- tJ-tv VV 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIL'ABELPHIA, SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1921 -' JK H ? ' ? ' iw It ii K' &. m II Numerous College Football Teams End 1921 Season With Their Gridiron SAILOR S. FREED MAN STARTED CAREER HERE IN PHIL A. Chicago Lightweight, Who Bexes Leenard Next Tues day, Is Pupil of Jack Blackburn Frank ford High Made Great Recerd in Football Itj KOItKHT V. MAXWICLL Spert ltfltnr Kvrnlnir I'nMle I.rdxrr SAII.OIt SOLI.T rilKI'IlMAN. "he has (!at- te putuMi licnnv i ,0011a rd in the none next Tuevlaj night. i in town tinlnins hind te make the proboscis punch a bis success. The inllv tar fnm l'hli,iiRi is full of onnti ennti dence because he 1 In Creat shape unci his Uuovvleelpo of lin.n? Int Improved considerably in the ln-t two month". When the Sailor becil Teudler thW summer mam of the spectators- be lieved tliev vere enins upon .1 stinnser. lVrhnps tliey were, but rrecrlman Is no stranger te riiilndelph'.n Strnnse us it may eein. he marled his career In this cltj. but nobody exer cave hlni a tumble until he liled himself westward. Selh wn 11 tiftoen-.vear-old kldpvvith n. keen deire te ec the world, no he onliMed in the nan Instead of seems the nforeniontioiu d world, however, be been me acquainted with I.eacne Wtnud Nhvj iiril and wa stationed en the 1. S S. Mli'hignn. l'er mere than a jour he remained here, nml it was then that he took up heing with mete or les eii-ecs mostly lps. He sometimes wen n being hour nn beard ship, and once, when he scored n notable triumph, he sought fresh Holds te conquer. He went te the ("inyetv Tlieatre, nppenreil in one of th- amateur bout- ag.iiiist a jiuinc person named Jimm Valentine, and at tin- end et the bout Ins .imatcur M.indin:; still was pure and untainted, lie was known as Sailor l-'roeiltnnn then. n lie is new, but times certninlv have changed He is back in Philadelphia te meet the world's- lightweight champion, ami he has an iilea he will win. rreedman. jltlieiigh he ha been In the boxing game for six ear ! the ripe (del age of tuetitv-tvie He graduated from the preliminaries te the semi-wind-ups and from thire te the wind up elnss He alvvnjs has beeu Known as 11 rugged, hard-hitting battler but it was net rntil this jear that he ha been taken ei ieusly There was a neceeable nnpiecm nt In ht work, and It was with much surpnsp that we learned the rea-en Philadelphia again tigures ,1, tin, ter the Sailor 1 being tuteied ami trained by none ether than .lack Itlm-kbum. who new is living In 'hl'age Jack lias taught l-'rcedman a let of inside stuff, including his famous one two" wallop which used te knock heavier opponents oeokoo Kreednian showed well in his two battles with Tendier and stepped in line for a bout with Leenard. This was because lie Inivd Charley White, ,ee Welling, Johnny (Iritliths. Kiteliie Mitchell, .lehnnj Tlllninn, 1'ete Hartlev, Johnny Dundee ami had three bouts with Lew Teudler since .liiliuarj L". of this ear. That record id geed enough te get linn n match with a couple of champions-. I-'reedman is a fe, person and l all et te claim the championship if he connects with a lucky punch. "This talk about lighting at e.itchweight.s is nil right for some beers." he 'aid. "but net for me. I like te see the ether fellow come in nt catch weights, because then 1 knew he is net in the best of shape. Yeu can't de jour best until ou are in geed condition, ami for that veaen T alw.ixs fr.1111 down te my best lighting weight. The ether f Hew can weigh 11 ten if In- wnnts te." THE Sailor neuld net dirulne hit nmind me, but it i tale te anumc he 11 ill br around M. en the niqht nf the battle. Trained Three Years te Win Championship WHEN Frankford High Scheel dcfe.ited (i'ei-n,ante.vv n High bj the score of ."e te I) en Thursdu) a leadiing Mti-m which was inaugurated two years nge was crowned with success. A championship the f i 1--r for the eungest and smallest high school in the eit was wen as a result of the straight ie ie terles. Net 01100 did an opposing high school team cress the goal line. It was in l'Hll three seasons age that Dliioeel (ieigcs. iih.i -ii :tl director and conch, laid his. plans te win tin title 111 IHUI. At tli.it time he had "tilv n theory and a hope that lie would lie successful j n couple of jears. I'rank I'rank ferd had a football team at that time, but it was one of these mediocre second string aggregations winch seemed te jet nowhere, lieiges, after two weeks of the seasun, selected a team from the freshman and sophomore classes and put the elder men en the sidelines. He knew he couldn't de worse with a raw, green tfam, and nnwny, then was a chance te decb.n stars for future use. This j ear's championship eleen lias been di eloping since that dav in 1010. The team reached the peak this season, went tin ouch without a defeat, net only winning in their own class, but also defeating teams like Haverford Scheel and Cioiiuuntevvn Ae.ideniv. A wonderful record was made. (Jeiges taught In- men the -hi ft formation, and tliej c-ed It witii mere success than many of the cllcge teams I have seen The b.icklield jumped te cither side, came te a complete step and the plays were run off in real big league stjle. In fact, Frankford High this jear is ceed enough te give any prep school in the country a stiff argument. Scott and Mike Ilenuett son of the old IYnn star and Ilnvi-rfe.rd College conch are verv geed ends, and if thev put en some weight in the next couple of years will be great assets for some college team liennett is geed at re ceiving the forward pass and also is a sure tackier. Scott's d tensive plnv also is geed. Summers, the big halfback. Captain Itonunev, I.ijhtfoet and Rooney are the best hni-ktield s, en here in many a daj ni "T ill ii the Imt irnien ler the ildii it ml nrit in nr f'nmh tiinia J will hnic In build all tier miaul. r Uici tutt ami Itrnmit. ends: .umicceu. renter; Him'hett, iunrd. nml llemmru, l.n1,11,,,,1 and Summm, 'I heir ;i?cnri trill be haul te ill. Frankford Plans $50,000 Athletic Field BUSINESS men of Frnnkfeid are all het up ever the receid being n iiie b tlie independent toetliall team, ancl htue agreed te support the drive te obtain S.'O.OOO for an ntiiietic tield for the I'rankfei.l A. A. Y.dlew jackets, who in turn llae pledged themselves te operate part of the tield as a frre plttjgreund for children. Theodere Heldeti. piesideut of the Whiteluill Textile Company, heads the business men's commute e. Clean independent football, as t.pilied b. the group if former college 'grid heroes playing under the Yellow-jackets' colors, litis gained strong f.ner In the Northeast and nn attendance of ."null is new considered a peer turnout The association has rented a heue in Frankford. ancl hired a heuseke. p. r -uid conk for t lie entertainment of plners who de net liw in tins i-itx A training table has been inaugurated and all the plnjcr shmibl be m tip-top shape f,,r the remaining games, the finale of the season coining next Satuiduj will, the tilt against Heinie Miller's (.'tinkers. The Yellewjackets manage the gime m big letgiu stIe. Kail Slnrar, one of the best ends eer precliiced in Frankford has scouted all the big (tlu.i independent teams during the last the weeks, ul., has returned wi'li s, ,r nntleuallj known grid stars te anl Frankferil binig the season t,, ,. int,nB climax. Shep Uele, tlie 01 g.inuatien' pie-idcin. irjing te line 1. I;,, .lc.ilillin, ( entre ( ellege sur. .Iimtnie Institute, and Fiiner (lliph.mt, wim - with the (Juakers Pli KI'DllH I'l'j1 the Uinnn I If ith Apologies Till, ether day we wrote casually about the "hip lull ' wh. n with some suoeesn bv Ilex Y'rnv, of Pinn, and for son,,. ., , readers has inken exception te it Tie following lett. , -i, wrapped around 11 brick, bears the sign' "ire of F.irl It Seu'l'e "Dear Sir Nete in tin- Uvi.mm. I'i mi tc- J.i 1 r-tl ,. ,(,.,. .,,,, football teamn arts likeiv te iejiv Rex a s 1 ' i se-calle.i h j, people could see some icf the etaer liOnli football tcji.i- of tu, you would correct that state iiieni "Here at Villanna Celli ge our li.utbai k, Finn I, a- pl.ne.l ainf some f!OOI) teams this jear. ancl lias made' touchdowns 111 pi 1, ti'-ally eerv one of them by this plav or method II,. does net seem I 1 think it r. ep'iue, llm KPl(l! amount of nerve in fact, he rather d'-l.glif- in using it "It Is either the old story of bee. tint: I'din eer c'-e ..-!iir fo.ehi'l know! knew! edge and education he been sa,), n.gie.ci..' " fl K hat H ejj te lb . 'mil, hr, nut hi -i u, inv tei hdeu in of in h J n ddiglillul play, uhu-h tie Ml ,s r hn e ,-rheki d Ihrnmih our vjnnrance. St. Luhes Defeats Chestnut Hill FRED GIM.KNDER'S football team 111 St l.uke'. finlslic-d the sea-c,n es terday with 11 victory ever Chestnut Hill. Captain Mart.iiis, wlje was injured in one of the early games, was m the litn'-iip, and his punting and forward passing weie tlie features. Miliums te Middleton or rnri'isiBWere the plays, mid the were bard te slop. A I'TKR next week b.iselmll will be b.ith in the act. Italic Ruth will per. form at Keith's, anil shortly after that tlie magnates will peifertn in their annual meeting in Ncm Yerk. 7lli: Canten sidestep uum In he mere efteetirf than the . ,ifjn glide. ' Cenyiight lt;i In, I'iIiic l.nte'r Ceminny i Beets and Saddle The Twin Cities Handicap, the Tip Tep Htindicim, the Hen Ten Puis,. ,ui,, the Ilalnbew Purse aie the features effered today nt Hewie Hmiifm-e ap pears best In the Twin Cities ut 11 mlle and a sixlenth. Slippery Klin and llunga Huck nre the ether speedy ones. Her$r well placed in ether races nre; sSflrt race Curmcncltu, Fex filevc,t.!rftre Fester: second Yashmak, Jloce, liukfc-Itun; third Crunk, J. K. NA VY YARD ; I.ce.h i.irr.i t'ein.erlv of Virgin ,t Mi ,t ,r. at We-t I'.cint, ..r il, ut .10511 I'lih of l'l 01 ni 1 1 illr t.,dm, and Everything I- be'iii,; u-ecl 'ii 1 in- of our 'h was (IT of the- etl or bill If ye-i tdt 1 think I- Itess entrv, Dry Moen; liflh Hluf. fei, Huill. Knight of the lleatlier; sitih - Super. Yeteinn, Atlernev , sc lenth Ktiahe. I-'ize,- Miss Fllle . Jcilin serrliilmieihl, a newrr.mer n h i'n, can e.,ie-i'd Hnt.e HieK.r f"r M.ien n) 'urncd lum .nor In 'iMiner r I1 .smith f r 1 eiiipjigiiinu at New Orlc m Dnniaeck mil h.jd th" Ilarrv revue ivnunev oivnieH ic ea rand it Havana fleserKc "V JWenl r'U'e)d an rffr e, for Tile) r I M01I0 tv "" tr tee leua liiuJUa ruv.ii 1 t 120.000 maa ralrer for a prete cjiluDlun- mem. -MERHTTS ELEVEN" AH WINS I Perm Charter's Defeat of Heavy Episcopal Team Makes Ninth Consecutive Triumph STATZELL IS TEAM STAR WEIGHT and Micngth xersus speed nnel lirnte rl'lilu 111.1 l,li it-ciu Onm.,1 ....- ...... -i,..i .ipsterdav afternoon, when I'enn Charier unci Episcopal Acnijemi met en the fur-iimi-'s gridiron. c,t. l,me and Herwick mad. At the conclusion of forty-eight min utes of battling l'enn Charter came out en top lij tlie difl'eience of two touch -downs, one in the second nnd the ether ii the final ijuaiter. the score being 1-;'. a victory for speed nnd brain. The game was plajed en a soggy field that put one mere in mind of 11 battle field in France during war times rather than a football pla.ing field. Hefore half the game was ever the platers were s,, cnered witii mud nnd dirt thev weie hatcllj recognizable when the c.-inie te 'lie dressing 100111 The win for lVnu Charter gae them the Intc rncndeniic League championship for tlie ninth censccutne time, and nN 111:11 keel tlie ninth time the team has wen the title under the able guidance' of Pick Merrltt The (Ju.-iki'is have walked ff with the bacon ei-ry jear since 1 ill". In tiie previous j ear. which was the initial ap pearance of Merritt n the coach of the Yellow and Hlue, the Twelfth -Stroetcrs were the iiinners-up te the chainpieti- Appieachcd after the game b the ecu-, respondents. Coach Merritt hael nothing but praise for Ids team. "Tlie bejs gae the hct that was in them and', being encouraged b.v their hard-wei king lead er. I'.ebhj Statxell. played gieat fe.ctbill and desene the spoils of the uoten, ' said Meintt. Most Philly's (ireat Triumph Vest Philadelphia High 1 le.ed it season in ,, hlnze of glerj estern 1 b.v stamping Seuth I'liiladelplna High Scheel, en Oihill Field. Twc ntx -iiinth ancl Cambria stieets. The iictei .( the Speelbes eer tile dew n-tewners assineci tlie m of the runner-lip pesj. liieii in tlie Intel s helnsti'e League1. The Oiangc-iind-Hlue backs tore thieugli the1 weak Ked-nncl-Hhic k line time and again, ami ran up all of its peiuts before Southern managed te count in the last period The down dewn down eowners' s,ere was the lesiilt of a forward pass te Feley, who substituted at ipiarteiback for Eddie Goldblatt. He can-led the ball si.xtj jards. Ciezier kicked the goal. The Westerners' scores were luuele by lierginnn, Witheiew. fflium and Sweet", the first tin et1 named tallied two touch downs each. Witherow also kicked, live goals. West Philadelphia also sc e'u-ed a safety en Feley in the third period. North' ast started cent like a wlnnei, but tinallv was ieeiceuie by Central High in their annual lntoi-schelastlc League1 game . en Housten Field, Twen ty -ninth and Somerset sucets. je,. teriiny. 111-'.' Sic nunc i- uillie.l I11 -t for the Aieliive ill tl e lll-st peneeil when lie hooted a tield goal from the- ii-ji.iel line. He cetcil a tein lieewu, in the second peiled, after ('lie i-' heski tali, eel fop Central in the upriiuag iiiaitci'. P.nilt a star PaMtt si-ered the etlie-r points Cen- ll.ll lll.ldc 'lllllllg the lss. He lllll'le Ills lii-st tone 1. dew it when he broke through the I!ec and ll'ack Hue ter .'ill yaiels in the third period. In the final period lie s, ere d again w lien lie took the ball treiii Northeast's -Hl-jard line ecu ., sc: ics of line ,:,n , down tin lual unci ecer tlie goal line He missed the two goals. West Catholic H.gii Scheel's football team made a tup te I5rju Atlijn unci lit I'i the aenclinn be s te 11 7-7 tie. The Piiiris tallied the tn--t toiiclulewn 111 tlie opening period. Iiijn Atlijn brae ed m tie teiirth pc need ancl piisliecj the bull ever tlie line, tiling tin- s( ere. Sr. Luke's Sc liceel wen a close game f r cm Chestnut Hill Academy nt St Martins. II te 7 Leng runs featuied the- game. Reining, .f Chestnut Hill, aiid Tiiube rl.ik' . c, si. Luke's, inaking f;0 ancl 71) jard runs, lespcctivclv. Itc-uiing's run ,i- the icsiilt (pf an olt elt tackle1 play, while Tuubeilnke made Iiis score after rece-iwng a punt. Geruiniitewn Academy Iianded Erie iid' Central its usual sethac-k at Forty -fcein 1I1 sti t anil Paiksidi' ae- iiue. ,"i-ll Tlie (!. A. backs pa. ed haec Willi the light linc eef t In home te 111). St. Jeseph's Prep smashed its w-e te a vioierv ever Itrewn Piep, C.'!-0, while Collingsweocl High and Woedliurv High were battling ie a 7.7 tie. I.niisclewne trimmed Darbv Higli "'s te (l Scrajis About Scrappers 'Ilirfe leers ftnm th- tecm. eitrthic win . . 11 n ! ff' rent bc.iit , linirsdav , f tr r- i .it th- ejlvrnn.i Th .ir. T 1a 'Ic-ul- 1 I T ,, it ki d I' v 1. I cc c th Ir I pen' rite te be Manue-l A?."vedu HI'lv AcU'-le 1 1 I" I' 1 K- . cith'l ' ,nc ailini,',! rcre V re r.ux vs Ynuriw Te li-vrrell an-1 IUi--, l.-jn.ci 1 vs Hl.lv Dewn (leecrce U'e-rner. c H e-'-n vcc,.r v IBhe vi , i- ii I'ntli.le phia in.. , ch vvniit of I . ,' , H vff iis 1 1 1 ur l-i th l.am- 1 J .t.iiii eiMiv I .-. 1 ,11,1,1m n's ,,p. I elects e-- c'hirlcc-v par.r tin ,n .rt , I ii- n, l.vt H.eri K ,1 Hiuwe l.mnev I ui-c fi.llv Yc IV l'tul Hkcm ,m I -; is Witrl ri 'c 1 N nvirrf e,, mat h I, 11 w M,.llk'' vv.tl, ,,i k l'.elmcr, J.je 'jie n I'a f Shi,)ear,d p. ' l.uue VI 1, nee, New V'erke, prr-parlne e m- ' 1" ''-'ihia t r n i' nB at jrv of th11 I I s j c 11 1 , 1 ih . 1 -in"' l.i k T.nlccr. N'.'i, . h ivwv, tht his been cK'ii .t. iev hs t. .1 e ,,r, . vvhe Is en 1 ,- ci iib t m.etilc l1- t.ls- di.rkv with Hat 1 .nn l.'v r-lv. Kid Nnrl ih und Jeff Clark l'i',- i .-Iv. f..i i,u.e in' h in heik-ht and evMKics lTn peund-ei. H h.c s met Kid Ner. I . .1 ,. e,i. II lleemi-i smut,. j0 ler. 1 an 1 .F.cvk Il'ji kt'Urn .1. F Demi, d Mli'iianclc eh ha hla n.eihle vt 'jx-h d ( i- hiut-e In Philadelphia u ,, ' naii s titilcra ,.re Tlnv Tnnkle ML'. JMd,- lliev.-.a, IT", lend Snak I'uher. lJci '1 nnkle in e.pe-n ter hattle with Indian lluxx-.l ti.irUv Jt.iv und i :. ill intr Murrnv. HajeB wants te tackle l'ra nk e llrliten K e sciilivaii lend PiankiH Yarehan vvlule 1 .u. - r 1a c-.elv for re,mii'iiitl'jn ue?ami A It-in ells an I Danny IludKeia .llininv IjiKiin. of Kenlneten. ha teen delni mien cif his hetlnn ur the Biale i(0 14 .cnxieiici t . enew ejer,,,ej rhlladelphla cluba uaeiicHt unv nf the lluhtweihhta .llininv l'rsrr, retired hexer Is in have a Bi-f,.iintf ,f tcmU at hl-e heme, J817 ju,. n-1 eelfet t'lnuriew iljeht. iinnir Itnlilileaii, who hat plare, hlmaelf c,t e, thee election v( Jehnnv F'tene liiijea e-halleng" 1.1 W'hltej Kit U'-ral'l and 0,, Kianehe'ti rtjhid'au h.ea bextd I'm ,n twe-lve d'tfere-ni l,attl'M Fee Orlnce, who kept time nt all of the big: ahnwee .it ,h" hall iMika Inet teurnnier will held the u.lleh en Tllesdav nlirht In el.a Sailor Kr ecman-H--iiny Leenard b.ittlw at nice je i-uciecp . c-niii'i naa naa a let of expen, nee In keeping liinu and ha la a Keed man t r ;he Jeb lllllr Tarker. 1'Jfe pound 'amatecir .car cnin make hia prefe sbleiial debut en the nlffht of i 'cjc-puiuer m tti c iiej je ej i leiti" Rleve Ijury haa matched Jark Pullen for a bout at Iteadlnir November il Johnny tfetfliell wanti beuu wilh Eddie jjernpaey anu iigjtj wvcucaf, AIN'T IT A VJHKisI A FBlGNl tiMsJiTeS Yeu Te piAy a course YeuVe ALWAYS WAMTSD lb PLY And On) TG VstAY OUT HS TgllS YbO OP The VWOMDGRPuL Water heue Thkv uirz - AsJD PltslAUUV YcSU ARC eSlV The coulisse playing a WRETCHED GAMli MsJt) Ybl-' Cea3 Te That Water note; E Freedman Expects te Weigh 139Peunds for Beut With Leenard Tuesday "" 1 PninTinrcc IMCIPUTIMPi RACTICES INFIGHTING I ll LOl'IS 11. .iakki-: "rpIIH strongest lightweight in tlie JL world " This it the -einplinienl extended te Sailor Freeilmun. Chicago contender for the light weight champion ship, by Harney Fnrj . who is in Phila delphia" today with tlie boxer for the hitter's scheduled eight -round M't-te with Hennv Leenard at th" Ice Palace 011 Tiicsilav niglit. Fnrj is Known all ever America wlieiever boxing is legalised as a trainer of niittuien. He is a veteran in handling bexei and has been identi lieel with the ciinie ter a score of jeais. P.nrney was in tlie camp at Ileue. Nev.. together witii .lehnny l.eftus. of tliis e-lt.v. in lielping eoiiditien .luck Jehnsen for that memorial battle 111 which James .1. Jeffries failed te come back. I'l-ec-iliiian arriM'd in this citv jester daj te tinisli ti.uiiing for Tiiesdnj's e-eiitest vltli Leenard. Prier te mining heie tin1 Sailor put In a strict course of pieliminarj work ever n period el ten dajs in Ciiic-at'e. Aftd" liis long ride fiein the Wiinlv City jesterdaj rieedinan said that he felt a little stiff and trained for about ferty-lnc inin i.les at Plillaiblpliia .link O'P.iienV. After puiic liing the bag for four two twe iniiiute leiinds rreedman boxed four rounds, two each witii Jee Mcndell anil (leergie 1'ex, an lCnglisliman nnd brother of Joey, who was in tins ceuntrj several J ears' age. Meudell carried rieedinan along at n pretty lively clip, while the workout with l-'ex was fairlj geed, Dreps l'"u rreedman tlid most of his weik al close (punters, and in tlie Hist round of ills session with Fek the .Snllei dropped the Ijiglishmnn with n left hook in tlie b'd. (teergie was up in 1111 instant and became a littly wan. However, rreedman encouraged 1'ex te l.cep going nnd nt the same time lie let up a little in ills punches. After spniring. the Sailor went thieugh peme cali-thenics, shadow box ing and plnxed 11 little handball. He said lie felt in wonderful shape, despite the change in weather. "We're having scciue i-"al winter in flu." smiled I-'ieecl-iiinu, "while it feels like summer heie. It's a little uncomfortable, but I'm net werrving about i little thing like weather with tlie I.eenaid matili nulj thii-e daj-. elf." Anether tiling far from I'leedinau's thought is his weight. "While il nun appear tlint Leenard will have a lilg advantage because we are bexiiig at catelivveiglits, tlie same' condition rule 111 nix case. While 1 c tin get dew 11 tec III." pounds at J e cicieK ami teei per-fi-.tlj all light. I knew I can de mjsili a let mere justice nt cutchw eights. "I inn down te about Kill pounds nnd probably -will enter the ilng 111 thu weight." Inllslitlnc ISattle Pre m the vaj 1'reedinan 'eikui 'i ' yesterday vlth Mcndell nnd Pox i' would appear tlmi the Sailor plan. .,,, iniigiiting battle lie did most n ,, workout nt close ipiaitcr-. using slieii HOW FRANKFORD LINE-UP IMteijMKa mmmmmmi ' I WSs-'V .&.2Z , A mxSssmkiL M 1 ip .'.rtiywTL'TWw j-.iniiHi.-'-tfy.yfi f.n"tnArvxi SAILOR STRONGEST 0 LI HI IS FRANKFORD i u. Si hradcr VM k. " n. i 11. rt. I,t(',' eSlhersteln (ID (15) d. n. Iteinuiey (111) H. i:. It. T. It. fi. f. I., a. iit T. I.. R. Theni.is Iteyd Itusseil Plerelti lellew .iiiiiner Williams S) 02) O0) (18) (7) () (20) 1- is. I- t. i- n, r. n. e. u. t. it. h. t. .Miller O'llearn .Mcllnn.ild Itngiin Itomane Alevinder Diidv (1) (2) CI) () (S) (0) (7)' Q. It. I'nrily (h) i " " n. 11. n. '"''la , .McGlnnis () ' (10) r. n. il. lieady Ol) UNION Substitutes: Kranliferil Dale (1), McGntern (4), Peel (8), Eble (0), Supplce (1(1). Tayler (22), Hldpalli ((I). XTnleu Tlmur (12), Ilnrdlgau (14), Mcllticli (h), Qulnii (10), Vanluunan (17), Myers (18), Illties (10), ivicneeun te;, uewney ti;. 4 . ,- GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN7 -AtsJD TAUK3 AvOOUT A'OE op Terie. ebst PlaVgrs eSO-TTesG KlBRVOUa AT TmAT particvji-asI Tee AMD YbOR HOST TfiLLS YeeJ Te uae A PLOATCSR-- IT'i LOSJ6 CARRY AMSID TmON VsHr.fslG!! 7 .'&& . 1 - ywm ,.f . CmhIiH P T. T(Vm Ut. 1 Today's Scholastic Games and Results of Yesterday rOOTDALIj I Rwarthmer Prep nt Hordentewn Mllltarr Institute. Berclenliewii. I Krerdham I'rep at nroeklyn Prep, Nw 1 HUlr Academy nt Ptddln InstftuW, HIithtB- iMvn, 1 V nnd M. Ac-nde?my nt Stevesna Trnde. . Lancnste?r. c'nmdcn Irish at Trenten lllcrh. Tre-nten. Mlllersllle Hnr.i at West CcVlter Ner- tnnl, Wjil Chester Mdla IUkIi at Ch'e'erjr Hliih. rhfstcr. Tonic sj,nelli al oilman Scheel. Dal,:- nere. 'nk Pirif Ulch at Dceirtcld lllch, ChleaBO. .Mentclalr Acade-ry nt Plckinsen lilisli. Jer.cy City. Jamnlc i High at riushlnu High, llush- inc, -N. 1. seccun IVnn Kreili nt Olrard Cellcfe Olrard and Corinthian nvnuia STANniNO OF TKAMS INTiSnSCHUI.AS'I If I.UAUPK XV. rt Frankford .'. n 10 V.t rhllidjlphia I 1 s Central 3 'J II (ivimnntnv.11 " a I N'eilheast 1 4 g keuthtrn n .'e 0 INrUItACADKMIC LVJAGUi: XV I.. T P.C. I enn Ch.11 ter I '1 0 1 rem ll.ivcrferd a 1 0 .".".n si l.ul'i t 3 cc "."'fl Uennaniifwn 0 3 1 uOd Yi:sTnnn.vv.st ni:st'i.TS iNTKitsciter.ASTtc i.n.xeL'i: Wen Phllaelelphlu Iilh, 19: Snuthem Hlsii. 7. Ctntrnl JIlBh. Ill; Northeast Hlsh. 9- inti:fiacadi:.mic i.iiaeci: IVnn Charter. I'J i:pM.npnl. 0. OTIIi:tl (1AMCS t v-nth.ille. 7, llrvn Ailun. 7 Hermantown Ac-cem. 55. rrl.nd Cen ti.vl. (I. 1 ntlselnueie U i Th JS; JlirleV ltlch. 0. St t.u-ce's. il. CheMnut I Kill. 7. ( ollliikiweod HIbIi. 7. XVoedburv HlKh, 7 M Jei)1, ill's ',i 0". Ilievvn r,c-i, n Al.liiBteii lllih. "7, Media lllch. n N.-rberth Illffh. 7. lli-vriferd Ulh, n. I PI" r DitKv llltth. 7. Quikertcwn llish 0 Me restewn HlKh, L'l . HurlliiBten Hlnli. n I ..I .'nil.' l'lep is W'encinah e reninsrevn lllch. 7, Hndden Hi Iclits, 0. s.ilen, Hlsh. 1'S Vine land liluh. II punches te the body, switching new nnd then witii uppcreuts nnd hooks te the head. Fieedman said that lie was going in there te win, although he realized the tlff test he had en his gloves. "Leon "Leen ard hasn't get me afraid of him. or uiijtliing like that," was the Sailor's confident way of putting It. "If I de lese, the champion will knew that he was in a fight." When Fury was asked te pick ills winner. Harney grinned. "Well, he won't knock the Sailor out that's a cinch." Freedman will work out with Mendell ?WW en -as1. k,s;: wuriniiig up en Mendav will leiuplcte the Sailor's work for Tuesdav night's! battle. ' ' c Sports Served Short . in. fn.,n..ii ,!,,,, i, ,ti , ..... ,. . stnic-B .s.iw w, i,' Hiu 1 1. ii,,llc,., ihu WZin H,.,,,;;f,rnes'ii::;'.! ,&? h. eiie.it Ui nietleri in Chiennce. (',','''!T f'.',, ,"By,.'lHH n:Tp1";',, an , n.nl' " I' -iv ihi' I c v.in c'htlectlien Inlvrrsnv v.n .it Kerth Werih. Tex., en J.etUH, v T W Innliie eleven ecut nf sixteen rtiLMEe metitn i the foils e-emnc-tltlejn with llrulHh Mv,ecd i for th..- Thuniuivun trephv Inst nleht, Vmcr'rnn fetie i ra aie preiiaini te nr ct ih i itiBh Bwerdimen In th,' second heut In .V mlilnimu, this evcnliiB with the epe-e.. The uid iiutch of th tournament, which will with the snbe-r will be held In Ntv , , rk un Mjnd.iv muht Wlllluin lliiililnil,. nf Pltlnhurih. nre-sldcnt f the limed stalt,s Hecltey Iambuc will tii'icve, te i.eiure (ieter relations with thi Miid.Lr Athletic I'nlcjii al the mceutit; of i tie i incanliidtien at Chicago next iu k AND UNION AT BROWN'S FIELD -AMD YeU RGCA.U. TrtAT VAATBR HOt.eS ARE eA BleS MecVlTA,L HAZARD Te YOU asj2 makb Yeu Tep The Bail CLCAR ACROSS VjJiTt-MsJ A short MA3Hie pitch te thc 3rceinj-- OM-H-H bey: Alrsl'T IT A GR-R-R-RAMD AMD GLert-R.R-R.IOOs5. FCEt-lK)1 f mm ?f? 4r T 7 Ta m i, TF."' Manager Bowker Says He Ex pects Yellewjackets te Win by Twenty Points WILLIAMS CALLS SIGNALS .&& m r Ii w V sir Vi I ''' I ' mm: r wm&w i FRANKFORD HOPE TO DEFEAT UNION Olympic hurdler, ns a substitute must Tliis is one of the most important bcllf",.r1,y fpl1 ,ixc1 with material, days in the history eE the TTnnkfenl e Notre Dame's chief bid te fame ..,..,, concerns Ixnute Uecknc s amazing icllevv jackets. passing Kame, it must net be forgotten The uplewners meet the Union A. A., that lie has a big, fast line and a Heck et I'hecuixxlUc at Ilrewn's Field, Ox- fast, hard running backs led by ford pike above the high sclioel, and I Me!l"V,J1,"ll',(, ) ft-, , , 1 , ., , . ., , And Ins second-string backs nre nl- are te redeem themselves in the cjenmi,t ,ls brniiHnt !1S hlv fll.vt -Vith of the fans, he arc net yet fully re- j these Notre Dame has In Kiley and An- covered since the defeat sustained at the hands of' Conshohocken. Tlie Yellewjackets ran through their tinnl practice last evening and every man vas en hand. Twenty-one players veie present and they retired early. I rnnkferd has enciigeil n large beard ing house for the remaining games iii-iir s'", ' "K('i' anil Wilsen pitted against Hrewn's Field. , A,,'r!':1.1 ,""' 0 Ilearn. ,, Manager Howker hns nimniiiued his j ,' ,"''' l,pat? Iar-iin1 decisively It line-up with one exception mid will have "light be argue.1 tint iile must he well n new kicker iiere in time for the game. ''.;"'' renn Stnte. ns Ilezdek s tenni Mike William-. vas selected te call thiM,""'' H,'(1 l? ''"'WrV1' Hut l cnn S?a,c ..,. ..- signals in praetlte from left end anfl performed the job s0 well that the same program will be carried out tliis after 1101)11. Karl Shirnr. tlie star end of Inst sea son, vlie lias keen in the West for the last live xveeks, has returned. Shirnr made nrraiiseiiieiits with four of the most noted plajers in the xvild and we.dlv i ..!.,.. ..in. ,i. Vn .. i ; iinrvaiu ceuuin t ion nun ni any stage 2.11 ii i ,,1,0",,!k,ta'l ""'tl"1'' could Georgia Tech. The ft " .! fi'l" :"!1'',. ' Navy has the greatest .defense in the will ,e.-,e!, .i,u ..I,,. ;;". '. !..'. ' ' Manager Howker is cnticlet lew hev.. " --- .- ,, IIIAI I 111 -CILIJ, will ledeem themselves this afternoon nnd sUj-s lie will net he satisfied unless they scen, at least twenty points meie than Union. DUNDEE WINSJ3N FOUL Geerge Chaney Disqualified In Fifth Round of Beut New Yerk, Nev. !!. Oeorge Clm- , rey, of Huliimere, was disqualified for ' no eillni-rtl fnl It, lt,n ftfil. n 1 f i.e. I bout with .lehnny Dundee for the junior i "-"" v,Tp!,N,,p- T,ie r"fw' .... ..... r.M, wll, , lm: jinn iuiiiiu IH Ills then granted tlie bout te Dundee. Dundee Canned in the fifth round of being hit low, and the Italian was ex- nmtneil Dy a doctor te determine hleage. i ins laner contest is merely I whether lie was seiimisly injured. It(a toss-up, one of the hardest games of 'wan found that Dundee ' was hit low. the year. i nnd the referee, Mcl'artlnnd, stepped tne lentest anil gave the decision te 1 Dundee en a foul . iv'1'v,1m ";, ih" w?' w.ui i clianipicinsliip. the weight of which is , l!!(l pounds, Dundee1 received tlie hand- sen,, dlainend belt einblematie of the .,,,. title. 1 aste i r Ch Battles This Afternoon RO USING OR ' FOLLOW GRID SEASON Great College Game Continues Xtnly Few Weeks, but' Passionate Debates Last Throughout Winter Yak and Penn Slate Would Furnish Spectacular Battle I5y OKANTLAND KICK Today's Scores At Cambridge Yale, 11; Harvard, 0. At Chicago Chicago, 7; Wiscon sin, 0. At Columbus Ohie State, 14; Illi nois. 0. At New Yerk Syracuse, 21 ; Dart mouth, 7. At Ames Nebraskn, 21 ; lewn Stale. 0. At Ann Arber Michigan, 17 ; Minne sota, 0. At Providence Urewn, 7 ; Colgate, 0. At Pale Alte California, 17; Stan ford, :i. . At Seuth Hethlchcm Lnfa.iette, 21; Lehigh, 0. ' At 1?. !.... ef-. 1 14. !.. CellrO. v ijusiuii- it'iirirt'i hum. 1: iiiiNiitii At ATf1unillnnVfttrn 1lnitm ' Mnrtiuette, 0. XR mere week about closes out the intercollegiate frelie1. which is here and gene before one is fullv adjusted te What most of it is nil nboet. A l.l league ball club new takes up six weeks fur training purposes alone. In football the entire season In- barely mere thuti six weeks long, hut tlie passionate dc- unics innt fellow last all winter. j iien- is an excellent prospect that, mere reusing oratory will be used up i There is an excellent prospect that tins wiiiier man ever oetere. Tim lit of iinheaten cleen.s is longer than usual in both sections, nnd this nlwnvs lends te spicy conjecture ns te whnt might I have happened if some of these (inbcaten ' Intel only met upon the field. 1 The Tepllner i tien looked te be Notre Dame, with I'enn I .-sinte ancl lnie in a grnpple for second I strength. Notre Dame looked te be the best of the let with n tine line, a great backfield 1 and tlie finest passing game we have ever i seen. ! Any team that use fleu nescl. dm dersen the best end players of tlie jear renn State and Yale A liATTLH between renn State i Yale, with both in condition, we nnd etild he one e( the most epectaculnr affairs of tne jear. It veuld be wertli n far journey te , ..,.. .,.,...-': .. )a nn entirely dfferent team against (,''.'''-"1 VT" ".ml, t1"'. Nnvy' niie-, ei-ic-itsiv ui.v , ,m uiurej consistent than I'enn Stute, but ve hnven't seen n back all jear who could run with the terrific drive nnd eluslveness that Ixll Uiiger has-. Klllinger has been pretty well tested. I'ast. bar none, nnd the Navy found lilm just n hard te step. He is one of thes-e slaslilng, twisting runners that starts ut top speed with his knees Hy ing In all directions, and even xvhen a geed tackier hits him he is just ns likely te fail. Leading Tests IN THH Fast, Yale has jet te beat Harvard and I'enn Stnte defeat Pittsburgh before either can claim nn unbeaten year. Hetli have about the same job ahead. Pitt has been beaten three times nnd Harvard twice, se neither Pitt :mr Har vard has been tip te old standards. In the West, "Ohie State should held Its Conference slate quite clean by beating Illinois. I Wisconsin, sun iinoeiuen, lias tlie hardest assignment of the day against TT IL 1 Yale 1' HAS beet, five jears new since a mini has had tlie chance te assume any patronizing uir tewaril a Harvard man. and as tills same occasion lias developed nut once since liiil'.l jeu i-an understand the heen Yale ntlitiide i.lf by any chance Harvard should get QJ KAK the teams we have .seen in recognition ns u worthy in tiiVenU? t O action include Yale. Harvard, l"J,, "( the ia3;iieunl ctP k?! Princeton. Navy. Army. Penn State, """? w,n ,n "art's corner teniBht (.eergla Tech, Notre Dame nnd Itut-, llan Vam" en ,0 I'liillly several 1. gers. Of these the strnnirest pe.nVvlnn. "R and linniediatelv s,r, i'..?f' is a matter of. tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief' that the tobaccos used in Chester field arc of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any ether cigarette at the price. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Ce." e sterile CIGARETTES of Turkish and Demestic tobaccos blended A TORYTcT n Reed passing Bnme under war ,i J win. the shock would he one of tl, L" terrific- in histerv. nti i,' I" . m?.'t , ten- ic i i.hter.v. Mdl hoveni 7 cfiiHliliiB Ynli. tlcfPiitH of lnM and in V when Hnrvnnl was expected t ffi threush. HlIIRltn will be geed backfield rtw -1- today with Yale's string n'. opposed b.v Owen, IJttcl l'.,?"C5ld! etheis,. These three Ha. vaVd la k,"Br all first class, wit, Owen one ? ?.re hardest men In the Kast te "ten lhe TXTHR Southern drive, Oeergla Teck L should heat Auburn nnd VnndttWi. should overpower the lilversliv If .l'1 Seuth In two geed camel;. L1,efh Vneti. ih ... "j iji rni lThnLri??,ISn,nM''tfct -erelelf, M.fHt Copyright, ',?. ,i; Ohts rtlervm KILBANE WILL HANDLE HART AGAINST BROWN Champien Will Advise H-.rf n . ' I er , -. ..,?" Hard p"nch. , cr m Beut wlth Boxer Tonight Whether Alex Hurt ti. pi , knocker,,,,. , t,.i... ',-.. 'M weight hone fee . ,.1, '"' , f" G f" " -liampieinj,p, ,, '"imiiy ii eann c n,.. ny Kilbane's lig,t. geed us 11 future fivfle S be decided tonight In one of t,P boil ar H n. 1.1 ..f -i-J ,..'...". !" """'"i ui ivesr. l'lillaile phln. Kit? I. an nccress ve nein. ...il . .' rll U tush.mit..VshapeZ,, contest. ' ' tu,"8iu Patsy Wallace, the clever little Int. inn. w m, r off vim. ,. i...i , r.1,a' Hattling Mack, of Camden. -Marty Hums, of Seuthvvark, is nrhcd. tiled te meet Teny Daniels nnd opener vv.ll be between IMdie DemPi et iseuthwnrk, nnd 1ut .Murl ey Grays Ferry. '' et Basketball Statistics I-'ASTiatN LiJAIiir. n'-i" xv.,1,,, V-i-M: Trenten llinidel, . n .scruntei, h C'eales1lc ,t 2 .son riiim, .'. 4 5 -Ig 0 .155 .New .,ru i iS 7i?- sciiiuium: ion tenk.ht (oatejvllle ut Itpndljiir. Cr,f V,rk '" "'llkes.ilarr "'llkes.ilarr Mrunlen nt Cumilcn. Last Night's Results IlSTLItN IJlOli: riillnildidila. 30i Nexv Yerk "I Irenlun. 28! Ciimdtn. 24. ' XOIITH I'HIU. CIII'ICCII I.UVCl'K ceiw'i!'';"' I,efermed- i St. rt-tw. K,.iv Jit. Hermen. 3,1 1 rirst rhrkiim, vi cop,V. X&f "'r.l..il.St8,t!HK5!l.ll,iplv Latter' Daly hnlnts. 20j fnlrltlll M. j; ) ()Tiu:ii steiti:s IJ115011I.1. 33i New lurk Mil,,. 10. TeleiiT.ene.'' ' Cen,,,ruc,1 '"nt1 ' m-C'eiincil', 41 1 llobsen, 20. Meillii, 3Uj IlarrnuK.ite, 18 !t',,l.,(T.rys:l81 st- ("-Kiirj. 1.1. St. I'nul. 18; Hevers. 0. i'.1"?" ,r','lc'.lf - "'"' V.iti,nt. 8. le'vn. V- ' " A" iU J'a" (",ni"- lie IIeirn 17 1 Ijimnere, 11. ,il.'i"Tvi1i"Lr.s' 3l,,I'0.r.,,r'Klitli Wnrd, 18. lii.v All-Slurs, Sit llise, 21. I'nlen Saiiurr, 111 Wlmiihlcken 11. f,, 31, r. u. it. erna: i.e.eik S'Ujt. ('iir Service. 28j Tlireusl, l-nsscnttr htst riiiM. i,n.vf.cn fi. V. Smith & Ce., 10i Chilton A Ce.. H, standard Keller Dcarliic. 31 1 Ditr. broelc Carpet, IS. Eagles Still Flying High The Am:rl:in Hagle C . of Stuth Phlli devlphln, has n clean slate in the t askelba'l cnue this eoasen Seven frames have ben Plaved snl as many victories have beeji, turned in. A (leulil '-header was piajecl en Thurndav nls-ht, l'Jntleld Junieru belli del feaicel, 2.1-ci, and Hi. CecelU, 1:7.! Hemi Biiinei nr, bclntr plajed hv th l'ai,lei t tin Seutlivvuilc Mn s CluX 1 ii r Ldsworie stieet. State Girls te See Big Game Mute CellfR-ev I'ii Nev 111 rvnn syat' women stud ntfi are te h vv ' laken car of nt the l'ltt ennie en Thai l.'-uiuus- Pay Teut u hieck of ni.erv.-d s ut iiraauate .nanayer fii 1 iimi 111 ; lie rut out il hlepk of ree.pri.wl A jiti . tc si.lv for . '!: sirls and. they villi 1.- .11 . n rerun tickets nn uedl as the men i-'uiciite, A nunilier of the ce-eds fel u-i tl 1 imn I'lillicde-lphlre for the N'aw L.'.ini' 11I1 ! in-i-'fl Kre-Ucr mimh"r Is epeeted tu s ' Tin huiih lie t viei I;, it 0C P n, :i,,.,l .'"'. ,'...A' .. ' '" "-Seul vlllbeHaKoppenThrate I ....!! -I 1 v -..., IIIIII II, H'etlight us u terrific puncher bbnnr lt.g out Carl Deit.lnShefeuif ;.,, A brace of e-er-battling , u S, Mil appear In the fourth nunlir ' ing tegetlier Hilly Angeio L'nni"8- out from Yerk. . ,,'i'l- ..kne h"' ne til.. f'M '1 u KtVPtl a ... j'ii,t