelphia Ilupid Trnnelt
Is laving ties nnd new rails In hep'C
plmes. the street Is tern up nnd dirt
and cobblestones are idled lngb en tin!
A bigliwav department inspector, in
explaining tlie delay in completing Hie
vv.uk. which starteil October .'?, dc'iar.vl
that out of the month nnd ;i half Hie
street had been tern up the werkei"
!"!" had t contend with fight days
et rain nnil one Holiday. Cement, used
in laving the trolley rails, cannot be
laid while the ground i wet. nnd it takes
a geed dnv anil n half or two days for
the ground te dry out nfter n storm, he
"Mesbles that difficult v. we have hnd
te contend with a strike of pavpig cut
ters. The men new employed are in
experienced and cannot de the work of
expel ience.l men," he said.
In the cellars of A. F. Daix iV Sen,
real estate ngenls nf '.'.IIS Celiimbin
avenue, nnd the Economical Hardware
Cempanv. 'J.".'"' Columbia avenue, water
lia-i leaked in through (lie walls of the
cellars. Tills, a. entiling te the bigli
wav depnitment, was r miser) by n de
fective innin and net bv the fnct thnt
tlie Mrcct Is being repaired.
In a move te rush completion of the
work H is planned te have men em em
plev.i Sundavs ami heKdnys.
Is vviintril liy a st.it k t'MliuriKC linllse.
she must he cipiihle nnil iicrlenre.t nnil
rumlli.ir with fllliu: nml feMer.it ulllie
intuitu'. Salary Iwenli-lUe .lnlliirs.
it ten. i.r.iH.r.it erru i:
1S0T WM.Nl'T ST.
Harr I'ttlilngs nnil Mi7r.itlnls
I'riitiilin: ii Mii'cl illy
1 E r 1 1 1 1 1 1 lt nml llrslnrlr.ir
sSoefhinq and Hcalinq
ler 5kin and ScalpTreubles
Amid Hie usual
gins ilimgeil the
club ever tlie bill
was se surprise.
May De Traffic Duty Around Schools
in Camden
The Peliie Committee et the Camden
Civ ('.mm il today m nl u ic. nmm nd'i
I mi ie III" Iteaid of Film ,ili,ui for the
election of ciilaln m I' .el pupils te as
sist in the icgulalieii of hallie ne.ir ihe
It is suggested thai these pu-pils
be iuvcscil witli peliie powers vvlii. u
would give th. in atitli'U itv te steii and1
legitime 1 1 alhe fur the s,f,.y ,,f tl(,
f II 1 DI I ell.
The move was nyrte fellow ing in .ident s ,
te school I'lntili .-ii and the complaints of
tia.iicrs i ml pneiits. It is expected i
the Heard of I'lliicttien will alipreve tlie
Idea williin lite next week.
Deaths Here Shew Increase
There wmc lit) deaths m Philadel
phia dm. tig the week ending yestei
dav, tlie division of vital statists ic ic
pertcd leilav Last week lime wem l.'JO
tiths ami ll.l in th. week ending Ne
vember IP. F.rju
Jehn S. Trower's Sens
Gcrmanlewn Ave. and Chellen Ave.
Dinners '
Banquets, etc
Luncheon 11:30 A
Dinner 5 P. M.
A La Carle 11 A
M. te 2 P. M.
, te 8 P. M.
M. te 11 P. M.
XV. will wue .in Hiven-roetn
lieiwc S'V.ll swltillps foil '-kk lS
w i pi' s ii , . i t.u les en,, l giit in
. '. il i eniplet" with .1 t el' kO'ul
l.i,i-s tivtuns for
ll A'erl; (iiifiriintct'il
eurn' l-vpfilptuH
Sawyer Electric Ce.
.'521 fl fiermantewn A v.. Phlla. I
iinil.', iiiiiini.nii hi. in vv
Si NErvs
Polished Girdle Diamonds
assure quality, value and complete satisfaction
This Establishment maintains the
highest standard e quality in America
Back te Old Prices
As Fine as Imported at Va the Price
A'c.y Crep Finer Than Ever
WtWMM. '.WiWM'MMW. '. V,', VM'MYMY. V. V. V.'A V'.wm '. w. w. : v. : v. v. ','... v. v. wwwtttVA
n iieti i
' IB;2i-5-2W!E2iSG?5
l-SMgQfCi?:0iir1fififK '
r .
W 1 J
I'ut. June 18, 11)12
"Ne Splash in Sink"
"Positive Shut Off"
Nme "SAVILL" On Faucet
"Ash your plumber' r
Themas Savill'a Sens, Mfr.
13l0.is.jj yuitnce Ut., I'lUln,
Will Buy Many
of the
In Our Stock
Overlands, Huicks, Rees,
Willys-Knishts, Frnnkhns,
Oltlsmebllcs, etc.
1629 Arch St.
250 N. Bread St.
Hundreds of different lets
of seasonable and desirable
merchandise, at far below
the regular prices.
in the Country
Should fortune favor us with a
bright crisp day next Thursday,
why net come te Strath Haven
and enjoy a real Thanksgiving?
Spin down the Baltimore pike
about ten miles till you come te
the schoolhouse en the left
there you'll see the sign.
The flying fields, the keen air and
the blue sky above will give you
the appetite, and you can safely
leave it te us te give you the kind
of dinner you'd anticipate se
That cute little youngster that says '
"Goe-Goo Glub." The baby agrees
w ith all the rest and wants te
help solve the problem pussling ua
Don't fail te learn what they all
agree upon.
--' - i VSz
All Lawyers
Knitvv that in evidi'iu'C
i'vitv thini,' but truth can he
puiu'turi'd. The lii'st i'vi
ilk'iu'i' an autiimebile can
prt'spnt i a lirritUKv of
ve.trs of hetu"-t construction
iind uniU'v luting geed per per per
formaiu'e. Ne one- can
as.sail that. Hupiiiebile has
laced tlu tehl ler years.
llt.VMil'OIII) tll.VI ut
( Iii.iIi'k .1. Mil'inicli
:u;t. I'ruiil.fnril vi-
i.i.UM vmuvvn m:i.i. it
Krmk.'l HrullierN
i..vii v.'. .V VV ;iMni;tiin l.iliir
mi.n i im. iir.M.r.i;
I'.. N ( re.iniiii, lr
Mrvkjirt l.ani.iKlri' tm.. Iliivrrf.ir.l. I'n,
WV.hf l'llll... DKAI.llft
Arnnlil-Ciiiiiiilirll Jlelnr Ce,
Until ft Wnlnut bl.
AFTER all, the knack of
-' knowing hew te dress
fashionably and economically lies
in merely knowing where te buy.
The wearer of our clothes,
whether dressed for business
or for some special function,
feels satisfied that he is at
tired faultlessly, both from a
standpoint of style decrees
and material.
Cfl We knew that these facts
mean a let te well-dressed
men hence our policy of
selling only merchandise
which is worthy our indorse inderse
ment. 4 Suits and Tep Coats of splen
did quality fabrics made in
accordance with Reed's high
standard of tailoring are
priced $30 and upward, with
special values at $45 and
t424r-M$S Otestiprir Shred
-H '