"' X, T v'i' 1' f 4f& 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18', . 1921 Pioneers Hew Their Way te High Scheel Grid Title 4 ',-ji j, ' j ft 31 "A r.ft. IW ;fr v. , 4 I. (- f I F RANKFORD WINS IIS FIRST TITLE Summers Stars in Victory That Bring3 High Scheel Foot ball Crown te Pioneers, LARGEST SCORE OF SEASON Frnnkfercl IIIrIi Scheel realized n lonB-clieriohcd nmbitien yesterday when It dcfpAtcd its old rivnK (ieminnteuii. 8." tn 0. nnd tiioreby captured its firit Fubllc Hieh Scheel I.cnRiic foetbnll chnmpienihip. In the five lcnfiic pam"' plnyrd the champions Mint out their rivals without a score. The Pioneers, in mnkinc victory cer tain, rolled up the lnrge-t scerp of the year nsninst their suburban riwiK uliewInK n power and drive that left little doubt in the minds of the larae crowd of spectators that the prccnt eleven is the best in the hMery of the school Te Summers, the ciant halfback, gees much of the credit that brought victory te the Trankferd team ye.tcrda Ills end runnitiR and open-field tactien were the bet ever 'een en 1'rewn's I'ield nnd mark Summers as one of the best backs of the season in local schoolboy ranks. Summers wered the firvt touchdown nbeut the middle of the tir-t period, when he broke through the Oermantewn line en a double pass from Keumiey nnd ran thlrtv yards for the tally. The second and thlid periods saw the Pioneer halfback making Ionic calns. nded bv Capt.iln Itemmey and Iielit Iielit Iielit foet. Me almost scored in the ecend period when he took the ball ever from the a -yard line but fumbled. Bennet, an end en the victorious team, fell en the ball for the second touchdown. Runs Fifty Yards It was in the fourth period that the rtnr halfback was at hi bpt. The Cllvedens were at this time staging an nerinl attack wliiih carried the ball into Pioneer territory. K.ubaeh, Gorman German town's hnlfback. henwd the ball In the direction of Lundgren, who is one of the bet reeehfrs of forward pas-ei In the league. Sutnmers snatched the oval out of the air and bv shaking off a naif-dezen taekkrs ran fifty jnnls for a touchdown On the first plav in the final quarter Summer broke through the line (n an eff-taekic play and zigzagged his way through a broken field for his third touchdown of the game The Clivedens were eutplaved in every period except the third, when they held Frnnkferd oer'li-s. Lungren re ceived forward ;ins.e in this period from Knibui'h en thiec oce.isinn and In each case made 20 Mini. It was another pass from Kaih"h te I.iingrni tlmr brought the ball te I'rankferd's 3-ynrd line. Anether attempt was unsuccess ful the bull grounding ever the line. Gennantewn tiied the n'lial route again in the final period, but failed, two Frankfnrd touchdowns resulting from Intercepted pushes. Frankford High Scheel, as u result et the victor, will b.- the first school te have its name engraved en the new Dutch trophy (mblcmatic of the public high school champion-hip. CHINESE TEAM HERE INTERSCHOLASTIC FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS ;?M WAss sss w, ss w VlSOAy r : -S'J jKWSjJSy tV -fcVi MBP'Ki IBM 17. Wr 2ftssCTssraj 3 .. i '- ijt" u:iBJt ,.;? '.,rn.. . .i frrMiSi,i3as, ftiah -la ,. .. i'KV ..uiJi?" ' w.siyS3;.: pff" i:sl ri "hq,"Xn . f . rrfciA-vT. frr i - f. 5v i , xww :ii?5Ey iv:;ii: ? j IX CK4MK h'Y '111 flKL.' ts-'l ! itVUfl UIB. MU " B,'l fc T's ' fi ISif 4 ,J1,I ! iS?. JtbffiRKriSS .wA,MK5S7'- IK , . K MKKl jf4a ,?8fffi,VW?iL 'B.V .. - kk jf-s . d st v - "-'rMfiBMimf- r-r V VM ,: i : .'? HT V - S l&.L JV' HKEIfflHnB'KAJflK? t 9 ;.. dK .K'.A fs, x iKn v -v rii ' w i- 7.04' fin 1 1 iiiMir th nft i aPku fc &: fen' fiL4 mlX ( .ffiSSSB Ir:fef .." Sy, a kVa - .siy; ' w.- .. - , 1iv9(44r 'if. VT.?W55 ,y NC r,--i-tfifW -m n . ,...... a ,s.f- . r IfeL . J v rm&i ivfji n;j, ;:"Mr.i a .qrrat i ...." J?-.VT'"x3r .TT- - vj, ' ' -A'N 7vS umV . "s, V? ir. .V The Frankford High Scheel gridiron team wen the Public High Scheel League title yesterday when it trounced fieiiunntewn High 35-0 - '-VKM ,j2Xt' , ..'iij-S. , 8hanghal Collegians Seek Basket ball Games In This Section The nll-Chlnesp ba.-ketb.ill team, made up of former college stais of Shanghai, are arranging seeral gauK-f In this section and de-Ire te hear from Kayeula, Acquinas, H. P II. A . Parkesburg, Kphrata, Media, West Chester, Downingtevwi, Mllhillu and K. of C , St Xicl.e'n", Jlerris fiuards and Vandnll. of Atlantic City. The Oriental cagemen are practicing every dm . Thr team comprises K. V. Veng, K II. Vang, M T I.e,., C. (. Tung, II. (. Yu and II MuraUnnic. C. C. Yung, who recently was gradu ated from Columbia, will jump center for the all-Chinese collegians. Ter games communicate with J. P. Dcvir, 402 Washington Budding, Philadelphia. Phene Lembard 0110. SHORE SWIMMER STARS ' IN WEST BRANCH MEET Alexander Burman, of Hygela Club,' First In 100-Yard Open Alexander Burman, of the IIgicn wimmln,? Club, of Atlantic Ciu , de feated n field et local talent and wen ' first honors in the 100-yard open , scratch race, the big cent of the West I Brunch Y. SI. C. A.'s Hwlinmiiic meet, held in its peel at Vlft -second nnd i Sansom stieets last evening. , The shore lad started out In copping the first heat ngaln-t P-it Hcilh, et i Meadowbrook, nnd Cnnhvi, .i Petri man, swimming unnttm In d. nnd Inter i lu the flnnl ngiiin turned the tihk. win ning in the fast time of Is! I-." seconds Lecnl sv immers le-t out in two et the ether three open event-. After three preliminary heats in the men'- '-'20-ynrd handicnp race. Henr Cia, un attached, was dfcided winnei hecmije of his elap-ed time of ,' minute- 1 I 1-." seconds being the be-t (trn hud an lS-seoend start in his heat Beth of the women'" event- wen te out-of-town girl-. Gertrude Cderle, of the Wnmen'H Swimniirg Ass-icintien of New Yerk, world's champ, wen the 100-nrd scratch race in th"1 excellent time of 1 minute 11 seconds flat. The women's 100- ard handicap bat tle was awarded te Bernice Custer, of the Cirls' II.gl"a Swimming Club. e Atlantic Citv. Her time was 1 minuti 22 2-.- seconds. REDMAN- AN Basketball Statistics STATUS UNCERTAIN Net Positive That They Will Play With New. Yerk Giants Here Tonight NEW FORWARDS FOR PHILS CUP SOCCER ON NOV. 26 Fleisher and Philadelphia Field Club Clash In Third Round According te James Wnlder-. man ager of the Philadelphia V. C, riei-her Yam will tackle the Phillies in the third round of the National Cup com petition, at the Hibernian's home loam. Tenth and Butler streets, Siituida), November 2(1 It i- Flel-her'a home game, the venue having been chansed for the epie purpe-0 of t'lvlng the uptew ners a chance in which te see the Indu-trial League champion in action. Philadelphia F. C, leaders in the big professional soccer circuit, the Ameri can League, has a hard schedule abend of it this week-end. Tomorrow after noon the Phillip- line up against I 'nil Itner at Fall Hlver, Slass . and en the following day thej travel te Jer-e.v Citv , where they tackle the Celths of that cit.v . Beth these matches are in the league series. The Phils will leave for Fall Itiver today at 1 o'clock. Besides the regu- lars, Malinger James v alders Trainer Stark and Ferrest, who will nccempatn the tenm ns twelfth pla.ver, will inuki the trip. Willie Hunter In California Open Les Ancrlr, C.illf., N'u . IS Willi), Huntf-r Hrltlnh imifpur pulf 'Immplen w II t empete in h C'lllfernla epn humrlm fchip teurn.imcnt hKrn In Janu,ir, .in online tn word fntn New Yerk Hunter will arrlv, In fKlifernLi ibeut r -n mhr l'i Lecal basketball fans are nmieu- te learn whether Barney Sedi.m nnd Slnitv Friediniin, known as the "henv -enlv twins" in basketball, will line up with the New Yerk di.mts against the Phillle- tins evening in an l'n-tcrn League basket hull game nt the Natien.il A. A., Llcvcnth and Catharine streets. Manager William Mei- i- hoping they will be there, but is net willing te commit himself. Hulran and Friid man are two of the gronte-t pla.ver- In the game. The mere announcement they will appear is the magnet that it tract- bundled- of former Mippoit Mippeit ers of the old Jasper Club, the fellow eis of which f.illly Idolized the-e stais. Several vears age Fiiednuin and So Se (Iran were - heduled te play with the North Phillie-. Thev we'ie ue-eiit, but, through some nil-undent uncling, refu-ed te pln.v , and everj one pe-i-tlvi that the advertising of tin -aid plnver- wa- merely te -ectire a crowd. Phils Need a Few A- far as attendance is tenceined. the Phils could stand n few cash ens. (uinets veiv well, hut Slaiuiger SIv or er is net tertaln that Sedran and Fried man will plnv . Leu Stel.. president of the New Yerk State League, eon een eon feind with Chiilie Brlckley in New Yolk je-terd.iv en the matter. Thej are i ndited with having 1 cached mi .igeemi nt that permits Sedinn ami Fiiedm.tii te letuin te the Kn-tern Le iguc, but ns jet there is no actual i unlit matieii of the -nine But the Phils will have their strongest line-up ill the game anyvvnv. Chiike Fusion is O K for the fust time and Tem Dimes, the Pittsburgh Hash, will make his debut. "Sliiinln Calhoun" will also he iiadv for one of the front po-itieii-. The gunid- will he Teiuiuv Diinle.tv.v nnd ViliL SIc- Carter. "Skcets" Wright will jump and Cress will he lead for eiiiergencj. In the prellminnrj tlie leprescnt.itives of the Cerlcy Catholic Club and Fert -eighth Ward will make thing- hum. They are old rivals and have agreed te settle their diffeiinee- In forty minutes or less. Anether for Coates Hen j Heugh'- Ceate-ville five added nnethir game te the winning column by I KASTKIIN I.BAOVB ' w. i r.c. w. t.. r.e. 1 Trenten 10 1 009 Wllkeivn. 4 n .400 Irnmden . I HM Phlln. . 3 S .273 hrrnnten. H 3 .727 n en din ft . 3 A .273 Ce.ites'le ft a .155 Newlerk 1 0 .100 UrilKDULE FOR THE WEEK . Tentiht New Yerk nt I'hllniielphlnt Cnm ilen nt Trenten. Snliiril.17 nlrht Seranten nt rmnilent New Yerk at Mllken-Hnrrei Ceatenvllle at Reudlnr. Last Night's Results EASTEItN I.E-XOVE ('eate.tlle, 3J. .-rrnnten, 2fl. MANfKACTrREItS LEAOCE rinlnen, 28i Art twin, 20, Jlelsher, 40i Internntlenil HiirTrster, 41. CITY COM.EOE IKAGl'E lLilineninnn, 20 Teninle. 11. Textile, 40 Art Nehoel, 13. iteivni 1'iiii.a. cnrncii i.eaeve Section II M Mlrharl's, li it Hermen, 10. Other Scores rireysterk Reserves. 30i Iletlinnr Temple. IR llrst Clirlllnn, 3J Tnlvary Hefermed, 21. AnulniiN r. C. 43i llnrrewKntc 34. elinrkslnk ft2t si l'mil'-.. 22. I'enn Knlttlm Mills. 31 r. ,-. A. E. (lern'mntewn Ilrethrrn, 3S St. James, 23 handing Soranten Its second successive defeat, score .'12 te US. The totals at half time weie 10 te 1 1 with f'nntes. villc in the lead. The result was a big surprise te Frank Biuggy, of the losing quintet. Coatesville played nt its best and theie was net n pla.ver who could be singled out for especial work. While Griebe did net score from the field, he pla.v ed a swell defensive game and con tributed materially te the victory. The winners outscercd the losers 1(1 te 7 fiem the Held. Bergcr and Hieglian each tnllied three baskets and (ihisgew and Brown two. One of the netiieatile improvements in Coatesville since being turned ovei te the veteran, Heugh, is the manner in which voting Illchle Dh'iJinii is scoring. Heretofore he rarely made mere than one basket, but new he Is rounding out into one of the team's scereis. The J. nnd J. Doben five started off the season in the Philadelphia Slanu facturers League bp coming from the rear and defeating Heward Weeds' Art Leem representatives in a hectic finish, score i-,vi te "(i. It was two field goals by Fdward- in the closing minutes that gave the victor te Hobsen. The genl sheeting of Athcrhelt and Itynn paved the way for a 4(!-to-4fl-vlcter.v of Fleisher Yarn ever the In ternational Harvester. Athcrhelt set up a record for the season with ten bn-k(ts, while It an contributed half as many. The Harvester plavers also disclosed several clever shots, the playing of Itu pertus and Yeung bi ing especially fine. The former caged nine baskets nnd the latter six. BOLTON CLUB AT DARBY Lecal Qrldders Meet Firemen at Hllldale Grounds November 19 The Darby Fire Company eleven has scheduled the fast Bolten foetonii team of this citv for Saturday nt the Hllldale grounds, Darby. The game will be the final battlp with local teams, for begin ning with Thanksgiving Day the firemen will piny Wcstlngheusc, Chester, Col Cel wyn nnd Dclce in a row for the Dela ware County grid title. The Darbj firemen held Cliften Helghtu te n no score tie two weeks nge, Whalen nnd Dclaney, Main Line stars, will be with the Darbymen In Saturday's gnme with Bolten nnd also till the season closes In the early part of December. Men's and Yeung Men's SUITS and Overcoats mul see our 16 Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Open Men. & hut. Even. Till 0 o'clock HOPPE IS UNDEFEATED World's Billiard Champien Has Clean Slate In Chicago Tourney Chicago. Nev IS Wilhe Heppe. world's champion billiard player and the enl undefeated contestant in the world's championship IS 2 balkline bil liard tournament will defend his posj pesj posj tlen tonight against Ora SIernlngtar, of San Diege, who was defeated es terday by Welker Cochran, of 'San Francisce, -100 te III", in a game which went sixteen innings Slerningstar has wen a match nnd lest one. Cochran, who is tied for second with two victories and one defeat was ex- j pected te win his match with (Jeerge Sutten, of Chicago, tills afternoon, i Sutten has gene down te defeat three times. Centln, French champion, the only player who ling participated in four matchps. with honors even, was matched against Kdeuard Heremans. Heremnns ranked sixth nt the clee of piny ves terday with one game wen and two lest, ARMY STAR RECOVERS French, Fullback, Being Carefully Groomed for Game With Navy West Point, X. Y.. Nev. 18. French, the Arm eleven's star half back, is entire! v recovered from his in juries and is being carefully groomed for the game with the Naval Academy, November 20,'' In every srrimmagp during the week French has shown his usual nbllity and has been sharing kicking duty with Smyth. Particular attention Is being paid bv the coaches fe the cadet line, in which many defects were noted In recent games. There is a wealth of geed hack lleld innterinl. Including Aschcr, War ren, Dedd and Perkins. LEWIS STOPS M'CORMICK Ted Wins Over Englishman In 14th Round en Technical Knockout Londen, Nev IS Ted "Kid" Lewis, tin Fngilsh middleweight cham pion, stepped Bey SlcCermlck in the fourteenth leund of a twentv-reund bout here, when the referee halted the proceedings In order te save SlcCor SlcCer mlck from further punishment. SlcCermlck bled profuse from a cut C.ver one of his p.ves during the flnnl round, nnd was greatly hampered In his work. In th fourteenth round Lewis drove a hard blew te SleCeinilek's mouth, knocking vnt one of his teeth. At the close of this round the referee made an examination of SIcCermlck's Injured eye and then declared Lewis the win tier of the bout. Let Fatima smokers tell you &m. iiT"" v X 2 f 15 ( J'JS .-! "Nothing else will de" FATIMA CIGARETTES TWENTYjbr 2S Liggett & Myers Todacce Ce. but taste the difference MIUUCE PALACj 45th & MARKET frften 0100 Wet 1074 Every AVedncsday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Competent Instructor, at All Soialeu TIlKKr MISSIONS DAILY The Trust mid we could ret run. we are runnlnr Tuesday Night, Nev. 22 EENNY Werld'j Champien VS. BAILOR Season's S:nittten TiraEE OTHER BOUTS Tickets en sale at Ice Palace H32 S Pjnn Square ; Cumiinrham Shep 10 S 52di Crandall's Ml 6 Oth St . lend ler Billiard Farler 730 Market St. tnd Shalet s Jewelry Stere 693S Market. $3 SHOW ia THE PRICE TOP CHARGE $1.50 TO SEE Miisevh nir 1'icnt.it.ui NATIONAL A. A.11"' .VSC" YOU CAN'T BEAT A CARD LIKE THIS HARRY Kllk IlltlWl v . f i'- ifinm jniri; irr(.i:it vi i, ,M 'liuj.V amSki.e .w-'i iini.i. n I. vs. lltlll.lMI MACK i:di)ik ih;misi. ,N. rvr jiakij'v a ! i ;,..'" i"1 l" juu Knew the 1111 ('!.. arc f IT lu f.cs. .Scum, J1.30, Fl, Adm lnn, SOc. lift TlikelK Nun. 33 S. lltli St. TTT-vTT , STIIi HACK STS. BIJOU ,R,l'lplV.,ffKwH,!,eva TONITE! TONITE! rinalu In Ml ClihcH of Dip Amateur Boxing Tournament I'nrlrr Aimnlrpi A. . I rntmnts l-rem Mniniili.in. Mrlrlx. CiirtU C. rr""" 1 rem CMIIKI A. ( Mil kknsir.1(in avk. am) semkkset jiia i:i:mm,, e. ib 6 UtAC K-A-IACK IIOl'TS 2 KKillTS AM) 3 8I.XBS FOOTBALL rillLA. HAI.r. PARK Saturday, Nev. 19, 2 P. M. Don't Fnll te nee the Oreatest Collection of Football stnrn eer iseen tocether In ene Rami- PHILADELPHIA QUAKERS vs. JEFFERSONS, of Rochester, N. Y. Tickets at Cenwas'a, Olmbela', .SpuMlnga' CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL Holmesburg vs. Conshohocken Saturday Ne. 1'Jtli, nt Coimlielincken. r Sperlnl train leiuei, Ilntuirnliurs Jet. 1:02 i-. .11,, iuieii) inii, itriiicniiiirc l:un, Irank Irank ferd III 1. I'mnkferil Jrt. m.1 ,. i " "... r'i1.1.",. ,,:?- "'turnlnc InneH c'onnlielioikrn 5iSn I'. M.. or Inter If nripknurt . FOOTBALL CORNELL FRESHMEN vs. PENNSYLVANIA FRESHMEN AT I'ltAMvI.IN FIIiMl Saturday, Nev. 19th, at 2 P. M. All heitU Kenenil iidmlHHlen, $1.01). en aule nt V. A limre. rriinklln Field. FOOTBALL Frankford Yellewjackels vs. Union A. A. of Plieenixville IIUOMN'S F1F.M), SATIKDW. 230 V. M Oxford Flke Ncnr HIkIi Scheel FOOTBALL Haverford vs. Swarthmore Swarthmore Field Saturday, Nev. 19, 2:15 P. M. Ilea, fc'euts, ti.iiO. AUniliH.luii, si.uu. Chas. Adams Ce. 1617 Chestnut Street Come Tomorrow Te The Greatest Merchant Tailoring Sale Ever WE PURCHASED The Entire Stock of , Worsted Suitings and Overceatings Frem B. S A F1ERE & CO. Men's Merchant Tailors 28 NORTH 13th ST. 5c m the Dellar and New Offer a Fiere's Entire Stocks At Ne Matter Hew High the Price Price Ne Matter What the Cost Ne Matter What the Value laaaHaaBh jH in (fiHI Fer Suit or Overcoat MADE TO YOUR ORDER Men, this is news you should appreciate. Just think, Sa Fiere's entire high-grade stepk of woolens, worsteds and overceatings are here for your choice at this one and ONLY PRICE $29.00. It is the event of the century ! It presents the actual chance for you te have a new suit or overcoat embracing Actual Values Up te $50 and $60! and, backed up by these wonderful worsteds and overceatings will be Chas. Adams Ce. high grade tailoring workmanship of the best-style and fit guaranteed. Man we can't say tee much about the unusual oppor tunity this sale presents. Yeu can hardly ever expect te share in any event te equal this for value giving!!! Don't FailTe Hurry In Tomorrow! mm mm mm " mmmmm mhi mm sMaaaWMMPi" The entire stock of suitings and overceatings is displayed ready for your choice. First choice is always best choice se don't wait a minute, but get in i here as early as possible. The bona fide savings are worth your immediate attention. ov.ube Llldb. Mid I11S Ce. 1617 Chestnut St. 18 North Warren Street, Trent en, N. J. 'Open Saturday Until 9 p. M.hes - "4,fflA 1 a. 4 J ' f J tj far